Evil Robot - Galaxy Pirates - Heavy Dropship

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Evil Robot Games

Heavy Dropship Small Shuttle
Speed 8; Maneuverability perfect (+2 Piloting, turn 0)
These dropships are all built on a modified shuttle chassis. AC 18; TL 17
The different models are used by corporate science firms, HP 35; DT —; CT 7
research groups, aid programs, private security and mili- Shields basic 60 (forward 18, port 12, starboard 12, aft 18)
tary forces. Attack (Forward) 2x fire linked coilguns (8d4)
Power Core Pulse Gray (100 PCU); Drift Engine none;
Systems MK1 Duonode computer, budget short-range sensors, mk 5
Stock Heavy Dropship armor, mk 5 defenses; Expansion Bays cargo bays (3)
Equipped with two fire linked coilguns, this shuttle has the armor, Modifiers +1 to any two checks; +2 Piloting; +0 Computers
defenses, and speed necessary to land 75 tons of cargo nearly any- Complement 4
where. CREW
Captain Bluff +12 (2 ranks), Computers +7 (2 ranks), Diplomacy
+12 (2 ranks), Engineering +7 (2 ranks), gunnery +7, Piloting +9 (2
STOCK HEAVY DROPSHIP TIER 1 (55 Build Points) ranks)
Small Shuttle Engineer Engineering +7 (2 ranks)
Speed 8; Maneuverability perfect (+2 Piloting, turn 0) Gunners gunnery +7
AC 16; TL 16 Pilot gunnery +7, Piloting +14 (2 ranks)
HP 35; DT —; CT 7 Science Officer Computers +7 (2 ranks)
Shields basic 20 (forward 6, port 4, starboard 4, aft 6)
Attack (Forward) 2x fire linked coilguns (8d4)
Power Core Arcus Light (75 PCU); Drift Engine none; Medical Dropship
Systems basic computer, budget short-range sensors, mk 4 With heavier shields than the Stock Heavy Dropship, the medical
armor, mk 4 defenses; Expansion Bays cargo bays (3) model can take the punishment of flying into and out of combat
Modifiers +2 Piloting; +0 Computers Complement 4 zones and rendering humanitarian aid.
Captain Bluff +10 (1 rank), Computers +5 (1 rank), Diplomacy +10 HEAVY ARMS DROPSHIP TIER 3 (95 Build Points)
(1 rank), Engineering +5 (1 rank), gunnery +5, Piloting +7 (1 rank) Small Shuttle
Engineer Engineering +5 (1 rank) Speed 8; Maneuverability perfect (+2 Piloting, turn 0)
Gunner gunnery +5 AC 18; TL 18
Pilot gunnery +5, Piloting +12 (1 rank) HP 35; DT —; CT 7
Science Officer Computers +5 (1 rank) Shields basic 60 (forward 18, port 12, starboard 12, aft 18)
Attack (Forward) 2x fire linked coilguns (8d4)
Power Core Pulse Black (120 PCU); Drift Engine none;
Heavy Arms Dropship Systems MK1 Duonode computer, basic mid-range sensors, mk 4 ar-
Built around a pair of light particle cannons, this dropship is meant
mor, mk 4 defenses; Expansion Bays medical bays (3)
to soften ground defenses and deliver cargo or troops in hot landing
Modifiers +1 to any two checks; +2 Piloting; +2 Computers
Complement 4
HEAVY ARMS DROPSHIP TIER 2 (75 Build Points) Captain Bluff +13 (3 ranks), Computers +10 (3 ranks), Diplomacy
Small Shuttle +13 (3 ranks), Engineering +8 (3 ranks), gunnery +8, Piloting +10
Speed 8; Maneuverability perfect (+2 Piloting, turn 0) (3 ranks)
AC 17; TL 17 Engineer Engineering +8 (3 ranks)
HP 35; DT —; CT 7 Gunners gunnery +8
Shields basic 50 (forward 15, port 10, starboard 10, aft 15) Pilot gunnery +8, Piloting +15 (3 ranks)
Attack (Forward) 2x fire linked light particle cannon (8d4) Science Officer Computers +10 (3 ranks)
Power Core Pulse Gray (100 PCU); Drift Engine none;
Systems MK1 Duonode computer, basic short-range sensors, mk 4
armor, mk 4 defenses; Expansion Bays cargo bays (3) Science Exploration Dropship
Modifiers +1 to any two checks; +2 Piloting; +2 Computers With a basic drift engine and more comfortable crew accommoda-
Complement 4 tions than the Stock Heavy Dropship, this model can make long term
CREW interstellar journeys. The Science Exploration model comes com-
Captain Bluff +12 (2 ranks), Computers +9 (2 ranks), Diplomacy plete with a MK3 ship’s computer, two science labs and a sealed en-
+12 (2 ranks), Engineering +7 (2 ranks), gunnery +7, Piloting +7 (2 vironment chamber for storing and returning exotic samples.
Engineer Engineering +7 (2 ranks) SCIENCE EXPLORATION DROPSHIP TIER 3 (95 Build Points)
Gunners gunnery +7 Small Shuttle
Pilot gunnery +7, Piloting +14 (2 ranks) Speed 8; Maneuverability perfect (+2 Piloting, turn 0)
Science Officer Computers +9 (2 ranks) AC 18; TL 18
HP 35; DT —; CT 7
Heavy Armored Dropship Shields basic 60 (forward 18, port 12, starboard 12, aft 18)
With heavier armor and shields than the Stock Heavy Dropship, the Attack (Forward) 2x fire linked coilguns (8d4)
heavy armor model is harder to hit and can take more punishment Power Core Pulse Black (120 PCU); Drift Engine signal basic;
than the stock dropship. Systems good crew quarters, MK3 Duonode computer, basic mid-
range sensors, mk 4 armor, mk 4 defenses; Expansion Bays life sci-

ences lab, physical sciences lab, sealed environment chamber
Modifiers +1 to any two checks; +2 Piloting; +2 Computers
Complement 4
Captain Bluff +13 (3 ranks), Computers +10 (3 ranks), Diplomacy
+13 (3 ranks), Engineering +8 (3 ranks), gunnery +8, Piloting +10 (3
Engineer Engineering +8 (3 ranks)
Gunners gunnery +8
Pilot gunnery +8, Piloting +15 (3 ranks)
Science Officer Computers +10 (3 ranks)

Recon Dropship
With a basic drift engine and more comfortable crew accommoda-
tions than the Stock Heavy Dropship, this model can make long term
interstellar journeys. The Recon model comes complete with a MK3
ship’s computer, and the most advanced long range sensors available.

RECON DROPSHIP TIER 3 (95 Build Points)

Small Shuttle
Speed 8; Maneuverability perfect (+2 Piloting, turn 0)
AC 18; TL 19
HP 35; DT —; CT 7
Shields basic 60 (forward 18, port 12, starboard 12, aft 18)
Attack (Forward) 2x fire linked coilguns (8d4)
Power Core Pulse Black (120 PCU); Drift Engine signal basic;
Systems good crew quarters, MK3 Mononode computer, advanced
long-range sensors, mk 4 armor, mk 5 defenses; Expansion Bays car-
go bays (3)
Modifiers +3 to any one check; +2 Piloting; +4 Computers
Captain Bluff +13 (3 ranks), Computers +12 (3 ranks), Diplomacy
+13 (3 ranks), Engineering +8 (3 ranks), gunnery +8, Piloting +10 (3
Engineer Engineering +8 (3 ranks)
Gunners gunnery +8
Pilot gunnery +8, Piloting +15 (3 ranks)
Science Officer Computers +12 (3 ranks)

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