GlomerulonephritisTips and New Pathts UCMI
GlomerulonephritisTips and New Pathts UCMI
GlomerulonephritisTips and New Pathts UCMI
• Proteinuria
• is typically defined as a 24-hour urine protein excretion of ≥150 mg
• Albuminuria
• is the major component in glomerular disease, and is the protein that is detected by
the urine dipstick) is typically defined as a 24-hour urine albumin excretion of ≥30 mg
(or a corresponding value using the spot urine albumin, spot urine creatinine, and
the albumin excretion rate equation)
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Urine Sediment as a critical tool of GN evaluation
Critical tools of GN Non-invasive evaluation :
Infections Drugs
Toxins Cancer
Chek for systemic disorder
Inflammatory Noninflammatory
• Glomerular hypercellularity • Usually involve the glomerular
• hematuria podocyte
• often dysmorphic appearance, • proteinuria
with or without red blood cell
• little or no hematuria and no red
blood cell casts
• varying degrees of proteinuria
• active urine sediment (nephritic • nephrotic syndrome
Site of glomerular injury
Inflammatory injury (Proliferative GN) Non Inflammatory (Non Proliferative
• endothelial and mesangial cells • epithelial cells (visceral and
• contact with circulating factors or parietal)
inflammatory cells • separated from the circulation by
• Cellular recruitment and the GBM
complement activation • podocyte lesion is commonly
associated with little or no
activation of circulating
inflammatory cells
• subepithelial immune deposits
seldom produce glomerular
Immune mechanisms of glomerular injury