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IHIillllilllllll lllli illll llrlllll NP - 3'!9
trl Semester B.C"A. Examination, AugusUSeptember 2023
(NEP Scheme)
Paper - 2.3 : Database Managernent Systein
Tima ' 91/" l-.].nrrrq Max. Marks : 60

lnstruction : Answer all Sectians" +\


l. Answer any four questions. Each question carries two marks-- (4x2=$)

1) Define Database. Mention any two advantages of DBMS.

2) What is Data Model ?

3) What do you mean by an entity and an attribute ?

4') Define the terms tracks and sector.

5) What is the purpose of GRANT and REVOKE statement ?

6) Define two phase locking. l


ll. Answer any four questions. Each question carries five marks. (4x5=20)

7) Describe the three schema architecture of DBMS with a neat diagram.

8) Define relationship. Explain the different types of relationships with an

9) Explain key constraints with an example.

10) Explain outer join with syntax and an example.
1 1) Differentiate between DBMS and RDBMS.
12) What is transaction ? Explain the ACID properties of transaction.

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lll. Answer any four questions. Each question carries eight marks. (4x8=32)
13) a) Define DBA. Explain the roles and responsibilities of DBA. 4
b) What is data independenee ? Explain the two types of data
independence. 4
14) Gonstruct an EFt diagram of company database. I
15) a) Explain selection and projection with syntax and an example. 6
b) What is domain constraint ? 2

16) What is normalization ? Mention all normal forms with an example. I

17\ a) Explain DML statements with syntax and an example. 4
b) Explain datatypes in SQL. 4
18) a) Explain concurrency control based on time stamp ordering. 4
b) Explain binary locking. 4

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