Streamer Generation and Propagation in Transformer Oil Under Ac Divergent Field Conditions
Streamer Generation and Propagation in Transformer Oil Under Ac Divergent Field Conditions
Streamer Generation and Propagation in Transformer Oil Under Ac Divergent Field Conditions
Prebreakdown phenomena in transformer oil are studied under
ac voltage in different field configurations, ranging from very
divergent point-plane geometry to quasi-uniform with rods or
spheres. A detailed study of phenomena in both polarities is
presented, and the minimum conditions required for streamer
propagation and generation are checked. Correlations with
breakdown voltage measurements under ac are established and
discussed according to these results. The main results obtained
about streamer mechanisms are the following. In negative po-
larity, it is observed that the generation of a microscopic gas
bubble (- 10 pm in diameter) immediately precedes the devel-
opment of streamers. In the case of bush-like streamers, it is
concluded from energetic considerations that the vaporization
of the liquid constitutes the main process of streamer growth.
In positive polarity, similar conclusions are made for slow bush-
like streamers, whereas in the case of fast filamentary, it is
observed that the conductivity of filaments determines their
@ 1988 IEEE
042 Lesaint et al.: Streamer generation and propagation under ac divergent field conditions
down voltage V g can be completely different when mea- ELECT ROL U M IN ESCENCE
sured in divergent or uniform fields [4];
In highly stressed liquids this was frequently ob-
Light emission signals were detected with a pho- measurable in our experiments, which are of course lim-
tomultiplier (RCA 1P21) via a collecting optical fiber, ited in time. The arrows in Figure 1 indicate thresh-
immersed in the liquid close to the point. old values, and mean that no prebreakdown phenomena
were detected during 1 h of voltage application.
Transient electrical signals were stored and display-
ed on high-speed memory oscilloscopes (Tektronix 7834). At low applied voltages, only negative streamers are
The oscilloscopes were triggered by these signals, and detected. Above a certain threshold, positive stream-
additional delay lines (350 ns) offered the possibility of ers start to appear, and their number per unit time in-
looking back a t the information present a t the oscillo- creases exponentially vs applied voltage with the same
scope inputs up to 400 ns before the instant of trigger- slope as negative ones. The ratio of positive vs nega-
ing. This feature was very useful for recording the very tive streamers generated tends then to be constant; at a
early stages of streamer appearance, or even preceding given voltage, 3 x more negative than positive streamers
this appearance. are generated.
The single-shot visualization device produces a pho- When d or P" are varied, all these features are still
tographic recording of events with a 50 ns exposure time, observed and we can conclude that under ac, the stream-
and can be triggered after a preselected delay t d with re- er inception for both polarities probably follows the same
spect to the initial instant of streamer appearance. In variation laws with the experimental parameters P O , d,
order to visualize the initial steps of streamer develop- V, but positive streamers require slightly higher volt-
ment, the minimum delay of the device has to be very ages (- 20%) t o appear with the same probability as
short. Thanks to high speed triggering electronics, this the negative streamer.
delay was lowered to about 30 ns. Black spots visible
on some of the photographs presented are not particles In a given electrode configuration with r() and d
in the liquid but defects of the video tube target. fixed, we can see on Figure 1 that, above the genera-
tion threshold, the number of discharges increases very
All voltage values in this paper refer to the maxi- steeply with the applied voltage V. If V is raised at a
mum or crest value of the ac voltage wave. too high level, many streamers are generated per unit
time, causing a rapid pollution of the liquid by evolved
gases and decomposition products. This explains why
V cannot be varied over a large range with a given set of
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS electrodes, and that specific studies, e.g. the influence
of the applied voltage a t a given distance, are possible
only by changing the point radius r g . The higher ro,
G EN ERATION T H RES H 0 LDS the higher the generation threshold.
N divergent ac fields, streamers always appear a t the
I top of the sinewave, they are randomly distributed in
time, and the inception probability grows exponentially PREBREAKDOWN PHENOMENA WHEN
with the applied voltage. In Figure 1 is shown, in var- T H E POINT IS NEGATIVE
ious experimental conditions, the increase in streamer
number per unit time vs applied voltage. This measure- GENERATION PHASE
ment was performed with a digital counter connected to
the oscilloscope; it takes into account all prebreakdown
phenomena, whatever their polarity and behavior (they In the negative polarity case, the first visible event
may or may not propagate). is the generation of a microscopic bubble, observed in all
experiments performed with point electrodes (Figures 2
The number of discharges increases exponentially and 3). The associated current consists of a very fast
with voltage, as shown in Figure 1. The slopes are current burst of about 10 pA, correlated with a light
comparable in all cases, but at low applied voltages a pulse.
threshold is observed (except with r g = 100 pm), and
the probability of streamer inception drops drastically The rise and fall times of the measured current
when the applied voltage is reduced below this thresh- pulse x 5 ns, see Figure 2), are those of the measur-
old. Thus, there probably is a minimum voltage below ing device, and we can conclude that they are in fact
which no streamer can be generated, or at least is not shorter, probably in the lo-'" s range as testified by
944 Lesaint e t al.: Streamer generation and propagation under ac divergent field conditions
10 20 20 20 30 30 40
Figure 1.
Streamer appearance frequency vs applied voltage +++ : d=5 mm; o o 0 : d= 8 mm; x x x: d=13
a few measurements performed with a 400 MHz band- obtained within the investigated range indicate that the
width oscilloscope plug-in (Tektronix 7A19). mean field E = V / d , with V the applied voltage, is the
more appropriate parameter to characterize our obser-
Since the visualization is always made with a some- vat ions.
times very short delay, the chronology of events remains
questionable. Is the observed bubble a consequence of With a low mean field E x 20 kV/cm, obtained
the current pulse, or conversely does the bubble precede with sharp points ( T =~ 3 pm), no propagation phase is
due to scattering in the bubble. The synchronous mea- agation phase is observed (Figure 5 ) , a t a well-defined
surement of current peaks and optical signals shows that constant velocity of 1 km/s (Figure 6 ) . Streamers are
the bubble appearance always takes place after the de- filamentary, and associated currents constituted of fast
tection of a current pulse (results t o be published in a current peaks of rapidly growing intensity, starting a
later paper). few hundreds of ns after the initial bubble generation
(Figure 3). There is a definite correlation between the
PROPAGATION PHASE streamer length and the intensity of current pulses.
100ns/div. -1OpAldiv.
creases, the shape of streamers becomes more and more
bulky, their velocity decreases down to 300 m/s.
-I.I. L I . .
Figure 4. Figure 5 .
Bubble growth, detachment and motion in the Propagation of a negative filamentary streamer,
liquid T O = 3 pm; V=16 kV. T~ = 100 pm; V=35 kV and associated typical
current trace.
200ns/ d i v . -arb. u n i t
20 30 40
applied voltage ( k V )
Figure 8.
Stopping distance of positive
streamers vs applied voltage.
Figure 11.
Bush-like positive streamer, T O = 3 pm; V=17
kV and typical recorded current trace.
1 kV/s in our case the level at which positive stream- As concerns correlations with breakdown data, we
ers appear can be reached without generating negative note that
streamers. For this reason, positive streamers can be
observed on the left of the transition zone (B) on Fig- Extrapolation to other liquids have to be made with
ure 13, in a region where the field is high enough for great care, since characteristics of streamers (generation
950 Lesaint et al.: Streamer generation and propagation under ac divergent field conditions
point t o plane d i s t a n c e (cm)
our experiments, switching to a more easily propagated
mode, probably due to a change of conductivity.
bush- like streamers of both polarities, their
shape is regular and quasi-spheric as in Figure 11,
and it is possible to get an evaluation of their volume. In
p.= 3pm
d s 3,Srnm
Figure 14, we have plotted this apparent volume vs the ' O :16kV
injected charge, which was measured with an integrating
capacitor (33 pF) placed in series with the test cell. We
see that the ratio of injected charge q to the apparent 0 1
volume is the same in both polarities and 21 20 C/m3. integrated charge ( p C 1
This leads to an upper limit of energy density, estimated 0- I I 1
as qV = 4 x l o 5 J/m3, consistent with that required to 0 a3 a6 0.9
create a gaseous pocket by vaporization of the liquid,
which requires x lo6 J/m3 of vapor phase. This indi- Figure 14.
cates that the vaporization of the liquid is the dominant Apparent volume of quasi-spherical bush-like
process involved in the growth of bush-like streamers, streamers of both polarities vs injected charge.
since the other possible mechanisms that could give rise
to an observable pattern, either by Schlieren or shadow-
graphic methods, need much more energy. period of discharges represents the time needed to sweep
the charges accumulated at the liquid/gas interface, in
Approximately 1'C temperature rise of a liquid vol- order t o re-establish the field in the bubble and allow
ume corresponding to the observed value is expected a subsequent discharge to take place. This time will be
with the available energy; decomposition of the liquid determined by the mobility of charges in both liquid and
requires a few eV per molecule, and leads to energies gas phases, and we observe that the time between pulses
exceeding those measured by more than one order of increases regularly as the streamer grows (Figure 11).
Electrostatic forces acting of the gas phase, that
The inner pressure in the gas phase must be of the should be a strong destabilizing factor if the charge den-
order of the atmospheric pressure since low applied pres- sity in the bubble is large enough [28], seem not to be de-
sures are sufficient to inhibit the development of such terminant in this regime. When current pulses cease, the
slow streamers [8,9], as we have also verified. expansion is stopped, no deformation of the bubble is
observed until it detaches from the point and disappears
Light and current pulses, always observed with slow in the liquid with close to the electrohydrodynamic ve-
streamers, are then supposed to be due to partial dis- locity [20]. As a matter of fact, an electroconvective
charges occurring in the expanding gas phase, and con- transport of charges is always observed in point-plane
stituting the main process of energy injection. From geometry, the mobility, deduced from space-charge plots
the above energetic considerations, it follows that most of conduction currents, being always of the order of
of the energy dissipated in gaseous discharges must be ( ~ / p ) ' / ' ( E permittivity, p density) [lo-12,15,18]. This
converted into heat used to vaporize the liquid. This accounts for the three-dimensional growth of slow stream-
assumption seems not unrealistic since, in gaseous coro- ers observed a t low applied voltages (as in Figure l l ) ,
nas, studies of the energetic balance [27] show that more irrespective of the initial field distribution ahead of the
than half of the injected electrical energy is used to heat tip.
the medium through deactivation processes.
According to this description, the energy input will nature of the first current pulse giving rise to a
be limited by the frequency of internal discharges. The T HE
microscopic bubble (Figures 2 and 3), still remains
952 Lesaint et al.: Streamer generation and propagation under ac divergent field conditions
2(V - V,)
a puzzling problem. In recent studies in cyclohexane
[ll],very similar phenomena have been observed, and it
E -
’- T, ln[4(d - l , ) / ~ , ]
has been shown that an applied pressure of 5x106 Pa has
with V , the voltage drop in the streamer, r , the streamer
a negligible influence on this current pulse, indicating
tip radius, and I, the streamer length. When the streamer
that phenomena occurring in the liquid phase are in fact
length reaches a certain value, the field E, drops below
a minimum critical value Epcritand the propagation
stops. Since E, varies very slowly with ( d - Z,), the
When the mean field is increased, branches start to stopping of the streamer is essentially determined by
appear, streamers become filamentary, while currents V , , which can be deduced from Figure 8
remain constituted of discrete pulses. In this case, there
is no doubt that the processes leading to the streamer
growth are concentrated at its tip. The necessary tip (3)
charge needed to create a high field at the tip in order
to maintain the propagation processes still active may be
supplied by the successive partial discharges occurring
With streamer tip radii T , of about 2 to 3 pm ob-
in the gas phase, giving a ‘two-step’ propagation mode,
served on high magnification photographs (Figure lo),
as previously suggested [6,29].
the minimum propagation field Epcrit can be evaluated
from Figure 8 to be about 15 to 20 MV/cm, values at
Current measurements also support the hypothesis which a direct field ionization of the liquid is likely to
of fast gaseous discharges in an elongated cavity. The occur a field ionization regime following Halpern and
quasi-linear relationship between the streamer length Gomer’s model [lo] has been recently identified in a liq-
and the intensity of current pulses (Figure 5) suggests uid hydrocarbon, with a tip field of 20 MV/cm [ll].
that each current pulse reflects a phenomenon involving As pointed out in [6], the voltage drop in filaments may
the whole length of the streamer as a partial discharge, provide an efficient regulatory mechanism which can ex-
rather than being concentrated at its tip. The order plain the constancy of positive streamers velocity. Every
of magnitude of currents is much higher than could be increase of the ionization rate at the tip, correlated with
given by the simple motion of a conductive tip: ahead a higher current flowing in the filament, will produce an
of the tip, the continuity of the current i is insured by additional voltage drop in the filament, which will tend
capacitive coupling with the plane, this current is to decrease the tip field, and thus the ionization.
dC dV
i = V(-) + C ( - ) At large distances, only a few filaments still prop-
dt dt
agate without branching (Figure 9), while a constant
where C denotes the streamer tip-plane capacity, and current of about 1 mA is recorded. The shape of this
V the potential present on this capacitor. As previ- current is in good agreement with the hypothesis of con-
ously shown in [30], the simple motion of a fully con-
ductive tip gives a continuous current arising from the
term V(dC/dt) N lop6 A, much lower than the mea-
of magnitude, -
ducting filaments proceeding in the liquid, but its order
2 x lo-’ A per filament, is once again
higher than the calculated value, N A per filament,
sured one. Conversely, very fast variations of the tip using a spherical approximation [30].
potential occurring from gaseous discharges can lead to
much higher transient currents due to the contribution Whatever the origin of this discrepancy, we must
of the C(dV/dt) term, which are of a comparable order remark that with such values of the currents, the dis-
of magnitude of streamer currents in gases. sipated energy within the filaments per unit length is
of the order of 3 W/cm, taking into account the mea-
sured voltage drop V,. Due to the small diameter of
FILAMENTARY POSITIVE STREAMERS filaments, this value is very high and must produce a
particular feature encountered under ac with this vigorous evaporation of the adjacent liquid. A growing
A regime is the voltage dependence of streamer prop-
agation (Figure 8). This effect is probably attributable
diameter from the tip to the other extremity is in fact
observed, as well as strings of bubbles when the streamer
to the voltage drop in the filaments, as suggested ear- dies out [32]. The influence of the applied pressure [8],
lier by Devins et al. [6]: the field E, present at the which tends to shrink the filaments without affecting
streamer tip, in the absence of space charges [31], as a their propagation, also indicates that a gas phase is a
hyperboloidal approximation, is posteriori involved in this regime.
IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation Vol. 23 No. 6, December 1988 Q53
study was supported by the Jeumont-Schneider
H A N K S to high-speed optical and electrical mea-
Company. The authors are greatly indebted to Mrs.
T surement techniques, prebreakdown phenomena in
transformer oil under ac voltage have been studied in
J. Delhaye and P. Vuarchex, members of the engineering
staff of Jeumont-Schneider, for their technical and finan-
cial assistance, and Mrs. R. Riva and C. Marteau who
both polarities. A large range of experimental condi-
greatly contributed to the building of the experimental
tions has been investigated, applied voltages from 7 to
140 kV, distances up to 25 mm, point radii from 3 to
400 pm, which has permitted us to check the conditions
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