CB III-Viii Portion Ye 23-24

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Yearly Examination Portion (2023-24)


Std. III [40m] Std. IV [40m] Std. V [40m]

Unseen Comprehension Unseen Comprehension Unseen Comprehension

Writing: Writing: Writing:

1. Picture Composition 1. Story Writing 1. Story Writing

2. Story Writing Grammar: Grammar:

Grammar: 1. Prepositions 1. Prepositions

1. Adverbs 2. Conjunctions 2. Conjunctions

2. Prepositions 3. Subject and Predicate 3. Sentences

3. Conjunctions 4. Subject Verb Agreement 4. Subject Verb Agreement

Prose: 5. Punctuation 5. Punctuation

1. Raza Meets the Emperor Prose: Prose:

2. The Four Musicians of Bremen 1. An Adventure of Sindbad 1. Anne of Green Gables

Poetry: 2. The Hand of God 2. Time to Play … Online or Offline?

1. The Old Brown Horse Poetry: Poetry:

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Yearly Examination Portion (2023-24)

Symphonics: 1. My Shadow 1. The Pedlar’s Caravan

1. More Silent Letters

2. ti, si, ci

Std. VI [60m] Std. VII [60m] Std. VIII [80m]

Unseen Comprehension Unseen Comprehension Unseen Comprehension

Writing: Writing: Writing:

1. Descriptive Writing 1. Descriptive Writing 1. Descriptive Writing

2. Article Writing 2. Article Writing 2. Article Writing

3. Story Writing 3. Story Writing 3. Story Writing

4. Letter Writing (Formal/Informal) 4. Letter Writing (Formal/Informal) 4. Letter Writing (Formal/Informal)

Grammar: Grammar: Grammar:

1. Punctuation 1. Conjunctions 1. Conjunctions

2. Transformation of sentences 2. Preposition 2. Preposition

3. Direct and Indirect speech 3. Sentences 3. Sentences and Phrases

4. Active and Passive voice 4. Phrases and Clauses 4. Clauses

5. Finite verbs 5. Punctuation 5. Punctuation

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Yearly Examination Portion (2023-24)

6. Conjunctions 6. Transformation of sentences 6. Transformation of sentences

7. Prepositions 7. Direct and Indirect speech 7. Direct and Indirect speech

8. Phrases and Clauses 8. Active and Passive voice 8. Active and Passive voice

Prose: Prose: 9. Tenses

1. The Loaves 1. The Blue Carbuncle 10. Subject Verb Agreement

2. Physical or Virtual Games 2. One Thousand Dollars Prose:

3. Ubuntu: An African Concept of 3. The Real Friends 1. Dusk

Poetry: 2. The Mystery of the Cyber Friend
1. The Village Blacksmith 3. The Story of William Kamkwamba
1. Palanquin Bearers
2. The Charge of the Light Brigade 4. Where Love Is, God Is
2. Zebra Questions
3. Ozymandias Poetry:
3. The Windmill
Supplementary Reader: 1. The Man He Killed
Supplementary Reader:
1. The Meeting 2. When Great Trees Fall
1. Man of the Island
2. The Bet 3. The Unicorn
2. A Handful of Clay
4. The Inchcape Rock

Supplementary Reader:

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Yearly Examination Portion (2023-24)

1. The Lady or the Tiger?

2. The Convict

3. The Luncheon


Std. III [40m] Std. IV [40m] Std. V [40m]

पाठ पाठ पाठ

1. मेरे देश की इमारतें 1. अकबर-बीरबल 1. सच्चा तीर्थयात्री

कविता कविता कविता

1. हम नन्हे नन्हे बच्चे हैं 1. होली 1. जिंदगी कै से चलेगी

व्याकरण व्याकरण व्याकरण

1. विलोम शब्द 1. काल 1. काल
2. क्रिया 2. अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द 2. अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द
3. अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द 3. अशुद्धि-शोधन 3. अशुद्धि-शोधन
4. अशुद्धि-शोधन 4. विराम-चिह्न 4. विशेषण
जानकारी जानकारी जानकारी
1. गिनती २१ से ४० तक (शब्दों तथा अंकों में) 1. गिनती ४१ से ६० तक (शब्दों तथा अंकों में) 1. गिनती ६१ से १०० तक (शब्दों तथा अंकों में)

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Yearly Examination Portion (2023-24)

रचना रचना रचना

1. पत्र-लेखन 1. अपठित गद्यांश 1. अपठित गद्यांश
2. कहानी-लेखन 2. चित्र पर आधारित रचना 2. कहानी-लेखन

Std. VI [60m] Std. VII [60m] Std. VIII [80m]

पाठ पाठ पाठ

1. कौशल 1. पनडुब्बा जहाज 1. डॉ. ए. पी. जे. अब्दुल कलाम
2. नीलकं ठ 2. वंशज दान 2. बूढ़ी काकी
3. भाप की ताकत 3. छोटा जादूगर 3. क्या निराश हुआ जाए

कविता कविता कविता

1. कोशिश करने वालों की हार नहीं होती 1. रहीम के दोहे 1. तुम हमारी चोटियों की बर्फ को मत यूँ कु रेदो
2. सूरदास के पद
व्याकरण व्याकरण
3. फू ल और काँटे
1. क्रिया 1. काल
2. काल 2. अव्यय
3. अशुद्धि-शोधन 3. विराम-चिह्न 1. क्रिया
4. मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ 4. मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ 2. काल
5. कारक/परसर्ग 5. कारक 3. अव्यय
6. सर्वनाम 6. सर्वनाम 4. अशुद्धि-शोधन
7. विशेषण 7. विशेषण 5. मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ
6. कारक / परसर्ग
रचना रचना
7. सर्वनाम
1. अपठित गद्यांश 1. अपठित गद्यांश 8. विशेषण

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Yearly Examination Portion (2023-24)

2. कहानी-लेखन 2. कहानी-लेखन 9. वाक्य-विचार

3. संवाद-लेखन 3. सूचना-लेखन 10. संधि
4. पत्र-लेखन (औपचारिक/अनौपचारिक)
4. पत्र-लेखन (औपचारिक/अनौपचारिक) रचना
5. विज्ञापन-लेखन
1. अपठित गद्यांश
2. कहानी-लेखन
3. सूचना-लेखन
4. पत्र-लेखन (औपचारिक/अनौपचारिक)
5. विज्ञापन-लेखन
1. सब जीवों का मोल समान
2. इंद्रधनुष


Std. III [40m] Std. IV [40m] Std. V [40m]

1. Ch. 11: Pattern and Symmetry 1. Ch. 8: Time 1. Ch. 12: Patterns and Symmetry

2. Ch. 7: Measurement 2. Ch. 9: Money 2. Ch. 9: Time

3. Ch. 9: Money 3. Ch. 12: Perimeter and Area 3. Ch. 10: Money

4. Ch. 12: Data Handling 4. Ch. 13: Data Handling 4. Ch. 13: Perimeter, Area and Volume

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Yearly Examination Portion (2023-24)

5. Ch. 14: Data Handling

Std. VI [60m] Std. VII [60m] Std. VIII [80m]

1. Ch. 6 : Decimals 1. Ch. 6: Linear Equations 1. Ch. 6: Algebraic Expressions and

2. Ch. 11: Understanding Elementary 2. Ch. 8: Percentage and Its Applications
Shapes 2. Ch. 12: Understanding quadrilaterals
3. Ch. 13: Perimeter and Area
3. Ch. 9 : Ratio, Proportion and Unitary 3. Ch. 15: Perimeter and Area
4. Ch. 14: Symmetry
4. Ch. 9: Percentage and its Applications
5. Ch. 15: Visualising Solid Shapes
4. Ch. 14: Perimeter and Area
5. Ch. 10 : Compound Interest
6. Ch. 16: Data Handling
5. Ch. 15: Data Handling
6. Ch. 11: Direct and Inverse Proportions

7. Ch. 16: Surface Area and Volume

8. Ch. 17: Data Handling

9. Ch. 18: Introduction to Graphs


Std. III [40m] Std. IV [40m] Std. V [40m]

1. Ch. 14: Movements of the Earth 1. Ch. 11: Air, Water and Weather 1. Ch.9: Force, Work and Energy

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Yearly Examination Portion (2023-24)

2. Ch. 13: Maps and Globes 2. Ch.1: Food and Digestion 2. Ch.5: Skeletal System

3. Ch. 22: Games We Play 3. Ch. 17: Agriculture in India 3. Ch.6: Nervous System

4. Ch. 9: Creepy Crawlies 4. Ch. 9: Force, Work and Energy 4. Ch.11: Simple Machines

5. Ch. 21: Care and Compassion 5. Ch. 20: India – Symbols and Emblem 5. Ch.17: The British Rule in India


Std. VI [60m] Std. VII [60m] Std. VIII [80m]

1. Ch. 8: Body Movements 1. Ch. 4: Heat and its transfer 1. Ch. 5: Coal and Petroleum

2. Ch. 9: Living Organisms and Their 2. Ch. 11: Reproduction in Plants 2. Ch. 6: Combustion and Flame
surroundings - [A] Things around us
3. Ch. 15: Electricity and Its Effect 3. Ch. 9: Reproduction in Animals
3. Ch. 9: Living Organisms and Their
4. Ch. 17: Forests: Our lifeline 4. Ch. 10: Adolescence
surroundings - [B] Habitat and
Adaptation 5. Ch. 14: Light 5. Ch. 11: Force and Pressure

4. Ch.12: Electricity and Circuits 6. Ch. 18: Wastewater story 6. Ch. 13: Sound

5. Ch.14: Air around Us 7. Ch. 16: Light

6. Ch.13: Magnetism

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Yearly Examination Portion (2023-24)

Std. VI [60m] Std. VII [60m] Std. VIII [80m]

1. History: Ch. 7 Jainism and Buddhism 1. History: Ch. 6: India After the Mughals 1. Geography: Ch. 6: Agriculture

2. History: Ch. 8 The Rise and the Decline 2. History: Ch. 8: Tribes and Tribal 2. Civics: Ch. 15. The Union Executive
of the Mauryan Empire Societies
3. History: Ch. 8. Indian Renaissance
3. History: Ch. 9: The Deccan and the 3. History: Ch. 9: Religious Movements in
4. Geography: Ch. 7: Industries
South Indian Kingdoms Medieval Period
5. Civics: Ch. 16. The Indian Judiciary
4. History: Ch. 10: India and the World 4. History: Ch. 10: Magnum Opus of
Medieval India 6. Geography: Ch. 8: Human Resources
5. History: Ch. 11: The Rise and the
Decline of the Guptas 5. Geography: Ch. 11: Tropical and Sub- 7. History: Ch. 9. Struggle For India’s
Tropical Regions Independence
6. Civics: Ch. 18 District Administration
6. Geography Ch. 12: Life in The Desert
7. Civics: Ch. 19: Municipal
7. Civics: Ch. 18: Indian Markets
8. Geography: Ch. 7: India-Location and
Physical Features 8. Civics: Ch. 19: Indian Markets and its


Std. III [30m] Std. IV [30m] Std. V [30m]

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Yearly Examination Portion (2023-24)

1. Ch. 5: Stepwise Thinking 1. Ch. 3: Desktop Management 1. Ch. 5: Special Effects in OpenOffice
2. Ch. 6: Introduction to Scratch 2. Ch. 6: Animating Sprites in Scratch
2. Ch. 7: Advanced Scripts in Scratch

Std. VI [30m] Std. VII [30m] Std. VIII [30m]

1. Ch. 4: Introduction to HTML 1. Ch. 4: More on HTML 1. Ch. 8: Python: Lists, Loops and
2. Ch. 6: More Features of Scratch 2. Ch. 8: Python: Conditional Statements
2. Ch. 5: Layers in GIMP
3. Ch. 7: Introduction to Python 3. Ch. 5: Image Editing in GIMP
3. Ch. 7: App Development


Std. III [30m] Std. IV [30m] Std. V [30m]

25 शाळेतील एक दिवस 25 संगणक (कविता)- बबन शिंदे 22 वाचूया, लिहूया

26 इलाच्या घरी 26 आमचे चुकले 23 प्रामाणिक इस्त्रीवाला
27 भिंगरी ( कविता ) 27 धाडसी झुगी 24 ऐका, पहा, करा.
28 मुळाक्षरे 28 प्रश्न (कविता)- प्रभा मुळे
25 मालतीची चतुराई
29 बाराखडी 29 मी सगळ्या भाज्या खाणार!
26 पतंग (कविता)
30 लिहूया, वाचूया 30 खुर्ची आणि स्कू ल (कविता)- विंदा करंदीकर
27 महर्षी विठ्ठल रामजी शिंदे
31 शब्द बाग - 3 31 आपलं वाचनालय
28 फु लपाखरू आणि मधमाशी
32 आमची सहल

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Yearly Examination Portion (2023-24)

Std. VI [30m] Std. VII [30m] Std. VIII [40m]

9 घर (कविता) 8 शब्दांचे घर 8 गिर्यारोहणाचा अनुभव ( पाठ )

10 बाबांचं पत्र 9 वाचनाचे वेड 9 झुळूक ( कविता )
11 मिनूचा जलप्रवास 10 पंडिता रमाबाई 10 आम्ही हवे आहोत का ? ( पाठ )
12 चंद्रावरची शाळा (कविता) 11 लेक 11 जीवन गाणे ( कविता )

13 मोठी आई 12 रोजनिशी 12 शब्दकोश ( स्थूलवाचन )

14 अप्पाजींचे चातुर्य 13 अदलाबदल 13 संतवाणी

15 होळी आली होळी कविता व्याकरण -

14 संतवाणी
16 मुक्या प्राण्यांची कै फियत व्याकरण 1 लिंग, वचन
17 पाणपोई 2 म्हणी
1 जाहिरात वाचन
3 जाहिरात लेखन
2 उभयान्वयी अव्यये
1 शब्दांचे लिंग ओळखा 4 संवादलेखन
3 के वलप्रयोगी अव्यये
2 नाम व विशेषण 5 सुचनालेखन
4 शुद्धलेखनाचे नियम
3 विरामचिन्हे 6 निबंधलेखन
5 निबंधलेखन
6 कथालेखन

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