BOOP Grand발표
BOOP Grand발표
BOOP Grand발표
Grand conference
Pulmonary Division
Hwasun Chonnam National University Hospital
R3 김민형
황 O O (56/F) #70800227
S/H : none
Smoking : none
Temozolomide (temodal ®)
Drug Hx
: 2009.9.29~11.13 CCRT (130mg/day)
09.10 월 초 전신에 skin eruption (+)
Dizziness/vertigo (-/-)
Cough/sputum/coryza (+/-/-)
Diarrhea/constipation (-/-)
U/H As usual
PR 88 회 /min RR 22 회 /min
1. r/o Tracheobronchitis
r/o Pneumonia
4. s/p Glioblastoma
Diagnostic plan
3. Chest CT
Electrocardiogram (HD1)
Chest PA & Lt Lat
3month ago HD 1
Laboratoy Findings
Coagulation Profiles
PT 14.0/86/1.10 sec/%/INR
1. r/o ILD
3. s/p Glioblastoma
1. Bronchoscopy / BAL
2. Empirical antibiotics
3. Viral culture
Bronchoscopy (HD2)
HD 2
• Dyspnea aggravation
• BP 80/50mmHg, RR 35, HR 108
• P/E) Crackle in both lung
Solumedrol 1mg/kg qD
Sputum exam
2. s/p Glioblastoma
Treatment plan
Oseltamivir 75mg
Bronchiolitis Obliterans
Organizing Pneumonia
Drug-related BOOP
Environment-related BOOP
(textile printing dye-related / penicillium mold dust-related)
P/E : crackles may be heard over consolidated areas, but wheezes are absent
Imaging finding
- Multiple alveolar patchy opacities (usually bilateral) : often migratory
- Solitary focal COP
: predominates in the upper lobes & usually presents as mass
- Infiltrative diffuse opacities
- Multiple nodular lesions
Pulmonary function test
- no airflow obstruction, except in smokers or underlying obstructive lung disease
- ventilatory restrictive defect is the most common finding
- decreased DLCO, increased Rt to Lt shunt
- mild hypoxemia is usually present
- exclusion of bronchial obstruction
- typical differential WBC in COP consists of a ‘mixed pattern’ with increased
lymphocytes (20~40%), neutrophils (about 10%), eosinophils (about 5%)
- the ratio of CD4 to CD8 lymphocytes is decreased
Pathological diagnosis
- TBLB may provide the Dx of organizing pneumonia by showing the typical intra-
alveolar characterisitic buds of granulation tissue
- In patients with nonrepresentative or noninformative TBLB surgical Bx
: Video-assisted thoracoscopic procedure
: Open lung surgical biopsy
Spontaneous improvement has been reported in some patients
Erythromycin & tetracycline occasionally reported to induce response
Corticosteroid treatment
Prednisone : potent anti-inflammatory property
The doses & treatment duration have not been established
- Epler (Semin Respir Infect 1995;10:65-77)
: predisone 1mg/kg for 1 to 3 months
decreasing dosage to 40mg for 3 months
10 to 20mg daily for a total 1 year
- King (Interstitial lung disease 1998:645-684)
: prednisone in a dose of 1 to 1.5mg/kg/day for 4 to 8 week
gradually tapers to 0.5~1mg/kg/day for the ensuring 4 to 6 weeks
gradually tapered to zero after 3 to 6 months
: therapy being reinstituted aggressively with any sign of recurrence
* Rapidly progressive severe disease
: high-dose parenteral glucocorticoid Tx
(methylprednisolone 125 to 250mg every six hours IV for 3~5 days)
(Wells AU, Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 2001 Aug;22(4):449-460)
: cyclophosphamide or azathioprine, cyclosporin A (Diazo, Int Med 2002 42:26-9)
Patients with life-threatening disease, early diagnosis & subsequent early initiation of
corticosteroid therapy was considered a major determinant of outcome
Drug-induced BOOP
More than 20 medications are associated with the BOOP