Threshold 31 Undersea

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The Mystara Magazine


The thirty-first issue of Mystara’s premier magazine

focuses on the lands and people of Undersea!

A free download from
THRESHOLD - the Mystara Magazine

THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

First published:

To provide a venue for community Issue Credits...........................................................2
members to present material to Editorial ..................................................................3
promote the Vaults of Pandius and This Issue’s Contributors .......................................4
the material there to increase the A Mystara Glossary ..................................................7
exposure of existing and new articles Next Issue ...............................................................8
to encourage authors to revisit and
Call for Contributors ..............................................9
revitalise existing articles to motivate
interest in Mystara in general. Previous Issues .....................................................10
Ten Years of THRESHOLD ....................................12
Kingdoms & Empires of the Oceans Part 1 ..........20
Sunken Taymora...................................................39
Terrors of the Sea of Dread ..................................53
Magical Bubbles of Undersea ...............................89
THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine
is unofficial Fan Content permitted Against the Wizards ..............................................95
under the Fan Content Policy. Not Aloysius Reef Gazetteer ......................................139
approved/endorsed by Wizards. Por- Hidden Empires of the Kopru ...........................162
tions of the materials used are prop- Gnomish Submarine ..........................................174
erty of Wizards of the Coast. A Mystaran Survey of the Mists ...........................183
©Wizards of the Coast LLC. Fiefdom Generator.............................................211
THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Artwork Sources/Credits .....................................238
is a non-commercial, fan-produced Submission Guidelines ......................................244
magazine. There is no intention to
infringe on anyone’s rights, and in
particular not on those of Wizards of
the Coast, which holds all rights to
the original material on which the
magazine is based.
All issues of THRESHOLD are avail-
able for FREE download from the
Vaults of Pandius website.

THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Issue Credits

Issue Credits

Editing Issue #31

Francesco Defferrari (Sturm)
Allan Palmer (AllanP)
Hervé Musseau

Allan Palmer (AllanP)

I. Calvin
Sebastien (Senarch)
Francesco Defferrari (Sturm) V Shane
Allan Palmer (AllanP) William McAusland

Pol Ginés
EDITORS EMERITI Francesco Defferrari (Sturm)
Giampaolo Agosta (Agathokles) Thorfinn Tait
Andrew Theisen (Cthulhudrew)
Jesper Andersen (Spellweaver) Additional Reviewing & Proofreading
John Calvin (Chimpman)
Joseph Setorius (Julius Cleaver) Allan Palmer (AllanP)
Leland (Argentmantle) Hervé Musseau
Shawn Stanley (stanles) Jeffrey Kosh
Thorfinn Tait (Thorf) Rob Koper
Sean Kennedy
Shawn Stanley
Simon Barns
THRESHOLD logo designed by Thorf

THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31


Under the Waves

This new issue of THRESHOLD Magazine rotic, one more article detailing the Mystara/
starts our exploration of the Undersea of Ravenloft crossover that the author began on
Mystara! It’s just the beginning as we have issues #29 and #30. And finally Fabrizio
enough material to fill another Undersea Nuzzaci gives and explains to the Mystaran
issue, which hopefully will be published as community his wonderful Fiefdom Gener-
soon as possible. ator which will allow you to detail the
economy of your dominion as you were
In this issue we also celebrate the first Ten never able to do before.
Years of THRESHOLD Magazine, with an
article by Allan. Indeed a lot of time has As we had some enthusiasm from illustrators
passed since we started this great adventure and authors for Undersea, the next issue of
and a lot of great material has been pro- THRESHOLD will hopefully be published by
duced! Next we start our swim under the the end of August with more interesting
waves with the first part of my article on material on the people and regions under
Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans, the waves! Then onwards to issue #33, ded-
which is also enriched by some wonderful icated to Dungeons, and planned by the end
illustrations from Jeffrey Kosh and Senarch, of 2023. To join the next issues as authors or
who have donated great art for this and the illustrators please send your proposal to the
next issue! THRESHOLD mail (check Submission
guidelines and mail on the last page of the
The following articles, also by Senarch, issue) or write in the Call for Contributors
explores the ruins of Sunken Taymora, then thread for issue #32 and #33 which will
Cab and Jeffrey show us The Terrors of the soon appear in The Piazza forum after public-
Sea of Dread, a wonderful collection of pre- ation of this issue.
historic monsters. Wing of Coot describes the
Magical Bubbles of Undersea, unique Even if we usually have no shortage of art-
magical items for water-breathing wizards, icles, we always need help for proofreading
and Not a Decepticon leads us Against the and editing the submissions. So anyone
Wizards, Underwater Laboratory of Aquan willing to help the THRESHOLD Editorial
Archmage, an adventure under the waves off Team please come forward and let us know
the coast of Sind. through the mail or in the above thread at
The Piazza. Helping THRESHOLD Magazine
New contributors Eliyah von Llaunas then certainly needs some time commitment, but
describes Aloysius Reef and the Nixie com- is creative and rewarding work.
munity, while Matthew Tullius reveals to us
the Hidden Empire of the Kopru. The last The THRESHOLD Editorial Team and the
Undersea-themed article for the issue is by authors hope you will enjoy this new issue as
Karl David Brown, who describes a Gnomish much as we enjoyed putting it together, and
Submarine. stay tuned for the next issue!

Yet this issue is not done, as we also have A Francesco Defferrari (Sturm)
Mystaran Survey of the Mists by Doc Nec- Editor, THRESHOLD Issue #31

THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

This Issue’s Contributors


Cab Davidson is microbiologist and entre- Fabrizio Nuzzaci (fabriziohockey) met

preneur living in Cambridge, UK, and has D&D BECMI around 1988, which fascinated
worked in and studied many different fields him until 2007 and, then, from 2018 to
over the years. He has been lucky enough today. He lives in Italy and grew up wishing
to have hunted for the fossils of some of the to read all the original information on
creatures he has brought back to life for Mystara, which has remained unpublished
D&D in this issue. in his country. He likes Mystara’s game
setting and has dedicated much of his time
to managing the domains of players and
Doctor Necrotic (Brian Rubinfeld): NPCs; first with pencil and paper, then with
despite never being as intense of a fan as spreadsheets and digital maps. To this end
much of the fandom, Brian has had a fond- in the past 24 years he developed the
ness for Mystara stretching back as many “Fiefdom Generator,” a spreadsheet that will
eons as the stars! Whether coming up with permit you to develop your domains, fol-
zany ideas or diving into the earthiness of lowing 99% of the BECMI Rules. Today he is
the setting’s lore, he always finds something happy to share it here.
to love about the Known World and
beyond. When not writing for THRESHOLD,
Brian is an amateur writer and game creator
looking into freelance options, as well as Jeffrey Kosh is the pen name of a writer
currently working in a pharmacy. and graphic artist specialized in book
covers and movie posters. He collaborates
with various publishing companies and
authors. His covers range from dark horror
Eliyah von Llaunas: playing D&D since to space opera, from thrillers to fantasy.
2012, he is a big rpg lover. He has tried Inspired by great fantasy artists, such as
multiple systems, from Star Wars d20 to Far Clyde Caldwell, Larry Elmore, Keith Parkin-
West, always returning to the good old son, and more, Kosh likes vibrant colors
BECMI. Officially playing in Mystara since and heavy use of light and a dark contrast.
2014, he eventually became both player and His graphic tends to be moody and evocat-
Dungeon Master. Taught by Pol Ginés, he ive. He also likes to work on ‘era-specific’
sometimes is his player and others his DM, movie posters and book covers, trying to re-
but always a father. As a DM he seeks for create the style used in those years, from
cool adventures in Atruaghin... with few the 1920s to the 1990s. As a writer he has
results. Instead, he retired to the bottom of been published various times.
the sea and he has become one of the (very) (
few people to develop a completely under- graphics/home)
water campaign. As a final fact, he dedicated
his last year to seeing documentaries of sea
creatures and Jeremy Wade’s River Monsters
program for his underwater adventures.

THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

This Issue’s Contributors

Karl David Brown is a biologist living in Sebastien Martineau (Senarch) started

Melbourne, Australia. He has been writing playing D&D again in early 2022, and dusted
RPG material since he was twelve. His off his prized GAZ1, promptly falling in love
output includes material on the DM’s with Mystara again. While he drew all the
Guild, RPG Review fanzine, The Piazza time as a child, as a teen he was not encour-
Forum, the Vaults of Pandius, and now aged to pursue his artistic interests and they
THRESHOLD. His conversion of Top Ballista faded until a few years ago, when he dis-
to D&D 5th edition is available on the covered Daz 3d rendering. He now combines
Vaults of Pandius. He was a playtester of Daz, Ai and digital painting in his artworks,
“Papers & Paychecks” and was interviewed and has started drawing again. A keen OSE/
by The RPG Academy Podcast for his know- BECMI player, he enjoys the emergent
ledge of the “Council of Wyrms” setting. His storytelling from random tables found in
own game “Gulliver’s Trading Company” some OSR games. This, and his love of
has been in beta for too long. underwater settings and lost, sunken civilisa-
tions, inspired his articles and art for this
issue. Some of his work can be found here:
Matthew Tullius is a math teacher on the and he can be contacted here: senarchpub-
east coast that has been playing and DMing [email protected]
classic BECMI games since the 5th grade.
He has DMed for the first MystaraCon a
revamp and rework of the classic adventure Even though Sturm (a.k.a. Francesco Def-
Elwyn the Ardent that he created. He is a ferrari) loves any alternate world, he
frequent attendee at various renaissance believes Mystara is incomparably the best for
fairs, drinker of meade, and teller of tales. its vibrant community endlessly delving into
One of two of his favorite memories of the ethnography, linguistics and history just to
game was when Frank Mentzer made a call make a little sense of it. Something like the
on his game in between sessions. The real world, but with dragons.
other is when he gifted his son his first-
printing Player’s Manual knowing it would
be seen as a treasure to pass on to the next
generation. Thorfinn Tait hails from the Orkney Islands
in northern Scotland, though he has lived in
Japan for many years now. Growing up with
Not a Decepticon has been in love with BECMI and the Known World, he learnt to
RPGs since seeing an advert for D&D in a type by compiling a database of Mystara’s
comic book at the age of six. But an oppor- timeline. He joined the Mystara online com-
tunity to DM and play regularly only munity in 1997, but his true contributions
revealed itself recently, with the exception began with the Atlas of Mystara project start-
of a brief attempt in college. Now he com- ing in 2005. Recently he has made the jump
bines a love for classic campaign settings to become a published fantasy cartographer,
and the latest edition of the game. working on Bruce Heard’s Calidar series. You
can follow his work on his cartography site
( and the Atlas site

THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

This Issue’s Contributors

Wings of Coot: I found the old red box Allan Palmer (a.k.a. AllanP) was first
Basic set at about 8, and that classic solo introduced to D&D a long time ago (but
adventure was my introduction to D&D and not quite in a galaxy far away) by a work
the entire concept of RPGs. A few years after colleague who set up a gaming group using
graduating from college I got back into the last version of the “blue book” rules.
D&D, and soon after that I found the Piazza While dabbling with RuneQuest and Travel-
and discovered the modern online Mys- ler along the way, he developed a liking for
taran community and THRESHOLD what would become the world of Mystara as
Magazine. I have always had an interest in the BECMI box sets were released. He has
the wilderness areas (Isle of Dread, Serpent always been fascinated by maps. He is an IT
Peninsula, etc.) and exotic aspects of professional and when not indulging in
Mystara (Immortals and the multiverse, hobbies of panelology, retro tv watching
Hollow World, unusual PC types, etc.) so and family history research, uses his various
this Undersea issue was a natural fit. PC skills to consolidate the writings of
others into the issues of THRESHOLD.

From the

Some features in issues of THRESHOLD carry a “From the

Mystara Forum at The Piazza” tagline. Theses Discussion
Boards are an active and dynamic home of creativity for
the Mystara community and many other game worlds. We
hope you will enjoy the articles from The Piazza website:

The Vaults
of Pandius

Some features in issues of THRESHOLD carry a “From the

Vaults of Pandius” tagline. As one of our stated aims is “to
promote the Vaults of Pandius and the material there”, we
hope you will enjoy these revised or extended treasures
from the Vaults of Pandius website:

THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystara Glossary


The Editors present a list of common abbreviations that authors may use to refer to various
Mystara-related game products and events:

AC# - Accessory series product (rules supplements, campaign sources, etc)

BECMI - Basic, Expert, Companion, Master, Immortals rules (by
Frank Mezter, 1983-6)
BX - Basic/Expert rules (by Tom Moldvay/David Cook, 1981)
B#, X#, CM#, M#, IM# - Basic, Expert, Companion, Immortal level adventure modules
CoM - “Champions of Mystara” boxed set
DA# - Blackmoor setting adventure modules
DDA# - Challenger series adventure modules
DMR# - Challenger series rules supplements
DMSK - “Dungeon Master’s Survival Kit”
DotE - “Dawn of the Emperors” campaign boxed set
GAZ# - Gazetteer series campaign sources
GAZF# - Fan-produced campaign sources
GRoF - the Great Rain of Fire, a cataclysmic event in Mystara’s past that destroyed the
ancient Blackmoor civilization
G:KoM - “Glantri: Kingdom of Magic” campaign boxed set
HW - the Hollow World campaign setting
HWA#, HWO# - Hollow World adventure modules
HWR# - Hollow World rules supplements
JA - “Joshuan’s Almanac & Book of Facts” campaign source
KW - the Known World campaign setting
K:KoA - “Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure” campaign boxed set
MA - Mystaran Almanac (fan-produced)
MCMA - “Monstrous Compendium, Mystara Appendix” rules supplement
PC# - Creature Catalog campaign sources
PWA - “Poor Wizard’s Almanac & Book of Facts” I, II & III (AC1010, AC1011 & AC1012)
PSK - “Player’s Survival Kit” campaign source
RC - “Rules Cyclopedia”
RS - Red Steel campaign setting
SC - Savage Coast campaign setting
TM# - Trail Maps
VotPA - “Voyage of the Princess Ark”
VoP or Vaults - The Vaults of Pandius website
WotI - “Wrath of the Immortals” campaign boxed set

Readers may also find Dave Keyser’s “An Index to Mystara Products” and Andrew Theisens’s
“Mystara acronyms” (both available at the Vaults of Pandius website) of assistance

THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Next Issue


The second issue of 2023 will continue our

exploration of the realms under the waves

Return to Undersea
Anticipated contents include:

• Realms of the Mystaran Oceans part II

• Alphatian Undersea expanded
• To Build an Undersea Hex
• Blackmoor Deep-Six Station
• Mappers of Mystara
• The Simian Races of Mystara
• Legends of the Known World Vol I
Cover not final illustration

…and much much more!

Your Opinions?

The Editorial Team welcomes your feed- Or by email to the Editorial address:
back on this issue of THRESHOLD. [email protected]
Please post your comments either by
posting in The Piazza Forums Please begin the subject line with the tag

THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Call for Contributors


The THRESHOLD editorial team invites

all fans of the Mystara setting to submit
contributions to the magazine’s next
issue. We are especially looking for con- Call for proposals for main themes of
tributions fitting the following themes: forthcoming issues:

Issue #32—Return to Undersea Issue 33—Dungeons!

The second issue of 2023 will focus on The third issue of 2023 will focus on a
the dominions and peoples below the cornerstone of the D&D game!

Proposal Deadline: July 15th, 2023 Proposal Deadline:

Manuscript Deadline: August 1st, 2023 September 15th, 2023
Issue Published: August 2023 Manuscript Deadline: November 1st, 2023
Issue Published: December 2023
Articles about other topics are still
welcome and the editorial team will
evaluate their publication for any
upcoming issue, taking into account
available space and the issue’s theme.

THRESHOLD accepts and invites submis- The THRESHOLD editorial team strives for
sions of extended or revised versions of edition neutrality, but edition specific art-
works having appeared on The Piazza or icles (e.g., conversions) are also accepted.
Vaults of Pandius. Statistics for new monsters and NPCs may
be included in articles (e.g., adventure
Contributions may include, but are not
modules, new monsters or NPCs) in any
limited to: Articles: short stories, short
version of Dungeons & Dragons. The edit-
adventure modules, NPCs, historical treat-
orial team also offers help in providing con-
ises and timelines, geographical entries,
versions to some specific rules set,
new monsters and monster ecologies, etc.;
including BECMI/RC, 2nd Edition, 3rd edi-
and Illustrations: portraits, maps, heraldry,
tion/Pathfinder. However, this material
illustrations, etc.
should be limited to a minimum. For most
Please refer to our Submission Guidelines NPCs, it is sufficient to mention class, level,
elsewhere in this issue. and alignment. For important NPCs, a one
or two line stat block may be included.

THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Previous Issues

The Mystara Magazine

PDF editions and print-ready files are

available for free download from the
Vaults of Pandius website:

THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine is a The print-ready files are an option provided
non-commercial, fan-produced magazine. in addition to the “normal” PDF document
There is no intent to infringe upon anyone’s version of each issue. Individuals may freely
rights, in particular those of Wizards of the download the two print-ready files (cover
Coast, which holds all rights to the original and interior) and submit them to a print
material on which contributors base their service for professional printing at their
work. As the magazine is a free fanzine of own risk. Any associated financial transac-
original articles inspired by the world of tion is between the individual and their
Mystara (trademark of Wizards of the chosen print service. Neither the
Coast), the Editorial Team cannot sell THRESHOLD Magazine Editorial Team nor
printed copies of the magazine. We have the Vaults of Pandius receive monies in
published issues of the fanzine as PDF doc- respect of the provision of these print-ready
uments that are freely downloadable from files or from the printing of them.
the Vaults of Pandius website. A list of the
issues published follows. The print-ready interior and cover files have
been formatted to produce an A4-page
Over time, the THRESHOLD Magazine Edit- sized paperback book; no other page size/
orial Team received enquiries about obtain- format is available; the print service will
ing print versions of its issues. Following offer users choices of colour quality, paper
continued interest, in 2022 an initial trial stock, cover finish, etc. The print-ready files
using issue #28 created print-ready files of have been successfully used at www.lulu.
cover and interior page that could be sub- com to produce a printed book; the Editor-
mitted to a print-on-demand service (such ial Team cannot guarantee the use of these
as by individuals to produce files with other print services.
a professionally printed version for their
personal use. The trial garnered a positive The print-ready version of THRESHOLD
response and work continued through Magazine is provided for personal use only.
2022 to generate print-ready files for all THRESHOLD Magazine in either its PDF or
previous issues (as well as incorporating the print version cannot be sold in any online
process in the production of new issues). or physical store.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Previous Issues


Previous issues of THRESHOLD - the Mystara Also available at the same location are higher
Magazine, both in digital and print-ready resolution versions of the maps that were
format are available for download from the included in the issue’s PDF, allowing greater
Vaults of Pandius website ( detail to be viewed.

#1 (Oct 2013) “Karameikos” #21 (Oct 2018) “Specularum”

#2 (Jan 2014) “Vaults of pandius” #22 (Mar 2019) “Adventures & campaigns”
#3 (Mar 2014) “The sea of dread” #23 (Aug 2019) “Adventures & campaigns 2”
#4 (Jun 2014) “Return to dread” #24 (Nov 2019) “Adventures & campaigns 3”
#5 (Oct 2014) “Exploring davania” #25 (May 2020) “Strongholds”
#6 (Dec 2014) “The northlands” #26 (Dec 2020) “Heroes, villains & organizations”
#7 (Apr 2015) “Exploring norwold” #27 (Jul 2021) “25th Anniversary of the Vaults”
#8 (Jul 2015) “Warlords of norwold” #28 (Jan 2022) “Trade routes and darokin”
#9 (Sep 2015) “Hollow world” #29 (Jul 2022) “Vampires and the undead”
#10 (Jan 2016) “Elven realms” #30 (Dec 2022) “The Alphatian Sea”
#11 (Apr 2016) “Thyatis & alphatia”
#12 (Jul 2016) “Ages past”
#13 (Oct 2016) “A crucible of creatures”
#14 (Jan 2017) “The shadowdeep”
#15 (Apr 2017) “Mystaraspace”
#16 (Jul 2017) “Dwarves, gnomes & hin”
#17 (Oct 2017) “Western brun”
#18 (Jan 2018) “Savage coast”
#19 (May 2018) “Planes and immortals”
#20 (Jul 2018) “Skothar”


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Ten Years of THRESHOLD

Ten Years of

The Mystara Magazine

by Allan Palmer

In going back through past issues of

THRESHOLD to create the print-ready GENESIS
versions of each issue that we now
provide in addition to the standard Well, that post sparked much discussion. By
“digital” versions, I realised that 2023 the time this initial topic had run its course
would mark the 10th anniversary of the two weeks later, 140 posts had been sub-
first issue of our Mystara Magazine. Has it mitted, and the topic had spawned others
really been 10 years? to develop the concept and make the idea
of a Mystara-centric fanzine a reality.
It all started with a suggestion in the Piazza
Forums: Notably, a major question was “What should
the zine be called?” There were many sug-
gestions involving words like “Mystara”,
“Known World”, “Grimoire”, “Journal”,
“Annals”, “Archives”, and others. The words
and structure of the title were debated in
the Piazza Forums at length, continuing
from the main public Mystara forum into a
private sub-forum for the nascent Editorial
Team. Eventually it was agrreed that the sug-
gestion by Thorfinn Tait (Thorf) of
“THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine” was
thre most appropriate.

At this point, with Giampaolo Acosta

(agathokles) riding herd over various
aspects of what was needed to produce an
issue (see “The Mystara magazine: Getting
Things Going” topic), I volunteered to
handle the magazine layout once we had


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Ten Years of THRESHOLD

decided that it would be made available as a helped the transition of author submissions
PDF document downloadable from the into a form ready for the layout process.
Vaults of Pandius website. (We remain
indebted to Shawn Stanley (Stanless) for It had been agreed that each issue of the
providing the hosting facility over this magazine would have a theme – an area of
time.) For the cover layout of the magazine,
the planet Mystara, a particular race, some
I proposed a design that drew on the style type of activity, or similar. This did not
of the BECMI boxed sets and various mean that other “unrelated” articles would
modules of the 1980s. After some debate, itnot be included in an issue, but it gave a
was agreed to proceed with this style as itsense of purpose and a starting point for
reflected the source of our shared interestcontributors. All contributions of fan-pro-
in the game setting. The cover design was duced materuial would be welcomed. The
significantly enhanced by the excellent Editorial Team mutually decided that the
THRESHOLD logo that Thorf designed and theme for issue #1 should be “Kara-
supplied. meikos”, the starting point for many who
began playing D&D, which offered great
For the record, the “Editorial Team” cred- scope for contributions.
ited in the first issue included:
Recognising that if we were successful with
•Andrew Theisen (Cthulhudrew), the first issue, it was agreed that we should
•CmdrCorsiken, identify a theme for the second issue to
•Francesco Defferrari (Sturm), encourage further contributions such that
•Håvard, they would be available in time to meet our
•John Calvin (Chimpman), proposed quarterly schedule. The chosen
•Robert Nuttman (RobJN), theme for issue #2 was “The Vaults of
•Simone Neri (Zendrolion), Pandius”, spotlighting the:
•Thorf ,
•and myself (AllanP), “…repository of community lore that
• with agathokles as “Editor-in-Chief ”. has helped to keep the flames of Mystara
alive and well long after its discontinu-
All contributed in various ways to the ation as a campaign world, to allow us
launch of THRESHOLD. I recall that , John to share the wealth of creativity of this
Calvin set up the threshold.mystara email international community, and which
account and the Google Drive which has served as a resource to fans new and
became the main collaborative tool to old alike.”
manage articles and artwork. I note that
Google launched the Drive service in April We didn’t realise back in 2013 that 8 years
2012, only a year before we started the later another issue (#27) of THRESHOLD
THRESHOLD project – I wonder if we would would celebrate the 25th anniversary of the
have made a success of the magazine if we Vaults website! The first “Call for Contribut-
had been trying to set it up in 2003? How ors” and announcement that THRESHOLD
would we have managed our globally dis- Magazine would be produced appeared on
persed team of editors, authors and illus- 4th June 2013 in the Piazza Forums. And
trators back then? John also provided the we were off and running…!
standard article submission template which


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Ten Years of THRESHOLD

LAUNCH some of the inhabitants of the wildlands of

the ancient Dymrak Forest in southeastern
On 30th September 2013, agathokles wrote Karameikos.
in the Piazza Forums:
Continuing the Karameikan theme of this
“I'm glad to announce the release of the first issue, Simone Neri (Zendrolion)
first issue of Threshold, the new provided two detailed articles covering the
magazine for Mystara! ... I must say it Demography and History of the region. If
has been a great time editing this issue, you want to learn about the Grand Duchy,
and I hope you'll enjoy our magazine, these articles are highly recommended. We
and I look forward to see your com- would be treated to similar detailed articles
ments, as well as to Issue 2, Vaults of from Simone in future issues such as the
Pandius special, which will be shepher- Histories and Demographics of Ierendi and
ded by Cthulhudrew. Thanks to every- Minrothad beginning in issue #3. Simone
body who participated in this effort, also collaborated with Giampaolo Acosta
which led to 180 pages of pure Mystara (agathokles) to produce an article describ-
goodness!” ing two of the noble houses of Karameikos:
the Stroloca (with ancient Traladaran

Leading off the first issue was an article roots), and Dravonius, an old Thyatian
from Håvard celebrating the “30 Year family that gained prominence with the
Anniversary of Red Box D&D”, the start of Empire’s invasion of the Traladaran lands in
the iconic journey that evolved into AC 900. Family trees and coats of arms
Mystara. Håvard also contributed “The abound in this piece.
Dangers of the Dymrak Wilds”, a look at


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Ten Years of THRESHOLD

Agathokles wrote an adventure titled “Guild Gander in issue #2, but the column did
Wars”, which he described as “…a sort of not receive the range of contributions
urban side-trek, taking the form of a clas- expected so no further examples have yet
sical whodunit”. Using the background of appeared. (Perhaps we need to re-launch
guild politics in Specularum (e.g. see this?)
module B6: “The Veiled Society”), we are
treated to an intriguing city-based caper. Another aim of the magazine was to
enhance the cohesiveness of the Mystara fan
Delving into recent history of the region, community, and this was successfully
Demetrios J Sahlas wrote about “Kara- addressed by running interviews with noted
meikos: The Hidden Years (901–969 AC)”. fan contributors. We got off to a great start
Canon material tells us about the Thyatian with the godfather (or should that be arch-
Invasion of AC 900 and that Stefan Kara- mage) of Mystara himself, Bruce Heard!
meikos III became the territory’s ruler in AC Shawn Stanley was in the hot seat for issue
970, but what happened between those #2, followed by Marco Dalmonte (#6),
dates? Demetrios uncovered the back- Thorfinn Tait (#11), James Mishler (#12),
ground to Stefan III’s ancestors and their an Sharon Dornhoff (#15).
participation in the evolution of the Grand
Duchy. Likewise, Andrew Theisen Additionally, the Editorial Team agreed that
(Cthiluhudrew) looked at the background the magazine should feature both new fan
of one of Specularum’s notable factions in material and revised “gems” from the Vaults
“Unveiling the Radu Clan”, revealing some of Pandius (which collated much fan mater-
family secrets. ial from the Piazza Forums and other
sources), and this first issue included
Away from Specularum, Niels Just “Return to the Ice Wall”, an adventure set in
Rasmussen described the state of affairs in the central Altan Tepes by Shawn Stanley
Fort Doom, the stronghold of Baron Von (stanles). John Calvin (Chimpman) contrib-
Hendriks in western Karameikos. John uted the first instalment of “Times Travels”,
Calvin chronicled the story of “Yuri Molotov a Lego model comic strip set in 2300 BC,
– Death Knight”, one-time Master of the the time of the Taymoran Empire and
Order of the White Drake, and how he others. John continued this column in
could be used in a campaign. A goblin several subsequent issues (#2–4, 7, 11–13).
kingdom in the Wulfholde Hills led by
Dhrom Dhum was detailed by Francesco Rounding out the inaugural issue was the
Defferrari (Sturm). first instalment of the series describing
Koskatep (“the mountain of bones”), a vast
One of the aims of THRESHOLD was to mega-dungeon on the upper course of the
promote each individual’s personal version Achelos River in northwestern Karameikos.
of Mystara through a “My Mystara” column. Francesco Defferrari (Sturm) described the
For the first issue, Robert Nutman wrote history and content of this dungeon level by
about his interpretation: “Thorn’s Mystara”, level in each of the following issues through
one that is (to quote the author) “… a much to #15.
darker world, haunted by the long shadow
cast by Blackmoor’s ruin.” A further “My
Mystara” column appeared from Geoff


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Ten Years of THRESHOLD

By the time issue #1 was published, a call
for contributions to issue #2 (Vaults of
Pandius) had already been posted, and at
the beginning of 2014, Andrew Theisen
(Cthulhudrew) as Editor-in-Chief for that
issue was able to announce its release.
Taking the concept of the Vaults as a vast
repository of knowledge, Jesper Andersen
(Spellweaver) began a column titled “Mys-
taranomicon - Exploring the Books of
Mystara”, describing tomes that could be wise the larger volume of input would
discovered by adventurers and the like in increase the time required for proofreading,
their travels across the globe. Further instal- layout and editing. Taking this approach
ments appeared in issues #3, 5, and 6. Also allowed the Editorial Team to maintain a
in issue #2, John Calvin began a series of roughly quarterly publication schedule
articles detailing Matera, Mystara’s Hollow which was maintained for the first five years
Moon – a concept first proposed by Sharon of the magazine. Material for the Northland/
Dornhoff on the Mystara Mailing List back Norwold theme was spread across issues
in 1988. “Once in a Blue Moon” columns #6, 7, and 8, while content for Western
continued in issues #3, 9, 10, 13, and 15. A Brun/Savage Coast occupied issues #17 and
series by Giulio Caroletti and Giampaolo 18. The somewhat generic theme of “Adven-
Agosta looking at the organisation and tures & Campaigns” featured in the three
membership of Thyatian Senators began in issues: #22–24.
issue #2, with further parts appearing in
issues #3–6. Themes for the issues of THRESHOLD have
covered a range of topics (see the full list in
Issue #2 was just two pages bigger than the our Previous Issues section of this issue),
first issue. However, when John Calvin took with suggestions from many and the com-
the Editor’s chair for issue #3 that had the munity voting for their choices in the Piazza
theme of “The Sea of Dread”, as the manu- forum. While Andrew Theisen and Joseph
scripts arrived from the authors it became Setorius each took the Editor In-Chief ’s
apparent that there would be a significant chair for a single issue, that role was
increase in the page count. So much so that handled by Giampaolo Acosta, Francesco
it was decided that the theme would be Defferrari and John Calvin on a rotating
split across two issues, resulting in the 246 basis. Due to real world commitments, John
pages of #3 being followed by a further 218 had to relinquish his involvement with the
pages in #4 (titled “Return to Dread”). project after issue #18, and Giampaolo
Mention should be made of the stand-out stepped down from his Editorial role after
cover to #3 supplied by John’s daughter, I. issue #25. The magazine has continued
“Meandrathel” Calvin. It was clear that in with myself (Allan Palmer) assisting
some cases while a theme was chosen for a Francesco more fully on the Editorial side
given issue it might be necessary to split the than previously. The reduction in the
contributions over multiple issues, other- number of Editors has meant that the fre-


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Ten Years of THRESHOLD

I created both the “normal” PDF version

and a print-on-demand version which I suc-
cessfully printed using Lulu (www.lulu.
com). This version was made available fol-
lowing the digital version on January 2022
via the Vaults of Pandius website. The
response to this option was positive, and I
embarked on some minor reformatting of
the original THRESHOLD PDF files (which
included creating separate covers), so that
by late 2022, all issues of THRESHOLD were
available both in digital and print-on-de-
quency of publication has had to be cut mand formats.
back and we are only able to confidently
produce 2 issues per year currently.
Notwithstanding the reduced frequency, the
army of contributors has continued to THRESHOLD has remained a community
provide a tremendous amount of input. For effort thanks to so many people. As well as
the record, the first 30 issues of the wordsmiths who have written all those
THRESHOLD comprise 6,612 pages, or an articles that enhanced and developed ideas
average of 228 pages per issue. The largest from the original Mystaran canon, numer-
issue was #12 (“Ages Past”) at 294 pages, ous artists have contributed a gallery of
while the smallest was #25 (“Strongholds”) illustrations and maps to enliven the words.
at only (?) 150 pages. It is great to see the amount of original
artwork increase, saving the Editors time
THRESHOLD was originally conceived as a crawling through public domain sources to
digital (PDF) publication which fans could find suitable images to use. We are all grate-
read online or download to their devices. ful to Thorf for his library of replica maps
Over time, there have often been requests which have been utilised in many articles.
for a physically printed version, but initially While some individuals have been men-
the mechanics of arranging that (in terms of tioned in this article, it seems fitting that we
print runs, distribution/shipping, etc) were try and list all those who have contributed
not practical. However, in 2021 I became to the success of THRESHOLD Magazine’s
aware of Glen Welch’s “Mystara 5e Player’s first 30 issues/10 years in the accompanying
Guide” project (see: https://www.rpgmp3. “Roll of Honour” (next page).
com/mystara-players-guide/) which offered
fans the options of either downloading a The Edtorial Team are grateful for the many
digital PDF version of his compiled book or messages of congratulation in respect of the
of downloading press-ready files that could 10-year history of the magazine. For anyone
be submitted to an online print service that interested, such comments can be found at
would take the print-on-demand interior the Piazza Forums topic ‘Celebrating Ten
and cover files and produce a printed Years of Threshold Magazine!’
version for the individual purchaser. After
studying what Glen had done, for issue #28


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Ten Years of THRESHOLD


Compiled by Sturm from the Main Index of Threshold articles by issue, theme and author which
can be found in this Piazza thread

Adam Ferreira (Mystic Kind), Agathokles (Giampaolo Agosta), Alexandre de Luna, Allan Palmer, Allen Varney,
Andrea Ciceri, Andrew Theisen (Cthulhudrew), Argentmantle, Arnden Quartzspar, Atila Pires dos Santos,
Bruce Heard, C. Richard Davies, Cab Davidson, Chimpman (John Calvin), Colin (LordJuss) Wilson, Craig
Antoun (Irondrake), Damon Brown, David Keyser, Demetrios J Sahlas (Demos Sachlas), DesertNomad, Doc
Necrotic (Brian), eliyah von Llaunas, EPiK Team, Fabrizio Nuzzaci, Galdor aka Glenn Tanner, Giuliano
Michelon, Giulio Caroletti (Scaevola), Hausman Santos, Håvard, Ignacio Ramos (Ramelin), Irving Galvez,
John Atom, Karl David Brown, Kyle Knight (Gravesguardian), Kilr Kowalski, Korro Zal, Jacques (Jack)
Riesling, James Mishler, Joseph Setorius (julius cleaver), JTR (OldDawg), King Everast, Leandro Abrahão,
Lost Woodrake, Luca Pezzullo (Cedric), Luc Greenwood, Marco Dalmonte, Matthew Fleet (Carillion),
Matthew Tullis, Maxime Beaulieu, Michael Sutherland, Michele “LoZompatore” C., Niels Just Rasmussen
(Justinov), Not a Decepticon, Otávio Gadelha, Pol Ginés (Khuzd), Robin D., RobJN (Robert Nuttman), Sean
Robert Meaney, Sebastien (Senarch), Seer of Yhog (Geoff Gander), Sharon Dornhoff, Shawn Stanley
(Stanles), Simone Neri (Zendrolion), Spellweaver (Jesper Andersen), Stefano Leonardi (Polipone), Sturm
(Francesco Defferrari), TheGlen, The Real Nowhere Man, Thorfinn Tait, Trevor Holman, Troy Terrell
(CmdrCorsiken), Ville Lahde, Wangalade (Lance Duncan), Wing of Coot.

Illustrators and mappers

Adamantyr, Agathokles, Allan Palmer, Aleksei-Liakh, Andrea Francolini, Andrew Theisen (Cthulhudrew),
Argentmantle, Bruce Heard, Cab Davidson, Christian Constantin, Damon Brown, Dario Odillo, David
Keyser, Demos Sachlas, Doc Necrotic (Brian), Douglas Lanford, DJ Hartel, Epik Team, Fabrizio Nuzzacci,
Gabriel Packard, George von Zarovich, Giulio Caroletti, Glen Welch, Hasandgo, Hausman Santos, Håvard,
Ignacio Ramos (Ramelin), Irving Galvez, Isabella Calvin, Jeffrey Kosh, Jim Holloway, Joey Armstrong, John
Calvin, Jonathan Barker, Joseph Setorius (julius cleaver), JTR (OldDawg), Justin Pfeil, Khannea SunTzu,
Larry Elmore, Leandro Abrahão, Linus Andersson, LoZompatore, Mario Ciuffini, Matthew Fleet (Carillion),
Mike Phillips, Mindszenty, Nathan Park, Omnibius, Paul Holroyd, Pol Ginés (Khuzd) ,Robin D., Sean Robert
Meaney, Sebastien (Senarch), Seer of Yhog (Geoff Gander), Simone Neri (Zendrolion), Sturm (Francesco
Defferrari), Thibault Sarlat, Thorfinn Tait, Toni Roads, Trevor Holman, Two Minute Table Top, V Shane,
William McAusland, Will Pleydon, Veris Design Roleplay.

Proofreaders and editors

Agathokles, Allan Palmer (AllanP), Andrea Ciceri, Andrew Theisen (Cthulhudrew), Ashtagon, Brian
O’Carroll, Carl Quaif, Caroline Regina, Chris Seabrook, Cmdr Corsiken, Dan Hyland, Danny Cline, David
Finch, David Insley, Eric Wirsing, Glenn Tanner, Harri Maki, Håvard, Hervé Musseau, Joseph Setorius (julius
cleaver), John Atom, John Calvin (Chimpman), Kevin Simonich, Michael Berry, Mike Harvey, Murray Neill
(Louie the Monk), Nicola Valpiani, Rob Koper, Robin D., Robert Nuttman (RobJN), Shawn Stanley, Simone
Neri, Sean Kennedy, Shelby Michlin, Simon Barns, Sturm (Francesco Defferrari), Thomas Rosleff Bækmark,
Seer of Yhog (Geoff Gander), Spellweaver (Jesper Andersen), Thorfinn Tait, Tom Bulls Eyes, William Belben.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Ten Years of THRESHOLD

THRESHOLD: the Mystara Magazine issues #1—30

Issue Theme Pages Editor-in-Chief Published

#1 “Karameikos” 182 agathokles (Giampaolo Agosta) (Oct 2013)
#2 “Vaults of Pandius” 184 Cthulhudrew (Andrew Theisen) (Jan 2014)
#3 “The Sea of Dread” 246 Chimpman (John Calvin) (Mar 2014)
#4 “Return to Dread” 218 Chimpman (John Calvin) (Jun 2014)
#5 “Exploring Davania” 220 Sturm (Francesco Defferrari) (Oct 2014)
#6 “The Northlands” 212 agathokles (Dec 2014)
#7 “Exploring Norwold” 248 Sturm (Apr 2015)
#8 “Warlords of Norwold” 216 agathokles (Jul 2015)
#9 “Hollow World” 200 Chimpman (Sep 2015)
julius_cleaver (Joseph Setorius)
#10 “Elven Realms” 210 (Jan 2016)
+ Sturm
#11 “Thya�s & Alpha�a” 238 Sturm (Apr 2016)
#12 “Ages Past” 294 Chimpman (Jul 2016)
#13 “A Crucible of Creatures” 272 agathokles (Oct 2016)
#14 “The Shadowdeep” 190 Sturm (Jan 2017)
#15 “Mystaraspace” 282 Chimpman (Apr 2017)
#16 “Dwarves, Gnomes & Hin” 234 agathokles (Jul 2017)
#17 “Western Brun” 208 Sturm (Oct 2017)
#18 “Savage Coast” 206 Sturm (Jan 2018)
#19 “Planes and Immortals” 266 Chimpman (May 2018)
#20 “Skothar” 194 Sturm (Jul 2018)
AllanP (Allan Palmer)
#21 “Specularum” 258 (Oct 2018)
#22 “Adventures & Campaigns” 184 Sturm w/agathokles (Mar 2019)
#23 “Adventures & Campaigns 2” 238 Sturm w/agathokles + AllanP (Aug 2019)
#24 “Adventures & Campaigns 3” 198 Sturm w/agathokles + AllanP (Nov 2019)
#25 “Strongholds” 150 Sturm w/agathokles + AllanP (May 2020)
#26 “Heroes, Villains & Organiza�ons” 196 Sturm w/AllanP (Dec 2020)
#27 “25th Anniversary of the Vaults” 206 Sturm w/AllanP (Jul 2021)
#28 “Trade Routes and Darokin” 206 Sturm w/AllanP (Jan 2022)
#29 “Vampires and the Undead” 230 Sturm w/AllanP (Jul 2022)
#30 “The Alpha�an Sea” 226 Sturm w/AllanP (Dec 2022)


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Kingdoms & Empires of the Oceans Part 1

Kingdoms and
of the
Part 1

by Francesco Defferrari (Sturm)
THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31
Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1

Part I:
The Izondian Deep, Sunlit, Alphatian,
Bellissarian, and White Seas
(Previous page) The Sea People cover recreated with Daz 3d by Senarch (

We all know about the Sunlit Sea, which In the bathymetric map of the Mystaran
was extensively described in PC3: “The Sea seas on the following page I have indic-
People” by Jim Bambra1. The area of the ated only three colors. The light blue one
seas just south of the Known World, means depth is within 200 meters and it’s
roughly around Ierendi and Minrothad, is the real habitable zone of the seas. Only in
inhabited by tritons, merrows, kna, nixies, this limited territory in fact photosynthesis
sea giants, sea elves, kopru, and shark-kin, is possible and algae can grow, sustaining
and menaced by the devilfish from the a great variety of marine life. This is the
southern Abyss. only area permanently inhabited by intelli-
gent creatures and dotted with their com-
PC3 introduced all these people (except munities.
for the devilfish) as playable races and gave
a lot of details on their history and society, The middle blue one indicates a depth
and also described several ruins once from 200 to 3,000 meters. Here there is
belonging to the lost culture of Taymora, little light and temperature rapidly drops
sunk beneath the waves in BC 1700. to 5 or 6°C degrees even in the tropical
zone. Pressure goes from 20 to 300 bar.
Starting from this great supplement, fans Yet a lot of fish and other marine creatures
obviously added several works to the travel in this zone day and night. Penguins
development of Mystara under the sea. In can dive down to 500 meters, hold their
this article I just list some of my and other breath for almost half an hour and see
fans’ ideas about the Undersea of Mystara. well also in the dark, but seals see even
More details and development will obvi- better, and they can also navigate the dark
ously follow in the other articles of this waters with the vibrations of their
issue! whiskers and some can dive down to
1,500 meters. Turtles can dive down to
1,000 meters. Below the depth of about
1,000 meters, not even the little light
which can filter from above is visible, and
pitch darkness begins. Yet, dolphins and
whales can use echolocation to find prey
This classic Mystara product is available from and avoid obstacles in the dark, and they
can go at a depth of almost 3,000 meters


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1

THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Bathymetric map of Mystara in 72 miles per hex, showing also the main sea currents (warm in green, cold in blue, neutral in grey)

Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1

Mapped regions of Mystara’s oceans discussed in this article

and hold their breath for more than three great variety of life, and even some light, as
hours. Intelligent creatures therefore can several deep jellies or deep fish have biolu-
easily travel the blue sea as well, using minescence or use it to lure prey3.
marine animals or vessels, but they can
hardly build permanent residences, unless Finally, green-blue areas in the map indicate
they can anchor them to floating algae or vast regions of floating algae which nor-
some other floating structure. mally correspond to warm ocean gyre4.
Such zones are typically inhabited by a lot
The deep blue regions are areas from 3,000 of marine life and often also by intelligent
meters to 15,0002 meters deep. Here only creatures who can use floating algae to
abyssal creatures can roam and live, in total anchor their homes even in regions of deep
darkness, at incredible pressure and tem- waters.
perature of about 2–4°C, sustaining them-
selves mostly with ‘marine snow’ i.e. the
organic material which falls down from
above, and eating each other. Still there is a 3 Also see the “Deep Sea” and “Deep-sea
Depth of The Abyss in PC3 map is given at more Community” Wikipedia entries
than 50,000 feet. See this article about the Ocean gyre on Wikipedia


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1


The Izondian Deep region

Crabmen and the Gyre of the

Noble Dolphins
Horseshoe crabmen5 and ‘regular’ crabmen more hostile shimmerfish6 and southern
are the main inhabitants of the western snappersl7 who roam the southern part of
coast of the Serpent Peninsula. The habit- the Izondian Deep.
able area here is extensive however and
inhabited also by kna, shark-kin, merrows,
and noble dolphins, who are also the main 6
Evil and intelligent dolphins introduced in the
inhabitants of the namesake gyre to the “Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium” (SCMC) at
the Vaults of Pandius
southwest. They keep in check the much 7
Marine relatives of tortles described as primitive and
Inspired by these real world Atlantic horseshoe crab bad-tempered in the “Savage Coast Monstrous
as described on Wikipedia Compendium”


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1

Sea Hermits
of the Izondian Deep

Around the Izondian Deep the sea hermits8

have their underwater kingdoms. These
people are likely related to crabmen but
very expert in magic and not particularly
friendly toward sea- or land-dwellers.
However the fact that their nearest neigh-
bors are the normally hostile shimmerfish
and snappers could have contributed to
their average behavior.

The habitable sea

of the Savage Coast

The habitable area of the coast is rather

narrow, generally not more than 10 miles
from land. It is mostly inhabited by some
peoples who are partially connected to the
land and build semi-submerged homes, the
jorri and the omm-wa9, and by some purely Omm-wa drawn by I.Calvin,
sea-dwelling creatures, mostly kna and originaaly published in THRESHOLD Magazine issue #18
merrows. The Melusine merrows, in front
of the coasts of Robrenn and Eusdria, are
the better organized of such societies. They The Trident Bay and the
take their name from a mythical merrow Immortal Arm eastern coast
queen who allegedly had also been queen
of Eusdria10. The Trident Bay has an extensive habitable
zone, dominated mostly by omm-wa, jorri,
kna, merrows, and shark-kin. All those
peoples have established a solid alliance,
the Bay Alliance, to keep at bay incursion
from snappers and shimmerfish, with great

Introduced in the “Savage Coast Monstrous This success does not extend to the eastern
Compendium” at the Vaults, and expanded a bit by coast of the Immortal Arm, where snappers
me in “People of the Savage Coast” in near land and shimmerfish in the open sea
THRESHOLD Magazine issue #18
Described in the SCMC and in “People of the
are constant threats both to sea-dwelling
Savage Coast” article linked in the note above tribes and to land-dwellers’ shipping.
A reference to a famous real world legend.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1


The Sunlit Sea region

Sunlit Sea12. The people of the Sunlit Sea

The Sunlit Sea are not natives of the region, which indeed
was above the waves until BC 1700. At the
Extensively described in PC3 and expanded time, however, the sea elves, the Aquarendi,
in several articles of this issue of had already reached the area south of
THRESHOLD Magazine, the Sunlit Sea is the Alfeisle in Minrothad. After the lands of
region of the sea south of the Known World Taymora sank beneath the waves, the region
which surrounds Ierendi and Minrothad, became the Sunlit Sea and was first inhab-
reaching the Atruaghin lands’ coast to the ited by merrows, and then by the tritons
west and Thyatis to the east11. In the who came from the south in BC 200,
general map below I have indicated roughly carving their kingdom from among the
the regions inhabited by each race, but merrows’ lands. These two peoples eventu-
nixies are not placed as they live in ally learned to live peacefully, but then
scattered small communities around the
In this issue of THRESHOLD Magazine check the
“Aloysius Reef Gazetteer” article by Eliyah von
A full replica map by Thorf of the Sunlit Sea can be Llaunas for a placement of the nixies of the Sunlit
found at his Atlas of Mystara website. Sea.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1

suffered a great crisis in AC 443 when lycan- and offered to join the New Alphatian Con-
thropy, in the form of weresharks, federate Empire (NACE). In AC 1017 they
threatened both. After that, in AC 800, the attacked not only the aquatic ghouls in
devilfish arrived in the Abyss to menace sunken Arogansa, but also the sentient
their triton enemies. The devilfish were Alphadon undead, leading in AC 1018 to
defeated in AC 900 but returned after AC Aquas’s forces siding with the Alphadon
979. By AC 1000, the people of Undersea against the tritons of Underocean, forcing
were facing the threats of devilfish, the tritons to stop their attacks on the
weresharks, and undead from the south. Alphadon. Even if in the Sunlit Sea the
Between the territories of the tritons and former triton kingdom was overrun by dev-
the merrows lies the the lair of Thundar the ilfish and undead, the kna’ and sea elves’
sea dragon13, located within an inactive territories still resisted.
underwater volcano crater, trying to influ-
ence local tritons and merrows to build her
own empire. The Azcan Terrace

The module X7: “The War Raft of Kron”, pub- This region16 is inhabited by (mostly hostile)
lished before PC3, describes a floating city crabmen, some merrows and kna, snappers,
inhabited by humans but allied with the appar- several intelligent sea mammals such as
ently independent tritons of Suthus, and also whales, dolphins and narwhals, and dotted
involved with a velya (sea vampire) hiding in with ancient ruins. There is also a certain
the ruins of Colhador, an ancient elven city number of wereseals. The Atruaghin tribes
which sunk in approximately BC 170014. of the Children of the Turtle have extensive
relations with all those peoples.
Undersea and the Sunlit Sea were not men-
tioned in the events of AC 1000–1013 of
either the “Wrath of the Immortals” boxed Makara and Matsya Lairs
set, or the “Poor Wizard’s Almanacs” and
“Joshuan’s Almanac” so the Mystaran The Sindhi and Sind Desert coast is domin-
Almanac team later developed a timeline ated according to legends by two powerful
for the region in which the area is overrun sea dragons, or sea turtles, one ruling over
by devilfish and undead and the survivors, kna and the other over merrows, some-
mostly tritons and merrows, escape to times cooperating and sometimes fighting
Underocean, the region of former Alphatia among themselves, using their subjects as
now beneath the waves15. There they had to proxies.
face internal strife and the menace of
aquatic beholders and undead. In AC 1016
the tritons of Underocean contacted Aquas
Created by Bruce Heard in DRAGON Magazine
issue #171
See also “Kron – The Raft City” by Jesper Andersen
from THRESHOLD Magazine issue #4 (available at
the Vaults). 16
All the regions around the Known World were
See Aaron Novack’s articles “Undersea Timeline” described in “Advice for traders in the Sea of Dread”
(from AC 1000 to 1015) and “The Undersea AC By Michele “LoZompatore” C. in THRESHOLD
1015” in the Vaults about the situation in AC 1015. Magazine issue #4


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1

Velya, original artwork by Jeffrey Kosh



THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1

The Velya Abyss who are not very friendly to outsiders

except for the kna17. Other minor races also
The Abyss between Yavdlom and the Sindhi inhabit the region, such as shark-kin and
coast would be inhabited by an ancient and crabmen. The Twaelar Merrow Empire (see
powerful velya, some say of ancient Azcan below) would very much like to expand in
origin, with legions of underwater ghouls, this area, but so far has been repulsed by
devilfish, and vampires. Two small gyres of strong local resistance from sea dragons,
floating algae are located north and south merfolk, and other races, secretly aided by
of this abyss, inhabited by groups of the kna, who officially maintain good rela-
merrows, kna and shark-kin, who are tions with the Empire but do not actually
menaced by undead and devilfish. want it to dominate their sea.

A note about Monster’s Lairs

Coast of the Yavdlom
Peninsula All the locations indicated as ‘Lair’ in the
maps are named after mythological sea
This undersea region is big and inhabited by creatures of the real world18, which could
almost all known undersea races, but espe- be used as inspiration to populate the
cially crabmen, snappers, omm-wa, kna and seas with big creatures such as intelligent
shark-kin. However it is dominated by sea whales, sea dragons, sea turtles, sea ser-
giants below the waves and storm giants pents, or kraken. Such big creatures are
above them. likely to also have lairs full of minions.

A note about werecreatures

Cetus Lair
Weresharks and wereseals are likely
Cetus would be a gigantic whale, or a sea tritons, merrows or humans infected with
dragon, who occasionally menaces the lycanthropy. However if whole communit-
coast of Davania. It could however be just ies are infected, it’s likely they will form a
another name of the Behemoth (see new society with little or no contact with
below). their former origin communities, forming
a de-facto new race. This may be espe-
This coast is also inhabited by shark-kin, cially true for sea-dwelling werecreatures,
weresharks and wereseals. as they can already breath underwater,
unlike human werecreatures.
The Davanian Shallows

This region is also dotted with ancient

ruins, often infested by undead, and
traveled by the kna of the Katonate Confed-
eracy, who are normally friendly toward “The Katonate Confederacy” and “The Dark Truth
of the Eeliistii” created by Christopher Cherrington
other races and surface folk. Other races (both available in the Vaults of Pandius)
however live in the area, such as the 18
See for example the Mythological aquatic creatures
Eeliistii: a race of merfolk with octopus tails category in Wikipedia


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1

The Thanegioth waters and the shark-kin and kopru, noble dolphins, and
Twaelar Merrow Empire some sea dragons and other big creatures.

This empire centered around the Thane-

gioth archipelago and dominated by The Gyre
merrows appeared first in the AC 1015 Mys-
taran Almanac where its inhabitants began The Gyre is a zone of floating algae just
hostilities against Thyatian forces operating south of the Teki-Nura-Ria archipelago, the
in the archipelago, which became a true dangerous group of islands south of
war in AC 1016, and led to Twaelar land Thyatis, inhabited by kara-kara orcs and kal-
attacks on Thanegioth colonies and Raven muru elementals. Both the archipelago and
Scarp, until a peace treaty was signed in AC the Gyre are avoided by all commercial
1017. The rulers are Emperor Diviloplop, shipping as they are very dangerous. The
Empress Igilbolb, and High Priest of Protius Gyre not only is often the source of many
Goblopob. The empire is described as being storms, which flood the Sea of Dread and
dominated by merrows, who took over the Thanegioth archipelago, but is also
from almost forgotten previous rulers, the inhabited by wild tritons and merrows who
kopru19. The militaristic merrows of the live just under the algae and like to attack
Twaelar Empire20 are obviously quite differ- surface dwellers.
ent from the free-spirited and relatively
peaceful merrows of the Sunlit Sea.
The Ochalean Sea

The Sea of Dread The sea around Ochalea is dominated by

sea dragons, each ruling his or her own
The proper Sea of Dread is south of the domain which is also inhabited by merfolk,
Sunlit Sea and north of the Thanegioth kna, shark-kin, crabmen and many other
archipelago. The most important feature creatures. The Strait of Furmenglaive is
dominating it is the Abyss, now infested by inhabited by Ceirean, an unknown being
devilfish and inhabited by other sea mon- who could be a sea dragon, or something
sters and undead. But there are also many else21 which even dragons fear.
islands and the Dragon Teeth reef, whose
coral reefs and seabeds are inhabited by
The Jungle Coast
Introduced in the module X1: “The Isle of Dread”,
and more extensively described in PC3, a kopru-
dominated Thanegioth archipelago called “Adhuza” This region of the sea is supposedly inhab-
was developed by John Calvin and others for the ited by a large dragon turtle called Afanc22,
2300 BC subsetting, see also the Known World index who rules over many snappers and other
at the Vaults and the 2300 BC sub-forum at The
creatures. Here, according to legend, would
As the empire was imagined after the Mystara setting be the hidden Palace of Protius, where the
was converted to AD&D 2ed in later products, there Immortal of the Sea often dwells among
are also mostly unwilling sahuagin subjects (in tritons, merrows, and other creatures. The
Original D&D Mystara, they could be just a more realm is forbidden to visitors unless they
warlike subspecies of kna) and aquatic ogres (called
merrows in AD&D), used as shock troops and blindly Inspired by the real world legend of Cirein-cròin.
loyal to their masters. Inspired by this real world legend of Afanc.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1

have permission from

the Immortal himself
or a high-ranking
cleric. Not too far to
the southeast there is
the realm of
Glaucus’s merrows,
named after a titan in
the service of Protius,
and populated also by
nixies and kna.
Glaucus is famous for
his prophetic abilities,
and is often willing to
help heroes and adven-

The Western
Sea of Dawn

This region is inhabited

mostly by wereseals,
sea giants, shark-kin,
and kna, but also by
the dendans, intelli-
gent whales which
have long been hunted
by the people of the
Northern Reaches and
Ylaruam and have Kopru, original artwork by Jeffrey Kosh
therefore become very (
hostile to humans.

The Kopru Empire?

This place is the mysterious and hidden

Empire of the Kopru described by Matthew
Tullius’s articles in this and following issues
of THRESHOLD Magazine.

Inspired by Glaucus of Greek mythology.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1


The Bellissarian Sea region

Aquas and Sunken Alphatia24

(after AC 1009) queen. Aquas was also the de-facto capital
of what survived of the Alphatian empire
Aquas, an undersea city first described in until Ionace on Monster Island took its
the “Dawn of the Emperors” boxed set, was place in AC 1014. Aquas is made of the city
founded in AC 949 by the Alphatian wizard of Seashield, inhabited by Alphatian
Zyndryl, who later became lover of Empress humans, elves, dwarves, and gnomes,
Eriadna and father to her children Zandor under a magical dome, and by the sur-
and Eldrethila. Zyndryl died in AC 1009 rounding territories which are inhabited by
during the sinking of Alphatia, protecting merrows, tritons, nixies, sea elves, storm
Aquas, and therefore his daughter Zynnia giants, and others. In AC 1017 a coopera-
(born from the mermaid Lynnia) became tion developed with the tritons of Under-
ocean, due to the new menace of aquatic
ghouls from sunken Alphatia. Aquas began
the construction of new domes in Notrion,
More details in the article “Alphatian Undersea” by
Hausman Santos in the Vaults, which will be updated
in the next issue of THRESHOLD Magazine (#32).


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1


Bellissaria to expand Seashield, and The Eastern Sea of Dawn,

advanced submersibles like The Torpin to Alatians and Pearl Islands
enhance its underwater fleet. Other sen-
tient undead who call themselves Alphadon The seabed around Thonia is inhabited by
were discovered in sunken Bluenose, the Heqet kna, a branch of the fish people
former Arogansa. In AC 1018 the submers- which over the centuries has been influ-
ible Torpin was launched and more were enced by the Thonian culture. The Alatian
under construction. seas are instead inhabited mainly by the
Atargatis merrows, a matriarchal culture, the
The Behemoth’s cave could be west of Naiads, a branch of nixies who have been
Aquas. He was canonically awakened by influenced by the Milenians, and lobster-
Aquas adventurers on Sviftmont 22nd, AC men26, a specific variation of crabmen
101025, and later swam to the Ochalean Sea known to have a pacifist but reclusive
(Flaurmont 22nd, AC 1011) then in the culture. An unspecified sea monster named
Serpent Strait between Kastelios and Dagon, or according to others, an undead
Yavdlom (Fyrmont 10th, AC 1012). Later, triton, has carved a domain between Thonia
wizards from Glantri and Karameikos initi- and Bellissaria. The Pearl Islands sea is
ated an expedition to find and study it dominated by the Adaro shark-kin, a rather
(Felmont 25th, AC 1013). hostile people who don’t like trespassers
and have occasionally menaced shipping.
But the Pearl Islanders have some sort of

The crabmen AD&D or 5ED statistics can be used
See “Poor Wizard’s Almanac I”, page 225 for them, changing only the appearance.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1

agreement with them, or at least some could be an enormous sea dragon or a

truce. dragon turtle, while many suspect Scylla is a
sea serpent, or a sea hag which can turn
into a sea serpent.
The Bellissarian Sea
The large Bellissarian sea is the vast and
The seabed around Bellissaria is mainly islandless area of the ocean south of the
inhabited by tribes of merrows, some kna, sub-continent. It is crossed by a warm
and a few tritons, but there are also ceph- current going to Skothar and teeming with
alopodians27 in the north. These latter life, so it’s not difficult to meet snappers,
people have octopus heads and are not shark-kin, noble dolphins, dendan whales
much open to outsiders, even if they trade and devilfish crossing it or setting tempor-
with kna. They may be related to the kopru, ary communities anchored to floating algae.
as it seems they have some mental powers
too. To the east of Bellissaria, three famous The Night Abyss
sea monsters live. The lair of Illuyanka is in
the Inner Sea of Horken. She should be a This great abyss south of the Bellissarian Sea
very large sea serpent or sea dragon. No is inhabited by all manners of monsters and
one is sure what Ton and Scylla are, two sea undead, some say partially controlled by
monsters that menace the Strait of Minaea. the Night Dragons of Oceania.
Ton (the name means Him in Minaean)
These creatures are similar to illithids in aspect. The
DM may choose to give them psionic powers or not.
They could be the ancestors of the more famous
Spelljammer illithids.

Shark-kin attack draw with Daz 3d by Senarch


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1


The Alphatian Sea region

The Northwestern Sea of Dawn the selkie30, a group of wereseals which

have created a true society, and have relat-
The sea of the Northern Reaches is inhab- ively good relations with the local humans.
ited by the dendan whales, sea giants, and, The gulf of East Portage is inhabited by Mor-
along Heldann, by the Nokken, who are a gawr31, a sea serpent or dragon who is
group of local nixies dominating the other feared by the local fishermen.
inhabitants of the seabed. The northern
coast of the Isle of Dawn and the southern Gulf of Aasla
coast of Norwold are inhabited by the Ceasg
merrows, who often swim up the local The Gulf of Aasla seabed is populated by
rivers28. several undersea races, mostly merrows,
kna, tritons, several wereseals and
weresharks, and some Alphatian wizards
The Northeastern Sea of Dawn who are also werecreatures or have modified
their bodies to breath water. All these people
The northern part of the seabed around the together have formed a society they call ‘The
Isle of Dawn and middle-southern Norwold Incantocracy’ ruled by a Council of wizards.
is dominated by the Blue Kelpies29, a group, Differently from Aquas, which is well known
some say a true kingdom, of tritons infam- in the Alphatian mainland, this society so far
ous for attacking ships and creating storms. has tried to maintain its existence unknown
The Dunadale coast seabed is inhabited by to the land-dwellers, because the Council
28 30
Inspired by the Ceasg legend Inspired by the Selkie legend
29 31
Inspired by the Blue men of the Minch legend Inspired by the Morgawr (folklore) legend


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1

thinks that otherwise the Empire could try to The Sea of Estehold
exploit their abilities for military purposes; and the Bay of Thorin
and they are probably right.
The Bay of Thorin is dominated by Spotted
sealfolk and Grey sealfolkl35. It’s hard to say if
The Alphatian Sea these people had once been merrows who
had been infected with lycanthropy or true
According to old Antalian legends, the sea near-human races, but certainly now they
east of Norwold would be the domain of are. Differently from true seals, they do not
Jörmungandr, the mythical sea serpent (or need to breathe air, but they can and still
dragon?) which fought against the Immortal have often semi-submerged hideouts along
Thor in many old tales and legends. The the coast in the most unapproachable cliffs
seabed along the northwestern coast of and reefs, or in isolated islands. Kna and
Alphatia is inhabited by the Finfolk32 merrows also inhabit these waters, generally
merrows, a society with great sorcerous in amicable relations with the sealfolks
abilities which also includes wereseals and
from time to time would capture humans as The rest of the Sea of Esterhold is inhabited
slaves or mates. The gulf of Alpha in by a variety of sea races, including tribes of
Norwold is inhabited by many wereseals, kna and shark-kin which are not always
who as usual have the reputation of occa- peaceful, and many sea monsters. A vast
sionally kidnapping people. Along the coast habitable area lies between Esterhold and
north of Littonia, Iku-Turso33 has his lair, a Bellissaria, dominated by cephalopodians36,
malevolent sea monster, or a dragon, men- a race of sea-dwelling creatures with
tioned in many local legends. Another mys- octopus heads. They are organized in matri-
terious and not clearly identified sea archal, normally peaceful tribes, but they
monster inhabits the waters north of are trying to unite in a more organized
Qeodhar: Hafgufa34, said to be much larger society to better defend themselves from
than a whale. This too could be just another enemies, which in this area include devil-
name of the Behemoth, or another fish, velya, shark-kin, and hostile sea giants.
Behemoth. The northern Alphatia and Yan-
nifey chain seabeds are inhabited mainly by
wereseals and by Harbor seafolk. Maybe
these creatures were just ‘normal’ wereseals
once but now they all live permanently in
sealman form, and even their children are
born this way. So if once they had the ability
to return to their original merrow or other
form, they don’t anymore.

Inspired by these real animals: spotted seal and grey
Inspired by the Finfolk legend seal.
Inspired by the Iku-Turso legend 36
Statistics of the AD&D illithids could be used for
Inspired by the Hafgufa legend them, eliminating their humanoid-enslaving habits.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1


The White Sea region

Sea Giants of the North Northern sealfolk and kna

The sea north of Alphatia, from the north- The most common sealfolk of the North
ern Norwold coast and almost to Skothar, is include Walrus men, Hooded sealfolk,
dominated by sea giants and is known as Bearded sealfolk, Ringed sealfolk, and Harp
The White Sea. These giants generally have sealfolk37. All these peoples can live and
good relations with the frost giants that breathe underwater and usually have only
inhabit these northern coasts and islands in temporary bases on land or floating ice.
significant numbers. Kna and some Under the sea the other most common
merrows also live among the sea giants in inhabitants are the Vodyanoy kna38, a sub-
relative peace. The sea is inhabited by a rel- race particularly adapted to life in the cold
evant number of noble narwhals and by waters.
several races of sealfolk.
Merrows, tritons, nixies, shark-kin and
kopru usually do not reach these frozen lat-
itudes, but all kinds of intelligent dolphins
and whales do.

To be continued…

In the next issue of THRESHOLD Magazine,

we will continue to explore the rest of Mys-
taran seas!

Inspired by these real animals: walrus, hooded seal,
bearded seal, ringed seal, and harp seal.
Inspired by the real world legend of the Vodyanoy of
Slavic mythology.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Kingdoms and Empires of the Oceans Part 1

Almanacs at the Vaults of Pandius 2300 BC sub-forum at The Piazza


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Sunken Taymora

by Senarch

Cataclysm, produced from Midjourney with prompts from Senarch

“1750 BC: After many years of war Little is known of Taymora and its fall by
between those who had remained loyal to most of the peoples around the Sunlit Sea.
Nyx and those who had turned to the The elves have stories, and scholars and
ways of Thanatos (a battle between nos- wizards have an interest, ranging from the
feratu and vampires), the core of the Tay-
purely academic to the thirst for power and
moran Empire sinks beneath the waves. immortal life. On land Taymoran ruins are
Geological disasters—volcanic eruptions either still firmly buried, or long-plundered,
and earthquakes, enhanced by the and few adventurers are also historians and
massive magical energies invoked by the archeologists, many being more concerned
warring sorcerers—sink most of the with loot than the lives of the now-robbed
remaining Taymoran lands into the sea, dead. Under the waters the story is quite
and splinter off much of the rest south of
different. Taymoran ruins litter the seafloor,
the modern-day Five Shires and the Atru-from villages to cities, arranged around a
aghin Clans. central conical tower or set of towers. It is
often these towers that remain, ugly fingers
This cataclysm marks the end of the Tay- of stone clawing at the waters. The ruins are
moran culture.” mostly infested with undead, and the inhab-
itants of Undersea know to avoid them;
“Taymora Land of the Dead” though the waters, like the surface, have
by Giampaolo Agosta their share of adventurers who seek riches
from THRESHOLD Magazine issue #12 or the powerful items which the larger
ruins often hold. Overall, the opinions of


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Sunken Taymora

the inhabitants of the Sunlit Seas can be

summarised thus:

“Yes, yes, the fall of Ta-moree we know.

Humans blow up their cities and the
land, make them sink, make shallow
sunlit sea, our home, stupid surface-
dwellers. Their poison still harms our
home. Stay away from those ruins, you
idiots, danger and death only, there.
Those in our waters we guard, horror
lurks within. Bad, bad, now go away.”

—Guthk’ Kssk’ Nakarr, Kna Shaman

Abdel, produced by Midjourney
from prompts by Senarch
On the surface, there is one source of kno
wledge on Taymora, one great summation, Some scholars believe these stories to be
to be found, though very few know of it… much exaggerated, as contemporary accounts
describe Abdel as an affable and confused
little man, with a knack for getting people to
THE MAP AND THE BOOK tell him stories. Nonetheless Behemoths
would indicate he was a competent and thor-
ough scholar, as well as a passable dabbler in
The “Mad Ylari” Abdel ibn Hakim Alzrudha magic. All that can be said for certain is that
was a little-known scholar whose two main Abdel and his brother Faisal travelled extens-
works are now highly sought after. These ively in the known world and the Sunlit Sea,
were Behemoths and sea monsters of the researching their works. That is, until the
Sunlit Sea, a commission for a rich patron brutal dismemberment of Abdel in a hovel
and keen seafarer from Darokin, and the the docks of Athenos, and the subsequent dis-
legendary and dread tome The Book of the appearance of Faisal a few days later.
Dead. While several copies of Behemoths
can be found in Darokin, Glantri and Of particular interest to scholars and treasure
Ylaruam, no trace remains of the Book of hunters is the rumoured Map of Sunken
the Dead, though it is bloodily hunted by Taymora, which Abdel was working on
necromancers and cultists. A large book before his murder. Said to be uncannily
with a cover said to be made of blackened accurate, if found it would open the door to
human skin, it was purported to be the the vast treasures of ancient Taymora to its
definitive study of ancient Taymora, its nec- fortunate owner. It is said by some that the
romantic practices and other dark magics, key to the map is to find Abdel’s diary, which
the cults of Tanyt (Nyx) and Sarrattalu has been quoted in other minor works, but
(Thanatos), and the devastating wars that which is also lost. Others claim that it is the
brought on the Cataclysm. The horrors con- trail of Faisal that must be followed. Most
tained therein were said to have driven consider these mad, and likely to find only
many of its readers mad. deeper madness and death if they follow this
road of inquiry.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Sunken Taymora

Ruined Taymoran city, produced from Midjourney with prompts from Senarch


“By the Abyss Tamoraz the mightiest of “Great was the palace of Colhador, tallest
cities lies, of the towers of Taymora,
In its dark deep waters only dread Riches incalculable its treasure stores
abides.” contained.”

—From a pamphlet on the —Fragment from a lost historical text

rumoured sea elves and their legends. found in a Darokinian library

Tamoraz was the primary city-state of the Colhador was once a prosperous and
Taymoran Empire, and home to the oldest mighty city. It was known for the significant
of the nosferatu sorcerer kings. The city is number of Albarendi living within its walls,
slowly collapsing into the Abyss and is in whose descendants now inhabit Utter
the hunting grounds of a kraken. It was Island nearby. Half of it now lies scattered
once known for its vast libraries and on the seabed, empty except for some sea
archives, and advanced magical knowledge. life, and the rest has fallen off the sea-shelf
The ruins may well contain some of the to destruction. The palace of Colhador still
most powerful magical artefacts and secrets stands, and the velya Hadric1 now resides in
of the Taymoran civilization but remains, as an undercity lair, accessible through the
far as anyone knows, undiscovered. As well well of Hador.
as the kraken’s occasional visits, it is infes-
ted by undead and devilfish. 1
See “Hadric’s Realm of Colhador”, in module X7:
“The War Rafts of Kron”, pp. 16–28


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Sunken Taymora

“I bought five gladiators in Hushu and was “Sulqi on the lake has the best freshwater
not disappointed, though Arz Abulon is a fish markets in Taymora”
wicked and shrewd bargainer; he charged
an outrageous…” —Graffiti in the ruins of Tursh, translated
by the elven sage Galathran, memoirs of Sir
—Clay tablet fragment Kratos, Thyatian adventurer, who tran-
from a Glantrian museum scribed it because he found it amusing in its
blandness and failure to point to treasure.
Hushu was a small city-state with a popula-
tion of around 8,000. It was known for its Sulqi was a city-state with a population of
thriving markets and trade due to being around 7,000. It was a major centre for the
placed in the quadrant including Tamoraz, fishing industry and was known for its dis-
Gader, and Sutzi. It now lies halfway down tinctive fishing boats. The nosferatu Sor-
the terraces amongst mountains and cerer here was very powerful, and his
broken lands, known to, but avoided by, the enemies banded together to destroy him in
sea giants. the days before the Cataclysm. It is said the
city burned with magical purple fire for
three days, before the ground began to
shake, and the sea swallowed it. Its secrets
“Blessed Barummi at rivers’ meet, how I are jealously guarded by the kna, who make
have loved thy waterways, sure no interlopers come near the ruins.
Long summer evenings spent with my Whatever magical atrocity occurred, it has
love…” left flora and fauna mutated, and even
before one gets to whatever abominations
—From a poem among the scrolls of lie within, the waters and seabed around
the wizard Gygar, gifted to the bard Valiar the city are plagued by oozes, jellies, and
and found inside his last surviving book n slimes.
the library of the Patriarch of Threshold.

Barumini was a major city with a popula-

tion of 9,000. Its ruins have mostly been “Suthus, oh Suthus, how the seas echo
covered by coral and are home to a small with its song”
community of sea elves. There are still some
structures that can be explored, but the —Statement to Abdel by a triton
ruins have been plundered by treasure met off the coast of Utter Island.
hunters due to the relative proximity to
Ierendi, Minrothad and Karameikos and the Sutzu is now the triton city of Suthus2, built
shallow depths within which they lie. The from the coral accumulated over the ruins
elves discreetly guard some of the more long ago. The tritons are mostly unaware of
dangerous or unexplored structures. what might still lie under their city, though
rare construction work at the city’s base
sometimes uncovers passageways that are
quickly filled in and forgotten.
See “Suthus”, in module X7: “The War Rafts of
Kron”, pp. 07–10


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Sunken Taymora

Taymoran ruins, produced from Midjourney with prompts from Senarch

“On the third day the fleet of Bythia “I have still found nothing on Tzur or the
arrived, routing the already harassed fleet House of Sethlanis, it is unbelievably frus-
of the necromancer king of Amarshish, trating. Also, I am sick and stupid and
ending the sixth war and placing the hate everything and everyone today.”
defender under the yoke of Bythia for a
hundred years” —Abdel, letter to Faisal.

—Inscription accompanying a fresco, f Tzur, centre of the bronzesmith caste, had a

rom a ruined shrine in the volcanic population of 6,750. Little is known of it
heights of Roister Island.. except its proximity to the religious centre
called the House of Sethlanis, the location
Bythia was a city-state with a population of of which remains lost. It is possible both
around 8,500, and was known for its milit- were destroyed by volcanic activity caused
ary harbour and vast fleet. Little is known of by dark magic during the cataclysm, but few
the state of its ruins due to the proximity of but perhaps the kopru would know.
large numbers of shark-kin and the dangers
of the waters.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Sunken Taymora

“Do not speak of Sarroch the holy city by great magical explosions nearby during
again, human, for I like you and don’t the cataclysm so the ruins of Tarshiz lay
want to have to eat you.” covered in a thick layer of sediment, making
exploration difficult. Despite its proximity
—Spoken by a lizardman chieftain, to Karameikos the city has largely been for-
diary of Abdel. gotten. The waters around Tarshiz are home
to schools of sharks and barracuda.
Sarroch was a city-state with a population
of around 8,500. It was once home to a sig-
nificant population of lizardmen, whose
descendants still sing of the city. The ruins “Jest not, we still mourn Nan-in-Edhil and
of Sarroch are mostly covered by sand, but the Shrine of Urtni, for our memories are
there are still structures that can be long.”
explored. It is one of the few ruined cities
that was close enough to land to ensure —Said to Abdel by an elf in Alfeisle,
that rumours of it, and the powerful arte- diary of Abdel.
facts and treasures buried there, were fre-
quent and relatively well known. The Nan-in-Edhil was once the forested capital
lizardmen of the southern Malpheggi of the southern Sheyallia elves, and part of
Swamp, who dive there for religious the Taymoran empire where the elves fre-
reasons, as well as the tortles of the Tortles quently served as mercenaries. It was
Tears, who avoid it, are well aware of the famous for its advanced mage-craft and its
city and its dangers. Due to the shallow majestic architecture. The ruins of Nan-in-
waters, it has been extensively plundered Edhil lie hidden under vast kelp forests,
over the long years, and if anything remains thriving environments for all kinds of sea-
it is buried deep, and remains very danger- life, and are largely untouched by outsiders.
ous, since it is claimed that the ghosts of The remnants of the Shrine of their Immor-
Sarroch’s former inhabitants still haunt the tal Urtni are said to be near Alfeisle but are
city, and that sirens are known to sing in the lost in a kelp forest of their own. The
waters around it. Aquarendi sea elves may well know more,
but they are most certainly not telling out-

“Serpitaz went to Tarshiz and got the

“My lover, the cloak you bought me from
—Graffiti in the ruins of Tursh, translated the works of Amuraz has made me the
by the elven sage Galathran, memoirs of envy of the court; I must reward you on
Sir Kratos, Thyatian adventurer. your return.”

Tarshiz was a city-state with a population of —Love note on a clay tablet,

around 10,000, and considered a northern Museum of Glantri.
backwater by many Taymorans. Neverthe-
less its necromancer kings were powerful
and their armies feared. It was blasted over


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Sunken Taymora

Amuraz was once a centre of craftsmanship Amarshish was a minor city-state with a
and commerce, particularly well-known for population of around 2,000 and a centre
its textiles and clothing and its skilled crafts- for the study of astrology and the stars. It
men and artisans. It is likely the vast ware- lies untouched, since reaching the ruins is
houses of goods and the museums filled an insanely dangerous journey, traversing
with the masterworks of great artisans were through a huge underwater crevasse poked
shattered in the earthquakes, and their frag- with caverns home to large sea monsters.
ments swept to sea. Now the ruins of The city itself is buried under tons of rock,
Amuraz have mostly collapsed down the though it might be possible to reach it
sides of the terraces and are home to giant through the caverns. What is certain is that
octopuses and squid. nothing can come out, for now…

“If I could only find the library of “I buried you in Gader, my love, for it was
Amarshish, think of the knowledge, Faisal, in its gardens our love flourished, and it
think of the gold the astronomers would is where I plan to lie beside you for all
pay in Ylaruam! Mind you, I doubt a eternity.”
single Taymoran library remains dry, the
loss, Faisal, the terrible loss of past civil- —Clay tablet, Museum of Glantri.
Gader was a quiet city known for its
—Abdel, letter to Faisal. gardens and green spaces. The ruins of
Gader are scattered down the terraces in a
deep-sea canyon system, and while some of
I have grown convinced that the dark the structures are still recognizable, they
man of the sea that my brother wished to are crooked and jumbled together at an
meet that fateful night was the vessel or angle. The ruins are unexplored since the
mind-bonded slave of the last unliving canyons, like huge downward tears in the
Taymoran vampire queen, Ariasha. His terraces, create strong currents and swirling
notes and diary hinted at a great power eddies that can trap and sweep away even
trapped beneath rock and waves and the strongest swimmers, through the
speculated it was her, the last survivor of broken lands, and towards the Abyss.
the war and cataclysm, trapped and
buried in Amarshish. She plagued his
dreams, and now mine too, hungering for
release… I fear he refused her and paid
the price…”

—Faisal, last letter to cousin Waleed ibn

Aziz Alzrudha, who threw it in a chest
along with the others since he
thought both his kin utterly mad.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Sunken Taymora


There are a few who seek the book and map. The table below is offered as mere suggestions.

d8 – choose or roll 4 times, repetition increases power

1 The Cult of the Dark One of the Deep

A shadowy and sinister group of undersea creatures and their human allies who worship
Thanatos through his servant, an ancient, eldritch power from the depths, perhaps the last
vampire queen of Taymora. They seek the map to the sunken cities of Taymora to locate a
powerful artefact that, they believe, will allow them to awaken their dark mistress. Their
leader, High Priestess Mara, is a strikingly beautiful triton woman with a hypnotic voice and
piercing gaze. A magnetic presence and a skilled sorceress, she uses her powers to charm
and manipulate anyone who stands in her way. Prone to violent rages, she does not take well
to being challenged or refused.

2 The Night Pearl Society

A group of cutthroat sailors and ruthless pirates who have banded together to seek the
riches of Taymora. They are brutal and unsubtle in imposing their will. Their leader, Captain
Cyprak, is a stout, muscular man with a thick beard and wild eyes. He is a zealous believer in
the riches of the Taymoran ruins and the secrets they hold. He bears the Night Pearl, an arte-
fact he recovered as a youth from a dive in Sarroch. Attuned to the holy places of Nyx, it
grants him visions of the cities as they were, under the night sky, when he sails close to a
ruin of a city-state that served Night.

3 The Order of the Black Star

This secret organisation of wizards, from various nations, is fanatically focused on dark magic
and necromancy. They believe, rightly or wrongly, that the Book of the Dead and its map
hold the key to unlocking ancient powers that have long been forgotten. The leader of the
Order is an enigmatic figure known only as the Black Star. Rumours of connections to the
Black Eagle Barony and the slavers of the Iron Ring, through wizards in their leadership or
employ, may be just that. The order is secretive to the point of total paranoia.

4 The Arcane Academy of Alchemos

Despite its distance from the Sunlit Sea, this small but powerful organisation of Alphatian
wizards is seeking the book and map for research purposes, and to keep it from falling into
the wrong hands. The head of the academy, Archmage Althadak, a mage of the school of
Water, is a stoic and kindly figure who values knowledge above all else. He believes Taymora
and its secrets are best left alone, to be studied by a select and elite few in the confines of his
library in the University of Alchemos. They have a “research institute” in Seahome on Alfeisle.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Sunken Taymora

d8 – choose or roll 4 times, repetition increases power

5 The Company of the Crimson Tide

This pirate company with connections to Jaibul is involved in providing transport for the
slavers in Karameikos. Unknown to even these associates, the ships are captained by vampi-
res, progeny of Lady Eris Sanguinantis, the head of the group. The vampire leader is obses-
sed with power and control and wants nothing more than to be a great vampire queen
ruling over the seas and island nations, like those of ancient Taymora. The map and book are
for her tools to gain more power. Lady Eris is a master manipulator and is aware of several of
the other groups, and can often be found playing one side against the other.

6 The Society of the Nightblades

A group of assassins, worshippers of Nyx who believe that the map, if found, will release a
powerful servant of their enemy Thanatos. They are the rabid foes of the Cult of the Dark
One of the Deep, and murder anyone who gets too close to them as colourfully as possible.
The group is led by an ancient Nosferatu.

7 The Darokinian College of Cartographers

This group of academics working out of Athenos specialises in creating and studying maps,
and they are desperate to get their hands on the map to sunken Taymora, for mundane
reasons of academic prestige. The head of the college, Professor Belinda Eronica, is a scatter-
brained and absent-minded scholar who is convinced that the map will salvage her failing
career and give her an eternal reputation as the discoverer of a lost civilisation. Ironically,
she has the best clue to the book and map’s whereabouts but has misfiled it in a romantic
novel she never finished reading. She has enlisted the help of a group of adventurous stu-
dents to retrieve the map for her, whose life expectancy now finds itself radically shortened.

8 The Children of the Sun-blessed Waters

A fraternity of undersea dwellers of all species, and a few surface-dwelling allies, who are
aware that the book and map exist and would very much like to see them destroyed. They
are deeply worried about the Cult of the Dark One of the Deep and the spread of its power
that they perceive. Their leader is Gorthan, a sea giant from the Royster Trench who is
plagued by nightmares of the vampire queen.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Sunken Taymora


Once again these are only suggestions.
d8 - roll twice, first is a decoy

1 Thalkor’s Lair, amongst his hoard, in the Malpheggi Swamp.

2 In a chest in a dead assassin’s hideout in Athenos.
3 Buried in a pirates’ treasure chest in the Tortles’ Tears.
4 Forgotten in the storeroom of a halfling bookdealer in Shireton.
5 In the heavily guarded vault of a Thyatian nobleman in Thyatis city.
6 In the White Eagle, flying ship of a reclusive Alphatian archmage.
7 In transit, soon to be delivered to one Lord Bargle in the Black Eagle Barony.
8 In a shipwreck, lost in the Darkweeds between Honor and Utter Islands.
I hope this gives you enough to start the search for the sunken ruins of Taymora.

The Map


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Sunken Taymora


“So, you’ve swum to

a Taymoran ruin…”

by Senarch

Undersea ruin, produced from Midjourney with prompts from Senarch

The purpose of this appendix is to quickly of what survived the Cataclysm and the
generate ideas for a Taymoran ruin adventu- ravages of time underwater is bones, struc-
rers can explore. The next issue of THRE- tural walls, now covered in coral or vegeta-
SHOLD will contain my article, “To build tion, and home to a wide variety of sea life.
an Undersea Hex” which includes ruin Depth and environment will have a big
creation tables that can be used to deter- impact on what is around (see the encoun-
mine ruin size and the environment it is in ter tables in the previously mentioned
or have chosen them in advance. article). The most likely structures to
survive are the conical towers, from those
The seabed is littered with smaller Taymoran of each village to the huge structures
ruins, and these tables are best suited to those, housing the nosferatu and vampire sorcerer
though they can be used as inspiration to kings and queens. Many are badly damaged
make town or city ruins. Roll multiple times by both war and cataclysm. They are likely
on the first table in the case of larger ruins. partially buried, in sand, silt or rubble.
Some may have air pockets, magical or
Think of these underwater ruins as the ske- otherwise, especially in lower, buried levels,
letons of what once was. The vast majority but many will not.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Sunken Taymora

You can use these tables in combination

with online random dungeon map genera-
tors. Whatever such a generator creates (on
multiple levels if you wish) is what is struc- T2 d20 What dwells therein?
turally sound, hermetically sealed perhaps, 1 A vile coterie of sea-ghouls
even if flooded, and therefore forms a
“Dungeon”. 2 A deranged wight pirate-king
3 A decadent drug-addled cult
Population will include creatures from the
environment, undead relevant to T1 and 4 An overly friendly hermit
dwellers from T2. 5 A cabal of devilfish spies
T1 d20 What remains? A trapped lich and its undead
1 A library, flooded or in an air pocket Sailors digging up secrets for their
2 Fortifications home to a garrison vampire captain

3 A pleasure palace or brothel Something(s) cunning and mon-

8 strous will hunt, corral, and devour
4 Naval structures, a seaport intruders
5 An astronomical observatory Idolaters worshipping a sea
6 A shrine, temple, or monastery
10 A party of adventurers plundering
7 The labyrinthine remains of a slum
11 A necromancer gathering minions
8 Mercantile quarter, shops, storerooms
12 A shaman cleansing the unholy
9 The dwellings of nobles
13 Mutated refugees and renegades
10 The workshops of artisans
14 Warring elemental forces
11 An arena or hippodrome
15 The whispering, devouring darkness
12 A statue-filled garden or plaza
Tentacled monstrosities of a possi-
13 Offices of the state bly hallucinogenic nature
14 A bathhouse complex 17 A sorcerer seeking truths

15 An academy or university 18 A zealous lawful guardian

16 A secret refuge of spies or rebels 19 Mutated, were or undead sea life

20 A litter of baby behemoths
17 A laboratory or research center
18 A prison and torture chambers
19 A treasury or hidden cache
20 A sorcerer-lord’s chambers


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Sunken Taymora

d8 What stands out? Use the bounty table below only if the
dungeon or ruin is large enough to warrant
1 Corridors narrowed by rubble it, otherwise use normal treasure tables for
2 Ornate frescoes and arcane runes the monsters you rolled/selected.
3 Magical lighting attracting strange fish d12 What bounty awaits?
4 Heartbreaking signs of lost humanity 1 Masterworks of a famed craftsman
5 Epic grandeur, pomp and scale 2 A named magical weapon
6 Cold and darkness 3 vvA dangerous spell-book or scroll
7 Lingering signs of violent ends 4 An unforgettable work of art
8 Vibrant life covering forgotten stone 5 The staff/wand of a famed sorcerer
6 Royal treasure
d12 What is the challenge? 7 The ring of a Necromancer lord
1 Prevent something from getting out 8 The armor of a general
2 Investigate disappearances nearby 9 All you need to try necromancy
3 Retrieve an artifact 10 A very tempting but cursed item
4 Prevent a ritual or experiment 11 A unique magical artifact
5 Hunt and kill a monster or fiend
12 A magical weapon of mass destruction
6 Spy and report back
7 Gather historical knowledge I hope this is enough to tickle your imagina-
8 Track a fugitive or lost soul tion. See example ideas on the following
9 Lift a curse, restore balance page. As usual, you can completely ignore
10 Foil an incursion or invasion rolls that make no sense and imagine some-
thing better.
11 Rescue trapped allies
12 Negotiate a boon, truce or alliance

d8 What’s the complocation?

1 Fiendish traps, unsound structures
2 Leaking poisons or magic potions
3 Hybrid or mutated sea life
4 Poisonous or carnivorous plants
5 Dangerous forbidden knowledge
6 Magical guardian constructs
7 Madness inducing illusions
8 Cursed items, haunted relics


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Sunken Sunken


The village of Ga-xul

In the shallows on a wild stretch

of the Darokinian coast, lie the
ruins of a few houses and out-
buildings around two conical
towers at either end of a lon-
ghouse, once an academy for
scribes, 50' (15 meters) below the
surface. Jellyfish swim over the
ruins, while the outer houses are
home to giant crabs, occasionally
hunted by small parties of tritons
and dolphins. The academy is
avoided, as it is too eerie.
Glowing inscriptions lead to a
cellar level, currently home to
several devilfish scouting the area.
They plan to use a ritual to
awaken the skeletons and
zombies of the scribes. The school
treasury is haunted by the wraith
of the academy head, who died
while seeking to plunder it and
‘Undead servants of the devilfish’,
original digital artwork by Senarch

The Spear of Amarshish Fortress

(8 levels)

A sea giant hero has not returned from Skeleton guards march along the walls and
scouting this location. It is a large, fortified corridors, trapped in an undead travesty of
outpost of the city state of Amarshish, subsi- their former roles. Deeper still oozes line
ded deep into the Roister Trench, but well- the ceilings, and traps guard the prison and
preserved, though the deeper one goes the haunted torture chambers. In the darkest
less safe the structure becomes. The area is depths, tentacled horrors await to devour
very dark and cold, high-pressured, with the unwary, amongst the royal treasures of a
little sea life nearby, possibly due to the fleeing Amarshish princess.
schools of ghoul fish swimming in and out
of the fort from openings and cracks in the


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread
Terrors of the Sea of Dread

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

by Cab


of Averyx,

Inquisitor for
the Sphere of Time, In hardball it is Sundsvaal Freemen vs. Draco Rex. In the
Finder of lost Immortals, Thyatian arena it is the Retarii vs. the Samntites. And who
Patron of can forget the fabulous era of annual contests between
Alphatia in Majesty, Strongheart and Warduke for the crown of Ierendi. In
Futures, Investigations, sports enduring rivalries captivate and thrill us most. To
Resources and Expansion Immortals the greatest sport of all is the quest to join our
(AIM FIRE). ranks. And as an Alphatian, I can say with great pride that
nobody does rivalries like we do.

The greatest, most enduring, longest lasting and (in my

view) most important was the centuries-long political
standoff between Gargantua and Thaneg, of which the
Sea of Dread still shows the metaphysical scars. Each was
a great Alphatian in the truest expansionist sense – Gar-
gantua claiming rule over new territories in the far north
of Norwold with apprentices as obsessed with creating
giant creatures as he was, and Thaneg settling on what
would become known as the Isle of Dread with a cadre
of geologically inclined spellcasters and a lot of clone


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

spells. While it may appear that each should have little to do

with the other, they fought over funding, military and eco-
nomic support from the Imperial crown, and favour among
members of the Grand Council, and their political machina-
tions are only rivalled by gross physical intrusions into each
other’s projects.

And it was one such intrusion by Gargantua right into the

heart of Thaneg’s operation that so changed the nature of
the sea that, as a result, it became known as the Sea of
Dread. A temporal bomb of such shocking intensity that the
denizens thereof are now forever beholden to those
changes – residents from the Sunlit Sea in the north to
those of the Jungle Coast in the south, from Thanegia to
Furmenglaive, their lives all radically different as a result.
The fauna of the ocean is now defined by that event.

The events Averyx refers to, and which he are still found. The waters immediately
will go on to describe in more detail, define around the Isle of Dread team with life
much of the fauna of the Sea of Dread. Gar- forms native to the time period of Tyranno-
gantua and his followers’ interference with saurus rex and Triceratops horridus, while
Thaneg’s work was never intended to stop around Minrothad most creatures are
Thaneg cloning prehistoric creatures, the modern but occasional specimens that ori-
intent was to make the continuation of that ginate in the Carboniferous era (5 times
work to its completion (and Thaneg’s further back even than the Cretaceous) are
ascent to immortality) impossible. In this found. Skilled navigators understand that
effort Gargantua was spectacularly success- while different areas may, on the surface,
ful – and the fauna of the Sea of Dread seem entirely similar, the dangers of those
remains affected to this day. zones may be radically different.

Simply, in and around the Isle of Dread, It is the Cretaceous zone, and the creatures
creatures native to the Cretacious or Juras- that inhabit it, that will be described first.
sic eras (or Dinosaur Times, in Mystara
terms) are most common, whereas as one
travels from the coastal waters around the
Thanegioth Archipelago to the (relatively
benign) waters of Minrothad and Ierendi,
more modern forms of marine life become
dominant, but stranger (and often more
dangerous) creatures from earlier periods


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

CRETACEOUS ZONE The archelon is a giant sea turtle, feeding on

CREATURES fish, crustaceans, and other slow-moving
marine creatures. Other than the dragon
turtle, it is the largest known turtle to have
lived, measuring up to 15 feet in length and
weighing over 4,000 pounds. The arch-
AC: 2 elon’s shell is its primary defence, protect-
HD: 15 ing it from predators and other dangers in
Movement (swimming): 120' (40') the ocean. However, if threatened, Archelon
(land): 30' (10') can use its powerful jaws to deliver a bite.
Attacks: 1 bite
Damage: 2d8 The archelon is rarely encountered on land
Number Appearing: 0 (1d4) and is primarily a sea creature, only return-
Save As: F8 ing to land to lay its eggs. It is a solitary
Morale: 8 creature and tends to avoid conflict unless
Treasure Type: Nil provoked or its nesting site disturbed.
Intelligence: 2 Despite its massive size, the archelon is rel-
Alignment: Neutral atively peaceful, and sailors of the Sea of
XP Value: 1,650 Dread are known to view them as a bringer
of good luck, and larger, and distinctively
marked specimens can become well known
among the crews of merchant ships, who
look out for them on each ocean crossing.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread


AC: 3
HD: 10*
Movement (swimming): 20' (40')
Attacks: 1 bite
Damage: 2d6 + special
Number Appearing: 0 (1)
Save As: F5
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 2
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 1,750

The aristonectes is a massive

marine reptile, a plesiosaur with a
long, robust neck. It can grow up
to 40' long, with a powerful, exten-
ded neck and four thick flippers.
Its body is protected by tough,
scaly skin, and its jaws are tightly
packed with conical teeth. The aris-
tonectes is a solitary creature and is
rarely encountered by humans. It
spends most of its time swimming
far from shore, near the ocean
surface, seeking out dense shoals
of small fish and shellfish.

The aristonectes is usually a peace-

ful filter feeder, grabbing mouthfuls of prey damage each round (1d8) from being
and filtering them out of seawater using its crushed, normal rules for drowning also
teeth. If it mis-times this with a larger apply. Once trapped, a character can only
creature, however, its bite can easily crush be freed by either killing the aristonectes or
bones, and it is capable of dragging a full- forcing it to fail a morale check.
grown human underwater with ease. While
not primarily preying on such large
creatures, if they do catch a human or demi-
human they typically take them to deeper
water to drown them before consuming. A
victim of an aristonectes’s bite must make a
saving throw vs. paralysis or be trapped,
and while they take only a small amount of


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

Elasmosaurus The elasmosaurus is a massive sea creature

resembling a plesiosaur, with an extremely
AC: 6 long neck and a relatively small head. It can
HD: 6+3 reach lengths of up to 40 feet and weighs
Movement (swimming): 90' (30') several tons. The elasmosaurus is a pred-
Attacks: 1 bite/1 tail slap ator of fish, squid, and other sea creatures.
Damage: 2d6/1d8 It is not aggressive towards humans but can
Number Appearing: 0 (1d6) become territorial and defensive if its territ-
Save As: F4 ory is threatened. The elasmosaurus attacks
Morale: 8 with a powerful bite from its jaws and can
Treasure Type: Nil also use its long tail to strike its enemies.
Intelligence: 1 Despite its massive size, it is surprisingly
Alignment: Neutral agile and can manoeuvre quickly in the
XP Value: 350 water. While typically solitary it is most
often encountered with others of its
species, gathering to hunt great shoals of
fish and squid, its head darting in to grab
individual prey. In such scenarios, the elas-
mosaurus becomes far less discriminating
in prey selection, and can in its haste attack
much larger creatures.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

Hatzegopteryx The hatzegopteryx is a huge (50'-wingspan),

long-necked azhdarchid pterosaur, and
AC: 5 while it is not specifically a marine animal it
HD: 13 hunts across islands of the Sea of Dread. On
Movement (flying): 180’ (60’) those islands, it is the alpha predator of
(walking): 180' (60') small- and medium-sized animals. Some-
Attacks: 1 bite what more heavily built but slightly smaller
Damage: 6d6 than the quetzalcoatlus, it is as capable of
Number Appearing: 0 (1d2) running down prey on land as it is at attack-
Save As: F7 ing from the air, having a wide, sharp beak
Morale: 9 with which it can make a devastating attack.
Treasure Type: Nil It can swallow human-sized prey on 18–20
Intelligence: 2 on an attack roll, and a dwarf-sized or
Alignment: Neutral smaller creature on a 17–20.
XP Value: 1,350
While perhaps not as fearsome as
many land-based predators of its
era, its capacity to launch from flat
ground using all four of its limbs to
push off into the air, after which it
can glide for hundreds of miles
between islands almost effortlessly,
has allowed it to become the undis-
puted alpha predator across a wide


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

Mosasaurus through the water with enormous force. It

has a powerful bite that can crush its prey,
AC: 3 and while it can swallow human-sized or
HD: 15 smaller victims whole on an attack roll of
Movement (swimming): 180' (60') 19–20 it usually prefers to make multiple
Attacks: 1 bite bite attacks to immobilise or kill its prey
Damage: 6d6 first. The mosasaurus is a solitary predator
Number Appearing: 0 (1) that hunts in the deep waters of the ocean,
Save As: F8 preferring to ambush prey from below, but
Morale: 12 it is capable of chasing down all but the
Treasure Type: Vx2 swiftest prey. It may occasionally venture
Intelligence: 2 close to shore if there appears to be prey
Alignment: Neutral there. It has a thick, scaly hide that protects
XP Value: 1,650 it from most attacks. And while it is an air-
breathing reptile, it can spend prolonged
periods sleeping on or near the sea floor,
The mosasaurus is one of the most massive preferring broken ground such as sub-
ocean-going predators of its own or any era. merged ruins to make its lair. Therein the
It can grow up to 50 feet in length, with excreted and regurgitated indigestible
four powerful flippers and a strong tail remains of prey may often be found, includ-
allowing it to reach a shocking speed for its ing any treasures they carried.
scale, forcing its massive torpedo-like bulk


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

Thalassotitan marine reptiles known, with a length of

over 50 feet and a weight of over 70 tons.
AC: 5 The thalassotitan can strike its enemies with
HD: 15* its tail, as well as attacking with a large head
Movement(swimming): 120' (40') full of sharp teeth. It prefers to bask in
Attacks: 1 tail slap or 1 bite surface waters, stalking the great kelp and
Damage: 4d8 or 2d10 sargasso forests for prey, able to lie motion-
Number Appearing: 1 less therein for hours at a time, usually
Save As: F8 attacking any prey with surprise (1–4 on
Morale: 11 1d6). It can swallow man-sized or smaller
Treasure Type: Nil prey on an attack roll of 19–20, and if it suc-
Intelligence: 2 ceeds in doing so it typically retreats to
Alignment: Neutral deeper water to digest its meal.
XP Value: 2,700
While not typically keen to hunt humans, it
The thalassotitan is a massive aquatic tends to view any ships passing through its
reptile, similar to mosasaur in being able to hunting ground as another large predator
propel its massive, torpedo-like bulk threatening its territory. It will usually
through the water with great force facilit- respond with loud grunts and snarls, threat-
ated by four powerful flippers and an ening its foe, and if the ship continues
enormous tail. It is one of the largest through its territory it will align itself with it
under the water and
start beating on the
hull with its tail. The
damage it inflicts can
make crewmen fall
into the water, and
causes significant
damage to the ship.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

Tusoteuthis will slowly manoeuvre to a point where it

can attack with surprise. Unwary foes will
AC: 5 be surprised on a 1–5 on 1d6, and once it
HD: 15** has taken prey it retreats to the ocean
Movement (swimming): 240' (80') depths.
Attacks: 2 tentacles/1 bite
Damage: 1d8/1d8/5d8 Th tusoteuthis is known to be attracted to
Number Appearing: 1 light, hunting many of the bioluminescent
Save As: F8 organisms of the depths. In the darkness of
Morale: 10 night, it rises to shallow waters, hunting
Treasure Type: H prey by the shadows cast in moonlight.
Intelligence: 3
Alignment: Neutral Individuals of the species may live to a great
XP Value: 3,750 age, many being over 200 years old. They
prefer to make a lair in the crushing depths
The tusoteuthis is a huge squid (50’ long, of the deepest parts of the ocean, where
with a further reach of 50') that hunts the they gather all of the light-reflecting materi-
deep sea. It is known for its long, whip-like als they find. In amongst shards of glass, iri-
tentacles used to snare prey, and its power- descent shells and other valueless trinkets
ful beak that can crush even the strongest of elderly specimens may amass vast hoards of
bones. Tusoteuthis is an intelligent treasure, equal to those of dragons.
creature, and while not aggressive it is an
opportunistic predator and will treat adven-
turers as prey, if the odds seem in its favour.

Encountering a tusoteuthis in the deep can

be a deadly affair. Its tentacles can reach up
to 50' in length, and it can use them to pull
even large creatures
towards its beak.
Creatures thus struck
with tentacles are, next
round, drawn back to the
mouth of the creature to
be bitten. Its beak is
strong enough to easily
crush most foes, and on
a bite attack roll of 19–20
a victim of up to ogre-
size is swallowed whole.
It has exceptional (90')
infravision, often allow-
ing it to see potential
prey well before it can be
detected, and usually it


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread


AC: 4 The tylosaurus is a huge predator, measur-

HD: 12+2 ing up to 35 feet long and resembling a
Movement (swimming): 150' (50') massive crocodile, but with powerful flip-
Attacks: 1 bite/1 tail slap pers in place of legs and a great tail closer
Damage: 2d8/2d6 to that of a whale. While it can leave the
Number Appearing: 0 (1) water, it does so only to lay eggs, and is a
Save As: F7 specialist predator of estuaries and shallow
Morale: 9 waters around coral reefs, where it is a
Treasure Type: Vx2 cunning hunter with many different
Intelligence: 2 strategies to catch prey. Typically, it relies
Alignment: Neutral upon its incredible speed and strength to
XP Value: 1,350 catch prey, which includes other large
marine reptiles. But it can also hide
amongst detritus after storms, and will
conceal itself among wreckage from sunken
ships, even among survivors, waiting until
larger numbers of rescuers turn up to
provide more prey.

The tylosaurus tends to keep a clear ledge

or cave within the reef where it takes freshly
killed prey to store until it has aged to suit
its tastes. While the creature itself does not
value treasure, the belongings of victims are
often to be found there.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

Xiphactinus The xiphactinus is a massive prehistoric fish

that can grow up to 20 feet in length. It has
AC: 5 a long, slender body with sharp teeth and a
HD: 8 powerful jaw capable of crushing the shell-
Movement (swimming): 180' (60') fish it prefers to feed upon. It is a fierce
Attacks: 1 bite predator and often hunts in small packs.
Damage: 2d10 Despite its size and predatory nature,
Number Appearing: 0 (1d4) xiphactinus rarely attacks prey as large as
Save As: F4 humans, preferring to prey on smaller
Morale: 8 turtles and shellfish, which it can crush with
Treasure Type: Nil ease. It has however been known to take
Intelligence: 1 speculative bites from slower-moving
Alignment: Neutral adventurers that in some ways resemble
XP Value: 650 their typical prey, especially any armoured
characters on or near the sea bed.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread


Other than the near unsolvable issue of linguistics (how one refers to some-
thing one intends to have already done yesterday in one’s own future, is more
of a crisis of syntax and grammar than continuity), perhaps the hardest things
to understand about time is that it is both linear and, well, not. Mortals fre-
quently refer to the sands of time, as if each grain is an event flowing through
the aperture of an hourglass, a perception based on the quite extraordinary
stability of Mystaran time enforced by the hierarchs of our sphere. If left
unpoliced, being unconstrained by thought, liberated from the ordering of
matter, and free of the requirement to dissipate the chaos of energy, time is a
very different entity indeed, and the past and future themselves become mal-
leable realities. But this understanding is dangerous, and mortal minds
cannot fully assimilate it. Thus the most potent artifacts of time, those that
confer such understanding, are also by far the most dangerous.

This brings me to the Temporal Lens, an ancient, pure diamond sphere formed
by the collapsing matter of the final stars of a now long-dead universe,
endowed with the potency of a whole pantheon of Immortals of Time, created
such that their own existence might outlast their own reality. The device itself
had to possess an Immortal’s perception of time, thus any mortal who holds it
can likewise perceive and manipulate time. Thaneg pinned much of his hope
on this artifact, making its theft, destruction, or even mere subversion a prior-
ity for Gargantua.

Thaneg had adventured to the edge of the solar system to find the Lens. With
his apprentices and allies he outwitted a self-sustaining colony of meks on the
outermost planet, Nyx, and had returned with their prize. He could now
obtain specimens from any time in Mystara’s history for his cloning projects,
and thus his quest for immortality (involving the creation of a unique environ-
ment with unique inhabitants from vastly different eras) accelerated rapidly,
along with his wider influence in the Sea of Dread area. This also drew in
more investors from mainland Alphatia, and the rate of speculative trade and
colonisation projects therein increased tenfold. For a few short years it
appeared as if the future of Alphatia on Mystara would be a civilisation settled
around all of the shores of the Sea of Dread – an alternative reality I may visit,
one day.

To Gargantua, who had relied on the income from precisely the same settlers
and traders to come towards Norwold to support his own project involving
super-sized creatures, this was a disaster. At this time, it was unlikely that even
the might of Alphatia could support both projects. Thus, the stage was set – a
battle for control of the Temporal Lens, with the winner aspiring to claim his
place in the ranks of the Immortals.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

JURASSIC ZONE escape. It thrives both on the surface of the

CREATURES ocean and on land, usually roosting on
islands and cliff tops that are hard to access
by any creatures that cannot fly.

Dearc It primarily preys on fish and cephalopods,

which it picks out when flying above the
AC: 6 ocean. When it spots a shoal, it chooses
HD: 4** targets therein and dives towards them at
Movement (flying): 240' (80') great speed, reaching up to twice its normal
(swimming): 180' (60') flying speed in a dive, tucking in to a tight
(land): 120' (40') form allowing it to attack pretty up to 10'
Attacks: 1 bite below the ocean’s surface by surprise (1–4
Damage: 1d6+special on 1d6).
Number Appearing: 0 (4d8)
Save As: F2 The dearc prefers small prey, but when
Morale: 9 hungry it will swoop down to attack sailors
Treasure Type: Nil on the deck of a ship, tearing great chunks
Intelligence: 1 of flesh from them with its horrible bite
Alignment: Neutral attack. Its jagged teeth leave wounds that
XP Value: 125 bleed profusely, meaning that unless an
injured character stops to bind the wound
The dearc is a medium-sized pterodactyl, it will continue to bleed for 2d6 rounds,
with a wing span of around 9'. Its body is inflicting 1 point of damage per round.
coloured in a way reminiscent of a penguin Thus if a wound is not rapidly attended to
or guillemot, with a black back and white (taking 2 rounds to bandage) it may be
chest, and its beak is thronged with many fatal, and a flock of dearc can thus be a
jagged teeth from which prey cannot easily serious threat.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

Leedsichthys bigger than small fry. It is a gentle giant, and

none have ever been known to attack
AC: 3 humans or humanoids of any sort. It has
HD: 19 been known to accidentally capsize smaller
Movement (swimming): 180' (60') fishing vessels, and if attacked it may ram
Attacks: 1 ram opponents before invariably swimming
Damage: 4d4 away.
Number Appearing: 0 (4d8)
Save As: F2 Sailors crossing the Sea of Dread often view
Morale: 7 the sightings of leedsichthys as a good
Treasure Type: Nil omen, these huge, harmless creatures fre-
Intelligence: 1 quently following in the wake of sailing
Alignment: Neutral ships, attracted to their phosphorescent
XP Value: 2,250 wakes.

This colossal (up to 90') creature may be the

largest bony fish to ever live. It has a huge,
gaping mouth held open most of the time,
as it sedately swims just beneath the ocean
surface filter-feeding. It consumes vast
amounts of plankton, but rarely takes prey


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

Liopleurodon marine reptiles as they surface for air. When

attacking from below it can gain surprise on
AC: 4 a 1–3 on 1d6, often then retreating for a
HD: 20* short while before returning to surprise its
Movement (swimming) 150' (50') foe again. It can swallow man-sized or
Attacks: 1 bite smaller creatures on a hit roll of 19 or 20,
Damage: 4d8 and swallowed creatures suffer 2d8 acid
Number Appearing: 0 (1) damage and a further 1d8 crushing damage
Save As: F9 due to the abrasive action of gastroliths
Morale: 10 (rocks swallowed to crush food) in the
Treasure Type: Nil creature’s stomach.
Intelligence: 3
Alignment: Neutral The liopleurodon is rather more cunning
XP Value: 4,175 than most other marine reptiles, possessing
slightly more than rudimentary intelligence.
One of the most dangerous predators of the It is capable of strategic thinking, and often
Jurassic zone, the liopleurodon is an plans its attacks on ships with great care,
enormous (up to 25' long) pliosaur, essen- choosing to nudge a vessel when a sailor is
tially resembling a flippered crocodile of precariously placed, falling into the water to
immense scale. It is primarily an ambush be lost without anyone on deck noticing
predator, preferring to hunt prey near the that they are absent until it is too late.
surface of the ocean, most often smaller


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread


AC: 3 The pliosaurus is a large, powerful marine

HD: 12 reptile with a crocodile-like head, short
Movement (swimming): 120' (40') neck, and long, broad flippers. It can grow
Attacks: 1 bite up to 40 feet in length and is a formidable
Damage: 3d6 predator. Its jaws are filled with sharp,
Number Appearing: 0 (1) conical teeth, and it can deliver a powerful
Save As: F5 bite to crush the shells of its prey. Despite
Morale: 8 its size and strength, the pliosaurus is not as
Treasure Type: Nil fast as some other predators, favouring
Intelligence: 1 ambush over chasing down prey, usually
Alignment: Neutral attacking from beneath (and when doing so
XP Value: 1,250 it gains surprise on a 1–4 on 1d6). While it
rarely attacks humans and demi-humans, it
can easily mistake small boats for prey
animals, and has been known to attack
those rowing to or away from islands in the
Sea of Dread.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

Temnodontosaurus forming small pods that hunt cooperatively,

led by an older female.
AC: 4
HD: 8** It is a fast and agile swimmer, capable of
Movement (swimming): 180' (60') catching prey in an open chase. Likewise,
Attacks: 1 bite when threatened it can escape at great
Damage: 4d6 speed. It has excellent vision and can track
Number Appearing: 0 (4d4) its prey even in low light conditions. It can
Save As: F8 communicate with others of its species up
Morale: 8 to 1 mile away, using ultrasound, and can
Treasure Type: Nil use the same sensitivity to sound to determ-
Intelligence: 3 ine if creatures in the water with it are
Alignment: Neutral hostile (effectively having the ability to
XP Value: 1,750 detect enemies in a 240' radius).

The temnodontosaurus is a large marine While not typically thought of as predators

reptile, one of the larger ichthyosaurs (rep- of humans and demi-humans, it is an intelli-
tiles resembling fish) measuring up to 35 gent and wily hunter, able to adapt its
feet in length with a streamlined body with feeding strategy to new prey. Whole settle-
powerful jaws and sharp teeth. It has long, ments on isolated islands near the Isle of
slender jaws filled with sharp-pointed teeth, Dread have been lost to the temnodonto-
which are usually used to catch fish and saurus, which can observe and learn from
squid. It has a lifestyle similar to that of the daily patterns of land-dwelling creatures
large dolphin or killer whale species, and adapt its hunting to catch them when
they must cross any bodies of water.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

Vampyropod They are drawn to sources of life energy,

primarily towards whichever creature has
AC: 5 the highest number of levels or hit dice
HD: 1** within 360' of them. They shun sunlight,
Movement (swimming): 180' (60') and are never found at a depth above 500',
Attacks: 1 tentacle being perfectly suited to the abyss. With
Damage: 1 + energy drain superb (90') infravision and incredible
Number Appearing: (0) 2d8 hearing (meaning they are surprised on
Save As: F1 only a 1 on 1d10), they quietly and almost
Morale: 12 invisibly stalk their prey.
Treasure Type: Special
Intelligence: 1 They strike with a single tentacle, inflicting
Alignment: Chaotic only a single point of damage, but also
XP Value: 12 energy draining 1 level or hit dice from
their victim. After draining a level, they take
Vampyropods are small (1' to 2' long) on a deep violet glow, and immediately
undead creatures resembling cuttlefish, retreat into the depths. This colour of light
being somewhat flattened, and containing a does not penetrate the deep water very far,
stiff bone or ‘pen’ running along most of and they are only visible for 240', usually as
the length of their body giving them a they head downwards.
strange, stiff appearance. They are among
the most sinister creatures of the waters in How long they continue to glow, or
which they reside, preferring to hunt whether there is any goal in their predation,
around deep water mountains, volcanos is unknown. There are rumours from the
and shipwrecks that attract the large deep that they are gathering life energy to
creatures upon which they prey. restore their leader, the Great Vampyropod,
in his fortress at the bottom of a great crack
in the ocean floor. The truth or otherwise of
this rumour will no
doubt emerge in time.

Vampyropods are
immune to all sleep,
charm and hold
spells, all mind affect-
ing magic, and can be
turned as ghouls.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread


Picture it. The caldera of a sleeping volcano, on an island around 100
miles to the north of the Isle of Dread. Thaneg constructed one of his
research facilities there, specifically to allow him to experiment with the
Temporal Lens without damaging the still vulnerable ecologies he was nur-
turing on the main island, the results of which were already spectacular.
He had sent teams into the Cretaceous, obtaining specimens for cloning,
and was reporting great success. It was this island that Gargantua attacked,
bringing many of his own creations. Massive (Gargantuan, in fact) lizards,
amphibians and birds attacking simultaneously from the sea and the sky.
The battle raged long, and Gargantua’s victory by force of arms alone was
far from certain. The factor that handed him a strategic victory was that
Thaneg failed to grasp Gargantua’s purpose, which was not one of con-
quest or even one of simple destruction. He required but a few moments
with the Lens.

Sacrificing his last mega-frogs and colossal gannets in a distracting assault

on Thaneg’s northern flank, Gargantua entered the central complex of the
island and gained his few moments alone with the lens. In this short time
he merely did one thing – he forced the energy of the lens into accelerat-
ing the timeline of the cloning project in the Sea of Dread. The result was

Within hours, the ocean was full of creatures from different eras – zones
full of monsters from the Cretaceous and Jurassic teemed in the tropical,
warm oceans. And further away, as far as distant Hattias, Minrothad and
Ierendi, creatures from more ancient and strange eras began to emerge.
The volcano itself, made unstable by one of the largest expenditures of
artifact power in Mystaran history, erupted, and sank beneath the waves.

Within days, ships started disappearing from the surface of the Sea. Within
a month trade had slowed to a near standstill, and planned Alphatian
colonies on the Serpent Peninsula and on the continent of Davania were
put on hold. Thaneg’s income stream dried up, and the whole focus of the
Empire’s expansion instead looked north and west, rather than to the

Thaneg was not yet thwarted – the final events of the glorious but
destructive rivalry of the two greatest wizards of their era is one I will
return to later. But his plans were for the moment in tatters. And the
ecology of the Sea of Dread (as it is known as a result) forever changed.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

TRIASSIC ZONE The atopodentatus is a medium-sized (7' to

CREATURES 9' long) marine reptile with a long, slender
body and a distinctive beak-like snout lined
with sharp, peg-like teeth. This is used to
root around for shellfish in sand and sedi-
ment, but at a push it can deliver a painful
AC: 7 bite. Its small, curved teeth are well-suited
HD: 4 for scraping algae from rocks, but are not
Movement (land): 60' (20') particularly effective in combat. The atopo-
(swimming): 120' (40') dentatus is generally docile and will avoid
Attacks: 1 bite conflict if possible, but can become aggress-
Damage: 1d6+2 ive if threatened or cornered. It is often to
Number Appearing: 0 (1d4) be found sunning itself on rocky shores on
Save As: F2 islands in the Sea of Dread, rapidly leaping
Morale: 6 into the sea to avoid danger.
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 1 Whether encountered on land or sea, the
Alignment: Neutral atopodentatus will attempt to flee if it per-
XP Value: 75 ceives a threat.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

Atychodracon Unusually, the atychodracon possesses a

rudimentary breath weapon. It consumes,
AC: 6 in addition to meat, a huge amount of
HD: 6+3* seaweed, which ferments within its gut to
Movement (swimming): 150' (50') form gases so flammable that they ignite
Attacks: 1 bite or 1 breath when expelled, even in water. This creates a
Damage: 4d6 or by breath cone of fire, 30' long and 20' wide at the fur-
Number Appearing: 0 (2d4) thest end, and all creatures within this area
Save As: F4 must save vs. dragon breath or suffer
Morale: 8 damage equal to the atychodracon’s current
Treasure Type: H hit point total. It is itself immune to fire-
Intelligence: 3 and heat-based damage.
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 650 The atychodracon is never found alone,
living either in pairs or in small groups of
The atychodracon is a medium-sized plesio- related individuals. It makes a rudimentary
saur, with a shorter neck than many of its lair on the seabed, usually near the heart of
relatives, and a head that measures almost a its hunting territory. There, it hoards treas-
fifth of its (up to 20' long) body. The head is ure.
lined with sharp teeth that it uses to grasp
and tear at prey, and its enormous size Rumours that an ancient Immortal used the
means that the creature can swallow far atychodracon as a model for creating the
larger prey than might be anticipated from first dragons persist, although there is no
its size, being able to swallow man-sized or evidence that this is true. If this is the case,
smaller creatures on an attack roll of 19–20. nobody has identified the Immortal, and if
the dragons know they’re not saying.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

Cymbospondylus The cymbospondylus is a large marine

reptile, a primitive ichthyosaur, measuring
AC: 4 up to 60 feet in length. It has a long,
HD: 12 streamlined body with four flippers and a
Movement (swimming): 150'(50') powerful tail. Its head is large and power-
Attacks: 1 bite ful, with sharp teeth for grasping and
Damage: 4d8 tearing prey. It has only a small dorsal fin,
Number Appearing: 0 (1d6) and an extended lower fluke on its tail,
Save As: F6 giving it an appearance almost as if a
Morale: 11 colossally bulky elongated snake.
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 1 The cymbospondylus hunts in the shallow
Alignment: Neutral waters along the coast, preying on fish and
XP Value: 1,250 other small marine creatures. It is an
aggressive and territorial creature, attacking
anything that it perceives as a threat. Small
pods, often containing up to 6 individuals,
defend hunting territories from others of
their own kind, and they try to drive off
other predators. While they do not see
humans and demi-humans as a threat, they
may perceive ships as just such rival predat-


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

Shonisaurus While its immense size may imply that it is a

hazardous predator, it is disinterested in
AC: 5 hunting near the surface, and instead
HD: 20 chooses to bask, rest and socialise with
Movement (swimming): 150' (50') others of its species during the day. At night,
Attacks: 1 bite it heads down to the depths to hunt
Damage: 4d10 ammonite species that rise to shallower
Number Appearing: 0 (3d6) waters themselves to feed as the sun goes
Save As: F20 down. The shonisaurus, warmed by the
Morale: 8 sun’s heat, is not the fastest predator of the
Treasure Type: Nil depths but it is faster than the (still cold)
Intelligence: 2 cephalopods that are rising from the cold
Alignment: Neutral depths at night, and it catches and crushes
XP Value: 2,375 its prey as it rests in warmer water prepar-
ing at the start of its own nightly hunt.
The shonisaurus is a huge (up to 70'), prim-
itive ichthyosaur. Its body is streamlined The shonisaurus is therefore not aggressive
with a long neck and tail, and four flippers and often follows ships for a period of time
that it uses to swim through the water, but just out of curiosity. If attacked, it typically
at a fairly sedate speed relative to some of retreats, but it is wise not to anger it as it can
its relatives. It has a huge, barrel-like chest, deliver a terrifying bite if forced to do so.
containing blubber for warmth and huge
lungs, allowing it to dive for extended
periods, to a tremendous depth.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread


Map 1 shows zones of the Sea of Dread % chance of

where monsters associated with different Zone prehistoric
periods of geological history will occur. encounter
Zones closer to Mount Orca, a lost volcanic
island around 100 miles north of the Isle of Cretaceous 80%
Dread, are more dominated by creatures
that would otherwise be extinct than those Jurassic 70%
further away. Thus when determining
random encounters in the ocean, refer to Triassic 50%
Table 1 to determine the probability of
encountering such a creature.
Permian 30%
The probability of random encounters
remains the same in all zones, but a second Carboniferous 10%
roll should be made before determining the
type of encounter. If a prehistoric creature Devonian 10%
is determined, the DM should select an
appropriate encounter for the party.

Note that not all random encounters must

be horrifying, or even dangerous, and many
such may simply instil a sense of wonder.
For example a Devonian encounter may be
with a shallow reef teaming with strange
trilobites, or a Cretaceous encounter might
perhaps be with giant (but harmless)
ammonites bumping into a ship.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

Map 1:


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread


The acrolepis is a bony-headed fish with a
slender body and sharp teeth. It is typically
AC: 5 4 feet in length and inhabits shallow estuar-
HD: 1 ies and surface waters around islands in the
Movement (swimming): 150' (50') Sea of Dread. The acrolepis hunts smaller
Attacks: 1 bite fish and other aquatic creatures for food
Damage: 1d4 and is often preyed upon by larger predat-
Number Appearing: 0 (2d6) ors. Alone, it is not a particularly dangerous
Save As: F1 creature, but its sharp teeth can inflict
Morale: 7 painful wounds, and if encountered as a
Treasure Type: Nil shoal it can be hazardous.
Intelligence: 1
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 10


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

Archegosaurus This curious creature resembles a small (up

to 5') crocodile, although with a more fish-
AC: 6 like head, without the protruding teeth of a
HD: 4 crocodilian, and with a finely pointed snout
Movement (swimming): 150' (50') and shorter legs. It is in fact an amphibian,
(land) 90' (30') being comfortable on the many small,
Attacks: 1 bite uncharted islands on which it makes its
Damage: 2d4 home. It hunts small fish, and is rarely
Number Appearing: 0 (3d6) aggressive towards larger creatures if
Save As: F2 encountered in the ocean, but it returns to
Morale: 8 the sheltered waters of ponds and creeks
Treasure Type: Nil on islands to lay its eggs. Here, it is more
Intelligence: 1 dangerous, becoming territorial and trying
Alignment: Neutral to drive other large creatures away from the
XP Value: 275 pools in which its eggs are brooded. It has
been known to attack and kill sailors trying
to replenish their fresh water supplies.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

Helicoprion The helicoprion is a large (up to 24') shark-

like species, torpedo-shaped with a pointed
AC: 4 snout, and a wickedly curled spiral of teeth
HD: 12* on its lower jaw with which it can give ter-
Movement (swimming): 120' (40') rible bites. The spiral constantly grows and
Attacks: 1 bite unwinds as the creature ages, always expos-
Damage: 4d6+special ing new horrifically sharp, serrated teeth
Number Appearing: 0 (1) with which it tears and rasps at its prey. It
Save As: F7 prefers to attack from below, and when
Morale: 10 doing so it can surprise a foe on a 1–4 on
Treasure Type: Nil 1d6. It takes a single bite, inflicting 4d6
Intelligence: 1 damage, leaving an open wound that con-
Alignment: Neutral tinues to cause 1d4 damage each round
XP Value: 2,125 until either the victim makes a saving throw
vs. paralysis (which they may make each
round), spends a whole round staunching
the blood flow, or dies. A helicoprion will
normally circle its prey, going ever deeper,
waiting to see if its bitten victim dies or
whether it needs to return to strike it again.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

Lebachacanthus The lebachacanthus is a shark-like fish,

rather elongated with a thin dorsal fin
AC: 5 running most of the length of its somewhat
HD: 6* eel-like back, and muscled pectoral fins
Movement (swimming): 150' (50') with which it can manoeuvre in the narrow,
Attacks: 1 bite muddy confines of creeks, estuaries, coral
Damage: 2d6+special reefs and coastal waters in which it makes
Number Appearing: 0 (1) its home. It tries to get as close as possible
Save As: F3 to prey before making a single darting
Morale: 9 attack, and if it hits victims must make a
Treasure Type: Nil saving throw vs. paralysis or be stuck to
Intelligence: 1 their pointed, cusped teeth. In the follow-
Alignment: Neutral ing round, the lebachacanthus will try to
XP Value: 450 swallow its prey, being able to swallow any
prey up to the size of a human if it has first
been impaled. This is achieved by further
bite attack against the impaled foe, but to
successfully swallow a trapped victim it
must only hit armour class 9. The swal-
lowed victim takes full bite damage (12)
that round, after which standard rules for
being swallowed apply.

The lebachacanthus stalks shallow waters of

the Sea of Dread, and it makes no distinc-
tion between animal and humanoid prey.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread


AC: 8
HD: 14
Movement (swimming): 180' (60')
(land): 60' (20')
Attacks: 1 bite
Damage: 4d4
Number Appearing: 0 (1)
Save As: F8
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: Nil
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 650

A huge crocodile-like amphibian

with an elongated, pointed snout,
typically a hunter of fish and squid,
the prionosuchus is a predator
found among coral reefs, islands
and coastlines. It has short legs and
a powerful flat tail, moving from
side to side to provide rapid move-
ment in the water, making it slow
and cumbersome on land. It is ter-
ritorial, and does not tolerate other
large predators or even other
examples of its own species within
its hunting grounds. Attacks on
creatures as large as humans and demi-hu-
mans are rare, but do occur if a priono-
suchus feels its territory is threatened.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

A slow-moving, medium-sized amphibian,
somewhat similar to a newt, growing to
AC: 6 round 3' long. Its most striking feature is
HD: 1* that it has a huge, arrow-shaped head. It
Movement (swimming): 120' (40') most commonly hunts amongst coastal
(land): 60' (20') seaweed and rock pools, where it uses
Attacks: 1 bite/1 shock small electrical shocks to stun prey before
Damage: 1d4/2d6 consuming it.
Number appearing: 0 (2d4)
Save As: F1 While it is not aggressive, and will try to
Morale: 7 escape if attacked, if encountered it can use
Treasure Type: 0 electrical shocks in defence. Once every 2
Intelligence: 1 rounds a diplocaulus can create an elec-
Alignment: Neutral trical shock that causes any foes within 5' to
XP Value: 11 save vs. wands or take 2d6 damage (with
half damage taken if the saving throw is suc-


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread


AC: 6 A small (rarely more than 5' long) shark-like

HD: 4* fish species that frequents coral reefs and
Movement (swimming): 180' (60') shallow, rocky shores, where it is a specialist
Attacks: 1 bite ambush hunter. It typically makes a single
Damage: 4d8 darting attack from a hidden cave or cre-
Number Appearing: (0) 1 vasse entrance at twice its normal move-
Save As: F2 ment speed, an incredible pace it can
Morale: 8 maintain for only one round, before darting
Treasure Type: Nil back. It has a particularly unpleasant bite
Intelligence: 1 attack, with multiple rows of teeth inflicting
Alignment: Neutral terrible damage. Compared with other
XP Value: 100 sharks and shark-like predators, it is inflex-
ible, with huge fins, making following it
back into its lair or pulling it back out a dif-
ficult task – essentially when it has retreated
back into its lair it is treated as having an AC
of -4, and all attacks made against it inflict
only half damage.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread


AC: 6 The ornithoprion is a large (about 30 feet

HD: 5+3 long) prehistoric fish that resembles a mod-
Movement (swimming): 180' (60') ern-day swordfish. It has a long, pointed
Attacks: 1 skewer snout that it uses to spear its prey, which
Damage: 3d6 includes other fish and smaller marine rep-
Number Appearing: (0) 1–2 tiles. The ornithoprion is a swift swimmer
Save As: F3 and can move through the water at great
Morale: 10 speeds, making it difficult to catch or to
Treasure Type: Nil escape from. As a solitary hunter it is
Intelligence: 1 usually only encountered alone, but may be
Alignment: Neutral found in pairs during the breeding season
XP Value: 225 (winter). The ornithoprion is not known to
attack humans, but unwary fishermen have
been known to catch them, and the result is
usually tragic.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

DEVONIAN ERA The fearsome dunkleosteus is a horrific pre-

CREATURES historic terror of the oceans. Easily reaching
30' long, with enormous, gaping mouths at
the front of heavily armoured heads, it
hunts by swimming to within 30' of a target,
at which point it sucks water and extends
AC: 3 its grotesque, bony jaws forward 15', well in
HD: 14* front of its body, before closing its mouth in
Movement (swimming): 120' (40') a horrific bite attack. On a roll of 15–20 its
Attacks: 1 bite victim must make a saving throw vs. death
Damage: 6d6+death ray or be cut in two and instantly killed by
Number Appearing: 0 (1) the unimaginable force of the bite. If they
Save As: F7 succeed they still take 6d6 damage. In addi-
Morale: 10 tion, on an attack roll of 19 or 20 the victim
Treasure Type: Nil is swallowed (no saving throw).
Intelligence: 1
Alignment: Neutral The dunkleosteus views almost anything it
XP Value: 650 sees that is smaller than itself as prey, and
can crush armour as easily as shellfish.
Thankfully, it is confined to the depths of
oceans in very small areas, although persist-
ent rumours of populations of them surviv-
ing elsewhere in deeper ocean trenches do


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread

Jaekelopterus The jaekelopterus is a giant prehistoric sea

scorpion that can grow up to 8' long. It has
AC: 2 a long, narrow body with a large tail spine,
HD: 8 and two large pincers on the front of its
Movement(swimming): 120' (40') segmented body. Its third pair of limbs are
Attacks: 2 pincers/1 bite modified into swimming paddles, allowing
Damage: 1d8/1d8/3d6 it to move quickly through the water. It is a
Number Appearing: 0 (1d2) fierce predator, and will attack any creature
Save As: F4 it comes across, including humans. Its
Morale: 11 pincers are strong enough to crush bones,
Treasure Type: Nil and its bite can cause serious injury or even
Intelligence: 1 death.
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 650 While it is typically a solitary creature, it may
be occasionally found with others of its
species if there is sufficient prey. Unusually,
despite being a large predator, it is not ter-
ritorial. It prefers to hunt in shallow waters,
where it can easily ambush its prey from


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Terrors of the Sea of Dread


Armor Class: 9 The tiktaalik is a large, predatory fish-like

Hit Dice: 6 creature that has the ability to move on land
Movement (swimming): 150' (50') using its powerful forelimbs. It has a long,
(land): 60' (20') flat body with large, sharp teeth and eyes
Attacks: 1 bite/2 punches on top of its head that allow it to see above
Damage: 2d6/1d6/1d6 the water’s surface. It is around 9' long
Number Appearing: 0 (1d4) when fully grown, and it is a voracious but
Save As: F6 opportunistic predator of shallow seas and
Morale: 8 islands.
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 3 When encountered, the tiktaalik will attack
Alignment: Neutral with its bite and powerful forelimbs. The
XP Value: 275 tiktaalik sits at something of a transition
between fish and limbed animals, and has
gained a reasonable intelligence from its
need to hunt in a diverse range of habitats.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Magical Bubbles of Undersea

by Wing of Coot
Created by underwater spellcasters, a roll is required), it will not burst during
magical bubble is similar to a potion: a one- ordinary handling. When punctured, a
use item which contains a magical sub- magical bubble bursts, and its effect applies
stance that has an (usually temporary) effect to all characters/creatures within 30 feet.
on a living creature. Many types also share
effects with potions. A magical bubble only works properly in
water, but it can survive outside of water
However, unlike potions, magical bubbles and can be transported. If punctured
affect a number of characters/creatures at outside of water, however, only characters/
once, as they produce an area effect. creatures touching the bubble at the time it
bursts are affected.
A magical bubble looks like a soap bubble 1'
in diameter; however, its filmy surface is Each bubble’s description has both BECMI
unexpectedly strong. Though it is easily and 5E stats.
punctured by a sharp weapon or tool (no

“No Gilber you goon,
it’s a bubble of
– Original digital
composition by


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Magical Bubbles of Undersea

Bubble of Healing smaller beings, while a bubble of growth

makes it much easier for smaller beings to
BECMI: When this bubble bursts, everyone traverse a structure built for giants.
in the area regains 1d8 hit points.

5E: Bubble, uncommon. This bubble is red- Bubble of Air Breathing

hued. When this bubble bursts, everyone in
the area regains 2d4+2 hit points. BECMI: When this bubble bursts, everyone
in the area gains the ability to breathe air
for 8 hours. This is otherwise as a water
Bubble of Diminution breathing spell.

BECMI: When this bubble bursts, everyone 5E: Bubble, rare. This bubble is filled with a
in the area is affected as by a potion of faintly visible blue-white gas. When this
diminution for 1 hour. Characters/creatures bubble bursts, all creatures in the area gain
who wish to resist the effect can make a the ability to breathe air for 8 hours. This is
Saving Throw vs. Spells to be unaffected. otherwise as a Water Breathing spell.

5E: Bubble, rare. This bubble shows rings

of light constantly contracting towards its Bubble of Water Breathing
center. Creatures who wish to resist the
effect can make a DC 15 Constitution save BECMI: When this bubble bursts, everyone
to negate the effect. in the area receives the effect of water
breathing for 8 hours.
Bubble of Growth 5E: Bubble, rare. This bubble is a deep
blue-green. When this bubble bursts, all
BECMI: When this bubble bursts, everyone creatures in the area receive the effect of
in the area is affected as by a potion of Water Breathing for 8 hours.
growth for 1 hour. Characters/creatures
who wish to resist the effect can make a
Saving Throw vs. Spells to be unaffected. Bubble of Freedom

5E: Bubble, rare. This bubble shows rings BECMI: When this bubble bursts, all
of light constantly expanding outwards creatures in the area gain a +4 bonus on
from its center. Creatures who wish to resist Saving Throws against charm or hold spells
the effect can make a DC 15 Constitution or monster abilities with similar effects
save to negate the effect. (such as a ghoul or gelatinous cube’s para-
lysis, a harpy’s song, or a kopru’s charm).
History/Purpose: Bubbles of growth and Any characters currently charmed, para-
diminution were developed by undersea lyzed, or held can make a new Saving Throw
spellcasters to simplify interactions between to end the effect. The effect lasts 1 hour.
sea giants and the other societies of Under-
sea. A bubble of diminution allows a group 5E: Bubble, rare. This bubble glows with a
of sea giants to enter a structure built for faint pearly light. When this bubble bursts,


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Magical Bubbles of Undersea

Adventurers encountering Bubbles

for 1 hour, all creatures in

the area gain advantage on
saves against effects that
would impose the charmed
or paralyzed condition. Any
characters currently
charmed or paralyzed can
make a new saving throw to
end the effect.

History: These bubbles were

once far more common. They
were developed by the free
spellcasters of Undersea thousands of
years ago during the heyday of the
Kopru Dominarchy as a defense against
kopru. When the kopru fell from power and
became a dwindling nearly-extinct species,
the need for these bubbles greatly dimin- Bubble of Antidote
BECMI: When this bubble bursts, all
Today, these bubbles are mostly used for pro- creatures in the area are affected as by a
tection against a few paralyzing monsters. potion of antidote for 1 hour. These
bubbles may be of varying strength, as per
the potion’s description.
Bubble of Shock Resistance
5E: Bubble, rare. This bubble is filled with a
BECMI: When this bubble bursts, all pale green mist. When this bubble bursts,
creatures in the area become immune to all creatures in the area gain poison resist-
normal electrical attacks (such as an electric ance for 1 hour.
eel’s attack). Against magical lightning
(lightning bolt spell, blue dragon, etc.)
affected creatures gain +2 on Saving Bubble of Shock
Throws and subtract 1 from each die of
damage. The effect lasts 1 hour. BECMI: When this bubble bursts, everyone
in the area suffers 6d6 damage from a burst
5E: Bubble, rare. This bubble is filled with a of lightning (Saving Throw vs. Spells halves
pale violet mist. When this bubble bursts, the damage).
all creatures in the area gain lightning res-
istance for 1 hour. 5E: Bubble, very rare. This bubble flickers
with electric sparks within its filmy surface.
When this bubble bursts, everyone in the
area must make a DC 15 Dexterity save,


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Magical Bubbles of Undersea

taking 8d6 (28) lightning damage on a checks to hide in natural, underground, or

failed save, or half that much damage on a underwater environments for 1 hour.
successful one.
Bubble of ESP
Bubble of Poison
BECMI: When this bubble bursts, all
BECMI: When this bubble bursts, every creatures within 30 feet gain the benefit of a
creature within 30 feet must make a Saving potion of ESP for 1 hour.
Throw vs. Poison. Creatures with 6 HD/
levels or less which fail the save die; those 5E: Bubble, very rare. This bubble is filled
with 7 HD/levels or more take 6d6 damage. with purplish gas. When this bubble bursts,
Those which succeed at the Saving Throw everyone in the area gains the effect of a
take no damage. potion of mind reading for 1 hour.

5E: Bubble, very rare. This bubble roils

with deep green mist. When this bubble Bubble of Trapped Air
bursts, everyone in the area must make a
DC 15 Constitution save, taking 8d6 (28) BECMI: When this bubble bursts, a creature
poison damage on a failed save. from the Elemental Plane of Air is released.
It is not controlled by the user of the
History: This dangerous item was created bubble. When the bubble bursts, make a
by the Taymoran lich Erishum, who survived reaction roll. If the result is neutral or posit-
the sinking of Taymora with his well-protec- ive, the creature disappears back to the
ted arcane laboratories and rebuilt his Plane of Air; if the reaction is hostile, the
undead forces underwater from the innu- creature attacks immediately.
merable drowned dead of the cataclysm.
Though eventually slain by early Alphatian Roll 1d20 to determine what is released:
adventurers, Erishum’s research survived. 1–8 : Air elemental (12 HD)
9–14 : Invisible stalker
Bubbles of poison are often used by 15–20 : Djinni (lesser)
undead, who are unharmed by their effect. If the reaction roll is an unmodified 12, the
djinni will perform one brief service (no
more than one day) for the character who
Bubble of Blending punctured the bubble

BECMI: When this bubble bursts, everyone 5E: Bubble, very rare. This bubble appears
in the area gains the benefit of a potion of to be filled with transparent air.
blending for 1 hour. When this bubble bursts, a creature from
the Elemental Plane of Air is released.
5E: Bubble, very rare. This bubble is filled
with a faintly visible gas of constantly chan- Roll 1d20 to determine what is released:
ging color. When this bubble bursts, every- 1–8: Air elemental
one in the area gains advantage on Stealth 9–14: Invisible stalker
15–20: Djinni


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Magical Bubbles of Undersea

When the bubble bursts, the character who it, however. The force field vanishes after 1
punctured it must make a DC 15 Charisma minute.
(Persuasion or Intimidation) check. On a
success, the creature departs peacefully to 5E: Bubble, very rare. This bubble appears
the Plane of Air; on a failure, the creature transparent, but shimmers frequently.
attacks immediately. A djinni will perform When this bubble bursts, it creates a 30-foot-
one brief service (no more than one day) radius spherical forcecage, otherwise as the
only if the reaction roll is a natural 20. solid box version of that spell. It lasts only 1
minute, however.
Collapsing Bubble
Bubble of Adaptation
BECMI: When this bubble bursts, a danger-
ous implosion occurs that inflicts 6d6 BECMI: When this bubble bursts, every
points of damage on all creatures/characters creature in the area gains the ability to
within 30 feet (Saving Throw vs. Spells for survive without breathing. In addition,
half damage). creatures gain a land speed and a swim-
ming speed of 120' (40'), the ability to fly at
5E: Bubble, very rare. This bubble appears 120' (40'), and the ability to burrow through
to be filled with transparent air. When this earth, sand, gravel, etc.—though not solid
bubble bursts, a dangerous implosion rock/bedrock—at a speed of 60' (20'),
occurs. Every creature within 30 feet must
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw,
taking 8d6 thunder damage on a failed A surprised hin adventurer inside a Force Field Bubble
save, or half that much damage on a
successful one.

Force Field Bubble

BECMI: When this bubble

bursts, an impenetrable
force field appears,
keeping everything
inside from leaving
and preventing
everything outside
from entering. It can’t
be broken by physical
means, can’t be
crossed except by
teleportation, and
can’t be dispelled by
dispel magic. A disin-
tegrate spell will destroy

THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Magical Bubbles of Undersea

unless their existing speed is higher. The History: A legendary creation, few have
effect lasts 24 hours. ever been seen. They are said to be the first
magical bubbles ever made, their proto-
5E: Bubble, very rare. This bubble shim- types given by the Immortal Protius to
mers with many colors. When this bubble mortals in the days when the Kopru Domin-
bursts, all creatures in the area gain the archy first grew strong.
ability to survive without breathing and a
land speed of 30 ft, swim speed of 30 ft, fly Random Bubble Table (d%)
speed of 30 ft, and burrow speed of 15 ft—
unless their existing speed is higher. The 01–15: Bubble of Healing
effect lasts 24 hours. 16–25: Bubble of Diminution
26–35: Bubble of Growth
Notes: These items are used by underwater 36–45: Bubble of Air Breathing
adventurers to travel in land or under- 46–55: Bubble of Water Breathing
ground environments. 56–65: Bubble of Freedom
66–70: Bubble of Shock Resistance
71–74: Bubble of Antidote
Bubble of the Water’s Heart 75–78: Bubble of Shock
79–82: Bubble of Poison
BECMI: When this bubble bursts, a 30'-ra- 83–86: Bubble of Blending
dius vortex connecting to a wormhole 87–90: Bubble of ESP
leading to the Elemental Plane of Water 91–93: Bubble of Trapped Air
appears centered on the bubble’s location. 94–96: Collapsing Bubble
Characters/monsters in the area that want to 97–98: Force Field Bubble
avoid traveling to the Elemental Plane must 99–00: Bubble of Adaptation
make a Saving Throw vs. Spells to escape
while the vortex is forming. The vortex is Note that Bubbles of the Water’s Heart will
permanent and forms a permanent gate not be found randomly.
unless closed by a wish; dispel magic closes
it for 1d4 rounds. Background

5E: Bubble, legendary. This bubble is deep In my campaign where these originated, my
blue. Creatures in the area when the portal original idea was for a version of a potion of
forms may make a DC 15 Charisma saving water breathing that would affect a whole
throw to avoid traveling to the Plane of party of characters (to be given to the PCs
Water. When this bubble bursts, a 30' radius by an underwater ally). This struck me as
portal to the Elemental Plane of Water something the game was missing, as one-
appears centered on the bubble’s location. person-each water breathing items or spells
make underwater adventures awkward. The
Variants: Other bubbles of this sort may concept built from there, and the PCs
open gates to watery Outer Planes ruled by visited a storm giant wizard that was experi-
Immortals of the Sphere of Time. The only menting with magical bubble formulas.
examples of this sort known in legend are
linked to Protius’s Home Plane, and are
said to be the first ever created.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

The Undersea Laboratory
of an Aquan Archmage

A D&D 5th Edition Adventure for a party of 12th Level

by Not a Decepticon

At the bottom of the Undersea, near the coast of Sind, occupy-

ing Alphatian forces have built a laboratory. Inside, on the
orders of Emperor Zandor the Mad, ruthless mages are
researching new means of fighting the civil war that consumed
their fatherland. In white-clean corridors magic becomes
science and office politics play in the shadows of horrors this
world has never seen.

Against the Wizards

The three main themes of the adventure


Undersea laboratory 1. Any sufficiently advanced magic is

indistinguishable from science
SYNOPSIS This is accomplished by giving the location
a look more out of a science-fiction story,
The adventure is intended to be set in an despite all machines being inherently
alternate timeline described in “War On All magical, in order to cause a sense of unease
Sides”1 at the Vaults of Pandius and the and discomfort among player characters.
YouTube vudeo “Mystara 1030 timeline”2
by Glen Welch, with changes carrying over 2. Picking up your battles
from my own campaign, especially regard-
ing shark-kin. It is located in waters of the High-level PCs are absolutely overpowered
Sea of Dread on the coast of Sind. It may in 5e. As such, the adventure has been
require adjustments to place it in other designed by throwing balance out of the
timelines or locations, but any nation occu- window, often putting deadly fight after
pied by Alphatia with access to the sea, deadly fight. This is an encounter dungeon,
especially Sea of Dread, should do. where charging ahead will get the whole
thing crashing down on you. PCs need to
The adventure is balanced around a party of learn to pick their battles and use stealth,
4 12th level characters. After completing it lies, diplomacy and treachery to get ahead.
they should advance to level 13.
3. Playing with forces you cannot
The adventure assumes that the PCs are control
accomplished adventurers who have been
heard of in the region; characters who carry A lot of the rooms are examples of classic
ill will towards Alphatia or have worked Wizard Hubris, with Alphatian wizards
with or sympathize with Sindi people and poking every possible hornet’s nest they
their plight. could find, all at once. It is very likely the
PCs’ actions will make this whole thing
spiral out of control and to that I say: ride
the wave. If things go straight into the recre-
See the “War on All Sides” PDF at the Vaults of ation of Cabin in the Woods climax,
Pandius embrace it and let it happen. There are
Only the part from timestamp: many ways in which consequences of PCs’
YjeHgNGoIVs?t=412 to 10:20 is necessary, although
it may also help to watch the video on Alphatia: decisions will come to haunt them.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

BACKGROUND AND SETUP region, approaches the party in secret. If

the PCs are famous in the region, she will
In this timeline Sind has been “liberated” have a letter delivered to them by one of
from the Master’s forces by Alphatians, who the secret sympathizers, in which she
promptly occupied it themselves. However, appeals to their sense of justice and com-
Alphatia is distant and has recently descen- passion, asking to meet in the city of Kand-
ded into a civil war of succession. With his aputra. There the PCs will be led by subtle
claim to the throne challenged, Emperor signs and actions from beggars and former
Zandor has begun moving troops from members of Untouchable class, to a small
Sind. It is finally time for the nation to rise wine cellar away from the main streets.
and throw off the oppressors There they’ll meet a middle-aged woman
with a bow and arrows, who clearly has
seen many hardships, but still carries
herself with the dignity of a higher born.

Shivangi will reveal she heard of the PCs’

exploits, naming at least one deed per PC,
slightly exaggerating them. She will see
interpretation of various acts that prove the
PCs’ compassion, altruism and bravery
against tyranny. With that she’ll segue to
asking their help, describing the current
situation of people in Jalawar. They hadn’t
had a chance to rebuild after the Master’s
occupation, before the Alphatian governor
of this province began emptying remaining
coffers. And for the last few years he’s been
dragging able-bodied men and women as
When occupation began, the legendary arti- young as thirteen as slaves or “volunteers,”
fact, Black Hole Diamond, was stolen by shipping them across the ocean to fight in
Alphatian forces, in order to study its Zandor’s war. But many people in the
magical properties. Its religious importance province wish for restoration of old ways,
as a symbol of the Immortal Ganetra (Sindi so her resistance, with its reformist stance,
form of Ssu-Ma), has been of great cultural is struggling. She had considered joining a
significance and recovering it could be seen more conservative resistance cell, but they
as a sign of divine approval of the revolu- were wiped out by some new weapon3,
tion, greatly raising morale and recruit- making her group the last in the region.
ment. Recovering the artifact could paint her
group as having Immortal blessing, rallying
The artifact is currently being held in a people to her banner.
laboratory built at the bottom of the Under-
sea, a few miles from the coast of Sind.

Shivangi Adhira (CG Human Scout), one of 3

You may use this opportunity to foreshadow any of
the leaders of the Sindi resistance cell in the many horrors awaiting in the laboratory


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

Sindhi Resistance

Shivangi hopes to appeal both to the PCs’ modifier they don’t even need to roll, they
altruistic side and egos. However, if pres- see Shivangi is honest, to an outright unset-
sured about payment, she admits the resist- tling level. However, if the PCs wish to
ance, like most, is strapped for cash. So investigate her, allow them to choose the
instead, she offers them the Golden Key: method and roll for whichever skill feels
one of three keys to open a secret legendary appropriate. For every two points over 10
vault where the last Rajah of free Sind kept on the roll, reveal one of the following sen-
hidden vast riches beyond imagination. The tences about Shivangi: She has lost her fam-
key will serve as advanced payment, and if ily’s fortune to machinations of another
the PCs will serve their purpose, she will noble. Her two sons were slain by the Mas-
also provide them with the location of said ter’s forces. Her elderly husband died from
hidden vault. With her revolutionary views, working the fields under the occupant. She
Shivangi believes this money would only found new love with a member of the
consume the revolution in greed-induced untouchable caste, only to watch him die
squabbles, so it is better to hand it to a dan- during the long winter. She saw the man
gerous third party, which hopefully may who took her fortune sacrifice his life to
have a vested interest in investing in the res- save her from an explosion during Alpha-
toration of Sind. tian “liberation.” She learned archery from
legendary hero Raahinya. Her goal is a Sind
The party will likely find her offer too good free of both the colonizers and the old caste
to be true. If any of them wants to roll for system and Rajahs.
Insight, you can tell a PC with the highest


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

MONSTER ADJUSTMENT Shark-kin working for Alphatians are a

result of experiments on regular shark-kin,
Due to not wanting to design every making them even more dangerous. These
spellcaster and warrior, I use substitution of mutants are bipedal, but look more like
existing statblocks from Monster Manual main characters of the Street Sharks anim-
(these monsters, due to wide availability of ated series, rather than the creatures whose
SRD, do not have their source listed), statblocks they use, the sahuagin. In addi-
Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Mordekainen’s Tome tion, having been spliced with electric eels,
of Foes, Tales from the Yawning Portal, all mutant shark-kin in this adventure gain
Volo’s Guide to Monsters and 3rd party the following traits:
adventure Sea King’s Malice. As I know not
everyone will have access to them, I will • Damage Immunities: lightning.
provide Challenge Rating of these
creatures, for easy substitution of the DM’s • Lunge: Shark-kin’s first attack in a turn
own choice. In other places I will be using deals additional 2d6 damage if it has
homebrew monster conversions, mostly moved at least 20 feet in a straight line
those done by Glen Welch, Sheldon Morris before making it.
or Seethyr, available at the Vaults of Pandius
and linked for each individual creature in • Electric Explosion: When a shark-kin
the annotations. I take no credit for the dies, it explodes with electric energy. All
design of any creature in this adventure. creatures within 10 ft from it must
succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity Saving
If an NPC uses statistics of a drow, they are Throw, taking 8 (2d6) lighting damage
instead an aquatic elf from the Kingdom of on a failed save, half as much on a suc-
Aqua. They lose Sunlight Sensitivity Trait cessful one. If the shark-kin’s size is
and gain Amphibious, allowing them to above Medium at the moment of its
breathe both air and water, and swimming death, increase the range of explosion
speed equal to their walking speed. by 5 ft, Save DC by 2 and damage by 4
(1d6) per size category.

• Electrified Body (applies only to shark-

kin size Large or above): A creature
touching a shark-kin, hitting it, or
getting hit by it with a melee weapon
attack, takes 5 points of lighting

These traits are something I added to shark-

kin mutants in my campaign when using
them as substitutes for original monsters
from adventure The Secret of Skyhorn Light-

Giant Manta Ray 4

By Kelsey Dionne at DungeonMastersGuild


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards


The Laboratory is located at the sea bottom Walls: The walls, ceilings and floors of all
not far away from the border with Atru- rooms and corridors are made out of magic-
aghin Clans, sixteen miles south of the ally-reinforced adamantine, covered on the
Royal Elephant Gardens in the Province of inside with adamantine-reinforced ceramic.
Jalawar and forty miles east of Kandaputra. As such they all have AC of 23, hardness of
It is a complex built into the sea bottom 20, and hit points appropriate to size. All
itself, majoritarily underground, with checks to climb the walls or avoid being
tunnels and rooms built into the rock. knocked prone are made with disadvant-
age. If more than half of the walls in the
On the way there the PCs may have a room all are destroyed, it will flood in 5d10
random encounter; roll a d4 to determine minutes
what they run into:
Light: Within each room there is one of
1. A bored sea giant5 that will seek a fight three possible light sources that double as a
unless the PCs find a way to entertain surveillance system,remotely operated by
him. He retreats if reduced to less than a the sea hags in Area 35, installed in the
half of his hit point maximum center of the ceiling. Whenever PCs enter a
numbered room, roll 1d4 to determine
2. 4 giant manta rays6 trying to ambush which one. 1: a shark’s head with eyes
the party plucked out and continuous light cast on
its teeth. As an action a hag can use it to
3. Swarm of giant jellyfish7 composed of make a smell-based Wisdom (Perception)
1d4+1 death’s heads, 2d4+1 maraud- check to detect all creatures in the room,
ers, and 2d6+1 galleys, occupying the making it at advantage if any of these
narrow passage in coral reef the PCs creatures is below its hit point maximum. 2:
must take A dolphin’s head with continuous light cast
on it. As an action a hag can make it emit a
4. Nothing, the journey is uneventful dolphin sound, learning the number and
type of creatures in the room. A DC 15 Dex-
terity saving throw to fall prone can be used
to avoid detection. 3–4: A small hole with
hag’s eye inside it and a spell of continuous
light cast in such a way as to remove all
shadows from the area. Hags can see
through the eye as normal, but, due to
close proximity of the light, they make all
Perception checks through it with disad-

If all the dolphin heads begin making noise

See “Giant, Sea” by Sheldon Morris at the Vaults at once, it means the alarm went off.
See “Manta Ray, Giant” by Sheldon Morris at the
See “Jellyfish” at the Vaults of Pandius


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

Doors: All doors are made of the same throw, allowing them to recall a piece of
material as the walls and possess the same knowledge; I would suggest one relevant to
object statistics. The doors are made of the nearest room.
three wavy squares, two that extend from
the ceiling and one that extends from the Teleportation: All teleportation magic used
floor, so that when the door is closed, it to enter the laboratory results in all
looks like a wavy A symbol. The door can be creatures affected by the spell to appear at
forced open with a DC 25 Athletic check. the sea bottom near the false entrance to
Next to each door is a panel that can be the laboratory. The Alphatians regularly
used to open or close the door with posses- send out golems to retrieve any gear of
sion of the right password (usually a simple enemies drowned that way. The only excep-
magical formula), DC 15 Arcana Check or tions to that rule are attempts at teleporting
DC 20 Dexterity Check using thieves’ tools to the Teleportation Circle in Area 1 and
or spending a spell slot of level 1 or lower. only if the caster knows a secret password.
The doors are all protected against the Passwords change each 24 hours, with
knock spell. If a room or corridor begins to people often coming in and out of the facil-
flood, all doors in it lock automatically and ity possessing a special cipher key they use
can only be opened with force until water is to learn new passwords. Passwords are
removed. Each door holds for a number of usually based on the phases of the moon
hours equal d12 minus the number of during historical events in the Alphatian cal-
flooded rooms connected to one directly endar.
behind it. Eg. if Areas 11 and 17 flood, door
to Area 22 holds for 2d12-2 hours. In addition, in each dead end of a corridor
(which are where digging work into the
Prison Cells: All rooms named Prison Cell rock has been stopped or is in progress),
are equipped with manacles and chains there is a teleport platform. Stepping into it
attached to the walls, made of adamantine. allows a creature and all creatures touching
The panels to open the doors to these it to teleport to any of the other teleport
rooms are installed only on the outside, but platforms in the complex. The teleportation
the doors can still be forced open with can be directed with a DC 30 Arcana check
brute strength. done by a creature stepping on the plat-
form. Any subsequent use of the platforms
Scrying: False Hydra in Area 32 had its lowers the DC by 1. If the check fails, the
powers redirected to shield the laboratory creature is teleported to a random platform
from Divination magic. All magical attempts within the complex. Undergoing week-long
at inferring knowledge from outside the lab special training mandatory for the staff
will succeed, but the caster and everyone reduces DC to 10. Being instructed by a
else will instantly forget any knowledge creature who did undergo such training
learned through it. However, the DM gains advantage on the roll.
should note what knowledge has been
gained this way, as if the Hydra is slain, the Anti-Magic: The magic reinforcing the
party will regain all lost memories. In addi- ceramic covering also has built-in wards
tion, at any point during exploration of the that trigger whenever someone attempts to
lab, the DM can decide to have the player cast anti-magic field or dispel magic, auto-
character make a DC 20 Wisdom saving matically casting counterspell of appropri-


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

ate level on the caster. This is installed in enter this way do not follow recompression
the walls with a wish spell in order to procedure and suffer decompression sick-
prevent removal of magic that keeps the ness: they instantly gain one level of
structure from being crushed under the exhaustion and must make a DC 15 Consti-
immense pressure of rock and ocean. While tution saving throw each real time hour or
the wards are integrated into the ceramic gain another level of exhaustion, until
and made near-invisible, they can be detec- lesser restoration or similar spell is cast on
ted with a DC 30 Perception or Investiga- them.
tion check. DC 15 Arcana check reveals the
purpose of these enchantments. The true entrance is hidden sixty feet west
from the false one. It is painted and covered
Named NPCs with dispel magic on their up to blend into the ocean floor, requiring
spell list have temporary clearance allowing a DC 20 Perception or Investigation check
them to be ignored by the wards, being to be discovered, and cannot be found
trusted to use the spell in case of emer- through use of passive checks. This hatch is
gency. The admission process takes 24 adamantine and requires a DC 20 Athletics
hours, so if a higher-ranked NPC that check to force it open. It is not possible to
should have such clearance doesn’t, assume take it off its hinges or to open it with a
they’re in the middle of renewing it. knock spell. The mages assume any
creature knowing of this entrance is capable
Entrances: There are two ways to enter the of opening its traditional way and any
complex. There is an adamantine hatch magic-user would possess the password to
visible on the bottom floor. It can be teleport into the complex. This hatch opens
opened with DC 15 Athletics check or with to a downward stair that leads to an isol-
use of a knock spell. Alternatively, a DC 13 ated room, in which water is drained by
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools (or grates in the floor and redirected back to
other appropriate tools of player’s choice), the ocean. The door on the opposite end of
can be used to remove it from the hinges. the room opens automatically when there is
The low difficulty of these checks and the no water, leading to an upward staircase,
fact no effort was put into hiding this hatch leading to Area 2.
will probably tip your players off that this is
the false entrance that is used to lure Alarm: Any of the NPCs with official titles or
unwanted guests. If it did not, they can only rank of Inquisitor has a modified wand of
blame themselves for what is to follow. sending they can use to raise alarm. Other
NPCs can run to nearest areas where such
The hatch opens to a downward slide to a NPC are to be found. Some Areas list a per-
small natural cave, where water will form a centile possibility an NPC will be in the
small pool. The water leaks through many room. In a situation an NPC runs to them to
cracks in the floor, so the PCs can leave raise an alarm, assume that NPC is there.
towards the nearby ascending staircase, NPC with access to spells like message or
without fear of drowning. The staircase sending will use them for direct contact but
leads to a small 5 by 5 feet platform will still leave the room to meet with rein-
(unmarked room in top right corner of the forcements. Alarm immediately sends a
map). Any creature standing on the plat- modified sending message with a brief
form it teleported to Area 1. Creatures that description for the reason (example: “A


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

dwarf, an Ethengarian, a sea elf and a Makai calls for it. Effects last until the affected
have been spotted in Area twenty, they are creature succeeds on three saving throws in
armed and dangerous.”) to be heard in all a roll, or greater restoration, remove curse,
rooms. NPC in Areas 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 16, 25, or higher-level spell of similar effect is cast
31, 34, 35 and Professor Admiral from Area on them. In addition whenever a creature is
38 arrive in the area within 1d4 rounds, subjected to one of those thoughts, roll
starting from those who are nearest, then 1d4+1. This is a number of days after
each new group arrives a round later. If the which, if not removed, the thought
PCs move, they may still run into the becomes permanent and can no longer be
groups as they converge on the area, as removed. In addition, a creature that lets
would be reasonable. Alarm lasts for 1d10 this happen rolls on an Indefinite Madness
minutes, unless there have been any Table. A creature can be affected by multiple
updates made through another sending. All Shattered Mind Surges at the same time.
through it the Archmage is handling all Their effects overlap, and if two would
information sent to him and forwarding it nullify each other, only the nullified part
through mass sending with his wand. If isn’t in effect, while others are. If a roll
reinforcements lose the track of the determines a thought that has already been
intruders, the Archmage will direct the rolled, roll again. Once there are no
search and taunt the PCs with further send- thoughts left, these areas do not trigger
ings. anymore. Once triggered, the Shattered
Mind area does not trigger again for 1
Equipment: Every NPC who does not minute.
possess an ability to breathe underwater
has been equipped with a cloak of the
manta ray. Every NPC who needs to
breathe water and isn’t a prisoner has a
mask of air breathing (Wondrous Item,
Common, while wearing this you can
breathe air).

Shattered Mind Zones: Areas marked with

letters on the map are suffering from mani-
festations of broken mind and broken
magic of Inmate #28 (see Area 28).
Whenever a creature enters the marked
square, roll d100 on Shattered Mind Surge
table below, causing an Inmate’s escaped
thought to appear in their head as their
own. It is added to the creature’s Personal-
ity, Ideals, Bonds or Flaws (which one is
determined randomly with roll of d4). If an
effect of a thought calls for a saving throw, it Alphatian mage Aleenusa
is a Wisdom saving throw, unless specified
otherwise. Save DC is 15 the first time, then
increases by 2 every next time the situation


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

Table: Shattered Mind Surge

Result Thought Positive Effect Negative Effect
1–4 None None None
You must succeed on a
Advantage on Deception, saving throw whenever
Intimidation, and Persua- wanting to de-escalate
5–8 “I AM THE LAW!”
sion checks to establish your conflict or admit being
dominance. wrong or you cannot say
You have advantage on
saving throws against being You must succeed on a
“What do I have to frightened or, if you already saving throw to take a dis-
fear?” had such ability, you are engage action or leave
immune to frightened con- combat.
Whenever presented with
an opportunity to spend
money on art pieces or
“...connoisseur of Advantage on all checks
13–16 participate in art perform-
all things beautiful” relating to all forms of art.
ances, you must succeed
on a saving throw or have
to do it.
When in combat you want
to take an action other
“It’s all a matter of than a ranged attack
Advantage on ranged attack
17–20 hand-eye coordina- action, you must succeed
tion” on a saving throw or must
take a ranged attack action
Whenever you try to make
a Stealth or Sleight of
“This party is only Advantage on Performance Hand roll, you must
getting started!” checks. succeed on a saving throw
or break into a loud per-


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

Table: Shattered Mind Surge (continued)

Result Thought Positive Effect Negative Effect
If you do not suffer any
addictions, you gain one
as determined by you
and the DM in private.
You remove a level of
Whenever taking a short
“One more round, exhaustion whenever enga-
25–28 or long rest without
please!” ging in any addictions you
having indulged your
addiction since the last
one, you must pass a
saving throw or suffer a
level of exhaustion.
Whenever you try to take
an offensive action
(attack, spell that causes
“ right, I should
damage, etc.) against an
put myself more in
29–32 Advantage on Insight checks. enemy, you must succeed
other people’s
on a saving throw or you
must spend that action
taking Persuasion or
Deception check instead.
Whenever attempting
another Skill check you
must pass a saving throw
or must try to apply a
“Do I ever leave the
Advantage on all Knowledge Knowledge check of your
33–36 library? Kid, I AM
Skills. choice instead. If the task
the library!”
is not something a Know-
ledge check can be
applied to, you automat-
ically fail.
“Just… bear the… Disadvantage on all Dex-
Advantage on Constitution
37–40 pain…for a little…. terity saving throws to
saving throws.
longer…” avoid taking damage.
Advantage on Intimidation
checks and on attack rolls Disadvantage on Saving
“You snooze, you
41–44 against creatures who Throws to avoid being
lose, moron”
haven’t made their first turn frightened.
in combat.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

Table: Shattered Mind Surge (continued)

Result Thought Positive Effect Negative Effect
“...the whimsy and Advantage on all rolls to Disadvantage on all
strange beauty recall knowledge about saving throws and ability
45–48 found under every Aberrations, Celestials, Ele-
checks to avoid being
rock, in every mentals, Fiends, Monstrosit-charmed, frightened, or
grain of sand…” ies, or Undead. tricked by illusions.
Whenever presented with
an opportunity to use
“Always have right Advantage on all checks
49–52 tools you are proficient
tool for the job” requiring the use of tools.
with, you must succeed on
a saving throw or take it.
Disadvantage on all
“Unlike you, I am Advantage on Intelligence Animal Handling, Decep-
perfectly logical” checks and Saving Throws. tion, Intimidation, and
Persuasion checks.
Whenever you make a
choice to avoid taking
damage (eg. not entering
“I must been so in an area of poisonous gas
the zone, I didn’t Advantage on Concentration while walking) you must
even notice when checks. succeed on a saving
she stabbed me” throw or forget about the
danger and act in a way
that will make you take
that damage.
“You’re missing the
Advantage on Perception Disadvantage on Investig-
61–64 forest for the
checks. ation checks.
Whenever you take an
action in combat other
“We’re gonna do it than melee attack, you
Advantage on all melee
65–68 like my good old must pass DC 15 Wisdom
daddy used to!” saving throw or you must
take melee attack action


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

Table: Shattered Mind Surge (continued)

Result Thought Positive Effect Negative Effect
Whenever trying to
“..but if I’m quick, I
peacefully engage a
should be able to Advantage on Initiative Rolls
69–72 hostile creature, you
tackle him and Dexterity Saving Throws
must succeed on a saving
throw or enter combat.
Whenever meeting a
person holding any
strong beliefs, you must
“What’s the matter? Advantage on Deception,
succeed on a saving
73–76 Scared of an Intimidation, and Persuasion
throw or must engage in
honest debate?!” checks.
a debate with the oppos-
ite position, even if you
do not believe it.
Whenever standing or
sitting in the same spot
“I feel like I could
for more than one
run the walls,
Advantage on Acrobatics, round, you must succeed
dance on the
77–80 Athletics, and Performance on a saving throw or
rooftop’s edges,
checks. must immediately move
jump to the moon
and do something
if I wanted”
requiring Athletics or
Acrobatics check.
When in a city, once
“Do you feel it? It’s
every 12 hours you must
the city, whisper-
Advantage on all checks to succeed on a saving
ing to me sweet
recall information about throw, or be incapacit-
81–84 secrets and painful
cities and navigate city ated for 10 minutes, as
truths. Blood has
streets, laws and customs. your mind and senses
flown down these
are pleasantly over-
whelmed by the city.
Whenever an effect is target-
ing an ally within 5 feet of
“You want these you, you can use your reac-
85–88 kids? You’ll have to tion to redirect it to yourself.
go through me!” However, unless you
succeed on a saving throw,
you must use this ability.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

Table: Shattered Mind Surge (continued)

Result Thought Positive Effect Negative Effect
Whenever you’re about
to do or say something
“The truth is, I’m so that you know will neg-
afraid of disap- Advantage on Deception, atively change the atti-
89–92 pointing anyone, I Intimidation, and Persuasion tude of someone who
end up disappoint- checks. likes you towards you,
ing everyone” you must succeed on a
saving throw or you
cannot do it.
“The construction Analytical approach to
of this room, don’t Advantage on Perception and your surroundings
you think it’s a Investigation checks. imposes disadvantage
little odd? on all Initiative rolls.
Choose one Ability Score
“Keep yourself Advantage on Wisdom Saving other than Wisdom. You
97–100 together, you Throws, except those related have disadvantage on
goddamn fool!” to effects of this table. saving throws of that
Ability Score.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

The DM should roll for a random encounter the DM should roll 2d8-1 or select one of
every hour of real-life game the party encounters in the table below:
spends in the laboratory. On a result of 1

Wandering Monster

Shark-kin Patrol: 1 Commander (Sahuagin Baron), 2 Priestesses (Sahuagin

High Priestess) and 10 shark-kin mutants (Sahuagin). They are instructed to
attack intruders, but they can be fooled into believing the party are members of
the staff with a DC 18 Deception check. The check is made with disadvantage if
the party is doing anything suspicious and becomes impossible if they are doing
anything hostile or blatantly out of character for a staff member.

Sea Hag Patrol: 9 sea hags, grouped into 3 sea hag covens. As they are being con-
trolled by kopru, they attack immediately and fight to the death and cannot be
fooled. Moreover, if they notice the intruders, the kopru will immediately raise
an alarm and inform everyone of the party’s presence.

Junior Researchers: 3 Mages engrossed in a conversation about their research.

The conversation makes them pay little attention and they are taught to not que-
stion their superiors. Combination of these factors make all checks to hide or
deceive them to be made with an advantage.

Researcher: One Archmage on the way either to their lab, quarters or cafeteria.
Researcher walks by, eating a sandwich and reading a new report, so engrossed
in the lecture all checks to hide from them are made with an advantage.
However, they know by name all of the personnel, so it is impossible to deceive
them that the party is working here and all other checks to lie to them are made
with disadvantage.

Harini the Deer (see Area 3) on her way to another maintenance job. The party
can avoid her with a DC 10 Stealth check or convince her they’re working here
5 with a DC 10 Deception check, since she tends to avoid people and does not
know the staff very well. Otherwise she follows the rules outlined in description
of Area 3.

6 Roll on Shattered Mind Surge Table for a single PC, reroll results below 5.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

Wandering Monster

Seahawk and Weehawk. Twin brothers born from a romance between a Turtle
Clan man and a sea elf from the Minrothad Guilds. Seahawk (NG, Human Swa-
shbuckler, Volo’s Guide to Monsters, CR 3) is a bombastic, if a bit cowardly,
wannabe pirate and adventurer, who had been captured when trying to sabotage
an Alphatian ship. Weehawk (CG Aquatic Elf, Berserker), his serious, but prone
to solving all problems through fighting, trans brother, heard about it, set off on
a rescue quest…and promptly got himself captured. The brothers managed to
escape from Area 19 when it was overtaken by Crazy Hassan, and are now
looking for an exit, bickering about which way to go. The party will hear their
arguments, in a mix of Minrothaddan and Atruaghin languages, from a good way
ahead, giving PCs a full round to hide. DC 10 check is needed to avoid being
7 noticed by them. If they do notice the party, Weehawk will rush them, yelling
Seahawk will grab his head and scream “Mom’s gonna kill me!”. It should be
relatively easy, except for potential language barrier, to convince the two that the
PCs are not Alphatians. At worst, DC 12 Persuasion check will suffice, but good
arguments may allow PCs to pass without having to roll. The brothers are eager
to escape, but the PCs can convince them to help fight the Alphatians, gaining
potential allies. However, their constant arguments do impose disadvantage on
the group’s Stealth checks to avoid being heard. If either of the brothers is slain,
the other one will swear revenge and dedicate his life fighting his killers, be it the
PCs or Alphatians. As the two are completely lost, they are too confused to
deliver any meaningful information on the laboratory.

Interns: 1d4 Apprentice Mages (Volo’s Guide to Monsters) in hurry carrying on

one important task or another. If they spot the PCs, they run away to the nearest
allies to raise the alarm. They can be deceived with a DC 15 Deception check or
intimidated with a DC 10 Intimidation check.

Chief of Security: Samaeel the All-Seeing (See Area 5) on his morning round
around the facility (which, despite being “morning round,” he does whenever he
9 feels like). Due to being distracted by his new conspiracies, all Stealth rolls to
hide from him have an advantage. He can be interacted with just as described in
Area 5.

Grand Inquisitor Aleenusa (See Area 5) is on one of her regularly scheduled

patrols across the whole complex and is on high alert, making all rolls to hide
from her to be rolled at a disadvantage. She can be interacted with as described
in that Area.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

Wandering Monster

Poe & Chandler: Detective Poe (see Area 16) is scolding Junior Detective Chand-
ler (See Area 15) after the latter’s mess-up. Due to that the PCs have advantage
on Stealth checks to avoid them. If combat breaks out, Poe sends Chandler for
reinforcements, raising the alarm, while he holds the PCs off.

David the Kobarian (See Area 13) has left the hideout to scavenge for food. He
acts as if encountered in Area 13.

The Inquisition: Three members of Alphatian Inquisition who went to celebrate

promotion of one of Trainees to full-fledged Inquisitor, have spotted the party
and set up an ambush at the next turn, wanting to capture them for themselves
and assuming the PCs will not be expecting that. Members of this trio use stati-
stics of Drow Elite Warrior, Drow Priestess of Lolth and Drow House
13 Captain (Mordekainen’s Tome of Foes, CR 9). The ambush can be spotted with a
DC 18 Perception check, otherwise PCs begin the combat surprised. The PCs can
try to avoid the ambush altogether, but that will require DC 16 group Stealth
check or the ambushers will notice it and begin chasing the PCs down to fight.
They fight to the death, as they fear the humiliation awaiting them if they fail,
more than death.

Lead Researcher: Professor Admiral Patrisha de Fray-Seaserpent (Drow Matron

Mother, Volo’s Guide to Monsters, CR 20) is approaching the nearest laboratory
to discuss some matter or another. She immediately raises an alarm and attacks
the PCs if she spots them, wishing to capture and study them.

A single Malignant Thought, that is “trying” to pass unnoticed but can be spotted
with a DC 12 Perception check. It runs away but always can be seen taking turns
away from each room, as if trying to lead the PCs to Area 27 (which is exactly
what it is doing).


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

Map of the Undersea Laboratory

The map has been generated using donjon, I picked

up the map and didn’t read its ideas on how to fill it. The website is, however, responsible for the
chaotic manner in which the rooms have been numbered. I tried to make the best of it.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

THE LABORATORY 3. Maintenance Room

This room is used to store tools necessary
for maintaining the spells in the laboratory,
including rare spell components, metal-
lurgy tools, and wands of metal shape, a
1. Teleportation Room spell which works like stone shape, but
operates on metal or metal-infused objects,
Walls of this room have been covered in used to repair the walls. There is a sleeping
glyphs that trigger whenever any creature is bag in the corner of the room.
teleported into the room without the pass-
word. On Initiative Order 20 the glyphs cast
hypnotic pattern with Spell Save DC of 20
on the whole room. Next round, on Initiat-
ive turn of 20 the glyphs cast hold monster
with Spell Save DC of 20 on all remaining
creatures unaffected by the hypnotic
pattern. If all creatures are incapacitated,
the soldiers in Area 9 enter the room, strip
them of all weapons and equipment and
deliver them to area 25. If any of the
creatures are left capable of fighting back,
the guards enter the room and attack, fight-
ing to knock unconscious, not to kill.

2. Recompression Chamber

This chamber serves to allow for controlled

recompression of the creatures entering the
area. Magic in the room regulates the pres-
sure differences, allowing for peaceful Harini
adjustment. The process starts once
creatures enter the room. Doors on the Harini the Deer (Apprentice Wizard, Volo’s
opposite end do not open until the process Guide to Monsters) works and lives there,
is complete. Once it is, the door to Area 3 even sleeping in the sleeping bag. There is a
opens automatically, while the door to Area 25% chance the party will encounter her
7 remains closed. A creature that interrupts whenever they enter this room. She is a
the process or forces their way through the native Sindi, who works for Alphatians in
chamber deeper into the lab before it is fin- exchange for providing her impoverished
ished suffers decompression sickness as if it family better means of life and sending her
entered the other way. younger brother into an Alphatian school of
magic. She cares for neither Alphatian occu-
pation nor the liberation of Sind, but fears
retribution to her family if she’s found out
doing anything treacherous. She is also


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

extremely digilent and a workaholic, who ing mages do not go there without him.
believes neglecting her job would count as At some point during the conversation
treason. She also suffers from social anxiety, or as the PCs are leaving, Harini’s eyes
which earned her the nickname the Deer, will suddenly widen with fear and she
due to her habit of running away from will mutter to herself “It’s always
people. All these combined should make hungry… Just eats and eats and eats…
her frustrating to talk to for the players. so many people.” But when pressed
However, she can be relatively easily per- about it, she will have no recollection of
suaded into not raising an alarm, so allow ever saying that.
DC 13 Persuasion or Deception check if the
party makes good arguments. DC 18 Check Harini can also point to the location of the
is necessary to convince her to provide any rooms.
information, as that would be actively
aiding the enemy of Alphatia, which is 4. Interrogation Room
treason. Any attempts at intimidation or use
of force will cause her to flee to Area 7, This room features a single table with two
chairs on opposite ends. One of the chairs
raising an alarm. She fights only if cornered.
has manacles attached to its arms and legs. A
Harini can provide the PCs with all informa- large Venetian mirror is placed in one of the
tion outlined in Features of the Area eastern walls. It is enchanted to connect to
section. She can also list 3 Horrible Room- the other side of the wall across the stone.
s—places that cause the biggest mainten-
ance problems around the laboratory. In A permanent zone of truth spell is cast on
fact, most of her work is revolving around this room. Any creature entering it must
these rooms. pass a DC 15 Charisma Saving Throw or be
unable to lie. If a creature passes a saving
•“Madman’s Room” (Area 28): There is a throw, a hidden compartment in the end of
single madman being experimented on. the table opposite to the chair with man-
His screams are haunting and it seems acles reveals itself. Otherwise, it can be dis-
he can infect people with his madness. covered with a DC 20 Investigation check
and unlocked with a knock spell or DC 20
•“Skeleton Room” (Area 41): There is a Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. Inside
corpse of something horrible and great is a set of torturer’s tools worth 100 gp at
in it; she has seen the substance being any shady fence or 300 gp from a collector
drained from its bones to “turn people of macabre and horrible things. It is kept in
into monsters and monsters into even a black leather case, with bright gold and
worse monsters.” pink letters saying “To the Best Mommy in
the World—Alexander and Sophia” on the
•“Uuuum…”: Third room is Area 32, but side. The second object is a pair of leather
Harini cannot tell what exactly is a gauntlets with small, round, flat blue crys-
problem here, she knows she cannot tals installed on the palm and back of each
enter this room without the company of hand. These are shock gauntlets. It also
Magister Garvit, whose office is in Area contains a wand of cure light wounds and a
40. He has the only key to open the wand of revivify.
door to this area and even higher-rank-


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

Sitting on the chair makes the manacles This is the working desk of Chief of Security
automatically clasp around the target’s Samaeel the All-Seeing (Death Tyrant).
hands and legs. It requires a knock spell, There is a 25% chance he is in the office
DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools when PCs enter it. In this case, he is treat-
from another person, or DC 30 check from ing this room as his lair. His personality is a
the trapped person to unlock them. They mixture of a conspiracy theorist and a loud
can be broken free with a DC 18 Athletics police chief threatening to take away a
check from another person or DC 25 from cowboy cop’s badge in every crime movie.
the trapped person. He can be bargained with due to his con-
flicting loyalties. While he takes a lot of
Every time a person without protection pride in his job as chief of security and will
from lie-detecting magic lies in this room, it ruthlessly kill any intruders, he’s also a wor-
receives lightning damage equal to the shiper of Nyx and a member of the Knights
number of times it has already lied +1. This of Ebony, an organization dedicated to
damage is nonlethal. hunting down creatures from other worlds.
As such he is very unhappy about the exper-
Shock Gauntlets iment performed by Magister Garvit, but
Wondrous Item, common. has been overturned whenever voicing
complaints about it. He is willing to “turn a
Select one Ability Score. You can cast blind eye, pun very much intended” on the
shocking grasp like a spellcaster of appro- PCs’ presence in the complex if they assas-
priate level or lower, if you choose so. sinate for him Inmate #28 (Area 28) and
Selected Ability Score is your Spellcasting False Hydra (Area 32), and place incriminat-
Ability for this item. ing evidence in Magister Garvit’s Office
(Area 40). He is earnest in his offer and will
5. Security Office honor it.

There is a large Venetian mirror in one of At the northern end of the room is a desk
the western walls, corresponding to a made of fine ebony wood and beautiful
mirror in Area 4. tablecloths with “Immortals Don’t Play
Dice” knitted onto it. There are six locked
A large stone desk is placed at the southern drawers, each one requiring DC 18 Dexter-
end of the room, covered in whole stacks of ity check using thieves’ tools to unlock, and
documents, ledgers, books, all concerning each protected with a poison needle trap
various cases. Behind it the whole wall is that deals 1d4 piercing damage and forces
covered in a corkboard full of documents, target to make DC 20 Constitution saving
photos, dates, pins and strings in a some- throw each hour for 1d8 hours, or suffer
what incomprehensible mess. Any creature 1d2 cumulative loss of an Ability Score.
attempting to decipher it must succeed at Which Ability Score is drained is determined
DC 20 Wisdom saving throw, taking 2d6 by 1d6 roll when the target fails their first
psychic damage on a failed save, half as saving throw, reroll if that Ability Score
much on a successful one. This conspiracy already was selected this way for a different
board is incomprehensible. drawer. Results are permanent but can be
removed with lesser restoration or a
stronger spell. Traps can be noticed with


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

DC 25 Investigation or Perception check letic woman with a serious expression, who

and disabled with a DC 25 check using takes her job very seriously. She took this
thieves’ tools each. A set of keys can open position to advance her career and get
the drawers without triggering the trap. better status for her two children, Alexan-
Drawers contain, from top to bottom: der and Sophia. She is frustrated by
working under a mad Death Tyrant ram-
1. Dagger of venom with golden dedica- bling about conspiracy theories—when he
tion “from Ebenezer to my beautiful isn’t threatening to “eat her badge,”
wife” on the handle whatever that is. She is willing to parlay
with the PCs if they help her destroy
2. Ring of spell storing, containing a single Samaeel in a manner that makes her look
hold monster spell, disguised with good and heroic enough to get promoted
magic to look like ring of mind shield- to his position. She is willing to provide her
ing ring of spell storing from drawer 2 and
offers contents of drawer 3 as a reward. She
3. One thousand platinum pieces’ worth will not uphold her end of the deal and
of zzonga weed, confiscated from the plans to betray and kill the PCs the moment
staff and preserved to be resold on black Samaeel is dealt with, to get rid of the loose
market ends. An Insight check opposed to her
Deception check can reveal that fact. If
4. Bag of holding containing disguise kit, she’s reduced to below half of her HP in
alchemist supplies, elven rations, trav- combat, she offers both her rings and
eler’s outfit, +1 whip, navigator’s tools, content of Drawer 3 in exchange for letting
thieves’ tools, and 500 gp her leave. She will then grab contents of
Drawers 1, 4 and 5 and leave the complex.
5. An investigation file of Claudia Avelone
(see Area 41), with notes suspecting Both desks have specific magical alert
she’s taking bribes from Prince Halde- buttons that, when activated, call creatures
mar, but there is no solid evidence to in Areas 9, 13 and 18 to come to aid. Owner
prove it of the desk knows where the button is and
how not to press it. Any creature inspecting
6. A small painting of a happy family con- the desk needs a DC 20 Perception check to
sisting of a young elven woman, a notice it or must make DC 15 Dexterity
middle-aged human man in wizard Saving throw to avoid pressing it.
robes and a pair of children, human boy
and elven girl, bearing clear resemb- In slight chance both Samaeel and
lance to both the man and the woman Arleenusa are in the room at the same time,
neither is willing to parlay and fights to the
This desk belongs to Grand Inquisitor death to throw off suspicion of their
Arleenusa (use statistics of Drow Inquisitor respective treachery. Arleenusa will however
from Mordekainen’s Tome of Foes, but give fight in a way that gives her plausible
her +15 bonus to Deception, ring of mind excuse to let PCs kill Samaeel, hoping they
shielding, and keys to all the drawers). will be weakened enough to finish them off
There’s a 30% chance she is in the room once he is gone.
when the PCs enter. She is a beautiful, ath-


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

6. Bathroom the whole dish, destroying it, then pro-

duces a single glass of dirty water and a
This is used by the workers in the northern single slice of bread with melted cheese on
part of the laboratory and has showers and it. This is part of Emperor Zandor’s official
toilet cubicles. Sinks are on the north wall. policy to teach citizens fiscal responsibility.
There is a hydraulics system installed to Consumption of these items results in
redirect dirty water and waste into the diarrhea lasting for 1d6+1 days or until
ocean and it also hosts two Hydraxes8 remove poison is cast on the unfortunate
summoned to take care of maintaining it in person.
operational state and to viciously attack
anyone or anything trying to tamper with 9. Guard Post
the pipes on either side. They cannot be
detected but remain non hostile as long as 5 Knights and 1 Mage are stationed in this
the PCs do not destroy or tamper with any- room, awaiting development in Area 1.
thing. If they do provoke the elementals, They fight to subdue or knock unconscious.
they appear and fight until slain or until the
PCs leave the area. 10. The Crystal Ball of Slup Yensid

7. Guard Post

5 Knights and 2 Mages are stationed in this

room. They are made aware whenever a
creature enters Area 2, staying on standby
in case of intruders. However, they know
Harini is often performing maintenance and
tests and leaves directly to Area 3, so they
will not become suspicious if the party does
the same.

8. Cafeteria

This is a place where everyone goes to eat

during the working hours. It consists of 4
large tables with benches on both sides and A crystal ball is placed on a dais in the
a kitchen in the northwest end of the room. center of the room. Any creature can
The kitchen contains a human-sized magic- attempt to use it to scry over the complex.
carved bust of a goblin with a large mus- Next to the ball lies an instruction manual,
tache that, when touched, demands to explaining that this ball is the only means of
name a kind of dish and beverage. When scrying over the area, while bypassing the
told any, it magically summons it, then protections, and it is used for security pur-
demands payment that is more than twice poses only. It has been modified to project
of what such dish would usually cost. If the results on the southern wall. Any
refused payment, it casts disintegrate on magical means will identify the object as a
crystal ball of scrying, but a DC 20 Arcana
See “Elemental, Hydrax” at the Vaults of Pandius check while using identify or detect magic


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

will reveal the ball is filled with Enhance- to zero or lesser restoration is cast on the
ment, Illusion, and Evocation magic, not creature.
Divination. A result of 30 or more reveals
the ball’s true nature and all features. The Any NPC staff member will tell the party
ball has AC 10, 10 HP, and immunity to about this trap, when interacted with in a
psychic and poison damage. If destroyed it peaceful manner, as long as the PCs ask
explodes, forcing all creatures within 20 ft about any traps. Exceptions are Samaeel and
to make a DC 20 Dexterity Saving Throw, Arleenusa, who will respectively forget and
taking 8d6 lightning damage on a failed decide people who would fall for something
save, half as much on a successful one. this simple are not worth working with.

When trying to use the ball, it begins to 11. Common Room

project on the wall, and the doors to this
room are closed shut. On Initiative of 20 all This is a room where people come to relax
creatures that see the projection are asked and socialize; it features a few benches and
to create Crystal Ball Memory of themselves tables, and a bookshelf filled with books
and must succeed on DC 15 Wisdom Saving and board games. The room is enhanced
throw. On Initiative of 15 all creatures are with time magic, making time inside flow at
asked to download a special Ball Scrying the half rate of time outside, meaning a
Enhancement on their mind, and must regular hour in any other room is two
succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence Saving hours in this room. This is done to effect-
Throw. On Initiative of 10 all creatures are ively cut the break times in half, without
asked to make Shared Scrying Call and must decreasing the morale or health of the staff.
Succeed on DC 15 Charisma Saving Throw.
On Initiative 5 all creatures are informed The books are part of the best-selling in
their broadcast has been interrupted with a Alphatia series Daring and Scandalous
request of signing up to Emperor Zandor’s Adventures of Great Ramen in Land of
Special Scrying Spy Network and must Myoshima, a heavily fictionalized mixture of
succeed on DC 15 Constitution Saving fantasy, science fiction, erotica and oriental-
Throw. On Initiative of 1 the ball proclaims ist tropes disguised as historical records of a
scrying broadcast failure and begins the made-up Myoshiman legendary hero,
process anew. Failing any of the Saving allegedly recovered by Prince Haldemar
Throws results in 3d8 psychic damage, half during his travel to Myoshima. Haldemar,
as much on a successful one. If a creature for the record, resents the allegations. The
failed three saving throws, it must roll for books are utter nonsense, written by a
short-term madness. Six and ten failed bunch of Alphatian lupins under the pseud-
saving throws require similar rolls on long- onym I. M. Weeb, none of which has ever
term and indefinite madness tables, respect- been to Myoshima. On the moon nation
ively. In addition, any creature reduced to itself, the books are regarded as so bad they
zero hit points through psychic damage flip back into being hilarious, and are
gains temporary hit points equal to its hit subject to wide-spread mockery among all
point maximum and flies into mindless levels of society.
rage, attacking everyone and everything in
sight until temporary hit points are reduced Board games include several standard
games as well as a number of games in a


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

series titled Trains: The Mechanic, in which automated trainers for the crew. The two
players assume roles of mundane humans spells interacted weirdly with one another.
living in a world resembling Earth in the When PCs interact with the training equip-
1960’s. Each game’s main goal is to win the ment, roll a d20. On a result of 1 or if PCs
affection of various women working as train try to put any piece of equipment into a
mechanics, before other players. The game container or carry it out of the room, a
had a very short run before cancellation in Workout Trap activates.
Alphatia due to lack of interest, but is very
popular among mutant shark-kin, beholder- Workout Trap: Complex Trap. When
kin, and sea hags, for reasons that both triggered, it begins to play energetic music
baffle and fascinate Alphatians. and summons an Animated Armor for each
creature in the room. Armors have +10
On the southern wall there is a panel that bonus to Athletics, Acrobatics and Perform-
allows paying 100 gold to rent the room, ance checks, are immune to all damage, and
locking it for up to the next four hours of effects of all spells are reflected from them
outside time (8 hours in the room). It is a at the caster. Each Armor points at one
common practice among members of both other creature not chosen by one of the
the Undersea Alphatian Book Club and other Armors and moves in initiative before
Train: the Mechanic Appreciation Society. that creature. On each of its turns Armors
This is the only room where PCs can safely will perform one action from the following
take a long rest, but only if they’re careful list. Actions with multiple checks are still
to not be spotted, as the renting mechanism one action:
can be disabled by the Security and it is
automatically disabled whenever an alarm is •Attempt to grapple the creature, if suc-
raised. Taking a long rest in this room more cessful making it pick that creature up
often than once per sixteen in-game hours and lift it above its head ten times (two
will arise suspicion, leading to two Inquis- Athletics checks)
itor Teams (2 Drow Elite Warriors, 2 Drow •A series of backflips (three Acrobatic
Priestesses of Lolth and a Drow House checks)
Captain from Mordekainen’s Tome of Foes, •Quick dance in multiple styles (four Per-
see Area 13 for more information) to be dis- formance checks)
patched and interrupt the party’s long rest.
A creature that Armor selected must match
12. Gym and Dance Room or exceed at least half of the Armor’s rolls
in corresponding series of checks for each
This room is filled with training equipment Action, or suffer a level of exhaustion. Once
used in mandatory gym training. The room all armors perform all three actions, they
is also used as a dance practice room. Due disappear and the exercise ends.
to the high value of the equipment, totality
of which can be sold as a set for 5,000 plat- The commotion makes creatures in Area 7
inum pieces, a protective ward has been come to investigate in 1d4+1 rounds,
placed against all attempts at removing it attacking the PCs if they find them there.
from the room or otherwise messing
around with it. In the same room a special
spell was used in an attempt at creating


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

13. Inquisition Office In the northeast wall there’s a hidden room

that Inquisitors do not know about. The
This is the working office of a special unit of entrance can be found with a DC 20 Invest-
elves, part of the Security, under command igation check. Inside is the hiding place of
of Grand Inquisitor, whose job is to investig- David the Kobarian (Neutral Half Red
ate any wrongdoing or treachery from mages Dragon Veteran with disadvantage on
working at the facility. There are always two saving throws against being frightened and
teams of Inquisitors active at the same time, who, if frightened, must every turn make
one a woman (Drow Priestess of Lolth) DC 15 Wisdom Saving throw or run away
and a male partner (Drow House Captain, screaming), a kobold that has been subjec-
Mordekainen’s Tome of Foes), one a woman ted to many experiments at creating a super
with two Trainees (Drow Elite Guard), from soldier, becoming a hulking, dragon-like
which she has yet to select one to be pro- monstrosity capable of breathing fire.
moted as her partner. There is 50% chance However, his mind is still that of a cowardly
one Inquisitor and two Trainees are in the kobold. When he escaped, he found this
room when the PCs enter, 25% that a pair of secret room and hid in here, only leaving
male and female Inquisitors is, and 10% when it was safe to scavenge for food. His
chance it’s both. These elves are career- oppressors assumed he tried to swim to the
minded and professional and will try to surface and drowned and were no longer
subdue the PCs or kill them; if that proves looking for him. David is armed with the
impossible, they will retreat and raise alarm +1 talking sword Apharaxia, which insults
whenever they take any casualties. him telepathically whenever he shows cow-
ardice. Which is always. David can be easily
The room has five desks next to the walls, bullied into aiding the PCs, assuming they
and a 15-foot long, 1-ft wide metal pole has won’t feel too bad for the guy. He is quite
been put horizontally on two dais in the miserable.
middle, welded to them with magic. This is
where the Inquisitors duel each other to How was David able to hide from the
retain their sharpness. If PCs’ weapons and Inquisition in what is basically their own
gear have been taken away from them, closet? There are questions even the
they’re on one of the desks, having not yet Immortals do not know the answers to…
been cataloged. Everything but any bags of
holding or portable holes or similar items is 14. Kitchen
placed in a chest of holding made of the
same material as the walls. If there is no This is a more traditional kitchen than an
one in the room, the chest is locked and automated one in Area 8. It has a number of
requires a DC 25 Dexterity check using magical lockers next to the walls, that are
thieves’ tools to open, made with disadvant- bigger on the inside than on the outside,
age in case of improvised tools. Any kept in low temperatures, and protected
member of the Inquisition has a matching from all kinds of mundane pests like insects
key. If one of the Inquisitor teams is in the or mice. Each is connected to different food
room, one of them has opened the chest suppliers, new deliveries being magically
and is pulling out items one by one for cata- teleported from the farm into it. Lockers are
loging. labeled in Alphatian “beef,” “poultry,”
“milk,” “fruits,” “vegetables,” “milk &


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

cheese,” and “drinks.” They are stocked Ice, filled to the brim with bags of frozen
with food at all times, which is how no one blood. When stressed, Robert tends to heat
noticed that David from Area 13 has been a bag of blood before drinking it, usually
sneaking food from here. Kitchen also has a muttering he picked the wrong day to stop
stove powered by the spell of continuous bloodsucking.
flame, all smoke being redirected by a
chimney into the ocean, a set of cook 17. Humanoid Prison Cell
utensils, and a 5-foot wide, 10-foot long
kitchen table. This is where humanoids are being kept
before being processed into Skum in Area
15. Junior Detectives’ Office 22. Currently the cell holds 4 Kara-Kara9
and one Kara-Kara Chief (Orc Claw of
These are the quarters of Junior Detectives Luthic, Volo’s Guide to Monsters, CR 2, but
Abott Chandler and Mina Rankin (each one possessing War Song trait of other Kara-
is a Spectator, Mordekainen’s Tome of Kara), stripped of all weapons, armor and
Foes), where they reside when not on gear. If freed and armed, they can be per-
errands for Samaeel or Detective Poe. They suaded easily to join the fight against the
take care of training their ten Junior Deputy Alphatians.
Detectives (Gazers, Volo’s Guide to Mon-
sters). None of them is very smart and can
be easily tricked into thinking the PCs are
new hires and act very friendly towards
them. However, if called for help to Area 13
or Area 16, they will join the fight and fight
to death due to being too dumb to under-
stand the concept of death.

16. Detective’s Office

These are the headquarters of Detective

Robert Philips Poe (Death Kiss, Volo’s
Guide to Monsters), Samaeel’s best detect-
ive. He always wears a detective hat and
talks like a protagonist in a film noir. He Orc
will immediately recognize PCs as intruders
and try to pretend he confused them with There’s a 10% chance that, while the PCs are
new “clients,” but will in reality try to get here, Galvas Magen and Hypnos Magen
them to Area 15, even fleeing there if from Area 22 will arrive to drag a Kara-Kara
attacked, to get its residents to join the fight for processing. This chance increases by
against them. 10% for each 30 minutes of real time the
PCs stay in this room. If the PCs leave
This room contains a stylized desk, a small without freeing the Kara-Kara or disrupting
pot over a plate with a spell of continuous the process in Area 22, next time they
flame cast on it, and a fridge powered by a
diminutive portal to the Elemental Plane of 9
See “Kara-Kara” at the Vaults of Pandius


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

arrive, there will be one less Kara-Kara in 19. Crazy Hassan’s Used Camel
this room and one more Skum in Area 22. Emporium (Temporary Location)

18. Sea People Processing Facility Crazy Hassan (Chaotic Neutral Sidhe Mage),
a powerful sidhe as obsessed with Desert
Three tables have been placed within 5 feet Nomads as he is ignorant of their culture,
from one another in the middle of the has impersonated a Desert Nomad and was
room. On two lie dead tritons, while the arrested, then placed in this prison cell. He
corpse of a kna lies in the middle table, promptly broke off and turned it into a
comically too large to fit. They were experi- store, where he buys and sells used camels,
mented on with new kinds of drugs and for half the price of a regular camel. He has
substances produced in Area 38. However, the personality of a bombastic, loud used
despite being declared dead, the bodies car salesman. This room is much larger than
have been undergoing horrible transforma- it appears on the map and any attempts at
tions. Within 1d2+1 rounds from PCs comprehending what has been done to its
entering the room, bodies burst with blood geometry or the logic of trying to sell camels
that forms vengeful and hungry oozes, underwater result in 1d6 psychic damage.
which attempt to feed on the PCs. The Alphatians have decided to leave him alone.
oozes produced by the two triton corpses Anyone passing through this room does so
both use statistics of an Adult Oblex, while in a hurry, not interacting with him and, if
the kna corpse produces one using statistics possible, everyone tries to avoid this room.
of an Elder Oblex
If the PCs slay Crazy Hassan, Malt-y-Nos12,
Ten Bone Golems have been placed along Lady of the Wild Hunt, will take interest in
the walls; they activate and attack only if an them. Crazy Hassan, before he decided to
unauthorized personnel messes with the pretend he’s a Desert Nomad camel mer-
test subjects. If oozes emerge on their own, chant, had once earned a promise she will
bone golems do not move. If PCs interact seek to avenge his next death. It’s a fact he’ll
with the corpses before oozes’ emergence, brag about, but will be too afraid to utter
the oozes wait and observe. If bone golems Malt-y-Nos’ name, out of fear. However,
are winning or one of the PCs is reduced because he’s been annoying, Malt-y-Nos will
below half of their hit points while within 5 turn this into a game. She did promise to
feet of one of the corpses, oozes emerge merely try to avenge the guy, after all. At a
and attack. If the PCs are winning, oozes random point within 3 weeks’ time, the PCs
attempt to sneak away from the room and will be woken up upon dawn by horn of
hunt PCs using typical Oblex tactics11. Malt-y-Nos who will pursue them with
twelve Cwn Annwn13. If they avoid capture
or death until nightfall or slay her, the hunt
ends. If the PCs manage to do it 3 days in a
row, she will gracefully relent and grant the
character who impressed her the most an
Epic Boon of DM’s choice.
See “Golem, Bone” by Sheldon Morris at the Vaults
11 12
See the article “Oblex Tactics” at the “The Monsters See “Mallt-y-Nos” at the Vaults of Pandius
Know What They’re Doing” blog See “Cwn Annwn” at the Vaults of Pandius


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

20. Fish Tank DM’s discretion, but anyway Seaghast needs

to get to her lair to retrieve it. If freed, she
This room is 60 feet tall. A fish tank, 20 feet will leave, unless persuaded with DC 20
wide, 25 feet long, 50 feet tall, has been check to join the fight. Either way, as she’s
placed in the middle of it. Its walls are literally tearing through the narrow cor-
made of a wall of force and it’s filled with ridors and breaking all doors in her way,
water up to 45 feet. The lid of the fish tank every room she passes through will quickly
is a crate made of enhanced adamantine, flood, and soon the whole complex may
making it several times heavier than a flood as well.
regular thing. If the wall of force were to be
destroyed, like with disintegrate, the crate There are additional wards in this room that
would inevitably crush what is inside this cast counterspell on any creature trying to
construction, killing it. cast disintegrate on the fish tank and
instantly raise the Alarm. Attempts at
And what is inside is Seaghast, Sea moving the crate results in 20 Animated
Dragon14 captured by the Alphatians for Armors being summoned in the room and
study. She’s extremely hateful of her captors attacking the PCs.
and will try to speak in Draconic to any
creature she considers Alphatian enemies. 21. Prison Cell
She will plead for her freedom, and is
willing to negotiate. Her starting offer is to This is a prison cell, with a set of manacles
never terrorize Sindi sea or attack Sindi and chains lined on the wall. Captured
ships, but a DC 15 Persuasion check can creatures are put in here until they’re taken
convince her to swear to protect the seas to specialized prison cells in Areas 17
from pirates and invading forces for future (humans and other humanoids), 24
generations. DC 20 check will make her (aquatic elves and other sea people), 26
offer a Rare Magic Item from her lair, and (shark-kin) and 36 (sea hags).
DC 25 check will bump it to a Very Rare
Magic Item. What item it is is left to the If the party is defeated, they are stripped of
all their gear and put in this prison. They
will be sent to a specific cell in 2d6 hours,
once all paperwork is filled. In the mean-
time they will be individually interrogated
in Area 4 by Arleenusa (See Area 5) and can
postpone their separation and processing if
they convince her they’re more useful alive
and unchanged. PCs’ weapons and gear are
taken to Area 13 for cataloging.

22. Humanoid Processing Facility

A 25 foot-long, 15-foot wide, 30-foot deep

swimming pool filled with substances
created in Area 38 has been installed in this
See “Sea Dragon” at the Vaults of Pandius room. It serves the process of turning


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

humanoids into Skum (Ghosts of Salt- believed by skum to be the aboleth the
marsh, CR 5). There are currently 4 skum skum is charmed by, giving her command
swimming deep in the pool. The pool over the creatures.
works as water under Mucous Cloud ability
of an aboleth, and a creature exposed to it Dorna also has a collection of magen con-
for long enough will begin transformation sisting of one Caldron Magen, one Demos
into skum. The process is irreversible, Magen, one Galvan Magen, one Hypnos
except for greater restoration or a stronger Magen15 and one Scalos Magen16. The
spell of similar effect. galvan magen is tasked with delivering,
grappling and dragging to the room one of
Magister Magus Dorna (Drow Mage), elven the prisoners from Area 17, with the hypnos
woman in white labcoat, with green tint magen ready to help with more combative
hinting at some orcish blood, is overseeing “guests.” The transformation process itself is
the process. Her bodyguard and lover, as simple as it is brutal and consists just of
Kimiyo Kobayashi, who appears as a woman the galvan magen forcibly holding the
in samurai armor, but is actually a female victim down in a pool. Even if the creature
Oni in disguise, is accompanying her at all drowns, after one minute it begins trans-
times. Dorna is a younger half-sister of forming into a living skum. Other magen
Grand Inquisitor Alreenusa (see Area 5), are to stand the watch and protect Dorna.
who has been shunned by her family due to
having an orcish father. This makes her If combat breaks out, Dorna calls upon the
despise orcs, and take near sadistic glee in skum and magen to fight the PCs, while she
subjecting Kara-Kara to a transformation and Kimiyo flee to Area 5, raising the Alarm.
into skum. She also named these creatures, They fight if cornered or backed up by rein-
choosing the name precisely to add insult forcements, with Kimiyo protecting Dorna
to injury. Her hatred and sadism are what with her life.
made an oni fall in love with her, but she
gets away with it by targeting a subspecies 23. Shark-kin Uplifting Lab
of orcs even other orcs don’t care for.
Arleenusa has got her this job less out of sis-
There are three machines—two large at the
terly love and more because she knew northern and southern wall, opposite to
Dorna would do everything to not disap- one another, and one, medium-sized, at the
point. eastern wall. They serve respectively in the
creation of shark-kin mutant commanders,
If PCs were to negotiate with Dorna, shark-kin mutant champions and shark-kin
whatever they offer her is no deal until they mutant priestesses. Accomplished mutants
can either convince her they are working are selected for this process by King Gore
with her sister (granting them advantage on and his royal family (see Area 34) and
Persuasion checks towards her) or PCs can ordered to walk to this room, where they
guarantee safety of Dorna, her sister and are subjected to the process, after which
her lover. surviving members (with 1 to 3 survival
ratio) are returned to their brethren and
Dorna is currently attuned to ring of skum 15
All using the statistics from these descriptions of
control (Wondrous Item, Uncommon, Magen at the Vaults of Pandius
requires attunement). Attuned creature is 16 See “Scalos Magen” at the Vaults of Pandius


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

given new roles. There is one of each of players should not be told that and instead
these creatures in the machine, undergoing be encouraged to explain how exactly that
the process currently. spell would help.

Doctor A (Abjurer, Volo’s Guide to Mon- If one of the machines is successfully sabot-
sters, CR 9), Doctor J (Transmuter, Volo’s aged, either Doctor A or K flies into blind
Guide to Monsters, CR 5) and Doctor K rage and begins attacking the other doctor,
(War Priest, Volo’s Guide to Monsters, CR who responds in kind. Doctor J’s laugh
10) oversee the process. They are seen as makes the other two turn against him and
brilliant researchers but also extremely the trio begin hurling spells at each other,
unprofessional, to the point that no one in quickly moving to different areas and
the complex wants to work with them. causing a lot of destruction.
Doctor A and Doctor K absolutely HATE
one another, due to some past incident, If the PCs attack the doctors or attempt to
and Doctor J is exploiting this for his own openly destroy one of the machines, the
sick amusement, pitting the two against doctors respond by hurling at them their
each other. Currently their argument is over strongest spells first, hoping to kill the
whether champions or commanders are the intruders fast and get back to work, then
superior creations, with A favoring com- releasing creatures in the machines to aid
manders and K champions. Their argu- them. Each of them flees if reduced to
ments are heard from far away almost as below half of their hit point maximum, but
often as the screaming of their “patients.” the destruction they cause by their combat
PCs can infer, either from eavesdropping or method will raise the alarm after just the
capturing Doctor J, who is quite a coward first round of combat.
and eager to share any information in order
to save his skin, about the conflict. 24. Sea People Prison Cell

If PCs reveal themselves to the three Here sea people are being kept before
doctors, a DC 18 Deception check can con- being processed in Area 18. Currently in the
vince them the party is part of the person- room there are 1d4-1 aquatic elves
nel. However, even if the party fails, doctors (Oceanus, Ghosts of Saltmarsh, CR 1/2)
simply question them and try to learn any- and 1d4-1 kna17. They have been stripped of
thing interesting, before one of them offers all weapons and armor but given water bags
to escort the party to Area 21. If the PCs to help them breathe. If freed and armed
agree, on the way that doctor will offer the they can be persuaded to join the fight
PCs a thousand gp each for sabotaging one against Alphatians.
of the machines in the room, with A and K
wanting to destroy the one favored by the 25. Mutant Shark-kin Lair
other, and J wanting to destroy either. If
they agree and manage to sneak past the A 15-foot wide, 25-foot long, 30-foot deep
remaining doctors, they will need 3 success- swimming pool is built into the surface of
ful checks with DC 17, 15 and 13 with tools this room.
of their choice to sabotage the machine.
Casting any spell of level 1 or higher will
automatically succeed on a single check but 17
See “Kna” at the Vaults of Pandius


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

This is the lair where mutated shark-kin are for observation of two most dangerous test
residing. At any given time there are subjects. However, one of the researchers,
1d6+10 shark-kin mutants (Sahuagin), 1d2 Doctor W, has been obsessed over the study
shark-kin mutant commanders (Sahuagin of a crystal skull he has found, eventually
Baron) and 1d4 shark-kin priestesses becoming a Grey Philosopher19, still
(Sahuagin Priestess) resting in this room, holding a skull in his hands. Now only
while the rest is on patrol or in other Magister Gravit sometimes uses this room.
rooms. They are brainwashed into fanatical
obedience and attack on sight, fighting to The skull actually belongs to a deceased
the death. However, a singe shark-kin kopru and has been used to give anchor to
mutant will be dispatched to raise the alarm this place for a kopru elder hive mind, an
by running into Areas 31 and 34. idea introduced originally in Goodman
Games’ revised and expanded Isle of Dread.
26. Shark-kin Prison Cell It’s a hive mind of the eldest and most
powerful kopru, who have ascended to a
Here shark-kin are being kept before being higher plane of existence, but found them-
processed into Alphatian-serving mutants in selves cut off from the material plane. When
Area 29. There are 1d4+1 shark-kin18 in this PCs enter the room the hive mind, which
area. They have been stripped of all has laid low to hide from Alphatians, will
weapons and armor but given water bags to contact them telepathically. They offer a
help them breathe. If freed and provided huge reward in the form of ancient wisdom,
means of transportation, like flooding the and can easily be persuaded to also add fin-
corridors, they charge to Area 29 and then ancial reward in the form of treasure in
30, viciously attacking all Alphatians and Areas 44 and 45. The hive mind wants the
kopru they can get their hands on. PCs to take the skull and place it against
forehead of Inmate #28 (Area 28), False
There is a 10% chance a flesh golem from Hydra (Area 32), Archmage General Alaman
Area 29 arrives to drag one of the shark-kin Seaserpent the Third (either Area 37 or 47),
for processing while PCs are here. This and Professor Admiral Patrisha de Fray-Seas-
chance increases by 10% for each 30 erpent (Area 38). Any of these creatures
minutes of real-time PCs stay in this room. this is done to loses consciousness and
If the PCs leave without freeing the shark- cannot be woken up, and the creature who
kin, next time they return there should be has done this receives permanent unspe-
one shark-kin less in the room. cified, cumulative 1d4 bonus to, of their
choice, Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma,
27. Grey Philosopher that can raise an Ability Score above 20. A
PC who received this benefit is also eligible
This room consists of a pair of large magical for Warlock pact with the hive mind as
screens continuously scrying on Areas 28 either Great Old One or Undead patron,
and 32 (actually showing the creature while an NPC automatically gains one level
inside the latter) and a study desk and of it.
chair, currently occupied. This room served

18 19
As they have not been transformed yet, they use See “Grety Philosopher 5E” by Sheldon Morris at
these Shark-Kin statistics at the Vaults of Pandius the Vaults of Pandius


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

If the PCs do it to all 4 targets, they wake up Manshoon, or Halaster Blackcloak20, and be
20 hours later, on the shore east of Kand- baffled by how the PCs could never have
aputra with promised rewards, all loot they heard of him, seemingly unaware he is far
took, no recollection of what has happened from home. However, a DC 10 Insight
and without any NPC allies. The attempts to check can recognize that he has no idea
return to the laboratory will reveal it is about his own identity. As a matter of fact,
utterly gone: only solid rock, untouched by he forgot his whole past, probably a side-ef-
human hand, remains. In the following fect of trying to break the barrier to Mystara
months they will hear of increased attacks while both drunk and high on multiple
on ships and seaside settlements from all drugs.The entering also messed up his
kinds of undersea creatures and sea mon- powers, causing him to be responsible for
sters that appear extremely coordinated. the Shattered Mind Areas. He is unable to
Exactly one year after these events, the control it and Alphatians have been subject-
aquatic elven kingdom of Seahome will be ing him to studies (which he’d rather call
attacked from all fronts by hordes of mon- torture), to try to rein in or even harness
sters serving the new Kopru Empire. But this power. He will try to convince the PCs
that is a story for another time... to destroy the magical generators holding
him in place and free him. Generators have
28. Inmate #28 the same AC and hardness as the walls. If
freed, he may either leave to his home
This room has plane, causing effects of his powers to
the shape of an cease, or aid the PCs. He knows all Arch-
orb, 25 feet in mage spells, but cannot regain spell slots,
radius. In the and every time he casts a spell, he and all
middle of it, creatures within 5 feet of him must roll on
held by power- the Shattered Mind Surge table.
ful magical gen-
erators in the If convinced to stay, this man will wander
ceiling and floor, the world, being dangerous to everyone he
is a middle-aged encounters and slowly leaving more and
man in a chain- more of his mind behind, creating further
bound straight- dangers to the world.
jacket, whose
face betrays that 29. Shark-kin Processing Facility
he suffered fre-
quent physical The main feature of this room is a huge
abuse and older, machine with an open mouth in its north
equally frequent, alcohol and drug abuse. and south ends, which covers most of the
This is Inmate #28 (Archmage with 8 room, leaving only a 5-foot wide path
Wisdom), who claims to come from a place around it. Near the northern wall a table
called Faerun and be a famous mage in his with manacles is floating. From time to time
home land. He will try to present himself as a flesh golem goes to area 26 and drags a
one of several iconic figures of the Forgot- 20
For humorous effect you can have him
ten Realms setting, including Elminster, mispronounce the names, claiming to be “Monsoon,”
“El Maestro,” or “Halberd Blackpants”.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

shark-kin to this room. The shark-kin is tied concealment, and even a surfacing one
to the table, which then slowly moves to the benefits from half concealment.
southern end of the room in a straight line,
through the machine, with a speed of 5 ft Five Kopru21 live in this pool. When
per turn, during which the creature is trans- attacked they attempt to dominate the most
formed into a shark-kin mutant. Only 1 in 5 dangerous-looking enemies to make them
shark-kin survives the process, but is driven fight among themselves. If that fails, they
insane by the pain. The dead ones are use their powers to alert all creatures dom-
dropped through a hatch next door to Area inated by them, meaning all qhark-kin
32, where they’re devoured by False Hydra. mutants and sea hags, and swim below the
Surviving ones are dragged by flesh golems surface. On their turn they arise and attack
to Area 30. with tail attack. If a kopru in the pool has a
creature restrained by its tail, it can swim
Fleshwarper Brothers (Transmuters, Volo’s down, automatically dragging the creature
Guide to Monsters, CR 5), named Bale, Dale down with it (ignoring grapple rules about
and Gale, each accompanied by a Flesh movement). Kopru are cowards and more
Golem, oversee the process. They resent than happy waiting for the PCs out while
the doctors from Area 23 and often talk the reinforcements arrive. If reduced below
about wanting to take their position. If ¼ hit points, kopru attempt to parlay and
they’d hear something bad happened to offer to betray Alphatians, if allowed to be
their rivals, especially if it was self-inflicted left alone with their servants. If the PCs
and humiliating, they’d march to Area 38 agree, they order all dominated creatures to
and demand to be given their position from turn against Alphatians and, once the Alpha-
Professor Admiral. If attacked, golems fight tians are slain, let the PCs go freely. They
to the death, while brothers flee to Area 38, will begin turning the lab into their own lair
warning creatures in Areas 30, 31, and 34, and soon start kidnapping shark-kin and
and raising the alarm. They fight if other creatures to create more mutants and
cornered. more slaves, carrying on most of the Alpha-
tian plans as their own.
30. Kopru Lair
The kopru dismiss all claims of a kopru
The floor in this room has been turned into elder hive mind as “childish tales told to
a 60-foot deep, 15-square-foot surface scare new hatchlings.”
swimming pool filled with hot water and
toxic substances that fill the air with poison- 31. Mutant Shark-kin Garrison
ous mist. Any creature entering the area for
the first time must pass a DC 13 Constitu- The floor of this room has been replaced
tion Saving Throw or be poisoned for 1 with a 30-foot deep swimming pool. Six
minute. Alphatians have been trained to be shark-kin mutant champions (Sahuagin
immune to this effect. A creature entering Champion, except Large, Ghosts of Salt-
the water takes 2d6 fire and 2d6 acid marsh, CR 3), four shark-kin mutant priest-
damage each turn. Kopru are immune to all esses, two shark-kin mutant commanders
of those effects. The water is so murky that and one shark-kin shaman (Sahuagin
a kopru who swims underwater gains full
See “Kopru” at the Vaults of Pandius


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

Waveshaper, Ghosts of Saltmarsh, CR 5) creature prisoners from Areas 22 and 24

are stationed here at all time, ready and at each day, and is present at all experiments
full alert. Any attempts at sneaking past and maintenance of it. He possesses the
them is made with disadvantage. only key to all doors of this room, each of
which has been enforced (+5 to DC of all
32. False Hydra’s Prison attempts at opening the door without the
key) and locked with an arcane lock spell
only the key can bypass.

The room has locked, reinforced windows

installed in the walls connected with each
of the other rooms, to observe the creature.
Entrances are placed on the level of a plat-
form attached to a wall halfway through the
height of the room, allowing movement
between entrances.

False Hydra is an intelligent creature and

will attempt to bargain with the PCs, offer-
ing them its aid in defeating the Alphatians,
This room is a prison for Magister Gravit’s but a successful DC 17 Insight check will
greatest creation, False Hydra22. Gravit (see reveal it plans to eat the party and go on a
Area 40) has purged knowledge of similar rampage, killing indiscriminately. If they
creatures from another world from Inmate agree to help, the creature will explain that
#28 and set off to create one of his own Gravit has the key to the collars and gravity
through dark magic. He was hoping he field; otherwise it attacks. A successful DC
could extract from its flesh a cure for his 22 Intimidation, DC 25 Deception, or DC
state, but unfortunately even its abilities to 28 Persuasion check can convince it to,
erase memories are impotent against a once freed, leave the area and travel some-
pachidermion’s perfect memory. Enraged, where far away, to be someone else’s
Gravit chained the creature by each head in problem.
the center of this 35 feet in radius room.
Shock collars are placed on each head, and As this creature does not exist normally in
a special redirecting mechanism is attached Mystara and this particular one is a wizard’s
above their jaws, projecting False Hydra’s creation based on memories of a madman,
song outwards. If more than one head is all Knowledge checks about this creature
not singing at all time, Gravit activates the fail. If False Hydra is slain or escapes, the
collars, causing electric shock that deals PCs who attempted scrying of the area learn
1d6 lighting damage per head to False all information about it that was previously
Hydra. Gravit also maintains the gravity blocked from their minds.
field used to keep it floating above ground,
so that its body cannot spread new heads
underground. He personally feeds the

See “False Hydra” at


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

33. Mutated Masher Blessed Jaws (Sahuagin High Priestess,

Ghosts of Saltmarsh, CR 5), and son the
A Masher23 captured by the Alphatians has Butcher (Sahuagin Blademaster, Ghosts of
been locked in this room and pumped full Saltmarsh, CR 6), with 3 shark-kin mutant
of drugs created in Area 38. It is Magister champions and 1 shark-kin mutant priestess
Gravit’s “insurance,” as he is hoping to for protection. They fight to the death with
create something capable of killing False a ferocity and fanaticism that grants them
Hydra in Area 32. In pain, the masher lashes advantage on saving throws against being
furiously at all creatures who enter, but can frightened.
be calmed down with a successful DC 25
Animal Handling check. The enduring muta- The royal family were previously the real
tions didn’t just cause it a great deal of family of mighty shark-kin chieftain Grish-
pain, but also made the creature’s body nak the Black, who led his tribe in a desper-
unstable. Whenever the masher is dealt ate assault against Alphatians who
damage, roll a d20. On a roll of 1 or if the kidnapped their people and turned them
masher is reduced below a quarter of its hit into abominations. They have been
point maximum, it drastically mutates, its defeated, captured and brainwashed and
body literally splitting off the back like a mutated so thoroughly that they forgot
cocoon. A horrifying abomination their own identities and names, becoming
(Neothelid, “Volo’s Guide to Monsters”, CR grotesque caricatures of their former selves,
13) emerges from its back and attacks the devoid of any honor or compassion, and
PCs with increased ferocity, fighting until only loyal to the Alphatians through the
slain. Unlike a regular masher, it can mind-control of the kopru. A combination
squeeze through narrow corridors and of DC 20 Knowledge History, Nature and
easily break through the doors, chasing Arcana from three separate PCs can reveal
after fleeing creatures, then going after the this to the players.
most intelligent creatures it can sense.
If the kopru have been slain, King Gore (or
34. Royal Family any surviving member of the royal family, if
he is slain), will call all surviving shark-kin
The floor of this room has been replaced by mutants to himself, then lead them against
a 25-foot deep swimming pool. In this the Alphatians. However, all members of
throne room resides King Gore Reborn the royal family have been corrupted to the
(King Bachzarisaa the Insatiable, Sea point they no longer seek the good of their
King’s Malice, CR 9), as well as the royal people, but destruction of the surface
family composed of his wife, Nameless High world for the glory of Jormungandr. They
Priestess of Jogmungandr the Great Maw24 will fight to capture Areas 23, 29, 38, and
(Enzu, High Priestess of Dajobas, Sea 41, so they can take control over the
King’s Malice, CR 9), their daughter One of process of transformation. They will be
willing to parlay with the PCs, offering aid
See “Masher” at the Vaults of Pandius against the Alphatians in exchange for being
In my campaign the mutated shark-kin worship left to their own devices. If the PCs agree
Jormungandr from Norse mythology, who is also and do not destroy resources in all three
Leviathan from sourcebook Elder Evils. You may
decide to make it a different thing in your game. rooms, within a decade mutants shall use it
Demogorgon works well in particular.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

to conquer and convert all the shark-kin in 36. Sea Hag Prison Cell
the Sea of Dread.
This is where sea hags are being kept before
35. A Room Full of Hags being brainwashed in Area 39. There are
1d4+1 sea hags currently trapped there. If
Forty five Sea Hags, paired into 15 covens, freed, they can be persuaded to join the
are being held in this room. As they are all fight against the Alphatians, but will request
dominated by kopru, some of them are time to form covens with one another or, if
allowed to patrol the laboratory or parti- there aren’t enough of them for it, with one
cipate in other tasks. There are never less of the PCs.
than 8 covens (24 hags) present in the
room at the same time. When the party While PCs are in this room, there’s a 10%
enters there are 1d6+8 sea hag covens chance a manscorpion from Area 39 will
present. show up to drag a hag for brainwashing.
This possibility increases by 10% for every
In the center of the room is a small pedes- hour PCs spend in this room. If the PCs
tal with a figurine of a kopru. Any creature leave without freeing the hags or dealing
that looks at it must make a DC 15 Wisdom with the kopru in Area 39, the next time
Saving Throw or become dominated by the they enter this room, there is one hag less
kopru. Alphatians know about it and avoid here and one hag more in Area 35.
looking at the figurine. If the hags are
freed from kopru control, they can be bar- 37. Archmage’s Last Stand
gained with and convinced to turn against
their slave masters. The center of this room is filled by a swim-
ming pool, in which lies a Hydra, leaving
If done so, they’ll gleefully attack all only a narrow 5-foot wide path under each
creatures other than the party, going so far wall to walk around it. The pool has a
as to even try to force open the door to depth of 60 feet.
Area 32 and blast False Hydra into oblivion
with spells. If not, the hags can be ques-
tioned for information and are capable of
seeing into every room where the surveil-
lance system was not destroyed. They can
also inform on the plan for which they
have been gathered and are currently
working on: Casting a massive combined
sleep spell on the whole population of
Kandaputra and gorging themselves on
their children when everyone is asleep,
replacing them all with copies that will
later grow into new sea hags, ready to
serve in the Alphatian army.

Archmage Alaman


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

If at any point during the adventure the PCs Alaman uses statistics of Drow Favored
raise the alarm or free any of the prisoners, Consort (Mordekainen’s Tome of Foes, CR
the man in charge of this complex, Arch- 18) with the following changes:
mage General Alaman Seaserpent the Third,
will be waiting here for the PCs. He is •His scimitar is a weapon +3
accompanied by a Shield Guardian with
permanent water walk cast on it, and an •He wears slippers of water walking and
above-mentioned hydra, which is under his a ring of spell turning, which is his
control. If encountered here, he will be wedding ring
fighting to the death. He begins the fight
with fire shield, foresight, mage armor, •He has advantage on all saving throw
mind blank, and globe of invulnerability against spells and magical effects
already cast on himself. He will be waiting
for the PCs at the far end of the room, •He has the following spells prepared:
hiding behind his shield guardian. In ◦ Cantrips: mage hand, message, poison
combat he will try to force the PCs into the spray, ray of frost, shocking grasp
water, then use spells like whirlwind to ◦ 1st Level (4 Slots): detect magic,
keep them there, at the hydra’s mercy. If identify, mage armor, magic missile,
that fails, he will try to trap whoever looks shield
most dangerous in a resilient sphere. If PCs ◦ 2nd Level (3 Slots): gust of wind,
reach him in combat, he will cast haste on mirror image, misty step, shatter
himself and fight with his scimitar. If ◦ 3rd Level (3 Slots): counterspell,
reduced below half of his hit point haste, tidal wave
maximum, he will try to flee and escape the ◦ 4th Level (3 Slots): banishment,
laboratory through either a teleporting plat- dimension door, fire shield, otiluke’s
form at the end of the corridor leading resilient sphere
north from the door in the eastern wall or, ◦ 5th Level (3 Slots): cone of cold,
if that has been disabled, a secret passage in scrying, wall of force
Area 47. If reduced below a quarter of his ◦ 6th Level (1 Slot): globe of invulnerab-
hit point maximum, he will surrender and ility
tell his remaining subordinates to stand ◦ 7th Level (1 Slot): whirlwind
down. He will expect honorable treatment ◦ 8th Level (1 Slot): mind blank
befitting a prisoner of war. He can be ◦ 9th Level (1 Slot): foresight
ransomed back to Alphatia for a price not
exceeding 5,000 gp, but he will try to claim 38. Biochemistry Department
he is worth at least twice as much. It is not a
lie, that’s how much the previous Empress Here is where the Alphatians make their
would pay for him, but Emperor Zandor is various drugs and new chemicals that are
stingy. used for the purpose of mutating the
creatures they captured. There are three
tanks close to the western wall, in which a
Malfera25,an Oard26, and Veyla27 are being
See “Malfera” at the Vaults of Pandius
See “Oard” at the Vaults of Pandius
See “Velya” at the Vaults of Pandius


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

kept, and a huge tank in the southern end lute military dominance must be paved with
of the room, where the Alphatians keep a the corpses of soldiers and innocent
Kartoeba28. All of them are restrained, and bystanders. She more or less runs this facil-
many tubes are connected to their bodies, ity, being both married and second in rank
used to suck away various body fluids and only to the man in charge.
even small bits of their flesh. The tanks look
as if made out of glass, but in reality are There’s a 10% chance she’s in the room
made from wall of force, and an Intern when the PCs enter, then for every 10
(Apprentice Wizard, “Volo’s Guide to Mon- minutes they spend there the chance she
sters”, CR ¼) with a wand of counterspell is enters the room increases by 5%. If the PCs
stationed next to it, with the sole purpose free any of the creatures in this room while
of stopping any attempt at destroying the she’s not here, she will appear at initiative
tanks. If freed, the creatures lash at every 20 of the next round.
living thing but each other, rampaging
through the complex to slaughter as many There is no outwitting or negotiating with
of their oppressors as they can in horrifying her; if she spots the PCs she will immedi-
ways. ately raise the alarm and fight to capture
them, seeing them as new toys for her to
On the east wall there is a huge machine “mold in her hands.” If they are defeated by
that is automatically draining the creatures her, she will turn the PCs into monsters that
in the tanks and can mix their material with will be unleashed on the Sindi people for
the one delivered from Area 41. There is a daring to dislike “the Alphatian torch of
25% chance when the PCs enter the room true civilization” she believes the occupa-
that Assistant Researcher Selene and a tion brought. If reduced below half of her
bronze golem from Area 41 are working hit point maximum, she flees to Area 37 to
with the machine, the latter serving to carry join her husband in his last stand. At the
the cylinder of substances from the same time, if reduced below ¼ of her hit
aboleth’s corpse. For every hour the PCs point maximum, she surrenders and
spend in the room, there is 25% chance expects to be captured as a prisoner of war
they may enter, the golem carrying a large and treated with respect. She can be
cylinder of substances. ransomed to Alphatia for 7,000 gp, which a
DC 15 Persuasion check done through
Overseeing the project is Professor Admiral written letter or direct contact (and as such
Patrisha de Fray-Seaserpent (Drow Matron with disadvantage) can bump to 10,000 gp.
Mother, “Volo’s Guide to Monsters”, CR 20,
but with a ring of spell turning, which is 39. Sea Hag Processing Facility
her wedding ring), always accompanied by
4 Guardian Warriors29. Her personality The room is built identical to Area 30. There
combines a mage who revels in slapping are 2 Kopru residing here, accompanied by
laws of physics in the face, a scientist who their Manscorpion30 servant. Whenever the
thinks natural order is a mere suggestion, kopru feel like it, the manscorpion will go
and a general for whom the road to abso- to Area 36, pick up a sea hag, then throw it
into the pool, where the kopru will grapple
See “Kartoeba” at the Vaults of Pandius
29 30
See “Guardian Warrior” at the Vaults of Pandius See “Manscorpion” at the Vaults of Pandius


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

her with her tails and dominate her mind, fails it cannot attack you and other creatures
at which point the hag will be free to leave in your presence; you can only have this
the pool and join her sisters in Area 35. effect affecting one Aberration at a time), a
control device to manipulate the gravity
You may question why kopru use a method force field in Area 32, a control device to
that is so painful to the subject and may activate False Hydra’s shock collars, and the
even kill the hag through heat, acid, and tail only key to all entrances to Area 32. He is
spikes. The answer is… they’re assholes. being watched by his loyal Iron Golem. He
is selfish and bitter, will stop at nothing to
40. Magister Gravit’s Office fix his condition, but is close to believe at
this stage only a wish spell can help him. He
Magister Gravit is a Sindi pachydermion can be bargained with, but will never do
Enchanter (“Volo’s Guide to Monsters”), anything to release Inmate #28 or False
for whom his people’s perfect memory Hydra, as he is genuinely horrified by both
became a curse. Having served in the Sindi of them. He knows all the staff and cannot
army during the Master’s conquest, Gravit be fooled by pretending to be new hires. If
witnessed firsthand the cruelty of the Mas- attacked he casts hold monster on any of the
ter’s invading forces. The horrors of war casters in the party and tries to flee, leaving
have left a mark on him, and made him fighting to the golem, and raising the alarm.
curse the Immortals for allowing this to A DC 30 Persuasion check is needed to con-
happen. Suffering from severe PTSD, Gravit vince him his way of dealing with his trauma
began studies of the arcane in hope of is toxic, making him quit. He leaves to area
finding a way to heal his trauma by erasing 46 to pack his things, then to drop Area 1,
the painful memories. When offered a job where he wants to use the teleport to leave
as researcher by the Alphatian occupant, he this place altogether. He takes the golem
took it eagerly. However, he has found his with him.
own mind resisting even the strongest
spells; even modify memory could only 41. Aboleth’s Corpse
work temporarily and even then, lingering
pieces of his trauma would remain. In his Aboleths were mentioned in ancient texts of
desperation he turned to torture and exper- Mystara and have been known to ancient
iment on amnesiac Inmate #28 and, using a Blackmoor. However, by now they are
random piece of his recovered memories, extinct. Most did not survive the Great Rain
created False Hydra, which he also of Fire, while the rest had been hunted
imprisoned and tortured. He is currently down and devoured by kopru during the
working on an extract of its blood, to create times of Elemental Chaos that followed.
a superior amnesia potion. The kopru working for the Alphatians struck
the deal, offering the location of an
Gravit has on himself a ring of aberration aboleth’s corpse, which has been transpor-
protection (Wondrous Item, requires attune- ted to the laboratory for harvesting and
ment, Aberrations treat you as under the experiments. The goal is to see how useful
effects of protection from good and evil; the creature may be, as the kopru promise
once per long rest, as an action you can the location of a whole graveyard of such
force an aberration to make a Wisdom bodies, in exchange for further privileges
saving throw against your spell save DC; if it they enjoy. Currently the process of harvest-


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

ing genetic material from the corpse is over- 42. Crab Rave
seen by Senior Researcher Claudia Avelone
(Human, NE Necromancer, Volo’s Guide to This area leads to the private headquarters
Monsters, CR 9), with most of the physical of the Archmage General and his Professor
tasks being done by Assistant Researcher Admiral wife. They are the only two people
Selene (Drow Mage) and a Bronze who know the password to the door at the
Golem31, who after each hour of work leave southern end of this room (name of their
the room to Area 38 with a large cylinder of only child, who was a stillborn). There are
harvested material, returning in around 30 two doors, each leading to separate ante-
minutes. chambers for husband and wife, where they
can switch their shoes to slippers of water
Claudia has recently received a hefty bribe walking, and hang out their coats. Both
from Prince Haldemar to sabotage the doors are trapped by magical glyphs that
project and destroy it. She plans to do it by can be noticed with detect magic. Any
pretending the aboleth’s corpse is speaking attempt at opening the door without the
to her and controlling her, planning to correct password will result in Crab Rave.
resurrect it, while dodging responsibility. If
the PCs will reveal themselves to her, she
will pretend to be a mad fanatic of “our
true lord and master” and will try to con-
vince them to join her. If the PCs agree, she
needs them to harvest material from all
creatures in Area 38, enough to kill them,
while one of the PCs casts a part of the
special spell she will provide them. While
she will be casting the other half of the
spell on the corpse, PCs must carry the cyl-
inders of harvested material and inject
them into the aboleth corpse. If this is
done, the corpse will be resurrected as a Crab Rave: complex trap. On initiative of
horrifying abomination, even by aboleth 20 all creatures standing within 10 feet
standards (Elder Brain, Volo’s Guide to from the door are pushed 10 feet away from
Monsters, CR 14). The creature will attempt it. At Initiative of 18 a Huge Giant Crab
to slay everything it cannot bring under its (Tales from the Yawning Portal, CR 8) is
control, then take over the complex for its summoned in the room between the door
own nefarious plans. and other creatures, and immediately
attacks. At Initiative of 15 otto’s irresistible
dance with Spell Save DC 20 is cast on all
creatures in the room. If the crab is killed,
the door summons another one. Initiative
20 and 15 effects repeat each turn. Only
when a total of three crabs are defeated
does the trap end. It resets within 15
minutes; in this window the PCs can
See “Golem, Bronze” by Shelson Morris at the Vaults attempt to break through the door.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

43. Bathroom or other creatures (for example, a spell

like steel wind strike, which teleports the
This area is identical to Area 6 and is used caster, cannot target you for an attack),
by personnel operating in the southern part except of those you consent to.
of the complex.
You can also connect it to a specific loca-
44. Teleportation Room tion, shielding it from all forms of tele-
portation except for the ones you
This entire chamber is flooded, with all cor- approve of. You can design all ways and
ridor entrances being above the water, 10 locations in which teleportation is active
feet below the ceiling. At the center of it is a or even automatic in the area, as well as
platform, on which lies the Black Hole all rules it has to follow.
Diamond. It is currently attuned to the
Archmage in Area 37 and shields the area Whenever you cast a spell that instantly
from teleportation, except for trap at false transports you and others, allows you to
entrance, teleport platforms in dead ends, travel to another plane, or makes you
“reverse elevator” in Area 47, and rooms “vanish and reappear” in another location,
made with rope trick in Area 46. All these roll a d100; if you roll above ten times the
effects are removed if the diamond is taken spell level, you do not lose the spell slot.
away from this area.
Attuning to Black Hole Diamond also
A Wastrilith (“Mordekainen’s Tome of gives two random minor beneficial effects
Foes”, CR 14) captured by Prince Haldemar and two random minor detrimental
during one of his interdimensional voyages effects.
and then sold to the Archmage, guards the
artifact. It is bound to fight to the death to 45. Treasury
defend it. Sounds of combat alarm the Arch-
mage, whether he’s in Area 37 or 47, who This room is locked with arcane lock and
will arrive in 1 round, cast wall of force to only Archmage General Alaman Seaserpent
cut off all exits from this room except to the Third has the keys. This is the treasury
Area 37, where he’ll retreat for his last of the laboratory. There are 30,000 gp
stand. worth of gold and gems in coffers, as well
as 1 Very Rare Magic Item, 1d4 Rare ones,
Black Hole Diamond 1d8-1 Uncommon ones and 1d10 Common
(Minor Artifact, Requires Attunement) ones, confiscated from previously captured
adventurers. I leave the choice of items to
This is a statue made of utterly black dia- the Dungeon Master, as the PCs deserve
mond-like substance, in the shape of something nice and tailored to them, con-
pachydermion Immortal Ganetra writing sidering what they went through to get
down legendary Rig Veda. here.

While attuned, you are immune to all

effects of spells and magical effects that
involve any sort of teleportation or inter-
planar travel, regardless if it teleports you


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards

46. Mage Sleeping Quarters Archmage General Alaman Seaserpent the

Third (see Area 37 for statblock) is in this
This room is full of multicolored ropes room. If the alarm hasn’t been raised, he
hanging from the air. Each leads to a per- will be reading a book. He is an extremely
manent multidimensional room created ambitious mage, and cares for nothing but
with a modified rope trick spell, and each advancing magical sciences through any
magic-user in the complex has memorized means necessary, and sees everyone as a
the color combination of their rope and is worthy sacrifice for the progress, with the
the only one who can access it, except for exception of his wife. However, he is soft-
the Archmage General, Professor Admiral spoken and polite and will try to negotiate
and Chief of Security. Each rope leads to a with the PCs, offering them magic items
small room with a bed, light source, book- from area 45 in exchange for his life. If the
case, desk, and a closet. PCs come to blows with him, he will
attempt to flee to Area 37 and make his last
47. Archmage’s Office stand, otherwise he fights without fire
shield and globe of invulnerability.
This is a cozy room with a pair of mahogany
desks on opposite walls, a fireplace direct- If it looks like the laboratory is about to be
ing smoke straight to the water outside, a destroyed, Alaman will take the treasures
bear rug on the floor, and a large bookcase from Area 45, the artifact from Area 44, and
of books about magical research done at spellbooks from this room and load them
the facility, including spellbooks of both res- into the chest of holding in the wagon, and
idents of this place, containing all their wait for his wife to appear. If the destruc-
spells. In the southwest corner there is a tion of the laboratory is imminent, Patrisha
door to a “reverse elevator;” a control panel will abandon her staff and attempt to flee to
next to it lets you select a way to a small this location. If she makes it, the two will
demiplane the door then leads to. The flee the area. Only if water or monsters
buttons lead to 1 - bedroom, 2 - toilet, 3 - break into the room before her will Alaman
bathroom & jacuzzi, 4 - wardrobes, 5 - fully leave without her, swearing vengeance on
staffed kitchen. Each of these is designed the people responsible.
for the convenience and pleasure of the
married couple running this operation.

A tunnel is hidden behind the bookcase on

the southeast wall, which can be found with
a DC 20 Perception check, and opened by
finding a false book with a DC 15 Investiga-
tion check. It opens to a tunnel with a
single wagon that is enhanced to drive itself
once a button is pressed. It can carry two
people and has a chest of holding prepared
on the backseat. The tunnel leads to the
Sindi shore and the wagon can arrive there
in thirty minutes.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Against the Wizards



The PCs who deliver the Black Hole I want to acknowledge the contributions of
Diamond to Shivangi find out that she “had Mystara fans, in particular 5e conversions of
some friends” pull in for a modest bonus of Mystaran monsters by Glen Welch, Sheldon
1d10 thousand gp. DC 10 Insight check will Morris, and Seethyr. I thank the Vaults of
reveal she likely murdered and robbed a Pandius for being such valuable resources
rich Alphatian to get it. She will then tell in finding them. I also thank youtubers
them the location of the Rajah’s secret Dungeon Dad and Hidden Nerdy Side for
vault. However, she will reveal that to open inspiration, especially the latter whose
the vault, additional keys are required, if video on sea hags helped me break from a
the PCs do not know that yet. And she writer’s block.
knows where the next one is located… But
that is a story for another time. False Hydra was created by Goblin Punch
and the statblock for it was found on
GMBinder but lacks authorial credit.



THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Aloysius Reef Gazetteer Aloysius Reef Gazetteer

Extract from Thorf’s Replica Map of the Kingdom of Ierendi

Red Reef
Sailors from Ierendi try to avoid Aloysius
Reef, a dangerous area for ships. But, under This mass of red coral is home to red fish.
the sea, this reef has many secrets. There is a small islet used as a lair by the
famous halfling pirate Captain Panzalonso.
Aloysius Reef has five large coral areas and a The captain and his crew visit the island
volcanic island. Each coral area is named thrice a year, during the spring and
after its color: Red Reef, Yellow Reef, Pink, summer. They stay on the island for 2–3
Azure, and Gray. The volcano, originally days and depart again in search of swag.
known as “the volcano of the reef ” is called Some dragons in the area know that these
“The Fire’s Coral” by Ierendians, and under- pirates hide something there, but the
water cultures now use that name. pirates keep their treasures in a small cave
complex with a very narrow entrance.
These dragons are looking for some small
minions or servants that can infiltrate that

Under the water, the predators are many,

but not very varied. The small reef shark
(treat as a bull shark without headbutt
attack) is the most common. They use their
sharp sense of smell to hunt. They are
lonely predators, but if they smell blood,
many will come. Manta rays (both normal


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Aloysius Reef Gazetteer

DM’s Map of the Nixies of Undersea and Coralinia by Pol Ginés

Player’s Map of the Nixies of Undersea and Coralinia by Pol Ginés


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Aloysius Reef Gazetteer

and giant) compete with sharks for food. Yellow Reef

There are many sea serpents (lesser ones
only, 6HD). Here there are beautiful yellow fish and
corals. There are no islets, but you can find
The most powerful inhabitant in this reef is some volcanic boulders that have up to 10
the large sea dragon Hurricane (12HD, treat square feet of land, where a shipwreck sur-
him as an amphibious large green dragon, vivor can stand and wait for help (good
with clumsy wings and without claws). He luck). Here you can find plenty of reef sharks
serves Thundar, the great sea dragon of Thun. and manta rays. There are also giant octopi.
He is not very territorial and allows other However, the most feared creature in this
predators to hunt in his reef. This is because reef is the electric eel, both the normal and
he considers himself as the superpredator of giant versions. Other predators don’t come
the reef and no other predator can match close because of its aggressiveness.
him. His lair is a submerged cavern complex
with labyrinthine tunnels and he doesn’t Here dwells the spectre of a sunken sailor
mind leaving it for long hunting journeys. He and his former crew, now wights. This Thya-
enjoys talking with intelligent “dry-skin” tian captain, Julianus, died when his ship
creatures, as they can tell him valuable was sunk by a red dragon, Flamagon, who
information such as recent shipwrecks, inhabits the volcano. His resentment
pirates in the vicinity, and skirmishes near the towards the dragon drew upon entropic
coastal lines. He is often looking for treasure energy to reanimate him as a specially
and is ready to pay for useful information, powerful spectre, and his crew as 20 wights
with pearls up to 1,000 gp value. under his control. But this same entropic


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31
Aloysius Reef Gazetteer

power is the reason that he can’t fulfill his Pink Reef, the Nixie Kingdom
revenge: he can’t leave the 3-mile radius of
his sunken ship. He looks for intelligent This is the reef area nearest to Utter Island
creatures that might help him attract the and the triton barony of Nortens. It is
dragon to an ambush. If they are able to famous not only for its pink coral, but also
make him believe that they will bring the for the great variety of intelligent creatures
dragon to him, he will not attack them. If that live there. This is due to a large clan of
they are not, he will attack them. He has a more than a hundred nixies that maintain
magical, immaterial short sword +2, +3 there the capital of their “kingdom,” a cute
against dragons created by the entropic underwater village called Coralinia. They
curse. He may attack by spectral touch or charm both surface and underwater
with the sword. Due to his hate of the “friends” to live there with them, serve them
dragon, even if killed or destroyed by a and protect them. Some of those “friends”
powerful cleric, he will reappear after 3 live in three special colonies: a hidden
days somewhere within the 3 miles radius, beach in Utter Island, another one in
with his sword. In the same way, his crew Aloysius Island, and in the waters surround-
will respawn seven days later. Only reliable ing Roc Island.
proof of Flamagon’s death will allow Juli-
anus to rest, leaving behind his sword. Nixies have a disordered lifestyle, full of
fun, music, dance, and laziness. But they
Julianus, 10HD, special “spectre” also work hard to obtain “friends,” treasure,
AC 1; HD 10; HP 65, Mov 300'. Attacks: and jewelry. They enjoy gems and jewels,
touch or sword. Damage: Double energy but also appreciate money’s ability to buy
drain plus 1 wisdom or 1d6+5. ST: F10. security for their kingdom. They have
Note: when attacking with his sword, he has amassed a great treasure; most of it is kept
the magical bonus of the sword to attack. in the bank of Smaar, where it can be used
May be turned as a phantom. Half damage to hire mercenaries when necessary.
from fire, as an entropic gift since he died Another hoard is hidden in their capital in
because of the red dragon’s breath. Full the Pink Reef. And three other treasures are
control of his crew of wights, even if it sur- buried near their land colonies.
passes his HD limit.
Nixies live in groups of 10 (the number that
allows them their charm effect) in small
grottos inside the reefs, beautifully decor-
ated with shells, corals and little (1- to 5-gp)
pearls. They ask triton “friends” to work
their corals. As they are all female and born
from the water, they refer to one another as

Nixies always wear colorful and extravagant

jewels, trying to look better than their
sisters. Monthly, they change their outfits
and hairstyles, leading to striking combina-
tions. They enjoy their chaotic lives, both


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Aloysius Reef Gazetteer

DM’s Map of the Nixie Kingdom by Pol Ginés

Player’s Map of the Nixie Kingdom by Pol Ginés


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Aloysius Reef Gazetteer

day and night, having fun, thanks to eternal to kna traders. Other times, they try to steal
light spells that their triton “friends” have them in human towns and villages, or they
cast. When they combine them with color- charm human traders, Makai sailors, or
ful crystals, they obtain bright and amazing pirates in human trading routes to obtain
results. them.

Magical lights bring predators and curious For the maintenance of their “friends” and
animals to the Pink Reef, especially by night, happy land colonies they look for: beer,
but they are scared off by dozens of giant wine, preserved fish, preserved meat, living
bass, the finned friends of the nixies. When goats, metal tools (axes, machetes...).
the predator is bigger than usual, the nixies
ask their charmed “friends” to help. For themselves, nixies want: resistant glass
and porcelain, semi-precious stones, raw
Nixies keep their “friends” charmed only walrus or elephant ivory and ivory objects,
for a year. In the last week of the effect, the gems and jewelry, water-resistant statues of
nixies take the “friends” to Utter Island, to all sizes.
the beach near Southpoint Tower, a place
where they can find a permanent group of Nixie Routes
people to charme, as Minrothaddan pirates When traveling, nixies and their finned
usually leave here crews from pillaged friends usually join triton and merrow cara-
ships. Problematic and nasty “friends” of vans and use the official caravan routes,
the nixies (such as pirates, troglodytes, or resting in caravansaries, well defended by
humanoids) are left in the mosquito-infes- the triton realm. They can go to Alf Reef,
ted beaches of Aloysius Island instead. near Alfeisle, to trade with the Aquarendi.
They enjoy parties at Calitar barony. They
Nixies have an agreement with the Nortens buy pretty things at Smaar.
barony of Undersea. Nixies allow the tritons
to “harvest” the coral, and the tritons pay In caravans, they sometimes bring charmed
them in pearls and nixie-sized jewels and humans, lizard men, or shark-kin as body-
don’t disturb the nixie kingdom. Tritons guards or servants, as they are not Undersea
allow nixies to charm any creature that citizens. They can not bring charmed
enters their territory without authorization. merrows, tritons, nor kna, or they would
Undersea authorities will not try to recover have troubles with triton authorities, that
such trespassers for a year. Relatives and would cast dispel magic on creatures sus-
families can try to negotiate or pay for the pected to be charmed. (Of course, the
freedom of a family member. Anyway, they nixies can bring true friends or paid mer-
know that, after a year, they will return cenaries.)
(200-year lifespans makes it seem like a
long vacation). Nixies feel free to do as they want outside
Undersea frontiers, to charm, steal or
Nixie Commodities cheat. They sometimes charm monsters
Nixies really appreciate some goods and try and sell them to the tourist industry of
hard to obtain them. Sometimes they pay Safari Island. They try to charm dwarves in
money or pearls, usually in underwater bar- Fortress Island or traders in northern Min-
onies, Smaar or Aquarendi settlements, or rothad. They look for “friends” in Utter


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Aloysius Reef Gazetteer

Island and Aloysius

Island, sometimes even
in Roister or Alcove
Island. They never go to
Honor Island nor White
Island, because they
think those are cursed
and dangerous places.

Nixie Refuges
Nixies have built some
refuges or hideouts near
their reefs and some
other key locations
(marked as “R” in the
map). Refuges are always
hidden and underwater,
usually caves with 3 or 4
entrances, only one of Nixie refuge
them big enough for
humans. Some refugees at island coasts 6 weapons (usually spears), but poison in
have at least one room with air pockets. the weapon will be dispelled by water
The entrances have portcullises or grilles: action after 10 rounds. When besieged, they
sharks, devilfish or shark-kins can not enter, use all their tricks to distract or paralyze
but some octopuses, serpents and eels can. their enemies, while sending a messenger
Nixies usually hide keys near the entrances to ask for help. If they are enough to cast a
(with secret signals—colors, shapes—to charm effect, they can wait behind the grille
help find them). Nixies keep in their and try once per day.
refuges objects with eternal light effects,
but usually hidden under shells when they Similarly, nixies have an unwritten agree-
are not inside. ment with their kopru neighbors in the
volcano: they agree not to charm each
Each refuge is big enough to accommodate other, nor each other’s “friends,” to keep
20 nixies, 20 giant bass, and 4 human-size peace in the reef.
“friends.” They keep there some food
(mainly shellfish), 1d4 bags of shark or Pink Reef has some predators. The most
squid repellent, 1d4 bags of squid ink (also common is the giant barracuda (AC7, HD
useful against hunters by smell), a first aid 1+1, Bite 1d6, 240' (80'), solitary), the giant
kit, 1d3 flasks of sea snake venom antidote, bass (which are always friendly to nixies),
1d6 daggers, 1d6 spears (useful to fight and the feared giant sturgeon, capable of
through the grille), 1d2 potions of cure easily swallowing a nixie. They are rare in
light wounds, 1d2 potions of ventriloquy, the reef and giant basses and nixies’
and a flask with a very greasy paralyzing “friends” hunt them quickly.
poison (effective for creatures up to 7HD,
Save versus Poison). They can anoint up to


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Aloysius Reef Gazetteer

Nixies and “Friends” A neighbor of note is Burbu “the Wise,” a

merman shaman (Me4/Sh3). He is grumpy,
quite deaf, and not very nice. He lives alone
on the edge of Coralinia. The nixies allow
him to stay as he heals them for free when
needed with his magic. Another neighbor is
Martinianus, a mage triton, the ambassador
from Nortens barony. He is smart and
gentle. He acts as negotiator for charmed
tritons, ensuring they return home when
their year of “holiday” ends. Also, he negoti-
ates the release of illegally charmed tritons.

Important Nixies

Nixie Shaman (Nx5/Sh4)
Even if Marella isn’t the fashionest of the
There are 113 nixies in the clan. They nixies, she is the closest thing to a leader
organize rotation shifts to watch and take that they have. She is wise (Wis 16) and
care of their colonies. 78 live in the reef, in beautiful (Char 15). She always understands
Coralinia or very near. There are 12 on the problems of the community and looks
guard in the colony of Aloysius Island. A for solutions. All her sisters rely on her.
group of 13 are enjoying the beautiful Because of her high level, she is able to cast
beach colony in Utter Island. A group of 10 charm on her own. Her giant bass is called
stay around Roc Island. Moon’s Sailor.

In Coralinia Village are present about 50 Bellonia,

charmed “friends” of the nixies: 12 the Nixie Warrior (Nx6)
mermen, 5 tritons (2 mages, 3 clerics), 4
kna (they don’t have families to miss them), Treated by most of the nixies as a freak, Bel-
10 human sailors the nixies find cute, 2 lonia is considered a tacky butch (Str 15).
human clerics, 4 halfling sailors, and 4 Even if her 9 partners tried to make her feel
dwarven merchants (all artisans from Min- loved, she did not feel good about herself.
rothad), 7 lizardmen, 1 black dragon (HD 7; To make her feel better, her friends stitched
he was passing by and had bad luck). The the most beautiful shell armor a nixie could
nixies ask their dwarven and halfling friends have. Since then, Bellonia has been aware
to train with underwater crossbows until of the love of her partners and ignored the
they are proficient enough. As artisans, they contempt of her other sisters. She is skilled
also tell them about jewels and gems and in both net and trident (by Weapon mastery
other valuable items. rules).


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Aloysius Reef Gazetteer

Nixie Colonies precious reef. Also, their “friends” in the

colonies can give information about what is
The nixies only keep 50 “friends” in Cora- going on in the islands. Nixies especially
linia, but they have more charmed “friends” appreciate lizard men because they are
in their other 3 settlements: a beach on amphibious and obedient, they fight
Utter Island, another beach on Aloysius, without weapons, have tough skin, and are
and the waters around Roc’s Island. Those good at finding their own food.
are “friends” that nixies don’t want to take
to their beautiful reef, but that can be useful Aloysius Colony
or interesting for them. If an enemy were to Here there is a guard of 10 normal nixies
try to conquer Coralinia, they would gather and a 3rd level leader. They take care of 4
all their “friends” from the 3 colonies, hire Makai, 3 Ierendian thieves (all of them are
some mercenaries with the money they fugitives from the island’s penitentiaries); 5
hide, and take revenge or reconquer their lizard men, and 2 dwarves from the south-
ern mines of the island. Makai and lizard
men are good at obtaining food, hunting,
foraging, and fishing. The dwarves are good
at making jewelry from shells and corals,
and the Ierendians are mid-level thieves
(3rd, 4th and 6th) and are good at vigilance
and searching for potential new “friends.”

Utter Colony
The southern point of Utter Island is the
place where Minrothaddan pirates usually
leave crews and passengers of the ships
they steal. It is near the border between
countries and there is a Ierendian guard
tower not very far. Nixies keep an eye here
to make “friends” and hear news. They take
new “friends” to a hidden beach where they
will be quite happy and relaxed, singing,
playing the ukulele, swimming, and making
beautiful presents for their little new
“friends.” Nixies try to obtain wine and some
good food for their “friends” here, from
ships or towns. The nixie group consists of
10 normal nixies, one 1st level nixie and
one shaman (Nix2/Sh2). Among their
“friends” at the beach there are 9 Makai, 3
local albinos, 4 lizard men, 1 triton cleric
(Undersea government doesn’t know about
that, and the nixies don’t want them to
know) and an ex-pirate halfling. Nixies
Nixies charming a man, original digital artwork know that albinos, with their good sight in
by Senarch


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Aloysius Reef Gazetteer

the dark, are good as night

guards. The halfling was a
pirate whose ship was
caught by the navy and he
jumped overboard. He was
saved by the nixies, who
enchanted him, and now
he lives with them.

There is a Makai druid on

Utter island that knows
about the nixies and their Kelp forest
camp (but not the exact loca-
tion). Sometimes he provides
the nixies with more “friends” and, in about 2 to 3 meters between the surface
exchange, he gets rid of problematic people and the top of the forest. The stems extend
without killing or harming them (“come up to 12m deep in the deepest zone. In
here, there is something pretty cool in this addition, the entire forest has a very strong
pool”). Nixies know there is a swamp in the taste/smell that prevents hunting based on
northern half of the island and can try to smell (in addition to the fact that the algae
organize “pilgrimages of friendship” there themselves hinder visibility), leaving many
to charm lizard men or troglodytes. They predators at a disadvantage.
also love Gaamo, the albino city, because of
its beauty, and because it is full of springs In this ecosystem live the kelp eels (normal
and waterways. Sometimes they try to take and giant), which mimic the forest, and the
artists or even tourists to their beach com- kelp sharks. These sharks hunt based on the
munity. vibration of the water, instead of smell.
When they sense a vibration in the water
Roc’s Island Outpost that is different from the usual movement
Nixies know there are dangerous rocs flying of the sea, they know there is an anomaly
over this island. There is a guard of 9 and come to look around. Another predator
normal nixies and 1 wokani nixie (Nix3/ of this kelp forest is the decapus, which,
Wok2). This outpost is an underwater settle- with its great intelligence, its 10 tentacles
ment where nixies have located a bank of and mimic abilities, is a dangerous hunter
“friendly” shark-kins. There are 40 shark-kins in these waters.
and 15 mako sharks, with half a dozen of
the shark-kin leaders charmed by the Due to the bad smell of these waters and its
nixies. The nixies keep this group as a silent predators, few intelligent creatures
useful fighting force, that they can quickly move around. The only interesting inhabit-
summon when needed. ant of the area is a merman druid (Mer12/
Dr9) named Kelpier Wisebeard, and his
The Druid in the Kelp Forest merman apprentice, Minor Sagacioustail
North of the pink reef, in the Nortens (Mer2/Dr1).
barony, there is a kelp forest. These algae
reach almost up to the surface, leaving only


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Aloysius Reef Gazetteer

Kelpier is 140 years old, has a sea-green Azure Reef

beard and long hair pulled back in a braid
to keep it from getting tangled in seaweed. This reef, next to the volcano, is both the
He is a wise and pleasant merman, who resting place for a nomadic merrow bank,
happily welcomes visitors. He is a good and the lair of a dragon turtle.
cook and will offer the specialty of the
forest, seaweed shark with seaweed spices. The mermen swim through this reef twice
It has a strong, but tasty flavor. Minor, his a year: in early winter and early spring.
24-year-old apprentice, is an impulsive They swim there trying to avoid as much as
young merman with a shaved head, to avoid they can the volcano, the kopru, and the
getting tangled up in the seaweed. His nixies. More than once a youngster
master always tells him: “The wise man’s decided to “explore” and did not return
wisdom shows in his beard. However, the until the next year. Merrow stay one or
young man’s hair shows his foolishness.” two days, hiding in the corals and resting.
Minor takes this very seriously and does not Then, they continue their travel (to the
doubt his master’s words. Wisebeard is the north in spring, southward in winter).
merman to whom the nixies talk when they
need a powerful shaman but cannot go to The dragon sleeps here all the autumn and
the tritons (this happens frequently, due to winter. When spring arrives, he wakes up
the non-completely-legal actions that the and goes west to hunt, away from the
nixies take). Wisebeard and his apprentice tritons, leaving his lair empty. To avoid
have both an amulet of protection vs being detected, this dragon turtle has
charm, something that he obtained during developed the ability to grow corals on his
adventures in his youthness. shell, which he uses as camouflage during
the slumber season. He avoids the volcano
They live with 2 dolphins, Shininghead and because of the annoying neighbors. He is
Shiningfin. They have a hut in a clearing grumpy and very ill-tempered, spooking
inside the kelp forest and rarely receive vis- with his breath or biting those who pass
itors, as Kelpier wishes to prevent his next to him. Other dragons in the reef are
apprentice from being distracted by the aware of his presence and stay away (very
worries of the outside world. Still, Kelpier is away) from him. He hates human vessels
well aware of all that is going on in the and, during hunting season, he attacks
outside world, as his dolphin friend and the them. If a naval battle happens near him,
seagulls he talks to, with the speak with he probably will go and finish the con-
animals spell, tell him much information frontation, sinking all the vessels from all
about what is happening on the shores of factions.
Ierendi and the waters of the Nortens
barony, as well as the happenings in Cora- The dragon turtle isn’t the only predator,
linia. of course. Reef sharks and manta rays are
common. But here we have one more
Once a year, in spring, Kelpier is visited by a important predator: the poisonous giant
sea giant, former adventure companion, blue-ringed octopus.
Burbatyr (Lv2, HD 10). He stays with him
for one week; they celebrate memories
about old times while exchanging news.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Aloysius Reef Gazetteer

Giant Blue-ringed Octopus repeatedly and gets even under the lava
AC7, HD 5, mov 90' (30'); 8 tentacles/1 flow—a cave of unmelting stone.
beak; damage: 1d2x8/1d4+poison.
She also has a “partner,” Mareanor, a stupid
sea dragon, incapable of talk, who does
whatever she says to him. She tries to keep
him away from the nixies and kopru, since
he can be charmed by them.

Tempest can’t stand the taste of mermen

and tritons, so she doesn’t hunt them. She
has an inflated ego and will easily get infuri-
ated if someone casts doubts about her
dominance of the reef (which isn’t that
extensive). She despises especially the red
dragon of the volcano, Flamagon, and
wants him dead (and his hoard in her lair,
Blue-ringed Octopus
obviously). Since they live in different envir-
onments, it is impractical for them to try
If hit with the beak, ST vs poison or die in and kill each other, so they both will use
3d6 rounds, and be unable to act from the pawns. She is capable of casting clerical
bite to the death (or recovery, if any). If it spells (as a shaman) and serves the Old
feels endangered, it sprays a 40'-radius ink Dragon of the Sea (Manwara) instead of The
globe and flees. Venom loses its effect 1 Great One. Finally, she has an amulet of
round after extraction. protection vs charm, which has allowed her
to not get overwhelmed by the charming
powers of other inhabitants of the sea.
Gray Reef
Treat her as a large green dragon when
This is the only reef whose color is not applicable (keep in mind that she has no
related to its coral, but to volcanic forma- claws, but she has a tail and wings).
tions. It is more desolate and holds less
vegetation than the others. This is due to Among other predators, here dwell mako
the underwater magma currents that flow sharks, searching for easy food, and giant
in the bottom, burn repeatedly the sea floor crabs, who eat the leftovers of the sharks
and prevent algae and coral from spread- and dragons.

Even more importantly, this reef is the Fire’s Coral Island

home of the sea dragon Tempest, who
claims to dominate Aloysius Reef. Nixies This small island covers only a few miles
know about her and try to not infuriate her, around the volcano that gives it its name. It
since she has proved to be immune to their has a main vent in the island and a few
charm powers, but she rarely cares about more outside the island. These vents are
them. Her lair is inside a cave which twists the lairs and homes for several fire-loving


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Aloysius Reef Gazetteer

creatures and even some natives from the

elemental plane of fire, like organized fire
giants, lava lizards, and even an efreet.

Volcano’s Zones

Dragon’s vent Flamagon’s lair

forge, store, and giant’s
Main vent
Island surface
Kopru’s vent kopru’s resting lair
Efreet vent Nar Mushtaelia’s lair Flamagon as Octopus

resting point for the kna

Trading vent and meeting place to furs) which can rot in the water. Another
trade tactic he loves is to use hallucinatory
terrain to make sailors believe that there
are reefs or whirlpools in their route, and
make them alter course to his domains.
Red Dragon’s Vent
His cave has a large entrance through the
This vent is connected to the main one by chimney of the vent, another, hidden, on
an underground lava river, which makes it one side, and another from the sea, diving.
impassable to anyone except for some All of them are guarded by the lizard men.
natives of the Plane of Fire. His own cave, where he sleeps on his treas-
ure, is out of reach of the lizard men, across
It’s the lair of a large red dragon called a river of lava, a vestige of the ancient activ-
Flamagon. He is the culprit in the death of ity of the volcano.
the specter Julian, and possesses a huge
hoard. He hunts the ships that travel He works with the kopru in his forge using
through the sea route between Aloysius and his powerful breath, but will never use
Utter. To recover their treasures, he more than 2 breaths a day in the forge,
employs the lizard men who serve him. saving 1 for self-defense. He also brings
them the weapons and armor of the ships
He is cruel and enjoys the suffering of his he sinks to recast in the forge. In exchange,
victims. When attacking a ship, one of his the kopru give him part of the profits and
favorite tactics is polymorphing himself into respect his territory and freedom.
a giant octopus and throwing overboard the
sailors, while they battle in odd circum- His enemies are the sea dragons that
stances against his lizard men. He also compete with him for the waters of the area
charms some sailors to ask them where the and try to steal the spoils of the ships he
treasure is hidden and who has the keys. He sinks. He is usually able to spook them, but
avoids sinking ships as he knows that there cannot effectively pursue them underwater.
can be valuable objects (such as scrolls or


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Aloysius Reef Gazetteer

Flamagon Efreet’s Vent

(Large Red Dragon, Spellcaster)
This is another of the volcano’s vents and is
AC -3 (-5 with his ring +2); the domain of an efreet, named Nar
DG 16*****; PG 110 Mushtaelia. He lives on the island and
spends much of his time on the volcano
Spells: 6/4/3/3 itself. He arrived when a passage to the
Plane of Fire opened inside the volcano,
1st: magic missile, light, charm person, while escaping from an Amir he had
sleep, read tongues, shield, detect magic. angered (he flirted with his wife) and
having no intention of returning. Unfortu-
2nd: eternal light, detect invisible, invis- nately for him, he can’t cross the sea, so
ibility, ESP, mirror image. he’s stuck on his island. This puts him in a
bad mood and he often starts talking to
3rd: lightning ray, breathe underwater, himself. Most likely the PCs will find him in
haste, protection vs. normal missiles, a monologue as he circles around the
infravision. crater. If they talk to him he will most likely
be glad to have someone to talk to and will
4th: gaseous form, polymorph self, mass- ask them all sorts of inane questions (What
morphia (he knows the underwater animals do you eat at home? Is it true that
version for kelp forests), hallucinatory humans are short-lived? What does a
terrain. “'holse” look like?).

Hoard: Among other things, Flamagon He will welcome any story they tell him, but
possesses a +2 ring, a ring of protection he has become paranoid about his stay and
vs. cold, a medallion of cure-all 1/week, thinks that any other fire creature is an
and a lightning wand with 3 charges. The agent sent to bring him back to the Amir. To
rest of the treasure (Hx2, due to his these he will react with violence if he sees
advanced age and good business) is up to them as weak, or with fear if they seem
the master. stronger. This has prevented the kopru
from recruiting him for their forge and, in
Lizard Men fact, they stay away from his island, as he is
They faithfully serve Flamagon as the lord of annoying and troublesome. Thanks to the
the volcano. There are 20 NM lizard men volcano’s connection to the Plane of Fire,
and 5 of 3rd level, skilled at trident. They Nar Mushtaelia is able to use some of the
know how to use spears and nets, capturing powers he would have on his plane. To the
more effectively the victims of the ships. adventurers, he is a willing host to give
They lack shamans or wokani. There are them shelter for a good while, but he won’t
always 4 on guard at each entrance, rotating be able to offer much information beyond
throughout the day. When Flamagon goes that some “talking monster fish” threatened
hunting he takes about 12 of them with to take him to some fire giants (who he
him, leaving at least 2 of the 3rd level lizard believes serve the Amir) and that he
men guarding the lair along with the spooked them. He also knows that they did
normal ones. not suffer much from his fire, but that they
no longer bother him. He also knows about


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Aloysius Reef Gazetteer

the red dragon in the area, but hides from Treasure: City of Brass’s scimitar +2
it, thinking it is another agent of the Amir. (non-native, +1 in the volcano, no bonus
outside it); turban with emerald, 500 gp;
He lacks the usual treasure, but possesses a 2 gold bracelets (value 650 gp each).
scimitar from the City of Brass. It is a +2
scimitar, but in the volcano it is only +1
and outside it lacks a bonus. However, this Kopru’s Vent
scimitar does not melt on contact with lava
lizards nor by the fire dragon’s fire breath, This vent has 3 entrances: one through the
as it originates from the Plane of Fire. chimney; another through a subway tunnel
that connects to the forge; and the last one,
through the water. A large part of the vent is
flooded and the kopru live inside the
grottos. As it is very warm and flooded, it is
the ideal place for them to live. Predators
do not approach because of the heat, and it
is uncomfortable for any other creature,
either because of the humidity or because
of the heat itself.

In this vent live 15 kopru (10 males and 5

females), of which 5 are learning the work
of blacksmithing, 2 already know it,
although very rudimentarily, and the rest
are guards and hunters. This kopru com-
munity is led by Melzzak, a particularly
large and intelligent kopru. He knows
blacksmithing and has decided to create a
Because of the special situation of the forge in the volcano, as it has a constant
volcano, he has some changed statisrics: supply of heat and water, ideal for working
metals. He works with the fire giants on the
Nar Mushtaelia (Efreet) main island, who teach him how to forge
better works, as well as teaching his com-
CA 3; DG 10*, 1 fist (2d8) or scimitar panions. In return, the kopru hunt to feed
(1d8+2); ST:F15; chaotic. the giants, who are short of food due to
their lack of fishing skills.
While in the volcano:
Melzzak is especially happy knowing that
•Immunity to earth-based effects (earth- the giants’ lives are in his hands. He is
quakes, tremors, landslides...) cunning and devious, but above all he is a
•Immunity to 1st level spells fish with a keen eye for business. He has a
•See invisible business deal with a kna family, who bring
him the raw materials for his forge (iron,
He has all the special abilities of a normal copper, and bronze, mainly) and to whom
efreet in the Prime Plane. they give the finished product: giant-sized


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Aloysius Reef Gazetteer

weapons of good quality (they break with Melzzak

difficulty and do +1 to damage). They come (6th Level Kopru, Leader)
twice a year to make exchanges. Kna buy
them some giant weapons, commissioned AC 2 (0 when dodging); HD 12+4*; HP
by giant leaders or brave heroes of great 70; Attacks: bite (1d4) and tail (3d6) or
size. Among the generic stock are: swords by weapon. ST:F13, Chaotic. Str 12, Int
(1- or 2-handed), axes (1- or 2-handed), 15, Dex 13, Wis 9, Con 12, Cha 15.
spears, giant pikes (never been charged by a
roc?) and shields (no spikes). General skills: Dodge (Dex), Deception
(Cha), Bargaining (Cha), Forgery (Int),
Weapons they usually make: offensive Knowledge about giants (Int). Speaks
shields, armor (almost custom-made), giant Kopru, trading Kna, and Giantish.
crossbows, giant bolts, cestus, and huge tri-
dents. Weapon masteries: Skilled with trident.

At the moment they are focused on selling Equipment: silver tail pins (1 round to
to giants, as the fire giants dominate smith- put them on, without disturbance),
ing at that level. However, Melzzak is bronze-headed pike, heavy crossbow, 5
looking to expand the market to underwa- quarrels +1, spear +1, pearl necklace
ter giants and smaller sea creatures. To this (700 gp), 2 bracelets (400 gp), ring of
end, they are looking for dwarven black- protection from evil (as the spell, while
smiths to find the best way to ensure that wearing), 3 rings for the tails (150 gp,
the metal does not rust, or at least takes 250 for kopru customers).
longer to rust. Since they live so far from
them, they are having problems finding
one. Kopru community summary
The kopru community is not only home to
kopru. There are always several charmed NM, uses javelin,
1 blacksmith
minions: lizard men, easy to find on Dex 13
Aloysius Island, or the mermen, wanderers 5 blacksmith 4 NM and 1 1st level,
of the place. They take advantage of their apprentices use spears
enchanted minions to increase the fishing (2 of them are 2nd
and guard personnel and do not hesitate to 8 hunters/guards
use them as spies, scouts, or cannon
fodder. As a rule, 5 of the 8 kopru guards, 5 lizard men all of them domin-
and 3 of the blacksmith apprentices keep an ated, to hunt and
3 mermen gather information.
enchanted one. The rest, including Melzzak
himself, don’t keep charmed ones in order
to be able to respond in case of unwanted


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Aloysius Reef Gazetteer

Kna, original digital artwork by Senarch

Trading Vent and exchange them to the kna, who give

them their share of the profit from the
This vent of the volcano connects to the deliveries of the last order, bring them the
main chimney by means of a subway tunnel new consignment of material, and tell them
through which lava used to flow. The the new orders. This kna family has hired a
conduit is large enough to allow the giants 3rd level Aquarendi, Saliel, to go to the
to pass through, albeit a bit crouched, carry- surface, negotiate and talk to the giants.
ing the goods in carts. The structure was
reinforced and shored up by the giants, so The kna follow a route passing through all
there is no risk of collapse except in the islands and coastal areas with giants, with
event of a magical earthquake. the exception of the islands of Minrothad.
This is because the Guilds persecute them
On the seaward side, this vent is accessible and prevent them from trading in their
by a wide corridor between two reef waters. As a result, no Minrothaddan giants
masses, allowing easy movement for the have access to the weapons of the kopru’s
mashers, and leads to a beach in a wide forge.
grotto of the vent. This is where the
exchange takes place. The vent contains both underwater and
land-based grottoes, so the kna can spend a
The kopru take the goods and wrap them to night or two there. There is a specially
protect them from the salt water of the sea enlarged grotto for the masher.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Aloysius Reef Gazetteer

The Kna Family (Hardscale) they can have magical two-handed

swords and 3 months later they have
1 masher: wands of light. You can decide the kna’s
HD 20, AC7, Bite 3d8, 18+ swallows treasure as you wish or throw it random,
humans or smaller (3d6/as), ST: F4 but don’t hesitate to give them seemingly
useless magical items underwater, such as
5 NM kna: axes or clubs, or useless above water,
HD 7, CA5, Crossbow (2d4+5) or spear such as potions of ascension or air-
(1d6+5), ST: F7 breathing. For reference, the kna family
may have up to 30,000 gp in magic items
2 “crossbowman” kna: and another 45,000 gp in various com-
HD 8, 13 Dex, Crossbow (2d4+5) binations of pearls, underwater jewelry,
dwarven goldwork, giant skins, small
4 siege ballista kna: dresses for nixies, and various forms of
HD 7, CA5, ballista (1d8+9; 60'/120'/ heavy treasure that is difficult to carry and
180'), 2 in each ballista, if forced melee trade.
will use spears.

1 Fighter kna: Volcano’s Island

Lv3, HD 10, Str 16, skilled with spear, and Main Vent
spear +1, +2 against goblinoids, 1
potion of superhealing. The island is not too large with a length of
2.5 miles and a width of 4.5 miles. It has a
1 Shaman kna: palm forest that occupies the western half
Sh4. HD 7-7. Crossbow (2d4+4). He of the island. There live some tropical birds,
exchanged part of his vitality for faster seagulls and turtles. During the day there
magical abilities. Spells: 2/1. The family are about a dozen lava lizards on the island,
cares about him. hunting for food, but they stay away from
the shore because they do not like water.
Saliel, the Aquarendi: They are curious and find it hard to hunt
3rd level, AC 5. Spells: 2/1; 1st: read lan- birds, so they will attack the adventurers
guages, light, shield, protection from and fight to the death. During the night
evil. 2nd: wizard lock, web, mirror they return to the volcano because the tem-
image. perature becomes too cold for them. It is
then that the giant chameleons that were
Equipment: hiding from the lava lizards come out to
layered shell armor, spear, short sword, hunt. These lizards are more cautious and
crossbow, net, wand of haste (4 charges). more successful with birds, so they will try
Speaks Kna, Elvish, Giantish, and to avoid the adventurers.
mermen languages.
On the coast there are turtles and seagulls.
Treasure: The coastal waters contain a great variety of
The kna are always changing what they fish of different colors and sizes. There is
carry, having a wide variety of products only one predator in the coastal waters: the
that change throughout the year: one trip stingray. They hide in the sand and attack


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Aloysius Reef Gazetteer

their prey with their stingers as they enough lava lizards to make a hatchery. It
approach, but will not attack creatures was then that the kopru appeared and
larger than a halfling. There are no sharks made them an offer: to build a forge taking
near the coast, as they prefer the surround- advantage of the volcano. The kopru would
ing coral reefs with better prey. You may provide the raw material, give them part of
also find in the coastal waters some the profit, and get them food based on fish
charmed lizard men or mermaids in search and shellfish. The giants accepted, glad to
of food for their masters. They will prefer to be able to have food, even if it was seafood.
move away and warn their masters rather
than attack. They produce about 60 stock weapons a
year, which the kna then take with them to
The most interesting part of the island is the sell in places they know. All these weapons
volcano itself: the Fire Coral. The volcano is do +1 damage, break less easily, and do not
an apparition point for creatures from the melt on contact with high temperatures,
Plane of Fire and every 4d12 months it such as lava lizards, dragon fire, or the like.
opens for a few hours, allowing some
creatures to cross it from there (if any are The forge has two sections: the dry section,
near). The portal opens suddenly at any of for fire giants’ use; and the sunken section,
the volcano’s vents, though most often at for kopru’s use.
the large one (1d10: 1–6 island, 7 dragon
vent, 8 efreet vent, 9 kopru’s vent, 10 Giants in the Volcano (16)
exchange vent). It is an ever-smoking
mountain with a system of caves and grot- 10 fighters (with good armors and big
toes inside where lava lizards and their shields, trained in battle. More powerful
owners, the fire giants, dwell. than normal ones). 4 of them are the lava
lizards’ tamers.
The giants came through the portal, fleeing AC2, HD 12+2, 1 giant sword or spear
from a battle against efreets in which much (5d6+1) or boulder (3d6). Save as F12.
of their army perished. Led by Perennial-
flame, their great shaman leader, they went 4 lieutenants
to the portal, more stable at the time, and (good gear, as above. They are more
crossed to the other side, ending up in the skilled and know to disarm. 2 of them are
volcano. They wiped out the then inhabit- “swordsgiants” and can deflect. The other
ants of the place, a plague of fire and ash 2 use giant tusked shields).
mephits that occupied the place. They “Swordsgiants”: AC2, HD 13+2, Deflect
settled in the volcano and tamed the lava (1). With sword, damage 5d6+5. Save
lizards that lived there. Those left behind as F13. HP 70
on their home plane believe these giants to “Shield warriors”: AC0, HD 13+2, 2
have been killed in combat. attacks/round, damage 4d6+4. Save as
F13, HP 75
For a few months they lived by hunting
lizards on the island, but the lizards ran out 1 captain, Torchgard Cinderbeard
(the reality is that the chameleons hid very (magic weapons, skilled in battle axe and
well from them and the giants thought very tough. He hates the nickname
there were none left). They also didn’t have “Cinderello”).


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Aloysius Reef Gazetteer

Torchgard: The kopru train in the forge with their giant

AC 1, HD 14+2, Stuns with his battle masters. During the day there are at least 8
axe (-2 to ST vs Paralysis), damage giants in the forge and 4 kopru, plus 4 lava
4d8+6. Save as F14, HP 95. lizards. The others usually rest in their
Magical gear: Giant plate mail +1,
giant battle axe +1, protecting ring There is a night shift, but only with 2 giants.
+1, necklace of cold resistance, potion 4 lava lizards sleep here.
of haste, potion of super-healing.
Wood and iron are ordered from the kna.
1 shaman and leader of the giants, Peren- There is a shortage of wood here as palm
nialflame (serves Vulcan, the Forger. He is trees are sparse and their wood isn’t good.
treated with respect by his followers
because of his powers. Wise and strong, Prices for Giant-sized Weapons
he can forge magic weapons, but will not
sell them. They are only for his people.
Weapon Price
His most important duty is to protect the
other giants, and is ready to die for it). Hand axe 50gp
Bae Axe 75gp
AC 3, HD 13+2, giant staff, 5d6+3, Normal sword 100gp
Deflect (2). Saves as Cl13, HP 78.
2-handed sword 150gp
Magic gear: Giant staff +2, protection Pike 35gp
ring +2, giant bronze staff of cure Poleaxe 80gp
serious wounds (8 charges), giant Spear 30gp
boulder +1 (3d6+1), potion of prot. Shield 100gp
from evil.
30 quarrels* 100gp
Spells: 3/3/3/2. He can cast the druidic Crossbow** 200gp
spell heat metal.
Halberd 90gp
16 lava lizards. During the day they hunt Trident*** 50gp
across the isle. At night they return to the Knife shield 700gp
volcano to recover warmth. They don’t Plate mail 600gp
attack the giants but only obey the
Suit armor 2,500gp
* they have them in stock because those
Forge of the Giants and Kopru with crossbows require them
The vast majority of the merchandise is ** 1d6+5, 18/36/54m, they take less metal
made by the giants, and they always have 10 and are cheaper, but they take longer to
items in stock in the warehouse for every make because the wood is ordered to the
month that has passed since the last kna kna
visit. The items are randomized and the *** sea giants normally know how to use it
stock is reduced to 0 when the kna arrive.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Aloysius Reef Gazetteer

Prices for “pet” barding POSSIBLE ADVENTURES


Chain (AC5) 200 gp

Basic (Underwater)
Plate (AC3) 750gp
+10% for white bears, Message to Kelpier
+20% for cave bears,
(bear type must be specified) An important Undersea personality or an
old friend asks the heroes to send a
Hellhounds message to Kelpier (engraved on a shell).
To do so, they must cross the green algae
Plate (AC3) 500gp
forest, overcoming sharks and other mon-
Field (AC2) 600gp sters that may be present, as well as the
other reefs they pass through.
+20% for hellhounds with
6–7 HD

Business flow: Kna come twice a year and Basic (Land)

they trade money, raw materials and profits
from sales, and also some magical objects. Return my Relative to Me
A rich lady hires the PCs to look for her
husband, who is somewhere in Utter Island.
Minrothaddan pirates dropped him in the
southern point, with some other passen-
gers. But he disappeared that night. From a
communion spell she knows he is alive
somewhere on Utter Island. The druid of
Utter perhaps can tell them about the nixies
in exchange for a service (maybe fighting
evil wood imps or troglodytes). The nixies
will exchange their “friend” for 2 or 3 useful
lizard men that the PCs have to bring alive
and healthy to an exchange point.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Aloysius Reef Gazetteer

Expert (Underwater) Expert (Land)

The Nixies in Danger Stop the Pirates

The heroes are sent to the nixie village by Captain Panzalonso attacks many merchant
Undersea to take away a charmed triton for ships, either from the Ierendians or Min-
whom Martinianus, the triton ambassador, rothaddans. The heroes are hired by a mer-
has interceded. They have to return him to chant guild to stop the pirates. Rumors will
his parents. Unfortunately, the nixie village be spread about an important shipment
has sent their hunting parties to Aloysius (false) and the heroes will go as an escort,
Island to look for “friends,” and there are along with several soldiers (at least 3 skilled
only a dozen nixies and a few “friends” left in bow or short sword and 10 of 2nd level)
(the black dragon is away doing other to lure and stop the pirates. The plan of
things and the larger “friends” have gone to attack is up to the heroes (let them
protect the hunting parties). approach, attack with ballistas as soon as
they are in sight, ...). If they manage to
It is then, when they are in the village, that defeat Captain Panzalonso, they can inter-
a giant sturgeon attacks. Will the heroes be rogate the survivors to tell them where they
able to defend the nixies and spook the are keeping their treasure. If they try to take
creature away? it, Hurricane, the sea dragon of the Red
Reef, will attack them when they have
already recovered it . He will fight intelli-
The Spectre gently and will not hesitate to flee or sur-
render if things get ugly.
Julianus, the spectre, should be put to rest.
When the adventurers finish him and think
the job is done... he returns from the grave!
Again! They will need to kill the dragon
Flamagon or, if smart enough, trick Julianus
to think he is already dead.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Aloysius Reef Gazetteer

Companion (Underwater or Land)

On the Hunt for the Dragon

Underwater version Land version

The red dragon Flamagon, polymorphed as Torment, the sea dragon of the reef, wishes
a nobleman or merchant, hires the heroes to finish off Flamagon, the red dragon of
to hunt down Hurricane, the sea dragon. the volcano. She is unable to enter his lair
He tells them where he lives and what so she will pay the adventurers to do this.
places he frequents, and about his great She will seek powerful mercenaries, tell
treasure. He will also tell them that he is them about the great hoard and the evil
resistant to cold magic (this is a lie, in order doings of the red dragon, and pay them
to later ambush them so that they have no about 20,000 gp (5,000 before the job, the
ice magic to harm him). If they ask him rest after killing the dragon). She will tell
where he got all the information from, he them all that she knows about him (lizard-
will say that he spent several years investig- men minions, magic he wields, ...). If she
ating him because of personal grudges. He sees the opportunity, she will try to steal the
will also tell them that, although there are treasure of Flamagon from the adventurers
lizard men in the area, they are not hostile (or maybe try to reach an agreement: 50–50
and can even guide them for a low price (to or 40–60, who knows?).
protect his lizard-kin minions). The
dragon’s plan is that once they are weak
from the fight and have collected the treas-
ure, Flamagon will attack with his lizard Companion (Land)
men. He will attack in or out of the water,
depending on what he sees as more advant- The Volcano Forge Should Be
ageous to him. Inside the water he will Destroyed
attack polymorphed into an octopus or
giant squid, in order to have as many Giants of the continent or of the islands are
attacks as possible and be able to hold off getting much better weapons from unsus-
his enemies. If he is in trouble, he will poly- pected providers. This is causing trouble for
morph into a fast fish and swim away at the authorities, or even to the land-owning
high speed (barracuda or swordfish). If they PCs. The heroes must discover who is the
attack out of the water (on an islet or provider (the kna), who is the maker (the
similar) he will attack in his dragon form giants and the kopru), and stop the forge’s
with all his strength, trying to get a breath work. But this is an uneasy task, as the
in in the first round and then using magic island is far away and the reef makes naviga-
to avoid hurting his minions (good minions tion difficult. Will the heroes be able to stop
are hard to come by). He will never fight to the spread of high-quality weapons among
the death and will retreat if he sees the situ- the fierce giants?
ation turning badly, hoping to finish off the
heroes another time.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Hidden Empires of the Kopru

Hidden Empires of the Kopru

by Matthew Tullius

Part One: A Tour of the Temples

“You are the chosen human
representative of the slaves?”

The slimy beast turned toward me as the

smell of its greasy, rancid skin invaded my
nostrils. Not wanting to respond to the
thing, but knowing that I must or I risked
them throwing me back to the slave pens at
best, the breeding pens to produce “calves,”
or even worse to the food pens to be the
Kopru domination, drawing by I. Calvin next meal. I wrinkled my nose, in distaste
made for the Kopru Dominarchy of as much from the smell as having to be sub-
Adhuza in the Thanegioth Archipelago, servient to the kopru masters. “You could
from THRESHOLD Magazine issue #4 say that. I wasn’t chosen by humans. Your
kind… not mine forced me here. I have no
interest in representing your kind to


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Hidden Empires of the Kopru

anyone! There was very little in the way of “I do.” I found myself in the unenviable posi-
choice on the matter.” I spat out the last tion of agreeing with one of these things. I
line, showing my disgust. I didn’t know despised this thing calling me ‘human.’
why these things even wanted a represent- One thing though gave me a small victory
ative for slaves and food. It made little and was a source of tremendous pride: I
sense to me. could resist them as few others were able. I
was born not obeying these things. I was
The thing looked down at me and its mouth an individual, and I had a name.
hole compressed in an incomprehensible
expression. It hissed loudly. Was it angry? “Ryessa.”

“I can see why you were chosen, human.” The thing tilted its head backward and
Its mass jiggled and shook as it made the turned its eyes down toward me. I didn’t
hiss sound a second time. A laugh. Even in understand what it was doing. “What?” it
mirth these things were foul. “Strong asked. Confusion.
willed, even for an escapee.”
“Ryessa. My name isn’t ‘human.’ It’s
“I’ve never been able to esca—” I began. Ryessa.” I tried to look more defiant than I
felt. It was easy to feel vulnerable wearing
“Escape is relative, human!” it cut me off only sandals before one of my mas—…
with an aspirated hiss. Annoyance. Differ- captors.
ent hiss meant a different emotion. I knew
enough to tell that I was sent here to learn “I never thought to consider speaking with
kopru culture, for what reason I could only one of your kind individually. We are used
guess, but perhaps the information could to using our minds to command, not to
be used to improve the lives of us humans. communicate. At any rate, Ryessa, let us
The more I could learn and understand and discuss the temple, the Immortals, and
pass to others, the more likely we could why…” It paused and one eye squinted as
fight the control of our masters. No. it looked away just slightly. Distracted? It
Captors. I needed to stop thinking of them turned back looking intently at me.
as masters. Thought. That’s what it was. Not distrac-
tion but thought. “Who decided it would
“Those of your kind that resist domination carry that name?”
have ‘escaped.’ Most humans and other
species that are here have no will. We know I didn’t much care for the way the thing
every thought, every emotion, and every called me an “it.” “I don’t know. My family,
memory. We command every movement, I guess. I overheard one of the keepers use
every action, and every thought. There can my name when they thought I wasn’t listen-
be no more true definition of escape than ing.” I trailed off thinking of the traumatic
that of having your own thoughts and memory of my experiences in the breeding
having your own will guide your actions as pens, “… during my time in the breeding
others remain happily in a prison of obedi- pens. As I was fighting off rapists in the
ence. Do you not agree, human?” the thing pens, I overheard one of the pen keepers
spoke sternly and rapidly as though he was say to the other ‘The one they are so inter-
admonishing a child. ested in breeding with is Ryessa.’ It was the


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Hidden Empires of the Kopru

first time I heard my name.” My parents began to slide toward the temple’s
had been dominated when I was bred and entrance. It had stifled its emotion and was
because of this I had no real relationship unreactive to my outburst. Why? Polite-
with them beyond my immediate physical ness? Was it trying to spare my feelings? It
needs for survival when I was young. I didn’t make sense but that was the only
didn’t even know my name until I was of explanation I could come up with until I
age and thrown into the breeding pens. It had more information on how this one
was a victory I guarded and held close. It behaved. My rage slowed and returned to
felt good to lord it over one of these things its usual of a slow simmer as we walked to
that I knew my name. I had my own indi- the temple in silence. If I was going to
vidual identity. learn about these things, I needed to learn
them as individuals too. I stopped walking
It made the laugh hiss the moment I fin- before he slimed past the door.
ished my statement. It was laughing at my
pain and trying to take my hard-fought “What is your name?” I asked.
victory away! I could feel anger swelling in
me as I balled my fists. It continued making The thing stopped at the entrance and did a
the hiss over and over as its form quivered full turn around to face me. The thing
in amusement. Its skin excreted droplets of squinted one eye and then turned its head
ooze that slowly rolled down its skin or away slightly. I had seen this expression
flicked off as it quivered. from it before. It was confused. It was con-
fused about its own name? That didn’t
Through clenched teeth I growled at it, make sense. It continued looking at me in
smelling the odor from fresh skin secre- that manner for a long moment without
tions. Stronger or not it was about to get moving. It was unsettling how still it could
hit. “What is so funny?!? The breeding pens be in this dripping place.
were a nightmare! Or is it that you are
amused I learned my own name???” I felt Suddenly the thing moved. “It never
my temperature rising in the already steamy occurred to me to introduce myself to one
cavern as I screamed at it. of your kind.” The thing wasn’t confused.
It was surprised, and must have been sur-
“I imagine your experiences were… trying.” prised before, too. “I am called Thrissh,
The thing was no longer quivering in its meaning ‘divine’ in your language. You
large laughing motions and hissing. are… Ryessa…” It paused with the amuse-
Instead, it was very still and shivering. I ment look as it spoke my name. “… Now,
could feel the logical side of my brain push come. It is important to our purposes that
through the hurt and anger trying to you learn.”
analyze what it was doing. The thing’s shiv-
ering slowed as it continued to talk. While I knew there was some reason the
kopru wanted me to learn their culture, I
“Let us continue to the Temple. It will be didn’t like the idea that I was somehow
the first of several stops as you learn your useful to them.
place. You have much to learn about our
Immortals, that it might be passed to the We entered the temple and there were four
other escapees.” The thing turned and statues with little else in the way of


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Hidden Empires of the Kopru

accessories. Before each statue was a large statue Thrissh’s tissue surrounding his teeth
bowl that seemed to be for offerings. contracted back, exposing the teeth nearly
Thrissh motioned to the largest statue to to the roots. I made note of the action. It
the right. The statue was two or three times could be admiration, or even as disgusting
the mass of the next largest statue. as the thought might be—lust.

“This is Kahrysshalis. The Warrior.” “In time her great size and strength as well
as keen mind attracted many males to
“He’s huge.” I said with genuine awe. While breed. She was not flashy but quiet,
I hated these things, I honestly admired patient, direct, and strong.” Lust, or some-
both the size and craftsmanship of the thing approaching romantic love, she
statue as it was clearly made with extreme decided. She never thought of these things
care. as being emotional or loving.

“SSSSShe!” Thrissh said with the aspirated “But she had a rival: Slizzark the Lurker, who
hiss of annoyance. “Kahrysshalis is Mistress was to become her enemy, even after both
of Unity and Order, in many ways the coun- ascended into Immortality. Slizzark was in
terpart of Manwara.” My blank expression many ways the opposite of Kahrysshalis. A
must have been easy for it to read. braggart, impatient, demonstrative, and
“Manwara you will meet next. He is the underhanded. They both were females,
Immortal of Diversity and Chaos.” and so competed for males and genetic
variety in their offspring. They each had
I nodded, trying to take everything in. So something to offer: one—resistance to
far, nothing he was telling me seemed magic, the other—perfection of physical
useful to my kind. form. Kahrysshalis mated very selectively—
only the biggest, strongest, most intelligent
“Kahrysshalis once was a kopru of tremend- males would suffice for her. Slizzark mated
ous size and strength. She was unlike many with every kopru she could find. What do
of her days. The truth is she was unlike you think was the result of this mating,
many even of her kopru brood.” Ryessa?”

“Brood?” I questioned. I thought about it a moment. In the breed-

ing pens the kopru seemed to try to
“There are multiple strains of kopru. You produce specific qualities in their slaves.
probably have not noticed as the keepers of Some people they wanted smaller to fit in
the slave pens tend to be more of Shalis tight places, others they wanted strong to
brood only. This is the brood that is dir- do heavy labor, and some were desired for
ectly related to Kahrysshalis. It is she that is their agility or balance.
their great-mother centuries removed.
Kahrysshalis was the greatest general of the “Breeding for a purpose,” I said.
kopru and led many daring raids. She had
an unparalleled record for capturing and “Yes. But two different purposes. Kahrysshalis
enslaving the most difficult and strong spe- selectively mated in small clutches with the
cimens of so many species and races! She best mates possible. Slizzark with as many as
was magnificent!” As he stared up at her possible as frequently as possible. One


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Hidden Empires of the Kopru

chose the strategy of quantity, the other the My heart sank a little. I nodded slowly and
strategy of quality.” Thrissh looked pleased sadly. “You were able to beat them,” I said.
with himself. “Which offspring produced the
next great Kopru Empire?” asked Thrissh. “We did not have to, Ryessa,” said Thrissh.
“They beat themselves.”
“Kahrysshalis, obviously,” I said, as I opened
up my arms and motioned to the rest of the “Civil war?” I asked. It felt wrong, but it was
temple. the only thing that made sense with the
Dominarchy fighting themselves.
“Obvious, but wrong,” said Thrissh. “Some-
times, quantity can be its own reward. A “No,” said Thrissh. “They were foolish.
great many of lesser value or strength may They were able to exile the Triad through
overwhelm a smaller but better force.” numbers alone. They allowed their slaves
to outnumber them uncontrolled. They
I nodded and smiled. They must worry grew decadent, soft, and overconfident in
about us rebelling one day and destroying their ability to resist magic. Do you see the
them and their system. My kind out- flaw, Ryessa, in their strategy?” Thrissh cut
numbered them easily two to one. “I see,” I me off before I could respond and contin-
said. ued. “Not the part about being out-
numbered. That should be obvious, even
Thrissh’s mouth sphincter compressed and to one such as you.”
contracted, as he jiggled slightly. He was
amused again. “I do not need to dominate I tried not to appear annoyed at Thissh’s
you to see your mind’s eye, Ryessa. Your insinuation of stupidity on my part. “Well,
kind is far weaker than ours. Even at a ten you said overconfidence…” I trailed off. I
to one ratio your kind cannot hope to fight didn’t understand the question he was
the might of the Empire.” His body really asking. The question behind the
adopted a different position, then Thrissh question.
said in a matter-of-fact tone, “Slizzark’s
brood, the so called ‘Dominarchy,’ swept “Their magic resistance was their undoing,
over the Triad and pushed them back.” in a way. It is what brought about their
overconfidence,” Thrissh said. “They were
I knew that the Triad was the governing so dependent on magic resistance, it never
body of the Kopru Empire. I didn’t know occurred to them that it did not matter.
they had ever been defeated, and that When you have slave races such as your
meant it was possible. I nodded to let kind, having magic resistance is irrelevant.”
Thrissh know I was still paying attention Thrissh hissed his largest hiss of laughter.
and not lost on thoughts of rebellion. “Who would teach magic to a slave?? Resist-
ance to magic is useless against swarms of
“The Triad pulled back and bided its time, as expendables.”
we were few and they were many. As expec-
ted, we did not have to wait forever. Sliz- I quietly snarled at the way Thrissh referred
zark’s ‘Dominarchy’ was not to last.” to humans as expendable. I knew there
Thrissh seemed pleased as he said the last were no mages, or religious leaders, among
phrase with a slow relish of enjoyment. the kopru slaves, and as such—no magic.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Hidden Empires of the Kopru

What he said made sense. No magic means

no need to defend against magic.

“In their magical overconfidence, they made

no attempt to improve themselves physic-
ally. Their bodies atrophied and weakened.
They allowed uncontrolled slave breeding
and just depended on their presence to
cow their slaves. We do not allow such folly
of—overpopulation of those we cannot
enthrall or dominate,” Thrissh said with

Thrissh motioned to the next figure, at one

of the corners. The figure was a bit smaller
than the first that was shown. “This is
Glissh: Lord of Elemental Magics and
Immortal of Many Faces.”

I moved around this statue carved in the

slimy deep green rock. There was an odd
habit about this statue. From one side the
figure appeared to have the angry or
annoyed pose I had seen on Thrissh many
times. But a few steps and looking at it
dead center, it appeared cold and emotion-
less. The emotional transition was seam-
less, and continued as you moved to the Kopru and human slave,
other side. From the other side the figure original digital drawing by Senarch
appeared to be making the laughing face.
Thrissh hissed with annoyance. “Watch
Thrissh looked down at me. “I can see you your foul tongue, human!”
can tell why he is called the many-faced.
Note on his flukes there are sigils carved I was back to being “human” again.
into his very flesh. They are designed to
help channel his extreme elemental might. Thrissh’s annoyance was not as short-lived
But, there was a cost to such power. In as usual, and his voice rose in volume.
arcane bargains to control this power his “Glissh has power you cannot conceive,
mind was compromised, fractured actually, human! It is through Glissh that we will be
and he became many.” the final empire of this world!” Thrissh was
pulsing and hissing almost in a hyperventil-
“He was insane,” I said forcefully, annoyed at ating pant. It was then I noticed for the first
his reverence for this thing. time the same sigils on Thrissh’s fluked tail.
I kept quiet and tried to appear chastised. I
had found a weakness in Thrissh and didn’t


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Hidden Empires of the Kopru

want to let him know I had quietly made be broken with ease. What was even more
note of it. Thrissh simmered for long unusual about it more so than its make and
minutes, hissing to himself. coloration was that metallic decorations
hung from various appendages. Light
On calming himself down, Thrissh contin- pulsed off of parts of some of the metal in
ued his dissertation. He was still unhappy, an eerie way. This visage made me even
but did an unconvincing job of hiding it. more uncomfortable than the last.
“Glissh was once a powerful mage. He
channeled the might of the elements them- “Piteesth was once one of the most dis-
selves through powerful sigils engraved on respected of his kind. He was born ill and
his very flesh. He rose to prominence and weaker than other kopru. A reminder that
established his own strong brood. It is even in pitiful degradation can greatness
from Glissh that our tradition of harnessing rise.” Thrissh looked long at me in silence.
the elements as weapons comes. But this I returned his gaze, refusing to look away
was only the beginning of Glissh’s ascen- first. Was he insulting me? Was this some
sion! Glissh would be born again three sort of backhanded compliment? Maybe
other times, each with a whole different set something else? I didn’t have time to think
of skills and even personalities. That is why more, and he broke eye contact and contin-
he has so many aspects, human. His is the ued his monologue.
Many-Faced One.” He said the last sentence
slowly with both reverence and awe. “The gift of Piteesth was his mind and his
understanding of areas that the kopru had
“How did Glissh end up born again multiple not mastered, as well as his skill at creating
times? Isn’t that impossible?” I asked. intricate plots. He also had a unique gift—
he could dominate a mind but also use that
“Such is the mystery and power of Glissh.” same dominated mind to peek into the
Thrissh opened his arms wide toward the minds of people close to him.” Thrissh
idol in praise and I could hear genuine awe arched up looking overly pleased with
in his watery voice. “Many lives were himself. “Piteesth’s gift was unique, but
needed to complete his movement to an also because of the times in which he was
Immortal worthy of worship. It was in this alive and the one that he had chosen to
completed state that Kahrysshalis found dominate it was even more special. Thou-
him and lifted him past the mortal coil.” sands of years ago when Piteesth was mortal
he dominated an unassuming man from a
“So, it wasn’t completely on his own?” I far-away land.”
This intrigued me. We did not learn about
“Kahrysshalis needs multiple mates, as do all other people in other lands. The idea that
kopru,” said Thrissh. “Only the best will do! elsewhere my people were different was
For this reason, after, she uplifted Piteesth important information. Thrissh didn’t
as one of her mates.” Thrissh pointed to realize that he was handing me an arsenal
the next of the statues. This one was of information. It was at times like this that
smaller, but also more delicate and slen- I was grateful that these things couldn’t
derer. It was made of a fragile-looking yel- look into my mind.
lowing coral that looked as though it could


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Hidden Empires of the Kopru

“Blackmoor was its name. Blackmoor was as “Sadly, after decades, Piteesth felt a white-hot
much a place, as it was a time, and a way of burning in his brain and all minds he had
thinking. That man was someone that Pit- touched fell silent. No one is sure what
eesth felt odd kinship with knowing. He happened, but Piteesth taught others that
too was overlooked and disregarded in his were smaller and more devious the ways of
society. He cleaned the refuse and the technology. There were many wonders he
homes of his betters.” Thrissh showed his never fully understood, but there were also
typical mirth. The idea of a lowly person developments he added that Blackmoor
doing menial things being connected to Pit- never had or understood.”
eesth seemed to cause Thrissh joy.
“So, he was found worthy to breed with
“This lowly man, though, made Piteesth feel Kahrysshalis,” I said more than asked.
connected and even have a measure of Thrissh confirmed as he turned to move to
understanding. This refuse man was like a the final statue. I couldn’t help but smile to
loved long-distance pet. Even from tens of myself. Thrissh had made a mistake. Possibly
thousands of miles Piteesth learned he a fatal one for his people, and he was none
could read the minds around the refuse the wiser for it. I followed quickly behind
man he had dominated. This gifted him him so as not to not let on I had such inform-
with knowledge that was like a bottomless ation now.
vault of riches.”
“This last one is Manwara and in some ways
“How could someone like that know anyone the greatest. It is Manwara that crafted the
overly valuable?” I asked. “He just cleans kopru in his great image…” Thrissh trailed
up trash. Nothing special.” off as he looked at the statue.

“On the contrary,” Thrissh said with a gurgling I looked at the statue and it was an ancient-
aspiration, “Someone like that is not con- looking creature. Like something that was kept
sidered out of place in any environment. alive by sheer force of will more than its body
They go anywhere. While no one sees them, functioning as it should. This one was clearly
they can see everything. The refuse-man was male in every order, almost like the idea of
able to be around very knowledgeable men crafting a feminine aspect would be blasphem-
and women who were privy to information ous. It was draped in dripping strands of fresh
from far beyond—beyond even the land and kelp and algae which must be some sort of reli-
sky. Piteesth used his pet to spy on the gious devotional. This statue shared an aspect
thoughts of the greatest minds of this civiliza- with that of Glissh; if you observed it from one
tion. It took him long to replicate some of side, it looked calm, serene, even wise; if
the work of these people. He was unique observed from the other side, it looked angry,
among all our people in his capabilities with volatile, and violent. It was the angry side that
this new technology.” gripped a trident tightly in its appendage,
looking as though it might strike any moment
“Is that what this is all about?” I asked, point- even though it was stone.
ing at the metal bits on the statue. Thrissh
nodded slowly. “Manwara crafted all races of the sea, but
made the kopru first in his image.” I grim-
aced. No wonder these things were so


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Hidden Empires of the Kopru

Undersea temple

arrogant, they thought the gods themselves moments of standoff, Thrissh lowered
were just like them. Thrissh continued, “As himself.
the other races were crafted, the kopru
were given dominion over them and ruled “Come, Ryessa, you have learned enough of
as Manwara dictated. As a sign of his divine why the kopru ruled and will again by
favor, he gifted us the ability to dominate divine right. It is time to visit each brood in
and control.” Thrissh got very close to me the Empires.” Thrissh turned and slid into
and I shuddered in disgust. the darkness. After a moment in thought, I
followed behind.
“You see, Ryessa? Even the oldest Immortals
know you are to kneel before us and obey. It
is good you learn this divine lesson.” He said
this as a whisper as though it was a secret.
The way his tone went down, it was as
though cold water ran down my spine, and I To be continued in Hidden Empires Part
shivered. Two: A Human’s Guide to Kopru Broods

Thrissh pulled back, looking pleased with

himself. “Manwara is perhaps the original
Immortal. From Him our Empires stem and
grow strong. He breeds with all and all are
bred from him.”

Thrissh pulled himself up high on his hind

fluke, towering over me. I felt very small
but I was not about to cower. After a few


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Hidden Empires of the Kopru

GLISSH working with Piteesth and her follow-

ers to create dangerous magitech super
Lord of Fire, Ice, and Earth, weapons. The “Lava” personality is
The Many-Faced One pure emotion, energy and motion for
motion’s sake. “Lava” enjoys seeing the
Level, Alignment, Sphere effects of magic and elements as
18 (Celestial), Neutral, Matter though it were a show entertaining a
child. “Stone” is happy, sociable and
Symbol charming. “Stone” seeks to keep the
A three-fluked tail tattooed with the kopru race working well together, and
three elements of Water, Fire, and Earth even encourages slaves of the kopru to
be obedient while encouraging the
Portfolio kopru overlords to have a measure of
Elements, Balance mercy on lesser races.

Worshiped In Patron
The Hidden Empires Kahrysshalis

Appearance Allies
Glissh is a three-meter-long kopru a Kahrysshalis, Piteesth, Fire Elemaster
deep shade of hunter green. His skin
glistens with an oily sheen and to a Enemies
kopru is an unparalleled male speci- Air Elemaster
men that would make any female
kopru positively drop eggs with eager- Followers’ Alignment
ness to breed. The eyes of Glissh are a Followers may be any alignment, but
rarity for kopru—a honey gold that clerics are generally as chaotic as
feels as though it burns your very soul Glissh’s nature.
when gazed upon for too long. There
are multiple tattoos and runes on Favored Weapon
Glissh’s body, with the most prominent Two-handed polearms, any stone
ones being on his three-fluked tails. weapon.

Personality Cleric Skills and Powers

Glissh is as volatile as the elements that Cleric’s granted abilities can shift unex-
he controls. Icey cold and callous one pectedly and without warning when
moment, fiery explosive with anger the Glissh shifts personality traits. When
next, while other times behaving stable, “Ice” is in control, spells which manipu-
agreeable, and gregarious. The truth is late the mind or emotion of a victim
that Glissh is psychologically unstable will save at a -2 penalty. When “Lava” is
and shifts personalities randomly. in control, damage spells will have
These shifts are linked to the elements +1D. When “Stone” is in control Cha-
and their respective planes of exist- risma is raised by +1.
ence. The “Ice” personality is calculat-
ing and emotionless. “Ice” enjoys


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Hidden Empires of the Kopru

PITEESTH One of his deepest friendships is with

Loki, where they play high-stakes ver-
Lord of Forbidden Knowledge sions of the game “Three Truths and a
and Secrets, Lie” in an exchange of hidden secrets
Immortal of Magitech and knowledge. Piteesth is technical-
minded and always thinking in terms of
Level, Alignment, Sphere “how” and “why.” Having existed at the
25 (Eternal), Chaotic, Thought ascension of Blackmoor, spends a great
deal of time tinkering with machines
Symbol and working in conjunction with the
A circle of pitch black with a single tiny Magics of Glissh to guide the kopru in
point of white at the center building gradually more devastating
technology to use against enemies.
Technology, Rogues, Plots, Espionage History
Piteesth was once a fairly overlooked
Worshiped In and disrespected member of kopru
The Hidden Empires society.

Appearance Patron
Small for a kopru at two meters long Unknown
and almost emaciated in build. Skin
that is patchy as well as a sicklier Allies
mustard yellow pallor with vile mossy Glissh, Kahrysshalis, Loki
rotten brown. Piteesth moves in an
extremely agile and dexterous manner Enemies
and is able to contort and flex better Fugit
than the most flexible kopru. Piteesth
will bob his head up and down and Followers’ Alignment
back and forth as he moves, and speaks Piteesth’s followers that lean into
with even the face tentacles and tail magitech tend towards Neutral and
flukes twitching nervously. Piteesth even (rarely) Lawful. Those of a more
carries a dagger with a tool belt that secretive nature tend towards Chaotic.
contains multiple tools of various
unknown uses. There is a variety of Favored Weapon
Blackmoorian-style technologies that Magitech weapons or Dagger.
are carried as well.
Cleric Skills and Powers
Personality Clerics gain a +4 to the skill Fantasy
Piteesth’s nervous actions, while an Physics or Machine Building (but not
affectation, is rooted in his nature. both) Clerics must take both skills.
Used to looking over his shoulder to
avoid stronger kopru, and moving in
shadows to keep his plots clandestine.
Piteesth is sneaky and an overt liar.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Hidden Empires of the Kopru

KAHRYSSHALIS races stealing the secrets of metal from

her people. During those times, she
Lord of Martial Combat, will enter a murderous and uncon-
Mistress of Order trolled rage that when ended is as
abrupt and sudden as its beginning.
Level, Alignment, Sphere Kahrysshalis is more likely to quietly
25 (Eternal), Lawful Neutral, Matter physically intimidate using her large
size and encroaching on others’ per-
Symbol sonal space to get compliance.
The head of a trident with the fluke tail
behind each prong Patron
Kopru, Strategy, Tactics, Structure and Allies
Order. Glissh, Piteesth, Eternal General

Worshiped In Enemies
The Hidden Empires Slizzark the Lurker, Ka

Appearance Followers’ Alignment

Kahrysshalis is 5 meters long and is an Clerics must be Lawful, others Lawful
overly large kopru with muscles that or Neutral.
are enormous in proportion to the
norm, even more so for a female. Her Favored Weapon
body is oozing and dripping with an Trident, spears and dagger allowed.
oily black secretion that makes her
move and slide with amazing speed as Cleric Skills and Powers
well as grace. She carries a trident Clerics are able to move at the same
made of the first smelted alloys of speed as a land creature on land rather
Mystara. The claws of her hands and than the lumbering speed normally
tails are likewise coated in metallic used.
alloys from Mystara’s forgotten past.
Kahrysshalis forever appears (at least Paladin Skills and Powers
for a kopru) stoic and dispassionate, Paladins have thicker hide granting an
with a blank stare and dead eyes that improvement of Armor Class of 2.
stare in constant judgment.

Kahrysshalis has a personality that is a
rarity in kopru culture. Quiet,
reserved, but when she speaks does so
forcefully and bluntly. The only time
Kahrysshalis seems to have the wall of
calm around her crumble is bringing
up the history of the ungrateful surface


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Gnomish Submarine

by Karl David Brown

The Vaults
of Pandius

This article proposes a gnome-built submar- the vessel fell well short of its stated goal.
ine, seaplane, and diving suit. There is also The undersea boats of Aquas in Alphatia are
a new gnomish sub-race. All of these are more successful. The Alphatian vessels are
given game statistics for 5th Edition D&D. steel with crystal windows and use magic to
supply air and movement.
Submarines have a long history in Mystara.
There are rumours of an air-filled dome This latest version is a collaboration
from the days of Blackmoor at the bottom between the gnomes that in previous gener-
of the ocean but to date no one has found it ations helped build the Ierendi navy and
and returned. Submarines of some kind the flying gnomish city of Serraine. The idea
must have enabled the construction of this was to provide a portable aeroplane launch
dome, if it really exists. Ancient writings do platform to enable greater trade and
describe Orchanna’s Fabulous Machine, a tourism between Ierendi and Serraine. It
fully developed submersible possibly of was made into a submersible as a defence
Blackmoorian origin. against pirates and to offer tourists views of
the beautiful reefs off Ierendi’s islands. The
In the modern era there has been at least submarine itself was constructed in the
one submersible built in New New Mistra- docks of Filtot on Honor Island by gnomes
ven1 in Alphatia. This vessel intended to of The Citadel. The Serraine skygnomes are
emulate the capabilities of Orchanna’s Fab- very secretive about aeroplane technology
ulous Machine but perhaps relied too so building of the seaplane was undertaken
heavily on existing magical items rather at Serraine. The seaplane is stored on the
than developing mechanical solutions and flying island and rendezvouses with the
In AC 11: “The Book of Wondrous Inventions” submarine in the inlet of Filtot when the
(available from, New Mistraven flying city is above. Cruise in the submarine
blew up ‘some time ago’ and so a new one was built; with a mixed crew of sky and sea gnomes
see also “Official details about Metropolitan Alphatia”
by LoZompatore and this author’s original “Gnomish then ventures forth.
Submarine” article (both in the Vaults of Pandius).


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Gnomish Submarine

Gnomish submarine and plane, hand-drawn by Senarch

THE ‘ISLAND PRINCESS’ also powers fans that waft air from a small
portal to the Elemental Plane of Air
SUPREME-SKYRATCHET bounded by a 1-ft-diameter brass ring
FRIENDSHIP SUBMARINE etched with arcane glyphs. This air is also
piped to bladders in the buoyancy tanks
A cooperative effort by the gnomes of Ser- used to rise or sink the vessel.
raine and Filtot has produced a passenger
and cargo submarine that can also carry and Entry to the submarine is by an antecham-
launch a specially designed biplane. The ber sealed at both ends with heavy doors
submarine is a long steel tube with a thick set in rubber gaskets. Air can be pumped in
layer of water- and barnacle-repellent paint or let out to enable personnel or rubbish to
to prevent rust. At the front is a large thick be ejected while submerged. The same
glass dome for the helm just below the principle on a smaller scale is used for the
brightly painted wooden figurehead of a submarine’s two latrines, one for crew and
gnome-mermaid. Smaller portholes dot the the other for passengers. The interior of the
sides of the tube to give passengers a view submarine is brightly lit by heat-free con-
of the sea. Four adjustable fins allow the tinual flames. The fully equipped galley
helm to steer the ship. A rear poop deck is a also has a small bar, though on duty crew
hanger for a seaplane which is launched off are not served alcohol. Comfortable leather-
a rail by an oversized crossbow. Above this upholstered hardwood furniture is found
is a turret with a ballista and another large throughout passenger areas. Passengers and
porthole to allow the gunner to aim. At the the captain have individual cabins with
rear of the ship is a large propeller. This is comfortable beds big enough to sleep a
rotated via gears and belts by a crankshaft human. The rest of the crew ‘hot bunk’ in
turned by a stone golem. The crankshaft gnome-sized hammocks in the cargo hold.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Gnomish Submarine

The helm instrument panel includes a Golem: The golem wrangler can eject
clock, compass, fuel gauge, speed gauge, the golem, a process taking 2 rounds.
depth gauge, spirit level, plumb bob, and At the end of the wrangler’s second
checklists. turn the stone golem exits the craft and
promptly sinks to the bottom where it
The crew is assumed to be all gnomes and can perform tasks or fight bottom-
crew areas are scaled accordingly. There are dwelling denizens of the deep. This
three watches each with a helm, golem wran- prevents horizontal movement of the
gler, steward, and gunner. The day watch submarine until the golem is retrieved
helm is the captain. Additionally, when Ser- or a creature with strength 22 or higher
raine is near enough to send the seaplane takes on the exhausting work of
there is one gnomish seaplane pilot. turning the crank. The vessel can still
use its buoyancy tanks to sink or rise
There are cabins for 20 medium-sized pas- and may still drift in strong currents.
sengers and a spacious cargo hold that has
on occasion housed not only the off-duty Attacks
crew but also an additional 20 ‘cattle-class’
passengers. Usually though, the hold con- Gunner Attack
tains the ship’s provisions of food and fresh Ballista with mechanical reload all on a
water and the passengers’ luggage. swivel. Hit Dmg 2d10 piercing damage;
Reload is automatic after 1 round due to
a clockwork mechanism. A ballista’s
Submarine Statistics ammunition hopper holds 10 bolts.
Refilling the hopper and rewinding the
Size: Gargantuan (290 ft long and has a loading mechanism takes one hour but
beam of 25 ft) can be part of a short rest. Range
120/480. See also underwater combat in
Speed: Swim only 15 ft. (1.5 mph). the Player’s Handbook. As a giant cross-
bow this weapon does not suffer disad-
Range: Like most ships with a full crew vantages underwater.
of three watches the vessel can operate
continuously until the food and fresh- Ram
water stores are exhausted. How long The submarine is not designed to ram but
that is depends on exactly what is if you insist… adjust attack roll by -2. Hit
packed in the cargo hold and how 5d8 bludgeoning damage to the target
many passengers are aboard. and the submarine. If the target is Large
or smaller they are knocked prone.
AC: 15
Maintenance Proficiencies: gnomish
Hit Dice: 14d20 ‘skyhooks’, tinker’s tools, alchemist’s
supplies, brewer’s supplies, calli-
Hit Points: 175 grapher’s supplies, carpenter’s tools,
cook’s utensils, glassblower’s tools,
Special Defences: Immune to psychic herbalism kit for casting rubber, jew-
and poison damage. eller’s tools for fine mechanisms,


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Gnomish Submarine

leather worker’s tools, mason’s tools to The Island Clipper was created by the
repair the stone golem, navigator’s Smurfri and Lodestar clans under contract
tools to calibrate navigational aid as to the Serraine City Council as part of a
well as aiming mechanisms for the bal- trade agreement with the Kingdom of
lista, painter’s supplies, smith’s tools, Ierendi. The clans receive a percentage of
and woodcarver’s tools. all tariffs generated by the City Council’s
operation of the aeroplane.
Purchase Price: Valued at 80,122 gp but
as state secret of Ierendi is not for sale.
Clipper Statistics
Power: Very Rare.
Size: Huge (31 ft. long).

SMURFRI-LODESTAR Speed: 50 ft (5 mph) on flat level

F3G ISLAND CLIPPER ground. Swim speed on water surface
40 ft. Flight speed 100 ft (10 mph) with
5 or less people aboard, 90 ft (9 mph)
An enclosed-cabin twin-propeller biplane, with 6 or more people aboard.
the Island Clipper is a modified version of
the F3F Cloud Clipper. Large floats were Range: 3 hours’ flight time using a fire-
added above the landing wheels enabling spell-powered type B magical ‘fuel tank’.
this aeroplane to set down on the water.
The fuselage is reinforced with a steel rod in AC: 14 when flying (Dexterity 12). If
the floor that ends in a hook. This enables not flying AC 13.
the craft to withstand the forces of being
fired into the air by the Island Princess’s Hit Dice: 24d12
rapid launch system, a massive ballista. The
wings can also fold back to enable the aero- Hit Points: 192
plane to fit in the hanger under the submar-
ine’s poop deck. This eleven-seater aircraft Special Defences: Immune to psychic
typically holds the pilot and ten passengers. and poison damage. However the crew
Alternatively, 8 VIP passengers can be and passengers probably are not.
carried and a tour guide and steward
serving prepared food and drink. The Rapid launch: In two rounds the Sea
Island Clipper is simply painted bright Princess’s hangar door can be opened by
orange for visibility. The cabin is enclosed a member of the ship’s crew, then the
to ensure passenger comfort. The aero- aeroplane is launched 120 feet into the
plane is powered by a magic fuel tank deliv- air by a gunner operating the enormous
ering power to a pair of wooden propellers. crossbow. Finally, the spring-loaded
Other features include leather safety har- wings sweep forward into their flight
nesses on hard-wearing leather upholstered position. Passengers and crew not seated
seats. The instrument panel includes a during this procedure sustain 5d6
compass, fuel gauge, airspeed gauge, spirit ‘falling’ damage as they are flung back-
level, and plumb bob for the pilot. wards by inertia to the back of the cabin.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Gnomish Submarine

Attacks Magic Fuel Tanks

Pilot attacks A secret of Serraine and not manufactured

Two synchronised spike guns (see below) anywhere else. These vessels not only hold
granting a multiattack. Missile weapon magical energy, they turn a shaft that pro-
attack for 1d8 piercing damage. The trudes from one end. This shaft is then
ammunition is iron spikes of the kind attached to belts and gears to power the
commonly used by adventurers. The aeroplane. If they are fuel tanks what is the
hopper holds 20 of these and a mechan- fuel? When turned off the tanks absorb
ism loads the next spike a round after the potent fire magic before the magical fire
weapon shoots. Therefore the weapon manifests. They cannot absorb this energy
has the load property. The hopper filled while running and require the spellcaster to
with ammunition weighs 10 lbs. Range be touching the engine. Any spell of spell
130/520. Ammunition costs 6 sp for 20 level 3 or above that normally does fire
spikes. Refilling the hopper and resetting damage can be used. Each point of damage
the loading system takes one hour but restores 2 minutes of flight time, therefore
can be part of a short rest. 30 points will fill an empty Model A tank
and 90 points will fill an empty Model B
Passengers tank. Roll the damage, do not use an
A locked cabinet stores 16 hand-held light average. If a tank is overfilled the remaining
crossbows each with a case of bolts that damage explodes in a ball of fire with a 20-
passengers can shoot out of the windows foot radius centred on the front of the aero-
in the event of an attack. plane. The excess damage is inflicted to the
aeroplane and to all within that radius.
Ramming Creatures can make a DC15 Dexterity save
Adjust attack roll by -2. Hit causes 6d4 to receive half this amount of fire damage.
bludgeoning and receives equal damage
itself. A target huge-sized or bigger reduces Crash and burn
the aeroplane’s flight speed to zero and it
falls. Flight speed stays zero until all If a crash or collision reduces an aircraft to
damage to the aeroplane is repaired. If the zero hit points then the forces involved
ram reduces the aeroplane’s hit points to rupture the magical engine. For every 2
zero then the fuel tank explodes as minutes of fuel left in the tank (round up) 1
described in ‘Crash and Burn’. point of fire damage is done to all within a
20-ft. radius sphere on a failed save and half
Maintenance Proficiencies: skyhooks, as much damage on a successful one. The
tinker’s tools, smith’s tools, carpenter’s save DC is 15.
tools, weaver’s tools, woodcarver’s tools,
alchemist’s supplies, painter’s supplies,
leather worker’s tools, navigator’s tools, Landing and Take-off
and glassblower’s tools.
Unless launched by the Island Princess’s
Purchase Price: 7,277 gp, but never for sale. gigantic crossbow, take-off requires 2,500
feet of flat level ground or calm water.
Power: Very Rare. Landing requires the same distance. Less


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Gnomish Submarine

than that and a crash occurs. Treat this as

‘Crashing Damage’ below half of the aero-
plane’s airspeed if the runway is less than
1,250 ft or at the vehicle’s land speed
(usually 50) if the runway is more than
1,250 ft. As with all crashes if the impact
reduces hit points to zero then see ‘Crash
and Burn’. Full rules for aeroplane move-
ment and combat are part of the 5E edition
conversion of Top Ballista2.


Designed as a budget alternative to magical

breathing and swimming aids. No magic is
used in the design. The Mark II is a sealed
waterproof suit of rubberised canvas with a Gnome in diving suit, hand-drawn by Senarch
bronze mask with glass goggles that enables
clear underwater vision. Additional bronze Diving Suit Statitsics
pieces counter buoyancy. A pair of ‘duck
shoes’ can be worn to enable fast swim- Size: Small (to fit a gnome, halfling, or
ming. Breathing is by a 30-foot hose con- similar species).
nected to a submarine or a buoy at the
surface. Where a buoy is used pulling on Speed: Swim speed 25 when wearing
the buoy closes valves within and pressure the ‘duck shoes’. Land speed in flippers
aids in forcing fresh air into the breathing is halved (round up to nearest 5 ft.
mask. An rarely used alternate system has a
bladder of air attached to the diver’s back. Range: If attached to the submarine or
Only three Mark II Diving suits were made if at 30 ft or less depth so the buoy can
by the eccentric gnome Cutterpin Ballast reach the surface then breathing time is
and all are aboard the Island Princess. indefinite. Using the air bladder, or the
air in the hose after pulling down the
buoy, you can breathe for 4 minutes
before feeling the air getting ‘stuffy’.
Trained gnomish divers head for the
submarine or the surface at this point.
After 5 minutes nausea and dizziness
This author’s “Top Ballista, 5E Player’s Guide” can be begin, giving you disadvantage on all
downloaded for free from the Vaults of Pandius checks and attacks. After 6 minutes


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Gnomish Submarine

breathing from the bladder you are Maintenance Proficiencies: tinker’s

immediately reduced to zero hit points. tools, cobbler’s tools, weaver’s tools,
Death saves usually follow. smith’s tools. Requires daily mainten-
AC: 9. The suit is clumsy making your
AC worse and you cannot apply a posit- Purchase Price: 2 gp 4 sp. The typical
ive dexterity modifier to AC while price people are willing to pay make
wearing the suit. this a losing proposition. The suits for
the submarine were heavily subsidised
Hit Dice: 3d6 by the Kingdom. All three of the Mark II
suits manufactured are aboard the
Hit Points: 17. If the hose is targeted it Island Princess. Five Mark I suits were
is AC9 and accounts for 4 hit points of manufactured and these were theoret-
the suit’s 17. A cut hose negates breath- ically destroyed. However, some might
ing but not the swim speed. On a hit you be found on the black market. Mark I
can take the damage yourself or from the suits are identical to Mark II’s except
suit’s hit points. This is often a good way they only have 5 hit points (and 2 hit
to avoid poison damage from venomous point hose). A single human-sized Mark
fangs, poisoned blades, etc. However, Ia demonstration suit was manufac-
psychic damage always affects the tured for the King of Ierendi. This suit
wearer, never the suit. If the suit reaches is stored unused in the Royal Armory in
zero hit points you cannot breathe the Citadel on Honor Island (valued at
underwater and lose the swim speed. 19 gp, 4d8 hit dice, 7 hit points with a 3
hit point hose otherwise as above). If
Special Defenses: Immune to psychic players track down Cutterpin Ballast in
and poison damage. The wearer gains no the Citadel on Honor Island and con-
special protection from psychic damage. vince her to make a suit she will
demand 4 gp for a Small Mark II suit or
Attacks 19 gp for a Mark I Medium suit. She
does not have a design for a Medium
Usual attacks of the wearer Mark II suit prepared.
Using the underwater combat rules in the
Player’s Handbook. Power: Uncommon.

Melee attack: On a charge and body slam
with the attack roll adjusted by -2. Hit:
you do 1d4 bludgeoning and receive
equal damage to the suit or the wearer. If Inspiration from
the target is smaller than the wearer on a the drawings of Leonardo Da Vinci,
hit the target is knocked prone. the Moken people of Thailand, and
the Royal Navy’s HMS M2 (1918) sub-
marine – see wikipedia entry.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Gnomish Submarine

Repairing and Maintaining Skyhooks Tool Proficiency

A collection of tools for assembling
Machines don’t heal but can be repaired as machines. Treated as a type of artisan’s
part of a long rest by spending one hit die tools proficiency here. For cultural reasons
per maintaining gnome up to the maximum only gnomes have access to these at the
hit dice of the machine. A machine can also start of the campaign. Through roleplay a
be repaired during a short rest but only one character of another species might be able
hit die may be spent regardless of the to arrange to learn to use these tools during
number of gnomes working. Each member play.
of the repair team must have the mending
cantrip OR one of the listed maintenance
proficiencies (with appropriate tools). Skyhook Set

Hit dice are restored by maintaining as part See rules supplement PC2: “Top Ballista”
of a long rest but without rolling any hit die page 39: 200 gp, 10 lbs
and spending 1% of the machine’s purchase
price on spare parts. In some instances, the I like to think that among the assorted tools
DM may rule that spare parts can be scav- are three actual ‘skyhooks’ which look
enged, e.g. wood for a beached ship on a something like gaff hooks but when placed
jungle island. On long expeditions spare levitate in the air until moved by a creature
parts might be brought along. Each lot of or the hook’s weight limit is exceeded. The
spare parts is two sizes smaller than the weight limit is 10 lbs per hook. The sky-
machine they repair (minimum tiny) and hooks are Common magic items worth 50
weighs as much as twice their gp value. gp each.

If a machine ever reaches zero hit points it

is destroyed and cannot be repaired.

Some machines are labelled ‘Requires Daily

Maintenance’ and these require someone
proficient in one of the maintenance tool
proficiencies listed for the machine and
who has the Tinker trait to maintain the
machine as part of that person’s long rest. A
person can only maintain one such item at Sources:
a time. Failure to maintain makes the con- PC2: “Top Ballista”,
traption stop working until it is maintained AC11: “Book of Wondrous Inven-
again. This maintenance cannot occur tions”,
during a long rest when repairs are being GAZ4: “The Kingdom of Ierendi”,
made. “Dawn of the Empires: Thyatis and
Alphatia” boxed set,
and speculations in the “Any known
coastal or seafaring gnomes?” topic at
The Piazza forum.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Gnomish Submarine

SEA GNOMES Sea Gnome traits

Most gnomes live inland in gentle hilly You gain all the core traits of gnomes in
regions or among dwarves. However, along the PHB then instead of one of the two
the coasts of Ierendi and Alphatia gnomes ‘subraces’ in the PHB you have the fol-
live by the sea. A small proportion of these lowing traits:
that spend most of their time out on the
water are sea gnomes. Like the sky gnomes Artificer’s Lore. As per the PHB rock
of Serraine they are descended from gnome.
ground gnomes that in a few generations
have adapted to a new environment. It is Tinker. As per the PHB rock gnome.
suspected that rapid evolution to new envir-
onments is a weakly magical trait bestowed Swim Speed. You have a swimming
by Garal Glitterlode, the Immortal creator speed of 20 feet and therefore also see
of the gnomes. Among the sea gnomes and act underwater like a native.
some of the adaptations include pupils that
contract underwater to provide clear vision, Hold Breath. You can hold your breath
an instinctive smooth swimming motion, for 15 minutes.
larger hands and feet, and the ability to
hold their breath. Furthermore, generations Seaborn. You have advantage on saves
on the sea have given sea gnomes a deep to avoid damage from liquid water-
cultural knowledge of the sea in all its based phenomena and magic including
moods. waves, tsunamis, etc.

However, they remain gnomes with their You also have resistance to damage
curiosity and love of mechanisms. Sea from water-based attacks but not cold.
gnomes were among those in Alphatia, and
later Ierendi, who designed, constructed, Improved Darkvision. Your darkvision
and crewed submarines. range is 90 feet.

Being a curious folk at home on the water, Sea Sense. Advantage on nature checks
sea gnomes often take to sailing to far off when underwater or on the surface of
places and getting into all kinds of adven- the sea to determine depth, direction,
tures. and distance travelled, and if waves,
whirlpools, currents, and weather are
natural phenomena. You can predict
weather while at sea or within 1 mile of
the seacoast.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

A Mystaran Survey
of the Mists
by Doc Necrotic

29th Day of Early-Autumn,

in the year 760 of the Barovian Calendar,

This Meredoth, he rivals me in power… Ridiculous! I can’t even

write that in jest! But, he is still quite capable in the arcane
arts. He may weaken himself by having a mortal shell, but
thwarting him still requires tactical thought and brute force
alike. I have the legions, knowledge and sprawling resources to
topple his insignificant island, if I really desired. It wouldn’t be
hard to even silence his vapid threats. He masks his contempt
and jealousy for my superiority through his callous demeanor.
But, through his organizations of undead puppets and mortal
spies, he has still obtained something most valuable. My
accursed weaknesses are my own secrets, none shall know the
limits placed on my spellcasting and knowledge, especially not
him! He does not unnerve me, but the recent trends regarding
his home world does. In more recent ages, there have been
many domains emerging before my vast networks. All hail from
Meredoth’s home realm, Mystara. But, why do so many show
themselves to the Dark Powers? And why do so many materi-
alize in such a short amount of time? Perhaps his world is
more destined for doom than Oerth, a blessing in my favor.
Perhaps I shall muse on this further. It would certainly help to
have an extra set of eyes into such a world. Fortunately for
me, I have just the agent in mind…

—An excerpt from the journals of

Azalin Rex1, the Darklord of Darkon
See the entry for “Azalin Rex” at Mistipedia


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

And from the mists, this project becomes a And with this entry, I hope you enjoy these
trilogy. With the help of a courageous dark slices of Mystara within the “Dimen-
chronicler, let us travel back to small sion of Dread” once again. As one final
realms lifted from the world of Mystara. At aside, enjoy the many references to both
this point, is this little project still Mystara? campaign settings… right down to Azalin
Well, sort of. Would this have been suited channeling the annotations of his other
for Fraternity of Shadows and their yearly minion, “S.”2 Though, there’s perhaps a
journal of Quoth the Raven? Possibly. Non- little irony of shifting the perspective over
etheless, THRESHOLD Magazine has been to him. But, when you have a powerful
happy to hold my journeys from Mystara item that allows you to know the thoughts
into the Mists and I’m happy to provide. As of hired subordinates, sometimes you
for this article, it shall be a means of filling need to interrupt. Also, one final note,
in holes and fleshing out content. And with both Mystaran and Ravenloft calendars are
any luck, I don’t create new holes. There taken into consideration. Unless a footnote
are a lot of ideas, corrections and details I is utilized to distinguish, presume that
felt like I had to cut to ensure time. No Mystaran calendar takes priority through
sense in letting them go to waste, so here Before or After Crowning.
they are. Another thing I think my ideas
could use is the “player side” perspective
on these domains. How do natives live? 2
The narrator of the Ravenloft Gazetteer series of
How would outlanders interact with them? books

Mystara Has Left Me

I am Marcos Feirerra, a man of many trades: sellsword,
explorer, chronicler, trader, former pirate, purveyor of the
mighty smokepowder at times too. Who I am is not important,
but my mission is. My many jobs took me first from the Savage
Baronies and eastward, through deserts and jungles, towards
settlements and into cities, to wastelands and beyond even king-
doms. All offered not just glorious material goods to trade in,
but much in the way of lore and information. Tales of adven-
ture to trade spoke of a sunken spire leading to a city of the
mad, a necropolis overseen by an ancient king seeking to
restore an old empire, an island filled with beasts that should be
long gone, a forbidden city shrouded by veils and deadly radi-
ance and much more. In another life, another time, I would
explore these. But, my curiosity called me to a dark tale from
Norwold, the semi-coastal island of Todstein. Marcos Feirerra


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

Attempts to find Todstein caused me to land in a place that is certainly not

Mystaran. How could it come to this? Magical teleportation? Some whim
of the Immortals? Meredoth dragging me into his grim dominion? It’s
worth asking around. But, perhaps it’s best to think about how I got here.
The mighty sailing ship El Erudito del Mar, she was one of the finest ships
commissioned in Guadalante and set to sail beyond Cimarron via the seas
of the Savage Baronies. The voyage brought us to Darokin, as the waters
proved calm and tranquil. As priests were intentionally kept from the
journey, a checkpoint was just off of Athenos. Several Glantrian agents
greeted us soon after Darokinian inspecting officials took to their jobs. The
trade of gaining information on an Alphatian colony is enticing though,
allowing for much in return upon succeeding. No matter, there was little
time for other trades or enjoyment, onwards! Few stops carried on from
there. Vorloi, the city of Thyatis, and Jaboor. The last one struck me as
interesting, as a tavern tale of a lost thieves’ city was curious. Another
thing I would soon learn more about. A final rest stop was by Tromso, a
community that had seen slowly raising troubles with Ethengar. May
nothing come of that. And so through Heldann, we sailed. But not too
close, as word spread of ongoing troubles that didn’t warrant our involve-

Likewise, avoiding the Altar of Vanya was said to be wise, as we neared

Landfall; a wretched hive home to our next contact. Said contact proved to
be an unhinged old man of a mage. Few of the thieves and brigands trifled
with him, but he was well aware of us. In fact, as our ship drew near, he
had completed a ritual to send us well north into Norwold via a teleporta-
tion spell. The destination? The true Kingdom of Norwold, where any
details of Alphatians were best kept sparse. Or that should have been the
case, had the strange old man not been playing our patron for a fool. A
trap! Guards of King Ericall demanded information, as the mad old man
giggled from his shrinking portal. Upon explanation, they called us daft
and were aghast at the idea of traveling to that cursed island. But, our
mission was still set for completion. Needless to say, surprise vicious
storms were the least of our worries, as our maps were suddenly wrong
and we were no longer in Norwold.

Blankets of sinister fog smothered all sight, as whipping winds and slicing
ice rained down from all directions. Todstein was indeed a cursed land.
From beyond the misty cover, there were lands not unlike Norwold, but the
violent weather just beyond proved too much. And so travel continued else-


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

where for now, hailing a new stop. The meager survivors of the blizzard
onslaught were soon besieged by something new: upon making land and sur-
veying damages, a new threat emerged in the form of the undead. How ghastly,
improbable even! The corpse creatures assaulted our meager defenses in defi-
ance against the living. Those more ready for battle fended the horde off before
both combatant sides seemingly annihilated each other. The lack of a priest
proved only further damning. The long trek to civilization caused all other sur-
vivors to drop, each begging me to carry on and demand answers.

My first answer came as I traveled through wilderness and encountered lone

passersby, who welcomed me to Darkon. Through their vague guidance, civiliz-
ation proved near. Upon hailing the people of an emerging village, I learned
much in a short time. The Darkonians told of a Nocturnal Sea, that which I had
been magically sucked into. It certainly wasn’t part of that mad wizard’s trap, or
was it? Upon deeper thought, the strange old man matched descriptions of the
lost ruler of Todstein. Impossible. Regardless, I lost this island of the mad old
mage, now part of a greater region called “Nebligtode.” The rulership of this
Darkon was indeed interested in meeting me. My attempts to garner informa-
tion involving Mystara from locals has made me a “valuable visitor” in his eyes.
Strange. And Darkon? Was this supposed to be a different world’s Darokin?
Perhaps it’s one where Glantri took over. Have I been sent back so far? While
my maps on land and sea were different, the star charts… They lined up!
Curious, perhaps this was Mystara, just not the one I know.

Even stranger proved this “Wizard-King,” a miserly man of incredible age who
clung to his throne. Despite his crusty appearance, he was no doubt of incred-
ible power. With a few spells, he scanned me for all he could uncover before his
own introduction. Through pomp and pretense, he unraveled a speech about
how “he is the mighty Wizard-King and how Darkon is the mightiest land of
the Core dominions”… whatever that meant. Upon my introduction, he inter-
jected by stating that I was another victim of the “Mad Mage Meredoth,” as if
aware of my voyage. Before I could ask how he knew, he simply stated that I
was not the first. He then offered a proposition, to survey other lands that have
come under his watch in exchange for assistance from the Wizard-King to help
end the wrath of Nebligtode. While I was not one for revenge, my journey went
from a fantastically paying survey to a quest of heroism. My mighty vessel, El
Erudito del Mar, was to be retired for now. A ship built from “superior Darko-
nian engineering” was to replace it, complete with a new crew. But first, I
required much rest and recuperation. Azalin Rex the Wizard-King was a shrewd
negotiator. His own contract felt eerily magical and ensnaring. What had I
gotten myself into?


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

And now we are caught up to my frightening present. Going

forward, all travel and logs are to be noted through a proper
Mystaran calendar, to track how long I am in this strange *Note from
that are
world. Granted, the information-storing pearl that he gave by me!
me shall probably replace the need for lengthy tomes… it collected
just reads thoughts. Eerie.*

14th, Flaurmont AC3 1004 at least by the living. The further one lives
—Theocracy of Tyoraam4 from the temple of Tanit though, the more
pull rival Immortals of Idu, Mahes, and
My first destination is explained to me by Protius gain among undead hunters, fed-up
one of the Wizard-King’s agents, known as peasants, and more. The instability of the
“Kargatane.” Such a word is lost on me, for land is mostly ignored by those who con-
now. Their instruction is simple: to examine tinue their vampiric Blood Tributes, as con-
a decrepit and broken society inspired by ditions for the living and unliving mutually
sunken Taymora. A relic of that forsaken worsen. Despite this, all endure these trials
land, impossible! But, considering I have and traumas. Quiet resistance and compla-
been taken into another world in an cency has widened the gap just as much as
instant, what is? Onward, to Taymora. decadent undead and the struggling
mortals. Priests and philosophers fear civil
Legend states that those who know the path war, if the micronation doesn’t sink first.
of “The Death Queens” will sail to safe For now, a gentleman huddled underneath
harbor. And those who don’t? The terrors what was once a luxurious fountain offers
that haunt sunken ruins will emerge to much information in exchange for coin.
claim them. The key is following a faint
glow in the water. This is a kind of The public is well aware of how clothing has
enchanted algae, said to be useful in magics brought public change. Women wore gown-
and rituals capable of warding off the like cloth that did not hide their chests, and
undead and other unholy creatures. The men often wore nothing waist up in the
vile things that swim around the ruins seem past. These forms of garb have become less
equally repelled from the plant. Oddly common, still embraced by more conservat-
enough, the algae was once useful for the ive populations who staunchly support the
undead of Tyoraam, until acolytes of sun rule of the High Priestess. These garbs are
cults utilized it too. Beyond this glowing not unlike ones recorded in the history of
trail is the true destination, an impover- Thyatis or the older Milenians. But, for the
ished and decrepit land known as Tyoraam. people of Tyoraam, this is considered pro-
Ancient glory has cracked and faltered, with gress. The aristocratic divine caste that
much of the island seemingly abandoned… serves under the High Priestess stays the
truest and most decadent. Vibrant jewelry is
All instances of AC in this article refer to After added on top of their strange archaic garb.
Crowning from the Thyatian Calendar.
Described and mapped in THRESHOLD Magazine Many willingly flaunt this disparity in a mis-
issue #30 (available at the Vaults of Pandius) guided attempt to lure people back to more


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

often ghastly, pallid and pale complexions

of the sickly residents. Some have been
called for so many Blood Tributes that they
risk dying from the most seemingly innocu-
ous causes. While one can try to ignore
seemingly vapid fashion, the social unrest
and recent happenings cannot be ignored
by Tyoraam.

The tides of rebellion swell worse than any

waves. Quite ironic, considering waves
devoured the rest of their empire. Perhaps
this is something I shouldn’t bring up with
Painting of Tyoraam women
the locals. No matter. A campaign to paint a
remote settlement as traitors has drawn
classical garb in their eyes. One attempted mixed reactions. Like Illios, this seemingly
altercation between Lawos5 and “improp- nameless territory along the western coast-
erly dressed civilians” resulted in a brawl line attempted to become a beacon of light
interrupting a street corner within Tayma. and progress. While Illios has taken some
The once lavish statues collectively called, action, this other territory attempted a
“The Fair Offering,” suffered greatly. The major coup and failed dramatically. This
monument dedicated to the Blood Tithe unveiled their position and exposed several
saw men and women holding up a bowl of weaknesses to the rulership. Shortly after, it
blood in triumph. The bowl has since been was smothered by an all-out war to purge
stolen, the hands holding it destroyed or the land of these heretics. Following their
taken with it. The faces have become dis- demise, the clergy under Jahei’irias hired
figured from violent strikes and use of scribes and public speakers to denounce
tools. them as unhinged and have their name
removed due to being so blasphemous.
Despite the association of traditionalism, According to the conspiracy, these people
several vampiric elite have become enrap- plotted to sink Tyoraam in tribute to a grim
tured by the new developing aesthetics. Immortal called Dóntia Lepídas alias “the
Argelsias, a nosferatu priestess of the mighty Devil Shark.” In actuality, the actions of the
Tanit Temple, has become quite fond of new Tyoraami nobility have led to this cult
green silks and exotic perfumes brought in becoming a reality. The followers believe
through the port of Ichthy in particular. themselves to be a force of true progress
This horrifies Jahei’irias, who remains tradi- reacting against the stagnant lands above.
tionalist in the face of these changes. The In truth, this new cult desires to bring the
interest in changing fashion strikes me as last of Taymora to a watery grave. It is
strange, due to the rampant squalor seen possible that the
throughout. People may make these vibrant former light
new clothes, but many still live in cobbled worshipers

shanty towns built from scraps. It also turned to the
Note from ve
owers ha
strikes as odd that little is done about the sea out of
D a rk P
5 spite*. One can Or the ents for
ew torm
Agents of the Law under Jahei’iras’s rule
created n

THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

find the temple to their vile sea demon due blood rule. Likewise, her biases against men
well west of Illios, facing on the other side in leadership has led her to consider sabot-
of the island. The strange devotees to these aging the general’s efforts. Such rumors
depths are rarely seen, as they quickly dis- have surfaced from nosferatu discontent
appear within the watery shrines and the with their highest leadership, so that too
temple grounds that have emerged from could be biased. Let me ponder more on
the mists. Pinpointing any of these places is this tomorrow.
a challenge, as they seem to move with the
flow of water. Shrines spotted briefly by
Imlekiug have been to blame for the
sudden arrival of lukka, abominations and
other prisoners upon the mainland. Cultists 19th, Flaurmont AC 1004
are likely shuttling them over to stir unrest. — Theocracy of Tyoraam

Another instance comes from Illios itself, at Even the high priestess herself has been a
least according to the disgruntled nobility cause to question the judgements and com-
so loose with their words. Explorative war- petence of the ruling class. Whether
riors set out to obtain much of the miracu- through her rituals, public displays, or
lous algae in the seas beyond. With the aid decrees, Jahei’irias has shown herself in less
of priests, they created a radiant substance of a dignified manner and more so
that repels the living dead. Attempts to unhinged or sickly. Her rambles have
create an underground trade to other parts sounded unhinged, her proclamations
of the island remained successful for a few stressed and her incantations chaotic. This
months. This ended after a caravan was has filled her with immense dread, fearing
uncovered by a warband assembled by the worst. Only a few have witnessed the
Jahei’irias’s clergy after tales of her blood worst of this including a nosferatu noble-
minions fleeing roadways in terror. Trade woman and occult scholar, Lady Corali.
has been quelled for now, as embargos and While she has done anything to cloud
manufactured barricades have further Jahei’irias’s visions and feign friendship, she
boxed Illios in. The inability to wipe out the seeks to depose the mad High Priestess and
growing rival power has been a further take her place. Other nobles seek to exploit
blight on the image and morale of the Tay- the less lucid moments of the High Priestess
moran nosferatu. However, a former mer- to enforce their own agendas instead. Few
cenary general named “Vigilans Oculis” has mortals have survived the madness of
emerged to enforce this barrier. A slowly Jahei’irias to tell their tales. Many now
amassing fortification around Illios has suc- vagrant madmen once rejected the high
cessfully blocked them in for now. Even priestess, before being brought before her.
nosferatu-clergy-aligned sailors have aided They all describe a piercing gaze snaking its
in the barricade. However, Jahei’irias is not way through their minds before they
content with the break from tradition. In succumb to insanity.6 Should this be true, it
supposed “normal times” an outsider man is best to keep a low profile. Some fears go
would not be given such a rank in an well beyond just strange behavior though.
important operation. This further adds to 6
This functions like her ability to close the domain of
her fears about the collapse of her tradi- Tyoraam, except concentrated on one victim.
tions and values, leading to the end of her Prolonged exposure can provoke indefinite insanity.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

Legends speak of a dreadful possibility7

that the high priestess is descended from
the Great Unliving Mother of Taymora.

And should she vanquish and consume
her sisters, she shall become an all- A: orbidden
Note from e c o n sidered f
, a prac t ic ldn’t
e it shou
powerful eldritch being. While it is
Diablerie ly b ec a u s
known that the leadership of Taymora es, most oes! An
d the
by vampir e s it d
exists beyond death, to suggest that their t, sometim
work. Bu ty.
supreme authority can ascend to a kind ons, migh
of Immortality through cannibalism?* power bo
Sickening and horrifying.

control. While there is a private consortium

arranged by Jahei’iria, they exist solely to
advise her and little more. Out of the
broken factions vying for dominance, they
have the greatest odds. Nearing next are
those who seek to be her direct allies, sup-
pressing the efforts of other groups actively
“in service” to their High Priestess. The
series of bluffs will hopefully loosen her
guard around them, giving ample oppor-
tunity to either make gains or snuff her out

My stay here has been long enough. Typic-

Vampires ally hot and humid temperatures have
proved oppressive at the height of the day.
But what of other undead who endure her Beyond locales close to seaside passages,
leadership? Many too chaff under her rule. few locals stay out beyond their daily
They too silently decry her as inept, delu- duties. Markets try to gain an economic
sional or insane. What holds them back foundation through pottery, fishing and
from staging an uprising are the sheer weaving. None of this interested me,
amount of divisions between various noble despite seeing the destitute and struggling
groups. Even as Jahei’irias allegedly came to state of the vendors. As I readied for my
power, great schisms formed between those final trek to Ichthy, I noticed guards sur-
who initially supported her and those who rounding the frail and desperate man by the
remained skeptical. This has overtime frac- fountain. He gazed beyond an emerging
tured into those who want her as a pawn, crowd, locking eyes with me. He struggled
replace her with a double, create a violent to no avail as he was brought on a long
uprising, slowly phase her out in favor of journey to the palace of the High Priestess.
the march toward progress and dilute her Rather than point me to the crowd, his
power among a push for shared council glare changed to resignation and defeat as
Quite literally a Ravenloft Dread Possibility or plot he shook his head one final time. There was
hook for a grim reality or future. no time to ponder the man who risked


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

damnation for a few coins. The entourage uncanny for a stop so openly operated by
was halted by the approach of the High slavery. Our host, Karim Alhayim, provided
Priestess, escorted in a shrouded lectica especially comforting and kind words for
chair8. The chair was set down as the scrag- his guests. Under his assurance and calm
gly man was brought into the folds. His was surely a crooked man just as cruel as
piercing screams will haunt me, as both of my captors. After our group was given dir-
us are well aware of his fate. But, I was ections and took part in some goods trade,
called to a port. Another agent is here to a winding road trailed north into a looming
gather me as my miserable travels continue. eyesoar. The city that slowly peaked from
Beyond them? Ominous blankets of cloudy the grainy earth was an impossible one, a
fog.9 It seems to move with them somehow. series of buildings stacked and molded
Curious. around each other; turning into something
of a fortress. The overall design was non-
sensical and chaotic, with shapes jutting
from the greater structure. The rest of the
city seemed compacted into four seemingly
21st, Flaurmont AC 1004 connected walls. Aesthetics wildly varied, a
—Ylar the Bandit Kingdom mixture of Ylari and Pharazian ideas all
playing secondary to practical engineering.
The kargatane are not exactly masters of Though, one could debate the practical, as
words or diplomacy, just rough force to multiple buildings were jammed consist-
ensure that the will of Azalin the Wizard- ently together just to create stability. For
King is done. How they ferry me through now, I stayed within a cramped boarding
these incomprehensible foggy depths house wedged between four other build-
between lands, I shall never understand*. ings and connected by scaffolding.
Before long, dirt gave way to sand. In time,
the vapors that clouded my sight stung, as
blowing sands began to obscure vision.
Men in flowing garments emerged from the

impairing desert winds within a few hours,
A: of the
with the escort of several camels. Agents of Note from g h t he Lands
n th r ou s are
the Kargat hailed them, discussing some Navigatio n e m y operative
o ou
Mists is
a skill,
e m e w ell and y
matter in a foreign tongue before joining r v
ed on. Se
them on a well-walked path that followed well train a n d.
the rising sun from the east. The heat of the too may
day would soon be upon us. The sugar
plantation of Alsukar provided a brief rest, a
miniature oasis along our trail. Expensive
teas were offered at a surprisingly reason-
able price, as the hospitality seemed almost
A sedan chair or covered chair. It is held up by two
poles carried by two people.
These are misty domain of dread borders. More than
likely, the Kargatane have found “mistway” passages
between the domains to speed up travel.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

cessfully swayed much of the masses to

either give up religion or dislike it, follow-
ing the attacks of Pharazian zealots from the
west and south. However, one of the
stacked hovels of the city did have a priest
willing to treat prior injuries, in exchange
for helping a friend out of addiction. He
simply whispered the term “spice sampling”
and left me to my Kargat duties, left to
People in Ylar
secrecy lest he be attacked. Another
enforced rule of note is that anyone con-
23rd, Flaurmont AC 1004 sorting with Clan Kalzafred is deemed a
—Ylar the Bandit Kingdom traitor. In regards to these traitors, they are
only safe within lands that the Clan has suc-
I started the day right. And by that I mean cessfully dominated in some regard. Those
didn’t fall from several stories and damage a who try to attack them on their controlled
leg. Walking with a limp for hours makes turf suffer dearly. The Bandit King fumes at
one a ripe target for this den of thievery and their continued success, if rumors are to be
sins. But, there was much to see here believed. But, do not talk too much about
beyond this. The key feature of note in this the supreme leader of these mostly free and
land is the so-called Ylari City or “The fair lands. Beyond all of that, corruption is
Misted Eye,” as called by many locals. Truly normalized here and all are encouraged to
a wretched place. Outcasts, reprobates, just go about their otherwise tough days.
criminals and other such gather in this
seemingly lawless place. Were it not in the Our travels take us through the main
middle of a lonely desert, it would be an roadway into the bazaar through The
ideal den of pirates and other such brig- Windswept Street, at first. Numerous thugs
ands. Law here is simple: display complete provide checkpoints, but offer expedited
loyalty to the King of Thieves and you too services at the cost of coins. Likewise, mer-
shall prosper. Betrayal is the most heinous cenaries often linger to the sides of the
of crimes here, as is spying. Once you enter large passage in hopes travelers buy their
the city, you mind your own business. Like- protection as well. As an alternative, the
wise, cause no serious harm to your city streets are not just upon the ground. Many
dweller. Ironically, scams are quite common catwalks and passages extend and overlap
among residents, as the common consensus with the hodgepodge of interwoven build-
is that one should remain vigilant and wise ings. The bazaar, despite this chaotic
during their stay here. Any such protections melding of architecture, is the most open
are not available to outsiders, whom resid- part of the city… and perhaps the most con-
ents often use loopholes to take aggression sistent source of sunlight. While much of
out on. And while not a law, religious the items within the stalls look fair, even
preaching is distinctly frowned upon. While good quality, much of it must be foreign
the ban was stricter in the past, there is a and likely pilfered from some far less fortu-
loss of protection for anyone who indulges nate passerby. The Ransom Circle is our
too much in their respective view or scrip- main way to the palace, but the guards and
ture. Overtime, this Bandit King has suc- henchmen make it clear that Ahmed has no


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

interest in speaking with us for the time cially due to the distaste for religion that’s
being and thus our chances are best taken commonplace here. One back alley, called
elsewhere. As we pass by a circle of rumor- the Sinner’s Stretch, is an especially vile
mongers, we overhear of The Cutpurse place. It is reached from northeastern
Trail, a heavily residential stretch where a corners of the bazaar and nearby small
failed robbery resulted in the gutting of the winding back roads. While halls for all sorts
perpetrator by the victim’s family. Moving of risky games of chance exist throughout
through these homes, the stacked the city, the ones here prove far more dan-
shantytown does little to provide comfort- gerous, with much greater rewards. One
ing greetings. However, our priority lies need not put themselves up for bet either,
right past the merchant square in The Sin- other bodies are just as well accepted.
ner’s Stretch. Other goods refused or hidden from the
main bazaar are peddled here, often for
obscene prices. One can seek out cursed
trinkets dug up from lost tombs, dangerous
narcotic spices, unholy weapons and much
more for just the right price or sacrifice.
Likewise the somewhat subtly titled
“Houses of Escorts” does much business
around here, with the “employers” being
heartless in their practices and the
employed sadly varying greatly in age. The
majority of such places are ill-fitting for
information. As there is little in the way of
taverns, other communal places of indul-
gence are sought out.

I feel no comfort in a “spice sampling”

emporium, let alone one controlled by the
rival family of Kalzafred*. Beneath a flight of
stairs, one is greeted by an intoxicating
aroma emanating from small fireplaces dug
Bazaar in Ylar into the ground. The strange herb and
seasoning blend burned by the fire creates a
Many alleyways, streets and hidden pas- lulling smoke that dulls the senses and
sages connect, weave and intertwine to alters the mind. However, it is here where I
unveil all sorts of secrets and sightings.
Given how much of the city is cut off from
consistent sunlight, many undead are said

to linger and blend in with the living. Like-
wise, other fell creatures of the night may Note from er and
hide behind the seemingly endless sources y s e e m far smart
Th e is
g than th
of shadow found underneath the artificial
canopies and built-up fronds. Few prove k e r y k in g. In no t
mo c
hey shall
the existence of these wicked things, espe-


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

find myself most able to extract informa- 26th, Flaurmont AC 1004

tion, assuming visitors are lucid enough. —Ylar the Bandit Kingdom
One such group proved easily to pry from,
their minds so loosened by the drug spice The morning hours are still young as I come
mixture. This so-called Bandit King is a very to. I have been carried to some resting
flawed man, made anxious by his own fab- chamber, likely for use with prostitutes.
rications even. He trusts no one, while still Booming calls of excitement and anger
leaving them to their devices, all while prevent me from further sleep, as I rush to
everything is surveyed either by him or the window. Within the city square, many
those he can manipulate. One thing he personal henchmen of the Bandit King sur-
can’t subtly control is the outsider clans round the bodies of the men I talked to the
that constantly spite him. However, there day before… the lowly spice addicts, the
are some secrets that the so-called King of kindly priest… Their bodies lie limp upon
Thieves holds very dearly, that this group chopping blocks, their severed heads upon
only discovered by pure accident. In their the bloodstained sands. The executioner
words, this spice will help them forget. And brutes rally the crowd, decrying the men as
perhaps more over, help them forget what colluders with spies and traitors who hate
they told me. His dearest secret is some- the protection of this fair city. The mob joins
thing that goes against core tenants and in, celebrating the murders of these former
values of the city. It is a respected tradition friends. Fortunately, my escort to the new
that long-term male residents have realm of terror resides by the entrance to
unshaved but well-kept facial hair. The this den of sins. May I doom potential allies
Bandit King is allegedly cursed to no longer no more. Onwards into the eerie fog that
grow anything upon his head at all, he is blankets these lands… Or in this case, sand-
completely bald from chin to dome. For this storms that transition back to fog.
reason, he shrouds much of his face behind
loose cloth when dealing with others in
day-to-day affairs. And furthermore, his clan
name of Al’Bashar is fake, as he was once
known from a clan called “Malefdeshar.” In 28th, Flaurmont AC 1004
fact, beyond his delusions of grandeur, —Jagged Cliffs
Ahmed Malefdeshar was once a nobody.. of the Scarred Crag
When I ask how they came upon this
information, any lucid moments lapse away. A realm where much of the natural beauty
The lazy and nodding men, deeply affected has been disturbed by strange curses and
by their spices, begin to sway as they lose the mad workings of invaders. According to
coherence. It is perhaps time to leave… an olden legend, the Opossum tribe were
But first, rest. outcasts who blasphemed greatly against
their Elk Clan relatives long ago. They were
cast out from the lands as mists grabbed
them. A tribe from the Tiger Clan dis-
covered them after they desired conquest in
the name of the Immortal, Danel. A high
priest came out victorious, but not before a
medicine woman cursed him for his trans-


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

gressions. This is the tale of

woe told around blazing fire
pits to prepare the next gen-
eration for their torments
ahead. But, surely there is
more to this land than a
fallen people brought down
further through the oppres-
sion of ruthless conquerors.
Hints of Darokinian settlers
can be found, all of which
have met their own dooms
through unrelated ways.
This remote forest land
abruptly cuts into mists,
Jaguar Tribe human sacrifice
with waters stretching
beyond. The lake in the dis-
tance seems to trail off. None who flee to it death haunts him, terrifies him, and makes
are seen again. The Jaguar Tribe even fears him feel like a failure in the eyes of Danel,
something beyond, something distant yet whom he views as a master of both brutality
familiar to them. and struggle. Fear grabs them all. It is for
that reason that their numbers were
Much like Tyoraam, a proper revolt is shrouded from previous attempts to count
brewing; one that the rulers cannot defeat them. Previous records of the Opossum
in the end. Both share a similar creeping Tribe showed meager numbers, due to dis-
dread over this eventuality, as an uncrushed trust of outsiders for fear of giving their
sense of determination, an appreciation for occupiers more information to work with.
life and the desire for something better is As for the land itself? There too are differ-
eternal. Both rulers disrespect the opposite ences. Tyoraam is in the midst of social
sex however possible, usually stifling their strife and cultural war, while cultural
potential. However, Tlaocoyaliztli lacks the warfare here is more likely to take a violent
strange divination of the undead high turn. This is not some political intrigue
priestess. Moreover, his insecurities and campaign or battle of wits and trends. No,
paranoia is enhanced by lingering bestial this is survival, eyes fixed for the right
instincts that make him feel like a cornered moment to strike back. So, what of those
animal. Tlaocoyaliztli lashes out more and who fight back against their conquerors?
more, feeling confined and trapped… even
in his own palace. His trust in his own The Opossum Tribe are indeed still numer-
people decays, as he suspects his reign of ous, more so than the Jaguar Tribe
decadence will meet its day. Unlike High members who squat upon their land. Divi-
Priestess Jahei’irias, Tlaocoyaliztli cannot sion and fear have been used for years to
fall back on delusions of insanity. Despite enforce a lack of organization, especially
sharing his mind with a feral presence, he following the thorough execution of the
knows that retribution will come and hunt Great Mothers, matriarchs of the tribe. This
him down. This path towards a painful hasn’t stopped the influence of these wise


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

women. One healer, of the Thick Marsh This tribe as a whole proves strange and
Village, has proven to be a force for good… uncanny to me. It isn’t for their spirituality,
at least discreetly. This village, located organization or claimed history… but their
closer towards the southwestern misty lack of presence within Mystara itself. Their
border, is overseen by Grandmother Wash- dialect is remarkably similar to the greater
bear. The wise woman was fascinated by Elk Clan. Considering the Elks’ admiration
me, as I sought her counsel. Her life’s of their plateau home, the current living
mission is to send allies in the dead of night spaces of this new Opossum Tribe feels
to secretly supply food to other villages. quite ironic. If this is another world, are
Through shamani tricks and charms, they they part of an alternate Elk Clan? Are there
evade perils of the cursed woods and other tribes that exist as a parallel? These
deadly patrols. Likewise, these abilities of questions are unlikely to be answered here.
Grandmother They aren’t
Washbear have exactly alone,
helped to whether from
conceal a boun- secret support or
tiful garden that otherwise. Some
drives these Jaguar Tribe
efforts. This members have
leader is like- even defected in
wise aided by favor of aiding
the last surviv- their prior
ing Great v i c t i m s .
Mother, Jay- However, these
feather. While defectors keep
far less open- their distance
minded and from these vil-
optimistic, Jay- Opossum Tribe village lages, when not
feather shares feigning contin-
the same ambitions. However, her xeno- ued loyalty through patrols and vassal
phobia towards outlanders leads to her tithing. When isolated for long enough
driving away outside help, especially if they periods of time, these renegade warriors,
resemble Darokinians. And due to a lack of scouts and officials will trade information
worldly knowledge, most outsiders or grant supplies as they’re able to. It was
resemble Darokinians to her. Jayfeather has to my own boon that it was a band of reneg-
even called upon warbands to assault out- ades who came across me. Never breaking
landers, should they not heed immediate character, I was originally taken to some
calls. Ironically, this has earned some reluct- outpost for questioning. However, the
ant admiration from the Jaguar Tribe. It is rogue agents ultimately took me into the
only through Grandmother Washbear that forests to “test my mettle.” Upon leaving
outside help is condoned. Due to her those truly loyal to the ruling High Priest of
advanced age, such a passing will be a dev- Danel, the facade was dropped. Many
astating reality soon enough. lamented at the atrocities they were forced
to commit, with one in particular. The
Plains of Vacant Murmurs is one such atro-


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

city near Jaguar Tribe outposts. The phobic towards anything Darokinian, some-
entranced slaves work themselves to death. thing he seeks to harvest to his gain. And if
It is unknown how future generations are lucky, I could gain prominence in using my
born given the zombified mental state of techniques and tools to help him break past
the victims. To my shock beyond this woeful the cursed lands and conquer other tribes.
tale, these apostate guards even inquired if Likewise, the fact I have not been turned
I had plans to stop their mad leader. Plans? into an offering and have even gained an
Perhaps some twisted diplomacy could audience with him is a privilege; one he
work? Barring that, a trusted blade treated gloats in my face. The promise of fighting
with arcane enchantments could do as well. stagnation entices him, as he consorts with
his assembly. However, before he agrees,
something about me triggers his inner
1st, Yarthmont AC 1004 beast. Claws emerge from his hands as he
—Jagged Cliffs of lunges forth. His men hold him back, but
the Scarred Crag this cannot last. This is the time to flee,
perhaps ironically to the very Darokinian
Through the escort of secret defectors, pas- ruins that he fears to enter. The ruins are a
sages up the plateau were revealed to me. sad relic of a failed colony, dilapidated
Even with my equipment retained, a small wooden and stone structures that have
squad surrounded me to ensure compli- begun to rot. Those who squat here seem
ance on “sacred grounds.” The squalor of frayed, dirty and strange, before revealing
the Jaguar Tribesmen nearly matched the themselves as werepossums. The attacks of
sickly states of the Opossum Tribe. Neglect the beastly creatures are bluffs, as they
and rigid survivalism tug at the suffering prove ultimately cowardly. My own swash-
colonists. A mighty ziggurat grants them buckling moves with blade and stance
hope that Danel shall reward them. And frighten them off, even if my cuts do little to
reward he shall, as Jaguar warriors ready a damage them. Towards a misty border, the
sacrifice of several Opossum tribal deniz- familiar sight of a Kargat awaits me. And
ens. By proclamation of a priest in fine beyond them? Misty barriers that they
regalia, these supposed spies and subvert- know too well.
ers were trying to illicitly shuttle food to
other villagers; likely as part of Grand-
mother Washbear’s secret society. More 3rd, Yarthmont AC 1004
political bloodshed, for once not by my —The Blackmoorian Colony
hands. I have found myself in an audience of Darkheath
with the High Priest of Danel, Tlaocoyaliztli,
deep within the glorious pyramid structure. I have been told of such a land, one of
As if ill-prepared for a meeting, he tried to wonders and advancements unlike anything
shake off a lazy and almost feline resting I could imagine. Such a place is an inheritor
position upon his holy throne. Thanks to a to Blackmoor itself. The truth of that
honey-tinged and submissive presentation, ancient land is largely unknown, until now.
he is convinced that I am a Darokinian As for what can be said of this former colo-
interested in trading goods to help them nial territory? Turbulent. Waters are tested
finally crush his problematic subjects. He is by both uneasy weather and aggressive rival
aware that many of them are openly xeno- ships. A battle had just finished prior to


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

beastmen. Upon clearance, I was still

watched. As to what could spawn such scru-
tiny and fear? It is hard to say. But, it stays
true to ancient stories of Blackmoor: a land
with enemies on all sides.

The people of this land, while spoiled with

inventions and magical ideas, are rarely the
braggart type. Many prefer to be more
refined than that, at least so they say. In
reality, they attempt to go about their lives
while contending with decline amidst seem-
ingly endless outside violence. They are
secluded with little in the way of trade, as
most is stolen or destroyed in the ongoing
conflicts. This is somewhat present by the
leadership of Royal Governor Higgins III.
He is, for the most part, respected as a fair
Blackmoorian ship firing cannons ruler under the pressures of war. Domestic
life for the public has not been too note-
arrival, with wreckage still strewn through- worthy under his tenure, something that is
out the murky waters and gunpowder- thankfully quite assuring. But, like much of
clouded air. The seas otherwise carried a the public, the governor’s eyes are on the
grim calm to them, the shrouding silence of military in this time of crisis. There are tales
death. Arrival towards these lands saw me of glory in the Beastmen Crusade to mask
hailed by several well-armed soldiers in a the sheer brutality of the battlefields to the
familiar scenario. They arrested me, taking east. Propaganda also instructs enlistment
me to some barracks for questioning. What in the honorable fight against a naval foe. In
sort of ancient Thonian empire enemy reality, the seas are treacherous and tactics
could I be? Though in fairness, how could I have proven heinous at times, including old
come across such knowledge of Black- pirate boarding and execution techniques if
moor*? Please, enough of this capture and it was called for. In truth, the military has
interrogation! I get the same responses been known to recruit prisoners and
every time… Even mages were brought in former pirates into their service.
to see if I had any tainted essence of the
Propaganda has extended into the workings
of society, at least to outside sources. The

population given to untrusted sources has
Note from A:
been listed as far lower than it actually is.
That was my payment to you and This demographic skew has been shaped
solely you, pitiful whelp! Don’t tell from encounters with spies, information
the masses what I give you as leaks and general bouts of paranoia. In
payment! I should vaporize you for reality, Darkheath likely has a population of
that alone! 20,000 altogether. The masses have done
well to try to hide themselves through use


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

of magic or technology. This has thrown off need for employment, many Blackmoorians
foreigners and enemy forces alike. Despite become bitter over their perceived replace-
this, the colony has begun to fail. Surveys ment. Likewise, the use of bioweaponry has
among Archilis and New Blackmoor do not made it harder for farming to become a
have sustainable populations due to famine, viable means of producing sustenance. Arti-
war, unsafe water, unstable trade and other ficial moisture farms and synthesized foods
forms of external violence… or at least what have become more normalized, despite a
has been gleaned from partially declassified populace made disgruntled by them.
reports. The Royal Governor and leaders Rumors spill into the public that much of
across the Blackmoorian military are among the public budget goes towards new forms
those doing their part to help keep stability of weaponry rather than investment in the
throughout the region, salvaging anything struggling infrastructure or public means,
they can. Unorthodox and new tactics have seen in the literally crumbling districts of
been employed to catch their foes off cities. There is assurance that such meas-
guard. Domestically, morale has been ures are temporary and a means of fighting
boosted through celebrations over victories. back those who would destroy such cities
Beyond the Head of the Blackmoor Royal anyway. Sadly, such things are probably
Guard, Fleet Admiral Holden is a massive right. Petty crime has become the thorn on
proponent of these events. And yet, many the chair of society, with many of these ills
yearn for simpler days, before this great war never addressed. Illicit goods have been
where the Beastman Crusade marched by shuttled to and from seedier ports towards
their doors. There is no glory, as the Fleet the south of the peninsula, towards under-
Admiral proclaims, but merely wasting away ground networks leading into Zherisia and
in unsure times. According to the lore of other neighbors. This has allowed for crim-
the land, cultists of some entropic chaos inals and radicals to arm themselves with
staged a dark ritual to a demon called The their own powerful weaponry, much to the
Egg of Coot, causing dangerous mists to fear of the governing powers. Likewise,
arise. The evil cultists declared eternal woe cartels have allowed for strange narcotics
upon the colony seeking to rebuild from and dangerous compounds to be up for
their attacks. Residents of somewhat nearby grabs. The Royal Navy is said to not be
lands proclaim this is a false history*, but above engaging with these traders. But, the
have little to counteract it. They aren’t even military has become well aware that I’ve
that aware of some faraway Blackmoor, let helped to spread “negative propaganda”
alone what Thonia is. about them. And with that, it would be “just
service” if I sought them out for mutual
Life still tries to cling to its olden vestiges. aid…. Whatever that should mean.
Blackmoorian technomancy has gone from
a day-to-day fact of life to something genera- To prove myself to their cause, the Black-
tions are starting to view with slight scru- moorian Royal Guard recruited me in the
tiny. As automation clashes with the rising ongoing Beastman Crusade. The campaign
is thus: breaking through No Man’s Land
and recovering sacred artifacts of a fallen
temple taken into enemy territory10. From

* Note from A:
It is absolutely False
History! Someone
See THRESHOLD Magazine issue #30 for the
Chantry of Khoronus.
s doomed them all,
within the high rank
or or the Fleet
I suspect the Govern 199
THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31
A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

these mad beastmen are executed or sacri-

ficed if they can’t hide their condition.
Those who escape without trying to help
their affliction often cannibalize Black-
moorian culture poorly. Some especially
mad even seek out the haunted chantry,
usually meeting their ends by the wrathful
dead. The deeply afflicted also lose senses
of preservation and forget that Blackmoori-
ans and beastmen usually slay each other
on sight. Fortunately for me, my captors
were failing their own Dementation. Each
of them begin to call me different names,
seeking to bring me to the chantry for
healing. Some spout madness about being
reincarnated from lost souls*.

there, unleash enough men and warma-

chines to splinter the beastman lines and * Note from A:
Pure Fa ls e Lo re that lesser m
ages like
decimate them until they retreat. Scouts
ld fa ll for. The Powers lik
Meredoth w ou
dead souls
s from those
ordered for initial entry took me with them,
te d m em or ie
recrea created
em onto newly
as I surveyed countless Blackmoorian ruins.
an d gr a� ed th
Ultimately, the beastmen proved more
cunning than expected and led to the Beastmen.
slaying of two scouts and my capture.
Surely these loathsome brutes will just sac-
rifice and/or consume me. But no. They 5th, Yarthmont AC 1004
know I am not a Blackmoorian somehow, —The Blackmoorian Colony
but something and someone else. I am still of Darkheath
a “lowly meat thing” to them, but they think
I can aid in their derangement. Shackled As a warrior, these endless defeats and cap-
and dragged, they sought me to serve in tures are humiliating. From my understand-
removing some sort of plague somehow. ing of the humanoids, it shouldn’t be that
These beastmen of old have been changed hard to trick these beastmen… even if they
by the war, much like Blackmoor. Some- operate with strange efficiency. During one of
thing destabilizes them with a disease they my forced attempts at understanding this
call “Dementation.” Many have confused Dementation plague, I feigned a similar
memories of creatures, even humans, that madness as they removed me from their quar-
they never met. Sometimes they suffer delu- antine chambers. Being dragged past a
sions based on those memories. Those in holding cell, I broke free their loose grasp to
power denounce that this madness is real, secure some of their weapons. Escape came
citing those afflicted as “turning sympath- down to guile and some added firepower.
izer” with their Blackmoorian foes. Many of The enhanced smokepowder weapons along-


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

side some confiscated blades sent ill-prepared battle. Joining the officer and me in the escort
attendants sprawling in confusion. A few cart is a familiar and ghoulish sight, those
loaded shots and hacking slashes disarmed or marked under the service of Azalin Rex. The
injured any armed resistance seeking to two operatives narrow glances in irritation,
subdue me. My panache with a blade has not exclaiming I am taking away time for cata-
faded me, either warding off or slicing down loging other lands. Likewise, the pain I feel
those who tried to oppose me. As for these over my wounds is nothing but a grievance to
Blackmoorian firearms, far more power than them. The rough ride removed an attempt at
any man deserves, as I can blast sizable holes easing my nerves, especially as the haunted
in my foes. Away from the shoddily guarded chantry emerged in the distance. A chilling
makeshift infirmary, there were renewed sense of macabre approval filled my senses
sounds of combat, accompanied by booming when my eyes met with the crumbling walls.
explosions. Strange cannons operated by Approval in what? More endless carnage and
beastmen are laid to waste by a return fire of endless death? I shouldn’t think too deeply
some rivaling explosives, as another guard on this, for my own sanity. Upon extraction
leaps from a compound doorway. A gaping from the hostile environment, my party
slash into my chest followed by a brutal departs via a hidden docking site underneath
impalement, enough to knock me down. Archilis. Fortunately, a chaplain willingly
Soon after, more rocketing explosives collide broke away to attend to my wounds. It’s
with the lands. The pummeling of these enough to get me on my legs without help.
weapons proved more dire for my assailant, Eschewing obvious Blackmoorian technology,
leaving me to wheeze. The secret facility for the agents elect for a more humble vessel
treating Dementation was laid to ruins, worthy of three people… nothing more than
including the many beastmen who simply a simple dinghy. No matter, away from these
sought a cure. While I had no cure, perhaps endless battles over a dead empire. For now,
someone else could have changed that. No the grim masters see me fit to row. At least the
use dwelling on this further. strange misty links between lands are less
foreign by now.
Machines of war roll along the newly created
battlefield wreckage, with the lid popping off
the mechanized monstrosity. A man in Black- 8th, Yarthmont AC 1004
moorian garb greeted me, surprised to see —The Northern Jarldom
me alive. Without deeper thought, I relayed of Vasfar
what I had seen. He picks up some commu-
nication device, relaying my words. He cheers At first glance, it seems much akin to the
me for granting insight into the colony’s Northern Reaches I had passed in my
victory. A small craft whips around to pick me travels. This Jarldom of Vasfar, overseen by
up, piloted by a soldier in rather noble-look- Jarl Ravennebb, shall help piece together
ing regalia, taking me back as the larger remaining details. For the most part, there
machines continue to ravage enemy lands. He doesn’t seem to be much external conflict in
laments that all battle chaplains are serving this land. Much of it comes from the result
active soldiers at bases, perhaps I could hold of sanctioned raids against new neighboring
out till making it there. The would-be break- lands of Vorostokov and Sanguinia. Beyond
through to save the Beastmen and perhaps that, the land itself provides many frights
end the war is likely destroyed in the heat of and fears for locals. There are tall tales, dan-


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

gerous mountains and paths best left

avoided. The locals are mostly quiet, with
even their mighty warriors not making
much of a boisterous presence. The
summers here are short and the winters
are especially punishing. Against all odds,
some crops still succeed and some live-
stock stay sturdy enough. The breeding
of reindeer has proved a potential altern-
ative to traditional farming animals.
Attempts to tame them as livestock have
failed, with sturdy cattle taking up the
reins for now. Reindeer meat has become
more prominent than beef for now, due
to latter use for work animals. Beyond
the marauders who bring supplies and
glory to Vasfar, much day-to-day activity is
far more humble and reserved. In areas
with less extreme ice, fishing is the staple.
The careless have been lost to frigid
waters after falling through the ice. Stable
enough waters allow docking at a
shipyard and village of Aavekaupunki, Vasfar warriors
seemingly more used to travelers than
the rest of the land. Their prices for work Soderfjord, a noble Jarl oversees the land.
cattle and wagon are oddly generous. Some- Even the linguistic dialect is a curiosity. Nord-
thing about their demeanor seems uncanny, ligt is the tongue of the land, reflecting a
supernatural. There is little time to ponder blend of dialects from its similar Mystaran
on these things, especially when more homes. But not everyone is unified. Some vil-
important places must be sought for my lagers are more rehearsed in those old Mys-
generous employers. taran ways, not wanting to give them up for
this hybrid culture. An old woodsman and
The people of this land seem to live in condi- lumber seller, Jorgen Einstakur, stays a can-
tions not unlike the most remote lands of the tankerous thorn in the side of the Jarl for that
Heldann Freeholds. As for the culture? It is a very reason. Others have congregated around
truly strange mixture of the three sibling these aging personalities for wisdom and
states of the Northern Reaches; Ostland, Vest- knowledge of the “divided days.” But, these
land and Soderfjord. Customs and methods are just tales of humans. Demihumans exist
seem like a blender, as some locals demand here too. As a minority population moving
to reach out to the lands beyond in more beyond 500, the dwarves of Vasfar have little
honest trade while others prefer their voice. The majority of them, living in Mond-
methods now. There is a heightened desire enhart, are not fully seen as citizens but
for expanded trade, like Vestland. The brutal- rather respected outside guests. Many fled
ity of Ostland has been overseen through the from the mountains by the Oldgard River,
marauders and raiding warriors. And like fearing the wrath of giants. Such a subject is


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

traumatic for them and best avoided. The icy this search. They are said to survive just
elves of Elvmork fare better. While both are south of where giants tread. These pos-
respected, the elves are given free passage to sessed wild men were ultimately nowhere
come and go. Their numbers have not been to be found, but the evil weather of the
counted as higher than 300. Among them is mountains greeted us all the same. And
an elder simply known as “The Passing Frost,” with the weather, silhouettes of massive
an ancient elf who rarely stays in one place grim figures seem to run in tune with the
for more than a brief moment, true to his rushing winter blasts. All visibility was lost,
name. While they trade in their arts from as the struggles of my Guild companions
lands south of the settlements, they are shy were heard in grunts of anguish and
and skittish around large human crowds. screams of agony. Meanwhile, slicing gusts
Though, some share tales of ghostly beasts and icy breath mostly drowned them out.
that have forced them into a nomadic way of Neither Blackmoorian weaponry nor my
life. own prowess can defeat the alien giant. And
before the biting cold claims my conscious-
Fears of giants and ghostly creatures only ness, a massive humanoid face gazes down
start the tall tales and lore of this land. The upon me in judgment. Its mouth does not
wicked ogress called Gryla is known for open, but a guttural and inhuman bellow
arriving during festive times. Rumors say emanates from its still face. I cannot bear it,
that she involves herself with the twisted as my strength fails me.
dealings and hidden politics of the giants.
Giant raids decrease during Gryla’s juletide
time of terror, giving more free reign to the
ogress and her equally twisted family. Olden 10th, Yarthmont AC 1004
storytellers give no reason to this, save for —The Northern Jarldom
that they feel there’s an agreement between of Vasfar
the two sides. The woes of Vasfar go beyond
just these tales. Marauders of Vorostokov Waking up, all of my possessions are gone
have struck back in vengeance. They pro- and I lay beside others in bare rags. The
claim that the viking raids upon their lands meek and starving people quiver in terror,
have been a major source of troubles for as a new victim joins them. Few know what
them. This has inspired a legion of warriors these dread giants want with them, save for
called the Berserkers, who don the pelts of that they collaborate with “Tainted
beasts and fling themselves at the maraud- Dwarves.”11 The giants themselves do not
ers in savage rage. It is said that they can emote, they just listlessly move through the
channel the strength and might of the winds to carry forth tasks. Many wonder if
respective beast. Many warriors who they think much at all or are just slaves to
undergo the rituals to become these feral these evil dwarves. Or perhaps their minds
vessels of rage never remain the same, even are too alien for us to gather and these fell
vanishing upon some nights for some dwarves are the only minds twisted enough
unknown and sinister new purpose. The to comprehend them. Regardless of the
Kargat have pushed me onwards in hopes truth, their lair is one as confusing as them.
of capturing one of these warriors who have Tunnels sprawl in a multitude of directions,
been “lost” to their rage. Thanks to the 11
A distortion of the Modrigswerg or “Rot Dwarves”
Heroics Guild of Elvmork, I am not alone in from GAZ7: “The Northern Reaches”


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

agent alike; disdainful mockeries of the

flesh twisted into new forms of weaponry
for the giants to play with. I have heard of
such forbidden art, known to some Rot
Dwarves. Perhaps Dread Giants are just the
result of their experiments… that or real
giants were among their victims. They call
this twisting “Vicissitude.” But, not all is lost
amidst the tunnels of monsters; a mage
among the agents from Darkon helps us
find a path away, into a misty barrier at the
edge of the mountains. Somehow we
emerge not far off of Elvmork, despite us
traveling east rather than far southwest.
Very odd.

In my travels through this brutal and bitter

tundra, I have come to a realization of
sorts… Few people of worth or note in
these lands hail from Vasfar. It is remote
and mostly humble. Only the marauding of
Giant the viking warriors is worth note. And even
then, their reach is often limited. Though,
as only the chilling moan of the giant many of these raiders have returned with
echoes through all. They experiment on any incredible stories of lands not always
slave that cannot do proper work for the shrouded in snow. In fact, one raid took the
giants, whose expectations are well beyond pillagers to a scorching land of sands and
most mortal hands. Days seemingly pass as stretching beige buildings. This could in
I carve rock, unload ore, polish gems and fact be either Ylaruam or this alternative
slay cave pests to better suit the giant reality of “Ylar.” Regardless, some denizens
“masters.” Several falter and fall, before are worthy of notice. One of them was an
being captured and taken to visit the Rot explorer who desired to map more than the
Dwarves of the Mists. Gut-wrenching dismal and frigid wastes immediately
screams sometimes give way to disgusting beyond the blanket of civilization. This
gurgling, sucking or other noises coupled sailor was Lars Viggsen* of Clan Viggsen.
with results I dare not think about. In the While the majority of this clan was content
days to follow, I hear the unlikely… combat. living in Elvmork, this ambitious adventurer
As I race to see my saviors, I see more dared to see far
agents of the Wizard-King. As they recover
my gear and ready me for more, I inquire

about the others. The Kargat do not care, as
Note from
A: y resides
they only see use in me. Out of one set of
ma n p r a r
this thered by
shackles and into another. Before we can Record of g to d e , g a
of Nebli f the
leave, we learn the fate of failed slaves, as the domain re r a n d member o
nt exp lo
fleshcrafted things are set upon slave and more rece s
of Shadow e 202).
Fraternity G a z e�eer pag
l Se a

THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

more. His specialty was in sailing, as he 13th, Yarthmont AC 1004

eventually rose to a captain of his own crew —Lost Islands of Nebligtode
well beyond his home. Letters slowly
became less frequent over the years until The Kargatane prevented me from leaving
stopping. Record of his life and likely death the boat immediately, addressing me with a
is vague, as none can be found on when he serious matter. In their flat but unnerving
was born. It’s possible that these tales are tones, I was to follow on one last trek. This
truly old. Ultimately, he was doomed in one would prove far more dangerous, the
another land… one that can be reached pursuit of “The Ice Wizard,” a rogue mage
through a secret watery channel beyond the who evidently has roots within Alphatia.
Ljust Fält. It is once again time to make my From the Ljust Fält, the Fiskeklokke Strait
journey alongside wretched Darkonian and Nocturnal Sea; the Steinfelder Plain is
agents of the Wizard-King. unveiled to me and my Kargat captors. Pas-
sages and tomes found within the mainland
I have been hailed via a letter, telling me to of Graben Island are written in script not
enter the village of Fiskeklokke post haste. too unlike the Nordligt language of Vasfar.
All the while, calamity has stirred in wake of Could there be a common ancestor? It’s
my own activities. This search of wild ber- hard to tell without far more time. We all
serkers, the wrath of the giants, all of this gather within the village of Graben. The
has ultimately awakened another evil to locals seem simple enough, but a tad life-
haunt this land… the draugr! The stench of less… much like my observers.
death flares up nostrils dulled by the cold
chill. Angry fighting corpses muster armies Upon closer examination, Nebligtode is not
from the north, slowly marching unabated just two wayward neighbors, but an
by the perilous eternal winter. Decay clings archipelago. Most of the islets are uninhab-
to their bodies as rage clings to what’s left itable for the most part, but much of the
of their souls. The Jarl is quick to call for region hosts all sorts of fascinating locals.
support and evacuation, a perfect time to The Grabenites have begun to express fear
leave this land. The minor settlement of towards the insular and coastal village of
Fiskeklokke feels unremarkable, just a com- Meerdorf on the island of Knammen. The
munity of huddled and shivering fishermen residents of said village live up to a lack of
under normal circumstances. This village, hospitality, as well as many having grot-
due well west of Elvmork, contains its own esque deformities, likely from generations
secrets. A watery passageway leads not to of inbreeding. Some say that they’ve made a
my salvation, but a deeply hated foe of my pact with something unfathomable from the
employer. Or at least, that is all the Kar- deep Nocturnal Sea’s depths. One scribe for
gatane will disclose. a nearby temple shared one insight, that
they may have relatives along the Icthyan
Sea, not too far from the techno-magical
colony of Darkheath. This will be a matter
to investigate later. When I ask about Tod-
stein, the scribe’s enthusiasm dries rapidly.
She sneers that it’s a wretched place that
brings mockery to her faith. She signals to
three others who return to the temple, after


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

completing daily duties. As night fell upon another small island of Kirchenheim. The
the village, I came upon a small inn that flophouse provided little of interest, but the
seemed cozy enough. The innkeeper had a strange obsidian-colored temple did! Little
vile grimace-like face, remarking that cus- could be found here that added to our
tomers slept like interred bodies upon search, save for some workings that were
caskets. During the night, I was awoken by written in High Alphatian. Perhaps a clue at
the sounds of a gathering mob. The fren- last! The shunned relic was likely not itself
zied force pummeled against my locked Alphatian, but carved marks and desecra-
door, eventually splintering wood to reveal tions were. Evidently, this cursed place
their deformed faces. The armed assembly might have led to the doom of those who
began to use other weapons and tools to try attempted to colonize the island just years
to burst through, as I moved a dresser to prior, though I believe the forces of Tod-
impede them. Dagger and Blackmoorian stein at fault12. The owner of the flophouse
pistol in tow, I fended some of them off certainly doesn’t want to talk about it.
briefly before leaping from the window, Inquiring about Todstein confirmed this!
barely grabbing the ledge of another The poor owner’s face lit up in horror,
rooftop. Fortunately, both of these proper- beginning to prattle about retribution, evil
ties overlooked the mostly calm, albeit powers, and the Ice Wizard. This colloquial-
frigid, waters. And what luck, another ism arises again. Returning to Graben
rowboat… Island, we inquired with local authorities,
all of whom turned us back and warned us
not to continue. The island’s namesake, the
Graben family, seems to be the best source
of information. Josiah, the grandson of the
16th, Yarthmont AC 1004—Lost previous patriarch, relates to us of the
Islands of Nebligtode follies and struggles of the islands. Some
years back, a dreadful storm almost des-
Nearly a night of rowing and I collapsed troyed the family and much of the nearby
near Graben Village once more. My creepy islands. However, they have since recovered
Darkonese stalkers greet me upon The and prospered as once before. He seems to
Black Sheep Inn. After regaining conscious- wince at the mention of the dreadful
ness hours later, they probe me to recall all wizard. He recommends seeking out the so-
I’ve seen and are intrigued by tales of Meer- called “floating outpost” north of the
dorf, and expect another voyage there for village. Once again, we row on hostile
further study. Three more have joined since shores, only to uncover a chunk of land
my initial departure from the village, ominously hovering above the sloshing
making five Darkon oppressors to see the waves. A man in strange garb accosts us,
job done. They inquire about what I’ve proclaiming to be one of the “Lost Alpha-
uncovered about the island of Todstein. tians”—how odd. No one brought up Lost
Save for those islanders decrying it as a foul Alphatians during previous travels. Upon
and unholy place, not much else was mentioning the Ice Wizard, he scoffs and
recovered. Those overhearing us become
uncomfortable, preferring to avoid us The Great Storm and its aftermath is detailed on
page 174 of the “Nocturnal Sea Gazetteer”(which
entirely. As day continued to pass, the can be downloaded at the Fraternity of Shadows
shrouded Kargat accompanied me to Ravenloft website) .


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists


proclaims such a thing was a ghost story magical attack. A booming message bounces
and that the Grabenites are a superstitious around our minds, it must be the Ice
lot. However, he knows that Todstein is still Wizard! He exclaims to turn back, as he’ll
a dangerous place with plenty of arcane remove the meddling invader mages
relics. He would arrange transportation and another day. Perhaps he fears what they
magical protection in exchange for the know of his past or want to know. Regard-
relics divided among the Kargatane prison less, we fear no Ice Wizard. After an hour of
wardens and the greedy Alphatians. battling improbable conditions, landfall
Wizards, truly unworthy of trust. beaches the magical ship. Not long after
departing, the ship itself departs and seem-
A magical ship is conjured with strange eth- ingly sails away. Was this a trap? Now we
ereal-looking crewmen, serviceable for now. have just ourselves, fighting an abrasive
The hovering Alphatian gives a smug grin, climate as we ascend snowy slopes and for-
assuring that he’ll know if we succeed or ested passages. Based upon the rising
not. After an hour of preparations, we set igneous rock, this island is likely a dead
sail for Todstein, far more ruthless than volcano, with the wizard likely within the
even the icy chill of the giants of Vasfar. opening below. Pines and snow slowly give
Winds batter the sides of the mystical vessel, way to trails and a mausoleum, the mage’s
as thrashing waters try to knock it over. lair? As we draw close, the rattling of bones
Jutting rocks prevent easy safe passage can be heard all around. Skeletons arise
forward. However, we are not deterred and from the snow in ambush. All of them
continue. Like a throbbing migraine, each clatter with the Wizard’s words ringing from
of us are assaulted by some means of each of them. Despite this warning, they


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

attack. The strange pistol from Darkheath area for wards and other spells first. What
proves useless, but my magical blades intrigues me is the wizard’s story. One such
remain impressive even against the living tome holds this. It would seem he was
dead. The Kargat seem far more skillful in indeed of Noble Alphatian blood as well,
their dispatching of these skeletal minions. giving him an almost “cold” tone to his skin.
As the last is put down, one last set of words As a youth, he possessed dark hair and a
fills our heads. It is simply “I have warned brooding stare upon his eyes. However, the
you. I am the Wizard of Ice and Bone.” disaffectionate coldness of his parents left
him emotionally stunted and solely focused
Deep within we go, as our combined might on study. Constructs and other forms of
proves successful in warding off all matters magic acted as overseers to ensure he was
of undead seeking to stop us. Eventually, healthy and learning. In time, he excelled
deep below the earth, we uncover a study. and surpassed peers, often by stealing their
All means of maps, manuscripts and items work and slaying them. Constructs and
hastily line the walls, podiums, tables and undead creation intrigued him, given that is
more. Atop a lectern is a small journal. The what he had long since known. As his
first entry details a group of Alphatians lost parents withered away from their own
to mists, emerging in Nebligtode. They indulgences, death intrigued him all the
seem to have been sent by Prince Zandor to more. As an archmage of much power, the
look into rumors of the return of Meredoth, Council of Mages grew to fear him. Rather
the Fell Wizard of Todstein! So, the wizard than fight him or cause issues, they decided
has a name after all. This Meredoth was said to award him with a noble title and allow
to have been instigating trouble while him to continue his studies in Norwold.
researching in the profane. But, many While the prospect of isolation grabbed
scholars debunked this, as the mage disap- him, he discovered colonists would soon be
peared so long ago.* They emerged onto at his mercy. His neglect and callousness led
this same island to hunt down Meredoth, to the first wave dying painfully. In punish-
only to be cornered. The writing changes, ment, more were sent to Norwold with
as a new narrator explains how the mages strict order of tending to them. This time,
have become “lebendtod” puppets, espe- he conspired and poisoned their food while
cially for leading more Mystarans over for he continued his studies. As the colonists
experiments. I see. The Kargatane agents choked upon toxins and their own gurgling
scramble to other documents, scouring the blood, mists took him.13 If his name still
frightens Alphatians, that is truly a testa-
ment to a vile archmage. As I placed down
the hefty tome, a rumble filled the chamber.

The agents grab what they can, informing
A: mists
Note from
me that I’m on my own. All of them turn
w p r is o n er of the ly
fello It was like
invisible and flee the study. The rumbling
Indeed! A t e a s il y !
cape tha r a new
begins to channel a raging growl, massive
cannot es s looking fo
P o w e r amalgams of flesh proceed to stomp into
the Dark
the area to heighten the noise. A shockwave
emits from somewhere in the cavernous
“Nocturnal Sea Gazetteer” (via The Fraternity of
Shadows, see above) and “Ship of Horrors”


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

room, knocking me over. The flesh

creatures take to restraining me as my body
gives out. In my fading state, I see the image
of the old man angered, who chastises me
one more time. “Foolish boy. I know your
purpose, as I knew those mages of my
homeland. But, you’re different… You’re
potentially useful.”

Eventually, my eyes reopen with great

reluctance as my body returns to conscious-
ness. My jackets, my gear, my pouches; torn
open and belongings strewn about. The ter-
rible old man of legend rifles through
various letters, documents and records. His
mumbling remains incoherent, save for
“Savage Baronies,” “Norwold,” “Glantri,” and
“Alphatia.” The black-cowled old man turns
to me, while I remain still shackled deep
within some mausoleum. His wrinkled
brow curls, as his lips twist and suck
inward. It seems clear he deliberates on Meredoth
what to say to me, but I doubt he seeks to
spend the effort. The dusty old robes dance
along the floor as his sleeves sway about. blur, and a sharp pinging emits from my
The ancient man conducts some means of ears. The magical conduit taps my forehead
profane ritual, before grasping a grimoire. and it all crescendos violently. As conscious-
The crooked stringbean-like fingers flip ness slips, all I can hear from those fading
through equally ancient pages, as he emits a moments is “Stupid boy, why did you visit
displeased grumble. At last, the robed man my original home, force my hand into using
unveils himself. the hated school of enchantment? May you
remember only Mystara… Azalin would kill
His lips peel back, like a wolf baring fangs. you soon enough.” He raises his birch staff,
“Insolent boy, know that you hold a priv- as my drifting mind begins to forget… Tod-
ilege. As an undead, you’d ironically be less stein, Nebligtode, Meredoth, Lost Baron of
worthy to me. Your arcane puppet master Norwold… All of it. However, from the
knows enough of my abilities. So, I banish darkness, I think the shores of Norwold are
your hex not for your boon, but for his slowly becoming visible to me.
pain. Your talents are pathetic and you
prove worthless. You are no threat.” He
proceeds to turn away, shuffling slowly to a
chest to pull out a treated oak wand and a
white birch staff. The wand glows with a
bright blue light. As it gets closer, I feel a
crackling in my mind; my visions begin to


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

A Mystaran Survey of the Mists

A Short Letter from Meredoth and a Darkonian Addendum

To the Wizard-King of Darkon,

Your attempts to toy with me are childish, demeaning of your status and title. While your
acknowledgement of my power flatters me, please cease throwing whatever motley
assembles in your clutches at me. Your Kargatane was already worthless. Now you steal
other Mystarans? Let this letter be a reminder to use your time for better projects, as I
do. While I care not for my subjects, save for tests and the pursuit of knowledge, I do
know that you have some degree of admiration for yours. Your subjects are your weak-
ness, while mine define obedience and surveillance. Now, leave me to my devices, lest I
finally raise my hand in defiance. The choice is yours, whether you choose to fail like other
deluded mages or succeed within your own mediocrity and monotony.

12th Day of Mid-Autumn,

in the year 760 of the Barovian Calendar,

Insolence! Audacity! Sheer maledictive spite! Accusations of mediocrity and

monotony! And worse, did he know of my geas cast upon the traveler?
Perhaps the mental link that allowed information to travel to my Kargatane?
That shriveled prune of a necromancer would enjoy my rage; I shall deny him
the privilege even with the loss of my li�le spy from Mystara. It doesn’t ma�er,
I shan't fear him, nor shall I lose composure. I could have warned that spy not
to trifle with Nebligtode, though, but the chance was there and with it so much
potential for power. Finally, an insider who could help unravel a rival! But, this
small explorer, his naivety! If he wasn’t so predictable, I wouldn’t have tried my
hand at deciphering and expanding on his notes myself! The wayward warrior is
no great mage, by any means. In fact, he is far from my Kargatane, far from
the worthiness of being embraced by undeath. But, there will be more chances.
A�er all, the Mists beckon for Mystara more and more. It is only a ma�er of
time till more of their world faces damnation. More pawns to undo the Ice
Wizard of Todstein. Perhaps I could extend these plots to Jaibul, tricking the
broken and weary Black Rajah* to my goals as well.

—An excerpt from the journals of Azalin Rex

* See also: “Lost Jaibul & Other Dark Secrets”

in THRESHOLD Magazine #30 at the Vaults


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator

The Vaults
of Pandius

A domain management
tool developed
by Fabrizio Nuzzaci
(above) The investiture of a knight Adaptation for
the Mystara setting
(below) The calculation of his fief

I started developing my ‘Fiefdom Gener-

ator’ (or FG) on Excel in July 1999,
maybe before, after years of game set-
tings made with ‘paper and pencil’; I
continued until 2007 and resumed it in

The following is an adaptation (v7.5) of

the FG to the rules for managing
domains described in D&D BECMI—
later Rules Cyclopedia (or RC)—with a
single hint taken from the 3.0 edition of
D&D (the ‘gp limit’).


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator

Wanting to create a more realistic system, I The Fiefdom Generator Excel

also considered some other aspects, normally spreadsheet file can be found in the
ignored in RPGs, and for which I carried out Vaults of Pandius at:
specific research (you will find the references
indicated in appropriate notes). (In English)
Although I haven’t integrated them into
these rules, I still have to mention the Cham- (In Italian)
pions of Mystara Boxed Set for D&D, as well
as the article ‘more economics’ and Bruce
Heard’s further work on these issues1. Also available on the author’s Patreon
However, my intent remained to adapt the
FG to the BECMI rules because: 1) it is a
very complex system and already known to
all of us players; 2) it was my desire to find The file must be downloaded from one of
a way to apply the BECMI economic system the above links in order to be used.
to the descriptions of the nations of Mystara
made in the various Atlases; 3) anyone
wishing to limit the amount of gold in circu-
lation would just have to ‘pretend’ that the
reference currency is silver. A note on con-
sidering the Standard Income (S.I. from
now on): a problem of low profitability of
mines compared to other resources

Finally, I point out that the following rules

were born as my ‘notes’, written to remind
me of the reasoning made, not for disclos-
ure to any third party; you will excuse me,
therefore, if they are not perfectly clear to
the reader. The following rules assume a
good knowledge of economic rules for

Several resources by Bruce Heard are available in
the Vaults of Pandius: “The Known World Grimoire”,
“Dominion Economics 101”; zip package or xls file
version of the “Dominion Economics Guideline” are
also available at the Vaults.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator

0) HOW TO USE THE FILE, ■ Line 12: total number of inhabitants, per-
WITHOUT READING centage of nomadic population (not con-
trolled, nor taxable), diameter of the
FURTHER THAN THIS PAGE hexes on the map (in miles);

■ Lines 13–24: description of the territories

A) Premise (grouped by homogeneous types and
resources2) and related number of hexes,
The cells highlighted in yellow and the density, inhabitants of rural areas and
drop-down menus are for information housing surface (in acres), inhabitants of
important for the operation of the FG; cells urban areas and housing surface (in acres)
in light blue are for optional information. (note: data for the urban areas must cor-
The sheet can be printed horizontally on respond to those in lines 3–11), number
4 A4 sides. of families available for production
(excluding the nomads and the employ-
able inhabitants), number of acres avail-
B) Domain Sheet description able for economic activities, and number
of residual acres for pasture/breeding
PART 1 (lines 1 to 25): general information only;

■ Line 1: domain’s type and name, name of ■ Line 25: percentage and number of
the leader, number of game’s months of employable inhabitants, followed by a cal-
play considered; culator used to determine the housing
surfaces of the rural or urban population.
■ Lines 3–11: description of the population
based on races and cults, followed by a
list of main settlements (for each one: 2
If the domain spans multiple hexes, I recommend
name, territory type where it is located, grouping them in identical terrain types (e.g. all
inhabitants, housing surface in acres and coastal plains) with identical resources (e.g. corn,
gp limit); iron); this is likely for small- to medium-sized domains.

Fig 1: Fiefdom Generator screen part 1 (lines 1–25)


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator

PART 2 (lines 27 to 99): production Income, Taxes and Standard Income), any
bonus/malus to the food production (type
■ Line 27: the rightmost section indicates and percentage), the acres used by each
the levels of Taxes and Standard Income family (max 10), and the food units pro-
(in gp); duced;

■ Lines 29–50: number of families ■ Lines 59–70 (7 columns on the left): the
employed on vegetable resources distin- number of families employed on mineral
guished according to the types of the or wood resources, or artisans, mer-
domain’s territories (see lines 13–24) chants, and wealthy families, without con-
(each type of territory has two lines for its sidering in which territory they live5, and
vegetable resources), followed by the the collected gp (for Resource Income,
number of still available families in each Taxes and Standard Income);
territory after having assigned those ded-
icated to cultivation (they can be assigned ■ Line 71 (7 columns on the left): the totals
to animals, minerals or wood resources; of the employed families and of the
the FG automatically calculates the various incomes received (in gp);
wealthy families, and allocates those unal-
located as artisans or merchants), the col- ■ Lines 72–99 (6 columns on the left): the
lected gp (for Resource Income, Taxes Salt Taxes received by the vassals (repor-
and Standard income), any bonus/malus ted in the Financial Balance; see below),
to the food production (type and percent- relative inhabitants, and any notes;
age), number of acres used by each family
(max 50) and the food units produced; ■ Lines 62–73 (right side sections): Thyatian
Intelligence information (see TM2), local
■ Lines 51–55: the number of families currencies and exchange rate, domain’s
employed for breeding distinguished Sustenance; percentage of families
according to the type of animals , employed on vegetable or animal
product’s type obtained (meat, honey, or resources;
silk), the collected gp (for Resource
Income, Taxes and Standard Income), any ■ Lines 74–99 (right side sections): Finan-
bonus/malus to the food production (type cial Balance, XP obtained by the Leader,
and percentage), number of acres used by State of War (if any), Consensus Index,
each family (max 100), and the food units Militia (if formed), Malus for too many
produced; miners (if too many), Domain Notes.

■ Lines 56–58: the number of families

employed for fishing distinguished
according to the place of activity (river,
lake, or sea)4, the number of hexes
exploited, the collected gp (for Resource
In practice, the breeders of the various territories are
added together according to the type of breeding.
4 5
In practice, the fishermen of the various territories are In practice, all these are added together according to
added together according to the place of fishing. the type of activity, or social condition.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator

Fig 2: Fiefdom Generator screen part 2 (lines 27–99)


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator

Fig 3: Fiefdom Generator screen part 3 (lines 101–182)


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator

PART 3 (lines 101 to 182): expenses ■ Lines 138–182: expenses for military, both
armies and fleets (location and identifica-
■ Lines 101–137: inhabitants employed and tion of each army/fleet, number and type
still employable (line 101); expenses for of the troops, number of weeks of train-
festivities (type, number, cost per family, ing, class, race, equipment and extras,
number of families, total cost) and spe- total cost, BFR, BR and speed), and for
cialists (type, number, monthly cost, equipment production [type, number of
description and notes, total cost); in the armorers7 (hired even in fraction) quantity
rightmost section are noted information and quality of produced equipment, cost
obtained from the game’s books; and type of resources needed, expenses
for any merchants according to their
origin and total cost].

For each indicated armorer (or fraction), the FG also
automatically adds 2 blacksmiths and 4 assistants (or
Festivities expenses are deducted from the amount fraction); fractions are rounded up to the 2nd
paid for Salt Tax and Tithe. decimal.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator



A) Map Hex Size

The FG allows you to choose from the fol-
lowing options: Table 1A: Map Hex Size

B) Density per map hex

(population/square mile), should vary as

shown in the following table: Table 1B: Hex Density

(*) Source: ‘Medieval Demographics Made Note: in RC we read that a 24-mile hexagon
Easy’8 by S. John Ross (it confirms and must be considered: ‘wild’ if from 10 to 100
indicates a maximum of 120 inhabitants/sq families live there (density 0.1–1 inhabitant-
mi). s/sq mi); ‘borderland’ if it has from 200 to
1,200 families (density 2–12 inhabitants/sq
mi); ‘civilized’ if it has from 500 to 5,000
Downloadable from website families (density 5–50 inhabitants/sq mi).


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator

For some terrain types I set the minimum/ 2) PEOPLE DISTRIBUTION

maximum population density as indicated
in Ylaruam (Y), Northern Reaches (N), A) How many settlements are
Khanate of Ethengar (E), Alfheim (A), and there in a domain? What size?
Principalities of Glantri (G) Gazetteers; for How many people live there?
some others, however, I entered the densit-
ies (they are highlighted in italics and Generally in the 11th–13th century the inhab-
underlined) according the rules of the itants of urban centers were no more than
game. 20% of those present in the surrounding
areas; however, often the descriptions given
For some terrains a human ‘civilization’ is in the Atlases do not take these limits into
never possible, but instead it is possible account (e.g.: the city of Ylaruam has 13,000
that other ‘suitable peoples’ (elves, goblins, inhabitants and, with the suburbs, reaches
mermen, etc.) or monsters reach high dens- 20,000; it should be supported by a popula-
ities: the indicated density (in bold and in tion of 65–100,000 in the surroundings, but
brackets) allows you to determine the total the entire Emirate has only 78,000!).
HD, but the actual number of creatures
depends on their HD. If you have no indications about the settle-
ments of a domain, you may want to apply
Also for all the other types of terrain it is the criteria indicated in ‘Medieval Demo-
possible to find settlements of demihumans graphics Made Easy’ (by S. John Ross):
or monsters instead of human beings: and
here too the density allows us to determine ‘the largest city … will have P*M inhabit-
the total number of HD of creatures ants (where P is equal to the square root
present, but their actual number depends of the inhabitants of the kingdom and M
on their HD. (e.g.: in a 24-mile mountain is equal to a roll of 2d4+10; average
hex ‘civilized by humanoids’ there may be result 15); the second city will be 20% to
as many as 6,485 orcs, 1,621 ogres, or other 80% smaller than the first (to determine
composition of creatures). at random, roll 2d4 x 10%; average result
50%); each successive city is from 10% to
Note: any settlements/strongholds of mon- 40% smaller than the previous one (to
sters/demihumans can greatly exceed these determine it at random, roll 2d4*5%;
limits. average result 25%); keep doing this until
you get results above 5,000 (for D&D
BECMI) inhabitants.’

To determine the population of the towns

and then of the villages

‘continue the 10%-40% city reduction

process’; note that ‘the number of towns’
should still not be greater than ‘the
number of cities multiplied by 2d8
(average result 9).’


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator

B) Size of the settlements ‘In the Middle Ages, a city or town of

38,850 inhabitants occupied on average
The FG may calculate (a generic average of) an area of 1 square mile*; this means a
the area occupied by the population (rural density of about 61 inhabitants per acre
or urban); the result must then be noted so (or 150 per hectare) and, therefore, that
that the file subtracts it from the ‘useful’ the area enclosed within the walls of a
acres for the relative type of land. typical city of 10,000 inhabitants would
be about 165 acres (difficult for a modern
To elaborate this calculation, I based myself city, in terms of population or by size).
on these premises: Some extraordinarily populated supercit-
ies could reach 4 times higher density
(but note that historians who suggest
such densities also assume higher popula-
tions for the same cities; there is no con-
sensus on this) and some isolated cities
almost certainly had lower densities to 40
inhabitants per acre; generally an average
of 61 inhabitants per acre can be a good
starting point, subject to the necessary
exceptions’ **.

(*) Note: 1 square mile is equal to 639.99

acres, or 258.94 hectares.

(**) Source: ‘Medieval Demographics Made

Easy’ by S. John Ross.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator

Surface and population of the main

cities of medieval Europe
Table 2B.1: Medieval European City Populations

Sources: [1] Leonardo Benevolo, [2] Roberto Lopez, [3] Edith Ennen, [4] Carlo Cipolla.

From the box it appears that: in the 13th century the average density of some cities
varied from 38.90 (Bruges) to 80.09 (Florence) inhabitants/acre; in the 14th century the
density of other cities ranged from 28.57 (Brussels) to 183.95 (Paris); many of them exten-
ded over a square mile, up to about 1,400 acres in Ghent (14th).

Settlements table

To calculate the surface area of a settlement, I applied the following table * modified on
the above data:

Table 2B.2: Settlement Type/Population Density

(*) Source:


The FG allows you to calculate the area of a city by dividing the number of inhabitants by
the density/acre (the number in table above) and multiplying by the following coefficient
(select the largest that applies):

- inhabitants residing in the countryside or in villages: 1.00;

- settlements with more than 1,000 inhabitants: 1.05;
- if there is also a land market (‘trade route’): 1.10;
- if there is also a military area: 1.15;
- if there is also a port (commercial maritime route): 1.25;
- if the settlement is also the seat of government: 1.30.
The area thus obtained is subtracted from that available for the production of food.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator

(the FG allows both a monthly and a more
realistic annual calculation)

A) Resources
The FG considers the following (some are
mixed to simulate the ‘three fields rota-
Table 3A: Resources

(*) Gross Yield, source:

(**) Gross Yield (reduced to 6:1; see sub. D), source: The Human Web by J. R. McNeill and
William H. McNeill.
(♥) Precious resources according to Gazetters 9 and 11.
(1d100) Each DM is free to generate and write here below his percentages.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator

B) Income (C) Useful surface

In D&D BECMI each family pays to its lord: The usedul surface (‘usable acres’ in FG) of
Taxes for 1 gp; the map hexes, based on terrain type is
Taxes on resources (variable): determined taking the following factors into
1 gp if Vegetables; consideration:
2 gp if Animals;
3 gp if Minerals; ■ a medieval peasant family owned a prop-
Standard Income (goods in kind) for 10 gp. erty (‘mansus’) with very variable dimen-
sions9: Saint-Germain-des-Prés from 5 to
At least 20% of families must be employed 10 hectares (12.3–24.7 acres); Lobbes 15
on each resource; while, if more than 50% to 38 ha (37–93 acres); Poperigne 17 to
of the families are put to work in the mines, 30 ha (42–74 acres);
the domain will suffer penalties for consent
(see RC, p. 140). ■ the iugero10 was the Roman measure to
indicate the arable land in 1 day by 1 man
The FG will offer you the following changes with a couple of oxen, equal to about
and additions to the rules of the game 2,520 sq m. In the Middle Ages, this
regarding the families’ employment: measure rose to 7,900 square meters (or
1/12 of a ‘mansus’) and lost the previous
■ the ‘precious’ vegetable/animal/mineral reference to arable land in a day;
resources yield a higher tax (+1 gp/house-
hold); ■ in Roman times11, the smallest properties
ranged from 18 to 108 (Roman) iugera, or
■ the number of productive families is equal from 11 to 67 acres (1 ‘Roman’ iugera =
to 1/5 of the inhabitants, minus the per- 2,520 sq m);
centage of those you will reserve for
enrollment and any nomads; ■ in the Middle Ages a ‘mansus’12 ranged
from 12 to 40 iugera (12 in Italy in the
■ domains with at least 200 households 11th century), or from 23.4 to 78.1 acres
have 0.5 % of wealthy, and pay only taxes (1 ‘medieval’ iugera = 7,900 sq m);
(see GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of of Kara-
meikos”, p. 34); As a result, on average, in the FG a peasant
family will be able to cultivate a ‘mansus’ of
■ the remaining families are automatically up to 50 acres; this respects the rules of the
assigned half to commerce and half to game, according to which when a PC
craftsmanship (see § 7); for both of these receives a territory (a 24-miles hex) he can
categories, the FG calculates that ¾ of have up to 5,000 families (25,000 inhabit-
them pay a tax of 2 gp/month, while the ants), which will need up to 250,000
remaining pay a tax of 3 gp/month (these 9 See
activities were not considered by the cre- saggi/sez3/cap1.htm
ators of the game, but I thought them 11 See
appropriate to introduce for a more real- ancient_Rome
istic simulation). 12


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator

‘useful’ acres (almost 80% of its surface). Finally I established that: if it is a coastal
Similarly, terrain hexes that can never be hex, water occupies an average 50% of its
civilized (e.g. deserts) will have no more surface; while, if a river flows through it, the
than 499 households (2,495 farmers), water occupies an average 10% of it (the
which will need no more than 24,950 ‘useful’ acres are reduced in proportion).
‘useful’ acres (about 8% of its surface).

Having identified the maximum limits of

the useful surface (in acres), I have drawn
up the following table:

For the following rules, please note that

D&D BECMI rules assume that a domain has
1–4 resources; this means representing a
very little varied economy; therefore we
could imagine that productions with better
‘yields’ are only an indication of better
‘development’ (in practice, if a fiefdom has
only a ‘pig breeding’ resource this does not
mean that that is the only food available).


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator

D) Crops Yield The crop yield also depends on the cultiv-

ated area: 1/2 of the area for monocultures
(see ‘net yield calculation table, based on (biennial rotation); 2/3 for two crops (three-
Kcal’ below) year rotation); 100% for vegetables and
To define the ‘gross’ yields per acre of
crops I based my work on the article by In short, the units of plant food are calcu-
Lorenzo Cherubini (see link sub 3/A), lated according to whether they are:
according to which in the XIII century the
‘gross’ yield of cereals and legumes varied ■ two-year rotation (monocultures): n. fam.
from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 4; in *([(gross yield *2-2)*1/2]*modifiers)*n.
the table sub 3/A you will find the yields of: acres (max 50);
wheat (4:1), barley and sorghum (3.6:1),
legumes and rye (3.4:1), oats and millet ■ three-year rotation (two cultures): n. fam.
(2.4:1), corn and rice (6:1) (The Human ([([(gross yield A*2-2)+(gross yield B*2-
Web by J. R. McNeill and William H. McNeill 2)]/2)*2/3]*modif.)*n. acres (max 50);
fixed the rice yield as double that of the
wheat, but I had to reduce it to avoid ■ plantations (fruit, olive trees, grapes) and
excesses). vegetables: n. fam.*(net yield*modifier-
s)*n. acres (max 50).
From the article Calculations with Domin-
ions by Mike Harvey we know that, to sow 1 Modifiers: the FG allows you to apply the
acre, 2 units of seeds are required; then the following bonuses/penalties that affect pro-
FG calculates the ‘net’ yield per acre of duction (normally +/- 10% each): 1–2)
crops by multiplying their ‘gross’ yield by 2, land; 3–4) climate; 5–6) technology; 7–8)
subtracting 2 units of seeds from the total magical effects; 9–10) events (e.g. raids).
(subsequent sowing) and dividing the result
by 2.

For vegetables, I calculated a ‘net’ yield of

1.75, dividing the average Kcal of cooked
vegetables (34.17 Kcal) by the result of
dividing the Kcal of cooked cereals (116
Kcal/100 g.) and their ‘net’ yield (6:1)
rounded to the nearest 0.05; for potatoes
(78 Kcal) of 2.30, dividing by 34.17 (average
cooked vegetables).

I calculated the ‘net’ yields of grapes/hops

(69 Kcal) as 1.90 and fruit (average 62 Kcal)
as 1.70, dividing by 36.58 Kcal (average raw
vegetables) rounded to the nearest 0.05; for
olive trees a fictitious net yield of 1.75.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator

E) Livestock, Hunting The ‘bred’ food units are calculated as

and Poultry Yield follows: n. families * ((yield * modifiers) /
4) * n. acres (max 100).
(see ‘net yield calculation table, based on
Kcal’ below) It is possible to apply the bonus/malus
modifiers (+/- 10%) of the case (see § 3/D).
To assimilate the yield of the farms to a cul-
tivated mansus, I have divided the Kcal of The value of S.I. also allows you to calculate
the various types of cooked meat with that the number of bred animals and/or food
of cooked vegetables (34.17 Kcal) rounded rations available to the feudal lord: divide
to the nearest 0.05: Pigs 7.30 (250 Kcal), the S.I. families obtained (120 gp/year per
Cattle 7.15 (245 Kcal), Sheep 6.05 (207 family) for the specific cost of the animals
Kcal), Hunting and Poultry 6.30 (215 Kcal), (and/or the desired food rations) resulting
Horses 5.10 (175 Kcal), Camels 4.70 (160 from the game manuals.
Kcal); for humans and ‘humanoids’ I estab-
lished a value of 4.05 (139 Kcal, for skin,
muscles and fat13); while, for ‘animals for F) Fishing Yield
fur’ and ‘for ivory’ I established a value of
3.85 (equal to 2/3 of the average value of (see ‘net yield calculation table, based on
the others). Kcal’ below)

Mike Bourke’s article “The Impact Of Urban To assimilate the yield of fishing to that of a
Migration On Fantasy Games”14 states that cultivated mansus, I divided the Kcal of the
various types of cooked fish by that of
‘animals and fruit require more surface cooked vegetables (34.17 Kcal) rounded to
area to produce a given amount of food, the nearest 0.05: Freshwater Fishing 4.70
sometimes much more’ and (160 Kcal), Saltwater Fishing 3.85 (132
‘let’s assume that the average is an effi-
ciency equal to half’ (of the crops); Mike Bourke’s article” The Impact Of Urban
Migration On Fantasy15 Games” states that
to simulate a ‘livestock mansus’ of similar
capacity per acre, I established an average ‘20 square miles of fishing ground with a
area of 100 acres and divided the yield by 4. usable depth of 30 feet is 6 times the
surface area of 20 square miles with only
the top being used, even conceding that
fish are not as densely packed as veget-
ables may be’;
Sources for this determination are: to make it easy I reduced the multiplier to 5
4386588/Stone-Age-cannibals-Hunting-not-worth- times; to simulate a ‘fishing area’ of similar
hassle.html and capacity per acre, I established an average
area of 10 acres and multiplied the yield by 5.
impact-of-urban-migration/ ibid


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator

The ‘fished’ food units are calculated as It is possible to apply the bonus/malus
follows: n. families * ((yield * modifiers) * modifiers (+/- 10%) of the case (see § 3/D).
5) * n. acres (max 10).


(*) Source:


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator

G) Consumption and food 4) FINANCIAL BALANCE

The calculations of the FG are inspired by
Calculations with Dominions by Mike The D&D BECMI rules does not require you
Harvey (2 units of seeds are necessary to to calculate every minimum management
sow an acre; they are equivalent to 2 units fee; with the FG it is possible to calculate
of food and are sufficient to feed a man for the expenses for Festivities, Salt Tax, Tithe
28 days, while old people or children (below), as well as for Events, Sustenance,
consume half); therefore a family made up Specialists, Military, and Production of
of 4 workers and 1 old person or child Weapons and/or Equipment (in the follow-
needs 9 food units/month (or 108 food ing paragraphs).

As in the D&D BECMI rules a family is made

up of 5 elements (however in RC is spe-
cified that it is made up of 5 ‘productive’
people, creating the problem of determin-
ing how many children/old people there
are); however, it is clear that the game
refers to the ‘nuclear’ family of the early
Middle Ages (4–5 individuals).

Basing ourselves on the ‘services table’

shown in the Dawn of the Emperors Boxed Religious procession
Set, we can hypothesize that a middle-class
family (artisans and traders) consumes food
2.5 times compared to a poor one (‘average ■ Festivities: can be declared by the Rulers
meal’ = 1 gp), while a rich consumes equi- (usually 1/year) or by the Church (usually
valent to 25 times (‘superior meal’ = 10 gp). 2/year) and are extended to all the estates
of their subordinates (e.g. those declared
If the fief does not produce enough food, it by the King extend to all his vassals); the
can be bought; since the GAZ11 Player’s FG automatically deducts them from the
Book (page 23) states that feeding a worker percentage of revenue due to who
costs 1 gp/week, we could agree that 1 unit declared them (from the ecclesiastical
of food costs 2 gp (for 2 weeks). Alternat- tithe, or from the salt tax); festivities
ively, it is possible to ‘obtain’ food from declared by a Count or lower-ranking
other domains, or have it created by clerics noble costs 1 gp per peasant (5 gp per
if powerful enough; the FG allows various household); those declared by a Marquis
options and calculates the expense. But you or a higher-ranking noble costs the
are also free to… turn off the food double;
balance and employ all the inhabitants in
rich gold mines!! ■ Salt tax: if the domain is a vassal, it is
equal to 20% of the income (minus the
relative festivity expenses);


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator

■ Tithe: it is equal to 10% of the income 5) EXPENSES FOR

(minus the relative festivity expenses), but SPECIALISTS AND FOR
it should not be applied when the ruler is
also the head of the ecclesiastical com- MILITARY PERSONNEL
munity (e.g. Patriarchate); (‘SPECIALISTS’ AND
■ Expenses for Sustenance and other ‘TROOPS’)
Events: if food is missing, the FG allows
some options to obtain it and calculates For the description and costs of personnel
the cost; moreover, a percentage of (‘specialists’ and ‘military’) I referred to the
expenditure (at least 5%) can be entered indications contained in the D&D Expert,
to consider the effects of sudden Events Companion, Master, Rules Cyclopedia,
on the economy (e.g. some disaster, Dawn of Emperors books, as well as the
strong corruption or raid by bandits); CM2 modules, and the Gazetteers GAZ10
and GAZ11; in the FG I also applied the fol-
■ Other Expenses of the domain: we lowing rules.
mean those for Festivities, Specialists and
Military personnel, and Production of
Weapons and/or Equipment (the latter can
be calculated in the last lines of the file;
see § 9). A) SPECIALIST automatically

At domain level:

■ Free territories, villages, towns, cities and

metropolises: chaplain (only with 2,000
or more inhabitants);

■ Lesser Domains (from Barony to County):

herald, chamberlain, chaplain, and

■ Higher Domains (from Marquisate

upwards): animal trainer, engineer, and
chief butler;

■ Independent Domains: alchemist, and

sage (only if Resource I. + Taxes I. + S. I.
more than 250,000/year).


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator

Numerical assumptions: C) Basic monthly cost

■ armorers (1 per 50 troops and graduates);
(doubles if the domain is in a state of war):
■ blacksmiths and smiths (1 per 50 knights
and graduates); ■ troops (1 HD) (see Expert Set or RC) but I
added: ‘medium’ infantry (mail armor; 3
■ deputy-chaplains (1 per 250 inhabitants); gp), distinct from ‘heavy’ infantry (plate
armor; 4 gp); humanoid troops (up to
■ chaplains (1 per 25 deputy-chaplains) 3+1 HD) cost half of the corresponding
(there can be 1 patriarch per cult/nation); humans/demihumans (elves, rakasta),
while troops with ½ HD cost ¼ (kobolds)
■ provost (1 per 2,500 inhabitants); and dwarves cost 1.5 times;

■ first magistrate (if at least 2 magistrates) ■ troops (2 or 3 HD): the cost indicated in
(NB: the Governor is considered adminis- the rules is increased by 10 gp for each
tering justice for 1 week/month for the HD beyond the first;
first 5,000 inhabitants).
■ marines (1–3 HD): the cost is equal to the
Specialists not mentioned above are corresponding land troop type;
assigned by the player at fiefdom creation.
■ sergeants (2–4 HD) and lieutenants (3–6
HD): 20 gp/month * HD;

■ captains (6+ HD) and heroes (6+ HD):

B) basic monthly cost of the 200 gp/month (+50 gp/additional HD);
SPECIALIST (and their HD)
■ casters of arcane/divine spells (both
Magician (or ‘magist’) (9+ HD) = 3,000 troopers and officers): they cost double.
(+250 gp/additional HD); herald = 300 to
500 gp; minister = 400 gp; diplomats of For all military personnel, up to 20 weeks
Class 1, 2 and lawyer = 400, 200 and 85 gp of training can be added.
(see GAZ10); employees 10 gp (10 x
number of ministers + diplomats + Military for which you select ‘SLAVES’, ‘FOL-
lawyers); patriarch (9+ HD) and chaplain LOWERS’ or ‘ONLY in war’ are not paid.
(5–8 HD) = 100 gp * HD; deputy-chaplain,
provost and chamberlain = 20 gp; sen-
eschal and guard commander (9+ HD) =
4,000 gp (+400 gp/additional HD); castel-
lan (5–9 HD) = 1,200 gp 5 HD (+200 gp/
additional HD); artillerist (1–2 HD) and
chief artillerist (3–5 HD) = 250 gp * HD;
warden (3–5 HD), marshal (5–8 HD) and
sheriff (5–8 HD) = 20 gp * HD.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator


In the comparison, the four values in red are the only ones I changed

D) monthly cost of SPECIALIST Thus, a city of 10,000 inhabitants requires a

and MILITARY with over 9 HD garrison of 200 men for these functions.
(the so-called ‘name level’)

If not indicated, refer to the base cost for 9 F) control of the territory
HD and, for each additional level, increase (patrols)
it by 10%.
the RC (p. 139) underlines that, to avoid the
resettlement of enemies, it is necessary to
E) control of public order in patrol the territory; the patrols go up to 24
urban centers miles from the fortress for almost all ter-
rains (except jungles, swamps, and moun-
In Medieval Demographics Made Easy by S. tains, in which the patrols operate up to 8
J. Ross an average of 1 soldier for every 150 miles).
inhabitants is indicated. For simplicity,
assuming 12-hour shifts and also assigning A wise ruler should therefore organize
city defense tasks, I have established an part of his forces to oversee his lands.
average of 2 for every 100 inhabitants.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator


EXTRACTING GEMS A) The S.I. received by the
This allows the ruler to obtain any item with
A) Coinage a value equal or lesser than the amount
received for such S.I. (you will have to
The S.I. receipt from families employed in deduct this expense from the budget your-
metal mining indicates the value of the self); the item will be delivered after the
metals extracted and delivered to the ruler. months necessary to obtain the relative
value of S.I.
The ‘number’ of coins produced depends
on the type of metal used to mint the coins.

Note that minting is, as a rule, the prerogat-

ive of the governing prince, not of his B) The S.I. received by the
vassals. TRADERS

This has the following peculiarities:

B) Extracting Gems
■ it is delivered in cash, immediately avail-
The S.I. receipt from families employed in able and spendable (unlike the other S.I.);
gem mining indicates the value of the gems
extracted and delivered to the ruler. ■ it allows the ruler to obtain any item with
a value equal or lesser than the amount
received for such S.I. (you will have to
deduct this expense from the budget
yourself); the item will be delivered after
the months necessary to obtain the relat-
ive value of S.I.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator


The S.I. received by families employed on
resources Wood, Animals and Minerals
indicates the value of the materials Premise: no wise ruler allows his vassals to
delivered; these materials will be sold for manufacture or trade weapons and equip-
cash the following month. ment as they please; whoever would allow
it, will do it as long as necessary to maintain
Also note that, sometimes, a nation may be his power and not so that someone can
devoid of goods that are normally con- turn against him!
sidered common (e.g. Ylaruam is almost
woodless); thus, if a fiefdom does not Anyone wishing to produce such items
produce the required materials, it could without the express consent of the regent
obtain them elsewhere: by merchants, can do so, but at his own risk.
paying additional costs based on the type of
good (common or precious) and the place In the game there aren’t weapons super-
where it is found (see § 10); by war; magic- markets; those purchased by adventurers
ally; etc. for their first raids are always average
quality equipment and, certainly, the local
These materials can also be used to produce stores do not sell hundreds.
weapons and equipment (see § 9).
The S.I. received by families employed on
resources that can be used to craft weapons
and equipments indicates the value of the
materials available, but not processed, in
the domain:

■ if you have wood resources, you can craft

wooden equipment;

■ if you have animal resources, you can craft

leather equipment;

■ if you have metal resources, you can craft

equipment made with the related metal;
Tools and armor production in a forge
■ for weapons made of different materials
(e.g. crossbows), reference the prevailing


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator

To produce weapons and equipment, the 10) TRADING (EVERY ITEM)

ruler must hire armorers; the rules of the
game state that, in a year, 1 armorer (1,200 A) Costs and Profits
gp / year) + 2 blacksmiths (600 gp / year) +
4 assistants (240 gp / year) can produce 48 Premise: I preferred to develop the GAZ2:
armors, or 144 shields, or 240 various “The Emirates of Ylaruam” rules because
weapons (also bows / crossbows + 20 they are simpler than those described in
arrows / 30 darts), or 144 saddle bags, GAZ9: “The Minrothad Guilds” and GAZ11:
saddle and bridle (total cost = 2,040 gp); “The Republic of Darokin”.
this is an average quality production
(indicated ‘Eq=1’ in the FG). For a good 1st argument: in GAZ2 (p. 30) a merchant
quality, the production is reduced by 1/3 advises: ‘buy coffee, spices, textiles, and
(‘Eq=2’); for an excellent quality, it is expensive household crafts in Darokin,
reduced by 2/3 (‘Eq=3’). Karameikos, or Thyatis. Sell high in Tamer-
onikas, or better yet, ship across the
Since it is evident that the selling price caravan routes and sell at twice the price
indicated in the manuals (e.g. expert rule- in Ylaruam, or three times the price in a
book) for most of the items (e.g. 48 leather rural market. Buy the best horses from the
armor = 960 gp) would not even cover the nomads, the best rugs and pottery from
production cost (2,040 gp), we must rural craftsmen and weapons, glass, and
assume that: 1) the selling price on the jewelry from urban craftsmen, and export
manuals must be considered as the cost of them;’ GAZ9 (Player’s Book, p. 31) confirms
the materials required to produce; 2) the that ‘a standard retail price … can be
production cost (shortly, the armorers) 100% or more of the wholesale price.’
must be added to that price.
Basically, GAZ2 allows us to establish the
Finally, to know how many items of a profitability of a trade (the Gross Revenue)
certain type can be produced by a domain, basing it on the distance, as well as on the
we have to see if it produces a sufficient type of goods traded (precious or
amount of S.I. of that material (e.g. to common), without too many complications.
produce 240 swords, is needed a S.I. in iron
of 2,400 gp). So, we can state that the Gross Revenue:

If not, the ruler will have to find elsewhere a) for precious good is: 1) 50% of the
the needed resources; one way is doing trade. Good Value, if sold in a nearby city
(same nation); 2) 100% of the Good
If you must to contact the merchants to pur- Value, if sold in a nearby village (same
chase the resources necessary for the pro- nation) or in a distant city (other
duction of weapons and equipment (not nation); 3) 200% of the Good Value, if
siege weapons), the FG allows you to calcu- sold in a distant village (other nation);
late the cost by referring to the Goods Value
and the Gross Revenue indicated for b) for common good is: 1) 25% of the
common goods (see § 10 letter ‘b’), select- Good Value, if sold in a nearby city
ing the distance of the place where they are (same nation); 2) 50% of the Good
found. Value, if sold in a nearby village (same


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator

nation) or in a distant city (other cious and common goods, with a lot of
nation); 3) 100% of the Good Value, if useful informations.
sold in a distant village (other nation).
In the following table, the Good Value
2nd argument: in GAZ1: “The Grand would be the cost of the material and the
Duchy of Karameikos” it is stated (p. 34) expense to produce an item.
that the ruler receives a tax equal to 5% of
the value of each transaction from families Therefore, knowing the Good Value and dis-
engaged in trade. tinguishing only the Type of Good and the
Distance at which it will be sold, it is pos-
3rd argument: in GAZ9: “The Minrothad sible to calculate all the other percentages
Guilds” (GM’s Book, p. 28) it is stated that, (Tax, Gross Revenue, Management Cost
if no more detailed rules apply, the Manage- and Net Revenue) and determine the pur-
ment Cost is equal to 50% of the Gross chase cost of an item (Final Price +
Revenue; moreover, if an item comes from Customs Duty):
another country, an additional 2d10% for
customs duties must be paid (on average);
and, finally, both GAZ9 and GAZ11 list pre-
Table 10A: Prices

(*) The Good Value for weapons or other equipment (crafted by an armorer) listed on the
game books is equal to their stated price plus the proportion of 2,040 gp (1 armorer + 2
blacksmiths + 4 assistants) as production expenses (see § 9).

(**) The Customs Duty is an additional cost that, on average, I set at 11% ((2d10%)/2);
thus, when a trade is directed to ‘… (other nation)’ (at distances ‘2’ and ‘3’), you should
add an additional 11%. The customs duty could also be higher, depending on politics
and… GM wish.

(***) The Net Revenue is the actual gain of the merchant, equal to 50% of the Gross
Revenue; the other part (the Management Cost) is to pay supplies, workers and some war-
riors, etc.

Example 1: the Final Price for a common good (Good Value 60 gp) in a nearby city (Dis-
tance 1) is 84.51 gp, of which: 60 gp (71%) is Good Value, 4.23 gp (5%) is Tax and 20.28
gp (24%) is Gross Revenue.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator

Example 2: the Final Price for the same gp (5%) is Tax, 141.42 gp (7.5%) is Gross
common good (Good Value 60 gp) in a Revenue and an extra of 24.31 gp (= 11%)
remote village in another country (Distance is Customs Duty.
3) is 140.21 gp, of which: 60 gp (47.5%) is
Good Value, 6.32 gp (5%) is Tax, 60 gp This system is compatible with that outlined
(47.5%) is Gross Revenue and an extra of in Gazetteers 9 and 11: in practice the Final
13.89 gp (= 11%) is Customs Duty. Price of an object, determined on the basis
of the table above, corresponds to the Mod-
Example 3: the Final Price for a average ified Price described in those manuals;
quality plate armor (note: it’s a precious thus, to determine the Final Price accord-
good) [Good Value 68.50 gp of which: 60 ing to those rules, you must just apply the
gp is material (see § 9) and 8.50 gp is pro- valuation and negotiation rules as indicated
ducing cost] in a remote village in another in Step 5 of GAZ9 (GM’s Book, p. 33) or
country (Distance 3) is 245.28 gp, of GAZ11 (Player’s Book, p. 27).
which: 68.50 gp (31%) is Good Value, 11.05

B) Creating and maintaining a trade route (land or sea)*

In order to obtain taxes from trade, a trade route and a market (or port) must exist. If it
does not exist, it is possible to create it ‘but only from a city and with an investment’ of:

° You can only invest in one development at a time.

°° Caravan Route (land): more than one can be launched for the same hex; each time
another city with 20,000 inhabitants or more will have to be connected; they can only
extend over land.
°°° Trade Route (sea): can only be started from cities with 20,000 inhabitants or more and
in which there is a port; for every 5 routes you have to pay the cost of another port.
°°°° Market: can only be built after establishing at least one commercial route; for every 5
commercial routes a new market will need to be built.
°°°°° Harbor (river) and Harbor (sea): they can only be built on river or sea respectively.

(*) Based on ‘Reami e Nobiltà’ by Ominbius V. 1.0 del 17th April 2012.

At least 1 trip per month is required to maintain the trade route (or route), organized by
the ruler or whoever manages that trade; if it doesn’t, you have no income for that month;
if trade is interrupted for six months, the trade route (or route) is irretrievably lost and it
takes 1d12 months to re-establish it.


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Fiefdom Generator

C) Determination of the activities present in an urban center *

‘The following table indicates a Support Value (SV) for each type of activity: it indicates
the number of people necessary to support a single activity of that type (e.g. the SV for
shoemakers is 150; this means that there will be one cobbler for every 150 people in a
certain area).

These numbers can vary up to 60% in either direction, but provide a useful starting point
for GMs; think about the nature of the town or city to decide if the numbers need to be
changed (e.g. a city with a port will have more fishermen than indicated).

To find the number of inns in a city, divide the city’s population by the SV of the inns
(2,000); with a village of 400 people we will have only a 20% chance of finding them.

Furthermore, there should be a nobleman for every 200 inhabitants, a priest for every
40 and a chaplain for every 25 priests, a well-maintained medieval city has a repres-
entative of the law for every 150 citizens (some poorly maintained cities have up to
half, while rare they have more).’

(*) Source: ‘Medieval Demographics Made Easy’ by S. John Ross (data in bold has been
considered in FG).


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Artwork Sources/Credits


Front [Image: Cover of issue #31]

cover: Cover of issue #31 with image done by Midjourney at Senarch’s prompting.
[Image: Sea people] A recreation by Senarch using Daz, of the original cover to Creature Cru-
Page 20:
cible PC3 by Lakey
Page 22: [Image: Bathymetric map] Map by author (Sturm)

Page 23: [Image: Mapped regions on the world map] Map by author; modified by AllanP

Page 24: [Image: Izondian deep region] Map by author

Page 25: [Image: Omm-wa] Original drawing by I.Calvin

Page 26: [Image: Sunlit sea region] Map by author

Page 27: [Image: Velya] Original drawing by Jeffrey Kosh

Page 31: [Image: Kopru] Original drawing by Jeffrey Kosh

Page 32: [Image: Bellissarian sea region] Map by author

Page 33: [Image: Behemoth] Midjourney AI prompted by Senarch

Page 34: [Image: Shark-kin] Original digital artwork by Senarch

Page 35: [Image: Alphatian sea region] Map by author

Page 36: [Image: Undersea] Original digital artwork by Senarch

Page 37: [Image: White sea region] Map by author

[Image: Vodyanoy] An illustration Vodyanoy, the Water Sprite by Ivan Bilibin via Wikimedia
Page 37:
Page 39: [Image: Cataclysm] Done by Midjourney at Senarch’s prompting

Page 40: [Image: Abdel]Done by Midjourney at Senarch’s prompting

Page 41: [Image: Taymoran ruin] Done by Midjourney at Senarch’s prompting

Page 42: [Image: Taymoran ruin2] Done by Midjourney at Senarch’s prompting

Page 48: [Image: Map] Original drawing by Senarch

Page 49: [Image: Taymoran ruin3] Done by Midjourney at Senarch’s prompting

Page 51: [Image: Undersea] Original digital artwork by Senarch

Page 52: Image: Undead servants] Original digital artwork by Senarch

Page 53: [Image: Sea monster] Done by Midjourney at Senarch’s prompting

[Image: Archelon] Original drawing by Jeffrey Kosh
Page 55:
[Image: Aristonectes] Original drawing by Jeffrey Kosh
Page 56:
[Image: Elasmosaurus] Original drawing by Jeffrey Kosh (
Page 57:


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Artwork Sources/Credits

[Image: Hatzegopteryx] Original drawing by Jeffrey Kosh (

Page 58:
[Image: Mosasaurus] Original drawing by Jeffrey Kosh
Page 59:
[Image: Thalassotitan] Environment reconstruction of the Ouled Abdoun Basin, featuring
Page 60: Thalassotitan atrox and more by Connor Ashbridge via Wikimedia commons: https://commons.
[Image: Tusoteuthis] Background restoration of Tusoteuthis longa, a giant squid from the Late
Cretaceous of North America. Digital painting and drawn by pencil by Nobu Tamura (http://
Page 61:, via Wikimedia commons:
[Image: Tylosaurus] New reconstruction of Tylosaurus proriger, based on recent data about
Page 62: mosasaur's soft tissue, Author DiBgd from Wikimedia commons:
[Image: Xiphactinus] Xiphactinus audax, author ДиБгд from ru.wikipedia, and Wikimedia
Page 63:
[Image: Dearc] Life restoration of Dearc sgiathanach, a pterosaur from Jurassic Scotland, by El
Page 65:
fosilmaníaco from
[Image: Leedsichthys] New, updated version of Leedsichtys problematicus - giant Middle Jur-
Page 66: assic Pachycormid, by Dmitry Bogdanov via Wikimedia commons:
[Image: Liopleurodon] Original drawing by Jeffrey Kosh
Page 67:
[Image: Pliosaurus] Pliosaurus restoration 2019 By Mario Lanzas via Wikimedia commons:
Page 68:
[Image: Temnodontosaurus] Temnodontosaurus burgundiae attack Stenopterygius hauffianus
Page 69: by Dmitry Bogdanov via Wikimedia commons:
[Image: Vampyropod] Vampyroteuthis infernalis by Carl Chun (1852–1914) via Wikimedia
Page 70:
[Image: Atopodentatus] Atopodentatus unicus by Nobu Tamura via Wikimedia commons:
Page 72:
[Image: Atychodracon] Atychodracon megacephalus (formerly Rhomaleosaurus), author
Page 73:
ДиБгд from ru.wikipedia, and Wikimedia commons
[Image: Cymbospondylus] Original drawing by Jeffrey Kosh
Page 74:
[Image: Shonisaurus] Original drawing by Jeffrey Kosh
Page 75:
[Image: Map of zones]
Page 77:
Original map by author modified from Thorfin Tait X1 reproduction map
[Image: Acrolepis] Acrolepis gigas, predaceous Paleonisciform from Late Carboniferous of
Page 78: Bohemia, by DiBgd via Wikimedia commons:
[Image: Archegosaurus] Original drawing by Jeffrey Kosh (
Page 79:


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Artwork Sources/Credits

[Image: Helicoprion]
Helicoprion ferreri - alternative restoration of eugeneodontid "shark" with short rostrum.
Page 80:
Permian of North America, by Dmitry Bogdanov via Wikimedia commons: https://commons.
[Image: Lebachacanthus]
Page 81: Lebachacanthus, xenacanth shark from Early Permian of Western Europe by DiBgd via Wiki-
media commons:
[Image: Prionosuchus] Prionosuchus from the Permian, probably the largest amphibian
Page 82: ever, author ДиБгд from ru.wikipedia, and Wikimedia commons: https://commons.wikimedia.
[Image: Diplocaulus] Original drawing by Jeffrey Kosh
Page 83:
[Image: Dracopristis] A life restoration of the Ctenacanth Dracopristis hoffmanorum.
Page 84: Author Gasmasque via Wikimedia commons:
[Image: Ornithoprion] A life reconstruction of the extinct holoceph Ornithoprion. The
Page 85: hypocercal caudal fin is inspired by living halfbeaks and ballyhoo. Author Gasmasque via
Wikimedia commons:
[Image: Dunkleosteus] Reconstruction of Dunkleosteus terrelli. Drawing by Russell Engel-
Page 86: man via Wikimedia commons:

[Image: Jaekelopterus] Original drawing by Jeffrey Kosh

Page 87:

[Image: Tiktaalik] Tiktaalik roseae by Zina Deretsky, USA National Science Foundation, via
Page 88: Wikimedia commons:
[Image: Bubble of Diminution] Original digital artwork by Senarch
Page 89:

Page 91: [Image: Adventurers] Midjourney AI prompted by Senarch

Page 93: [Image: Force Field Bubble] Midjourney AI prompted by Senarch

Page 95: [Image: Undersea] blue and clear body of water by Silas Baisch free download
[Image: Undersea] A group of fish swimming in the ocean Photo by Karl Callwood from
Page 96:
[Image: Black diamond] Rarest Natural Black Diamond known as “shaan-e-kolkata” with a
Page 97: weight of 121.32 carats (24.264g), author Trishthah from Wikimedia commons: https://com-
[Image: Sindhi] The queen of Sivagangai who won over British with the help of two other
Page 98: kings known as Marudhu brothers, author Shakthi Thevarg from Wikimedia commons: https:/
[Image: Manta ray] Manta Ray by Jon Hanson from Wikimedia commons: https://commons.
Page 99:
[Image: Alphatian mage] © 2003 V Shane
Page 103:


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Artwork Sources/Credits

[Image: Map of Undersea laboratory]

Page 112:
Done by the author with donjon (
[Image: Harini] Painting of Indian woman, author Selvasuresh from Wikimedia commons:
Page 113:
[Image: Crystal ball]
Page 117:
Copyright © 2011 OutlandArts/ William McAusland
[Image: Orc] © 2003 V Shane
Page 121:
[Image: Dragon] © 2003 V Shane
Page 123:
[Image: Wizard]
Page 127:
Copyright © 2007 OutlandArts/ William McAusland
[Image: False Hydra] Multiheaded monster by Ladyofhats from Wikimedia commons: https:/
Page 129:
[Image: Archmage Alaman] Copyright © 2007 OutlandArts/ William McAusland http://www.
Page 131:
[Image: Giant crab] Giant crab by John James Wild from Wikimedia commons: https://en.
Page 135:
[Image: Underwater statue] Photographed by Jeremy Bishop; free to usefrom Unsplash:
Page 139: [Image: Aloysius reef map] Exxtract from The Kingdom of Ierendi replica map by Thorfinn Tait
[Image: DM’s Map of Undersea and Coralinia]
Page 140: [Image: Player’s Map of Undersea and Coralinia]
Original maps by Pol Ginés
Page 141: [Image: Shipwreck] Done by Midjourney at Senarch’s prompting
[Image: DM’s Map of Nixie Kingdom]
Page 143: [Image: Player’s Map of Nixie Kingdom]
Original maps by Pol Ginés
Page 145: [Image: Nixie refuge] Done by Midjourney at Senarch’s prompting
[Image: Nixie] Nixie by LadyofHats via Wikimedia commons: https://commons.wikimedia.or-
Page 146:
Page 147: [Image: Nixies charming a man] Original digital artwork by Senarch
Page 148: [Image: Kelp forest] Done by Midjourney at Senarch’s prompting
[Image: Blue-ringed Octopus] Blue-ringed Octopus photo by Rickard Zerpeng via Wikime-
Page 150: dia commons:
[Image: Flamagon as Octopus] Giant Octopus by Bachrach44 via Wikimedia commons:
Page 151:
[Image: Efreet] Efreet by LadyofHats via Wikimedia commons: https://commons.wikimedia.
Page 153:
Page 155: [Image: Kna] Original digital artwork by Sen arch
Page 160: [Image: Sunlit sea] Done by Midjourney at Senarch’s prompting
[Image: Kopru dominarchy]
Page 162:
Original drawing by I.Calvin from THRESHOLD Magazine issue #4
Page 167: [Image: Kopru and slave] Original digital drawing by Senarch
Page 170: [Image: Temple] Done by Midjourney at Senarch’s prompting
Page 175: [Image: Submarine] Original hand drawn artwork by Senarch


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Artwork Sources/Credits

Page 179: [Image: Diving suit] Original hand drawn artwork by Senarch

[Image: Mist] Corfe Castle, Dorset, by David Bunting from Wikimedia commons: https://
Page 183:,_Dorset_(3232250360).jpg
[Image: Marcos] Giovanni Battista Moroni (circa 1525 –1578), Gabriel de la Cueva, duke of
Alburquerque, from Wikimedia commons:
Page 184:
[Image: Tyoraam] Partly-restored image from the "campstool fresco", Knossos: A. J. Evans,
Page 188: The Palace of Minos 4.2 (1935) from Wikimedia commons:
[Image: Vampires] Vampires by LadyofHats from Wikimedia commons: https://commons.
Page 190:
[Image: Ylar people] Dancing girls at Cairo illustration by David Roberts (1796-1864) from
Page 192: Wikimedia commons:,_digit-
[Image: Ylar bazaar] Otto Heyden (1820–1897). The carpet bazaar, Cairo, from Wikimedia
Page 193:
[Image: Jaguar tribe human sacrifice] Aztec Human Sacrifice, 1579 by Diego Durán from
Page 195:
Wikimedia commons:
[Image: Opossum tribe village] François Bernard, Choctaw Village near the Chefuncte,
Page 196: Louisiana 1869 from Wikimedia commons:
[Image: Blackmoorian ship firing] Louis-Philippe Crépin (1772–1851). Combat de la
Page 198: Poursuivante contre l'Hercule, 1803, from Wikimedia commons: https://commons.wikimedia.
[Image: Beastman] Lycantrop by LadyofHats from Wikimedia commons: https://commons.
Page 200:
[Image: Vasfar warriors] The story of the United States by Marshall, H. E. (Henrietta Eliza-
Page 202: beth). Published 1919, from Wikimedia commons:
[Image: Giant] Ogre by LadyofHats from Wikimedia commons: https://commons.wikimedia.
Page 204:
[Image: Ship] Der fliegende Holländer, Michael Zeno Diemer from Wikimedia commons:
Page 207:
[Image: Meredoth] Copyright © 2007 OutlandArts/ William McAusland https://www.out-
Page 209:
[Image: Investiture of a knight] Miniature of the investiture of a knight, Bibliothèque
Page 211: nationale de France, from Wikimedia commons:
[Image: Fief Calculation] Illustration from Margarita philosophica, 1503, by Gregor Reisch
(d. 1525). Typ 520.03.736, Houghton Library, Harvard University from Wikimedia Commons:
Page 211:
[Image: Farm] Johann Ludwig Ernst Morgenstern (1738–1819), A Farm, from Wikimedia
Page 217: commons:


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Artwork Sources/Credits

[Image: City] Jacob van der Ulft, A Coastal Scene with a Fortified Town, from Wikimedia
Page 220: commons:,_A_Coastal_Scene_
[Image: Plowing] The Medieval Plow, from Wikimedia commons: https://commons.wikime-
Page 225:
[Image: Religious Procession] Frederick Arthur Bridgman (1847–1928). Procession in
Page 228: Honor of Isis, from Wikimedia commons:
[Image: Forge] Francesco Bassano the Younger. Forge of Vulcan, from Wikimedia commons:
Page 233:
[Image: Caravan] Stefano Ussi. A Caravan Resting, from Wikimedia commons: https://com-
Page 237:
[Image: Back Cover of issue #31]
Back cover: Back cover of issue #31 using Sadko in the Underwater Kingdom by Ilya Repin via Wikimedia


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines Other types of contributions: the editorial team

will consider on a case by case basis other types
Proposals of contributions. Please contact us to inquire if
All proposal submissions can be sent by mail to and how we can accommodate unusual contri-
the editors at the following address: bution formats.
[email protected], and must be
received by the proposal deadline†. The The following guidelines apply to different
THRESHOLD editorial team will contact you types of submissions:
within 7 days of the proposal deadline regard-
ing the status of your proposal. Illustrations: Please submit art and maps in
lossless format (e.g., PNG).
Submission proposals should be sent inline in the
mail, using the following subject format: Articles: Manuscript submissions can be sent by
[ISSUE#][Proposal]<title of your article> mail as plain text, doc(x) or odt, or shared as
Google Doc. The issue editor will create a
The mail content should include the following: shared document (for each article) to allow the
• Proposed article title author and editorial team to work on it. Articles
• The type of article being proposed (short can be as short as a single page, or as long as 6
story, adventure, geographical location, pages, depending on the specific content. The
organization, etc...) editorial team will do its best to accommodate
• A one paragraph description of what the the contributions, but especially long works
article is about may be split over several issues.
• An estimated word count of the article (art-
icles should range anywhere from 1000 to Tables: Tables should be numbered (Table X:
7000 words, depending on the type of Name of Table), and any references in the
article submitted) article should refer to that table number (and
not to “he table below,” for example).
Manuscripts should only be submitted after you Author Bios: Please include a short blurb (one
proposal has been accepted by the THRESHOLD or two sentences) biography/blurb about your-
editorial staff, and must be received by the self for our “contributing authors” section. It
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bution formats.
The mail content should include the following:
• The article title. †Refer to “Call for Contributions” (page 9) for
• An attached document containing the article next issue deadline dates.
• The final word count of the article. #Insert relevant issue number in place of ‘#’


THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

THRESHOLD - the Mystara Magazine

THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #31

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In this new issue of THRESHOLD Magazine we explore the regions
under the waves and the peoples, and monsters, who inhabit them,
also thanks to the lavish illustrations of so many creatures by Jeffrey
and digital and AI art by Sebastien! We also celebrate the first Ten
Years of Threshold Magazine, then Kingdoms and Empires of the
Oceans by Sturm, Sunken Taymora by Senarch, Terrors of the Sea of
Dread by Cab, Magical Bubbles of Undersea by Wing of Coot, Under-
water Laboratory of Aquan Archmage by Not a Decepticon, Aloysius
Reef and the Nixie community by Eliyah von Llaunas, Hidden
Empires of the Kopru by Matthew Tullius, Gnomish Submarine by
Karl David Brown; more than enough to enrich any underwater
campaign, with more gems to come in the next issue! And finally
one more visit to the Mists of Ravenloft with A Mystaran Survey of
the Mists by Doc Necrotic, and the wonderful Fiefdom Generator by
Fabrizio Nuzzaci!
All this can be found only in this latest issue of our favorite
magazine! [email protected]

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