Pseudomembranous Candidiasis Induced by
Pseudomembranous Candidiasis Induced by
Pseudomembranous Candidiasis Induced by
*Corresponding Author Address: Ziad Salim Abdul Majid BDS, Department of Oral Medicine, Surgery, and Diagnosis, Faculty
of Dentistry, Libyan International Medical University, Benghazi - Libya. Email: [email protected].
Abdul Majid. et al., Int J Dent Health Sci 2015; 2(2): 454-458
Abdul Majid. et al., Int J Dent Health Sci 2015; 2(2): 454-458
tablet 200 mg once daily, chlorhexidine Systemic antifungals are usually indicated
gluconate 0.12% mouthwash 2 times/day in cases of disseminated disease and/or in
for 2 weeks. On the follow up visit, a one immunocompromised patients [3]. In
week after an improvement of the addition the use of Chlohexidine
presenting complaints was noticed , and gluconate mouthwash shows a significant
the oral lesions was completely improvement in the reduction, and
disappeared (Fig.2 A,B,C). prevention of the candidal infections [1].
"Chlorhexidine binds to negatively
charged microbial cell surfaces leading to
Although, Candida albicans is the most a disruption of the cell membrane of the
frequently involved species in oral microorganisms (W Nittayananta et al,
candidiasis, other species are increasingly 2008)" [7]. Thus, antifungal activity of
being encountered. The unique virulence chlorhexidine due to both its fungicidal
factors of Candida albicans includes the activity and its mechanical effect inhibits
ability to adhere to host tissue surfaces, the fungal adhesion to mucosal epithelial
produce filamentous fungal growth, and cells [7].
release hydrolytic enzymes that cause
damage to the host tissue.
Candida species are normal oral
Pseudomembranous candidiasis can be
commensals found in 17-75% of healthy
develop as a result of long term use of
individuals and most debilitated people.
systemic corticosteroids, or the case
The transition of this innocuous
where the individual being
commensal to the disease-causing
immunocompromised for long term.
associated with the virulence attributes of
Concurrent with their therapeutic
the microorganism.
properties subsist a plethora of adverse
effects, including the susceptibility to Long term use of systemic corticosteroids
infection [2]. They produce a multiple results in development of Acute
effects on different immunocytes, as Pseudomembranous Candidiasis due to
suppressing the dendritic cell activation, the fungal overgrowth in
reducing the release of macrophage immunosuppression status. Effective
cytokines, B lymphocytes and management of oral candidiasis demands
immunoglobulin/antibody production, the elimination of any identified
increasing in the number of circulating predisposing factors together with the
neutrophils, but delaying their apoptosis, administration of appropriate antifungal
and alter T-lymphocyte cytokine agents.
production [6] .
Abdul Majid. et al., Int J Dent Health Sci 2015; 2(2): 454-458
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Abdul Majid. et al., Int J Dent Health Sci 2015; 2(2): 454-458
Fig. 1 A,B,C
Fig. 2 A,B,C