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OPINION Should we use driving pressure to set
tidal volume?
Domenico L. Grieco a,b,c,d, Lu Chen a,b, Martin Dres a,b,e,f,
and Laurent Brochard a,b

Purpose of review
Ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) can occur despite use of tidal volume (VT) limited to 6 ml/kg of
predicted body weight, especially in patients with a smaller aerated compartment (i.e. the baby lung) in
which, indeed, tidal ventilation takes place. Because respiratory system static compliance (CRS) is mostly
affected by the volume of the baby lung, the ratio VT/CRS (i.e. the driving pressure, DP) may potentially
help tailoring interventions on VT setting.
Recent findings
Driving pressure is the ventilatory variable most strongly associated with changes in survival and has been
shown to be the key mediator of the effects of mechanical ventilation on outcome in the acute respiratory
distress syndrome. Observational data suggest an increased risk of death for patients with DP more than
14 cmH2O, but a well tolerated threshold for this parameter has yet to be identified. Prone position along
with simple ventilatory adjustments to facilitate CO2 clearance may help reduce DP in isocapnic conditions.
The safety and feasibility of low-flow extracorporeal CO2 removal in enhancing further reduction in VT and
DP are currently being investigated.
Driving pressure is a bedside available parameter that may help identify patients prone to develop VILI and
at increased risk of death. No study had prospectively evaluated whether interventions on DP may provide
a relevant clinical benefit, but it appears physiologically sound to try titrating VT to minimize DP, especially
when it is higher than 14 cmH2O and when it has minimal costs in terms of CO2 clearance.
extracorporeal CO2 removal, plateau pressure, respiratory mechanics, stress and strain, tidal volume,
ventilator-induced lung injury

INTRODUCTION injury through the so-called ventilator-induced lung

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a fre- injury (VILI), described as a dysregulated inflamma-
quent disease that affects up to 23% of mechanically tory response with a systemic dissemination
ventilated patients over the course of the ICU stay
[1 ]. Lungs with ARDS are characterized by different
degrees of aeration loss and can be modeled in two Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine, University of Tor-
onto, bKeenan Centre for Biomedical Research, Li Ka Shing Knowledge
regions of various dimensions; one normally aerated,
Institute, St. Michaels Hospital, Toronto, Canada, cDepartment of Anes-
in which tidal ventilation occurs and thus respon- thesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Catholic University of the
sible for the mechanical forces and pressures observed Sacred Heart, dFondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli, Rome,
in the patients (i.e. the so called baby lung); the Italy, eService de Pneumologie et Reanimation, Departement R3S
other consolidated or collapsed, not contributing to Groupe Hospitalier Pitie Salpetrie`re - Charles Foix, Assistance Publique
Hopitaux de Paris and fSorbonne Universite, UPMC University Paris 06,
gas exchange, still perfused and causing the oxygen-
INSERM, UMRS1158 Neurophysiology Respiratoire Experimentale et
ation impairment by a shunt mechanism [2]. Mech- Clinique, Paris, France
anical ventilation is the cornerstone life-saving Correspondence to Laurent Brochard, Interdepartmental Division of
treatment of ARDS, and settings aimed at trying to Critical Care Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
partially restore the loss in aerated lung volume and Tel: +1 416 864 686; fax: +1 416 864 5698;
reverse oxygenation impairment. Nevertheless, e-mail: [email protected]
mechanical ventilation is mostly delivered in a small Curr Opin Crit Care 2017, 23:3844
lung and can itself aggravate and even initiate lung DOI:10.1097/MCC.0000000000000377 Volume 23  Number 1  February 2017

Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Should we use driving pressure to set tidal volume? Grieco et al.

seems to be relatively constant [2], reduction in CRS

KEY POINTS has been advocated as a tool to grossly estimate the
 Driving pressure, defined as the ratio of tidal volume to volume of functional residual capacity. Amato et al.
respiratory system compliance, is a bedside available recently hypothesized that the impact of tidal venti-
tool to estimate lung dynamic strain. lation could be better assessed if VT was normalized
to CRS rather than to PBW, proposing the ratio
 Driving pressure is the ventilatory variable most strongly
VT/CRS to surrogate lung dynamic strain. This ratio
associated to changes in survival: driving pressure
more than 14 cmH2O during ARDS seems at risk of was named airway driving pressure (DP) and can be
higher mortality. easily calculated at the bedside as airway plateau
pressure minus positive end-expiratory pressure
 Although not demonstrated in prospective studies, (DP PplatPEEP) [8 ].

titrating tidal volume to reduce driving pressure appears

Airway driving pressure is the pressure needed to
physiologically reasonable, but a well tolerated value
to be achieved is not known. overcome the elastic recoil of the respiratory system
(respiratory system elastance, ERS) as VT is inflated.
 Prone position and simple ventilatory adjustments to Importantly, although Pplat represents the total
enhance CO2 clearance can help reduce driving amount of pressure delivered through both PEEP
pressure in isocapnic conditions.
and VT, DP only reflects the pressure load because
 The feasibility and safety of low-flow extracorporeal of tidal ventilation. It is interesting to note that such
CO2 removal to further reduce tidal volume and driving approach seems physiologically sound to assess the
pressure are currently under investigation. risk of VILI, because higher PEEP does not necess-
arily contribute to lung injury and can even mitigate
it and contribute to survival [9], despite increasing
(biotrauma) driven by pressure (barotrauma) and Pplat [6].
volume (volutrauma) overload [3]. Airway driving pressure is the sum of the pres-
To determine the best balance between the sure overcoming the elastance of the lung (EL) and of
benefit of providing life support and the risks of the chest wall (ECW): accordingly, the portion of DP
mechanical ventilation, the last decades have wit- pressure distending the lung is called lung driving
nessed a great effort in identifying strategies to limit pressure (DPL) and can be directly measured as
VILI in ARDS and beyond: in 2000, a protective DPL Pplat -Pesend-insp Peep-Pesend-exp
ventilation strategy providing tidal volume (VT) of
6 ml/kg of predicted body weight (PBW) was shown to or computed as
improve survival as compared to a higher, traditional
VT approach (12 ml/kg PBW) [4]. However, there is DPL DP  EL =ERS ;
convincing evidence that patients with a small aer-
where Pplat represents airway plateau pressure,
ated compartment available for ventilation can still
suffer from VILI even though VT is limited to 6 ml/kg Pesend-insp esophageal pressure at end inspiration,
PBW [5]. Although static strain describes the tissue Peep airway pressure at end expiration and
deformation generated by a given pressure, dynamic Pesend-exp esophageal pressure at end expiration
strain was suggested to better assess the tissue distor- (Fig. 1).
tion and the risk of VILI because of VT [6]. Dynamic Although Pplat measured at the end of a 0.3 s
strain is computed as the ratio of VT to functional inspiratory hold is reliable to correctly compute DP
residual capacity: unfortunately, assessment of func- and DPL, intrinsic PEEP should be carefully measured
during an end-expiratory hold and total PEEP used in
tional residual capacity may not be clinically feasible,
limiting its use to the research field [7]. the calculations; the use of set PEEP to approximate
Recently, the driving pressure (DP) has been total PEEP can overestimate both DP and DPL as
proposed as a bedside available tool to surrogate intrinsic PEEP is present. In Amatos validation study,
dynamic strain during mechanical ventilation. set PEEP was used to compute DP and DPL, as it is more

In the present manuscript we will discuss the easily available from large datasets [8 ]. It is also
physiological meaning of DP and its possible appli- important to keep in mind that in some situations
cation in titrating VT in patients with ARDS. like airway closure, the airway pressure may not
represent alveolar pressure [10]. We do not know
the prevalence of this problem in ARDS, but it has
PHYSIOLOGIC MEANING OF DRIVING been well described in obese patients. Finally, during
PRESSURE pressure controlled ventilation, the peak pressure is
Because the ratio of respiratory system compliance frequently used as a surrogate for the plateau pres-
(CRS) to the healthy lung available for ventilation sure, which, however, is only an approximation [11].

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Respiratory system

The importance of DP in determining the

effects of ventilator settings has been subsequently
confirmed by a recent epidemiological study involv-
ing more than 2000 patients with ARDS in 50
countries [1 ]: higher survival was detected in
patients with DP  14 cmH2O at the very onset of
the syndrome. In addition, a linear relationship
between quintiles of DP and ICU mortality was
documented (Fig. 1 [1 ]), thus hypothesizing that,
although DP > 14 cmH2O can predict a worse out-
come, a well tolerated threshold for such parameter
is yet to be identified. It must be noted that the
design of the study, aiming at describing ARDS
management in a wide variety of institutions and
outside the procedures of rigorously designed
clinical trials, corroborates the relevance, the exter-
nal validity, and the reproducibility of the driving
pressure approach in the clinical setting.
DP is affected by ECW, which may vary among
patients. Hence, driving pressure partitioning to
evaluate DPL may be necessary to rigorously assess
FIGURE 1. Driving pressure and survival. Quintiles of driving the pressure distending the lungs independently
pressure and survival. Plateau pressure quintiles are tabled for from the effects of ECW. Chiumello et al. recently
comparison. Please note the linear relationship between quintiles reported that DPL and DP are closely related and that
of driving pressure and mortality. Reproduced from [1 ].
&& both are associated with changes in lung stress,
defined as the total increase in transpulmonary
pressure because of PEEP and tidal volume. Contra-
DRIVING PRESSURE DURING PASSIVE rily, lung stress was not predicted by set VT nor by
VENTILATION VT/PBW. Notably, they identified DPL > 11.7 cmH2O
To determine and weight the relative effects on and DP > 15 cmH2O as equipotent threshold values
survival of changes in variables of interest such as to detect high lung stress (i.e. >24 cmH2O) [12 ].
DP, VT, VT/PBW, Pplat, and PEEP in the very early Very few available data clarify the respective
phase of the disease, Amato et al. recently conducted roles of DP and DPL in determining outcome,
a mediation analysis combining individual data because data from advanced monitoring with
from 2365 individuals involved in randomized trials esophageal pressure are not always available in large
comparing ventilation strategies in patients with datasets. In a cohort of 69 patients with ARDS, we
ARDS. Mediation analysis is a statistical approach could not find any difference between DPL and DP in
that allows to determine if a specific variable, predicting survival [13]. A post hoc analysis on data
although strongly affected by treatment-group from 56 patients enrolled in a randomized con-
assignment, has an effect on outcome that explains trolled trial on PEEP setting strategies confirmed
in whole or in part the effects resulting from treat- that DPL and DP have comparable efficacy in pre-
&& &&
ment-group assignment [8 ]. The results showed dicting mortality [14 ]. In this study, although the
that a lower DP was the ventilator variable the most majority of the respiratory system DP was accounted
strongly associated to improved clinical outcome; for by the lungs, a significant portion (roughly 33%
any change in VT, VT/PBW, Pplat, and PEEP affected on average) was secondary to the influence of the
clinical outcome only when modifying DP, which chest wall.
appeared to be the strongest mediator of the effects
of all ventilator settings on survival. Impressively,
changes in Pplat led to improved survival when DRIVING PRESSURE DURING
associated to a lower DP, did not modify clinical SPONTANEOUS BREATHING
outcome in case of unchanged DP and worsened Spontaneous breathing during ARDS may enhance
mortality if resulting in any DP increase. Similarly, lung aeration, prevent diaphragm atrophy, and
with stable Pplat, the effect of VT setting on patients improve hemodynamics [15,16]; however, inspira-
survival existed only when rescaled to CRS tory effort can lead to VILI because of high
(VT/CRS DP), whereas lower absolute values of VT lung stress and strain, tidal recruitment in depend-
did not improve outcome if DP remains unchanged. ent lung regions and pendelluft phenomenon

40 Volume 23  Number 1  February 2017

Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Should we use driving pressure to set tidal volume? Grieco et al.

[17 ,1820]. The use of partially assisted mechan- VILI at the beginning of ARDS. Moreover, it can be
ical ventilation is frequent in the recovery phase of considered as simple and bedside tool to reliably
ARDS, but very few data thoroughly described assess the effectiveness of interventions and to
respiratory mechanics in spontaneously breathing monitor the course of the disease.
patients with ARDS. It seems physiologically reasonable to hypoth-
Notwithstanding that airway pressure during esize that strategies to limit DP may provide a
assisted mechanical ventilation is usually lower than relevant clinical benefit, but no study has prospec-
during controlled mechanical ventilation, dynamic tively assessed whether systematic interventions
transpulmonary pressure (PLdyn), defined as the titrated to DP reduction improve clinical outcome.
swing in transpulmonary pressure during inspiration Nevertheless, it must be noted that evidence con-
and computed as the difference between airway and cerning a safe level of DP to achieve when adjusting
esophageal pressure, may reach very high values ventilator settings is lacking: currently, limiting DP
because of intense inspiratory effort [21]. to values equal or lower than 14 cmH2O seems to be
However, being measured when flow is not zero, the wisest approach [1 ].
PLdyn reflects not only the elastic but also the resistive
properties (because of airway resistance) of the respir-
atory system. In addition, airway resistance signifi- DRIVING PRESSURE LIMITING DURING
cantly varies with flow, making difficult to assess to CONTROLLED MECHANICAL VENTILATION
what extent PLdyn reflects changes DP or DPL [22]. Different strategies can be used to limit DP during
Georgopoulos et al. reported the results of a study ARDS. As suggested by Amato, PEEP setting can
comparing DP during controlled and proportional significantly modify DP, as it affects the amount
assist ventilation in a mixed cohort of intubated of aerated lung and hence CRS [8 ]; however, this
patients [23 ], a ventilator mode that continuously topic goes beyond the purposes of the present
measures CRS and thus allows the calculation of DP. manuscript and will not be discussed further.
The authors observed that critically ill patients during
spontaneous breathing controlled DP by sizing the VT Prone position
to individual respiratory system compliance. Thus, Prone positioning has been convincingly shown to
DP was similar during control and assisted mechan- improve survival of patients with ARDS. Changes in
ical ventilation and mostly kept below 15 cmH2O, both lung and chest wall mechanics contributing to
whereas VT was not. Interestingly, the authors a more uniform gas insufflation have been addressed
suggested DP as a possible target of feedback mech- as possible mechanism [24,25]. Cornejo et al. [26]
anisms aiming at limiting lung injury. Whether this is showed that, when high PEEP is applied, prone
true in the specific subgroup of patients with ARDS position may reduce tidal hyperinflation, alveolar
needs confirmation. cyclic recruitment/derecruitment and slightly
Bellani et al. recently showed the feasibility of decrease DP, leading to the idea that changes in
Pplat measurement (2-s inspiratory hold, aiming to DP may contribute to the effects of prone position
obtain a period of no muscle activity) and reported on survival.
the behavior of alveolar pressure both during con-
trolled and assisted mechanical ventilation [22]. Muscle paralysis
With the same PEEP applied, no difference was Muscle paralysis in the early phase of the disease has
found in airway and lung Pplat, CRS, CL, and VT been shown to improve patients outcome [27]. The
between controlled and assisted ventilation at mechanism hypothesized to explain this evidence is
similar volumes and flow, indicating that both DP a lower transpulmonary pressure during muscle
and DPL are similar in the two conditions. The study paralysis, along with improved patientventilator
was conducted in patients with mild severity interaction, thanks to the avoidance of high-strain
(mean PaO2/FiO2 ratio of 224 mmHg, mean CRS of double cycled breaths or other dyssynchrony [28].
43 ml/cmHO). Given the feasibility of Pplat measure- Whether this may be reflected by changes in DP or
ment during pressure support ventilation, further DPL is unknown, but sedation and paralysis remain a
studies are warranted to investigate the behaviour of crucial instrument to enhance efficient and rigorous
DP in spontaneously breathing patients with ARDS. protective and ultra-protective ventilation in the
very early phase of the disease.


PRESSURE When low tidal volumes are applied, patients may
Driving pressure may be the most useful ventilatory be burdened by various degrees of hypercapnia
variable to stratify patients severity and the risk of and respiratory acidosis. Some simple and bedside

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Respiratory system

available procedures leading to lower dead space can Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
allow reducing VT and DP in isocapnic conditions. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is
Heated humidifiers, as compared to heat and moist- increasingly being used as a rescue therapy for
ure exchangers, decrease instrumental dead space patients with most severe oxygenation impairment.
and improve CO2 clearance. Moran et al. conducted Theoretically, given that ECMO allows oxygenation
a crossover study showing that heated humidifiers along with full extracorporeal CO2 clearance, the
allow to reduce VT from 7.3 to 6.1 ml/kg PBW and ventilatory approach should aim at minimizing
Pplat from 25 to 21 cmH2O without CO2 changes the risk of VILI without the need of providing any
[29]. Because PEEP was stable (average value CO2 washout.
9 cmH2O) over the entire course of the study, we However, ventilator settings during ECMO are
may hypothesize that heated humidifiers may lead still matter of debate and the management signifi-
to a decrease in DP (i.e. from 16 to 12 cmH2O) similar cantly varies across countries and institutions [34].
to Pplat reduction. Despite observational studies indicating that VT less
Some authors have suggested that a longer end- than 4 ml/kg/PBW and Pplat less than 1922 mmHg
inspiratory pause enhances diffusion between during ECMO are associated with improved sur-
inhaled VT and resident alveolar gas, thus facilitat- vival, the latter is often hardly achievable if high
ing the transfer of CO2 from alveoli toward the PEEP is used [35]. Serpa Neto et al. recently con-
airways [30]. Accordingly, Aguirre et al. recently ducted a pooled individual patient data analysis to
reported the results of a study on 13 patients with investigate whether different ventilator settings
ARDS, demonstrating that a longer end-inspiratory during ECMO can affect patients outcome.
pause (from 0.17 to 0.7 s) reduces dead space frac- Initiation of ECMO was associated to lower VT, Pplat,
tion and enhances CO2 washout, finally allowing to and improved CRS but, again, lower DP during the
lower VT and DP (13.6 to 10.9 cmH2O) with stable treatment was the only ventilator variable associ-
CO2 and no development of auto-PEEP [31 ]. ated to improved survival; also in patients under-
going ECMO, the effects of CRS, VT, and PEEP setting
on mortality were fully mediated by changes in DP,
Ultra-protective ventilation with CO2 removal
finally suggesting a possible role of such parameter
As previously highlighted, some patients may be at &&
in this specific context too [36 ].
risk of overinflation even though VT is 6 ml/kg PBW.
Bein et al. showed that an ultra-protective ventilation DRIVING PRESSURE LIMITING DURING
strategy providing VT as low as 3 ml/kg PBW and ASSISTED MECHANICAL VENTILATION
permitted by veno-venous extracorporeal CO2
Although sedation and paralysis is strongly recom-
removal (ECCO2-R) can lower the driving pressure
as compared to the standard 6 ml/kg PBW, but the mended in the early phase of ARDS to minimize the
clinical benefit (time to successful weaning) seemed progression of lung damage from a form of patient
self-inflicted lung injury [37], assisted mechanical
to be limited to a post hoc subgroup of patients with
ventilation is often used in the recovery phase of the
PaO2/FiO2 ratio lower than 150 mmHg [32].
disease. Data concerning DP in spontaneously
Nonetheless, to achieve such relevant VT
breathing patients with ARDS are lacking. Mauri
reduction, high blood flows (1.3 l/min) in the
et al. showed that inspiratory effort, PLdyn and VT
ECCO2-R system were necessary and this aspect
can be controlled through the use of extracorporeal
can limit the clinical application of the strategy.
Recently, the feasibility and safety of new devi- ECCO2-R while patients are recovering from ARDS
ces allowing low-flow ECCO2-R to enhance ultra- [22]. Whether this can be associated to a lower DP
& is unknown and further clarifying studies are
protective ventilation have been tested [33 ]. In a
pilot study, 15 patients with moderate ARDS under-
went VT reduction to 4 ml/kg and low-flow ECCO2-R
was initiated when respiratory acidosis eventually CONCLUSION
developed. Mean ECCO2-R flow of 420 ml allowed Driving pressure allows identifying patients that are
to significantly reduce VT and DP, with no hyper- burdened by an increased risk of VILI and by a lower
capnia nor other side effects. A larger study with survival. Despite not demonstrated in clinical stud-
similar design is currently ongoing and will provide ies, targeting ventilatory interventions and VT to
more definite results (NCT02282657). achieve lower DP appears physiologically reason-
Given that ECCO2-R may not be available for all able. It is wise to suggest that DP values higher than
patients with ARDS, identifying patients that may 14 cmH2O should be avoided, but a really well tol-
most benefit from an ultra-protective ventilation erated individual threshold to achieve in patients
strategy is a research priority. with ARDS is yet to be identified.

42 Volume 23  Number 1  February 2017

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Should we use driving pressure to set tidal volume? Grieco et al.

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44 Volume 23  Number 1  February 2017

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