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org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 4 April 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882



Abstract: it detects any suspicious activity. The robot is

The implementation of an IoT-based smart night patrolling robot is
designed to operate autonomously, eliminating the
presented in this paper, utilizing an Arduino Uno, camera module, need for human intervention.
sound sensor, ultrasonic sensor, motor driver, motors, Nodemcu,
and buzzer. The proposed robot is designed to autonomously patrol
a designated area and capture images and videos of the area using
The rise in security concerns has led to an
the camera module. The ultrasonic sensor is used to detect increasing demand for effective night patrolling.
obstacles and prevent collisions, while the sound sensor is used to
detect unusual sounds and alert the user. The buzzer is included to Traditional patrolling methods rely heavily on
provide an audible alarm in case of any significant disturbance in manual labor, which can be costly and inefficient.
the patrolling area. The robot is designed to move around and
change directions using the motor driver and motors, which are Advances in technology have led to the
operated by an Arduino Uno. The Nodemcu provides internet development of smart robots that can be used for
connectivity, enabling remote monitoring and control. The
proposed system can be used for a variety of applications, such as various applications, including night patrolling.
surveillance and security, and has the potential to improve the IoT-based smart robots are gaining popularity due
efficiency and effectiveness of night patrolling operations. The
proposed system is developed at a low cost, making it accessible to a to their ability to autonomously patrol designated
wider range of users. The implementation of the proposed system areas and detect and respond to various
has been tested, and the results indicate that the system is efficient
and effective in detecting and responding to environmental stimuli. environmental stimuli. In this paper, we present an
The system is controlled using a web-based interface, and the users IoT-based smart night patrolling robot using an
can monitor and control the system remotely.
Arduino Uno, camera module, sound sensor,
Keywords: ultrasonic sensor, motor driver and motors,
Arduino Uno, camera module, sound sensor, ultrasonic sensor,
Nodemcu, and buzzer. The proposed system is
motor driver, motors, Nodemcu, and buzzer. designed to patrol a designated area autonomously
and capture images and videos of the area using the
1.INTRODUCTION: camera module. The Nodemcu provides internet
The world of technology has been advancing connectivity, enabling remote monitoring and
rapidly in recent years, and one of the most control. The proposed system is controlled using a
significant developments has been the rise of the web-based interface, allowing users to monitor and
Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT has enabled us to control the system from anywhere. The users can
connect devices and systems through the internet, receive real-time updates, enabling them to detect
making it possible to automate and control many and respond to any unusual activities in the
aspects of our lives. One area that has seen a patrolling area. The proposed system can be
significant impact from IoT technology is the field customized and adapted to suit various applications,
of security, particularly with regards to patrolling such as surveillance and security in industrial sites,
and surveillance. Smart security systems are residential areas, and public spaces.
becoming increasingly popular, and one application
that is gaining traction is the use of IoT-based smart
night patrolling robots. An IoT-based smart night
patrolling robot is a robotic system equipped with
sensors and connected to the internet. It is designed
to patrol a designated area, monitor it for any signs
of intruders, and alert the appropriate authorities if
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2.EXISTING SYSTEM: is equipped with a camera, a temperature sensor,

and a gas sensor to detect potential hazards. The
The existing system they are all developed robot can also send alerts to the operator's
Ultrasonic and GSM based semi-autonomous robot. smartphone through IoT technology.
The data send via GSM Module. These existing
systems don’t have Surveillance system. So the [4] In the design and implementation of an IoT-
system can’t monitor live Environmental and live based patrol robot for building security, several
updates. So we are developed ESP32 camera technical details need to be considered. The
module based surveillance system for live updates hardware design includes microcontrollers, sensors,
monitoring. And our robot Autonomous and Semi- motors, and communication modules. The software
autonomous based system control Via IoT. So we design includes programming languages,
are control anywhere in the world. The Nodemcu communication protocols, and algorithms for
provides internet connectivity, enabling remote navigation, obstacle avoidance, and surveillance.
monitoring and control. The proposed system is
controlled using a web-based interface, allowing [5] In the design and implementation of an RF-
users to monitor and control the system from based patrol robot for warehouse monitoring,
several technical details need to be considered. The
hardware design includes RF modules,
3.LITERATURE SURVEY: microcontrollers, sensors, motors, and power
management modules. The software design
[1] The Movable robot for Product delivery can be includes programming languages, communication
developed using RF control, GPS, and the Arduino protocols, and algorithms for navigation, obstacle
Uno microcontroller. The robot can be remotely avoidance, and surveillance. The security features
controlled using RF signals, and GPS is used for
should include encryption, authentication, and
real-time location tracking. The Arduino Uno is access control. The RF signal strength and
used for data processing and to control the robot's interference levels must also be considered to
movements. This system has the potential to ensure reliable communication between the robot
revolutionize healthcare delivery by enabling and the control station.
remote and automated Product delivery.
[6] A Comparative Study of Robot Navigation
IoT-based Autonomous Patrol Robot with Obstacle Techniques." This paper presents a comparative
Avoidance and Navigation System. This paper study of different robot navigation techniques,
describes an autonomous patrol robot that uses including path planning, obstacle avoidance, and
ultrasonic sensors for obstacle avoidance and a GPS localization. The study evaluates the performance
module for navigation. The robot is also equipped of these techniques in the context of patrol robots.
with a camera to capture images and send them to
the operator's smartphone through the internet of [7] In the design and implementation of
things (IoT) technology. autonomous robot navigation using image
processing techniques, several technical details
[2] Design of IoT-Based Intelligent Patrol Robot: need to be considered. The hardware design
This paper presents an IoT-based intelligent patrol includes cameras, microcontrollers, motors, and
robot that uses a Raspberry Pi as the main power management modules. The software design
controller. The robot is equipped with sensors, such includes programming languages, image processing
as an ultrasonic sensor and a PIR sensor, to detect libraries, and algorithms for object detection,
obstacles and movement, respectively. The robot is recognition, and localization. The robot's
also able to communicate with the operator's
navigation path planning and obstacle avoidance
smartphone through IoT technology. algorithms should be based on the image data
[3] Design and Implementation of a Remote collected from the cameras. Furthermore, the
Controlled IoT-Based Security Robot. This paper robot's speed, direction, and trajectory should be
proposes an IoT-based security robot that can be adjusted in real-time based on the image data
remotely controlled using a smartphone. The robot analysis. Testing and evaluation of the system's
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performance in a real-world environment is 4.BLOCK DIAGRAM:

essential to ensure its effectiveness and efficiency.

[8] This Proposed system describes the technical

working of a Wi-Fi-based seed sowing robot and
spraying system that uses NodeMCU, motor
pumps, DC motors, and motor drivers. The robot
operates by receiving commands through a Wi-Fi
connection and then sowing seeds or spraying
pesticides accordingly. The system consists of a
motor pump that generates the pressure required to
spray the pesticide and a DC motor that controls the
movement of the robot. The motor driver is used to
control the speed and direction of the DC motor.
The robot can be used for precision agriculture, and
the Wi-Fi connection enables remote control and 5.CIRCUIT DIAGRAM:
monitoring of the system.

[9] RF-based surveillance robots reveals that they

are equipped with wireless communication modules
such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, and are capable of
performing various functions such as video
monitoring, object detection, and tracking. These
robots rely on sensors such as temperature, sound,
and motion detectors for environment detection,
which enable them to detect and respond to changes
in their surroundings.

[10] Researchers have explored various approaches

for optimizing the performance of RF-based
surveillance robots, including using artificial
intelligence (AI) algorithms for more accurate and 6. PROPOSED SYSTEM:
efficient detection and tracking of targets. Overall, The proposed system for IoT-based smart
RF-based surveillance robots have shown night patrolling robot involves the use of various
promising results in improving surveillance and components such as an Arduino Uno
security in various settings. microcontroller board, a camera module, sound
sensor, ultrasonic sensor, motor driver, motors,
Nodemcu, and buzzer. The main goal of the
proposed system is to design and develop a robot
that can patrol a designated area autonomously,
detect any unusual activity, and provide real-time
feedback to the user. The system can be used in
various applications such as surveillance and
security in industrial sites, residential areas, and
public spaces. Hardware components used in the
proposed system include an Arduino Uno
microcontroller board, which is the heart of the
system. It controls the robot's movement, processes
data from the sensors, and sends alerts to the user.
The motor driver and motors are used to control the

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robot's movement, enabling it to move around and 8. HARDWARE EXPLANATION:

change directions. The camera module is used to
capture images and videos of the patrolling area, IoT-based smart night patrolling robot involves the
use of various components such as an Arduino Uno
providing visual feedback to the user. The sound
and ultrasonic sensors are used to detect any microcontroller board, a camera module, sound
unusual sound or movement in the patrolling area. sensor, ultrasonic sensor, motor driver, motors,
Nodemcu, and buzzer.
The Nodemcu provides internet connectivity,
enabling remote monitoring and control of the 9. COMPONENTS LIST:
system. The buzzer is used to alert the user of any
unusual activity detected by the sound and  Battery Power supply system
ultrasonic sensors. The software component of the  Arduino Uno
proposed system involves the development of  Nodemcu
software that controls the robot's movement,  Ultrasonic sensor
camera operation, and sound and ultrasonic sensor  Motor Driver
operation. The software is designed to enable the  DC Bo motors
robot to move around autonomously, change  Camera Module
direction when it encounters an obstacle, and detect  Sound Sensor
any unusual sound or movement in the patrolling  Buzzer
The camera module is controlled using a servo
motor, enabling the user to capture images and
videos of the patrolling area. The sound and 10.1 BATTERY POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM:
ultrasonic sensors are used to detect any unusual
sound or movement in the patrolling area. The A 12V to 5V battery power supply is a device that
Nodemcu is used to transmit data to the user, converts a 12V voltage source to a 5V voltage
enabling them to monitor and control the system source, typically used to power electronic devices
remotely. The buzzer is used to alert the user of any that require a 5V power supply. This conversion is
unusual activity detected by the sound and achieved using a DC-DC step-down converter or
ultrasonic sensors. The proposed system is voltage regulator.
controlled using a web-based interface, enabling the This signal is then rectified and filtered to produce
user to monitor and control the system from a stable output voltage. Voltage regulators, on the
anywhere. The user can receive real-time updates, other hand, use a feedback loop to adjust the output
enabling them to detect and respond to any unusual voltage to a constant value regardless of input
activities in the patrolling area. The system is voltage fluctuations. When selecting a converter, it
designed to provide enhanced security and is important to consider the input voltage range,
surveillance in the patrolling area. The system can output voltage, and output current requirements of
detect any unusual sound or movement in the the device being powered. The input voltage range
patrolling area, providing enhanced security and of the converter should be able to handle at least
surveillance. 12V to accommodate the 12V battery. The output
voltage should be 5V to match the device's power
requirements. The converter's output current rating
The methodology for a IoT based smart night should be higher than the device's maximum
patrolling robot involves both hardware and current draw to avoid overloading the converter.
software components.

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software tool that provides a user-friendly interface

for writing, compiling, and uploading code to the

To use the converter, the positive and negative

wires from the 12V battery are connected to the
input terminals of the converter. The positive and
negative wires from the output terminals of the
converter are then connected to the device that
requires 5V power. It is important to follow the
manufacturer's instructions for the specific
converter being used and take necessary
precautions to avoid electric shock or short circuits.
The IDE supports the C++ programming language
10.2 Voltage Regulator:
and provides a large library of pre-written code,
The voltage regulator is the fourth and final making it easy for beginners to get started with
component in the power supply system. Its function programming the board.
is to regulate the output voltage to a constant 5V
10.4 NodeMCU:
DC voltage. The voltage regulator uses a feedback
mechanism to adjust the output voltage to a NodeMCU is a low-cost open-source firmware and
constant value, even if the input voltage or load development board based on the ESP8266 WiFi
current changes. module. The board has an 80 MHz 32-bit Tensilica
CPU, 4 MB flash memory, and integrated WiFi
connectivity, which allows it to connect to the
Arduino Uno is a main Brain of the Project. The internet and exchange data with other devices. The
Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on board also features 11 digital input/output pins and
the ATmega328P microcontroller chip. It has 14 one analog input pin, which can be used to interface
digital input/output pins, 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz with a variety of sensors and actuators. The
quartz crystal oscillator, and a USB connection. NodeMCU firmware is based on the Lua scripting
The ATmega328P microcontroller has 32 KB of language and can be programmed using the
flash memory, 2 KB of SRAM, and 1 KB of NodeMCU Lua API. It also has support for the
EEPROM. The digital input/output pins are Arduino IDE, allowing it to be programmed using
grouped into two sets of 8 pins each, with each set the familiar C++ programme ng language.
capable of being configured as either input or Additionally, the NodeMCU supports the
output. The analog inputs can read signals in the MicroPython programming language, which is a
range of 0 to 5 volts, and are converted to a 10-bit popular choice for IoT projects.
digital value by the on-board analog-to-digital
converter. The board can be powered either by
connecting it to a computer via the USB cable, or
by connecting it to a 9-volt battery or an external
power supply. The board also has a power jack and
an ICSP header for programming the
microcontroller using an external programmer. The
board is programmed using the Arduino Integrated
Development Environment (IDE), which is a free

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The board can be powered using a micro-USB

cable or an external power supply, and can be 10.6 L298N MOTOR DRIVER:
programmed and debugged using a USB-to-serial
The L298N motor driver is an integrated circuit that
converter. The NodeMCU firmware provides a
provides control over the speed and direction of DC
range of networking protocols, including HTTP,
motors or stepper motors. The IC consists of two
HTTPS, MQTT, and Web Socket, which makes it
H-bridge circuits that can drive two DC motors or
an ideal choice for IoT applications that require
one stepper motor. The H-bridge circuits control
cloud connectivity. NodeMCU is widely used for a
the direction of the motor by switching on and off
range of IoT applications, such as home
pairs of transistors, allowing current to flow in
automation, weather stations, robotics, and wireless
either direction through the motor. The L298N
sensor networks. The open-source nature of
motor driver is widely used in robotics and
NodeMCU means that it has a large community of
automation applications, where precise control over
developers who have created libraries, tools, and
motor movement is essential. It can handle a
resources to help users get started with their
maximum current of 2A per channel, with a peak
projects. Overall, NodeMCU is a versatile and
current rating of 3A, making it suitable for a wide
powerful development board that offers an
range of motor types and sizes. It can operate over a
affordable solution for IoT projects.
wide voltage range, from 5V to 35V, which makes
10.5 ULTRASONIC SENSOR: it compatible with a wide range of power sources.

The HC-SR04 is an ultrasonic sensor module that is

commonly used for distance measurement
applications in robotics and automation. It operates
by emitting ultrasonic waves from a transmitter and
detecting their reflection from nearby objects using
a receiver. The time taken for the waves to travel to
the object and back is measured, and this is used to
calculate the distance to the object using the speed
of sound in air. The sensor requires a 5V power
supply and has four pins: Vcc (power), GND
(ground), Trig (trigger), and Echo (echoed signal).
To use the sensor, a trigger signal is sent to the Trig
pin, and the resulting echo signal is received at the The L298N motor driver requires a control circuit,
Echo pin. The distance to the object can then be such as a microcontroller, to send the appropriate
calculated using the formula Distance = (Time * signals to the IC. The control signals consist of two
Speed of Sound) / 2. The HC-SR04 is a low-cost, digital signals for each motor, one to set the
easy-to-use, and accurate sensor that has become direction and the other to set the speed. The speed
popular in many applications. signal is typically generated using pulse width

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modulation (PWM) to adjust the duty cycle of the

signal, which varies the average voltage applied to
the motor and controls its speed. The L298N motor
driver also includes built-in protection features to
prevent damage to the IC or the motor. These
protections include thermal shutdown, which shuts
down the IC if it overheats, overcurrent protection,
which limits the current flowing through the motor
to prevent damage, and under voltage lockout,
which prevents the IC from operating when the The DC BO gear motor stands for "Brushed
input voltage is too low. The L298N motor driver is Output", which means that the motor is a brushed
commonly used in a variety of applications, DC motor with an output shaft that is connected to
including robotics, automation, electric vehicles, a gearbox. Brushed DC motors are commonly used
and industrial control systems. in low-cost applications because they are simple,
reliable, and easy to control. They have a rotor with
a commutator and brushes that transfer power to the
rotor windings, creating a rotating magnetic field
that drives the motor shaft. The gearbox attached to
the DC BO gear motor is typically made up of a set
of gears with different sizes, arranged in a specific
sequence to provide the desired speed reduction and
torque increase. The gearbox also protects the
motor from external impacts and reduces noise and
vibration during operation.

DC BO gear motors are available in a wide range of

When using the L298N motor driver, it is important sizes, power ratings, and gear ratios, making them
to follow the manufacturer's instructions and take suitable for a variety of applications. They can
necessary precautions to avoid electric shock or operate on different voltage levels and have
short circuits. Careful consideration of the motor different output shaft configurations, such as round,
specifications and control signals is also necessary D-shaped, or keyed shafts. The motor speed and
to ensure proper operation and avoid damage to the torque can be adjusted by changing the voltage
motor or the IC. applied to the motor or by changing the gear ratio
10.7 DC MOTOR: of the gearbox.

DC BO gear motor is a type of DC motor that is 10.8 ESP32 CAMERA MODULE:

designed with a gearbox attached to it. The gearbox The ESP32 camera module is a small camera unit
is used to reduce the speed of the motor output that can be integrated with the ESP32
shaft and increase the torque. This makes the motor microcontroller for a wide range of applications.
suitable for applications that require high torque The module features a 2 megapixel OV2640
and low speed, such as robotics, industrial camera sensor with a resolution of 1600 x 1200
machinery, and automation equipment. pixels, capable of capturing JPEG images and video
up to 640 x 480 pixels at 60 frames per second. It
also includes a built-in lens with a 120-degree field
of view, making it suitable for applications such as
surveillance cameras, video streaming, and facial
recognition systems.

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The LM393 sound detection sensor is a small, low-

cost module that detects sound and converts it into
a digital signal that can be processed by a
microcontroller. It consists of a small electret
microphone, a comparator circuit, and an output
LED. The sound detection sensor works by sensing
changes in air pressure caused by sound waves. The
electret microphone converts these pressure
The camera module is connected to the ESP32 via a changes into an electrical signal which is then
standard SPI interface, requiring a minimum of 4 amplified and compared to a fixed reference
GPIO pins for operation. It also includes an SD voltage by the comparator circuit. If the electrical
card slot for storing images and video. The module signal exceeds the reference voltage, the
can be powered using a 3.3V power supply and comparator output goes high and the LED turns on,
consumes approximately 100mA of current during indicating that sound has been detected.
operation. It also includes a sleep mode for low
power consumption when not in use.

The pin details of the ESP32 camera module are as


 3V3: 3.3V power supply pin

 GND: Ground pin
 CS: Chip select pin, used to enable the camera
 SCK: Serial clock pin for SPI communication
 MOSI: Master out slave in pin for SPI
 MISO: Master in slave out pin for SPI
 XCLK: External clock pin, used to control the The LM393 sound detection sensor module has
sensor clock three pins - VCC, GND, and OUT. The VCC pin is
 PWDN: Power down pin, used to turn off the connected to the positive power supply, GND is
camera sensor when not in use connected to the negative power supply, and the
 RESET: Reset pin, used to reset the camera OUT pin provides a digital output that indicates the
module presence or absence of sound. To use the LM393
 D7: Data pin for camera control sound detection sensor module, simply connect it to
These pins can be connected to the appropriate a power source and a microcontroller or other
GPIO pins on the ESP32 microcontroller for digital device that can read digital input signals.
operation. The ESP32 camera module can be When sound is detected, the module will output a
programmed using the Arduino IDE or the ESP- high signal on the OUT pin, which can be read and
IDF development framework, which provides a processed by the microcontroller. The module can
range of libraries and tools for developing be used in a wide variety of applications, including
applications on the ESP32. security systems, noise monitors, and sound-
activated switches.

10.10 BUZZER:

A buzzer is a device that generates sound, typically

used to provide audible alerts or signals in
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electronic devices. Buzzer modules are commonly within the IDE. The sketch contains two main
used in electronic projects and can be found in a functions: the setup() function, which is called once
variety of shapes and sizes. A buzzer typically at the start of the program, and the loop() function,
consists of a metal or plastic housing that contains which is called repeatedly as long as the program is
an electromagnetic coil and a spring-mounted running.
armature. When an electrical current is passed
through the coil, it creates a magnetic field that  Library Manager: The Library Manager
pulls the armature towards the coil. This movement allows users to easily install and manage libraries
of the armature causes the device to vibrate, for their Arduino projects. It includes a collection
producing a sound. Buzzer modules are typically of pre-built libraries that can be used to add
driven by a digital signal from a microcontroller or functionality to your projects. Users can also create
other digital device. The sound produced by the their own libraries and add them to the IDE.
buzzer can be controlled by varying the frequency
and duration of the digital signal. Buzzer modules  Serial Monitor: The Serial Monitor allows
can produce a wide range of sounds, from simple users to communicate with the Arduino board and
beeps and tones to more complex melodies. Some monitor the data being sent and received through
buzzers have built-in sound generators, allowing the serial port. This is particularly useful for
them to produce a variety of pre-programmed debugging and troubleshooting.
sounds or music.  Board Manager: The Board Manager allows
users to select the type of Arduino board they are
using, configure settings, and install the necessary
drivers. This is important because different Arduino
boards may have different specifications and
require different drivers.

 Upload: The Upload feature allows users to

upload their sketches to the Arduino board and
11. SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION: begin executing the program. Users can select the
correct board and serial port before uploading the
11.1 ARDUINO IDE: sketch.

Arduino IDE (Integrated Development

 Tools: The Tools menu includes a range of
Environment) is a software tool used for
options for configuring and customizing the IDE.
programming and development of Arduino boards.
This includes options for setting the board type,
It is an open-source platform, available for free, and
serial port, programmer, and other settings.
is compatible with multiple operating systems
including Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. Overall, the Arduino IDE is a user-friendly
software tool that simplifies the programming
11.1.1 The main features of the Arduino IDE
process for beginners and experienced users alike.
It is compatible with a wide range of Arduino
 Code Editor: The code editor is the main boards and shields, making it a versatile tool for a
interface of the Arduino IDE where you can write, variety of applications. With its many features and
edit and upload code to the Arduino board. It community support, the Arduino IDE is an essential
includes features such as syntax highlighting, auto- tool for anyone interested in electronics and
completion, and code snippets to make programming.
programming easier.

 Sketches: Arduino programs are referred to as

"sketches" and can be easily created and saved

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 Board Layout: Express PCB includes a

powerful board layout editor that allows users to
place components on the board, route traces
between components, and add text and graphics.
The software also includes a range of design rules
to ensure that the PCB meets the required
 Gerber Export: Once the board design is
complete, Express PCB allows users to export the
design as Gerber files, which can be used to
In addition to the basic features listed above, the manufacture the PCB.
Arduino IDE also supports advanced features such  Parts Library: Express PCB comes with a
as debugging and profiling tools, version control large library of pre-built parts and components that
integration, and multiple file editing. The IDE can users can use to create their designs. Users can also
also be extended through plugins and add-ons, create their own custom parts library.
allowing users to customize the tool to their  Auto-Router: The software includes an
specific needs. Additionally, the Arduino auto-router feature that can automatically route
community provides a wealth of resources and
traces between components on the board. This can
tutorials to help users get started and troubleshoot save users a lot of time and effort, especially for
any issues they may encounter. complex designs.
11.2 EXPRESS PCB:  3D Viewer: Express PCB includes a 3D
viewer that allows users to view their board designs
Express PCB is a free-to-use software program for in 3D, providing a realistic view of how the final
designing printed circuit boards (PCBs). It is a product will look.
simple and user-friendly tool that is ideal for
beginners and hobbyists who want to design and Overall, Express PCB is a powerful and user-
create their own PCBs. friendly software tool that can help users design
and create their own PCBs quickly and easily. The
software is free to download and use, making it
accessible to hobbyists and beginners who may not
have a large budget for PCB design software.
Additionally, Express PCB provides a range of
tutorials and resources to help users get started and
troubleshoot any issues they may encounter during
the design process.


The ESP8266 is a low-cost Wi-Fi microchip with

full TCP/IP stack and microcontroller capabilities.
It can be used as a standalone microcontroller or as
11.2.2 Some of the key features of Express PCB a Wi-Fi enabled communication module with other
include: microcontrollers. One of its popular applications is
to create a webserver page to control and monitor
 Schematic Capture: Express PCB allows devices over the internet.
users to create schematic diagrams of their circuits
using a library of pre-built symbols. The software
also provides a range of editing tools to help users
create and modify their schematic diagrams.

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time feedback to the user. The web-based interface

enables the user to monitor and control the system
remotely, enhancing the system's accessibility.

The proposed system has the potential to be

expanded and customized to suit various
applications, making it a versatile solution for
surveillance and security. The system has the
potential to reduce the reliance on manual labour in
night patrolling operations, reducing the risk of
11.3.3 Here are the details on how to create a human error and improving the efficiency and
webserver page with ESP8266: effectiveness of the process. Overall, the proposed
system is a significant advancement in the field of
 Set up the ESP8266 with Arduino IDE and night patrolling operations, offering enhanced
connect it to Wi-Fi. security and surveillance, cost-effectiveness, and
 Import the required libraries such as efficiency. The system has the potential to improve
ESP8266WiFi.h and ESP8266WebServer.h. the safety and security of various applications such
 Create a web server object using the as industrial sites, residential areas, and public
ESP8266WebServer class. spaces. The proposed system is a valuable
 Define a callback function that will handle contribution to the field of IoT-based robotics,
requests made to the webserver. The callback offering a reliable and cost-effective solution for
function can take inputs from HTML forms and surveillance and security.
execute specific actions on the ESP8266.
 Write HTML code for the web page that the 13. DISCUSSION:
user will see. The IoT-based smart night patrolling robot is an
 Create a server.begin() statement in the innovative solution that has the potential to improve
setup() function to start the web server. the efficiency and effectiveness of night patrolling
 In the loop() function, run the operations. We discuss about some Advantages and
server.handleClient() method to handle incoming limits at here,
client requests.
 Upload the sketch to the ESP8266 and test 13.1 Advantages:
the web page in a browser by entering the IP
 Enhanced Security and Surveillance: The
address of the ESP8266 in the browser address bar.
IoT-based smart night patrolling robot offers
By following these steps, the ESP8266 can serve up
enhanced security and surveillance capabilities. The
a web page to control and monitor devices over the
integration of the camera module, sound sensor,
internet. This can be useful for remote control of
and ultrasonic sensor enables the robot to detect
home automation devices or other internet of things
and respond to any potential threats, ensuring the
(IoT) applications.
safety and security of the designated area.
12. CONCLUSION:  Cost-Effective: The use of an autonomous
robot for night patrolling operations is a cost-
In conclusion, the IoT-based smart night patrolling effective solution compared to manual patrolling.
robot is a significant advancement in the field of The robot is equipped with sensors and cameras
surveillance and security. The integration of various that reduce the need for human resources, thereby
components such as the Arduino Uno reducing the cost of labor.
microcontroller board, camera module, sound  Scalability and Adaptability: The
sensor, ultrasonic sensor, motor driver, motors, proposed system is scalable and adaptable to suit
Nodemcu, and buzzer have enabled the various applications. The system can be customized
development of a system that can patrol a and expanded to suit specific needs and
designated area autonomously and provide real-

IJCRT2304133 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org b94

www.ijcrt.org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 4 April 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882

applications, making it a versatile solution for authored by Dushyant Kumar Singh and
surveillance and security. Dharmender Singh Kushwaha and published in the
 Efficient and Effective: The system is Defence Science Journal in 2016. The article was
efficient and effective in detecting and responding published in volume 67, issue 1 of the journal and
to environmental stimuli. The robot can detect covers pages 50-58.
sounds and obstacles in its path and respond [3] In 2015, Chand D, Nayak S, Bhat KS, and
accordingly, ensuring the safety and security of the Parikh S presented a paper titled "A Mobile
designated area. Application for Women's Safety: WoS App" at the
 Web-based Interface: The system has a IEEE Region 10 Conference TENCON in Macao.
web-based interface that enables the user to monitor The conference was held from November 1-4 of
and control the system remotely, enhancing that year, and the paper was published in the
accessibility and convenience. conference proceedings.
[4] In 2015, Sethuraman R, Sasiprabha T, and
13.2 Limits: Sandhya A. authored a paper titled "An Effective
QoS Based Web Service Composition Algorithm
 Technical Expertise: The development and
for Integration of Travel and Tourism Resources".
maintenance of the system require technical
The paper was published in volume 48 of Procedia
expertise. The integration of various components
Computer Science and appears on page 5417.
and programming the system requires expertise in
[5] The Indian Journal of Science and Technology
robotics, IoT, and software development.
published an article in June 2015 by Gowri S and
 Environmental Limitations: The system
Anandha Mala GS titled "Efficacious IR System for
may not be suitable for all environments. The
Investigation in Textual Data". The article spans
system's efficiency may be affected by extreme
pages 1-7 and was published in volume 8, issue 12
weather conditions such as heavy rain or snow,
of the journal. Additionally, another article titled
which may hinder the robot's movement and
"An Intelligent Security System for Violence
Against Women in Public Places" was authored by
 Limited Autonomy: The system's
George R, Anjaly Cherian V, Antony A, et al.
autonomy is limited by the robot's battery life. The
However, no information is provided regarding
robot may require recharging or replacement of
where this article was published.
batteries, which may affect the system's efficiency.
[6] In 2000, an article titled "Some 6481 Results of
 Privacy Concerns: The use of cameras in
the Test Operation of a Security Service System
the system may raise privacy concerns. The system
with Autonomous Guard Robot" was authored by
should be designed and used in compliance with
Y. Shimosasa, J. Kanemoto, K. Hakamada, H.
privacy regulations and guidelines to ensure the
Horii, T. Ariki, Y. Sugawara, F. Kojio, A. Kimura,
protection of individuals' privacy.
and S. Yuta. The article reports on the test
 Maintenance and Upgrades: The system operation of a security service system with an
requires regular maintenance and upgrades to autonomous guard robot and contains 6481 results
ensure optimal performance. The maintenance and [7] In 2013, a paper titled "Team Mobile Robots
upgrading process may be time-consuming and Based Intelligent Security System" was authored by
require additional resources. S. Chia, J. Guo, B. Li, and K. Su. No information is
REFERENCE: provided regarding where the paper was published.
[8] The article "Remote Teleoperated and
[1] In 2015, Eun Som Jeon and colleagues Autonomous Mobile Security Robot Development
published a research article titled "Human detection in Ship Environment" was authored by L. Chung
based on the generation of a background image by and published in the journal Mathematical
using a far-infrared light camera" in the journal Problems in Engineering in 2013. The article is
Sensors. The article appeared in volume 15, issue 3 associated with article ID 902013 and was
of the journal and spans pages 6763-6788. published in volume 2013 of the journal.
[2] The article "Automatic Intruder Combat
System: A Way to Smart Border Surveillance" was
IJCRT2304133 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org b95
www.ijcrt.org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 4 April 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882

[9] In May 2015, J. Garcia, A. Alsuwaylih, and S. Professionals for Robot Deployment in Hospital
Tosunoglu presented a paper titled "Security Environments During the COVID-19 Pandemic,"
Autonomous Robot Patrolling" at the Florida which explores the views of healthcare
Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics. professionals on the use of robots in hospital
[10] "N. Hemavathy, Arun.K, Karthick.R, settings during the pandemic.
Srikanth.A.P, and Venkatesh.S authored a paper [13] In 2009, Jonathan Malkin and Jeff Bilmes
titled 'Night Vision Patrolling Robot with Sound from the Department of Electrical Engineering
Sensor Using Computer Vision Technology'. in the presented a voice-controlled robot arm at the CHI
journal Mathematical Problems in Engineering in conference in Boston, USA. The robot arm was
2013. developed for the Brandi House project, and the
[11] In August 2020, the International Research contact information for the authors is bhouse, jsm,
Journal of Engineering and Technology published and [email protected].
an article titled "Design of Smart Medical Assistant [14] In 2005, O. Ramstrom and H. Christensen
Robot for Contactless Preliminary Health Check presented a paper titled "A Method for Following
Up of Patients" authored by Supreet Thale, Unmarked Roads" at the Intelligent Vehicles
Bhushan N Chopda, Shreyas Deo, Viraj Symposium, published in the proceedings of IEEE.
Nyayadhish, P Srivalli, Unnati Choudhari, Serlin The paper spans pages 650-655.
Agnes, and Nilofar Sameena M. [15] In 2010, Q. J. M. Alvarez and A. M. Lopez
[12] On 2nd June 2021, Sergio D. Sierra Marín, published a paper titled "Road Detection Based on
Patricio Barria, Subramanian Ramamoorthy, and Illuminant Invariance" in the IEEE Transactions on
Marcelo Becker published an article titled Intelligent Transportation Systems. The paper spans
"Expectations and Perceptions of Healthcare 10 pages and is identified by number.

IJCRT2304133 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org b96

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