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Antimass Deflectors Admiral Nestphar (3/2),

Stasis Capsules Diplomat Green Tech

4 GF
1 Cruiser
1 Carrier
8 3 1 6 2 10 2-1
Duha Menaimon (3 HP)
2 Fighters
Produce Units (n), where n is the number of Ground Forces
present on this ship.
1 SD

Your Ground Forces cost 1 resource each. Your Ground Forces and Shock Troops receive -1 to combat rolls.
Your Infantry Units, if not moved that round, gain the produce units (1) ability. Your produce units ability is
always pooled together for each planet (also with a Space Dock).
During the Status Phase, place 1 GF on each of your planets with resource value higher than the current
amount of GFs on the planet.
You may never build MUs or Space Docks. Instead, during the Status Phase you may swap 2 GF on a planet
you controlled the entire round for a Space Dock, or vice verca.
You are immune to the effects of Radiation and Biohazard.

Bioplasmosis (3)
At the start of the Strategy Phase, you may place 1 GF on a friendly or empty planet adjacent to (or inside) a
system containing at least 1 of your GF. (counts as a hostile action and triggers Domain Counters)

Spore Acceleration (4)

When using your ability to place GFs during the Status Phase, you may treat your planets as having +1
resource value.

Ecosphere Phasing (4)

Once per round, as an action, you may spend 1 Command Counter from your Strategy Allocation to place
4 Natural Wealth (Trade Goods) on each of two of your planets; these work exactly like described on the
Natural Wealth domain counter.

1 VP - Symbiotic Surge:
I have a total of 4 Infantry Units on each of 4 different planets outside my Home System.

2 VP - Zoetic Essence:
I control the Green Artifact and 3 planets with green Tech Labs.

3 VP - Zenith of the Symphony:

I control either Mecatol Rex, Mallice or Faunus. I have 12 non-Fighter ships at least 2 spaces from
Nestphar. I have all green Technology Advances.

Gravity Drive Admiral Creuss (4/2)

XRD Transporters Diplomat
3 GF
2 Destroyer 8 3 1 4 1 3 2-2
1 Carrier Hil Colish (2 HP)
2 Fighters This ship acts like a „“D““ wormhole.
1 SD When moving, treat its destination system as if it had the

You may treat “A” and “B” wormholes as wormholes of the same type.
You are immune to effects affecting movement through wormholes.
Movement through a wormhole into a system containing your ships (which are not currently moving), does
not cost movement points, even when not stopping in this system.
The Creuss Gate is placed instead of your Home System at your starting location. It is immune to the same
effects as Home Systems. Objectives counting distance from Home Systems counts from here and your
starting units may be placed here.

Dimensional Splicer (4)

At the start of a battle in a system containing a wormhole and at least 1 of your ships, inflict one hit to the
opposing fleet which the opponent may not assign to Fighters.

Slave Wormhole Generator (5)

At the start of each Strategy Phase, you may place either your alpha or beta wormhole-token in a (non-Home)
system containing no enemy planets or units. The wormhole will remain until the same type of wormhole is
placed in a different system.
Chronowave Dissociator (2)
When activating your Home System, all of your units gain movement capability there (even Army Units, PDSs,
etc.). Ships and Army Units may retreat directly to your Home System, which will not become activated if the
source system was unactivated.

1 VP - Enigma:
I have ships in 4 systems adjacent to enemy ships. This round I called at least 2 retreats.
2 VP - Vanguards of the Dark Rim:
I control 7 systems along the edge of the board.
(I control a system when I have ships in the system and control all planets in the system)
3 VP - Omni-presence:
I control units or planets adjacent to (or in) every system on the board, OR
I control 5 planets with a blue Tech Lab.

Transfabrication Scientist Arretze (2/0)

Sarween Tools General Hercant (1/1)
Kamdorn (0/1)
3 GF
2 Carriers
8 3 2 6 2 4 3-3
Kenaran Sun (3 HP): When the Trade Strategy Card is played,
2 Fighters for each opponent controlling a planet inside or adjacent to the
1 SD system with this ship, you may choose to grant 1TG to yourself
and to the owner of the planet.

Opening your Trade Agreements does not require approval from Trade Master during Trade Negotiations.

You do not need to spend a Command Counter to execute the Secondary Ability of the Trade Strategy Card.

When adding Trade Goods on your Trade Agreements, you may place one additional on each.

During Status Phase, you may trade Action Cards with other players.

Players may not break Trade Agreements with you during Status Phase except for war.

Commerce Nexus (3)

As an Action, you may spend one Command Counter from your Strategy Allocation area to gain 4 Trade
Goods. You must choose two* opponents, each of which gains 1 Trade Good.
*one in 2-player games

Quantum Datahub Node (5)

At the end of the Strategy Phase, you may trade one of your Strategy Cards with a Strategy Card belonging to
one of your trade partners. The other player does not need to agree to the trade.

Parralax Transaction Core (2)

When researching Technology, you may ignore pre-requisite to any Technology Advance
held by a trade partner.
At any time you may exaust any planet to give its resource value as Trade Goods to an opponent.

1 VP - Wheel of Civilization:
I now spend 8 Trade Goods.

2 VP - From Sand to Gold:

I control 5 planets outside my Home System with resource values of 2 or more.
3 VP - Interstellar Monopoly:
I control all Trade Stations. I control an A- and a B-wormhole (if it exists).
I control Mecatol Rex. I now spend 12 Trade Goods.

Hylar V Assault Laser Scientist Jol (1/2)

Antimass Deflectors Scientist Nar (2/3)
Enviro Compensator
Sarween Tools Admiral
2 GF
2 Carriers
8 3
J.N.S. Hylarim (2 HP)
1 2 1 4 3-1
1 DN Opponents may not utilize the effect of Technologies in this
1 SD ship‘s system.
This includes movement enhancing Technology used to reach this
system, as well as any Deep Space Cannon abilites firing inside.

You receive -1 to all combat rolls.

You may spend a Command Counter from Strategy Allocation to reroll one of your own combat rolls.

Before or after executing either ability of the Technology Strategy Cards, you may execute the other ability
(at most once per action).

Spatial Conduit Network (6)

When activating a system that contains no enemy ships or planets, all of your ships gain movement range to
that system.

Hyperstring Focus Coupler (8)

Each strategy phase, place your flag on any technology advance you have not researched. You may use this
technology advance as normal in the following action phase.

Space-Time Architectonics (12)

At the end of each status phase, you may spend 3 resources to swap any two adjacent systems or rotate a
triangle of adjacent systems on the game board. All units are moved with the systems, but Border Tokens
remain as they were.

1 VP - Scientific Supremacy:
I have 12 Technology Advances. I have 4 Technology Advances that no other opponent has.

2 VP - Xeno-technological Research:
I control a total of 7 Artifacts and planets with Tech Labs. I have a Scientists in two of these systems.

3 VP - Technology Singularity:
I have all Technology Advances of two colors, and all three of my racial Upgrades unlocked.

Hylar V Assault Laser Admiral Wren Terra (2/1)

Duranium Armor General Arc Prime (4/0)

3 GF
1 ST
1 Carrier 8 3
Arc Secundus (3 HP)
1 5 2 2 1-1
1 DN
1 Destroyer Bombardment x1
1 SD Anti-Fighter Barrage x1
Pre-Combat shot x1.

You gain +2 Fleet Supply in systems containing one or more of your Space Docks. You may, at any time,
move Command Counters from your Strategy Allocation to your Fleet Supply.

When you are the holder of the Warfare Strategy Card, at the end of one of your actions, you may move your
High Alert token to a different system.

You may spend a Trade Good in place of a Command Counter in order to execute the secondary ability of the
Warfare Strategy Card.

Heavy Convoy Operations (3)

For every 3 non-Fighter ships moved between two systems, you may move along 1 additional non-Fighter
ship (even if it has insufficient movement capability).
When executing the secondary ability of Warfare, you may move one extra ship.

Saimoc-Infused Hulls (4)

After each combat round, repair one of your participating ships that did not use sustain damage that round.
Hits from enemy Fighters may not be assigned to your non-Fighter ships during the first round of Space
Battles.* *hits from enemy non-Fighter ships must be assigned first.

Gravimetric Supercomplex (6)

When executing the Secondary Ability of the Production Strategy Card, your build slot limit is 4 instead of 3.
When producing units at a Space Dock, you may forfeit 3 of your available build slots to gain 2 free resources
to spend on that build. Then exhaust the Space Dock.

1 VP - Demonstration of Strength:
This round I have won 3 Space Battles; in each of these I destroyed at least 3 opponent ships.
2 VP - Industrial Dominance:
I have 4 Dreadnoughts and 5 other (non-Fighter) ships on the board. I have 12 Infantry Units on Arc Prime
or Mecatol Rex. I control planets totaling 10 resources outside my Home System.
3 VP - Fear and Awe:
This round I invaded or bombarded to neutrality 4 planets, of which two contained Space Docks.
I have at least 9 non-Fighter ships orbiting Mecatol Rex.

Enviro Compensator Agent [0.0.0] (5/0)

Cybernetics Scientist
Duranium Armor
2 GF
1 MU
1 DN
0.0.1 (3 HP)
8 3 1 5 3 3 1-1
1 Carrier
1 Fighter Deep Space Cannon x1
1 PDS Hits caused by this ship during Space Battles must be taken by
1 SD non-Fighter ships (if able). (must be assigned first)

Your Dreadnougnts gain +1 to all combat rolls, and have a carrying capacity of 1.

Your Ground Forces and Shock Troops take up 2 production capacity when produced, but receive +1 to
combat rolls. When accompanying Mech Units as the attacker, they instead receive +2.

When you control Mecatol Rex, treat the planet as if having a base influence of 8.

Large Scale Invasion Modules (3)

Your Dreadnoughts gain 1 carrying capacity.

Inheritance Systems (4)

When using either ability of the Technology Strategy Card, you may skip pre-requisites on the technology tree
by spending 1 resource for each skipped technology.

Dark Energy Nova (8)

Once per round, as an action, you may exhaust refreshed planets (friendly or enemy) in a system containing
your Dreadnoughts to roll a number of dice equal to the resources exhausted.
Rolls of 4+ inflict a hit on every enemy fleet and planet* in adjancent systems.
*Hits are treated like bombardment hits.

1 VP - Relic of Origin:
I control two Artifacts and my scientist is present with one of them.
I have two Dreadnoughts in each of these systems.
2 VP - Darkened Skies:
I control a total of 4 Dreadnoughts in opponent Home Systems or over three opponent Space Docks. I control
Mecatol Rex.
3 VP - End of an Era:
I control Mecatol Rex. I have successfully invaded planets belonging to 4 different (or all) opponents this
I have a total of 5 Dreadnoughts in at least 3 different systems adjacent to (or inside) Mecatol Rex.

Hylar V Assault Laser Agent Moll Primus (4/1)

Transfabrication Diplomat
3 GF
1 Carrier
3 Cruisers
8 3 2 4 2 3 1-1
Fourth Moon (2 HP) : Pre-Combat shot x1
1 SD
When this fleet wins a Space Battle against a fleet worth at least
3 resources, you may take 1 Trade Good either from the owner of
the opposing fleet or the reinforcements.

You start with 4 Command Counters in your Fleet Supply area.

In each Space Battle you participate, up to a total of two Cruisers and Destroyers
receive one pre-combat shot.

As an Action, you may spend 1 Command Counter from your Strategy Allocation to take 1 Trade Good from
up to two different opponents.

Salvage Operations (4)

Whenever you participate in a Space Battle, receive 1 Trade Good. If you win the battle you receive 1 extra and
may immediately produce 1 ship of a type destroyed in that battle paying its costs and place it in the system.

Commerce Raiding (2)

When using your ability to steal TGs you may take 1 additional TG from the owner of each planet under
your blockade or their trade partners. You may now also target uncollected TGs from the target‘s Trade
Agreements using this ability.

Adaptable Ordnance Rigs (7)

Your Cruisers may carry 1 (extra) Infantry Unit. During each of your turns, your Cruisers which are not using
this extra capacity may either sustain damage outside of normal combat rounds or gain one additional die
during the first round of regular combat.

1 VP - The Raid:
I have destroyed 3 enemy Carriers this round.
2 VP - The Moder Lode:
This round I used Salvage Operations to obtain a War Sun or 2 Dreadnaughts.
I have at stolen 4 Trade Goods from opponents using my racial ability this round.
3 VP - Victory or Death:
I was the attacker in 6 different Space Battles this round and I won at least 3.
I control Hope‘s End or a non-Home System with the most resources on the map (one of them if several)

Enviro Compensator General Muaat (4/1)

Sarween Tools Scientist
Hylar V Assault Laser
3 GF
1 War Sun
2 Fighters
8 3
The Inferno (2 HP)
2 6 * 5 2-2
1 SD Anti-Fighter Barrage (x3)
*This ship has a number of combat dice equal to the number of
opposing non-Fighter ships present in this round of combat.

You may produce War Suns even without the War Sun Technology, and you gain 1 cost discount for each
planet (or Artifact) with at least 1 Red Tech Lab you control.

In the Produce Units step of your Tactical Actions, your War Suns may produce ships for up to one resource
(even after moving).

During your actions, your War Suns may enter, but not move through, Supernova systems. Each Supernova
may only contain 1 War Sun (and its cargo). While controlling the Supernova, treat it as having a red Tech-Lab
(which is never exhausted and also provides 1 discount to War Suns).

Magmus Reactor (4)

Each action, one of your War Suns gain +1 movement.
During the action in which your War Suns leave a Supernova they gain +1 movement and +1 to combat rolls.
During Status Phase gain one Trade Good for each War Sun present in a Supernova.

Nova Seed (6)

At the end of the Action Phase, once per game, you may replace a system containing one of your War Suns
with a supernova. Everything on the tile, except for your War Sun and ist cargo, is removed from the game.
*you may not target Home Systems, Mecatol Rex or systems containing stable wormholes.

Magma Obliterator (2)

When inflicting at least 1 hit during bombardment, you may exhaust the target planet.
Once per round, one War Sun gains two extra bombardment dice.

1 VP - Vengeance Unchained:
I have both my War Suns with support of at least 4 Fighters in two systems 2 spaces apart from my Home
System. I have 4 Red Technology Advances.

2 VP - of Fire and Flame: This round I bombarded a planet containing a Space Dock to neutrality. I have won
two Space Battles this round.

3 VP - Sphere of Annihilation:
This round I bombarded to neutrality either Mecatol Rex or a planet in an opponent Home System.
I control ships, including both War Suns, in the six closest system to this system.

Antimass Deflectors Agent Maaluuk (0/2)

Enviro Compensator Diplomat Druaa (3/1)

3 GF
1 Carrier
1 Cruiser 8 3
The Matriarch (2 HP)
2 6 2 6 2-1
4 Fighters
1 PDS Your Fleet Supply in this system is increased by 2.
1 SD No more than half of the fighters in this fleet (round down) may be
lost to Anti-Fighter Barrage.

Each game round, just before the Action Phase begins, you may take one Tactical Action.

Your Fighters gain +1 to combat rolls in Space Battles.

Before the Space Battle step of an activation in which enemy ships moved into a system containing your ships,
you may immediately execute a retreat from the system. The turn proceeds as if your ships had not been

Telepathic Mind Weapon (5)

Opponents‘ Fleet Supply in systems in which you control planets are treated as if being 1 fewer.
At the end of your actions, you may spend 1 Command Counter from Strategy Allocation to extend this effect
to adjoining systems for the remainder of the round.

Psionic Relays (5)

Before a Space Battle in which you are the defender, you may move in up to 2 ships (plus any cargo) from
adjacent, unactivated systems to participate in the battle. Place a Command Counter from reinforcement in
the system at the end of the Space Battle. (fleet supply still counts)

Hybrid Crystal Drives (4)

Your Carriers may support Fighters in adjacent systems. Before moving, Carriers can pick up Fighters from
adjacent, unactivated systems.
Your Fighters may move as if they were regular ships, with a movement value of 1.

1 VP - Siren Call: This round I destroyed a fleet I retreated from earlier this round or the previous round.
2 VP - Harmony:
I control 8 systems (or all eligible systems) within 2 spaces of my Home System. There are no enemy units
within 2 spaces of my Home System, except in enemy Home Systems.
3 VP - Trinity:
I control Mecatol Rex and Hope‘s End*. I have at least 6 Fighters in each of these systems.
I now spend 3 Command Counters.
*If Hope‘s End is not in play, control a planet in an opponent Home System instead.

Gen Synthesis Agent Mordai II (4/0)

Hylar V Assault Laser Admiral
Dacxive Animators
3 GF
1 MU
1 Carrier
8 3 2 6 1 3 2 (self)

The Alastor (2 HP): At the end of each combat round, choose

2 Cruisers 1 destroyed opponent ship that does not have Dustain Damage
1 SD and immediately add 1 ship of that type to your fleet (it will
participate in the upcoming rounds) *within fleet supply.

You may only use half your number of votes (round up).
Your Trade Agreements may be self-traded without permission.
At the end of an action in which you destroyed an opponent‘s unit through combat rolls, gain one Technology
held by that opponent AND gain one Command Counter. This ability may only be used once per opponent per
When you would otherwise gain a Technology in any other way, instead gain 2 Trade Goods.

Valefar Assimilator (0 - steal)

Gain this technology by using your racial ability to copy a racial technology an opponent has researched. You
may use any effects of the copied technology that does not refer to the special abilities of their race.

Valefar Assimilator (2 - steal)

Gain this technology by using your racial ability to copy a racial technology an opponent has researched. You
may use any effects of the copied technology that does not refer to the special abilities of their race.

Valefar Assimilator (4 - steal)

Gain this technology by using your racial ability to copy a racial technology an opponent has researched. You
may use any effects of the copied technology that does not refer to the special abilities of their race.

1 VP - Eradicate
This round I destroyed a Space Dock and at least 5 non-Fighter ships.

2 VP - Consume
I have 8 Technology Advances. This round I attacked and destroyed a total of 10 units in opponent Home
Systems or successfully invaded all planets in a Home System.

3 VP - Devour
I eliminated an opponent this round, and control a Space Dock in an opponent Home System. I have all
Valefar Assimilators active, and control at least 10 planets.

Antimass Deflectors Agent Lisis II (1/0),

XRD Transporters Admiral Ragh (2/1)

4 GF
2 Carriers
1 Cruiser
8 3 2 7 3 4 2-1
Son of Ragh (2 HP): Anti-Fighter Barrage x2;
2 Fighters
In every turn this ship is not moving, your ships moving
1 SD through the system containing this ship (activated or not)
gain +1 movement.

Your Space Docks are always placed in space (not on a planet) and have 3 build slots. You are limited to 2
Space Docks in any one system. If ever present with only enemy ships in any system, they are immediately
Your Space Docks have a movement of 1 (but are still not ships), They may not produce units in the same
activation as they move, nor retreat from Space Battles.
Gain 1 TG every time you acquire a new planet during the Action Phase.
You do not receive any penalties for not controlling your Home System, and may build your Flagship in any

Floating Factories (2)

Your Space Docks may now build units during the same activation as moving OR gain +1 movement.
They may now retreat from Space Battles.

Chaos-Mapping (5)
You may ignore all negative effects of all Special Systems (except Supernovas), but fleets in Asteroid Fields are
limited to 4 ships and do not block enemy movement.
All pre-combat rolls receive a -1 penalty against you.

Itinerant Assimilators (6)

The cost of your Space Docks is reduced by 1 and they may be built in any system where you have planets or
units (even if just moved there).
At the end of your actions in which you acquired at least one planet, receive 1 Trade Good.

1 VP - To the Stars:
I control a total of 3 Space Docks and/or planets at least 4 systems away from my Home System. I have 5
ships within these systems.
2 VP - The Promised Land:
I control a system with a combined total of 7 resources and influence, at least 3 spaces apart from my
Home System. I have a total of 15 units in this system. I control either Mallice or Hope‘s End.
3 VP - Cosmic Caravan:
I control at least 2 (non-Fighter) ships in each of 8 connected systems outside my Home System.
These contigous systems contain systems at least 4 spaces apart.

Hylar V Assault Laser Admiral Tren‘lak (1/0),

Deep Space Cannon General Quinarra (3/1)

6 GF
1 Carrier
1 Cruiser
8 3
C‘morran N‘orr (2 HP)
1 6 2 2 2-1
1 Fighter Deep Space Cannon x1
1 PDS This fleet receives +1 to all combat rolls in Space Battles of which
1 SD you are the attacker.

You receive +1 to all combat rolls.

Berzerker Genome (5)

In any combat round in which you inflicted at least one hit (was not cancelled by any means), automatically
inflict an extra hit on the opponent.

Biotic Core Cell (4)

Up to 3 Destroyers in each system can be supported using Ground Force carrying capacity.
Supported Destroyers do not count toward Fleet Supply.

Exo-plasmic Surge (3)

Your PDS units may bombard planets during the bombardment step of your activations.

1 VP - Veiled Threat:
I have a total of 6 PDS units adjacent to Mecatol Rex or opponent Home Systems. I have a total of 10 Infantry
Units and 1 General in these systems.
2 VP - Ancient Rite:
This round i have destroyed a War Sun, Flagship or two Dreadnoughts.
I control 3 planets with a red Tech Lab.
3 VP - Might of the Great Hive:
I control 9 systems outside my Home System OR a planet in two different opponent Home Systems.
I have a total of 15 ships and 6 PDS units adjacent to or in Mecatol Rex.

Antimass Deflectors Agent Jord (4/2)

Cybernetics Admiral
5 GF
2 Carrier
8 3
1 Destroyer Genesis I (3 HP)
1 5 2 6 2-2
1 Fighter Produce Units x1;
1 SD When using your special ability to place Ground Forces on a planet,
also place one Ground Force on this ship.

As an action, you may spend 1 Command Counter from Strategy Allocation to place 2 free Ground Forces on
any 1 planet you control.

You receive one additional Command Counter in the Status Phase.

Mark II Advanced Carriers (4)

Your carriers gain the sustain damage ability and have a carrying capacity of 8.
(without a 2nd die or 2 production slots needed)

Versatile Combat Tactics (3)

Your Ground Forces gain the commando ability and receive +2 to combat rolls in combat rounds in which you
have fewer combat dice than the opponent.
During enemy bombardment, half of your infantry (GF and ST) are immune (round up).

Advanced Fleet Tactics (6)

During each combat round of Space Battles, up to 3 Fighters and 1 Carrier receive +2 to combat rolls.
No more than half of your Fighters (round up) may be lost to Anti-Fighter Barrage.

1 VP - Perimeter Jord:
I control 6 systems within two spaces from Jord, which includes all systems adjacent to Jord.
I have 2 Dreadnaughts, 3 Carriers and 10 Fighters within these systems.
2 VP - Frontier Defense:
I control 3 planets outside my Home System. Each of these planets is at least two spaces apart from each
other and from my Home System and contains a Space Dock, 1 PDS and 4 Infantry Units.
3 VP - Proud Federation:
I have 3 Technology Advances of every color, 9 planets outside my Home System, and 20 non-Fighter
ships on the board. I have 6 Infantry Units on Quann OR Mecatol Rex.

Antimass Deflectors Agent Winnu (3/4),

Stasis Capsules Admiral Yellow Tech
Neural Motivator
3 GF
1 Carrier
1 Cruiser 8 3
Salai Sai Corian (2 HP)
2 8 4 4 3-1
2 Fighters
1 PDS Once during each Space Battle involving this ship, you may force
1 SD the opponent fleet to re-roll 1 combat die.
Your exhausted planets in the system with this ship yield votes.

You have no hand limit on Political Cards and draw 1 additional Political Card during each Status Phase.

You may always add the influence of your Home System to your votes, even when exhausted.

You do not need to spend a Command Counter to execute the Secondary Ability of the Technology Strategy

When using the Primary Ability of the Bureaucracy Strategy, you may also execute the Secondary ability (for

Bioptic Recyclers (3)

Once per round, as an Action, you may discard an Action Card from your hand to gain 2 Trade Goods or 1
Command Counter.

Lazax Gate Folding (4)

During the Planetary Landings step of your activations of Mecatol Rex, you may move up to 6 build slots
worth of Army Units from your Home System planet ot Mecatol Rex (if your Home System is unactivated).

Infraneural Manipulators (7)

As an action, once per round, you may spend 1 Command Counter from Strategy Allocation to play one of the
unchosen Strategy Cards as a Strategic Action (where Secondaries follow as normal).
Bonus counters remain unaffected.

1 VP - Forgotten Secrets:
I control one Artifact and have 4 Technology Advances of ist color. I have my Scientist in the system
containing the Artifact.
2 VP - Ancient Glory:
I control the Blue or Green Artifact. I control Mecatol Rex and have a Space Dock and 3 Leaders there. I
control each eligible system in the shortest line from Home System.
3 VP - Galactic Culture:
I control planets totaling 12 influence outside my Home System. I have at least two Minister positions.

Xenopsychology Admiral Archon Ren (2/3)

Enviro Compensator Diplomat Archon Tau (1/1)

2 GF
2 Fighter
1 Carrier 8 3 1 6 2 3 2-2
1 Destroyer Loncara Ssodu (4 HP): This ship is immune to Action Cards
3 PDS targeting a specific unit.
1 SD Planets*, even neutral, in or adjacent to this ship‘s system provide
their votes to you instead of to their owner.
*Mecatol Rex and Home System panets are not affected.

Before or after executing either ability of the Diplomacy Strategy, you may execute the other ability at no
cost (at most once per action).

Immediately after Political Cards have been selected and read aloud by the Assembly holder, you may spend 1
CC from your Strategy Allocation to discard one of the agendas (except Voice of the Council).

In the first round of any Space Battle or Invasion Combat in which you defend, your opponents receive -1 to
all combat rolls.

When counting votes, you may either use the Influence or the Resource value of each planet.

Archon Energy Shield (4)

You may spend 1 CC from Strategy Allocation to negate enemy bombarment on a planet you control, after
dice are rolled.
During one Space Battle or Invasion Combat each round in which you defend, you may negate 2 hits.

Honored Diplomats (5)

Once per round, when an opponent activates a system containing one of your planets, you may force him to
instead discard the CC and immediately end his action.

Instinct Training (5)

Once per round, you may spend 1 Command Counter from Strategy Allocation to cancel
an Action Card just played by an opponent.

1 VP - Wise Guidance:
Three of my revealed political agendas have so far been chosen for voting in the Twilight Council. Their result
was each as I voted.
2 VP - Peace above all:
Until now, all my hostile actions were only against opponents, who took hostile actions against me or my
trade partners first. I have freed a Leader this round. I now donate 5 Trade Goods to opponents.
3 VP - Mighty, Mercy and Honor:
This round I let two fleets worth at least 10 resources retreat before combat using my Diplomats
(and did not lose the battle if retreat was not called).
I am the Voice of the Council AND have a Minister position.

Hylar V Assault Laser Agent Darien (2/4)

Automated Defense General
4 GF
2 Carrier
1 Destroyer
8 3 1 5 2 6 1-1
Van Hauge (2 HP): Anti-Fighter Barrage x1;
4 Fighters Infantry Units on board of this ship may participate in Space
1 SD Battles as if they were Fighters (with their particular combat dice).
Planets blockaded by this ship are always exhausted (never refresh).

Before the 2nd round of a Space Battle, you may destroy one of your participating Destroyers or Cruisers to
inflict 1 hit on an opponent ship of your choice.

Once per round, as an action, you may choose one of your planets and reverse (swap) its influence and
resource values for that round.

At the beginning of an Invasion Combat in which you are the attacker and have ships in the system, you may
roll one die. On a roll of 5+ you may replace (counts as destroyed) 1 enemy GF with your own.
(you may replace a Shock Troop if and only if there are no Ground Forces present)

Subliminal Command (4)

When using your ability to convert GFs, you may execute the ability a second time in each Invasion Combat.

Moyin‘s Gen II Elite (3)

Your Shock Troops now cost 1 resource.
When producing units at a Space Dock, receive 1 free GF on the planet with the Space Dock.
This unit does NOT count toward production capacity.

Blade of Zeal (5)

Any kind of ship (including Fighters) may now be sacrificed using your race specific ability.
Inflict an additional hit for each sustain damage the unit has (regardless if the ship is hit).
You may also use this ability as part of bombardment.

1 VP - The Greater Good:

I killed or converted at least 8 Infantry Units this round, or at least 5 during a single turn.

2 VP - Sword of Salvation:
I have killed or executed 2 opponent Leaders.
3 VP - Eternal Utopia:
I control Mecatol Rex or an opponent Home System and have 12 Infantry Units here. I control the Green
Artifact and have 2 green Tech Labs.

Light/Wave Deflector Agent Retillion (2/3)

Maneuvering Jets Agent Shalloq (1/2)

5 GF
1 Carrier
1 Cruiser 8 3
Y‘sia Y‘ssrila (2 HP)
2 6 1 5 2-1
2 Fighters Pre-Combat shot x3
1 SD This fleet does not trigger Space Mines and enemy PDS fire during
the movement step of activations.

Every other turn, you may choose to skip your action.

You have no hand limit on Action Cards, regardless of active Political Cards and draw 1 Action Card more
during each Status Phase.

Once during every Strategy Phase, you may look at the Action Cards of one of your opponents.

When playing with the Tech Bubble Option, you treat the technology advance „Transit Diodes“ as if it had no

Shuttle Logistics (3)

During the Planetary Landings step of your activations, you may move in up to 2 Infantry Units from adjacent
unactivated systems (or the same system).
This limit is increased by 2 for every Command Counter spent from Strategy Allocation.
(If the Invasion is obstructed by other effects, return them to their original position)

Mageon Implants (4)

When using your ability to look at opponents‘ hand of Action Cards, you may now replace 1 card with 1 card
from your own hand.

Vortus Cloaking Field (5)

After the movement step of any Tactical Action, you may remove (cloak) any number of your units in the
system. If you are the active player, you may also add up to 2 build slots worth of previously cloaked units to
your fleet. Cloaked units do not carry cargo. (place cloaked units on your race sheet)

1 VP - Unseen Numbers:
I have played 5 Action Cards in a Single Space Battle or Invasion Combat this round, OR 8 Action Cards
throughout this round.
2 VP - Of Silence and Shadows:
This round I successfully invaded 4 enemy controlled planets that are closer to enemy Home Systems than
to my own. The invasions took place either on refreshed planets or after the opponent had passed.
3 VP - Silent Subversion:
I have replaced 6 installations (PDS and Space Docks) on invaded planets using my Agents or Shock
Troops. I have captured 3 enemy Leaders during the games.

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