Kenya Civil Aviation Authority: FORM-008PT-IR (A) Practical Test Report

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F O R M - 0 0 8 P T - I R ( A)

Kenya Civil Aviation Authority

Practical Test Report
Instrument Rating (Aeroplane) – IR(A)

Applicant’s last name: First name:

Licence held: License Number:

Type of IR Test: INITIAL TEST OR RENEWAL TEST (Delete as applicable)

1 Details of the flight

Class of aeroplane Class of simulator (*): (C/D)

or simulator: (SE or ME)
Type of Aircraft: Registration Marks:

Departure aerodrome: Destination aerodrome:

Block time off: Block time on:

Take-off time: Landing time:

Total block time:

2 Result of the skill test

Passed (*) Failed (*) Partial pass (*)

3 Remarks

An instrument rating is valid for a period of twelve months from the date of the initial or renewal flight test.

Date (dd/mm/yyyy) Location (Aerodrome)

Name of Flight Examiner Type and number of FE’s licence:

Signature of Flight Examiner: Signature of Applicant

(*) Delete as necessary

To be filled in 3 copies and distributed as follows:

1. KCAA PEL Office,
2. Applicant,
3. Examiner
Version 4 August 2019 Page 1 of 3
Practical Test Report for Instrument Rating (Aeroplane) – IR(A)

Annex No 1 to Practical Test Report for IR (A)

Use of checklist, airmanship (control of aeroplane by external visual reference, anti/de-icing procedures, etc.)
apply to all parts

Part 1 Result Signature


A Use of flight manual (or equivalent) especially A/C performance calculation, mass and balance
B Use of Air Traffic Services document, weather document
C Preparation of ATC flight plan, IFR flight plan/log
D Pre-flight inspection
E Weather Minima
F Taxiing
G Pre-take off briefing. Take off.
H Transition to instrument flight
I Instrument departure procedures, altimeter setting
J ATC liaison - compliance, R/T procedures

Part 2 Result Signature


Control of the aeroplane by reference solely to instruments, including: level flight at various
speeds, trim
B Climbing and descending turns with sustained Rate 1 turn
Recoveries from unusual attitudes, including sustained 45° bank turns and steep descending
Recovery from approach to stall in level flight, climbing/descending turns and in landing con -
Limited panel, stabilised climb or descent at Rate 1 turn onto given headings, recovery from un-
usual attitudes.
Part 3 Result Signature

A Tracking, including interception, e.g. NDB, VOR, RNAV, RNP

B Use of radio aids
C Level flight, control of heading, altitude and airspeed, power setting, trim technique
D Altimeter settings
E Timing and revision of ETAs (En-route hold – if required)
F Monitoring of flight progress, flight log, fuel usage, systems management
G Ice protection procedures, simulated if necessary
H ATC liaison and compliance, R/T procedures

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Practical Test Report for Instrument Rating (Aeroplane) – IR(A)

Part 4 Result Signature


A Setting and checking of navigational aids, identification of facilities

B Arrival procedures, altimeter checks
C Approach and landing briefing, including descent/approach/landing checks
D+ Holding procedure
E Compliance with published approach procedure
F Approach timing
G Altitude, speed heading control, (stabilised approach)
H+ Go-around action
I+ Missed approach procedure / landing
J ATC liaison – compliance, R/T procedures

Part 5 Result Signature


A Setting and checking of navigational aids, identification of facilities

B Arrival procedures, altimeter settings
C Approach and landing briefing, including descent/approach/landing checks
D+ Holding procedure
E Compliance with published approach procedure
F Approach timing
G Altitude, speed, heading control, (stabilised approach)
H+ Go-around action
I+ Missed approach procedure/landing
J ATC liaison – compliance, R/T procedure

Part 6 (multiengine aeroplanes only) Result Signature

Flight with one engine inoperative (***)

A Simulated engine failure after take-off or on go-around

B Approach and procedural go-around with one engine inoperative
C Approach and landing, missed approach procedure, with one engine inoperative
D ATC liaison: compliance, R/T procedures

* May be performed in a Flight Simulator or FNPT II

+ May be performed in either Part 4 or Part 5
(***) Results: Passed/Failed (P/F)

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