org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 4 April 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882
10.10 BUZZER:
electronic devices. Buzzer modules are commonly within the IDE. The sketch contains two main
used in electronic projects and can be found in a functions: the setup() function, which is called once
variety of shapes and sizes. A buzzer typically at the start of the program, and the loop() function,
consists of a metal or plastic housing that contains which is called repeatedly as long as the program is
an electromagnetic coil and a spring-mounted running.
armature. When an electrical current is passed
through the coil, it creates a magnetic field that Library Manager: The Library Manager
pulls the armature towards the coil. This movement allows users to easily install and manage libraries
of the armature causes the device to vibrate, for their Arduino projects. It includes a collection
producing a sound. Buzzer modules are typically of pre-built libraries that can be used to add
driven by a digital signal from a microcontroller or functionality to your projects. Users can also create
other digital device. The sound produced by the their own libraries and add them to the IDE.
buzzer can be controlled by varying the frequency
and duration of the digital signal. Buzzer modules Serial Monitor: The Serial Monitor allows
can produce a wide range of sounds, from simple users to communicate with the Arduino board and
beeps and tones to more complex melodies. Some monitor the data being sent and received through
buzzers have built-in sound generators, allowing the serial port. This is particularly useful for
them to produce a variety of pre-programmed debugging and troubleshooting.
sounds or music. Board Manager: The Board Manager allows
users to select the type of Arduino board they are
using, configure settings, and install the necessary
drivers. This is important because different Arduino
boards may have different specifications and
require different drivers.
applications, making it a versatile solution for authored by Dushyant Kumar Singh and
surveillance and security. Dharmender Singh Kushwaha and published in the
Efficient and Effective: The system is Defence Science Journal in 2016. The article was
efficient and effective in detecting and responding published in volume 67, issue 1 of the journal and
to environmental stimuli. The robot can detect covers pages 50-58.
sounds and obstacles in its path and respond [3] In 2015, Chand D, Nayak S, Bhat KS, and
accordingly, ensuring the safety and security of the Parikh S presented a paper titled "A Mobile
designated area. Application for Women's Safety: WoS App" at the
Web-based Interface: The system has a IEEE Region 10 Conference TENCON in Macao.
web-based interface that enables the user to monitor The conference was held from November 1-4 of
and control the system remotely, enhancing that year, and the paper was published in the
accessibility and convenience. conference proceedings.
[4] In 2015, Sethuraman R, Sasiprabha T, and
13.2 Limits: Sandhya A. authored a paper titled "An Effective
QoS Based Web Service Composition Algorithm
Technical Expertise: The development and
for Integration of Travel and Tourism Resources".
maintenance of the system require technical
The paper was published in volume 48 of Procedia
expertise. The integration of various components
Computer Science and appears on page 5417.
and programming the system requires expertise in
[5] The Indian Journal of Science and Technology
robotics, IoT, and software development.
published an article in June 2015 by Gowri S and
Environmental Limitations: The system
Anandha Mala GS titled "Efficacious IR System for
may not be suitable for all environments. The
Investigation in Textual Data". The article spans
system's efficiency may be affected by extreme
pages 1-7 and was published in volume 8, issue 12
weather conditions such as heavy rain or snow,
of the journal. Additionally, another article titled
which may hinder the robot's movement and
"An Intelligent Security System for Violence
Against Women in Public Places" was authored by
Limited Autonomy: The system's
George R, Anjaly Cherian V, Antony A, et al.
autonomy is limited by the robot's battery life. The
However, no information is provided regarding
robot may require recharging or replacement of
where this article was published.
batteries, which may affect the system's efficiency.
[6] In 2000, an article titled "Some 6481 Results of
Privacy Concerns: The use of cameras in
the Test Operation of a Security Service System
the system may raise privacy concerns. The system
with Autonomous Guard Robot" was authored by
should be designed and used in compliance with
Y. Shimosasa, J. Kanemoto, K. Hakamada, H.
privacy regulations and guidelines to ensure the
Horii, T. Ariki, Y. Sugawara, F. Kojio, A. Kimura,
protection of individuals' privacy.
and S. Yuta. The article reports on the test
Maintenance and Upgrades: The system operation of a security service system with an
requires regular maintenance and upgrades to autonomous guard robot and contains 6481 results
ensure optimal performance. The maintenance and [7] In 2013, a paper titled "Team Mobile Robots
upgrading process may be time-consuming and Based Intelligent Security System" was authored by
require additional resources. S. Chia, J. Guo, B. Li, and K. Su. No information is
REFERENCE: provided regarding where the paper was published.
[8] The article "Remote Teleoperated and
[1] In 2015, Eun Som Jeon and colleagues Autonomous Mobile Security Robot Development
published a research article titled "Human detection in Ship Environment" was authored by L. Chung
based on the generation of a background image by and published in the journal Mathematical
using a far-infrared light camera" in the journal Problems in Engineering in 2013. The article is
Sensors. The article appeared in volume 15, issue 3 associated with article ID 902013 and was
of the journal and spans pages 6763-6788. published in volume 2013 of the journal.
[2] The article "Automatic Intruder Combat
System: A Way to Smart Border Surveillance" was
IJCRT2304133 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org b95
www.ijcrt.org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 4 April 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882
[9] In May 2015, J. Garcia, A. Alsuwaylih, and S. Professionals for Robot Deployment in Hospital
Tosunoglu presented a paper titled "Security Environments During the COVID-19 Pandemic,"
Autonomous Robot Patrolling" at the Florida which explores the views of healthcare
Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics. professionals on the use of robots in hospital
[10] "N. Hemavathy, Arun.K, Karthick.R, settings during the pandemic.
Srikanth.A.P, and Venkatesh.S authored a paper [13] In 2009, Jonathan Malkin and Jeff Bilmes
titled 'Night Vision Patrolling Robot with Sound from the Department of Electrical Engineering
Sensor Using Computer Vision Technology'. in the presented a voice-controlled robot arm at the CHI
journal Mathematical Problems in Engineering in conference in Boston, USA. The robot arm was
2013. developed for the Brandi House project, and the
[11] In August 2020, the International Research contact information for the authors is bhouse, jsm,
Journal of Engineering and Technology published and [email protected].
an article titled "Design of Smart Medical Assistant [14] In 2005, O. Ramstrom and H. Christensen
Robot for Contactless Preliminary Health Check presented a paper titled "A Method for Following
Up of Patients" authored by Supreet Thale, Unmarked Roads" at the Intelligent Vehicles
Bhushan N Chopda, Shreyas Deo, Viraj Symposium, published in the proceedings of IEEE.
Nyayadhish, P Srivalli, Unnati Choudhari, Serlin The paper spans pages 650-655.
Agnes, and Nilofar Sameena M. [15] In 2010, Q. J. M. Alvarez and A. M. Lopez
[12] On 2nd June 2021, Sergio D. Sierra Marín, published a paper titled "Road Detection Based on
Patricio Barria, Subramanian Ramamoorthy, and Illuminant Invariance" in the IEEE Transactions on
Marcelo Becker published an article titled Intelligent Transportation Systems. The paper spans
"Expectations and Perceptions of Healthcare 10 pages and is identified by number.