PPL Traning ENG Sylabus - EASA
PPL Traning ENG Sylabus - EASA
PPL Traning ENG Sylabus - EASA
FCL.205 Conditions
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
Applicants for the issue of a PPL shall have fulfilled the requirements for the class or type rating for
the aircraft used in the skill test, as established in Subpart H.
(a) Applicants for a PPL shall complete a training course at an ATO or a DTO.
(b) The course shall include theoretical knowledge and flight instruction appropriate to the
privileges of the PPL applied for.
(c) Theoretical knowledge instruction and flight instruction may be completed at a DTO or at an
ATO different from the one where applicants have commenced their training.
(vii) maximum performance (short field and obstacle clearance) takeoffs, short-field
(viii) light by reference solely to instruments, including the completion of a level 180 °
(ix) cross-country flying using visual reference, dead reckoning and radio navigation
(x) emergency operations, including simulated aeroplane equipment malfunctions;
(xi) operations to, from and transiting controlled aerodromes, compliance with air
traffic services procedures, communication procedures and phraseology.
(2) Before allowing applicants for a PPL(A) to undertake their first solo flight, the FI should
ensure that the applicants can use R/T communication and can operate the required
systems and equipment.
(c) Syllabus of flight instruction
(1) The numbering of exercises should be used primarily as an exercise reference list and as
a broad instructional sequencing guide; therefore the demonstrations and practices need
not necessarily be given in the order listed. The actual order and content will depend
upon the following interrelated factors:
(i) the applicant’s progress and ability;
(ii) the weather conditions affecting the flight;
(iii) the flight time available;
(iv) instructional technique considerations;
(v) the local operating environment;
(vi) applicability of the exercises to the aeroplane.
(2) Each of the exercises involves the need for the applicant to be aware of the needs of good
airmanship and look-out, which should be emphasised at all times.
(i) Exercise 1a: Familiarisation with the aeroplane:
(A) characteristics of the aeroplane;
(B) cockpit layout;
(C) systems;
(D) checklists, drills and controls.
(ii) Exercise 1b: Emergency drills:
(A) action if fire on the ground and in the air;
(B) engine cabin and electrical system fire;
(C) systems failure;
(D) escape drills, location and use of emergency equipment and exits.
(iii) Exercise 2: Preparation for and action after flight:
(A) flight authorisation and aeroplane acceptance;
(B) serviceability documents;