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Construction and Building Materials 262 (2020) 120481

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Adaptive building roof by coupling thermochromic material and phase

change material: Energy performance under different climate conditions
Jianying Hu a,⇑, Xiong (Bill) Yu b,⇑
School of Transportation, Southeast University, Southeast University Road #2, Nanjing 211189, China
Department of Civil Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, 2104 Adelbert Road, Bingham 206, Cleveland, OH 44106, USA

h i g h l i g h t s

 Adaptive building roof, integrated with TC coating and/or PCM layer, is proposed as an energy saving strategy.
 TC/PCM roof saves up to 17% of total energy use for the building, especially under mild climate.
 The PCM layer is recommended to place inside the roof insulation.
 The 5-fold increase in thickness of PCM layer leads to 25% of total energy saving of the building.
 The 5-fold increase in thickness of TC coating yields 27% of total energy saving of the building.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Energy transfer in and out through the building envelope plays a prominent role in determining the
Received 7 September 2019 energy consumption of a building. This study proposes a new paradigm to enhance the energy efficiency
Received in revised form 27 July 2020 of buildings by designing adaptive building roofs that embrace dynamic responses to the fluctuating cli-
Accepted 4 August 2020
matic conditions. Adaptive building roof is designed by integrating with thermochromic (TC) coating and/
or phase change material (PCM) layer, namely TC roof, PCM roof, and TC/PCM roof, which could intelli-
gently control both solar energy absorption/reflection and thermal energy transfer in the building.
EnergyPlus simulation is implemented to investigate the potential use of adaptive roofs for the building
TC coating
PCM layer
energy saving under five different climatic conditions. The simulation results show that compared to tra-
Adaptive building roof ditional asphalt roof, the TC roof, PCM roof, TC/PCM roof reach total energy saving of up to 13%, 15%, and
Energy saving 17%, respectively. It is also found that TC/PCM roof shows seasonal control of building energy consump-
Sensitivity analysis tion. The sensitivity analysis reveals that when using TC/PCM roof, placing the PCM layer outside the roof
Climate zones insulation has more energy load reduction potential whereas the increase in thickness of PCM layer and
TC coating contributes to limited improvement of energy efficiency in the building. Furthermore, adap-
tive roof is found to perform the best for the building located in the mild climate region. The methodology
presented in this study will guide the design of adaptive roof for energy efficient buildings in different
climate zones.
Ó 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction of energy use since it is the interface between external environ-

mental condition and the interior demands of occupants [4]. Due
Buildings account for approximate 40% of global energy con- to this decisive role, strategies have been proposed to improve
sumption, where nearly half of this energy is used for space heat- thermal performance of building envelope, and therefore to
ing and cooling [1]. In China, the energy consumption in buildings enhance energy efficiency and thermal comfort of the building.
is rapidly increasing, which is expected to be increased from cur- For instance, strongly insulated envelopes are used with the aim
rent 27.6% to 35% by 2020 [2,3]. The building envelope, including of containing heat losses in the cold season and preventing heat
walls and roof, has an important role in the regulation and control gains by solar radiation in the hot season [5–7]. Additionally, high
albedo material, characterized with high solar reflectance and high
thermal emittance, is able to lower absorbed solar heat gain and
⇑ Corresponding authors. increase the heat released to the environment. Cool roof with high
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J. Hu), [email protected] (Xiong (Bill) albedo material has been demonstrated to reduce cooling energy
0950-0618/Ó 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
J. Hu, Xiong (Bill) Yu Construction and Building Materials 262 (2020) 120481

Fig. 1. (a) Change of molecular structures of TC pigment with temperature; (b) Photo of TC coating, (b) Reflectance spectra of asphalt roof with TC coating at different

consumption by up to 48% for buildings in different locations [8– ronment. According to Addington [12], smart materials are classi-
10]. However, the existing solutions to energy-related challenges fied into two groups: property change materials that change one
tend to have a static building envelope, which is not designed for of their properties (chemical, mechanical, optical, electrical, mag-
adaption to varied environment and climate. netic, or thermal) in response to a change in environmental condi-
Adaptive envelope, inspired by plant adaption, is one that tions, and energy exchange materials that transfer energy from one
responds to changing environmental conditions both interior and form to another desired state (i.e., photovoltaics, thermoelectrics,
exterior while regulating the indoor environment [11]. The build- and photoelectrics). Among them, thermochromic (TC) materials
ing envelope is constructed, not traditional inert surfaces, but with with dynamic optical properties and phase change materials
a wide range of smart materials. Smart materials are substances (PCM) with latent heat capacity have great potential to achieve
that have dynamic properties that react to changes in their envi- great energy efficiency in buildings.

Table 1
Optical data of building roofs for the building simulations.

Roof Solar absorptance Visible absorptance

Traditional roof 0.94 0.96
8 8
TC roof < 0:82; T 6 0  C; < 0:94; T 6 0  C;
0:8449 0:00274T; 0  C < T < 40  C 0:9927 0:0062T; 0  C < T < 40  C
: :
0:74; T P 40  C 0:75; T P 40  C

where T is the surface temperature of the material.

J. Hu, Xiong (Bill) Yu Construction and Building Materials 262 (2020) 120481

Fig. 2. (a) 5 mm thick Energain PCM board, (b) thermal conductivity and enthalpy of the PCM.

[13]. Karlessi et al. [14] has fabricated thermochromic (TC) coating

by embedding organic TC pigment into polymer matrix, which
exhibits temperature-dependent solar reflectance. It has found that
TC coating is 6–10 °C cooler than conventional colored coatings in
summer. TC coating has been widely applied into traditional win-
dow, forming thermochromic (TC) glazing [15–17]. TC glazing
exhibits temperature dependent optical transmittance, modulating
the visible and solar spectrum differently below and above the crit-
ical temperature of TC coating. Studies have demonstrated TC glaz-
ing presents extinguished energy saving potential for buildings
[16–22]. The influence of climate zones on energy performance
of TC glazing was also investigated [23]. In addition to windows,
roof is one of main building components which is responsible for
22% of total energy consumption in buildings [24]. TC roof is for-
mulated by integrating TC coating with building roof [25]. It has
been demonstrated to benefit the mitigation of urban heat island
Fig. 3. Schematic principle of a building with TC/PCM roof that illustrates solar [26]. The authors [27] have explored the energy efficiency of the
reflectance/ absorptance and heat transfer: (a) during the hot or summer season, (b) building with TC roof. It has concluded that for the buildings
during the cold or winter season.
located in the warm climatic regions in the United States, the use
of TC roof can potentially lead to up to 18% total energy saving
and up to 32% reduction in CO2 emission. Hence, TC roof with
Thermochromic (TC) material is capable of reversibly changing dynamic optical properties, has been proved to gain energy saving
optical properties in response to a temperature variation. It could potential in the building. However, extremely limited study has
modulate solar heat gain of the building by dynamically managing reported on the performance of adaptive building roof that dis-
solar energy, i.e., limiting undesired solar heat gain during the hot plays both variable optical properties and thermal energy storage
seasons and allowing more solar heat gain during the cold seasons capability.

10 mm TC coating
15 mm asphalt shingle
25 mm roof insulation
5 mm PCM layer
50 mm concrete

Fig. 4. Schematic of the room modelled in EnergyPlus.

J. Hu, Xiong (Bill) Yu Construction and Building Materials 262 (2020) 120481

Table 2
Thermal and optical properties of materials for the building envelope.

Property Concrete Wall insulation Roof insulation Gypsum Asphalt shingle TC coating
Thickness (m) 0.2 (wall), 0.1 (floor), 0.05 (roof) 0.05 0.025 0.01 0.015 0.01
Conductivity (W/(mK)) 1.7296 0.0432 0.049 0.16 1.5 0.16
Density (kg/m3) 2247 91 265 785 2500 1121
Specific heat (J/(kgK) 837 837 836 830 2100 1460
Thermal absorptance 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
Solar absorptance 0.65 0.5 0.7 0.4 0.94 –
Visible absorptance 0.65 0.5 0.7 0.4 0.96 –

Phase change materials (PCMs) have the capacity to store heat wall results in lower savings in cooling energy [48]. PCM system
from solar radiation, which are one promising technique to was found to store heat up to eight hours after solar irradiation
enhance energy efficiency of the building. During the day, the and thickness of the PCM depends on thermal load of buildings
PCMs in building envelope absorb the input heat into the building [49]. In addition to wall, PCM is integrated into building windows
and lead to lower cooling load. At night, when air becomes cold, for energy efficiency of the building in a semiarid climate [50].
the PCMs freeze and dispense the heat they stored during the Therefore, the performance of PCM wall is correlated with different
day, towards the internal and external environment, and curtail variables.
heating load [28–31]. Over the several decades, the integration of This study aims to explore energy saving potential of an office
the PCMs into the building envelope, such as on the roof [32], on building with TC roof and/or PCM roof, referred as solar- and
the floor [33] and in walls [34] is of great interest for both space thermo-responsive adaptive roof, under five climates in China.
heating and cooling in buildings. Studies demonstrate that PCM EnergyPlus simulation is performed to calculate the annual and
walls reduce the interior temperature of the building by 1–2 °C monthly heating and cooling loads. Moreover, the analysis com-
[35]. This results in 24% lower cooling energy demand and pares performance of adaptive building roof with that of tradi-
10–30% lower heating energy demand [36]. Numerous studies tional roof. Additionally, a sensitivity study is conducted to
have revealed that the efficiency of PCM wall depends on assess how energy savings of adaptive roof vary with the location
numerous factors [37]: (1) location in the wall [38–40]; (2) the vol- and thickness of PCM layer, and thickness of TC coating for each cli-
ume and thermophysical properties [39]; (3) the phase-change mate. This study provides guideline for the optimization of adap-
temperature range [37,38,41]; (4) the latent heat capacity; (5) tive building roof with TC roof and PCM roof for different climate
the climatic conditions; (6) internal solar gains; (7) reflectivity zones in China.
and orientation of the surfaces; (8) ventilation rates; (9) HVAC con-
trols, and (10) building structure. For instance, the location of PCM
in a wall was found to affect PCM’s state (not-melted state,
partially-melted state, and fully-melted state) during the cooling 2. Methodology
period, and as a result, to influence thermal performance improve-
ment of building walls [42]. The use of PCM on interior surfaces of 2.1. Design of TC/PCM roof
the building caused a time lag between the maximum energy con-
sumption and the maximum heating load of the room [43]. It is Thermochromic (TC) roof is designed by covering asphalt shin-
suggested to place the PCM near the outer surface of the walls, if gle with thermochromic (TC) coating. TC pigment used in this
its heat of fusion, melting temperature and thickness is high, and study exhibits dark color below the transition temperature of
near the inner surface when the interior surface temperature around 31 °C, and light color above the transition temperature.
increases [44]. The review by Song et al. [45] stated that phase Fig. 1(a) illustrates the molecular structure of TC pigment and its
change temperature of PCM for the building’s envelope is between change with temperature. The physical properties of TC pigment
10 °C and 39 °C. Furthermore, the combination of two melting have been described in previous studies [51,52]. TC coating is fab-
points in one zone results in higher thermal comfort and energy ricated by adding 5% TC pigment powder into polyvinyl chloride
efficiency by PCMs [46]. In tropical climate (e.g. Singapore), a thin (PVC), shown in Fig. 1(b). The temperature-dependent reflectance
layer of PCM near the exterior surface of the wall showed the best spectra of asphalt roof with TC coating in the wavelength of 300–
thermal performance and is more cost beneficial [47]. Research 1800 nm are characterized by a Cary 6000i UV–Vis-IR spectropho-
also found that installing PCMs on south and west walls is more tometer with a DRA integrating sphere, displayed in Fig. 1(c). Based
cost effective and the integration of PCMs with highly insulated on the spectral reflectance data, solar reflectance of TC roof is cal-
culated using weighted-averaging method (ASTM E903-96) [53]. It
has found that as temperature rises, solar reflectance of TC roof
increases from 18% to 26% and the reflectance in the visible range
is between 6 and 25% for TC roof. Based on reflectance values at dif-
Table 3
Five cities representing different climate zone in China.
ferent temperatures, the absorptance (1-solar reflectance) of TC
coating as a function of temperature is derived using the linear fit-
City Climate condition Air temperature Incident solar
ting approach, summarized in Table 1.
range (°C) radiation (kWh/m2)
In the present study, the Energain PCM board produced from
Beijing Cold 14.0–37.4 2401–4690 DuPont (Fig. 2(a)) is integrated into the building roof as a PCM roof.
Heilongjiang Severe cold 28.7–32.8 1664–5766
Nanjing Hot summer and 5.6–37.2 1842–3034
This material, consisting of 60% paraffin microcapsules, has a non-
cold winter linear enthalpy-temperature function, a melting temperature
Guangzhou Hot summer and 6.0–37.0 483–3189 range centered at 21.7 °C, a latent heat of 70 kJ/kg, a density of
warm winter 855 kg/m3, a specific heat of 2500 J/(kg∙K) and a variable thermal
Kunming Mild 2.1–30.2 1730–4697
conductivity [54,55] (Fig. 2(b)).
J. Hu, Xiong (Bill) Yu Construction and Building Materials 262 (2020) 120481

Fig. 5. Monthly statistics for the air temperature and solar radiation in five different climates: (a) Beijing, (b) Heilongjiang, (c) Nanjing, (d) Guangzhou, (e) Kunming.

In principle, with the characteristics of thermochromic (TC)

Table 4 material and phase change material (PCM), TC coating exhibits
Variations of parameters used for the analysis. dynamic response to solar radiation and PCM layer is capable of
Variables Range adapting to environmental temperature, as showm in Fig. 3. During
hot or summer season, TC coating features higher solar reflectance
Types of building envelope Traditional roof, TC roof, PCM roof, TC/PCM
roof and thus reflects more solar energy; during cold or winter season,
Location of PCM layer inside and outside of the roof insulation TC coating exhibits higher solar absorptance and absorbs more
Thickness of PCM layer 5 mm, 25 mm solar energy. Meanwhile, during the day, PCM layer absorbs extra
Thickness of TC coating in 10 mm, 50 mm thermal energy; during the night, PCM layer releases the stored
energy into the indoor and outdoor environment. Hence, the build-
ing with TC/PCM roof is adaptive to daily and seasonal change in

J. Hu, Xiong (Bill) Yu Construction and Building Materials 262 (2020) 120481

Fig. 6. Performance of the building with various types of building roof in five climates: (a) cooling load, (b) heating load, (c) total energy consumption.

environment, facilitating thermal comfort and energy efficiency in 2.3. Climates

different climates.
This research aims to study the energy performance of adaptive
roof with TC/PCM roof and to find the optimal configuration in dif-
2.2. Building energy simulations ferent locations around the world. Therefore, five cities represent-
ing five major climates are considered [56], including Beijing,
Energy simulation is carried out on a typical office building with Heilongjiang, Nanjing, Guangzhou, and Kunming. The weather data
TC/PCM roof (Fig. 4) using EnergyPlus 8.9.0. The office has a height for each city is derived from EnergyPlus climate file database, sum-
of 3 m and a total floor area of 25 m2. The roof is composed of marized in Table 3 and Fig. 5. It is noticed that Heilongjiang has the
10 mm TC coating as the outside layer, 15 mm asphalt shingle, coldest winter season with the lowest winter temperature of
25 mm roof insulation, 5 mm PCM layer, and 50 mm concrete. 28.7 °C and lowest average temperature of 18.7 °C in the year,
The wall is composed, from outside to inside, of 200 mm concrete, where space heating is dominant. Guangzhou has a higher temper-
50 mm wall insulation, and 10 mm gypsum. The thermo-physical ature ranging from 6.0 to 37.0 °C throughout the year, where cool-
and optical properties of used materials are summarized in Table 2. ing is primarily required. For Beijing and Nanjing, both heating and
All walls and roof of the room are assumed to be exposed to out- cooling are required, however, due to the fact that Kunming has a
door environment. In the model, two 1 m  1 m glass windows mild climate, heating and cooling energy demands are negligibly at
with Window-to-Wall Ratio of 0.33% are located on the northern some periods. In terms of incident solar radiation, it is obvious that
and southern walls of the room. the highest solar radiation is incident during April, June, May,
Regarding internal heat gains, the office room is occupied by November, and March in Beijing, Heilongjiang, Nanjing, Guangz-
eight persons (0.32 people/m2), a primary air ventilation rate of hou, and Kunming, respectively, which affect solar heat gain in
0.0203 m3/s. Lighting accounts for 64 W/m2 and electric equip- the buildings through building envelope.
ment contributes to 48 W/m2. HVAC system consisted of direct
cooling and heating with natural gas. The heating set-point is set 2.4. Sensitivity analysis
at 20 °C and the cooling set-point is set at 26 °C respectively, which
are scheduled for all days. All cooling and heating capacities were To optimize the design of adaptive building roof, a sensitivity
auto-sized to design day conditions corresponding with ASHRAE analysis on energy load of the room is conducted. The parameters
climate zones. Time step of the simulation was set to 10 min. and their variations in the sensitivity analysis is given in Table 4.
J. Hu, Xiong (Bill) Yu Construction and Building Materials 262 (2020) 120481

(c) (d)
Fig. 7. Monthly energy consumption of the building with three types of roof in Nanjing: (a) traditional roof, (b) TC roof, (c) PCM roof, (d) TC/PCM roof.

Firstly, three types of building roof are evaluated and compared, adaptive building roof with TC roof and PCM roof is effective in
including traditional asphalt roof, TC roof, and the combination reducing cooling energy consumption of the building in all sites.
of TC roof and PCM roof (TC/PCM roof). Secondly, the location of In comparison with traditional roof, the use of TC roof leads to
PCM layer is varied at the interior or the exterior of the roof insu- cooling energy saving of 7.7 kWh/m2 (10%), 5.1 kWh/m2 (12%),
lation. Thirdly, the thickness of PCM layer in TC/PCM roof is 8.2 kWh/m2 (8%), 10.6 kWh/m2 (7%), and 9.7 kWh/m2 (16%) for
increased from 5 mm to 25 mm. Finally, the thickness of TC coating the building in Beijing, Heilongjiang, Nanjing, Guangdong, and
in TC/PCM roof is varied from 10 mm to 50 mm. In the simulation, Kunming, respectively while the application of PCM roof yields
only one parameter is changed each time while the other parame- cooling energy saving of 1.7 kWh/m2 (2%), 1.2 kWh/m2 (3%),
ters are held at the base case values. Thus, the influence of each 1.8 kWh/m2 (2%), 2.0 kWh/m2 (1%), and 2.3 kWh/m2 (4%), respec-
parameter is presented as percentage changes of energy tively. Correspondingly, the use of TC/PCM roof saves cooling load
performance. by 8.8 kWh/m2 (11%), 5.9 kWh/m2 (14%), 9.2 kWh/m2 (9%),
11.8 kWh/m2 (7%), and 11.1 kWh/m2 (18%), respectively. It is
3. Results and discussion noticed that TC roof is effective in reducing cooling energy con-
sumption of the building, which is attributed to increased solar
A series of simulation is conducted to investigate the effective- reflectance of TC coating during summer. PCM layer is also found
ness of adaptive building roof integrated with thermochromic (TC) to slightly reduce cooling energy demand of the building, which
coating and PCM board by comparing with traditional building roof is due to the latent heat storage of PCMs. Among all building envel-
in different regions in China. Influence of location and thickness of opes, TC/PCM roof is the most prominent in reducing cooling loads.
PCM board as well as thickness of TC coating on energy perfor- Moreover, it is found that all adaptive building roofs bring more
mance of the room is also analyzed. energy savings of the building in mild climate region (i.e., Kun-
ming). This might be ascribed to the average temperature of Kun-
3.1. Impact on annual energy loads ming is closer to phase change temperature of PCM (approximately
21.7 °C) and color-change temperature of TC materials (around
Fig. 6 presents the annual heating, cooling and total energy 31 °C).
demands of a typical office room with three types of building roof Concerning heating loads, the results in Fig. 6(b) show that indi-
in five Chinese climate locations. It is observed from Fig. 6(a) that vidual TC roof is only effective for the building in hot and mild

J. Hu, Xiong (Bill) Yu Construction and Building Materials 262 (2020) 120481

regions with maximum heating energy saving of up to 2% while the total energy consumption of the building, followed by PCM roof and
use of PCM roof reduces heating energy demand by 8.1 kWh/m2 TC roof. Furthermore, it is also found that adaptive building roof is
(4%), 7.1 kWh/m2 (1%), 5.7 kWh/m2 (6%), 0.9 kWh/m2 (15%), and more prominent in reducing total energy use in the mild climate
2.0 kWh/m2 (14%) for the building in Beijing, Heilongjiang, Nan- region, which is due to the adaptability of PCM and TC materials to
jing, Guangdong, and Kunming, respectively. Accordingly, TC/ climatic characteristics of the region.
PCM roof saves heating load by 6.3 kWh/m2 (3%), 5.2 kWh/m2
(1%), 4.1 kWh/m2 (4%), 1.1 kWh/m2 (19%), and 1.7 kWh/m2 (12%)
for the building in Beijing, Heilongjiang, Nanjing, Guangdong, and 3.2. Impact on monthly energy consumption analysis
Kunming, respectively. Obviously, PCM roof is the most effective
in reducing heating load of the building in all sites while TC roof Fig. 7 displays that the monthly heating and cooling energy
is the least effective in saving heating load, which might be due demands of the building with various types of building roof in Nan-
to relatively low solar absorptance of TC materials during winter. jing. It is found that the heating energy demand in Nanjing is gen-
It is also observed that adaptive building roof reaches the best erally required from November to March with a peak heating
heating energy saving in hot climate region (i.e. Guangdong). This energy demand in January; while the cooling energy is mainly con-
might be explained by that the average temperature of Guangdong sumed from May to September with a peak cooling load in July.
in heating exceeds melting point of PCMs and more heating energy During the cooling season, the cooling energy demand of the build-
reduction by PCM board. ing is reduced by 12.6 kWh/m2 (8%), 1.9 kWh/m2 (1%), 14 kWh/m2
As for the annual total energy consumption in the building, the (9%) when employing TC roof, PCM roof, and TC roof/PCM roof in
simulation results in Fig. 6(c) show that when compared to tradi- comparison with traditional roof. During the heating season, heat-
tional roof, TC roof brings total energy saving of 7.7 kWh/m2 (3%), ing energy consumption is slightly increased by 0.2 kWh/m2 with
4.3 kWh/m2 (1%), 8.0 kWh/m2 (4%), 10.7 kWh/m2 (6%), and the use of TC roof while heating load is reduced by 5.5 kWh/m2
9.8 kWh/m2 (13%) for the building in Beijing, Heilongjiang, Nanjing, (6%), 4.0 kWh/m2 (4%) with the application of PCM roof and TC/
Guangdong, and Kunming, respectively; while the utilization of PCM roof, respectively when comparing with traditional roof. It
PCM board results in total energy saving of 9.8 kWh/m2 (4%), is evident that TC/PCM roof performs best in reducing total energy
8.3 kWh/m2 (1%), 7.4 kWh/m2 (4%), 2.9 kWh/m2 (2%), and 4.3 kWh/ use during the cooling season and PCM roof is the best building
m2 (6%), respectively. Correspondingly, the use of TC/PCM roof leads roof during the heating season. More importantly, TC/PCM roof
to total energy saving of 15.1 kWh/m2 (6%), 11.1 kWh/m2 (2%), could considerably reduce both heating and cooling loads during
13.3 kWh/m2 (7%), 12.8 kWh/m2 (9%), and 12.8 kWh/m2 (17%), both cold and hot seasons, proving its seasonal control over energy
respectively. It is noticed that TC/PCM roof performs best in reducing use of the building.

Fig. 8. Impact of location of PCM layer on performance of the building in five climates: (a) cooling load, (b) heating load, (c) total energy consumption.

J. Hu, Xiong (Bill) Yu Construction and Building Materials 262 (2020) 120481

Fig. 9. Influence of thickness of PCM layer on performance of the building in five climates: (a) cooling load, (b) heating load, (c) total energy consumption.

3.3. Effect of location of PCM layer 3.4. Effect of thickness of PCM layer

The determination of the position of PCM layer within a The energy performance of the building with TC/PCM roof in
building envelope is a crucial parameter that induces a consid- five climates has been studied by varying thickness of PCM layer,
erable impact on its performance under transient heat flow as shown in Fig. 9. The results show that increasing thickness of
[57]. Fig. 8 compares the performance of the building with PCM layer by five times, more cooling load is reduced, which is
TC/PCM roof where PCM layer is placed inside and outside the 3.0 kWh/m2 (4%), 1.9 kWh/m2 (5%), 2.8 kWh/m2 (3%), 3.6 kWh/
roof insulation. It is observed that when the room with PCM m2 (2%), and 3.3 kWh/m2 (7%) for the building in Beijing, Hei-
layer outside the roof insulation needs more cooling energy of longjiang, Nanjing, Guangdong, and Kunming, respectively. Mean-
0.2–0.6 kWh/m2 (0.2–1%), higher heating load of 0.7–2.6 while, less heating energy is consumed, which is lowered by
kWh/m2 (0.3–14%), more total energy by 2.9 kWh/m2 (1%), 11.3 kWh/m2 (6%), 14.9 kWh/m2 (3%), 7.9 kWh/m2 (9%),
1.8 kWh/m2 (0.3%), 2.1 kWh/m2 (1%), 1.0 kWh/m2 (0.7%), and 0.9 kWh/m2 (18%), and 2.6 kWh/m2 (21%), respectively. Corre-
1.2 kWh/m2 (2%) for the building in Beijing, Heilongjiang, Nan- spondingly, the total energy saving reaches up to 14.3 kWh/m2
jing, Guangdong, and Kunming, respectively when compared to (6%), 16.8 kWh/m2 (3%), 10.7 kWh/m2 (6%), 4.4 kWh/m2 (3%),
the room with PCM layer inside the roof insulation. It can be and 5.9 kWh/m2 (10%), respectively. It is noticed that the increas-
seen that the PCM board inside the roof insulation brings more ing thickness of PCM layer brings positive impact on heating, cool-
energy savings of the building than that outside the roof insula- ing and total energy demands. This improved effectiveness by
tion. This might be attributed to that the temperature is raising thickness of PCM layer is ascribed to the extra thermal
decreasing from outside to inside and PCM board experienced resistance and increased amount of the active PCM in the roof.
phase change process at the inside position. Hence, it is sug-
gested to place PCM layer inside the roof insulation, showing 3.5. Effect of thickness of TC coating
desired energy performance of the building. This conclusion
coincides with the statement in previous studies that the opti- The annual energy performance of the building with TC/PCM
mal position for PCM is the interior edge of building envelope roof in five cities is studied with varied thickness of TC coating in
[29,50]. the roof, as shown in Fig. 10. It can be seen that as the thickness

J. Hu, Xiong (Bill) Yu Construction and Building Materials 262 (2020) 120481

Fig. 10. Influence of thickness of TC coating on performance of the building in five climates: (a) cooling load, (b) heating load, (c) total energy consumption.

of TC coating increases from 10 mm to 50 mm, the cooling load is (2) The use of PCM roof reduces the heating loads (up to 15%)
reduced by 5.1 kWh/m2 (7%), 3.0 kWh/m2 (8%), 5.2 kWh/m2 (5%), and cooling load (up to 4%), and leads to total energy saving
7.0 kWh/m2 (5%), and 5.1 kWh/m2 (10%) for the building in Beijing, for the buildings (up to 15%).
Heilongjiang, Nanjing, Guangdong, and Kunming, respectively. (3) TC/PCM roof significantly reduces the cooling energy use
Meanwhile, the heating load is lowered by 15.6 kWh/m2 (8%), and heating energy use by controlling the heat flux through
25.8 kWh/m2 (5%), 9.8 kWh/m2 (11%), 0.8 kWh/m2 (16%), and the building envelope. These lead to 18% of cooling energy
2.2 kWh/m2 (18%), respectively. Accordingly, the total energy sav- saving for the building under mild climate, 19% of heating
ing in these five different cities reaches up to 20.7 kWh/m2 (8%), energy saving under hot summer and warm winter climate,
28.8 kWh/m2 (5%), 15 kWh/m2 (8%), 7.8 kWh/m2 (5%), and and 17% of total energy saving under mild climate.
7.3 kWh/m2 (12%), respectively. Hence, the increase in thickness (4) TC roof, PCM roof and TC/PCM roof perform better under
of TC coating is effective in curtailing more heating, cooling and mild climate in terms of total energy saving of the building.
total energy use, which might be attributed to the added extra (5) TC/PCM roof shows seasonal control of building energy use
thermal resistance in the roof. with the extent of performance dependent upon the season
and climate conditions.
4. Conclusions (6) Placement of the PCM layer inside the roof insulation
achieves more energy saving benefits than placing outside
This study evaluates the energy saving benefits of using adap- the roof insulation.
tive building roof (TC roof, PCM roof, TC/PCM roof) in buildings (7) The increases in thickness of PCM layer from 5 mm to
under five different climates when compared with traditional roof. 25 mm saves total energy saving up to 10%.
The variations in the thickness of PCM layer as well as the thick- (8) With the increased thickness of TC coating from 10 mm to
ness of TC coating in roof are considered. The placement of the 50 mm, the total energy consumption is reduced by up to
PCM layer inside or outside of the insulation layer is also consid- 12%.
ered. The main findings from the analyses include: These findings confirm the prospects of using adaptive building
roof, namely TC or PCM roof, for energy efficient buildings. To fur-
(1) TC roof has a negligible influence on the heating load while ther improve its energy saving, it is recommended to place the
lowers the cooling load (up to 16%), therefore saves the total PCM layer inside the roof insulation layer, to increase thickness
energy use (up to 13%) for the buildings. of PCM layer, and to increase the thickness of TC coating. The per-

J. Hu, Xiong (Bill) Yu Construction and Building Materials 262 (2020) 120481

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