Table - PMC 2

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Synthesis of the Second Pediatric Acute Lung Injury Consensus Conference Clinical Recommendations and Good Practice Statements Related to the
Ventilatory Support, Respiratory Monitoring, and Pulmonary Ancillary Treatment
Continuous monitoring of CO2 during MV (6.3.3)
Calculate and monitor dead space (6.3.4)
VT 6–8 mL/kg (3.2) Scale VT and CRS to body weight (6.1.2)
Use of 4–6 mL/kg if needed to stay below Continuously monitor VT (6.2.1) using
suggested PPlat and DP (3.2) compensation for circuit compliance (6.2.2)
PIP and PPlat PPlat ≤ 28 cm H2O (3.3.1) Monitor PIP and PPlat (6.2.3)
PPlat ≤ 32 cm H2O if reduced chest wall
compliance (3.3.1)
DP limit DP ≤ 15 cm H2O (3.3.2) Monitor DP (6.2.3)
PEEP Titration: to O2, O2-delivery, hemodynamics, and Monitor intrinsic PEEP, flow- and pressure-time
CRS (3.4.1) curves (6.2.4)
Level: at or above level on Acute Respiratory Titration: attend to PPlat and DP (3.4.3)
Distress Syndrome Network low PEEP/FIO2
Table (3.4.2)
SpO2 target Mild/moderate: 92–97% strategy (3.9.1) Avoidance of SpO2 < 88% and > 97% (3.9.3)
Severe: accept < 92%, with optimized PEEP Severe: when SpO2 < 92% → central venous
(3.9.2) oxygen saturation monitoring (3.9.4)
pH/PaCO2 target Accept pH ≥ 7.2 to remain within PPlat, DP, and Adjust frequency of pH, PaCO2 measurement to
VT ranges during permissive hypercapnia PARDS severity and stage and to noninvasive
(3.10.1) CO2 monitoring (6.3.2)

CPAP = continuous positive airway pressure, CRS = compliance of the respiratory system, DP = driving pressure, ETT = endotracheal tube, HFNC =
high-flow nasal cannula, HFOV = high-frequency oscillating ventilation, MV = mechanical ventilation, NIV = noninvasive ventilation, PEEP =
positive end-expiratory pressure, PIP = peak inspiratory pressure, PPlat = plateau pressure, PS = policy statements, RLS = resource-limited settings,
SpO2 = pulse oximeter oxygen saturation, VT = tidal volume.

The corresponding definition statement numbers are indicated in parentheses.

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