2024 Beginning Latin Exam FINAL
2024 Beginning Latin Exam FINAL
2024 Beginning Latin Exam FINAL
1. Pīrātae cum captīvīs Rōmānīs ad īnsulās nāvigant. A) through B) out of C) behind D) toward
2. Quam difficile erat labōrāre per noctem! A) How B) When C) That D) Why
3. Ego et tū in vīllā Mārcī bene _____. A) cēnāvimus B) cēnāvī C) cēnāvistī D) cēnāvērunt
4. Nūntius senātōrī clārō epistulam trādidit. A) with the famous senator B) to the famous senator C) of the famous senator
D) by the famous senator
5. Prō templō Iūnōnis Monētae, mīlitēs pecūniam gladiīs custōdiēbant. A) a sword B) for a sword C) with swords
D) of swords
6. Deī Troiānōs patriam novam quaerere iubent. A) to seek B) he is seeking C) seek D) they seek
7. Quōmodo artifex ad urbem Londinium nāvigāvit? A) Who B) Where C) Why D) How
8. Neque gladiātōrēs neque animālia in arēnā vīdimus. A) not only…but also B) both…and C) either…or D) neither…nor
9. Vīsitantne līberī in Forō Rōmānō omnia monumenta? A) Are the children visiting B) Were the children visiting
C) Can the children visit D) Did the children visit
10. Audīte, discipulī, et dīligenter respondēte! A) students B) for the students C) of the students D) by the students
11. Pater meus nōbīs fābulās saepe recitat. A) never recites B) often recites C) suddenly recites D) always recites
12. Patrōnus mercātōris est benignus. A) The patron is kind to the merchant. B) The patron and merchant are kind.
C) He is the patron of kind merchants. D) The patron of the merchant is kind.
13. Cassandra omnēs _____ dē perīculīs novīs semper monuit. A) Troiānōs B) Troiānī C) Troiānum D) Troiānus
14. Hercules in vālle Nemēā leōnem ferōcem necābit. A) will kill B) is able to kill C) was killing D) has killed
15. Duo fūrēs pecūniam avidē cēpērunt. A) eagerness B) eager C) to be eager D) eagerly
16. Septem avēs per fenestram in vīllam volant. Est magnus clāmor. Trēs avēs ē vīllā ēvolant. Quot avēs in vīllā remanent?
A) trēs B) quattuor C) quīnque D) decem
17. Magistra inquit, “Nōlī in scholā currere!” A) No one runs B) Run quickly C) Don’t run D) Please run
18. Argus nāvem Argonautārum cōnstruit. A) of the Argonauts B) the Argonauts C) with the Argonauts D) to the Argonauts
19. Quid in silvīs quaerēbās? A) are you looking for B) were you looking for C) will you look for D) have you looked for
20. Brevī tempore spectātōrēs amphitheātrum intrābunt. A) Sometimes B) Never C) Soon D) Always
21. Quis sum? Sum pulchra dea amōris. Fīlius meus est Cupīdō. Alius fīlius est Aenēās, dux Troiānōrum.
A) Cerēs B) Venus C) Diāna D) Minerva
22. On the map, identify the province which was a focus of Julius 22.
Caesar’s military campaign in his work Dē Bellō Gallicō and 3
whose capital, Lutētia, will host this year’s 2024 Summer Olympics.
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
23. What fearsome Greek warrior was killed by Paris' arrow in his heel
despite being made nearly invulnerable as a child by his mother? 2 1
A) Agamemnon B) Menelaus C) Achilles D) Odysseus
24. My teacher asked about the per capita income of the citizens of Sicily. 4
What type of income is this? A) for each person B) for each day C) for each farm D) for each province
25. What is the meaning of the Latin word from which the English words tractor, distract, train, and extraction are derived?
A) run B) save C) touch D) drag
26. Ubi sunt? Adulēscentēs ex apodytēriō discēdunt et in aquā tepidāriī sedent. A) in Cūriā B) in thermīs C) in tabernīs
D) in Circō Maximō
27. Which room of the Roman domus was considered the personal office of the paterfamiliās? A) peristȳlium B) culīna
C) tablīnum D) trīclīnium
Numa employs three magic words against Jupiter’s powers.
Numa, secundus rēx Rōmānōrum, religiōnem populō Rōmānō dabat. Rēx 1
tamen volēbat capere duōs satyrōs, Pīcum et Faunum, quī verba magica contrā 2 satyrōs = satyrs (woodland creatures)
Iovem dīcere sciēbant. Numa satyrōs dēcēpit et cēpit. Duo satyrī rēgī dīxērunt 3 Iovem = Jupiter; dēcēpit = deceived
tria verba magica quae fulmina deī repellere poterant. 4 fulmina = thunderbolts
Iuppiter, quod Numa nunc erat superbus, erat īrātus et ad terram dē caelō 5 superbus = arrogant
dēscendit. Iuppiter Numae clāmāvit, “Potesne repellere fulmina mea ab urbe 6
tuā? Dēmōnstrā mihi potentiam tuam!” 7 potentiam = power
Numa rogāvit, “Ita vērō, omnipotēns, sed quōmodo?” 8
“Capitibus!” Iuppiter statim nūntiāvit. 9 Capitibus = With heads
“Capitibus bulbōrum?” prīmum Numa callidē rogāvit. 10 bulbōrum = of onions; callidē = cleverly
“Virōrum!” Iuppiter respondit. 11
“Capillīs virōrum?” tum Numa sine morā prōposuit. 12 Capillīs = With hair; morā = delay
Iuppiter inquit, “Minimē! Vītās poscō!” 13 poscō = I demand
“Vītās piscium? Piscēs ē marī igitur tibi dabimus,” tandem Numa prōmīsit. 14
Postquam Iuppiter tria verba magica, “bulbōs” et “capillōs” et “piscēs,” audīvit, 15
fulmina torquēre nōn poterat. Etiam hodiē Rōmānī fulmina magicīs verbīs, 16 torquēre = to throw
“bulbīs” et “capillīs” et “piscibus,” repellunt. 17
Adapted from Plutarch, Numa 15, and Ovid, Fasti 3
31. According to line 1, what did Numa establish for the Roman people? A) a kingdom B) religion C) public games
D) citizenship
32. According to lines 2-3, why did Numa wish to capture Picus and Faunus? A) They had special knowledge. B) They did
not share their crops. C) They had fought in battle against Jupiter. D) Their kingdom rivaled Numa’s kingdom.
33. What could the satyrs’ three magic words accomplish (lines 3-4)? A) bring Numa immortality B) secure Rome from
foreign invaders C) warn the citizens of a disaster D) gain protection from Jupiter’s weapons
34. How does Jupiter feel when he learns of Numa’s actions (lines 5-6, Iuppiter…dēscendit)? A) pleased B) confused
C) angry D) amazed
35. Based on your knowledge of Latin roots, what does omnipotēns (line 8) mean? A) all-seeing B) all-powerful
C) all-knowing D) all-hearing
36. What is the second magic word used by Numa in response to Jupiter? A) Capitibus (line 10) B) Virōrum (line 11)
C) Capillīs (line 12) D) Minimē (line 13)
37. What adverb is the best synonym for the Latin phrase sine morā (line 12)? A) numquam B) statim C) ibi D) semper
38. According to lines 9-13, what sacrifice does Jupiter propose for Numa’s success? A) humans B) onions C) hair D) fish
39. When did Jupiter realize that he had been tricked (lines 15-16)? A) when Numa caught a fish B) when Numa agreed with
Jupiter C) when Numa spoke the magic words D) when Numa addressed Jupiter reverently
40. What resulted from the conversation between Numa and Jupiter (lines 16-17)? A) A new temple was dedicated to Jupiter.
B) Enemies never conquered Rome during the monarchy. C) Satyrs can live only in forests. D) The people of Rome
continue to use this charm to repel thunderbolts.