English 4 Learning Activity Sheet

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Quarter 4

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● Identify features of journalistic writing (EN4RC-III-36)

Journalistic Writing is the style of writing used to report new stories in

newspapers, televisions, broadcasts, on radio and on the internet.

Arrange the jumbled letters to form a journalistic word. Choose your answer
inside the box.

broadcasts newspaper journalism radio television

1. jourlismna
2. nwesppaers
3. levitesions
4. adcastsbro
5. rdaio
Read the selection

Fields of Journalism (by Medium)

One of the most basic ways to define journalism fields is by the medium
through which it’s provided. These fields of journalism require similar reporting
and storytelling skills but have a different way to disseminate the information.
Print/Online Journalism: some journalists write articles and blogs for print or online
publications, like newspapers and magazines. Broadcast Journalism: reporters who
share news on the televisions or radio, or through video or audio online are broadcast
journalists. While print or online journalists focus more on writing skills broadcast
journalists may have more technical video and audio production skills.
Photojournalism: photojournalists tell stories through photos. Their photos may
sometimes accompany written stories or stand on their own. Multimedia
Journalism: This is a combination of written, broadcast, and photojournalism to
create interactive and engaging stories to appear on the web.

Determine the correct medium of journalism being referred to.

Choose from the words inside the box.

Print/Online Broadcast Photojournalism Multimedia

1. Some journalists write articles and blogs for

publications, like newspapers and
2. Reporters who share news on the televisions
or radio or through video or audio online.
3. Photojournalists tell stories through photos.
4. This is a combination of written broadcast, and
Read the selection

Journalism is the act of writing about news related subjects for all mediums, print or
non-print. It is also the complicated process of taking information and sifting through it,
editing information, and giving it context. The journalist is always involved in the selection
and presentation of what he or she considers to be noteworthy and in meeting the standard
of truth and honesty in reporting. Journalism incorporates everything from the “hard news” of
political and public affairs to the softer side, which includes human interest and celebrity

Identify if these sentences were taken from the reading selection or not. Write YES if taken
from the selection and NO if not.
Journalism is…

1. The act of writing news.

2. It has one sided idea.
3. It can be print or non-print.
4. It is a complicated process.
5. It incorporates everything.
6. It should meet the standard of truth and honesty
in reporting.
7. It allows production of fake news.
8. It also broadcasts softer side that includes human
9. Celebrity stories are also topics of human interest.
10. “Tsismis” is also part of journalism

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