Yoshida Et Al., 1995
Yoshida Et Al., 1995
Yoshida Et Al., 1995
Geological field survey in southern to southeastern India was conducted during November 1993 to March
1994, as the second year field program supported by the Monbusho Fund of the Japanese Government. The
aim of the research was to study the Precambrian tectonothermal history of these parts of Peninsular India
and to compare it with East Antarctica. The field survey was mostly conducted by three groups during
different periods and in different survey areas. The field teams consisted of 15 scientists from Japan and 13
scientists from India. In the Bangalore-Trivandrum area, the earliest Proterozoic granites in the Bangalore
area, and the granulites and granites in the Kerala-Tamilnadu area were specifically surveyed. In the Karnataka
area, survey areas included the Sargur area, the area surrounding Tiptur, the Holenarsipur Belt, and Bababudan,
where Archaean to early Proterozoic migmatite, granites and greenstone-belt rocks were observed. In the
Hyderabad-Visakhapatnam area, survey areas included various outcrops where Archaean to early Proterozoic
migmatite, granite and schists, Mesozoic to Cainozoic Gondwana Sediments and trap basalt, and Proterozoic
metasediments, syenites, charnockites and khondalites were observed. About 3000 kg of rock samples were
collected, which will be studied in future in both Indian and Japanese laboratories under Japan-India
collaboration programs. Samples collected are under laboratory examination mostly in Japan. They include
petrogr.phy, microstructure, mineral chemistry, mineral-phase petrology, and carbon, oxygen, Sm-Nd, Rb-Sr,
and Pb-Pb isotope studies.
In continuation of the 1992 field survey in India (YOSHIDA et al., 1994), we conducted
field work in southern to eastern Peninsular India during late 1993 to early 1994. In
Geochronotectonic Framework
Precambrian Peninsular India
~ Younger Cover
c=:J MetasupracruB1a1s
- - - Orthopyroxene loograj
Fig. 2
Fig. 1. Geochronotectonic framework of Precambrian Peninsular India and areas of the present survey
(modified from Unnikrishnan-WARRIER et al., 1993).
Frame with figure numbers are major survey areas. KKB: Kerala Khondalite Belt, EGS:
Eastern Ghats Granulite Belt. Squared numeral indicates as follows. 1: Kabbaldurga-
Birigirirangam Granulite Belt, 2: Nilgiri Granulite Block, 3: Madras Granulite Block, 4: Periyar
Granulite Block,S: Madurai Granulite Block, 6: Trivandrum Granulite Block, 7: Karimnagar
Granulite Block.
the fiscal year 1993, the field program was funded by the Japanese Ministry of Education,
Culture and Science (MONBUSHO). The aim of the present field survey was the
same as that of the previous year, viz., to obtain advanced understanding of the granulite
Geological Survey in Southern to Eastern Peninsular India 117
Table 1. Geological field survey in southern to eastern Peninsular India during 1993-1994
terrains of southern to eastern Peninsular India and to compare them with those of East
Antarctica. The field survey was conducted mostly by three groups in different areas
during different periods. In addition to this, five scientists from Japan conducted field
surveys by themselves in different periods (Fig. 1 and Table 1). This report describes
observations made during the field survey so that future laboratory studies by each
member may be facilitated.
The southern Indian granulite terrain has received much attention In the last
several years, particularly because of the widely accepted theory on large-scale CO 2
influx at the base of the crust proposed for the origin of charnockites in this terrain
(NEWTON et al., 1980). The mechanisms of granulite formation are, however, highly
debated in many of the Proterozoic and Archaean terrains (e.g., LAMB and VALLEY, 1984;
BAKER and FALLICK, 1989; JACKSON and SANTOSH, 1992). The Kerala Khondalite Belt
(KKB) in the southern margin of South India is a high-grade metamorphic terrain
where granulite facies supracrustal sequences are dominant. In this region, evidence
118 M.asaru YOSHIDA et al.
I. Paranlhal
2. Kottavattom 3. 4
3. Korani
• •6
. ··8
4. Madampara
5. Kappi vila 9.5 • •7
6. Vedathipara
7. Pallinada 10 .
8. Chittikara TRIVAN U~ 11 .18
9. Koliakkode 14,15,16,17 023 12
10. Maniyancode
II. PuthumangaJam •
12. Nuliyam 20 Amali
13. Arumanellur .
2 L Kottavilapalti
14. Kattayikkonam 22. Mannanlhala 50 Kms
15. Mukkunnimala 23. MaJayankil
16. Myladumpara 24. Putletti
17.0ottukuzhi 25 NellikkaJa
J 8. Vallioor .
I 9 . Uchamkuylam
26. Kadakamon
• Graphite localities
. BangaJort'".·
~ Phanerozoic Sediments
Phanerozoic cover
Granulite Blocks
Nagercoil Block
Madurai Block
• Achancovil shear zone
l<>J Transcruslal Shears N
Fig. 2. Locality map of field survey in the Kerala Khondalite Belt, southern India.
Solid circles are localities visited by H. \VADA for graphite survey and open circles are localities
visited by Tainosho and others.
for the introduction of CO 2 -rich fluids along structural pathways is provided by the
local alteration of amphibolite facies gneisses into desiccated veins and patches of
orthopyroxene-bearing granulites (incipient charnockites) (JANARDHAN et at., 1982;
SANTOSH, 1991; SANTOSH et at., 1990). In this terrain, different types of graphite
occurrences are identified, associated with highly metamorphosed sedimentary rocks,
pegmatite veins and incipient charnockites (Fig. 2). RADHIKA et at. (1994) reported the
Geological Survey in Southern to Eastern PeYfinsular India 119
occurrences of graphite deposits of southern Kerala and their genesis. The occurrences
of graphite deposits in these localities are important to the study of the deep to middle
crustal processes in Archaean to Proterozoic era. The main purposes of the study in
the KKB are to clarify the origin of these graphites and to understand its relationship
with the fluid processes in the lower and middle crust. Considering these important
themes, a field survey was carried out. This report concerns the field survey conducted
during November-22 to December-S, 1993, by H. WADA, and M.SANTOSH; U. P. RADHIKA
and M. SATISH-KuMAR of the Centre for Earth Science Studies, India, were the
collaborating scientists.
quartzo-feldspathic veins along mesoscopic shear zones; 3) graphite flakes along mesoscopic
shears/faults. At Koliakkode quarry, coarse cordierite-bearing khondalite occurs. Large,
scaly graphite crystals were found in a shear zone in the banded khondalite, banded
khondalitic gneisses occur and at Kattayikkonam quarry. Snowball structure of large
garnet porphyroblasts was observed in the mesocratic lithofacies. Graphite occurs as
disseminations. At Mukkunnimala quarry, well-foliated, cordierite-bearing khondalites
are distributed. According to the occurrences of graphite, three types were identified:
1) disseminated graphite in banded gneisses; 2) graphite along the segregation veins
which probably formed during deformation processes; 3) graphite in some pegmatite
veins coexisting with quartz and feldspars. The occurrence of cordierite crystals is
categorized into two types: 1) disseminated cordierite crystals In the banded
khondalite-gneisses; 2) cordierite coexisting with graphite in the segregation veins.
At Myladumpara quarry, massive charnockites showing leucocratic, quartzo-
feldspathic segregations, were found. Pegmatites intrude into the massive charnockites,
and are principally composed of quartz and feldspar. At Oottukuzhi quarry, banded
khondalite with migmatite structure occurs. In some places, pegmatitic veins were
found. In them, coarse graphite assemblages having random orientation are present
towards the core portion of the pegmatite, and the margins are characterized by small
flakes oriented parallel to the contact zone of the pegmatite with the host metapelites
(Fig. 3B). At Vallioor quarry, well-foliated khondalitic gneisses with microfolds were
120 Masaru YOSHIDA et ai.
observed. Coarse graphite flakes were also found in the pegmatitic part of the migmatites.
Systematic sampling from these khondalite localities was carried out, especially on
the different types of graphite occurrences, for further laboratory studies. These studies
may provide new information and ideas on the evolution of this supracrustal belt.
Maruda Gold Mine Project. The Maruda gold-mine project area IS located near
Nilambur town, Northern Kerala. The gold-survey project is supported by the Kerala
State Government to evaluate the prospects of gold deposit by drill cores and surface
survey. The native gold-mine area is located at the southern end of the greenstone
belt in the Chitradurga district west of Bangalore. Recently, a gold-graphite association
in the granulite terrain of Sri Lanka was reported as an important factor in auriferous
hydrothermal mineralization (DISSANAYAKE and RUPASINGHE, 1992). It may be interesting
to delineate the role of graphite in gold mineralization during Archaean and Proterozoic
We collected some drill cores and barren greenstones containing carbonates, for
carbon and oxygen isotope studies, which may distinguish the origin and the role of
carbonic fluids in auriferous fluid processes.
Geological Survey ill Southern to Eastern Pelli1lSular Illdia 121
Concluding Remark
The field survey conducted in the graphite-bearing localities of the Kerala Khondalite
Belt has aided in the identification of graphites in different genetic associations. Principal-
ly, two major categories were identified: (1) biogenically-derived graphites within
compositional layerings, and (2) fluid-precipitated graphites within pegmatites, veins and
mesoscopic shears/faults. The second category is of utmost importance in tracing the
source of fluids, fluid movements, changing fluid regimes and fluid-rock interaction
processes in the earth's deep crust. Ongoing laboratory studies are expected to provide
information on these.
The survey was carried out during the period from 10th November to 10th December
by seven Japanese geologists, including two students, assisted by several Indian
scientists. The southern margin of the south Indian high-grade metamorphic terrain
is composed of a granulite facies metasupracrustal sequence called the Kerala Khondalite
Belt (KKB) (Figs. 1 and 2). The major lithologies in this terrain include garnet-biotite
gneiss (leptynites), garnet-sillimanite-graphite gneiss (khondalites) and orthopyroxene-
bearing acid to intermediate rocks (charnockites). These rocks are intercalated in places
with basic granulites, calc-silicates and quartzites. Incipient charnockites can be noticed
throughout the terrain in the garnet-biotite gneisses. Available age data show that the
incipient charnockites were formed around sao Ma, during the Pan-African extensional
regime (Unnikrishnan-WARRIER et ai., 1993) that affected the KKB. Major localities of
this terrain are given in YOSHIDA et ai. (1994). Bangalore and the surrounding areas
include the transitional zone between the Archean granite-greenstone belt and the southern
granulite terrain in Peninsular India. The field survey was concentrated in the alkaline
granitic exposures, the incipient and massive charnockites and also in the greenstone belt.
Fig. 4. (A) Well foliated and distorted marbles in the Ambasamudram marble district (Uchankulam
(B) Gray, banded limestone occurs beneath about 2 m laterite soil in the Ambasamudram
marble district (Uchankulam quarry).
126 IVIasaru YOSHIDA et al.
Fig. 5. (A) Incipient charnockite at IVIannanthala Quarry; younger pegmatite dyke (PO) cuts across
the gneiss.
(B) Cordierite-bearing incipient charnockite (lC) at Nellikala.
Geological Survey III SOl/them to Eastem Pellillsular Tlldia 127
Fig. 6. (A) Calc-silicate (CS) gneiss developed within the massive charnockite (MC) with incipient
charnockite at Nuliyam Quarry.
(B) Coarse-grained syenite at Puttetti Quarry. Dark part shows mafic, pyroxene-rich bands.
128 Masaru YOSHIDA et ai.
Fig. 7. (A) Equigranular pink granite (PG) intrudes equigranular gray granite (GG) at Biaralkusun
(B) Foliated massive charnockite in Bastrura Quarry is cut by a mafic dyke (MO).
Geological Survey in Southern to Eastern Peninsular India 129
! 50 km
~ Younger granites
''/'.. ; Jav~nahalli Group
Fig. 9. Location and geologic sketch map of observed area (modified from WEAVER, 1990, Fig. 15.2).
Locality names of nos. 1-16 are listed ill Table 1 alld tllose 0/17-24 are explained in the text.
Greenstone belt. Greenstone belt rocks are seen at Maradihalli (Fig. 9, Loc. 23) as
narrow bands within the Peninsular gneIsses. The nature and tectonic setting of the
supracrustal rocks in this greenstone belt, consisting of mafic igneous rocks and
stromatolitic limestones, are typical of Archaean cratonic regions. The mafic rocks show
beautiful pillow structure and are intercalated with quartzites (Fig. 8B). Parts of the
pillow lavas are metamorphosed to amphibolite facies and are weakly deformed. The
stromatolite occurs as lenses with quartzite/chalcedony veins. In the Chitradurga area
(Fig. 9, Loc. 24), the mafic rocks are associated with copper-sulfur mineralization which
was derived from hydrothermal fluids.
Concluding Remarks
The areas surrounding Bangalore and its vicinity provide an important transect,
starting from the granite-greenstone cratonic terrain, passing through the transitional
zone and ending in the granulite terrain. This transect is best suited for a thorough
investigation of the tectonic evolution as well as the tectonothermal history of south
India. Two main aspects of interest in the area are, firstly, the origin and development
of granitic rocks, and secondly, the nature of mafic rocks in the greenstone belt. A
detailed field survey by the Japan-India joint program was conducted by KANa and
others, which is described in the following section. Samples of important lithologies
collected during the present survey are being prepared for further laboratory studies.
(Y. 1'.)
The Karnataka survey group carried out field surveys in the Dharwar Craton of
southern Karnataka, South India, in 1992 and 1994. The survey team included three
Japanese geologists, and it was assisted by several Indian geologists. The field work
in 1992 was only a preliminary one, and we found several targets for detailed studies
in 1994 (YOSHIDA et al., 1994). From Feb. 18 to March 15 in 1994, we observed several
greenstone belts in southern Karnataka, focussing mainly on the supracrustal rocks,
including the banded iron formation (BIF) and manganese and sulphide deposits.
The Dharwar Craton, which is widely exposed in Karnataka State in South India,
is well known as a typical Archaean granite-greenstone belt. Two major research topics
can be recognised in this area: (1) the origin and development of granitic rocks (i.e.,
TTG or Peninsular gneiss) and their re-mobilization (Closepet Granite); and (2) the
nature and tectonic setting of supracrustal rocks of greenstone belts, including BIF and
mafic igneous rocks. Both topics are among the current themes of interest in modern
geology, concerning crustal evolution during Archaean time.
We focussed our study on the nature and tectonic setting of greenstone belts, because
recent researches seemed to be interested mainly in the geochemical and isotopic studies
of granitic rocks (e.g., MAHTIN, 1993; JAYANANDA et al., 1991).
The field area visited in Karnataka by our group is shown in Fig. 9. Vie observed
mainly four major greenstone belts in the southern part of the Dharwar Craton: the
Sargur and Holenarasipur belts (the older greenstone belts), the Bababudan belt (the
middle belt) and the Chitradurga belt (the younger belt).
Sargur belts in the Mysore area. The Sargur and equivalent belts are found as several
small remnants within the Peninsular Gneiss around the southern part of Mysore
city. These belts are composed of ultramafic to mafic igneous rocks, fuchsite-bearing
quartzite, pelite, calc-silicate rocks and BIF (Fig. lOA). Some belts have complete
132 Masaru YOSHIDA et al.
successions of all rock types, but more commonly, they carry only one or two rock
associations. The rocks are highly metamorphosed under the amphibolite facies
conditions in the northern part, and reach granulite facies in the southern part of the
Mysore area (Fig. 9).
Quartzite-pel ite-calcareous assocIatIOns, including ultramafic rocks, were observed
near Bettadabidu and Mavinahalli villages (Loc. 1 and 2, Fig. 9), and ultramafic rocks
(pyroxenite and amphibolite) with pelite and BIF near Motha (Loc. 3, Fig. 9). Samples
were collected from a complete BIF section, three metres thick, at Nugu dam, and a
manganese bed associated with BIF and metamorphosed ultrabasic rocks (Sagvandite)
near Gundalpet (Loc. 3 and 4, Fig. 9).
The Sargur belts are believed to be the oldest schist belts in the Dharwar Craton
by most Indian geologists (e.g., Swami NATH and RAMAKRISHNAN, 1990), although the
real geological history of the belts has not been fully clarified. Geochemical and
mineralogical studies are ongoing, at first in the BIF and the mafic igneous rocks of
the Nugu section, and next in the quartzite-pelite-carbonate associations in the belts, In
order to obtain comparative data with those in the other younger belts of the craton.
Holenarasipur belt near Hassan. The Holenarasipur belt (Loc. 14, Fig. 9) is also
considered to be equivalent to the Sargur belts. A branch of the belt is well exposed
for about 250 m long along the road near Hassan. This outcrop is composed mainly
of mafic rock directly in contact with non-sheared TTG; pelitic to psammitic rocks,
including blocks of mafic rocks; BIFs (Fig. lOB); and intercalations of highly sheared
quartzo-feldspathic rocks, probably derived from TTG. The rocks are weathered, but
detailed sampling and mapping were carried out, as the outcrop is considered to be a
standard section of the Holenarasipur belt.
Bababudan belt near Chikmagalur. The rock asociation of the Bababudan belt in the
northern part of Chikmagalur (Loc. 15, Fig. 9) is rather simple, consisting mainly of
quartzite, mafic meta-volcanic rocks and thick BIF, in ascending order. On the southern
cliff of Mt. Bababudan, the BIF reaches more than 200 m in total thickness (Fig. llA).
Chitradurga belt. The Chitradurga belt was observed in three cross-sections: north of
Chitradurga, in the northern part of the belt (Loc. 7-10, Fig. 9); Tiptur-Hosahalli route
in the middle part (Loc. 11-13, Fig. 9); and Karighatta area in the southern end of the
belt (Loc. 5, Fig. 9). The belt north of the Chitradurga area is composed of three
formations: Vanivilas, Ingaldal and G.R. Halli formations, in ascending order, and we
intend to examine the their lateral variation from north to south.
The Chitradurga belt is composed of BIFs, quartzites and carbonate rocks carrying
stromatolite (Fig. 11 B) in the Vanivalas Formation; mafic valcanic rocks, including
well-preserved pillow structure, in the Ingaldhal Formation; and BIFs, shale, quartzites
and carbonate rocks in the G.R Halli Formations. Mafic volcanic rocks of the belt also
carry distinct copper mineralization in the Ingaladhal mine of Chitradurga and the
Geological Survey ill Southern to Easterll Pe"insular India 133
Kalyadi mIne near Tiptur. Both copper deposits are vein-type, consisting mostly of
chalcopyrite and pyrite.
The association of sulphide deposits and the BIFs In the same greenstone belt may
provide interesting problems regarding their genetic relationship, because both are
probably considered to be the products of the hydrothermal activities in the mid-oceanic
ridge system.
Concluding Remarks
Our investigations 10 Karnataka aIm to clarify the geological conditions and
mineralization of the greenstone belts in the Dharwar Craton through Archaean time. The
field work in 1994 was successfully completed with the co-operation of many Indian
geologists. We collected rock samples reaching nearly 2 tons in total weight, and have
now initiated the laboratory works.
(T.K, KK, Y.K)
The present survey was combined with the field excursion of IGCP 288 in January
1994, which was led by A.T. RAO, R.S. DIVI and M. YOSHIDA (RAO et aI., 1994). The
survey route covered a traverse crossing six lithotectonic units, viz., Hyderabad Granite,
Peninsular Gneiss/migmatite and the Nellore Schist Belt (Archaean), Pakhal supergroup
and the Eastern Ghats Granulite Belt (Proterozoic), and Gondwana Sediments including
trap basalt (Mesozoic/Cenozoic). The Visakhapatnam area in the central part of the
Eastern Ghats Granulite Belt was surveyed in some detail subsequent to the IGCP 288
field excursion, the details of which will be reported elsewhere. Nineteen participants
from eight countries joined the survey/excursion. They were from Australia (L. HARRIS,
J. MYERS), Brazil (B.B. BRITO NEVES), Germany (H. PORADA), India (R.S. DIVI, G.S.
RAO, K. Srinivasa RAO), Japan (Y. TANI, M. YOSHIDA, S. YOSHIKURA), Nigeria (A.C.
AJIBADE), United Kingdom (C.M. BELL) and USA (R. UNRue; S. UNRue). A divergent
group (spreading from Brazil to Australia) such as this was bound to have different
opinions on at least some outcrop features, and lively discussions occasionally became
hot. A field guide book was prepared (RAO et aI., 1994) and distributed to each of the
partIcIpants. In the following section, observations in the field as well as interesting
views by participants will be described.
Hyderabad and to the east. This granite is a late-kinematic, S-type granite (Dhana
RAJu et ai., 1983) of ca 2.5 Ga (CRAWFORD, 1969) and is related to the Closepet Granite
cropping out around Bangalore. These granites have been considered to have been
developed by the reworking of earlier crystalline rocks (RADHAKRISHNA, 1989). S.
Yoshikura mentioned that enclaves in this granite may be a kind of "microgranitoid
enclaves" or "mafic magmatic enclaves" and interpreted as being formed by
mixing/mingling of two contrasting type magmas, granitic and basaltic (intrusion and
disruption of basaltic dyke in granitic magma chamber). The foliation of the granite
is shown by sporadic development of thin shear planes trending NW, with steep
dips. The foliation is dragged into parallelism with near N-S striking, dextral ductile
shear zones, along which a fine-grained granitic rock intruded (L. HARRIS).
Fig. 10. (A) BIF bed in amphibolite at Nugu dam in the Sargur belt.
(B) A BIF bed in psammitic schist at the Holenarasipur belt, near Hassan.
136 Masaru YOSHIDA et al.
Be X X X
~g ..
De X X , /
, , , /
, ,,
,. , , // /
X X , ~g/ " , ,, / /
X ' " ,
X X ~o
Fig. 12. Geologic outline and survey locations of the Hyderabad-Godavari-Visakhapatnam area. Crosses
with numerals are survey locations (the geologic outline is based on Geological Survey of
India, 1973 and RAJEsHAM et al., 1993).
Numbers correspond to the location mentioned in the text. ASH: Ashwaraopet, HYD:
Hyderabad, KAM: Kammam, KRM: Karimnagar, KTG: Kothagudem, RAJ: Rajahmundry,
SUR: Suryapet, VIS: Visakhapatnam, AI: Alluvium, Bg: Bhupalapatanam Granulite Belt, Be:
Baster Craton, Cu: Cuddapah, Dc: Dharwar Craton, EG: Eastern Ghats Granulite Belt, Gl:
Lower Gondwana, Gu: Upper Gondwana, Kg: Karimnagar Granulite Belt, Ns:Nellore Schist
Belt, Pa: Pakhal Supergroup, S: Nepheline syenite.
14A). The suggestion (H. PORADA) that these gneIsses could represent metaryolite and
meta-andesite was strongly refuted by others. The gneiss was affected by two phases
of isoclinal folding and intruded by two phases of pegmatitic veins. Earlier extensive
mylonitization under amphibolite facies grade, and later less-developed zones of
mylonitization under greenschist facies grade were identified. The steeply dipping
Archaean gray gneisses are in vertical contact with Proterozoic quartzite-metaconglomerate,
which is succeeded upwards by phyllite and dolomite. Close to the contact zone,
structures in the Archaean and Proterozoic rocks, including the subvertical elongation
of pebbles in the metaconglomerate and subvertical axes of tight folds in the gray gneisses
are conformable. The deformation which produced a later portion of the mylonitic
foliation in the gniess may be the same which resulted in the vertical elongation of the
pebbles in the conglomerate. Divergent views were expresed to explain the present
structural relationships between the Archaean gneisses and Proterozoic metasediments.
One view (H. PORADA) was that initially the mylonitic foliation in the gneisses was
horizontal and parallel to the Proterozoic conglomerate. Another opinion (R. UNRUG)
was that the structural geometry at the contact zone could be explained by a frontal/lateral
thrust ramp, with a detachment zone in the Archaean rocks.
138 Masaru YOSHIDA et al.
The Nellore Schists. The Nellore Schist Belt was first recognized by KING (1980) and
it has been considered to form a part of the greenstone belts (e.g., FERMoR, 1936). This
belt has also been known as the Nel10re Mica Belt (e.g., BABu, 1969), because of
excavation for mica. Radiometric ages from this belt, however, gave only later events,
such as 806 Ma (K-Ar mica from a schist, SARKAR et aZ., 1964), and ca. 1100 Ma
(Pb-Pb mineral isochron from a schist, RAJEsHAM, unpublished); an age of 1490-2100
Ma (pegmatite minerals, BABu, 1974) has also been known. Metamorphic conditions
of the Nellore Schists in the Nellore district were analysed to be 600-700°C and 7-8
kb (BABu, 1970). At an outcrop along the Maredu River side, about 600 m northwest
of Kothagudem (Loc. 5, Fig. 12), biotite gneiss belonging to the Nellore Schists shows
strong deformational structures. The gneiss is associated with amphibolite (of possible
mafic tuff origin) and carbonaceous layers, and is thus considered to have been derived
from a supracrustal sequence (S. YOSHIKURA). H. Porada stated that in the quartz-biotie
schist, S-shaped tectonic clasts occur, which indicate a dextral movement. The biotite
gneiss is thus interpreted as the mylonite which shows refolded folds of the same event
under amphibolite facies conditions. Later folding, possibly under greenschist facies
conditions, caused open foldings and a related axial planar cleavage. Y. TANI noticed
an eye-like structure in the gneiss. The eye structure points to a tube-like structure
and its elongation is parallel to the major mineral lineation; it was considered to represent
a sheath fold. J. MYERS, however, refuted the sheath-fold view and stated that because
of the strong deformational characteristics and refolding evidence of the rock, the small,
closed, elliptical fold pattern could be a refolded fold that had been modified (flattened,
rotated, and elongated) by subsequent deformation.
At a hilly outcrop, 24 km southwest of Kothagudem (Loc. 6, Fig. 12), garnet
amphibolite was observed. The garnet amphibolite is coarse-grained, involving various
amounts of garnet pophyroblasts (Fig. 14B). The growth of the garnet is considered to
have taken place as a metamorphic segregation processes associated with deformation
(B. MAI-IABALESWAR). A.T. RAo pointed out that this garnet amphibolite is a part of a
layered igneous body associated with anorthosite (RAo and RAO, 1986).
Gondwana Sediments and trap basalt. Gondwana Sediments along the Godavari
Valley are composed of Lower (Upper Carboniferous to Lower Jurassic) and Upper
Gondwanas (Middle Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous), which are truncated by the Coastal
Gondwana, mostly composed of the Upper Gondwana sequence (Cretaceous) and trap
basalt. Trap basalt, which is generally referred to the Deccan Traps (Upper Cretacesous
to Paleocene) (RAJU, 1986; LAKSHMINARAYANA et aZ., 1992), occurs near the topmost
horizon of the Coastal· Gondwana. The lower Gondwana Sediments were observed at
a railway cut near Kothagudem (Loc.7, Fig.12). They are composed of coarse sandstone
and conglomerate and belong the Kamti Formation. RB. Brito Neves pointed out a
possibility of development of layer-parallel small thrusts in the conglomerate. This
view, however, was not agreed upon by others. At a quarry in Kateru Village just
Geological Survey in Southern to Eastem Peninsular India 139
north of Rajahmundry (Loc.8, Fig.12), trap basalt is exposed within the upper Gondwana
sediments. G.S. Ghatak stated that from inland boreholes near the eastern coast and
Bengal Basin, and also from floors of the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean, the
volcanics are found to occur within Mesozoic platformal sediments. He further mentioned
that in the eastern and southern periphery, the peak of effusion was around 50-42 Ma,
which continued till 30 Ma, indicating the northward movement of the Indian plate
over the Heard hotspot. At a quarry near Rajahmundry (Loc. 9, Fig. 12), stratified
white claystones of the Rajahmundry Formation (Pliocene) were observed (Fig.
15A). A.T. RAO mentioned that zircon morphology indicates no igneous parentage for
this rock, but rather, a khondalite parentage.
extension parallel boudinage and open folding of earlier folds due to boudinage; (iv)
late conjugate shear zones cross-cutting previous structures (dextral, sinistral); these are
interpreted as resulting from three events. These were: (1) foliation development; (2)
rotation of structures developed during regional shortening into parallelism with a dextral
transcurrent or transpressional shear zone trending NE-SW, and (3) NW-SE shortening
giving rise to conjugate shear zones. At Aganampudi quarry, about 18 km west of
Visakhapatnam (Loc.13, Fig.12, which was also visited during the last year's survey),
distinctly foliated garnet charnockite was observed. Some of the charnockite show
marked porphyritic textures, having feldspathic material attaining over 10 em in length.
Fig. 13. (A) Boundary between conglomerate of the Pakhal Supergroup and mylonite of the Nellore
Schists at the Kinnersani River bed (Ioc. 4). A foot on the left of the picture is just on
the unconformity. The boundary is vertical. Note the elongation of pebbles which are
also near-vertical.
(B) Outcrop of the unconformity of Fig. 13A. The major outcrops crossing the river at the
centre are mostly composed of the Mallampali Group of the Pakhal Supergroup, whereas
small outcrops in the river bed at the right are mylonites of the Nellore Schist Belt.
142 Masaru YOSHIDA et al.
Fig. 14. (A) The gray mylonite of the Nellore Schist Belt at Kinnersani River bed (Ioc. 4). The
dominant mylonite foliation is cut by a later dextral shear associated with local
(B) Garnet amphibolite at locality 5. Note the charactersitic occurrence of garnet porphyroblasts.
Geological Survey ill SOlltlzeTll to EasteTll Pellillsular India 143
Fig. 15. (A) Stratified claystones of the Rajahmundry Formation (Ioc. 9).
(B) Foliated nepheline syenite at locality 10. A dyke of pegmatite cuts and drags the foliation
of the syenite.
144 Masaru YOSHIDA et al.
Fig. 16. (A) Banded leucocratic charnockite which is cut by a pegmatite involving numerous fragments
of crystal aggregates and possible pseudotackylite (Ioc. 11).
(B) Banding and folding structures of the banded charnockite at locality 12. These structures
are interpreted as having been derived from strong dextral shears.
Geological Survey in Southern to Eastem Peninsular India 145
Fig. 17. (A) Typical khondalite (banded type) at the foot of the Kailasa Hill, Visakhapatnam (lac. 14).
(B) Participants of the survey at the khondalite outcrop of locality 14.
146 Masaru YOSHIDA et al.
quartzo-feldspathic rocks with pink garnet. The rock has linear fabrics defined by
streaks of quartz and feldspars, plunging steeply southeast.
Concluding Remarks
During the present survey, we visited interesting outcrops which will be critical for
the future study of the tectonic development of Precambrian Peninsluar India. The
PakhallNellore boundary near Kothagudem (Loc. 4, Fig. 12), the foliated anorthosite
north of Ashwaraopet (Loc. 10, Fig. 12), banded charnockite near Narsipatnam (Loc. 13,
Fig. 12), and several outcrops of charnockites and khondalite surrounding Visakhapatnam
are extremely important and will be visited again in future studies. Discussions among
international participants provided valuable insights at many outcrops. A view of dextral
shear, stressed by CHETTY and MURTHY (1994), provided enthusiastic discussions while
surveying the Eastern Ghats area.
became difficult in Deogarh, in Orissa state of the Eastern Ghats Granulite Terrains
(EGGT), because the rocks are highly altered and carbonate rocks occur as minor bodies
in charnockites and paragneisses. Non carbonate minerals such as phlogopite, apatite,
graphite, pyrite, clinopyroxene and actinolite were found to occur in the carbonate rocks.
In the field surveys conducted during 1992 to 1994, several topics to be extensively
studied in future have been identified. Structrual, metamorphic, geochemical and
geochronological studies of the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt are the key topics for the
comparison of India with Antarctica. Quite a few reconnaissance studies have, so far,
came out from this area, and the geoscientific data produced by recent advanced techniques
and knowledges are expected. Other interesting topics are: the tectonotheraml history
and geochronology of the Godavari Valley area, including the PakhallNellore Schist
relationship and of the Karimnagar Granulite Belt; tectonic characterization and tectonic
history of the western Dharwar Craton; petrogenesis of the alkali plutons in the
Kerala-Tamilnadu area; petrogenesis of granulites in south India in relation to the
incipient charnockite formation; and the genesis of graphite in the Kerala-Tamil Nadu
terrain. Laboratory studies for all the above topics have begun and some preliminary
results have been generated (e.g., lists of publications as compiled in Gondwana Research
Group, 1993a,b, 1994). Detailed field and laboratory studies of the Eastern Ghats
Mobile Belt and of the eastern Dharwar Craton are expected to start in near future.
The field survey was made possible by support extended by the Geological Survey
of India, the Centre for Earth Science Studies, and Andhra University. Scientists in
various institutes and universities throughout I ndia were helpful to us for the field
surveys. In this context we express our deep gratitude to the following scientists: R.
Satish-KUMAR, K. Srinivasa-RAo and N. S. SWAMY. This paper is a contribution to
the Monbusho International Scientific Research (No. 04041090), to IGCP projects 288,
304, 348, and to the Gondwana Research Group (Osaka).
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