KUD M.sc. Physics Syllabus - 2022-Final
KUD M.sc. Physics Syllabus - 2022-Final
KUD M.sc. Physics Syllabus - 2022-Final
M.Sc. Course in PHYSICS
Karnatak University, Dharwad
Department of Physics
The Department of Physics, one of the oldest and major Departments at Karnatak University,
was founded in the year 1953. Eminent spectroscopist Dr. N.R.Tawade was the first Head of
the Department and its faculty included very distinguished scientists. At present Department
has 8 teaching faculty, 06 teaching assistants, 50 research scholars and 131 M.Sc. Students.
The Department has had a tradition of strong teaching program and quality research output.
As a result, it has been nationally recognized for excellence in teaching and research
programs with major grants from UGC under Special Assistance Program (SAP) and DST
under FIST program and for the individual faculty members from UGC, DST, BRNS and IUAC.
Under the UGC-SAP Program, the Department is recognized as Centre of Advanced Study at
Level-II with a grant of Rs 2.63 Cr and the Department is associated with UGC`s the Center
with Potential for Excellence in a Particular Area (CPEPA) involving other Science
Departments as well. While most of the passed-out students have become school and college
teachers, allied job holders, a small but significant number of the students have excelled as
scientists (some are Bhatnagar awardees), university faculty and vice-chancellors, and
likewise some are successful in foreign countries. Department celebrated diamond jubilee
year during the 2013-14. It has produced more than 198 Ph.Ds. so far and published more
than 1600 research papers in peer-reviewed national and international journals.
The Course Details:
The Department offers M.Sc. and Ph.D. Program in Physics. The M.Sc. Program is a two-year
Course, spread over four semesters, each of which is sixteen weeks duration. The Course
comprises Compulsory and Specialization Courses and Open Elective Courses (OECs). A
student admitted to the course leading to a M.Sc. degree should necessarily study the
compulsory and specialization courses in Physics, offered in the Department as well as the
Open Elective Courses in different subject (s), offered by other Departments. The student has
the freedom to choose two courses during the study under prescribed OECs.
There are 6 compulsory and 8 specialization theory courses, 7 practical courses and one
project. Out of these, 10 theory courses and 4 practical courses are common to all the
students studying in I and II Semesters. The remaining 4 theory courses, 3 practical courses
and the project are specialization-based courses offered in the III and IV semesters.
Specialization courses are offered in the following subjects:
(1) Atomic & Molecular Physics, (2) Condensed Matter Physics, (3) Electronics &
Communications and (4) Nuclear & Particle Physics.
There are two Open Elective Courses (under OEC), one in II Semester and one in III Semester,
offered by the Department of Physics for the students of other science Departments. The
student shall opt for open elective course (OEC) at the time of admission.
The credits for each theory (compulsory, specialization and elective) courses and practical
(compulsory and specialization) courses shall be 4. The M.Sc. Course in Physics carries the
following number of credits.
No. of
Semester I II III IV Total
Core Paper 4 3 3 4 14 56
Practical 2 2 2 1 7 28
Open Elective --- 1 1 --- 2 8
Project Work --- --- --- 1 1 6
Total 6 6 6 6 24 98
The student has to score 98 credits successfully for M. Sc. Degree in Physics. The students
are allotted the specializations in the third semester on the bases of their order of preference
and merit-cum roster system.
1. M. Sc. Degree Course:
1.1 Duration of the Course: The M.Sc. degree course is of two years duration spread over
four semesters each of sixteen weeks duration.
1.2 Eligibility for Admission: B.Sc. graduates of this University or of any other University
recognized as equivalent there-to with Physics and Mathematics as optional subjects are
eligible. The candidate should have obtained at least 45% of marks in optional subjects as
well as in aggregate. Relaxation in respect of SC/ST/Cat-I etc. will be applicable as per
prevailing rules of the University.
1.3 Intake: Total intake to the M.Sc. course in Physics under the jurisdiction of Karnatak
University is 259. The intake for the course at the Department of Physics, Karnatak
University, Dharwad is 69. The course is also offered at Karnatak Science College with intake
of 35, JSS College, Dharwad with intake of 60 (30 under KUD quota + 30 under management
quota), Sri Siddeshwar First Grade Govt College, Naragund with intake of 15 under KUD
quota, JT Science College, Gadag with intake of 30 (15 under KUD quota + 15 under
management quota) and KSS College, Gadag with intake of 50 (25 under KUD quota + 25
under management quota). The Karnatak University reserves the right to vary intake as
deemed necessary including admission rules, fee structures and roster as per notification
from time to time.
2. Attendance: Every student must have at least 75% attendance in each of the courses
(theory and practical) in each semester. Shortage of attendance will be dealt with as per the
University rules from time to time.
3. Medium of Instruction: The medium of instruction shall be English.
4. Scheme of Instructions:
4.1 In each semester there will be FOUR Theory Courses and TWO Practical Courses.
4.2 Each theory course is of FOUR hours of lectures per week. Each practical course is of
FOUR contact hours per week. These include seminars, tutorials and discussion classes.
Internal Assessment (IA) shall be conducted during the semesters. Each theory and practical
course shall carry 100 marks, out of which 25 marks are for internal assessment (IA). The
components of IA for 25 marks are as follows: Attendance-3 marks, two written
tests/seminars/assignments-22 marks. Total maximum marks are 600 per I, II and III
Semesters and 650 marks in IV Semester with total marks for the entire course is 2450.
4.3 Project: Every student has to compulsorily take a Project course in IV semester. The
Project may be a theoretical or an experimental work in the respective specialization subject.
More than one student may be required to work on an assigned project. Project course
carries 150 marks, of which 25 marks for IA, 50 marks for viva-voce examination with
presentation of the work and 75 marks for the evaluation of dissertation at the semester-
end examination.
5. Scheme of Evaluation: Evaluation of each of the courses will have two components: the
first being internal assessment (IA) and the second being the semester-end examinations.
For theory and practical courses having a credit award of 4, the total maximum marks shall
be 100. Out of the total of 100, 25 marks shall be earmarked for the IA and the remaining
75 marks for the semester-end examination. For the project, carrying 6 credits, the total
maximum marks shall be 150. Out of 150, 25 marks shall be earmarked for the IA and the
remaining 125 marks is shared between viva-voce carrying 50 marks and evaluation of
dissertation carrying 75 marks for the semester-end examination.
5.1 Examination: Examinations will be conducted at the end of each semester as per the
University regulations governing PG Courses. The semester-end examination in each theory
course will have a question paper for 3 hours duration and will carry a maximum of 75
marks. The IA test will be conducted during the semester. Mode of conducting the tests may
involve a common time-table for all the courses in that semester. Each practical course will
have an examination of four hours duration and will carry a maximum of 75 marks in the
semester-end exam. A two-hour duration practical IA for 25 marks is conducted at the end
of the semester.
Project: A project dissertation should be submitted by each student at the end of IV semester
to become eligible for the examination. The evaluation of the project dissertation carries a
maximum of 75 marks. The viva-voce examination carries a maximum of 50 marks and will
be in the form of presentation by the student. During this examination, one external
examiner and one project supervisor or along with internal examiner will be involved in the
evaluation. IA for 25 maximum marks is conducted during the mid-semester, either through
a test or a seminar. In the case of seminar, an internal examiner along with the project
supervisor will be involved in the evaluation.
5.2 Question Paper Pattern: Each theory Course paper is organized into I, II, III and IV
Units. A question paper comprises two questions as internal choice from each of these four
Units, giving a total of eight questions and, a ninth question has four sub-questions drawn
from each of the Units with an option to answer any three. The four sub questions may be in
the form of a problem / short answer question / question for explanation of a concept. Each
question carries 15 marks, giving a total of 75 marks for the question paper. Below is the
summary of the Scheme:
c) Project: Max Marks
Semester-end Examination 125 (Dissertation-75, Viva-Voce-50)
Internal assessment (IA) 25
Total: 150
6. Maximum Period for Completion of the M. Sc. Degree Programme:
There shall be carry-over from I to IV semester. The maximum number of years required by
a student to complete the degree is as specified by the University from time to time.
7. Rules and Award of Degree:
7.1 The Minimum passing percentage in each course shall be 40% (semester-end exam and
IA put together). Further, the candidate shall obtain at least 40% of the marks in the
semester-end exam and 50% in aggregate when all Courses of four semesters are put
together. There shall be no separate minimum for IA.
7.2 Award of Degree: Students after successfully completing all the Courses prescribed for
all the four semesters by scoring minimum of 50% in aggregate will become eligible for the
award of M. Sc. Degree in Physics.
7.3 Results: Marks and Grading: Results of candidates are declared based on the marks
obtained and grades earned and classes are awarded as per the University rules.
8. Co-Curricular and Extra Curricular activities:
8.1 Co-Curricular Activities: Seminars, tutorials, mentoring programmes, problem solving
sessions, discussion classes will be conducted periodically. However, these activities do not
carry any marks or credits.
8.2 Computer Laboratory Facilities: Students are provided with computer facilities for
their curricular as well as for their co-curricular studies and internet browsing.
8.3 Library Facilities: The Department has a library with research journals and
text/reference books. Students are allowed to borrow on regular basis.
8.4 Students Counseling: Students will be assigned to teachers for counseling regarding
their academic and other matters.
8.5 Epsilon Club: A students council called (epsilon) club exist in the Department for the
all-round development of the students. Lectures by students, staff and special lectures by
eminent scientists are arranged under the auspices of this club.
Extra-Curricular activities such as sports, literary and cultural activities are also conducted
under the auspices of this club.
8.6 Special Encouragement: Students interested in research activities are encouraged by
providing them with an opportunity to work in the research laboratories and USIC under the
guidance of the faculty members.
Teaching and Evaluation Scheme
M. Sc. Course in Physics
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) (2018 Scheme) Maximum Marks
of Exam
Sem. Course Teaching Semester
Title of the Paper Credits (hours) for IA Total
No Code Hrs/week End Exam
Compulsory Courses
PG85T Mathematical Methods in
4 4 3 75 25 100
101 Physical Sciences
Classical Mechanics 4 4 3 75 25 100
Compulsory Courses
Quantum Mechanics – II 4 4 3 75 25 100
Specialization Courses
PG85T Atomic and Diatomic
302A Molecular Spectra
PG85T Electron Transport and
302C Lattice Dynamics
Transmission Lines, 4 4 3 75 25 100
Waveguides and Satellite
PG85T Nuclear Properties and
302N Elementary Particles
Magnetism and Dielectrics
4 4 3 75 25 100
PG85T Electronic Instrumentation,
303E Signals and Systems
Nuclear Detectors,
Accelerators and Neutron
III Physics
Open Elective Course – II:
A) Instrumental Methods
OR 4 4 3 75 25 100
B) Physics of
PG85P Atomic & Molecular
305A Physics Practical – I
PG85P Condensed Matter Physics
305C Practical – I
Electronics & 4 4 4 75 25 100
Practical – I
PG85P Nuclear & Particle Physics
305N Practical – I
PG85P Atomic & Molecular
306A Physics Practical – II
PG85P Condensed Matter Physics
306C Practical – II
Electronics & 4 4 4 75 25 100
Practical – II
PG85P Nuclear & Particle Physics
306N Practical – II
Compulsory Courses
Classical Electrodynamics 4 4 3 75 25 100
PG85T Statistical and Thermal
4 4 3 75 25 100
402 Physics
Specialization Courses
Molecular Spectra &
Structure of Polyatomic
PG85T Semiconductors and
403C Devices
PG85T Microprocessor and 4 4 3 75 25 100
403E Microcontroller
Nuclear Models, Nuclear
Reactions and Weak
Lasers, Nonlinear Optical
Effects and Laser
PG85T Superconductivity and
404C Advanced Materials 4 4 3 75 25 100
PG85T Analog and Digital
404E Modulation
PG85T Nuclear Reactors and
404N Nuclear Decays
PG85P Atomic & Molecular
405A Physics Practical – III
PG85P Condensed Matter Physics
405C Practical – III
Electronics & 4 4 4 75 25 100
Practical – III
PG85P Nuclear & Particle Physics
405N Practical – III
PG85PJ Project in Atomic &
406A Molecular Physics
PG85PJ Project in Condensed
406C Matter Physics
6 6 4 75 + 50 25 150
PG85PJ Project in Electronics &
406E Communications
PG85PJ Project in Nuclear &
406N Particle Physics
9.3 Programme Outcomes (POs): M. Sc. Physics Program outcomes are expected to be
aligned closely with attributes. The program consists of theory, practical and project work.
After successful completion of the program, the students
Will acquire advanced knowledge in the core subjects of Physics as well as in the
Interdisciplinary Courses
Will learn techniques of analysis involving physical, mathematical and data aspects
and thereby get trained in applying skill sets to solving complex problems
Will be exposed to advanced level of training in experimental physics involving
planning, execution, measurements and data analysis
Will be trained at the research level in project dissertation work involving systematic
methodologies, scientific literature study and interpretation
Will be exposed to techniques of seminar, talks, etc. presentation skills.
9.4 Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs): After completion of M.Sc. Physics program, the
students will be able to
Acquire an in-depth understanding and knowledge of the core areas of Physics
encompassing mathematical physics, classical mechanics, quantum mechanics,
electrodynamics, and statistical mechanics for explicating physical phenomena
covering wide length and time scales.
Develop hands-on skills for carrying out elementary as well as advanced experiments
through acquired knowledge in physics
Attain abilities of critical thinking, problem mapping & solving using fundamental
principles of Physics, systematic analysis & interpretation of results, and
unambiguous oral & writing/presentation skills.
Sustain an intellectual curiosity and know how to continue to learn not only areas
that are relevant to Physics, but also that are important to society
Perform minor research projects so as to familiarize with the research works and
enhance pedagogical and scientific writing skills through modern methods.
Enhance National/International competency, kindle entrepreneurial skills and
become socially and environmentally responsible citizens.
Course specific outcomes describe the significant and essential learning that learners
have achieved, and can reliably demonstrate at the end of a course. Three to four
course outcomes are specified for each course based on its weightage.
Text Books
1. Mathematical Methods for Physicists (4th edition): George Arfken & Hans J. Weber,
Academic Press, San Diego (1995).
2. Mathematical Methods in Physical Sciences (2nd edition): Mary L. Boas, John Wiley &
Sons, New York (1983).
3. Mathematical Physics: P. K. Chattopadhyay, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi (1990).
4. Introduction to Mathematical Physics: Charlie Harper, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi (1995).
5. Matrices and Tensors in Physics (3rd edition): A.W. Joshi, New Age International (P)
Ltd. Publishers, New Delhi (2000).
6. Elements of Group Theory for Physicists (3rd Ed): A.W.Joshi, Wiley Eastern Ltd
7. Monte Carlo Methods, 2nd Edition, M.H. Kalos, P.A. Whitlock, Wiley VCH
Reference Books
1. Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering: K. F. Riley, M. P. Hobson and S. J.
Bence, Cambridge Univ. Press Cambridge (1998).
2. Advanced Mathematics in Physics and Engineering: Arthur Bronwell, Mc Graw Hill
Book Company, New York (1953).
3. Group theory and its Applications to Physical Problems: M. Hammermesh, Addison
Wesley, Mass (1962).
4. Schaum's Outline Series: Programming with FORTRAN: Seymour Lipschutz & Arthur
Poe, McGraw Hill company, Singapore (1982).
5. Schaum's Outline Series: Vector Analysis and Introduction to Tensor Analysis: M.R.
Speigel, McGraw Hill Company, Singapore (1983).
6. Mathematical Physics A. K. Ghatak, I. C. Gayal & S. J. Chua, Trinity Publications, 2017.
7. Computational Physics. J. M. Thijssen, Cambridge - 2007.
8. Understanding Molecular Simulations, D. Frenkel and B. Smith, Academic press, 2002.
9. Steven E Koonin and D C Meredith, Computational Physics [Fortran Version],
Westview Press (1990)
10. Press, M. et al. – Numerical Recipes, Cambridge University Press, or Foundation Book,
India (1998).
PG85T 102: Classical Mechanics
Teaching hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
Unit I
Lagrangian Mechanics: Generalized coordinates, constraints, Lagrange equation,
Hamilton’s principle, Derivation of Lagrange’s equation from Hamilton’s Principle.
Symmetry and conservation laws: momentum conservation, cyclic coordinates, angular
momentum conservation and conservation of energy.
Motion in central force field: Equivalent one body problem, motion in central force field,
Equation of orbit. Elliptic orbits, hyperbolic orbits and parabolic orbits. Elastic scattering in
central force field, Rutherford scattering. Problems
12 Hours
Unit II
Motion of Rigid body: Fixed and moving coordinate systems. Coriolis force, Coriolis force
acting on falling body Euler theorem. Euler angle, angular momentum and kinetic energy of
a rigid body. Inertia tensor, Euler’s equations of motion. Torque free motion. Motion of
symmetric top – Nutational motion, Problems.
12 Hours
Unit III
Hamiltonian Mechanics and Brackets: Legendre transformation and Hamilton equations
of motion: conservation theorem and physical significance of Hamiltonian. Derivation of
Hamilton’s equation from a variation principle: principle of least action. Lagrange and
Poisson brackets, Equation of motion in Poisson bracket notation.
Hamilton Jacobi Theory: Hamilton Jacobi equation of motion for Hamilton’s principle and
characteristic functions, Harmonic oscillator problem as example of Hamilton Jacobi method.
12 Hours
Unit IV
Rocket Dynamics: Introduction equation of motion for variable mass – performance of
single stage rocket; exhaust velocity, structure factor and mass ratio. Exhaust speed
parameter, effect of gravity; expression for height attained by second stage rocket,
performance of second-stage rocket optimization of multi stage rocket, Launch site selection.
12 Hours
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course on Classical Mechanics, the student will be able to
Demonstrate a basic and advanced knowledge of Lagrangian and Hamilton’s
principles and solve related problems.
Demonstrate the concept of motion of a particle under central force, concepts of
different orbits and apply advanced methods to deal with the central force problems.
Understand the kinematics and dynamics of rigid body in detail and ideas regarding
Euler’s equations of motion and techniques for solving problems of rigid body
Learn the details of fixed and moving co-ordinate systems, Coriolis force acting on
falling body, torque free motion and motion of symmetric top.
Understand the Hamiltonian formalism in solving physics problems and understand
Poisson bracket method in tackling physical problems.
Use Hamilton-Jacobi theory for finding the solutions of various classical systems.
Understand the fundamentals of rocket propulsion, including thrust equation,
specific impulse of a rocket engine.
Understand the effect of gravity on rocket, equation for burnout velocity, rocket
staging and optimization of multistage rocket.
Text Books
1. Classical Mechanics: H.Goldstein, Narosa Publishing Pvt. Ltd. (1998).
2. Introduction to Classical Mechanics: R. G. Takwale & P. S. Puranik. Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi (1997).
Reference Books
1. Classical Mechanics: H.Goldstein, C.Poole & J.Safko. Third Edition. Pearson Education
Asia (2002).
2. Classical Mechanics: N. C. Rana and P. S. Joag, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi (1991).
3. Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems: J. B. Marion, Academic Press (1964).
4. Classical Mechanics of Particles and Rigid Bodies: Kiran. C. Gupta, New Age
International (1998).
5. Classical Mechanics: Dr. J. C. Upadhyaya, Himalaya Publishing House, Revised Edition
6. Classical mechanics: K. Sankara Rao, P. H. E Learning Private Limited (2008)
PG85T 103: Basics of Electronics & Communications
Teaching hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
Unit I
Operational amplifier: Introduction to Op Amp, Basic op amp circuit, 741 IC Op-Amp, open
loop op-amp configurations – inverting, non-inverting and differential amplifiers, feedback
configurations, voltage follower, non-inverting amplifier, inverting amplifier, Op-Amp
parameters, input output voltages, common mode rejection ratio, slew rate and frequency
limitations. Summing, difference, scaling and averaging amplifier. DC and AC Voltmeter,
instrumentation amplifier, Integrator and differentiator, Differentiator and Integrator
design and performance, Precision half wave and full wave rectifier, Clipper and Clamping
circuits, Peak detector, Sample and hold Circuit.
12 Hours
Unit II
Op-amp applications and specialized ICs: Active filters – types, All pass phase shifting
circuits, first and second order active low and high pass filter. Band pass filter, band stop
filter. Oscillators – basic principles, phase shift oscillator, Wein bridge oscillator, triangular
and rectangular wave generator. Comparators and converters – basic comparator, zero
crossing detector, Inverting and non-inverting Schmitt trigger, Astable and monostable
multivibrator. Precision voltage regulator (fixed and adjustable). IC 565 Phase locked loop,
characteristics, Frequency multiplier, AM and FM demodulator.
12 Hours
Unit III
Optical fiber communications: Introduction, optical fiber wave guide, ray theory
transmission total internal reflection, acceptance angle, numerical aperture, skew rays,
Electromagnetic mode theory, Modes in planar guide, Phase and group velocity, Types of
fibers, step index fiber, graded index fiber, single mode fiber, mode field diameter and spot
size, effective refractive index, photonic bandgap fibers. Intrinsic and extrinsic absorption
losses, Rayleigh scattering, fiber bend loss, material dispersion and scattering effects.
Preparation of optical fibers, liquid phase (melting) techniques, Plasma activated chemical
vapor deposition. Structure and characteristics of multimode step index fibers, graded index
fibers, single mode fibers and plastic clad fibers, optical fiber connectors, fiber alignment and
joint loss, fiber splices. Light sources for OFC, LED and laser diodes, detectors p-n, p-i-n and
avalanche photodiodes.
12 Hours
Unit IV
Digital Electronics: Boolean operations and expressions, Boolean analysis of logic gates,
simplification of Boolean expression. Karnaugh map: two, three and four variable maps.
Digital logic gates: AND, OR, NAND and NOR gates, AND-OR and NAND-NOR
implementation of Boolean Expressions. Logic gate operation with pulse waveforms.
Combinational Logic circuits: Adder, parallel binary adder, subtractor, parity generators
and checkers, comparators, decoders, BCD to seven segment decoder, encoders, code
conversion, multiplexers, demultiplexers.
Sequential circuits: Latches, flip flops, SR, D, JK, Master Slave JK, T flip flops, counters,
synchronous and asynchronous counters, ripple counters, mod n counters, mod 3, mod 5 and
mod 10 counters, registers, shift registers, timing sequences, memory units, random access
memory (RAM).
12 Hours
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, the students will be able to
Understand the basic principles of working of operational amplifiers and design op-
amp based circuits such as amplifier, integrator, differentiator, full wave and half
wave rectifiers. Understand the design of various electronic circuits.
Gain knowledge of designing additional op-amp based filter circuits and oscillators,
comparators, frequency multipliers, basics of modulation and demodulation.
Appreciate the importance and working of Optical Fibre Communication system, its
design and applications which help the student to appreciate the current advances in
communication system.
Gain knowledge of working of various Gates and logic circuits, sequential circuits
which form the elements of Digital circuits.
Will be able to implement the above practically with the help of Numerical problems
Text Books
1. Operational Amplifier and Linear IC's: Robert F. Coughlin and Frederick F. Driscoll,
PHI publications (1994).
2. Op Amps and linear Integrated Circuits: R. Gayakwad, PHI publications, New Delhi
3. Digital Principles and Applications: A.P. Malvino and D. Leach, TMH Publications
4. Digital fundamentals – 10th Edition: Thomas L Floyd, Pearson Education (2003).
5. Optical Fiber Communication Principles & Practice, John M. Senior, Prentice Hall
International Ltd, London (1992).
Reference Books
1. Microelectronics Circuits: Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith, Oxford University Press
2. Digital Computer fundamentals, Thomas C. Bartee, McGraw Hill Ltd. (1977).
3. Digital Logic and Computer Design: Morris Mano. Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd New
Delhi (2000).
4. Logic Circuit Design: Alan W. Shaw, Sanders College Publication Company (1999).
PG85T 104: Basic Condensed Matter Physics
Teaching hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
Unit I
Crystal structure: Lattice translational vectors and lattices, basis and crystal structure,
primitive and non-primitive cells, fundamental types of lattices, Miller indices. Symmetry
elements, point groups and space groups. Examples of simple crystal structures.
Crystal diffraction and reciprocal lattice: Bragg law, reciprocal lattice vectors, diffraction
conditions, Laue equations, Brillouin zones. Atomic form factor, structure factor and its
calculations in simple cases. Experimental methods of X-ray diffraction, details of powder X
ray diffraction of crystal structure determination.
12 Hours
Unit II
Crystal binding: Crystals of inert gases: Van der Waals London interaction, repulsive
interaction, cohesive energy, compressibility and bulk modulus.
Ionic Crystals: Madelung energy, Born Mayer Model, evaluation of Madelung constant for
an infinite line of ions. The nature of binding in covalent, metal and hydrogen bonded
Lattice vibrations and thermal properties: Elastic waves, density of states of a continuous
medium, Theories of specific heat: Classical, Einstein and Debye models. Vibration of one
dimensional monatomic and diatomic lattices, properties of lattice waves, phonons. Lattice
thermal conductivity.
12 Hours
Unit III
Free electron model of metals: Free electron gas and formulation of free electron theory
of metals, electrical conductivity and origin of collision time, electrical conductivity versus
temperature, Mattheissen's rule. Heat capacity of free electrons, Fermi Dirac distribution, the
concept of Fermi surface, the effect of Fermi surface on electrical conductivity. Thermal
conductivity: Wiedemann Franz law.
Energy bands in solids: Origin and magnitude of energy gap. Bloch functions. Kronig
Penney model (qualitative). Number of states in a band. Distinction between metals,
insulators and semiconductors. Velocity of the Bloch electron, electron dynamics in an
electric field, concept of hole, dynamic effective mass of electrons and holes.
12 Hours
Unit IV
Semiconductors: Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors. Intrinsic and extrinsic carrier
concentrations, position of Fermi level, electrical conductivity and mobility and their
temperature dependence. Hall effect in semiconductor.
Superconductivity: Experimental survey, qualitative ideas about BCS theory, high
temperature superconductors and their applications.
Magnetic properties: Classification of magnetic materials, quantum theory of
paramagnetism Curie law; Weiss' molecular field theory of ferromagnetism, Curie-Weiss
law. Defects in solids: Types of imperfections, Schottky and Frenkel defects and their
12 Hours
Course Outcomes:
The specific outcomes of this course are as under:
The formation of crystalline state in solids along with the basic definitions associated
with geometrical arrangement of atom in crystal can be understood.
The atomic arrangement in real crystals can be studied experimentally by using X-ray
diffraction by introducing the concept of reciprocal lattice.
The crystal binding of solids through chemical bonding is an important topic to
understand the strength and physical properties of materials that can be achieved by
this course.
The behavior of materials in terms of interaction of atoms and electrons in subject to
applied external fields/force can be understood.
Text Books
1. Introduction to Solid State Physics: C. Kittel. Wiley Eastern Ltd., Bangalore (1976).
2. Elementary Solid-State Physics: M.A. Omar. Addison Wesley Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
3. Solid State Physics: A.J. Dekker, Macmillan India Ltd., Bangalore, (2000).
4. Solid State Physics: F.W.Ashcroft & N.D. Mermin. Saunders College Publishing, New
York (1976).
Reference Books
1. Introduction to Solids: L.V. Azaroff. McGraw Hill inc, New york (1960).
2. Solid State and Semiconductor Physics: J.P.McKelvey. Harper and Row, Newyork
3. Elements of Solid State Physics (2nd Ed): J.P. Srivastava, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi (2009).
PG85P 105: Practical – I: Electronics & Communication and Condensed Matter
Physics (General)
Contact hours per week: 4
Number of credits: 4
1. Op-Amp 741 as an adder, subtractor, differentiator and integrator.
2. Wien bridge oscillator using Op-Amp 741.
3. Triangular wave generator using op-amp 741.
4. Low pass, high –pass and band pass active filters using Op Amp 741.
5. Simplification of Boolean expressions and implementation using 2 input NAND gate
6. Fortran Programming using Fortran 77.
7. Analysis of X ray diffraction pattern.
8. Thermistor characteristics
9. Determination of energy gap of semiconductor by resistivity measurement (4 probe
10. Developing of X ray pattern for a given substance using x ray diffractometer and
determination interplanar spacing.
11. Structure factor calculation of simple crystal structures.
(New experiments may be added)
Course Outcomes:
The specific outcomes of this course are as under:
It helps to solve the crystal structure of given X-ray patters and hence to estimate the
lattice and lattice parameters.
The experiment gives an idea to measure the energy gap of a given semiconductor
through the temperature dependent resistivity measurement.
It clears the concept of structure factor and its significance.
Design and learn implementing the operational amplifier IC 741 based amplifier,
adder, subtractor, differentiator, integrator circuits
Design and learn implementing op-amp 741 based circuits in generation of sinusoidal
and triangular waveforms and characterize them
Design and learn implementing op-amp based low-pass, high-pass and band-pass
filter circuits.
Learn simplification of Boolean expressions using NAND gates
Learn using FORTRAN programming for solving E&C related problems
Reference Books
1. Microelectronics Circuits: Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C.Smith, Oxford University Press
2. Electronic devices and circuits: R.Boylstead and Nashalsky: PHI publications (1999).
3. Electronics Principles: A.P. Malvino, TMH Publications (1984).
4. Operational Amplifier and Linear IC's: Robert F. Coughlin and Frederick F. Driscoll,
PHI publications (1994).
5. Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits: R. Gayakwad, PHI publications, New Delhi
6. Elementary Solid State Physics: M.A.Omar, Addison Wisley Pub.Ltd. New Delhi
7. X ray Diffraction: B.D. Cullity, Addison Wisley Ltd. New York (1972).
8. Introduction to Solid State Physics: C. Kittel, Wiley Eastern Ltd. Bangalore (1976).
9. Laboratory Manuals
PG85P 106: Practical – II: Atomic & Molecular Physics and Nuclear & Particle Physics
Contact hours per week: 4
Number of credits: 4
1. Study of Interference and Diffraction by means of He-Ne laser.
2. Determination of ionization potentials in atoms by the Franck-Hertz experiment.
3. Study of Zeeman Effect: Determination of e/m for an electron.
4. Study of dispersion of a Grating Spectrograph.
5. Spectroscopy Assignments in Computer Lab.
6. Study of the performance of G.M. Counter and Proportional counter.
7. Study of the performance of Scintillation detector and scintillation spectrometers.
8. Study of the random nature of radioactive decay.
9. Study of the absorption of beta particles.
(New experiments may be added)
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course on practicals, a student will be able to:
Understand the fundamentals of various physical phenomena and physical concepts.
Understand the interference and diffraction by means of He-Ne laser.
Determine the ionization potentials in atoms by the Franck-Hertz experiment.
Understand the impact of electric and magnetic fields on electron and determine
e/m of electron using Zeeman Effect.
Understand the dispersion of a Grating Spectrograph.
Write the Fortran program, compile and execution to solve the spectroscopy
Understand the performance and characteristics of Geiger-Muller counter for
estimating the random nature of radioactive decay and attenuation of beta particles.
Understand the performance and characteristics of NaI(Tl) scintillation gamma ray
Reference Books
1. Advanced Practical physics: (9th Edition) B.C.Worsnop & H.T. Flint Methuen & Co. Ltd.
London (1951).
2. Instrumental Methods of Analysis : (6th Edition) H.H. Willard, L.L.Merrit, J.A. Dean &
F.A. Settle, J.K. Jain for CBS Publishers (1986).
3. Optics (2nd Edition) A.K. Gathak Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub. Comp.Ltd New Delhi (1977).
4. Experimental Spectroscopy (3rd ed): Ralph A.Sawyer, Dover Pub, N.Y. (1950).
5. Lab Manuals/Books/Charts.
6. Experiments in Modern Physics: A.C. Melissions academic press (NY)(1966).
7. Experiments in Nuclear Science, ORTEC Applications Note. ORTEC,(1971) (Available in
Nuclear Physics Laboratory).
8. Practical Nucleonics: F.J.Pearson., and R.R. Dsborne, E7 F.N. Spon Ltd(1960).
9. The Atomic Nucleus: R.D. Evans, Tata McGraw Hill Pub.comp.Ltd(1960).
10. Nuclear Radiation Detectors: S.S.Kapoor & V.S. Ramamurthy, Wiley Eastern Ltd(1986).
11. Experimental Nucleonics: E. Bleuler and G.J. Goldsmith, Rinehart & Co. Inc. (NY). (1958).
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course students will learn:
Basic postulates of Quantum mechanics, Ehrenfest’s theorem and simple applications
of Quantum Mechanics.
Reduction of two body problem to single particle problem. Centre of mass and
relative motions, eigen values and eigen functions.
Theory of time-independent perturbation theory (the case of a system with non-
degenerate energy levels) its applications.
Theory of time-dependent perturbation theory its concept and its applications.
Scattering theory: Differential and total cross-section. Born approximation and its
derivation of the expression for different cross-section.
Text Books
1. Quantum Mechanics – Theory & Applications (3rd Ed): A.K. Ghatak & S. Loknathan,
MacMillan India Ltd. 91984).
2. A Text of Quantum Mechanics: P.M. Mathews &K. Venkatesan, Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi (1982).
3. Quantum Mechanics (2nd ed): G. Aruldhas, Prentice Hall India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
4. Quantum Physics (3rd ed): S. Gasiorowicz, Wiley India (P) Ltd., New Delhi (2007).
Reference Books
1. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: L. Pauling & E. Bright Wilson, McGraw Hill, N.Y.
2. Quantum Mechanics (3rd ed): L.I. Schiff, McGraw Hill, N.Y. (1968).
3. Quantum Mechanics: E. Merzbacher, 2nd ed., Wiley, N.Y. (1970).
4. Quantum Mechanics (2nd Ed): V.K. Thankappan, new Age International (P) Ltd.
PG85T 202: Basic Atomic & Molecular Physics
Teaching hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
Unit I
Atomic spectra and structure: Overview of the salient features of optical spectra due to
alkalis, Boron group and IIA and IIB group of elements (as in Periodic Table). Spin orbit
interaction due to single valence electron atoms and its doublet spectra. Vector model for
two valence electron atoms: Determination of spectral terms (singlets, doublets, triplets,
etc.); derivation of interaction energies in LS and jj coupling schemes; the Lande interval rule;
singlet and triplet splitting. Normal and anomalous Zeeman Effect of singlets and doublet
states(qualitative). Stark effect in hydrogen (qualitative).
12 Hours
Unit II
Laser Physics: Laser principles: Einstein coefficients, optical pumping, population
inversion, the threshold condition– the Schawlow Townes condition for laser oscillations.
Three level and four level laser systems. The Ruby laser and He Ne Laser: energy level
diagrams, excitation mechanism, construction and working. Shape and width of spectral
lines: mechanisms; Natural, Doppler, Collision/pressure and Stark broadenings. Laser
cooling: basic concepts, trapping techniques of neutral atoms, the Bose Einstein
condensation. Atom lasers: basic ideas with illustrations.
12 Hours
Unit III
Diatomic rotational spectra and structure: General features of observed spectra of typical
diatomic molecules in Far IR (microwave) and due to Raman scattering; empirical series for
the observed wave numbers in both IR and Raman spectra. Diatomic molecule as rigid and
non rigid rotator models: energy levels, eigenfunctions, selection rules, IR spectra and
correlation with empirical series and illustrations. Raman scattering and spectra due to the
rigid and non rigid rotator: energy levels, eigenfunctions, selection rules, spectra and
correlation with empirical series and illustrations.
12 Hours
Unit IV
Diatomic vibrational spectra and structure: General features of observed spectra of
typical diatomic molecules in Near IR and due to Raman scattering; empirical series for the
observed wave numbers in both IR and Raman spectra. Diatomic molecule as Harmonic and
Anharmonic oscillator models: energy levels, eigenfunctions, selection rules, IR spectra and
correlation with empirical series and illustrations. Raman scattering and spectra due to
Harmonic and Anharmonic oscillator models: energy levels, eigenfunctions, selection rules,
spectra and correlation with empirical series and illustrations. The vibrating rotator model:
energy levels, selection rules, IR and Raman spectra, IR fine structure spectrum of a rotation
vibration band and correlation with empirical series.
12 Hours
Course Outcomes:
Text Books
1. Introduction to Atomic Spectra: H.E. White, McGraw – Hill, Tokyo (1934) [Free soft
copy available on Net].
2. Atomic Spectra: H.G.Kuhn, Longmans, Green & Co.Ltd, London & Harlow (1962) [Free
soft copy available on Net].
3. Molecular Spectra & Molecular Structure (Vol I; 2nd ed): G.Herzberg, D. Van Nostrand
Inc. N.Y. (1950) [Free soft copy available on Net].
4. Spectroscopy (Vol. 3) :S. Walker & B. P. Strauhghan, Chapman & Hall, London (1976)
5. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy: C. N. Banwell and E.M. McCash, Tata Mc
Graw-Hill Co., (4th revd Ed; 9th reprint, 2000)
6. Lasers and Non-Linear Optics: B. B. Laud, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi (1991).
7. Laser Fundamentals: William T. Silfvast, Cambridge Univ Press, 1999.
Reference Books
1. Fundamentals of Spectroscopy (2nd ed): B. Narayan, Allied Publishers Ltd., New Delhi
2. Physics of Atoms and Molecules – 2nd Ed., Bransden B.H. and Joachain C.J., Pearson
Education, India (2006).
3. Modern Spectroscopy (4th Ed): J.M. Hollas, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. UK 2004[Free soft
copy available on Net]
4. Laser Electronics: Joseph T. Verdeyen, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
5. Lasers: Theory & Applications: K. Thyagarajan & A. Ghatak, MacMillan India, New
Delhi (1981).
PG85T 203: Basic Nuclear & Particle Physics
Teaching hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
Unit I
Basic Properties: Binding Energy and separation energy. Radius of nucleus by scattering of
high energy neutrons, by X rays from muonoic atom and by high energy electron scattering
Nuclear spin and magnetic moment: Spin and magnetic moment of odd A nucleus.
Experimental determination of magnetic moment by Rabi's atomic beam method.
Nuclear quadrupole moment: Electric quadrupole moment of nucleus (Prolate and
Nuclear models: Liquid drop model, stability against beta decay, stability against
spontaneous fission, Fermi gas model, Fermi energy and kinetic energy, nuclear shell model
and magic numbers.
12 Hours
Unit II
Alpha decay: Gamow's theory of alpha decay, quantum mechanical tunneling, relation
between mean life and decay energy. Hindrance factor.
Beta decay: Energetics of beta decay, continuous beta ray spectrum, neutrino hypothesis,
Fermi's theory of beta decay (derivation), Fermi Kurie plot, non-conservation of parity in
beta decay
Gamma decay: Gamma transitions in nuclei and classifications. Internal
Detectors: Gas filled detector, proportional counter, NaI(Tl) scintillation gamma ray
spectrometer, semiconductor detector for detection of X ray and gamma radiation.
12 Hours
Unit III
Nuclear Reaction: Types of nuclear reactions. conservation laws, laboratory and center of
mass systems. Q value of a nuclear reaction and relation between Q value and energy of
outgoing particle, threshold energy. Compound nucleus model and its experimental
verification. Briet Wigner formula (qualitative).
Reactor Physics: Condition for controlled chain reaction, four factor formula, thermal
reactor, fast breeder reactor.
Elementary particles: Fundamental interactions and their general features, conservation
laws, classification of elementary particles as leptons, mesons and baryons. Quark model
12 Hours
Unit IV
Interactions of gamma rays and charged particles with matter: Photoelectric effect,
Compton effect and pair production, Mass attenuation co efficient of gamma rays. Mossbauer
effect; Resonance scattering of gamma rays, experimental technique, simple applications.
Energy loss of heavy charged particles; ionization, radiation processes, Bethe Bloch formula,
applications. Energy loss of fast electrons; ionization, excitation and radiation process
Application of Nuclear Physics: Trace elemental analysis and alpha decay applications,
applications of radioisotopes in cancer treatment, agriculture and industry.
12 Hours
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course the students will be able to:
Describe the basic properties of nucleus, its structure and different models that
explain the static and dynamical properties of a nucleus.
Understand the phenomenon of radioactive decays of alpha and beta particles and
gamma rays, their detailed formalism and outcomes.
Acquire knowledge about various type of radiation detectors used in nuclear physics
experiments, unique properties of different detectors and their applications.
Differentiate between different types of nuclear reactions, relevant aspects
associated with nuclear reactions and kinematics of such reactions.
Learn about conditions of controlled chain reaction in different nuclear reactors.
Know about different elementary particles their classifications and quark model to
understand the fundamental forces of nature and classification.
Understand the stopping power of different energetic charged particles in a medium
and mechanisms of interaction of gamma photon with matter.
Understand the trace elemental analysis and applications of radioisotopes in cancer
treatment, agriculture and industry.
Text Books
1. Nuclei and Particles: E. Segre –The Benjamin Publishing, Pvt Ltd (1977).
2. Introductory Nuclear Physics: K.S. Krane John Wiley & Sons (1987).
3. Atomic and Nuclear Physics: Vol. II S.N.Goshal S. Chand and Company (1996).
4. Nuclear Physics: D.C.Tayal Himalaya Publishing House( 2009)
5. Nuclear and Particle Physics: S.L.Kakani, Shubhra Kakani Vira Books (2008)
6. Environmental radioactivity: Eisenbud M, Academic Press (1987)
Reference Books
1. The Atomic Nucleus: R.D. Evans – Tata McGraw Hill New Delhi (1992).
2. Physics of Nuclei and Particles: Marmer and E.Sheldon,Vol.II Academic press (1970).
3. Physics of Nuclear Reactors: S.Garag, F.Ahmed and L.S. Kothari. – Tata McGraw Hill
New Delhi (1986).
4. Introductory Nuclear Physics: Samuel Wong Prentice Hall (1996).
5. Fundamentals of Nuclear Physics: N.A.Jelly Cambridge University Press (1990).
6. Introduction to Nuclear Physics: Harald A. Enge Addison –Wiseley (1996).
7. Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics: V.K.Mittal, R.C. Verma, S.C. Gupta PHI
Learning Limited ( 2009)
8. Radiation detectors: Kapoor S S and Ramamurthy V S Wiley Eastern (1986)
PG85T 204: Open Elective Course – I: Modern Physics
Teaching hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
Unit I
Blackbody Radiation: Nature of Blackbody spectrum; classical radiation laws and their
limitations; Planck’s radiation law and quantum hypothesis. Simple examples/problems.
The Photoelectric Effect: Apparatus used to study the Photoelectric Effect; laws of
Photoelectric Effect; Einstein Photoelectric Equation. Simple examples.
X-Rays: Nature and production of X rays; the Bragg law; Bragg X ray crystal spectrometer.
The Compton Effect: X ray Compton scattering from an electron; experimental set up for
Compton scattering. Simple problems.
12 Hours
Unit II
Atomic Structure: Hydrogen spectrum; the Bohr model; experimental measurement of the
Rydberg constant; Franck Hertz experiment.
Matter Waves: The de Broglie wavelength and its relation with the Bohr model; Davisson
Germer experiment. Heisenberg Uncertainty principle: Momentum position and Energy time
relations. Simple examples.
Quantum Physics: Idea of wave function and probability. One dimensional Schrödinger
wave equation: Its application to the particle in a box and Hydrogen atom; energies and wave
Vector Model: Space quantization: Orbital angular moment and magnetic moment; Spin
angular moment and magnetic moment; Stern Gerlach experiment. States of Hydrogen in
terms of n, l, ml. The normal Zeeman Effect; experimental set up for Zeeman effect. Simple
12 Hours
Unit III
Statistical Physics: Distinguishability and Indistinguishability; Maxwell Boltzmann
distribution for gas molecules; Vrms; Equipartition theorem. Quantum statistics: F D and B E
Molecular Structure: Bonding mechanisms: Ionic bonds; Covalent bonds; the Hydrogen
bond; Van der Waals bonds. Molecular vibration and rotation spectra. Molecular orbitals:
Hydrogen molecular ion and molecule; bonding in complex molecules.
Solid State Physics: Ionic solids; covalent solids; metallic solids; molecular crystals;
amorphous solids. Classical models of electrical and heat conductivities in solids; Ohm’s Law;
Wiedemann Franz law; the quantum view point.
Lasers: Absorption, Spontaneous and Stimulated emissions; Population inversion; laser
action; typical gas (He Ne/CO2) characteristics.
12 Hours
Unit IV
Magnetism; Magnetic moment; Magnetization. Magnetic materials: Diamagnetic,
paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials. Superconductivity phenomenon.
Nuclear Structure: Nuclear properties: Charge, Mass, Size and Structure; Nuclear spin and
magnetic moment; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) phenomenon. Binding energy and
nuclear forces. The liquid drop model. Radioactivity: Decay constant, Half-life.
Nuclear Fission / Fusion: Fission – Basic process; a simple model; a typical nuclear reactor.
Fusion: basic process; stellar energy.
Relativity: The Michelson Morley experiment. Postulates of Special theory of Relativity;
Time dilation; Length contraction; Simultaneity of events; E = mc 2.
12 Hours
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course a student will be able to:
Learn nature of black body spectrum, classical radiation laws and their limitations;
Laws of photoelectric effect and Einstein photoelectric equation and Compton effect.
Understand the atomic structure, matter waves, Quantum Physics and its
Acquire knowledge about nuclear structure and molecular structure, quantum
statistics, F-D and B-E distributions. Laser action and its characteristics.
Acquire knowledge about nuclear fission/fusion nuclear reactor stellar energy and
their applications.
Text Books
1. Modern Physics (2nd Ed) Serway, Moses and Moyer, Saunders College Pub, 1997.
2. Fundamentals of Physics extended with Modern Physics (4th Ed) Halliday, Resnick
and Walker, John Wiley, 1993.
PG85P 205: Practical – III: Electronics & Communication and Condensed Matter
Physics (General)
Contact hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
1. Study of triggered SR, JK and D-flip-flops.
2. Ripple counter and Shift Register using JK flip-flop.
3. Regulated power supply using 78xx integrated circuits.
4. R 2R ladder network D/A converter
5. Fortran Programming using Fortran 77.
6. Hall Effect and Hall mobility in semiconductors.
7. Determination of energy gap by reverse saturation current of pn-junction.
8. Computer programming using Fortran 77.
9. Developing of X-ray pattern for a cubic lattice using X-ray diffractometer and indexing
of the pattern.
(New experiments may be added)
Course Outcomes:
The specific outcomes of this course are as under:
Students learn to measure the Hall effect which in turn helps to measure the basic
parameters such as carrier density, sign of carriers and mobility of charge carriers in
a semiconductor.
It helps to explore the temperature dependent properties of a diode estimate the
energy gap of a semiconductor.
The indexing of cubic patterns and calculation of lattice parameters is possible.
Reference Books
1. Microelectronics Circuits: Adel S.Sedra and Kenneth C.Smith, Oxford University, Press
2. Electronic devices and circuits: R. Boylstead and Nashalsky : PHI publications (1999).
3. Electronic Principles: A.P. Malvino, TMH Publications (1984).
4. Operational Amplifier and Linear IC’s: Robert F. Coughlin and Frederick F. Driscoll,
PHI publications (1994).
5. Op Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits: R. Gayakwad, PHI publications, New Delhi
6. Elementary Solid State Physics: M.A. Omar, Addison Wesley Pub. Ltd. New Delhi
7. X ray Diffraction: B.D. Cullity, Addison Wesley, Ltd. New York (1972).
8. Introduction to Solid State Physics: C. Kittel, Wiley Eastern Ltd. Bangalore (1976).
9. Laboratory Manuals.
PG85P 206: Practical – IV: Atomic & Molecular Physics and Nuclear & Particle Physics
Contact hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
1. Study of Elliptically Polarized Light
2. Study of Beer’s law
3. Study of Dispersion of a Glass Prism Spectrograph.
4. Stefan’s constant of Radiation: High resistance by leakage method
5. Study of gamma ray spectrum obtained in Nal (TI) detector spectrometer.
6. Study of attenuation of gamma rays in matter.
7. computer programming using Fortran 77
(New experiments may be added)
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course on practicals, the students will be able to:
Demonstrate the production and analysis of elliptically polarized light.
Understand the Beer's Law to measure the fraction of the incident light transmitted
through a solution.
Understand the dispersion spectra of radiations using glass prism spectrograph.
Acquire practical knowledge on calibrating Nal(TI)gamma ray spectrometer and to
determine the energy of a given gamma ray source and calculate the energy
Able to determine the attenuation of gamma rays in matter using Nal(TI) gamma ray
Understand the semi-empirical mass formula to calculate the binding energy of any
nucleus using Fortran 77 computer programming.
Reference Books
1. Advanced Practical Physics: (9th Edition) B. C Worsnop & H.T. Flint, Methuen & Co.
Ltd. onion (1951)
2. Instrumental Methods of Analysis: (6th Edition) H. H. Willard, L. L. Merit, J. A. Dean &
F. A. Settle, J. K. Jain for CBS Publishers (1986)
3. Optics: (2nd Edition) A. K. Gathak Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub. Comp. Ltd New Delhi (1977)
4. Lab Manuals / Books / Charts.
5. Experiments in Modern Physics: A C. Melissions, Academic press (N.Y.) (1966).
6. Experiments in Nuclear Science ORTEC Application Note ORTEC, (1971) (Available in
Nuclear Physics Laboratory)
7. Practical Nucleonics: F.J. Pearson., and R.R. Osborne, E & F.N. Spon Ltd., London
8. The Atomic Nucleus: R.D. Evans Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub. Comp. Ltd., (1960)
9. Nuclear Radiation Detectors: S.S. Kapoor and V.S. Ramamurthy, Wiley Eastern
Limited (1986)
10. Experimental Nucleonics: E Bleuler and G.J. Goldsmith, Rinehart & Co, Inc. (NY)
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the Course students will learn:
How to formulate the foundational aspects of quantum mechanics in the formalism
of linear vector algebra.
How to use different approximate methods for solving higher problems.
How the different aspects of angular momentum can be used in theoretical models
to understand variety of physical problems.
How the synthesis of two fundamental theories – theory of relativity & quantum
mechanics – leads to enhanced understanding of new major results in agreement with
Text Books
1. Quantum Mechanics (2nd Edition) : L. I. Schiff, McGraw – Hill Co, New York (1955)
2. Quantum Mechanics (Vol. I) : A. Messiah, North Holland Pub Co, Amsterdam (1962)
3. Quantum Mechanics – Theory and Applications (3rd Edition): A. Ghatak and S.
Lokanathan, MacMillan India Ltd. New Delhi (1984)
4. A Text book of quantum Mechanics: P. M. Mathews and K. Venkateshan, Tata Mc Graw
-Hill, New Delhi (1987).
Reference Books
1. The Principles of Quantum Mechanics (4th Edition) : P.A.M. Dirac, Oxford Univ Press,
New York (1958)
2. Quantum Mechanics (1st Edition): V. K. Thankappan, New Age Intl. Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi (1985)
3. Quantum Mechanics : E. Merzbacher., John Wiley, New York (1970)
4. Modern Quantum Mechanics : J. J. Sakurai, Addison Wesley, Massachusetts (1994)
5. Applied Quantum Mechanics: A.F.J Levi, Cambridge Univ Press, 2003.
PG85T 302A: Atomic and Diatomic Molecular Spectra
Teaching hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
Unit I
One electron atoms: Fine structure and Hyperfine structure Fine structure: of
hydrogenic atoms (quantum mechanical treatment): energy shifts due to relativistic and spin
orbit corrections, fine structure splitting (hydrogen atom), fine structure and intensities of
spectral lines. The Lamb shift.
Hyperfine structure and isotope shifts: magnetic dipole hyperfine structure; energy shift,
hyperfine structure multiplet, hyperfine transitions in hydrogen, isotope shift.
12 Hours
Unit II
Interaction of One electron Atoms with External Electric and Magnetic fields:
(Quantum mechanical treatment) The Stark effect-first order correction to energy and eigen
states: splitting of the degenerate level of hydrogen; the Zeeman effect: Normal Zeeman
effect-magnetic interaction energy, selection rules, Lorentz triplet, polarization states; the
Paschen-Back effect (qualititative); anomalous Zeeman effect magnetic interaction energy,
selection rules, splitting of levels in hydrogen atom.
12 Hours
Unit III
Elementary discussion of electronic states: Electronic energy and Total energy, Born-
Oppenheimer approximation. Symmetry properties of electronic eigen functions. Vibrational
structure of electronic bands; Progressions and Sequences, isotope effect, Deslandres’ table;
Intensity distribution in the vibrational structure of electronic bands; the Franck-Condon
principle (absorption), Dissociation energy. MO theoretical treatment of H 2+ and H2
electronic states and correlation of states.
12 Hours
Unit IV
Finer details about electronic states and electronic transitions: Coupling of Rotation and
Electronic Motion: Coupling of rotation and electronic motion in diatomic molecules. Hund’s
coupling cases, Spin uncoupling, Lambda doubling, symmetry properties of rotational levels
of Σ and Π electronic states. Types of allowed electronic transitions; selection rules,
Rotational structure of bands due to Σ–Σ, Π–Σ, Σ–Π and Π–Π transitions of singlet multiplicity,
P,Q,R branches; the Fortrat diagram; combination relations; evaluation of rotational
12 Hours
Course Outcomes:
The specific outcomes of this course are as under:
Students will learn application of theoretical models to the interpretation of atomic
spectra in agreement with experiment.
Electronic structure of atoms under the influence of electric & magnetic fields.
Application of theoretical models to the interpretation of diatomic molecular states,
electronic, vibrational & rotation spectra in agreement with experiment.
Relevance of these spectra in understanding atmosphere, comets, stars and inter-
galactic matter
Text Books
1. Physics of Atoms and Molecules(2nd ed): Bransden B.H. and Joachain C.J.,Pearson
Education, India (2006)
2. Atoms & Molecules : Mitchel Weissbluth, Academic Press, N. Y. (1982)
3. Molecular Spectra & Molecular Structure(Vol I): G.Herzberg, D. Van Nostrand
CoPrinceton, N.J. (1945)
4. Spectroscopy (Vol. 3):S. Walker & B. P. Strauhghan, Chapman & Hall, Lon (1976)
Reference Books
1. Introduction to Atomic Spectra : H.E. White, McGraw – Hill, Tokyo (1934)
2. Quantum Chemistry : Ira Levine, Prentice – Hall of India, New Delhi (1991)
3. Fundamentals of Spectroscopy (2nd ed ): B. Narayan, Allied Publishers Ltd.,
NewDelhi, (1999).
4. Modern Spectroscopy (4th Ed): J.M. Hollas, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. UK 2004.
PG85T 302C: Electron Transport and Lattice Dynamics
Teaching hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
Unit I
Periodic Structures: Reciprocal lattice and its properties, periodic potential and Bloch
theorem, reduction to Brillouin zone, Born von Karman boundary conditions. Counting of
states. Electron States: Nearly free electron model, discontinuity at zone boundary, energy
gap and Bragg reflection. Tight binding method, band width and effective mass in linear
lattice and cubic lattices. APW and k.p. methods of band structure calculations.
12 Hours
Unit II
Fermi surface Studies: Extended, reduced and periodic zone schemes. Construction of
Fermi surface in square lattice, Harrison construction, slope of bands at zone boundary,
electron orbits, hole orbits and open orbits. Experimental methods: Electron dynamics in a
magnetic field, cyclotron frequency and mass, cyclotron resonance. Quantization of orbits in
a magnetic field, Landau quantization, degeneracy of Landau levels, quantization of area of
orbits in k – space, de Hass-van Alphen effect, external orbits.
12 Hours
Unit III
Electrical Transport in Metals and Semiconductors: Boltzmann equation, relaxation time
approximation, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, thermoelectric effects
Calculation of relaxation time, scattering by impurities and lattice vibrations, Mattheisen’s
rule, temperature dependence of resistivity, residual resistance.
12 Hours
Unit IV
Quantization of lattice vibrations and phonons: Potential and kinetic energies in terms of
generalized coordinates and momenta, Hamilton’s equations of motion, quantization of
normal modes. Elastic properties of solids: Stress and strain tensors, elastic constants and
Hooke’s law, strain energy, reduction of elastic constants from symmetry, isotropy for cubic
crystals, technical moduli and elastic constants. Propagation of long wavelength vibrations.
Experimental determination of elastic constants by ultrasonic interference method.
12 Hours
Course Outcomes:
The specific outcomes of this course are as under:
The effect of periodic structure a lattice on the electron energy states can be learnt.
The concept of Fermi surface is important in the understanding the properties of
crystalline materials. They can be thoroughly understood by studying this course.
The quantization of lattice vibrations that leads to formation of quantum particle that
is phonon can be understood.
The course helps to apply the Boltzmann transport equation to understand the charge
transport mechanism in metals and semiconductors.
Text Books
1. Principles of Theory of Solids: J. M. Ziman, Cambridge University Press, (1972).
2. Introduction to Solid State Physics : C. Kittel, Wiley Eastern Ltd, Bangalore (1976).
3. Lattice Dynamics: A. K. Ghatak and L. S. Kothari, Addison Wesley, Reading (1971).
4. Solid State Physics: J. D. Patterson and B.C. Bailey, Springer Verlag, Berlin (2007)
References Books
1. Physics of Solids: F. C. Brown, Benjamin Inc. Amsterdam (1967).
2. Elements of Solid State Physics (2nd Ed): J.P. Srivastava, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi (2009)
3. Solid State Physics: N. W. Aschroft and A. D. Mermin, Saunders College Publishing New
York (1976)
PG85T 302E: Transmission Lines, Waveguides and Satellite Communication
Teaching hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
Unit I
Transmission lines: Line parameters, inductance and capacitance of open wire and coaxial
line, line of cascaded sections, transmission line general solution, physical significance of the
equations, the infinite line, wavelength, velocity of propagation, wave form distortion,
distortion less line, telephone cable, induction loading of telephone cable, reflection of line
not terminated with characteristic impedance, open and short circuited lines, insertion
12 Hours
Unit II
Lines at RF: Parameters of open wire line at high frequencies, parameter of co axial cable at
high frequencies, constants of lines of zero dissipation, voltage and current on dissipation
less lines, standing wave ratio, impedance of open and short circuit lines, the ¼ wave line, ½
wave line, impedance matching of ½ wave line, single stub matching, Circle diagram for the
dissipationless line and its applications.
12 Hours
Unit III
Waveguides: Solutions of wave equations in rectangular and cylindrical coordinates, TE and
TM modes in rectangular and cylindrical wave guides, characteristics of rectangular and
circular wave guides.
Antennas: Hertzian dipole, Current and voltage distributions Resonant antennas, radiation
patterns, and length calculations, Non-resonant antennas, Antenna gain and effective
radiated power, Radiation measurement and field intensity, Antenna resistance, Bandwidth,
beam width, and polarization, Ungrounded antennas, Grounded antennas, Grounding
systems, Effects of antenna height, loop antennas, phased arrays, antenna as aperture,
different types of apertures, Principles of pattern multiplication, phased arrays, Yagi Uda
antenna, helical antenna.
12 Hours
Unit IV
Satellite communication: Introduction, Kepler’s laws, orbits, geostationary orbit. Power
systems, attitude control, satellite station keeping, antenna look angles, limits of visibility,
frequency plans and polarization, transponders, up link and down link power budget
calculations, digital carrier transmission, multiple access methods, fixed and mobile satellite
service, earth stations, INSAT.
12 Hours
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, the students will be able to
Learn transmission of electrical energy from one point to another and will be able to
analyze the working of different types of transmission lines and also clear
understanding of working of wired telephone communication system.
Working of transmission lines at higher frequencies such as Radio Frequencies which
helps student to appreciate the use of transmission lines in video/picture
Get a comprehensive picture of signal transmission, analyzing various waveguides as
well as antennas.
Gain knowledge of how satellites communicate with ground stations and help in
appreciating various applications.
Will be able to implement the above practically with the help of Numerical problems
Text Books
1. Networks, Lines and Fields: J. D. Ryder, Prentice Hall India Pvt., Ltd., New Delhi (1995)
2. Electronic communications, 4th edition: Dennis Roddy and John Coolen, Prentice –
Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi (1997)
3. Electronic Communication systems – 4th edition: George Kennedy and Bernard Davis,
Tata McGraw – Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi (1999).
4. Satellite communication – 3rd edition, Dennis Roddy, McGraw – Hill Publishing
Company Ltd., New Delhi (2001)
References Books
PG85T 302N: Nuclear Properties and Elementary Particles
12 Hours
Course Outcomes:
After completing this course, the students will be able to:
Learn the scattering phenomenon using high energy electrons on nucleus to
understand the electric and magnetic form factors of protons, and magnetic form
factor of neutron.
Understand electric quadrupole moment due to single nucleon is a state J and
magnetic dipole moment for odd proton and odd neutron using extreme single
particle model.
Know and learn about the theory of deuteron, explore its ground state properties of
and applications with square well potential.
Know the range of tensor interaction using quadrupole moment to understand the
saturation of nuclear forces.
Understand the neutron-proton scattering and concept of scattering length and its
effective range theory along with spin dependence of nuclear force.
Learn the effect of Coulomb and nuclear scattering, and Meson theory of nuclear force.
Understand the symmetry classification of elementary particles and apply the Gell-
Mann Nishijima and Gell-Mann-Okubo formula to solve numerical problems.
Learn the basics of strong interactions and quark structures, experimental support
for quark model and quark dynamics.
Text Books
1. Introductory Nuclear Physics: Kenneth S. Krane, John Wiley and sons (1988)
2. Subatomic Physics: Nuclei and Particles (Volume II) : Luc Valentin North Holland
3. Physics of Nuclei and Particles: P. Marmier and E. Sheldon Academic press (1970)
4. Introduction to Particle Physics: M. P. Khanna Prentice Hall of India (1990)
5. Nuclear Physics: R. R. Roy and B.P. Nigam, Wiley Eastern (2014)
Reference Books
1. Subatomic Physics (Second Edition) : Hans Frauenfelder and E. M. Henley, Prentice
Hall (1991)
2. Introduction Nuclear Physics : Herald. A. Enge., Addison Wesley (1983)
3. Introductory Nuclear Physics : Samuel S. M. Wong, Prentice – Hall (1996)
4. Atomic Nucleus : R. D. Evans, Tata Mc Graw –Hill (1982)
5. Theoretical Nuclear Physics Volume I : Nuclear structure : AmosdeShalit and Herman
Feshbach, John Wiley (1974)
6. Nuclear and particle Physics : W. Burcham and M. Jobes, Addision wesley (1998)
7. Theoretical Nuclear Physics : J. M. Blatt and V. F. Weisskoff, Wiley (1962)
8. Introduction to quantum electrodynamics and particle physics: Deep Chadra Joshi,
9. Modern Atomic and Nuclear Physics: A.B. Gupta Books and Allied ( 2009)
10. Nuclear Physics: S. N. Ghoshal, S Chand & Company (2014)
11. Nuclear Physics: D. C. Tayal, Himalaya Publishing House (5th ed.) (2013)
12. Introduction to Elementary Particles: D. Griffiths, John Wiley (1987)
PG85T 303A: Spectroscopy Instrumentation Techniques
Teaching hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
Unit I
Components of Optical Instruments: Sources of radiation for UV-Visible and IR regions;
types of prism and grating monochromators; Radiation detector types Photon (photovoltaic,
vacuum phototube, PMT); Multichannel types Photodiode arrays, CID, CCD; Thermal
detectors Thermocouples, Bolometer, Pyrroelectric types. Principles of FT optical
Atomic Spectroscopy
Atomic Absorption Spectrometry: Sources of flames; Instrumentation: Single and Double
beam instruments. Sampling techniques. Simple applications.
Atomic Emission Spectrometry: Sources; Typical spectrometers; sampling techniques. Arc
and spark sources; instrumentation.
12 Hours
Unit II
Luminescence Spectroscopy
UV Visible Absorption Spectrometry: The Beer’s law and its limitations. Instrumentation:
sources; single and double beam spectrometers; Solvent effects; Bathochromic and
Hypsochromic shifts; Assignment of and transitions.
Fluorescence Spectrometry: Theory of Fluorescence and Phosphorescence (with energy
level diagram); Transition types; quantum efficiency (yield). Instruments: Fluorometers and
Spectrofluorometers; lifetime measurements, Radiative and Natural lifetime, Decay curves.
12 Hours
Unit III
Vibrational Spectroscopy
Infrared Spectrometry: Molecular vibrations and Group frequencies. IR sources;
transducers. Instruments: Dispersive and FT based spectrometers; sample handling.
Interpretation of spectra structure correlations.
Raman Spectrometry: Origin of Raman scattering (qualitative); comparison of vibrational
Raman and infrared spectra; activity and intensity of Raman bands; depolarization ratio.
Instrumentation; sources; dispersive and FT-based Raman spectrometers; sample handling.
Simple applications.
12 Hours
Unit IV
NMR Spectroscopy
Proton NMR Spectrometry: Theory of NMR: Interaction between nuclear spin and
magnetic moment; resonance condition; population of energy levels. Relaxation processes:
spin lattice and spin-spin relaxations (qualitative). The chemical shift and its correlation with
molecular structure. Typical NMR spectrometers (cw/FT); sample handling. Simple
applications of 1H.NMR.
Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Photoelectron spectroscopy: Types UPS and XPS. Experimental method for UPS and XPS.
Ionization processes and Koopmans’ theorem. Interpretation of UP and XP spectra with
12 Hours
Course Outcomes:
The specific outcomes of this course are as under:
Students will learn the principles of eight analytical techniques for the analysis of
atomic and molecular samples.
How to select an analytical technique for a given application.
How to apply the basic knowledge to characterize atomic & molecular samples.
How to acquire the desired knowledge of analytical techniques to work in
laboratories of multi-disciplinary subjects.
How to cultivate the spirit of entrepreneurship in the field of instrumentation.
Text Books
1. Instrumental Methods of Analysis: H. H. Willard, L. L. Merrit, J. A. Dean and F. A. Settle,
J. K. Jain for CBS Publishers (1986)
2. Principles of Instrumental Analysis (5th Ed): D. A. Skoog, F. J. Holler & T. A. Nieman,
Harcourt Asia Pvt. Ltd. (1998)
3. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy: C. N. Banwell and E.M. McCash, Tata
McGraw-Hill Co., (4th revd Ed; 9th reprint, 2000).
Reference Books
1. Raman Spectroscopy: D. A. Long, McGraw Hill Intl. Co. (1977)
2. Modern Spectroscopy (4th Ed): J.M. Hollas, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, UK (2004) [Free
soft copy available on Net].
PG85T 303C: Magnetism & Dielectrics
Teaching hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
Unit I
Ferromagnetism: Review of Weiss theory of ferromagnetism, its successes and failures,
Heisenberg exchange interaction, exchange integral, exchange energy, spin waves (one
dimensional case only), quantization of spin waves and magnons, density of modes, thermal
excitation of magnons and Bloch T3/2 law, specific heat using spin wave theory. Origin of
ferromagnetic domains, hysteresis curve, magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy, Bloch wall
Antiferromagnetism: Characteristic property of antiferromagnetic substance, Neutron
diffraction experiment. Two sub lattice model molecular field theory of antiferromagnetism,
Neel temperature, Susceptibility below and above Neel temperature.
Ferrimagnetism: Ferrimagnetic order, ferrites, Curie temperature and susceptibility of
12 Hours
Unit II
Magnetic Resonance: Basic principles of paramagnetic resonance, spin spin and spin–
lattice relaxation, susceptibility in a.c. magnetic field power absorption, equations of Bloch,
steady state solutions, determination of g factor, line width and spin –lattice relaxation time,
electron paramagnetic resonance and nuclear magnetic resonance. Effect of crystal field on
energy levels of magnetic ions (qualitative). Spin Hamiltonian, zero field splitting.
Novel Magnetic Materials and Devices: Magneto optic effect: Kerr and Faraday. The basic
concepts of Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) and Colossal Magnetoresistance (CMR),
applications to memory storage, actuators and sensors.
12 Hours
Unit III
Dielectrics: Review of basic formulae, dielectric constant and polarizability, local field,
Clausius Mossotti relation, polarization catastrophe. Sources of polarizability, Dipolar
polarizability: dipolar dispersion, Debye’s equations, dielectric loss, dipolar polarization in
solids, dielectric relaxation. Ionic polarizability. Electronic polarizability: classical treatment,
quantum theory, interband transitions in solids.
12 Hours
Unit IV
Ferroelectrics: General properties of ferroelectrics, classification and properties of
representative ferroelectric crystals, dipole theory of ferroelectricity, dielectric constant
near Curie temperature, microscopic source of ferroelectricity, Lyddane –Sachs Teller
relation and its implications, thermodynamics of ferroelectric phase transition,
ferrroelectric domains, piezoelectricity and its applications.
12 Hours
Course Outcomes:
The specific outcomes of this course are as under:
The classification of magnetic materials and Weiss molecular field theory of
ferromagnetism can be understood.
It clears the concept of formation of magnons at very low temperature in a
ferromagnetic material and their behavior through Bloch T 3/2 law will be evident.
Other class of magnetic materials like anti-ferromagnetic and ferromagnetic can be
The significance of dielectric materials and their associated phenomena such as
dipolar polarizability, ferroelectrics and piezoelectric can be learn.
Text Books
1. The Physical Principles of Magnetism : A. H. Morrish, John Wiley & sons, New York
2. Solid State Physics : A. J. Dekker, Macmillan India Ltd., Bangalore (1981)
3. Introduction to Solid State Physics : 5th Edn C. Kittel, Wiley Eastern Ltd., Bangalore
4. Elementary Solid State Physics : M. A. Omar, Addison Wesley Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
5. Elements of Solid State Physics, Second Edition, J.P. Srivastava, Eastern Economy
Edition, PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi (2009).
Reference Books
1. Introduction to Magnetic Resonance: A. Carrington and A. D. Mclachlan, Harper &
Row, New York, (1967).
2. Elements of Solid State Physics (2nd Ed): J.P. Srivastava, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi (2009)
PG85T 303E: Electronic Instrumentation, Signals and Systems
12 Hours
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, the students will be able to-
Get a clear picture of various transducer based electronic instruments used for
measuring various physical quantities such as light, pressure, temperature, humidity, etc.
Obtain a detailed knowledge of role of technology in medicine, biomedical signals and
medical instrumentation system such as ECG, EEG, EMG, MRI, etc.
Learn classification of signals and systems and various mathematical techniques
employed to study and analyze these.
A detailed knowledge about conversion of signals from frequency domain to time domain
and vice-versa, detailed mathematical background for resolving signals in both domains.
Will be able to implement the above practically with the help of Numerical problems
Text Books
1. Electronic Measurements and Measuring techniques: A. D. Helfrick and W.D. Cooper
2. Electrical and Electronic measurements and techniques: A. K. Shawney The
educational and Technical Publications, New Delhi (1985)
3. Biomedical digital signal procession: William J. Tompkins, Prentice hall of India Pvt.
Ltd. (2000)
4. Electronic Signals and Systems: Paul A. Lynn, English Language Book Society
Macmillan (1986)
Reference Books
1. Communication systems: Simon Haykin, Wiley eastern Ltd. New Delhi (1983)
2. Modern Communication Systems – Principles and Applications: Leon W. Couch II,
Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (1998)
3. Discrete time Signal procession –2nd Edition, A.V. Oppenhiem, R. W. Schafer and J. R.
Buck, Prentice Hall, New Jersey (1999).
4. Digital Signal Processing – A Computer Based approach: Sajith K. Mitra, Tata –
McGraw Hill Publications, New Delhi (2000).
5. Principles of Electronic Instrumentation: A. J. Diefenderfer, and B.E. Hotton, Saunders
college Publishing, London (1994).
PG85T 303N: Nuclear Detectors, Accelerators and Neutron Physics
Teaching hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
Unit I
Nuclear Detectors: Scintillation detector, different types of scintillators, photomultiplier
tubes; gain and types of photomultiplier tubes, Preamplifiers; charge sensitive, voltage
sensitive and current sensitive preamplifiers, Amplifiers; linear and spectroscopy amplifiers,
Single channel analyzers; integral, window and normal modes, Multichannel analyzer;
various types of ADC, memory, linear gate and working, NaI(TI) gamma ray spectrometer;
Calibration, photopeak, Compton edge and back scattered peak, single escape and double
escape peak. Role of thickness of the crystal for detecting the radiation.
Semiconductor Detector: Relation between applied voltage and depletion layer thickness,
Lithium drifted germanium detector, High purity germanium detector, Lithium drifted
silicon detector, position sensitive silicon detector. Principle and working of magnetic
spectrometer and Cherenkov detector.
12 Hours
Unit II
Particle Accelerators and Applications: Basic components of accelerator, types of
accelerations, principles of operation.
Ion sources: Duoplasmatron ion source and electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source.
Accelerators: Principle and working of electrostatic accelerators, azimuthally varying field
(AVF) cyclotron and pelletron accelerator, RIB accelerator, Microtron, Super Conducting
Cyclotron, synchrotron source.
Application of ion beams: Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (RBS), Elastic Recoil
Detection (ERD), Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA).
12 Hours
Unit III
X – ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy: X ray Fluorescence; Energy and wavelength dispersive
X – ray fluorescence spectrometers. micro XRF, Total XRF and their applications
Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy: Principles, positron sources and experimental
arrangements, Angular correlation of annihilation radiation (ACAR), positron annihilation
life time (PALT) measurement. Applications
Perturbed angular correlation (PAC): PAC sources, experimental arrangement, magnetic
dipole interaction, electric quadruple interaction, applications. 12 Hours
Unit IV
Neutron Physics: Basic properties of neutron, production of neutrons, detection of slow and
fast neutrons; BF3 counter and 3He based neutron detector, scintillation detectors for fast
neutrons, detection of ultra-high energy neutrons, cloud chamber as a neutron detector, the
crystal monochromator, neutron diffraction (theory), powder and single crystal neutron
diffraction, neutron diffraction from magnetic materials, neutron diffraction in fluids,
reflection of neutrons, polarization of neutrons, small angle neutron scattering (SANS).
12 Hours
Course Outcomes:
After completing this course, the students should be able to
Learn about the classification, mechanisms, properties and factors affecting
performance of scintillator detectors.
Learn about the differences between single channel analyzer and multichannel
analyzer in NaI(TI) gamma ray spectrometers and to estimate calibration constant.
Know the basics, construction, working, advantages and disadvantages of
semiconductor detectors and types and characteristics of solid-state detectors.
Understand about the various types of nuclear accelerators and their basic
components and types of accelerations and principles of operation.
Understand the basic principles, construction and working of energy and wavelength
dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometers.
Learn the basics and working principles of positron annihilation spectroscopy and
perturbed angular correlation for study of condensed matter.
Learn about the neutron classification, sources of neutrons and neutron detectors,
especially BF3 counter and 3He based neutron detector.
Understand the theory of neutron diffraction of powder and single crystals, neutron
diffraction patterns of superconductors and magnetic materials.
Text Books
1. Atomic and Nuclear Physics Volume II: S. N. Goshal, S. Chand and company (1998)
2. Nuclear Radiation Detectors: S. S. Kapoor and V. S. Ramamurthy, Wiley Eastern
Limited (1986)
3. Techniques for Nuclear and Particle: W. R. Leo, Springer Verlag (1987).
4. Radiation Detection and Measurement: Glenn. F. Knoll, John Wiley and sons (1989)
5. Principles of Charged Particle Acceleration: S. Humphris, John Wiley (1986)
6. Introduction to Neutron Physics: L. F. Curtis, East west press (1958)
7. Nuclear Electronics: P.W. Nicholson, John Wiley & Sons (1974)
8. Experimental neutron scattering: B.T.M. Willis & C.J. Carlie, Oxford University Press
9. Introduction to Neutron Physics: L.F. Curtiss, East West Press (1969)
Reference Books
1. Introduction to Nuclear Physics: Herald A. Enge, Addison – Wesley (1983)
2. Physics of Nuclei and Particles Vol II: P. Marmier and E. Sheldon, Academic Press
3. Nuclei and Particles (second edition): E. Segre, Benjamin (1977)
4. Nuclear and Particle Physics: W. Burcham and M. jaobes, Addison Wesley (1998)
5. Physics of Nuclei and Particles: P. Marmier and E. Sheldon Academic press (1970)
6. Alpha, Beta and Gamma Spectroscopy: K Seighban Vol. I and II North Holland (1966)
7. Experimental Techniques in Nuclear Physics: Dorin N. Poenaru, Walter Greiner
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin (1997)
8. Experimental Neutron Scattering: BTM Willis and C J Calile Oxford University Press
9. Quantitative X ray Fluorescence analysis: G. R. Lachance and F. Claisse John Wiley and
sons (1995)
10. Ion Implantation Science and Technology: J. P. Ziegler, Academic Press (1988).
11. Nuclear electronics: Kowalski E., Springer Verlag, Berlin (1970)
12. Nuclear Physics Experimental and theoretical, Hans H.S., New Age International
Publishers (2001)
PG85T 304O Open Elective Course – II:
A) Instrumental Methods
Teaching hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
Unit I
Electronic instruments for measurement – Single and dual power supply units. Digital
voltmeter principles of electronic multimeter, digital multimeter, Q meter, Power meter,
Electronic LCR meter, Frequency & time interval counters. Electronic instruments for signal
generation & analysis – Function generators, Pulse generators, Frequency synthesizer,
Principles & applications of cathode ray oscilloscope.
12 Hours
Unit II
UV/Visible Absorption Spectrometry: Concept of electronic energy levels, transitions,
Beer’s law and its limitations. Instrumentation: Components of Colorimeter, Single beam
spectrometer, Double beam spectrophotometer; principle, construction and working,
sampling technique; Applications.
Infrared Absorption Spectrometry: Concept of molecular vibrational energy levels,
transitions. Instrumentation: Components of single beam and double beam spectrometers;
principle, construction, working, sampling technique; Applications
12 Hours
Unit III
Fluorescence Spectrometry: Fluorescence and Phosphorescence phenomena (with energy
level diagram). quantum yield, fluorescence quenching, rate parameters, radiative and
natural lifetime. Fluorimeter: Basic components, principle, construction, working, sampling
technique; Applications.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry: Principle of resonance; the chemical shift.
Components of NMR spectrometer: principle, construction, working, sampling technique;
12 Hours
Unit IV
Radioactivity and its Applications
Radioactivity: Unit of radioactivity, source strength, production and decay of radioactivity,
alpha decay, beta decay, gamma decay, natural and artificial radioactivity, Geiger counter,
NaI(Tl) detector.
Applications of Nuclear Physics: Trace element analysis, mass spectrometry with
accelerators. Alpha decay application, diagnostic nuclear medicine, therapeutic nuclear
medicine, food preservation, plant metabolism.
12 Hours
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, the students will be able to
Understand the basic principles of working of Digital voltmeter, electronic
multimeter, digital multimeter, power meter, electronic LCR meter and cathode ray
Learn about UV/Visible absorption spectrometry and gain knowledge of about
Single/double beam spectrometer. Infrared absorption spectroscopy, sample
techniques etc.
Understand the basic principles of Fluorescence and Phosphorescence, energy level
diagram, Fluorimeter construction, working its applications.
Learn about radioactivity and its applications as well as nuclear Physics applications
Text Books
PG85T 304O Open Elective Course – II:
B) Physics of Nanomaterials
Course Outcomes:
The specific outcomes of this course are as under:
The course offers a good understanding on the basics of nanoscience.
The course offers a good understanding basic quantum Mechanics.
It also helps to synthesis and characterization of nano-materials using SEM, TEM,
STEM, AFM and Diffraction techniques.
Learn about properties of nano-materials like electrical mechanical, band structures
Text books
1. Nanotechnology: Principles and practices, S. K Kulkarni, Capital Publ. Co., New Delhi
2. Nanocrystals : Synthesis, Properties and Applications, C.N.R.Rao, P. John Thomas and
G.U. Kulkarni, Springer series in Materials Science 95, Springer Verlag, Berlin,
Heidelburg (2007).
Reference books
PG85P 305A: Atomic & Molecular Physics Practical – I
Contact hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
1. Study of Constant Deviation Spectrograph
2. Study of Grating spectrograph
3. Study of Small Quartz Spectrograph
4. Vibrational analysis of CN violet bands
5. Study of Copper Spark Spectrum
6. Spectrochemical analysis of Mixture
7. Rotational analysis of HCl
(New Experiments / Assignments may be added)
Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course the students would
Learn analysis of given wavelength data of atomic & molecular phenomena by
applying theoretical principles learnt by them.
Learn how to validate theoretical models by analyzing given empirical data.
Learn advanced level of analysis by taking measurements from physical experiments.
Reference Books
1. Experimental Spectroscopy (3rd Edition): R. A. Sawyer. Dover Publication, Inc, New
York (1963).
2. Atomic Spectra and Atomic Structure (2nd Edition) – G. Herzberg. Dover Publication
New York (1944)
3. Atomic Spectra – H.E. White, Mc Graw –Hill, New York (1934).
4. A Course of Experiments with He-Ne Lasers (2nd Edition): R. S. Sirohi. Wiley Eastern,
New Delhi (1991).
5. Lab. Manuals.
6. Molecular Spectra & Molecular Structure Vol. I: G. Herzberg, D. Van Nostrand Co, New
York (1950)
7. Instrumental Methods of Analysis: H. H. Willard, L. L. Merrit, J. A. Dean and F. A. Settle,
J. K. Jain for CBS Publishers (1986)
8. The Identification of Molecular Spectra: R.W. B. Pears & A. G. Gaydon, Wiley, New York
9. Fiber Optic Laboratory Experiments: Joel Ng.
PG85P 305C: Condensed Matter Physics Practical – I
Contact hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
1. Structure factor calculations
2. d spacing calculations
3. Indexing of cubic systems
4. Determination of Debye temperature by study of specific heat of metals
5. Assignment using FORTRAN programming
6. Calculation of relative integrated intensity
7. Indexing of tetragonal systems
8. Obtaining X ray pattern for a given substance using X ray diffractometer and indexing
the pattern.
(New experiments/assignments may be added)
Course Outcomes:
The specific outcomes of this course are as under:
Calculation of d-spacing, structure factor and indexing of cubic and non-cubic pattern
can be understood.
The significance of intensity of X-ray scattering and its relation to the position of
atoms in a unit cell can be learnt.
The experimental measurement of specific heat of different metals can be realized.
Reference Books
PG85P 305E: Electronics & Communication Practical – I
Contact hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
1. Square, triangular and ramp generation using op amp
2. Instrumentation amplifier gain, CMRR and input impedance
3. Active notch and twin T filter realization using Op Amp
4. Precision half wave and full wave rectifier using Op amp
5. 2’s complement adder and subtractor
6. 4 – bit bidirectional shift register
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to-
Design and learn implementing the operational amplifier IC 741 based wave form
generator circuits
Design and learn implementing op-amp 741 based instrumentation amplifier and
characterize it
Design and learn implementing op-amp based twin-T and notch filter circuits.
Implementation of 2’s complement adder and subtractor and bidirectional shift
Reference Books
1. Operational Amplifier and Linear IC's: Robert F. Coughlin and Frederick F. Driscoll,
PHI publications (1994).
2. Op Amps and linear Integrated Circuits: R Gayakwad, PHI publications, New Delhi
3. Digital Principles and Applications: A.P. Malvino and D. Leach, TMH Publications
4. Digital fundamentals – 8th edition: Thomas L Floyd, Pearson Education (2003)
5. Microelectronics Circuits: Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith, Oxford University Press
6. Digital Computer fundamentals, Thomas C. Bartee, McGraw Hill Ltd. (1977).
7. Digital Logic and Computer Design: Morris Mano. Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd New
Delhi (2000).
8. Logic Circuit Design: Alan W. Shaw, Sanders College Publication Company (1999).
PG85P 305N: Nuclear & Particle Physics Practical – I
Contact hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
1. Calibration of NaI(Tl) scintillation spectrometer
2. Attenuation beta particles I
3. Verification of Mosley’s law
4. Positron annihilation
5. Multvibrator circuit using transistors and IC 555
6. Pulse generator using IC 4049
7. Attenuation gamma rays I
8. Calibration of X ray proportional counter spectrometer
9. Magnetic beta ray spectrometer I
10. Nuclear rotational studies
11. Regulated power supply using transistors and LM 309
12. R.C coupled amplifier
(New experiments/assignments may be added)
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, the students will be able to
acquire practical knowledge on calibrating NaI(Tl)gamma ray spectrometer and to
determine the energy of a given gamma ray source.
Learn various modes in a multichannel analyzer and use them to calculate the
energy resolution, energy of gamma ray.
Determine the mass attenuation coefficient of beta particles from 204Tl, 210Pb and
137Cs sources in Al foils using G.M. Counting system.
Able to verify the Bohr’s frequency condition and Moseley’s law using MCA based
NaI(Tl) scintillation detector.
Understand the defects present in metals and semiconductors using positron
annihilation lifetime parameters.
Learn to construct and design the multvibrator circuit using transistors and IC 555
Learn to construct the pulse generator circuit using IC 4049 and study its output
Determine the gamma ray attenuation coefficient for different absorbers using
NaI(Tl) gamma ray spectrometer using 137Cs source.
Learn the rotational energy and angular momentum of a compound nucleus.
Learn to construct and study regulated power supply circuit using transistors & M 309
Learn to construct and study the R.C coupled amplifier properties
Reference Books
1. Experiments in Modern Physics: A. C. Melissions, Academic Press (NY) (1966)
2. Experiments in Nuclear Science, ORTEC Application Note. ORTEC, (1971)
3. (Available in Nuclear Physics Laboratory)
4. Practical Nucleonics: F. J. Pearson., and R. R.Osborne, E & F. N. Spon Ltd. London
5. The Atomic Nucleus: R. D. Evans, Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub. Comp. Ltd. (1960)
6. Nuclear Radiation DetePG85T 303N Nuclear Detectors, Accelerators and
Neutron Physicists: S. S. Kapoor and V. S. Ramamurthy, Wiely Eastern Limited (1986)
7. Experimental Nucleonics: E. Bleuler and G. J. Goldsmith, Rinehart & Co. Inc. (NY)
8. A manual of experiments in reactor physics: Frank A. Valente, Macmillan company
9. A practical introduction to electronic circuits: Martin Harthley Jones, Cambridge
University Press (1977)
10. Integrated circuit projects: R. M. Marston, Newnes Technical Books (1978)
11. Semiconductor projects: R. M. Marston, A Newnes Technical Books (1978)
12. Waveform generator projects: R. P. Marston, A Newnes Technical Books (1978)
PG85P 306A: Atomic & Molecular Physics Practical – II
Contact hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
1. Determination of screening constants for sodium doublets
2. Vibrational analysis of AlO bands
3. Zeeman Effect (Photographic method):
4. Vibrational Analysis of I2 absorption bands
5. Verification of Lande’s interval rule
6. Verification of Beer’s law using USB spectrometers
7. Optical fiber attenuation
(New Experiments / Assignments may be added)
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, the students will be able to
To determine the screening constants for sodium doublets
Do vibrational analysis of band spectra of diatomic.
Be able to analyze the data of Zeeman Effect experiment by Photographic method
Be able to verify Lande’s interval rule for a given multiplet spectra.
Be able to verify the Beer’s law on a USB spectrometer and learn the optical fiber
Reference Books
1. Experimental Spectroscopy (3rd Edition): R. A. Sawyer. Dover Publication, Inc, New
York (1963).
2. Atomic Spectra and Atomic Structure (2nd Edition) – G. Herzberg. Dover Publication
New York (1944)
3. Atomic Spectra – H.E. White, Mc Graw –Hill, New York (1934).
4. A Course of Experiments with He-Ne Lasers (2nd Edition) : R. S. Sirohi. Wiley Eastern,
New Delhi (1991).
5. Lab. Manuals.
6. Molecular Spectra & Molecular Structure Vol. I : G. Herzberg, D. Van Nastrand Co, New
York (1950)
7. Instrumental Methods of Analysis : H. H. Willard, L. L. Merrit, J. A. Dean and F. A. Settle,
J. K. Jain for CBS Publishers (1986)
8. The Identification of Molecular Spectra: R.W. B. Pears & A. G. Gaydon, Wiley, New York
9. Fiber Optic Laboratory Experiments: Joel Ng.
PG85P 306C: Condensed Matter Physics Practical – II
Contact hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
1. Hall effect and Hall mobility
2. Determination of e/kB
3. Susceptibility of paramagnetic substance by Gouy’s method
4. Specific heat of metals
5. Magnetoresistance of semiconductors
6. Determination of Curie temperature of a ferromagnet.
7. Electron spin resonance
8. Resistivity by four probe method.
9. Determination of elastic constants.
10. Thermoluminescence studies of alkali halides by X ray irradiations
11. Size estimation of nanocrystals
(New experiments/assignments may be added)
Course Outcomes:
The specific outcomes of this course are as under:
It helps to experimentally measure the ratio of fundamental constants like e and k B.
The magneto-resistance effect in a semiconductor can be determined.
The ferromagnetic to paramagnetic phase transition in a metallic sample can be
carried out.
The experimental determination of electrical resistivity of semiconductor by four
probe method can be understood
Reference Books
1. X ray diffraction: B.D. Cullity, Addison Wesley, New York (1972).
2. X ray diffraction procedures: H.P. Klug and L.E. Alexander, John Wiley and sons, New
3. Interpretation of X ray powder diffraction pattern: H.P. Lipson and H. Steeple,
Macmillan, London (1968).
4. Introduction to Solid State Physics : 5th Edn C. Kittel, Wiley Eastern Ltd., Bangalore
5. Elementary Solid State Physics : M. A. Omar, Addison Wesley Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
6. Introduction to magnetochemistry: A. Earnshaw, Academic press, London (1968).
7. Lab manuals.
PG85P 306E: Electronics & Communication Practical –II
Contact hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
1. Crystal oscillator and frequency division circuits
2. Optical fiber experiments: Analog & digital
3. Phase locked loop ICs and characteristics
4. Dual power supply using IC regulators.
5. Staircase generator using 4-bit counters
6. Decade counter with 7-segment display
(New experiments/assignments may be added)
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to-
Implement Use of crystal oscillator and frequency division circuits
Conduct Analog and digital optical fiber experiments
Study of staircase generator using 4-bit counters and decade counter with 7-segment
Study Phase locked loop ICs and characteristics
Reference Books
1. Operational Amplifier and Linear IC's: Robert F. Coughlin and Frederick F. Driscoll,
PHI publications (1994).
2. Op Amps and linear Integrated Circuits: R Gayakwad, PHI publications, New Delhi
3. Digital Principles and Applications: A.P. Malvino and D. Leach, TMH Publications
4. Digital fundamentals – 8th edition: Thomas L Floyd, Pearson Education (2003)
5. Microelectronics Circuits: Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith, Oxford University Press
6. Digital Computer fundamentals, Thomas C. Bartee, McGraw Hill Ltd. (1977).
7. Digital Logic and Computer Design: Morris Mano. Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd New
Delhi (2000).
8. Logic Circuit Design: Alan W. Shaw, Sanders College Publication Company (1999).
PG85P 306N: Nuclear & Particle Physics Practical –II
Contact hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
1. Attenuation beta particles II
2. Half-life of Indium
3. Attenuation gamma rays II
4. Compton Scattering
5. Study of emitter follower circuit
6. FET amplifier
7. Magnetic beta ray spectrometer I I
8. X ray fluorescence studies
9. Rutherford scattering
10. Pulse stretcher and pulse delay using IC 74121
11. Pulser: variable width and frequency using LM 310
12. Scale of two circuit
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, the students will be able to
Understand the mass attenuation coefficient of 2260 keV and 545 keV beta particles
in Al foils using 90Sr - 90Y source using G.M. Counting system.
Determine the half-life of 116In nucleus by observing the beta activity with time using
G.M. Counting System
Learn the gamma ray attenuation coefficient for different absorbers using NaI(Tl)
gamma ray spectrometer using 137Cs source.
Determine the end point energy of beta particles from 204Tl source using Nomogram
method using G. M. Counting System.
Estimate the K x-ray fluorescence yield and K x-ray production cross section in silver
target using 57Co source using MCA based NaI(Tl) scintillation spectrometer.
Design and construct linear pulse amplifier using BC 107 and AC 128 transistors and
to study its performance, output pulse height is linearly proportional to input pulse
Determine the rest mass energy of electron using NaI(Tl) gamma ray spectrometer
using different gamma sources ( 137Cs, 60Co, 54Mn).
Reference Books
1. Experiments in Modern Physics : A. C. Melissions, Academic Press (NY) (1966)
2. Experiments in Nuclear Science, ORTEC Application Note. ORTEC, (1971)
3. (Available in Nuclear Physics Laboratory)
4. Practical Nucleonics : F. J. Pearson., and R. R.Osborne, E & F. N. Spon Ltd. London
5. The Atomic Nucleus : R. D. Evans, Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub. Comp. Ltd. (1960)
6. Nuclear Radiation Detectors : S. S. Kapoor and V. S. Ramamurthy, Wiely Eastern
Limited (1986)
7. Experimental Nucleonics : E. Bleuler and G. J. Goldsmith, Rinehart & Co. Inc. (NY)
8. A manual of experiments in reactor physics : Frank A. Valente, Macmillan company
9. A practical introduction to electronic circuits : Martin Harthley Jones, Cambridge
University Press (1977)
10. Integrated circuit projects : R. M. Marston, Newnes Technical Books (1978)
11. Semiconductor projects : R. M. Marston, A Newnes Technical Books (1978)
12. Waveform generator projects : R. P. Marston, A Newnes Technical Books (1978)
Course Outcomes:
The specific outcomes of this course are as under:
Understand the basics of Electrostatics, Poisson Laplace equations, boundary
conditions and electrostatic energy in dielectric media.
Learn about Magneto statics, current density, continuity equation, magnetic moment
and energy in the magnetic field.
Understand the basics of electrodynamics, faradays laws of induction, displacement
current, Maxwell’s equations, conservation of energy and momentum in
electromagnetic fields.
Learn about electromagnetic waves, propagation of waves in linear media, reflection
and transmission at normal and oblique incidence, skin depth and refection at
conducting surface.
Text Books
1. Classical Electrodynamics: J.D.Jackson , Wiley Eastern Ltd., Bangalore (1978)
2. Introduction to Electrodynamics: D.J.Griffiths, Prentice Hall of India, Ltd., New Delhi
Reference Books
1. Electromagnetics: B.B. Laud. Wiley Eastern Ltd., Bangalore (1987)
2. Classical Electromagnetic Radiation: J.B. Marion, Academic press, NewYork (1968).
3. Classical Electrodynamics; S P Puri, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New
Delhi, (1990).
PG85T 402: Statistical and Thermal Physics
Teaching hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
Unit I
Classical Statistics: Basic postulates of statistical mechanics, phase spaces, Liouville
equation; concept of ensembles, postulate of equal a proiri probability; microstates and
macrostates; general expression for probability; canonical ensemble: most probable
distribution of energies, thermodynamic relations in canonical ensemble; canonical partition
function; micro canonical ensemble; grand canonical ensemble, grand partition function.
Partition function for the system and for the particles, translational partition function; Gibbs
paradox: Sackur-Tetrode equation; Boltzmann equipartition theorem; rotational partition
function; vibrational contribution to thermodynamic quantities; electronic partition
12 Hours
Unit II
Quantum Statistics: Postulates of quantum statistical mechanics, ideal quantum gases,
quantum statistics in classical limit, symmetric and antisymmetric wave functions for
particles; Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distributions, ideal Bose and Fermi gases, their
properties at high temperature and densities, weak and strong degeneracy of perfect gases,
Bose-Einstein condensation, black body radiation, phonons and specific heats of solids.
12 Hours
Unit III
Fluctuations and Brownian motion: Fluctuations in canonical, grand canonical and
microcanonical ensembles, number fluctuations in quantum gases. Brownian motion:
Langevin equation, random walk problem. Diffusion: Einstein relation for mobility. Time
dependence of fluctuations: power spectrum, spectral density; persistence and correlation
of fluctuations; Wiener-Khinchin theorem, Johnson noise, Nyquist theorem; shot noise;
Fokker-Planck equation.
12 Hours
Unit IV
Irreversible thermodynamics: Reversible and irreversible processes, Onsager reciprocity
relations and their derivations; thermoelectric phenomena, linear response theory, Kubo
relations, fluctuation dissipation theorem; Saha theory of ionization.
Liquid helium: phase diagram, superfluid properties, two fluid model, thermo-mechanical,
fountain and mechano-caloric effects, quantum theory of superfluid liquid 3He and mixture
of 3He-4He.
12 Hours
Course Outcomes:
The specific outcomes of this course are as under:
Understand the basic postulates of statistical mechanics, different types of ensembles,
fundamental differences between microstates and macrostates.
Learn about different types of partition functions for the system of particles and apply
these to calculate important thermodynamical quantities.
Learn the fundamental differences between classical and quantum statistics and learn
about postulates of quantum statistical mechanics.
Formulate the quantum statistical distribution laws, viz. Fermi-Dirac (FD) and Bose-
Einstein (BE) statistics and origin of Bose-Einstein condensation and its applications.
Understand fluctuations in ensembles and quantum gases and their analysis.
Describe the theoretical basis of Brownian motion on the basis of Langevin approach.
Understand the concept of random walk, Einstein relation for mobility and diffusion,
time dependence of fluctuations, their spectral analysis and applications in noises.
Understand the reversible and irreversible thermodynamic processes, analysis of
Onsager reciprocity relations in thermoelectric phenomena.
Understand the Saha theory of ionization of a gas in thermal equilibrium to the
temperature and pressure.
Understand superfluid properties and quantum theory of 3He and mixture of 3He-4He.
Text Books
1. Statistical mechanics and properties of matter: Theory and applications: E.S.R. Gopal,
John Wiley & Sons, New York (1974).
2. Statistical mechanics (3rded.): B.K.Agarwal and M. Eisner, New Age International (P)
Ltd. Publishers, New Delhi (2013).
Reference Books
1. Fundamentals of statistical and thermal Physics: F.Reif, McGraw Hill Ltd., New Delhi
2. Elementary statistical physics: C. Kittel, John Wiley & Sons, New York (1958).
3. Statistical mechanics; Theory and applications; S.K.Sinha, TMH Pub. Ltd., New
4. Statistical Thermodynamics: M.C. Gupta, New Age Publishers (2nd ed.) (2010)
5. Statistical Mechanics, R.K. Pathria & Paul D. Beale, Bufferworgh Heinemann (2nded.)
6. Fundamentals of Statistical Mechanics: B.B. Laud, New Age International (2012)
PG85T 403A Molecular Spectra & Structure of Polyatomic Molecules
Teaching hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
Unit I
Molecular Symmetry: Point Groups, symmetrically equivalent atoms.
Rotational Spectra: Classification of molecules as rotors: Linear, Symmetric top, Spherical
top, Asymmetric top molecules. Energy levels: thermal distribution, symmetry properties
and statistical weights of rotational levels, Spectrum; IR and Raman spectra.
12 Hours
Unit II
Molecular Vibrations: Separation of rotational and vibrational motions; the secular
equation for small vibrations (classical treatment). Normal modes of vibration. Normal
coordinates. Simple illustrations. Internal coordinates, symmetry co-ordinates,
determination of number of normal co-ordinates (symmetry species). Potential energy
functions and force fields.
12 Hours
Unit III
Vibrational Energy levels and Selection Rules: The Schrodinger’s vibrational wave
equation. Energy levels, Vibrational Spectra and Degeneracy. Symmetry properties of wave
functions, overtones, combinations, components of electric dipole moment, and the
polarizability. Selection Rules for Infrared and Raman Spectra. The rule of mutual exclusion.
Group frequencies; the Product rule; Fermi resonance.
12 Hours
Unit IV
Electronic Structure & Spectra: Classification of Electronic States based on angular
momentum, spin, multiplet components. Types of electronic transitions; Allowed transitions,
general selection rules, spin selection rules. Forbidden transitions: Magnetic and electric
quadrupole transitions.
12 Hours
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will learn:
Interpretation of vibrational IR and Raman spectra of polyatomic molecules.
Methods of determining vibrational properties of polyatomic molecules based on IR
and Raman spectra.
How to apply combined analysis of vibrational & electronic spectra for characterizing
vibrational properties that may be correlated to identification of molecules, structure
and other phenomena.
Text Books
1. Molecular Vibrations: E. Bright Wilson, J. C. Decius, P. C. Cross, Dover Pub., Inc., N.Y.
2. Introduction to the theory of Molecular Vibrations and Vibrational Spectroscopy: L A
Woodward, Clarendon Press, Lon, (1976)
3. Vibrational Spectroscopy – Theory and Applications : D. N. Sathyanarayana, New Age
International Pub., New Delhi (1996)
4. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy: C. N. Banwell, Tata Mc Graw-Hill, New
Delhi (1983)
5. Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure(Vol.III)-Electronic Spectra & Electronic
Structure of Polyatomic Molecules : G. Herzberg, D. van Nostrand & Co. N. J. (1966)
Reference Books
1. Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure(Vol.II)-Infrared & Raman Spectra of
Polyatomic Molecules : G. Herzberg, D. Van Nostrand & Co. N. J. (1945)
2. Atoms & Molecules : Mitchel Weissbluth, Academic Press, N. Y. (1978)
3. Raman Spectroscopy: D. A. Long, McGraw-Hill, NY (1977).
4. Introduction to Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy: N.B. Colthup, L. H. Daly and S.E.
Wiberley, Academic Press, N. Y. (1975)
5. Vibrating Molecules : P. Gans, Chapman & Hall, London (1971)
6. Vibration Spectra and Structure Vol. 4 : (Ed) J. R. Durig, Elsevier Sci. Pub. Co. N. Y.
7. Microwave Spectroscopy: C.H.Townes and Arthur Schawlow, McGraw Hill, 1955.
PG85T 403C: Semiconductor Physics & Devices
Teaching hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
Unit I
Semiconductors: General properties of semiconductors, Elemental and compound
semiconductors, band structure of real semiconductors.
Intrinsic semiconductors: Carrier concentration, Fermi energy, extrinsic semiconductors:
Binding energy of impurity, impurity levels, Population of impurity levels, carrier
concentration, Fermi energy and its dependence on impurity concentration and
12 Hours
Unit II
Transport in Semiconductors: Electrical conductivity and mobility, their dependence on
temperature and scattering mechanisms, energy gap determination. Diffusion, Einstein
relation, diffusion equation and diffusion length.
Course Outcomes:
The specific outcomes of this course are as under:
The course offers a good understanding on the basics of semiconductors.
Theoretical understanding of charge transport in semiconductors can be understood.
It also helps to clear the basic concepts on the effect of external fields on the electron
transport in a crystalline state.
It makes is clear how the working of basic devices like pn-junction, Gunn diode, laser
diode etc. can be understood.
Finally, the course gives an idea on the importance of low dimensional
semiconductors, their synthesis and the formation of electronic devices.
Text Books
1. Solid State and Semiconductor Physics: J. P. McKelvey, Harper and Row, New York
2. Solid State Physics: N. W. Aschroft and A. S. Mermin, Saunders College Publishing,
New York (1976).
3. The Physics of Low Dimensional Semiconductors: J. H. Davies. Cambridge University
press, (1998).
4. Elementary Solid State Physics: M.A. Omar, Addison – Wesley Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi
5. Thin Film Phenomena: K. L. Chopra. Mc Graw – Hill Book Company, New York (1969).
Reference Books
1. Elements of Solid State Physics (2nd Ed): J.P. Srivastava, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi (2009)
2. Physics of Thin Films: L. Eckertova, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1998).
PG85T 403E: Microprocessor & Microcontroller
Teaching hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
Unit I
Microprocessor Architecture: Introduction, microprocessor and its operations,
architecture of 8085 microprocessor, memory, input and output devices, basic interfacing
concepts, memory interfacing, interfacing input and output devices.
12 Hours
Unit II
Programming of 8085: Introduction, instruction classification, instruction format, over
view of instruction set of 8085, data transfer operations, arithmetic operations, logic
operations, branch operation; Instructions for Looping, counting, and indexing, additional
data transfer instructions, 16-bit arithmetic operation, logic operations: rotate, compare;
stack, subroutine, conditional call and return instructions.
12 Hours
Unit III
Interfacing peripherals and applications: The 8085 interrupt, multiple interrupts and
priorities, additional 8085 interrupts: TRAP, RST 7.5, 6.5 and 5.5, triggering levels, additional
I/O concepts, DMA; Interfacing A/D and D/A converters, handshaking and polling, the 8155
multipurpose programmable interfacing device; interfacing 7-segment display, the 8259
timer as square wave generator.
12 Hours
Unit IV
Microcontroller: 8051 architecture: 8051 microcontroller hardware-I/O pins, ports and
circuits-External memory-Counter and Timers-Serial data I/O Interrupts. 8051
programming: instruction syntax-moving data-logical operations-arithmetic operations-
branching instructions.
12 Hours
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, the students will be able to-
Understand the architecture of 8085 microprocessor which completes the basic
foundation necessary to understand how CPU works and communicates with RAM,
ROM and external devices.
Get information about execution of each commands written in language form. This
includes knowledge of arithmetic operations, looping, stacking, etc.
Understand Interfacing peripherals of 8085 microprocessor with 7-segment display,
analog to digital system vice-versa, additional input/output devices etc., incorporated
to account the applications.
Gain knowledge about 8051 microcontroller architecture to programming, the
complete idea of execution of commands, instructions to interfacing with external
input/output devices.
Will be able to implement the above practically with the help of Numerical problems
Text Books
References Books
PG85T 403N Nuclear Models, Nuclear Reactions and Weak Interactions
Teaching hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
Unit I
Nuclear Models
Shell model: evidences for nuclear shell structure-energy levels according to the infinite
square well potential and harmonic oscillator potential, effect of spin orbit interaction,
prediction of ground state spin – parity of odd A nuclei and odd-odd nuclei, Nordhiem’s rules,
Collective Model: Evidences for collective motion, vibrational energy levels of even nuclei.
Rotational energy levels of deformed even-even nucleus, moment of inertia-rigid body value,
back bending, spectrum of odd A nuclei,
Nilsson model: Calculation of energy levels and prediction of ground state.
12 Hours
Unit II
Nuclear Reaction I: Comparison of features of compound nucleus model and direct reaction
model. Partial wave analysis of nuclear reactions, expressions for scattering and reaction
cross sections and their interpretation – shadow scattering – resonance theory of scattering
and absorption – overlapping and isolated resonance – Briet –Wigner formula for scattering
and reaction shape of cross section curve near a resonance. Inverse nuclear reactions –
principle of detailed balance–optical model–mean free path – optical potential and its
parameters for elastic scattering.
12 Hours
Unit III
Nuclear Reaction II: Transfer reactions – semi-classical description – plane wave Born
approximation (PWBA) – its predictions of angular distributions – distorted wave Born
approximation (DWBA)- spectroscopic factors – transfer reactions and the shell model.
Heavy ion reactions: Importance of heavy ion reactions, Elastic scattering; critical angle,
deflection function, Rainbow scattering and diffraction. Nuclear and Coulomb scattering and
its experimental results, compound nucleus formation, formation of nuclear molecule, fusion
of heavy ions and formation of super heavy nuclei in heavy ion reactions.
12 Hours
Unit IV
Particle Physics: Weak interactions Weak decays, neutral Kaons, the K o - Ko systems,
regeneration of short lived component of neutral kaons, lifetimes and cross sections,
Feynman diagrams, leptonic, semi leptonic and non-leptonic processes, verification of
electromagnetic and weak interactions intermediate vector bosons, quark flavour changing
interactions with examples, muon decay – Fermi’s four particle coupling and modern
perspective with a mediating vector boson, W and Z bosons; their masses and range of weak
interactions. Charged weak interactions of quarks: Cabibbo factor, GIM mechanism (Glashow
Iliopoulos Miani mechanism) Neutral kaons: CP as a symmetry, CP violation in neutral kaon
decay (Fitch Cronin experiment), CPT theorem (qualitative), evolution of a neutral kaon
beam with time, regeneration experiments. 12 Hours
Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course, a student should be able to
Learn the evidences for nuclear shell structure and understand the energy levels
according to the infinite square well potential and harmonic oscillator potential.
get knowledge about the collective nuclear model, vibrational energy levels of even
nuclei and rotational energy levels of deformed even-even nucleus.
know the concept of cross section and apply it to resonance theory of scattering and
absorption and learn the Briet –Wigner formula for scattering and reaction.
understand the principle of detailed balance–optical model–mean free path – optical
potential and its parameters for elastic scattering.
understand the plane wave Born approximation (PWBA) and its predictions of
angular distributions, distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA) and spectroscopic
learn the importance of heavy ion reactions, formation compound nucleus, fusion of
heavy ions and formation of super heavy nuclei in heavy ion reactions.
understand the Feynman diagrams, leptonic, semi leptonic and non-leptonic
processes, verification of electromagnetic and weak interactions.
learn about the intermediate vector bosons: W and Z bosons, their masses and range
of weak interactions, charged weak interactions of quarks: Cabibbo factor, CPT
Text Books
1. Nuclear Physics : Theory and Experiment : R.R.Roy and B. P. Nigam, Wiley Eastern
Publications (1986)
2. Atomic and Nuclear Physics volume II : S. N. Goshal, S. Chand and company (1998)
3. Introductory Nuclear Physics : K. S. Krane, Wiley and sons (1988)
4. Nuclear Reaction with heavy Ions : Reiner Bass, Springer – Verlag (1980)
5. Heavy Ion Reaction : R. A. Broglia and Aage Winter, Addison Wesley (1991)
6. Nuclear reaction : R. Sing and S. N. Mukherjee, New Age International (1996)
7. Nuclear Physics Experimental & Theoretical: H.S. Hans, New Age International,
Reference Books
1. Subatomic Physics : Nuclei and Particles (Volume II) : Luc Valentin North Holland
2. Subatomic Physics (Second Edition) : Hans Frauenfelder and E. M. Henley, Prentice
Hall (1991)
3. Introduction to Nuclear Physics : Herald. A. Enge Addison-Wesley (1983)
4. Introduction to Nuclear Physics : Samuel S. M. Wong Prentice – Hall (1996)
5. Atomic Nucleus : R. D. Evans, Tata McGraw-Hill (1982)
6. Theoretical Nuclear Physics Volume I : Nuclear structure : Amos de Shalit and Herman
Feshbach, John Wiley (1974)
7. Nuclear and Particle Physics: W. Burcham and M. Jobes, Addison – Wesley (1998).
8. Introduction to Elementary Particles, D. Griffiths: John Wiley, 1987.
9. Quarks and Leptons, F. Halzen&A.D. Martin, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1984.
10. Unitary Symmetry and Elementary Particles, D. B. Lichtenberg:2nd edition, Academic
Press, 1978.
11. Elementary Particles, J. M. Longo:II edition, Mc Graw-Hill, New York, 1973.
12. Particles and Nuclei: Povh, Rith, Scholz, Zetsche, Springer (1999)
13. Subatomic Physics: Hans Frauenfelder and Ernest M. Henley, Prentice Hall (1991)
14. Introduction to High Energy Physics: Donald H. Perkins, Addison Wesley Publishing,
PG85T 404A Lasers, Nonlinear Optical Effects and Laser Spectroscopy
Teaching hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
Unit I
Laser Amplifiers: Requirements for population inversions for Two, Three and Four level
systems: necessary and sufficient conditions for laser action, threshold requirements for
laser action with and without cavity, rate equations. Pumping requirements and techniques.
Laser Resonators: Longitudinal and transverse modes: Fabry Perot resonator, its cavity
modes. Properties of modes: spatial dependence, frequency dependence and mode
competition. Spherical, Plane parallel, confocal resonator and unstable resonators. Stability
criteria, properties of Gaussian beams. Q switching and mode locking: general techniques
and examples.
12 Hours
Unit II
Lasers with low density gain media: General description, laser structure, excitation
mechanism and applications of Copper vapor laser, Helium-Cadmium laser, Argon and
Krypton ion lasers. Nitrogen laser, Carbon-dioxide laser, Excimer laser, X-ray laser, and Free
Electron laser.
12 Hours
Unit III
Lasers with high density gain media: General description, laser structure, excitation
mechanism and applications of Dye lasers, Neodymium YAG and Glass lasers, Alexandrite
laser, Titanium sapphire laser, Fiber lasers and semiconductor diode lasers (homo and
hetero junction and quantum well lasers)
12 Hours
Unit IV
Nonlinear Optical Effects: Wave propagation in an anisotropic crystal, Second harmonic
generation, Phase matching, Parametric oscillation, Self focusing light.
High Resolution Spectroscopy: Idea of hole burning, the Lamb dip, Inverse Lamb dip,
stabilization of frequency. Doppler free and Doppler limited Spectroscopy. Two photon
Laser Raman Spectroscopy: Hyper Raman spectroscopy, Stimulated Raman effect, Inverse
Raman effect, CARS (Coherent Anti Stokes Raman Spectroscopy).
12 Hours
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will learn:
Principles, working and scientific and practical applications of different laser types.
How design parameters will produce lasers.
How intense lasers can be used to produce nonlinear optical effects & their
exploitation in the working of lasers.
How high-resolution spectroscopy is achievable based on principles of nonlinear
effects, lasers and physical optics.
How nonlinear Raman effects can be produced by intense laser as radiation sources
combined with physical optics. In addition, wide ranging applications in
spectroscopy and other fields.
Text Books
1. Laser and Non Linear Optics: B.B.Laud, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi(1991)
2. Laser Electronics: Joseph T. Verdeyen, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd. New Delhi.
3. Introduction to Fiber Optics: A. Ghatak & K. Thagarajan, Cambridge Univ. Press
4. Lasers: Theory of Applications: A. Ghatak & K. Thagarajan, MacMillan India (1981)
5. Modern Spectroscopy (4th ed), J.Michael Hollas, John Wiley, 2004.
6. Optical Fiber & Communication Principles & Practice: John M. Senior, Prentice Hill
Intl. Ltd. London (1992)
7. Laser Fundamentals: W. Silfvast, Cambridge Univ. Press.
Reference Books
1. Principles of Lasers: O. Svelto, Plenum Press, N.Y(1982)
2. Introduction to Gas Lasers Population Inversion Mechanisms: C.S.Willet, Permon
Press, Oxford (1974)
3. High Resolution Spectroscopy: K. Shimoda, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1976)
4. Raman Spectroscopy: D.A. Long, McGraw Hill Intl. Book Co (1977)
5. Laser Principles & Applications: J. Wilson & J.F.B. Hawkes, Prentice Hall Intl.
6. Encyclopedia of Lasers & Optical Technology: Robert A. Meyers, Academic Press,
7. Laser Spectroscopy: H. Walther, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1976)
PG85T 404C Superconductivity and Advanced Materials
Teaching hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
Unit I
Superconductivity: Occurrence of superconductivity, destruction of superconductivity by
magnetic field, heat capacity and energy gap, microwave and infrared properties, type I and
type II superconductors, high Tc superconductors (qualitative ideas only).
Thermodynamics of superconductivity, London equations, coherence length, flux
quantization in superconducting ring, duration of persistent current.
12 Hours
Unit II
BCS Theory: Attraction between Cooper – pairs, accomplishments of BCS theory.
Tunneling: Basic concepts of tunneling, metal-insulator tunneling, metal-insulator-
superconductor tunneling, superconductor-insulator-superconductor tunneling, Cooper-
pair tunneling, A. C. and D. C. Josephson effect, macroscopic quantum interference.
12 Hours
Unit III
Amorphous Semiconductors: Preparation of amorphous semiconductors, classification,
band structure, electronic conduction, optical absorption, electrical switching (Ovonic
Polymers: Basic concepts, classification of polymers, effect of temperature, mechanical
properties of general polymers. Conducting polymers, classes, synthesis, charge transport
Liquid crystals: Classification, orientational order and inter-molecular forces, magnetic
effects, optical properties and general applications.
12 Hours
Unit IV
Nanostructured materials: Introduction, electronic and optical properties: quantum
confinement effect. Synthesis of nanoparticles: gas phase and colloidal synthesis. Carbon
based nanomaterials: qualitative ideas of carbon nanotubes and graphene. Magnetic
nanostructures. Applications of nanomaterials.
Characterization techniques: X-ray diffraction, optical spectroscope, scanning electron
and transmission electron microscopies. The basic concepts of scanning tunneling and
atomic force microscopies.
12 Hours
Course Outcomes:
The specific outcomes of this course are as under:
The experimental discovery and various experimental properties of superconductors
can be understood.
The concept and predictions of fundamental BCS theory of superconductivity can be
The concepts, classification, and important properties of new materials like
amorphous semiconductors, polymers and liquid crystals can be explored.
Nanoscience is emerging branch of Physics, its concepts, importance,
characterizations are studied and selected applications will be explored.
Text Books
1. Introduction to Solid State Physics: C. Kittel, Editions: 2,5,6,7, Wiley Eastern Ltd.,
2. Elementary Solid State Physics: M.A. Omar Addison-Wesley Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,
3. Amorphous Semiconductors: D. Adler, CRC, London, (1972).
4. Introduction to Nanotechnolgy: C.P. Poole Jr. and F.J. Owens, John Wiley and Sons,
Singapore (2006).
5. Nano: The Essentials: T. Pradeep, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing New Delhi (2007).
Reference Books
1. Solid State Physics : A. J. Dekker, Macmillan India Ltd., Bangalore (1981)
2. Solid State Physics: F. W. Aschroft and N. D. Mermin, Saunders College Publishing,
New York, (1976).
3. Electronic processes in Non-Crystalline Materials : N. F. Mott and E. A. Davis,
Clarendon press, Oxford, (1979).
4. Nanoscale Materials – (Ed) L.M. Liz-Marzan and P.V.Kamat, (Kluwer, 2003)
5. Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology, (Ed) H.S.Nalwa, (Academic,2002)
6. Elements of Solid State Physics (2nd Ed): J.P. Srivastava, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi (2009)
7. Solid State Physics, J.D. Patterson and B.C. Bailey, Springer Verlag, Berlin (2007)
PG85T 404E Analog and Digital Modulation
Teaching hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
Unit I
Amplitude Modulation: Amplitude Modulation, Theory, Frequency spectrum of the AM
wave, Representation of AM, Power relations in the AM wave, Generation of AM, Basic
requirements, Modulated transistor amplifiers, Single Sideband Techniques, Evolution and
Description of SSB, Suppression of Carrier, Effect of nonlinear resistance on added signals,
balanced modulator, Suppression of unwanted Sideband, filter system, phase shift method,
The "third" method, System evaluation and comparison, Vestigial sideband transmission, AM
transmitter and receiver, TRF and super heterodyne receivers, SNR in DSBSC and SSBSC
12 Hours
Unit II
Frequency Modulation: Theory of Frequency and Phase Modulation, Description of
Systems, Mathematical Representation of FM, Frequency Spectrum of FM Wave, Phase
Modulation, Intersystem Comparisons, Noise and Frequency Modulation, Effects of Noise on
Carrier Noise Triangle, Pre emphasis and De emphasis, Comparison of Wideband and
Narrowband FM, Stereophonic FM Multiplex System, Generation of Frequency Modulation,
Direct Methods, Stabilized Reactance Modulator AFC, Indirect Method, Basic FM
12 Hours
Unit III
Analog Pulse Modulation: Sampling theorem for band pass signals, Pulse Amplitude
modulation: generation and demodulation, PAM/TDM system, PPM generation and
demodulation, PWM, Spectra of Pulse modulated signals, SNR calculations for pulse
modulation systems. Waveform coding: quantization, PCM, DPCM, Delta modulation,
Adaptive delta modulation Design of typical systems and performance analysis.
12 Hours
Unit IV
Pulse Shaping, Nyquist criterion for zero ISI, Signaling with duobinary pulses, Eye diagram,
Equalizer, Scrambling and descrambling. Signal space concepts: geometric structure of the
signal space, L2 space, distance, norm and inner product, orthogonality Base band pulse data
transmission: Matched filter receiver, Inter symbol interference, Gram Schmidt
Orthogonalization Procedure. Digital modulation schemes: Coherent Binary Schemes: ASK,
FSK, PSK, MSK. Coherent Mary Schemes, Calculation of average probability of error for
different modulation schemes.
12 ours
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to-
Get a complete knowledge of use of modulation in electronic communication,
amplitude modulation, the instrumentation and techniques of amplitude modulation,
transmitters and receivers used in amplitude modulation and their functioning.
Understand theory of frequency modulation, FM instrumentation, its advantages over
AM, experimental techniques of FM, etc.
Learn the basics of pulse modulation, types of pulse modulation, pulse amplitude
modulation, pulse position modulation, pulse width modulation and other methods
that form basis of Digital Communication.
Deal with communication techniques which lie in the base band region with
explanation of inter symbol interference, pulse data transmission, scrambling and
descrambling, pulse shaping, etc.
Will be able to implement the above practically with the help of Numerical problems
Text Books
1. Electronic communications, 4th edition: Dennis Roddy and John Coolen, Prentice –
Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi (1997)
2. Modern Communication Systems – principles and applications: Leon W. Couch II,
Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi (1998).
3. Electronic Communication systems – 4th edition: George Kennedy and Bernard Davis,
Tata McGraw – Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi (1999).
4. Communication Systems, 3rd ed., Simon Haykin, John Wiley & Sons.
5. Modern Digital and Analog Communication, 3rd Ed., B.P. Lathi, Oxford University
Reference Books
1. Communication Systems: Simon Haykin, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi (1978).
2. Radio Engineering: G. K. Mittal, Khanna Publishers, Delhi (1998).
PG85T 404N Nuclear Reactors and Nuclear Decays
Teaching hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
Unit I
Nuclear Fission: Bohr-Wheeler theory of nuclear fission, saddle point, scission point,
barrier penetration, shell correction to the liquid drop model, Strutinsky’s smoothing
procedure, evidence for the existence of second well in fission isomers. Nuclear fission with
heavy ions. Nuclear fission-fission time scale.
Nuclear Fusion: Basic fusion processes, characteristics of fusion, fusion in stars. Controlled
thermonuclear reactions. magnetic pressure, pinch effect, magnetic confinement systems for
controlled thermonuclear fusion.
12 Hours
Unit II
Slowing down of Neutrons: Slowing down of neutrons by elastic collisions, – logarithmic
decrement in energy, number of collisions for thermalization, slowing down power,
moderating ratio.
Neutron diffusion: Elementary theory of diffusion of neutrons, spatial distributions of
neutron flux (I) in an infinite slab with a plane source at one end (II) in an infinite medium
with point source at the center – reflections of neutrons – albedo.
Reactor Theory: Slowing down density – Fermi age equation correction for absorption –
resonance escape probability – the pile equations – buckling-critical size for spherical and
rectangular piles – condition for chain reaction – the four factor formula – Classification of
reactors – thermal neutron and fast breeder reactors.
12 Hours
Unit III
Beta decay: Classification of beta transition on the basis of ft values, selection rules and
shapes of beta spectra. Universal fermi interaction.. The neutrino in beta decay-inverse beta
decay processes- detection of neutrino; Cowan and Reins experiment, determination of
neutrino mass, different types of neutrinos, Symmetry breaking in beta decay- parity
operation: relevance of psedoscalar quantities. The Wu-Ambler experiment and fall of parity
conservation. Discovery of W and Z bosons. Double beta decay, beta delayed nucleon
emission .Elementary theory of K-electron capture.
12 Hours
Unit IV
Gamma decay: Qualitative discussion of multiple radiation, selection rules, determination
of gamma decay transition probability for single particle transition in nuclei-Weisskopf’s
estimates, comparison with experimental values. Elementary theory of internal conversion
and discussion of experimental results. Lifetime measurements, the angular correlation for
dipole-dipole transitions, gamma-gamma correlation studies. Polarization of gamma
12 Hours
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, a student should be able to
Learn the theory of nuclear fission, evidence for the existence of second well in fission
isomers, nuclear fission with heavy ions and nuclear fission-fission time scale.
Understand the basic nuclear fusion processes, controlled thermonuclear reactions
and magnetic confinement systems for controlled thermonuclear fusion.
Text Books
1. Structure of the Nucleus: M. A. Preston and R.K. BhaduriAddision – Wesley (1975).
2. Nuclear Physics Vol. II: S. N. Goshal. S. Chand and Company (2013).
3. Introductory Nuclear Physics : Kenneth S. Krane, John Wiley and sons (1998)
4. Subatomic Physics: Nuclei and Particles (Volume – II): Luc Valentin North Holland
5. Introduction to Neutron Physics: L. F. Curtis, East west press (1958).
6. Nuclear Reactor Engineering: Glasstone S and Sesonske A, CBS, Delhi, (1994)
Reference Books
1. Theoretical Nuclear Physics: J. M. Blatt and V. F. Weisskoff, Wiley (1992).
2. Subatomic Physics (Second Edition) : Hans Frauenfelder and E.M.Henley, Prentice
Hall (1991)
3. Introduction to Nuclear Physics: Herald. A. Enge, Addison-Wesley (1983).
4. Introductory Nuclear Physics: Samuel S. M. Wong, Prentice – Hall (1996).
5. Reactor Physics: Zweifel P F, International student Edn. (McGraw Hill, 1973)
PG85P 405A: Atomic & Molecular Physics Practical – III
Contact hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
1. Rotational analysis of (0, 0) band of BeO:
2. Study of Spatial and Temporal Coherence of He-Ne Laser:
3. Determination of refractive index of the material using He-Ne Laser
4. Study of Absorption spectra on a Single Beam Spectrophotometer
5. Fiber Optic Sensors
6. Vibrational analysis of emission bands of N2.
7. Rotational spectral analysis of N2
8. Measurements of Emission spectra on USB Spectrometer
9. Vibrational Analysis of Emission band spectrum of C2
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, a student should be able to
Learn analysis of given atomic and molecular wavelength data by applying theoretical
principles learnt by them.
Learn how to analyze given empirical data so as to validate theoretical models.
Learn advanced level of principles of instrumental methods and taking spectral
measurements on a given spectrometer system, organize and analyze data.
Reference Books
1. Experimental Spectroscopy (3rd Edition) : R. A. Sawyer. Dover Publication, Inc, New
York (1963).
2. Atomic Spectra and Atomic Structure (2nd Edition) – G. Herzberg. Dover Publication
New York (1944)
3. Atomic Spectra – H.E. White, Mc Graw –Hill, New York (1934).
4. A Course of Experiments with He-Ne Lasers (2nd Edition): R. S. Sirohi. Wiley Eastern,
New Delhi (1991).
5. Principles of Lasers: Svelto. O, Plenum Press New York (1982).
6. Lab. Manuals.
7. Molecular Spectra & Molecular Structure Vol. I: G. Herzberg, D. Van Nostrand Co, New
York (1950)
8. Instrumental Methods of Analysis: H. H. Willard, L. L. Merrit, J. A. Dean and F. A. Settle,
J. K. Jain for CBS Publishers (1986)
9. The Identification of Molecular Spectra: R.W. B. Pears & A. G. Gaydon, Wiley, New York
10. Fiber Optic Laboratory Experiments: Joel N.G
PG85P 405C: Condensed Matter Physics Practical – III
Contact hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
1. Indexing of hexagonal systems.
2. Precise parameter determination:
a. Extrapolation method.
b. Cohen’s method
3. Structure determination of CdTe.
4. Universal curves for ferromagnets
5. Determination of skin depth
6. Phase transition in ferroelectric crystals
7. Temperature dependence of susceptibity of a paramagnetic substance
8. Characteristics of a solar cell
9. Defect formation energy in metals
10. Diamagnetic susceptibility of water molecule.
11. Fermi energy of copper
12. Dielectric constant of non polar liquids (benzene)
13. Dipole moment of organic molecule (acetone)
14. BH curve using integrator
(New experiments/assignments may be added)
Course Outcomes:
The specific outcomes of this course are as under:
Indexing of tetragonal and hexagonal patterns can experimentally realize.
Precise lattice parameters on the experimentally recorded X-ray patterns can be
Characterization of solar cell, magnetic materials and skin depth in metals can be
carried out.
Many other experiments to measure the basic properties of dielectrics and
ferroelectrics can be carried out under this course.
Reference Books
1. X ray diffraction: B.D. Cullity, Addison Wesley, New York (1972).
2. X ray diffraction procedures: H.P. Klug and L.E. Alexander, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
3. Interpretation of X ray powder diffraction pattern: H.P. Lipson and H. Steeple,
Macmillan, London (1968).
4. Introduction to Solid State Physics : 5th Edn C. Kittel, Wiley Eastern Ltd., Bangalore
5. Elementary Solid State Physics : M. A. Omar, Addison Wesley Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
6. Introduction to magnetochemistry: A. Earnshaw, Academic press, London (1968).
7. Solid State Physics : A. J. Dekker, Macmillan India Ltd., Bangalore (1981)
8. Solid State Physics : N. W. Aschroft and A. D. Mermin, Saunders College Publishing
New York (1976)
PG85P 405E: Electronics & Communication Practical – III
Contact hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
(8085 Interfacing)
1. Stepper motor interface
2. ADC and DAC circuit interfacing
(8085 programming)
1. Mathematical operations, block transfer and sorting of 8-bit data
2. Mathematical operations with 16-bit data
3. Code conversion methods
4. 8085 Interrupts and subroutines
(New experiments /Assignments may be added)
References Books
1. Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with 8085/8080 A:
Ramesh S. Gaonkar, New Age International Publishers Ltd.
2. Microcomputer theory and Applications: Rafiquzzaman Mohamed, John Wiley and
Sons, New York (1987)
3. Introduction to Microprocessors (3rd Edition): Aditya P. Mathur, Tata – Mc Graw –
Hall Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi (1989)
4. Modern Digital and Analog Communication, 3rd Ed., B.P. Lathi, Oxford University
PG85P 405N: Nuclear & Particle Physics Practical – III
Contact hours per week: 4
No. of credits: 4
1. Z dependence of external bremsstrahlung
2. Anthracene crystal beta ray spectrometer
3. Electron capture transition energy using internal bremsstrahlung
4. Coincidence circuit
5. Si(Li) beta ray spectrometer
6. Digital to analog converter circuits
7. Half life of 40K
8. Gamma gamma angular correlation
9. Nuclear reaction analysis
10. Schmidt trigger circuit using transistors and IC 555
11. Charge sensitive pre amplifier using LF 357
12. Function generator using IC 741
(New experiments/assignments may be added)
Course Outcomes:
The specific outcomes of this course are as under:
Understand the Z2 dependence of external bremsstrahlung radiations using
NaI(Tl)gamma ray spectrometer using 90Sr – 90Y beta source.
Design and construct the double coincidence circuit using transistors, study its output
wave form and determine its resolving time.
Understand the energy spectrum of beta particles using 204Tl source and determine
the end point energy of beta particles from 204Tl using Si(Li) detector spectrometer.
Determine the K shell internal conversion coefficient αK of 137Ba using NaI(Tl) gamma
ray spectrometer.
Determine the half-life of 40K using GM counting system and to analyze the results.
Determine the range of 1.150 MeV beta particles from 210Pb by Feather's method
using G.M. counting system with unknown source 204Tl.
Determine the effective atomic number of brass by measuring gamma ray
attenuation coefficient using NaI(Tl) gamma ray spectrometer.
Reference Books
1. Experiments in Modern Physics: A.C. Melissions, Academic Press (NY) (1966).
2. Experiments in Nuclear Science, ORTEC Application Note. ORTEC, (1971)
(Available in Nuclear Physics Laboratory).
3. Practical Nucleonics: F. J. Pearson., R. R. Osborne, E & F. N. Spon Ltd., London (1960).
4. The Atomic Nucleus: R. D. Evans, tata Mc Graw Hill Pub. Comp. Ltd. (1960).
5. Nuclear Radiation Detectors: R. D. Kapoor V.S. Ramamurthy, Wiley Eastern Ltd
6. Experimental Nucleonics: E. Bleuler, G. J. Goldsmith, Rinehart & Co. Inc. (NY) (1958)
7. A manual of experiments in reactor physics: Frank A. Valente the Macmillan company
8. A practical introduction to electronic circuits: Martin Harthley Jones Cambridge
University Press (1977).
9. Integrated Circuit Projects: R. M. Marston Newnes Technical Books (1978).
10. Semiconductor Projects: R. M. Marston A Newnes Technical Books (1978).
11. Linear Integrated Circuits: D. Roy Choudhary and Shail Jain, New Age International
12. Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits: Ramakanth A Gayakawad, Prentice-Hall of
India (1995).
PG85PJ 406: Project
Contact hours per week: 6
No. of credits: 6
PG85PJ 406A: Project in Atomic & Molecular Physics
Topic(s) for the project may be selected in consultation with the project supervisor.
Course Outcomes:
The specific outcomes of this course are as under:
The students directly acquire experiential learning by handling physical devices,
instruments, etc., while setting up an experiment or by reading in-depth assigned
subject for theoretical analysis.
The students learn how to select a problem for the project study by reading
monographs, scientific papers and review articles.
The students learn the scientific methodology in carrying out project work including
planning and execution of the experiment, taking measurements, analyzing data and
organizing all the results into a systematic project dissertation.
The students learn the importance of team work, mutual participation and nurture
their motivation either toward theoretical or experimental work.
Topic(s) for the project may be selected in consultation with the project supervisor.
Course Outcomes:
The specific outcomes of this course are as under:
Project helps students to search the research problem.
It also helps to carry out the systematic research work on individual topics with the
help of research mentor.
Students also leans how present, prepare and if possible, to publish their findings in
the projects work.
PG85PJ 406E: Project in Electronics & Communications
Topic(s) for the project may be selected in consultation with the project supervisor.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to implement a Project in
analog/digital electronics under guidance of a supervisor
Topic(s) for the project may be selected in consultation with the project supervisor.
Course Outcomes:
The specific outcomes of this course are as under:
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the scientific principles, gain
experience in researchable to design the nuclear physics research project.
Understand need of literature review to decide the research problem and understand
the synthesis methods and characterization techniques for different applications.
Understand and get familiar with operation of various instruments and software for
characterizations, data collection and analysis of results using computer programs.
Understand how to analyze, interpret the experimental data, make conclusions based
on the results and able to write a research article and scientific research project.
They will understand the research methodology and will help them in their future
research career.