Stal Ruleseng 30x22 Fev2024 v2
Stal Ruleseng 30x22 Fev2024 v2
Stal Ruleseng 30x22 Fev2024 v2
1 Definition of Game Terms in the attack, then those combined components of the division
and Components only count as half a unit in exploitation.
• At the moment of elimination, only the last component of an
1.1 The Units armored division remaining on the map can generate a KG.
1.1.1 Combat units (referred to as ‘units’ in the rules) represent the
troops of the two sides which participated in the military opera- 1.1.6 Some divisions have their attack factor printed on a black or
tions simulated in this game. black and white background to indicate that they can perform an
1.1.2 There are three types of units in the game: armored attack (see 8.6).
• German or Soviet divisions, Soviet armored and cavalry corps,
4 GMK 4 KK
• Headquarters (HQ), H
• Armor or infantry Kampfgruppen. 4 2 3
9 9 3
Unless specifically noted, all rules apply equally to divisions and
corps. To facilitate reading the rules, the term ‘division’ will be 1.1.7 Each HQ counter has the following informational characteristics:
used to indicate divisions and/or army corps.
1.1.3 Every division counter has the following informational cha- Voron. 4 PzA Unit
racteristics: designation
Command 9 1 3 9 1 3 Movement
294 Unit Points
designation Radius
Elite capacity H
5 6 2
Defense strength
Attack strength Movement
Points The flip side of an HQ counter represents the same HQ unit in
Defense strength
Pontoon mode. Movement and supply penalties due to rivers are
The flip side of a division counter represents the same unit but negated at the hexside where the arrow points. An HQ on this side
with reduced factors. Divisions have two step losses (see 1.3). otherwise functions normally, but may not move.
294 Voron.
3 3 2 9 1 0
1.1.4 Divisions are either armored or non-armored units: 1.1.8 KGs appear after destruction of German elite units. They
- armored divisions have an armored vehicle silhouette in the follow the same rules as divisions, and differ only by the unit
center of the counter. symbol (vehicle silhouette or foot soldier, without a NATO symbol
or historical designation). Unless specified, the rules concerning
H24 Pz H
26 TK
3 Mot
divisions apply equally to KGs.
5 5 3 7 6 3 5 5 3
- non-armored divisions have a symbol (generally NATO) in the
2 2 2 4 4 3
center of the counter. Note: these symbols are solely for illustrative
purposes and have no other function in the game.
1.2 Command Radius (CR)
336 3 Jul 60 G 4 KK 201 1.2.1 The CR of an HQ is specified as a number of hexes (not MPs),
H and characterizes its ability to command and supply troops within
5 6 2 3 3 2 3 4 2 4 2 3 3 3 3 its proximity.
1.2.2 The CR is counted from the HQ hex (excluded) to the hex
1.1.5 Some German armored divisions are composed of two or containing a unit (included). To be situated in the CR of an HQ,
three individual component unit counters each bearing a hori- the unit must be located at a distance equal to or less than the CR.
zontal stripe of the same color. For game play, each individual Hexes connected by road or rail count as a half hexes for the dis-
component unit functions as a division except for the following tance calculation, but only if the HQ is located in a city and on a
points: rail line leading to a friendly supply source.
H11 Pz H11 Pz 1.2.3 The CR cannot enter or cross a hex containing an enemy unit,
nor enter a hex adjacent to an enemy unit unless the hex is also
4 4 3 4 4 3 occupied by a friendly unit.
1.2.4 The CR may not cross a major river hexside without a bridge
• Components of the same armored division only count as one (either depicted on the map or created by an HQ in pontoon
stacking point (see 1.11) when stacked together in a single hex. mode), a ferry or Bridging Unit support marker.
• If an armored attack is declared during combat, and if all the See Example #1
components of an armored division present on the map take part
Armored divisions Infantry Cavalry Mountain Security Elite
infantry (Sicherungs)
1.3 Step Losses • In a generic manner to accomplish various game actions such
1.3.1 Each unit has one or two potential step losses, which repre- as armor replacements, strategic movement, etc. In these cases,
sent its current strength. The front side of the counter represents the specific events and conditions linked to the marker do not
the unit at full strength. If the unit takes a step loss as a result of apply.
combat, it is turned over to its flip side which has reduced combat Example: an Air support can be used in a generic manner to replace
factors. If the reduced unit takes another step loss it is eliminated. an armor loss, even in bad weather.
1.3.2 Units without a flip side (including HQs), have only one po- 1.5.3 If drawn, events noted on support markers marked with a
tential step loss. They are eliminated after the first step loss result. white circle on their flip side (Stalin, etc.) must be played as events
1.3.3 Place eliminated units into the owning player’s Eliminated on the turn they
Units box on their player aid. are drawn. S S S S
1.3.4 Place units withdrawn from the game because of Unit
Withdrawal or Upgrade (see 18), eliminated KGs (see 8.15.8) as
well as units eliminated while under OOS-FS status (see 10.2)
in the owning player’s Withdrawn Units box on their player aid. 1.6 Offensive Markers (OM).
These units may not be rebuilt. 1.6.1 Only the Soviet player has Offensive Markers.
1.6.2 The Offensive Markers possess an action radius expressed as
1.4 Game Markers hexes, calculated from the OM’s hex (excluded) to the unit’s hex
1.4.1 Various markers are used to convey information. They are (included). The action radius is independent of terrain and enemy
placed either on the map, on player aids, or directly on to unit units.
counters. Their use is explained in the appropriate rule sections. 1.6.3 The flip side of the OM marked ‘Stalingrad’ is restricted
for use only within one hex radius of Stalingrad (against Axis
1.5 Supports units encircled in the city). The action radius is then modified
1.5.1 Support markers are used by the players to influence military (see 11.1.2).
operations. These markers not only represent material support,
but may also represent particular events which occurred during 1.7 Nationality
the course of the campaign. 1.7.1 Units belong to one side, Soviet or Axis.
1.5.2 The support markers can be used in two ways: • All Soviet units are one nationality.
• Application of the specific event indicated on the front side of • Axis units may be different nationalities.
the marker (see player aid). 1.7.2 The term, ‘Axis’ designates all units on the Axis side
(Germany and her allies). If a specific nation is cited, then only the
units of this nation are affected by the rule.
S - Snow RF - major rivers frozen S/RF - Snow, and major OS - Overcast Sky
M - Mud S/rf - Snow, and minor rivers frozen Bz - Blizzard
WEATHER TABLE rf - minor rivers frozen rivers frozen CS - Clear Sky
2 S - CS S - CS S - CS Srf - CS S/RF - CS S/rf - CS S - CS S - CS S - CS
3 S - CS S/rf– CS S/RF – CS S/RF – CS S/RF - CS S/RF – CS S/RF – CS S/rf– CS S - CS
4 S - CS S/rf– CS S/RF – CS S/RF – CS S/RF - CS S/RF – CS S/RF – CS S/rf– CS S - CS
5 S - CS S - OS S - OS Srf - OS S/RF - OS S/rf - OS S - OS S - OS S - CS
6 S - OS S - CS S - CS Srf - CS S/RF - CS S/rf - CS S - CS S - CS M - CS
7 S - OS S - OS S/rf– OS S/RF - OS S/RF - OS S/RF – OS S/rf– OS M - OS M - OS
8 S - OS S - OS S - OS Srf - OS S/RF - OS S/rf - OS S - OS M - OS M - OS
9 S - OS S - OS S - OS Srf - OS S/RF - OS S/rf - OS M - OS M - OS M - OS
10 S - Bz S - Bz S - Bz Srf - Bz S/RF - Bz S/rf - Bz M - Bz M - Bz M - Bz
11 S - OS S - OS S - OS Srf - OS S/RF - OS M - OS M - OS M - OS M - OS
12 S - Bz S - Bz S - Bz Srf - Bz S/RF - Bz M - Bz M - Bz M - Bz M - Bz
Exception: a German HQ may supply Italian, Hungarian and Ro- 4.5.2 Supports: First turn excepted, and for as long as Stalingrad
manian units. An Italian, Hungarian, or Romanian HQ can supply is not entirely under Soviet control, the Soviet player must put an
up to 3 units of a different nationality (Exception: Hungarian and extra support marker back into the draw pool (coming from any
Romanians may not supply each other). Available Supports box) in order to play an Artillery or Katyusha
Reminder: an HQ’s CR may not pass through an enemy unit, a hex Support marker east of the Don, south of line 14xx (inclusive)
adjacent to an enemy unit unless occupied by a friendly unit, or 4.5.3 Strategic Movement: Players may not move units off road
across an unbridged major river. or rail using strategic movement unless a support is spent at the
4.3.2 A unit unable to fulfill any of these conditions is considered beginning of the Movement phase.
to be out of supply (OOS). 4.5.4 Soviet Lost Momentum: The Soviet player is penalized for
each movement of his HQs (see 12).
4.4 Out of Supply Effects
4.4.1 A unit determined to be out of supply is marked with an
OOS marker, which remains with the unit until the next Supply 5 Supports Phase
5.1 General Concepts
5.1.1 Consult the set up instructions at the start of each scenario,
OOS OOS and place the designated Support markers into two separate draw
pools, one for each player.
5.1.2 During the Support phase, the phasing player randomly
4.4.2 Out of supply units have their attack, defense and movement chooses his Support markers from his draw pool and places them,
factors divided in half. event face down, into the appropriate Available Supports box(es).
4.4.3 Out of supply units may use only one movement point du- 5.1.3 There is no limit on the number of Support markers which
ring the Exploitation phase (see 9), or when performing a tactical may be placed in any given Available Supports box.
R result. 5.1.4 Players may examine their available Support markers at any
4.4.4 Out of supply units may not enter a hex which places them time.
further from the closest friendly HQ (But see 10.2.3 for FS-OOS
movement.). 5.2 Return of Support Markers to the Draw Pool
Exception: Out of supply elite units may move in any direction 5.2.1 The phasing player returns all Support markers played during
without restriction. the previous turn to the draw pool at the start of the Support phase
See Example #2 (those still in the various Available Supports boxes remain there).
Exception: some specific Support markers may remain on the map if
4.5 Supply Shortage so indicated (see Description of Supports player aids).
Serious logistical problems caused by extremely overextended
supply lines challenged the general staff of both sides. The rules 5.3 Acquisition of Soviet Support Markers
simulating these difficulties are found in the different sections of 5.3.1 The Soviet player has 4 Available Supports boxes:
the rule book as well as in the special rules for each scenario. They • 1 STAVKA Available Supports box.
are summarized in this section. • 2 Minor Offensive Available Supports boxes.
4.5.1 HQ Command Range: For CR determination, connected • 1 Major Offensive Available Supports box.
road and rail hexes count as a half-hexes only if the HQ is located 5.3.2 Each turn the Soviet player rolls 2d6 for STAVKA Available
in a city and on a railroad leading to a friendly supply source. Supports and 2d6 for each Minor Offensive box whose Offensive
marker is present on the map. The Soviet player modifies the die
roll results depending on the location of the Offensive Markers on
the map (see 5.3.5) and consults the corresponding column in the
Acquisition of Soviet Supports table on the Soviet Supports player
aid. The value indicates the number of Support markers to draw
for each type of Available Supports box.
Example #2 -Supply
5.3.3 Do not roll the die for a Minor Offensive Supports box if the 5.5.5 Unless specifically noted, bonuses conferred by combat
corresponding Minor Offensive marker is not on the map. The Support markers apply in the Exploitation phase as well as during
dice are not rolled for the STAVKA Available Supports box on the the Combat phase.
turn when a Soviet Major Offensive begins. 5.5.6 Soviet Support markers marked O must be deployed within
5.3.4 The Support markers for a Major Offensive are obtained on the action radius of the Offensive Marker to which they are
the placement of the Major Offensive marker, and come from the assigned (see 1.6). The deployment and use of the other mar-
STAVKA Available Supports box. See the rules concerning ope- kers is done without any restrictions. A Support marker marked
ning Soviet Major offensives (see 11.4). O obtained from the STAVKA Available Supports can only be
5.3.5 The Soviet player receives the following Die Roll Modifiers played in a generic manner. However, during this phase, the Soviet
when rolling for Support markers: player may transfer a single Support marker marked O from the
• (-2) until the end of the game starting the first time the Major STAVKA box into one of the Offensive boxes. In addition, Support
Offensive marker is placed west of the Donetz (the river flowing markers may be transferred into the Major Offensive box at the
from hex 2510 to Rostov) or to the west of hexes 2610 and 2710 beginning of a major offensive (see 11.0) or by use of the Maski-
(excluded). rovka support.
• (-1) for every Minor Offensive marker on the map placed west 5.5.7 Deploy the Support markers in the following order:
of the Donetz or west of hexes 2610 and 2710 (excluded). • Roll 1d6 for the Stalin or OKH Discord marker;
The modifiers are cumulative and apply to each one of the support • Deploy and use Surprise Attack, Tank Brigade (Soviet player)
acquisition rolls. or Luftwaffe (Axis player) markers;
See Example #3 • Deploy the other Support markers.
Important: With the exception of leaders, Support markers asso-
5.4 Acquisition of German Support Markers ciated with units (Katyusha, artillery...) cannot be placed on a unit
5.4.1 The position of the Manstein or Führer Approval marker which has participated in a Surprise Attack.
(whichever one is occupying the higher space) on the Führer Ap- See Example #4
proval track indicates the number of Support markers the German
player can randomly draw from the Axis draw pool.
6 Operation Mars Progress phase
5.5 Placement and Use of the Support Markers
5.5.1 The acquired Support markers are placed event side down in 6.1 General concepts:
the Available Supports boxes. They can then be deployed on the Parallel to Operation Uranus, Stalin initiated an attack of equiva-
map and used as an event according to the conditions specified in lent size against the Rzhev salient called Operation Mars. This rule
the Description of Supports player aid. simulates the impact of this offensive on Operation Uranus in an
5.5.2 Air Support markers (VVS/Luftwaffe/Goering/Rudel) cannot abstract manner.
be deployed in blizzard weather conditions. 6.1.1 Tracking Operation Mars: During this phase from NOV
5.5.3 Some Support markers must be associated with a friendly IV until DEC III inclusive, the Soviet player rolls 2d6 and consults
unit. In this case, the Support marker must remain stacked with the track on the Operation Mars player aid. The Operation Mars
the specific unit as long as the Support marker remains on the marker starts in the Status Quo box, and as a result of the die roll and
map. If the unit is eliminated, the Support marker is returned to possible modifiers it may either stay put or be moved along the track.
the draw pool. Support markers representing leaders can never be The players apply the consequences that apply to the box occupied by
simultaneously assigned to the same stack: the marker. In the DEC III turn, the final position of the Mars marker
• Soviet Leaders: Lelyushenko, Novikov can influence the arrival of future reinforcements
• German Leaders: Hoth, Hollidt. 6.1.2 Collapse/Breakthrough: If the marker reaches the Soviet
Without exception, German Support markers which must be Collapse or Soviet Breakthrough box, apply these effects, and this
associated with a unit when deployed cannot be assigned to an phase is subsequently ignored for the rest of the game.
Axis allied unit. 6.1.3 End of Operation Mars: Starting DEC IV, this phase is disre-
5.5.4 The effects of various Support markers may be cumulative. garded for the rest of the game.
Exception: two Support markers of the same generic class or two
leader Support markers cannot be used concurrently to influence
a given combat. For example, a player may not use the [1]/+2 and
[1]/+3 Artillery supports, nor the leaders Lelyushenko and Novikov,
in the same combat.
7 Movement Phase an HQ leaves a road and/or rail communication path during its
movement, it must be able to trace a supply line of communication
7.1 General Concepts (LOC) at the end of its move.
7.1.1 During this phase a player may move all or some of his units 7.1.11 In order to avoid map edge effects, no Axis unit may end its
within the limit of their movement factor. Units can be moved in- movement on map row 00xx.
dividually or by stack. Units which move together as a stack must
start their movement in the same hex. 7.2 Strategic Movement
7.1.2 Units are moved hex by hex, either spending movement 7.2.1 Strategic movement allows units to double their potential
points (see 1.1.3), or by using a specific movement ability (7.2 movement rate.
Strategic Movement or 7.3 Rail Movement). Note: strategic and rail 7.2.2 Any unit, except HQs, can perform strategic movement if it
movement can be done along with other forms of movement during fulfills the following conditions:
the Movement phase in any order the player desires. • Perform the entire movement within the command radius of
7.1.3 A unit or stack of units must fully complete its movement one or several supplied HQs of the same nationality;
before the player can move any other unit or stack of units. • Can never be adjacent to an enemy unit, including the starting
7.1.4 Unit movement may be affected by terrain. The number of hex;
movement points needed to move into a hex depends on the ter- • Unless a player spends a support marker (coming from the
rain in the hex as well on terrain features separating the two hexes. STAVKA Available Supports box for the Soviet player) at the
The different movement point costs imposed by terrain features beginning of the Movement phase, a player may not use strategic
are indicated in the Terrain Effects Chart (TEC). movement ‘off-road’ or rail. Use of this support marker allows an
Example: an armored division with three movement points can unlimited number of strategic moves off-road or rail.
move three hexes in clear terrain, or move one hex in clear terrain (1
MP) and one forest hex (2 MPs). 7.3 Rail Movement (Axis player only)
7.1.5 Movement points cannot be held in reserve for use in a sub- 7.3.1 Rail movement capacity for each turn is noted in each sce-
sequent turn, nor transferred for use by a different unit. nario. Rail movement points cannot be accumulated to be used in
7.1.6 A unit can move freely through hexes containing other units subsequent turns. They are indicated on the General track with the
without incurring any extra movement point penalty. appropriate game marker.
7.1.7 A friendly unit may never enter a hex occupied by an enemy 7.3.2 Rail movement costs one rail movement point per unit,
unit. no matter the unit type. The cost is the same if the unit is on its
7.1.8 Movement point allowance notwithstanding, a unit can reduced side.
always move one hex during the Movement or Exploitation phase, 7.3.3 To move by rail, a unit must fulfill the following conditions:
as long as the movement is legal. • The entire move is made on a rail line, able to function as a
Exception 1: an HQ in pontoon mode cannot move. supply line, linked to a German supply source, free of all enemy
Exception 2 : during exploitation, crossing non-frozen major rivers units;
is only permitted at a bridge, pontoon or ferry. • Never be adjacent to an enemy unit;
7.1.9 Units moving directly from hex to hex along a road (the road • Never move through a city captured by the Soviet player (even
crossing a shared hexside) spend only 1/2 MP per hex, and ignore if the city is subsequently retaken by the Axis player). Such a city
terrain features in the hex or of the hexsides crossed. Note: for this can be indicated by a Soviet Control or Rail Line Cut marker.
rule, railroads are also considered to be roads. Exception: movement 7.3.4 A unit using rail movement can move any number of hexes.
along a road or rail in non-frozen marsh hexes cost 1 MP, not ½ MP. 7.3.5 Reinforcements can arrive by rail during the Reinforcements
7.1.10 HQ movement: an HQ may not voluntarily end its move and Replacements phase using available rail movement points.
in a hex where it would be out of supply (see 4.1.1). Thus, even if
7.4 River Crossing 8.3.3 Only units chosen by the phasing player to attack may
The penalty for crossing a minor or major river is nullified by the participate in the combat and are subject to the results. Once this
presence of a bridge, either depicted on the map (road/rail cros- choice is made, it is irrevocable and may not be changed during
sing the river), or created by an HQ on its pontoon side (the arrow the following steps. The attacker’s HQs may never participate in
on the HQ unit points towards the hexside with the pontoon combat.
bridge), or by a Bridging Unit Support marker (for all adjacent 8.3.4 The phasing player’s units adjacent to a hex under attack, but
river hexsides). not designated to participate in the combat, are unaffected by the
The presence of a ferry permits supply trace at that hexside and combat results.
river crossing at the price of +1 movement point.
8.4 Defender Supply Check
8.4.1 During step 2, check the defender’s status according to the
8 Combat Phase procedure described in paragraph 4.3. For a unit to be considered
in supply during the Combat phase, it must either:
8.1 General Concepts • Be situated within the LR of a friendly supply source (see 4.3,
8.1.1 During this phase friendly units may attack adjacent enemy 4.4);
units. • Be situated within the CR of a friendly HQ, which may or may
8.1.2 The phasing player is called the attacker, and his adversary not be in supply at the moment of the defender supply check.
is the defender, independent of overall strategic considerations or Note: This is a notable difference from the procedure followed in
how the game is evolving. Liberty and Victory Roads (see. 8.4.4)
8.1.3 A player is never obliged to attack. 8.4.2 The supply check is done only for units not already marked
8.1.4 A unit chosen to attack is not obliged to attack all of its as out of supply. Units under an Out of Supply marker are never
adjacent hexes. rechecked during the turn.
8.1.5 Enemy units must defend themselves if attacked. 8.4.3 Place an OOS marker on any of the defender’s units under
8.1.6 Defending units in a stack must be attacked jointly, not attack and unable to trace a supply line at this time. They are
individually. considered OOS until their next Supply phase.
8.1.7 The attacks are executed in any order, as per the attacking 8.4.4 An HQ unit unable to trace a supply line during this step is
player’s discretion, and the attacks need not be declared in ad- not removed from the map nor is an OOS marker placed on it.
vance. This HQ may be used to supply other units during this phase.
8.1.8 A given hex may be attacked only once per Combat phase. Reminder: OOS units have all their factors halved (see 1.9).
8.1.9 A given unit may participate in only attack per Combat
phase. 8.5 Calculate the Combat Odds
8.1.10 Units stacked in a given hex may attack different adjacent 8.5.1 During step 3, the players calculate combat odds, in the form
hexes. of a ratio.
8.1.11 Units in different hexes may jointly attack a single hex com- 8.5.2 The defender starts by totaling the defense factors of the units
monly adjacent to each of them. in the hex under attack. This total is then adjusted with regard to any
8.1.12 Italian, Romanian and/or Hungarian units may never attack applicable modifiers (terrain, Support markers, supply, etc.).
together during the same combat. 8.5.3 The attacker totals the attack factors of all units participating
in the combat. This total is then adjusted with regard to any appli-
8.2 Combat Sequence cable modifiers (terrain, Support markers, supply, etc.).
8.2.1 Each combat is resolved adhering strictly to the following 8.5.4 In order to determine the combat odds, the total modified
sequence: attack factors are divided by the total modified defense factors.
• Step 1: Designate the hex being attacked, and the attacking This result defines the raw combat odds, in the form of a ratio.
units. 8.5.5 The initial ratio is simplified by rounding to the nearest
• Step 2: Perform a supply check for the defending units. whole number in favor of the defender (1 as the numerator or
• Step 3: Calculate the combat odds. denominator).
• Step 4: Resolve the combat and apply any attrition results. Examples: 35 attack factors against 10 defense factors yields a ratio
• Step 5: Check German Superiority of 35/10, rounded to 3/1. 10 attack factors against 35 defense factors
• Step 6: Apply the attacker’s tactical results, except for E, E2, E3, yields a ratio of 10/35, rounded to 1/4.
then the defender’s tactical results. 8.5.6 This combat odds ratio is then adjusted to reflect use of any
• Step 7: Place exploitation markers. attacker Support markers (possible rightward column shifts on the
8.2.2 Each combat is resolved using the Combat Resolution Table CRT).
(CRT). 8.5.7 In cases where the initial combat odds are too low to figure
8.2.3 The results from the CRT (combat effects on the units) are on the CRT, the odds are adjusted according to virtual columns:
expressed in terms of attrition (step losses) and tactical results. 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, etc.
Example: initial combat odds of 1/4, shifted two columns to the
8.3 Designate the Attack right in favor of the attacker, yield a ratio of 1/2.
8.3.1 During step 1, the phasing player designates the hex to be 8.5.8 If the final ratio is less than the most unfavorable CRT odds
attacked, and the units participating in the combat. (1/2), then the attack is canceled. If the final odds are greater than
8.3.2 All of the defender’s units situated in the hex under attack the most favorable CRT column (6/1), then the attack is resolved
must participate in the defense and are subject to the combat on the 6/1 column.
Exemple #5 -Combat
• 4. Into a hex nonadjacent to an enemy unit; paths (see Example #6). In the vast majority of cases retreats will just
• 5. Into a hex occupied by a friendly unit if the hex is adjacent happen naturally, and the rules can be summarized as meaning a
to an enemy unit; unit must retreat by: moving away from its original hex, towards a
• 6. Into a hex not resulting in over-stacking; friendly HQ and avoiding being adjacent to an enemy unit.
• 7. Into any other hex.
Example: A unit must retreat one hex; it has a choice between two 8.13 Advance after Combat
hexes that take it further from all the attacking units. Between the 8.13.1 If application of the attacker’s tactical results empties all of
two, the player must choose the hex which is closer to a friendly HQ. the attacker’s hexes, then the defender may advance victorious
However, if two valid choices are still possible, then the player checks defending units into these hexes, up to legal stacking limits.
the third priority, and so on, until the retreat has been completed. 8.13.2 If application of the defender’s tactical results empties the
8.12.6 Retreat movement is done without consideration of terrain defending hex, then the attacker may advance victorious attacking
costs (the retreat result is expressed as the number of hexes re- units into the vacated hex, up to legal stacking limits.
quired to fall back, not as MPs). See Example #6
8.12.7 A retreating unit may not cross a sea or a lake hex.
8.12.8 If retreating the required number of hexes results in overs- 8.14 Placement of Exploitation Markers
tacking, then the retreating unit or stack may continue to retreat as 8.14.1 During Step 7, the attacker can place Exploitation markers
many additional hexes as needed to comply with stacking limits. received as tactical results (E, E2, or E3) onto one or more of the
8.12.9 If a unit retreats into a hex which is subsequently attacked units which participated in the combat.
during the same combat phase, it only contributes a defense factor 8.14.2 An E results enables one unit to exploit; E2, two units; E3,
of 1. three units.
8.12.10 A unit with a movement factor of 0 can never retreat and is 8.14.3 If the attacker declared an armored attack (see 8.6.3), then
eliminated in the event of a retreat result. units with an attack factor printed on a black or black and white
Note: the retreat rules may seem complicated, but they are designed background count for only one half a unit during the tally of units
to avoid different interpretations in the event of complicated retreat permitted to exploit.
The Romanian unit in 1628 has priority to help choose among into a hex occupied by a friendly - The third priority is to move
received a DR2 result and must the four hexes. unit adjacent to an enemy towards the closest friendly HQ
retreat up two hexes. Each hex – The third priority is to move unit. Only hex 1629 fulfills this (now the German 6A HQ). Only
is examined one after the other, closer to a friendly headquar- condition, so the first hex the hexes 1630 and 1530 fulfill this
following the priorities described ters. Only hexes 1627 (closer Romanian division must retreat condition.
in the rules. to the Romanian headquarters to is hex 1629. - The fourth priority is to
First retreat hex: in 1324), 1629 and 1529 (closer Second retreat hex: retreat to a hex not adjacent to
– The first priority is to move to the German headquarters in – The first priority is to continue an enemy unit. Only hex 1530
away from the original hex. The- 1333) fulfill this condition. Hex to move away and finish two fullfills this condition (hex1630
refore hexes 1728, 1627, 1629 1728 is no longer valid and the hexes from the original hex. Only is adjacent to an ennemy unit),
and 1529 are valid, whereas the player examines the next priority. hexes 1530 and 1630 are valid: therefore the Romanian division
others are not, being occupied by – The fourth priority is to retreat hex 1730 is occupied by an ene- finish its retreat in hex 1530.
enemy units. to a hex not adjacent to an enemy my unit and the other hexes do Note if the result had been DR3,
– The second priority is to move unit. As the unit cannot fulfill this not allow movement away from the unit would have had to retreat
away from all attacking units. As condition, the player must pass the original hex. to 1430.l
this unit is encircled, it cannot to the following priority to choose – The second priority is ignored
fulfill this condition. The player among the three remaining hexes. because it is the second hex of
must therefore consider the next – The fifth condition is to retreat retreat.
Example: An E3 result allows six armored divisions to exploit, or 8.15.6 An eliminated infantry unit replaced by the KG may even-
four armored divisions and one infantry division, etc. tually be rebuilt.
8.14.4 The only units permitted to move (with certain restrictions) 8.15.7 All infantry KGs are identical (they have only one step), so
and attack during the Exploitation phase (see 9) are those carrying there is no need to randomly draw them.
an Exploitation marker. 8.15.8 Once eliminated, a KG is withdrawn from the game and
See Example #7 may not be used again.
8.15.9 Once all available KGs for a specific unit type (armor or in-
8.15 German Kampfgruppen fantry) have been used, the German player may no longer replace
8.15.1 If an elite German armored unit is eliminated as a result of this type of unit with a KG.
combat, the German player may choose to replace this armored
unit by a full strength armored Kampfgruppe (KG), randomly
drawn from the pool of available KGs. 9 Exploitation Phase
8.15.2 A KG can only be generated once the last component of an
armored division still remaining on the map has been eliminated. 9.1 General Concepts
8.15.3 An eliminated armored unit replaced by a KG may even- 9.1.1 During the Exploitation phase, only units with an Exploi-
tually be rebuilt. tation marker (see 8.14) can perform actions. These units are
8.15.4 The value of the German KGs varies significantly from one identified as ‘exploiting units’.
counter to the next. Some of the KGs have two steps, others only one. 9.1.2 The Exploitation phase is divided into two segments: first, the
8.15.5 If an elite German infantry unit is eliminated as a result of attacker starts by moving some or all of the exploiting units. Next,
combat, the German player may choose to replace this infantry combats are resolved as desired, but only exploiting units may
unit by an infantry KG. participate in these combats.
Example #7 - Combat 2
During the Axis combat phase, the Axis units will participate in the attack (the two components of 7th Pz count as only one unit.
player decides to attack hex 2111 with all components of 7th Pz, the three components The Soviet player defends with three infantry
adjacent units. of 2nd SS, two of three components of GD divisions located in a village.
• Step 1: The Axis player designates the and two divisions of infantry). Note there • Step 2: The supply status of the defenders
target hex and declares that all adjacent is no overstacking in hex 2110 as the two is checked. The Soviet units are located
within the command radius of the HQ in hex
2213, They are therefore considered supplied
for this combat even if the HQ itself is unable
to trace a supply line.
• Step 3: The players calculate the combat
odds ratio. The Axis player totals 40 attack
factors. The Soviet player has 9 defense
factors, with an additional 1 for the village,
totaling 10. The force ratio is 40/10 or
4/1. The Axis player decides to declare an
armored attack and to use the elite bonus.
• Step 4: Combat is resolved during this
step. The Axis player rolls 2d6 and consults
the 4/1 column on the CRT. The die roll is
‘8’, and the result is A1D2 for attrition (one
step loss for the attacker, two step losses
for the defender) and an E for the attacker’s
tactical result. Despite the elite bonus, the
Axis player does not have a choice of tactical
results, as all the boxes in that block of color
have the same result. For the defender, the
tactical result is DR2. The attrition results
are applied. The Soviet player takes the step
losses from the divisions of his choice. The
Axis player must take one step loss, however
the German Superiority rule will cancel this
loss (14.1, see below).
2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 5 5 3 2 2 2 4 3 3 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 5 5 3
5 GKK 6 GKK 66 G 67 G 1 GKK 60 G 59 G
(Continuation of #7)
• Step 5: German Superiority effects are during step 7. The Soviet
3 2player
3 3must2 3 2 2 2 – 2All2components
2 3 2 3 of22nd 2 SS2 Panzer
2 2 2 Division
applied. In this case only the Human Wave apply his DR2 tactical result by retreating count as ½ unit in exploitation;
RESISTANCE 3G 62 G 61 G 4 GKK 5 GTK 7 GKK 13 G
effect is inactive. Therefore the Axis player ACTIVE to hex 2212 via hex 2112 (respecting the – All components of 7th Panzer Division
B. the Overwhelming German
third and fourth priorities).
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 count
3 2 as
3 ½4unit
3 3in exploitation
3 2 3 2 ;2 2
Attack effect, which gives him an additional • Step 7: The Axis player applies his ‘E2’ – Not all components of GD division on the
E result, bringing his tactical results to E2. result. In a declared armored attack, units map participated in the attack and therefore
Further, SORTIE 2benefits
he also STACKS from the Soviet Rout with attack factors printed on a black or each component counts as ½OFFENSIVE
MAJOR for a total
effect which allows him to cancel his step loss! S black and S white background
S S count Sas ½ a S S
of 1 unit. X (-10) 4
HUBE • Step 6: During this step, LAST SUPPLY EVACUATION
the attacker’s unit when totaling the number of units which The E2 result thus enables the Axis player to
tactical results are applied followed by the may be put into exploitation. The following place 7 units into exploitation
MINOR mode!
S S defender’s S tactical S results.
S S S units are
S placed Sinto exploitation
S mode:
S S S 3 3
X (-1)
The Axis player’s E2 result will be applied STALINGRAD STALINGRAD
113 S 94 S
H16 PzS H
60 MotS
3 MotS 389 S 127 160 172 219 270 309 350 1 153 159
4 2 2 4 2 5 5 3 4 4 3 5 5 3 2 4 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2
24 Pz 71 295 100 J 79 305263 45 96 277 293 333 278 266 203 197 119
5 3 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 14 12 2 2 3OOS
2 2 3OOS
2 2 3OOS
2 2 3OOS
2 2 3OOS
2 2 3OOS
2 2 3OOS
2 2 3OOS
2 2 3OOS
2 2 3OOS
5 2 5 5 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 5 5 3 5 5 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 7 6 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 6 15 13 2
1 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 4 3
94 113 76 384 44 376 6L
6 2 2 2 2 6 1 3 6 1 3 9 1 3 9 1 3 7 6 3 7 6 3 7 6 3 8 8 3 7 6 3 7 6 3 6 5 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2
1 SS 2 SS 10.1.5
2 SS If the2Axis
SS player loses 5control of the hex containing the
340 FS 18410.2.3 111
Out of supply Axis52units within
3 TK the10ZOI
TK of the
6 FS marker
H H H 5 SS
H it must H SS 7 KK 161 78
marker, then be immediately moved in the direction of are subject to the following rules:
4 3 4 4 3 Stalingrad,
4 4 3 4 to4 the
3 closest
4 4 3 hex4 occupied
4 3 4 a2friendly
by 3 2 3unit.
2 2 3 2 2 3 2 • They
2 3 are
2 identified
2 3 2 2with 7 6 3 7marker
3 2an OOS-FS 6 3 (or
2 3replaced
2 by the
1 SS H 1 SS H 3 SS H 3 SS H 3 SS Schuldt 53 375 100 107 corresponding
183 279OOS-FS 19units). 50 243 244
10.2 Effects of the FS Marker • OOS-FS units may not benefit from the effects of friendly
4 3 4 4 3 10.2.1
4 4 3The4FS4 marker
3 4 4effects
3 1OOS 2 3 2and2has
2 2 Axis units, 3 no
2 effect
2 3 2on 2 3 2 Support
2 3 2markers
2 3 2(unless
2 3 2 2 3 2 noted
specifically 2 3 2in the
2 3description
2 of
other units. the support).
Cav 8 Cav 10.2.2
20 The zone1 Bl of influence
3 A Rm (ZOI)
7 of the 263
FS marker
259is two hexes,
113 284 • They
299may move
343 in any305direction
151 in spite
271of the 320
fact they are
or three hexes if located in a hex containing an airfield. The ZOI is out of supply. In addition, the FS marker or the Stalingrad
2 3 2 2 3 not
2 3affected
2 4 by 4 3terrain
6 1 but
3 may 2 pass 2through
2 3 not 3 2 2enemy
3 2 units.
2 3 The
2 2 3 2 hexes
2 3function
2 2 3 as2 an2HQ 3 2for determination
2 3 2 2 3 2of retreat
2 3 2 paths after
(GL) 6 (GL) ZOI is calculated from
15 (GL) 7 Cav the hex containing the FS marker (ex-
4 A Rm 11 416 347 325 206 combat.
303 232 237 152 213 Trans.
cluded) to the hex containing the unit (included).
3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 6 1 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 6 1 3
5 Cos 314
Rav 3 Cel Barbo 4 Cun 2 Tri 25 G 50 G 47 G 14 G 1 GMK 39 G 3 GKK S.W. Voron.
3 2 3 3 2 5 6 3 2 1 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 10 10 3 3 4 2 6 4 3 9 1 3 9 1 3
• They are not affected by the Surrender Support marker. 10.3 Supply Level of FS
• They do not suffer the general OOS consequences, but are 10.3.1 FS has eleven supply levels, with level 10 being the initial
penalized according the corresponding FS supply level (see level, and level 1 corresponding to the surrender of the pocket.
below). Exception: the level starts at 11 if the FS is not sealed at the moment
• After consideration of terrain effects, the tactical combat of declaration.
results for units in OOS-FS status are modified: DR3 becomes The FS Supply marker is placed on the appropriate space of the
DR, DR2 and DR become S, S remains unchanged. General track on the map.
• At the beginning of the Axis supply phase, a unit with an 10.3.2 The effect of supply deterioration on attack, defense and
OOS-FS marker, located outside the ZOI of the FS marker, movement factors on every unit is indicated for each supply level
is immediately eliminated unless it can trace supply back to on the table below.
another supply source (in which case the OOS-FS marker is 10.3.3 The FS supply level is decreased by 1 point at the end of every
removed). Soviet turn during which at least 2 stacks under an OOS-FS marker
• An Axis unit carrying an OOS marker entering the ZOI of the were attacked at odds of 1:1 or higher. It also decreases by 1 point at
FS marker immediately exchanges the OOS marker for an OOS- the end of every Axis player turn if at least one unit under an OOS-FS
FS marker. marker participated in an attack. The consequences of these drops
10.2.4 Securing the Pocket: At the start of the Soviet Movement in level are applied immediately. The FS supply level may also be
phase, every hex containing Soviet units adjacent to Axis units changed depending on the air bridge results.
under OOS-FS status is examined: 10.3.4 The FS supply level may never drop below 1. When the FS
1. If the hex contains one or two Soviet units, then none of these supply level reaches 1, German units lose their elite status and may
units can move during this phase. no longer generate KGs. In addition, the German Superiority rules
2. If the hex contains three Soviet units, then only one unit may no longer apply to these units. These penalties are canceled if the
move this phase. FS supply level rises above 1 again.
This restriction does not apply if during the preceding Axis turn any 10.3.5 FS Surrender: if the supply level is 1 at the end of the
Soviet unit securing the pocket was attacked and the pocket is no Stalingrad Supply phase, and the Soviet player controls hexes 1333
longer sealed. and 1433, then FS surrender effects are as follows:
Note: the Soviet player may rotate all his immobile units in the same • First, the Axis player eliminates one half of his reduced strength
direction as a reminder. units or those that only have step loss in OOS-FS status (round
10.2.5 Sealing the FS pocket: The FS pocket is considered to be up); KGs may not be generated due the surrender effect.
sealed if no Axis unit situated in Stalingrad is able to trace a path • Next, all full strength units in OOS-FS status are reduced.
of hexes of any length to an Axis supply source. This path may 10.3.6 At the end of an Axis turn, if a Stalingrad hex occupied
cross over rivers and be adjacent to enemy units. by an Axis unit is back in supply, the supply level increases by 5
10.2.6 Garrison: The Soviet player must maintain troops in the (maximum value 11). At the end of a Soviet turn, if the FS is not
vicinity of Stalingrad starting on the turn following the declaration sealed, the level increases by 1 (maximum value 11).
of Fortress Stalingrad: 10.3.7 At the end of a Soviet turn, if a Stalingrad hex occupied by
• If the Axis player controls both Stalingrad hexes: 24 divisions an Axis unit is back in supply, the supply level is automatically
or corps within a radius of 4 hexes of the FS marker. reset at 11.
• If the Axis player controls one of the two Stalingrad hexes: 15
divisions or corps within a radius of 4 hexes of the FS marker. 10.4 Air Bridge
• If this force level is not maintained at the end of a Soviet turn, To keep FS supplied, the Axis player has an air bridge symbolized
then all Soviet Support markers are placed back into the draw by 15 Ju 52 markers. These markers are placed in a draw pool. The
pool. Further, the Soviet player will neither receive nor be able air bridge becomes operational the turn following the declaration
to use any supports the following turn. of FS. On the flip side of each marker is detailed an event which
applies most often to one unit or a stack (see below).
FS Supply Level
11 /2 Unchanged /2
10 1 Unchanged 1 MP
9 1 Unchanged 1 MP
8 1 Unchanged 1 MP
7 1 Unchanged 1 MP
6 1 per attacking stack /2 1 hex
5 1 per attacking stack /2 1 hex
4 1 per attacking stack /2 1 hex
3 1 per attacking stack /2 1 hex
2 1 per attacking stack /2 1 hex
1 0 1 Only three units can move No more German Superiority
1 hex. effect, Elite effect or KG crea-
tion. Surrender Test of FS.
The Axis player declared Fortress Sta- two attacks of at least 1/1 against Fortress modified to 4. The Axis player consults
lingrad on the NOV III turn, when the 6th Stalingrad, thereby automatically lowe- the Air Bridge table. The effect on the FS
Army was totally surrounded and the ring the supply level of FS to nine. The supply level is -1, thus decreasing the
pocket sealed. The Fortress Stalingrad Anti-Aircraft Battery support was placed level to 8. Two Ju 52 markers are received.
Supply marker was placed at level 10 and on the map, and one of the combats was They are selected randomly from the draw
all the Ju 52 markers were put into a draw assisted by VVS support. pool. One Ju 52 confers Mobility, the other
pool. The 6th Army HQ was removed from During the Stalingrad Supply phase of confers increased Stack Resistance. The
play, three alarm 0-0-1 units were taken the NOV IV turn, the Axis player rolls 1d6, markers are placed face down on stacks at
from the supports draw pool and placed modified as follows: risk of being attacked by the Soviet player
into the Axis Available Supports box, and • +1 for the Soviet VVS support deployed during the upcoming turn.
the consequences of a major Soviet suc- on the map The Mobility event is used as a bluff, since
cess were applied. • -1 for the Soviet AA support deployed it serves no other useful purpose at this
The weather is Snow and Clear Skies for • +2 for Clear Skies point of the game. l
the NOV IV turn, The Soviet player made The final DRM is +2. The 1d6 die roll is 2,
• LAST RESERVES - The event is played during the Axis Combat Example #10 - Combat Against a Unit OOS-FS
phase. A stack of units associated with the marker can attack at full
strength.The FS supply drops an additional level. May not be used
if a Sortie event is played this turn. During the
• SUPPORT - The event is played when the Axis player wants to December I turn
use a support. A PaK 88 or Alert Battalion support can be played the Soviet player
in the FS radius. decides to continue
• MOBILITY - The event is played during the Axis Movement attacking the
phase. Units begining the phase stacked with the Ju 52 marker encircled units in
may move to their full potential. Stalingrad in an
• SORTIE (1 STACK) - The event is played during the Axis Mo- effort to lower supply levels.
vement phase. The Axis player can chose one stack to move and He attacks hex 1232 with
attack at full strength during the Axis turn. No other unit under four adjacent units. He does
a FS-OOS marker can move or attack during this turn. The FS not declare an armored
supply level drops an additional level. Only one Sortie event can attack to avoid taking losses from his mechanized corps. The FS
be played per turn. supply level stands at 8, and so the German units defend at full
• SORTIE (2 STACKS) - The event is played during the Axis Mo- strength. The initial odds are 20/9 or 2/1. However the Axis player
vement phase. The Axis player can chose two stacks to move and turns over the Ju 52 marker, and reveals Stack Resistance. The
attack at full strength during the Axis turn. No other unit under defending units are therefore doubled, and the initial combat
a FS-OOS marker can move or attack during this turn. The FS ratio becomes 20/18 or 1/1. Fortunately for the Soviet player he
supply level drops an additional level. Only one Sortie event can rolls a ‘10,’ resulting in D1/E/DR. The Axis player takes a step
be played per turn. loss on the motorized unit. Since the defender is under OOS-FS
See Example #10 status, the DR is modified to S. The Axis player chooses to take
another step loss and stay in place. l
11 Soviet Offensives
Soviet offensives allow use of the best Support markers, indicated • Either leave the marker in place;
by an O, within the action radius of the Offensive Markers. • Or remove it from the map, and receive it as a reinforcement at
the end of his turn (thus not available for use in the current turn).
11.1 Placement of Offensive Markers (OM) 11.2.3 When an OM is redeployed, all the supports in its Available
11.1.1 The Soviet player starts the game with one Major Offensive Supports box are returned to the draw pool.
Marker and receives 2 Minor Offensive Markers as reinforce-
ments. 11.3 Effects of Offensive Markers
11.1.2 With the exception of the NOV III turn, when the Ma- 11.3.1 Some Soviet Support markers may only be played within
jor OM is not placed and the O Support markers can be placed the action radius of Offensive Markers (Major Offensive Marker =
without restrictions, the OMs must conform to the following 3 hexes; Minor Offensive Marker = 2 hexes; increased by 1 hex if
placement rules: on the Stalingrad side of the marker). These Support markers are
• As long as one Stalingrad hex is controlled by the Axis player, identified by the symbol O.
one of the Offensive Markers MUST be played within a one hex Exception: during the NOV III turn the OMs do not affect place-
radius of Stalingrad. Note: if at least one of the two Stalingrad ment of these Support markers.
hexes contains an Axis unit able to trace supply during the 11.3.2 The action radius of the OMs is not affected by terrain or
Offensive Marker Redeployment and Placement phase, then the enemy units. The radius is calculated from the hex containing
OM deployed must be the Major OM providing the Soviet player the OM (excluded) to the placement hex of the support marker
is able to launch a major offensive (see 11.4). An OM placed in (included).
this manner is turned over to its Stalingrad side, which indicates 11.3.3 The Minor Offensive Markers generate support markers for the
its action radius is increased by one hex. Soviet player as long as they are deployed on the map (see 5.3).
• If the above case does not apply, then the markers must be
placed on hexes as per the following criteria: 11.4 Launching a Major Offensive
- The hex is under the Axis player’s control, 11.4.1 In order to start a Major Offensive, the Soviet player must
- The hex contains either a city, or a village with a rail/rail fulfill the following conditions during his Offensive Marker Place-
or rail/road intersection, or on a hex containing a road/rail ment and Redeployment phase:
crossing of a major river, or a ferry. • At least 10 support markers are available in the STAVKA Available
Supports box, not including Supply Shortage supports;
11.2 Redeployment of Offensive Markers • The Major OM is available in the Major Offensive Available
11.2.1 At the beginning of the OM Placement and Redeployment Supports box.
phase, the Soviet player may choose to remove OMs from the map 11.4.2 If these conditions are met, the Soviet player may decide to
if situated on a hex not containing Axis units. They are placed back launch a major offensive. The Soviet player proceeds as follows:
in the corresponding Available Supports box and can be rede- • Place the Major OM on the map according to the restrictions
ployed immediately. indicated above;
11.2.2 If an OM is located on a hex containing at least one Axis • Reveal all Support markers in the STAVKA Available Supports
unit, the Soviet player may: box and return any Supply Shortage markers to the draw pool.
• Within the action radius of the Major OM; when they enter the STAVKA Reserve box (either entering the STA-
• Adjacent to a friendly unit present on the map at the start of VKA Reserve box as per 13.1.3 or as rebuilt units).
the STAVKA phase; 13.2.3 Rebuilt Soviet units return to the game in the STAVKA
• Not adjacent to an enemy unit; Reserve box (see 17.3.6).
• In supply
13.1.3 Entering the STAVKA Reserve box
The Soviet player designates two HQs stacked with or adjacent 14 German Superiority and Major
to Soviet units. Depending on the location of the HQ, the ENTE- Soviet Successes
RING THE STAVKA RESERVE BOX table indicates the number Note: In autumn 1942 the Soviet army had suffered a series of
of units allowed to enter the STAVKA Reserve box for each HQ. defeats which had pushed it back to the Volga and the Caucasus
See Example #12 Mountains. The Germans seemed unstoppable, and Soviet soldiers
started to develop an inferiority complex which progressively disap-
peared after the success of Operation Uranus.
Number of units which may ENTER
HQ Location The following rules simulate the evolution of this dynamic.
the STAVKA Reserve box
On a major city with a railroad 3 14.1 German Superiority Effects
On a city with a railroad 2 The following effects apply at the start of the game (see each sce-
On a railroad, but not in a city 2 nario):
On a road 1 • Panzers to the rescue: If the Soviet player attacks a stack
composed solely of German units, and does not obtain an E2 or
E3 result after terrain modification (or use of a Support marker),
13.2 Properties of the STAVKA Reserve box: then the Axis player automatically receives an additional
13.2.1 There is no minimum or maximum limit to the number of tactical R result, which may only be used by a German armored
units which may be present in the STAVKA Reserve box. division.
13.2.2 Reduced Soviet units are automatically returned to full strength • Human waves: If the Soviet player attacks a stack composed
During the STAVKA phase of the DEC II turn the Soviet player decides to solicit STAVKA for additional units. The Stalingrad HQ is
chosen as the priority headquarters, and as it is located on a road, it suffers a -1 DRM penalty on the Release from the STAVKA
Reserve table. The 1d6 result is 1, subsequently modified to 0. According to the table this allows one unit to leave STAVKA Reserve.
However, since this is the priority HQ, an additional unit is received, for a total of 2. He decides to mobilize the 4th Mech Corps, which
counts as two units, and places it adjacent to the Stalingrad HQ.
The Voronezh HQ is chosen as the second headquarters. It is situated in a city with a railroad, giving it a +1 modifier per the table.
The 1d6 result is 4, modified to 5. According to the table two units may leave STAVKA Reserve, and this time an infantry and a cavalry
division are selected. l
solely of German units, and does not obtain an E2 or E3 result 15.2 Procedure
after terrain modification (or use of a Support marker), the 15.2.1 Lowering the Führer Approval level:
Soviet player suffers an additional step loss if the CRT indicates During the German Supply phase, the Führer Approval level auto-
at least one attrition step loss for the Soviet. matically drops the following amounts during this phase:
• Overwhelming German attack: If the Axis player attacks with • 1 point if both Stalingrad hexes are occupied by out of supply
only German units, one of which is a Panzer division, he may Axis units and if FS is sealed (NOV III to DEC IV).
benefit from an additional E tactical result, if he did not suffer • 2 points if at least one Stalingrad hex is occupied by a Soviet
an AR result. If the result already contained an exploitation unit (NOV III to DEC IV).
result (E, E2, E3), the level is increased by 1 (E2, E3, E4 • 3 points if both Stalingrad hexes are occupied by Soviet units
respectively). (NOV III to DEC IV).
• Soviet Rout: If the Axis player attacks with only German • 1 point if both Stalingrad hexes are occupied by Soviet units
units, one of which is a Panzer division, he lowers his (JAN I to FEB I).
attritional losses by one if he obtains an E2 or E3 (or E4) after • Following capture of a strategic hex by the Soviet player (see
terrain modification (or use of a Support marker, or by an the Strategic Hex Value table).
Overwhelming German attack). • 1 point following elimination of an Axis HQ.
• Markers: Use the four Active/Inactive markers provided to
track the status of the German Superiority cababilities. Additionally, during the Movement phase, satisfaction drops 1
point each time an Axis HQ moves away from the FS marker
14.2 Major Soviet Successes (counted as the number of hexes) as judged at the end of its move-
14.2.1 The Soviet player earns a major success when: ment (NOV lV to DEC lV). Such movement is not permitted if it
• He captures a major city for the first time (captures both hexes would place the Führer Approval marker in the 0 box.
for Stalingrad). 15.2.2 Raising the Führer Approval level:
• The first time the Axis player declares the FS. • For each attack (including during the Exploitation phase)
14.2.2 For each major success, the Soviet player may immediately where an armored attack is declared and the target hex is
choose a German Superiority effect to render inactive. This is done captured with 3 Soviet step losses (Soviet armor losses count
by turning the chosen effect marker over to its Inactive side. double), then the approval level immediately increases by 1.
14.2.3 On the other hand, the Axis player may reactivate a German • For each attack (including during the Exploitation phase)
Superiority effect of his choice the first time he recaptures a major where an armored attack is declared, if the target hex is captured
city previously captured by the Soviet player. This is done by tur- and is located 4 hexes or less from a unit in OOS-FS status, then
ning the chosen effect marker back over to its Active side. the approval level immediately increases by 1.
14.2.4 Additionally, for each major Soviet success, the Axis player Increase of the approval level due to armored attacks is limited
lowers the Manstein marker one box on the Führer Approval to +1 during the Combat phase, and +1 during the Exploitation
track. phase.
• Following recapture of a strategic hex by the Axis player (per
the Strategic Hex Value table).
15 Führer Approval
Effect on Führer Approval
15.1 General Concepts
15.1.1 Using the Führer Approval track symbolizes Hitler’s level of Strategic Hex Soviet Capture Axis Recapture
satisfaction with the course of events in this theater of operations. Red Star -1 +1
15.1.2 Loss of strategic sites and withdrawal of the German army City -1 +1
cause the Führer Approval level to drop. On the other hand, Major City -2 +2
recapture of these sites as well as an offensive mindset will please
Stalingrad 0 +1
the Führer.
(per hex) (automatic drop
15.1.3 The position of the Führer Approval marker on the Führer
per 15.2.1)
Approval track determines the number of Replacement Points
(RPs) and supports available to the Axis player. The higher the
number on the track, the more the Führer is content and willing to 15.3 Crisis at OKH
make more resources available (Support markers, reinforcements) When the Führer Approval marker reaches the 0 box, a crisis
for the war effort on this front. occurs at OKH (the Oberkommando des Heeres (OKH) was the
15.1.4 The Manstein marker represents the influence this Field High Command of the German Army) with the following conse-
Marshal had on the campaign, and to some degree counterba- quences:
lances the Führer’s negative effects. • The Axis player rolls 2d6, refers to the OKH Crisis table and
15.1.5 The Führer Approval marker, as well as the Manstein applies the results.
marker, are placed on the Führer Approval track according to the • Turn the Führer Approval marker over as a reminder of this
scenario instructions. event.
• If several OKH crises occur prior to the Supply phase, the dice
are not rerolled and the Manstein marker is lowered one box.
The game starts on NOV III with the Manstein marker occupies the higher another level to 0, and this precipitates a
Führer Approval marker in box 7 and the numbered box. Therefore this marker is crisis at OKH!
Manstein marker in box 5. During the NOV used to determine the number of supports The Axis player rolls 2d6 and refers to the
III turn the Soviet player captures Kalach to be received, 2 for this turn. OKH Crisis table. The result was a 7, with
(-1 satisfaction) and destroys a Romanian The Axis player decides upon a general the following consequences:
HQ (-1 satisfaction). The Soviet turn ends retreat, and during his movement phase • The Manstein marker is lowered one
with the Approval marker in box 5. At the moves the 4th PzA HQ and Romanian HQ level to box 3. The Approval marker is
start of his turn the Axis player declares away from Stalingrad, thereby lowering turned over and repositioned on level 6.
Fortress Stalingrad, thus eliminating the the approval level by another two points. • The Axis player must perform at
6th Army HQ (-1 satisfaction). He must The Führer Approval is lowered to box 1. least 2 armored attacks before the next
also apply the consequences of a major During the Reinforcements and Reinforcements and Replacements phase
Soviet success and lowers the Manstein Replacements phase, the Manstein in order to advance the Manstein marker
marker to box 4. marker is at the higher level. Therefore 1 space.
During the Axis supply phase satisfaction is this marker serves to determine the • In addition, during his next turn, units
lowered another level since the Stalingrad number of replacement points received, located in cities will not be able to move. l
hexes are occupied by out of supply Axis 1 RP for the current turn.
units and the FS pocket is sealed. The The Soviet player captures the city of
Führer Approval marker is now in box 3. Kotelnikovo during the combat phase of
During the Axis Support phase the the NOV IV turn. The Approval level falls
Introduction I. Introductory Scenario:
Each scenario is described in the same way and contains the fol- Wintergewitter
lowing information: All the elements for the scenario are on the two corresponding
• Map: specifies whether the whole map is to be used, or just the player aids. This scenario does not require use of the main map
introductory scenario Wintergewitter map. and only part of the rules are used.
• Duration: specifies the length of the scenario, expressed in game This is the ideal scenario to become familiar with the ‘Roads’
turns. system.
• Weather: specifies the weather for the first turn.
• Setup: refers to the appropriate setup player aids for the scenario.
• Reinforcements: refers to the appropriate reinforcement player II. Scenario:
aids for the scenario. Directions on how to enter the game are Operation Uranus
given for each counter as follows: This scenario covers the whole of Operation Uranus, launched by
- (Hex) xxxx: indicates placement of the reinforcements in the the Soviets with the aim of encircling Stalingrad.
designated hex It is the ideal scenario to familiarize yourself with the rules specific
- (Hexes) xxxx to yyyy: indicates placement of the to this game. Players are strongly recommended to play this scena-
reinforcements in one or several of the designated hexes rio at least once, before going on to play the whole campaign.
If all the arrival hexes for reinforcements are occupied by enemy • Map: the scenario is played east of row xx22 inclusive.
units, the reinforcements are immediately eliminated. • Duration: 3 turns, from NOV III to DEC I inclusive.
- STAVKA: indicates placement of the reinforcements in the • Weather: automatically Snow and Blizzard on turn NOV III
STAVKA Reserve box. • Setup: see the ‘Campaign game: On the Brink of Disaster’ player
- Operation Mars: indicates entrance of the reinforcements aids. Only those units whose placement hex is not in red are used
determined by the position of the marker on the Operation for this game. When playing the Operation Uranus scenario refer
Mars player aid. These reinforcements are placed in the to the Campaign Setup player aid, but only use those units with
STAVKA Reserve box for the Soviet player, and on the west edge a placement hex in black. (NB: the Italian 8th Army HQ has two
of the map for the Axis player. setup hexes, dependent on the scenario).
- Upgrade: replace the first unit with the second one. The game markers are set up as follows:
See chapter 18. - Weather marker: Snow
- Withdrawal: Designates units to be withdrawn, identified by - Cloud Cover marker: Blizzard
the listed combat factors and type. Players wishing to follow the - River Status marker: Not Frozen
historical order of battle may select the actual historical units as - German Superiority markers: all on their Active side, on the
displayed on the player aid. Axis player aid.
Certain reinforcements do not arrive on a set turn; their arrival - VP and VP*10 markers: on space 0 of the General track
depends on how the game is progressing (conditional reinforce- - Soviet Minor Offensive A marker: on space NOV IV of the
ments). How they arrive is laid out on the appropriate player aid. Turn Record track (Stalingrad side visible)
Note: supports arriving as a reinforcement do arrive during the Rein- • Reinforcements: see the Operation Uranus Reinforcements
forcements and Replacements phase, and not in the Support phase. player aid
Unless stated otherwise, they are placed in their normal draw pool. • Special rules:
• Special rules: Special Rules are specific to each scenario and - The rules in sections 6, 12, 15 and 16 can be ignored for this
apply to that scenario only. Players are recommended to read them scenario. Since the effects of the ‘OKH Discord’ and ‘Stalin’ sup-
closely, because they may differ from the standard rules. port markers cannot be applied, they are considered to be without
• Victory conditions: These specify how players win the game effect.
(mainly through capturing strategically important hexes). - First major Soviet offensive:
• Victory levels: Indicate the level of victory obtained by the • The Soviet player must start the game by launching a Major
winner. Offensive.
Note: the scenarios are set out in the order they should be played, in • The dice are not rolled to obtain supports. The Soviet player
order to assimilate all the rules as well as possible. chooses 10 supports from the pool, 4 of which must be artillery
or Katyushas.
• On the first turn, the Major Offensive marker is not placed on
the map. Therefore the supports may be placed regardless of the
location of the Offensive Marker.
• All supports chosen that are marked O must be played on the
first turn.
• All of the artillery and Katyusha supports must be used, in
equal number, north of row 15xx inclusive, and south of this
row. In case of an odd number, the extra support is used north
of this row.
- At the start of the game, the Axis player selects 4 supports from • Victory levels
those available and places them in the Available Supports box. - Soviet Major Victory: + 6 VPs or more
He draws 2 supports at random on turns NOV III, NOV IV and - Soviet Minor Victory: +2 VPs to + 5 VPs
DEC I. - Axis Minor Victory; -2 to -5 VPs
- Soviet HQs may not move in this scenario. - Draw: -1 to +1 VP
- During the Offensive Marker placement phase of the NOV
IV turn, the Soviet player places his Minor Offensive marker A,
displaying its Stalingrad side, on or adjacent to one of the two III. The Full Campaign:
Stalingrad hexes. For this scenario he will receive supports for the On the Brink of Disaster
Minor Offensive A and the STAVKA Supports boxes. This is the full campaign, from Operation Uranus to Manstein’s
- The Axis player does not receive any rail points for this scenario. counterattack. It is recommended that both players have played
They are all used automatically to allow reinforcements to arrive. the Operation Uranus scenario several times before embarking on
- the Italian HQ cannot move during this scenario. the campaign game.
- There are no replacements for either side and no STAVKA phase
during NOV III turn. There are no RP for Axis player in this scenario. • Map: the whole map.
- No movement is allowed within the boundaries of 28th Army • Duration: 17 turns, from NOV III to MAR IV.
zone as drawn on the map. However, supply lines may be traced • Weather: automatically Snow and Blizzard on turn NOV III; the
across this zone if necessary. waterways are not frozen.
- Hexes 1335 and 1435: The outline of these two hexes simulates • Setup: see the player aid for Campaign Game: On the Brink of
the last Soviet positions in Stalingrad. Soviet units in these hexes Disaster.
conform to the following rules: • The game markers are set up as follows:
• They are considered as being in the city of Stalingrad, and the - Weather marker: Snow
river has no impact on either attack or defense. - Cloud cover marker: Blizzard
• As long as either hex 1334 or 1434 is occupied by Axis units - River Status marker: Not Frozen
they may not move, and no Soviet armored unit may finish its - Manstein marker: on space 5 of the Führer Approval track,
movement there. Wintergewitter side visible.
• Units in these hexes may not have Support markers attached - Führer Approval marker: on space 7 of the Führer Approval
to them. track.
- Operation Mars marker: on the Status Quo space.
• Victory conditions: - German Superiority markers: all with their Active side visible
Supply for all units is tested at the end of the game. on the Axis player aid.
- The Soviet player wins a decisive victory the moment he captures - Rail Points marker: on space 2 of the General track.
one of the Stalingrad hexes (1334 or 1434). - VP and VP*10 markers: on space 0 of the General track.
- The Axis player wins a decisive victory if he has not declared Soviet Minor Offensive A marker: on space NOV IV of the
Fortress Stalingrad by the end of the game and if he still possesses Turn Record track (Stalingrad side visible)
Stalingrad, with one unit in the city able to trace a supply line.
- If neither player wins a decisive victory, the Soviet player wins • Special Rules:
and loses victory points (VPs) as outlined below: - Turn 1 (NOV III)
• If the Axis player does not have an in-supply unit in Stalingrad • First major Soviet offensive:
at the end of his turn, and if the FS pocket is sealed: +1 VP per - The Soviet player must start the game by launching a Major
turn Offensive.
• If the FS pocket is not sealed at the end of a Soviet turn: -5 VPs - The dice are not rolled to obtain supports. The Soviet player
per turn chooses 10 supports from the pool, 4 of which must be
• If the FS pocket is not sealed at the end of an Axis turn: -1 VP artillery or Katyushas.
per turn - On the first turn, the Major Offensive marker is not placed
• For each of the following hexes occupied by a Soviet in- on the map. This means the supports may be placed regardless
supply unit: Pitomnik (1333), Goumrak (1433), Niezne (1129), of the location of the Offensive marker.
Bokovskaia (1624): +2 VPs (+1 VP if the unit in the hex is OOS) - All supports marked O that have been chosen must be
• For each of the following hexes occupied by a Soviet in-supply played on the first turn.
unit: Morozovsk (1125), Talsiskaia (1023), Kotelnieskovo (0729): - All of the artillery and Katyusha supports must be used, in
+5 VPs (+3 VPs if the unit in the hex is OOS) equal number, north of row 15xx inclusive, and south of this
• For any hex (other than those described above) to the west row. In case of an odd number, the extra support is used north
or south of the River Chir and occupied by an in-supply Soviet of this row.
unit: +1 VP • At the start of the game, the Axis player selects 4 supports
• For each hex between the Chir and the Don occupied by an from those available and places them in his Available Supports
in-supply Axis unit: -1 VP box.
• For each supply level of Fortress Stalingrad: - 1 VP • No unit located west of row xx22 may move during the NOV
• For each support present in the STAVKA Available Supports III turn, German reinforcements excepted.
box at the end of the game: +1 VP (max +6 VPs) • There are no replacements for either side and no STAVKA
The total of VPs won determines the victory levels. phase during NOV III turn.
- Other Special Rules: The victory level is determined by the total number of victory
• The Soviet player receives 2 replacement points per turn from points earned.
NOV IV to the end of the game.
• The Axis player has 2 rail points on turn NOV III, and • Victory Levels
thereafter 4 rail points per turn for the rest of the game. - Soviet Strategic victory: 21 VPs or more
• During the Offensive Marker placement phase of the NOV - Soviet Operational victory: + 15 VPs to +20 VPs
IV turn, the Soviet player places his Minor Offensive A marker, - Soviet Minor victory: + 10 to +14 VPs (historical: Rostov: 5VPs,
with its Stalingrad side visible, on or adjacent to one of the two Stalingrad: 5 VPs)
Stalingrad hexes. - Draw: + 8 to +9 VPs
• No movement is allowed within the boundaries of 28th Army - Axis Minor victory: + 7 VPs
zone as drawn on the map. However, supply lines may be traced - Axis Operational Victory: + 6 VPs
across this zone if necessary. Units located in this zone arrive as - Axis Strategic victory: + 5 VPs or less
reinforcements during the specified turn on the player aid.
• The Axis player may not end movement on row 00xx.
• Hexes 1335 and 1435: The outline of these two hexes simulates IV. Scenario:
the last Soviet positions in Stalingrad. Soviet units in these hexes Backhand Blow
conform to the following rules: This scenario allows players to simulate Manstein’s famous
- They are considered as being in the city of Stalingrad, and ‘backhand blow’, which allowed the front to be reestablished and
the river has no impact on either attack or defense. which was only stopped by the arrival of the mud.
- As long as either hex 1334 or 1434 is occupied by Axis units
the Soviet units may not move, and no Soviet armored unit • Map: the scenario is played west of row xx20 inclusive.
may finish its movement there. • Duration: 5 turns, from FEB III to MAR III inclusive.
- Units in these hexes may not have Support markers attached • Weather: automatically snow on turn FEB III. Roll 2d6 for the
to them. cloud cover. Major and minor rivers are frozen.
• Starting with the FEB II turn, if the Soviet player controls both • Setup: see the Backhand Blow player aids.
Stalingrad hexes, he must withdraw the following divisions • The game markers are set up as follows:
at full or reduced strength during his Reinforcements and - Weather marker: Snow
Replacements phase: - Cloud Cover marker: dependant on die roll.
- 9x 3-4-2/2-2-2 (historical: 13G, 15G, 27G, 36G, 39G, 51G, - River Status marker: major rivers frozen
52G, 66G, 67G) - Manstein marker: on space 1 of the Führer Approval track,
- 28x 2-3-2/1-1-2 (historical: 23, 24, 29, 38, 45, 49, 64, 84, 95, Backhand Blow side visible.
96, 99, 116, 120, 138, 173, 204, 214, 226, 233, 252, 260, 273, - Führer Approval marker: on space 2 of the Führer Approval
284, 298, 299, 343, 422, 7SK) track.
The Soviet player loses victory points if he withdraws these units - German Superiority markers: one marker only on its Active
after FEB II. side (chosen by the Soviet player) on the Axis player aid. The
Note: HQ Transcaucasus counter had been included to give the three remaining markers are on their Inactive side.
Soviet a chance to maneuver south if HQ Stalingrad was completely - Rail Points marker: on space 4 of the General track.
blocked at the pocket. In fact, we never used it in the tests (the Trans
HQ was never moved to avoid supply shortages). If players want to • Special Rules:
use it, they can have it arrive as reinforcement in JAN IV in 0022. - The game starts on the FEB III German turn, the Soviet turn
• Victory conditions: having already taken place.
- The Soviet player wins a decisive victory if he controls both Stalin- - All the game’s rules apply, with the exception of those for Opera-
grad hexes and the major city of Rostov at the end of the DEC IV turn. tion Mars.
- The Axis player wins a decisive victory if he has a supplied unit - The Soviet player receives 2 replacement points per turn, starting
in Stalingrad and if he has not lost any major city by the end of on the FEB IV turn.
DEC IV turn. - The Axis player has 4 rail points per turn.
- If neither player has achieved a decisive victory by the end of the - The Axis player rolls 2d6 to determine the cloud cover and declares
scenario, the Soviet player gains and loses victory points (VPs) the Backhand Blow offensive, as described in the rules (16.3.2).
according to the following conditions: - Before starting the game, the Soviet player draws 2 supports at
• + 5 VP for each major city controlled (both hexes for random and places 1 in the Major Offensive Available Supports
Stalingrad). box, and one in the STAVKA Available Supports box. If a ‘Stalin’
• + 3 VP for each major city controlled by the Axis player and or a ‘Test Supply Shortage’ support should be drawn, return it to
which is out of supply. the draw pool and redraw.
• + 2 VP for each hex containing a supplied unit: 1701, 1901,
2301, 2601, 0001, 0201, 0401, 0501, 0701. • Victory conditions and victory levels:
• + 4 VP for each hex containing a supplied unit: 0801, 0901, - The Soviet player wins a Decisive victory if by the end of the
1101, 1301, 1401. game he has not lost a major city, or at the moment he captures a
• +1 VP if a supplied unit is in the Dnieper bend. new major city without having lost any major cities.
• +3 VP if Manstein has been dismissed. - The Axis player wins a Decisive victory if he has recaptured 2
• -5 VP per turn after FEB II if Stalingrad is not entirely major cities from the Soviet player, or 1 major city and 4 or more
controlled by the Soviet player. cities.
- The Axis player wins a Marginal victory if he has recaptured 1 • Special Rules:
major city and 3 cities from the Soviet player. - All the game’s rules apply, with the exception of those for Opera-
- The game is drawn if the Axis player has recaptured 1 major city tion Mars.
and 2 cities from the Soviet player. - The Soviet player receives 2 replacement points per turn.
- The Soviet player wins a Marginal victory if the Axis player has - The Axis player has 4 rail points per turn.
only recaptured 1 major city and less than 2 cities. - Before starting the game the Soviet player takes the Stalin, Axis
Cities initially controlled by the Axis player that are subsequently Surrender, Supply Shortage and Test Supply Shortage supports
captured by the Soviet player are deducted from the final count. out of the draw pool; then he chooses 4 of the remaining supports
For example: The Axis player has captured Kharkov, Lozovaia, and places them in the STAVKA Available Supports box. Next
Barvenkovo, Oboyan and Bielgorod, but he has lost Voroshilovsk. he draws 6 supports at random that he places in the STAVKA
This gives a final count of 1 major city and 3 cities, and therefore a Available Supports box, and 3 supports that he places in the Minor
Marginal victory for the Axis. Offensive B Supports box. Finally, he takes the supports he had
previously removed (Stalin, Axis Surrender etc.) and puts them
back in his draw pool.
V. Scenario: - The Axis player starts with 2 supports drawn at random from his
Star and Gallop Available Supports box.
This scenario starts on the turn Stalingrad has fallen. Once again - During his Offensive phase, the Soviet player places his two Of-
both adversaries find themselves on the edge of the abyss, with the fensive markers according to the rules and the following point:
Soviet player forcing his exhausted units on against an opponent - The Major Offensive marker must be placed west of the Donetz.
who is in equally dire straits.
• Victory conditions and victory levels:
•Map: the scenario is played on the west of the map, up to row At the end of the game, the Soviet player counts the number of
xx25 inclusive. Major Cities he controls (other than Stalingrad), or which are
• Duration: 7 turns, from FEB I occupied by an OOS Axis unit:
to MAR III - 0 major cities: Major Axis victory
• Weather: automatically Snow on turn FEB I. Roll 2d6 for cloud - 1 major city: Minor Axis victory
cover. Major and minor rivers are frozen. - 2 major cities: Minor Soviet victory
• Setup: see the Star and Gallop player aids. - 3 major cities or more: Major Soviet victory
• The game markers below are set up as follows:
- Weather marker: Snow
- Cloud Cover marker: dependent on the 2d6 roll.
- River Status marker: major rivers frozen
- Manstein marker: on space 3 of the Führer Approval track.
- Hitler Approval marker: on space 5 of the Führer Approval
- German Superiority markers: 2 on their Active sides and 2 on
their Inactive sides, the Soviet player to choose.
Note: to simplify things, the effects of the fall of Stalingrad have
already been taken into account.
- Rail Points marker: on space 4 of the General track.
• AR : attacker’s units retreat one hex or suffer 2 losses. is located within 2 hexes of the defending hex. The selected unit may move up
• E, E2, E3 : 1, 2 or 3 of the attacker’s units may be placed in Exploitation (an to half its normal movement factor. This unit can end its movement adjacent to
armored division is worth ½ unit if an armored attack has been declared by an enemy unit, but not in the attacked hex.
the attacker).
• D1 : defender suffers one more loss. Reminders :
• Eng : attacker must re-roll the dice in the same column and apply only attri- • Defender’s supply is checked before combat.
tion results a second time for both sides, even if one side has been completely • No tactical results for attacker in Exploitation phase.
eliminated due to attrition results. • Don’t forget German Superiority rules.
• DR, DR2, DR3 : defender’s unit(s) retreat 1, 2 or 3 hexes. • If an armored attack is declared during combat, and if all the components of
• S : defender remains in place and suffers an additional loss or retreats one hex. an armored division present on the map take part in the attack, then those
• F : defender remains in place or retreats one hex and suffers 1 loss less. combined components of the division only count as half a unit in Exploitation.
• R : defender may move one unit that is not adjacent to an enemy unit and that
S - Snow RF - major rivers frozen S/RF - Snow, and major OS - Overcast Sky
M - Mud S/rf - Snow, and minor rivers frozen Bz - Blizzard
rf - minor rivers frozen rivers frozen CS - Clear Sky
2 S - CS S - CS S - CS Srf - CS S/RF - CS S/rf - CS S - CS S - CS S - CS
3 S - CS S/rf– CS S/RF – CS S/RF – CS S/RF - CS S/RF – CS S/RF – CS S/rf– CS S - CS
4 S - CS S/rf– CS S/RF – CS S/RF – CS S/RF - CS S/RF – CS S/RF – CS S/rf– CS S - CS
5 S - CS S - OS S - OS Srf - OS S/RF - OS S/rf - OS S - OS S - OS S - CS
6 S - OS S - CS S - CS Srf - CS S/RF - CS S/rf - CS S - CS S - CS M - CS
7 S - OS S - OS S/rf– OS S/RF - OS S/RF - OS S/RF – OS S/rf– OS M - OS M - OS
8 S - OS S - OS S - OS Srf - OS S/RF - OS S/rf - OS S - OS M - OS M - OS
9 S - OS S - OS S - OS Srf - OS S/RF - OS S/rf - OS M - OS M - OS M - OS
10 S - Bz S - Bz S - Bz Srf - Bz S/RF - Bz S/rf - Bz M - Bz M - Bz M - Bz
11 S - OS S - OS S - OS Srf - OS S/RF - OS M - OS M - OS M - OS M - OS
12 S - Bz S - Bz S - Bz Srf - Bz S/RF - Bz M - Bz M - Bz M - Bz M - Bz
Designer: Nicolas Rident Project manager: Florent Coupeau
Illustrator: Olivier Revenu Playtesting: Raynald Foret, Mark Mazer,
Graphists: Olivier Revenu, Angie Caradec, Julia Brétéché Jérôme Lefrancq, Joël Maynard
Translators: Angus Clarke, Mark Mazer Historical researches: Joël Maynard
Proofreaders: Hans Korting, Mark Greenwald