CB Ix-X Portion Pt3!24!25

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Periodic Test 3 Portion (2024-25)

Std. IX [80 marks] Std. X [80 marks]
Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension
1. Discursive passage 1. Discursive passage
2. Case-based factual passage 2. Case-based factual passage
Writing: Writing:
1. Descriptive Writing 1. Letter of complaints and inquiry
2. Diary Writing 2. Letter for placing and order
3. Story Writing 3. Analytical Paragraph
Grammar: Grammar:
1. Determiners 1. Determiners
2. Tenses 2. Tenses
3. Modals 3. Modals
4. Subject Verb Concord 4. Subject - Verb Concord
5. Reported Speech 5. Reported Speech
(statement/question/ (statements/commands/request/
command/request) questions)
Prose: Prose:
1. The Fun They Had 1. A Letter to God
2. The Sound of Music 2. Nelson Mandela - Long Road to
3. The Little Girl Freedom
4. A Truly Beautiful Mind 3. Two Stories about Flying
5. The Snake and the Mirror 4. From the Diary of Anne Frank
6. My Childhood 5. Glimpses of India
7. Reach for the Top 6. Mijbil the Otter
Poetry: 7. Madam Rides the Bus
1. The Road Not Taken Poetry:
2. Wind 1. Dust of Snow
3. Rain on the Roof 2. Fire and Ice
4. The Lake Isle of Innisfree 3. A Tiger in the Zoo
5. A Legend of the Northland 4. How to Tell Wild Animals
6. No Men Are Foreign 5. The Ball Poem
Supplementary Reader: 6. Amanda!
1. The Lost Child 7. The Trees
2. The Adventures of Toto Supplementary Reader:
3. Iswaran the Storyteller 1. A Triumph of Surgery
4. In the Kingdom of Fools 2. The Thief’s Story
5. The Happy Prince 3. the Midnight Visitor
6. The Last Leaf 4. A Question of Trust
5. Footprints Without Feet

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Periodic Test 3 Portion (2024-25)
6. The Making of a Scientist
7. The Necklace

Std. IX [80 marks] Std. X [80 marks]
स्पर्शः गद्य भाग १ स्पर्शः गद्य भाग २
1. दु ख का अधिकार 1. बडे भाई साहब
2. एवरे स्टः मेरी धिखर यात्रा 2. डायरी का एक पन्ना
3. तुम कब जाओगे, अधतधि 3. ततााँ रा-वामीरो किा
4. वैज्ञाधिक चेतिा के वाहक चंद्रिेखर वेंकट 4. तीसरी कसम के धिल्पकार िैलेंद्र
रामि् 5. अब कहााँ दू सरे के दु ख से दु खी होिे वाले
स्पर्शः पद्य भाग १ 6. पतझर में टू टी पधियााँ (धगन्नी का सोिा, झेि
1. रै दास के पद की दे ि)
2. रहीम के दोहे स्पर्शः पद्य भाग २
3. गीत-अगीत 1. साखी
4. अधिपि 2. पद
संचयन १ 3. मिुष्यता
1. धगल्लू 4. पवगत प्रदे ि में पावस
2. स्मृधत 5. तोप
3. कल्लू कुम्हार की उिाकोटी 6. कर चले हम ध़िदा
व्याकरण संचयन २
1. िब्द और पद 1. हररहर काका
2. अिुस्वार, अिुिाधसक 2. सपिों के-से धदि
3. उपसगग और प्रत्यय 3. टोपी िुक्ला
4. स्वर संधि व्याकरण
5. धवराम-धचह्न 1. पदबंि
6. अिग की दृधि से वाक्य भेद 2. रचिा के आिार पर वाक्य रूपां तरर्
लेखन व अपठित बोध 3. समास
1. अपधित गद्ां ि 4. मुहावरे
2. अिुच्छेद लेखि लेखन व अपठित बोध
3. पत्र लेखि- अिौपचाररक 1. अपधित गद्ां ि
4. संवाद लेखि 2. अिुच्छेद लेखि
5. धचत्र-वर्गि 3. पत्र लेखि- औपचाररक
4. सूचिा लेखि
5. धवज्ञापि लेखि
6. लघुकिा लेखि
7. औपचाररक ई-मेल लेखि


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Periodic Test 3 Portion (2024-25)
Std. IX [80 marks] Std. X [80 marks]
1. Ch. 1: Number Systems 1. Ch. 1: Real Numbers
2. Ch. 2: Polynomials 2. Ch. 2: Polynomials
3. Ch. 3: Coordinate geometry 3. Ch. 3: Pair of Linear Equations in Two
4. Ch. 4: Linear equations in two Variables
variables 4. Ch. 6: Triangles
5. Ch. 5: Introduction to Euclid's 5. Ch. 4: Quadratic Equations
Geometry 6. Ch. 8: Introduction to Trigonometry
6. Ch. 6: Lines and Angles 7. Ch. 9: Some Applications of
7. Ch. 7: Triangles Trigonometry
8. Ch. 8: Quadrilaterals 8. Ch. 5: Arithmetic Progressions
9. Ch. 9: Circles 9. Ch. 10: Circles
10. Ch. 11: Areas Related to Circles
11. Ch. 7: Co-ordinate Geometry

Std. IX [80 marks] Std. X [80 marks]
1. Ch. 5: Fundamental Unit of Life 1. Ch. 1: Chemical Reactions and
[Topics that will be assessed: Cell as Equations
a basic unit of life; prokaryotic and [Topics that will be assessed:
eukaryotic cells, multicellular Chemical equation, Balanced
organisms; cell membrane and cell chemical equation, implications of a
wall, cell organelles and cell balanced chemical equation, types of
inclusions; chloroplast, mitochondria, chemical reactions: combination,
vacuoles, endoplasmic reticulum, decomposition, displacement,
Golgi apparatus; nucleus, double displacement, precipitation,
chromosomes - basic structure, endothermic exothermic reactions,
number.] oxidation and reduction.]
2. Ch. 7: Motion 2. Ch. 5: Life Processes
[Topics that will be assessed: [Topics that will be assessed: ‘Living
Distance and displacement, velocity; Being’. Basic concept of nutrition,
uniform and non-uniform motion respiration, transport and excretion
along a straight line; acceleration, in plants and animals.]
distance-time and velocity-time 3. Ch. 9: Light - Reflection and
graphs for uniform motion and Refraction
uniformly accelerated motion, [Topics that will be assessed:
elementary idea of uniform circular Reflection of light by curved
motion.] surfaces; Images formed by spherical
3. Ch. 1: Matter in Our Surroundings mirrors, centre of curvature, principal
axis, principal focus, focal length,

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Periodic Test 3 Portion (2024-25)
[Topics that will be assessed: mirror formula (Derivation not
Definition of matter; solid, liquid and required), magnification. Refraction;
gas; characteristics - shape, volume, Laws of refraction, refractive index.
density; change of state melting Refraction of light by spherical lens;
(absorption of heat), freezing, Image formed by spherical lenses;
evaporation (cooling by Lens formula (Derivation not
evaporation), condensation, required); Magnification. Power of a
sublimation.] lens, applications of spherical mirrors
4. Ch. 2: Is Matter Around Us Pure? and lenses]
[Topics that will be assessed: 4. Ch. 2: Acids, Bases and Salts
Elements, compounds and mixtures. [Topics that will be assessed: Their
Heterogeneous and homogeneous definitions in terms of furnishing of
mixtures, colloids and suspensions. H+ and OH– ions, General
Physical and chemical changes] properties, examples and uses,
5. Ch. 8: Force and Laws of Motion neutralization, concept of pH scale
[Topics that will be assessed: Force (Definition relating to logarithm not
and Motion, Newton’s Laws of required), importance of pH in
Motion, Action and Reaction forces, everyday life; preparation and uses
Inertia of a body, Inertia and mass, of Sodium Hydroxide, Bleaching
Momentum, Force and Acceleration.] powder, Baking soda, Washing soda
6. Ch. 6: Tissues and Plaster of Paris.]
[Structure and functions of animal 5. Ch. 6: Control and Coordination
and plant tissues (only four types of [Topics that will be assessed: Tropic
tissues in animals; Meristematic and movements in plants; Introduction of
Permanent tissues in plants).] plant hormones; Control and co-
7. Ch. 3: Atoms and Molecules ordination in animals: Nervous
[Topics that will be assessed: Atoms system; Voluntary, involuntary and
and molecules, Law of Chemical reflex action; Chemical co-
Combination, Chemical formula of ordination: animal hormones.]
common compounds, Atomic and 6. Ch. 10: The Human Eye and the
molecular masses.] Colourful World
8. Ch. 9: Gravitation [Topics that will be assessed:
[Topics that will be assessed: Functioning of a lens in human eye,
Gravitation; Universal Law of defects of vision and their
Gravitation, Force of Gravitation of corrections.
the earth (gravity), Acceleration due Refraction of light through a prism,
to Gravity; Mass and Weight; Free dispersion of light, scattering of
fall. Floatation: Thrust and Pressure. light, applications in daily life
Archimedes’ Principle; Buoyancy.] (excluding colour of the sun at
sunrise and sunset).]

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Periodic Test 3 Portion (2024-25)
9. Ch.12: Improvement in Food 7. Ch. 3: Metals and Non – metals
Resources [Topics that will be assessed:
[Topics that will be assessed: Plant Properties of metals and non-metals;
and animal breeding and selection Reactivity series; Formation and
for quality improvement and properties of ionic compounds; Basic
management; use of fertilizers and metallurgical processes; Corrosion
manures; Protection from pests and and its prevention.]
diseases; Organic farming]. 8. Ch. 7: How do Organisms
[Topics that will be assessed:
Reproduction in animals and plants
(asexual and sexual) reproductive
health - need and methods of family
planning. Safe sex vs HIV/AIDS. Child
bearing and women’s health.]
9. Ch. 11: Electricity
[Topics that will be assessed: Electric
current, potential difference and
electric current. Ohm’s law;
Resistance, Resistivity, Factors on
which the resistance of a conductor
depends. Series combination of
resistors, parallel combination of
resistors and its applications in daily
life. Heating effect of electric current
and its applications in daily life.
Electric power, Interrelation between
P, V, I and R.]

Std. IX [80 marks] Std. X [80 marks]
1. Political Science: Electoral Politics 1. Political Science: Ch.3: Gender,
2. Economics: Poverty as a Challenge Religion and Caste
3. Geography: Climate 2. Economics: Ch.3: Money and Credit
4. Political Science: Working of 3. History: Ch.4: The Age of
Institutions Industrialisation (To be assessed as
5. History: Pastoralists in the Modern part of Periodic Assessments only)
World (To be assessed as part of 4. Geography: Ch.4: Agriculture
Periodic Assessment only) 5. Political Science: Ch.4: Political

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Periodic Test 3 Portion (2024-25)
6. Geography: Physical Features of 6. Geography: Ch.2: Forest and
India Wildlife Resources
7. Political Science: Constitutional 7. Political Science: Ch.2: Federalism
Design 8. Economics: Ch.2: Sectors of the
8. Economics: People as Resource Indian Economy
9. History: Nazism and the Rise of 9. History: Ch.3: The Making of a
Hitler Global World (To be Evaluated in the
10. Geography: Drainage Board Examination:
11. History: The French Revolution Subtopics:1 to 1.3 Pre modern
12. Geography: India - Size and world to Conquest, Disease and
Location Trade)
13. Political Science: What is 10. Geography: Ch.3: Water Resources
Democracy? Why Democracy? 11. History: Ch.1: The Rise of
14. History: Socialism in Europe and the Nationalism in Europe
Russian Revolution 12. Geography: Ch.1: Resources and
13. Political Science: Ch.1: Power
14. Economics: Ch.1: Development
15. History: Ch.2: Nationalism in India

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