P Cca P !"# $% C: CCCC Ccº& CCCCC Cccaccccc C C Cccccc-Ac CP

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Port l 4 Purpose

lot we ote CoJs wotkmoosblp cteoteJ lo cbtlst Iesos to Jo qooJ wotks wblcb CoJ
ptepoteJ lo oJvooce fot os to Jo Lphes|ans 210

1be lOku wotks oot evetytbloq fot nls owo eoJs roverbs 164

*ln ChrlsL l flnd my UkCSL
*Llvlng Lhe #Illfe means l llve as lf Cod were kLAL lmporLanL Lo me

1 @he '!Llfe' glves my llfe Lrue ,LANING
8e vety cotefol tbeo bow yoo llveoot os oowlse bot os wlse
mokloq tbe
most of evety oppottoolty becoose tbe Joys ote evll
1betefote Jo oot be
foollsb bot ooJetstooJ wbot tbe lotJs wlll ls Lphes|ans S1S17

2 @he '!Llfe' makes my declslons LLAk
8ot wbeo be osks be most belleve ooJ oot Joobt becoose be wbo Joobts ls
llke o wove of tbe seo blowo ooJ tosseJ by tbe wloJ
1bot moo sboolJ oot tblok
be wlll tecelve ooytbloq ftom tbe lotJ ames 167

3 @he '!Llfe' means l'm ASSICNA1L abouL ChrlsL noL Lhe world
l koow yoot JeeJs tbot yoo ote oeltbet colJ oot bot l wlsb yoo wete eltbet
ooe ot tbe otbet!
5o becoose yoo ote lokewotmoeltbet bot oot colJl om
oboot to splt yoo oot of my mootb
oo soy #l om tlcb l bove ocpolteJ weoltb
ooJ Jo oot oeeJ o tbloq 8ot yoo Jo oot teollze tbot yoo ote wtetcbeJ pltlfol
poot blloJ ooJ ookeJ keve|at|on 31S17

4 @he '!Llfe' glves me a huge kLSCNSI8ILI1
8ot lf ooyooe cooses ooe of tbese llttle ooes wbo belleve lo me to slo lt woolJ
be bettet fot blm to bove o lotqe mlllstooe booq otoooJ bls oeck ooJ to be
JtowoeJ lo tbe Jeptbs of tbe seo ,atthew 186

&8eloq o cbtlstloo ls o totolly solJ oot llfe fot Iesos lf yoote oot qtowloq lo bolloess ooJ lf
yoote oot bottlloq lt oot wltb slo evety Joy exom yootself to see lf yoote ttoly soveJ lf tbe
8lble sbows yoo tbot yoote oot tepeot pot yoot ttost lo Iesos ooJ stott llvloq tbe Illfe
@he @raln
5oppose o ttolo oo o mojot tollwoy wete to bolfwoy Jetoll pott oo tbe ttock ooJ pott off lo
most coses lt woolJ toke J5 Joys to qet o ctooe to tbe oteo to cleot owoy tbe wteckoqe so tbe
ttock woolJ be osoble 8ot soppose tbls some ttolo boJ completely JetolleJ Otbet ttolos coolJ
lmmeJlotely cootlooe oo scbeJole ooJ moke ose of tbe ttock
*lf you llve a 30/30 ChrlsLlan llfe you're llke LhaL Lraln LhaL sLlcks halfway on Lhe Lrack All you'll
do ls brlng down oLher ChrlsLlans Pow? ?ou make ChrlsLlans look llke hypocrlLes you make
your church and youLh group look bad and you make !esus look bad

@he 8us
A qoy ftom Alobomo sboteJ oboot some blqb scbool seolot boys wbo wete oot toooloq otoooJ
lote oo ltlJoy olqbt 1bey wete lo o somewbot mlscblevoos mooJ ooJ JeclJeJ to ose some
sptoy polot to blot oot tbe sttlpe Jowo tbe mlJJle of o Jotk coootty tooJ 1beo tbey poloteJ o
oew sttlpe veetloq off to tbe slJe A wblle lotet o scbool bos foll of stoJeots oo tbe woy bome
ftom o footboll qome lote tbot olqbt wos ttovelloq Jowo tbls tooJ 1be bos Jtlvet wos so
coofoseJ by tbe oew sttlpe tbot be completely lost coottol 1be bos too off tbe tooJ ooJ ovet o
120foot cllff vetyooe wos kllleJ
1bot bos Jtlvet wos JepeoJeot oo tbe ceotet sttlpe os bls qolJe wbeo lt wos wtooq Jlsostet
boppeoeJ 5o mocb JepeoJeJ oo socb o smoll tbloq
*l've sald Lhls many Llmes someone ls always waLchlng you ?ou may be Lhe only '!esus' LhaL
your frlends see because aL home and oLher places Lhey don'L ever see or hear anyLhlng abouL
!esus or Lhe 8lble @he ChrlsLlan example LhaL you llve ouL dally ls llke LhaL yellow llne lf you
llve llke a ChrlsLlan Lhen people wlll be gulded down Lhe rlghL paLh and Lhey'll know whaL Lhls
!esus sLuff ls all abouL lf you llve a double llfe your frlends wlll see Lhe wrong gulde llne and
Lhey'll be led down Lhe wrong paLh abouL !esus @hey'll have a wrong plcLure of whaL a
ChrlsLlan ls supposed Lo look llke

Port ll 4 Life

1betefote l Jo oot too llke o moo toooloq olmlessly l Jo oot flqbt llke o moo beotloq tbe olt
No l beot my boJy ooJ moke lt my slove so tbot oftet l bove pteocbeJ to otbets l myself wlll
oot be JlspoollfleJ fot tbe ptlze 1 or|nth|ans 92627

*Llvlng Lhe #Illfe means l llve wlLh purpose and l learn Lo ,AS1Lk , ILLSn

1 @o masLer my flesh l musL LSIkL Cod's Word
1beo Iesos JecloteJ l om tbe bteoJ of llfe ne wbo comes to me wlll oevet qo
booqty ooJ be wbo belleves lo me wlll oevet be tbltsty ohn 63S

2 @o masLer my flesh l musL be wllllng Lo C8L Cod's Word
come follow me Iesos solJ ooJ l wlll moke yoo flsbets of meo
,atthew 419
3 @o masLer my flesh l musL LIS1LN Lo Lhe Poly SplrlL
8ot tbe coooselot tbe noly 5pltlt wbom tbe lotbet wlll seoJ lo my oome wlll
teocb yoo oll tbloqs ooJ wlll temloJ yoo of evetytbloq l bove solJ to yoo
ohn 1426

4 @o masLer my flesh l musL LkA,INL myself
5o lf yoo tblok yoo ote stooJloq fltm be cotefol tbot yoo Joot foll!
1 or|nth|ans 1012

5 @o masLer my flesh l musL C,,I1 Lo flghL agalnsL lL
l beot my boJy ooJ moke lt my slove so tbot oftet l bove pteocbeJ to
otbets l myself wlll oot be JlspoollfleJ fot tbe ptlze 1 or|nth|ans 92627

*Mostet yoot flesb ls oo evetyJoy bottle As tlme qoes oo lf yoo cootlooe flqbtloq yoot slofol
otqes yoo wlll leoto bow to Jeol wltb ooJ Jefeot tbem

Port lll 4 witness

8y tbelt ftolt yoo wlll tecoqolze tbem ,atthew 716

*Llvlng Lhe #Illfe means l llve wlLh purpose l learn Lo masLer my flesh and l JI1NLSS

1 l wlLness Lo oLhers by my C8LILNL
we koow tbot we bove come to koow blm lf we obey bls commooJs
1 ohn 23

2 l wlLness Lo oLhers by my LkA,LL
8y tbelt ftolt yoo wlll tecoqolze tbem ,atthew 716
l om tbe vloe yoo ote tbe btoocbes lf o moo temolos lo Me ooJ l lo blm be
wlll beot mocb ftolt opott ftom Me yoo coo Jo ootbloq ohn 1SS

3 l wlLness Lo oLhers by JI1NLSSING
Otbets llke seeJ sowo oo qooJ soll beot tbe wotJ occept lt ooJ ptoJoce o
ctoptbltty slxty ot eveo o booJteJ tlmes wbot wos sowo ,ark 420
lo tbe some woy let yoot llqbt sbloe befote meo tbot tbey moy see yoot qooJ
JeeJs ooJ ptolse yoot lotbet lo beoveo ,atthew S16
1betefote qo ooJ moke Jlsclples of oll ootloos boptlzloq tbem lo tbe oome of
tbe lotbet ooJ of tbe 5oo ooJ of tbe noly 5pltlt
ooJ teocbloq tbem to obey
evetytbloq l bove commooJeJ yoo AoJ sotely l om wltb yoo olwoys to tbe vety
eoJ of tbe oqe ,atthew 281920

*8eloq o cbtlstloo meoos tbot we wltoess lo All J woys obove oot jost 1 ot 2 lts oot job ooJ
mlssloo to spteoJ tbe qospel of Iesos to otbets oot CoJs

@he uead Sea
uo yoo koow bow tbe ueoJ 5eo qot lts oome? 1be 5eo of Colllee (sbow plc) jost oottb of tbe
ueoJ 5eo bos some of tbe most beoltby wotet lo tbot pott of tbe wotlJ lts foll of flsb ooJ bos
lots of veqetotloo otoooJ lt 1be 5eo of Colllee oot ooly bos locomloq wotets bot lt olso bos
ploces to let wotet flow oot so lts coostootly movloq wblcb keeps lt cleoo
Iost Jowostteom ftom tbe 5eo of Colllee ls tbe ueoJ 5eo lts colleJ tbe ueoJ 5eo becoose
ootbloq coo llve tbete 1bete ote oo flsb ot ploots lts jost foll of exttemely solty wotet lo foct
tbetes so mocb solt lo lt tbot yoo coot slokyoo jost floot Notbloq coo llve tbete becoose
eveo tbooqb lt bos locomloq wotet lt bos oo woy of lettloq flow oot
*ln Lhe same way lf our example lsn'L a ChrlsLlan one buL lnsLead lL's Lwofaced Lhen we won'L
be allowlng ChrlsL Lo flow ouL of our llves and Louch oLhers Cur ChrlsLlan llfe wlll be as useless
as Lhe uead Sea We'll have no llfe and we'll glve no llfe

@he asLor @he Weddlng
eots oqo o postot petfotmeJ o weJJloq fot o ftleoJ ne wos boploq to tecelve some poy bot
tbe ftleoJ qove blm o polt of qloves ne took tbe qloves bome tbtew tbem lo tbe top of tbe
closet ooJ JlJot ose tbem ootll o yeot lotet wbeo be polleJ tbe qloves oot ooJ pot tbem oo
be foooJ o 510 blll stoffeJ lo eocb floqet of tbe qloves ne boJ tbe mooey tbe wbole tlme bot
wos oevet tolJ tbot lt wos lo tbete mocb less tbot be sboolJ cbeck loslJe tbe qloves
&8y noL wlLnesslng Lo oLhers we're keeplng Lhe free glfL from oLhers and we're leavlng Lhem Lo
have Lo flgure lL ouL on Lhelr ownand mosL of Lhe Llme Lhey don'L flgure lL ouL unLll Lhey're
dead and by LhaL Llme lL's useless

A @ough @houghL
lmoqloe tbe lost Joy of tbe wotlJ ls floolly bete ooJ jost os yoo ooJ oll tbe otbet cbtlstloos ote
beloq tokeo to neoveo yoo look bock ooJ yoo see mooy of yoot ftleoJs wbo oteot qoloq oo
look closet ooJ yoo ootlce tbeyte beloq JtoqqeJ owoy by some blJeoos Jemoo ooJ tbeyte
ctyloq oot to yoo wby JlJot yoo tell me tbls wos qoloq to boppeo? wby JlJot yoo evet tell
me ot sbow me bow to become o cbtlstloo?
*We have Lo wlLness lL's noL a maybe or someLhlng we do when we're older or when lL's
convenlenL lL's our [ob Lo wlLness lf you're noL dolng LhaL Lhen you're noL dolng your [ob and
Cod's anger wlll be on you

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