Applying Nursing Theories To Research - May. 28 at 1 - 24 PM
Applying Nursing Theories To Research - May. 28 at 1 - 24 PM
Applying Nursing Theories To Research - May. 28 at 1 - 24 PM
Bruce Chesson
paradigm is defined by four key areas: patient, nurse, health, and environment. Nursing
philosophies help to understand each sector of this paradigm further while explaining a particular
worldview, outlook on life, and how things work. Conceptual frameworks, or grand nursing
theories, help further describe nursing philosophies. Finally, middle-range theories provide
This analytical assignment will identify grand and middle-range nursing theories and
their use in research. It will examine the application of each theory to research and then apply it
Grand nursing theories help to describe nursing philosophies further. Philosophies define
how a person views the world. They help one understand how the world works and can often
include a spiritual component that motivates the individual. Grand nursing theories provide a
framework in which it operates. They focus on a particular area of nursing practice and guide
actual interventions or testable concepts. Middle-range theories bridge the gap between grand
McEwen and Wills (2018) note that “grand nursing theories guide research and assist
scholars to integrate the results of numerous diverse investigations so that the findings may be
applied to education, practice, further research, and administration” (p. 130). An example of a
grand nursing theory that guides research is Florence Nightingale’s environmental theory. The
pioneer of modern-day nursing posited that the environment significantly affects the health of the
A study published in the Nurse Leader Journal found just that. Nurse leaders are
responsible for influencing facility design decisions and evaluating their outcomes (Gregory et
al., 2022). Environmental adaptation should improve the delivery of care and follow evidence-
based design. This is because the nurse can be positioned to deliver care, which improves patient
health outcomes optimally. Suboptimal floor layouts and cluttered patient rooms lead to
increased medication administration errors, higher incidence of pressure injuries, more falls, and
overall poorer outcomes for the patient (Gregory et al., 2022). In this example, Nightingale’s
environmental theory was prescribed to suggest floor layouts and ergonomic designs.
Theory, is a middle-range nursing theory described by Ramona Mercer in the early 1980s. This
theory defines the action of a woman stepping into the role of motherhood and achieving
competence in this area (McEwen & Wills, 2018). However, there was little consensus on the
practical definition of neonatal nursing until The Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery
woman’s life, so neonatal nurses must understand this process to care for their patients (Rafii et
al., 2020). Their research found apparent factors in maternal role attainment, such as maternal
process influenced by many factors. Understanding this process is essential to improving the
quality of care for infants and their parents (Rafii et al., 2020). In this case, Mercer’s model was
used in a descriptive and explanatory manner to guide practice. A neonatal intensive care unit or
nursery manager could apply this research to guide care in their setting, thereby improving
The above discussion exemplifies how nursing theories have been used in research to
improve clinical practice. Nurse administrators, including managers and executive-level officers,
can use theories like the ones previously mentioned to continue improving outcomes, controlling
costs, and creating policy. This is the primary function of nurse executives.
Using the above examples, a nurse leader uses Nightingale’s environmental theory to
suggest unit layout and improve design to optimize patient care delivery (Gregory et al., 2022).
In the second example, the nurse leader uses Mercer’s Becoming a Mother theory to understand
further the principles behind attaining the maternal role. By understanding these principles,
neonatal nurses can understand their patients better and deliver higher-quality care, thus
improving outcomes (Rafii et al., 2020). Furthermore, a research article in The Scandinavian
Journal of Caring Sciences concludes that practice guided by nursing theory has a higher
efficacy than traditional nursing practice and that theory-guided practice should continue to be
Grand nursing theories help to define broad concepts of nursing philosophies, whereas
middle-range theories assist in describing interventions that can be used in clinical practice. Each
improve the quality of healthcare delivery, control costs, and create policy. Theory-guided
practice has a proven track record of improving patient outcomes (Younas & Quennell, 2019).
The future of advanced nursing practice is bright, and nursing theories are paramount to
sustaining that brightness. Nurse practitioners and leaders alike will be required to continue to
expand their theoretical knowledge to improve the quality of life for their patients. Theories are
essential to developing advanced nursing practice, and postgraduate programs must embrace and
Gregory, D. D., Stichler, J. F., & Zborowsky, T. (2022). Adapting and creating healing
environments: Lessons nurses have learned from the covid-19 pandemic. Nurse leader,
Hansen, B., & Dysvik, E. (2022). Expanding the theoretical understanding in advanced practice
nursing: Framing the future. Nursing Forum, 57(6), 1593–1598. Retrieved May 28, 2024,
McEwen, M., & Wills, E. M. (2018). Theoretical basis for nursing (5th ed.). LWW.
Rafii, F., Alinejad-Naeini, M., & Peyrovi, H. (2020). Maternal role attainment in mothers with
term neonate: A hybrid concept analysis. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery
Younas, A., & Quennell, S. (2019). Usefulness of nursing theory‐guided practice: An integrative