Improved Lesson Planning With Universal Design For

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Improved Lesson Planning With Universal Design for Learning


Article in Teacher Education and Special Education The Journal of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children · February 2013
DOI: 10.1177/0888406412446178


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4 authors:

Susan Courey Phyllis Tappe

San Francisco State University San Francisco State University


Jody Siker Pamela Lepage

University of Wisconsin - Parkside San Francisco State University


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Teacher Education and Special
Education: The Journal of the Teacher
Education Division of the Council for
Exceptional Children

Improved Lesson Planning With Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Susan Joan Courey, Phyllis Tappe, Jody Siker and Pam LePage
Teacher Education and Special Education: The Journal of the Teacher Education Division of the
Council for Exceptional Children 2013 36: 7 originally published online 3 August 2012
DOI: 10.1177/0888406412446178

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al.Teacher Education and Special Education
TESXXX10.1177/0888406412446178Courey et

Teacher Education and Special Education

Improved Lesson Planning With

36(1) 7­–27
© 2012 Teacher Education Division of
the Council for Exceptional Children
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Reprints and permission:
DOI: 10.1177/0888406412446178

Susan Joan Courey1, Phyllis Tappe1,

Jody Siker1, and Pam LePage1

Efficient lesson planning with universal design for learning (UDL) enables teachers to more ef-
fectively meet students’ individual needs. In this study, a comparison of lesson plans by teacher
candidates in a teacher preparation program before and after UDL training is presented. After
training, teachers (n = 45) incorporated more differentiated options and varied teacher strate-
gies based on UDL principles into their lesson plans, so that the content was more accessible
to all students. A variety of changes and options was examined, and examples of commonly
occurring choices selected by the teacher candidates were provided. The improved multiplicity
of options in lesson planning demonstrates a better understanding of UDL principles; however,
teachers need more experience in actually implementing the UDL principles in their classrooms.

general special education, instructional practices, teacher learning

Background/Relevance response, and engagement (Smith, Robb, West,

& Tyler, 2010). With the training focusing on
As our education paradigm has shifted to differentiation, co-teaching/coplanning, and
include increased access to the general educa- UDL, general and special education teachers
tion curriculum and inclusion in the same can more effectively accommodate students
standards-based assessments, one method that who learn differently, engage with content
is increasingly used by both special and gen- from different perspectives, and speak English
eral education teachers is to differentiate at varied levels of proficiency.
instruction to enable all students to benefit Many local school districts are focusing on
from instruction in the general education class- more inclusive classroom practices and incor-
room (Van Garderen, Scheuermann, Jackson, porating more collaborative co-teaching mod-
& Hampton, 2009). As our educational service els. These collaborative efforts are based on
delivery models change, our teacher prepara- the idea that each teacher has specific knowl-
tion programs need to focus more on collabora- edge and expertise to address the instructional
tive practices with an emphasis on differenti needs of the class (Van Garderen et al., 2009).
ated instruction and accessible options for
students served in less-restrictive settings 1
San Francisco State University, CA, USA
(Brownell, Sindelar, Kiely, & Danielson, 2010).
Corresponding Author:
To help meet these new challenges, the Higher
Susan Joan Courey, San Francisco State University, 1600
Education Act requires instruction in the uni- Holloway Ave., Burk Hall 156, San Francisco, CA 94132,
versal design for learning (UDL) that provides USA
flexibility in instructional presentation, student E-mail: [email protected]
8 Teacher Education and Special Education 36(1)

Figure 1. Universal design for learning (UDL) principles

Image from The Star Legacy Module: UDL: Creating a Learning Environment That Challenges and Engages All Learners (The
IRIS Center for Training Enhancements, 2009). (Used with permission.)

In essence, credential candidates need more architects who design buildings, products, and
preparation in bringing special education ser- environments for independent use by people
vices into the general education classroom to with a wide range of unique physical and cog-
more fully provide access to the state standards nitive needs. Ron Mace conceived Universal
and the class curriculum. Not only are the needs Design to eliminate the obligation to retrofit
of students with Individualized Educational buildings and products to meet the Americans
Programs (IEPs) addressed through UDL, the With Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility
needs of at-risk, but yet to be identified, stu- requirements. The Center for Universal Design
dents are also addressed (Kloo & Zigmond, at North Carolina State University and the
2008). UDL is an appropriate framework for CAST were instrumental in adapting these
designing lesson plans for increasingly diverse principles of Universal Design for the field of
general education classrooms and supports co- education to better support accessibility for all
teaching through the use of the three principles learners. CAST has developed a UDL frame-
of UDL, advocated by the Center for Applied work (see Figure 2) to emphasize a flexible
Special Technology (CAST), which include curriculum that could be presented in multiple
multiple means of representation, engagement, formats so that the content would be accessible
and action and expression (D. H. Rose & and appropriate for students with diverse back-
Meyer, 2006; D. H. Rose, Meyer, & Hitchcock, grounds, learning styles, and abilities. The
2005). framework is based on the following three
brain-based neural systems involved in learn-
ing: (a) recognition systems that identify pat-
UDL Concepts and terns and objects, (b) strategic systems that tell
Definition us how to do things, and (c) affective systems
The principles of UDL (see Figures 1 and 2) that determine what is important and provide
originated from the guiding principles used by the motivation for learning (CAST, 2011).
Figure 2. Universal design for learning (UDL) guidelines
10 Teacher Education and Special Education 36(1)

UDL advocates for flexible multiple media and teacher might use diverse multiple representa-
tools targeted to these systems (The Access tions of ratio including images, video, and ani-
Center, n.d.). UDL supports effective peda- mations. In addition, questions to activate
gogy that may include curricular materials, students’ prior knowledge of proportional rea-
technologies, and instructional strategies that soning are embedded in the lesson to help stu-
provide numerous means of representation, dents make connections with related and
expression, and engagement (Meyer & Rose, already-mastered concepts. The teacher could
2000). make the connections between math symbols,
representations, and written text more appar-
ent through carefully designed audio, visual,
Universal Design for and interactive demonstrations.
Learning Action and expression can be defined as
In the context of the present study, UDL can be alternative communication methods for stu-
defined as a set of principles and techniques dents to communicate or demonstrate their
for use in the classroom along with the design learning. Rather than using traditional forms
of accessible instructional materials. These of assessment such as written pencil and paper
principles revolve around a variety of alterna- tests, our middle school ratio teacher might
tive ways for students to participate using dif- allow students to demonstrate learning through
ferent modes of representation, action and interviews or by creating representations and
expression, and engagement. As we describe novel story problems. When teachers increase
each mode, consider middle school students the number and variety of participation options
with varied levels of achievement and learning and forms of assessment for students, both
challenges who struggle to understand and teachers and students benefit (The Access
work through ratio word problems. Although Center, n.d.).
the teacher has worked through examples from Engagement involves stimulating students’
the text and has demonstrated appropriate interest and motivation to learn through cre-
algorithms to solve the problems, some stu- ative, hands-on, and meaningful instruction.
dents cannot consistently solve the word prob- A teacher provides multiple means of engage-
lems. By considering the common difficulties ment to recruit students’ interest and sustain
that students with learning challenges encoun- their engagement with content. In our ratio
ter in mathematics, ratio in this case, before example, the teacher may include peer-tutoring
delivering more traditional whole class instruc- activities like revising cooking recipes for
tion, the teacher can utilize UDL principles to varied number of servings and creating a ratio
design a lesson that builds in strategies and table for each number of servings.
scaffolds that benefit all students. Universally designed lesson plans attempt
Representation refers to designing instruc- to meet the needs of all learners at the onset of
tional materials that make content accessible instruction rather than having to retrofit lesson
to the greatest number of diverse learners. For plans that initially fail some learners (Casper &
example, UDL suggests that providing multi- Leuichovius, 2005; CAST, 2009). UDL lesson
ple representations of a concept not only planning makes it possible for students with
enables deeper engagement with that concept wide differences in their abilities, such as see-
but also enables access for a broader range of ing, hearing, speaking, moving, reading,
learners (McGuire, Scott, & Shaw, 2006). In writing, understanding English, paying atten-
planning lessons for diverse learners, aspects tion, organizing, engaging, or remembering, to
of UDL may be embedded through videos, more fully participate in inclusive settings
audio text, and diagrams as a framework to (Burgstahler & Cory, 2008; Casper &
interpret content. This enables teachers to sup- Leuichovius, 2005). The diversified lesson plans
port student access to and engagement with can serve as a framework to inform pedagogy
content across the curriculum. In the middle and also to help teachers meet the challenges
school ratio example mentioned earlier, the of serving a diverse student population by
Courey et al. 11

incorporating flexible instructional materials, teacher must know what he/she expects stu-
techniques, and strategies (CAST, 2009; King- dents to learn before planning for instruc-
Sears, 2009; Samuels, 2007). tional materials, methods, and assessments
After gaining skills in UDL lesson plan- (D. Rose, Meyer, & Edyburn, 2008). Research
ning, our special education teacher candidates question: After participating in a 3-hour
should be ready to take on the roles of co- instructional module on UDL, will candi-
teachers rather than serving in the general dates increase the use of UDL principles in
classroom as assistants or underutilized class- designing lesson plans that incorporate state-
room aides. Their specific skill set can help wide content standards and make instruction
them provide resources and services above more accessible to the diversity of students in
and beyond what the general education the general education classroom?
teacher is offering. For a co-teaching model to
be successful, the special education teacher
brings unique skills to each classroom, focus- Previous Research
ing on core academic skills and alternative We designed our study based on the research
modes of instruction, and helping students conducted by Spooner, Baker, Harris, Ahlgrim-
gain access to the general education content Delzell, and Browder (2007). Spooner et al.
(Brownell, Adams, Sindelar, Waldron, & examined the effects of UDL training on the
Vanhover, 2006; Kloo & Zigmond, 2008). lesson plan designs of special and general edu-
UDL can be a critically important means cation teachers in undergraduate and graduate
for reaching all students through the convey- teacher preparation classroom settings. In two
ance of the curriculum in multiple sensory classes in the special education program and
modalities, flexible groupings, and adjusting two classes in the general education program,
the instructional pace. It can increase the effi- participants were randomly assigned to experi-
cacy of instruction. Without the knowledge mental or control conditions. Participants in the
and ability to increase students’ access to cur- experimental condition of each class were
ricula, many general education teachers do given the UDL training intervention during the
not create a responsive environment designed first hour of class with control participants
to best meet the individual needs of their stu- arriving to class 1 hour later. University instruc-
dents. The UDL framework can serve as the tors administered a 1-hour lecture on the prin-
vehicle to bring together special and general ciples of UDL and discussed various ways to
education teachers in delivering educational include those principles in lesson planning. The
services to all learners in one general educa- intervention culminated with each participant
tion classroom. Finally, as King-Sears (2009) assisting in the creation of a group lesson plan
aptly pointed out, UDL is not inextricably to meet the needs of one contrived case study
intertwined with technology and its use is student with special needs in a general educa-
reliant on effective pedagogy. For example, tion classroom or a student with more severe
in the area of mathematics, a teacher can use disabilities in a special education classroom. In
UDL to mediate a poorly written math text to all four classes, experimental participants used
convey important concepts. Her instruction significantly more UDL principle variations in
may incorporate technology, such as virtual their lesson planning after they received the
manipulatives and interactive diagrams, or 1-hour intervention and outperformed their
she might use real manipulatives or printed peers in the control condition in their posttest
diagrams. Ultimately, the teacher designs gains. They determined that before UDL can
effective instruction for a broad range of have a profound impact on teaching and learn-
learners by combining sound pedagogy with ing, teachers must learn to use it in planning
UDL. Sound pedagogy is the key when instruction for all types of students including
teachers utilize a UDL framework for lesson students with disabilities.
planning because learning objectives must Our case study differs from that of Spooner
always drive the design of instruction. A et al. (2007) in four ways. First, because we
12 Teacher Education and Special Education 36(1)

are preparing our special education teachers to African American, 20% Asian American, 63%
work collaboratively with their general educa- Caucasian, 9% Hispanic, and 2% other. The
tion colleagues, we had different objectives participants’ highest levels of education were
and outcomes for the credential candidates. as follows: 39% completed a bachelor’s
Unlike Spooner et al., we wanted our candi- degree, 27% had some graduate work, 32%
dates to design lesson plans for intact general completed a master’s degree or professional
education classes that included students with degree, and 2% had some advanced graduate
mild to moderate disabilities. Second, we work or a PhD. Teaching experience averaged
recruited only teachers who are preparing to 1.3 years, but most participants had no teach-
work with students with mild to moderate dis- ing experience. The participants were all com-
abilities in an integrated general education set- fortable using computers, with 25% somewhat
ting. So rather than training our teachers to comfortable and 75% very comfortable. All
utilize UDL principles in their own special but one participant used the Internet once or
education classrooms or resource rooms, our more per day.
focus is on bringing the principles into the
general education classroom to benefit all stu-
dents, not just those with disabilities. Third, Setting
instead of writing a lesson plan to address an All participants gave their informed consent
individual student, our candidates write lesson and agreed to allow the researchers to use their
plans that address the needs of all learners, data (three lesson plans) and demographic sur-
including students with IEPs in a general edu- vey for inclusion in this research project.
cation setting. Fourth, since these teachers Because the data collected were part of the
need to be able to train general educators and normal requirements of this class, refusal to
advocate for the use of UDL principles, we participate indicated disallowing individual
trained the teachers with a more intensive, lesson plans to be included in the aggregate
interactive module that they could access data analysis. All candidates enrolled in both
when preparing for their own future trainings. sections agreed to participate for 100% partici-
In this study, we examine how candidates uti- pation. The participants came from two sec-
lize UDL principles to incorporate statewide tions of a course titled Introduction to Mild/
content standards and make instruction more Moderate Disability, each taught by one of the
accessible to the diversity of students in the authors. This class was chosen because one of
general education classroom. the objectives was to teach credential candi-
dates how to differentiate instruction to meet a
wide range of learners. We included UDL and
Method collaboration in the content because many of
Participants the candidates enrolled will be, or are cur-
rently, teachers of record in a classroom and
The participants were 45 graduate students in they needed this content to enhance their prac-
the Mild to Moderate Graduate Level I tice and assure achievement for all students.
Credential Program at an urban university in
northern California. This convenience sample
was working toward special education certifi- Procedure
cation and was enrolled in one of the two sec- Participants in both sections were required to
tions of an introductory special education write a lesson plan at the beginning of the
teacher preparation class taught by two of the semester before the UDL training, directly
authors (Gall, Gall, & Borg, 2007). Participants after the training, and at the end of the semes-
ranged in age from 23 to 53 with a mean age ter. For the first two lesson plans, participants
of 32.9 and were 72% female. The ethnicities were given case study scenarios that described
of these participants were as follows: 5% a general education classroom setting that
Courey et al. 13

included students with learning disabilities. For the third lesson plan, we allowed our can-
Each of the lesson plan scenarios included IEP didates to design their own case study scenario
goals for the students with learning disabilities with hypothetical special education students
in the class and a content standard that must be and authentic California content standards to
addressed in the lesson plan template (see address. In this way, they were able to use their
Appendix A). For the final lesson plan, par- own experiences from real classrooms to make
ticipants were asked to create their own sce- the lesson plan more authentic.
nario in a general education setting. Credential
candidates had received instruction on how to
use our lesson plan template (see Appendix Instrumentation
B), but there was no instruction in UDL at this Candidates enrolled in this course typically
point. The first lesson plan served as a pretest write at least two lesson plans over the course
to determine what the credential candidates of a semester. For this study, we required three
knew about differentiating instruction and lesson plans, one before training, one directly
incorporating principles of UDL without for- after training, and the third one due at the end
mal UDL instruction. The lesson plan tem- of the semester. In this way, we examined
plate that the participants used prompted them acquisition of UDL principles and mainte-
to use multiple options for access in each of nance of those principles at the end of the
the three areas discussed earlier: representa- semester. The lesson plan template created for
tion, action and expression, and engagement. this class was designed to help credential can-
After the first lesson plans were turned in, we didates think through all of the important steps
scheduled the 3-hour UDL training for each in designing a lesson plan for students with a
section. One of the researchers delivered the variety of special needs (see Appendix B). In
3-hour training to each section at the sched- addition to the three aspects of UDL, the tem-
uled time. plate requires candidates to state a learning
The UDL training was composed of a web- objective, connect the objective to a state con-
based training module, Universal Design for tent standard, and describe at least one student
Learning: Creating a Learning Environment with a disability. The teacher candidates were
That Challenges and Engages All Students also prompted to address the specific class-
(The IRIS Center for Training Enhancements, room needs of any individuals with a disability
2009), and guided notes created by the as determined by the IEPs. For the first two
researchers (see Appendix C). The IRIS train- lesson plan assignments, we provided a state
ing module not only presented the principles of content standard and IEP goals for special edu-
UDL but also modeled the UDL principles in cation students included in the class. The tem-
the delivery with embedded videos, closed plate also prompted students to explain their
captioning, and audio. Examples of how to approach to each of the following areas:
overcome typical barriers in the traditional Introduction (attending cue and anticipatory
general education classroom content areas set), Body (procedures, input, modeling,
were also included in the training. As the guided practice, and independent practice),
researcher presented the content, she also mod- Closure, and Evaluation (rubric criteria for
eled UDL by utilizing guided notes to accom- approaching, meeting, and exceeding expecta-
pany the IRIS module. Upon completion of the tions). The lesson plans were scored using the
module, candidates were given the same lesson rubric designed by Spooner et al. (2007). The
plan template to complete a second lesson plan rubric consisted of a 3-point scale and evalu-
based on a hypothetical middle school mathe- ated the participants’ use of UDL principles in
matics classroom scenario (see Appendix A). the design of the lesson plan. Points were dis-
In addition to the lesson plan template, partici- tributed as follows: 0 for no clear description
pants were also given a list of resources for uti- of instructional modifications, 1 point if one or
lizing UDL modifications (see Appendix D). two modifications were discussed, and 2 points
14 Teacher Education and Special Education 36(1)

Table 1. Performance Data

Lesson Plan 1 Lesson Plan 2 Lesson Plan 3

Class 1 Class 2 Class 1 Class 2 Class 1 Class 2

(n = 21) (n = 24) (n = 21) (n = 24) (n = 21) (n = 24)

UDL principles X (SD) X (SD) X (SD) X (SD) X (SD) X (SD)

Representation 0.81 (0.60) 0.92 (0.78) 1.67 (0.48) 1.67 (0.48) 1.81 (0.40) 1.79 (0.42)
Expression 0.81 (0.51) 0.67 (0.57) 1.29 (0.46) 1.62 (0.58) 1.62 (0.50) 1.75 (0.44)
Engagement 0.76 (0.63) 0.62 (0.65) 1.76 (0.44) 1.75 (0.44) 1.67 (0.48) 2.00 (0.00)
Total 2.38 (1.43) 2.21 (1.47) 4.71 (1.06) 5.04 (1.12) 5.10 (0.94) 5.54 (0.66)
Grand M 2.29 4.89 5.33
Note: UDL = universal design for learning.

if three or more modifications were discussed We compared the number of agreements and
(see Table 1). The components of representa- divided them by the number of total possible
tion, action and expression, and engagement points. Interrater agreement was 94% across
were scored separately and then summed up to all three sets of lesson plans. Finally, after
yield a final score between 0 and 6. After scor- scoring the lesson plans, researchers exam-
ing was complete, we examined the lesson ined them to elucidate how participants
plans to extract rich details that demonstrate applied the three principles of UDL (repre-
how credential candidates utilize materials, sentation, action and expression, and engage-
instructional methods, and assessments within ment) to address learning goals and plan for
the UDL framework to address the learning instructional materials, instructional meth-
objective. ods, and assessment. We looked for areas of
strengths and weaknesses in applying UDL
principals to address learning objectives to
Design and Data Analysis inform future training sessions.
While we had two sections of the same
course, both sections received the UDL train-
ing before the second lesson plan was com- Results
pleted. A two-factor analysis of variance In this study, the question of whether credential
(ANOVA) with repeated measures comparing candidates in a special education teacher-train-
lesson plan mean score differences between ing program could increase their understand-
the two sections of the class and mean score ing of UDL and apply these principles to their
differences within groups over three points in lesson plan writing is addressed. Specifically,
time was completed for the dependent vari- credential candidates were trained with a 3-hour
able (scores for each component of UDL in UDL training module to see whether they
lesson plans). T-tests were completed to fur- could incorporate flexible materials, tech-
ther tease out differences between scores of niques, and strategies for delivering instruc-
Lesson Plans One and Two, and Lesson Plans tion, and could plan activities for students to
Two and Three. Effect sizes were calculated demonstrate their knowledge in a variety of
using Cohen’s d for differences between ways. Table 2 provides means and standard
Lesson Plans One and Two, and Lesson Plans deviations by a group for pretest, posttest,
Two and Three. The first two authors scored and maintenance conditions (Lesson Plans
the lesson plans together; 20% of the lesson One, Two, and Three). A two-factor ANOVA
plans were scored a second time by a doc- with repeated measures comparing class sec-
toral student to check for interrater reliability. tions with scores across time revealed no
Courey et al. 15

Table 2. Scoring Rubric on the Three Components of Universal Design for Learning


Objective 0 Point 1 Point 2 Points

Representation No clear description of Discusses one or two Discusses three or more
modifying materials modifications of materials modifications of materials
to provide equal to provide equal access, to provide equal access to
access to all students but needs to be explained all students, gives clear and
more in depth precise explanations
Expression No clear description of Discusses at least one Discusses two or more
providing alternative alternative communication alternative communication
communication method, but needs to be methods, gives clear and
methods explained more in depth precise explanations
Engagement No clear description of Discusses one or two Discusses three or more
strategies to involve strategies to involve strategies to involve
or engage students students with disabilities, students with disabilities,
with disabilities but needs to be explained gives clear and precise
more in depth explanations

Note: Scoring Rubric developed by Spooner, Baker, Harris, Ahlgrim-Delzell, & Browder, 2007.

significant differences between the two class plans. The large effect size suggests that the
sections’ performance on the three lesson 3-hour UDL training was effective at teaching
plans, F(1, 43) = .75, p = .392. There was a about UDL principles and encouraging teacher
significant difference, however, in scores of candidates to incorporate them in their lesson
lesson plans across time, F(1, 43) = 205.73, plans.
p < .001. The interaction between class sec-
tion and lesson plan score changes across time
was not significant, F(1, 43) = 2.16, p = .15. Maintenance Condition Analyses
Paired sample t-tests revealed significant dif- The results indicate that candidates’ mean
ferences on lesson plan scores between the first scores on incorporation of UDL principles in
(M = 2.29, SD = 1.44) and second (M = 4.89, their lesson plans significantly improved in
SD = 1.09), t(44) = 10.44, p < .001, ES = 2.06, the maintenance condition from both the pre-
and between the second (M = 4.89, SD = 1.09) test (first lesson plan) and the posttest condi-
and third lesson plans (M = 5.33, SD = 0.83), tions (second lesson plan). The medium effect
t(44) = 2.35, p < .05, ES = .46. size suggests that the 3-hour training admin-
istered several weeks prior to the third lesson
plan continued to influence participants to
Post-UDL Training Analyses utilize UDL principals in lesson planning and
Results indicate that there were no significant even showed some improvement as the stu-
differences between mean scores of the two dents were becoming more comfortable with
sections at any of the three points in time. We practicing use of the concepts.
did not expect to find differences because the
same researcher provided training to both sec-
tions of the class using identical materials. Discussion
Improvement in credential candidates mean In this study, we examined the effectiveness of
scores of the number of UDL principles used a 3-hour UDL training session to help special
in the design of their second lesson plans dem- education credential candidates incorporate
onstrates significant improvement in their the principles of UDL in lesson plans. The
ability to include UDL principles in lesson 3-hour training was effective in teaching the
16 Teacher Education and Special Education 36(1)

Table 3. Participants’ UDL Modifications

Representation Action and Expression Engagement

Books on Tape PowerPoint Guided Notes
Bookshare Problem Solving: Draw Peer Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) a Picture
chalcycle.htm http://www. htm
Powerpoint Slideshow Animated Skits and Computer Brainstorm and Concept Mapping Lessons/Movie
Websites Nutrition Games and Story Maps
CIA: The World Factbook Graphic Organizers .com/search? http://teamnutrition. q=Story+Maps &hl=en&client=firefox-
publications/the-world- a&hs=4er&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:
factbook/ html official&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&
biw=679&bih=519#hl= en&client=firefox-a&
hs=r0W&rls= org.mozilla:en-US:official
&tbm=isch &q=story +map +graphic+
pw.,cf.osb &fp=566466b6b1a684f2&biw=679
National Geographic Math Doesn’t Suck Activities
Math Computer Simulation

participants about UDL principles and incor- modifications). Our training stressed the
porating them into lesson planning. By incor- importance of the learning objective being at
porating principles, we mean they included at the center of materials, methods, and assess-
least one novel manner to deliver content, ments chosen to accomplish that objective.
engage students, and assess student learning in We scored each lesson plan by how well par-
ways that may overcome barriers inherent in ticipants described how they would imple-
more traditional forms of teaching (see Table 3 ment materials, instruction, and assessments
for examples of participants’ lesson plan to address the learning objective. As men-
Courey et al. 17

tioned, a high score of 2 in any of the three sets of lesson plans. Participants list a variety of
principle areas meant that participants dis- modifications in the materials section of each
cussed implementation of three or more modi- principle but fully describe fewer in the body of
fications to overcome traditional barriers to the plan. In addition, many of the participants
effective instruction and assessment. An inter- had difficulty in modifying traditional forms of
esting observation was that in the “Materials” assessments and continued to rely on written
section of the lesson plan template, where tests and paper and pencil worksheets. Possibly
participants list all the materials that they will because teacher-centered instruction is empha-
be using in each area, many different modifi- sized in more than 80% of textbooks used in
cations were listed. Later in the plan, however, schools (Van de Walle, 2007), our participants
when participants were required to explain observed traditional teaching and assessment
how the materials would be used in each UDL techniques during their own education, and
area, some of the materials listed were not they need more time and experience with UDL
actually implemented or described. to change behaviors. The performance data (see
Table 2) depict lower mean scores in the area of
action and expression, suggesting that partici-
Modifications pants had more difficulty in designing modifi-
Only modifications fully described for imple- cations for this principle. As we continue to
mentation were scored because it demonstrates develop our UDL training, we will focus more
that the participant has considered how they time in the area of action and expression, espe-
would use that modification to address the cially in the design of novel forms of assess-
learning objective. The middle school ratio les- ments to check for student learning.
son plans provided many examples of a variety
of materials listed but fewer actually imple-
mented in the body of the lesson plan. For Implementation
example, a participant might list power point, While our credential candidates improved in
graphic organizers, audio equipment, three- their ability to incorporate UDL principles in
dimensional (3-D) models, and manipulatives lesson planning (Courey, LePage, Siker, &
under representation materials but only describe Blackorby, 2012), we don’t know if they can
using power point, graphic organizer, and 3-D actually implement these plans in real class-
models in the actual plan. In the area of engage- rooms. In another study, we observed that cre-
ment materials, a participant listed guided dential candidates create lesson plans to
notes, games, 3-D models, peer tutoring, and address difficulties that students with learning
various websites that could be consulted. In the challenges bring to the mathematics class-
actual plan, the participant only fully describes room. They struggled to implement activities
the use of 3-D models, guided notes, and peer that fully addressed the learning objective in a
tutoring as ways to engage students in the ratio real middle school mathematics classroom.
lesson. In the area of action and expression For example, the credential candidates used
materials, our participants were especially colorful manipulatives and candies to convey
likely to list more modifications than they actu- the meaning of a ratio, but they struggled to
ally described as using in the plan. One partici- engage the students in connecting the meaning
pant listed manipulative materials, web-based of a ratio to solving ratio word problems. In
test, web-based games, and created word prob- addition, little thought was given to novel
lems. In the actual plan, however, the partici- forms of assessment and most candidates used
pant describes the teacher modeling the use of dry erase boards and pencil and paper work-
manipulatives and demonstrating web-based sheets. There seems to be converging evi-
games, but the students in the class end up solv- dence that credential candidates need more
ing paper and pencil class-made worksheets. practice in designing lesson plans with the
This was a common occurrence across all three UDL framework. More important, they need
18 Teacher Education and Special Education 36(1)

more supervised practical experiences while that candidates generated gave no indication
implementing these lesson plans in real class- of their ability to combine these two skill
rooms. sets for the benefit of real students in inclu-
Our teacher education programs need to sive settings. Finally, there was also no con-
be more attentive to the changes in reform trol group of teachers with whom to compare
policy and to address the changing land- the teachers who received UDL training. The
scape of our classrooms. As more instruc- teacher candidates could have improved
tion occurs in a general education classroom, between the pretest and posttest due to a
more of our services will occur in an embed- confounding factor and not based on the
ded manner. We need to educate future UDL training. In addition, the teacher candi-
teachers, and special and general education dates were exclusively from the department
teachers to function effectively in more of special education.
inclusive environments. UDL is an appro-
priate framework for designing lesson plans
for a diverse general education classroom Practical Implications and
and supporting co-teaching because UDL Conclusions
considers the needs of diverse learners by We serve a variety of students in our current
providing multiple means of representation, classrooms. The teachers in these class-
action and engagement, and expression rooms need to be prepared in the best meth-
(D. H. Rose et al., 2005; D. H. Rose & ods for reaching all of these students. The
Meyer, 2006). results of this study have several implica-
tions for teacher preparation programs. First,
credential candidates can benefit from
Limitations instruction in lesson planning that promotes
The results of this study suggest that creden- the use of specific UDL techniques and prin-
tial candidates can improve in their abilities ciples to make the general curriculum more
to incorporate UDL principles in creating accessible to all students. Second, the effect
lesson plans. The lesson plans created for the size findings suggest that the UDL training
assignments were written with contrived set- maintained over time from the second to
tings in mind. Thus, we cannot be sure that third lesson plans and students’ use of prin-
these results would generalize to the teach- ciples increased as demonstrated by the
ers’ lesson plans for their actual students. increase in scores. When implemented in a
First, the sample size was small and limited general education setting, the lesson plans
to special education teacher candidates who can be written so as to provide increased
learn about differentiated instruction in other curriculum access for struggling students
classes. While the introductory class sec- and their more advanced peers. In this man-
tions used in this study is usually the first ner, all students in the class may benefit
credential class our candidates enroll in, from the variety of instructional and assess-
some candidates may have taken a different ment options used by the teachers. The rich-
class before, where they were exposed to ness of a lesson plan with multiple options
differentiated instruction. Because there are for representation, action and expression,
common strategies used when differentiating and engagement will probably appeal to stu-
instruction and using a UDL framework, dents with less proficiency in English, stu-
some candidates may have come to our dents with cultural differences, or gifted
introductory class with prior instruction for students who can engage with more chal-
modifying instruction and materials. Second, lenging material. Learning styles and prefer-
we also taught collaborative skills in a sepa- ences are present in all learners, not just in
rate class session; however, the lesson plans those with special needs; the multiplicity of
Courey et al. 19

methods and the variety of materials offered different animals and have investigated life
through UDL can provide universal aca- cycles using the National Geographic website.
demic access to all. Rhonda is 9 years old and currently in
Future research includes a follow-up study Allmon’s third-grade general education
to team special education teacher candidates classroom. Although a very young child,
with candidates from either the elementary or Rhonda suffered from recurring ear infec-
secondary credential programs to see if they tions and now has hearing loss in her right
could use the specific skills and principles in a ear. Rhonda has been labeled with a learning
collaborative manner to create and implement disability after the testing revealed a discrep-
lesson plans for real classrooms. In addition, ancy between her IQ and achievement in
beyond extending this research to include spe- reading. She is working on fluency and com-
cial education teachers teamed with general prehension. Although she is verbal, Rhonda
education teachers, we will include a control sometimes uses augmentative and alternative
group of similar teams that will receive UDL communication due to her slight hearing loss.
training after data collection. It appears that she loves her teacher and
friends, but she often complains about having
Appendix A to sit still all day at school. Rhonda’s teachers
say that she is very cooperative and moti-
Case Study for Lesson Plan 1 vated. Rhonda enjoys singing and painting.
Allmon is a teacher in a third-grade class- Science competency goal 1. The learner will
room at a public school. His class consists of build an understanding of plant growth and
24 students, including one student with a adaptations.
learning disability (Rhonda, see below). This 1.02.Observe and describe how environ-
class is currently working on a language arts mental conditions determine how well plants
unit about animal and plant life. Students survive and grow in a particular environment.
have previously read several books about

Appendix B

New Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Title/Topic:
(Identify specific content area and lesson topic. Say how the lesson fits into the larger unit of

Developed By:


Target Students:

Student name(s) Background Concerns

20 Teacher Education and Special Education 36(1)

I. IEP Goals
IEP annual goal for students with disabilities

Student name(s) IEP goals

II. Lesson Objective(s)

Lesson objective (for individual students/group/class):

Student name(s) Objectives

III. Content Standards Addressed During This Lesson

California content standards

Standard Benchmark Performance Indicators

IV. Materials (List all materials you will be using in each area)

Representation Action and expression Engagement

Presenting information Allowing students alternatives to Stimulating students’ interests
and course content in express or demonstrate their and motivation for learning in a
multiple formats so that learning variety of ways
all students can access it
Examples: Examples: Examples:
Provide alternatives for Provide or activate background Provide options that increase
accessing information knowledge in multiple ways the relevance and authenticity
(e.g., visual and auditory) (e.g., preteaching concepts, of instructional activities (e.g.,
Provide or activate using advanced organizers) using money to teach math and
background knowledge Provide options for completing culturally significant activities)
in multiple ways (e.g., assignments using different Provide options that
preteaching concepts media (e.g., text, speech, film, encourage collaboration and
and using advanced and music) communication (e.g., peer
organizers) tutoring)
Courey et al. 21

V. Article References
Look for existing teaching strategies as evidence

Article name(s) Link Citation

VI. Procedures/Lesson Plan Outline

(Describe the presentation of the overall lesson. If students with severe disabilities are included
in the group, embed individualized objectives into the general procedures and describe indi-
vidualized prompting, correction, and reinforcement procedures)
1. Lesson Format
(How will students take part in the lesson? What’s the setting in your classroom?)
Consider: demonstrations, group investigation, games, multimedia, presentation, and so on.

2. Introduction
(How will you grab the student’s attention?)

Procedures Teacher will. . . Student will. . .

Attending Cue: (How will transition from prior
activity be made? What will you initially say/do
to gain students attention)
Anticipatory Set: (How will you create interest
in this lesson? Is preassessment necessary? Is
this review or new info?)

3. Body
(This is the core of the lesson.)

Procedures Teacher will. . . Student will. . .

Input: (How will you convey to students the info they
need to learn—methods/techniques? How does this
lesson link to previous learning?)
Modeling: (How will you model—verbally explain with
visual example/demo? How will you support students to
activate their own thinking?)
Guided Practice: (How will students practice skill and how
will you prompt/provide guidance? What prompts will
you use? What corrective feedback will you provide?)
Independent Practice: (How will students demonstrate
ability to perform skill independently?)
22 Teacher Education and Special Education 36(1)

4. Closure clarify any confusion. Also, it is the sum-

This is done at the end of the lesson. The mary of the class. Assign homework, answer
purpose of the closure is to help students questions, introduce next class ideas, and
organize their learning; major point is to so on.

VII. Evaluation (How will you know Attach data sheet(s) and instructions to
whether lesson objectives have been this plan.)
accomplished? Are you addressing the General Lesson Objective Evaluation
IEP goal? Who will collect the data? Functional Behaviors

Students Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaching expectations

Students will (demonstrate

the following academic
behaviors to approach,
meet or exceed

VIII. Modifications/Adaptations: (Descr Adaptations: input, output, size, time, difficulty,

ibe in detail what modifications/adaptations level of support, degree of participation, mod-
you will provide to support learning? Types of ified goals, and substitute curriculum.)

Student(s) Modifications/adaptations

Appendix C providing rich supports for learning and

reducing barriers to the curriculum, while
UDL Guided Notes maintaining high achievement standards for
all students.
Universal Design for Learning UDL supports teachers’ efforts to meet the
The following guided notes are based on the challenge of diversity by providing flexible
Iris Learning Module. instructional materials, techniques, and strate-
UDL is a research-based framework for gies that help teachers differentiate instruc-
designing curricula—that is, educational tion to meet these varied needs. It does this by
goals, methods, materials, and assessments— providing options for
that enable all individuals to gain knowl-
edge, skills, and enthusiasm for learning. • presenting information and content in
This is accomplished by simultaneously different ways (the “what” of learning).
Courey et al. 23

• differentiating the ways that stu- learners, as illustrated by the following

dents can express what they know examples.
(the “how” of learning).
• stimulating interest and motivation Objectives
for learning (the “why” of learning). After reviewing in the IRIS Learning Module
used for training, the “Perspectives and Reso
A universally designed curriculum is urces” section and completing the accompa-
designed from the outset to meet the needs nying activities, you should
of the greatest number of users, making
costly, time-consuming, No Child Left Behind •• understand the principles of UDL.
(NCLB), and after-the-fact changes to curric- •• be able to apply the UDL principles
ulum unnecessary. to the components of a curriculum.
Both Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act (IDEA), and NCLB recognize the right of UDL Guided Notes Worksheet
all learners to a high-quality standards-based
education. The laws preclude the develop- Directions: Fill in the blanks as
ment of separate educational agendas for stu- we go through the module. Ask
dents with disabilities and others with special questions
needs. They also hold teachers, schools, dis- UDL addresses the educational needs of all
tricts, and states responsible for ensuring that students: average learners, English learners,
these students demonstrate progress accord- students who have received poor instruction
ing to the same standards. in the past, students with learning disabilities,
Neither law adequately addresses the great- students with sensory and motor challenges,
est impediment to their implementation: the and gifted and talented students, among oth-
curriculum itself. In most classrooms, the cur- ers. UDL benefits all students by
riculum is disabled. It is disabled because its
main components—the goals, materials, meth-
ods, and assessments—are too rigid and inflex- • meeting the needs of the widest range
ible to meet the needs of diverse learners, of students by reducing the number of
especially those with disabilities. Most of the ___________________to learning
present ways to remediate the curriculum’s dis- • providing challenging, salient, and age-
abilities—teacher-made workarounds and appropriate materials to students with
modifications, alternative placements, and so a range of ______________________
on—are expensive, inefficient, and often inef- • allowing students to learn in accor-
fective for learning. dance with their dominant ________
Technology tools, if designed, according ________________________
to the Web Accessibility Initiative and UDL • creating alternative ways for stu-
guidelines, can be created to support the dents to both receive and deliver
individualization necessary to engage all information

Representation Principal 1 Action and expression Principal 2 Engagement Principal 3

24 Teacher Education and Special Education 36(1)

By using these three principles when they students’ learning or with their ability to
design their lesson plans, teachers can reduce demonstrate their learning.
or eliminate barriers that may interfere with Teachers need to apply the UDL principles to
the four main curricular components (define):

Learning goals Instructional materials Instructional methods Assessments

Goals (see Activity on Page 4) Traditional Goal        

Though a goal should be clearly stated, Apply UDL principles to write your goal in a
observable, and measurable, it should also way that does not confound the means that stu-
adhere to the three UDL principles. dents use to access information or to demon-
Discuss barriers that may prevent all stu- strate their knowledge.
dents in the class from achieving a tradi-
tional goal. UDL Goal
Instructional Materials (see Activity
on Page 5)

Traditional materials Potential barriers UDL materials Rationale for use

Instructional Methods (see Activity on Page 6)

Representation Action and expression Engagement

Provide multiple Model skills in a variety of ways Offer choices of content and tools
examples Highlight Provide opportunities Provide adjustable levels of challenge
important information to practice with scaffolds Allow students to choose from a variety
Present content and supports Provide of reinforcers
utilizing multiple media corrective feedback Allow Allow options for the learning
and formats alternatives for students to environment or context
Build or activate express or demonstrate their Utilize flexible grouping
background knowledge learning


Traditional assessments Barriers UDL assessment Rationale

Courey et al. 25

UDL in Practice Ellen, an eighth-grade student with learning

disabilities, finds it challenging to use the rich
Pam, a student with learning disabilities for resources of the Internet because there is so
whom English is also a second language, uses much information to look at and so many visual
CAST’s eReader software to help her com- distracters. Finding and organizing information
plete a reading assignment. eReader’s spoken from the web is getting easier for her, however,
voice and synchronized highlighting features since her school installed CAST’s eTrekker
help her track words on a page, pace her read- software on its library computers. She signs on,
ing, and associate the way a word looks with opens eTrekker, and types in a research ques-
the way it sounds. After reading the story tion such as What did Harriet Tubman do in the
several times with the spoken voice option Civil War as a nurse? eTrekker checks Ellen’s
turned on and the highlighting speed set to spelling and identifies the keywords in her
slow, she turns the read aloud feature off, question, such as Harriet Tubman, Civil War,
increases the highlighting speed slightly, and and nurse. Ellen presses the search button and
reads the story again. In this manner, she eTrekker lists ten websites that match her search
works gradually to increase her reading com- criteria. eTrekker’s interface presents a search
prehension and speed. engine environment free of distracting adver-
Seth, a student with low vision whose word tisements and extraneous information. Ellen
comprehension skills are excellent, uses selects a few sites to visit, goes to those sites,
eReader to adjust the font, style, size, and color and, uses the reading supports of eReader,
of digital text, background, and highlighting, to which she has also opened on her computer,
achieve maximum contrast and readability. and selects the read feature to have information
Jeremy, a poor speller who does not enjoy read aloud to her. eTrekker keeps her research
writing, uses the auditory feedback offered question and keywords on the screen, helping
by Don Johnston’s Write:OutLoud software her to maintain focus on the nursing aspect of
to engage in the task of writing an English Tubman’s life, rather than her role in the
composition. As he types his composition Underground Railroad. Ellen highlights and
and it is displayed on the computer screen, pastes information into the onscreen notepad
the program reads it aloud by word, sentence, and generates some of her own notes on the
paragraph, or letter-by-letter, helping him to topic. When she finishes her Internet search,
identify sentence construction problems and eTrekker stores her research question and key-
spelling mistakes. When he misspells a word, words, and the websites she has visited.
it flashes on the screen, indicating his error. The IRIS Center for Training Enhancem
Using the program’s talking spell checker, he ents. (2009). Universal Design for Learning:
calls up a list of suggested words to replace Creating a Learning Environment that
the misspelled word, and, in the case of hom- Challenges and Engages All Students. Retrie
onyms, short definitions to distinguish one ved on January 24, 2011 from
word from another. Jeremy selects a word
when its pronunciation (or definition) indi- chalcycle.htm
cates it is the correct word, and completes the
composition without spelling errors.
Daniel, whose physical disabilities prevent Appendix D
him from using a mouse or a computer key- UDL Resources
board, uses Ke:nx software with Write:OutLoud IRIS at Peabody Module
to gain single switch access to program con-
trols and an onscreen keyboard. In this manner, cle.htm
he too can access the writing supports of the CAST Curriculum Self-Check and Resources
program to help him complete his written
work. CAST Book Builder
26 Teacher Education and Special Education 36(1) Courey, S., LePage, P., Siker, J. R., & Blackorby,

The ACCESS Center on UDL J. (2012). Engaging Preservice and Inservice Teachers In Middle School Mathematics:
resources/reaching_UDL_approach.asp Using Dynabook to Shape Unconventional
College Classrooms. Society for Information
Declaration of Conflicting Interests Technology & Teacher Education International
The authors declared no potential conflicts of Conference, Austin, TX, March 5
interest with respect to the research, authorship, Gall, M., Gall, J., & Borg, W. (2007). Educational
and/or publication of this article. research: An introduction (8th ed.). Boston,
MA: Pearson.
Funding The IRIS Center for Training Enhancements.
The authors received no financial support for the (2009). Universal design for learning: creating
research, authorship, and/or publication of this a learning environment that challenges and
article. engages all students. Retrieved from http://iris.
References King-Sears, M. (2009). Universal design for learn-
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support access to the general education ability Quarterly, 32, 199-201.
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collaboration: The role of teacher qualities. cational environments. Remedial and Special
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teacher quality and preparation: Exposing for individual differences. Educational Lead-
foundations, constructing a new model. Excep- ership, 58(3), 39-43.
tional Children, 76, 357-377. Rose, D. H., & Meyer, A. (Eds.). (2006). A prac-
Burgstahler, S. E., & Cory, R. C. (2008). Insti- tical reader in universal design for learning.
tutionalization of universal design in higher Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
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(Eds.), Universal design in higher education: (2005). The universally designed classroom:
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sion 1.0). Retrieved from The changing education landscape: How spe-
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Center for Applied Special Technology. (2011). a difference for teachers and their students with
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org/publications/UDLguidelines/version1.html cation, 33, 25-43.
Courey et al. 27

Spooner, F., Baker, J. N., Harris, A. A., Ahlgrim- Pamela LePage, PhD, is an Associate Professor of
Delzell, L., & Browder, D. M. (2007). Effects Special Education at San Francisco State University.
of training in universal design learning on les- Before working at SFSU, she worked at Stanford
son plan development. Remedial and Special directing a project on teacher knowledge. Before that
Education, 28, 108-116. Dr. LePage was an assistant professor at George
Van de Walle, J.A. (2007). Elementary and Mason University in a interdisciplinary MA program
middle school mathematics: Teaching Devel- for practicing teachers. She graduated from UC
opmentally. (6th ed.) Boston, MA: Pearson Berkeley and SFSU with a Ph.D. and before that
Education. taught in special education for 11 years.
Van Garderen, D., Scheuermann, A., Jackson, C., &
Hampton, D. (2009). Supporting the collabora- Phyllis Tappe, PhD, is adjunct faculty at San
tion of special educators and general educators Francisco State University with the teacher credential
to teach students who struggle with mathemat- program. She also teaches at College of Alameda
ics: An overview of the research. Psychology in where she serves adults with learning disabilities
the Schools, 46, 56-77. doi:10.1002/pits.20354 and brain injuries.

Bios Jody Siker is a doctoral student in special educa-

Susan Courey, PhD, is an Associate Professor at tion in a joint program between the University of
San Francisco State University in the Department California-Berkeley and San Francisco State
of Special Education. She is the Mild/Moderate University. She is interested in the intersection
Program Coordinator. Dr. Courey’s research inter- between teacher preparation and special education
ests center around Teacher Preparation and the teachers’ attitudes and knowledge of mathematics
Teaching and Learning of Mathematics. instruction.

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