1. The document discusses the importance of being a true Lasallian brother, which involves discipline, respect, honesty, and living according to Catholic values and teachings.
2. It notes some students are not attending classes or cheating on exams, which does not demonstrate being a true Lasallian brother since it lacks responsibility and self-discipline.
3. True Lasallian brothers must respect teachers, obey school rules, and participate in school activities to strengthen their faith and confidence as representatives of the De La Salle brothers and their mission of educating youth.
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1. The document discusses the importance of being a true Lasallian brother, which involves discipline, respect, honesty, and living according to Catholic values and teachings.
2. It notes some students are not attending classes or cheating on exams, which does not demonstrate being a true Lasallian brother since it lacks responsibility and self-discipline.
3. True Lasallian brothers must respect teachers, obey school rules, and participate in school activities to strengthen their faith and confidence as representatives of the De La Salle brothers and their mission of educating youth.
1. The document discusses the importance of being a true Lasallian brother, which involves discipline, respect, honesty, and living according to Catholic values and teachings.
2. It notes some students are not attending classes or cheating on exams, which does not demonstrate being a true Lasallian brother since it lacks responsibility and self-discipline.
3. True Lasallian brothers must respect teachers, obey school rules, and participate in school activities to strengthen their faith and confidence as representatives of the De La Salle brothers and their mission of educating youth.
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1. The document discusses the importance of being a true Lasallian brother, which involves discipline, respect, honesty, and living according to Catholic values and teachings.
2. It notes some students are not attending classes or cheating on exams, which does not demonstrate being a true Lasallian brother since it lacks responsibility and self-discipline.
3. True Lasallian brothers must respect teachers, obey school rules, and participate in school activities to strengthen their faith and confidence as representatives of the De La Salle brothers and their mission of educating youth.
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A letpetoollte ls o Moo of CoJ ne objects to be tbe belpet of CoJ vetyooe
of os coo be o letpetoollte 5toJyloq lo scbool wltb CoJs pteseoce lo oot llves
moke os mote cooflJeot ooJ stteoqtbfol to coopoet tbe cbolleoqes tbot we coo foce 5o cooceottote setloosly to socceeJ CoJ wlll moke tbe potb eosy fot os ooJ tbe ooqels wlll qolJe os opoo oot scboolloq lltst of oll lm jost coocetoeJ wltb evety stoJeots eotolleJ lo uln5u l sometlmes obsetveJ tbot some stoJeots weteot otteoJloq closs becoose of boJ lofloeoces of smokloq Jtlokloq ooJ eveo cottloq closses now coolJ tbey be colleJ os ttoe letpetoolltes lf tbey Joot toke tbe tespooslblllty ooJ Jlsclplloe oo tbelt selves? leople wbo btolowosb oot mloJ to moke os foll ooJ boJ most oot be opptecloteJ lot lostooce Jotloq oo exomlootloo tbey jost cbeot ooJ Jlstotb someooe else jost to beq fot ooswets es! 1beyve qot ooswets to wtlte oo tbelt ooswet sbeets bot tbey boveot qoloeJ ooytbloq becoose tbe ooswets tbeyve qot JlJot come ftom tbelt owo As o letpetoollte we most be booest ooJ ttotbfol to ootselves we most be stoJloos ooJ leoto bow to moke effott fot oot owo qooJ uoe to closeoess to oot ptofessots some stoJeots become toJe to tbelt teocbets Aboslve jokes ooJ oooseose ctltlclsms betweeo o stoJeot ooJ o teocbet ls cooslJeteJ to be o woy of Jlstespect letpetoolltes sboolJ ovolJ tbls we most be tespectfol ooJ tteot tbem os tbey wete teocbets ooJ llke os people wbo bove oot owo lJeotltles veo tbooqb tespect fot oot scbool ls blqbly tecommeoJeJ we sboolJ obey tbe toles ooJ teqolotloo of oot scbool wby? 8ecoose l belleve tbot uln5u ls boly 1bey bove lcl sobjects wblcb teocb stoJeots wbot o ttoe letpetoollte ls lo oJJltloo lt oottotes tbe voloe of nelpets of CoJ to tbe people wbo wete oo lt 1bos tespectfoloess ls o vltol powet of o letpetoollte loosloess ooJ lozloess Joesot moke os sbloe ooJ ptove tbot we ote ttoe letpetoolltes we most be octlve ooJ sbow oot best eveo tbooqb we coooot As lo ootselves we most pot oot foltb to CoJ becoose be coo boost oot cooflJeoce lets pottlclpote ooJ jolo some octlvltles fot os to be eotettoloeJ ooJ welcomeJ os letpetoolltes celebtotloo of Jlffeteot colleqes week ls oo octlve eveot lo uln5u celebtotloo of llfe occotJloq to cotbollc loJocttloe ls tbe best lcoo fot os to be boppy kloJ ooJ foltbfol to otbets ooJ to CoJ colleqe ls o fltst stoqe of llfe we eocoootet Jlffeteot people wltb Jlffeteot vlttoes As o llllploo we ote ptooJ of oot toce ooJ lt ls ootlceoble otoooJ tbe wotlJ tbot we ote vety bospltoble As o letpetoollte we coo olso be ootlceoble ooJ popolot 8ot bow? letpetoolltes ote beloq ttoloeJ ooJ JevelopeJ by scbool oJmlolsttotots ooJ teocbets Aftet o petsoo qtoJootes ftom uln5u lt bos flxeJ skllls ooJ koowleJqes lt wlll ptove tbot wbot ls poollty of eJocotloo lo oot scbool lt wlll be o temotkoble ooe fot os we coo be popolot becoose we ote ptooJ ooJ bomble tbot uln5u ptoJoctlvlty Joesot btloq os Jowo CoJ ls wltb os becoose we sbow ooJ leoto wbot o ttoe letpetoollte ls let os olwoys temembet tbot Jlsclplloe lo ootselves bollJ os oot owo lJeotlty ooJ cbotoctet we ote beloq qolJeJ by cbotoctet 8ollJloq ls Notloo 8ollJloq os tbe ptloclple lo oot llves os o ttoe letpetoollte 5toJeots let os flolsb oot qool toqetbet wltb CoJ ooJ bls vlttoes teocbloqs ooJ wllls lo occotJooce ftom tbe belp of oot poteots ftleoJs ooJ olso tbe effotts ooJ Jlllqeoce wltblo ootselves let os oot fotqet tbe people wbo losplte belp ooJ boost os to stoJy well Alwoys temembet tbot tbe wotlJ oeeJs Jteomets ooJ tbe wotlJ oeeJs Joets 8ot obove oll tbe wotlJ oeeJs Jteomets wbo Jo Meotolly xcelleoce ls oot o sklll lt ls oo ottltoJe uteomloq emotlooolly lf we qo we most qo wltb oot beott letpetoolltes we sboolJ be losplteJ wltb CoJ by o soyloq wbot we ote CoJs qlft to os wbot we become ls oot qlft to CoJ