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1. The Attribute type Enumeration is used A list of 20. The value 1,23 could be stored in an Decimal
to store: predefined values attribute of the type:
2. A critical success factor for companies working in small 21. What are microflows? The custom logic of
working with Mendix is: cross-functional a Mendix application
22. What are three microflow Activity, Exclusive
3. The Desktop modeler is a WYSIWYG False components? split, Parameter.
23. What do validation rules apply to? Attributes
4. The Desktop modeler is a WYSIWYG False
24. What effect does security have on Page and Microflow
the navigation of the application? access changes the
5. How can you get the latest Mendix By downloading it visibility of menu
Desktop Modeler? for free from the items.
Mendix Appstore.
25. What is a page in Mendix? The interface to your
6. How many default App Team roles are 5 app's data and
there? interaction
7. How many rows can a page have? infinite 26. What is the Mendix Modeler? A tool to create,
develop, and deploy
8. How many start events can a One
innovative apps at
microflow have?
light speed.
9. If a scrum team gets stuck, because of The Scrum Master
27. What would be a best practice when Delete 'Location'
things that are out of their control, who
deleting a Location? On delete of objects only if it is
is responsible to remove
'Location' object: not associated with
those impediments?
10. In the Desktop Modeler, you can The Project objects
access the Domain Model of your app Explorer
28. What would be the best name for a Home_Mobile
mobile-specific homepage?
11. In the Desktop Modeler, you can The Project
29. When deleting a Trainee, you want Cascading delete
access the Domain Model of your app Explorer
all Registrations for this Trainee to
be deleted as well. What is that
12. It is possible to add multiple widgets in true delete behavior called?
30. When do you use in the retrieve When you want to
action the option "by association"? retrieve the
13. A list view is a widget used to: Display dynamic associated object
data from memory
14. Microflows can be triggered by: Entity event, 31. When using the Layout Grid, the 12
Action button, weight of all
Widget event columns must add up to:
15. Only users with the SCRUM Master False 32. Where do you capture your project At the Stories tab
role have access to the Team Server requirements? underneath
16. Only users with the SCRUM Master False Collaborate in your
role have access to the Team Server. project's dashboard.

17. A page is responsive when: It works and looks 33. Where do you configure validation In the entity
good on all rules? properties
devices 34. Which activity is used to change the Change object
18. The reference selector is a widget that Select and display value of an attribute?
allows you to: an associated 35. Which security level must be active Production security
object to deploy an application to a test
19. A user role is required to have at least False environment of a licensed node in
one module role in every module the Mendix cloud?
36. Which statement is true? Microflow expressions are used to change, check and
extract data from available values
37. Why can you define security settings on both project and module It makes it easy to reuse modules
38. You can create a new app from the Mendix Developers Portal. True
39. You can create a part of the app functionality specifically for mobile. True
40. You can have different row layout for mobile, true
tablet, and phone
41. You can set a different homepage for mobile that the one for other True
42. You downloaded the latest version of the project from the Team Commit your changes to the Team Server
Server, and did some changes to the
app. What do you need to do next for your team members to be
able to view your changes?

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