Learner Information Form Grades 9 12 - 2020
Learner Information Form Grades 9 12 - 2020
Learner Information Form Grades 9 12 - 2020
Thank you for your interest in Rand Park High School. This form must be completed by parents/legal
guardians/caregivers who wish to enroll their children at Rand Park High School.
This form may not be returned to the school via a learner currently attending Rand Park High School.
Attendance at a local primary school, working and/or living in the area and/or having a sibling at Rand
Park High School does not guarantee automatic enrolment.
When submitting this Information Form, please present original supporting documents to the
Admissions Secretary. Certified copies of the originals will be acceptable provided the original
documents are also presented.
A. SOUTH AFRICAN CITIZENS (Applicants should be in possession of a valid South African ID)
1. A certified copy of the learner’s UNABRIDGED BIRTH CERTIFICATE.
If you are in the process of applying for the unabridged birth certificate, the following may be provided in the
interim: A certified copy of the learner’s BIRTH CERTIFICATE in the case where both biological parents
have completed the application form and submitted certified copies of their ID documents.
1. Certified copies of the ID document of BOTH parents/legal guardians/caregivers.
2. In the case of a deceased parent/s, a certified copy of the DEATH certificate/s.
3. A certified copy of the COURT ORDER granting LEGAL GUARDIANSHIP/FOSTERSHIP to the parties of this
4. In the case of a CAREGIVER, a court order accompanied by copies of the biological parents’ ID documents
confirming this arrangement. (Should the applicant not be in possession of a court order; same MUST be
obtained from the RANDBURG Magistrate Court.)
5. In the case of divorced or separated parents, a certified copy of the DIVORCE and MAINTENANCE
AGREEMENT. (A maintenance agreement or divorce order cannot be enforced on a third party, being the
6. Proof of PERMANENT RESIDENTIAL STREET ADDRESS (the most recent Rates and Taxes account - not
older than 3 months - reflecting the PHYSICAL address, or the Deed of Sale complete with revenue stamp).
7. In the case of RENTING, a certified copy of the current Lease Agreement (valid for a period of 8 months from
date of this application), a letter from the Landlord together with their ID document and the Rates and Taxes
account of the rented property which is not older than 3 months.
8. In the case of divorce or separation, BOTH parents need to provide a certified copy of proof of their respective
9. Proof of PERMANENT WORK ADDRESS (both Parents/Legal Guardians/Caregivers). For example: letter of
confirmation on company letterhead, letter of appointment, or a salary slip which contains the company’s
physical address. Business owners who cannot provide evidence of a physical address for their place of
employment must complete the SWORN AFFIDAVIT provided on page 15 of this form.
10. SA CITIZENS who have been out of SA for more than one (1) year must provide the Learner’s and BOTH
Parents’ passports showing all border entries and exits.
Important Notice:
A first instalment of R4500.00 will be due and payable on receipt of your child’s acceptance to Rand Park High
School. This amount will be credited to your child’s school fee account.
NB: Please provide ALL the original documentation and valid passports.
No expired documentation will be accepted.
Admission of non-South African citizens to Rand Park High School will be governed by the terms of the Immigration
Act No. 13 of 2002, Immigration Regulation dated 22 May 2014 Section 12(1)(h):
No learner will be admitted to Rand Park High School, unless he/she is in possession of a valid study visa
issued by the Department of Home Affairs for the duration of the learner’s studies at Rand Park High School.
In terms of the condition of a study visa, parents must pay the compulsory annual school fees, annually and in
full, in advance. Neither exemption nor any payment dispensations may be considered, as this contravenes the
conditions of the study visa.
1. A certified copy of the learner’s BIRTH CERTIFICATE.
2. Valid PASSPORT.
3. Valid STUDY VISA.
4. The learner’s LATEST SCHOOL REPORT.
5. One recent ID sized PHOTO of the learner.
1. Certified copies of the Valid Passport of BOTH Parents/Legal Guardians/Caregivers.
3. A certified copy of the COURT ORDER granting LEGAL GUARDIANSHIP/FOSTERSHIP to the parties of this
4. In the case of a CAREGIVER, a court order accompanied by copies of the biological parents’ valid passports
confirming this arrangement. (Should the applicant not be in possession of a court order; same MUST be
obtained from the RANDBURG Magistrate Court.)
5. In the case of divorced or separated parents, a certified copy of the DIVORCE and MAINTENANCE
AGREEMENT. (A maintenance agreement or divorce order cannot be enforced on a third part, being the
7. Proof of PERMANENT WORK ADDRESS (both Parents/Legal Guardians/Caregivers). For example: letter of
confirmation on company letterhead, letter of appointment, or a salary slip which contains the company’s
physical address. Business owners who cannot provide evidence of a physical address for their place of
employment must complete the SWORN AFFIDAVIT provided on page 16 of this form.
8. Proof of PERMANENT RESIDENTIAL STREET ADDRESS (the most recent Rates and Taxes account - not
older than 3 months - reflecting the PHYSICAL address, or the Deed of Sale complete with revenue stamp).
9. In the case of RENTING, a certified copy of the current Lease Agreement (valid for a period of 8 months from
date of this application), a letter from the Landlord together with their ID document and the Rates and Taxes
account of the rented property which is not older than 3 months.
10. In the case of divorce or separation, BOTH parents need to provide a certified copy of proof of their respective
Important Notice: In terms of the Immigration Act No. 13 of 2002 Regulation, dated 22 May 2014, Section
12(1)(a): The annual school fee amount will be due and payable on confirmation of your child’s acceptance to Rand
Park High School, in order to facilitate the learner’s application for a valid study visa at Rand Park High School.
Other Divorced
Academic Difficulties
Please tick if applicable:
Reading English Language Mathematics
Guardians’ Initials
Guardians’ Initials
In addition to English, Afrikaans, Life Orientation, Mathematics or Maths Literacy (Group A), THREE other
subjects must be selected from Group B.
English (Home Language)
Afrikaans (1st Additional Language)
Life Orientation
Choose between
: Mathematics
: Maths Literacy
(Group B)
Parent acknowledgement
I have noted the matriculation requirements and admission requirements to universities, universities of
technologies, colleges of education and other tertiary institutions.
I understand that changes may need to be made if too few learners choose the subject; if the subject
chosen does not fit the school timetable or if my child does not have the required marks to continue with
a particular subject.
_____________________________________ __________________________
Name of Parent / Guardian (Please print) Date
Student Unemployed
Occupation: ____________________________________________________________________
________________________________ ________________________
Signature Date
Unmarried Married Divorced Remarried Widowed Separated
MARITAL (Specify)
Student Unemployed
Occupation: ____________________________________________________________________
________________________________ ________________________
Signature Date
Student Unemployed
Occupation: ____________________________________________________________________
________________________________ ________________________
Signature Date
Student Unemployed
Occupation: ____________________________________________________________________
________________________________ ________________________
Signature Date
1. I/We hereby apply to have the child whose name appears on this form registered as a learner at Rand Park
High School and confirm that he/she complies with the basic criteria.
2. I/We hereby certify that I/we have legal custody and/or Legal Guardianship in respect of the afore-named
3. I/We undertake to adhere to the school rules and disciplinary code and to the various alterations in the rules
and disciplinary code that may be made from time to time.
4. I/We undertake to ensure that my/our child is familiar with the school’s Learner Code of Conduct, a copy of
which is available on the school’s website.
5. I/We understand and confirm that the Principal or any person duly authorised, will act in loco parentis in any
matter and at any time during which I/we have entrusted my/our child to the care to the school.
6. I/We understand that while every reasonable effort will be made to prevent losses or damage to learners’
clothing and equipment, the school cannot be held liable for such.
7. I/We undertake to reimburse the school for any damage to property that may be caused by my/our child.
8. I/We undertake to give notice in writing of any intention to remove my/our child from the school and furthermore
to return any books and/or equipment belonging to the school which our child may have.
9. I/We agree that my/our child be permitted to undertake group psychometric tests which have been approved
by the Director of Education.
10. I/We agree that my/our child may be offered counselling by the School Psychological service at Rand Park
High School. Should I/we not wish to take advantage of this opportunity, I/we shall inform the school in writing.
11. I/We agree that my/our child will attend school daily and will only be absent for medical reasons.
12. I/We undertake to inform the Principal of our child’s/children’s absence from school and declare that I/we are
prepared to produce a medical doctor’s certificate if and when required.
13. I/We understand that the school reserves the right to verify all information supplied to it via this application. In
the event of fraudulent documents submitted, the school reserves the right to lay a criminal charge of fraud
against any of the parties to this application.
14. I/We accept the responsibility of the learner’s transport to and from the school.
15. I/We undertake to support the School’s Constitution and Policy of Admission, as defined and implemented by
the School Governing Body.
16. I/We understand that smoking and the use/abuse of any drug or alcoholic beverage in school uniform or on
school premises is an infringement of the School rules and will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
17. I/We hereby consent to receiving communication from Rand Park High School via various communication
channels to ensure that I/we receive information on school related activities, events, news and other important
school notices.
18. I/We hereby consent to my/our child’s photograph being used by Rand Park High School (with or without the
child’s name) in various marketing and communication-related activities, brochures and communication
platforms including but not limited to the annual School Magazine, the weekly newsletter, the D6 School
Communicator, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, the School Prospectus, press releases and external media
19. I/We hereby provide consent to the School to collect, store and process names, contact details and information
relating to me/us and my/our child, and to such information being made available to other parents/legal
guardians, staff or responsible persons engaged or authorised by the School for school-related purposes, to
the extent required for the purpose of managing relationships between the School, parents/legal guardians,
and current learners, as well as providing references and communicating with the body of former learners.
20. I/We hereby provide consent to the School to supply information and a reference in respect of my/our child to
any educational institution which my/our child may attend in the future. The School will ensure that all
information supplied to this educational institution is accurate and any opinion provided on his/her abilities,
aptitude and character, is fair. The School, however, cannot be held liable for any loss to me/us or my/our child
that may allegedly be suffered as a result of the opinions reasonably given or correct statements of fact
contained in any reference or report provided by the School.
21. I/We hereby consent to the School collecting, storing and processing information about me/us and any third
party or parent/legal guardian/caregiver (regardless of marital status) who is/are responsible for the payment
of all amounts owing on my/our child’s school fee account.
22. This commitment in its entirety will be valid from the day on which it is signed by the parent/legal
guardian/caregiver to the day on which the learner officially leaves the school.
Guardians’ Initials
I hereby declare that the information which I have recorded in this form is true and correct and by my signature
below, I give the Chairman of the School Governing Body or his designate, permission to check and confirm any
of the details listed by me. I understand that should any of the information supplied by me be found to be false,
action may be taken against me as per point 13, specified on page 12 of this document.
I further declare that I am the Parent/Legal Guardian of the child and am entitled to sign this document, and shall
be bound hereto both as Parent/Legal Guardian, and in my personal capacity.
Public school fees are a statutory duty in terms of the South African Schools Act and not a contractual duty.
Furthermore, the issue of whether a particular parent admitted the child to Rand Park High School or signed an
admission form is irrelevant to their liability.
Moreover, the South African Schools Act’s wide definition of parents in terms of Section 1 is designed to ensure
that public schools do not become embroiled in disputes between parents, and that both parents are jointly and
severally liable for the payment of school fees.
A Divorce Order and/or Maintenance Agreement are not binding on third parties but only between the divorcing
parties. To this end, a maintenance agreement cannot be enforced on Rand Park High School being a third party.
The interpretation that burdens both parents with responsibility for school fees is consistent with the injunction in
Section 28(2) of the Constitution that a child’s best interest is of paramount importance in every matter concerning
the child.
School Fees are levied in terms of Section 38 and 39 of the South African Schools Act No. 84 of 1996. In terms
of Section 40 of this Act, parents have a legal obligation to pay school fees. The School does not have to enter
into a contract with parents/legal guardians/caregivers to pay school fees.
Important Information:
1. Payment of school fees is a statutory duty; which a learner’s parents/legal guardians/caregivers must pay.
The parents/legal guardians/caregivers are jointly and severally liable unless and to the extent of them being
2. In order to enforce the payment of school fees as a statutory duty, all monies received by the school will be
allocated to the oldest outstanding school fees first.
3. School fees are due and payable annually, in advance, at the beginning of each school year and such payment
is compulsory to the extent that an exemption from the payment of school fees has been granted.
4. However, purely in order to reduce the financial burden on parents, TEN EQUAL instalments commencing
January and ending October of each academic year will be acceptable.
5. Alternative payment dispensations will be allowed as presented and approved by the School Governing Body’s
Finance Committee, subject to the clear understanding that:
These undertakings in no way change the fact that the payment of school fees is a statutory duty and not
a voluntary agreement, particularly not a credit agreement as defined in terms of the National Credit Act
No. 34 of 2005.
Should parents/legal guardians/caregivers default and fail to pay any single installment by the due date,
the full amount that is outstanding will immediately become due and payable.
6. The School Governing Body may, by process of law, enforce the payment of school fees by parents/legal
guardians/caregivers in terms of The South African Schools Act No. 84 of 1996, Section 40, and reserves the
right to:
Hand over defaulting parents/legal guardians/caregivers, irrespective of any Maintenance and/or Court
Orders which may exist between the parties, to a third party collector.
Share personal details of defaulting parents/legal guardians/caregivers with Rand Park High School’s
appointed third party debt collectors in an attempt to recover outstanding school fees.
List the defaulting parent/legal guardian/caregiver with the relevant credit bureau, in the event of any
school fees due not being paid.
Guardians’ Initials
Claim that all legal costs - including interest, attorney/client fees and collection costs for the recovery of
school fees - will be for the account of the parent/legal guardian/caregiver.
7. Exemption from school fees is available to qualifying parents in terms of the South African Schools Act No. 84
of 1996, Section 39:
Exemptions are granted as stipulated in the Exemption Regulation Gazette No. 29311 dated 13 October
Parents who wish to be exempted from the payment of school fees must apply annually to the SGB.
The income of both parents/legal guardians/caregivers, irrespective of their marital status or the
maintenance agreement, is used in the calculation of exemption.
The exemption amount granted is based on the Gross Annual Income of both parents/legal
guardians/caregivers and not affordability.
8. The parents/legal guardians/caregivers are OBLIGED to notify the school in writing of any change of personal
9. The legislation of school fees will be valid from the day on which the learner is admitted to Rand Park High
School to the day on which the learner officially leaves the school.
For purposes of admission to Rand Park High School
This form only needs to be completed by parents/guardians who are Business Owners / Members of Close Corporations /
Directors and are unable to provide proof of their company’s physical address.
Company Registration
Company Type Close Corporation Sole Trader Trust
(Mark with X) Partnership Non-Profit Organisation Company
I (full name)
RSA ID Number
Residential Address
I am a member / director / owner of the above-mentioned entity and am duly authorised to declare that our main
operations take place at the above-mentioned Company trading address.
I certify that the DEPONENT has acknowledged that he/she knows and understands the contents of this affidavit,
that he/she does not have any objection to taking the oath, and that the oath is binding on his/her conscience,
and which was shown and signed before me: