Threshold 17 Western Brun

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The Mystara Magazine


The seventeenth issue of the Mystara Magazine, featuring

the vast savage and partially unexplored lands that lie to
the west of the Known World

A free download from
THRESHOLD - The Mystara Magazine

: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

THRESHOLD - The Mystara Magazine

Issue #17
This Issue s Contributors............................................................4
Call for Contributors...................................................................5
The Great Map of Brun................................................................8
Western Brun in 8 miles per hex..............................................17
The Great Timeline of Western Brun........................................22
Creatures of Western Brun........................................................62
The Southwestern Arm of the Immortals...............................144
Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North...........................................154
To the Mistmyr Falls................................................................184
Artwork Sources and Credits..................................................201
Next Issue................................................................................207

Threshold: The Mystara Magazine is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan
Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property
of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Threshold: The Mystara Magazine is a non-commercial, fan-produced magazine. There is
no intention to infringe on anyone’s rights, and in particular not on those of Wizards of the
Coast, which holds all rights to the original material on which the magazine is based.
All issues of Threshold are available for FREE download from the Vaults of Pandius website

: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17


Editorial Credits
Threshold Editorial Team: Editor-in-Chief, Issue 17:
Francesco Defferrari (Sturm)
Allan Palmer (AllanP)
Giampaolo Agosta (Agathokles) Layout:
John Calvin (Chimpman) Allan Palmer (AllanP)
Francesco Defferrari (Sturm)
Giampaolo Agosta
Editors Emeriti Leandro Abrahão
Andrew Theisen (Cthulhudrew) Robin D.
Ashtagon William McAusland
Angel Tarragon (The Angelic Dragon)
Geoff Gander (Seer of Y'hog) Cartography:
Håvard Thorfinn Tait, Thibault Sarlat,
Jesper Andersen (Spellweaver) Christian Constantin, Andrea Francolini,
Joseph Setorius (Julius Cleaver) DJ Hartel, Robin D., Roberto Roma,
Leland (Argentmantle) John Calvin, Matthew Fleet, Mindszenty,
LoZompatore Francesco Defferrari (Sturm),
Micky Ignacio Ramos
Robert Nuttman (RobJN)
Simone Neri (Zendrolion)
Thorfinn Tait (Thorf) Additional Reviewers & Proofreaders:
Troy Terrell (CmdrCorsiken) Allan Palmer (AllanP), Andrew Theisen,
Brian O'Carroll, Caroline Regina,
David Insley, Harri Maki (hihama),
Robin, Rob Koper, Shawn Stanley

THRESHOLD logo designed by Thorf

Thanks To: The Mystara Community, for your support, hard work, and dedication to Mystara.

The aims of Threshold magazine:

▪ to provide a venue for community members to present material
▪ to promote the Vaults of Pandius and the material there
▪ to increase the exposure of existing and new articles
▪ to encourage authors to revisit and revitalise existing articles
▪ to motivate interest in Mystara in general

: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17


The West is an iconic theme not only for We will indeed begin by examining the maps
Americans but also for the rest of the world, of Brun produced over the years, and then
thanks to the influence that the Western we will look at the timeline of the great
movies and their epic had all over the globe. continent and at the people and creatures
Mystara has its own mysterious and savage who inhabit it.
West: part of it was developed in the “Voyage
of the Princess Ark” series by Bruce Heard, Special focus of this issue is on the Arm of
and then gathered in the Savage Coast and the Immortals, with Ignacio Ramos’ maps
Red Steel boxed sets. The Mystaran West and Atila Pires dos Santos’ original nations
imagined by Bruce was indeed partially and cultures.
inspired by the American West, Northern and
Southern, with pistols, cowboys and To complete the issue two adventures which
gauchos. In a typical Mystaran style the continue from issue #16: the second parts of
picture was completed by a mashup of the BC 2300 adventure path and of the
cultures inspired by other regions of the real Loktal’s Vault megadungeon.
world, from French-like rakasta to English-
like lupins, ancient Gauls, Australian natives As the material submitted by contributors
and much else. was too much to fit into just one issue, our
voyage in Western Brun will continue in
Later the active and imaginative Mystara fan issue #18 with the Savage Coast.
community added a lot more to the West of
the continent of Brun. As canon Mystaran Enjoy your voyage to the savage lands and
products placed in Brun people inspired by remember that Here Be Dragons!
cultures from all the real world continents,
fans created more nations inspired by Persia,
Russia, Siberian people, Native Americans or
Japan, and added also more fantastic cultures
and people. Francesco Defferrari (Sturm)
Issue #17 Editor-in-Chief
This issue of Threshold should be considered
a starting point in a great voyage to the West
of Brun, with the help of the maps and the
reports sent by previous explorers.

: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

This Issue s Contributors

This Issue’s Contributors

Andrea Ciceri is a RPG and Videogame Geek to read fantasy, science fiction and true
that also happen to have a PhD in Philosophy science and is a fan of Star Wars, Lord of the
of Religion. Married, father of one son, he RingsR, Star Trek, and Terry Pratchett.
loves to cook for his family and friends. He is
John Calvin is fascinated by the depth of
the proud owner of his family bookshop.
Mystaran history, and has always wanted to
Giampaolo Agosta (a.k.a. Agathokles) share that more fully with players. To that
agrees with Schiller that “man is only end he has been developing sub-settings like
completely a man when he plays”. Therefore, The Hollow Moon and Mystara 2300 BC.
he makes a point of taking gaming seriously,
Even though Sturm (a.k.a. Francesco
and real life casually. Besides Mystara, his
Defferrari) loves any alternate world, he
gaming interests include (among others)
believes Mystara is incomparably the best for
Dark Sun, Planescape, Ravenloft, Birthright,
its vibrant community endlessly delving into
Call of Cthulhu, Star Wars and Witchcraft RPG.
ethnography, linguistics and history just to
Despite not being the first setting played by make a little sense of it. Something like the
Átila Pires dos Santos (a.k.a. Wilhelm), real world, but with dragons.
Mystara is one of his favorites. He feels that
Robin (at The Piazza, Robin D elsewhere)
Mystara is one of the most democratic
Female from 1962, she began playing D&D
settings ever, not only because of how much
since its earliest days as far back as 1978,
its fan base can change its destiny, but also
soon after becoming “addicted”. Ultimately,
because of those many RW cultures that have
she was intimately bound to the world of
their Mystaran version.
Mystara, because of its complex diversity. A
Ramelin (Ignacio Ramos) hails from current compiler of massive materials
Guadalajara (that is in Mexico). His affair with available on Vaults of Pandius & her
Mystara started 32 years ago, and has an “Breath of Mystara” blog; and former
ongoing campaign that has lasted as long. Teacher of Biology, Ecology, Chemistry,
The affair with Mystaran cartography has Physics, once travelling all over Europe as a
lasted pretty much as long, but his true stage dancer including house parties. Once
calling came with the Gazetteers, when he called “The Fletcher” at UK GenCon by
decided that the whole planet should be Bruce Heard for her extensive compilation
mapped at this scale. This project is about in “Revenge of the Little Ones”.
one quarter complete, with most of Brun,
parts of Davania and even inroads into
Skothar. Ramelin has one wife, one son and
one daughter, acquired in that order. He like

: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Call for Contributors

The Threshold editorial team invites all fans

of the Mystara setting to submit
contributions to the magazine's next issue.
We are especially looking for contributions
fitting the following themes:
Issue 18 - Savage Coast of Mystara!
In Western Brun there is a wild, untamed Proposal Deadline: April 15th, 2018
land with ancient ruins to explore, proud Manuscript Deadline: May 10th, 2018
people and nations to meet, an ancient Issue Published: by July 21st, 2018
curse and strange weapons. The Savage Issue 21 - Specularum
Coast needs women and men, brave and
Discover the history, personalities,
organizations and locales of
Proposal Deadline: Expired on October
Specularum, the city on Mirror Bay,
21st 2017, but proposal could still be
capital of the Grand Duchy of
submitted if the author is confident that
Karameikos. This issue aims at giving
the article will be completed by the below
new life to the tantalising vapourware
"Fantasy Cities #1: Specularum"
Manuscript Deadline: November 21st 2017
Issue Published: by January 21st, 2018
Proposal Deadline: July 15th 2018
Manuscript Deadline: August 10th, 2018
Call for proposals for main themes of
Issue Published: by October 21st 2018
forthcoming issues (2018):
Issue 19 - Planes & The Immortals
Articles about other topics are still
Immortal plots and schemes may
welcome and the editorial team will
drastically alter the lives of those living on
evaluate their publication for any
Mystara, but their reach extends far
upcoming issue, taking into account
beyond the imagination of mere mortals.
available space and the issue's theme.
Roam through the infinite planes of the
multiverse, stepping into the homes of the Threshold accepts and invites submissions
immortals themselves… and whatever else of extended or revised versions of works
lurks beyond! having appeared on The Piazza or Vaults
Proposal Deadline: January 15th 2018 of Pandius.
Manuscript Deadline: February 10th, 2018
Contributions may include, but are not
Issue Published: by April 21st 2018
limited to: Articles: short stories, short
adventure modules, NPCs, historical
Issue 20 - Skothar treatises and timelines, geographical
Where ancient Blackmoor once laid, the entries, new monsters and monster
most unknown and mysterious continent

: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Call for Contributors

ecologies, etc.; and Illustrations: portraits, minimum. For most NPCs, it is sufficient to
maps, heraldry, illustrations, etc. mention class, level, and alignment. For
important NPCs, a one or two line stat block
The Threshold editorial team strives for may be included.
edition neutrality, but edition specific articles
(e.g., conversions) are also accepted.
statistics for new monsters and NPCs may be
included in articles (e.g., adventure modules,
new monsters or NPCs) in any version of
Dungeons & Dragons. The editorial team
also offers help in providing conversions to
some specific rules set. including BECMI/RC,
2nd Edition, 3rd edition/Pathfinder.
However, this material should be limited to a

Some features in issues of Threshold carry a “From

the Vaults of Pandius” tagline. As one of our stated
aims is “to promote the Vaults of Pandius and the
material there”, we hope you will enjoy these
revised or extended treasures from that website.

From the
Forum at

Some features in issues of Threshold carry a “From

the Mystara Forum at The Piazza” tagline. Theses
Discussion Boards are an active and dynamic home
of creativity for the Mystara community and many
other game worlds. We hope you will enjoy the
articles that have arisen from that website.

: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Previous Issues

Previous Issues
Previous issues of THRESHOLD - the Mystara Also available at the same location are higher
Magazine, are available for download from the resolution versions of the maps that were
Vaults of Pandius website. included in the issue’s PDF, allowing greater
detail to be viewed.

#1 - “Karameikos”

#2 - “Vaults of Pandius”

#3 - “The Sea of Dread”

#4 - “Return to Dread”

#5 - “Exploring Davania”

#6 - “The Northlands”

#7 - “Exploring Norwold”

#8 - “Warlordsof Norwold”

#9 - “Hollow World”

#10 - “Elven Realms”

#11 - “Thyatis & Alphatia”

#12 - “Ages Past”

#13 - “A Crucible of Creatures”

#14 - “the Shadowdeep”

#15 - “Mystaraspace”

#16 - “Dwarves, Gnomes & Hin”

THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #11
: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17
The Great Map of Brun

The Great Map of Brun

By many cartographers
Thibault Sarlat and
Christian Constantin maps

The purpose of this article is to introduce the It all started with Thibault Sarlat and
great broad-scale maps of Brun which have Christian Constantin, the first fans to try to
been made over the years by the Mystaran map the continent of Brun at 24 miles per
fan community, as no complete canon map hex back in 1999:
existed of the western or northern parts of
the continent. As we will see, there is not - Thibault Sarlat’s maps of Brun in the Tome
always consistency or consensus on the of Mystara (available at The Vaults)
shape and position of some geographic - Christian Constantin’s Map of the Great
features of the continent. This aspect could Hule and the Midlands AC 1000 current as of
be incorporated into a campaign itself and be 10 May 1999 (available at The Vaults)
funny and interesting in a game set in the - Christian Constantin’s Map of Borea,
wilderlands of Brun, as the players may have current as of 1999 (available at The Vaults)
to use available maps, to discover that they - Map of Western Brun, AC 1000 at 24 mph
are unreliable or incorrect. by Christian Constantin, current as of 1999
(available at The Vaults)
This article will use the
names of the people who
created these maps as
they appear in the Vaults
of Pandius and, if
available, the nicknames
they use on The Piazza
forum. The DM could
choose to use these
names in game as actual
explorers of Brun or just
attribute them to fictional
figures or to unknown

: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Map of Brun

With these maps, filled with name tags More recently, taking into consideration
inspired by Central Asian cultures and other fan works, in particular details of the
including the Yezchamenid and Zuyevo Midlands2 by James Mishler and the new
Empires created by Adrian Mattias, Thibault maps of the area by Carillion3, Christian
and Christian (who also wrote extensively Constantin also made a new map of Hule
about Hule and its history1) created the first and the Yalu sea, moving the latter more to
geographic representation of Central and the west:
Western Brun.
Map of Central Brun, 1000 AC from The
Piazza posted 29 October 2014 (available at
The Vaults)

2 S e e “ T h e M id la n d s” in The Va ul ts
1 S e e Chris tia n Co ns ta ntin’ s wo rk s s to re d in 3 S e e l a te r a b o ut his m a ps a nd c he c k his
the Va ul ts o f Pa nd ius a rtic l e in the ne xt is s ue (#1 8 ) o f T h r e sh o ld .

: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Map of Brun

Kal’s map His map is specific to a campaign set in 1160

AC and has Italian name tags, but it is still a
Around 2009, Kal aka Andrea Francolini, great resource to start mapping or exploring
mapped the whole of Mystara at 24 miles per Brun. However his map makes the Borea
hex maps, including Brun: River and the Yalu River a unique river
system flowing from north to south, while in
- Brun, AC 1160 by Andrea Francolini, GAZ10: “The Orcs of Thar” and the Hollow
current as of 4 January 2009 (available at The World boxed set the two rivers are clearly
Vaults of Pandius) separated with the Borea River flowing from
south to north.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Map of Brun

Thorfinn Tait’s maps OldDawg/JTR and DJ Hartel’s

From 2005 to the present day, Thorfinn Tait The map by DJ Hartel uses all of the available
has recreated practically all of the Mystara canon sources and also the GazF series by
maps ever published in canon products, OldDawg/JTR united in a big 24 miles per
including the whole Known World, Savage hex map. Included here is the Swamp of the
Coast and the Arm of the Immortals in Brun. Beast, previously an unnamed swamp
appearing in the “Wrath of the Immortals”
Thorfinn’s maps are stored in the Vaults of boxed set map4, and the Borean River flows
Pandius: and on his site the Atlas of Mystara . through a depression or valley, partially
occupied by the Kingdom of the Dead, also
Here I also want to point out his magnificent from the GazF series.
and huge map of the Savage Coast at 8 miles
per hex, from the Gulf of Hule to the Yalu Eastern Brun Conglomeration, 24 miles per
Bay (available at The Vaults) hex by DJ Hartel (available at The Vaults)

4 S e e a firs t m a p o f the re gio n: “ No r t h e r n

W ild la n d s M a p ” b y L o Z o m pa to re in the
Va ul ts


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Map of Brun

Robin’s map Sturm/Francesco’s first Brun

map and
Using the above sources, Robin did the first Roberto Roma’s interactive
great map of Eastern Brun at 8 miles per hex,
also using Sturm/Francesco’s (mine) 8 mph
map of the Adri Varma plateau5. See also Also using the GazF series but just modifying
Threshold issue #6, where Robin’s map was Kal’s map, back in 2011 Sturm/Francesco
first presented, and issue #7, which contains Defferrari created his own Brun map
her article on the Grouzhina flood. (available at The Vaults), trying to put into it
all the available canon information,
Detailed Map of Northeast Brun compiled excellently summarized by LoZompatore in
and created by Robin, current as of 18 March his “A reference map with names” (also
2013 (available in The Vaults of Pandius) available in The Vaults). Sturm/Francesco’s
first map was also used by Roberto
Roma/Omnibius to create his interactive map
of Mystara
5 S e e Ad ri Va rm a Pl a te a u 8 m il e s pe r he x
m a p b y F ra nc e s c o D e ffe rra ri (a va il a b l e in
the Va ul ts )


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Map of Brun

The tags used by Roberto come partially from Sturm/Francesco’s updated

canon and fan information and are partially Brun map
his own creation. He made several fan
Gazetteers in Italian that now cover the More recently Francesco modified his 24
whole of Brun. The Gazetteers’ covers can be miles per hex Brun map as explained in a
seen in his website “La Tana del Drago” posting in The Piazza Forums now stored on
and the contents may be downloaded from The Vaults (see link below), mostly to do
that site by registering as a user on some modifications to the Kal’s original map
Omnibius’ forum. The Gazetteers are also in that he used as a starting point. His map is
the Vaults of Pandius and Gary Davies has still a work in progress and it would need
translated two of them into English some cleaning, and should be updated with
(Hule/Kavkaz and Adri Varma). the later material developed mostly by
Roberto Roma/Omnibius and Matthew


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Map of Brun

Map of Brun by Francesco Defferrari from Mindszenty’s map

The Piazza posted 28 May 2014 (available at
The Vaults) A Russian fan of Mystara, mindszenty, made
a beautiful non-hex hand-painted map of
Brun which could be perfect for players. It
would make a great map done in the
emerging Empire of Zuyevo, since name tags
are in cyrillic. A version with English names
is also available in the same link below.

Hand-painted map of Brun by mindszenty

from The Piazza posted 27 December 2015
(available at The Vaults)


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Map of Brun

Matthew Fleet/Carillion’s maps Carillion’s maps are available at The Vaults of

Matthew Fleet, aka Carillion, has done
several beautiful 24 miles per hex maps of Map of The High Borean Valley and the
Brun since 2014. More about his latest work Midlands from The Piazza posted 8 July
can be read in his article in the next issue 2014.
(#18) of Threshold Magazine. Combined Map of the Great Northway Lands from The
with the latest map by Christian Constantin Piazza posted 11 October 2015.
described earlier, Carillion’s maps cover a Map of the Eastern Savage Coast and Greater
huge region of south western Brun in 24 Hule from The Piazza posted 15 November
miles per hex. 2015.
Map of The Orc's Head Peninsula, Savage
Coast, Great Northway Lands and Greater
Hule (a.k.a. "Southold") from The Piazza
posted 3 January 2016.
Map of Northern Black Mountains, 24 miles
per hex from The Piazza posted 2 May 2016.
Map of Northern Norwold, 24 Miles per Hex
from The Piazza posted 15 January 2017.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Map of Brun

Editor’s Note:

This issue of THESHOLD Magazine also

features more 8 miles per hex maps of
regions of the continent of Brun: The Arms
of the Immortals and Western Brun drawn by
Ignacio Ramos.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Western Brun in 8 miles per hex

Western Brun in 8 miles per hex

By Ignacio Ramos

Editor’s Note:
Continuing the theme of the
previous article about the
continuing efforts by the fan
community to map the whole
of Brun, cartographer Ignacio
Ramos submitted his new
map of the Arm of the
Immortals and Western Brun
at 8 miles per hex scale to
THRESHOLD Magazine. Here,
in his own words, is Ignacio’s
description of the map:

“I just completed a map on the area, and I would

like to share it. The map covers the Arm of the
Immortals, I have also mapped out most of the
Endworld Line, the Zuyevo and Yezchamenid
empires, the Klagorst zone and most of the
Midlands. The sources are (as always) the existing
maps and ideas on The Vaults of Pandius.
The maps are expanded and extrapolated from the
original 72 and 24 miles per hex1 and are BIG, as
my maps are on a 8 mile per hex scale.
There seems to be two versions of Western Brun. In
one of them, the Zuyevo and Yezchamenid Empires
1 Tho rfinn Ta it’ s m a p o f the Arm o f the Im m o rta l s
a t 2 4 m il e s pe r he x, re - c re a te d us ing c a no n s o urc e s


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Western Brun in 8 miles per hex

exist. In this version, the Sea of Yalu (The complete and congruent map which, I hope,
Cradle) and Health's Spring are elongated creates a seamless whole at 8 mile per hex
and further south. In the other version the scale.
lands near the Yalu River are dominated by As always: my eternal thanks and recognition
the Lawful Brotherhood, Chaotic Sisterhood to all the mapmakers and contributors to the
and Neutral Alliance. The Sea of Yalu and wonderful world of Mystara!”
Health's Spring are shaped more like the
Master Rules Map and are positioned further Editor’s Note (2):
north. Moreover, there is no clear position As magazine restricts the ability to see the
for the Arm of The Immortals in relation to details of these wonderful 8 miles per hex
the Orc's Head Peninsula. maps we provide some enlarged extracts ,
I have tried to reach a compromise between on the following pages showing some of
both versions and the Master Rules Map. In the detail. To appreciate them fully, we
my interpretation the Master Rules Map is a suggest you visit to the Vaults of Pandius
typical medieval map with both truths and website to view and download them.
errors in the position and shape of the (See links at end of article)
geographical features. The final result is a


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Western Brun in 8 miles per hex


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Western Brun in 8 miles per hex


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Western Brun in 8 miles per hex

The Maps Klagorst

(at the Vaults of Pandius) :
Map of the Arm of Immortals1,
@ 8 miles per hex by Ignacio Ramos, current Yalu Bay and the Yezchamenid Empire
as of 21 June 2017
Empire of Zuyevo

For an alternate view on the Known World,

viisit “Ramelin’s Mystara”, to see a series of
1 S e e the a rtic l e b y Atil a Pire s d o s S a nto s
maps by Ignacio Ramos (aka Ramelin on The
l a te r in this is s ue fo r m o re d e ta il a b o ut this Piazza forums)
re gio n.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

A history of Brun
beyond the Known World

by Francesco Defferrari (Sturm)


This article uses all existing canon and fan later compiled in the boxed sets “Champions
created information to develop a timeline of of Mystara”, “Red Steel” and “Savage
Brun, the continent of the Known World, Baronies”. The rest of the land received only
focusing on its western regions which are not brief mentions in canon sources, such as the
traditionally part of the canon Known World. Master set map and some adventures. The
I have added a small amount of my own vibrant Mystara fan community, however, has
creation to the available information. In added a lot to the development of Western
canon sources, Western Brun is a mysterious Brun, adding much material to the scarce
land, of which only the southern part, The canon information about the continent.
Savage Coast and the Arm of the Immortals,
have been developed in the “Voyage of the To list all these sources in this article would
Princess Ark” series by Bruce Heard, require a huge amount of notes; I will
originally published in Dragon Magazine and instead list at the end of this article all the fan


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

sources I have used, asking for forgiveness in Gazetteer produced) is in the background of
advance if I have forgotten or omitted this timeline, and therefore only the most
someone. important events are mentioned. The history
The first canon source to depict the whole of Alphatia and the Isle of Dawn are also
world of Mystara, (which at that time had not only briefly mentioned unless it directly
been named as such), was the map in the affects Central and Western Brun.
D&D Master Rules set by Frank Mentzer. On
the map Brun was largely occupied by the Besides gnomes, I also see Central and
“Empire of Dorfin IV”. Later canon, in Western Brun as inhabited by many other
particular the first installment of the “Voyage races, from the most ancient, such as
of the Princess Ark” by Bruce Heard, dragons, giants, rockmen and geonids,
assumed this map could have been a chameleon men, lizardkin, neanderthals,
compilation of unreliable sources, but it gave sasquatches, centaurs and fairy folks, lupins,
me an idea. As the name Dorfin appears later rakastas, tortles, neshezu, phanatons,
in relation to gnomes (for example in AC11: gyerians, to the human races who came
“The Book of Wondrous Inventions”, before the time of Blackmoor, such as Oltecs,
compiled by Bruce Heard), the guideline of Azcans and the ancestors of the people of
my personal history of Western Brun is that Robrenn and Ethengar, to the humanoids
gnomes are the secret movers and shakers of and the elves who came after the Great Rain
the continent, and they really had a great of Fire.
empire spanning it, an empire they are ready
to re-form. This idea was also partially The variety of people, cultures and themes
inspired by the vapourware product creates a diverse and interesting setting, with
“Hackwurld of Mystaros”1 by James Mishler, plenty of adventures waiting for bold
where he planned to place the Hackmaster’s explorers!
gnome titans in Western Brun.

To facilitate understanding of the different

sources used in my timeline, I have put a [C]
at the end of the event when it is mentioned
in canon, a [F with number] when is
mentioned in some fan material listed at the
end of the article and a [M] when it is wholly
my own creation. Note that I have also
expanded on some canon and fan events
with my own ideas.

The history of the nations of the Known

World (the ones which had a canon

1 S e e a l s o “ Co m p ile d Q &A o n t h e

Ha c k W u r ld o f M y st a r o s” in the Va ul t o f
Pa nd ius


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

Races of Brun and organisations or are relatively common

and widespread in some regions.
Before the arrival of humans:
Immortals: Using mostly Marco Dalmonte’s
The most ancient sentient land inhabitants of Codex Immortalis as a source, I have also
Brun were probably ancient elemental mentioned the action of the Immortals who
creatures such as geonids, rockmen, sand were natives of Brun, as I believe the path to
folks, desert ghosts, medusa, nixies, djnnis immortality of a powerful being is bound to
and efreets. Later came plant creatures such have great repercussions on large regions of
as fungoids, stolari, gakarak and ents, oozes the world.
and worms such as scamille, decapus and
wurmlings, then insectlike creatures such as Humans, demihumans and humanoids:
aranea, manscorpions, formians, hivebroods Humans, gnomes, dwarves, elves, humanoids
and crabmen, then reptilian creatures such and hin are just the newcomers to the
as tortles, frogfolk, chameleon men, carnifex, continent, as they arrived after the Great Rain
sis’thik, newts, lizardmen, gatormen, of Fire or just some centuries before it. It is
caymen, troglodytes, drakes and dragons. worth to detail the individual history of each
major race to better understand what their
The seas had their own inhabitants, the most numbers and cultures could be in modern
ancient being probably kopru, kna, devilfish, Brun. Even if canon Mystara sources say most
shark-kins and sea dragons, then crabmen, of these races are a relatively recent creation
sea hermits, snappers and tortles, dragon of the Immortals, a DM who wishes to have all
turtles, narwhals, dendan whales and noble the D&D worlds in an unique material plane
dolphins, omm-wa, sea giants, sea elves, should really dismiss these origin stories as
mermaids and tritons. myths, as already suggested in my article
“Guide to Mystaraspace” in Threshold issue
Then came intelligent birds like faenare, #15, and consider them more ancient races.
harpies and gyerians and mammals, such as
sphinxes, hutaakans, lupins, rakasta, Humanoids: As Blackmoor promoted
goatmen, phanaton, neshezu, ratlings, several crusades to exterminate beastmen
enduks, cryions, jorri, mythu'nn folk, (the ancestors of humanoids) before the
mugumba mud-dwellers, packydermions, Great Rain of Fire, it could be assumed
tabi. Later came humanoid races such as garls, beastmen began to again spread across
neanderthals and giants. Actaeons, brownies, northern Brun only from 2400 BC and reach
centaurs, faeries, fauns, gremlins, imps, southwestern Brun only after 1700 BC and
leprechauns, pookas, pixies, sidhe, sprites the Savage Coast after 1300 BC, as detailed in
and any other fairy folks are also very ancient the Hollow World boxed set migration map.
and may have preceded mammal inhabitants.
Elves: The great migration of Ilsundal (and
All these creatures have not completely probably others) reached Brun from Davania
disappeared from Brun; at the very least, only around 2300 BC, but it can be easily
they survive in isolated pockets of land, but deduced from canon that other groups of
in many cases they have their own nations elves lived in the continent before that date,


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

for example the ancestors of the TIMELINE OF BRUN

Shadowelves, Shattenalfen, Belcadiz and the
elves of Wendar. For more about this topic
see my article “The Elven Clans and Their
Migrations” in Threshold issue #10. Given
this history, groups and nations of elves Ancient times
could now be present anywhere in Brun.
75,000 BC:
Dwarves: Supposedly natives of Brun, Rakasta come to Brun, maybe from Skothar
dwarves could probably be present anywhere or Davania. At this time the continent is
in the continent even if canon sources do not inhabited mostly by fairy folks, neanderthals
detail other groups beyond the Known (brutemen), giants and lupins in the centre
World and the Savage Coast. Dwarves of and the north, with several populations of
other regions of Brun could either be crabmen, tortles, chameleon men, lizardmen,
descendants of the pre-GRoF Kogolor troglodytes, aranea and others in the
dwarves, or colonists from Rockhome and southern lands. These different races are
the Savage Coast in more recent centuries. often in conflict. Occasionally one or more of
these races did create a vast kingdom that
Gnomes: The canon sources saying that lasted centuries or even millennia, but
gnomes were created by Garal after the GRoF eventually fell. (F2, M)
conflict with their presence in Davania,
Blackmoor and in other D&D settings, so it 40,000 BC:
could be assumed they are an ancient race By this time the first humans, ancient
like dwarves. In this article I will indeed Neathars, have settled the Alphatian sea and
assume the Yalu river valley could be their some areas of northeastern Brun. Dwarves
original birthplace, but the true origin of the and gnomes could already exist at this time
gnomes could be in any Mystara continent or as recognisable races, possibly descendants
elsewhere in the multiverse. of brutemen. (F2, F3)

Halflings: They came from Davania after

1500 BC, but they were present in
Blackmoor, so some could have come to
Brun even before the Great Rain of Fire. Also
a minority group could have gone to other
regions of Brun after that date.

Humans: Oltecs and Azcan were the main

human cultures of southern Brun before the
Great Rain of Fire, but Neathar and Antalians
were certainly also present in the north. As
we will see in the timeline below, fan sources
have greatly expanded the migrations of
human cultures in the early history of Brun.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

35,000 BC: 6,000 BC:

First oltec migrations reach southern Brun The number of brutemen has declined in all
from the Alphatian sea. Rakasta spread to of Brun. Karimari already live in the Serpent
many regions of Brun, eventually settling in Peninsula, and dwarves in eastern Brun (C)
much of the continent. (C, F2) they all may be descendants of the brutemen,
as well as the gnomes of Central Brun (M)
12,000 BC:
Lhomarrian culture spreads in eastern
Davania and the southern Alphatian sea. Rise of civilizations
Oltec culture also develops and spreads in
southern Brun and Davania. The two human
cultures usually cooperate against other 5,000 BC:
races, particularly aranea, carnifex and other The rise of the Oltec empire in the area of
reptilian races. (F3, M) the modern Black mountains pushes former
Lhomarrian cultures to the west (ancestors of
10,000 BC: the Yezchamenid and Huleans) or the east
Tribes of Valoin (ancestors of Littonia and (ancestors of Nithians and Ylari). The giants
Karjaala) and Skandharians (ancestors of of Gandhar dominate much of the modern
Antalians) from Skothar colonise parts of Isle of Dawn and Alphatia. The Draconic
North western Brun (F2). Last remnants of Empire rules northeastern Brun, including
the brutemen and giant civilizations still dwarven territories. Mid and western Brun is
dominates part of Brun (C, F1) inhabited by lupins, rakasta, gnomes and
Neathar humans (ancestors of Robrenn and
9,000 BC: Eusdria) with some Oltec tribes. Another
The carnifex of Y’hog begin their conquests Neathar group, the Maharians (southern
from north western Davania. In the following Neathar) colonize parts of the modern
two millennia they spread through northern Known World. (F2, M)
Davania and southern Brun, inciting and 4,000 BC:
helping local reptilian and amphibian people A new human migration comes from Skothar
against brutemen, giants, humans and (ancestors of Ethengarians) (F2, M)
humanoids. (F3) Oltecs reach the Savage Coast contacting
tortles and manscorpions (C) The Jakar and
7,000 BC: other rakasta are integrated into Oltec society
The destruction of Lhomarr and Y’hog (F2). Ninsun is a great mage and Oltec
creates a diaspora of Lhomarrian people, empress, expanding the power of her people
who create several different nations in in Brun and the south to Davania (F4). The
northeastern Davania and southern Brun. Pitchan nation unifies the Oltec people of the
(F3, M) Arm of the Immortals and eventually
becomes an empire (F6). Beastman of
northern Brun enslave some Neathar clans,
creating a breed of hybrids which will
become the Dena (F6).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

Blackmoor era and the first expanded Blackmoor trade in Brun (F4) The
kingdom of Dorfin wizards of Blackmoor win against the
dragons and gives them the Dragonlord
3,500 BC: armour to ensure peace (C).
Blackmoorian humans from Skothar begin
their travels and colonisation, reaching 3,200 - 3,000 BC:
southern Brun, where they will eventually The growing Blackmoorian power in
found the colony of New Blackmoor in the southeastern Brun pushes many Neathar and
present day Known World. (F3, M) The Oltec people north and west. The powerful
Azcans secede from the Oltec empire (C) cleric Djaea protects the Neathar of central
Sandfolks are brought to New Blackmoor Brun from Blackmoor colonisation. Cretia is
from Skothar (F6). the leader of the Etesh people at this time,
protecting them from Blackmoor’s attacks
3,400 BC: and eventually helping them after the Great
Blackmoor becomes ever more powerful Rain of Fire, thus attaining immortality. (F3,
while the Dragon Empire of Brun loses F4, M) Rathanos saves the Oltec empire from
ground. Gnomes and dwarves, very Azcan conquest (M) Yazak is overrun by
interested in Blackmoor technomagic, beastmen pushed west by the Blackmoorian
cooperate with the humans. Blackmoor crusades (F6). Many beastmen settle in
promotes crusades against beastmen and Hyborea while the beastmen/Neathar
lupins, Rakasta and other humanoid races hybrids, the Dena, seek refuge in the
are often persecuted too. (C, F2,3, M) Icereach range (F6).
Utnapishtim leads an Oltec colonisation to
south western Brun (F4). Imlec2 in Borea is
founded by the gnome Dorfin to trade with The Dark Age and Dorfin II
Blackmoorians (M).
3,000 BC:
3,300 BC: The Great Rain of Fire destroys Blackmoor
Oltec nomads settle the Yazak steppes, also on Skothar and shifts the position of the
inhabited by beastmen. Yazak becomes an continents, making western Brun much
open trading city (F6). warmer. (C) The cataclysm also leads to the
spreading of the Wasting, a disease due to
3,200 BC: technomagic poisoning, which causes the
Garal Glitterlode leads the gnomes to create death of many original survivors during the
an independent nation in the cold region of next centuries. (F5) Gnomes are one of the
the Yalu sea and builds the first Earthshaker. few races immune to the Wasting, and they
(F4, M) The mortal Cymorrak3 becomes the rise to power quickly in central Brun.
immortal Asterius after having greatly Understanding the peril of technomagic
items for other races, gnomes soon begin a
2 This gno m is h c ity wa s c re a te d b y m e a nd campaign of destruction of such creations.
is b rie fl y d e s c rib e d in “ Im le c , t h e c e n t r e o f
t h e wo r ld ” a t the Va ul ts o f Pa nd ius . The gnomish city of Imlec in Borea, however,
3 S e e a l s o no te 1 0 b e l o w a b o ut Cym o rra k ’ s is heavily damaged by the cataclysm (F5, M).
po s s ib l e id e ntity.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

Jakar migrates to the Arm of the Immortals.

Other rakasta spread in the Yazak steppes
and Norwold (F2). Dwarves of northern Brun
are forced to begin a long migration south
due to the changing climatic conditions (F5).
Sandfolk settle the Adri Varma plateau but
have lost much of their former material
culture (F6).

2,990 BC:
Wallara and Aranea become dominant in
Western Brun following the Great Rain of
Fire (C). (F6). Oltecs of the east disappear, destroyed
by the consequence of the cataclysm (C, M).
2,950 BC: Imlec is now rebuilt and the gnomes create
The gyerian Cochere leads many of her the second kingdom of Dorfin, which aids
people from Skothar to Brun and gains the cause of the Law against the dominant
immortality. Faenare and gyerians spread in chaos of the time after the cataclysm (M).
Brun. Djaea saves many Neathar human from
extinction after the Great Rain of Fire, 2,749 BC:
founding the druidic orders (C, F4). The fey Dwarves of northern Brun have reached the
of Genalleth (modern Wendar) help the local region of Norwold by now (F5).
elves survive the Great Rain of Fire (F6).
2,700 BC:
2,900-2,500 BC: Pushed out of Norwold by rakasta, the Dena
Rathanos helps several cultures of Oltecs and settle in Denagoth (F6).
Azcan descendants in Sind, Atruaghin lands
and the Savage Coast survive the difficult 2,600 BC:
times after the Great Rain of Fire, and Fiend-worshipping city of Dravya becomes a
becomes an Immortal (C, F4, M). power in the Yazak, dominating Oltec and
Blackmoorian colonists, dwarves, gnomes Neathar nomads, lupins and rakasta up to
and Neathar of northern Hyborea survive by Billeot and Plaktur (F6). Northern Brunian
creating the Qauriks4 domed cities and dwarves and gnomes reach the region of the
turning to the worship of Zugzul (C, F4). modern Northern Reaches and Rockhome,
where some other dwarves have survived.
2,800 BC: More dwarves arrive from Skothar in the
Yazak manage to thrive with Blackmoorian following decades (C, F5, M). Carnuilh, fair-
technomagic, controlling the steppes to skinned Neolithic humans settle on the Adri
Dravya and Billeot, and the rakasta of Plaktur Varma Plateau. The humans keep to the
northern parts while the Sandfolk dominate
4 S e e a l s o the e ntry a b o ut the m in the the south (F6).
“ Cr e a t u r e s o f W e st e r n B r u n ” a rtic l e b y R o b in
in this is s ue o f T h r e sh o ld M a ga z ine . .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

Rise from the ashes and arrival 2,335 BC:

of the Elves Iraklit empire in Kavkaz adopts the Way of
the Law, but an attempt to invade the Great
2,500 BC: valley is unsuccessful (F6,7).
Dwarven and gnomish kingdom of the
Shimmering Lands founded in eastern Brun, 2,300 BC:
over the area of modern day Rockhome and The Temple of Chaos promotes the creation
the Northern Reaches. Former Thonian of The Nine Kingdoms of Boludir, Karsun,
colonists of Central Brun reach the shores of Huyule, Yozgulak, Birgidir, Karsile, Eivanjan,
the Sea of Dread and create Taymora with Jandir and Kuliye, which compete for control
local populations (F5). The Ee’ar elves leave of the region. The valley is mostly inhabited
Ilsundal’s migration and settle in the Arm of by humans of Oltec and Neathar descent,
the Immortals. The bulk of the elven aranea, fairy folks and some elves who settle
migration goes on eastward (C). Antalian in the great forests. (F6) Dravish civilization,
expansion pushes the Valoin people to the an alliance of Neathar, Oltec and Tortles,
north of Norwold (F9). conquers the Yazak and expand in the
steppes with powerful magic. They meet the
2,400 BC: aranea of Herath who decide to develop
Lower Urzud5 on the Borean river is resettled shapechanging magic to hide from the
by beastmen (F6). The Antalian spread in humans (F6, F10, M).
Norwold and north eastern Brun (C). The
Temple of Chaos is formed in the Great 2,250 BC:
Valley (modern Hule) by Hel, Korotiku and Urduk from the Midlands settle in the Great
Valerias. Followers of the Law escape in the Waste (C).
Kavkaz region north of the Valley (F6, 7).
Carnhuil tribes are pushed west by the 2,200 BC:
Antalians (F9). The gnomes of Dorfin The two elven migrations of Ilsundal and
establish relations with the Followers of Law Enoreth meet in the area of modern Glantri.
and aid them (M). Some clans stay, while others go to the
Sylvan Realm (C, F). Oleyan leads the Verdier
2,350 BC: south of Taymora (F4). Tanagoro colonists
Two different migrations of elves arrive in reach the Serpent Peninsula (C). Enoreth
Brun, one led by Enoreth in the Serpent elves settle in Genalleth among the elves that
Peninsula and the other by Ilsundal in the were in the land since before the Great Rain
Arm of the Immortals. (C, F, M). Some elves of Fire. Other elves settle the Highlands.
settle the Ozungan forest in Central Brun (F7). Both groups establish relations with the
Geffronell of Denagoth (F6, F9). The gnomes
of Dorfin establish cordial relations with the
elves, who however do not embrace the Way
5 S e e the d is c us s io n “ R e : T h e Hig h B o r e a n
of the Law (M).
V a lle y a n d t h e M id la n d s” o n The Pia z z a
fo rum a b o ut the po s s ib il ity o f ha ving two
l o c a tio ns na m e d U rz ud in Ce ntra l B run.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

2,100 BC: Nimmur and Herath founded in Western

Ilsundal creates the Sylvan Realm in north Brun. Nithian agricultural settlements
western Brun. Meditor and Verdier elves flourish in modern Ylaruam (C). Apex of the
settle in the Dymrak forest and in the region Dravish civilization in the Yazak steppes. The
south of it (C). Contact with the Enduks and Portals to Everyland are developed (F6, F10).
the city of Dravya bring development to the Some Neathar tribes settle peacefully in the
Pitchan city states in the Arm of the Genalleth valley (F6).
Immortals (F6). Creation of the Lawful
Brotherhood and the Citadel of Law among 1,950 BC:
the human tribes of the Midlands and Elves return to the surface in modern Glantri.
refugees from the Great Valley (F6). Jotakk of
the Den unites the brute tribes and 1,918 BC:
proclaimed herself the ruler of Deng (F9). Foundation of Sardjikjan Kingdom, following
the Way of the Law (F6,7).
2,098 BC:
Antalians reach Hyborea and settle there, 1,909 BC:
later mixing with local Oltec and Valoin Civil war destroys Bylot/Bileot (F6, 7).
humans and forming the Iulutiun people. Kingdom of Antasyn founded in the western
They meet the Arctic dwarves that have lived Great Valley (F6,7).
in the region for centuries (F6,7, M).
1,900 BC:
2,035 BC: All the Ee’aar now have wings and found the
Some Iulutiuns of Hyborea create the realm Kingdom of Aeryl (C). The Citadel of Law
of Sidsteland on the eastern coast (F6,7). converts many human tribes of the north to
the Way of the Law. They will eventually
2,011 BC: become the Five Tribes of Law of the
Civil war and division of the Iraklit empire in Midlands: Uimach, Ausdran, Roanna, Andar
the nations of Dvinzina, following the Way of and Shonak (F6).
the Law, and Grouzhina, following the
ancient Hulean faith preceding the Temple of 1,850 BC:
Chaos (F6, 7). The Churan Empire is founded in the Arm of
the Immortals (F6).
2,000 BC:
The weakening of Grondheim and the 1,812 BC:
Shimmering Lands leads to an Antalian Some Iulutiuns of Hyborea form the Jaakuori
golden age in north eastern Brun, with tribe (F6,7).
legendary heroes and future immortals Thor,
Loki, Wayland, Frey and Freya defeating 1,800 BC:
giants, dwarves and dragons. (C, F4, F5) The Ilsundal creates the first Tree of Life in the
glacial dam at Klintest breaks, unleashing a Sylvan Realm and achieves immortality.
great flood across Mogreth, and nearly Kagyar creates the new dwarves and the old
wiping that civilization from the land (F5). ones become the Modrigswerg. Steel wars


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

begin in Urzud. (C) Orcus is a feared in eastern Brun. (C, F4). Beastmen tribes
warleader in the service of Thanatos at the expand in northern and Central Brun (C,
dusk of the Taymoran civilization (F4). F6). Akkila Khan’s forces sweep through the
Citadel of the Law and Midlands threatened eastern parts of the Adri Varma Plateau on
by humanoid attacks (F6). their way to Glantri. Humanoids mix blood
with the Carnuilh forming the Oghriz (F6).
1,763 BC: Enoreth unites the Genalleth, Geffronell and
Frost giants, led by Ulf One-Eye conquer the
the recently settled Lothenar forest to resist
lands of the Litoniesu and Lietuvans, the
the humanoid invasion (F9). Saamari and
Valoin of northern Norwold, creating the
Vaarana flee eastwards from the horde (F9).
realm of Nordenheim (F9).
The gnomes of Dorfin are attacked too, Imlec
is partially sacked and the nation is in chaos
for decades (M).

1,722 BC:
Akkila Khan’s hobgoblins are repelled from
Genalleth by the Korrigan and attack
Ethengar and the elves of the Highlands,
united by Atziann in the Kingdom of
Aengmor (C, F4, M).

1,720 BC:
Verdier elves join the Meditor in Alfeisle (C).

1,717 BC:
Second Cataclysm and first More humanoids from Urzud invade the
humanoid invasion Midlands, Black Mountains and the Great
Valley, then to the Yazak steppes (F6, 7).
1,750 BC:
Volcanic eruptions in south eastern Brun 1,707 BC:
destroy what remains of Taymora and Inti The rakasta city of Plaktur is sacked and
lands and affect Sindh and the Serpent occupied by humanoids, then most of the
Peninsula. (C) Dravish cities are ruined as Dravish and Yazak cities are sacked as well
well in the Yazak steppes and the civilization (F6, 7). This and the following earthquake
begin to decline (F6). scatters many rakasta in the southern Savage
Coast and to Sind (F2). The Kzinti rakasta
1,725 BC: nation is formed from refugees of Plaktur
King Loark’s great horde sweeps over eastern (F7, 10).
Brun. In the remote north, Ilmarinen saves
his people from the humanoids and will 1,700 BC:
eventually attain Immortality. The Glantrian catastrophe and King Loark’s
humanoids destroy the Antalian golden age death, possibly caused by the elf king Atziann


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

in Aengmor (C, M) or by Idris betraying the 1,675 BC:

Korrigans (F4). Frey and Freya manage to Tahkati Storm-tamer domesticates the horse
save Antalian people from the humanoid and unifies the Atruaghin tribes. Refugees
invasion (F4). Akkila khan continues to fight from his conquest escape west and call
against the Ethengarians (C). Tanagoro themselves the Sindhi (C). Humanoids are
colonists arrive in the Arm of the Immortals integrated as military force in the Great
(C, F6). Yazak cities destroyed by Valley society (F6, 7).
earthquakes and humanoid invasions (F6).
Kargan, Grand Master of the Lawful 1,662 BC:
Brotherhood crowned as the First King of the Kiteng is freed from humanoid rule with the
Kingdom of Law in the Midlands (F6). Valley help of nomad Kazmen (F6,7).
of the Skeletal Kings created by the Black
Jarls Antalians in Hyborea. Riesengard Ogres, 1,650 BC:
enslaved by the Black Jarls, turn to the The lupin leader, Loup the Black, heads a
worship of Wotan to fight them once freed migration of lupins from Glantri to the Yazak
(F6). Some Highlands elves escape to steppes and the Savage Coast, defeating
Genalleth (F6) Trolls degenerate and many humanoids and creating the first
Grondheim falls (F3,7). community which will evolve into Renardy
(C, F4).
1,698 BC:
Bulzan founded in the western Great Valley 1,636 BC:
by survivors of the Yazak cities (F6, 7). Some Iulutiuns of Hyborea leave Sidsteland
and become the nomads of Maamme in the
1696 BC: west (F7).
The Saamari and Vaarana established the
realm of Isanmaa in the north (F9). 1,593 BC:
Bozdogan replaces Hel as the dominant
1,695 BC: Immortal of the Temple of Chaos (F6,7).
Atziann’s clan founds the underground city
of Aengmor (C). 1,550 BC:
Maat, Pflarr and Chardastes unify the
1,689 BC: Kingdom of Nithia defeating Apophis (F4).
Azardjian founded by Great Valley emigrants
between Dvinzina and Grouzhina (F6,7). 1,545 BC:
Bozdgogan’s crusade against the other faiths
1,688 BC: of the Great Valley (F6,7).
Akkila Khan becomes the immortal Yagrai.
Baka is the first Khan of the Ethengar (C). 1,542 BC:
Enoreth’s death dissolves the unity of the Synn dominates and terrifies Central Brun
northern elves (F9). until defeated by other dragons and becomes
a Night Dragon (F7).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

1,521 BC: Dravish civilization by now has become

Dvinzina and Grouzhina try to destroy corrupted and oppress the tortles (F10).
Azardjian but fail (F6,7).
1,395 BC:
Bulzan expand its power in the eastern Great
Halflings and Wogar’s horde, Valley (F6, 7).
Empire of Dorfin III
1,363 BC:
First koatulit festival established in Hyborea
1,500 BC: to promote peace between the Iulutiuns of
The halflings of Davania, led by Brindorhin, Sidsteland and Maamme (F7).
escape from the aggressive human empire of
Varellya and arrive in the Serpent Peninsula, 1,362 BC:
but are soon menaced by other humans, and Namejs’ rebellion defeats the frost giants of
leave the region for the modern Five Shires. the north and creates the Valoin realm of
(C, F4) Malafor creates the bond between Littonia in northern Norwold (F9).
merrows and dolphins in the Sunlit sea and
performs other epic deeds in the southern 1,310 BC:
ocean (F4). Wogar’s horde leaves Urzud to the Cradle in
south western Yalu sea. (C) The invasion
1,478 BC: reaches the Great Valley.
After a civil war, the Mebirush Empire,
created by descendants of Tanagoro and 1,305 BC:
Oltecs, replace the Churan in the northern Wogar’s horde follow the Yalu river
Arm of the Immortals (F6). Some Tanagoro southward, in the track of the great herd6. (C).
people settle south, founding new city states
(F11). 1,300 BC:
Eyrindul is active in central Brun, creating
1,420 BC: the Daendur clan of elves near Lake Tros in
Elves conquer Mictlan (modern Aengmor) (C). Darkwood. He also contacts the elven
communities in the Savage Coast and the
1,413 BC: West. Goblins sack the Dravish city of Bylot
War between the humans of Sidsteland and (C, F4). Humanoids conquer the kingdoms
Maamme in Hyborea (F7). of the Great Valley (F6). Hin arrive in
Faerdinel (modern Five Shires) from Davania
1,400 BC: (C). Realm of Forenath, inhabited by humans
Idris creates the nation of Denagoth with the and elves, created in northern wildlands (F9).
goal of destroying Wendar and gains
immortality (F4). Hutaakans come to
dominate the Traldar lands. Atruaghin unites 6 S e e a l s o R o b in’ s a rtic l e , “ Cr e a t u r e s o f
the clans. (C) Vaprak/Jammudaru destroys W e st e r n B r u n ” in this is s ue o f T h r e sh o ld
the Kingdom of Law in the Midlands (F6). M a ga z ine fo r info rm a tio n a b o ut the gre a t
he rd s o f B run.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

1,299 BC: 1,270 BC:

Centaurs (Kantari, Saanal), rakasta (Nirmals), Some ogres leaves Sind and reach Ogremoor
lupins (Jordaves) humanoids (Dortegul, (C).
Drakalmar, Garraktal, Gronmak, Guslash,
Lazatman, Mashmillog, Nyatkai, Noiciem, 1,263-1,257 BC:
Sandsurfers gnolls, Zoitagal) and humans Wogar dies in the Great Valley and becomes
(Chanturs, Dormiak, Drakalmar, Evenkir, an Immortal; his shaman is tricked by
Guymirs, Jochor, Kourountis, Mointyrs, Hosadus to go east, and the horde invades
Mortis, Nuvaits, Oughais, Sainin, Sanis, Sindhi and Urduk lands (C, F6).
Sondyghars, Tchallins, Zenets) compete for
dominance in the steppes of Borea after the 1,252 BC:
end of the dragon dominions. Dragons Karimari from Yavdlom helps the Urduk
create Drakenhome and settle it with the against the humanoids (C).
Drokhoor kobolds. Mlazned cryons spread in
Hyborea (F7). 1,250 BC:
Hosadus declares the Kingdom of Great Hule
1,297 BC: (F6) Red Orcs pushed out of Sindh into
Bulzan’s capital sacked by Wogar’s horde Atruaghin lands and Cruth mountains (C).
1,245 BC:
1,296 BC: Bulzan freed from humanoid rule (F6,7).
Ogres betray king Wogar at the battle of
Khuzud in the mid Yalu river, kill his shaman 1,241 BC:
and go eastward through the Yazak steppes Lawful Brotherhood armies invade the Great
to the Black Mountains and Sind. Other Valley from the north but are repelled (F6,7)
groups go to the Endworld line, while The gnomes of Borea have now built several
Wogar’s main force invades the Savage Coast Earthshakers. They are able to conquer vast
(C). Wogar moves to the Great Valley and territories and the Empire of Dorfin III is
occupies it (F6,7). formed north of the Yalu sea (M).

1,290 BC: 1,235 BC:

Oltecs, elves, lupins and rakasta of the Savage Sacred men kill Hosadus and bureaucracy
Coast are displaced and endangered by the take power in Hule (F6,7).
humanoid invasion. Volcanic eruptions in
Aengmor displace the elves and their lupin 1,210 BC:
allies. (C). Year of the Great Deluge in Hyborea due to
exceptional heat (F6,7).
1,280 BC:
Ogres reach Sind under Vaprak/Jammudaru 1,205 BC:
(C, F4). The Mebirush empire of the Huyule founds Korgut (modern Kladanovic)
northern Arm of the Immortals is attacked by to trade with the Urduk of the plain and the
humanoids (F6). Serpent Peninsula (F7).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

1,200 BC: 1,150 BC:

The wizard Iliric of Bylot creates the tower of Pegataurs settle in the southern Immortals
Rockwater west of Lake Tros and later Shield escaping humanoid invasions and
becomes an Immortal. Bagni Gullymaw the found Pazarkan (F6).
devourer and his trolls terrorize eastern Brun
then settle in Trollhattan (C, F4). Humanoids 1,141 BC:
leave the ruins of the Mebirush empire in the Hule conquers Bulzan’s capital (F6,7).
northern Arm of the Immortals and continue
southward (F6). A tortle revolt destroys the 1,138 BC:
renmants of the Dravish civilization (F10) . The Empire of Dorfin unifies the tribes of
Borea and Hyborea and expands towards the
1,192 BC: Midlands and the Great Valley (F6,7). The
Antasyn asks for Hule’s help against Bulzan gnomes of Dorfin III are secretly the masters
and is saved, but the sacred men slowly take of the human warleader who has adopted the
control of the nation (F6,7). name Dorfin, and supply him with
Earthshakers, allowing the conquest of an
1,190 BC: immense territory (M).
Wogar’s horde discovers Aengmor/Oenkmar
now risen to the surface (C). Galan 1,107 BC:
Dragonheart of the New Duchy of Law The Yalu Empire of Dorfin expands with
conquers Lower Urzud where he establishes Tashgoun as its capital and adopts the Way of
his capital and the new Citadel of Law, first the Law (F6,7).
nucleus of the Galannor kingdom (F6). The
gnomes of Dorfin III promote the rise of 1,104 BC:
Galannor (M). Rafiel becomes the patron of the
Shadowelves who begin building the City of
1,153 BC: the Stars (C).
Nithian traders reach Korgut (F7).
1,100 BC:
Bartziluth the bugbear leads humanoid
hordes in conquest as the main general of
Oenkmar (C, F4, M). Minroth finds
Harbourtown. Nithian exploration and
colonization of Southern Brun (C).

1,088 BC:
The great Yalu Empire of Emperor Dorfin
conquers Dravya, pushing south the Hattis
(Oltec people) and the Dars (Neathar-Oltec)


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

1,076 BC: 1,029 BC:

Beginning of a decades long war between the Humanoids attack Isanmaa, but are defeated
Yalu Empire and Hule (F6,7). Hule promotes by king Vainamoinen. The Shonaks reach the
humanoid attacks and rebellions in Borea northern shores of Norwold (F9).
against the Empire.

1,050 BC:
Ranivorus promotes a great gnoll invasion
from the Known World to Hule (F4). Talmav
nomads escape the Yalu Empire and go to
the west (F6,7).

1,048 BC:
War in Hyborea between arctic dwarves and
frost giants when an ancient Blackmoor
device is discovered (F6).

1,047 BC:
Karsanite kingdom founded on the Western
Gulf of Hule (F6).

1,034 BC:
Following the disappearance of Emperor
Dorfin, the Yalu River Empire ceases its
crusade against Hule and lose some Nithian power and colonization
territories (F6). The gnomes of Dorfin III still
maintain control of large territories of Brun
for centuries to come, and manipulate local
kingdoms and tribes to support the Way of 1,000 BC:
the Law (M). Alphatian Landfall and first contacts with
Nithia. Gnolls invade Traladara and are
1,031 BC7: repelled by heroes Halav, Petra and Zirchev,
Nithian explorers reach the area of modern who later will become immortals. Hutaakans
northern Zuyevo, then inhabited by Valoin hide in the Lost Valley or disperse toward the
people and called Azidhaka and create a new west. Orcs enslave the Hin. (C). Darsagades
nation called Neskayt east of the Talmav founded by settling Dars nomads (F6,7).
lands. The Talmav are defeated and become Antalians settle in the Genalleth valley (F6).
vassals (F6,7). Warming climate bring many lynxman and
snow pardasta rakasta tribes to Hyborea.
Other rakasta mix with the humans of Sind
7 This d a te c o ul d b e l a te r, in 9 0 0 B C, (F2).
a c c o rd ing to ’ s “ Hist o r y o f t h e V isn e sk a y a n
p e o p le ” b y G iul io Ca ro l e tti


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

990 BC: 890 BC:

Nimbeth founded by the elves in the Genalleth elves from Wendar fleeing internal
Northern Wildlands. Lothenar and Geffron conflict with the humans of those lands settle
elves move in southern Den. Modern Wendar in the woodlands of the Adri Varma Plateau
divided in Eastern Kevareth, Central (F6). Forenath falls after a plague that pits
Genalleth and Western Greatwood (F6). elves against humans (F9) Some elves and
humans colonize Parthenal, northwest of
978 BC: Norwold, mixing with local Antalians (F9).
Dvinzina conquers Azardjian and Grouzhina,
recreating the former Iraklit kingdom (F6,7). 873 BC:
First clashes between Hule and the Karsanite
970 BC: kingdom, which will lead to several wars and
Some elves of the Northern Wildlands found the Karsanites asking for Nithian help (F6,7).
the city of Thalion (F6).
850 BC:
964 BC: The future Immortal Maleen/Malinois guides
Successfull Hin rising destroyes the power of the lupins resistance against Nithian
the orcs in Hindon, but the Hin are soon colonization of western Brun (F4, M).
invaded by dwarves and Traldar mercenaries
(C). 811 BC:
Thalion and Nimbeth defeat a Greatwood
950 BC: invasion (F6).
Geffronell kingdom founded by the elves in
the southern Denagothian plateau (F6). 806 BC:
Nithian colony of Senta-ni-Tep founded on
940 BC: the southern coast of the Great Waste (F7).
Nimbeth elves defeat the Mengul humans
and rise to dominate them and the elven and 801 BC:
human clans of Genalleth (F6). Orcs conquer the Hin lands again (C).

930 BC: 800 BC:

Loktal Ironshield found the Glittering Lands As the Sylvan Realm is besieged by humans
in the modern Shires (C). and humanoids and overcrowded, Mealiden
Starwatcher leads many elves to the Known
921 BC: World and finds Alfheim (C). Darokin town
Hule colonizes the coast of the Gulf to the founded (C) Atruaghin, Hattani and Danel
west (F6,7). lead the revolt against red orcs in the
Atruaghin lands, but eventually Danel,
912 BC: manipulated by Atzanteotl, kills Hattani (C,
Hin defeat Loktal’s forces and found F4). The Kingdom of Isanmaa is at its peak,
Shaerdon (C). Yalu Empire loses territories and humanoid tribes pay tribute to the
and Kingdom of Sardjikjan is founded (F6,7). Saamari kings (F9). The Moorkroft horde


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

which threaten the Sylvan Realm also attacks

the gnomes of Dorfin III and turns several
human and humanoid tribes against them (M).

795 BC:
Atruaghin raises the plateau and becomes an
Immortal (C).

779 BC:
Death of the last heir of the southern Dorfin
dynasty creates a long power struggle in
Sardjikjian (F6,7).

750 BC:
The Dars of the northern Arm of the
Immortals create an unified kingdom (F6).
Kepher/Noumena is one of the last Nithian
pharaohs not corrupted by Entropy (F4).
728 BC:
746 BC: Nithians destroy the Hulean colony of
Manipulated by Hule, Urduk tribes attack Korgut, end of the Nithian-Hulean war (F7).
Nithian colonies on the coast of the Great
Waste, start of the Nithian-Hulean war (F7). 725 BC:
Answering the Karsanites Kingdom’s
745 BC: demands for help in their conflict with Hule,
Hin begin a rebellion against the orcs Nithia invades the Hulean territories of the
occupying their lands (C). The Kingdom of western Gulf coast (F6).
Galannor and the Seven Duchies of the
Midlands form the Council of Order with five 724 BC:
human tribes of the Midlands, while others The hordes of Vaprak take the Citadel of Law
remain neutral and others join the horde of in the Midlands but the hordes soon dissolve
the humanoid chief Vaprak (F7). This event and are abandoned by their human allies,
will lead to the creation of the Neutral allowing Galannor to rebuild (F7).
Alliance by human and rakasta tribes who do
not want to be involved in the struggle 710 BC:
between Law and Chaos (M). Bargda created, supposedly from minotaurs
that betrayed the enduks in Nimmur8 (F4).
736 BC:
The New Citadel of Law built in Galannor
8 M a rc o D a l m o nte ’ s “ Co d e x Im m o r t a lis” s e ts
this d a te a s M ino id e s ’ b e tra ya l o f G il d e s h
(F7). a nd the c re a tio n o f c o m m o n m o d e rn
m ino ta urs , b ut o the r fa n wo rk s , inc l ud ing m y
“ Hist o r y o f Da v a n ia ” (T h r e sh o ld is s ue #5 ),
pre fe r to s e t the this e ve nt b e fo re 2 0 0 0 B C.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

Ten Years War in Wendar resulting in 655 BC:

growing power of Nimbeth and a defeat for Urduk nomads settle Grouzhina founding
Genalleth and Greatwood (F6). Kyurdukstan, as the prairie of the Waste
becomes a desert (F7).
702 BC:
Bulzan and Antasyn declare independence 653 BC:
and the first Hulean Empire fragments. Nithia now has full control of the Savage
Temple of Chaos divided by religious Coast and the Karsanite kingdom (F6,7).
conflicts (F6,7). Zaranaster introduces the new religion of
Mizara-Idam among the Dars (F6,7).
700 BC:
Hin Keeper Coberham Shadowglint discovers 650 BC:
the secret of the Blackflame in the Five Shires Desertification of the Sind desert worsens (C).
and later becomes an Immortal (C, F4).
Nithia’s mainland corrupted by Entropy, and 640 BC:
sees the beginning of a civil war. Nithians in Duncan the clanless creates the Heartlands
the Savage Coast mix with the local Oltec human realm in central Wendar (F6).
populations (C) The orc leader
Karaash/Ilneval travels and conquers lands 611 BC:
from Hule to Robrenn, the Dravi cities and Alliance between the Dars and the Pegataurs
Western Brun, killing Minoides and of Pazarkan (F6,7).
eventually attaining immortality (F4).
Lornasen, opponent of Eyrindul, leads some 610 BC:
Shiye elves to Norwold (F4). Hin complete the liberation of their land and
found Shireton (C).
690 BC:
Sokhtar manscorpions escape the Konumtali. 600 BC:
Savannah pushed by Nithian attacks, flee Thyatians, Kerendans and Hattians leave
underground and are welcomed by the Davania and arrive in south eastern Brun.
Enduks in Nimmur (C). Herathian wizards
wipe out the Wallara memories to protect 590 BC:
their secret, wiping out the Wallara The Kanastenid Empire of the Dars (Neathar-
civilization (C). Oltec) unifies the northern Arm of the
Immortals (F6).
686 BC:
The Iraklit Empire again fragments in 585 BC:
Azardjian, Grouzhina and Dvinzina (F6,7). Kyurdustan is independent from Grouzhina
662 BC:
The Jaakuori tribe of Hyborea awakens Ufloq, 572 BC:
a great monster, which slays many before Isanmaa’s armies defeated by humanoids in
returning to its hideout in the ice (F6,7). the Borean Valley (F7,9).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

564 BC: Herath betray the Enduks and conquer

A rebellion is quenched in Senta-ni-Tep, the Nimmur, forcing the Enduks to escape to the
rebels escape to the north eventually arriving Arm of the Immortals, where the Ee’aer give
in Azardjian and embracing the Way of the them the Eshunite plateau in exchange for
Law (F7). help in clearing it of monsters. Ixion curses
the manscorpions (C). Nithian descendants
550 BC: in Azardjian are now the Chengoush and no
Masauwu, formerly a Minrothaddan, is now longer remember their origin (F7). The
in Hel’s service bringing entropy to power in Karsanite and Nithians of the Savage Coast
Nithia (F4). The Yevo nomads travel south partially forget their culture and hide in caves
and settle the northern Yalu valley (F6). (F6,7). Kingdom of Galannor established in
the Midlands (F6). Vaarana leave the Isanmaa
529 BC: under humanoid attacks and migrate east
Civil war in Thanegia as the elves rise against (F7,9). Ocelasta rakasta rebel against
the half elven seers. Yav investigates the Atzanteotl and begin their wandering in
matter as a mortal prophet (C). southeastern Brun and Davania (F2).
528 BC:
Sheyallia elves escaping the Serpent 496 BC:
Peninsula discover Graak and fight the local Visi (nomads), Traldar refugees from the
gnolls (C). Savage Coast, reach Neskayt and form the
new Kingdom of Visneskaya, but the Visi are
treated as second class citizens (F6,7).
The Fall of Nithia and new
humanoid invasions 494 BC:
Orcs attempt to invade Eshu but are repelled
500 BC:
Nithia is destroyed by a council of Immortals 493-492 BC:
and its memory erased from the minds of Queen Ubdala raises a new great horde but
mortals. Their former Alaysian slaves conquer is defeated by the dwarves in the battle of
the land. Lizard men, infected by a Nithian Sardal Pass (C).
disease in the Makai islands, kill all the
Nithians. Alphatia conquers Thothia. (C) Yav 491 BC:
returns to Thanegia as the Herald Mulogo Remnants of the great horde besiege Selenica
and leads a great migration to the Arm of the but are defeated (C).
Immortals (C). Gnomes found the city of
Torkyn Falls in the Wendarian range (C). 490 BC:
Oenkmar sinks back into the earth (C). The Kobolds attack gnomish settlements in the
Wallara unleash the Red Curse against Northern Reaches. Leptar’s invasion
Herath in revenge for the destruction of their terrorises southern Darokin and Eastern
civilization in 690 BC. Herathians manage to Traladara (C, F4).
contain the Red Curse in the eastern Savage
Coast (C). Sokhtar manscorpions aided by


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

475 BC: migration of 1,700 BC (F11). Jakar is created

Dengar dwarves begin exploration of other by the rakasta in the south of the Arm of the
lands (C). Immortals(F2,7).

460 BC: 391 BC:

Kurtulmak’s kobolds destroy the gnomish Lovaara the sorceress rises to power in the
Kingdom of Falun (C, F4). north and takes Isanmaa. Many Saamari
migrate to northern Norwold (F9,7).
452 BC:
Mahmatti of the clan of the Elk tries to fight 377 BC:
Atzanteotl’s influence among the Tiger clan Nimbeth9 sacked by human barbarians,
but fails. However, he becomes an Immortal humanoids of the steppes and frogfolk of the
after defeating Atzanteotl’s plans (C, F4). moors (F6, M)

450 BC: 371 BC:

Dengar dwarves arrive in the eastern Savage Çem Ipekçi, ruler of Azurun begins a violent
Coast and live peacefully with local unification of Hule, burning down the
descendants of Oltecs and Nithians and with Temple of Chaos and killing the Holy men
lupins, rakasta and tortles, helping them (F6).
against humanoids (C).
360 BC:
444 BC: Thalion avoids destruction when the last
Peace of the Five People between the Kavkaz queen marries the king of Greatwood and
nations (F6). merges the two realms, which are able to
repel humans and humanoids (F6).
430 BC:
Graakhalia created by coexistence of elves 350 BC:
and gnolls in the caves (C). King Mealiden abdicates to pursue his path
to Immortality (C). The gnomish dominion
425 BC: of Dorfin III has now lost much power in
The cities of Yavdlom and Quagmire in the Central Brun, due to a combination of
Serpent Peninsula sink and are overrun by attacks from the Moorkroft’s horde and
lizard men (C). Lovaara the sorceress in the north and
migrations of human and humanoid tribes
400 BC: and for centuries is reduced to the area of
The Chambara, shapeshifters of Sindh, take Imlec (M).
control of the region (C). Yav leads the
Tanagoro back to the Serpent Peninsula,
escaping humanoid attacks in the Arm of the
Immortals (C). Some Tanagoro disperse in 9 He re the “ W e n d a r -De n a g o t h T im e lin e ” b y
the Peninsula and the bay, settling elsewhere M a rc o D a l m o nte a nd S ha wn S ta nl e y d iffe rs
or mixing with the others who came with the fro m the G a z F s e rie s b y Ol d D a wg/ J TR , s o I
trie d to unify the two d iffe re nt s o urc e s .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

292 BC:
Armies of Thalion and Nimbeth wage several
reprisals against humans in the Northern
Wildlands (F9).

277 BC:
Lemminkainen breaches Lovaara’s citadel,
the Vaarana reclaim their ancient Borean
lands but have to constantly fight humanoids,
while the Saamari migrate east to Northern
Norwold (F9).

272 BC:
The Kanastenid Empire collapses under
hivebrood attacks (F6).

260 BC:
After less than a century of existence, the
Alphatian Kingdom of Alinor in Norwold is
314 BC: destroyed by Wyrmsteeth dragons (C, F9).
Hivebroods arrive in the Arm of the
Immortals and attack the Kanastenid Empire 251 BC:
(F6,7). The gnome Glimreen Gemeye finds a
Blackmoor Artifact and begins to build an
302 BC: aerial city (C).
Overking Çem disappears in Hule and the
Hagiarchy returns to power (F6). 250 BC:
Thyatian pirates plague southeastern Brun.
300 BC: Mealiden becomes an Immortal and creates
Following a time of chaos, Enoreth II of the Egg of the Phoenix (C).
Geffronell unifies Genalleth and Geffronell,
starting a period of peace and prosperity 239 BC:
(F6). First tanagogre, descendants of ogres Tanagogre from Skothar founds Gombar and
and Tanagoro humans from Skothar, arrive Suma’a in the Arm of the Immortals (C, F6).
in the Arm of the Immortals (C, F6,11).
Woraf Empire created by the Tanagoro 200 BC:
humans of the south western Arm of the Orcs dominate most of the Streel Plains,
Immortals (F11). Troglodytes create the Ethengar, the Southern Highlands and the
Realm of Stygia in the Endworld line (F6,7). Broken Lands. The elves of Alfheim help the
humans of the Eastwind clan in the southern
Streel Plain to resist orc power. The tritons
arrive in the Sunlit Sea (C).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

186 BC: 105 BC:

Hule allies with the humanoids of the Yazak Kaarjala, the nation of the Saamari people, is
steppes and conquer Bulzan. Antasyn created in the north after a conflict and a
submits a few years later (F6). treaty with Littonia (F9).

190 BC: 100 BC:

Alphatia occupies Thyatis (C). The Church of Idris gathers followers in
Northern Denagoth, preaching against the
160 BC: elves of Genalleth and Geffronell (F6).
Hule tries to control the Savage Coast but
meets Lawful Brotherhood’s fierce resistance 99 BC:
(F6). Hulean forces try to colonise the Bylot hills
but meet strong opposition (F6,7).
151 BC:
Nagpas and tabis help the gnomes who are 91 BC:
building the flying city (C). Some sphinxes discover the gnomish project
of the flying city and decide to help (C).
150 BC:
Tortles of the Savage Coast build the 53 BC:
settlement of Zul and begin trading with Sendaryan tribes destroy Hulean colonies in
other races (C). The Woraf Empire of the the Bylot hills (F6,7).
southern Arm of the Immortals fragments
into 13 different kingdoms. Zaranasterism 44 BC:
spreads from the Kanastenid Empire (F11). The Hattasin empire defeats the hivebrood
threat in the northern Arm of the Immortals
138-7 BC: and unifies the region (F6).
First and second Kavkazian wars, Hule 2 BC:
conquers Dvinzina and territories in the The red dragon, Kardyer, becomes a
north (F6). renegade and occupies the ancient city of
Darmouk in eastern Rockhome (C).
128 BC:
After centuries of divisions, Karlis recreates
the Kingdom of Littonia (F9). New Empires and Nations, and
Dorfin IV
111 BC:
The troglodytes of Stygia attack the hresha-
rhak of the archipelago of Kerminhae and
conquer their mainland territories in the 0 AC:
Endworld line (F6,7). Empire of Thyatis founded after successful
rebellion against Alphatian rule (C). Gnomes
arrive in Traladara (C). Denagothians raid
against Lothenar and Geffronell (F9).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

10 AC: 88 AC:
Lupin tribes unite in the central Savage Coast Orcs, defeated by Corwyn Attleson in
to resist Yazak humanoids (C). Thyatian Darokin, invade Nagpuri (C).
explorers spread a pestilence in the nation of
Sidsteland, Hyborea, which is eventually 100 AC:
contained (F6,7). Humanoids invade the Savage Coast,
destroying the tortle city of Zul and pushing
12 AC: lupins and rakasta toward Herath, who sends
Thyatians establish Cape Alpha (C). the gurrash gatormen against them. The
gurrash then escape from Herathian control
15 AC: (C). Humanoids attack the Konumtali
Alphatian raid destroys Cape Alpha (C). savannah but are driven away by the unified
human tribes (C, F7).
21 AC:
Kingdom of Darokin founded (C). 110 AC:
Denagothians and orcs sack Nimbeth (F9).
25-38 AC:
Rebellions in Bulzan and Antasyn are 120-158 AC:
violently crushed by Hule (F6). Hulean expansion beyond the Black
Mountain is eventually repelled by the Urduk
39 AC: tribes (F7).
Flying city of Serraine launches (C). The
dominion of Dorfin IV is rebuilt in Borea and
many tribes and territories of central Brun
slowly fall under its direct or indirect control

42 AC:
Orc leader Telkan founds a new kingdom
enslaving the Visi. The Neskayans are unable
to take back their former territory (F6, M).

62 AC:
Hule’s colonisation attempt in the Savage
Coast fails due to the fierce resistance of the
Lawful Brotherhood (F6,7).

83 AC: 150 AC:

Hule conquers the Slago dwarves’ fortress Thyatis invades the southern Alaysian lands
and attacks the Lawful Brotherhood’s (C). Djikarti gnomes create the nation of
colonies in the Gulf, conquering some Szekesh in the Endworld line (F6,7).
territories (F7).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

157 AC: 216 AC:

A great Hattasin armada is destroyed by the Hule’s siege of Tashgoun is broken by the
alliance of Gombar, Suma’a and the gyerians Ozungan elves, led by Cymorrak10 and Hule
of Adilli (F6). is forced to retreat (F6). The gnomes of
Dorfin IV secretly promote the creation of
179 AC: the Crystal Alliance against Hule (M).
Putnabad now controls all the Asanda river in
Sind and a part of the Salt Swamp (C). 217 AC:
Humanoids backed by Hule conquer Dravya
175 AC: from the Hattasin Empire. The Chaotic
Forced south by cold weather, the Yevo Sisterhood is established in the city (F6, M).
nomads found the dominion of Vyatka on
the lower Yavu river (F6). Saamari and 230 AC:
Kaalhii Valoin people instead go east in The gnomes of Szekesh have limited contact
Borea and found Kainuu (F9). with the hydrax of the closed society in the
Endworld line (F6,7).
184-207 AC:
Third Kavkazian War, Hule occupies part of 233 AC:
Sarjikjian and Grouzhina (F6). The Hattasin empire is threatened by Yevo
nomads to the north and humanoids with
193 AC: Hulean allies to the east (F6).
The troglodytes of Stygia begin attacking the
gnomes of Szekesh in the Endworld line 235 AC:
(F6,7). The orcs of Telkan attack Neskaya but are
defeated. The Visi revolt and Visneskaya is
199 AC: reunited, but the Visi remain second class
The Chambahara Grand Mogul is overthrown subjects (F6).
in Sind and shapeshifters hunted (C).
Lupins and rakasta are persecuted as well 250 AC:
and many abandon the nation or hide (F2, M). Alphatians colonise northern Alaysia and the
Isle of Dread. War between the two empires
200 AC: in the Isle of Dawn. Ylari refugees arrive in
Barimoor moves into the Alaysian basin (C). Darokin and Sind (C).
The Denagothian Maggorath creates a
barbaric kingdom of humans, brutes, goblins
and frogfolk in the swamps and moors west 10 A c rys ta l d a gge r o f Cym o rra k a ppe a rs in
of Norwold (F9). Koralgesh becomes an the m o d ul e X 1 0 : “ R e d A r r o w, B la c k Sh ie ld ” ,
important port on the Western coast of Brun a s the o nl y wa y to d e s tro y the a rte fa c t whic h
north of the Hattasin Empire (C, F6). give s invul ne ra b il ity to the M a s te r o f Hul e .
The id e ntity o f Cym o rra k is pure fa n
s pe c ul a tio n. M a rc o D a l m o nte im a gine d a
m o rta l id e ntity o f As te rius , whil e Chris tia n
Co ns ta ntin a n a l ia s o f Em pe ro r D o rfin o f the
Y a l u Em pire .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

284 AC: 322-336 AC:

Minrothians and Alphatian clash on the Isle Witch Queen rules in Norwold11.
of Dread (C).
323 AC:
291 AC: Ellareth of Nimbeth declares himself king
The Temple of Chaos is burned by the entering into conflict with Genalleth and
Crystal Alliance of the nations following the Geffronell (F6).
Way of the Law and the Second Hulean
Empire crumbles. Bulzan and Antasyn are 333 AC:
independent again (F6). Nimbeth falls to humanoids and its refugees
go to Thalion (F6).
299 AC:
Following the implosion of the Hulean 340 AC:
empire, the Hattasin Empire conquers Alphatian Kingdoms of the West founded in
Dravya and part of the Yazak steppes. The the Yalu valley; in truth these are only pocket
Chaotic Sisterhood remain in hiding in principalities of exiled Alphatian wizards (F6).
Dravya (F6,7, M).
343 AC:
300 AC: Thalion is destroyed by barbarians of the
After the last orcs are repelled from the north and the moors (F6).
Kingdom of Darokin, Corun’s Glen is
founded (C). Sol-Klor is founded by the 350 AC:
Oghriz of the Adri Varma Plateau (F6,7). Crakkak Sharptooth leads the shark-kin to
Denolas of Geffronell appoints the half-elf dominate several region of the southern seas
Wendar as governor of Genalleth (F6). (C, F4, M). Demogorgon’s plan to dominate
Kingdom of Noxor unifies five kingdoms in the Known World is thwarted when a group
the southern Arm of the Immortals and of good priests imprison her in her temple of
embraces Zaranasterism (F11). evil in the south of the modern Orclands (F4).

308 AC: 365 AC:

The elves of Amoleth take back their long- Mountain gnomes found Portuei in the
lost city of Nimbeth in the north (F6). Endworld line (F6,7).

308-327 AC: 395 AC:

Fourth Kavkazian War. Dvinzina and The Flaeams arrive in the Highlands and
Grouzhina are at war over the Azardjian slowly dominate the human inhabitants of
territory, resulting in Azardjian the Wendarian range (C, F6).
independence (F6).

313 AC:
Hattian rebellion defeated in Thyatis (C).
11 S e e “ A T r a v e lle r ’ s Gu id e t o No r wo ld ” b y
S im o ne N e ri in T h r e sh o ld is s ue #7


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

398 AC: 429 AC:

After the death of Wendar, the League of Thyatian navigator and explorer, Niccolò
Genalleth is renamed in his name (F6). Verazzano, makes the First Voyage to the
Serpent Peninsula and the Gulf of Hule (F6).
400 AC:
Yav returns and leads the Tanagoro back to 430-437 AC:
Thanegia to save them from attacking The troglodytes of Stygia finally conquer the
humanoids, creating a new government of gnomes of Szekesh, but the varkha lizardmen
seers (C). Denagoth unified by the Church of arrive from the east and defeat the
Idris. Geffronell promotes the birth of troglodytes, eventually founding the nation
Essuria to create a buffer territory (F6) of Gournzee in the Endworld line (F6).
Roagher tribes of Borea differentiate in
Lower and Upper Roag (F7,9). 433 AC:
Persecution of lycanthropy in the Kavkaz
nations forces many to escape to Borea (F7).
Migrations and lycanthropy The anatids create the Golden City in the
Endworld line (F6,7).

440 AC:
401 AC: Carnuilh people settle the Central Savage
Lycanthropy epidemic starts in Alphatian Coast in the area of modern Bellayne,
lands and spreads (C). Eusdria and Robrenn (C, F2).

403 AC: 443 AC:

Varellyan refugees from Davania arrive in the Silver purge against lycanthropes in the Isle
southermost tip of the Arm of the Immortals of Dread (C).
and settle among the local lizardmen (F6,7).
445 AC:
410 AC: Traladaran refugees from religious wars
Minroth traders spread Lycanthropy and found Kladanovic, but most continue to the
Vampirism (C). Gulf of Hule (F6).

415 AC: 450 AC:

Zuygano is founded by the Yevo (F6). Braejr is built in the Highlands (C). Traldars
found Slagovich, Zvornik, Hojah, Zagora,
425 AC: Boyarski, Gonica and Nova Svoga in the Gulf
Shapeshifter and Lycanthropes regain power of Hule and also spread towards the Savage
in Sind (C). Coast. They meet the goatlings in the Gulf
region and establish some trade with them.
(C) King Louis I is chosen as the first King of
Renardy (F2). A new religion, the Asman faith
from the name of its prophet, spreads in the


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

southern Arm of the Immortals embraced by 488 AC:

two nations, Dutse and Zulbe (F11). Minrothad city founded (C).

451 AC: 492 AC:

Mrikitat finds the great city of wererats under Dragon attacks in the Eastern Highlands led
Thyatis (C, F4) The wizards of Sind defeat the to the gnomish abandonment of Torkyn
shapeshifters (C). Falls: Flaemish settlements are also attacked
(C). Thelvyn “Fox-Eyes” journeys to
Dragonwatch Keep in Western Brun and
becomes the 2nd Dragonlord. Alphatia starts
colonization of Norworld (C).

496 AC:
In Visneskaya the Visi rebel with the help of
Zuyevo. During the civil war a group of
Visneskayan led by Lord Brasv goes west and
founds the Kingdom of Brasov on the
western coast of Brun, obtaining lands from
local centaurs, fairy folks and elves, with
whom the humans establish peaceful
relations (F6,7).
454 AC:
Traldar migrants create the nation of Olgar 497 AC:
southwest of Hule (F6). Dragons destroy the Alphatian colony in
Norwold. The Dragonlord kills the red
474 AC: dragon Kardyer in Darmouk. Dragons attack
Three centuries of elven and human the Highlands (C).
campaigns in northern Wendar end with
humanoids, giants and other enemies 498 AC:
repelled to the north, but the northern Armies of the Overlord attack Alphatia,
wildlands are lost and borders drawn that Dengar, Ethengar and the Highlands after
remain to the present day (F9). appearing in the Adri Varma region and
Wendarian range. The Dragonking promotes
475 AC: an alliance of Known World nations against
Following a civil war, the Yezchamenid the Overlord and finally defeats him during a
Empire of the Dars is born, replacing the battle in the Northern Wildlands north of
Hattasin (F6). Wendar. The Dragonking becomes the
Immortal dragon Diamond (C).
478 AC:
Kingdom of Ostland founded (C). 500 AC:
Thyatis and Alphatia fight in Alaysian lands
(C). The creature Harrow is active in the


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

Hulean region and later attains immortality 529 AC:

helping Hosadus and Loki unifying Hule Barazul the Allking founds the Kingdom of
(F4). The lupin Matin saves Renardy from a Nastoreth including Varellyan humans and
goblin invasion and attains Immortaliy (F4). lizardmen in the southern Arm of the
Hulean armies push human tribes toward the Immortals (F6,7).
Savage Coast where they found Robrenn and
Eusdria, mixing with the local population. 543 AC:
Bellayne becomes a rakasta nation after a Kelsonath Primerider, chief of the Guymir
plague hits the human population. Many tribe unites the Borean and Hyborean tribes
humanoids are pushed to the west in the in a plan to invade the rich lands of the south
Dark Jungle (C). (F6,7).

501-4 AC: 546 AC:

Elfwar between Darokin and Alfheim (C). Human insurrection in the Hearlands of
Wendar, later pacified with a strengthening
502 AC: of the Wendarian League (F6). Cloud giants
Darius Glantri marries Solveig White Gold. create the city of Cirrinembis in the
Former companions of the Dragonking, they Endworld line (F6,7).
continue to be famous adventurers in the
Highlands, Darokin, Traladara and Glantri 550 AC:
for many years (C). Zuyevo intervenes in the The Lawful Brotherhood influences Bellayne
Visneskaya Kingdom torn by civil war and and the rakasta nation abandons the Neutral
conquers it with the help of the Talmavs, Alliance (F2).
becoming the new power of the region (F6).
560 AC:
512 AC: Alfheim defeats a Shadowelf invasion (C).
Kingdom of Olgar split from Bulzan (F6).
571 AC:
517 AC: Thyatians and hin settle Ierendi islands (C).
Zuyevo finally unifies all the Yevo, Vis, Jochor tribe settles on the Yalu region in
Neskaya and Talmav people. Some refuse the southern Borea (F7).
authority of the new empire and join the
refugees of the Endworld line, eventually 571-5 AC:
founding the Klagorst confederation near Invasion of the Midlands by the Northern
Brasov. The new colonists have some Barbarians. The tribes plunder the Douzbak
conflicts with local centaurs and fairy folks and Sardjik cities. The Blue Temple of Kiteng
(F6,7). is mysteriously spared. The Sendaryan tribes
unite with the Northern Barbarians to invade
523 AC: Hule (F6-7). The gnomes of Dorfin IV drive
Big Chief Sitting Drool’s forces break into the barbarians towards Hule (M).
Corunglain and ransack the city (C).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

580 AC: 609 AC:

The Kalgonchinian centaurs are cast off the Jaibul is founded by wizards as an
Council of the Seven Tribes in the Endworld independent nation (C).
line due to their close relations with
Brasovian humans (F6,7). 610 AC:
Some elves from Sylvan Realm arrive in
586 AC: Graakhalia (C).
Thyatis conquers the Ierendi islands (C).
614 AC:
600 AC: Vestland defeats Ostland and becomes a
Mad Creeg’s rebellion leads to Ierendi kingdom (C).
independence. Ralon introduces grapes to
Renardy to fight the effect of the Amber lotus 622 AC:
flowers (C, F4). The Empire of Moorkroft At the Battle of the Bayou the Yezchamenid
conquers the last pocket of resistance in the Empire defeats colonists from Renardy and
Sylvan Realm and the Feadil escape to Bellayne (F6). Some elves from Sylvan Realm
Alfheim (C, F4). The Kingdom of Galannor settle Borea and create the Gardener clans
and the barbarians of the Midlands raid Hule, (F6,7)
Hosadus unites the nation, drives them out
and becomes the Master. Monzag is founded 630 AC:
(C, F6). Hosadus understands the role of the Chaotic Sisterhood grows in Hule as an
gnomes in the events of Brun and begins to alliance of female clerics of Loki who resent
plot how to destroy the dominion of Dorfin the prominence given to men in the empire.
IV (M). In the Yazak steppes the Sisterhood is slowly
infiltrated by other faiths (Hel, Valerias) and
by aranea agents (F10, M12)

640 AC:
A coalition of Littonians, Kaarjalans, Vaarana,
and Sarkan Goblins turn back humanoid
hordes and Cruji (human and humanoid
former followers of Pojaara) from the west

650 AC:
The Alphatian general Bemarris wins several
battles against dragons in Norwold, gaining
12 In “ T h e Gr e a t No r t h wa y La n d s” a rtic l e in
the ne xt is s ue (#1 8 ) o f T h r e sh o ld M a ga z ine ,
M a tthe w F l e e t (Ca ril l io n) s e e s this d a te a s
the b irth o f the o rga niz a tio n, whil e I pre fe r
to ha ve it a s m o re a nc ie nt.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

more space for Alphatian colonisation (C, F4, 700 AC:

M). Nob Nar becomes a great hero in the Five The Erewan clan joins the Belcadiz in the
Shires (C, F4). Saamari of the steppes from southern Highlands. Rajah Yuvraj Narenda ul
Kainuu rebuild the Kingdom of Isanmaa in Nervi of Sindrastan encourages trade with
Borea and its capital Kuusamo (F9). Wars Slagovich (C). Flaems now dominate all the
between Brasov, Klagorst, Stygia and human lords of the Wendarian range. Some,
Chevalle in the Endworld line end without refusing submission, go to Wendar (F6).
territory changes (F6,7). Sidhe lords create a realm in Borea defeating
the Cruji of Pojaara, who escape into the
651 AC: Borean valley (F7,9). The Lawful
Hosadus creates the Janizary lands in Hule Brotherhood conquers the ruins of Yazak
for humanoids (F6). with lupin assistance. The Neutral Alliance of
rakasta and humans react by taking control
665 AC: of Bylot and the surrounding hills (F10). The
Treaty of commercial alliance between seven tanagoro Sawabar colonies of the
Gombar, Suma’a and the Yezchamenid southern Arm of the Immortals free
Empire (F6,7). themselves from Gombarian domination and
embrace the Asman faith (F11).
670 AC:
Kingdom of Essuria rises to power with the 701 AC:
aid of Geffronell (F6). The Confederacy of Robrenn is founded (C).

687 AC: 706 AC:

Ierendian ships begin regular trade with Sind The Yezchamenid empire is defeated by the
(C). Zuyevan in the north (F6).

691 AC: 707 AC:

Honor Island mages enter into secret Heldann “the Brave” creates the Heldann
agreements with the Supreme Symposium of Freeholds and defeats trolls, but is murdered
Gnomish Syndicates to develop the a few years later and the jarls fail to unify (C).
Ierendian navy (C). A contingent of evil
wizards from Alphatia build a castle of ice in 714 AC:
Hyborea, but they are killed by an Kingdom of Sind is now unified under the ul
earthquake a few years later (F6). Nervi dynasty (C).

695 AC: 722 AC:

Ierendi invades Tyjaret and plunders Some elves rebel in Graakhalia with the
Kladanovic (F6). purpose of subduing the gnolls, but are
defeated (C).
696 AC:
Avien of Essuria defeats his brother Gereth of 728 AC:
Denagoth (F6). The D’Ambrevilles arrive in the Highlands


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

and found Nouvelle Averoigne. Many lupins 786 AC:

flee the region as lycanthropy spreads and Thyatian hero Giovanni Porphirio, later
reaches Renardy in the Savage Coast. emperor, unveils a plot of the Church of Idris
Thyatian refugees from Alphatian conquest in in Denagoth. Essuria and the Wyrmsteeth
Alaysia reach the region as well (C). dragons destroy the Onyx Ring headquarters
in Denagoth. Bensarian is chief historian of
730 AC: Geffronell (F6).
Morphail Gorevitch Woszlany leads
traladarans to the Highlands. Ethengarian 788 AC:
wizards settle the land as well. Conflicts with The Alphatian Halzunthram declares the
the Flaems (C). Highlands a protectorate of Alphatia after
intervening in the civil war between Flaems
732 AC: and new settlers, starting the 40 years war (C).
Bulzan and Olgar are conquered by the
Hulean armies (F6). 791 AC:
Tanakumba founded in Yadlom (C).
735 AC:
Essuria establishes colonies in several areas 795 AC:
northwest of Norwold, founding Ghyr (F9). Reign of the Blood Brethren begins in the
Broken Lands (C). Halvan is King of Essuria.
747 AC: A friend of Bensarian of Wendar and the
The Braejr Council of Lords outlaws clerical Thyatian Emperor Giovanni I, Halvan’s reign
teaching and magic (C). is the Golden Age of Essuria (F6).

750 AC: 800 AC:

Yav returns and helps create the Most Serene Humanoid attacks all around the Broken
Divinarchy of Yavdlom (C). The Lawful Lands, Blood Brethen imprisoned. Yavdlom
Brotherhood rebuilds Kladanovic (F6). expands its trade and secures its borders.
Devilfish appear in the Sunlit Sea (C).
753 AC: Gnomes reach Ghyr (F9). Other gnomes
Zuyevo manages to subdue the divided tribes found the Kingdom of Skritci in east Borea
of the Tunguska forest (F6,7). north of Ghyr (F7). Hulean colonies in
Davania are abandoned and Caracasta rakasta
760 AC: are brought to Hule, where they join the
Threatened by gator man raids, the lizard army (F2,6).
men tribes of Western Brun unite behind a
single war leader, the Shazak (C). 802 AC:
Plague in the Highlands and persecution of
765 AC: dwarves and gnomes (C). Dwarves, halflings
The Haldis clan unifies the Haldisvall region and humans from the Known World mass
in Heldannic lands (F9). migrate to Glantri in search of gold. Some of
these adventurers move as far as the Adri


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

Varma Plateau, constructing mines in the 820 AC:

Moorfowl Mountains. Dead Mule, Thorhold, Niflheim temple founded in the Endworld
Gulluvia, Mere and Velders are founded in line by Brasovian followers of Hel (F6,7).
this period. Oghriz and Sandfolk natives are
pushed into the wilderness (F6). 825-6 AC:
Suleiman Al-Kalim becomes a Sheik and
805 AC: unifies the Ylari (C).
Dwarves fleeing Glantri settle the Khurish
Massif in Sind (C). 828 AC:
Alexander Glantri captures Halzunthram and
810 AC: defeats the Alphatians. Braejr is renamed
The sage Bensarian gifts the Elvenstar to Glantri. Last dwarves expelled from the land,
Gylharen, the town leader of Wendar, to some settle Fortress island in Minrothad and
protect the lands against raids from Darokinian cities (C). Barony of Gulluvia
Denagoth. Wendar becomes an unified founded in the Adri Varma Plateau, the Baron
nation (C). protects dwarven and halfling settlers from
Glantri (F6,7).
818 AC:
Denagoth attacks Essuria and King Halvan is 830 AC:
killed. The Denagothians, however, are Al Kalim drives the Thyatians out of Alaysia (C).
repelled and the King of Denagoth kills his
mother, the High Priest of Idris, and himself, 840 AC:
throwing the northern nation into chaos Realm of Wendar officially founded (C).
(F6). Yezchamenid Shah killed by Renardois
pirates, decades of instability follow (F6,7). 849 AC:
Ledeia, prophet of Vanya, is killed in Hattia,
but her faith spreads (C).

850 AC:
Etienne d’Amberville becomes the Immortal
Rad (C). Master’s Fist is built guarding the
Great Pass between the Black Mountains and
Hule (F7).

852 AC:
Minrothaddan explorers reach Tanakumba in
Yavdlom (C).

858 AC:
Principalities of Glantri are born and nobility
reserved for wizards (C). Some Glantrian
exiles escape to the Adri Varma. Princess


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

Aurielle claims Gulluvia in the Adri Varma 890 AC:

Plateau and builds the Golden Palace, aiming Landryn Teriak betrays Geffronell and
to be recognised as one of the Glantrian becomes king of Essuria and Denagoth in the
Principalities (F6,7). name of Idris (F7-9,M).

860 AC: 898 AC:

Al Kalim retires from public office and goes Henadin, leader of the northern tribes, and
on his quest for Immortality (C). Duchy of Geffronell destroy Essuria13, but Landryn is
Noapte founded in the Borean Valley by reborn as the Shadowlord (F6).
Boldavian refugees from Glantri (F7).

865 AC: Modern Times

Golden Palace of Gulluvia destroyed by a
green dragon, decline of the barony (F6,7).

867 AC: 900 AC:

Ierendian monarchs’ annual selection begins Clebard leads a migration of lupins from
(C). Averoigne to Renardy, helping the nation of
lupins against a goblinoid invasion (C, F4).
868 AC: Thyatian immigration to Norwold and the
Azlum Swith, one of Mystara's greatest Isle of Dawn, founding of Oceansend.
explorers, begins his twenty-year trek Traladara is conquered by the Thyatian
through the Hyborean Reaches (F6,7). empire. The mad wizard Gargantua of
Norwold creates the first gargantuan creature
870 AC: from a carrion crawler. The Ispans arrive in
Frost giants attempt a full scale invasion of the Savage Coast. More humanoids of the
Hyborea but are eventually repelled by Savage Coast are pushed into the Dark
humans, dwarves, humanoids and cryons Jungle (C). The nation of Bedon begins its
(F6,7,M). conquest in the southern Arm of the
Immortals (F11). The Chaotic Sisterhood
873 AC: found the Crna League of free Traldars and
After more than a century of war, Monzag goatmen to preserve independence from the
falls to Hulean conquest. Antasyn, allied with city states of the Gulf (F6,7).
Hule, is incorporated into the empire (F6).

889-915 AC:
Hule attacks the north but is defeated by
Dvinzina and Sardjikjian (F6). 13 The e xa c t d a te o f the F a l l o f Es s uria a nd
the ris e o f the S ha d o wl o rd is no t give n in
c a no n a nd d e b a te d in fa n s o urc e s . D iffe re nt
896 AC: d a te s c a n b e fo und in the Va ul ts (We nd a r
Chateau d’Ambreville disappears (C). a rtic l e s , D e na go th a rtic l e s , a nd N o rthe rn
B run a rtic l e s ), a s we l l a s the G a z F s e rie s b y
J TR , a nd in is s ue #7 o f T h r e sh o ld m a ga z ine .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

almost reaches the Yalu river estuary (F6).

Order of Vanya founded in Hattia (C).

919 AC:
New Alphatian colonisation efforts in
Norwold (C).

920-937 AC:
Agents of the Master of Hule take control of
most of the Urduk and humanoid tribes of
the Great Waste (F7).

927 AC:
The Great Merger forms the Republic of
Darokin (C).

930 AC:
The Shadowlord leads Denagoth to destroy
the elves of Lothenar and attacks Geffronell,
but is repelled by Gylharen and Bensarian in
Wendar (F6,9). Some Lothenar elves escape
to Ghyr. Dead cities reported in the Borean
valley, first descriptions of the Kingdom of
the Dead (F9). Hulean plots and humanoid
attacks have greatly weakened the dominion
902 AC: of Dorfin IV in Brun. Intertribal warfare rises
Ispans found the Barony of Narvaez, starting in Borea (M).
a century long creation and disappearance of
new baronies (C). 931 AC:
Cinnabryl re-discovered in the Savage Coast
903 AC: (C).
Thyatis sends military aid and colonists to the
remote Essurian colony of Ghyr (F9) First 934 AC:
official contact between Bellayne and Baron Rotrich of Gulluvia tries to rebuild the
Myoshima (F2). region in the Adri Varma Plateau (F6,7).

905 AC: 935 AC:

Landfall founded by Northmen, later falls The Church of Idris is outlawed in Wendar.
under Thyatian control (F9). The Shadowlord besieges the elves of
Geffron in Denagoth (F6).
913 AC:
Zuyevo defeats the Yezchamenid empire and


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

937 AC: Palartarkan arrives in the Yezchamenid

Koralgesh, capital of Gesh, on the Western empire (F6).
coast of Brun north of the Yezchamenid
Empire, is destroyed by a volcanic eruption 960 AC:
before falling to entropic pirates (C, F6). Alphatian conquest of Thyatis repelled by
Thincol, who becomes the new emperor.
940 AC: Oceansend is independent (C), Landfall
Prism wars in Ghyr. Denagothian invaders under Alphatian control (F9).
repelled (F9).
961 AC:
942 AC: Heldannic order warbirds begin exploration
Red steel weapons made in Torreon (C). of the world (C, F9).

948 AC: 963 AC:

Smokepowder is discovered in the Savage Yazi gnolls attack the Baronies of Montejo
Coast (C). and Aranjuez in the Savage Coast (C).

949 AC: 964 AC:

A Hulean expeditionary corps is defeated in Ganto becomes King of Ghyr (F9).
Chengouch (F6).
967 AC:
950 AC: Zuyevan forces are defeated by the
League of Soderfjord created. Knights of humanoids in the Yazak steppes (F6,7).
Vanya invade the Heldann Freeholds (C).
Hule conquers the city states of Gonica and 968 AC:
Ostrozac in the Gulf. Boyarski falls under First failed invasion of the Savage Baronies by
Verdan control and is renamed Babosas (F6). Hule (F6).
Free republic of Kalan founded by former
slaves in the southern coast of the Great 970 AC:
Waste (F6,7). Stephan Karameikos III establishes the Grand
Duchy of Karameikos, obtaining the land of
952 AC: Traladara from Emperor Thincol (C). Wendar
Heldannic order founded after conquest is repels an invasion from Denagoth (C).
completed (C).
971 AC:
955 AC: Hule conquers the Traldar/Verdan Barony of
A Neh-Thalggu vessel crashes in the Borean Babosa/Boyarsky in the Gulf (F6).
Valley and is found by the Othwa goblins (F6-
7). 974 AC:
Minrothaddan and Thyatian merchants reach
957 AC: Littonia (F9).
A floating island of Alphatians devoted to


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

975 AC: 986-990 AC:

King Thar unifies the Broken Lands. The Civil war in Zuyevo promoted by a
wheel lock pistol developed in Cimarron, Yezchamenid plot (F6,7).
Savage Coast (C). Second failed invasion of
the Savage Baronies by Hule, Hulean fleet 990 AC:
destroyed by the Baronies and the City States Cimarron is the last Savage Barony to ratify
(F6). Humanoids enter the forest of Geffron the Treaty of Tampaicos (C). The Western
endangering the survival of the elves (F9). Alliance establishes a vigilance against the
Kingdom of the Dead to the west (F7, 9).
976 AC:
The second Zuyevan campaign in the Yazak 992 AC:
steppes is defeated by humanoids (F7). Third attempt by Hule to invade the Savage
Baronies fails (F6).
979 AC:
The d’Ambrevilles return to Glantri and 993 AC:
restore Nouvelle Averoigne. Wulf von Heldanners’ revolt against the Heldannic
Klagendorf becomes High Priest of the Order, with Alphatian assistance, fails (C).
Heldannic Order (C).
995 AC:
980 AC: Goblins invaders repelled from Ghyr (F9).
Baroness D’hmis is ruler of Gulluvia after the
convenient death of her husband (F6,7). 996 AC:
Moglai is Khan of the Khans in Ethengar (C).
981 AC:
Third failed Zuyevan campaign in the Yazak 997 AC:
steppes provokes internal rebellions in the The death of the Shah Mayzar brings 4 years
Empire (F7). old Shah Zhoher to the Yezchamenid throne
under tutelage of his uncle Quymer, who
982 AC: alienates many satrapies (F6,7).
Vilaverdan navy defeats the Yezchamenid
empire at the Battle of the Horn (F6). 998 AC:
The Zuyevan empire conquers the estuary of
984 AC: the Yalu river, separating the Yezchamenid
Othwa goblins of Borea are attacked by empire from Dradze, which becomes de facto
Gronmak ogres but manage to subdue them independent. The Chaotic Sisterhood’s
and create a vast dominion (F6,7). power grows in Dravya (F6, F10, M).

985 AC: 999 AC:

Alpha is built by Alphatia in Norwold (C). First Inheritors in the Savage Coast (C).
Nastoreth in the Arm of the Immortals
welcomes foreigners to visit the realm (F6,7).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

1009 AC:
Othwa goblins come to dominate all the
humanoid tribes of Upper Urzud (F6).

1010 AC:
Elves from Alfheim free the Sylvan Realm
from the forces of Moorkroft IV with the help
of local fairy folk14. (C) The gnomes of Imlec
have now secretly built several Earthshakers
and are ready to march to the conquest of
Borea and recreate the dominion of Dorfin V

1010-1013 AC:
Events of the “Poor Wizard’s Almanacs I, II
and III” and “Joshuan’s Almanac”.
1000 AC: Heldannic knights attack Norwold and
Duke of Noapte and Western Alliance ally to conquer Landfall. Humanoids attack in the
contrast the Kingdom of the Dead in the Savage Coast. Hule conquers Nova Svoga. (C)
Borean Valley (F7). Nouvelle Renardy founded by exiled
Renardian followers of Pflarr near the reptile
1003 AC: kingdoms. Zuyevo promotes a rebellion in
Zuyevan Talmav starts to colonize the Bylot Olgar and Sardjikjian attacks against Hule
hills, having finally defeated the local (F8).
humanoid tribes (F8).
1014 AC:
1004-1009 AC: Events of the Fan Almanacs. Tension in
Events of the “Wrath of the Immortals” Wendar between humans and Alfheim
boxed set, Hule attempts an invasion of the immigrants. Hulean humanoids attack
Known World and occupies Sind. War among Graakhalia. Eusdria menaced by Huptai
the Savage Baronies in 1005. Hule attacks the hobgoblins and goblins. Hostilities between
Savage Baronies in 1006 but is repelled in Eusdria and Renardy, Vilaverde and Bellayne
1007 AC. Don Esteban ousted in Almarron and among the city states of the Gulf of Hule.
and Yazak goblinoids attack the coast in 1007 Olgar rebellion quenched by Hule (F8).
and 1008. Chandra ul Nervi reinstated in
1009 AC as puppet of Hule. Yazak goblinoids 1015 AC:
sack the capital of Herath during the Week Elven army from Wendar invades Denagoth
without Magic (C). Zuyevo builds fortresses and conquers Drax Tallen. Persecution of the
in the northern Yazak to connect the empire
to the Bylot hills (F8). 14 Eve nts o f m o d ul e CM 7 : “ T h e T r e e o f
Lif e ” , whic h c a n b e s e t in a ny ye a r fro m 9 1 0
AC (a s pro po s e d b y R o b e rto R o m a in his
G a z e tte e r) to 1 0 1 9 AC a s the D M pre fe rs .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

Afflicted in the Savage Baronies. Gold rush in eventually free Bensarian by the end of the
Gombar and Suma’a. Yavdlom defeats year. Civil war in Bellayne continues. Narvaez
Hulean pirates. New barony of Entroza continues its attack on Saragon but is
founded north of Saragon and new gnollish eventually repelled and a truce is established.
Barony of the Grande Carrascal. The wizard A Thyatian expedition to the west establish
Bensarian is kidnapped in Wendar and an outpost in Tyjaret and Kladanovic,
replaced with an impersonator by the northern Serpent Peninsula, then travels to
Church of Idris (F8). Yavdlom, Slagovich and Hule. Clashes
between Gournzee and Klagorst (F8).
1016 AC:
Zuyevo conquers Richland. Rumor of the 1018 AC:
death of the Master brings provincial Heldannic civil war. Hule maneuvers
rebellions and an invasion from the north to Texeiran and Vilaverdan to attack Zuyevan
Hule, but the Master re-appears and defeats and Renardois ships in the Yalu bay.
the invaders, also beginning colonisation of Douzbakjian King killed by the White Orcs.
the Bylot hills, where gold is found. Sind and The 24 year old Shah-an-Shah Zhoher of the
Nova Svoga freed from Hulean control. Yezchamenid Empire assassinated. Zuyevan
Humanoids of the Great Migration from the Tzar unmasks an Hulean conspiracy.
Broken Lands reach Graakhalia. Afflicted Extremely cold winter in Central and
granted lands in the northern part of Northern Brun. Gurrash raids on Nouvelle
Torreon. Narvaez invades Gargoña. Slagovich Renardie. Bensarian is again in control in
battles Hoja. Ratlings settle in Dunwick. Wendar and trying to repair the damages
Cimarron and Carrascal repel a goblin done by the Church of Idris, which promotes
invasion. Lupin followers of Pflarr settle in attacks by monsters and giants. (F8).
Carrascal among gnolls and hutaakans. Civil
war in Bellayne. Robrenn repels orc attacks. 1019 AC:
King Gylharen killed in Wendar: Alfheim Earth elementals attack Gunjab and Nagpuri
refugees are blamed and imprisoned by in Sind. Hule secretly uses Texeiran pirates
regent Bensarian, secretly an impersonator to loot Kladanovic but stipulates a
sent by the Church of Idris (F8). commercial alliance with the Thyatian
expedition to the west. The expedition then
1017 AC: travels to the Savage Baronies, Robrenn,
Hule retreats from Sind but Gunjab, Kadesh, Eusdria and Dunswick. Don Marco (formerly
and Peshmir declare their independence. Esteban of Almarron) becomes ruler of
Hule promotes humanoid and demonic Gargona. King of Bellayne escapes
attacks against Zuyevo. Provincial rebellions assassination attempt (F8).
in Hule are defeated. Zuyevan invasion of
Douzbakjian repelled with the death of the 1020 AC:
tzar’s son Dmitri. Denagoth defeats the elven Moorkroft V in the Endworld line tries to
invaders and secretly influences Wendar reorganise his forces and contact the clerics
government by controlling Bensarian, but of Hel of Niflheim (F7, M).
some elves try to strike back at Idris and


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

The future: Main fan sources used:

All the above canon and fan sources can be
used to create a very interesting future for - Comprehensive “History of Mystara” by
the continent of Brun. The Law, Neutrality Michael Diehm to which I did not give a fan
and Chaos theme can be used with many production code because it is a list of canon
possibilities and implications as the gnomes events.
of Dorfin, the Othwa goblins and empires
such as Yezchamenid, Zuyevo and Hule F1 -
compete to acquire new territories and “99,9999985% Mystara history” by
influence in the vast expanse of the Francesco Defferrari
F2 -
“A Timeline of the Oltec Man” by Átila Pires
dos Santos and Giampaolo Agosta ,
“Ethnographic History of Mystara” and
“Ethnographic History of Mystara,
REFERENCES Neathar”, by Giulio Caroletti, Geoff Gander
and Giampaolo Agosta , “History And
Evolution Of Rakastas” by Simone Neri
Main canon sources: and “History of the Lupins” by Atila Pires
dos Santos and Giampaolo Agosta
The Master Rules set map by Frank Mentzer
- The Hollow World boxed set by Aaron F3 -
Aalston “Lhomarr” and “Y’hog” by Geoff Gander
- “Voyages of the Princess Ark” series in and “The Age of Blackmoor” by James
Dragon Magazine by Bruce Heard Mishler
- “Champions of Mystara” by Ann Dupuis
- The Gazetteers, by various authors F4 -
- D&D Modules X4: “ Master of the Desert “The Codex Immortalis” by Marco Dalmonte
Nomads”, X5: “Temple of Death”, X6:
“Quagmire!” and X9: “The Savage Coast” F5 -
- “The Keep at Koralgesh” in Dungeon “The 2300 BC setting” by John Calvin,
Magazine #2 partially available at The Vauklts of
Pannndious under “Historical Areas of the
Outer World”, on its own forum on the
Piazza and mentioned already in several
articles in past issues of Threshold
Magazine, see also “Engdyr’s Game
Adventure Path” in issues #16 and #17.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Great Timeline of Western Brun

F6 -
A lot of resources in the section Brun in The
Vault of Pandius, especially “The Dravish
Civilisation”, “Central Brun” by
LoZompatore, “History of the Visneskayan
people” and “Religion and Immortals in
Klagorst” by Giulio Caroletti , “History of
Great Hule” and “The Midlands” by James
Mishler, “Hulean Timeline” by Christian
Constantin , Adrian Mattias, “Adri Varma
Plateau timeline” and “The Riesengard
Ogres” by Håvard and , “Savage Coast
Traladaran Timeline” by Átila Pires dos
Santos, “Hyborean Timeline” by Steven
Wilson, “What the Players Shouldn’t Know About
Nastoreth” by Geoff Gander , “Sirlioin” by Joseph
Setorius, “World in Flames: The Prelude” By
Bruce Heard

F7 -
The Italian fan Gazetteers of Brun
developed by Omnibius, which cover all
Brun by using material from the Vaults and
updating it. The covers can be seen at his
website and the content (in Italian) can be
can be downloaded from this page (if you
register on the site, also in Italian).

F8 -
The Mystaran Fan Almanacs

F9 -
The Gazetteers F1-10 by Old Dawg/JTR et al

F10 -
“The Great Northways Lands” article by
Carillion to be published in the next issue
(#18) of Threshold Magazine.

F11 -
“The Southwestern Arm of the Immortals” article
by Atila Pires dos Santos in this issue of
Threshold magazine.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

by Robin
This article describes several creatures that ● Nomads travel alongside the Great Herd,
are new to Mystara, as well as expanding and they are remnants of old cultures
some that exist in canon Mystara splintered, obliterated or even forgotten.
publications. These creatures are as follows:
● Pilgrims can be found all over Mystara as
● Barbarians live in Central Brun, and are they have a holy goal to reach some
a nomadic race of humans. They travel legendary location. Many of these can be
together with the Great Herd. found on the western coast, as a religious
cult/sect/faith has taken root there
● Qauriks live with the Firelords in an sending the pilgrims far south almost to
enclosed valley to the far north . the Savage Coast. The exact location
should be determined by the DM, but
● Stalwarts are found in the Northern several options are available: old Oltec
section of Brun. They follow the Great ruins, humanoid temples, or cloisters
Herd until they reach mid-Brun, then (like those mentioned in module X9: “The
travel slowly towards the Great Herd’s Savage Coast”).
normal spring destination, to follow them
up north again. ● Giganthopithecus are actually extinct,
but their remains can be found all over
● Commoners can be found all over the western coast of Brun. Their
Mystara, these are normal humans, living offspring, yeti and sasquatch, have often
and thriving. taken their place. However, there are
many rumours of Giganthopithecus being
● Natives live in the jungles far south near seen in the mountainous forests on the
the Arm of the Immortals. Some of them west coast. A DM could use this creature
live on islands and are tribal or even in such locations. There are rumours of a
cannibals. mage giant desiring to strengthen its gene
pool anew by transporting
Giganthopithecus from the far past.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

● Ettins can be found in small groups THE GREAT HERD

along the continental side of the
mountain range, all the way up to the
polar circle. (Also called the Great Trek)

● Geonids are numerous in the mountains

and hills of western Brun, but can be
found in many Mystaran mountain
ranges. They can be used as PCs.

● Galeb duhr are another silicon-based

(rock) race that also lives in the mountain
valleys or caves.

● Rockmen live all over Mystara.

The Great Herd is made up of many large
● The wereraven are a race of lycanthropes groups of animals following a distinctive
existing primarily on the west coast of migrational pattern, dictated not only by
Brun. They can be used as PCs. season and geology but also by ecology. The
changing seasons, temperature and
● There are gyerian PCs in west Brun. precipitation influence the growth of grasses
and herbs - the predominant food of the
● The urd are an aggressive humanoid race herds. In winter, the herds congregate on the
living in the hills alongside the track of grasslands in south Brun, on the Shazak
the Great Herd, often attacking passing Steppes. The eastern herds congregate on
barbarians or other races following the the Great Plain and Gallannor, south of the
Great Herd. Borean River.

● The aurumvorax (both versions) live in In both locations, they encounter and are
the temperate hills of west Brun, and hunted by the local humans and humanoids.
some follow the Great Herd. In summer these lush lands provide enough
food for the whole season, but eventually
● Deep within several caves and dungeons food becomes scarce due to overfeeding, and
underneath the mountains and coastal the herd then moves onto better grounds. By
hills of the west coast, the humanoids this time newborns will have grown big
have created such filth, that something enough to be able to follow the herd. It is
evolved within this region that even they not a single, gigantic herd that moves across
fear: the oytugh, and more recently a the continent, but a combination of several
neo-otyugh. large herds, following the same routes. All
these herds invariably follow the same routes
● The crowrse is one of the weirder that have been used by previous generations.
animals following the Great Herd. As such, the herds will move in spring along


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

the lines shown in pink on the continental edges to the south, and a western group,
map. The western horde moves to the goes along the western mountains. During
northeast just north of Hule, passing over the this autumn trek, the males mostly fight for
Midlands, entering the Borean Valley and dominance and mates as per normal
moving around the forests to the northwest, behavioral patterns. They follow a path
where they find their greatest barrier (the curving eastward until they meet the great
Borean River) to onward progress. Even river southwest, which forces them to pass
though generations of herds have passed this the forest until they reach the fertile lands of
way before, this hurdle is still a major barrier. the Zuveyo Empire. Here, they eventually
Not all animals will survive, as not only the succeed in finding a passage over the river to
water, but many predators await their reach the Shazak Steppes, where the new
passing (crocodiles, dragons, great cats, mating season takes place. Both the western
wolves and dire wolves, lupin hunters, and central herds follow the same spring
humanoid hunters). When they pass the route north of Hule towards the Borean
river, they move further north and slowly Valley and turn west, just south of the Dead
break up into smaller herds spreading out Lands, towards the summer grazing
over the lush lands there. The eastern herd grounds.The annual circle is thus completed.
moves in a similar fashion. Restricted by the The eastern herds move over the Seeping
Swamp of the Beast, they cross over the Hills and the Roangungal Hills (a.k.a. the
Borean River, through the small passage of Staircase) until they reach the Flatlands of
the Western Forest, to reach the western the Kingdom of Many Colors. Here, the
edge of the Kingdom of Many Colors. males fight for dominance and females.They
Following roughly the western lookout trail slowly move southwest until they eventually
north, they eventually reach their summer reach the Borean River again and then spread
lands of the tundra. out onto the Great Plain where the young
will be born. The annual circle is thus
The summer lands have a much slower completed.
migrational pattern, roughly leading west for
the western herds, and east for the eastern The numbers for the herds are based on the
herds. When the season ends, most western average per season.
herds have moved to the south of the
summer region, or the southwest. The Western herds:
eastern herds have moved onto the
Horseplains by midsummer and spread out Winter 1.760.000 animals, orange on map
there in smaller herds. Eventually, they will Spring 1.750.000 animals, pink on map,
regroup into larger herds moving west same line as central herds
towards the hills. Summer 1.740.000 animals, blue on map,
same as central herds
In autumn, the cold and the overgrazing Autumn 1.725.000 animals, purple(left) on
forces the animals south, where the western map
herds are now following two major routes. A The western herd consists of; 50% bison,
central group follows the river and forest 20% deer/elk, 15% horse, 15% other.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

Central herds: The eastern herd consists of; 20% bison, 45%
horse, 25% elk/deer, 10% other. The horses
Winter 1.680.000 animals, orange on map of the eastern herd belong to the best wild
Spring 1.660.000 animals, pink on map same horse breeds existing.
line as western herds
Summer 1.645.000 animals, blue on map, Other creatures in the herds are; mastodon,
same as western herds crowrse, elk, all kinds of deer/gazelle and
Autumn 1.630.000 animals. purple (right) goat, boar.
on map
The central herd consists of; 40% bison, 30% Following behind and alongside all the
deer/elk, 20% horse, 10% other. The central Herds are migrating wolves, dogs, great cats,
herd has many caribou deer from the far north. birds of prey, phororhacos, or the dominant
predators (roc, dragon, etc). These predators
have their reproduction period just before
Eastern herds: the herd comes, to ensure the young have
sufficient food. Settled humans and
Winter 490.000 animals, orange on map humanoids rely more or less on these herds,
Spring 485.000 animals, pink on map and some have their whole dependence
Summer 475.000 animals, blue on map relying upon the Great Herd. These are
Autumn 455.000 animals, purple on map barbarian tribes, following the herd, and


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

some other races and tribes awaiting them THE HUMAN RACES OF
each year. Either way the Great Herd brings
food and other products in the form of meat,
pelts, bones, marrow, hair/wool, young
animals, manure, and spell- and material
components. A note to all the following tables: the
colour orange if given in the tables is used
It is suicidal to try to pass through a herd. to depict the most commonly encountered
The best way to do this is on horseback, example of this type of creature.
slowly ingratiating oneself into the herd and
travelling within the herd slowly to the Barbarian
destination side, before they disengage. This
takes at least a single day. Going around a Barbarians are a
herd might take several weeks. Waiting for p r i m i t i v e ,
openings to pass rapidly through might take nomadic people
a week. As such, the Great Herd is a very who inhabit cold,
hard barrier to surmount. Waiting for the northern plains
Herd to fully pass takes one and a half months. and tundra where
Similar herds exist on the Outer World they live by
continents Davania (mostly wildebeest/gnu, hunting and
giraffe, elephant, rhinoceros, camel, etc) and foraging. From
Skothar (mostly caribou, oxen, deer/elk, the outskirts of
dromedary, horse, llama, aurochs, civilization, these
baluchitherium, mammoth). The main warriors live in their own uncivilized tribes.
continent in the Hollow World has its own The civilized people call them berserkers and
herd versions (two dinosaur herds on the blame them for the mayhem and destruction
northern continent, and one huge many of their kind have been known to
pleistocene animal; the southern continental bring. The barbarians do not feel any kinship
herd has mainly dinosaur herds with some towards other barbarians, unless of course,
pleistocene intermingling). they belonged to the same tribe at one time
or another. They can only breed within their
For statistics on these animals see my own race.
“Mystara Monster Manual” compilation
chapter Animals pages 14-79

Most barbarians are first level fighters,

although their leaders are mostly of much
higher level. Some barbarians are thieves or
shamans, and druids are not unknown. They
are limited in their clerical class and can only
become 12th level. Fighters can become 20th
level maximum, like thieves. They follow
normal experiences for these classes.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun


The barbarians cannot be of any lawful

alignment; at best they are neutral or chaotic
good, seeking only to live in freedom and
fighting only against evil, as they see it. At
worst, they are chaotic evil and seek to
senselessly destroy the civilized world
around them. Though barbarians do not do
well in the civilized world, many have found
their place by adventuring. Due to their
tough and primitive background, they have
no difficulty relying on nature to keep them
alive and well, when a promising adventure
is not in sight. Normally the barbarian would
not abandon his/her tribe, without just cause.
One may have once been a slave, captured
from his own tribe, who escaped and came
into the adventuring business, or perhaps
seeks revenge on the rival tribe that
destroyed his/her own tribe.


Barbarians are not usually religious, but if

they do find an Immortal, they are more than
capable of being very faithful and obedient.
They tend to follow powerful Immortals of
battle or nature; they have a distrust for all
Clothing and weapons things they perceive to be unnatural
(undead, magic, demons, etc.) and thus
They generally wear thick clothing of skins would not trust an Immortal of magic or the
and furs (AV1 or 2), or coarse cloth and like. Some of those barbarians worship
rarely, if ever, use armour or shields. They certain gods and goddesses of nature. These
arm themselves with bows, spears, slings, clerics (levels 1 to 12, called pagans) practice
swords, daggers, knives and small axes, and seasonal sacrifices which they believe to help
so on. Some leaders have metal armour, maintain the cycles of the year. Characters
obtained, like their metal weapons and other captured by pagans are sometimes used as
metal goods, by trading or warfare with human sacrifices at these ceremonies held in
civilized people. Some groups ride horses isolated forest glades and grottoes and
and may be expert riders. attended by large gatherings of barbarians.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

Skills energy draining. They get a +2 to all

necessary saving throws, and get a saving
The skills a barbarian uses most are Climb, throw -8 against level draining attacks if no
Handle Animal, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, such save was allowed.
Ride, Survival, and Swim. The barbarian isn't
necessarily a skilled class, and is often Technology: Stone-age with magic
admired most for its brute strength and rage Lifestyle: Clan / family-like
special ability. Population:
Outer World (OW): 9000
Magic all over and slowly declining.
Hollow World (HW): nil (so far).
Most barbarians have an inborn fear of Existing: OW: Since 13.000 BC
anything magical, or unnatural (including Greatest Expanse: OW: 3000 BC
most monsters) and prefer to stay away from
it as far as possible. This is also the reason Faith: OW: Ka, Ordana, Thanatos,
that they have no wiccas, sorcerers or any Valerias, Ixion
other magic user class. Their magic is solely Language: 1 +1 / Int bonus (only if
from their shaman or druids and is derived met other race)
from the Immortals or nature itself. That is Age Human
what they understand and accept. Baby 0-3
Youngster 4-8
Adaptation Teenager 9-11
Young Adult 12-16
Barbarians have, however, adapted strongly Adult 17-25
to their environment and are not only Mature 26-35
sturdier and better in constitution and Elder 36+
overall health. They also suffer less damage Death 50+2d12
from cold (-1 point from each HD of cold
damage and have a +1 to their saves against Combat
cold). They are also one die stronger in
rolling hit points than that class originally A big, dumb fighter-type clad in furs who
would (a thief of 1d4 becomes 1d6 per HD, hacks up the enemy in a berserk rage - that's
a shaman, druid or healer becomes 1d8 the quintessential fantasy image of the
instead, and a fighter even 1d10). The extra barbarian - or perhaps the stereotypical one.
hit points for constitution and above name This particular image also portrays the
level levels are as normal. The barbarian’s barbarian as uncouth, uncultured, and
heavier hit dice give him unmatched hit generally uninhibited. Such a character
points, especially if he has a decent appeals to all of us from time to time, but
Constitution score. moving beyond the stereotype allows the
creation of a character with great depth and
The natural hardiness of his life in nature a wide array of useful abilities.
helps him resist most effects that attack his
body, such as poison, polymorphing, and Because he can use any simple or martial


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

weapon, a barbarian is a deadly opponent any hope of coordinating an attack is

with just about any weapon in his hand. A completely lost. Due to their blind rage, they
barbarian is used to combat with light and suffer a -4 modifier on ability checks
medium armor and every kind of shield involving Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma,
except a large or a tower shield. A properly but receive a +2 bonus to all saving throws
equipped barbarian is no slouch when it vs. spell. While the rage lasts, they are
comes to defense. immune to the following priest spells: all
Charm spells, Protection from evil,
Barbarians are typically armed with swords, Protection from Evil 10’ radius, and Dispel
knives, bows, spears, and clubs. Armor is Evil. They are also immune to the following
limited to shields, helmets, and chest plates. wizard spells: Protection from Evil,
They tend to be hostile towards unfamiliar Protection from Evil 10’ radius, and
wizards. Barbarians are adept at surprising Repulsion, and all enchantment / charm /
opponents; such opponents have a -1 penalty illusion / phantasm spells.
on their surprise rolls.
They get a +2 bonus to Constitution. This
Dodge increase in Constitution may increase the
barbarian’s hit points over the maximum
At the 2nd level of any class, a barbarian gets allowed, but these hit points go away at the
a dodge missiles ability that keeps him from end of the rage when his Constitution score
suffering the usual ill effects, except when he drops back to normal, and any damage is
is surprised or otherwise caught off guard. from these extra hp first.
He must make a successful Dexterity check
for each missile directed at him (except While raging, a barbarian cannot use any
magical missiles, they have their own saving Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based
throws or not). skills (except for Balance, Escape Artist,
Intimidate, and Ride), or any abilities that
Rage require patience or concentration, nor can
he cast spells or activate magic items that
Any barbarian of any class can fly into a rage require a command word, a spell trigger
only once per encounter. At 1st level he can (such as a wand), or spell completion (such
use his rage ability once per day. At 4th level, as a scroll) to function. He can use any
and every four levels thereafter, can use it weapon mastery abilities.
one additional time per day (to a maximum A fit of rage lasts for a number of rounds
of six times per day at 20th level). Entering a equal to 3 + the character’s (newly
rage takes no time itself. improved) Constitution modifier. A barbarian
may prematurely end his rage. At the end of
Although they retain the hands and eyes of the rage, the barbarian loses the rage
men and continue to wield weapons in this modifiers and restrictions and becomes
state, they lose all fear of death and enter a fatigued (–2 penalty to Strength, –2 penalty
killing rage - they must attack any enemy to Dexterity, can’t charge or run) for 1 Turn
they see and cannot be given orders. Thus, (10 minutes).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

poorly developed (stone-age or bronze-age),

Barbarian fighters (i.e. not thieves, shamans, and they may rely on the outside world for
scouts, rakes, bards, and druids) receive a +4 more advanced technology, such as iron
adjustment to their Strength score, with the weapons. These will often be gained by trade
accompanying modifiers to their attack and or war. Since primitive people live close to
damage rolls, and their AC is modified by a nature, their societies and cultures reflect the
+2 (so that, for example, AC 4 becomes AC limitations imposed on them by their
2). A berserk rage frees the warriors from environment and way of life. They arose as
having to make a morale check, and renders another human species together with the
them immune to fear. A barbarian who Neanderthal and were the main cause for
becomes lawful (through magic or actions) their demise on the Outer World.
loses the ability to rage.
In uncivilized, temperate areas (forests,
Weakness moorlands, etc.), tribes of barbarians may
exist, hiding from their more advanced
They suffer a penalty against magical attacks neighbours. Groups of these wild men are
of -2 on their saves. generally small (10 to 20 individuals). They
are nomadic, living by hunting and
Habitat/Society gathering, and leaving only scant traces of
their temporary camps. Some wild men use
So long as they are allowed to lead their lives portable tents of animal skins. Their
and roam where they will, barbarians would encounters with outsiders (who call them
rather hunt than wage war. They have a “wild men”, “men of the woods” etc.), are
strong sense of honour, however, and fight brief - whether for trade (often in skins) or
fiercely if this is offended. They are fond of combat.
wrestling, and will form strong alliances with
those who prove their might and worth Barbarians do not automatically know how
either in a wrestling match or otherwise. to read and write. A barbarian who gains a
level in any thief, druid or shaman class
For most of the year, barbarians live in automatically gains literacy. Most barbarians
scattered groups and tribes in tents and huts remain illiterate for life. Illiteracy usually isn't
of fur and cloth. At the time of the summer a deadly flaw, but it can prove embarrassing
solstice, however, these groups gather for a or inconvenient.
short time into massive hordes which can be
a considerable threat to outsiders. Ecology

They differ, however, in that they have never Barbarians are nomadic humanoids. They
developed civilization—or, if they did so, it prefer to follow the large herds of animals
collapsed long ago. Most barbarians are following their own migratory routes along
primitive people, tribal and nomadic, making the seasons. They follow bison, caribou,
only small, temporary settlements, often in horse and even sheep. Some small tribes may
remote places. Their technology will often be maintain the same locations where they


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

temporarily settle (until the horde

continues). Others settle wherever possible.
There are even those solitary tribes which
settle on a semi-permanent basis (until
something goes wrong, they stay). Barbarians
belong to primitive cultures that possess
rudimentary skills such as animal husbandry
and simple manufacturing (weaving,
carving). They may live in villages of simple
buildings or in portable structures like tents,
tepees, yurts, or wagons. In aquatic regions,
they may live on watercraft like canoes or rafts.


Qauriks are of above normal height and are

very strong (strength scores of 15 to 18 are
common). Their skins are dead-white, their
eyes and hair pale-blue. At the corners of
their mouths are two protruding fangs. Their
feet are hairy with sharp downward curving
claws which are used to grip the ice. They
appear more primitive than other human
species. They appear to be a creature that has
devolved back towards Neanderthal, but with
evolutionary traits that allow them to live in
the cold area. Outside the city they wear
heavy furs and ride ice wolves. In cities, they
favour garbs of warm colours like red and
orange. Qauriks wield mostly two-handed
swords, large battle axes and lances. They do
not use shields. They can achieve levels of
experience in the fighter, mage, thief and
cleric class (others do not exist among them)
as normal humans, but when they reach 20th
level they are summoned to the Firelords (to
never return).

1 Qua rik a nd F ire l o rd s a re e xpa nd e d fro m

AC9 : “ Cr e a t u r e Ca t a lo g u e ” .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

city and ensure that its inhabitants survive

the harsh conditions of the region. The
Firelords live in a majestic palace in the heart
of the crystal city, from where they control
the powerful fire elementals which provide
heating for the city. The city itself is a gigantic
steel and glass (specially treated to
indestructibility) dome, and a gigantic
underground cave area. In fact, the dome
only covers four miles of the valley (about
15%), while the rest is topped off with stone,
wood and other materials to block the
outside world. The temperature outside is
between -50º and -30º Fahrenheit with lots of
wind (7+) and precipitation (blizzards,
snow, ice, hail). The inside varies between -
40º and -5º. However, there is no wind; any
precipitation comes from molten ice snow
frozen to the roof, due to the fire elementals.
Near the Firelords the temperature rises to a
more comfortable 5º or inside the palace to
25º. This temperature is very uncomfortable
to the qauriks, causing them to suffer heat
exhaustion as a normal person might when
The qauriks live in a domed crystal city walking in a desert.
within the polar regions (exactly where is
generally unknown as of 1016 AC). They are The Firelords keep the qaurik in awe through
a hardy race that takes great pride in their the use of their Phantasmal Force spells to
culture and achievements. The qaurik city appear as mighty supernatural beings. The
lies in the midst of an icy valley, somewhere qaurik willingly die for their leaders,
on the Brun continent (originally further believing that in doing so they become
north than former Blackmoor). The city was supernatural beings themselves. The
cut off many millennia ago by huge Firelords exploit their subjects’ fanaticism by
avalanches which blocked the mountain actively preying on them. It is considered a
passes and have since frozen solid. This great honour to be called to the Firelords’
happened in 3000 BC with the Great Rain of palace, where it is believed the person dwells
Fire. in ecstasy forever. What the qaurik do not
realise is that those entering the palace are
Habitat/Society consumed alive by the cannibalistic Firelords.
No qaurik (of any level of experience) can
The qauriks are led by a group of 8 magic ever be made to doubt the wisdom of their
users (levels 8 to 15) known as the Firelords. leaders and they are fond of pointing to the
The Firelords control all the aspects of the warmth and majesty of their city as proof of


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

the Firelords’ power and benevolence (even Firelords (Homo erectus

under the influence of magic, charms or Furens)
similar) - this is an inbred obedience created
by the Firelords and is now a natural trait. The eight Firelords are seemingly of a
They see themselves as a people blessed, for different race or species altogether from the
their gods live among them. Any evidence to qauriks. The qaurik, as assumed by
the contrary will be dismissed - it is not their researchers, could very easily be some kind
place in life (or death) to doubt the actions of degenerate Yanifey, while the former seem
of their gods. (Other gods are dismissed as something else entirely.
being uninterested in whoever, for being
faraway or even nonexistent). Without their The Firelords have an unimposing
knowing, they follow Zugzul indirectly by appearance; they are short and thin, seeming
following the Firelords. Spells gained/prayed a bit oriental in appearance, with straggly
for are transferred from the Firelords to the grey hair and small needle-like teeth. None of
clerical qaurik the qauriks are aware of the Firelords’ true
appearance, due to the continuous illusions.
History These humans are pure carnivores, and live
a very prolonged life, as they drain life from
The descriptions of these lost humans would their victims. They do so not by an ability but
indicate that they evolved to survive their by using special equipment and a special
habitat. These Yanifey humans were necromantic spell. They feed regularly on
explorers from ancient Blackmoor, any prey caught by the qauriks for them, but
researching the discovery of a unicorn haven also regularly feed on qauriks themselves,
in this valley. Then the Blackmoor disaster stealing their life. The Firelords have about
struck and the Great Rain of Fire and the 500 unicorn horns left, and like the qauriks
tilting of the planet caused the cold climate they have no knowledge of transportation
to increase its effects. The city was cut off spells. They know many fire and cold related
many millennia ago by huge avalanches spells, but nothing that could lead them out
which blocked the mountain passes and have of their valley. In all other respects they are
since frozen solid. Isolated for so long from equal to normal human magic users of their
other peoples, they have magically interbred level.
with local sasquatch. Of course, some of
them probably became frost mages
(elemental magic-users) at some point
during their isolation. Together this gave
them 4000 years to evolve and adapt to their
environment, and become a truly different
human race. This race can’t breed with any
human race anymore except their own. Their
number is now about four thousand, and
roughly stable. They do not know any
transportation or communication spell.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

Given the decadence of the Firelords and Sometimes a white dragon or remorhaz
their mountainous kingdom, their origins passes by, but they refuse any interaction
likely lay in the Duchy of the Peaks. At some with the local flora and fauna except by
point, the Afridh2i took over the Duchy of the eating them. The extremely rare quarik that
Peaks and instilled some of their ways among succeeds in escaping the valley always falls
the decadent rulers and citizens of that prey to the surrounding environment and
realm. The Afridhi worship of Zugzul was creatures living there.
based in fire and ice as well, and was
introduced amongst them. After the Great When the Firelords finally die out, the
Rain of Fire (3000 BC), their descendants qauriks will be freed from their genetic bond
ended up lording over a group of Yanifey, of servility and obedience; no other could fill
only to find their valley cut off by glaciers and this void, as they are not genetically equal to
themselves locked away from the rest of the these Firelords.
world for millennia. Many of them have died,
and their number is reduced to only eight,
six males and two females. They cannot
breed with one another, as they are all Year Stealing spell
family, and they are unable to produce Necromantic spell
offspring now that the genetic stock has Range: special
completely depleted. They are currently 500 Duration: special
to 2000 years of age, and desperate to Effect: special
survive. They do so by stealing life regularly Save: halves
from the qauriks which they also feed upon. Component:
Some explorers coming upon them have Blood from victim + caster, a special
discovered that once inside the valley, no prepared glass screen, water, a Unicorn
transportation or communication spell works horn, a black and a white candle
(Fly, Levitate, Teleport, Dimension Door,
Gate, Contact Outer Plane, Commune, With this spell a Necromancer can steal
Crystal Ball, and similar). It is rumored that years from a victim’s life and add them to
this was a magical area protected from the his or her own life. But draining of a life
outer world by some unknown (Immortal) force demands special preparations; it is
and now forgotten influence. What these an arcane art, lost for hundreds of years
sages do not know is that this is indeed the except for the Firelords. This spell is the
truth. The valley was a safe haven for fairies reality behind the old wives’ tales that a
and unicorns living inside its lush forests. demon or evil mage could steal a man’s
Now everything is frozen and dead except for life.
some polar bears, foxes, hares or
sasquatches, the qaurik and Firelords. Before attempting to steal years, the
caster must gather blood (about a pint)
2 Afrid hi a ppe a re d a s o ppo ne nts o f the from the intended victim, which is mixed
ris ing Kingd o m o f B l a c k m o o r in the D A with the caster’s own and water, then the
s e rie s o f a d ve nture s , s e t in the pa s t o f liquid is placed in a special glass screen
M ys ta ra


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

made for this purpose. The glass screen outside the valley by several ways: 1 -
must be at least waist high, formed of two escaped qauriks with the components
panels with a thin channel between, and (collecting them for the Firelords)
a hole bored through the center. An unlit perished outside the valley. Mages
black candle is placed on the victim’s side found/studied ancient hints and
of the glass pane and a white candle is lit descriptions and recombined the spell, 2
on the caster’s side. This is reversed if the - old scrolls/books from the Blackmoor
spell is reversed (then life is drained from Era, 3 - visitors from about 1000AC
the caster and added to the victim). returning through time (Comeback Inn)
with the spell, or 4 - an Immortal or
A unicorn horn (the Firelords have several demon (they know the spell too) shared
- as the valley originally was a haven for the basic knowledge. The mages (like the
unicorns, prior to the disaster) is stuck Glantrian Aendyr) did the rest, 5 - the
through the glass pane in the hole left for Yanifey sold the spell to the early
this purpose, and this acts as a conduit for Alphatians.
the magic. When the the spell is cast, the
glass screen glows with the light of the
candle and the light builds in intensity
until a flash of light envelopes all
components, including the people. When
the light recedes, the white candle has
blackened and is blown out, while the
unlit candle is now streaked with gray and
burns with a blue flame. The caster
becomes 2d12 years younger, and the
victim the same amount older. The
unicorn horn has a 25% cumulative
chance per use to turn to dust, becoming
useless. All other equipment can be
reused. When this spell is expended it
drains double the amount of magic from
the victim. This spell can’t be made
permanent, not even by a Wish. Note; this
spell is normally of 8th level of casting, but
the Firelords use it as a 4th level spell. The
use of this spell is a chaotic act and costs
10 piety points to followers of non-
entropic Immortals1.
The spell could have found its way
1 S e e the Autho r’ s b l o g “ B r e a t h o f
M y st a r a ” fo r m o re id e a s o n Pie ty


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun


Stalwarts are a race of tall (about 7

feet), grey-skinned muscular
humanoids, obsessed with the idea
that they are physically superior to
other races.They were created by
some obscure mages in the last years
of the era of Blackmoor, prior to the
Great Rain of Fire (estimated 3040
BC), to be supreme soldiers against
the increasing humanoids. They
infused several giant genes (hill,
mountain, cloud) into human

They were sent primarily to the

regions where these creatures lived,
and thus they can be found on both
Brun and Skothar. Their largest
population is, however, on Brun. chaotic beastmen, and because these creatures had
These creatures were genetically such variant appearances, they soon learned to be
imprinted to be superior to the superior to all races, except giants, from which they
were created.
3 S ta l wa rts a re e xpa nd e d fro m AC9 :
“ Cr e a t u r e Ca t a lo g u e ” .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

Combat Only in the case of mating will they form a

WEAPON MASTERY family group for a short time. But as soon as
the child is born, the male leaves and takes
These creatures are so supremely trained to any male children with it. If there are female
become the best with any type of weapon, offspring, they stay with the mother. If there
that they gain weapon mastery by level as in are failed offspring (stillborn, handicapped,
the table. That means a common 9 HD etc.), the offspring will be killed and the
stalwart has six weapons he can fight in basic parent will put the blame on each other,
weapon mastery, three in skilled, and two in until this will become a fight to the death to
expert. determine who was right. Strength makes
might and right is their saying.
To test its superiority, a stalwart will They mostly speak Alphatian or Thyatian, as
challenge any group of humanoids of similar they have learned that most creatures know
stature (5-9 feet) it meets to appoint a one of these languages.
champion for a physical competition of their
choice (see below). If the stalwart wins, it Children develop as humans until the age of
will demand a tribute of half the opposing 16, in the midst of their puberty, then they
group's non-magical wealth. have a growth spurt of a year to reach their
adult size and strength, equivalent to 7 HD.
If it loses, it will serve them for one month in Before this, they are as strong commoners:
any way that does not involve danger. If the Baby - as human, Youngster - as human 1
humanoids refuse the challenge (or to pay HD+St+1, Teenager - as human 2HD+St+2,
up if they lose) the stalwart becomes Puberty - as human 3HD+St+3.
increasingly angry and will eventually attack
(usually with a large club +1 HD over Ecology
normal - that means if a club in Basic
Weapon Mastery would cause 1d4 damage, it As nomadic creatures, stalwarts have a very
would now cause 1d6). low impact upon nature. They sleep outside,
or in caves, (location and weather
To determine the outcome of a competition, depending), eat primarily what they can find,
roll d10 for each competitor and add the forage or hunt. They often make use of string
competitor's strength (eg. for arm-wrestling and other traps to catch animals. These are
or rock hurling), dexterity (eg. for log- eaten roasted. They refrain from using traps
balancing or archery) or both (eg. running or or magic in any combat. In fact they do not
jumping), as appropriate for the type of know how to, since none of them are
competition. The highest total wins. spellcasters - they greatly dislike cowardly
magic - but healing magic by a winning
Habitat/Society opponent applied to them doubles the
duration they serve him or her.
These creatures refuse to mingle with other
species, and even amongst their own kind
there is much resistance to cooperation.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

Commoners or Normal Men

These are the common people found

everywhere on Mystara. They have their Hit
Dice (hit points) determined by the
profession they have. (the levels 1 to 3 are
75-90% of the commoners, depending on

They acquire experience through working

and thus they are more experienced when
older. In a population center, the chance to daggers, clubs, quarter staves, slings, short
encounter higher levels of experience is bow, bola, or at the most a short sword.
much lower than the lower experience levels. Anything bigger is reserved for the higher
Mostly only levels of 1 to 3 are found. For classes (noble, adventurers, warrior, etc.).
any population center, the DM should roll This is also the case with armor; anything
once to see the highest level available. Check better than chainmail (AV4) is reserved for
no more than once a month per same the upper classes, while the lower classes
population center. There will never be more use, cloth, leather or chain.
of any level than the percentages given in a
given population, except levels 1 to 3.4 Low Commoners
Always round population numbers down,
and treat every 0 as being non-existent. As Low commoners are mostly peasants, serfs,
age enables experience to be gained for each but also gentry, and middle class.
level of profession, there is a minimum age
for each level. As such, it is easy to determine PEASANT, SERVANT, OR SERF
the average age of such an individual, these
are mostly above the level of average age Peasants are farmers, herders, and simple
given according to their level of tradesmen of low social class. Unlike serfs,
expertise/profession. peasants are freemen. Serfs are totally subject
to the local lord; they are the lowest of the
Most commoners only have weapons of social classes. They farm and perform the
opportunity (farming or other tools), or brute labor functions on large agricultural
holdings. Serfs, really, are little more than
4 Thus ne ve r m o re tha n 1 % o f l e ve l 1 2 , 2 % slaves. Servants are mostly better of than
o f l e ve l 1 1 , 3 % o f l e ve l 1 0 , 4 % o f l e ve l 9 , serfs; they are paid, often live on or near the
5 % o f l e ve l 8 , 6 % o f l e ve l 7 , 7 % o f l e ve l 6 , ground of their employer, are mostly free of
8 % o f l e ve l 5 , 9 % o f l e ve l 4 , 1 5 % o f l e ve l 3 , will, but can be fired if not doing what the
1 5 % o f l e ve l 2 . Any re m a ining c o m m o ne rs
a re o f 1 s t l e ve l . A po pul a tio n with, fo r
employer desires. Payments can be very low
e xa m pl e , l e ve l 4 highe s t wil l ha ve up to 9 % though, but servants are free to find a new
o f l e ve l 4 , up to 1 5 % o f l e ve l 3 a nd o f l e ve l employer.
2 , a nd the re m a ind e r a re 1 s t l e ve l .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

Low strength professionals

These citizens use their brain more than

their strength. They include; apothecary,
sage, scribe, tax-official, advocate, astrologer,
astronomer, architect, banker, artisan, judge,
navigator, tattooer, and candlemaker.

Normal commoners

People engaged in the trades and crafts will

be doing their business when encountered.
They may be operating a shop, acquiring
Both peasants and serfs may be armed with materials for their business, or traveling to or
daggers, clubs, quarter staves, and farming from a client’s location. They are willing to
tools. They never have any treasure except do business with adventurers, provided they
under the rarest of occasions when they are are properly paid. They will not attack except
able to hoard scavenged goods. to defend themselves. Note that 1% of all
trades folk may be retired adventurers.
MIDDLE CLASS Tradesmen may be armed with knives,
quarter staves, and tools. About 90% of their
These are travellers journeying on personal treasure is merchandise or equipment.
business. They are found primarily in
civilized regions, although pioneers may be Normal commoners are mostly farmers,
encountered in relatively peaceful frontier fishermen, or workers. They also include
regions. Middle class travellers may be armed professionals such as; doctor, dentist,
with knives, daggers, and short swords. engineer, falconer, farmer, gemcutter,
hunter, jeweler, moneylender, shipwright,
Gentry tailor, taxidermist, papermaker, mason,
smelter, weaver, ropemaker, thatcher,
These are the upper classes. They are not the paint/inkmaker, potter, undertaker, tanner,
ruling nobility, but their wealth and boatwright, broom maker, carpenter, canvas
connections make them nearly as powerful. maker, cook, cobbler, dairy worker, healer,
Each member of the gentry encountered may drover, finesmith, freighter, furniture maker,
be accompanied by guards (1d4-1) and 1d6 gemcutter, harbormaster, leatherworker,
servants. The guards are mercenary fighters glassblower, geologist, netmaker,
of 1st to 6th level and armed with sword and carter/hauler, porter, animal trainer, cooper,
spear. The servants might fight, but are more locksmith, cartographer, fletcher, etc. most
likely to panic. The gentry themselves might professional classes belong to this group.
be armed with daggers and short swords.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

SAILOR/FISHERMAN fighter, or fighter/thief (6th 11th level),

assisted by a lieutenant one level lower. Each
Men of the sea are usually found on or near leader is accompanied by 1d12 guards of 1st
open waters. If encountered inland, sailors or 2nd level. For each 50 slaves and slavers,
may be ferrymen on streams or rivers. there is a 10% chance of a wizard (6th 8th
Fishermen will either be putting out to a level) and a 5% chance of a priest (5th -7th
fishing site, fishing, or travelling afar and level); these work for the slavers.
returning with their catches. Sailors may be
armed with knives, short swords, cutlasses, There are 10 slaves present for each 1d10
or belaying pins (1 point of damage). slavers. Slaves are treated the same as serfs.
They may be recently acquired captives being
FARMER/HERDER taken from their homelands or long-time
slaves being moved to a new market. Such
These are simple people involved in the slaves will be on foot and linked together in
production of agricultural goods. About 65% strings of 10-100 by ropes or chains. They
of all encounters will be with farmers tilling will be willing to help any adventurers who
their land. Encounters with herders may try to rescue them, although they will be
occur anywhere there is grazing land or a limited in the help they can provide. Slaves
market for their herds. Encounters with may be any class or type, but only 1% of
herders also involve the herd animals, captives belong to one of the character classes.
whatever they are.


Non-merchant sailors are the seagoing armed

forces of the local government, acting as
police or soldiers. They may be patrolling
their home waters, pursuing a waterborne
criminal, or on their way to or from a mission
in other waters. Each ship is commanded by
a captain (6th level fighter) and a first officer
(5th level fighter). Sailors are armed with
swords, knives, bows, and polearms. They
may also be armed with heavier weapons
such as catapults and ballistae.

SLAVER Strong commoners

Slavers are usually found in control of a band Strong commoners are mostly those who use
of captive slaves; if no slaves are present, the their muscles more than their brain, and this
slavers may be mistaken for mercenaries or reflects in their hit points. They mostly
brigands. The slavers’ leader might be a thief, belong to hard-working classes like the;


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

miner, weaponsmith, saddlemaker,

wagonmaker, stonecutter, blacksmith,
butcher, laborer (they may also belong to the
normal commoners depending on average
use of strength (DM),lumberjack.

Native, Cannibal, Tribal

The term “native” may be applied to those

who live in jungles or on islands in tropical
areas. The warriors of the more warlike tribes
(including cannibals) are all first level
fighters, but the natives of more peaceful
tribes are mostly normal humans who have a
few higher level leaders.

Most natives wear scant clothes and no

armor (AC 9), but some wear the equivalent
of leather armor (AV2), made from bark,
hide, leather or even insect carapaces, and Natives may be encountered in groups of 10
the tribal chiefs may wear special armor of to 30, although their villages may contain up
hardened bark or lacquered wood (AV 4 or to 300. Leaders can range from 4th level (war
5). Their most common weapons are spears, leader) to 9th level (great chieftain). A tribe
daggers, knives, axes or javelins, although may also have a shaman who is a magic user
some may use nets, tridents, bolas and/or or cleric of at least 5th level.
blowguns. Natives may also carry shields.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

Some natives are farmers and/or animal

herders, but most live by hunting, gathering
and/or fishing. Some live by preying on other
tribes. Their dwellings are simple wooden
huts or tents often protected (in the case of
settled groups) by a wooden stockade. They
are fighters, thieves, scouts, rarely wicca, but
mostly commoners.


These groups of wandering tribesmen may

be peaceful or warlike, and may have any
alignment. Most of them are first level
fighters, but shaman, scout, thief, rake, bard,
cleric (any), or magic user (hakomon, any)
may also be possible.

Small bands encountered hunting or

foraging in the wilderness usually make use
of a base camp nearby. Nomads are keen
traders and often have knowledge of faraway
places, though they tend to be superstitious.
Nomad bands are organized as shown in the
table. Examples of Nomads are the Ethengar,
which have a nomadic existence within their
own land.

Nomads typically all have riding (horse) skills

and often use group tactics, missile fire etc.
For every 25 nomads, an additional 2nd level
fighter leader is present. For every 40
nomads there is a 4th level fighter as leader.
Nomad tribes may have up to 300 fighting
men gathered together in a camp of
temporary huts or tents. In addition to the
leaders given above, there is one 5th level
fighter for every 100 men and an 8th level
fighter as the clan or tribe chief. At the main
camp, there may (50% chance) be a 9th level
cleric, and possibly (25%) an 8th level magic-


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

user. These are average numbers and levels,

for Nomad groups; in practice, they may
range differently from these figures.Xp by
class see footnote 1.


Pilgrims are groups of the devout on their

way to or from a holy place. They can be
found anywhere. Pilgrims are either
commoners or low level clerics.

A group of pilgrims will always be

accompanied by priests and other character
classes. These people may be acting as
leaders, guards, or pilgrims. Groups of
pilgrims always include one to six 2nd level
priests, one to four 4th level priests, one or
two 6th level, and one 8th level priest
(accompanied by one 3rd and one 5th level
assistant). For every 10 pilgrims, there is a
10% chance of 1d8 fighters (1st-8th level) and
1d6 thieves (2nd -7th level). There is a 5%
chance per 10 pilgrims of a wizard of 6th -9th
level. The average alignment over the Good-
Evil axis of the group is mostly equal (as
every Immortal accepts its own alignment of
followers and less easily accepts other
alignments). Followers in a single group may
(DM; see The Immortals Rules box set) be
different, some Immortals accept others
along the Lawful-Chaotic axis. This alignment
also dictates the alignment of the fighters
that will accompany the group. If the party is
neutral, the priests will be druids. If the
pilgrims are lawful evil, they all fight as
berserkers, although armed only with daggers.
About 75% of pilgrim bands encountered are
on foot. There is a 5% chance that a high
level priest will be carrying a religious
artifact, carefully hidden and protected by
traps and magic.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun


These are the duly appointed representatives

of the local government, concerned with
upholding the laws, maintaining the peace,
and carrying out their superior’s will.
They are easily recognizable, as they always
wear a uniform, or a badge designating their
rights and purpose.

They are mostly of any lawful alignment, but

some individuals (about 1d30% of the force)
might be corrupt, and have a link to a local
thieves guild or is actually aligned to another

If constables are encountered in the

wilderness, they might be pursuing a fugitive
(50%) or investigating a case on the outskirts
of their jurisdiction (50%).

Constables are the equivalent of fighters of

1st -5th level. Wilderness encounters include
a 25% chance that the constables are
accompanied by a mob. The mob is
composed of citizenry temporarily deputized
to assist the police; they fight as
commoners.XP as Fighters see footnote1.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun




Before the age of the humans and even

before the Empire of Blackmoor, Mystara saw
the rise of the Age of the Giants, when some
of the Garl suddenly (by Immortal influence
of Ouranos) evolved into the
Giganthopithecus. Some of these creatures
evolved further into three giant sub races and
some other After that time, the giants were
divided into people of the plains (Cloud,
Fog), ice (Frost and Hill) and sea (Sea)5.
Giganthopithecus (meaning; gigas "giant",
and pithekos "ape") is an extinct genus of
hominoid ape. The fossil record suggests that
the Giganthopithecus Blackii species were
the largest apes that ever lived, standing up
to 9 to 10 feet, and weighing up to 1200 lbs.
The genus has claims that giganthopithecus
survives in remote parts and has further
evolved into the yeti, the yeren, the mande-
barung, the sasquatch, and the skunk ape.
Actually only two of these species (yeti and
sasquatch) evolved from it, the others are
just no more than local name versions of
these creatures.

The dominant view is that it walked on all to be within the jaw, allowing the skull to sit
fours like modern gorillas and chimpanzees; squarely upon a fully-erect spine like modern
however, a minority opinion favour bipedal humans, rather than roughly in front of it,
locomotion, but this assumption is based like the other great apes.
only on the very few jawbone remains found,
all of which are U-shaped and widen towards The majority view is that the weight of such
the rear. This allows room for the windpipe a large, heavy animal would put enormous
strain on the creature's legs, ankles and feet
5 S e e the “ Gia n t Ev o lu t io n a r y T im e lin e ” fo r if it walked bipedally; while if it walked on all
m o re info rm a tio n


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

four limbs, like gorillas, its weight would be Bite

better distributed over each limb. Based on
the fossil evidence, it is believed that adult Due to the fact that the giganthopithecus did
male Giganthopithecus Blackii stood up to not have fangs, it will only bite on a victim
between 9 and 10 feet tall, and weighed up that it is currently hugging.
to 1200 lbs. making the species two to three
times heavier than modern gorillas and Hugging
nearly five times heavier than the orangutan.
Large males may have had an arm span of If any hit with claws is made with a natural 8
over 12 feet. The species was highly sexually or more than needed to hit, the victim is
dimorphic, with adult females roughly half pulled in for a squeeze (similar to a bear
the weight of males. hug)..

The species lived in Brun and Davania and Diet

probably inhabited bamboo forests, since its
fossils are often found alongside those of The jaws of giganthopithecus are deep and
extinct ancestors of the panda. Most evidence very thick. The molars are low crowned and
points to giganthopithecus being a plant- flat and exhibit heavy enamel suitable for
eater. tough grinding. The premolars are broad and
flat and configured similarly to the molars.
Its appearance is not known, because of the The canine teeth are neither pointed nor
fragmentary nature of its fossil remains. It is sharp, while the incisors are small, peg like
possible that it resembled modern gorillas, and closely aligned. The features of teeth and
because of its supposedly similar lifestyle. jaws suggest that the animal was adapted to
Some sages, however, think that it probably chewing tough, fibrous food by cutting,
looked more like its closest modern relative, crushing and grinding it. Giganthopithecus
the orangutan. Being so large, it is possible teeth also have a large number of cavities,
that giganthopithecus had few or no enemies similar to those found in giant pandas,
when fully grown. However, younger, weak whose diet, which includes a large amount of
or injured individuals may have been bamboo, may be similar to that of
vulnerable to predation by tigers, pythons, giganthopithecus. In addition to bamboo,
crocodiles, hyaenadon, hyenas, bears, and giganthopithecus consumed other vegetable
Homo erectus. foods. An examination of the microscopic
scratches and gritty plant remains embedded
Combat in giganthopithecus teeth suggests that they
These creatures pummeled their opponents ingested seeds and fruit as well as grasses,
with their strong fists. They rarely used and bamboo.
weapons, and if they did, they were nothing
more than tossed rocks and branches. Habitat/Society
Although the ranges of these thrown objects
doubled (20’/40’/60’), the damage remained Although the giganthopithecus is of average
the same. intelligence, it has no civilization. They can
use simple tools, including man-made


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

weapons, but will not make any themselves. Ecology

Of course, giganthopithecus prefer to dwell
only in cold climes, it being much more There is no knowledge about the ecology of
comfortable since their normal body this creature, though it is assumed that it had
temperatures are much lower than most a lifestyle similar to that of the orangutan and
warm blooded living creatures. Their garl together. It did not wear clothing or use
peculiar internal biological processes require self made tools. It knew fire but was afraid of
cold atmospheres to maintain life, and in it, but it also knew scrapers and cutters in
turn produce an even colder one. They will stone splinters. They however, never
live in plains, hills, or other areas of extreme fashioned these things themselves.
cold. They are hard to spot in the snow-
covered plains due to their white fur. They
also seem to be smart enough to learn to use Yeti6
this to their advantage, and so gain surprise
when they hunt. They also like shallow caves.
Giganthopithecus live in ice caves in hills and Sometimes confused with the abominable
mountains. Sometimes these are natural; snowman, the yeti is a distant cousin to the
sometimes they are excavated by the great carnivorous apes of warmer climates.
giganthopithecus or enlarged to Taxonomists have typically associated the yeti
accommodate the family. Most with the primates, but the creatures also
giganthopithecus treasure consists of items appear to share certain characteristics with
recovered from the bodies of explorers. giants. Their ancestry may be of one or the
other, or possibly a mix of both. The yeti
Life is harsh in the arctic, and friends and seems to have the instincts of the carnivorous
food are hard to find, making survival and ape and hill giant, both of which may be
reproduction the giganthopithecus’ only distant relatives.
goals. The giganthopithecus will associate
only with its immediate family, the young An adult yeti stands 8 feet tall and is covered
leaving to fend for themselves as soon as they in long, white fur. Their feet and hands are
mature. A family usually consists of an adult wide and flat, which helps to disperse their
male with one to three females and a 50% great weight (about 300 pounds) on
chance of 1-6 young if females are present. In treacherous snow fields. They travel on all
an attacking group, the largest fours like the apes, but fight very comfortably
giganthopithecus is the male; the next largest standing erect. Unlike most apes and gorillas,
ones are his mates. Any others are small the yeti does not have an opposable toe on
males or females that are due to leave the its feet. They wear no clothing or
family soon. ornamentation. The spoor, or smell, of a yeti
is very subtle in cold climates, but in
The creature often clashed with the primitive confined or warm areas, they have a strong,
human species, especially the Neanderthal.
6 The Y e ti is a d j us te d to B ECM I D&D a nd
e xpa nd e d fro m the R u le s Cy c lo p e d ia with the
he l p o f s o m e A D&D2 e s o urc e s .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

musky odor. The eyes of a yeti are icy blue or

almost colorless. Their claws and flesh are
ivory white.

Unlike many arctic creatures, the yeti does

not have a thick layer of body fat to keep it
warm. Instead, it relies upon the special
properties of its thick, warm fur. It has a
transparent second eyelid, which allows the
creature to see in blowing snow, and
prevents its eyes from freezing in extreme
temperatures. It has 60’ Infravision.
Female and male adults have the same game
statistics.The yetis are quite strong and are
not ones to be toyed with by the careless.
The physical strength of the average yeti is
comparable to that of a hill giant, which is
greater than that of any human alive.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

It seems that the yetis are quite fierce and exactly the same manner. The most
aggressive in their disposition, but among experienced of fighting men seem to have
their own kind they are said to be quite some resistance to this power.
congenial. Should they happen to encounter
any other beast or being, they respond Any opponent surprised by a yeti must save
fiercely, to ward away the threat before they vs. paralysation or go rigid with fright for
attack. They beat on their chests, hurl stones, three rounds, indicating that he has looked
strut about, flail their arms, and hoot loudly into the icy blue depths of the yeti’s eyes. Any
in a manner which echoes for great opponent that is paralysed in this way can be
distances. If the intruders do not leave, they automatically hit by both claws and
are soon surrounded and attacked. If they do squeezed. This effect does not take place
leave, they are stalked and attacked soon against creatures which are normally
enough. Any meeting with these creatures is immune to fear of any sort, including
bound to end in conflict. cavaliers, most undead, and generally
mindless creatures. It is believed that the
Snow/Ice invisibility unusual crystalline colouring, together with
a strange and faint pulsating of light within
The yeti is a fierce hunter of the Polar the creature’s eyes, is responsible for this
Regions. It stalks its prey and lays an ambush, effect. Such pulsating dies when the yeti
attempting to gain surprise. A favorite trick is does, thus ending any more fear striking
to get ahead of its prey and lie in a gazes from the creature.
depression in the snow, or dig a shallow pit
and cover itself with snow. Such works can Bite
be detected only by natives of the arctic
regions, and then only 25% of the time. Although the yeti does have fangs (1d4
Against the snow, the yeti is invisible due to points of damage), it does not usually attack
its coloration until its prey is 10 yards away. with them, preferring to use its formidable
It is completely invisible under a thin layer of claws. It will only bite on a victim that is dead
snow.. or prone (it tries to eat it) or one that it is
currently hugging.
They have a special talent for inducing great
fright in their opponents. More than a few If any hit with claws is made with a natural 8
who have survived yeti encounters have or more than needed to hit, the victim is
testified to an unnatural sense of horror pulled in for a chilling squeeze. The
upon gazing into the pale eyes of a creature’s fur actually absorbs heat, making
snowman. The majority agree to the it extraordinarily cold if contacted (2d8
description of it as a mind-chilling sensation, points of damage if squeezed).
leaving the blood as water and the skeleton
as jelly, though not everyone is affected in


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

Heat absorption on your toes.

Since the yeti is a cold-blooded, cold- Yetis absorb heat from their surroundings. If
dwelling creature, heat would not please grabbed by a yeti, a victim suffers hugging
one. The human body temperature is fairly and cold damage. After a yeti has caused chill
high, and when sick it can be just a little too damage equal to its own hit-point total, it
high and the human will perish in a specific begins to feel weak, suffering -1 on ‘to hit’
time. But though the yeti’s internal rolls and an additional -1 for each additional
temperature is much lower, it can still get a 8 hp chill damage caused. This chill damage
fever. A yeti seems to radiate cold around is actually causing the yeti to warm up
him. That ugly thing feels colder than Hells’ internally, disrupting its metabolism. When
eighth plane. But a creature cannot actually this ‘to hit’ penalty reaches -6, the yeti passes
radiate cold. Cold is not really a presence of out, becoming feverish and remaining
something, it is an absence of something: unconscious for 2d6 turns. At -9, the yeti dies
heat, actually energy of a sort. Nothing can from severe overheating. Generally, it takes
radiate a lack of something, cold is not about three turns for a yeti to recover from
radiated. Still, because of its low body each -1 of ‘to hit’ loss suffered, providing the
temperature, if a yeti were to find itself in creature is still alive.
surroundings where the temperature was
higher than its own, it would pick up some Fire vulnerability
of the heat. Heat energy travels from areas of
greater concentration - warm areas - to areas The yeti is particularly vulnerable to fire, as it
of lesser concentration - cool areas - like any sustains 150% damage from any such attacks.
other diffusing action. This means that the The heat-absorbing property of the yeti’s fur
yeti does not radiate cold, but that, by way of can work against it. This also applies to any
a kinetic vacuum of sorts, it absorbs the heat. other form of heat-based attacks. Yetis are
The temperature of its surroundings drops, not particularly bright nor fearful, but usually
losing energy, while that same energy is stay away from fire and other obvious
absorbed by the yeti, whose internal sources of heat, for they realise this weakness
temperature rises slightly. Not necessarily and take pains to avoid it.
body heat; the heat energy can come from
virtually anywhere. How well are your homes This heat absorption condition may also be
heated? Not all that well, really. The yeti inflicted by absorbing heat from sources
would dare not get close to a really warm area. other than people. Greater sources of such
Maybe a heated metal fence would help heat contribute more than the hp drained
guard the rest of the town better than a big from humans, just as relatively cooler
wooden fence. If you are very careful about sources contribute less. Heat or fire attacks
its design and construction, that is. Most contribute half their unadjusted (prior to the
metals are wonderful conductors of heat. But addition of the extra 50%) damage value in
keep in mind, a heated wall will not be addition to the 150% damage taken. This
foolproof by any means. It is more of a cold radiation fades away gradually after a
general deterrent. You will still have to keep yeti dies. The internal biological and


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

chemical functions which maintain such an They’re hard to spot in the snow-covered
extremely low body temperature eventually plains due to their white fur. They also seem
cease within a dead yeti, and the body then to be smart enough to learn to use this to
begins to approach the temperature of its their advantage, and so gain surprise when
surroundings, thus decreasing the effect of they hunt. And they like shallow caves.
the radiation of cold. In terms of hit points, Yetis live in ice caves in hills and mountains.
the damage inflicted is typically reduced by Sometimes these are natural; sometimes they
10% for every two turns that the yeti has are excavated by the yeti or enlarged to
been dead (this may be adjusted up or down accommodate the family. Most yeti treasure
in unusually warm or cool air temperatures). consists of items recovered from the bodies
Consequently, two turns after death, cold of explorers.
damage from a yeti will be multiplied by 0.9,
by 0.8 after four turns, 0.7 after six, etc. After Life is harsh in the arctic, and friends and
20 turns, the yeti’s internal temperature will food are hard to find, making survival and
be close enough to the surroundings, the reproduction the yeti’s only goals. The yeti
cold damage will be nil, and the body may be will associate only with its immediate family,
safely investigated. the young leaving to fend for themselves as
soon as they mature. A family usually consists
Weapons of an adult male with one to three females
and a 50% chance of 1-6 young if females are
The only weapons a yeti will use are hurled present. In an attacking group, the largest
rocks, which gain bonuses to damage from yeti is the male; the next largest ones are his
this great strength. A hurled rock does a base mates. Any others are small males or females
of 2d4+2 hp damage, has a maximum range that are due to leave the family soon.
of 120 yards, and is about 6” in diameter,
weighing about 10-12 lbs. The yeti hurls Young
them with one hand like shot-puts.
Yetis are actually biological relatives of both
Habitat/Society the lower primates and the giants. They are
most closely
Although the yeti is of average intelligence, it related to the
has no civilization. They can use simple tools, mountain
including man-made weapons, but will not gorilla, to
make any themselves. Of course, yeti dwell which many of
only in very cold climes, it being much more the yeti’s
comfortable since their normal body typical habits
temperatures are much lower than most and instincts
blooded living creatures. Their peculiar might be
internal biological processes require cold compared.
atmosphere to maintain life, and in turn Yeti mate and
produce an even colder one. They’ll live in bear young
plains, hills, or other areas of extreme cold. much as do


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

any other lower primates. After that, the Ecology

young stay with the parents for only two
years after birth; they don’t stay dependent Any living creature not of its family is
on their parents as long as most other considered potential food, including other
primates do. Any young encountered with a yeti. This does not make them foolhardy;
group of yeti will typically be just old enough only a starving yeti will attack an obviously
to fight effectively on their own. This early stronger party. Their typical diet consists of
separation and independence from the herd creatures, such as caribou, bears,
parents causes them to hunt for food at a wolves, and other creatures inhabiting the
relatively early age, limits their population snowy mountains in which they live. The yeti
growth to those strong enough to survive, may turn to scavenging in hard times. They
and accounts for part of their racial ferocity. roam across a wide area in search of food,
usually 15 miles in all directions from their lair.
Unlike most other primates, the yeti does not Yeti claws and teeth have value only because
care much for their young long after the of the rarity of the creature. They sell for
whelp stage. Usually, these young must fend about a gold piece a tooth or claw in the
for themselves at an early age, looking and open market. Yeti fur is another story. It is
fighting for food and such. This makes them prized by those living in cold climates for its
strong, fierce, and rare as well. extraordinary ability to keep its wearer warm.
A full grown yeti pelt can fetch up to 300
Yetis become adults at seven years of age. gold pieces in the open market.
Young yetis do less damage with their claws.
Chill damage from young yeti amounts to 1- These beasts are not particular about what
6, 2-8, or 2-12 hp damage. The power to meat they eat, though one of their favorite
frighten opponents by gaze only comes with meats is human flesh. Yeti have Low
full adulthood. All yetis are immune to cold senses(see table under Crowrse).
attacks because of their thick fur and fat
layers, as well as from their unique biology.
If a yeti is captured at an early age, cared for, Sasquatch
fed properly (they have voracious appetites)
and kept in a suitable arctic climate, the
creature could be tamed and raised in much The sasquatch7 are a very shy race of low
the same manner as any other domesticated intelligence who dwell deep within dark
animal. Usually, such domesticated yeti will woods and in high mountains. The creature
follow their instincts and leave ‘home’ after a is tall and ape-like, standing 6 to 9 feet in
few years for the icy wilderness. As a result of height and weighing between 350 and 500
their early domestication, however, these yeti lbs. It has a crested head, large feet, and a
are often less ferocious than the average thick mat of hair (dark brown in woods,
abominable snowman. These yetis that stay white in mountains). It is omnivorous,
at home (30%) grow up to be very loyal to occasionally slaying animal prey but usually
their caretakers.
7 S a s qua tc h is us e d b o th fo r the S ingl e a nd
Pl ura l fo rm .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

eating plants and berries. Every

sasquatch shows their ability to
intimidate any other who has the
weakest of heart. It has a smell so
strange that only those living in the
forest can withstand.

Males tend to be heavier and taller

than females. They age the same as
half-elves, and have the muscular
strength of an orc. All sasquatch have
human-like bodies that have a bear‘s
nose, an ape’s arms and face, and
most sasquatch have brown colored
fur, but it can range from yellowish-
brown to black.

It is normally covered in dark brown

or deep black hair. However, it is
important to note that fur
colouration will change dependent
on their habitat. Those that dwell in
swamps will have dark reddish hair
(often called skunk-apes). Regardless
of their habitat, they all share the
same statistics. They have large eyes,
a pronounced brow ridge, and a
large, low-set forehead; the top of
their head is rounded and crested,
similar to the sagittal crest of the
male gorilla. Sasquatch have a strong,
unpleasant smell that can nauseate
the strongest stomachs. They have
huge oversized feet that leave
enormous footprints which have
earned them the nickname bigfoot.
They are mainly nocturnal and


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

Combat Habitat/Society

A sasquatch’s appearance will scare most Sasquatch are big lovable creatures, and will
people who have never seen one. (Save vs. interact with all who are willing to try to
Fear to negate.) understand them (mostly elves, gnomes, and
halflings), but other races just see them as a
Although not aggressive, it will defend itself beast of burden (like orcs and goblins).
and its cavern lair ferociously (morale 11), Because of their gentleness, any young will
attacking with club like fists. In combat, it not be harmed by them no matter the race.
can also throw boulders up to a 50' range All Sasquatch look to protect others in any
(damage 2d8 points). Also, if both hands hit way they can so they go more to the good
one victim, the sasquatch hugs for an side and they hate living by laws of the
additional 4d6 points of damage. Sasquatch, humans so they tend to be chaotic. Sasquatch
or bigfoot, act almost animal like with their can be found in thick, dense forests of the
fur covered bodies and animal sounding most temperate climate where they can hide
language. Sasquatches are the most their villages with ease. Their love for nature
misunderstood race of all. Those who get to always draws them to these areas where they
know them call them a gentle beast because live their lives with fewer worries.
they only wish to play with the young ones of
any race. Sasquatch rarely attack another Language
person unless threatened, whereby they then
conform to their basic animal instincts. No Sasquatch speaks Sasquatch. This language is
one has been known to beat a Sasquatch in based on barks, humming, whistles, growls,
either a wrestling match or a fist fight. (WR and groans as the dialect. Sasquatches can
+12) only speak Sasquatch because their vocal
chords can only make animal sounds and
Name confusions they lack the ability to speak other languages;
however they have a basic understanding of
Common names for sasquatch include the local tongue spoken near their
“Bigfoot” (the woodland variety) and “Yeti” territories, and know about 50% of all words
or “Abominable Snowman” (the mountain spoken in the local languages. They can’t,
folk). Most people make no difference however, repeat these words, but when a
between the two species, but sages know Sasquatch learns another language, they can
they may be related but are different races, read and write it. Sasquatch have their own
and no longer genetically compatible. Snow alphabet. Sasquatch names are complicated
apes (q.v.) are also often called by the latter to say in Sasquatch to a person from another
two names, while these creatures are of a race so most sasquatch give themselves
completely different race, belonging to the nicknames to be called by befriended
apes instead of the humanoids. members of other races.

Sasquatch have empathy towards animals

from the same environment that they are


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

from; they sense A character knows the following information

their emotions and with a successful Nature or Monster Lore
thus are often check:
alerted of
impending danger. Although normally peaceful, sasquatch are
highly territorial and protective of their
Faith families. If they feel threatened, or find
intruders within their habitats, they will
No one knows for attack to protect themselves and their
certain what the families. Sasquatch dislike most other
sasquatch religion hominids, and build their homes far away
is. Some elven philosophers believe that the from them. Many generations still tend to
Sasquatch religion is based on nature and remain in the same areas, and if other
that they worship all animals as if they were humanoids move into these places, they
gods or spirits of their dead family. soon find themselves in conflict with them.
Sasquatch will continuously observe
There can be sasquatch spellcasters; mostly intruders before determining it is a good
these will be druids of up to 6th level, or time to attack and drive them off. Often
more rarely wicca of up to 4th level. people will find evidence of these
observations in the form of huge footprints
Ecology and tufts of stray hair. While sasquatch are
not highly intelligent, they are adept at
Sasquatch are always looking for food and remaining hidden. They will make their
keeping an eye out for danger. Therefore, homes in secreted caves or woodland nests,
will see hidden persons or objects sooner that they can easily conceal when needed.
than most other creatures. They have a basic Also they will eat their own dead, and then
30% chance to see hidden objects and bury what remains deep beneath the ground
persons, but this is adjusted by its in order to hide their presence. Sasquatch
intelligence and wisdom adjustments. live in small family groups of up to half a
Sasquatch have the Survival Forest skill as an dozen members. Sometimes they will be
extra skill. Often they also have a survival captured (or dominated) and kept as wild
Mountains, but then they use a skill slot as guardians in certain natural locations.
normal creatures.
They are most prominent in the Denwarf
Sasquatch are experts at moving fast but Spur of the Rockhome mountains and the
silently, and never being seen, they have mountain chain on the west coast of the
Move Silently and Hide in Forest as a thief of continent of Brun. A few hundred live spread
level equal to their Hit Dice. over an area near a semi-active volcano,
where the terrain is too wild and barren for
Sasquatch Lore other creatures. Sasquatch have Medium
Senses (see table under Crowrse)


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun


Ancient lore, speaks of the

Ettins: legendary two-headed
giants. As with all legends,
there is a kernel of truth in this.
Ettins do exist on Mystara, but
they are not recognized as a
strongly distinct breedable race.
Rather, ettins are seen as a
particular form of conjoined-
twins unique to hill giants. The
ontological development of the
ettin’s second head is akin to
polyp budding – completely
unlike twinning in humans.
This may have been the reason
for their creation during the
Great Rain of Fire radiations.
Their number remained low, as
they have difficulty breeding,
single headed offspring are still
about 50% of all births. These
children are eaten, chased away
at a specific age or abandoned
near a hill giant enclave.

The Great Rain of Fire nearly

obliterated the hill giant race,
genetically corrupted by the
radiation, several new
evolutionary offspring arose.
One of them was the ettin, of
which later a single entity

8 Ettin a re a d j us te d to B ECM I

D &D a nd e xpa nd e d fro m

AD &D 2 e s o urc e s a nd Dr a g o n
M a ga z ine #9 2 : “ Ec o lo g y o f
Et t in ” .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

(Grolanthor) was responsible for creating the An ettin at first appears to be a hill giant with
ubue. Since 300 AC, these creatures two heads. On closer inspection, however,
diminished in number due to encroaching the creature’s vast differences from the
humans and their killing adventurers. It is relatively civilized hill giant become readily
rumored that some unknown immortal apparent. An ettin has pink to brownish skin,
placed some of these individuals on an island though it appears to be covered in a dark
in the Hollow World. brown hide. This is because an ettin never
bathes if it can help it, and is therefore
Ettins can detect and identify living creatures usually encrusted with a thick layer of dirt
by scent alone at a range of 30 feet. The most and grime. Its skin is thick, giving the ettin its
commonly accepted reason for the low armor class. An ettin’s hair is long,
“ettinization” in hill giant offspring today is stringy, and unkempt; its teeth are large,
an imbalance of nutrients and exposure to yellowing, and often rotten. The ettin’s facial
radiation effects (wild magic zones, etc.) features may strongly resemble those of an
given to the child during gestation, but some orc - large watery eyes, turned-up piggish
maintain it is caused by a peculiar sickness or snout, and large mouth, but often it seems
avariciousness of one or both parents. reasonably humanlike.

One out of 1000 births yields an ettinized The race is a two-headed hill giant and
child. Healthy, separate twins are unheard of. possibly due to their origin, is more evil and
The physiology of the ettin does not always chaotic than even the hill giant they originate
align properly during development, and half from, but ettins, on average, are substantially
of all ettin babies die within the first month taller and thinner than hill giants. They are
of life. Another 25% perish by their teenage not able to rise in levels like other giants, and
years from compromised health. Those can’t learn nor understand any form of
which survive are always sent away, and often magic, technology, culture, tribal knowledge,
conglomerate with others of their mutated hygiene, family, or anything else. Their
kin. Sometimes these babies are dropped by Intelligence is rolled on a 2d4 instead of that
the hill giant mother near an ettin enclave; of a normal hill giant. Furthermore, they
they are never killed or eaten (in opposition seem to resemble a common hill giant, in
of the ettin who do this). The remaining behaviour. They have many miscarriages -
ettins are capable of surviving into their due to the two heads, but mate a lot with the
adulthood, though they are afflicted with females who do survive. Young are not
disabilities. Ettins stand two feet shorter than brought up, they are reared until they can
their peers, and suffer -2 adjustments in walk (8 months) and then they must learn all
dexterity, wisdom, and constitution. Each this themselves.
head has its own intelligence, charisma and
personality. Wisdom is “joint” in the sense An ettin’s right head is always the dominant
that the body-mind intuition must work one, and the right arm and leg will likely
together to do anything. appear slightly more muscular and well-
developed than the left. An ettin wears only
rough, untreated skins, which are dirty and


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

unwashed. Obviously, ettins smell very bad, Capable of dealing massive amounts of
due to their complete lack of grooming damage, the ettin delivers a healthy dose of
habits – good or bad. terror to the average adventurer. With two
clubs that can strike an average of 13 points
Combat per hit, the creature's full attack can reduce
even a raging barbarian to tears. As such,
An ettin is a nasty brute - murderous in a ettins make effective encounters on their
face-to-face fight if one is unlucky, injured, or own or good minions for tougher giants and
weighed down; but easy prey to a well-armed powerful warlords.
band of three or more who keep their wits
about them and meet the monster on The ettin have cave bears, orcs, goblins, and
grounds of their choice. rarely a green dragon as allies.
But even though its weak points can't be
Having two heads is definitely an advantage completely overcome, a tougher-than-normal
for the ettins, as one is always alert, watching ettin can still put a serious fright into its
for danger and potential food. This means opponents. Just keep in mind that its power
that an ettin is surprised only on the roll of a comes in short bursts - it doesn't have the
1 on 1d10. An ettin also has infravision up to staying power for a long-term fight, but if it
90 feet, which enables it to hunt and fight can survive for even a couple rounds of
effectively in the dark. Though ettins have melee, it has done its job. Thus, enhancing
low intelligence, they are cunning fighters. its short-term effectiveness is often the best
They prefer to ambush their victims rather bet for keeping it potent.
than charge into a straight fight, but once the
battle has started, ettins usually fight Ettins, commonly known as the ‘two-headed
furiously until all enemies are dead, or the giants’, are brutish, aggressive carnivores
battle turns against them. Ettins do not who dwell in caverns, disused mines, and the
retreat easily, only doing so if victory is like, emerging to raid the upper world only
impossible. by night. They hunt prey well in darkness
and subsist on raw flesh of all sorts; however,
In combat, an ettin has two attacks. Because only rarely do they fight among themselves,
each of its two heads control an arm, an ettin and an ettin will only eat the meat of its own
does not suffer an attack roll penalty for kind if it is badly wounded or sorely in need
attacking with both arms. An ettin always of nourishment, and no other food supply is
attacks with two large clubs, often covered readily available. As befits their crude and
with spikes. Using these weapons, the ettin cruel behaviour, ettins will typically hammer
causes 2d8 points of damage with its left their food to a pulp, either with a weapon or
arm, and 3d6 points of damage with its right. by flailing the carcass against rocks, before
If the ettin is disarmed or unable to use a eating it.
weapon, it attacks empty-handed, inflicting
1d10 points of damage with its left fist and
2d6 points with its right.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

Habitat/Society common speech. Most of them know at least

a little of the Bratak (hill giant language), and
Ettins like to establish their lairs in remote, ettins often consider this their ‘own’
rocky areas. They dwell in dark, language. In some areas of the world where
underground caves that stink of decaying ettin populations have established
food and offal. Ettins are generally solitary, themselves and resided for a long time, the
and mated pairs only stay together for a few creatures have developed a debased dialect
months after a young ettin is born to them. of the orcish tongue into a language that can
Young ettins mature very quickly, and within truly be called their own.
eight to ten months after they are born, they
are self-sufficient enough to go off on their Any creature who is conversant in orcish will
own. be able to understand 60% of what is said in
this ‘ettin tongue’. Ettins often howl and
On rare occasions, however, a particularly slobber in bestial rage when in pain or
strong ettin may gather a small group of 1d4 frustrated by nimble foes.
ettins together. This small band of ettins
stays together only as long as the leader Some humanoids have enlisted these misfits
remains alive and undefeated in battle. Any as powerful “tools”, where they learned their
major defeat shatters the leader’s hold over mismatch of humanoid tongues (Orcish-
the band, and they each go their separate ways. Goblinoid-Bratak). Any adventurer who
Typically, ettins collect treasure only because speaks orcish can understand 50% of what an
it can buy them the services of goblins or ettin says.
orcs. These creatures sometimes serve ettins
by building traps around their lairs, or Ettins are generally stupid, but can be
helping to fight off a powerful opponent. cunning in matters of chasing, ambushing,
Ettins have also been known to occasionally and fighting prey. They are wary of all other
keep 1-2 cave bears in the area of their lairs. creatures - even other ettins - and slow to
The sloppy caves of ettins are a haven for trust.
parasites and vermin, and it is not unusual
for the ettins themselves to be infected with Senses
various parasitic diseases. Adventurers
rummaging through ettin lairs for valuables Ettins have keen senses, well adapted to
will find the task disgusting, if not night hunting, infravision up to a 90’ range,
dangerous. and a sense of smell sufficiently developed to
distinguish animal, unusual, and specific,
Language known-to-be-dangerous scents from those of
the surroundings within 30’. They dislike
These creatures are not especially fluent in sunlight or any other strong light (continual
any single language, but use a smattering of light, but not a torch or a light spell)
words and expressions from whichever immensely, but it does not harm them or
tongues are most predominant in their impair their fighting abilities. Their dislike
vicinity - usually orcish, goblin, and the local comes from habit and conditioning, and their


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

self-preservation instinct; they inhabit affected head will hang limp and useless; it
darkened, hidden places because of their will not drop anything it is holding, but it
solitary nature. They greatly prefer to hunt at can’t consciously use or wield such an object
night so as to take full advantage of their and could (under the right circumstances) be
keen senses, and to reduce the chances that easily disarmed or disengaged from the
they themselves will be set upon by object by the application of some force (a list
adventurers or other adversaries. or weapon blow, for instance) against either
the arm or the object.
Two Heads
Note that mass charm, psionic domination,
One fact known by everyone, of course, is and other ‘group-effect’ magics and powers
that ettins have two heads. This strange will affect both heads of an ettin upon a
property affords them some obvious benefits single application; if a saving throw is
in combat situations; unfortunately, allowed in such a case, the creature is only
however, their low intelligence prevents entitled to one. If the ettin’s dominant head
them from taking full advantage of this is destroyed or severely damaged in a fight,
‘blessing’. The head on the right-hand side of the creature will be confused for 1d6 rounds,
an ettin’s body is always dominant; and after which time the single functioning head
despite folktales and ballads to the contrary, will gain control of the ‘opposite’ arm, but
an ettin never argues with itself. that arm will only be capable of wild (empty-
handed) flailing until the ettin learns to
The ettin derives some unusual protection control both arms with its single head. This
from its dual brains. Spells of mental control, process takes 1 to 2 months to run its full
such as Sleep, Fear, and any Charms or Hold course, after which time control is perfect
spells, will not completely affect an ettin and both arms can attack normally.
unless two spells of the same type are cast
upon it, either simultaneously or one after Damage figures for both arms will not
the other so that both spells are in effect at change, regardless of which head is
the same time. Of course, both spells must controlling both of them. Because of its low
succeed; for magics of this sort against which intelligence, an ettin saves against all types of
a saving throw is allowed, each head is illusions at -1. but each head is entitled to a
entitled to a save against one of the spells. If saving throw, and if one or both of them are
one but not both spells succeed, the unaffected by the illusion, the ettin will be
unaffected head will assume control of the enraged at such a trick, not bewildered at its
body without pause or internal struggle, and occurrence, and will angrily seek out its
the affected head will be held powerless until perpetrator.
it regains its normal state (at the expiration
of the spell’s duration). If the affected head Also contrary to certain legends, an ettin
is the dominant (right-hand) one, it will cannot regrow a lost head; however, a one-
immediately resume ‘control’ after returning headed ettin is well able to survive its loss
to normal. During this time of and carry on a normal life, albeit without the
powerlessness, the arm closest to the aforementioned combat advantages and most


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

probably without receiving any trust or member of the group. It will grow to 7 HD in
respect from its fellow creatures, which will two more years and finally reaches 9th HD
look upon the one-headed ettin as deformed. after about another four years; it is truly
The former disadvantage is minimal in most adult at 10th HD after another four years.
cases, since even a one-headed ettin is a Female ettins are always longhaired, and
formidable foe in physical combat. The latter generally more full-bodied than the males,
disadvantage is not considered important whose frames are relatively gaunt and wiry
either, because such creatures generally do except for the exceptionally broad shoulders
not solicit or value the trust of their fellows which are (for two obvious reasons) a
in any event. hallmark of the species. Neither the male nor
the female takes any care of personal
Ecology appearance, but females like to wear jewelry
as a status symbol, perhaps to display their
Because ettin society is so primitive, they hunting prowess and thereby prove
produce little of any value to civilized themselves attractive to a prospective mate.
creatures. Ettins tolerate the presence of Females may gain their finery from prey they
other creatures, like orcs, in the area of their vanquish, or as gifts from male ettins during
lair if they can be useful in some way. the crude courtship ritual they practice. Aside
Otherwise, ettins tend to be violently from the uses described above, ettins keep
isolationist, crushing trespassers without treasure to bargain with and to purchase the
question. services of others for specific tasks, such as
hiring a band of orcs to build a wall or a trap
Ettins collect treasure only because it can buy near an ettin lair.
them the services of goblins or orcs. These
creatures sometimes serve ettins by building An ettin has pink to brownish flesh, with
traps around their lairs, or helping to fight calloused hands and feet that carry a
off a powerful opponent. Ettins have also yellowish tinge. Its complexion often looks
been known to occasionally keep 1-2 cave darker than it actually is, because the
bears in the area of their lairs. creatures are habitually covered with dirt and
filth. The clothing of an ettin, if such a term
A female ettin will bear a single offspring can be used, comprises of nothing more than
seven months after mating, and such young scraggly, filthy animal-skins. The creatures
typically grow to full size in little more than care nothing for the appearance or odor of
a year. The offspring of a pair of ettins has no such garb, and wear it only for the warmth
combat ability until it attains six months of and comfort it affords them when sleeping
age. From that time until it reaches one year on cold, rough stone. Such garments never
old, the young ettin is size M (5’ tall) with 3 have sleeves or other accessory parts, for
HD and does roughly half damage on an ettins don’t want to be hampered in a chase
attack with either arm. In the period of one or a battle by mere sleeping-furs. The skins
year, an ettin grows to 5 HD, is quite worn by an ettin are uncured and rotting,
independent and will either be abandoned and typically carry parasitic diseases. Ettins
by its parents or simply treated as another are not immune to these diseases but ignore


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

it totally. They will, however, never suffer or the last survivor of a dwarf-giant battle) or
damage from it or die by it. as part of a group. With two mouths to utter
his raging howls, he makes quite a racket
Ettins have no finesse, or the desire to have during a fight. To stage a particularly
any, when it comes to physical combat. They terrifying combat, add a couple more just
fight with crushing and battering weapons like him and watch the blood fly.
such as spiked clubs and iron bars. They have
been known to throw rocks if no other Grush:
weapon is immediately at hand, and they will Male ettin, Large giant;
not hesitate to rip apart furniture or uproot HD 10d8+20 plus 2d12+4; hp 82;
small trees to fight with. Their outlook on MV 120’/40’ AC 3,
combat is as crude as their tactics; Ettins THAC0 7,
know nothing of honor, fairness, or truces. Att; large club right; 1d6 x3 or 1d6 x2 left; or
Boulders or rocks thrown by an ettin cause javelin 1d8 x3 right or 1d8 x2 left,
2d6 points of damage per hit, with range SA Berserk rage 1/day; infravision,
figures of minimum 3 feet to maximum 120 AL CE;
feet; each arm can throw one rock per SV Str 20, Int L/R 6, Wis 10,
round. Note that this is not an ettin’s Dex 8, Con 15, , Cha L; 11 R; 9.
preferred attack mode, and the monster will Skills:
always use some sort of hand-held weapon if Hide in shadows DX Hear Noise IN, Find
one is available. Traps IN, Alertness.
Possessions: +1 breastplate, two large clubs,
But the Ettins are not imprudent, and will four javelins, potion of cure serious wounds,
not take on obviously superior foes if escape 600 gp.
is possible. They will bargain with all
intelligent prey if they think more food will
be gained by doing so, but if the bargaining GROLANTHOR, THE CRIMSON ETTIN
gets unpleasant or frustrating, they may
abruptly decide that a snack in the hand is Ettins worship an Immortal-like being that is
worth a feast in the bush. At any rate, Ettins similar, or identical, to the one the hill giants
do not feel bound by agreements reached by know as Grolanthor, though they usually do
bargaining. They seek only to get what they not call the Immortal by this name. He is
want, and as much of it as possible, while usually known by a slightly different name,
incurring the least risk to themselves. such as ‘Grolettinor’ or ‘Grelinor’, among the
ettins that revere or worship this figure. They
Well known Ettin view their Immortal as a gigantic ettin of
great intelligence and wisdom (as well as
GRUSH: THE ETTIN BARBARIAN superior fighting prowess) whose two heads
enable him to maintain an eternal vigilance
Grush is a run-of-the-mill ettin barbarian. He against all who would seek to subjugate or
works equally well as a lone opponent destroy the ettins. The similarity of their
(perhaps a hunter cast out from his colony, immortals suggests the link ettins and hill


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

giants have, but the two species have no respectively) in addition to his martial
affinity for each other nowadays. Very few development. He has the capabilities of a 27th
ettins rise in service to their Immortal to level magic-user and Cleric. The giant gets
become 3rd level shamans. In order to cast his spell from an unknown Entropic
spells, a Shaman must have a Wisdom of 9 or Immortal (Hell is assumed). He is thus
better. influenced by its dark Immortal so that it
Children of the Kingdom of Many Colors seems as though he is the one mortal able to
have long been scared by the tale of give spells to its few followers. In effect, the
Grolanthor, the Crimson Ettin, a fearsome Immortal gets its due, but uses Grolanthor
creature of unbridled hunger and cruel for its own purposes. The giant now awaits
intellect. Unfortunately, the nightmare is his release and return to the Dale. The Prison
true. Realm of the Crimson Ettin is filled with two-
headed beasts. Each head bears four horns.
The Crimson Ettin is unique: a three-headed These animals charge trespassers, but those
giant who was so ravenous he ate through who can show no fear (treat as a cause fear
his mother’s womb. The creature bred with spell) will go unmolested.
several ettin and thus became responsible for
the creation of the race of Ubue, of which he In melee, the Crimson Ettin attacks with a
was the progenitor. The beast was finally large club in either hand. This is coordinated
subdued by other giants and somehow by his central head. From a distance, his left
trapped within a fairy-built prison plane. and right head cast appropriate spells. The
Crimson Ettin has learned how to intertwine
Grolanthor: his hand motions to cast spells
AC-3, AV by armor (max 4), -4AC for 4 attacks simultaneously.
each round, Deflect two attacks each round
if SV DR success. His prized possession is his silver wand. This
HD 26****, Hp 152, wand can put victims into suspended
MV 150’/50’ animation, turn them to stone, or
THAC0 Primary target +8, disintegrate them.
Secondary Target +6,
AT 2 giant clubs Grand Master P; (1d6+6)x2 Only a prismatic stone (the Yellow Diamond
S; (1d4+6)x2, Or two spells (By spell MU or of Release), left at a particular hill-lock in the
CL), Flatlands on the night of the full moon, will
Morale 11, break the seal on the ettin’s realm. From that
AL CE, ST 20, IN 16, WI 16, point forward, he will be able to freely merge
DX 13, CO15, CH 8, his fairy realm with Mystara on nights of the
XP 20,000 full moon.

The Crimson Ettin quickly conquered his The Crimson Ettin enjoys playing games with
new home (the Prison realm) and remade it his food, and he might engage in riddling
in his image. He learned arcane and clerical before devouring someone.
abilities (his right and left heads,


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

ROCK RACES Somehow gems seem to be Important to the

lives of these creatures, as are the gem
grounds where diamonds, rubies and other
gems are created by different chemicals
under the immense pressure of the rocks
Nobody knows where these creatures came above and after immense long time periods.
from. Sages speculate that they’ve been It may even be that these creatures actually
created by several Earth/Matter based were created much longer ago, maybe even
Immortals, or those trying to become before any other intelligent life, but took so
Immortal, others debate if these creatures are long to hatch or become free from the rock
adapted forms of existing creatures, who they have been created from.
living underground for millennia must have
become stone themselves, or are creatures Neither of these creatures will be really fast
created by the magical energy of the planet or hasty, some like the stone giant and
itself. geonids can be hasty but rarely do so.
Their material bodies resist time in such a
Whatever the cause, these creatures came way that they often become very old, or at
into existence thousands of years before the least very resistant to erosion. They also
legendary rain of fire. The rockmen were first become slow, powerful, constructive, and
(around 550.000 BC), followed by the mostly good and even Lawful due to this
geonids (around 350.000 BC), then the stone process. They love the earth and things of
giants (around 225.000 BC) and as last the creation. Although the changing of ores into
galeb duhr (in the last ice age 80.000-60.000 metals goes too far according to them. Stone
BC). cuttings and creations, gems and rare ores
are always appreciated to get, or to create.
Some people say that the several constructs, All Rock-based creatures despise water.
like gargoyles, statues, golems are mere Water creatures will view and be viewed in
reflections of mortal mages trying to create hostility, what means a –4 reaction modifier
what was created better prior to their (doubled if also alignment opposite). These
existence. But these creations not even creatures are more or less affected by the
resemble the rock-based creatures in any way material they are made from. The geonids are
other than their appearance. They are free- the least affected, therefore the fastest,
willed, creatures of viable races, with many followed by the stone giant, ghaleb duhr and
special abilities, powers, societies and rock men, respectively, of which the last is
cultures. the slowest, and most rock/stone like. Only
an Earth Elemental consists of more pure
Rock altering spells will inflict damage to Earth/Stone matter.
these creatures. This damage will be as a
Cause Wounds spell of similar level or lower All rock-based creatures have gem-based
(this will be 1d6/level of the spell). hearts, mostly rubies but stone giants have
bloodstones. Rumors exist that these magical
hearts are needed for the creation or
conjuration of the dreaded Tarrasque.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

Almost all known life on Mystara is built Legends

upon carbon and carbon-based compounds.
Yet some life has a different chemical “Urt; the Living Planet, Her Veins are of
foundation—one based on the element Magma, Her Sinews of Ore, Her Skin of
silicon. The inert magic of the planet itself Earth, Gems Her Blood, Stone Her Bones,
gives these creatures mobility, and sentience. Water Her Sweat and the Air Her Breath.
The creatures exude the silicium hydroxide When She Dreams the Earth shakes, when
(opposing to oxygen and carbon hydroxide She Awakes the Earth rocks, and Her Skin
in carbon-based lifeforms) not by breathing, opens to let the angry Blood out. We’re no
but it exudes it through their skin. The more than Fleas upon the Skin of a very lazy
building up of silicium-hydroxide makes the Dog”,
creature harder (Higher AV) over a period of
time. The movement of the creature does Maybe there is a truth behind this ancient
prevent solidifying. The geonid does it dwarf saying when seen in the same context.
though their shield, the rockmen and galeb- Maybe this is the reason the ancient dwarves
duhr through their overall skin. The sand- have named the planet Urt, instead of
folk does it through crystallization of their Mystara like the humans and other
skin, which is eroded by movement. demihumans did. Whatever the truth,
(Keeping statistics the same). dwarves have the best connection with these
creatures and at the same time the worst,
due their fixation upon rock and stone, and
their greed for gems and ores.


The bipedal geonids have two arms ending in

sharp, three-part claws dexterous enough to
wield weapons and tools. The fingers are
totally opposable to each other, with no
thumb needed. The three toes are pointed

9 This s e c tio n d e ta il ing the G e o nid us e s

m a te ria l fro m TS R 2 5 0 1 AD &D 2 e “ M y st a r a
M o n st r o u s Co m p e n d iu m ” , TS R 9 1 2 7 3 AC9 :
“ D&D Cr e a t u r e Ca t a lo g u e ” , TS R 9 4 3 8 D M R 2 :
“ D&D Cr e a t u r e Ca t a lo g ” a nd TS R 9 0 6 9
M o d ul e X 5 : “ T e m p le o f De a t h ” . This s e c tio n
d e ta il s info rm a tio n d iffe re nt fro m the s e
s o urc e s in a d d ing m o re a b il itie s a nd e na b l ing
it to b e a Pl a ye r Cha ra c te r ra c e .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

forward, ending in shorter but sturdier claws Tapping

(to set off when using their rolling ability).
A geonid’s tender flesh is protected by a Beyond their clicking language they also use
mottled gray stone outer shell, which also a ticking and tapping of rocks on rocks to
gives the creature its unusual appearance speak over greater distances, especially in
and supreme protection. When standing up, tunnels and caverns where this works best
the body cannot be seen unless standing due to the echoes there. They can use
directly in front of it with a light source. specific melodies to lure giant worms from
Normally only the clear white eyes with black far away.
pupils can be seen, piercing through the
darkness inside its shell. These creatures Combat
have infravision, but their eyes seem to be
void of reflective ligament. Underneath its Beyond the basic combat abilities it must be
shell, the body and face are dark haired, said that they hunt Purple Worms for giant
whereas the arms and legs are hairless, worm glands and meat food.
making it virtually Impossible to see a Due to their resemblance to boulders when
geonid’s face. hiding, opponents are surprised 1-6 on 1d8
when encountering them.
Its arms and legs protrude from the singular A trick used in groups is to roll against
opening in the bottom of the shell and can opponents legs (especially) from different
be withdrawn for either protection or sides. For each 5 hp damage thus given, the
camouflage. Their sickly yellow brown legs victim must make a constitution check or
and arms can easily fold in. The head is then suffer a broken leg (or other body part if hit).
curved forward closing the hole completely. All these rolls need normal hit rolls at +4.
With its limbs retracted, a Geonid cannot be
easily distinguished from a normal boulder. Constitution
This way it can still move by rolling down
hill, and at greater experience levels, even up
hill. This ability allows it to easily surprise
others. With more HD, they gain a
better constitution limit, and
They have three small hollows inside their therefore potentially extra hit
shells, one on either side next to their bodies points. This reflects the
(5”x 12”x 8” deep = 300cn each), and a hardening of their bodies.
smaller one between the legs at the back (5”x (See table)
10” x 7-8” deep = 220-250cn). These hollows
are used to hold their small belongings. If
they ever acquire a Bag of Holding, it would
always be placed in one of these holes.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

Weapon Mastery They later also learn to roll themselves uphill

at angles of 50º or less, at their rolling speed,
Geonids can never become grand masters in but can’t give impact damage there (see main
any weapon. Instead, they can become table). This can be done to the maximum
skilled, expert or master in one weapon only. uphill distance (+10’/Str adjustment). A
Other weapon slots are used to become dexterity check is needed there to stop, else
known with a new weapon, or with their the geonid will roll down again. (DM keep in
claws. mind the curvature of a slope and up/down
hill angles -diagonally up will also go
The roll ability number for damage also gives diagonally down, with the top as the mirror
the maximum adjustment to its THAC0 on point). Only by stopping can the geonid
claw attacks, when a weapon slot is sacrificed change his course, or steering at the end of
for each adjustment possible. each round to come close to that chosen
course (no greater change than 45º
Rolling sideways). Every 10º increase in the distance
achieved in a round decreases the upward
They are able to roll down a hill as a form of speed and distance by 20%.
self-propelled missile, rolling uphill
thereafter, possibly triggering an avalanche, A character rolling can make one attack at
yet somehow always landing on top of it. full speed at a penalty equal to its normal
They can move downhill at double their Impact damage with one claw, but then can’t
rolling speed, and will cause impact damage steer or stop his rolling movement in any
to creatures and non-solid structures as given way - gravity and momentum/speed will then
if succeeding a Hit roll at +4 (see table) . If be in control.
they hit solid objects, or fall down a steep
slope (60º+), they may cause themselves Classes
impact and maybe falling damage (as normal
–AV). The character can be played from child level
to the given restrictions by age or by the
On a successful dexterity check, they can table, whichever is the lowest. They can be of
divert their rolling coarse by up to 45º any class, but suffer a 20% experience
sideward, or stop completely at the end of penalty, as Fighter only 10%.They often have
that round (thus after the rolled distance, a child-like style of thinking, with all its flaws,
which is normal speed x2). When falling mistakes, ideas, and actions. Whatever their
down less than their normal movement class, they will keep their HD/Hp/Claw
distance, they may make a successful Dm/Weapon Slots-Limits/Skills as in the table
dexterity check on 1d100 to minimise above. Even if their class implies other
damage to 1 per die needed to roll falling statistics.
damage. Any breaks are always cracks in their
shells, resulting in a –1 AV until healed (1 Fighter classes get 2 hp after name (9th)
break per week can be naturally healed). level, other classes only 1hp.
Thief and mage classes exist but are


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

extremely rare. Mages are always earth themselves inflict double damage to air
elementalists10, without the debilitating side elemental based creatures. They dislike
effects and mostly live a single life. Geonid water-based creatures, Implying a –4 to
thief classes (scout, bard, thief, and rake) reaction rolls (-8 if also of opposing
can’t climb walls but have learned to roll in alignments).
such a way that they can roll any angle
upward, but no higher than 10% of their Habitat/Society
movement rolling. A successful dexterity
check on 2d20 can be used to stop somehow Geonids live underground in tunnel
(if possible - i.e. grabbing a ledge, or a complexes and in natural caves. Their lairs
branch). are normally filled with rocks, stalactites, and
Spellcasters can only cast spells of a spell
level lower or equal to their limit. But when These social creatures usually live in clans of
they achieve this level, they may instantly 30-80 individuals mostly. However, some
pray for all spells normally available to them. locales, often near their birthing or death
This means that a 6th level geonid mage grounds, harbour thousands of geonids,
(normally capable of two 1st, two 2nd, and rockmen, and even stone giants and the rare
three 3rd level spells), could cast no spell at galeb duhr. Three of these locations are
all, but as soon as it reaches 7th level it could known to exist; one within the Plains of
cast three 1st level spells (normally three 1st , Denagoth, one in the Black Mountains in the
two 2nd, two 3rd, one 4th), and when it Great Pass between Sind and Hule, and one
reaches 8th level it could instantly cast three in the Elven Kingdom Mountains on the
1st, and three 2nd level spells (normally three western shore of the continent of Brun.
1st, three 2nd, two 3rd, two 4th), and when it Three others are not yet located by other
reaches 9th level it could instantly cast three species (Arm of the Immortals, and two in
1st, three 2nd, three 3rd level spells (normally the western mountains of Brun). They have
three 1st, three 2nd, three 3rd , two 4th, one not yet been found on other continents, but
5th), etc. It is clear that spells of higher levels they would be as rare as on Brun. Skothar
only become available when the specific level only has 4 of these areas, Davania has 6 (of
is reached. This also counts for clerics. which 4 are in Vulcania - which could easily
Clerics can only be clerics, no other clerical become a main rock nation), Alphatia has 1,
classes are available. Bellisaria has 1, and there are no more. Up to
1000 AC, only the stone giant and ghaleb
Mages can only be earth elementalists, even duhr have spread further over the world. The
without entering the secret craft of Glantri11. few outsiders who have stumbled upon a
They will suffer double damage from fire geonid lair/village are often surprised by
elementals or elemental fire magic, and will their numbers and organisation, since most
adventurers encounter them in hunting
10 a s the S e c re t Cra ft o f Ea rth El e m e nta l is m parties of 2-12 individuals. They could (and
o f G l a ntri.
1 1 S e e G AZ 3 : “ T h e P r in c ip a lit ie s o f Gla n t r i” sometimes do) live in Norwold, but they
pa ge 7 2 o r “ Gla n t r i - K in g d o m o f M a g ic ” dislike the cold, snow and ice (water).
pa ge 1 1 0 - 1 1 2


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

The most holy grounds of the geonids are months of life. For several months thereafter,
their birth-burial grounds of the mineral the child stays with the mother, clinging to
corborundurum. This - the most holy to the the safe parental shell, often hiding beneath
rock-based creatures - mineral is the basic it when threatened.
layer where rubies, emeralds, and diamonds
can be found. The mineral itself has no value They enjoy using distractions like the lair of
to most creatures even when it still holds an underground monster or piercers. Once
many tiny gems. However, its hardness and the piercers have attacked the outsiders, the
the unstable consistency of the surrounding rolling boulders and geonids overrun the
stone, limits miners to mine only at the victims. If the creatures have mangled the
surface level. Even then, they still find the outsiders, the geonids finish off any
largest of gems. The costs and dangers never remaining monster or outsider. They
outweigh the income from their finds, even sometimes use a variation of this tactic in
if digging deeper than a few feet. It also hunting. They attack both the fallen piercers
absorbs the dead geonids, without a trace and the prey.
after three full months. Here the ovarious
females lay their eggs to hatch in the ground. They also hunt giant worms (purple worm,
The grounds are most magical when exposed burrowers, etc), by tapping with several
to the sun, and a geonid hatched and grown geonids together in special rhythms which
there is adept to become either a cleric or a can lure a worm. For each tapper more than
mage. Natural magical wells often reveal a four they can attract a worm a mile away (at
layer of corborundurum beneath, just like the normal speed this can still take hours,
the Moon well in the Great Pass. and a tapping hunt rarely lasts more than 8
hours). These large and dangerous creatures
When living together with other rock-based are attacked en masse. ome geonids even
creatures, they also have above ground allow themselves to be swallowed
homes of either brick or stone. They use whole,whereby they proceed to damage the
plates of curved metal through which water creature as long as they can resist its stomach
is led, to make solar heated warm water, acid (this damage is modified by the geonid’s
waterwheels, and mechanical energy. Many Armor Value). Geonids favour the different
contraptions are attached to these wheels to glands of these worms, but also feast upon
create an environment where most creatures its sandy meat. Their cooks can prepare it in
like to live in or near. such a way that even humans will find it
Geonids are monogamous and form small palatable, yet sandy. Multiply each hit point
coherent family groups. Young geonids hatch of such a beast by its HDx3 to find how many
from 2d3 eggs in the corborundurum layers standard day rations13 it yields (a 90 hp 15HD
or within a mother’s shell if no such layer is worm would be 90x15x3=405 standard day
near (these geonids are the weakest of their rations). These rations remain fresh for, 8
kind), and ripens out12 for the first few
it gro ws .
12 R ipe ning o ut fo r a ge o nid c hil d is s im il a r 1 3 A s ta nd a rd d a y ra tio n is a l l the fo o d a

to a c he s tnut, no t o nl y d o e s it gro w fro m a hum a n, hum a no id o r d e m ihum a n ne e d s to

tiny s pa wn, its o ute r s he l l a l s o ha rd e ns whil e func tio n d a il y.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

days, edible for 3 weeks, and if salted can Faith

even last up to 12 weeks. Beyond that, they
are used to attract new prey. The strange shrine in their lairs is dedicated
to their Immortal Avalanche. It is an
Geonids are related to galeb duhr, but they Immortal offense to take these treasures and
rarely live in close proximity, unless in the will always be ‘rewarded’ by the geonids or
greater rock-cities mentioned. They trade other rock-based creatures or their friends -
with stone giants and rockmen alike, and including some Dragons (Avalanche informs
sometimes with dwarves and gnomes (the his followers worldwide).
last preferred for their less greedy, less
violent lifestyle). A clan usually follows a geonid priest who,
though often lacking spells, remains an
Geonids recognize each other by the exceptional and powerful specimen. Higher
colouration of their shell. To other creatures level priests can cast spells normally.
these colourations are unclear, no more than
hues, if noticed at all, but to geonids they are The faith is known as “Krrak” - as the sound
as clear as the striped patterns of zebras, and of a starting avalanche, is based upon Matter
no two are alike. and thus Earth, and owned by the geonid
Immortal Avalanche14.
Followers Alignment: Any Called; Silærr
Geonids cultivate mosses, plants and fungi (Sands) - sounds like sliding sand over a
by warm water gulleys. The shells of paper.
adolescent geonids, fashioned into strong
and durable helms, grant AV protection to Followers under the Rock creatures gain thief
the wearer. They are also hunted by evil abilities at 2 levels higher than their Hit Dice
mages for their ruby hearts, which according (or level).
to their obscure knowledge, are the basic Clerics Alignment: Lawful/Neutral Called;
component to create the heart of the Dåkk (Rocks) - sounds like a rock bouncing
dreaded Tarrasque. Whatever is done with of a stone.
geonid remains, surviving geonids will always
be severely upset and can become very Healers Alignment: Neutral Called; Thøng
violent, unless the remnants are given to (Stones) - sounds like a heavy stone falling
them to be buried in corborundurum. on the ground.
Shadowelves sometimes enslave geonids for
their ability to sense gems. Geonids therefore These priests can cast Cure-all once a week,
hate or at least utterly dislike shadowelves and Detect Lie at will no matter what level,
(they “hunt” crystals, and use dangerous on natural Gem grounds containing
Earth Magic.) diamonds, rubies, and such (called

14 S e e “ Im m o r t a ls o f M y st a r a ” pa ge 7 8 - 7 9 .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

The holy symbol is a pure, clear diamond on

a thin chain of platinum, rare and expensive
but easily obtained by rock-based creatures
from corborundurum. (Poor clerics may also
use a glass and copper at ¼ effect, or crystal
and gold at 2/3 effect,)

Galeb Duhr15

The very rare temples are large round shaped

caves, Tokk..owowwowww (Høllow - sounds The galeb duhr is a curious boulder-like
like an echo of a stone tap) with a lot of creature with two appendages that act as
alcoves around the central area at all levels. hands and feet. These intelligent beings are
The alcoves are connected to small corridors very large and slow-moving. They only live in
in the back, so that their open end overlooks rocky or mountainous areas where they can
the central cave where the ceremonies are feel the earth power and control the rocks
held. The walls are adorned with gemstones around them. When stationary, these
and metals of many kinds, and the floor is creatures look like part of the terrain they’re
always a base of natural corborundurum. in.
There are smaller and larger alcoves,
provided for all rock-people and guests The stony body of a galeb duhr always
(called; Fluff (dust) - sounds like a hand of matches the predominant stone of the area.
fine sand dumped on a flat stone) in Granitelike stone is most common, but
different sizes, including sometimes giants marble, quartz, and all other igneous or
and dragons (In Denagoth at least). The metamorphic types are possible. No galeb
latter have their own access into the temple, duhr have bodies matching sedimentary
as a safety measure for the other followers or rock, such as shale, sandstone, or limestone.
guests, due their immense size. Living Galeb duhr are monolithic in appearance, for
centres are built all round the temple for all these beings are formed entirely of stone.
these creatures, often grouped together by They look like huge boulders or
species, but always facing the temple. The outcroppings of rock, with stony humanlike
temple is used as an area to honour features positioned on the broadest of faces.
Avalanche or make requests to him, as a They have two limbs, which act as both arms
market to sell and buy goods, and as a hall of and legs. A galeb duhr walks with a slow,
justice where justice is dealt swiftly but
mostly fairly (due to the special spells of the
15 The G a l e b D uhr a ppe a rs in the AD &D 2 e
TS R 2 1 0 3 “ M o n st r o u s Co m p e n d iu m V o lu m e
clerics). Here are the many family shrines 2 ” . This s e c tio n d iffe rs fro m the s e s o urc e s
constructed of boulders, with the offerings, b y pro vid ing a d d itio na l a b il itie s a nd
circled along the walls. e na b l ing it to b e a N PC ra c e . U s e the s e
s o urc e s fo r m o re info rm a tio n.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

ponderous steady gait, the digits of its Magical fires, which have such intense heat,
appendages gripping the ground steadily. A are more dangerous to these beings. Galeb
galeb duhr can’t walk while holding duhr easily shrug off electrical attack, being
something in its “hands,” though the digits nonconductive, and they are completely
are capable of fairly delicate manipulation. A immune to any and all poisons. However, all
galeb duhr that is dormant or wishes to stonemasons know that there is nothing like
remain hidden can merely close its eyes and cold to bring out cracks or faults in stone.
mouth, draw its appendages close to its Intense cold does considerable damage to
body, and sit still; in such a state, it can’t be galeb duhr, and they are often dormant
distinguished from a normal boulder. during wintertime, but this may not be the
case in areas of strong earth power (like
Combat corborundurum fields, gates to or from Plane
of Earth, or other natural energy fields).
These creatures are fairly solitary, preferring Galeb duhr are very sluggish after more than
to live with a few of their kind or with related three days of sub-freezing temperatures.
creatures like geonids and rockmen. Even They are hard to rouse in such times and act
earth-elementals are shunned. When as though under the influence of a slow spell
approached, a galeb duhr is liable to avoid when active at all. Those who are resistant to
the encounter by sitting down, closing their cold may move and act normally. (Caverns at
eyes and withdrawing their appendages, least afford protection from the winter’s
sometimes even rapidly digging themselves chill.) Galeb duhr suffer double damage from
partially into the ground. If chased or cold and water based spells (not acid) and
otherwise irritated, however, they don’t save at +4 vs. these attacks.
hesitate to fight the intruder. They are not
harmed by lightning or normal fire, save at Spells effects
+4 vs. magical fire with normal damage.
Wizards knowledgeable in elemental matters
Animate Rocks have discovered that certain spells affecting
rock will also harm a galeb duhr, though
They can animate 1 or 2 boulders of 5-10’ details on these effects are not clearly known.
high within 60 yards, like a treant controls The following effects of wizard and priest
trees. The game statistics for these animated spells should be noted when such spells are
rocks are: AC 0, AV11, MV 30’/10’ HD 9, Hp used against galeb duhr:
9d8, THAC0 11, Dm 4d6. In fact, the stones
are temporarily possessed by the spirit of Animate rock, if it can affect a stone the size
fallen earth elementals of the galeb duhr, it effectively charms the
galeb duhr (who receives no saving throw)
Resistances/Weaknesses and causes it to obey the caster’s every
command; however, the galeb duhr greatly
Galeb duhr are naturally resistant to certain resents such treatment and always attacks the
extremes. Fire does little harm to them, for it spell-caster after the spells duration ceases.
takes a great deal of heat to harm stone. Dig, Move Earth, Passwall, Dissolve/Harden,


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

Stone Shape, and Transmute Rock to Mud objects as finely statuettes, or other
(Lava) have no effect if cast upon on galeb sculptures. SFPs 0. The galeb duhr can cast
duhr. this at will once a day - one world rotation =
Earthquake, if cast directly at the galeb duhr, Mystara; 24 Hours. This spell is sometimes
causes death and shattering if a saving throw used at 12th HD to create a pair of arms for
vs. death magic fails, or 3d10 hp damage themselves. This can’t be done earlier as the
otherwise. link is too weak to enable usable arms.
Stone to Flesh causes the galeb duhr’s body
to become fleshy (AC 8) if it fails a saving Rock Door
throw vs. spells; a condition that distresses it Evocation
greatly and causes it to lose all of its spell-like Range: caster only
powers and immunities; Flesh to Stone Duration: 10 Turns
reverses this effect. Always consider the galeb Effect: Opens a path through
duhr’s 20% magic resistance when figuring packed rocks.
spell effects. Saving Throw: None

Spellpowers For the duration of this spell, no rocks can

prevent the caster’s passage, no matter how
Galeb duhr can conjure powers copying the dense. Even stalagmites will bend or
following spells (actually, mages created magically open to allow the caster to pass. A
these spells based on the powers of the galeb solid mass of stone will be closed however,
duhr); they are all cast at 20th level of power.16 but cave-ins and stalagmite-forests open
freely. The caster can freely carry equipment
Stone Shape while moving through such barriers, but no
Alteration other creature can use the passage (except
Range: Touch when it is carried by, or holds on to the
Duration: Permanent caster). Note that a caster can hide inside a
Effect: 20 cubic feet large rock after casting this spell. The caster
Saving Throw: None can’t see what is happening while he is in the
rock. SFPs +5. The galeb duhr can cast this
This spell enables the caster of this spell to once a day — one world rotation = Mystara;
shape solid stones as though it were soft clay. 24 Hours.
It can be shaped, reshaped, and corrected for
as long as the spell lasts. This spell is most Transmute Rock to Mud or Mud to Rock
often used to make stone sculptures, but an Alteration
artist skilled in this field is needed to make Range: 160 yard
Duration: Permanent
16 S F P =S e is m ic F o rc e Po ints . This is the Effect: Turns hard rock to soft mud.
e ffe c t the s pe l l wil l ha ve o n the c e l l ul a r Saving Throw: None
s truc ture o f the M e ga l ith. On its e l f no t re a l l y
im po rta nt, b ut o n l o ng te rm s the s e c a n a nd
wil l a ffe c t the re gio n. M o re s e e Dr a g o n This spell turns natural rock of any kind
M a ga z ine #2 6 5 “ Ea r t h sh a k e r s” pa ge 3 4 - 4 1 (even Magical) into an equal volume of mud.
b y J e nnife r Tittl e S ta c k .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

The most that can be transmuted is a cube of and stouts (and planks if the material is
400’ on a side. The depth of the mud can loose) at every distance equal to the safe
never exceed one-half its length and breadth distance dug. (SFPs -20).
(the rest will flow to the side, until the above
circumstances are met). Once cast, the This spell will not work in solid materials
resulting mud acts like normal mud in all (like rock, or stone), nor in liquid or low
situations. SFPs +50 The galeb duhr can cast viscous materials (like magma, lava, or
this once a day - one world rotation = quicksand) since these materials are either
Mystara; 24 Hours. too hard to dig through or would collapse
immediately. The excavated material is
Dig placed directly next to the hole and will slide
Evocation spell back in if the amount becomes higher than 5
Range: 30’ feet. To prevent this from happening, the
Duration: 1 Hour per level of the caster material has to be moved away, either
Effect: A hole of 100ft³ will be created, magically (another Dig or Move Earth) or
by magically digging material out. manually, or the material has to be blocked
Saving Throw: None from sliding back by walls or rocks. A being
running toward the caster while the Dig spell
is directed in front of it must make a saving
throw vs. spells or fall in. Immediately a
collapse check has to be made by the caster.
If the pit indeed does collapse, then anybody
in the hole must make a saving throw vs.
Death Ray or be buried alive and suffocate in
1/3 of the victims Constitution in rounds. If
the victim does make a save, however, he will
still be partially imbedded in the material.
This spell can also be used against earth
elementals, but galeb duhr doesn’t know or
refuses to use this effect. SFPs +50 The galeb
When this spell is cast, it will start digging in duhr can cast this once a day - one world
the earth and excavating the material out of rotation = Mystara; 24 Hours.
the hole. The caster can direct the
dimensions of the hole as he wants. There is Move Earth
a chance that the pit collapses, as per table. Alteration spell
These percentages will rise by 5% for every 5 Range: 240’
feet depth beyond the safe depth. These Duration; 6 Turns
chances will be doubled if a large amount of Effect: Moves soil
water mixes with the material. If this spell is Saving Throw: None
used to make tunnels, the safe depth will be Reading /Casting Time;6
halved. The collapse chances are reduced to
normal if the tunnel is supported with beams


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

This spell causes soil (but not rock) to move. Duration; Special
The caster can use the spell to move earth Area of Effect: 1000 cubic feet of stone
horizontally, or vertically, to open a large Saving Throw: None
hole (one up to 240’ deep, unless it reaches
solid rock). The spell moves the soil up to This spell creates a vertical stone wall exactly
60’ per turn, and at the end of the duration, 2’ thick. Any dimensions and shape may be
the moved soil remains where it is put. This chosen by the caster, but the total size must
spell is helpful for constructing castles. be 500 square feet or less (10’x50’, 20’x25’,
Remember, however, that the soil put down etc.), and the entire wall must be within 60’
always responds to gravity, especially during of the caster. The wall must be created so as
rain, or heavy wind. Any earthquakes or to rest on the ground or similar support, and
tremors will also slope down the can’t be cast in a space wholly or partially
accumulated earthen hill. Any hill with a occupied by another object (it can’t be cast
slope of lower than 45 degrees will remain in through a room and so encasing the table in
existence “permanently”. SFPs +50 The galeb the middle of the room). It lasts until
duhr can cast this once a day - one world dispelled or physical broken, whereupon the
rotation = Mystara; 24 Hours. created material will disappear into
nothingness. SFPs +50. The galeb duhr can
Pass-Wall cast this once a day - one world rotation =
Alteration spell Mystara; 24 Hours.
Range: 120’
Duration; 3 turns Habitat/Society
Area of Effect: Creates a hole 10’ deep.
Saving Throw: None Planetary Link

This spell causes a hole 5’ in diameter and10’ These creatures seem to be earth elementals
deep to appear in solid rock or stone only. or at least related, but they are pure Prime
The stone will reappear at the end of the Plane material, infused with (remnants of)
duration, and anything still in the hole will life energy from the planet’s World Shield.
be disintegrated and becomes part of the This energy can escape only in mountainous
wall. No resurrection in any form will be areas where they came into existence.
possible on the victim (if more than 1 pound
of flesh stuck out of the wall, the victim A galeb duhr lives out its life in a
could be Cloned though). The hole may be mountainous environment; they are almost
directed horizontally, vertically or diagonally never encountered elsewhere, for good
as the caster wishes at the moment of casting. reason: loss of contact with the natural
SFPs +0. The galeb duhr can cast this once a mountainous environment progressively
day - one world rotation = Mystara; 24 Hours. weakens a galeb duhr, and it will die if kept
from areas of stone for too long a time, much
Wall of Stone as a plant will die without sunlight. If a galeb
Conjuration spell duhr is removed by any means from its
Range: 60’ natural surroundings, its physical condition


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

will slowly begin to deteriorate, as the life- simply a measure of a place’s “connection” to
giving connection to the elemental Plane of the plane of Earth; places of strong earth
Earth slowly fades. In areas where they are power include mountain ranges, deep
not totally cut off from their mountain caverns, or rocky lands prone to severe
origins, such as plains or farmland, this earthquakes. Galeb duhr greatly prefer such
deterioration will be slow: the galeb duhr places, for away from them their endurance
will lose 1 hp every day it is away from and powers wane.
mountain regions. Such loss is permanent
until it returns to an area that is All mountains contain the “earth power” to
predominantly rock and stone, at which time some extent, though some less so than
it recovers the lost hit points at a similar rate. others. Generally, the younger and less
In an area totally removed from its normal eroded by air or water the rocky
habitat, such as a desert or an ocean, a galeb surroundings are, the stronger the elemental
duhr will lose 2-5 hp per day, but will regain link possessed by that place. In very new
them at the above rate if returned to its mountains or places where the natural
home. When a galeb duhr falls below 20 hp elemental link has been heightened, such as
due to loss of contact with its natural habitat, by magical alteration, a galeb duhr’s power is
it loses its powers to control stone. Such said to become greater still. Tales tell of
powers return at once upon renewed contact whole colonies of stone men dwelling there,
with a rocky or mountainous environment. and only the foolish would contest their
Should a galeb duhr fall to zero hit points power. A galeb duhr’s powers over the rocky
due to environmental deprivation, the environment of its home are similar in form
connection with the elemental Plane of Earth to known earth- and stone-affecting spells;
is considered to have vanished completely, such powers may be activated with but a
and it becomes nothing more than a normal moment’s thought (a warning to wily mages
boulder. A full Wish is required to revive a who might think to best these creatures at
galeb duhr from this state. their own game!). The very old galeb duhr or
those dwelling in highly magical areas are
Earth Power stronger than ordinary galeb duhr, and may
command additional powers.
Galeb duhr are often found in underground
caverns as well, though they are rarely
recognized there in the jumble of rock. Galeb
duhr rival treants for slowness of speech. The
galeb duhr are very strongly connected to the
elemental Plane of Earth. This link is
unconscious for the most part, and it exists
in each of them. Since they are so well
attuned to that plane, they are able to
consume the rocks themselves and magically
control stones without the use of spell-
casting, as we understand it. Earth power is


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

For every 100 years that a galeb duhr has to mud was one of these. A galeb duhr will
lived in its own territory, it gains one of the typically watch invaders for some time,
following advantages (see benefits table). determining if they are of violent intent or
This reflects the galeb duhr’s ever- not. Peaceful travellers are allowed to pass
strengthening connection with its territorial unmolested. Should the intruders be
surroundings and the Plane of Earth. In areas deemed hostile, the galeb duhr will attack
where the natural elemental influence has from hiding, using its powers to harry and
been heightened, galeb duhr may obtain waylay the intruders (note that “hiding” to a
these additional powers more quickly (DM’s galeb duhr often means simply closing its
decision). If duplicate powers are obtained eyes and mouth and sitting still).
on rolls of 13-20, roll again.
If a galeb duhr can’t persuade invaders to
Galeb duhr are very territorial creatures. leave its territory in this way, it attacks
Once they have settled into an area, it is openly, usually in a steep or narrow area so
nearly impossible to move them. A galeb its foes can’t retaliate easily. In combat, a
duhr usually spends much of its time either galeb duhr animates normal boulders and
sitting in one place, watching and thinking, rocks around it and commands them to
or slowly patrolling its environs for signs of attack; this action is similar to the way a
disturbance. A galeb duhr’s territory usually treant animates trees. Earth-affecting powers
encompasses an area of about 1-4 square will be used in the most effective way
miles. It is invariably protective of its possible: walls of stone may be raised and
mountain home, vigorously defending it as collapsed on intruders; earthen
its own against uninvited or hostile embankments may be moved to hinder
intruders. It will often ally itself with those of movement or cause an avalanche, and so
like mind against potential despoilers; in forth. If any foes come within striking
wooded mountain ranges, galeb duhr and distance, the galeb duhr will attack physically
treants often work together, and alliances with a crushing bite or a smashing blow from
between galeb duhr and bands of geonids one of its appendages.
are not unheard of.
Galeb duhr social structure is practically
A galeb duhr is intimately familiar with the nonexistent. They have no castes or classes,
layout of the land in its territory and will leaders or followers. They are, for the most
usually have traps set in various areas of part, solitary creatures, each of whom will
access (paths, natural ascents, etc.). Such stake out and watch over its own mountain
traps are usually features of the landscape, territory. Occasionally, a number of galeb
either natural or created by the galeb duhr, duhr will dwell in the same area, as do those
which can be triggered by one of the galeb at Truman’s Pass, but this is unusual.
durh’s earth-affecting powers; an
outcropping at Truman’s Pass17 that changed

17 Trum a n’ s Pa s s is o ne o f the pa s s e s B run. On S turm ’ s m a p o f B run I pl a c e d it

thro ugh the we s te rn m o unta in c ha in a l o ng the ro ute b e twe e n Anz he ro a nd
c o nne c ting the we s te rn c o a s t with c e ntra l Kha rk a v


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

Reproduction constitution adjustment to the AV given by

age, to find the current Armor Value.
Nothing of their
religion, if any Culture
such exists, is
known; the galeb While they seem to have no visible culture
duhr show little above ground, they’re known to collect
interest in the gems, or to sometimes take magical items
subject. Galeb into their possession, mostly taken from
duhr are extremely those who attacked them on the battlefield.
long-lived; an The ‘music’ of the galeb duhr often provides
average specimen the first evidence that these creatures are
could live to be near - and usually the only evidence, as the
2000 years old. unsociable creatures are quick to pass into
They do not mate; the ground when they feel the vibrations of
indeed, they have approaching visitors (a range of HDx100 yard
no genders at all. When a galeb duhr dies on stone, HD x 100’ on earth).
naturally (that is to say, not from combat or
the loss of contact with its earth power), it Sitting together in groups, they harmonise
slowly cracks and crumbles away over a their gravelly voices into eldritch tunes; these
period of 2-7 days. At the end of this time, all tunes can balance SFPs by 1 per HD sung per
that remains of the original galeb duhr is day. This can either ease or pump up the
stone dust, gravel, and 1d4-1 large chunks of tension that causes earthquakes or eruptions.
stone. These chunks of stone are young galeb The low rumbling is also used to
duhr. They remain immobile for a period of communicate to other galeb duhr miles away
approximately one century, slowly growing (1 mile per HD sung). Sages know of these
and developing, during which time they are uses, but never found any conclusive
completely indistinguishable from normal evidence.
rocks. At the end of this time, they awaken as
young adult galeb duhr. The largest (most Ecology
hp) then usually takes control of the
surrounding territory. The smaller ones They have no natural enemies, other than
usually move off to stake out their own areas, those craving the gems they collect, and the
though they sometimes remain (15% chance) magma of the planet. These creatures seem
and share the area between them. In such to eat rock, especially granite, which
cases, the largest does not rule the others, becomes part of their bodies, once every two
and they take little note of each other in day- or three months. But this is actually not
to-day activities, though they do not hesitate eating, as these creatures need no
to aid one another in a crisis. sustenance. Instead, it is a way to prevent
natural erosion - which as mobile creatures
Armor Value is not only a case of time by age of rock they suffer from. This is the reason
as per table, but also by constitution. Add the they only eat non-sedimentary rock. It would


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

be more accurate to say that they draw Fragments retain this magic-boosting
sustenance from rocks, for a galeb duhr does property for one month after their creation,
not eat, at least not as we understand eating. after which they become like normal stone in
They also neither sleep nor breathe. Galeb all respects. Fragments used in spell-casting
duhr have no need for oxygen or any other will always be consumed, even if the spell
inhaled gas for survival; accordingly, they does not ordinarily destroy the material
suffer no damage from harmful gases (poison components. There is no way to prevent this
gas, Cloudkill, green dragon breath, etc.) or consumption or to cause a fragment to retain
immersion in any liquid except acid. Instead, its enhancing power for more than one
they gain nourishment simply from continual month.
contact with their stony surroundings. Galeb
duhr take their sustenance from the earth in Death
much the same way a plant grows in the
sunlight; the more sunlight, the stronger and When a galeb duhr is struck dead by a mighty
healthier the plant. In the same manner, a blow and breaks apart like a rock struck by a
galeb duhr is strongest and healthiest in sledgehammer, then the fragments are
areas that are predominantly stony in nature. almost indistinguishable from the ordinary
In some strange way, they feel responsible scree of the area. Galeb duhr have no interior
for the smaller rocks and boulders around organs at all, being literally solid stone
them - in much the same way a treant feels throughout. Their tie to the planet itself
responsible for “his” forest section. A allows animating elemental forces to flow
traveller who disturbs the area near galeb directly into them.
duhr does so at their own risk.

Besides the gems they carry with them, they Rockmen18

are likely to know where many other gems
are, as well as veins of precious or metallic
ores but they have no real interest in them.
Galeb duhr have no difficulty in escaping Rockmen are roughly cone-shaped
from harm if inclined to do so. They are very humanoids as tall as a human with their base
territorial, and are irritated at any attempt to - ‘their feet’ - being about 2/3 their length in
make use of their knowledge in their vicinity, width.
but sometimes they can be friendly and
willing to trade knowledge or defense, as the
18 This s e c tio n d e ta il ing the R o c k m e n us e s
m a te ria l fro m TS R 2 5 0 1 AD &D 2 e “ M y st a r a
following manuscript describes . M o n st r o u s Co m p e n d iu m ” , TS R 9 1 2 7 3 AC9 :
“ D&D Cr e a t u r e Ca t a lo g u e ” , a nd TS R 9 4 3 8
A fragment of a galeb duhr’s body, if it can be D M R 2 “ D&D Cr e a t u r e Ca t a lo g ” . This
identified as such, is of special value to spell- s e c tio n d iffe rs fro m the s e s o urc e s b y
casters. Any earth- or stone-related spell pro vid ing a d d itio na l a b il itie s a nd e na b l ing it
to b e a Pl a ye r Cha ra c te r ra c e . It m ight b e
requiring a piece of stone as a material inte re s ting to k no w tha t the c re a tio n fo r
component will be 150% more effective if the ro c k m e n we re pro b a b l y b a s e d o n the
stone used comes from a galeb duhr. ro c k m e n o f the Fla sh Go r d o n s e rie s fro m


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

They always know how to level to a rockmen. Rockmen can become

speak, although slowly, their own class,cleric, shaman, or wokani.
the local tongue (mostly a
human language). and Habitat/Society
they also know the
tapping signal-language of A deserted depression20 - called by most
the geonids. Natoka’s Grave - covers central Red Orcland
between two mountain ranges. Natoka’s
They are of neutral Grave is notorious for being the Red Orcs’
alignment, and as long as sacred burial grounds, as well as a strange
travellers simply pass place where rocky pillars rise straight up
through their territory, from the ground, supporting huge flat
and do not exhibit plans stones. What nobody knows - and probably
to settle, mine, or will never know - is that this area is one of
otherwise poke around, the birth-grounds of the legendary rockman.
the rockmen let them They live nearby east of Gnollistan. Not even
pass. Mostly they exact a the magic of the shadowelves can reveal a
toll (typically in the 500gp rockman if he does not want to be revealed.
range per group) for After the fall of king Thar and the takeover of
passage on any road the Broken Lands, the rockmen decided that
through their territory. They have a love for this strange land was taboo. They assumed
gems and jewelry, and will accept a smaller this was due to the spirits of the red orcs
toll if it is paid in this form. buried here.

Combat Rockmen live for about six centuries (and

have no aging like other creatures, they just
Because of their ponderous movement, they fall apart after 550+3d30 years), and as a
suffer a –2 on their initiative, and any result, are never in much of a hurry to do
rockmen spellcasters need 1 round more to anything. A typical tribe contains 2-20
cast any spell. families each of 1d4 rockmen. Leadership is
handled by a council of elders made up of
The strong rockmen attack with their two 1d4+4 of the oldest rockmen. Rockmen, like
great fists and massive strength. A natural 19 galeb duhr know no genders. Reproduction
or 20 results in a constitution check minus is created by the union of two rockmen, and
the sustained damage or suffers 1d3 broken one or two are able to reproduce. They are
bones by the impact and hardness of their oviparous and deposit every 25 years 1d3
skin19 eggs which grow for 40 months until they
hatch .
They are immune to all types of fire attacks
20 N a to k a ’ s G ra ve is unl ik e e ve ryb o d y
(including magical and magma). Any rock
think s ; it is a c tua l l y a d e pre s s io n o f a fo rm e r
altering spells give 1d6 damage per spell l a k e , whe re the a c tua l N a to k a ’ s G ra ve is o nl y
a s e c tio n o f. The re gio n is no rm a l l y c a l l e d
19 s e e fo r B ro k e n B o ne s a nd e ffe c ts s e e this R e d Orc l a nd . S e e this to pic a t The Pia z z a
po s t o n the “ B r e a t h o f M y st a r a ” b l o g F o rum s fo r m o re info rm a tio n


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

They have a single partner for life, creating a Ecology

solid family basis, but it seems to take an
eternity for mates to be chosen. Once a These creatures are hunted by mages,
decade they work toward reproduction, one spellcasters, greedy gem hunters, and
chooses to bear the child, always one at a alchemists for their ruby hearts, their grey
time. They mature in 40 years, and don’t sludge blood as magical mortar, etc.
actually age any further. Like the adults, the Supposedly, bricks mortared together with
offspring are in no particular hurry for this mixture will never collapse or crack.
anything. Some dwarven artist can recognize When killed, a rockman crumbles into rocky
from the rock murals the average age of the debris. Anyone sifting through the debris will
rockmen carving it, since the young tend to find the rockman’s heart, which is a heart-
be more fantastic in their creations. They shaped ruby (often with remnants of stone
venerate special days such as birthdays, clinging onto it), worth 1d10 x 100 gp. If a
wedding days, and any significant events of rockman sees anyone possessing one of
their clan, lasting sometimes as long as a these rubies, it will attack the owner
week, roughly in the same period a year immediately and later try to bury the hear.
later. They somehow know the passing of As they have no advanced technology, but
years, sensing the planetary rotation around instead are well adapted to their
the sun. environment, they know how to produce
healing vapors from the certain common
They prefer to direct any creative urges rocks (once a day/person after 1 Hour; cure
toward the continuing beautification of the 2d20 hp to any creature or Cure All to rock
caverns in which they dwell. Some spend races).
decades carving a single wall. Rockmen are
the scribes and historians of the rock-based Classes
creatures, and the murals - though very hard
to translate - depict hundreds of stories. They The character can be played from child level
do all this with their bare hands and to the given restrictions by age or by the
sometimes with spells or spell-like abilities. table, whichever is the lowest.
Due to their extended lives, rockmen have a
different perspective on time. The concept of They can be earth
it rarely occurs to rockmen, though they elementalists, or clerics,
know the difference between present, past, but suffer a 20%
and older past. Unless shown the urgency in experience penalty.
a situation, rockmen will simply refuse to be Spellcasters can only
rushed (thus they are able to resist any haste cast spells of a spell
magic, it always fails unless willed to level lower than or
succeed). equal to their limit.
Mages can only be earth
elementalists, even
without entering the
secret craft. They will


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

suffer double damage from fire elementals or THE HUMANOID RACES

elemental magic, and will themselves inflict
double damage to air elemental based
creatures. They dislike water-based creatures,
applying a –4 to reaction rolls (-8 if also of
opposing alignments). Whatever class, they
will keep their HD/Hp/Claw Dm/Weapon Wereraven
Slots-Limits/Skills even if their class implies 21
otherwise. Other classes don’t exist. They can
also become shaman or wokani at any level,
but not when they are already either cleric or Addition to the Werecreature historic line:
earth elementalist. 467 AC Scavenging Raven become infected
by eating dead lycanthropes on the Western
Should the character decide to become a side of Brun, and later infect several farmers
shaman or wokani, he needs more in self-defense; causing Wereraven
experience points per level to achieve a lycanthropy coming into existence.
higher character rank and casting level. The Wereravens are a race of wise and good-
indicated XP have to be gained before aligned shapechangers who have managed to
actually acquiring the corresponding survive in Western Brun.
spellcasting level. This means that one can’t
start with a spellcasting character when the Wereravens have three forms, that of a
PC is created. In order to cast spells, a normal human, a huge raven, and a hybrid of
shaman must have a Wisdom of 9 or better. A the two when they reach level 11. The hybrid
wokani needs an Intelligence of 9 or better. form of these creatures looks much like a
Fulgurites are formed when lightning strikes mixture of raven and human. The arms grow
the ground, fusing and vitrifying mineral long and thin, sprouting feathers and
grains. Rockmen Earth Elementalist dig these transforming into wings. The mouth hardens
from the ground to use as a sort of and projects into a straight, pecking beak,
spellbook. These fulgurites store the spells and the eyes turn jet black. A coat of feathers
learned indefinitely enabling to memorize replaces the normal body hair of the human
them if in tune with the stone itself.. in fact form.
functions like a normal spellbook, but
useless to non-Earth Elementalists. Valued at
normal book prices x150%, weight Combat
400+3d100 cn.
Wereravens are deadly opponents in close
combat, although they seldom engage in it.
Because they can be hit only by silver

21 We re ra ve n a re a d j us te d to B ECM I D &D
a nd e xpa nd e d fro m AD &D 2 e s o urc e s
(” Co m p le t e e M o n st r o u s M a n u a l” ). U s e the s e
s o urc e s fo r m o re info rm a tio n.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

weapons or those with a +2 or better saving throw, the wereraven discovers a

magical bonus, these creatures do not fear mental/psychological secret of theirs (if
most armed parties. available).

When in human form, a wereraven retains its Wereravens may Speak with the Dead once a
natural immunities to certain weapons, but day and hear the spirit of a recently (no more
has no real attack of its own. If forced to fight than 24 hours) dead body.
unarmed, it inflicts a mere 1-2 points of
damage. For this reason, wereravens in The Growth
human form often employ weapons, causing
damage appropriate to the arms they wield. This ability is gained at 7th level. Wereraven
In raven form, the wereraven attacks as if it can use its power to grow to triple size with
were a common example of that creature. increased Armor Value (AV3). This growth
Thus, it inflicts only 1-2 points of damage but increases THAC0 by +6, and saves by +3,
has a 1 in 10 chance of scoring an eye peck doubles damages, and lasts no longer than 1
with each successful attack. Any eye peck will turn (10 minutes = 60 rounds) at most. The
cause the target to lose the use of one eye raven may choose to shrink at will. Its hit
until a heal or regeneration spell can be cast points will be doubled temporarily, and any
on the victim. Half-blinded persons (those damages will be taken from the extra hit
who have lost 1 eye) suffer a -2 on all attack points first. Each day, a wereraven can grow
rolls. A second eye peck results in total three times, needing 8 hours of sleep at
blindness until the above cure can be affected. minimum or 24 hours of not using the ability
In hybrid form, the wereraven’s arms have to recharge. In this giant shape, they cannot
grown into wings, making them almost fly.
useless in combat. However, the muscles in
their mouths/beaks strengthen, giving them The Ravenman
a savage bite. Each attack made with the
creature’s beak inflicts 2d6 points of damage. At 9th level (1.300.000 xp), a wereraven gains
Wereravens are strong flyers and often use the ability to transform into a ravenman. This
this ability to their advantage in combat. A beastman form looks like an upright giant bat
Wereraven can duplicate any sound or voice with very flexible, usable wings. A
that they hear. ravenman’s hands are claw-like fingers
extended from the top edge of his wings (in
Wereravens can detect gold and other the same location the thumb of bats is
treasure at will, and are often attracted to it. found). They have clawed feet. A ravenman
Their lairs are often decorated with has all the capabilities and handicaps that
glistening polished treasure. come when mastering the beastman form. A
ravenman’s lycanthrope statistics are
A wereraven is able to discover a deep, dark dominant. Don’t mix human and
secret of someone else. When it does, it lycanthropic statistics as with other
strikes the head of the target with its feathers. Lycanthropes as in PC4 Nighthowlers, unless
The target must roll 2d20, if they fail their mentioned otherwise as per statistic.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

Wereravens are not opposed to helping for a
good cause, but they do so reluctantly. This
is not because they do not wish to do good,
but because they fear the wrath of the Dark
Powers. It is said that the wereravens have
come to the aid of endangered elven clans in
Western Brun on several occasions and that
close ties exist between the ravens and these
elven clans, but neither will admit this openly.


Wereravens are omnivores who prefer to

A wereraven family will be found only at the maintain a vegetarian diet. They enjoy berries
heart of a dense forest. Here, they live in the and nuts, but will eat carrion or kill for fresh
hollowed out body of a great tree. Entrance meat from time to time in order to maintain
to their lair is possible only from above (if good health.
one does not wish to cut or break through
the trunk itself). Curiously, the wereravens Wereraven are hunted by unscrupulous
are able to keep the tree in which they nest humans who have discovered that their
from dying even after they have hollowed it midriff bone can be used to create items
out, so it is difficult to distinguish from the which detect treasures. Wereraven have Low
normal trees around it. senses (see table under Crowrse).

Wereravens recognise that they are bastions

of good in a land dominated by evil. They
have managed to survive by avoiding large
population centres or performing overt acts
of good that would draw the attention of the
reigning lords to them. Thus, a wereraven
flock will generally have no more than 2-8
adults in it. Of course, such groups have
young with them (1-4 per 2 adults), but these
are seldom encountered for they remain in a
true raven state until they are old enough to
fend for themselves. In addition, a typical
wereraven lair will draw 10-100 (10d10)
common ravens to nest in the trees about it.
These wise birds will serve the wereravens,
doing their bidding and striving to protect
them from harm.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

Gyerian powerful that anyone in front of the creature

within the given range must make a Dexterity
22 check or be bowled over for the full range
and suffer 1d4 points of damage. Any such
unfortunates must then spend the next
Gyerians can be found in Western Brun and round recovering their footing. A gyerian
Eastern Skothar. may check morale any time it feels
particularly nervous (even when not in
Combat battle!), but it cannot use any other attack in
the same round. Morale checks may be
Gyerians don’t use any type of armor. It is modified by the DM as normal (first damage,
either uncomfortable, or will not fit upon half damaged, fallen comrade, massive
their corporeal structure. They don’t use damage, etc).
shields and rarely handle weapons for the
same reason. Rings, or other magical Controlled Sneeze
protective items, though, are greatly sought
after. When using weapons, it will always be A gyerian of 7th level may make a controlled
daggers, slings, tossed stones, clubs or sneeze; he does not have to be nervous. The
something similar. They can’t use bows or effects are similar to an uncontrolled sneeze,
crossbows. The only thing they carry is a sort but stronger and will give more damage in
of leather kangaroo pouch, in which they the bowling over.
store what they need underway. They dislike
destructive magic, but are not extra Gust of Wind
vulnerable to it.
A gyerian of 12th or higher level is able to
Uncontrolled Sneeze make a Gust of Wind 3 times a day by
blowing (1 full round) in the intended
Normally a Morale check has to be rolled on direction. The wind will continue for 1
2d6, but the gyerian rolls a d12 extra. When round for every three levels of the gyerian.
the morale check fails, the d12 will be
checked; if it is higher than the current Fly
morale of the creature, it will be particularly
nervous. In these cases he may be able to A gyerian of 18th level or higher may fly at will
make an uncontrolled sneeze, which is so at a movement rate of 240’/80’ and MF 3A.

22 This s e c tio n d e ta il ing the G ye ria ns us e s Air Elemental

m a te ria l fro m TS R 2 5 0 1 AD &D 2 e “ M y st a r a
M o n st r o u s Co m p e n d iu m ” , TS R 9 1 2 7 3 AC9 : A gyerian of 25th or higher level is able to
“ D&D Cr e a t u r e Ca t a lo g u e ” , TS R 9 4 3 8 D M R 2 : summon once in 24 hours an air elemental
“ D&D Cr e a t u r e Ca t a lo g ” a nd TS R 9 1 5 4 D &D
M o d ul e CM 5 : “ M y st e r y o f t h e Sn o w P e a r ls” .
of HD equal to the level of the gyerian. He
This s e c tio n d iffe rs fro m the s e s o urc e s b y does so by blowing three full consecutive
pro vid ing a d d itio na l a b il itie s a nd e na b l ing it rounds on a particular spot, which breaks the
to b e a Pl a ye r Cha ra c te r ra c e .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

planar barriers and opens a temporary gate. people are unaware that these structures are
In all effects, this resembles a Summon (not gyerian.
Conjure) Elemental spell23. The elemental, if
treated friendly will help the gyerian for no Town square
more than 8 hours or one task, whichever
passes first. The gyerian towns (geyers) are mostly a
grassy knoll with a number of singular rail
Habitat/Society: fences circling a high post at the centre,
where the town square is. The post has signs
Although flightless (at least in the attached to it: Nester, Hole in Ground,
beginning), gyerians are migratory beings Seedlands, Hawkshead, Old Stony, Big Birds,
that travel in flocks, moving from the Earl, Nasty Hootface, Our Sister’s House, and
mountains into the grasslands every spring similar designations. These are mostly
and returning in the autumn. related to local spots of importance (where it
is dangerous, where there is food, where to
The homes gyerians build quickly each year, nest, local ruins, caves or similar), or where
are intended to last only until migration. important gyer or other individual creatures
These huts sometimes exist much longer reside. (Local birds of prey - like hawk or roc
than a year, and are often used as a - with which the gyerian have reasonably
temporary resting place for travellers. Most good relations), etc. Most bird creatures of
importance will be noted also, making the
23 The d iffe re nc e b e twe e n a Su m m o n pole a plethora of routes and directions.
Ele m e n t a l a nd Co n j u r e Ele m e n t a l l ie s in the
fa c t tha t a Co n j u r e Ele m e n t a l o pe ns a tiny Many gyerian towns also have a pond (for
ga te thro ugh whic h the e s s e nc e o f a n
e l e m e nta l is s uc k e d into the Prim e Pl a ne
fresh water). Many of these are decorated
d e s tro ying its o rigina l s ha pe , b ut e na b l ing it with water lilies and a path skirting it. Most
to re c re a te a ne w s ha pe if s uffic ie nt are inhabited with talking fish, (they spray
e l e m e nta l m a tte r o f its s o rt is o n l o c a tio n; a with water if teased) which are also truly
Su m m o n Ele m e n t a l o pe ns a l a rge r ga te fro m liked by the gyerians. When the gyerian or
the El e m e nta l Pl a ne , a nd re que s ts a n
El e m e nta l to he l p (o fte n b y c a l l ing its na m e
the fish are under threat, they take the fish
whil e the ga te wil l a ppe a r ne xt to it). The elsewhere. They do not feed upon them,
El e m e nta l wil l k e e p its o wn s ha pe , a nd thus unless they are already dead by other causes.
m a y b e l a rge r (m o re HD ) the ne xt tim e The huts are mostly dishevelled, or rickety.
s um m o ne d . Su m m o n Ele m e n t a l is thus Some are in use; many are remnants of past
frie nd l y with re s pe c t to the c re a ture (l a wful
s o to s a y), Co nj ure El e m e nta l is e go is tic
years. Each hut has a sign next to its door
witho ut re s pe c t (Cha o tic s o to s a y). A noting the names (or professions) of the
S um m o ne d El e m e nta l c a n’ t b e a ffe c te d b y a inhabitants (these names/professions can
D is pe l M a gic / Evil , a Co nj ure d o ne wil l b e also be found on the posts).
fo rc ib l y re pe l l e d into its o wn Pl a ne whe re it
a c quire s a ne w b o d y a c c o rd ing the m a trix o f
the Co nj ure s pe l l , whic h m a y b e l o we r tha n
There is always a huge basin of water and
it o rigina l l y ha d b e fo re b e ing c o nj ure d . . . this fountain, with 4 white pillars nearby, of
is the re a s o n the y b e c o m e a ngry if no t chewed wood plaster and twigs (resembling
c o ntro l l e d .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

stone), which are in use as beehives. Urd24

Gyerians really like sweets, and can’t get
cavities or tooth decay, as they have no teeth
but beaks.
These aggressive, flying humanoids have
Ecology evolved (with some immortal magical
influence) from kobolds and as thus follow
Gyerians have evolved from a species of their statistics mostly.
pigeon, but it is assumed that some Immortal
of Air/Thought had a great hand in their Urds stand three feet tall and have short ivory
creation.This is almost certain as these horns, red-rimmed eyes, and flattened noses.
creatures develop magical abilities related to Their bodies are thin, frail and covered with
air when they become more experienced. mottled yellow to brick-red scales. Leathery,
Gyerians existed in the era of Giants batlike wings sprout from their backs. When
(100.000 BC) and sometimes traded with flying, the wings stretch eight feet or more
them across. Urds are quick and maneuverable in
. the air, capable of gliding for long distances
However, recent gyerians seem to be or pulling up sharply. On landing, urds
hindered somewhat by the presence of other slouch to counterbalance the wings on their
humanoids, repressing their need to gain back and move with an awkward half-walk,
experience. Many gyerians never reach 3rd half-hop gait. Urds wear minimal clothing,
level; only 10% become Cock-robin, while but many tribes decorate their bodies with
only 1% become Rooster. Currently it is paints made from berries and ground
unknown if a gyerian exists which is of bone.Urds speak their own language, as well
Sneezer or higher level. So rare are these as Kobold, and a smattering of local language.
creatures that there are legends about
gyerians, which speak of an Air-king who will
unite the gyerians in a true nation.

24 The U rd is a re a d j us te d to B ECM I D &D

a nd e xpa nd e d fro m AD &D 2 e s o urc e . U s e
the s e s o urc e s fo r m o re info rm a tio n.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

SOME MONSTERS OF attacks by blunt weapons and its incredible

weight of over 500 pounds in adulthood.
WESTERN BRUN Other metals are absorbed into its system as
well, but in lesser amounts. Despite being
only the size of a large badger, the
aurumvorax, or golden gorger, is an
Aurumvorax25 incredibly dangerous creature.and fears
( nothing; the little monster can be extremely
vicious and will attack anything that looks
edible or threatening.

A variety of this creature exists; the spotted



The aurumvorax charges any creature that

enters its territory, causing a -3 to
opponents’ surprise rolls if attacking from its
den. A female of the species receives a +2
bonus to attack rolls when guarding her
The aurumvorax is a small, shaggy, eight- The creature bites at its prey until it hits,
legged animal usually found around lightly clamping its massive jaws onto the victim and
forested hills, though it may be encountered causing 2d4-AV hit points of damage. After it
near the timberline of some mountains. It is hits, the aurumvorax locks its jaws and hangs
covered with long golden and well cleaned on, causing an additional 8 (no AV) points of
fur, measuring 3’ long and about 1½’ high. damage per round until either the
The animal has copper-colored teeth and aurumvorax or its enemy is dead. Only death
claws, the latter up to 3” long. Its whiskers will cause the aurumvorax to relax its grip.
and parts of its mane are bronze in colour, Once its jaws lock, the golden gorger also
and its eyes are pools of silver with golden rakes its victim with 2d4 of its eight legs,
pupils. causing 2d8 hit points of damage per
additional hit. An opponent who is held by
The aurumvorax’s flesh is extremely dense an aurumvorax receives no dexterity
due to the intake and retention of gold, adjustment to Armor Class.
which accounts for its partial immunity to
25 The Aurum vo ra x a nd S po tte d Aurum vo ra x
a re a d j us te d to B ECM I D &D a nd e xpa nd e d
fro m “ Ec o lo g y o f t h e A u r u m v o r a x” in
The aurumvorax must eat gold in order to
Dr a g o n M a ga z ine #1 3 2 , a nd AD &D 2 e survive (except the Spotted Aurumvorax),
s o urc e s . U s e the s e s o urc e s fo r m o re although it will also eat meat and other
info rm a tio n.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

metals. Without gold, it will

become ill and die in around a
week, unless it has access to
platinum, which may prolong
its life by three weeks. The gold
in its diet gives the aurumvorax
the colour in its golden fur.


The only time adult

aurumvorae willingly meet is
during mating season, which
occurs approximately every
eight years. They spend a week
or two together before the male
returns to his territory and the
female prepares for the birth of
her kits. Between three and
four months later, the female
gives birth to a litter of 1d6+2
kittens. For the first two weeks
of life, the kits are blind and
hairless.They smell gold directly
and can devour a chain in mere
moments, and seek it out in
addition to red meat. They must
be fed both meat and precious
ores, including gold, in order to
survive. Most will die due to a
lack of gold. Without gold in
the first three weeks of life, the
kitten dies. It is unusual for
more than 1-2 of the strongest
kits to survive. She weans them
after about five or six years,
before they become fully
grown and independent, and
forces them to stake out their
own territories. They can reach
full maturity much faster if their
diet is rich in gold, not normally


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

an option in the wild. It is not unknown for gold. It can be woken easily at any point
the mother to eat its own young when gold during its hibernation, reacting fiercely and
is scarce. angrily to any disturbance.

If a kitten is found and adopted before its Remains

eyes are open, a character may attempt to
befriend it, the probability of which increases The meat of the aurumvorax is highly toxic to
with the amount of food and gold given to most other creatures (Dragons and some
the kitten. When giving one kitten an all- monsters excepted). If killed and eaten, the
meat diet, another a diet of meat flesh of the aurumvorax produces severe
supplemented with gold, and the rest of the metal poisoning. The eater must save vs.
litter other precious metals with their meals, poison 1d4 turns after the meat is eaten; a
the kitten with a plain diet will die in a week, successful save means severe nausea and
as do the others, although the one fed cramps strike the victim lasting 2d4 hours.
platinum will live about three weeks. The Failure to save indicates the victim goes into
one fed with Gold, however, grows rapidly, a coma and dies 10d6 rounds later. Another
putting on weight until it is too heavy to aurumvorax may feast on one of its kind.
carry after a month. It retains all the gold it
eats, gnawing at the bars of its cage and any If, on the other hand, the whole animal is
other metal that it can find. Copper pots are roasted and the remains heated until
a favorite; its teeth and claws absorb the everything burns off, (very difficult and takes
metal from these. up to two weeks) 1500-2500 gp in value of
gold and traces of other metals remain,
If raised further as a pet and supplied with depending on the size of the aurumvorax. If
ample amounts of gold, food, and attention, the hide is burned at the same time another
kittens grow rapidly. It can then be tamed 1d200+200 gp in value of gold can be found.
and trained.Typically, an aurumvorax reaches If an aurumvorax is killed with a minimum of
full size in about seven years in the wild, but cutting damage to its hide, and if the pelt is
may take only a year in captivity with ideal carefully removed and tanned to preserve
conditions. Kittens raised in captivity grow not only the hide but the gold-colored,
into strong, fiercely loyal pets if conditions metallic hair (the whole process typically
are ideal. costing 4000-5000 gp for the special
procedure and materials), a durable but
Hibernation heavy garment of incredible strength and
beauty may be made that has a value of
The aurumvorax hibernates, usually during 15.000-20.000 gold pieces. The garment will
the winter, and during this time it buries also protect its wearer as armor, the specific
itself in the ground. Although it usually Armor Value depending on the size of the
breathes through its nostrils, while aurumvorax. A garment with AV 6 weighs 800
hibernating it breathes through its skin, a cn, one with AV 5 weighs 650 cn, and one
small patch of which it leaves exposed, above with AV 4 weighs 500 cn. It provides 90%
the ground. This can easily be confused for immunity to golden weapons. The wearer of


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

either hide or garment receives a +4 bonus streaks. As a result, they only fetch 7,500–
on saving throws vs. normal fires and a +2 10,000 gp, about half that of a regular
bonus on saving throws vs. magical fire. aurumvorax hide. Cormanthor aurumvorax
The hide can also be made into a bed fur or claws are usually bright green or purple, and
a cape for a dwarven wedding. can fetch up to 100 gold pieces and 1,000
gold pieces, respectively.
The aurumvorax’s teeth and claws, due to
their combination of bone and metal, are Like the regular aurumvorax hides,
also prized for decoration or jewelry, and can cormanthor aurumvorax hides can be turned
bring up to 1 gp each on the open market. into armor, although the Armor Value
granted varies depending on the diet of the
An aurumvorax's saliva is highly corrosive to aurumvorax.
metal. It also has an extremely high tolerance
to heat, able to survive all but the largest of As a strange side-effect from the cormanthor
fires, which makes it a worthy spell aurumvorax's non-native surroundings,
component.. about one in five suffer from allergies during
the spring, causing them to sneeze, expelling
their highly corrosive saliva up to 10'. Metals
must roll a save vs. disintegration (either by
DM or a Player) which is; 17 or higher for
Spotted Aurumvorax Weapons & Armor, 15 or higher for jewellry,
10 or higher for coins/ores, add magical +/-
to the roll, if failed it is damaged after a
The Cormanthor aurumvorax can be found week, (-1 point of AV or damage, or loses
in the forests of Davania. It was introduced value by 10%), unless thoroughly cleaned.
to the forest in 500 BC by a group of treasure Roll once per item, and not per NPC/PC.
hunters from Alphatia in an attempt to Ascomoids seem to be attracted to this saliva
discover gold in the area. Although the and can be found nearby.
aurumvorax found gold, they became very
protective over it, and devoured their All Aurumvorax have Medium Senses (see
masters when they tried to get to the gold. table under Crowrse).
Statistics equal to common aurumvorax, but
the creature is not an endangered species.
Although the aurumvorax thrived in the
plains near the rivers making many holes in
the ground in that area, the gold on which
their diet was based was gone within a
decade, and they were forced to adapt to a
different diet. It adapted its digestive system
to allow it to eat iron ore, onyx and other
minerals. Its hide also changed as a result,
becoming mottled with dull red and blue


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

Otyugh26 otyughs use their victims as shields,

& Neo-Otyugh increasing their armor class by 2 (a missed
attack on the otyugh of 2 or less difference
will automatically hit the enwrapped victim).
Otyughs (Aw-tee-ug), also known as the Characters with a strength of at least 18 can
gulguthra, which is Sindhi for "dung eaters". struggle for one round and break free on a
Otyughs lurk under piles of offal with only successful strength check penalised by the
their eyes exposed. An otyugh is never strength bonus of the creature. Either sort of
surprised by the approach of a creature, as it gulguthra can sense when a creature grasped
watches his surroundings constantly with the is weakened or disabled, and will try to push
eye-stalk sticking out of the refuse. They such prey into reach of its suckerlike mouth.
usually attack if they feel threatened, or if Due to the creature’s favoured habitat
they are hungry and there is fresh meat (proximity to dung and carrion) and its
nearby in the form of parties of three people digestive system (waste is spat back out of its
or less. They will eat fresh meat as readily as mouth), anyone bitten will suffer
they consume carrion, dung or offal. They 1d4+1+strength adjustment damage and
attack with their two 14 feet long ridged 90% likelihood of contracting typhus.
tentacles, which either smash an opponent Otyughs' bite attacks gain a +2 bonus to the
or grapple it. They are exceptionally strong, attack roll when biting grappled opponents.
able to snatch warriors and throw them away Both types of gulguthra are disease-ridden
like rag dolls. When the creature is attacking, and they are immune or at least highly
its tentacles erupt from the concealing pile of resistant to these diseases. DM option: other
offal and slap victims with strength 18 for diseases, however, like mummy rot are
purposes of matching the creature’s grip or normally contracted, and have normal effect.
the force of its thrust against the strength of
an opponent. A tentacle does 1d8+Strength Otyughs and neo-otyughs live in ruins and
damage on a slap that hits its target within dungeons, but can also be found in
range. Grappled opponents suffer 2d2 points offal/dung heaps or middens (castle dung
of damage per round, until the hold is dump spots). They are mostly solitary, but
broken. The otyugh can lift a grasped may exist in symbiosis with another (often
opponent and hurl the victim into a pit or more dangerous or energetic) creature, such
against a wall at a distance of 30 feet – 5 feet as a doppelganger, ettin, will-o-wisp, or even
for each 500 cn of encumbrance the a beholder. They make deals with other
opponent weighs (in total). dungeon denizens, agreeing not to attack
them in exchange for their dung and body
Otyughs smash grappled opponents to the wastes, which they then devour. Such
ground, while the more intelligent neo- creatures serve to guard treasure, which they
always conceal at the very bottom of their
offal pile, hidden from view beneath the
26 Ottyughs a nd N e o - Otyugh a re a d j us te d to
B ECM I D &D a nd e xpa nd e d fro m AD &D 2 e
otyugh itself. Encountering an otyugh is bad
s o urc e s . U s e the s e s o urc e s fo r m o re enough - but if you do so, be sure to look
info rm a tio n. around for another even more fearsome foe!!


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

Every gulguthra is bisexual (hermaphrodite). month, with one offspring produced. It takes
Most gulguthra live alone, however, during the newborn four months to mature
mating season once every seven winters, they (immature gulguthra have 3-5 HD, damage 1-
produce a jellylike “eggmas” and travel 6 / 1-6 / 1-2, and a Strength of 16 is required
underground (in a slow and patient manner) to break free of their grasp). Otyughs are so
by instinct and memory until they reach disgusting that no alchemist or wizard would
others of their kind. Then they regurgitate want to touch their components, so the
the jelly-like “eggmas” from a secondary corpses of the gulguthra have no known use
stomach and wanders off. In some manner, or value. The statistics for Neo-otyugh young
not yet understood, another gulguthra can are equal to the normal otyugh and the
fertilise any “eggmas” (except its own) by young together. They gain 1 HD each month,
taking it briefly in its mouth, or perhaps until adulthood.They can live up to 24 years,
exposing it to some (as yet) unknown often dying just after their 4th mating period.
internal organ, and expelling it again. An Otyugh have Low senses (see table under
“eggmas” that is fertilised, if left Crowrse).
undisrupted, will develop in one week’s time
into a miniature version of the parent that
produced the “eggmas”. Otyugh and neo- Crowrse
otyugh can’t breed interspecies, so “eggmas”
will always spawn its parents race. This
newborn creature is driven by an instinctual
urge to find warmth and food, and will One of the most typical herd animals of the
wander off to seek its own fortune, returning western herd are the crowrse; a crossbreed
to its birthplace several years later. They (magically created in the era of Blackmoor)
often follow the offal tracks of one of their between a crow and a griffon. The crowrse
parents in the beginning, but soon track off are large predators living in wilderness areas
in another direction (often after they have and are only found on the continent of Brun.
found enough food - then they seem to Male crowrse are distinguished by their
forget their parents). The legend is that they larger size and a distinctive mane of hairs and
mate in mass gatherings with others of their feathers around their neck and chest; females
kind, who have made the same journey, in do not. A crowrse is mainly a griffon-like lion
giant bone pits under the earth where the (without wings) with a large crow head and
remains of thousands of ancient creatures lie. beak. They have strong claws in front which
This false rumour was undoubtedly created are about a foot wide. Males tend to be 6-8’
after a misinterpretation of several otyugh tall, and 12-15’ long; females are 5-6’ and 8-
attracted to such a pit, feasting on it and then 12’ long. Their colours are mostly black or
moving away. dark brown, but blueish black and white also
exist, and are the most beautiful.27 In total,
Otyughs and neo-otyughs live underground
in heaps of offal and refuse. They hate bright 27 M inia ture s o f Wa rha m m e r s e e m the b e s t
sunlight, preferring the comfortable darkness s o urc e fo r a pic ture o f the s e c re a ture s , b ut
of dungeons. They mate each year for one the c o l o urs wil l b e m o s tl y b l a c k , s e e this
il l us tra tio n o r this o ne fo r e xa m pl e


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

about 2500 of these creatures

accompany the Western Great Herd.
They are carnivorous and do not
refrain from attacking strayed animals
or scavenge the fallen animals.


Both male and female lions are fierce

fighters. Crowrse hunt in prides. They
are cautious, normally only attacking
their natural prey, herd beasts. They
will avoid fights with humans and
demihumans unless forced by extreme
hunger or when trapped with no
escape route. Despite their shyness,
they are very inquisitive and may
follow a party out of curiosity. They
will always chase a fleeing prey, if they
determine it is within their reach with
the lowest risk of sustaining danger.
They generally avoid combat except
when hunting for food or in self-
defense. Since their senses are so
keen, crowrse can only be surprised
on a 1 on 1d20.

Crowrse have mainly griffon statistics,

but cannot fly as they have no wings,
not even vestigial ones. Even if
magically given wings, they will never
desire to fly or even climb. Their
walking speed is that of a mule, but
they can leap as far as 30 (+1/St
adjustment) feet and make a
Leaping/Dropping attack..

Males have an AV of 1 to non-piercing

weapons and an AC of 3 in their
forequarters (due the heavy mane) and
AC4 elsewhere, while females are
Armor Class 4 in all areas. If a crowrse


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

hits with both forepaws, it can rake with its terms, a critical hit28 on a bite attack means
rear claws doing 2-7 points damage each. All that the animal has gotten a chokehold on
crowrse have a Move Silent of 75%, a Hiding the victim’s neck, inflicting automatic
of 50%, a Hear Noise bonus of 35%, and maximum bite damage each round the
Infravision of 90’, and Darkvision. Their chokehold is maintained. This tactic can’t be
senses are High. used against characters with full helms, plate
mail, plate armor; or similar protections, as
Biting bonus: Many animals have a claw/ the neck is too well protected.
claw/bite attack routine. Roll the claw attacks
first. If both are successful, the bite attack
gains a +2 to hit with its other attack forms.
In real life, claw attacks serve to give a secure Habitat
grip for the bite.
Crowrse generally live in temperate climates
Leaping/Dropping: Many predators attack and thrive in savannah and brush lands near
their prey from ambush, closing the distance hills. Crowrse prefer temperate climates,
by dropping on the prey from above or thriving along forest edges, grasslands and
leaping. The impact of a heavy animal on an swamps. They live and hunt in prides, and
upright animal or human frame is great. If are extremely territorial. A pride usually
the animal hits with both claws or makes a consists of 1-3 males and 1-10 females.
critical hit, the victim is knocked prone and Crowrse frequently kill animals the size of
must save vs. paralyzation or be stunned for bison, buffallo, or even mastodont. Crowrse
1d3 rounds.
28 A c ritic a l hit a c c o rd ing the Arm o r Va l ue
Strangling: Many predatory mammals do rul e s (pre s e nte d in TS R 1 0 3 7 “ Da wn o f t h e
not kill by mauling their prey to death. Em p e r o r s” B o xe d S e t) a re 1 8 (m a xim um
ro l l e d d a m a ge re d uc e d b y AV), 1 9 ,
Instead, they instinctively try to get a choking (m a xim um ro l l e d d a m a ge no t re d uc e d b y
hold on the victim’s neck, shutting down the AV), 2 0 (d o ub l e ro l l e d m a xim um no t re d uc e d
air, blood, and nerve pathways. In game b y AV). Ad j us tm e nts o f S tre ngth m a gic a re
a d d e d to the s e re s ul ts .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Creatures of Western Brun

will cooperate when hunting, driving their meat and other parts of their bodies, and
prey into an ambush. They have been known lose 25% of their number yearly to humanoid
to attack domestic livestock, and do attack hunters. Their intelligence is better than that
humanoids, but will almost never attack men. of a common dog, but they are very
Crowrse never go deeply into caves and stubborn. The only thing they can be trained
usually remember a quick escape route to to do, if domesticated by humanoids, is
the outdoors, but they may nest in pulling carts and wagons. Humanoid
overhanging caves or old excavations. Being merchants of Central Brun rarely use any
oviparous, they nest in the south until their other draft animal than a crowrse.
eggs hatch. They nest for 2 weeks, hatch
2+1d3 eggs each year, and live The name crowrse is actually a humanoid
approximately 40 years. There is a 25% name, and seems to be a mixture of “crow”
chance that any crowrse's lair (often an area and “horse”, but in fact means “crying
in or under a tree) will contain 1d10 cubs worse’, after the lament these animals do
which are 30%-60% grown. Cubs are unable when losing a mate.
to fight, and are grown to adult size in 3
years. Crowrse will fiercely defend their lairs Main Predator: Dragon. Main Prey: Animal
(+2 to morale) or young (+4 to morale) Herd
against intruders.

Crowrse are loyal to their mates and SOURCES OF MATERIAL

offspring for life, and have a sense of USED
extended family feeling . They have a clear
self image (recognize their mirror reflection
as being themselves), and know grief about D&D Rules Cyclopedia,
lost ones, as humans do (and crows, raven, Dragon Magazines issues #92 and #132,
magpie in the real world too). AD&D2e Monster Manual,
TSR2501 AD&D2e Mystara Monstrous
Ecology Compendium,
TSR91273 AC9: D&D Creature Catalogue,
Although they do not collect treasure for its TSR9438 DMR2: D&D Creature Catalog,
own sake, their lairs may contain money, TSR9069 X5: “Temple of Death”,
gems, jewelry and even small magical items TSR9154 CM5: “Mystery of the Snow
carried into the lairs with the bodies of their Pearls”,
humanoid victims. Crowrse are poor Wikipedia
climbers and dislike swimming. Crowrse
flourish only when the supply of game is
Their size and strength have made them a
favorite target of human hunters. These
creatures are favoured by the humanoids for


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Southwestern Arm of the Immortals

A mini-gazetteer by Atila Pires dos Santos

This brief article presents some of the lasting influence of the Lawful Brotherhood
southern neighbors of Gombar and Suma'a, in this land. Noxor has the most powerful
kingdoms and peoples native to the army in the area, but still fear their Zulbe and
southwestern part of the Arm of the Dutse neighbors and their religion, the
Immortals. Asman faith.


Noxor (Kingdom of):

● Ruler: Negus (king) Tewodros Dengel III
● Important Cities: Noxum (capital),
Gasilides, Gambor, Dardawasa, Sawosa
● Races: Majority of Tanagoro humans
(Abebi ethnic group), many tanagogres,
some faenare
● Languages: Abe'ez (related to Harshen
and Churan/Mebrir/Yivj from
● Religion: Noxumite Church
● Coinage: Birr (silver coin), Amole Tchew
Woraf (Kingdom of):
(salt block, worth 1 copper coin); the ● Ruler: Buurba (king) Amadu Tyukuli
foreign coin Cedi/Kudi (gold coin) is ● Important Cities: Wokrur (capital),
accepted at face value. Mbikele, Kisal (ruins)
● Races: Majority of Tanagoro humans
The Kingdom of Noxor (Mangesta Noxor'ya (Woraf ethnic group in Wokrur, Keler in
in Abe'ez) is, perhaps, the most familiar land Mbikele), some tanagogres, some
in the region to someone native to the Tanagoro half-elves, orcs around the
Savage Coast or the Known World, due to the ruins of Kisal


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Southwestern Arm of the Immortals

● Languages: Woraf and Keler (related to ● Religion: Asman Faith

each other and Zular) ● Coinage: Kudi (gold coin), Tsabar (silver
● Religion: Asman Faith (Woraf), Kooh [Ka coin)
the Preserver] (Keler)
● Coinage: Kudi (gold coin), Tsabar (silver
coin) Dutse Kingdoms:

Once a powerful empire, the Kingdom of ● Ruler: Each has its own Sarki (king) or
Woraf was reduced to its current state almost Sarauniya (queen)
a millennium ago, when it lost control over ● Important Cities: Kobir, Garia, Datsiram,
the Zulbe and Dutse lands. The Woraf still Raura, Bano (each capital of kingdom
dream of unifying the faithful of the Asman with the same name)
under its banner, but its main concern ● Races: Majority of Tanagoro humans
remains the Kisal orcs. Many times the Woraf (Dutse ethnic group), some tanagogres,
reclaimed the sacred ruins of Kisal, and many some Tanagoro half-elves
times the orcs took it back from their hands ● Languages: Harshen (related to Abe'ez
and threatened their strongholds of Workur and Churan/Mebrir/Yivj from
and Mbikele. Yezchamenid)
● Religion: Asman Faith
Now, the Woraf might have to deal with ● Coinage: Kudi (gold coin), Tsabar (silver
more than just orcs: Verdan sailors are coin)
curious about their ruins, which they call
Guissau. They might claim them in the future The Zulbe and the
as one feitoria (outpost), unaware of Woraf Dutse people might
intentions. Will the Woraf be willing to share be divided into eight
Kisal/Guissau with the Verdans? small kingdoms, but
they are unified in
one single goal:
spread the Asman
Zulbe Kingdoms: faith. Usually they do
this through words
● Ruler: Shehu (elder) Diallo Sangari of and examples, but
Zuta Kosoto; Lamido (leader) Sow Buhari they are not against
of Zuta Mooro; Lamido (leader) Wane spreading it through
Nolloh of Zuta Nollon war as well.
● Important Cities: Kosoto (capital of Zuta
Both are famed for their warriors. For now,
Kosoto), Mooro (capital of Zuta Mooro)
as they are divided, this means mercenaries
and Nollon (capital of Zuta Nollon)
for the Sawabar Coast, Izonda and
● Races: Majority of Tanagoro humans
Yezchamenid; should they ever unite, they
(Zulbe ethnic group), many tanagogres
would be a force to be reckoned with, and
● Languages: Zular (related to Woraf and
Noxor's worst nightmare.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Southwestern Arm of the Immortals

Even after achieving independence, they still

keep this trading tradition alive. All the seven
city-states work as harbors for the inland
states, including the Zulbe (Mzibar), Kumina
(Folasa), and the five Dutse kingdoms (all the
others). These cities rely on Zulbe and Dutse
mercenaries to protect themselves from any
threats, originally from Gombar, currently
from pirates and from themselves. Perhaps
the greatest threat to their independence
(especially the southernmost city of Folasa)
is the rising kingdom of Bedon.

Kumina (Kingdom of):

● Ruler: Hemmea (queen) Yaa Nana

● Important Cities: Kumina (capital),
Denoman, Bonkyira
Sawabar Coast ● Races: Majority of Tanagoro half-elves
(City-States of the): ● Languages: Atwante and Ewon (related to
Bedoni, Ire and Oioba)
● Ruler: Each has its own Mfalme (king), ● Religion: Anansi (Korotiku), Aso (Arachne
some ruled by an oligarchy called Prime), Asase Yaa (Terra), others
Waungwana ● Coinage: Cedi (shell, worth 1 gold coin),
● Important Cities: Sawabar, Folasa, Mzibar, Pesewa (iron coin, worth 1 silver coin)
Tanj, Patindi, Zilwadishu, Dares (all city-
states) This matriarchal society emerged in an area
● Races: Majority of Tanagoro humans both blessed and cursed by the Immortals: it
(multiple ethnic groups) and tanagogres has the richest mines yet found in the whole
(descendents of Gombar and Suma'a) Arm of the Immortals. Gold, silver, copper,
● Languages: Ki'anan (same language as in and jewels are quite common here, to the
Gombar and Suma'a, related to Yavi) point that they are useless as money; for
● Religion: Asman Faith, including Karimci currency, they rather use rare objects, like
and Jayaya faces (originally same as in shells imported from the Sawabar Coast (the
Gombar and Suma'a, including Sumag "money cowry") and iron coins. Iron is
(Terra) and Macroblan) actually quite rare here, and most of it must
● Coinage: Pesawa (electrum coin), Cedi be imported from other lands, usually from
(gold coin), Safaru (silver coin) the Dutse lands. This is necessary for forging
weapons for the army (which includes local
These seven city-states were once Suma'a and men and women; foreign mercenaries will be
Gombar's first colonies and trading outposts. hired only in the worst case scenario).


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Southwestern Arm of the Immortals

Kumina exports not only precious metals and

jewels, but also the finest fabric in the region,
called Kente cloth. Clothes made out of it are
quite common among the richest in Bedon,
the Sawabar Coast, Gombar and Suma'a
(Noxor shuns it, however). Legends tell that
the Immortal Anansi (Korotiku) taught the
Atwante people how to weave it from his
webs. Most of the Kente are colorful and
have square patterns, but a few, used by
Atwante nobility, have web-shaped patterns
and are black and white. This people are
reverent to spiders in general and actually
use giant spiders as mounts. This attracted
the attention of Arachne Prime, but she is
still a minor presence in the local religion.

Bedon (Empire of):

governors and soldiers of the empire, while
● Ruler: Oba (emperor) Ore-Ohuan II the Ulo (especially those from Osimiri) are
● Important Cities: Bedon (capital), Giafra, the merchants, worthy rivals to the neighbors
Ulo, Ugwu, Osimiri of the Sawabar Coast. A century ago, the Ulo
● Races: Majority of Tanagoro humans were independent people of allied city-states,
(Bedoni and Ulo ethnic groups), many the Afra Confederacy, but they're not bitter
Tanagoro half-elves for their defeat, as they found ways to
● Languages: Bedoni and Ire (related to prosper in this new condition.
Atwante, Ewon and Oioba)
● Religion: Many different pantheons, with Bedoni legions are now marching north,
Korotiku and Calitha Starbrow usually as either aiming for Kumina or Folasa. It won't
main Immortals take long for Bedon reveal its next target.
● Coinage: Cedi (gold coin), Ego (silver coin)

Bedon could be called the "Thyatis of the

West" or the "Tropical Thyatis", since it has a
lot in common with the imperial city: thick
walls, organized legions with long shields
and short swords protecting it, and a very
practical people living in, and ruling it. The
Bedoni and Ulo peoples are known for being
practical, bending or changing tradition in
the name of efficiency. The Bedoni are the


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Southwestern Arm of the Immortals

(Cartography by Leandro Abrahão)


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Southwestern Arm of the Immortals

BRIEF TIMELINE: Hard-pressed by nearby orcs, most of the

Tanagoro of the five city-states follow
Mulogo, but a few stay behind. They are
c. 1700 BC: eventually defeated by the orcs, and are
pushed either farther north or underground.
Tanagoro colonists arrive at the western side Those who went north eventually crossed
of the Arm of the Immortals. The new settlers the Yalu Bay and settled the lands west of
are welcomed and are promptly integrated Cay; they are the ancestors of the Oiobá
into the Churan society. They learn the Proto- people of the Yalu Bay. The other group
Churan language, which is the basis for the split, some going straight west, others going
modern Churan, Mebrir and Yivj languages straight south; the former are the ancestors
of the modern Yezchamenid Empire, and of the Sawabar, the latter the ancestors of the
also the ancestor of the Abe'ez and and Bedoni, Ire and Atwante.
Harshen languages.
The city-state of Kisal falls to the orcs before
Mulogo comes to rescue his people. The
c. 1500 BC: survivors go west, to one of the few valley
areas that cross the Arm of the Immortals.
Growing tensions within the Churan Empire There they find a more defensible land and
result in groups of Tanagoro and mixed are able to resist the orc attacks. Eventually
Tanagoro/Oltec (Pitchan) leaving the region. they meet the Abebi and Dutse, and with
They settle the region south of the gyerian their help, rebuild their civilization. They will
lands, founding a few city-states. These are eventually become the Woraf, Keler and Zulbe.
the ancestors of the Abebi and Dutse. Those
who stay in the Churan Empire (the Mebris) c. 300 BC:
eventually revolt.
Tanagogres arrive at the Arm of the
c. 500 BC: Immortals and begin to colonise it. They
bring the Proto-Sawabar under their banner
Yav, known as Mulogo, convinces the and buy gyerian lands. Eventually, they found
Tanagoro people of the Serpent Peninsula to the kingdoms of Suma'a and Gombar. These
sail across the Western Sea and settle on the kingdoms are able to overtake much of the
Immortal's Arm (eastern coast). They do not trade routes abandoned by the disorganised
interact with the western Tanagoro city-states. Kanastenid Empire.

c. 400 BC: To the south, the Abebi-Dutse and Woraf-

Keler-Zulbe states eventually merge, forming
The prophet Mulogo reappears and leads the the Woraf Empire.
People of Yav from the Immortal's Arm back
to Thanegia Island.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Southwestern Arm of the Immortals

c. 150 BC: Noxumite Zaranasterism, turning it into a

syncretic hybrid.
Gombar and Suma'a slowly begin to colonise
the region south of the Woraf Empire known c. 300 - 400 AC:
as the Sawabar Coast.
The Noxumite version of the Zaranasterism
Growing tensions within the Woraf Empire, found its way into the Dutse kingdoms,
due to trading issues between the Empire slowly becoming popular there as well.
and Gombar and Suma'a, result in open
revolt. The Abebi and Dutse claim their c. 450 AC:
independence once more. Mercenaries from
the fragmented Kanastenid Empire to the The city of Raura becomes the centre of a
north (especially Churan and Midan religious revolution. One Zaranasterist priest
warriors) arrive to support the revolt. These called Asman publicly denounces the
mercenaries become heroes and their excesses of other local priests. He also
religion, the Zaranasterism, become popular denounces Zaranasterist "monotheism" as a
among the Abebi and Dutse. In the end, the lie. He is forced to flee Raura, seeking refuge
Woraf Empire is defeated and thirteen in the city of Kosoto. There, he meets an
kingdoms are founded: the five Abebi injured Enduk, whom the Zulbe were caring
kingdoms (Noxum, Gasilides, Gambor, for, and learns more about the origins of
Dardawasa, and Sawosa), the five Dutse Zaranasterism. He then creates a new version
kingdoms (Datsiram, Bano, Kobir, Garia, and of Zaranasterism, closer to the Enduk faith.
Raura) and the three small Zulbe states (Zuta This new religion (given the name of his
Mooro, Zuta Kosoto, and Zuta Nollon). creator, Asman, after his disappearance)
quickly becomes popular among the Zulbe.
c.250 - 300 AC: When the priest Asman returns to Raura with
a Zulbe army, the new religion starts to
Noxum conquers its Abebi neighbors, one by spread in Dutse lands as well.
one, eventually creating the Abebi-unified
kingdom of Noxor.

c. 300 AC:

An Abebi princess named Kebra makes a

pilgrimage to the holy sites of Zaranasterism.
Eventually, she learns about the Lawful
Brotherhood and travels to one of its
outposts. When she returns to Noxor, she
brings with her ten LB priests and a chest
that bears one relic of Ixion. Over the next
few decades, these priests will influence the


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Southwestern Arm of the Immortals

c. 450 - 600 AC:

Zulbe and Dutse conquests in the region

help to spread the Asman faith and its official
language, Harshen. Noxor forbids this new
faith within its borders, but it gains many
followers among the Woraf (but not the Keler).

c. 700 AC:

The seven Sawabar colonies (Sawabar,

Folasa, Mzibar, Patindi, Zilwadishu, Tanj, and
Dares), now all under Gombarian rule,
revolt. They hire mercenaries from inland
(especially Zulbe, but also Dutse) to help
their cause. Eventually, the colonies become
independent of Gombar, but the mercenaries
replace Gombarians as the masters of these
cities. The Asman faith spreads into this
c. 800 - 1000 AC:

Through the Sawabar Coast, the Asman faith

Church of Noxor:
reaches Davania, going as far as Izonda. It
also reaches the Yezchamenid Empire in the
north, but it is still a minority faith there.
The Church of Noxor is one of the two
c. 900 - 1000 AC: descendants of the Zaranasterism from
Yezchamenid in this region (the other is the
The militaristic city of Bedon, close to the Asman faith). Like Zaranasterism, its main
southern end of the Arm of the Immortals, Immortal is Ixion (called Tsehaye in Noxor).
defeat the rival Afra Confederacy and, using It began to deviate from Zaranasterism c.
its superior weapons and tactics, the latter 300 AC, when an Abebi princess named
akin to those used by Thyatian legions. They Kebra made a pilgrimage to the holy sites of
also begin to build large fortifications. the Zaranasterism and returned home with
ten Lawful Brotherhood priests and a chest
1004 - 1009 AC: containing a holy relic of Ixion. From that
point on, it began to include other lawful
Wrath of the Immortals. Followers of Ixion Immortals, especially those recognised by the
and Valerias fight followers of Vanya, even Lawful Brotherhood, including Vanya
within the Noxumite Church and the Asman (Danya), Tarastia (Fitihi), Thor (Atekalayi),
faith. and Odin (Semayi; who was already part of


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Southwestern Arm of the Immortals

Asman Faith:

The Asman faith is another reinterpretation

of Zaranasterism, and is actually an answer to
the Noxumite Church and its perceived
"polytheisation" of the Zaranasterism. It
began with a Dutse Zaranasterist priest of
Raura called Asman, who was appalled by
other Dutse who accepted the Noxumite
Church. He responded by debating with
other priests, both Zaranasterist and
Noxumites, and came to the conclusion that
both faiths actually followed more than one
Immortal. When he began to gather followers
in Raura, the city leaders began to see him as
Zaranasterism). Despite this, it still bears the more than just a nuisance and he had to flee,
same core message of Zaranasterism (which seeking refuge in the neighboring city of
is similar to the LB) of free will, and rewards Kosoto.
for the righteous in the afterlife
There, closer to the mountains, he met an
injured Enduk whom the Zulbe had found
while patrolling the outskirts of the city; he
was being kept under their care until he was
strong enough to return to Eshu. Asman took
this chance to learn more about the origins
of Zaranasterism. Based on what he learned,
he created a new version of Zaranasterism,
closer to the Enduk faith. He wrote this new
faith in a book called the Kalmomi ("words"
in Harshen).

Asman emphasised that there is only one

Immortal worth worshipping - Ixion (called
Idah by him, another form of the Enduk
word Idu and the Dars word Mizara-Idan).
He rejected the concept of the two
independent spirits, Spenta Mainyu and
Angra Mainyu, but argued that Idah had two
different faces or humours: Generosity
(Karimci) and Strife (Jayaya), which means
that he would be generous to the righteous


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

The Southwestern Arm of the Immortals

but would fight the unjust. Also, the Enduks It is interesting to note that, outside the
and Shedu were angels of Ixion, and should Zulbe and Dutse regions, the Asman faith
be helped in their return to Nimmur. The gained a polytheistic bent, much like
faithful should pray five times a day, Zaranasterism. It's not rare to find priests of
according to the position of the sun in the Karimci face or the Jayaya face at the Sawabar
sky, and these prayers should be made Coast or Izonda. In the latter case, Ekara
towards Eshu (actually, towards Ganiya na N'iombo, the current ruler, is actually a priest
Rana, “the Peak of the Sun”, south of Eshu). of Karimci. Almost always Karimci is another
name for Valerias; Jayaya, on the other hand,
The Zulbe enjoyed this simplified version of can be used by different Immortals in
Zaranasterism, and were interested in different regions, but usually Vanya or Hel
conquering and dominating Raura (under (and neither in Izonda, each having its own
the guise of returning Asman to his original independent church there).
home). They were successful in doing this,
and unifying, briefly, the Zulbe and the It is unknown what happened to Asman,
Dutse. The union didn't last, but the new except that he vanished some time after the
faith spread among those peoples. Even if brief unification of the Dutse and Zulbe. The
the firist (priests) of the Asman faith couldn't faithful claim he went to Eshu and met
avoid the fragmentation of the empire, at Gildesh. Asman then rode on Gildesh and
least they were successful in reminding were taken to Ixion.
followers of the importance of Jayaya (strife),
and bring the faith outside the region,
beginning with the Sawabar Coast and the
Woraf Kingdom.

Real World Equivalents:

Arm of the Immortals Real World

Izonda Sahelian empires (Mali, Songhay, Kanem-Bornu)
Gombar, Suma'a, Sawabar Coast Swahili Coast, a little bit from Akan/Ashanti
Kumina Akan/Ashanti and Dahomey amazons, a little bit from
Zimbabwe, a little bit from fantasy Drow
Zulbe Islamic Fulbe/Fulani
Dutse Islamic Hausa
Woraf and Keler Wolof and Serer
Kisal Guinea Bissau, but in ruins
Noxor Ethiopia
Bedon Edo-Bini
Ulo (Afra Confederacy) Igbo (Aro Confederacy)


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

Adventure Path

Part I - Journey North

by John Calvin

setting in general, and to the Shimmering
The Engdyr’s Game Adventure Path will take Lands and its inhabitants specifically. Players
PCs on a journey through the Shimmering will start on the plains of the northern
Lands and introduce them to the bizarre and province of Kargthyne, but from there they
fantastic technomagical world of the will be sent across the Shimmering Lands.
Moadreg dwarves, last inheritors of ancient During their journeys the PCs will be
Blackmoor. They will contend with the mad introduced to all facets of life in the
dwarven elder, Engdyr Heldfyst, and his plot Shimmering Lands, from the fiery forges of
to silence all living things within his domain. the Yardrak dwarves in Himmevand to the
However, even as Engdyr attempts to remove gnomish controlled hills of Qivar. As their
the hateful living creatures around him, a careers advance, PCs may have the
new form of life may be stirring… one opportunity to gain dominions of their own
created by accident by the mad dwarf himself. within the dwarven lands, meeting the
movers and shakers of the Elder Conclave
This adventure path is intended to introduce and even possibly determining the fate of the
DMs and Players to the Mystara 2300 BC dwarven nation on Brun.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

Articles comprising this adventure path will OVERVIEW

attempt to provide much of the information
required to run a campaign in these lands,
however it will be impossible to cover all As winter approaches, the PCs make their
aspects of game play and the source material. way to the northern gatherhold1 of Kairhyeld.
Additional references can be found in the Forces are gathering in the northern
following sources: province of Karghthyne spurred by
● Mystara 2300 BC Campaign Setting innumerable rumors in the region. Some
Overview grumble that the beastmen of Urzud have
● GazBC 1, The Shimmering Lands DM's encroached too far east, while others muse
Guide that the giants of Grondheim may be
● GazBC 1, The Shimmering Lands preparing a major offensive. Merchants and
Player's Guide mercenaries alike are flocking to the
● Map of the Shimmering Lands gatherhold, eager to find some fortune to
● Mystara 2300 BC Forum at The Piazza win. With all the activity in the area, only
one thing is certain - things are happening in
Karghthyne, and no one wants to be left out
Design Notes: Part I of the Engdyr’s of the action!
Game Adventure Path, is designed to
introduce PCs to the Mystara 2300 BC PCs must make their way through the wilds
setting and the borderlands of the of the northern Shimmering Lands to the
Shimmering Lands. At the same time it stronghold of Kairhyeld, where they will
can also be used to showcase the lifestyle become embroiled in the plots and schemes
of the Moadreg (one of solitude, of Ryndis Heldfist, and her brother Engdyr.
reflection, and study), and some of their They will find a base of operations within
staunchest enemies including Grondheim, Kairhyeld from which they can draw
extra planar entities, and even the dwarves supplies, meet contacts, and interact with the
themselves. important organizations of the region.

The newly liberated ruins of Layhash may From Kairhyeld, the PCs will once again
lead PCs to new and exciting discoveries, journey into the wilds, this time to explore
revealing ancient weapon caches and the mysterious ruins of Lahash.
unthought of magical equipment. Once
cleared the estate may be used as a base of
operations by the PCs and may eventually
be an available dominion.
At its heart, this is a wilderness exploration
1 A “ ga the rho l d ” is a c o m m unity in the
adventure, where the PCs can have some S him m e ring L a nd s , us ua l l y fo rtifie d , whe re
real skin in the game, and a real m o re tha n o ne d wa rve n fa m il y o r c l a n ha s
opportunity to break into the political c o m e to ge the r fo r m utua l d e fe ns e . The
arena of the Shimmering Lands. l a rge s t ga the rho l d s in the S him m e ring L a nd s
ha ve gro wn into wha t m o s t wo ul d c a l l ful l
fl e d ge d c itie s .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

ACT I - LEAVING Plot Hooks

DEMHYELD Why the PCs are traveling to Kairhyeld is left
up to the DM, however several possible
Most of the Shimmering Lands are wild and reasons are presented below:
untamed, dotted by random oases of
civilization throughout the realm. The few Making their Fortune
cities are located mostly along the coasts and
populated mostly by gnomes and the While many dwarves in the Shimmering
disenfranchised, while the dwarven elders Lands would prefer to spend their time in
prefer to maintain residences on isolated solitary studies, the active pursuit of such a
estates in the wilderness. Journeying lifestyle requires vast amounts of gold and
through these lands can always be resources. While few dwarves ever achieve
dangerous, however there is a commonly the title of Elder and acquire an estate of
traveled path from Demhyeld along the their own to manage, most strive for such
eastern shores to Kairhyeld in the north. accomplishments. The northern realm of
Karghthyne is still seen as a land of
opportunity by many in the Shimmering
Design Notes: The first Act in the Lands - a place where one can make one’s
adventure is designed to introduce the PCs fortune and find a quiet piece of land to
to the Mystara 2300 BC setting, the settle down on afterward.
Shimmering Lands, and dwarven culture.
They will experience the northern wilds, Pursuing a Foe
and will be able to interact with other
travelers in order to get a sense about what The northern wilds are a common
kind of world they are adventuring in. destination for people who are looking to


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

escape their problems and start their lives be found in the north, and many enterprising
over. If the PCs have a vendetta against dwarves are determined to prove them true.
anyone, it is possible that they fled to Some say that a lightning bridge lies in the
Karghthyne (and perhaps even beyond) in depths of Hrokyrdran, or that one of the lost
order to avoid the PC’s wrath. Perhaps they earthshakers4 is hidden just under the
stole something that the PCs need or desire. permafrost of the northern plains. Though
Perhaps the PCs are on the trail of someone none of these rumors have proven to be true,
who hurt their family or friends. the PCs may want to conduct their own
Discovering their Heritage

It is known far and wide in the Shimmering Karghthyne Province

Lands, that the lone mountain, Hrokyrdran2,
was once an outpost of Blackmoor not more Karghthyne is one of the younger provinces
than 700 years ago. For many this site in the Shimmering Lands, established by
represents a connection to that lost heritage, Dranwyrf nearly a decade after the founding
but for shades3 who have recently emerged of the nation as homesteading territory for
from the Gate of Light the connection is even the dwarven clans arriving from Skothar.
stronger. A large community of shades has Felwig dwarves dominate these lands, and
gathered around the mountain, and there have served as the first line of defense against
they attempt to understand their existence Antalians and giants of the north.
and to reclaim a heritage that was lost to
them in the Great Rain of Fire. Ecology

Searching for Magic The windblown tundra of the northwestern

Shimmering Lands stretches from the tree
Rumors abound of the vast magical treasure line bordering Demehvand past the lone
troves from ancient Blackmoor that can still mountain of Hrokyrdran. Grasses and sedges
dominate, with small shrubs dotting the
landscape closer to the tree line. The ground
2 Hro k yrd ra n l ite ra l l y m e a ns “ d a nge ro us
m o unta in” in o l d d wa rvis h, a nd wil l o ne d a y freezes during winter months, especially in
b e c o m e the Wo rl d M o unta in in Ethe nga r. In the northern territory. The forested
the m o d e rn d wa rve n to ngue the na m e wo ul d highlands of the south support a myriad of
b e tra ns l a te d a s Hro k a rd e n. S e e G AZ 6 : “ T h e wildlife including rabbits, deer, lynx, foxes,
Dwa r v e s o f R o c k h o m e ” fo r m o re info rm a tio n and other small predators. Herds of caribou
o n the d wa rve n to ngue .
3 S ha d e s a re inc o rpo re a l s pirits tha t roam the northern tundra, along with packs
e m e rge d fro m the G a te o f L ight in B C 2 3 1 9 , of wolves and the occasional saber-toothed
a nd a re re l a tive ne wc o m e rs to the cat. Extreme winters sometimes bring
S him m e ring L a nd s . The m o s t c o m m o n remorhaz5 and even small troops of yeti.
the o ry is tha t the y a re the s pirits o f
B l a c k m o o ria ns who we re tra ns fo rm e d b y the 4 S e e the m o d ul e CM 4 : “ Ea r t h sh a k e r ! ” fo r
G re a t R a in o f F ire . S ha d e c ha ra c te rs c a n b e m o re info rm a tio n.
pl a ye d a s “ gho s ts ” fro m the Gh o st wa lk 5 A re m o rha z is a l a rge m a gic a l b e a s t tha t

Ca m p a ig n Se t t in g . b urro ws b e ne a th the s no w a nd ic e wa iting


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North


Few natural resources have been discovered

in the wilds of Karghthyne, though the
Felwig dwarves who live there are
industrious. Exotic ore mined from
Hrokyrdran is traded throughout the
Shimmering Lands and used in the forging of
many magical items. Slaves also come
through Karghthyne, as mercenary bands and
Free Companies capture hill giants and
human barbarians from the frozen lands of
the north. Imyrluran Forest is dark and foreboding, and
rumors abound that it is haunted by restless
spirits eager to reclaim from the living what
Imyrluran Trail they have lost in death.

This is the trail from Demhyeld through the Placating the Forest
Imyrluran Forest to the Ford of Meghdul.
Also known as the Lost Forest, or Forgotten Should the PCs choose to follow traditions
Woods, Imyrluran has a reputation for being and placate the forest before beginning their
a place from which no one returns. A few journey, their encounters within it will be
trails do exist through the forest, and greatly reduced. Subtract 1 for each 5 gp
tradition holds that travellers can buy their sacrificed by the party (in total) from all
lives from the woods in return for throwing random encounter rolls. Any number 0 or
in some item of value. below indicates that there is no encounter
for that day.
The rough, and sometimes overgrown trail
makes it a 3 day trek through the forest to No Sacrifices
the Ford of Meghdul, but the party’s journey
will depend upon whether or not they Should the PCs choose to ignore traditions
choose to follow traditions and placate the (or should they make a sacrifice after their
forest. first day of travel), the encounters they face
in the forest will be much greater. Roll on
the random encounter table normally. In
this case, the Haunt Encounter will happen
on the last night of their journey before
leaving the forest (even if they have
encountered haunts before with a random
fo r pre y. It firs t a ppe a re d in Dr a g o n
M a ga z ine #2 , a nd the A D&D M o n st e r
M a n u a l, a nd l a te r a ppe a re d in “ Gla n t r i:
K in g d o m o f M a g ic ” pa ge 2 1 . F o r m o re
info rm a tio n s e e the D 2 0 S R D o r AD &D 2 .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

Leaving the Trail On the first day along the trail a small band
of 1d3 imps leap out of the forest and
It is rumored that once off the established disrupts the campsite. The imps rush in and
pathways, no amount of bargaining can grab one item of value before attempting to
prevent one’s disappearance into the forest. flee back into the forest. The PCs have 2
The PCs may be able to avoid this fate even if rounds to stop them before they are gone
they leave the trails, however dangers off of forever. Should PCs decide to try and track
established pathways increase greatly, and the imps, see the section “Leaving the Trail”
the forest itself seems reluctant for them to above.
leave. Add 5 to each random encounter roll
in the forest. In addition, each morning the 1d3 Imps HD 1, AC 5, hp 3
PCs must perform a successful Survival
Check or be lost in the forest for an
additional 1d3 days before finding their way I2 - Fiendish Screams
back to the path. (See Table 1 for effect of
weather conditions on travel time). Sounds in the forest have never been
pleasant. It is almost as if there were a
constant stream of screams ringing out in
Encounters the distance… sometimes barely
perceptible before drifting closer and then
Roll 2d20 on Table 2 for each day that the back away again. As you listen, you notice
party travels through the forest6. that the screams are steadily becoming
louder. Suddenly they surround you,
In addition to the random encounters listed disembodied and blood curdling cries that
above, the following events will happen at buffet the wind around your campsite.
some point along the trail.
Fiendish screaming interrupts the camp in
I1 - Impish Theft the middle of the night, waking up all PCs
and disrupting their sleep for the day. All
The trail through this portion of the forest those who hear the screaming must save vs
is dense and thick with overgrowth, Paralysis or suffer from severe paranoia for
allowing little light to seep in from the the next 1d4 days. Those suffering from the
canopy above. As you contemplate the paranoia will be unable to get any rest and
oppressive atmosphere surrounding you, will suffer all ill effects from that state
the bushes on one side of the trail begin to (fatigued7 and unable to regain spells).
rustle. Leaves part and branches crack, as
three growling and misshapen forms rush
out from the forest toward you. 7 A fa tigue d c ha ra c te r c a n ne ithe r run no r
c ha rge a nd ta k e s a - 2 pe na l ty to S tre ngth
a nd D e xte rity. D o ing a nything tha t wo ul d
no rm a l l y c a us e fa tigue c a us e s the fa tigue d
6 M o ns te rs ge ne ra te d fo r this , a nd o the r c ha ra c te r to b e c o m e e xha us te d . Afte r 8
ta b l e s c a n b e fo und in the D &D M o ns te r ho urs o f c o m pl e te re s t, fa tigue d c ha ra c te rs
F ind e r o nl ine to o l . a re no l o nge r fa tigue d . (F ro m the 3 E SR D )


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

Table 1: Weather in Imyrluran

Roll Weather Travel Modifier
1 Skies are bright, and rays of sunshine occasionally Normal travel time
penetrate the forest.
2-4 Skies are overcast, and the forest is foggy. +1 day
5-6 Skies are dark, and rain pours down constantly. +2 days

Table 2: Random Encounters Imyrluran

Roll Monster CR Resource
<0 - 10 No Encounter - -
11 - 13 Carcass Eater - Animal <1 LMo
14 - 16 Dire Rat, Fiendish - Magical Beast <1 SRD
17 - 19 Monstrous Spider, Small - Vermin <1 SRD
20 - 22 Raven, Fiendish - Animal <1 SRD
23 - 25 Twig Blight - Plant <1 MM2
26 - 28 Yellow Musk Zombie, Dwarf - Plant <1 SRD
29 Monstrous Spider, Medium - Vermin 1 SRD
30 Skeleton, Wolf - Undead 1 SRD
31 Raggamoffyn: Tatterdemanimal - Construct 1 MM2
32 Krenshar - Magical Beast 1 MM
33 Clockroach - Construct 1 MM4
34 Vasuthaunt - Undead 2 MM3
35 Black Bear - Animal 2 SRD
36 Boar - Animal 2 SRD
37 Boggle - Monstrous Humanoid 2 MM2
38 Felldrake - Dragon 2 MM2
39 Greenspawn Leaper - Dragon 2 MM4
40 Assassin Vine - Plant 3 SRD
41 Hell Hound - Outsider 3 SRD
42 Clockwork Mender Swarm - Construct Swarm 3 MM4
43 Yeth Hound - Outsider 3 SRD
44 1d4+1 Haunting Apparitions (see encounter below) - -
45 Allip - Undead (incorporeal) 3 SRD


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

I3 - Haunting Apparitions apparitions 1d3 rounds to converge on their

target at which point the PC must make a
An ice cold breeze passes over you. save vs Death Ray or suffer a random ability
Shuddering from the chill, you rub your drain of 1 point. After the apparition attacks,
eyes, revealing pale white images it disappears whether it was successful or
surrounding the outskirts of your camp. not. Ability scores will recover at the rate of
Silently they stare at you, for what seems 1 point per day after a full night’s rest and a
like an eternity, and then begin to creep successful Constitution Check.
slowly toward you.
1d2 Apparitions (per PC) HD 1, AC -, hp -
On the last night that the party camps in the
forest, they will be visited by a Haunting
Apparition, hungry spirits lost to the ACT II - MEGHDUL FERRY
depredations of the malignant woods. The
apparition manifests itself as a group of
ghostly white and semi-transparent dwarven Meghdul Ferry Station
warriors standing around the PC’s campsite.
The spirits will continue to stand, glaring at The ferry caravan station is located in the hex
the PCs until one of them takes notice and above the Battle of Meghdul. While most
raises the alarm. At that point the apparition dwarves (and other inhabitants of the
will begin to slowly move toward the party, Shimmering Lands) disdain traveling upon
with one or more of the ghostly dwarves water, it is much easier to transport goods
targeting each member. and supplies by ferry than it is to transport
them overland, and the Meghdul Ferry is the
quickest, and safest, way to transport
supplies and passengers to Kairhyeld from
the eastern Shimmering Lands.

Meghdul Ferry Station sits nestled in the

forest on the southern shores of the Khyrnde
River. It is a small stone structure
surrounded by a stone and wood palisade
with a single bronze reinforced gate. The
ferry guards rotate their duties, with 2 of the
10 guards manning the station while the
others accompany the ferry. The station
serves as a barracks for the guardsmen as
well as a hostel for travelers waiting for the
Individual ghostly members of the apparition ferry. Up to 15 people can bunk here
can be turned and destroyed by a cleric, but comfortable while they wait for the ferry to
otherwise the apparition can not be harmed arrive. Guards allow entry to the station to
in any way. It will take the dwarven any traveler with a satisfactory story and


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

disposition, but will only open the gates Several bands of undead attack the outpost,
during daylight hours. however the overall outcome of the battle
should be based on the accomplishments of
Unbeknownst to the PCs a dark threat is the PCs. If the PCs are successful with their
marshalling from the forest near the Battle of encounter, the ferry station has been
Meghdul8. Restless undead from the successfully defended, however if the PCs
unhallowed battleground have plagued the loose their confrontation then the station is
area for decades, but a recent arrival has overrun.
begun marshalling them into a cohesive
force. For several months the undead have While the guards and other travelers rush to
been gathering, and are now preparing to meet the onslaught, a single band moves
overrun the ferry station. Each night that the towards the PC’s position. The brigand band
PCs stay at the station, there is a 5% consists of one dwarven ghoul and three
cumulative chance that the undead band will dwarven skeletons, all with translucent
attack. spiders attached to their backs or throughout
their innards. Once slain, the spidery
M1 - Undead Brigands remains decompose quickly into green goo
and semi-corporeal cobwebs that disperse in
Several weeks ago aetherial spiders9 found the night breeze.
the battleground of Meghdul and began
animating some of the more intact corpses. Dwarven Ghoul HD 2, AC 6, hp 10
They have built up enough strength to begin
foraging beyond the battleground graveyard. Dwarven Skeletons (3) HD 1, AC 7, hp 4

You can see dark forms shambling across Once the undead are defeated, the PCs have
the open field and toward the Ferry Station time for a short rest before a single giant
compound. As corpses and skeletons long form comes lumbering forward. It is the
deceased stumble and stagger along, you corpse of a recently slain giantkin10 with
can see a faint glow eminating from within another of the translucent spiders attached
their carcesses. Their movements appear to its head.
to be controlled by large ghostly spiders
attached along their spinal columns and Giantkin Zombie HD 3, AC 8, hp 17
10 G ia ntk in (a l s o s o m e tim e s k no wn a s ha l f-
gia nts ) a re the re s ul t o f b re e d ing e xpe rim e nts
b y the S him m e ring L a nd s d wa rve s b e twe e n
8 The M e ghd ul c ho s e to purs ue the ir b l o o d gia nts a nd va rio us o the r (s m a l l e r) s e ntie nt
fe ud a ga ins t the J a rd uhl ra the r tha n s uppo rt c re a ture s . The y we re us e d m o s tl y a s s ho c k
D ra nwyr whe n the na tio n wa s a tta c k e d b y tro o ps a ga ins t the true gia nts e a rl y in the
gia nts in B C 2 4 7 3 . Afte r the gia nts we re his to ry o f the S him m e ring L a nd s , b ut m a ny
d e fe a te d , D ra nwyrf turne d his a rm ie s a ga ins t s til l s e rve a s s l a ve s to e vil d wa rve s . In ga m e
the M e ghd ul , d e s tro ying the m utte rl y a nd s ta ts the y a re e quiva l e nt to o gre s , a l tho ugh
c urs ing the ir re m a ins . true o gre s wo n’ t e m e rge o n M ys ta ra fo r a t
9 S e e e ntry b e l o w fo r Ae the ria l S pid e rs . l e a s t 3 0 0 m o re ye a rs .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

Once the battle is over the PCs may find the Spider Sword
following treasure amongst the corpses.
A short sword with an arachnid motif, the
2d20 + 20 cp, 2d10 + 10 sp, and 1d20 gp Spider Sword is made of strong but nearly
translucent metal, possibly of
1d4 gems, each worth between 5 gp to 10 gp Blackmoorian design. Its hilt and
pommel are crafted in the form of a
An ancient silver necklace worth 75 gp spider with its bottom legs entwining the
pommel, its center legs forming the
The Spider Sword (See Sidebar) guard, and its two front legs merging into
the blade itself.
Ferry Journey Time The Spider Sword functions as a +1 (+2
verses spiders) Ghost Touch sword, and
The ferryman is a disagreeable dwarf by the may have additional powers that are yet to
name of Merigk Dhul. His family has resided be discovered.
in the Meghdul region since before that
gatherhold was razed. Rumors abound that Damage: 1d6 +1 (+2 verses spiders)
the Dhul’s once ruled here, though Merigk Ghost Touch: The sword may be
only ever guffaws at such suggestions. He is handled by incorporeal beings (including
a dour, grizzled old dwarf who’s only shades) as if they were corporeal. In
concern is getting the ferry to Kairhyeld and addition, when wielded it can harm all
back on schedule. incorporeal beings as if they were
Merigk Dhul (NE M Dwarf Fighter 5)

A round trip journey from the Forest of

Meghdul to Kairhyeld, and back again, takes
anywhere from 24 - 31 days to traverse, and Their arrival time can be determined by the
the ferry is expected to make the journey DM, but they will all arrive before the next
once every month. When the PCs arrive at ferry leaves.
the station they will have to wait 2d6 days
before the ferry arrives. The guards can give Perrin Teikar (CN F Shade Rogue 2)
an approximate time-frame, but won’t be
able to pinpoint the actual day of arrival. Years ago Perrin found herself manifested
outside of the Gate of Light in Himnem.
PCs may choose to wait for the ferry, or to Since then she has been determined to
press on by themselves. Should they press discover the secrets of her past. Hearing that
on by themselves, the journey will be much a large population of shades had made a
more dangerous (add 5 to the random home near Hrokyrdran, she is making a
encounters Caravan Table dice roll). pilgrimage to that region. Perrin hopes that
Otherwise, the following NPCs will arrive someone there can give her more clues to
one at a time sometime during their stay. her own past.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

Perrin’s starting attitude is indifferent, unless “I heard many stories of the riches of
there is a shade among the PCs in which case Hrokyrdran before I was forced to leave my
it changes to friendly. It requires a moderate gatherhold by those miscreants there. It is a
effort to change her attitude (see Table 3). If magical place of great power… some say
made friendly, Perrin will share the following from a bygone age. If there are secrets
information: hidden there, I’m going to be the one to find
them… and then I’ll be able to go home.”
“There is something about being near to
Hrokyrdran that grants shades like me
corporeality. I suppose that’s why a large Malla Khydwun (N F Soulbound Cleric 2)
community of my kind has been drawn
there. In Hrokyrdran I can live a fairly A newly inducted member of the cult of
normal life… well… at the very least I’ll be Kagyar, Malla is willing to share her faith with
able to feel the touch of another. anyone who shows interest. She believes
that the folk of the Shimmering Lands are
“I’m not sure what kind of power in currently set on the path of destruction and
Hrokyrdran allows this, but I suspect it is that the Way of Stone is the only philosophy
related to the radiance. There are only two that can save them.
places in the world where I’ve heard that
shades gain substance - in Hrokyrdran and Malla’s starting reaction is friendly, unless
at the Gates of Light… though there we there is a cleric of an opposing faith11 among
have solidity only while the Gates are open.” the PCs, in which case her attitude becomes
indifferent. It requires little effort to change
her attitude (see Table 5). If made friendly,
Thgel Ghedda (LE M Dwarf Wizard 1) Malla will share the following information:

Thgel left the gatherhold of Kohlgor after a “I’ve been ‘called’ to the north… I’m not
dispute with his clan leader that left half a really sure how to explain it, but I am
dozen other Yardrak dwarves dead or dying. positive that Kagyar wants me there for
Now he is looking to make his fortune as a some great purpose. Our people are
prospector near Hrokyrdran, hoping to sick… they have been for a long time, but
stumble upon some treasure spewed forth we have the chance to cure them, to free
from the mysterious mountain. While not them from Blackmoor’s curse.”
overly paranoid, he does fear reprisals from
his clan and is weary of anyone who tries to 11 The fa ith o f Ka gya r/ Wa y o f the S to ne is in
gain his confidence. its infa nc y d uring this e ra in the S him m e ring
L a nd s . The m o s t pro m ine nt fa iths in the s e
Thgel’s starting attitude is unfriendly. It re gio ns pa y ho m a ge to Z ugz ul , S k ul d ,
requires a great effort to change his attitude. Kho ro nus , S l iz z a rk , a nd S to d o s (a m o ng a fe w
o the rs ). F o r m o re info rm a tio n o n the fa iths
If made friendly (see Table 4), Thgel will o f the S him m e ring L a nd s , s e e Ga z B C 1 , T h e
share the following information: Sh im m e r in g La n d s DM ' s Gu id e a nd Ga z B C
1 , T h e Sh im m e r in g La n d s P la y e r ' s Gu id e fo r
m o re info rm a tio n.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

Table 3: Perrin Teikar’s Reactions

Hostile As “unfriendly”. In addition, after they arrive at Kairhyeld and Perrin attains
corporeality, she will seek one of the PCs out and attempt to murder them
while they sleep.
Unfriendly As “indifferent”. In addition, Perrin will attempt to steal some item of
importance from the PCs. While on the caravan route, her actions will be
limited by her incorporeality, but once at Kairhyeld she may interact
Indifferent Perrin keeps to herself, floating at the periphery of the group while they
travel, but seeking a place of safety near the center of the troupe when they
make camp for the night.
Friendly Perrin will tell the group all the information she has been able to gather
about Hrokyrdran.
Helpful As “friendly”. In addition, Perrin may be called upon for one favor once
they reach Kairhyeld. She will not agree to go adventuring with the party
outside of the gatherhold, but may assist them while they are there.

Table 4: Thgel Ghedda’s Reactions

Hostile As “unfriendly”. In addition, once they reach Kairhyeld Thgel will stalk
them and attempt to poison them during a meal. If his attempt is uncaught
the PCs will suffer 2d6 days of bedrest while Thgel sneaks off into the wilds.
Unfriendly As “indifferent”. In addition, Thgel will attack one of the PCs at the most
inopportune moment. He prefers to target someone who has strayed from
the group, or to attack from behind while the character is engaged in
another battle.
Indifferent Thgel spends most of his time at the tail end of the caravan, constantly
muttering to himself and dividing his efforts evenly between glaring at those
in front of him and nervously looking over his shoulder.
Friendly Thgel tells the group his story of woe about fleeing from Kohlgor, and his
dreams of striking it rich along the foot of Hrokyrdran.
Helpful As “friendly”. In addition, Thgel may be encountered periodically in
Kairhyeld when he comes in from the wilds to resupply. He can provide the
PCs with information regarding any activity he sees in the surrounding


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

Table 5: Malla Khydwun’s Reactions

Hostile As “unfriendly”. In addition,
Unfriendly As “indifferent”. In addition, Malla will refuse to help PCs during battle, or
to heal their wounds afterward.
Indifferent Malla keeps to herself, quietly humming verses and passages from the Way
of Stone.
Friendly Malla makes a point to be helpful and upbeat, praising the tenets of the Way
of Stone. She will come to the PC’s aid in battle and heal their wounds
afterward, as long as they give respect to her parton Kagyar.
Helpful As “friendly”. In addition, Malla may be called upon to perform healing and
other minor miracles for the party when they are in Kairhyeld.

The Ferry Caravan Leg 2

There are two legs in the ferry caravan route. It takes 4 - 6 days for the ferry to be towed
The first leg starts from within the Forest of from the Kairdal Fork to Kairhyeld. All
Meghdul and continues downstream until it passengers are expected to travel by foot (or
reaches the Kairdal Fork. The second leg using their own mounts) alongside the riding
starts from the fork, where the ferry must be mastiffs towing the ferry on this leg of the
attached to teams of riding mastiffs and journey. [On the return trip, with the ferry
pulled upstream along the Kairdal River (a floating downstream, the journey takes 2 - 3
tributary to the Khyrnde) until reaching days.]
Kairhyeld. On the return journey the ferry
floats downstream to the fork, and must be [This entire portion of the journey is through
towed back to the Forest of Meghdul. the plains]

Leg 1

It takes 6 - 7 days for the ferry to float from

Meghdul to the Kairdal Fork. Passengers can
choose to journey on the ferry (for additional
cost) or ride one of the mastiffs along the
river trail following it. At the end of each day
the ferry lands on shore and the caravan
makes camp around it. [On the return trip,
with the ferry being towed, the journey takes
12 - 15 days.]

[Half of this journey is through the forest,

while the other half is through the plains]


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

Encounters F1- Dark Stalker

Roll 1d20 on each day that the party travels For the past several nights you have had
along the river through the plains. the feeling that someone, or something,
has been stalking you. Rustling through
the brush… slinking through the grass…
whatever it is has kept its distance and
remained hidden, but now the pit in your
stomach drops. You can feel its eyes on
you as the hair on the back of your neck
Roll Monster CR Resource pricks up.
1 Carcass Eater - <1 LMo
2-3 Crawling Claw - <1 MF A small felldrake12 has been stalking the
Construct caravan for several days and has finally grown
4-6 Dire Rat, Fiendish - <1 SRD hungry enough to attack. It will rush
Animal through the underbrush and grapple with
7-9 Mongrelfolk - <1 FF whoever is farthest from their camp.
Felldrake HD 2, AC 6, hp 12
10-13 Clockroach - 1 MM4
F2 - Escaped Slaves
14-15 Death Dog - 2 FF
Magical Beast
As you round the bend in the river your
16-17 Iron Cobra - 2 FF view opens up to a small ravine in the
Construct hillside. Two large figures hunch over a
18-19 Demonet Swarm - 2 MM4 smoldering fire, both leaping to their feet
Outsider as you approach. The giantkin are bruised
>=20 Wrackspawn - 3 MM4 and filthy, with broken chains dangling
Outsider from their necks and arms.

In addition to the random encounters listed These two giantkin have only recently
above, the following events will happen at escaped their slavers, and were seeking some
some point along the caravan’s path. shelter when the caravan stumbled upon
their resting place. They fear and hate
dwarves, and will not allow themselves to be
recaptured. Their starting attitude is hostile,
but fast thinking PCs may be able to calm

12 A fe l l d ra k e is a b e a s t with d ra c o nic b l o o d
fro m the M o ns te r M a nua l 2 (3 E), b ut it c a n
b e re pl a c e d b y a ny s ta l k ing re ptil ia n
m o ns te r.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

reason, and may show up periodically

throughout the rest of their journey. If
pressed, he will use his shadow mastiff’s
ability to travel short distances through
shadows in order to evade those curious
enough to approach him. Any PCs that
notice him may be able to recognize
Kherdehk Halftroll when they reach Kairhyeld.



Commanded by General Ryndis Heldfyst, the

holdfast of Kairhyeld sees much activity. Most
of that is directed toward the giants of
Grondheim or the Antalians of the north,
both of whom pose a constant threat for the
dwarves in the area. Ryndis’ primary passion
them down. The PCs must decide if they will however, is plotting for her brother Engdyr’s
recapture the giantkin and take them to demise. Some say it is because of Engdyr that
Kairhyeld to be sold, or are willing to grant Ryndis has her obsidian heart.
them freedom.
When the PCs arrive, the gatherhold is in
Giantkin (2) HD 2, AC 8, hp 7 somewhat of an uproar. A group of thieves
have recently made off with some of the
gatherhold’s most treasured items, a cache of
iron weapons. While Ryndis and her
F3 - Sentinel on the Horizon lieutenants search for the perpetrators,
another threat looms in the distance. One of
A lone figure perches upon the top of a the recently captured giants being held in the
nearby hill looking down on the caravan. slave pits outside the fortress is actually the
It appears to be a dwarf mounted on a giant daughter of a frost giant jarl, and her subjects
riding mastiff. He stares down at the are planning to attack the fortress in order to
caravan in stoic silence. free her.

Regardless of the PC’s actions, the figure How the PCs choose to deal with these issues
does not speak, and will crest over the hill will have a lasting impact on the area, and
disappearing on the far side if approached. may ultimately determine the fate of this
The lone Sentinel will not engage for any region.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

Kairhyeld Vassals
Drynneg 8% Heldfyst 16% (See map on following page)
Lumegk 12% Thaghdyt 13%
Other Estates 51% 1. Outer Docks
Karghthyne troops are led by General Ryndis
Both sides of the Kairdal River sport docks
Heldfyst. The younger sister of Engdyr,
along their shores, with the larger being on
Ryndis has survived repeated assassination
the southern shore. There stands a small
attempts from her brother. Her strong and
guard post and resupply station for the
robust outward appearance belies the fact
ferry workers and the mules that pull the
that Ryndis is kept alive only by a magically
barges from Meghdul to here, while on the
beating obsidian heart implanted deep within
far shore s small trail leads from the north
her chest.
dock to the gates of the gatherhold proper.
Kairhyeld troops whisper that when Ryndis As you approach the southern dock,
lost her original heart, she lost all compassion several dwarves scramble from a
toward living souls. For her the world is black ramshackle hut to greet you. One of them
and white, containing only allies and enemies calls out a challenge to old Merigk, but
– foremost amongst that list her own hated once the response is given he saunters
brother. back into his shack.
1st Company (Shadow Eyes):
50 expert (S5) shade scouts and (G4) gnome
rangers armed with crossbows and rapiers
Most barges and ferries arriving at Kairhyeld
are required to first dock on the southern
2nd Company (Flame Drakes): shore where they undergo a brief inspection
300 elite (D4) dwarven artillerists armed with before being allowed to cross to the river’s
dragonbelchers and short swords; plus 12 northern side. Dranvid Barlegk (Dwarf Level
Lieutenants (D7), 2 captains (D10), and a major 2) was put in charge of the southern docks
(D12) after getting into a dispute with his
3rd Company (War Hounds): commanding officer. He is bitter about his
250 elite (D2) dwarven cavalry armed with posting, and eager to redeem himself in the
crossbows and halberds, riding war mastiffs; eyes of Kairhyeld’s hierarchy. This leads to
plus 10 sergeants (D4), 5 Lieutenants (D6) and overzealous searching for contraband and
a captain (D8) antagonizing of strangers.
5th Company (Stone Feet):
Merigk and his crew will rest here for 1d4
500 expert (D2) dwarven footmen armed with
days before resupplying and heading back
axes and daggers; plus 10 sergeants (D4), 5
down the river to Meghdul Station. If
Lieutenants (D6), and a captain (D8)
tensions between Dranvid and the PC’s
escalate, Dranvid may “find” contraband
amongst their belongings. Unless the PCs
are able to bribe him sufficiently, Dranvid


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

will send them before the gatherhold The merchants here live and do business
commander to face charges. If this happens from their respective shacks. Many have
the PCs will most likely face time in factors that ship them merchandise at least
Kairhyeld’s dungeon and thereafter be infrequently using the Meghdul Ferry.
banned from entering the stronghold. Others trade with locals across the
countryside for items that can’t be found in
2. Merchant Shacks the Shimmering Lands’ interior. PCs should
be able to find any item of value here worth
A handful of wooden shacks line the less than 100 gps, though the merchants may
northern shore of Kairdal east of the docks be able to acquire anything less than 500 gps
and the gatherhold trail. Dwarves and given advanced notice.
gnomes spend all manner of hours
shouting and haggling from one booth to
another, with a frenzied pitch shortly after
he arrival of the Meghdul Ferry.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

3. Slave Pit 4. Training Camps

The tops of heads bobbing around and the A constant clamber emanates from three
occasional uplifted arm and hand can be small circular camps that fill the field west
seen raising from a deep pit dug into the of the gatherhold trial. Armored dwarves
ground just behind the merchant shacks. and gnomes trudge back and forth through
As you approach a hill giant peers over the muddy fields with several sergeants
edge of the pit, meeting your gaze for half shouting commands across the cool crisp
a moment before dropping back down into air to their various troops. Their
the darkness. Nearby, several sweaty and mesmerizing movement is infrequently
soot stained dwarves toil over a forge and interrupted by a fireball exploding in the
bellows, crafting large chains of bronze. western field, kicking up stones and dirt,
and occasionally tossing one of the drilling
Several hill giants are being kept in this pit, soldiers into the air.
each destined to be shipped to some Elder’s
estate across the Shimmering Lands. A small Soldiers on this field have been brought
band of Enthrallers13 joined together and together from all of the major estates in the
have been scouring the northern plains and province of Kargthyne. Here they run drills
hills for lone giants to capture and bring back and training exercises in order to learn how
to Kairhyeld, and the pit is tended at all times to work together to defend the gatherhold.
by at least one of them. Once they have In theory, once soldiers are sent to the
captured enough stock their plan is to take gatherhold they give up allegiances to their
the Meghdul Ferry and journey back to former Estates, however in practice this is
Demhyeld. They plan to auction off the rarely the case. Many of the dwarves and
giants to the highest bidder in Demhyeld’s gnomes training on this field have long
slave market. seated grudges with one another and are just
looking for an opportune chance to exact
The giants are desperate to escape, already revenge on hated rivals.
having made three separate failed attempts.
One of them is more than she seems. The Should the PCs venture onto the field for any
youngest female is in fact a polymorphed reason they will find themselves in the
frost giant, daughter of Jarl Varhad of middle of just such a feud. Tyruld, a soldier
Grondheim. After an argument with her from Lumegk Estate has been waiting for an
parents she fled into the hills and was caught opportunity to rig his commanding officer’s
unawares by the Enthrallers. She has enough riding gear with a fireball belcher potion, set
gems and jewelry hidden on her to offer a to trigger when the dwarf saddles his mount.
hefty sum to any who might be willing to Once officer Ghorgid dismounts his war
help her escape. mastiff to confront PCs, Tyruld will move
into action. Observant PCs may see him plan
13 Enthrallers are dwarves with unique mental
something on his commanding officer’s
abilities who often employ their powers to
torment and dominate others. See the saddle before slowly backing up to find cover
Organization Appendix at the end of this behind his fellow soldiers. If the PCs can
article for more information.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

prevent Ghorgid from triggering the trap, The gatehouse head is said to be the likeness
they may have earned an ally within the of Engdyr Heldfyst himself, back in his youth,
gatherhold. Otherwise Ghorgid will be killed and is one of the first structures built after
in the blast, and the PCs may become prime the gathering of the clans in BC 2473 (nearly
suspects in the case. 200 years ago). On sacred days the
gatehouse is given over to followers of
5. Fortress Walls and Towers Zugzul, who decorate it with bonfires and
burning effigies that can be seen from miles
Twenty foot walls of stone and timber away in the dark of night.
surround the entire gatherhold, stretching
from the center gatehouse to each of the 7. Kennels/Stables
bastions surrounding the keep in the back.
Dwarves patrol the walls in groups of two Kairhyeld’s stables are built along the inside
or three, pausing along their course only of the southern wall, east of the gatehouse.
long enough to pull out a farseer and scan A warm fog and foul smell constantly
along the horizon. shrouds the muddy terrain surrounding the
kennels, and strained barks and growls can
Patrols along the walls of Kairhyeld are be heard from the darkness within. One
tasked mainly with keeping a vigilant lookout dwarf holds a war mastiff by its reins, giving
for potential encroaching enemies. On the it commands to “sit” and “stay”, while
planes of Kargethyne this mainly constitutes another rides his mount from the kennels
roving bands of humanoids from Urzud, or out to the center courtyard of the
small squads of hill giants raiding from gatherhold.
Grondheim. These patrols rarely concern
themselves with activities going on just There is room in the kennels for 100 war
outside the keep, but they will investigate mastiffs, though rarely more than 75 can be
any disturbances inside the walls of Kairhyeld found here at any given time. Though the
itself. gatherhold boasts a mounted force of over
250 war mastiffs, less than half that number
6. Gatehouse is ever stationed inside the fortress.
Mounted patrols roam the countryside,
Made entirely of dark basalt stones, hewn performing training exercises and remaining
from the earth, the gatehouse rises to an vigilant against the possibility of foreign
impressive 35 feet in the sky. The dark invaders. Smaller groups are broken up
stones, unlike any found in the surrounding within the gatherhold itself, with some being
region, are arranged into the shape of a stationed at the training grounds, and small
massive dwarven head, with the gate itself groups staying inside the barracks themselves.
shaped to be the mouth. A lone dwarf peers
down from the top of the head to question Narlygk is the kennel master, and has a cruel
all petitioners before granting them sense of humor. He takes bets on weekly
entrance. dog fights, where he pits some of the older
animals against one another (or sometimes a


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

weaponless slave or prisoner). Though effect (but not the scar caused by the
against regulations, Narlygk may be branding). Those unwilling to receive the
persuaded to part with one of his older dogs Brand of Fire may be set upon by the mob.
for the right price.
9. Courtyard
8. Temple of Zugzul
A large circular courtyard of hardened dirt
Smoke and ash constantly billow from the lays in the middle of the keep. Bootprints
top of this dark structure, a double tower and scuff marks across the ground suggest
made of cracked stone and soot soaked that it is used often by the troops stationed
bricks. Few mill about the entrance, despite in the gatherhold. The faint stench of
the warmth that radiates from within, as decaying flesh wafts across the courtyard
two dour guards wearing the mask of from the keep, where a makeshift gallows
Zugzul stand unmoving before its gates. has been erected. Three stocky bodies hang
from ropes, dangling gently in the breeze.

Rallies are held in front of the temple on a

weekly basis, when Larla Vivell, the Primarch Troops gather here to march, parade, and
of the Church of Fire in Kargthyne, attempts listen to command announcements from
to rile up her followers and spur them to General Ryndis and other military leaders.
commit acts of increasing violence across the Minor training exercises are also held within
countryside. The rallies are unscheduled, the gatherhold, though those are most often
but always begin at first dark when the fires performed in the training camps just outside
in the temple have the most impact upon the the western walls.
landscape. Dwarves, gnomes, and
soulbound usually have little to fear from the A makeshift gallows was recently erected in
crowd (unless they openly display allegiance order to hang three of the armory guards for
to another Immortal), but other races may be dereliction of their duty when it was
targeted for violence. discovered that several of the keeps iron
weapons had gone missing. Though the
PCs who are near the temple during a rally, guards undoubtedly shirked their duties,
and are of a race other than dwarf, gnome, or they were not responsible for removing the
soulbound, may be pressured into formally weapons, and Ryndis is still conducting a
joining the church. In order to prove their search to find the perpetrators. As the PCs
loyalty to Zugzul, they must accept the are newcomers to the gatherhold, Ryndis
‘Brand of Fire’ on their forearm. The may decide they are the perfect patsies to
branding, given by Larla herself, causes 1 take on that investigation. If they get into
point of damage, and subjects the recipient trouble elsewhere in the gatherhold, Ryndis
to a minor form of gease. Unless they give may offer them the assignment in order to
worship to Zugzul at least once a week, they pay their debts.
will be cursed with a -1 penalty to their Con
score. A remove curse spell will remove this


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

10. Sentinel’s Chapterhouse Originally created by Engdyr Heldfyst as a

base of operations during the Giant Wars of
The small tower attached to the keep’s BC 2542, the keep now serves as the
eastern wall appears perpetually shrouded stronghold and main meeting place for the
in shadows. Several kennels line its walls, Karghthyne Conclave. Though the Conclave
no more than cages with roofs, protecting rules this region of the Shimmering Lands, in
the war mastiffs within from rain, but little practice they have delegated most of their
else. No guards can be seen standing before responsibilities to General Ryndis Heldfyst.
the copper bound doors, but as a lone dwarf She rules the gatherhold, and most of
stumbles drunkenly toward the building, Karghthyne, in their absence.
one materializes from the shadows to turn
him on his way. Shortly before the PCs arrived at Kairhyeld, a
small cache of weapons was stolen from the
This is the chapterhouse for the Sentinels of armory in the keep, foremost among them
the Dusk Shroud. Only those inducted into the entire supply of iron weapons. Iron
their order are allowed inside, however weapons are are in the Known World, and
observant PCs may notice the same brooding crafting them is a closely guarded secret of
individual staring out across the courtyard the dwarves. Ryndis wants them returned at
from the tower’s inner window. This is all costs.
Kherdehk, the warrior sent here by Engdyr to
track down escaped aether spiders in the PCs may be brought before Ryndis if they are
region. Kherdehk is looking for a likely marked as troublemakers by authorities
group of adventurers that can help him end within the gatherhold. They may also
the threat, and preferably, that no one will petition to see her in order to be granted a
miss afterward. After noticing the PCs’ treasure seekers charter, allowing them to
activities in the gatherhold, he may approach plunder the countryside in the name of the
them, offering his patronage in a task that Shimmering Lands. It takes 1d4 days for for
needs completing. their petition to see Ryndis, and they must
check back at the keep each morning to see
11. Keep if it has been approved.

The keep is on the far side of the courtyard, 12. Barracks

set upon the gatherhold’s northern wall.
It is the tallest structure in the fortress, built Six great bastions extend outward from the
in the shape of a giant square, with smaller eastern and western walls of the keep, three
towers at each corner. Like Zugzul’s on each side. Each building has its own
temple, the keep is composed of the entrance near the keep, which seem to be
blackest basalt, however a detailed hubs of activity. Dwarves scurry back and
inspection of the stones reveals that they forth from these buildings to carry out
are sealed together with what appears to be various tasks across the gatherhold. Each
veins of obsidian. entrance is heavily guarded.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

There are two barracks, each composed of Ryndis Heldfyst was appointed general of
three great bastions on either side of the Kairhyeld and of Karghthyne’s forces by the
main keep. Dwarves from estates across Karghthyne Conclave in BC 2342, despite
Karghthyne are stationed here, and trained vehement protests by her brother Engdyr.
to serve he gatherhold. A dwarf typically Since then she has survived several
serves a term of 3 - 5 years at the gatherhold assassination attempts (most engineered by
before being rotated out and allowed to her own brother), although the latest nearly
return to their respective master’s estate. succeeded. Now Ryndis is kept alive by the
beating of an obsidian heart and the only
Despite the size of the buildings, and the passion that flows through her veins is for
number of troops currently stationed at the revenge.
gatherhold, these buildings are never quite
full, and travelers may find lodging within LARLA VIVELL
them… as long as they have enough gold to Gnome 3, AC 7, hp 6
pay and are willing to sleep communally.
The gatherhold commanders try to create an Larla Vivell is short for a gnome, but makes
integrated force using soldiers from estates up for her lack of stature by always speaking
across Karghthyne, however feuds and loudly. She dresses in orange and red,
vendettas can not be dismissed easily. The trimmed in black, and almost always wears
dwarves stationed in the barracks spend a her badge of office, a bone white mask in
good amount of their free time plotting the design of a stern dwarven visage, when
against old enemies, both real and perceived. she ventures into the public view.

The regional primarch of the Church of

NPCs Zugzul, Larla takes her duties quite seriously
but is hothead prone to frequent fits of rage.
Kairhyeld not only serves as a fortress, but She tolerates dwarves, but has little love for
also as a mercantile hub for the northern other races and will try to make trouble for
Shimmering Lands. As such characters from them whenever she can.
all walks of life can be found within its walls.
Dwarf 12(C), AC -3, hp 47
Thollwin is a middle aged gnome with close
Ryndis is average height and build for a cut black hair that greys just above the
dwarf, with bright red hair, and pulsating temples. He is meticulous about cleanliness
black veins that snake up her neck and cover and won’t go out into public unless dressed
the lower left quarter of her face. Her gaze in one of his finest outfits. The large knife
holds neither passion nor pain, and most he carries is never far from his side, and
who look into her eyes describe it as Thollwin often uses it to clean his
peering into the eyes of a corpse. fingernails while he is thinking.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

Thollwin is quickly becoming known as a A dwarven adventurer and member of the

gnome who can acquire whatever you want Gleaming Company, Rath spends most of his
in the area, but he is looking to make more time exploring the untamed wilds of the
than just a name for himself. What he really north. His right hand and eye have been
desires are allies, especially ones that can be replaced with onyx, but neither hampers his
indebted to himself. Secretly a member of abilities. Rath’s constant companion, a scruffy
the Vehdnen Syndicate, his mission is to warg named Fetch, is an outcast from Urzud.
stake a hold in Karghthyne for the crime The two make a living as hunters and
family. To that end he will ingratiate himself trackers, supplementing that with any
to potential adventurers, doing them favors treasures they stumble upon in the wilderness.
now and expecting to collect on them in the
STONEBEARD Warg 3, AC 5, hp 18
Soulbound Cleric 6, AC 3, hp 14
Fetch wears his mood on his face. When
Stoic and unmoving, Stonebeard is often he is happy his mouth goes slack with his
mistaken for a statue in the gatherhold’s tongue lolling to one side or the other, but
courtyard. He sits in the same spot his mood can go hard in an instant. At heart
everyday, and silently watches those who Fetch is a hunter and he keeps some small
come and go from the stronghold. trophy from each of his kills, whether that
be a tooth, a small pelt, or some other
Stonebeard is a soulbound cleric and secretly memento.
a member of the Way of the Stone. He will
not interact with anyone while out in the Fetch is a warg14, a proto-goblinoid in the
open during the day, however Stonebeard form of a humanoid wolf. Hyllig Rath saved
will seek out any that he believes are him from a rampaging giant several years
followers of the Way of the Stone after hours. ago, and the two have been inseparable ever
He may even offer help to those who are in since. Uncomfortable in “civilized” company,
conflict with the followers of Zugzul, Fetch quietly keeps to himself in the
regardless of their religious affiliations. gatherhold, but may open up if met in the
northern wilds beyond the gates of Kairhyeld.
Dwarf 4, AC 3, hp 25

Rath is as hardened and grizzled as they

come. His face, leathered by the sun, 14 A wa rg is a b ipe d a l b e a s tm a n tha t ha s
reveals little of his inner thoughts. Both is wo l ve n c ha ra c te ris tic s . Al tho ugh gno l l s wil l
right hand and eye have been replaced with no t e xis t fo r a no the r 1 3 0 0 ye a rs , wa rgs a re
s im il a r in m a ny wa ys (a nd s ta ts fo r gno l l s
onyx, but neither seems to hamper his c a n b e us e d to m o d e l the m - s e e G AZ 1 0 :
abilities. He wears pelted armor and openly “ T h e O r c s o f T h a r ” ). Circ a B C 2 0 0 0 , the
carries a variety of weapons on his person. wa rgs wil l ha ve e vo l ve d fro m a b ipe d a l
s pe c ie s into the qua d rupe d a l wo rgs .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North


Dwarf 5, AC 2, hp 23
Several events can happen while the PCs are
Kherdehk is tall for a dwarf, and always in the gatherhold. The DM may choose to
appears to be looking down his nose at the run one or more of these events in any
folk surrounding him. A jet black beard order, although if the PCs became friendly
outlines sharp, chiseled features and with the giantess in the slave pit, the Hill
accentuates the fact that his skin has a pallid Giant Raiders event should be run last.
blue hue to it. He neither smiles nor
frowns, hiding his true mood and feelings Changeling Conspirators
behind a stark visage.
This event can be played any time the PCs are
A Sentinel of the Dusk Shroud, Kherdehk exploring the barracks or dungeons of
enjoys the air mystery that he projects, often Kairhyeld.
taking delight in the discomfort of those
around him. Despite this, he may be helpful You can hear two dwarves arguing from
in pointing the PCs in the right direction, beyond a nearby open doorway. As you
using any excuse likely to work in order to approach one says in an agitated voice, “I
get them to explore Lahash. In truth has told you there were too many! We should
been tasked by Engdyr with eliminating all of never have grabbed them all… they’re sure
the escaped aetheric spiders in the area, and to find them here!”
plans to use the PC to do the job for him. Of
course, once the PCs are victorious, he plans “Enough,” the other replies calmly in a
to eliminate them. whisper. “Leaving them wasn’t an option.
What the Queen wants, the Queen gets.”

If the PCs investigate, they will find two

dwarves frantically trying to hide a small
cache of swords within the mattresses of
several nearby beds. These two are in fact
changelings, and part of a larger group of
thieves who made off with the contents of
Kairhyeld’s armory only nights before. The
alarm was sounded before these two could
get away with their ill gotten gains, and so
instead they have decided to try and hid the
iron swords and come back for them later. If
discovered, Rylgar, the calm one, will fight to
the death, but his companion Herlyk
attempts to flee.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

Rylgar HD 2, AC 4, hp 10 As you strain to see where the soldier is

being dragged to, a strange sensation
Herlyk HD 1, AC 5, hp 6 washes over you, leaving the hairs on the
back of your neck standing up straight.
If captured, and properly convinced, Herlyk Light crackles in the air as wispy shapes
will spill the entire plot. He and several begin to materialize around you. A swarm
companions infiltrated Kairhyeld months of the translucent spiders, slightly smaller
ago, and since then have been planning to than the first, appear throughout the
raid the gatherhold’s armory in order to steal courtyard.
all of the iron weapons stored there. Iron
weapons are a rarity in this era, and are The spiders phase in throughout the
vehemently despised by their mistress, the gatherhold, attacking groups of soldiers
Queen of Grondheim. She has placed a wherever they can in order to buy time for
generous bounty on all iron tools and their compatriot to steal away with its prize.
weapons, and the group was planning to One such group confronts the PCs.
collect a kingly ransom for their efforts.
Spiders (x5) HD 1, AC 7, hp 2
Spidery Ambush
Once the spiders have been dispatched, the
Warmth from the sun beats down upon the PCs are free to chase after the captured
plains as you wander across the courtyard, soldier. He has been dragged down into a
momentarily replaced by a shadow and a far corner of the dungeon and hung up
cool breeze as a cloud passes by overhead. against a glowing and pulsating wall.
Distracted by the shaded interlude, you are
startled by a commotion on the far side of Before you, the large translucent spider is
the courtyard near the keep. A lone soldier just finishing attaching the cocoon to the
frantically bats away at a giant translucent far wall inside of an empty dungeon cell.
spider advancing upon him. Quickly The wall itself shimmers and pulses, and it
overwhelmed, the dwarf falls to the ground appears that glowing strands of web have
only to be encased in a silvery silken burrowed their way directly into the rock.
cocoon. Before anyone can react, the spider The cocoon still rocks and spasms
has already dragged the soldier halfway back occasionally, as the dwarf inside continues
through the courtyard toward the entrance to struggle. Spinning its last web of
to the western barracks. attachment, the spider turns to face you.

Let the PCs decide what actions they will Large Spider HD 2, AC 6, hp 10
take. The spider will continue to drag the
captured dwarf into the barracks, and down The spider fights to the death, doing its best
a side tunnel leading into the dungeons. to keep anyone from the dwarf within the
Should the PCs race to the soldiers rescue, or struggling cocoon. Once the PCs defeat it
if the choose to wait for additional soldiers to they will be able to approach the captured
react, read the following: dwarf. Cutting through the thick, sticky


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

to free the princess. If the PCs have already

spoken with the princess, they may already
be aware of the plan. Otherwise they can
make a Danger Sense Skill Check, or use the
Thieve’s special ability to Hear Noises.
Success means that they hear a minor
commotion outside the gatehouse. The
soldiers around them are marshalling on the
western wall and will ignore any attempts to
divert them. It is up to the PCs to intervene
or not.

Several of the hill giant slaves have already

crawled out of the pit and are tussling with
webbing, takes 1d6 rounds, during which the newcomers. You quickly realize they
time the dwarf continues to groan and are being controlled by the three nearby
struggle. Once the PCs are finally able to Enthrallers. The small female giant is still
open the cocoon, they find that it is empty. trying to climb free from the pit during the
In fact the aether spider’s victim was pulled
into the Ethereal Plane and sent back to the PCs must choose whether they will fight the
spider’s main colony. Once breached, the giants or attack the Enthrallers. One of the
cocoon’s portal is destroyed and there is no Enthrallers will call out to them to stop the
way to use it to travel into the Ethereal at this last giant (the princess) from escaping the
time. pit. If the PCs can do this, the attacking
giants will lose moral and retreat. If PCs
Hill Giant Raiders instead choose to help the giants, all they
need to do is distract at least one of the
Just as the stars have begun to show, and Enthrallers, which will cause them to lose
the fires of Zugzul’s temple have been lit, control of their giantish slaves. This will turn
and alarm is called from the western wall. the tide of battle, allowing the princess to
“Giants!” Even as the call goes out, you can escape.
feel the thud of stone crashing into the wall
and reverberating through the ground. Giant Princess HD 5, AC 8, hp 30 (10 - the
Soldiers from around the gatherhold flock princess is already wounded and weak)
toward the western wall.
Enthrallers (x3) HD 2, AC 6, hp 8
A small band of giants has come looking for
the missing princess. While raiders mount Should the PCs help the princess escape,
an attack on the western wall, a lone giant goto the section “Recruited by Giant
sneaks through the darkness to the pit Princess” below.
outside the gatherhold’s gates, in an attempt


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

On to Layhash Kherdehk in the next chapter of this

adventure path.
Recruited by Ryndis
Recruited by Giant Princess
Whether the PCs land into some kind of
trouble while in the gatherhold, or they This event will only happen if the PCs have
decide to apply for an adventuring charter, already helped the giant princess escape
they will eventually find themselves in front from the Enthraller’s slave pit.
of Ryndis Heldfyst.
“Thank you for helping me,” the giantess
“I want the weapons stolen from the armory says as the glamour around her dissipates,
recovered, and I want whoever was revealing her to be a young frost giant. She
responsible brought before me. After that opens her hand revealing several gems,
I don’t care what you do.” She pauses as if “These are yours, as I promised… but,” she
to rethink her words, but then turns to you says pausing, “I still need to find my father,
with a dead look in her eyes, “Don’t cross and these lands are dangerous. If you help
me.” me find him, he will give you a far greater
Ryndis will agree to grant the PCs an
adventuring charter as long as they pledge to The princess is sincere, and knows that her
find her missing weapons as their first mission. father was supposed to meet some of his
servants in the ruins to the east (at Layhash).
Recruited by Sentinel
Freeing the giantess won’t earn the PCs many
The Sentinel Kherdehk seeks out PCs and friends at Kairhyeld, especially the
promises to provide them with an Enthrallers who first captured her. They may
adventuring charter in exchange for dog the PCs journey to Layhash, attempting
investigating Layhash. to regain their property and to exact revenge
on those who betrayed them.
“Don’t worry, they charter is valid. It’s
signed by Elder Heldfyst himself. Even his
sister will honor it,” Kherdehk promises. CONCLUSION
“There are strange happening in the ruins
of Layhash, and the Elder himself wants By the end of this adventure the PCs may
them investigated. Clear the ruins and he have several mysteries on their hands - rogue
will be pleased. You shall be rewarded for giants gathering in the area, shadowy thieves
your loyalty.” working within Kairhyeld, and even other
worldly spiders that can appear and vanish
Kherdehk’s idea of a reward may be different on a whim… but all of the leads they find will
from that of the PCs however, as he plans on point them to the ruins of Layhash. The PCs
eliminating them once they have completed must journey eastward to find the answers
their task. The PCs will have to deal with they seek.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

APPENDIX 1: hirelings, as well as information about local

ruins and locations of interest in the north.

Vehdnen Syndicate Way of the Stone

This is a gnome run thieves guild run out of Although this cult isn't mainstream in these
Gnen on the Bridge of Oost (it's detailed a bit parts, it is steadily gaining a following. The
more in the GazBC1 DM's guide IIRC). The worshipers of Kagyar espouse different
wouldn't have a strong presence in this philosophies than many of their
region of the Shimmering Lands, but the contemporaries, advocating that dwarves
individual they meet wants to "expand their work together for common goals (for the
operations westward." The guild accepts all betterment of their race) rather than strive
members, but only gnomish characters have for individual power and prowess.
the ability to make it to the top ranks of the
organization. The Way of the Stone is the dwarven future,
but for now they will help provide PCs with
This contact can provide PCs with a friendly face, healing, and other personal
information (both local and abroad) as well aid. Dranwyrf Korskill (aka Dengar), the First
as provide venues for buying and selling Elder of the Shimmering Lands, is also the
equipment and artifacts (perhaps bypassing head of this newly formed cult. In later
taxes and tariffs they might normally have to adventures, the PCs will have the
pay to the Elder Conclave). Any favors opportunity to meet and interact with him
performed would have to be repaid in turn directly.
(at some point).

Fiery Forge
Gleaming Company
Worshippers of the Fiery Forge venerate
An adventurer's guild (also detailed in Zugzul. In him they see the forge that will
GazBC1), this organization is more generally shape dwarven lands as well as the dwarven
distributed throughout the Shimmering spirit. Many of these sects also combine
Lands, and might offer support to potential worship of the Warrior with that of darker
members (up and coming PCs). Should they beings such as Demogorgon, Orcus, and
prove themselves worthy, their contact in sometimes even Slizzark. The worst kinds of
Kairhyeld may sponsor them to become full fanatical zealots are drawn to this religion,
fledged members. believing that it is the Moadreg's destiny to
rule over the lesser races in the world. The
The Gleaming Company can help to fund majority of these practitioners are dwarves,
PC's operations (with the expectation of a as few other races are tolerated.
percentage of their earnings). They could
provide additional support in the form of


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

Enthrallers that the shadow mastiffs are created by

bonding a shade with a war mastiff, possibly
Enthrallers are composed of loosely serving as a punishment for members who
organized band of misfits and outcasts from fail the order.
the Controllers Guild. Although many of
them dabble in the slave trade, their true Shades of the order gain control of their
passion is in causing destruction brought corporeality when in their saddles, and can
about by the mental domination of their easily choose between an insubstantial form
enemies. It is rare that more than a dozen and one that is more solid. Their mounts
Enthrallers would ever band together for a share the same corporeality as their masters.
single operation. Living for battle, they often
choose to enter into a fight alone. Their
favored weapons are their foes themselves.

There are Enthraller chapterhouses in

Fyngul, Abhuld, and Arankh, though
individual Enthrallers can be found
throughout the Shimmering Lands. Many APPENDIX 2: MONSTERS
also travel abroad, looking for work in
foreign nations where their particular skill The following table is a list of resources
sets can be appreciated. where many of the monsters in this
adventure were compiled from.

Sentinels of the Dusk Shroud

A semi secretive group based out of

Hrokyrdran in Karghthyne, the Sentinels are
mastiff riding knights that have strengthened
their bonds to the spirit world beyond. Their Resource Resource Name
numbers are composed mostly of shades, Code
although a significant proportion of the SRD System Reference
knights are dwarves as well. The Sentinels Document (3.5E)
are expert scouts and trackers specializing in MM Monster Manual 1 (3.5E)
hit and run tactics. Their bonds to the spirit
MM2 Monster Manual 2 (3.5E)
world allow them to move rapidly across
great distances, oftentimes through areas not MM3 Monster Manual 3 (3.5E)
traversable by normal means. MM4 Monster Manual 4 (3.5E)
FF Fiend Folio (3.5E)
The war mastiffs that the order is famous for MF Monsters of Faerun
are not shades themselves, although they LMo Libris Mortis
have been physically modified to be more in
tune with the spirit world. Rumors abound


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Engdyr’s Game 1 - Journey North

Aetherial Spider purposes, most of which enhanced various

Blackmoorian technomantic arts. While
Armor Class: 7 there are doubtless countless breeds of
Hit Dice: 2* (M) aetherial spiders, many lost to antiquity, the
Move: 120' (40') species found throughout the Shimmering
In Web: No webs Lands was engineered specifically to aid in
Attacks: 1 bite travel magics. Though their webs are not
Damage: 1d8 + poison perceptible on the Prime Material Plane,
No. Appearing: 1d4 (1d4) aetherial spiders spin a network of webs
Save As: Fl across the Ethereal Plane. These can be
Morale: 9 accessed by the spiders (and those who
Treasure Type: U know their secrets) to aid in the transport of
Intelligence: 5 goods and items (and sometimes living
Alignment: Neutral beings) across wide distances over short
XP Value: 50 periods of time.

Aetherial spiders are creatures native to the Aetheric Shift: Once per combat, an
Ethereal Plane. Discovered long ago by aetherial spider may sidestep a successful
Blackmoorian explorers the spiders were attack against it by partially shifting into the
harvested and bred to serve very specific Ethereal Plane.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

To the Mistmyr Falls

A Loktal’s Vault introductory adventure

by Giampaolo Agosta and Andrea Ciceri


“To the Mistmyr Falls” is the second #16 of Threshold Magazine. In that
installment in the Loktal’s Vault series, adventure, a group of newbie heroes (most
which will explore the megadungeon under likely hin Yallaren) went on to search for the
the Five Shires. It is an introduction of sorts, missing sage, Jebediah Gallidox, who had
since the adventure itself takes place in the been kidnapped by a group of dwarves, the
Five Shires, and ends with the PCs Broken Shields. These dwarves aim at
discovering the entrance to the megadungeon. recovering the lost treasures and secrets of
Loktal Ironshield, ancient dwarven lord of
This adventure picks up the story after the the Glittering Kingdom. His vault is lost
events narrated in “The Disappearance of somewhere in the mountains of Highshire,
Jebediah Gallidox”, appeared in the issue and the Broken Shields picked up a trail near


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

To the Mistmyr Falls

the village of Longflask. However, while they adventure should award a total of 6000 to
explored the tomb of one of Loktal’s 7000 XP.
captains, they were overwhelmed by the
dwellers of that dungeon, and killed or Furthermore, in Aercruth and in the
forced to flee, leaving behind a petrified mountains it is always possible to add more
Jebediah. This allows the PCs to recover a encounters to ensure that the PCs collect the
map which may lead to Loktal’s Vault. necessary experience before delving into
Loktal’s Vault. We provide two possible side-
In this chapter, the PCs travel from Longflask trek suggestions from the pages of Dungeon
to the Mistmyr Falls, where the entrance of Magazine, but many other short adventures
the mines above Loktal’s Vault is located. may be used instead. If your party has
Unfortunately, the Broken Shields and their already a few hundred XPs under their belt,
agents are hot on the PCs’ heels, and will you can safely skip these side-treks.
cause them a number of problems.

The adventure is written for 1st level BECMI Overview of the overland
D&D PCs (who have completed only “The journey
Disappearance of Jebediah Gallidox” before
tackling this adventure), assuming a party The overland map (overleaf) shows the route
that is richer in Halfling characters than the from Longflask to the Mistmyr Falls.
usual. If a Magic User and/or Cleric are
present, it is likely that some encounters will From Longflask, it is possible to reach
be harder, and other easier, than expected. Waymeet in a few hours, crossing the Wardle
The DM may compensate by increasing the in the afternoon, if one leaves in the
number of low-level humanoid and undead morning, and stopping at an inn at some
opponents in one encounter per area. distance from the crossing. The trip to
Aergruth is long about 40 miles, including
It is intended that PCs reach level 2 before the crossing of river Wardle, and last an
entering Loktal’s Vault. To this end, the overall 2 days.
adventure provides about 1400 XP in
monsters, and the same amount in story and From there, the characters will need to
goal bonuses. On the other hand, it is explore the Cruth Mountains to find the
purposefully written with less treasure than entrance of Loktal’s Vault, and will likely visit
it is usual, in order to keep the PCs from the Mistmyr Falls and the site of the Battle of
being able to hire large numbers of helpers Blackflame. This part of the trip is around 8
for the dungeon delve. For a more traditional miles in wooded hills (which takes one day),
approach, multiply all treasure values by 20. followed by a search in an area around 16
Otherwise, keep the stated treasure value, miles across. It takes one more day to reach
but assign to the PCs 20 times as much the Battle of Blackflame site, and a further
experience as the gold pieces value of the two to reach the Mistmyr Falls.
recovered treasure. In both cases, the


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

To the Mistmyr Falls

Roll 1d10 Highshire Roads Wooded Hills Mountains

1 Goblins (1d4+1) Goblins (1d4+2) Goblins (1d4+2)
2 Rat, Giant (1d4+2) Rat, Giant (1d4+1) Rat, Giant (1d4+1)
3 Orcs (1d4) Orcs (1d4) Orcs (1d4+1)
4 Bats (4d4) Bats (4d4) Bear, Black (1)
5 Hawk (1d2) Centipede, Giant (1d3) Hawk (1d2)
6 Snake (1d2) Snake (1d2) Snake (1d2)
7 Ferrets, Giant (1d2) Skunk (1d3) Mountain Lion (1)
8 Beetles, Giant Fire (1d2) Spider, Giant Hunting (1d2) Toad, Rock (1)
9 Wolves (1d2) Wolves (1d2) Bugbear (1)
10 NPC Party (1d4+1 hin) Wood Imps (1d3+1) Gnoll (1d2)


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

To the Mistmyr Falls

In total, the journey lasts a minimum of six point, and tackles the PCs from the front,
days, although the characters may be delayed stepping out of their hiding place when they
for several reasons, such as events and side pass near her. Nalum is positioned on the
quests, or simply the need to recover from other side of the road, behind a tree. He will
wounds or make purchases. Furthermore, try to attack the PCs from behind.
exploration of the area between the Battle of Meanwhile, Kona is positioned behind a
Blackflame site and the Mistmyr Falls boulder within close range for her heavy
requires one full day per 8-miles hex. crossbow.

The PCs can detect the ambush with an

THE JOURNEY TO appropriate skill roll (e.g., Alertness or
MISTMYR FALLS Danger Sense), or with a Wisdom roll at ½

Ambush at Waymeet Award 100 XP to the PCs for surviving the

ambush. If they capture a dwarf, the PCs can
The Broken Shields agents in Longflask have learn about the Broken Shield motives to
alerted their superiors about the PCs’ some extent: the dwarf knows that a clan in
interference. They send three of their people Rockhome is interested in some ruins in the
to ambush the PCs in an attempt to recover Five Shires, which contain relics of interest
any information they might have obtained for the dwarves. The captured dwarf is only a
from the dwarven tomb near Longflask. low-level agent, and is not privy to much
more information. Each dwarf has 2d8 gold
Gori Dwalifwarf Morskyr (D1, hp 7, AC 5, coins and 3d4 silver coins, minted in
Str +1, Wis -1, Cha +2): this dwarf woman is Rockhome.
armed with shield and mace (dmg 1d6+1),
and wears scale mail. Gori is the leader of
this Broken Shields team of troubleshooters. Murder at Wayside Inn

Nalum Bombedwarf Baltorrad (D1, hp 4, A major storm builds up while the PCs cross
AC 7, Str +1, Dex -1): this tall dwarf is armed the Wardle, so they reach the Wayside Inn as
with a pole axe (dmg 1d10+1) and a silver the rain becomes intense. Combined with
dagger (dmg 1d4) and wears scale mail. the twilight, this should make further
progress all but impossible, and the
Kona Bombifwarf Gilkon (D1, hp 4, AC 6, welcoming light of the Wayside Inn all the
Str +1, Int +1, Wis -1): this dwarf woman more attractive. The Inn is as well appointed
wields a heavy crossbow (dmg 1d8) and a as one would expect from an establishment
mace (dmg 1d6+1) and wears scale mail. She managed by Hin. Ceilings are somewhat
also has a silver dagger with her. higher than in typical Hin buildings, to allow
humans and elves to fit - although with some
The three dwarves set their ambush taking difficulty for tall humans.
position behind rocks and trees. Gori takes


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

To the Mistmyr Falls

- but takes only a minimal hand in the actual

running, leaving it to her husband Olthiir
and their employee, Horl.

Olthiir, son of Logthim Longwinkle (H2,

N): a physically fit adult (Str 15, Con 15, Cha
13), Olthiir is a shrewd business hin. He is
much more active than his wife, Linn, in the
management of the Wayside Inn.

Horlmyr, son of Bundymyr Seaeyes (H1,

L): a sheep-pox scarred adult hin, with a bit
of a limp (Dex 8, Cha 7), Horl is a reliable
and honest worker. He does all sorts of jobs
at the inn.

The Guests
Lobdyalassa, daughter of Horlaltor

Darkeyes (H1, C): known as “Lassa the

Rascal” , this unattractive (Cha 8) hin woman
While the PCs stop at the Inn, two plots is a former pirate. She’s known as a “bad
occur. First, two hin agents of the Broken apple” type for deserting her crew to
Shields will try to hamper them. At the maximize her profit. She is now in the pocket
minimum, they will spy on them and report of the Broken Shields, and she is supposed
to their Dwarven employers, but, given to bodyguard their main agent, Bunsar
opportunity, they will steal from or otherwise Boldnose. For this reason, she poses as his
sabotage the PCs. Second, a shapechanger is wife.
hiding in the Wayside Inn, disguised as a
customer, and will murder one of the other Bunsar, son of Horlthiir Boldnose (H1, C):
guests or staff members to eat them. Bunsy is the type of hin who would do
anything for quick money. In this case, it
means he is taking the Broken Shields’
The Wayside Inn Staff money to spy on travellers passing at the
Osclinn, daughter of Jotho Omblestaff Wayside Inn. He may have not been the best
choice, as he is not the most perceptive hin
(H2, N): a slight but though (Con 16) middle- of the lot (Wis 8). However, he is cautious
aged halfling woman, “Linn” is and an able liar (Deceive 11). His chubby
uncharacteristically lazy for a Shire hin. She appearance hides a stout physique (Con 13).
inherited the Wayside Inn from her parents - Bunsy poses as a well-to-do hin traveling at
the Omblestaff have owned it for generations leisure towards the hill country.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

To the Mistmyr Falls

Lobagh, daughter of Ultho Bristlebur (H1, the other people present in the Inn. The
L): a young and attractive hin girl with an default option is for him to kill Lobbie, after
athletic physique (Cha 15, Str 13), Lobbie is luring her out of her room by claiming to
as adorable as she is dumb (Int 7, Wis 8). She have fallen in love with her. Otherwise, he
is quite a flirt, but a trusty soul bordering on might meet Horl as he performs some late
the naive. She believes all hin to be epitomes night task such as cleaning the saloon.
of virtue, and will easily fall into any trap. She Finally, if one of the PCs happens to be
is travelling to Aercruth to visit a cousin with around alone during the night, he might be
her friend Zara. the target instead.

Zaressa, daughter of Shanmyr Alehill (H1, However, something goes wrong. Either Zara
L): commonly called Zara, this young hin looks for her friend, or Maerly, Olthiir’s dog,
woman is rather attractive (Cha 13), with a sniffs Dymar’s presence and wakes everybody
thin and supple body (Str 7, Dex 13). She with his baying, or Horl sees the murder or
knows she is not very brilliant (Int 7) and has accidentally finds the body. Dymar makes his
learnt from past mistakes (Wis 14), so she is escape, however, and cannot be immediately
not extremely cautious. She is also identified, since he is in rat form.
surprisingly courageous for one with her
minute physique, and will jump to the From this point, it is up to the PCs to help
defense of people in danger, especially her Olthiir in the hunt for the murderer. They
friend Lobbie. may try to wait for the Krondar to arrive, in
which case Dymar will try to escape, trusting
the rain to cover his tracks. Or they may
The Assassin investigate, which may lead them to discover
Unfortunately, a Wererat1 (3* HD, C) hides that Bunsy and Lassa are not who they claim
among the guests. He claims to be to be (they have dwarven gold and some
Jenaldymar, son of Ogermyr Woodgrott, or coded messages in their room). Finally, while
Dymar to his friends. He is completely the investigation is ongoing, Bunsy and Lassa
unaware of the plots of Bunsy and Lassa, and may try to kill off one of the PCs, and let the
merely plans to make a quick snack out of blame fall on Dymar.
the other guests. He plans to use the bad
weather to cover his tracks after he makes his When the PCs leave the Inn, assess their
escape. During the night, Dymar kills one of success as follows:

1 This l e s s e r we re ra t’ s hum a no id fo rm l o o k s ● 100 XP for surviving the night;

re s e m b l e s a ha l fl ing. S inc e l e s s e r we re ra ts ● 100 XP if they prevented Dymar from
a re no t infe c te d hum a ns , b ut infe c te d gia nt
killing any NPC;
ra ts ta k ing a hum a no id fo rm , this d o e s no t
vio l a te the c o ns tra int o f l yc a nthro py b e ing ● 100 XP if they discovered Bunsy’s and
fa ta l to d e m i- hum a ns . Ho we ve r, if a ha l fl ing- Lassa’s involvement with the Broken
l o o k ing we re ra t id e a d o e s no t go we l l with Shields;
yo ur a s s um ptio ns o n the ga m e wo rl d , a n ● 100 XP if they identified and arrested
im m a ture D o ppl e ga nge r (4 - 4 * HD ) b uil t
us ing the D&D M a st e r Se t rul e s fo r we a k e r
m o ns te rs c o ul d b e us e d ins te a d .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

To the Mistmyr Falls

Aercruth The cave is actually the lair of a crone of

chaos, a dangerous, cannibalistic female
Aercruth is the last village before the humanoid. A party of Broken Shields agents
wilderness. The characters can recover from has fallen into the hands of the crone.
wounds and injuries here, or restock as
needed. By default, nothing happens here, This is a small but complete dungeon. It can
although the DM may want to place an also be used independently from the main
unrelated side quest. In this case, we adventure. It is quite dangerous, as it
recommend “Redcap's Rampage” from contains several relatively high level
Dungeon Magazine #54. monsters. However, the PCs have the
opportunity to gain the help of the
imprisoned dwarves.
Wooded Hills
Numbered areas shown on map overleaf:
During the crossing of the woods north of
Aercruth, two encounters happen. First, the 1. The cavern appears empty, but tracks of
PCs find the cave of a crone of chaos. This heavy boots and animal paws are evident.
happen near mid-day, if the PCs left Aercruth A Tracking skill roll will identify three
in the morning. Then, they meet a family of separate sets of recent boot tracks, and
wandering gnome tinkers, with whom they two set of barefoot tracks.
can camp during the night.
2. Imelda, a crone of chaos (HD 6*, C; hp
26; 500 XP), dwells in this cave. She
appears as a beautiful woman (of the
same species of the PC with the highest
charisma), and will attempt to persuade
the PCs that she’s a kidnapped
noblewoman (or a relative of a wealthy
hin from Northshire, or any other similar
story, as appropriate to her apparent
race). She claims to have been
imprisoned here by an evil wizard. She is
apparently chained to the wall, but the
chains are illusory. If the PCs do not
believe her, she attacks with her Daggers
of Sorcery2, all the while claiming the
A Cave in the Woods attack to be a magical trap. If the PCs
In this event, the PCs find tracks leading to a defeat Imelda, they find a potion of
cave in the woods. An easy (+4 skill rating healing, a potion of animal control, 140
bonus) Tracking skill roll will identify some sp, and a silver necklace worth 20 gp.
boot prints compatible with those of a dwarf.
2 Da g g e r s o f So r c e r y a re a s pe l l - l ik e a b il ity
o f the Cro ne s o f Cha o s . The y d is a ppe a r
whe n the Cro ne is d e fe a te d .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

To the Mistmyr Falls

3. Two normal wolves (HD 2+2, hp 10, 11; agents, Bombin Korarwarf Norrest (D1,
50 XP) guard the entrance to the inner L; hp 6; Str 13, Dex 7) and Doror
caves. They scent the PCs in room 1, and Dorfurwarf Globuhr (D1, L; hp 4,
prepare to attack. Like all the animals in current hp 1; Str 13); the human is an
the caves, they are controlled by the Ylari mercenary sorcerer, Aziz bin Jibril
crone of chaos in area 3. They will not (MU 1, N; hp 2, current hp 1; Int 16, Wis
attack the male PC with the highest 6); and the halfling is a guide hired by the
charisma score. dwarves, Bellomyr, son of Horlalsar
Dustyboots (H1, N; hp 3; Wis 7). Each of
4. The entrance to this cavern is blocked by them can tell the PCs a different story to
a set of iron bars. A lever, when pulled, explain how they ended up in this cell:
lowers two of the bars, providing access
to the cavern. Inside, four humanoids are a The dwarves’ story; there is a witch in
tied to walls with iron chains. There are the cave, she captured them and
two dwarves, a human, and a halfling. charmed the magic user. The dwarves’
The two dwarves are Broken Shields


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

To the Mistmyr Falls

story is true. They were captured after 8. This cavern is empty.

Aziz cast a sleep spell on them.
9. An old old giant weasel (HD 4, AC 8, hp
b The magic user’s story; there is 16; 100 XP) guards this room. This animal
another prisoner, a beautiful is semi-tame and loyal to the crone in
noblewoman, the dwarves are in area 2, but will ferociously attack the PCs
league with an evil wizard. Aziz is not until one of them is killed. Then, it will
charmed, but was attacked by the flee to area 7 or 12, only to return if
crone’s daggers of sorcery and Imelda in area 2 is attacked.
knocked out after he stopped Bombir
and Doror from attacking Imelda. 10. A pit trap is hidden under the refuse that
litters the floor. The pit trap is 10’ deep,
c The halfling’s story; there is no wizard and inflicts 1d6 hp of damage to any PC
and no witch - the halfling suffers that falls into it (ST vs. Paralysis to avoid).
from denial gone awry after losing his
sanity - the crone mated with his 11. This cavern is empty, except from the
brother Mulmyr, then devoured him decaying body of a halfling (it was once
while he was watching. Mulmyr Dustyboots, the brother of
Bellomyr from area 4). The corpse has
5. Two oil beetles (HD 2*, hp 9, 8; 50 XP) been largely devoured by some wild
patrol this room. They attack any animal. A First Aid or Natural Lore skill
interloper. They are controlled by the roll will identify the bites as inflicted by a
crone in area 2, but too unintelligent to humanoid mouth with sharp, carnivorous
follow more complex orders. teeth, before the onset of decay.

6. This cavern is empty. 12. The cave is filled with discarded

equipment. Searching through it will
7. A bear trap is set in this room. Anyone yield 120 silver coins and 30 gold coins.
passing here without accurately checking However, it takes one hour to fully search
the floor has a 25% chance of triggering it. A Wisdom check will reduce this time
the trap. A ST vs Paralysis allows a to 1 turn.
character to jump to the side before the
trap catches a leg. If a PC falls into the 13. The Broken Shields’ equipment has been
trap, it inflicts 1d4 hp of damage. On a 4, dumped in this dirty cave. The PCs will
the leg of the victim is broken, and the find two suits of chain mail armour
victim suffers a penalty of 50% to (dwarf-sized), a battle axe, a mace, a
movement rate and -2 to AC. The penalty round shield, four daggers, a hand axe,
is removed by a cure light wounds. The and two short swords. There is also a
victim is also trapped (regardless of broken short bow and a quiver with 6
damage), and it takes a successful arrows.
Strength check to free them.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

To the Mistmyr Falls

If the PCs survive the encounter with the Besides Dirlin and Tekira, there are three
crone of chaos, award them a total of 100 XP. other gnomes (all Normal Monsters).
Furthermore, if they save the Broken Shields,
award them another 200 XP.
Battle of Blackflame

The Lodebottom Gnomes Eventually the characters will reach the site
This family of gnomes, led by the patriarch where the Battle of the Blackflame took
Dirlin (Gnome 4, L) are wandering tinkers. place. Although it has been a long time since
They travel in a small wagon drawn by a pair that event, the place seems desolate and
of ponies. They have a wide range of goods barren, in sharp contrast to the rich flora that
for sale, including thieves’ tools, and can distinguishes the Five Shires. The southern
repair weapons and armor. They also have a part of the area is the most pleasant one:
small range of special items. Interesting there are large green and grassy spaces,
objects for the adventurers include two dotted here and there by some leafy trees.
strange contraptions, vaguely tube-like and There is also a stream that provides fresh
about one yard in length. These items act as water to anyone (and also some tenches to
one-use missile weapons (same range as a feed any hungry angler). The northern part
heavy crossbow), can be used untrained, and of the area is the one most marked by the
inflict 2d4+1 hp if they hit (attack roll at +1, battle: the soil becomes bare and void of
blades and points are silver, so they can hit vegetation, the trees become bare, black and
lycanthropes). After being used, they cannot twisted. The more you go north, inside a
be reloaded. The gnomes ask 100 gp for each gorge that creeps into the mountains (where
of these items. the orcs were slain), the more it becomes
clear that in this place a large amount of
The gnomes have also met the Broken magic energy was used. For example, you
Shields. They are friendly towards dwarves, can find a shrub of wild roses whose
and will hardly believe any negative branches, leaves, and flowers are constantly
comment, attributing it to old disagreements consumed by an invisible fire, but then come
between hin and dwarves, which they believe back intact, as if time was rewound. This is
should be left behind. Thus, they will not clearly a residual effect of Blackflame but
reveal anything about the Broken Shields only the halflings, more aware of the
unless the PCs trick them, or provide mysteries of the clan, can recognise it.
overwhelming proof of the dwarves’
wrongdoings. In that case, the gnomes know In any case the PC can try to learn something
the same information as the Broken Shields more of this place:
agents at Waymeet.
● If any of the (non-halfling) PCs possess
Finally, Tekira, Dirlin’s daughter, is a the Local History skill, they can roll it and
priestess of Garal Glitterlode (Gnome with a successful test will be able to
3/Shaman 2, L). She will help the PCs with remember that this is the place where an
Cure Light Wounds spells, if they are friendly.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

To the Mistmyr Falls

important battle between halfling and present himself and tell them something like
orcs was fought. this:

● Instead, any halfling PC that succeeds in Hullo travelers! My name is

the test can remember the following O’Brann and I live in these
information: the Battle of Blackflame was areas. I'm here to ask for your
fought here three centuries before (700 help! Please accept my
AC); in that struggle, a great force of proposal! A few travellers
invading orcs was drawn into one great passed here and nobody
host by skillful hin retreats commanded wanted to listen to me.
by Bleth Nar (last dan-chief of the Nars),
and utterly destroyed by massed hin To the north there is a valley
magic (notably Blackflame). With an inhabited by spirits: they are
extraordinary success they can also learn soldiers of an ancient battle who
that this was the last battle of the Nar clan have no peace and can’t
that has been extinct for three hundred find a way to the
years. This place should also be the one afterlife. One of these in
where the clan standard banner (three particular don’t makes me sleep overnight! Is
talons of brown on a white field) has a halfling dressed in mail armour, with a
been lost. very bad neck wound, crying near a large
boulder at about half the valley. If you can
find out what his problem is, and help him,
An unexpected encounter I will finally get some rest and I can get back
to work. I'm a great shoemaker and I can
During the night the characters will be visited repay you with a gem and a pair of magic
by an unlikely creature. Is a tiny boots. How about it? Will you help a poor
Leprechaun3, dressed in green and with a little fella in need of sleep?
small lantern, which will try to be noticed by
one of the characters awake for the watch
turn (precisely for this reason the characters
do not have to do any kind of test to notice
it, he is in fact looking to be seen). Once
someone has noticed it, the Leprechaun, O’ O b sc u r e , M ir r o r Im a g e ; Fly , Ch a r m M o n st e r ,
Brann (male Leprechaun 12, 26 HP, AC 5, Ha st e , Su m m o n A n im a ls; Co n f u sio n ,
Dim e n sio n Do o r , En c h a n t e d W e a p o n ,
armed with a tiny wooden staff, which inflicts P o ly m o r p h O t h e r ; Ne u t r a liz e P o iso n ,
1d2 hit points of damage4) will show up, Su m m o n O b j e c t , Cr e a t e No r m a l A n im a ls,
A n im a t e O b j e c t s . O’ B ra nn ha s the
3 We e m pl o y the L e pre c ha un PC ra c e fro m B a r g a in in g , Da n c in g , Cr a f t (Sh o e m a k in g ),
T a ll T a le s o f t h e W e e Fo lk , b ut o b vio us l y yo u Cr a f t (Le a t h e r wo r k in g ), St o r y t e llin g ,
c a n us e the e quiva l e nt fo r a ny rul e s s ys te m K n o wle d g e (Ge o g r a p h y o f t h e Fiv e Sh ir e s ),
yo u a re us ing. a nd s pe a k s , b e s id e s the l o c a l l a ngua ge , a l s o
4 O’ B ra nn ha s m e m o ris e d the fo l l o wing the e l ve n l a ngua ge (a l b e it a n o b s c ure
s pe l l s : Ch a r m P e r so n , Lo c a t e O b j e c t , Sle e p , d ia l e c t), a nd a ra the r o b s o l e te d ia l e c t o f
W a r p W o o d ; En t a n g le , Fa ir y Slu m b e r , Tra l a d a ra n.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

To the Mistmyr Falls

At this point, the characters may decide to The group has finally met Bleth Nar, the last
give a hand to O’Brann or to continue of Clan Nar commanders, who has returned
exploring the area on their own. from death as Lesser Haunt5. For 300 years
he has failed to find the well-deserved eternal
peace as he feels guilty of losing the clan
In search of the wounded halfling standard, one of the few memorabilia that
[Encounter: 9 Skeletons, XP 90] reminds of the existence and the actions of
the Clan Nar. Bleth Nar will try to persuade
If the characters head to the valley they will the characters to help him and, if they are
find a different atmosphere than the one they successful, he promises to reveal to them a
encountered if they had already visited the hidden compartment where orcs had packed
valley. This time they are immersed in a some war trophies. If the group asks about
twilight atmosphere, a rather dense fog has where the banner might be and his
dropped down on the area and lets them appearance, Bleth Nar is going to describe it
only glimpse the indistinct silhouettes of the (Three Talons of Brown on a White Field),
elements of the landscape. Every now and and he will say that it is probably with the orc
then, without warning, the noise of a battle that killed him, a big warchief without an eye
is heard: swords hitting shields, screams, and with a scar that crosses his face.
shooted arrows and shouted orders (which
the PCs can understand if they know the Orc
language). From time to time, out of the In search of the banner
corner of their eyes, they can see shadows To find the warchief, the group must head
that fight between themselves in the midst of towards the heart of the valley, where the
dark explosions. At some point out of this most bloody clashes between halflings and
fog, nine skeletons approach the group. greenskins took place. Along the way, before
Some are quite tall with fangs in place of the reaching their destination, the PCs will have
teeth. Others are little more than babies. to defeat two groups of skeletons: the first
They are obviously the remains of the one is composed by five skeletons of large
soldiers who fought in this place three orcs and bugbears. To represent this, use the
centuries ago. following modified stats:

As soon as the group has got rid of the Large Skeleton (5)
skeletons, they will hear in the distance a Armor Class: 6
weeping cry. If they follow the noise they will Hit Dice: 1+1 (hp: 9)
arrive at a large boulder (maybe a projectile Attacks: 1 (Bonus THAC0 +1)
of an orcish siege weapon) on which a Damage: Battle Axe (1d8+1)
translucent figure of an halfling is seated. Save As: F1 Bonus +1
Just as O'Brann had described it, this halfling XP Value: 20
is wearing a mail armor, probably of elven
origin; on the neck has a large wound,
probably caused by a heavy cutting weapon.
It looks incredibly sad and disconsolate. 5 S e e D M R 2 Cr e a t u r e Ca t a lo g p. 5 2 o r AC9
Cr e a t u r e Ca t a lo g u e p. 8 6 .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

To the Mistmyr Falls

The second encounter will be composed of Marukk, Ghost Ogre Warchief

three large skeletons and six smaller
skeletons representing instead goblins armed Uncorporeal1 3, Chaotic
with bows. Statistics: HD 3+4****, hp 16, AC 5, XP
Value: 150
Small Skeleton (6) Attacks: 1 touch or gaze, damage 1d6 or
Armor Class: 7 paralysis; also, see poisonous aura under
Hit Dice: 1-1 (hp 5) special abilities
Attacks: 1 (Malus THAC0 -1) Defenses: need silver weapons to hit.
Damage: Small Bow (1d6 -1)
Save As: F1 -1 Special abilities: poisonous presence
XP Value: 5 (poisons water and food within 15’, kills
small plants and insects); paralyzing gaze
(1d4 rounds), immune to charm and sleep
Marukk, The Halflings Cruncher spells, incorporeal, materialize (takes 1
Eventually, the characters will arrive near a round), enter Ethereal 1/day.
rather large square. The magical mist that Summoned Uncorporeal Orcs:
surrounds the valley let appear remaining Uncorporeal NM, HD 1*, AC 6, attack 1
images of the ancient battle: big orcish touch, damage 1d6, undead immunities,
warmachines, halfling and greenskin fights, incorporeal, materialize (takes 2 rounds),
magic spells and magic energies unleashed enter Ethereal 1/day, XP Value: 15 each.
without remorse. In the middle of this chaos
a large spectral figure screams orders with a
thundering voice. He’s Marukk, the warchief 1 S e e “ Un d e a d o f Ele g y Isla n d ” in
that killed Bleth Nar, a large ogre without an T h r e sh o ld M a ga z ine #1 3 . N o te tha t, to
re pre s e nt the fa c t tha t this U nc o rpo re a l
eye and with a scar that crosses his face. He
wa s o rigina l l y a n Ogre , we ha ve c ho s e n to
is surrounded by its own “honour guard” of give it 4 e xtra hit po ints .
four Uncorporeal Orcs.
images and sounds produced by the mist
seem to fade and melt.
● The defeat of Marukk allows the group to ● Bringing the banner back to Bleth Nar
find the clan Nar standard. It is almost will cause him to finally find eternal
entirely covered by a boulder, another peace. Before leavin,g the halfling will
bullet of the orcs war machines. How it indicate to the group a place in the
has remained intact despite three ground where a trunk is buried. Inside
centuries of weather exposition remains the group will find some coins (50 gp,
a mystery. 200 ep, 500 sp) and a Rope of Climbing6.
In addition to this it is possible to notice If asked, Bleth Nar will be able to provide
a slight thinning of the magical mist that the direction in which the mine is located
was covering the valley. Much of the (although it will not be accurate about it).

6 R u le s Cy c lo p e d ia , p. 2 4 1 .


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

To the Mistmyr Falls

● O'Brann will be extremely happy that the having to backtrack to a previous point. Use
nocturnal crying has finally ceased. He the Navigation skill for this purpose:
will give to the group a green gem (jade,
10 gp). He will also create (in one night) ● On a success, the PCs explore the hex
a pair of boots for one of them; they will without problems, but may still meet
be able to choose between Boots of random monsters (at the DM’s option, a
Levitation and Boots of Speed. Once the success on half score may avoid such
boots have been delivered, he will depart encounters).
from the characters with a mysterious
“We will meet again”. ● On a failure, the PCs lose a day trying to
get back on track, due to difficult terrain
which forces them to take a longer path
Mistmyr Falls and/or rest more frequently.

● On a failure by 4 or more, the PCs believe

they have found the entrance of the mine,
but they have actually found a cave
inhabited by a pair of mountain lions. On
a repeated major failure, the DM may
decide whether to add a new side-trek (in
this case we recommend The Witch of
Windcrag from Dungeon Magazine #51.

In any case, award a total of 100 XP for each

explored hex.

The Mountain Lion Den

This small cave is the dwelling of dangerous
predators. However, the PCs are lost and
take it for the mine entrance.

(Numbered areas refer to map overleaf)

1. A difficult (half score) Danger Sense or

Tracking roll alerts them that the cave is
not what they are looking for. Depending
For each 8-miles hex explored (or for each on the skill employed, the PCs may notice
day of exploration), roll a random encounter. the tracks of a great cat, or sense the
Exploration requires appropriate skill rolls to lingering scent of the puma.
avoid getting lost in the mountains and


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

To the Mistmyr Falls

2. This cavern is empty, but the ceiling is

rather low. All PCs taller than 1 meter will
have difficulty moving here: dwarves need
to stoop, and elves and humans have to

3. The ceiling is higher in this area, and all

PCs can stand. There is nothing here,
except for discarded bones. A Natural
Lore skill roll will identify carnivorous
teeth marks on the bones of a mountain

4. Two mountain lions (HD 3+2, AC 6; 14

hp, 15 hp; 100 XP) wait for the PCs. They
have good sense of smell, so they are not

5. Four mountain lion cubs (HD 1+2, AC

9; hp 6, 7; dmg 1/1/1d2; 60 XP) are found
here. They attempt to flee, but will fight if

6. This cave leads to an exit, which is rather

difficult to navigate due to the very low
ceiling. Hin have to stoop, and bulky PCs
will need to make a successful Dexterity
or Escape check to avoid remaining stuck
between ceiling and floor.

7. This cave is empty, except for the corpse

of a hin explorer. The corpse has been
fully devoured by the mountain lions,
leaving only a broken shortbow, an empty
quiver, a dirty, long, jagged dagger of The Broken Shields Attack
excellent manufacture (+1 to hit in When the PCs finally find the mine entrance
melee), a pouch with 3 gold pieces, 12 at Mistmyr Falls, the Broken Shields fall upon
silver pieces and 8 copper pieces, and a them with their remaining forces. Depending
locket with the portrait of a hin girl and on how successful the PCs have been in past
the name Silagh (value: 5 gp). encounters, the dwarves can be present in
force, or they may be a relatively easy


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

To the Mistmyr Falls

Balur “Rockcutter” Naicwarf Filblys CONCLUSION: INTO THE

Dwarf Cleric 2, hp 12, AC 2 MINES
Str 10, Int 10, Wis 14, Dex 8, Con 13, Cha 8
The PCs reach a cave entrance protected by a
Balur is the leader of the Broken Shield team palisade, over which hangs a ragged, dirty-
sent to track down Lotkal’s Vault. He is a yellow banner showing a bloody stag’s head
good combatant, and is valued by his Broken over crossed scimitars. The gate is open, and
Shield superiors because of his loyalty and the palisade is manned only by two spear-
dedication, but his leadership is hampered bearing gnolls (8, 9 hp; total XP value 40),
by his abrasive personality. Furthermore, an neither of whom seems to pay much
accident in his youth limits his mobility. attention to what is going on outside - one of
Balur fights equally well with the hand axe them is actually peering inside the cave. The
and warhammer, and keeps a throwing deafening noise of the nearby Mistmyr Falls
hammer ready. He wears plate mail and a makes it so that the gnolls will not hear the
round shield. Contrary to his team, he rides PCs unless they go out of their way to attract
a stout pony, which he will use to flee in case attention.
of defeat.
If the PCs
Any surviving agent from the previous overcome the
encounter will have joined Balur for this gnolls, they can
attack. Furthermore, he has three more have a closer
agents with him (D1, AC 5, hp 4, 5, and 6). look at the
Note that Aziz bin Jibril will not fight the PCs entrance. While
if they saved him. Furthermore, neither the rock is
Bombin nor Doror will break any promise chipped and
they might have made to the PCs, in order to smoothed by
get their help in Imelda’s lair. age, rain, wind,
and goblinoids,
Each dwarf has 3d4 gold coins and 4d6 silver the passage has
coins, minted in Rockhome. been worked by
dwarves. Any
dwarf can
recognize this
with a Mining or
Engineering skill roll, or with the “detect new
constructions” dwarven special ability.

Before the PCs can actually enter the cave, a

flight of 20 earth fundamentals will swoop
on them from the upper reaches of the
entrance. There are enough fundamentals to


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

To the Mistmyr Falls

drive the PCs away, but they will not attack REFERENCES
fleeing PCs. At least half of the fundamentals
disperse through the woods after forcing the
PCs away from the entrance, so they can be Jim Bambra, Phil Gallagher, Graeme Morris,
met as part of random encounters on the AC9: Creature Catalogue, TSR 1986.
mountains in groups of 1d4+2, replacing
hawks (entry 5 in the random encounter Ed Greenwood, GAZ8: The Five Shires,
table) until they are wiped out. The Gazetteer, TSR 1988.
remaining fundamentals will roost on the
ceiling of the entrance, like so many rocky bats. John Nephew, DRM2: Creature Catalog, TSR
For surviving up to this point, and finding
the entrance to the mines, the PCs receive a Stephen J. Smith, The Witch of Windcrag,
story bonus of 125 XP each. Dungeon Magazine #51, volume IX, number
3, TSR Jan/Feb 1995.
The adventure will continue with the many
levels of Loktal’s Vault in future issues of Christopher Perkins, Redcap’s Rampage,
Threshold Magazine! Dungeon Magazine #54, volume IX, number
6, TSR Jul/Aug 1995.

Giampaolo Agosta, John Calvin, and

Francesco Defferrari, “The Undead of Elegy
Island”, Threshold Magazine issue #13, 2016.

Andrea Ciceri, “The Disappearance of

Jebediah Gallidox”, Threshold Magazine
issue #16, 2017.


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Artwork Sources and Credits


Front [Image: Cover of issue 17] Source
cover: Cover of issue 17 by Sturm, using Albert Bierstadt - The Rocky
Mountains, Lander's Peak via Wikimedia Commons.
Page 7: [Image: Thibault Sarlat’s map]
Montage and thumbnail by Sturm of the original maps
(See article for sources)
Page 8: [Image: Christian Constantin’s map]
Montage and thumbnail by Sturm of the original maps
(See article for sources)
Page 9: [Image: Kal’s map]
Thumbnail by Sturm of the original map
(See article for sources)
Page 10: [Image: Thorfinn’s Savage Coast map]
Thumbnail by Sturm of the original map
(See article for sources)
Page 11: [Image: DJ Hartel’s map]
Thumbnail by Sturm of the original map
(See article for sources)
Page 11: [Image: Robin’s map]
Thumbnail by Sturm of the original map
(See article for sources)
Page 12: [Image: Omnibius’s map]
Thumbnail by Sturm of the interactive map
(See article for sources)
Page 13: [Image: Sturm’s map]
Thumbnail of the original map
(See article for sources)
Page 14: [Image: mindszenty’s map]
Thumbnail by Sturm of the original map
(See article for sources)
Page 15: [Image: Carillion’s maps]
Montage and thumbnail by Sturm of the original maps
(See article for sources)
Page 16: [Image: Ignacio’s maps combined]
Montage and thumbnail by Sturm of the original maps
(See article for sources)


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Artwork Sources and Credits

Page 17: [Image: Sylvan Realm]

Particular of the original map by Sturm
(See article for sources)
Page 18: [Image: Klagorst]
Particular of the original map by Sturm
(See article for sources)
Page 18: [Image: Zuyganev]
Particular of the original map by Sturm
(See article for sources)
Page 19: [Image: Darsagades]
Particular of the original map by Sturm
(See article for sources)
Page 20: [Image: Gombar]
Particular of the original map by Sturm
(See article for sources)
Page 21: [Image: Native village]
View of Chimney Rock, Ohalilah Sioux Village in the Source
foreground by Albert Bierstadt via Wikimedia Commons.
Page 24: [Image: Human fighting a Giant]
"Thor's Battle with the Frost Giants". Source Foster, Mary H.
1901. Asgard Stories: Tales from Norse Mythology. Silver,
Burdett and Company. Page 53. via Wikimedia Commons.
Page 27: [Image: Bison hunt]
The Buffalo Hunt [No 26] by Charles Marion Russell via Source
Wikimedia Commons
Page 30: [Image: Hyborean warriors]
Koryak people in armor by "Vladimir Jochelson via Wikimedia Source
Page 34: [Image: Dorfin’s warriors]
Arrival of the Hungarians by Árpád Feszty via Wikimedia Source
Page 35: [Image: Vainamoinen]
The defence of the Sampo, painting by Akseli Gallen-Kallela via Source
Wikimedia commons
Page 27: [Image: Galannor knights and the Iraklit emperor]
Knights of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem Restoring
Religion in Armenia in 1347 by Henri Delaborde via Wikimedia


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Artwork Sources and Credits

Page 41: [Image: Fallen Earthshaker]

From Stories of gods and heroes (1920) by Thomas Bulfinch
with illustrations drawn in color by Sybil Tawse via Wikimedia
Page 43: [Image: Urduk village]
Village Scene In The Punjab by Gulam Ali Khan via Wikimedia Source
Page 47: [Image: Fighting shapeshifters]
Battle at Lanka, Ramayana, by Sahib Din, 1649-1653, British Source
Library, via Wikimedia commons
Page 49: [Image: The Master]
Illustrations of Ottoman soldiers from the Süleymanname via Source
Wikimedia commons
Page 52: [Image: Darsagades Palace]
A panoramic view of the gardens and outside of the Palace of
Darius I of Persia in Persepolis, recreation by Charles Chipiez,
via Wikimedia commons
Page 54: [Image: Espans]
Cortes appoints la Malinche as his interpreter from Romance Source
of History, Mexico, 1909 book via Wikimedia Commons
Page 57: [Image: Zuyevan Emperor]
Portrait of the Tzar Michail Romanov via Wikimedia commons Source

Page 62: [Image: Bison herd]

"When the Land Belonged to God." Oil C.M. Russell, Montana
Historical Society MacKay Collection, Helena, MT via Source
Wikimedia Commons.
Page 64: [Image: Great Trek Map]
Map of great herds migrations created by Robin.
Page 65: [Image: Barbarian]
Attila and his Hordes Overrun Italy and the Arts by Eugene Source
Delacroix via Wikimedia Commons
Page 71: [Image: Qauriks]
Snowbound, Oil on canvas, 26 x 20 in. On extended loan to
the Staten Island Museum, New York City by Charles R. Knight
via Wikimedia commons
Page 75: [Image: Fallen Stalwart]
David and Goliath by Titian via Wikimedia commons Source

Page 78: [Image: Commoners]

Peasant Wedding Dance by Pieter Brueghel the Younger via Source
Wikimedia commons


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Artwork Sources and Credits

Page 80: [Image: Native]

A Chukchi family in front of their home near the Bering strait.
Drawing by Louis Choris in summer 1816, via Wikimedia
Page 87: [Image: Yeti or Sasquatch]
Drawing by User:Lizard King from Wikimedia commons Source

Page 104: [Image: Rockman depiction]

Original drawing by author
Page 127: [Image: Wereraven]
Hokusai, detail of a drawing of tengu fleeing Sakata Kintoki Source
from Wikimedia commons
Page 127: [Image: Living area of Wereraven]
Map created by the author modifying the Master set map of
Page 133: [Image: Aurumvorax]
Modified by the author from Table from The animal kingdom; Source
based upon the writings of the eminent naturalists, by Hugh
Craig, via Wikimedia commons.
Page 143: [Image: Noxum Castle]
Fasilides Palace in the Fasil Ghebbi, Gondar, Ethiopia via Source
Wikimedia Commons.
Page 144: [Image: Dutse knight]
Horseman at Kano Durbar festival in Nigeria via Wikimedia Source
Page 145: [Image: Kobir]
Athanasius Kircher. Drawing of the Turris Babel. Amsterdam, Source
1679, via Wikimedia Commons
Page 146: [Image: Bedoni legionnaire]
Exhibit from the African collection of the Staatliches Museum
für Völkerkunde München, Maximilianstraße 42, Munich,
Germany via Wikimedia Commons.
Page 147: [Map: Southern Arm of the Immortal]
Original work by Leandro Abrahão
Page 149: [Image: Great Temple of Raura]
Stitched Panorama of the Great Mosque of Kairouan, in Source
Tunisia, via Wikimedia commons
Page 150: [Image: Ore-Ohuan II, ruler of the Empire of Bedon]
The Ife Head from Nigeria, British Museum, London, via Source
Wikimedia Commons


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Artwork Sources and Credits

Page 151: [Image: Noxumite Church]

Church of Saint-Georges, Lalibela, Etiopia via Wikimedia Source
Page 151: [Image: Atekalayi (Thor) fighting a dragon, Noxumite art]
St. George Slaying the Dragon, Church of Debre Sina, Lalibela, Source
Ethiopia via Wikimedia Commons
Page 153: [Image: Engdyr’s Game AP]
Engdyr’s Game AP by John Calvin [used by permission of the
Page 155: [Image: Path to Kairhyeld]
The Path to Kairhyeld, modified from the Shimmering Lands
Map, 2017 by John Calvin [used by permission]
Page 157: [Image: The Forest of Imyrluran]
Dark Forest, Feb. 16, 2015 by Pexels [CC0 Creative Commons] Source
via pixabay
Page 160: [Image: Apparitions Attack]
Folk-tales of bengal, illustration by W. Goble 1912 [Public Source
domain] via Wikimedia Commons
Page 167: [Image: Escaped Slaves]
The Princess Idleways : a fairy story 1879, by Helen Ashe Hays Source
[no known copyright restrictions] via Wikimedia Commons
Page 169: [Image: Kairhyeld Gatherhold]
Map of Kairhyled Gatherhold, 2017 by John Calvin [used by
permission of the artist]
Page 178: [Image: Monster Spider]
Spider-arachnid-insect-nature by RachelBostwick [CC0 Creative Source
Commons] via pixabay

Page 183; [Image: title page]

Albert Bierstadt, A rustic mill, circa 1855, Public Domain via Source
Wikimedia Commons
Page 185; [Image: Overland Map]
G. Agosta, Overland map of Highshire, 2017. Used by
permission of the author. Made with The GIMP.
Page 187; [Image: The Wayside Inn]
Václav Malý, Motiv aus dem Böhmischen Paradies, 1903, Public Source
Domain via Wikimedia Commons


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Artwork Sources and Credits

Page 189; [Image: The Wooded Hills north of Aercruth]

Abraham Govaerts, Wooded landscape with peasants crossing
the ford, circa 1619 Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Page 190; [Image: Map of the Cave in the Woods]

Cave map n. 6, randomly generated with the Cave Generator
by G. Agosta
Page 193; [Image: A Leprechaun]
Jean-noël Lafargue, Leprechaun, Free Art License/Licence Art Source
Libre via Wikimedia Commons
Page 196; [Image: The Mistmyr Falls]
Anton Radl, Waldlandschaft mit Wasserfall, 1825, Public Source
Domain via Wikimedia Commons
Page 197; [Image: Map of the Mountain Lion Den]
Cave map n. 46, randomly generated with the Cave Generator
by G. Agosta
Page 198; [Image: Into the Mines]
William McAusland, used by permission.
Page 206: [Image: Back Cover of issue 17]
Back cover of issue 17 by Sturm, using River Bluffs, 1320 Miles Source
above St. Louis by George Catlin via Wikimedia Commons.
Back [Image: Mockup Cover of issue 18]
Cover : Cover of issue 18 by Sturm, using Landing of Pedro Álvares
Cabral in Porto Seguro, in 1500 by Oscar Pereira da Silva via
Wikimedia Commons


: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

Next Issue

In Western Brun there is a wild, untamed land with

ancient ruins to explore, proud people and nations
to meet, an ancient curse and strange weapons. The
Savage Coast needs women and men, brave and

Anticipated contents include:

● People of the Savage Coast

● Torreon Mini Gazetteer
● The Great Northways Lands
● The Trident Isles
● The UnKnown World Trail Map part V
● Dwarven families of Rockhome

…and much much more!

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: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

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: The Mystara Magazine Issue #17

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The Mystara Magazine

The Unexplored West!

You can cross the Sind desert or dare the trails of the Adri
Varma Plateau. You can sail to Yavdlom or trek trough the
frozen wastes of Hyborea. Beyond lies Western Brun, the
unexplored and unknown part of the continent. Only some
incomplete and perhaps unreliable maps and reports
describe the Western lands, all that remains was left by the
few explorers who went that far. Yet many people, humans
and not, call the West their home. Maybe you could find a
guide among them, a saviour, a friend, or maybe a mortal
From the lost Sylvan Realm of the elves to the mythical
Urzud, to the Yalu Sea and south to the Savage Coast and the
Arm of the Immortals, behold the vastness of the unknown
Brun! [email protected]

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