The Electrical Engineer
The Electrical Engineer
The Electrical Engineer
THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE INSTITUTE OF INTEGRATED electrical engineers of the philippines, inc.
As of this writing,
the coronavirus
(COVID-19) has
been responsible
for the deaths
of more than 6
million human
lives globally, and
still counting.
conducted by an international team Change emphasises the need for “To carry out this calculation
of experts from the University adoption of low-emission lifestyles, we needed to process hourly
of Sydney alongside Monash including cooling choices for temperature data for an entire
University, University of Newcastle thermal comfort,” year, for the entire continent
and Radboud University medical on a 150,000-cell raster grid.
center, based in the Netherlands. “Our study confirms that low-cost We were able to do this using
solutions such as fans have the supercomputers,” said co-senior
The work showcases how making potential to contribute emission author Professor Manfred Lenzen of
the switch to widespread indoor reductions for meeting the goals the School of Physics.
fan use can potentially reduce of the Paris Agreement,” said lead
energy demand and greenhouse author Dr Arunima Malik, Senior They found that operating fans
gas emissions. Lecturer in Sustainability at the with air speeds of 1·2 m/s with
School of Physics and Business occasional air conditioner use,
The key lies in the fundamental School. compared with air conditioners
way electric fans operate to cool alone, resulted in a 76 percent
the human body compared to air x OPTIMAL CONDITIONS FOR reduction in energy use (from 5592
conditioners. Electric fans generate SUSTAINABILITY AND COMFORT GWh to 1344 GWh) and associated
higher air speeds across the skin greenhouse gas emissions (5091
surface to achieve a higher heat The researchers compared the kilotonnes to 1208 kilotonnes).
loss despite warmer temperatures, energy use and associated
whilst air conditioners by greenhouse gas emissions by “We know that curbing greenhouse
themselves lower temperatures modelling five scenarios with gas emissions is the only way we
with little air movement. different combinations of fan and will limit future global warming,”
air conditioner use. This included says Professor Jay.
“Through their sole purpose of situations with fans operating at
lowering air temperatures, air different speed settings. “By increasing indoor air movement
conditioners feed a cycle of high with fans, you can feel the same
electricity consumption - often After logging data on the impact at a higher temperature as you will
delivered by fossil fuel power of the fans on human comfort do at a lower temperature using an
stations that in turn contribute to levels before they begin to feel air conditioning unit. This is a really
further increases in emissions,” said discomfort, the number of hours easy thing that most people can do
co-senior author Professor Ollie Jay, above the thermal comfort limit now to help reduce the prodigious
Director of the Heat and Health were calculated to determine air emissions associated with cooling
Research Incubator in the Faculty conditioner usage, and associated homes and indoor spaces in
of Medicine and Health. energy use and greenhouse gas Australia.”
“The latest IPCC Sixth Assessment
Report on Mitigation of Climate
Financial Recovery and Sustainability
Plan 2022-2025
Small light bulbs illuminate each of our homes until fiber optics came
into use throughout the world. The discovery of electricity has helped
past generations to flourish. On the other Hand,generations in the
newer eras need to aim higher, hence the need for more
electrical engineers. But how does being an electrical engineer
make a difference?
B Being part of the Electrical Engineering discipline and practice requires you to have skills in
building wire-installations, rewinding transformer circuitry, electrical design and so much more.
Beyond that, you can be a pioneer of exciting discoveries yet to be uncovered and focusing
ahead, outstanding research work that can benefit millions.
All you have to do, is to become part of the engineering world. Discover electrical engineering;
and there are numerous amounts of opportunities you can unlock as you work as a professional and continue to
learn the wonders of technology through electricity.
Pa l a wa n ' s
Prince sa
Don’t forget the delicious hopia at Baker’s Hill. A snack you can eat
while going on the rest of the tour for the day.
NGCP is now significantly closer execution. Damage to submarine from slow judicial processes and
to unifying the Philippine grid after cable no.1 caused by a third-party unsupportive landowners continue
completing several components vessel also delayed construction to delay our efforts,” NGCP added.
of the Mindanao-Visayas activities, with repairs completed Through the MVIP, the Mindanao
Interconnection Project (MVIP), only in November 2021. grid will be linked to the Visayas
particularly the Santander and grid via an HVDC system with a
Dapitan Cable Terminal Stations, NGCP also successfully energized 450-MegaWatt initial capacity.
the 350kiloVolt (kV) submarine the Lala-Aurora 138kV Transmission Several other components are for
cable, and the Lala-Aurora 138kV Line on 19 February 2022 at 4:41PM completion including the Dumanjug
transmission line. for Line 2 and 4:48PM for Line 1. Bus-in to Colon-Samboan 138kV
This MVIP component, on its own, Transmission Line in December
NGCP completed the construction will improve the reliability of power 2022; Dapitan-Lala 350kV
of the Cable Terminal Stations (CTS) transmission services between Transmission Line, Kauswagan-
in Santander, Cebu and Dapitan, Lanao del Norte and provinces in Lala 230kV Transmission Line,
Zamboanga del Norte, as well as the Zamboanga Peninsula. and Kolambugan-Lala 20kV
installation of two (2) 92-km 350kV “NGCP is happy to report that Transmission Line in August 2022;
high voltage direct current (HVDC) these critical MVIP components and the Dumanjug-Santander
power cables and two (2) 92-km are now complete and ready for 350kV Transmission Line, Magdugo-
fiber optic cables. Site acceptance energization. We hoped this would Dumanjug 230kV Transmission
tests (SATs) were conducted at finish on time, but factors beyond Line, and Dumanjug-Alegria 20kV
the Dapitan and Santander CTS our control required an adjustment Transmission Line in October 2022.
to ensure the said facilities meet to our project timeline. We are NGCP is a Filipino-led, privately
NGCP’s requirements. working double-time to complete owned company in charge of
Work on the submarine cable the overhead transmission line operating, maintaining, and
component commenced in portions and advance the project developing the country’s electricity
November 2018 and was originally to its commissioning stage to transmission grid, led by majority
slated to be completed in June connect the Luzon, Visayas, and shareholders and Vice Chairman of
2021. However, restrictions on Mindanao grids,” the company said. the Board Henry Sy, Jr. and Co-Vice
entry of foreign experts, work “NGCP continues to appeal for the Chairman Robert Coyiuto, Jr. It is
suspension, and manpower support of the local and national the sole operating asset of Synergy
reduction brought about by the government to push this into Grid and Development Philippines,
COVID-19 pandemic contributed to fruition. Delays in local government Inc. ##
significant delays in the project’s permitting, and right-of-way issues
households. The UNDP will continue to offer its between the DOE and Department of Interior and
assistance to DOE in the area of RE development. The Local Government or the Local Government Unit
work in clean energy does not end with the completion (LGU) Energy Code. The Energy Code aims to ensure
of the DREAMS Project. Expect the UNDP to pursue the integration of RE and EE&C local policies and
further engagements with you to find ways to support projects in the development agenda of LGUs.
the government’s clean energy policy for the benefit of
the Filipino people,” Ms. Eleazar stated. Present at the event were signatories Hon.
Mohammad Khalid Raki-in Adiong, Lanao del Sur
“The various Memoranda of Undertaking were Vice Governor; Hon. Margarito C. Mission Jr., San
crafted in a way that takes to heart the principles Remigio Mayor; Hon. Bryan Dale G. Chan, Aparri
of transparency, accountability and participatory Mayor; Hon. Roberto O. Palomar, Tapaz Mayor; Hon.
decision-making,” added Atty. Fielmor Amor from the Sergio S. Tapalla, Cagayancillo Mayor; Hon. Marcel
DOE-Renewable Energy Legal Services. Pan, Goa Mayor; Mr. Benito Lugayan, KIFA President;
Mr. Junnie Vee D. Hongco, Provincial Legal Officer of
The event also featured learning sessions. The DOE- PLGU Antique; Atty. Jose Michael Edwin S. Amancio,
Energy Utilization Management Bureau presented an General Manager of ESAMELCO; Dr. Shirley C.
audio-visual presentation on the Energy Efficiency and Agrupis, MMSU President; Mr. Jeffrey Y. Tan-Endriga,
Conservation (EE&C) Act (RA 11285), highlighting the PALECO Board President; and Ms. Solene Gondrexon,
roles of local government units to ensure the success Energy Program Manager of Entrepreneur Du Monde.
of the policy. The event was also attended by the DREAMS Project
Steering Committee namely, the Philippine Electricity
Meanwhile, Ms. Lisa Go, Chief of the DOE-Investments Market Corporation (PEMC), Provincial Government of
Promotions Office, presented the Energy Virtual One- Palawan and the National Transmission Corporation
Stop Shop Act and the Joint Memorandum Circular (TransCo).
The Energy Regulatory Commission and CEO Agnes VST Devanadera accepted by Transmission
(ERC), seeing the need to update expounded. Customers as a condition for
the existing Open Access receiving the services.
Transmission Service (OATS) Rules The significant provisions of the
promulgated in 2006, amended the 2006 OATS Rules that were The OATS Rules are grounded
same to consider and incorporate amended in the 2022 Edition are on the Implementing Rules and
more recent regulatory policies as follows: (1) Billing Determinant Regulation of R.A. 9136 (EPIRA),
of the Commission and address under Module F; (2) System Impact the PGC and the WESM Rules. The
concerns raised by electric power Studies (SIS) under Module B; (3) OATS Rules complement the Rules
industry stakeholders. Penalty Provisions; (4) Interruption for Setting Transmission Wheeling
and Curtailment Billing Adjustment Rate (RTWR) and the WESM
“The Commission deemed it under Clause F (AV)1; and (5) Force Manuals.
appropriate to amend the 2006 Majeure Adjustment under Clause
OATS Rules to harmonize it with F(AV)2. The OATS Rules provides that
relevant rules and guidelines the ERC may choose to initiate
that we have promulgated. The The Rules, Terms and Conditions amendments thereto for the
amended OATS Rules will also for the Provision of Open Access second and subsequent Regulatory
clarify concerns from the various Transmission Service (OATS Rules) Periods at any time. Such
transmission customers, the spells out the services provided by action may result from the ERC’s
Department of Energy (DOE), and the Transmission Network Provider assessment of the OATS Rules or
the National Grid Corporation that operates the high voltage through concerns submitted by
of the Philippines (NGCP), backbone transmission system. It Transmission Customers.
particularly on the computation of outlines the responsibilities of the
Transmission Charges. In addition, Transmission Network Provider “The Open Access Transmission
we have also set the Transmission and the functions of the System Service (OATS) Rules 2022 Edition
Charges that will be applicable Operator as specified in the seeks to ensure a more transparent
to Embedded Generators (EGs) Philippine Grid Code (PGC) and the Electricity Market, along with the
that are mandated to register with Wholesale Electricity Spot Market provision of safe, reliable, and
the Wholesale Electricity Spot (WESM) Rules. The OATS Rules efficient operation of the Power
Market (WESM),” ERC Chairperson also set out the responsibilities System,” ERC Chair Devanadera
VOLUME LI 2022 Issue No. 2 17
his role as career undersecretary at the Department of
Energy in the meantime.
The National Electrification Administration (NEA) is During the first quarter of 2022, a total of 129,560 new
highly optimistic in reaching the 15 Millionth connection consumer connections were served representing 32%
as this is a fulfillment of the Agency’s mandated of the 400,000 targeted consumers for the year. This
mission of bringing electricity to the countryside. makes up nearly a third of the target within the first
Recent report on Consumer Connections shows that three months of this year alone.
the number of consumers served is now 14,969,035,
only 30,965 consumers less to reach another milestone With this accomplishment, the level of total consumer
in the Rural Electrification Program. connections has reached 14,969,035 or 91% of the
identified potential connections. Clustered into
“The NEA, in partnership with the Electric the major islands, 46% of the total connections
Cooperatives, will continue to bring light and hope or 6,990,614 are in Luzon, 27% or 3,969,748 are in
to the people in the countryside”, Administrator Visayas and 27% or 4,008,673 are in Mindanao. About
Emmanuel P. Juaneza said. 1,287,305 or only 9% of the total potential consumers
based on the 2015 Census of Population and Housing
NEA Information Technology and Communication remains to be served. ###
Services Department (ITCSD) will closely monitor the
status of consumer connections so as not to miss this From | June 10, 2022
momentous event.
by: Micah Dylan C. Crisologo
"Kailangan regular yung installation audit. It's Let us also appreciate the unreported efforts of several
a must. And then yung periodic inspection is a electrical practitioners which in one way or another,
must. It's a must. Hindi po iyon install and forget. save lives.
Otherwise, you will have electrical fires.
… yung mindset na masyado tayong cost- As we go about our daily lives as electrical
conscious or too cost-conscious mindset (is) also practitioners, let us not forget that electrical safety
dangerous. Unsafe practice din ‘yon. And then should not be observed only in huge power plants
yung mindset na "Pwede na ‘yan!", mas mahirap nor in pieces of electrical plan blueprints but most
importantly at home.
VOLUME LI 2022 Issue No. 2 21
Nuclear plants
produce waste—
which is a debatable
generating electricity,
but what it is exactly
and how it’s handled
are different than you
might think.
LI 2022
2022 Issue
Issue No.
No. 21 23
After nuclear fuel has been in a reactor for five years, operators remove
the bundles of nuclear fuel, called fuel assemblies and begin transitioning
them for permanent storage. The fuel assemblies are then transferred to a
40-foot-deep cooling pool, where they will stay for about five years.
After the fuel has cooled in the pool, operators remove them and place
them in a concrete-and-steel container called a dry cask. These have no
moving parts, are filled with inert gas, and are built to survive natural
disasters and all other unusual scenarios. They require little maintenance
and for every one ton of used nuclear fuel, there are 10 tons of material to
store it.
All of the used nuclear fuel produced from the U.S. industry is tracked and
traceable. Right now, all of the nuclear waste that a power plant generates
in its entire lifetime is stored on-site in dry casks.
A permanent disposal site for used nuclear fuel has been planned for
Yucca Mountain, Nevada, since 1987, but political issues keep it from
becoming a reality. The technology to permanently store nuclear waste is
available, we just need to deploy it.
x How Much Nuclear Waste Is activities or activity concentrations at levels where regulatory oversight is
There? needed to ensure safety. In Australia radioactive waste is generated in a
variety of medical, industrial, research and agricultural practices.
All of the waste that the U.S.
nuclear industry has created since All radioactive materials (or radionuclides) have a half-life (the time it
the 1950s takes up relatively little takes for half of the radioactive atoms to decay). This means that the
space, and it’s all safely contained. radioactivity of all radioactive waste gets lower over time. For this reason
The energy density of nuclear fuel not all types of radioactive waste should be managed in the same way.
means that nuclear plants produce For example, radionuclides with a short half-life can be stored until they
immense amounts of energy with are safe to dispose of as normal waste. Longer lived radionuclides (like
little byproduct. In fact, the entire uranium) will remain radioactive for millions of years.
amount of waste created in the
United States would fill one football
field, 10 yards deep. By comparison,
a single coal plant generates as x Waste classification
much waste by volume in one hour
as nuclear power has during its The Australian classification scheme for disposal of radioactive waste
entire history. is based on the safety of disposal pathways, taking into account the
radioactivity level and the time it will take for the radioactivity to decay
Here’s another way to think about (half-life). Radioactive waste classification within Australia currently
it. Imagine you are holding a hockey includes:
puck. In that puck is everything you
need to power your home, feed
you, transport you, power your Contains very low levels of radioactivity
vacations, produce your clothing where safety measures are not required.
and provide heat for your entire life. Exempt Waste (EW)
It also contains all the byproducts Can be safely disposed of in the same
and waste you would generate by way as non-radioactive waste.
doing so. It may seem unbelievable, Contains very short lived radioactivity.
but that is the total amount of Very Short Lived
nuclear fuel you need to power Waste (VSLW) Can be safely stored for short time
your entire life. periods and then disposed of the same
way as non-radioactive waste.
x Bottom Line: Nuclear Plants Contains low levels of short lived
Handle Waste Well radioactivity.
Very Low Level Waste
Nuclear waste is handled in (VLLW) Can be safely disposed of in existing
compliance with the stringent industrial or commercial landfill-type
facilities with limited regulatory control.
requirements of the U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, the U.S. Contains higher levels of short lived
Department of Energy and the U.S. radioactivity and low levels of long lived
Environmental Protection Agency. Low Level Waste radioactivity.
It’s all part of being a responsible, (LLW)
Can be safely disposed of in an
clean energy source. From the time engineered near-surface (3-10 metres)
nuclear fuel leaves the reactor facility.
to when it waits in dry casks
for permanent disposal, the U.S. Contains higher levels of long lived
nuclear industry sets an impressive radioactivity
Intermediate Level
standard. Waste (ILW) Can be safely disposed of at greater
depths (up to a few hundred metres).
Contains levels of radioactivity high
SAFETY IN AUSTRALIA enough to generate significant amounts
of heat during the radioactive decay
x What is radioactive waste? process.
High Level Waste
(HLW) Disposal in deep, stable geological
Radioactive waste is material
formations (several hundred metres
that has no foreseeable use and below the surface) is recognised as the
contains radioactive materials with safest disposal pathway.
he 6th Philippine Women Engineers' Summit, Another highlight of the summit is the Lakambining
organized by the Philippine Technological Inhinyera 2022 participated by 9 gorgeous ladies,
Council Women Engineers Network, took selected from different accredited professional
place last August 25–27, 2022, with the organizations. Engr. Nicole Kristel Losloso of National
theme "Engineering the Future: Women Engineers and Grid Corporation, Pagbilao, Quezon and member of IIEE
Scientists Working Toward Industry, Innovation, and Northern Quezon Chapter represented the Institute of
Infrastructure." This is a hybrid event where women Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines. Engr.
engineers from different accredited professional Losloso bagged the Lakambining Inhinyera 2022 First
organizations gathered together to take part on it. Runner up and the Ms. Photogenic award.
It is truly a wonder knowing that women are now
becoming interested in the electrical engineering
profession. Unlike before, when being an engineer
for a lady is a dime a dozen. In this day and age,
they can compete and are considered equals with
men in whatever field or endeavor.
By: Dr. Shaun Sabico
the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) in
kills recognition and upgrading are key in realizing Manila. In 2012, he served as Chairperson of the
overseas Filipino workers’ labor potential and Philippine Professional Organizations – Central
professional development, showing that they Region Saudi Arabia (PPO-CRSA) and assisted
could be at par with their foreign colleagues and in the successful conduct of the 2012 and 2013
counterparts. In the Middle East, Engr. Rolando M. Nicolas Special Licensure of Board Examinations (SPLBE)
is instrumental in bringing the electrical profession and the at Elite International School in Riyadh. Since
Filipino professionals to a greater height of pride, accolade, 2013, he serves as a reviewer for the annual
and international recognition. Special Professional Licensure Examinations
(SPLE), conducting a series of review classes
An electrical engineer by profession, he received his for Registered Electrical Engineers (REE) and
bachelor’s degree in 1986. After passing his board exam, Registered Master Electricians (RME) examinees.
when he first started teaching at Virgen Milagrosa University
Foundation in San Carlos City, Pangasinan as a laboratory From 2016 to 2020, he served as ASEAN
instructor. As a licensed engineer, he dedicated seven years Engineer Registers (AER) coordinator and mentor
of teaching at the said university as a full-time instructor. In for the Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers
his fifth year, he eventually became the department head of of the Philippines, Inc. – Central Region Chapter,
the Electrical Engineering Department of the university. Saudi Arabia (IIEE-CRCSA). Before that, he held
various capacities, serving as Board Director from
Associations Distinction Award for the Electrical Chapter President, among others.
Engineer Profession (Global Filipino Practice and
Service Category), 2021 Professional Regulation In conferring the Banaag Award to Engr. Rolando
Commission Outstanding Professional of the Year M. Nicolas, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte
Award in the field of Electrical Engineering, 2018 IIEE recognizes his commendable contributions in the
National President’s Award, 2018 Bagong Bayani Award skills upgrading and professional development of
the Filipino electrical engineers in the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia and the Middle East.
47th Annual
10 11 12
22nd Bicol 9th Western National
Regional Mindanao Regional Convention and
Conference Conference 3Expo
September 23-24, 2022 October 7-8, 2022
November 10-12, 2022
The increasing use of non-linear or electronic loads in Fig. 1 shows the harmonic mitigating method diagram.
an electrical system has The diagram includes two parallel transformers. The
contributed to serious electrical pollution. In this upper part transformer can have a delta-delta or
article, the author presented one method of wye-wye configuration, and the lower part can have a
mitigating harmonics. This method involved detailed delta-wye or wye-delta connection. This configuration
mathematical analysis in proving that it is aims to have a 30-degree phase difference between
possible to mitigate harmonics using the same source the upper and lower parts. The following sections will
of harmonics. The method was applied to show the detailed mathematical analysis to achieve
an actual facility and resulted in more than 50% the desired result. The analysis includes deriving the
harmonics reduction. six-pulse waveform equation using Fourier analysis,
the transformer vector group configuration that will
Keywords: Harmonics, VFD, Mathematical Analysis, achieve a 30-degree phase difference, and the
Electrical Pollution, Non-Linear Loads twelve-pulse VFD equation.
Fig.4. Approximate Waveform [3]
Equation (1) describes the waveform shown in Fig. 4.
Equation (2) shows the simplified form 8
after removing the zero functions.
Considering Fig. 5, observation shows that Ao = 0.
The following illustrates the process to determine
13 19
Fig.6. Three-Phase Transformer Connection [3] Hence, the simplified standard six-pulse waveform
equation is shown in (35) [4].
In this analysis, a positive phase sequence is assumed.
Hence, (23), (24), and (25) will be used
for the primary side, and (26), (27), and (28) for the
secondary side.
Considering lines
a and b, the
24 35
voltage across
them is given by
(29). Substituting
26 (26) and (28)
27 into (29) and
28 simplifying the
equation will
produce (33).
30 36
Fig.8. Single Line Diagram [1] 50
Fig.10. Simulated Waveforms [1] (AUPEC) and recently published. The research is
accessible through this link
This article has proven that connecting VFDs in pairs
will achieve a more than 50% reduction in
harmonics. Hence, when designing an electrical system References
that requires VFDs, connecting them in
parallel through transformers with 30 electrical [1] A. Mujahid, A. Kalam, S. M. Alizadeh, & Y. Fan,
degrees phase difference is recommended. This "Mathematical Analysis on Harmonics
method is applicable only for identical VFDs driving Mitigation Using a Phase-Shifted Transformer based
identical loads, such as elevators, etc. 12-Pulse Variable Frequency Drive,"
in 2021 31st Australasian Universities Power
About the Author Engineering Conference (AUPEC), Perth,
Abdullah Mujahid is an active Life Member of the
Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers – [2] [Online]. Available: https://www.industrial-
Central Region Chapter Saudi Arabia (IIEE-CRCSA). He
has been one of the regular and senior drives_3.html. [Accessed 2021].
SPLE Instructors since 2010. He has a master's degree
in Electrical Engineering major in Power [3] A. Mujahid, "General Membership Meeting," in
Systems. Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers
- Central Region Chapter Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, 2022.
Abdullah Mujahid is currently pursuing his Doctor of [4] M. Grady, Understanding Power System Harmonics,
Engineering degree in Perth, Australia, Waco: Baylor University - School of
with a scholarship grant. His first doctorate research, Engineering and Computer Science, 2012.
entitled "Mathematical Analysis on
Harmonics Mitigation Using a Phase-Shifted
Transformer based 12-Pulse Variable Frequency
Drive," was presented at the 2021 31st Australasian
Universities Power Engineering Conference