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 Is an abnormal involuntary eye movement

 Which is secondary to

- Inability to maintain fixation

- Loss of normal inhibitory influence on eye movement
. It has two phases
- A slow drift from the target of interest
- A corrective saccade from back to the target of interest
. A difference in the speed of the two phases causes Jerk
nystagmus, and when the back and forth movements are equal
in both speed and amplitude it causes pendular nystagmus.
. By convention the direction of Jerk nystagmus is reported as the
direction of fast phase phenomenon
 When the size of oscillation differs in each eye it is
called dissociated nystagmus.
 When the direction of oscillation differs it is called
disconjugate or disjunctive nystagmus.
 The amplitude of nystagmus often changes with
gaze position , a few beats of nystagmus are
normally present in extremes of horizontal gaze
(beyond 45 degree) especially in older patients this
shouldn't be considered abnormal unless the
nystagmus is persistent.

. It could be jerk or pendular

. Manifests with in the first few months of life
 Positive family history

 Almost always conjugate and horizontal

 Patients are not bothered by the eye movement.

 Vision may be good or poor.

 Nystagmus may be continuous or intermittent

 There is a null point

 If the null point is not in the primary position patient often

adopts a head tilt to improve vision

 Visual fixation on a distant target usually amplifies conjugate

nystagmus but convergence on a near target damps it.

 15% of patients have strabismus
 No osilopsia
 Abolishes in sleep

. Conjugate jerk nystagmus
. Begins when binocular fusion is disrupted
. Fast phase beat towards the viewing eye
. Esotropia almost always present
. Esotropic eye usually has decreased visual acuity
 Subnormal steriopsis
 Variably presents as the esotropic eye is supressed
 May be present with congenital nystagmus in the
same patient


. Nystagmus only in one eye
. Vertical
. Smaller amplitude
. The eye with nystagmus may have reduced visual
acuity, Optic atrophy, RAPD
 1. GABA agonist e.g Baclofen, clonazepam,
 2.Nystagmus associated with amblyiopia can be
improved with amblyiopia therapy.
 3. Base out prism can be given to those patients
whose nystagmus decreases with convergence.
 4. Surgery—Anderson-Kestonbaum procedure to
bring the null point to primary position.

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