Work Tool Warranty GWTStraining - Updated - 4!22!14
Work Tool Warranty GWTStraining - Updated - 4!22!14
Work Tool Warranty GWTStraining - Updated - 4!22!14
CAT, CATERPILLAR, their respective logos, "Caterpillar Yellow", the "Power Edge" trade dress as well as corporate and product
identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.
Piracicaba, Brazil
Melbourne, Australia
The time to perform salvage operations such as machining, cutting, burning, trimming,
bending, heating, welding, etc.
It does not include the labor to disassemble and assemble the part or component
associated with the salvage operation.
Salvage labor is reimbursed IF the Cat part can be satisfactorily repaired for a cost that
does not exceed 50% of the D/N price for a new or remanufactured part.
After a kit is installed, the dealer should place the decal in the cab of the machine
Use the actual Part Causing Failure (PCF) numbers & group numbers
Exception: when PCF isn’t a Cat part or group number, use substitute part numbers and
substitute group numbers
Pages 5-6 of Bulletin 2.02 – “Work Tools”
If the Dealer Solution Network (DSN) was contacted, include the DSN ticket number
Parts listed in the miscellaneous expense detail line – list part numbers, price, quantities, part
names, and D/N price
File claim against Machine
If no valid Caterpillar Serial Number, Yes Serial Number,
is work tool attached to Motor Grader or TTT? per Warranty Bulletin 2.01.
File claim against Machine
If no valid Caterpillar Serial Number, Yes
Serial Number,
is work tool a Skidder Grapple?
per Warranty Bulletin 2.01.
If no valid Caterpillar Serial Number, Yes File claim against 99z70011
is work tool attached to BCP/CCE? per Warranty Bulletin 2.02.
If no valid Caterpillar Serial Number, does work tool Yes
File claim against 99z70406
Serial Number Plate include CWTS-E? per Warranty Bulletin 2.02.
If no valid Caterpillar Serial Number, Yes File claim against 99z70003
and none of the above applies. per Warranty Bulletin 2.02.
April 2014 Caterpillar: Confidential Green Bulletin 2.02
Claim Example # 1
1. Filed under Machine Serial Number
2. Parts Start Date was used (this indicates a Parts Warranty Claim)
3. Used the actual Part Causing Failure number & the actual Group Number
4. Related Equipment Field – includes the Work Tool Serial Number
1. This claim was filed under the Machine Serial Number instead of the Bucket Serial Number.
2. The Bucket Serial Number (HBB14131) is in the Claim Story. This should have been in entered in the
“Product ID/Serial Nbr” field on the Control page.
Remember that Work Tools with 8 digit Caterpillar Serial Numbers should be claimed to
the Serial Number
Not doing so can result in the wrong warranty coverage, which may impact
1. Filed under “99z Serial Number” – whenever possible, file under the 8-digit Caterpillar Serial Number
2. Missing a parts start date – unable to determine if warranty applies
3. Information is missing in the “Related Equipment Fields” – impossible to determine what is being claimed
4. Pictures are missing - this claim is missing a lot of information – the more information the better
3 4
1.01 – Warranty Philosophy
1.02 – Basic Dealer Reimbursement
2.01 – Standard Machine Warranty
2.02 – Work Tool Warranty
5.44 – Cat® Equipment Protection Program –
Hydromechanical Work Tools