CA QP 2023

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illlflitiilil iltilil flilrriltflil NP - 317

ll Semester B.C.A. Exami nffi^fitusUSeptember 2A23

2.1 : Computer Architecture
Time . ZYz Haurs Max. Marks :60

lnstruction : Answer all the Secfibns.


l. Answer any four questions. Each question carries 2 marks. (4x2=$)

1) Define computer architecture. Mention different types of computer
2) Write a Gray code for decimal number 1 to 10.
3) What is register ? Define different types of computer register.
4) Differentiate between CISC and RISC.

5) Draw a logic diagram for 4-bit arithmetic circuit.

6) Define different types of semi conductor memories.


ll. Answer any four questions. Each question carries 5 marks. (4x5=20)
7) Simplify F (W, X,Y,Z)= I (0, 1, 2, 4,5, 6, 8, 9, 12,13, 14) using K-Map and
draw a circuit diagrpm for the same.
8) Define shift register. Explain shift register with parallel load along with a
neat diagram.

9) Briefly explain common bus system of basic computer with a neat

10) Write a short note on :

Programrned l/O.

11) Explain different types of CPU organization.

12) Explain memory hierarchy in computer system.

NP - 317 riilrifii ilfit ilt ilffi iffitlil i[i


lll. Answer any four questions. Each question carries 8 marks. (4x8=32)
13) i) Explain decoder with neat diagram. 4
ii) Define flipflop. lllustrate working of JK-flipflops. 4

14) Explain sequential circuit, logic diagram, state table and state diagram
with example. I
15) Draw the flow charl for basic computer operation. I
16) Explain difterent types of addressing mode. I
17) i) Explain DMA controller. 4
ii) Compare RISC and CISC processors. 4

18) i) Explain memory mapped l/O. 4

ii) Write a note on virtual memory. 4

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