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RIBS FileTrac Training Manual

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Table Of Contents

Status/Diary Defini ons Pgs. 3‐4

Ge ng Acquainted with the Alerts Page in FileTrac Pgs. 5‐7
Accep ng an Assignment Pg. 8
How to view documents in a file Pgs. 9‐11
Crea ng your signature Pgs. 12‐13
Crea ng reminders Pgs. 14‐15
How to send an email – Without a achment/Nota ng a file Pg. 16
How to send an email – With a achments Pgs. 17‐19
How to create/edit clippings Pgs. 20‐21
How to create a revised invoice Pgs. 22‐24
How to create an a orney invoice Pgs. 25‐26
How to create a 10‐Day Demand Pgs. 27‐29
How to create a Balance Due Le er Pgs. 30‐32
How to create a Pre‐suit Checklist Pg. 33
How to Bundle Photos Pgs. 34‐35
How to Bundle Documents Pgs. 36‐37
How to Separate Docs Pgs. 38‐40
How to Upload Docs Pgs. 41‐44
How to Upload Media Files – Uploading Photos Pgs. 45‐
How to send a file to Submissions Pg. 49

Status/Diary DefiniƟons:

There are several status op ons in FileTrac that you will need to be familiar with
and used accordingly:

New Assignment – Exactly what it says

AOB Sent – Pending Client Docs — Sent Assignment of Benefits to the carrier but we
are s ll wai ng for docs to complete

First Review – First follow up with the carrier a er sending the AOB

Packet SubmiƩed – Submi ed final packet to the carrier

Under Review – Status changed at 5 days for con nued follow up

Pending Client DocumentaƟon – A new file has been entered into file trac but no docs
have been uploaded at that me. Follow ups to client require you to request the
docs we need.

EsƟmate to be WriƩen – Received all the required documents from the client to
compose the es mate.

EsƟmate – Client Review – Wai ng on the client to review, approve or provide changes

EsƟmate – Client Approved – Client has approved the es mate and the packet needs

SeƩled AwaiƟng Payment – Once an agreement is obtained

Undisputed Payment Issued – Adjuster paying undisputed

Client Received Payment – Once the client has confirmed they received a payment

Status/Diary DefiniƟons: (conƟnued)

Denial – If you receive confirma on that a claim has been denied.

SubmiƩed for LiƟgaƟon – If a file has been turned over to an a orney for handling

LiƟgaƟon Follow Up – Con nued follow up with a orney

Appraisal – If a file has gone into appraisal

Closed – File complete and invoiced—ONLY USED BY ADMIN STAFF


Ge ng Acquainted with the Alerts Page in FileTrac:

1. Every day when you log into your Filetrac, click on your “CLAIM OVERDUE” link on the le hand side.
Doing so will show you any files that you missed the day before and the files due today.

2. FileTrac also offers monthly webinars for new billers—Pay a en on to your Alerts and a end every
few months as new features are added o en.

3. Click on the FileTrac reminders link on the le hand side of the page to double check you have not
missed anything important for the day.

4. You can work your files right from your Alerts page.
5. Click the blue file# to open a file.

6. This brings you to your manage claims screen to mange your claim where you can
1. View documents by clicking on the EYE
2. Access your Diary Notes screen to see what is going on with your file.
3. Create a revised invoice, bundle docs, upload docs, change the status, etc.

Accep ng an Assignment: When required to “accept a new assignment”

1. Click on the File # just above the words ***CLICK TO ACCEPT***

2. Scroll to the bo om to Accept this file

3. Click the Accept Assignment bu on


How to view documents in a file:

1. From you manage claims tab, you screen should look like the image below.

2. For a quick glance, you can hover over the EYE on the le side of the screen and all
the docs uploaded to the file will show.

3. To open the file and view all docs, click on the EYE.
4. To view individual docs within the file, click on the EYE to the right of the document you
want to view.

5. When you click on the EYE, your screen will look like the one below.
6. If you wanted to view another document, click the yellow drop down bar and select
another file.

7. When you are finished viewing files, click on the Manage This claim to return to the previous

Crea ng your signature:

1. Click on Diary Notes

Your Diary Notes box will open that looks like this (see below)
2. Click on the pencil and pad image next to Insert Signature

3. Input what you want for your signature

4. Click update Signature

Crea ng Reminders:
1. Click on Diary Notes

Your Diary Notes box will open that looks like this (see below)
2. Type in a short note why you need a reminder (i.e send 10 day demand, send to a orney, etc.)
3. Click check box next to remind me…
4. Click on calendar box and select date you want the reminder to appear
5. Change the me to reflect what me of day you want to be reminded
6. Click save comment and close window

7. Next, click on your Alerts tab on the top le of your screen

8. Your reminder will appear on your alerts page on the date and me you previously selected
You can also click on the FileTrac reminders link on the le hand side of the page to double
check you have not missed anything important for the day.

How to send an email (2 ways) Without an a achment (good for inter‐office messaging,
emailing adjusters a quick status update, also used to notate a file )
1. Click on Diary Notes

A new dialog box will open that looks like this (see below)
2. Type in your email message in the sec on that says “Enter your diary note here”
3. Click the box in front of visible to client
4. Click the box in front of Send Email/Text Message
5. For interoffice emails choose recipient.
6. For out of office emails check the box at the bo om Email this address and enter
the email address you wish to send to.
7. Click the big orange bu on—Save Comment.
8. Click the CLOSE PAGE bu on at the top right of the screen to close window.

How to send an email with an a achment (Good for sending docs/ photos
to the carrier, a orneys, etc.)
1. Click on the @ symbol next to the File #

2. The Email to: field will ALWAYS auto populate to the client’s email of the file you are
working—You will almost ALWAYS remove this email address.
3. Type in your message in the Body sec on

3. Scroll down to find the file(s) you want to a ach—Click in the box beside each file to select.
4. Check the box behind Mark High Priority
5. Check the box behind Request Read Receipt
6. Click Send Email

7. Because we are completely transparent to our clients: No ce your email is not visible to client
1. we must go back into the diary notes,
2. copy the email we just sent out

3. paste into the note box

4. make visible to client
5. save comment.

6. Now your client can see you have sent the email to the carrier, a orney, etc.

How to create/edit clippings — Phrases or messages you send o en

1. Go to your Diary Notes page (looks like below)

2. Click on the drop down box marked My Clippings

2. Click Add/Edit Clippings


3. Enter the name/ tle of your Clipping (i.e. Final Submission, Se led Email, AOB Submission, etc.)
4. Enter Clipping Text ‐ (i.e. Please bundle and submit. Thank You).

3. To Edit a Clipping — Scroll down and find the clipping you want to change
4. Click Edit on the le ‐ Change your wording or correct spelling errors for that clipping
5. Click on SAVE

How to Create a Revised Invoice

1. From the Manage Claims (screen from the file you are working in — looks like below)
2. Click on the word contacts below the insured’s name

3. Click the first drop down box “Select Category” ‐ Select Revised Invoice
4. Click the second drop down box “Select Template” ‐ Select Invoice

5. In the first box, type Insurance Company Name (i.e. Universal Property)
6. In the second box, type Amount Billed (i.e 3,789.65)
7. In the third box, type Amount Due (i.e. 3,789.65) Some mes these amounts will be different
8. Click box on the bo om le marked “Produce Le er PDF”

9. To view the document you just created, Click “View” and your document will pop‐up in a new window
Note: This new document will automa cally save in the file you are working in.

10. You will no ce this form will pull everything about your client, insured, invoice #, today’s date, etc. for
the file you are working in. When you are finished viewing close window.

11. To return to work in the file you were working in, click on the blue link MANAGE THIS CLAIM

How to Create an A orney Invoice

1. From the Manage Claims (screen from the file you are working in — looks like below)
2. Click on the word contacts below the insured’s name

3. Click the first drop down box “Select Category” ‐ Select RIBS A orney Invoices
4. Click the second drop down box “Select Template” ‐ Select the A orney you are trying to create an in‐
voice for:
5. Click box on the bo om le marked “Produce Le er PDF”

11. To return to work in the file you were working in, click on the blue link MANAGE THIS CLAIM

How to Create a 10 ‐ Day Demand

1. From the Manage Claims (screen from the file you are working in — looks like below)
2. Click on the word contacts below the insured’s name

3. Click the first drop down box “Select Category” ‐ 10 day demand
4. Click the second drop down box “Select Template” ‐ Choose either the water, bio‐hazard, rebuild, or 10
day demand to insured template

5. In the first box, type Insurance Company Name (i.e. Universal Property)
6. In the second box, type Amount Billed (i.e 3,789.65)
7. In the third box, type Amount Due (i.e. 3,789.65)
8. Click box on the bo om le marked “Produce Le er PDF”

9. To view the document you just created, Click “View” and your document will pop‐up in a new window
Note: This new document will automa cally save in the file you are working in.

11. To return to work in the file you were working in, click on the blue link MANAGE THIS CLAIM

How to create a Balance Due Le er

1. From the Manage Claims (screen from the file you are working in — looks like below)
2. Click on the word contacts below the insured’s name

3. Click the first drop down box “Select Category” ‐ Balance Due
4. Click the second drop down box “Select Template” ‐ Choose either the water, bio‐hazard, rebuild, or
mold template (depends on what type of file you are working — Select accordingly).

5. In the first box, type Insurance Company Name (i.e. Universal Property)
6. In the second box, type Amount Issued—the amount the carrier has already paid
7. In the third box, type Invoiced Amount (i.e 3,789.65) ‐ the amount of the total invoice
8. In the forth box, type Balance Due (i.e. 1,789.65) These amounts will be different (i.e. If the carrier made
a par al payment you would subtract that amount from the total invoiced amount = balance due.
9. Click box on the bo om le marked “Produce Le er PDF”

9. To view the document you just created, Click “View” and your document will pop‐up in a new window
Note: This new document will automa cally save in the file you are working in.

11. To return to work in the file you were working in, click on the blue link MANAGE THIS CLAIM

How to create a Pre‐suit Checklist

1. From the Manage Claims (screen from the file you are working in — looks like below)
2. Click on the word contacts below the insured’s name

3. Click the first drop down box “Select Category” ‐ Pre‐suit Checklist
4. Click the second drop down box “Select Template” ‐ Choose either Unpaid Balance Due, Appraisal
demand, or Denial template (depends on what type of file you are working — Select accordingly).

How to Bundle Photos

1. From the Manage Claims screen (from the file you are working in — looks like below)
2. Click on the Bundle Docs Bu on

3. Click the words Go to Photo Bundler


4. Click the top check box (the one in the blue bar) to select all photos
5. Click the bu on at the top right, “Create Bundle PDF”

6. Once you click the “Create Bundle PDF” bu on, FileTrac will automa cally return back to your
document bundler screen (see below).

How to Bundle Documents

1. From the Manage Claims screen (from the file you are working in — looks like below)
2. Click on the Bundle Docs Bu on

3. This screen will allow you to “bundle” mul ple single page documents together in an order of your
4. First rename the bundle you are about to create (i.e. Mi ga on Bundle, Remedia on Bundle, etc).
5. Click and drag each document in the sequence you desire (i.e. invoice, AOB, dry logs, sketch, COC/
COS, final dra , photo bundle).

6. Note that my file name has changed and my docs are in corresponding order.
7. Next, Click each check box of every document you want to include in your bundle.

8. Then click Create bundle in the upper right corner.

9. Once the Bundle has been created, Click the link Return to Claim Overview toward the top right of
you screen.

How to Separate Docs ‐ Some clients will upload all of their documents all together. WE
1. From the Manage Claims screen (from the file you are working in — looks like below).
2. Click on the “Eye” icon on the corresponding line of the document you want to view.

3. Click on the printer icon


4. A new window will open (see below)

5. Pay a en on the print op ons box on the le .

4. A new window will open (see below) Pay a en on the print op ons box on the le .
5. Des na on should show SAVE AS PDF
6. Pages: Change the drop down box from ALL to CUSTOM
7. Select one or 2 pages at a me (i.e. if pages 1‐3 are all the AOB then select pages 1‐3) and click

8. Label your document and save it to your desktop or a folder where you can easily find it.—Click SAVE

9. Repeat these steps un l all pages are separated, labeled and saved to your computer.
10. A er all Docs are separated, we want to upload them into your file.

How to Upload Docs

1. From the Manage Claims screen (from the file you are working in — looks like below).

2. Underneath the file number, you will see an UPLOAD link — click on it.

3. You can either click and drag the items from wherever you saved them to, into the peach box labeled
Drag & Drop Files Here

4. Once you Drop all the files into the box, your screen will look like this (see below).
5. Click Upload # Pending File(s)

6. Or you can click the orange + Add Files bu on


7. Select the files you want to upload

8. Click OPEN

9. Click Upload # Pending File(s)


10. You will know your files have uploaded successfully when you see the green Upload Successful

****NOTE: These methods should ONLY be used for uploading docs and

How to Upload Media files—Uploading photos

1. From the Manage Claims screen (from the file you are working in — looks like below).

2. Underneath the file number, you will see an UPLOAD link — click on it.

3. Click on the link with the camera marked Upload Media Files

4. Click the circle next to Add New

5. ALWAYS make sure to check the box in front of photo’s crea on date (otherwise you will have to
change the date for every photo manually before they are uploaded).
6. Click the orange bu on “+ Add Files”

7. Select the photos you want to upload — You can only upload 50 at a me.
8. Click Open

8. Once you have selected the photos you want to upload, scroll all the way to the bo om of the
page and click on the orange box Upload # Pending Files. (FileTrac will tell you how many
photos you are about to upload).

9. As your photos are uploading, your screen will look like below. No ce the green boxes in the
bo om right and the Progress bar on the bo om le .

10. When your photos are done uploading, each file will have an Upload Successful in green on the
le and a green check mark on the right. If some files do not say Upload Successful, repeat
steps and try again.

11. If you have more photos to upload repeat the above steps, If not proceed below.
12. Click on the Manage This Claim link on the bo om of the page to return to the claim you were
working in.
13. Once the photos are uploaded, make sure you bundle the photos before moving forward.

How to Send a File to Submissions:

1. Click on the file # you are wan ng to send to submissions.
2. Scroll toward the bo om to where it says Assign Reviewer.
3. Select Krista Cohen

4. Then scroll all the way to the bo om and click Update Claim

How to Send a File to Submissions: (Cont’d)

1. From Diary Notes screen, select your Clipping tled Submissions Template
2. Amount Received: $3,555.50
3. Original Invoice: 3,804.65
4. Message: Undisputed/ payment for mi ga on
**What you put here will vary depending on what kind of payment has been received. If the Client
received a policy limit of $3000 you would put Undisputed payment for Mi ga on/Mold/
Rebuild, etc. ‐ In the Notes you would put: Do not close
**If the client received full payment or an agreed payment, put payment for Mi ga on, Mold/
Rebuild, etc. ‐ In the Notes you would put: Close
5. Notes: Do not close / CLOSE
6. Check the box in front of Ready for Review
7. Click Save Comment
8. Close Page
9. Change status to ‐ Client Received Payment ** Make sure in approx. 30 ‐45 days your admin staff
closed out the file. If not send a reminder to Krista asking her to look into that file because it had
not been closed yet.

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