12th Zoology Chapter 1 To 4 Sura Guide em 214857
12th Zoology Chapter 1 To 4 Sura Guide em 214857
12th Zoology Chapter 1 To 4 Sura Guide em 214857
Namma Kalvi
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12th Standard
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Based on the New Syllabus and
New Textbook for the year 2019-20
Salient Features
UNIT I Chapter 1
in Organisms
1.1 Modes of reproduction
1.2. Asexual reproduction
1.3. Sexual reproduction
Sexual reproduction : Participation of two individuals and involves formation of male and female gamete.
Fission : Division of parent body into two or more identical Daughter individuals.
Binary fission : Parent organism divides into two daughter cells.
Multiple fission : Parent body divides into many similar daughter cells.
of asexual reproduction.
Apolysis : Separation of gravid proglottids from the body of a tape worm.
Regeneration : Regrowth in the injured region.
External fertilization : Fusion of male & female gametes takes place outside the body of the female organism.
Internal fertilization : Fusion of male and female gametes takes place within the body of the female organism.
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Concept Map
Chapter 1
Transverse fission
Binary fission Longitudinal fission
Oblique fission
o Budding
Exogenous budding
Endogenous budding
External fertilization
Internal fertilization
Reproduction Sexual Conjugation Autogamy
Automixis Exogamy
Oviparous Merogamy
Ovoviviparous Isogamy
Viviparous Anisogamy
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1. In which type of parthenogenesis are only Reason: Asexual reproduction involves
males produced? only mitosis and no meiosis.
(a) Arrhenotoky (b) Thelytoky A B C D
(c) Amphitoky (d) Both a and b [Ans. (C) If A is true but R is false]
[Ans. (a) Arrhenotoky] III. Assertion: Viviparous animals give better
protection to their offsprings.
2. Animals giving birth to young ones: Reason: They lay their eggs in the safe places
(a) Oviparous (b) Oviviviparous of the environment.
(c) Viviparous (d) Both a and b A B C D
[Ans. (c) Viviparous] [Ans. (C) A is true but R is false]
3. The mode of asexual reproduction in bacteria 6. Name an organism where cell division is itself
is by a mode of reproduction.
Reproduction in Organisms
(a) Formation of gametes Ans. Bacteria, Amoeba.
(b) Endospore formation
7. Name the phenomenon where the female
(c) Conjugation
gamete directly develops into a new organism
(d) Zoospore formation
with an avian example.
[Ans. (b) Endospore formation]
Ans. Phenomenon – Parthenogenesis
4. In which mode of reproduction variations are Eg: Turkey.
8. What is parthenogenesis? Give two examples
(a) Asexual (b) Parthenogenesis from animals.
(c) Sexual (d) Both a and b Ans. (i) Development of an egg into a complete
I. Assertion: In bee society, all the members of species and introduces variations
are diploid except drones. in organisms which are essential for
Reason: Drones are produced by adaptation and evolution of their own kind.
II. Assertion: Offsprings produced by asexual involves uniparental inheritance and cannot
reproduction are genetically identical to the bring about variation.
parent. (iii) Thus, sexual & asexual reproduction can
help to create the next generation but only
sexual reproduction is said to be more
effective than asexual reproduction
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individual. This is seen in unicellular parthenogenesis occurs, and it is described
organism like bacteria, Amoeba etc. as incomplete parthenogenesis. It is a kind
(ii) At maturity the single parent cell divides, of natural parthenogenesis.
to form the daughter cells. The parent cell During sexual reproduction, the fertilized
does not die but it becomes a part of the eggs (zygotes) develop into queen bee and
daughter cells formed. workers (females). The unfertilized eggs
(iii) Thus the unicellular organisms which develop into drones (males). This honey
reproduce by binary fission are considered bees are called parthenogenesis animals.
immortal. In honey bees the normal chromosomal
(iv) In other cases of asexual reproduction, number in a cell is 2n = 32. Gametes
the parent produces special structures (sperms & egg) will have only n = 16
like buds, spores etc for reproduction but chromosomes since they are haploid. The
the parent organism continues to live and female bees are formed by fertilization of
grow. It dies a natural death. gametes.
11. Why is the offspring formed by asexual sperm (n) + egg (n) = 2n
reproduction referred as a clone? Therefore they have 32 chromosomes.
Ans. Clones refers to the group of genetically Since the drones (males) are formed
identical cells or organisms asexually produced from unfertilized eggs(n) they have only
Ans. Oviparous animals lay eggs outside their body. (a) Binary Fission in Multiple fission in
These eggs are exposed to various environmental Amoeba Plasmodium
conditions and may be eaten by predators also.
They face lot of risks until the young ones The nucleus divides The nucleus divides
hatche. But the offsprings of viviparous animals mitotically only once. repeatedly
are more safe and protected in the maternal The cell constricts The cytoplasm divides
womb until they are born. in the middle after into as many parts
nuclear division to as that of nuclei and
13. Give reasons for the following: form the daughter each part encircles a
(a) Some organisms like honey bees are cells. daughter nucleus.
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form a bud. Nucleus of the of its cells and is
parent cell divides and a multicellular. individual upto reproductive maturity.
daughter nuclei enters the (ii) During reproductive phase/ maturity
bud which is unicellular. phase the organisms reproduce and their
offsprings reach maturity period.
A Chain of buds may be Chain of buds
formed in the parent cell at are not formed. (iii) Senescent phase begins at the end of
times. reproductive phase when degeneration
sets in the structure and functioning of the
In both cases, the buds separate and lead an
independent life
Reproduction in Organisms
(c) Regeneration is regrowth in the injured region 16. What is the difference between syngamy and
Regeneration in Regeneration in
Ans. The entire process involved in fusion of male
Planaria lizard
and female gamete in sexual reproduction
It shows the Lizard shows the is called fertilization. It includes the entry of
morphallaxis type of epimorphosis type of sperm into the egg followed by fusion of nuclei
regeneration in which regeneration in which to form a zygote. Syngamy refers to the process
the whole body grows replacement of lost of fusion of the male & female gametes. (fusion
from a small fragment body parts occur. of cytoplasm and nuclei)
The whole body can It shows the restorative
Additional Questions
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6. Giant Amoeba refers to _________ 15. Paedogamy is the sexual union of ____
(a) Opalina (b) Pelomyxa (a) morphologically different gametes
(c) Ceratium (d) Trichonympha (b) physiologically different gametes
[Ans. (b) Pelomyxa] (c) young individuals immediately after the
formation from parents
7. ________ is seen in Aurelia.
(d) dissimilar gametes
(a) Binary fission (b) Regeneration
[Ans. (c) young individuals immediately after
(c) Sporulation (d) Strobilation
the formation from parent cell]
[Ans. (d) Strobilation]
16. ________ is a seasonal breeder
8. Budding is seen in ________
(a) Poultry (b) Honey bees
(a) Noctiluca (b) Amoeba
(c) Deers (d) Rabbit
(c) Nostoc (d) Planaria
[Ans. (c) Deers]
[Ans. (a) Noctiluca]
17. Technique used for cultivation of sponges is
9. Gemmules are ________
based on ______
(a) Exogenous growth
(a) Multiple fission (b) Parthenogenesis
(b) Daughter nuclei
(c) Regeneration (d) Autogamy
(c) Internal buds
[Ans. (c) Regeneration]
(d) Regenerated parts
[Ans. (c) Internal buds] 18. External fertilization is seen is _______
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(c) Oblique binary fission in seen in flagellates . (b) Longitudinal binary fission
(d) Simple binary fission in seen in Amoeba. (c) Simple binary fission
[Ans. (c) Oblique by fission in seen in (d) Oblique binary fission
flagellates] [Ans. (a) Transverse binary fission]
24. All of the following are methods of asexual 2. Special type of transverse division seen in
reproduction except. Aurelia is called ________.
(a) Regeneration (b) Conjugation (a) plasmotomy (b) strobilation
(c) Sporulation (d) Fragmentation (c) pedal laceration (d) sporulation
Reproduction in Organisms
[Ans. (d) Conjugation] [Ans. (b) strobilation]
25. This is a method of sexual reproduction 3. Fragmentation in sea Anemone is also known
in which individuals of the same species as ________.
temporarily write and exchange certain (a) morphallaxis (b) pedal laceration
amount of nuclear material and then get (c) archaeocytes (d) epimorphosis
separated. [Ans. (b) pedal laceration]
(a) Syngamy (b) Conjugation
4. Endogenous buds are seen in _________.
(c) Parthenogenesis (d) Paedogenesis (a) Trichonympha (b) Hydra
[Ans. (b) Conjugation] (c) Actinosphaerium (d) Noctiluca
26. All the following animals are continuous [Ans. (d) Noctiluca]
breeders, except. 5. The gravid proglottids are cut off from the
(a) Frogs (b) Honey bees parent body in ________
(c) Poultry (d) Rabbit (a) Tapeworm (Taenia solium)
28. In honey bees, the unfertilized egg produces. 7. Regeneration was first studied in _______
(a) Queen bee (b) Worker bee (a) star fish (b) Planaria
(c) Drones
29. This is the sexual union of young individuals (a) epimorphosis - reparative
produced immediately after the division of the (b) epimorphosis (restorative)
adult parent cell by mitosis. (c) morphallaxis
(a) Paedogamy (b) Hologamy (d) paedogenesis
(c) Merogamy (d) Anisogamy [Ans. (b) epimorphosis (restorative)]
[Ans. (a) Paedogamy]
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(c) merogamy (d) isogamy (iii) In autogamy, the male and female
[Ans. (a) Paedogamy] gametes are produced by the same cell.
10. _________ refers to the fusion of small sized, (iv) Internal fertilization occurs in frogs
morphologically different gametes (a) i and iii (b) i and iv
(a) Isogamy (b) Hologamy (c) ii and iii (d) ii and iv
(c) Paedogamy (d) Merogamy [Ans. (a) i and iii]
[Ans. (d) Merogamy] 2. (i) Lizard is a continuous breeder.
11. Fusion of morphologically and physiologically (ii) Asexual reproduction is also known as
similar gametes is called ________. somatogenic reproduction
(a) anisogamy (b) hologamy (iii) In repeated fission, young ones do not
(c) isogamy (d) merogamy separate till fission process is completed.
[Ans. (c) isogamy] (iv) strobilation is a kind of longitudinal
12. Exchange of certain amount of nuclear material (a) i and iii (b) i, ii and iv
during sexual reproduction is called ________. (c) ii and iii (d) ii and iv
(a) strobilation (b) conjugation [Ans. (c) ii and iii]
(c) pedal laceration (d) sporulation
[Ans. (b) conjugation] IV. Match the following
13. Paedogenetic parthenogenesis is seen in ____
1. 1. Strobilation (a) Hydra
B) 1 – d 2 – a 3 – c 4 – b
14. In ______ types of natural parthenogenesis C) 1 – d 2 – a 3 – b 4 – c
only females are produced. D) 1 – a 2 – d 3 – c 4 – b
(a) Thelytoky (b) Arrhenotoky [Ans. (B) 1 – d 2 – a 3 – c 4 – b]
(C) 1 – c 2 – b 3 – d 4–a
16. ______ is a process by which the proglottids (D) 1 – b 2 – c 3 – d 4–a
are cut off from the tapeworm. [Ans. (D) 1 – b 2–c 3–d 4 – a]
(a) Apolysis (b) pedal laceration
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A. If both A and R are true and R is correct (d) 1-A 2-E 3-D 4-B 5-C
explanation for A [Ans. (c) 1-D 2-E 3-B 4-C 5-A]
B. If both A and R are true but R is not the 2. A D
correct explanation for A
C. If A is true but R is false
D. If both A and R are false.
1. Assertion : In paramecium, the macronucleus
divides by amitosis and the micronucleus
Reproduction in Organisms
divides by mitosis. B C E
Reason : Paramecium shows transverse binary
fission Identify the correct option to label the diagram
[Ans. (A) Both A and R are true and R is 1 – Bud forming 2 – Osculum
correct explanation for A] 3 – Bud growing 4 – Daughter individual
5 – Individual parent
2. Assertion : Ovoviviparity is seen is shark
(a) 1-A 2-D 3-B 4-C 5- E
Reason : Placenta is formed to transfer nutrients
to the embryo (b) 1-B 2-D 3-C 4-E 5-A
(c) 1-D 2-E 3-B 4-C 5-A
[Ans. (C) A is true but R is false]
(d) 1-A 2-E 3-D 4-B 5-C
Assertion : The embryos of ovoviviparous
[Ans. (A) Both A and R are true and R is D
correct explanation for A]
for the parts of the diagram
1. A
C Identify the structure
1 – Immature proglottids
2 – Gravid proglottids
3 – Scolex
E 4 – Mature proglottids
5 – Neck
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[Ans. (d) Hydra]
iv. Plasmotomy - Pelomyxa Reason: It reproduces, asexually by budding
(a) i and iii (b) ii and iii whereas the others reproduce asexually by
(c) i and iv (d) i, ii and iv fission.
[Ans. (c) i and iv] 2. (a) Hydra (b) Noctiluca
2. i. Sporogony - Paramecium (c) Sea anemones (d) Leucosolenia
ii. Bacteria - Uniparental inheritance [Ans. (c) sea anemones ]
iii. Amoeba - Multiple fission Reason: It reproduces asexually by fragmentation
iv. Birds - External fertilization whereas the others reproduce a sexually by
(a) i, ii and iv (b) iii and iv Budding.
(c) ii and iv (d) ii and iii 3. (a) Conjugation (b) Hologamy
[Ans. (c) ii and iii] (c) Paedogamy (d) Regeneration
VIII. Identify the Incorrect [Ans. (d) Regeneration]
pair from the below
Reason: It is associated with asexual reproduction
whereas the others are associated with sexual
1. i. Starfish - Gemmule
ii. Exogamy - Amoeba 4. (a) Honey bees (b) Shark
iii. Tapeworm - Pig
2. i. Planaria - Morphallaxis
ii. Conjugation - Amoeba
Answer in one word*
iii. Autogamy - Paramecium
iv. Apolysis - sea anemones 1. Ovoviviparity is seen in ____ [Ans. shark]
(a) i and iii (b) ii and iv 2. _______ serves to transfer nutrients to the
(c) ii and iii (d) i, iii and iv young ones of viviparous animals before birth.
[Ans. (b) ii and iv] [Ans. placenta]
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[Ans. vorticella] 6. What is morphallaxis?
11. The multiple fission of the schizont in Ans. It is a type of regeneration. In morphallaxis,
plasmodium is called ______ the whole body grows from a small fragment.
E.g. Hydra.
[Ans. schizogony]
12. Schizogony leads to the production of _______ 7. What is epimorphosis?
in plasmodium. [Ans. Merozoites] Ans. (i) It is type of regeneration which involves
13. Multiple fission of the oocyte in plasmodium is replacement of the lost body pants. It is of
called ______. two types.
Reproduction in Organisms
[Ans. sporogony] (ii) Reparative regeneration, only certain
14. During multiple fission Amoebae produce damaged tissue can be regenerated.
________. (iii) Restorative regeneration – several body
[Ans. Amoebulae or Pseudopodiospores] parts can develop. E.g. Star fish.
15. The temporary union of two individuals of same 8. What is syngamy?
species is called ____. Ans. In syngamy, the fusion of two haploid gametes
[Ans. conjugation] takes place to produce a diploid zygote.
9. What is autogamy?
Very Short Answers 2 Marks
Ans. It is a type of fertilization. In autogamy, the male
1. Name the types of fission. and female gametes are produced by the same
Ans. Binary fission, multiple fission, sporulation, and cell or same organism and both the gametes fuse
strobilation. together to form a zygote.
E.g. Actinosphaerium and Paramecium.
2. What is peculiar about the cell division of
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unfavourable conditions
14. Define conjugation.
(iii) Sporulation - unfavourable conditions
Ans. Conjugation is the temporary union of the two
individuals of the same species. During their 22. During which stages does multiple fission
union both individuals, called the conjugants occur is plasmodium.
exchange certain amount of nuclear material Ans. In plasmodium multiple fission occurs in the
(DNA) and then get separated. E.g. Paramecium schizont and oocyte stages.
15. How are animals classified based on breeding 23. Mention the different modes of asexual
periods? reproduction.
Ans. (i) On the basis of time, breeding animals Ans. The different modes of asexual reproduction
are of two types: seasonal breeders and seen in animals are fission, sporulation,
continuous breeders. budding, gemmule formation, fragmentation
(ii) Seasonal breeders reproduce at particular and regeneration.
period of the year such as frogs, lizards, 24. Identify the parts marked as A, B, C, D and E
most birds, deers etc., Continuous breeders for the below diagram.
continue to breed throughout their sexual B
Ans. (i) Arrhenotoky – e.g. honey bees
(ii) Thelytoky – e.g. Solenobia Ans. A – Individual parent
(iii) Amphitoky – e.g. Aphis. B – Bud forming
C – Bud growing
20. With regard to asexual reproduction, mention
two phenomena seen is Hydra. D – Osculum
D – Daughter individual
Ans. Budding and Regeneration.
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D 3. Explain multiple fission in plasmodium.
Ans. (i) In Plasmodium, multiple fission occurs in
the schizont and in the oocyte stages. When
multiple fission occurs in the schizont,
the process is called schizogony and the
daughter individuals are called merozoites.
(ii) When multiple fission occurs in the oocyte,
Ans. A – Scolex
it is called sporogony and the daughter
Reproduction in Organisms
B – Neck individuals are called sporozoites.
C – Immature proglottids 4. Explain encystment in amoeba.
D – Mature proglottids
Ans. (i) During unfavorable conditions Amoeba
E – Gravid proglottids withdraws its pseudopodia and secretes
27. Identify the parts marked as A, B, C, D, E and a three-layered, protective, chitinous cyst
F for the below diagram. wall around it and becomes inactive. This
phenomenon is called encystment.
(ii) When conditions become favourable, the
F encysted Amoeba divides by multiple fission
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transferring the developed embryos from with changes. Hence conjugation is
the primary host (man) to find a secondary considered to a form of reproduction.
host (pig).
11. What are gemmules?
8. Explain the types of fertilization depending on Ans. (i) It is a mode of asexual reproduction in
the place of occurrence. sponges.
Ans. Depending upon the place where the fertilization (ii) Internal buds called gemmules are formed
takes place, it is of two types. which is a hard ball, consisting of an
(i) External fertilization: In external internal mass of food laden archaeocytes.
fertilization, the fusion of male and female (iii) During unfavourable conditions, the
gametes takes place outside the body of sponge disintegrates, but the gemmule
female organisms in the water medium. withstands adverse conditions.
E.g. sponges, fishes and amphibians. (iv) The gemmules hatch during favourable
(ii) Internal fertilization: In internal conditions.
fertilization, the fusion of male and female 12. Draw a gemmule and label any 2 parts.
gametes takes place within the body of Ans. Micropyle
female organisms. E.g. reptiles, aves and
Oviparous Viviparous
together to form a zygote.
condition condition
The young ones hatch The animals give
Only one parent is It is biparental
from eggs laid outside birth to young ones.
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placental connection with the mother and constriction
receive their nourishment from the egg yolk. (i) Identify the Process.
Ovoviviparity is seen in fishes like shark. (ii) Name the Organism.
Ans. (i) Longitudinal binary fission
15. How does budding occurs is hydra?
(ii) Euglena
Ans. (i) Buds are formed on the outer surface of
the parent body, it is known as exogenous 19. Tentacles
budding e.g. Hydra.
(ii) In Hydra when food is plenty, the ectoderm
Reproduction in Organisms
cells increase and form a small elevation Mouth
on the body surface. Manubrium
(iii) Ectoderm and endoderm are pushed out to Ephyrae budding
form the bud. The bud contains an interior
lumen in continuation with parent’s
gastrovascular cavity.
(iv) The bud enlarges, develops a mouth and a
circle of tentacles at its free end.
(v) When fully grown, the bud constricts at
17. Describe the different phases of life cycle in an Ans. (i) Regeneration is regrowth in the injured
organism. region. Regeneration was first studied in
Hydra by Abraham Trembley in 1740.
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reparative and restorative regeneration. generation of larvae by parthenogenesis.
(vi) In reparative regeneration, only certain (vii) It occurs in the sporocysts and Redia larvae
damaged tissue can be regenerated, of liver fluke. It is also seen in the larvae of
whereas in restorative regeneration several some insects. E.g. Gall fly.
body parts can develop. E.g. star fish, tail (viii) In artificial parthenogenesis, the
of wall lizard. unfertilized egg (ovum) is induced to
2. Explain parthenogenesis. develop into a complete individual by
physical or chemical stimuli. E.g. Annelid
Ans. (i) Development of an egg into a complete
and seaurchin eggs.
individual without fertilization is known
as parthenogenesis. 3. Write notes on binary fission in animals.
(ii) It was first discovered by Charles Bonnet Ans. In binary fission, the parent organism divides
in 1745. Parthenogenesis is of two main into two halves and each half forms a daughter
types namely, natural Parthenogenesis individual. The nucleus divides first amitotically
and artificial Parthenogenesis. or mitotically (karyokinesis), followed by the
(iii) In certain animals, parthenogenesis division of the cytoplasm (cytokinesis). The
occurs regularly, constantly and naturally resultant offsprings are genetically identical to
in their life cycle and is known as natural the parent. Depending on the plane of fission,
binary fission is of the following types
Natural parthenogenesis are of different (i) Simple irregular binary fission
types: (ii) Transverse binary fission
a) Arrhenotoky : In this type only males (iii) Longitudinal binary fission
are produced by parthenogenesis. (iv) Oblique binary fission
into individuals of any sex. E.g: Aphis. cytoplasm divides and forms two daughter
(iv) Natural parthenogenesis may be of two cells.
types, viz., complete and incomplete.
Complete parthenogenesis is the
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Daughter Nuclear
contractile Longitudinal binary fission in Euglena
oral groove
(iii) In longitudinal binary fission, the 1. The organisms exhibiting sexual reproduction
shows variations. Give reasons.
nucleus and the cytoplasm divides in
Reproduction in Organisms
the longitudinal axis of the organism. In Ans. (i) Sexual reproduction involves formation of
flagellates, the flagellum is retained usually gametes by meioses brings in exchange of
chromosomal segments between paternal
by one daughter cell. The basal granule is
divided into two and the new basal granule and maternal chromosomes.
forms a flagellum in the other daughter (ii) Fertilization is a chance of probability
individual. E.g. Vorticella and Euglena. because the ovum is can be fertilized by
(iv) In oblique binary fission the plane any of the sperms. Hence variations will
of division is oblique. It is seen in occur and degree of variations cannot be
dinoflagellates. E.g. Ceratium. predicted in sexual reproduction.
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Unit Test
[Time : 1 hr] [Marks: 25]
Chapter 1
I. Choose the Correct Answer. 10 × 1 = 10 (b) If both A and R are true but R is not the
correct explanation for A
1. Technique used for cultivation of sponges is
based on ______ (c) If A is true but R is false
(a) Multiple fission (b) Parthenogenesis (d) If both A and R are false.
(c) Regeneration (d) Autogamy 7. Which statement is incorrect regarding the
2. Conjugation is a type of ________ type of binary fission stated?
(a) Asexual reproduction (a) Transverse binary fission in seen in
(b) Autogamy
(c) External fertilization (b) Longitudinal binary fission in seen in
(d) Sexual reproduction
(c) Oblique binary fission in seen in flagellates.
3. Choose the correct pair (d) Simple binary fission in seen in Amoeba.
i. Shark - placenta
ii. Taenia solium - Regeneration 8. Division of cytoplasm is called ________
iii. Frog - Continuous breeder (a) karyokinesis (b) cytokinesis
iv. Plasmotomy - Pelomyxa (c) Trichonympha (d) Paedogamy
(a) i and iii (b) ii and iii 9. The mode of asexual reproduction in bacteria
(c) i and iv (d) i, ii and iv is by
(a) Formation of gametes
4. (i) Lizard is a continuous breeder.
5. Starfish shown ____ type of regeneration. 11. What is repeated fission? Give an example.
(a) epimorphosis - reparative 12. Explain apolysis.
(b) epimorphosis (restorative)
III. Short Answer 2×3=6
(c) morphallaxis
(d) paedogenesis 13. What is
(a) Merogamy (b) Hologamy
6. Assertion : Ovoviviparity is seen is shark
14. Draw a gemmula and label any two parts.
explanation for A
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UNIT I Chapter 2
2.1 Human reproductive system
2.2 Gametogenesis
2.3 Menstrual cycle
2.4 Menstrual disorders and menstrual hygiene
2.5 Fertilisation and implantation
2.6 Maintenance of pregnancy and embryonic development
2.7 Parturition and lactation
Concept Map
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Insemination : Transfer of sperms by the male into the female genital tract.
Fertilisation : Fusion of male and female gametes to form zygote is called fertilisation.
Cleavage : Rapid mitotic divisions of the zygote which convert the single celled zygote into a
multicellular structure called blastocyst.
Implantation : Attachment of blastocyst to the uterine wall.
Placentation : Formation of placenta which is the intimate connection between foetus and uterine
wall of the mother for exchange of nutrients.
Gastrulation : Process by which blastocyst is changed into a gastrula with three primary germ layers
Organogenesis : Formation of specific tissues, organs and organ systems from three germ layers.
Parturition : Expulsion of the foetus from the mother’s womb.
Sertoli cells : Elongated and pyramidal cells which provide nourishment to sperms till maturation.
Semen : Milky white fluid which contains sperms & seminal plasma
Fallopian tube : Oviduct or uterine tube which receives the egg after ovulation
Uterus : Hollow, thick – walled, inverted pear shaped structure in female reproductive system
in which implantation of embryo occurs.
Mammary glands : Modified sweat glands involved in lactation in females and rudimentary in males.
Spermatogenesis : Process of formation of sperms in seminiferous tubules of testis
Menstrual cycle : Ovarian cycle occurring once in every 28/29 days during reproductive life of female
from menarche to menopause except during pregrancy.
Graafian follicle : Mature ovarian follicle which releases the egg.
Corpus luteum : Temporary endocrine gland formed from ruptured graffian follicle during pregnancy.
Placenta : Disc shaped temporary endocrine organ formed during pregnancy which connects
foetus and uterine wall.
Gastrulation : The transformation of the blastocyst into a gastrula with the primary germ layers by
the movement of the blastomeres is called gastrulation.
Gestation : Period for which the foetus is in the mother’s womb.
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1. The mature sperms are stored in the 9. The process which the sperm undergoes before
(a) Seminiferous tubules (b) Vas deferens penetrating the ovum is
(c) Epididymis (d) Seminal vesicle (a) Spermiation (b) Cortical reaction
[Ans. (c) Epididymis] (c) Spermiogenesis (d) Capacitation
2. The male sex hormone testosterone is secreted [Ans. (d) Capacitation]
from 10. The milk secreted by the mammary glands
(a) Sertoli cells (b) Leydig cell soon after child birth is called
(c) Epididymis (d) Prostate gland (a) Mucous (b) Colostrum
[Ans. (b) Leydig cell] (c) Lactose (d) Sucrose
3. The glandular accessory organ which produces [Ans. (b) Colostrum]
the largest proportion of semen is
11. Colostrum is rich in
(a) Seminal vesicle (a) Ig E (b) Ig A
(b) Bulbourethral gland (c) Ig D (d) Ig M
(c) Prostate gland [Ans. (b) Ig A]
Human Reproduction
(d) Mucous gland [Ans. (a) Seminal vesicle]
12. The Androgen Binding Protein (ABP) is
4. The male homologue of the female clitoris is produced by
(a) Scrotum (b) Penis (a) Leydig cells (b) Hypothalamus
(c) Urethra (d) Testis (c) Sertoli cells (d) Pituitary gland
[Ans. (b) Penis] [Ans. (c) Sertoli cells]
5. The site of embryo implantation is the 13. Which one of the following menstrual
7. The most important hormone in intiating and 14. Find the wrongly matched pair
maintaining lactation after birth is (a) Bleeding phase - fall in oestrogen and
(a) Oestrogen (b) FSH
(c) Prolactin (d) Oxytocin (b) Follicular phase - rise in oestrogen
[Ans. (c) Prolactin] (c) Luteal phase - rise in FSH level
(d) Ovulatory phase - LH surge
8. Mammalian egg is
(a) Mesolecithal and non cleidoic [Ans. (c) Luteal phase - rise in FSH level]
(b) Microlecithal and non cleidoic
(c) Alecithal and non cleidoic
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(b) A and R are true, R is not the correct During foetal development, certain cells
explanation of A in the germinal epithelium of foetal ovary
(c) A is true, R is false divide by mitosis and produce millions of
(d) Both A and R are false oogonia or egg mother cells.
15. A – In human male, testes are extra (iii) No more oogonia are added after birth.
abdominal and lie in scrotal sacs. The oogonial cells enter into prophase I of
R – Scrotum acts as thermoregulator and meiosis to form primary oocytes which are
keeps temperature lower by 2°C for temporarily arrested at this stage.
normal sperm production . (iv) The primary oocytes then become primary
[Ans. (a) A and R are true, R is the follicles. From birth to puberty, a large
correct explanation of A] number of follicles degenerate. At puberty
16. A – Ovulation is the release of ovum from the primary follicle undergoes further
the Graafian follicle. development and finally releases the ovum.
R – It occurs during the follicular phase of
20. Expand the acronyms
the menstrual cycle.
a. FSH b. LH c. hCG d. hPL
[Ans. (c) A is true, R is false]
Ans. (a) FSH – Follicular Stimulating Hormone
17. A – Head of the sperm consists of acrosome (b) LH – Leutinising Hormone
and mitochondria. (c) hCG – Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
R – Acrosome contains spiral rows of
(d) hPL – Human Placental Lactogen.
[Ans. (d) Both A and R are false] 21. How is polyspermy avoided in humans?
Ans. (i) During the process of fertilization in
18. Mention the differences between
humans, the acrosome of the sperm enters
spermiogenesis and spermatogenesis.
through the corona radiata and zona
which the haploid in the formation cortical granules from the cytoplasm
spermatids formed of male gametes or of the ovum form a barrier called the
from secondary the sperms in the fertilization membrane around the ovum.
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(iv) It is loaded with immune, growth and
tissue repair factors. 26. Mention the importance of the position of the
(v) It acts as a natural antimicrobial agent to
testes in humans.
Ans. Testes are the primary male sex organs. They
actively stimulate the maturation of the
infant’s immune system. are a pair of ovoid bodies lying in the scrotum.
(vi) It is fully sufficient till 6 months of age for The scrotum is a sac of skin that hangs outside
all infants. the abdominal cavity. Since viable sperms cannot
be produced at normal body temperature,
23. Placenta is an endocrine tissue. Justify. the scrotum is placed outside the abdominal
Ans. (i) Human embryo is surrounded by 3 cavity to provide a temperature 2-3°C lower
embryonic membranes. The chorionic villi than the normal internal body temperature.
and uterine tissues form the disc shaped Thus, the scrotum acts as a thermoregulator for
Human Reproduction
placenta. It is a temporary endocrine organ spermatogenesis.
formed during pregnancy and connects
27. What is the composition of semen?
the foetus to the uterine wall through the
Ans. (i) Semen is a milky white fluid which contains
umbilical cord.
sperms and the seminal plasma secreted
(ii) During pregnancy, the placenta acts as a
from the seminal vesicles, prostate gland
temporary endocrine gland and produces
and bulbourethral glands.
large quantities of human Chorionic
normal pregnancy.
prostate specific antigens. It also provides
(iii) A hormone called relaxin is also secreted nutrients and contains chemicals that
during the later phase of pregnancy which protect and activate the sperms.
helps in relaxation of the pelvic ligaments (iii) It acts as a transport medium for the
Neck (hCS)
Mitochondria (iii) human Placental Lactogen (hPL)
(iv) Oestrogens
Middle piece
(v) Progesterone
Tail (vi) Relaxin
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30. Describe the structure of the human ovum with a neat labelled diagram.
Ans. (i) Human ovum is non-cleidoic, alecithal and microscopic in nature.
(ii) Its cytoplasm called ooplasm contains a large nucleus called the germinal vesicle.
(iii) The ovum is surrounded by three coverings namely an inner thin transparent vitelline membrane,
middle thick zona pellucida and outer thick coat of follicular cells called corona radiata.
(iv) Between the vitelline membrane and zona pellucida is a narrow perivitelline space.
Corona radiata
Zona Pellucida
Vitelline membrane
Germinal Vesicle
o ok
31. Give a schematic representation of spermatogenesis and oogenesis in humans.
Spermatogenesis Oogenesis
w Maturation
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2. Follicular or proliferative phase
3. Ovulatory phase the uterus for the foetus. So, this phase is
4. Luteal or secretory phase also called as secretory phase.
(v) During pregnancy all events of menstrual
1. Menstrual phase:
(i) The cycle starts with the menstrual phase cycle stop and there is no menstruation.
when menstrual flow occurs and lasts for 33. Explain the role of oxytocin and relaxin in
3-5 days. parturition and lactation.
(ii) Menstrual flow is due to the breakdown Ans. Relaxin – It is a hormone secreted by the
of endometrial lining of the uterus, and its placents and also found in corpus luteum. It
blood vessels due to decline in the level of helps in relaxation of the pelvic ligaments at the
progesterone and oestrogen. time of parturition.
(iii) Menstruation occurs only if the released (i) Oxytocin – It is a hormone produced
Human Reproduction
ovum is not fertilized. by posterior lobe of pituitary gland.
2. Follicular or proliferative phase: As pregnancy progresses, increase in
(i) The follicular phase extends from the 5th oxytocin concentration promotes, uterine
day of the cycle until the time of ovulation. contractions which facilitale downward
movement of the foetus. The powerful
(ii) During this phase, the primary follicle in
concentration of the uterine muscles leads
the ovary grows to become a fully mature
to the expulsion of the baby through birth
3. Ovulatory phase:
marked as a, b, c and d
(i) Both LH and FSH attain peak level in the
middle of the cycle (about the 14th day).
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ovum in anticipation. (Implantation)
a) Identify the figure that illustrates (ii)
The uterine wall secretes nutritious
ovulation and mention the stage of fluid in the uterus for the foctus.
oogenesis it represents. (d) ‘C’ indicates developmental stage of follicle
b) Name the ovarian hormone and the in the Ovary when the ovum has not been
pituitary hormone that have caused the released. ‘H’ indicates a stage where the
above-mentioned events. ovum has been released and the remaining
c) Explain the changes that occurs in the part of the ruptured graafian follicle has
uterus simultaneously in anticipation. transformed into a temporary endocrine
d) Write the difference between C and H. gland called corpus luteum to produce
Ans. (a)
The figure ‘F’ illustrates ovulation. additional hormones for pregnancy.
It represents the maturation stage of
16. Refer Evaluation Q.No.15 appear till the age of 18, it is called primary
17. Refer Evaluation Q.No.16 amenorrhoea. Absence of menstruation
for over three consecutive months is
18. Refer Evaluation Q.No.17
secondary amenorrhoea.
19. Refer Evaluation Q.No.18
(ii) Polymenorrhoea :
20. Refer Evaluation Q.No.19 1. Polymenorrhoea is a term used to
21. Refer Evaluation Q.No.20 describe a menstrual cycle that is
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There are two types uterine fibroids and may also be due
1. Primary dysmenorrhoea is pain or to cancer of the ovary, uterus or cervix.
cramps during menstrual period. (v) Oligomenorrhoea : Oligomenorrhoea is a
2. Secondary dysmenorrhoea is caused condition with infrequent menstrual periods.
by a disorder in the reproductive It occurs in women of childbearing age.
system like endometriosis or uterine 35. Refer Evaluation Q.No.33
fibroids. 36. Refer Evaluation Q.No.34
37. Refer Evaluation Q.No.35
Additional Questions
Human Reproduction
Choose the Correct Answer 1 Mark
6. The ____________ glands in human female
I. Choose the Correct options are homologous to the prostate gland in male
for the below Questions (a) Bartholin’s glands (b) Skene’s glands
(c) mammary glands (d) Cowper’s gland
1. ___________ are endocrine cells. [Ans. (b) Skene’s glands]
(a) Inhibitin (b) Leydig cells
(c) Oogonia (d) Sertoli cells 7. _________ is popularly known as sperm lysin.
[Ans. (b) Leydig cells] (a) Inhibitin (b) Hyaluronidase
(c) Androgen (d) Acrosome
2. ___ is not linked to male reproductive system. [Ans. (b) Hyaluronidase]
(a) Prostate gland
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(a) Blastula (b) Gastrula 4. Each testis is covered by a fibrous layer ______.
(c) Morula (d) Zygote (a) tubulus rectus (b) corona radiata
[Ans. (c) Morula] (c) vitelline membrane (d) tunica albuginea
[Ans. (d) tunica albuginea]
14. The term after birth refers to ________
(a) Parturition (b) Lactation 5. The scrotum acts as _____ for spermatogenesis.
(c) Remains of placenta (a) chemoregulator (b) thermoregulator
(d) Corpus albicans (c) enzyme regulator (d) photo regulator
[Ans. (b) thermoregulator]
[Ans. (c) Remains of placenta]
15. ‘Let Down’ reflex for lactation is caused by ___ 6. The _____ is the site for spermatogereis.
(a) Prolactin (b) Oxytocin (a) epididymis (b) vas deferens
(c) Lactogenic hormone (d) Progesterone (c) seminiferous tubules (d) tubulus rectus
[Ans. (b) Oxytocin] [Ans. (c) seminiferous tubules]
16. Among the extra embryonic membranes the 7. ______ cells nourish the sperms.
_______ is the outer most membrane (a) Leydig cells (b) Interstitial cells
(c) Spermatogonic cells (d) Sertoli cells
(a) amnion (b) chorion
(c) allantois [Ans. (d) Sertoli cells]
(d) vitelline membrane[Ans. (b) chorion]
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14. The proximal part of the fallopian tube bears a 23. Sperms are released into the cavity of the
funnel shaped _______. seminiferous tubule by a process called _____.
(a) Graafian follicle (b) Oogonia (a) spermiogenesis (b) spermatogenesis
(c) Infundibulum (d) corpus luteum
(c) spermiation (d) gametogenesis
[Ans. (c) Infundibulum] [Ans. (c) spermiation]
15. The finger shaped _________ in the female 24. The unequal divisions during oogenesis
reproductive system collect the ovum after results in small cells called _____.
ovulation. (a) oogonia (b) primary oocyte
(a) Infundibulum (b) Fimbriae (c) secondary oocyte (d) polar bodies
(c) Ampulla (d) Isthmus [Ans. (d) polar bodies]
[Ans. (b) Fimbriae]
25. Normal menstrual or ovarion cycle occurs
Human Reproduction
16. _______ is the birth canal. once in ______ days.
(a) Cervix (b) Cervical canal (a) 28/29 (b) 17/18
(c) Uterus (d) Vagina (c) 60/65 (d) 58/60
[Ans. (d) Vagina] [Ans. (a) 28/29]
17. A mature follicle produces ______ polar 26. The ruptured Graafian follicle forms _______.
bodies during oogenesis. (a) corpus luteum (b) primary follicle
(a) four (b) three (c) two (d) one (c) oogonia (d) secondary follicle
[Ans. (b) three] [Ans. (a) corpus luteum]
18. The ________ glands occur posterior to the 27. LH surge is seen in ______ phase of menstrual
vagina. cycle.
(a) Skene’s glands (b) Cowper’s gland (a) follicular phase (b) luteal phase
(c) prostate gland (d) Bartholin’s glands (c) ovulatory (d) menstrual
[Ans. (d) Bartholin’s glands] [Ans. (c) ovulatory]
19. The ______ glands are located on the anterior
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32. The ______ prevents poly spermy.
(a) vitelline membrane 41. The hormone _______ produced by anterior
(b) fertilization membrane pituitary plays a major role in lactation.
(a) oxytocin (b) prolactin
(c) zona pellucida
(d) corona radiata (c) progesterone (d) oestrogen
[Ans. (b) fertilization membrane] [Ans. (b) prolactin]
33. The stage where the embryo looks like a fluid 42. Colostrum has less ______ than milk.
filled hollow ball is called _______. (a) protein (b) minerals
(a) trophoblast (b) morula (c) lactose (d) vitamin A
(c) gastrula (d) blastocyst [Ans. (c) lactose]
[Ans. (d) blastocyst] 43. ________ is a natural antimicrobial agent to
34. The ____ is a double layered embryonic stimulate the maturation of infants immune
membrane. system.
(a) chorion (b) amnion (a) IgA antibodies (b) Amniotic fluid
(c) allantois (d) yolksac (c) Milk (d) Colostrum
[Ans. (b) amnion] [Ans. (d) Colostrum]
35. Human pregnancy lasts for _______ days. 44. ________ is the first ejaculation of semen.
(a) 280 (b) 300 (c) 290 (d) 310 (a) Azospermia (b) Spermarche
[Ans. (a) 280] (c) Prostatits
(d) Orchidectomy [Ans. (b) Spermarche]
36. ______ connects the foetus and maternal
tissues. III. Identify the correct Statements
37. The ___ contractions lead to false labour formed during pregnancy
pains. (iii) Ectopic pregnancy can lead to death
(a) Let - Down reflex (b) Ferguson reflex (iv) Ferguson reflex creates fake labour
(c) Foetal ejection reflex (d) Braxter - Hicks
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membrane is formed later. A. A and R are true, R is the correct explanation
(iii) Binding of sperms to receptor molecules of A
in zona. Pellucida is seen during B. A and R are true, R is not the correct
fertilization explanation of A
(iv) Morula is formed before blastocyst C. A is true, R is false
(a) All the above (b) i, iii and iv D. Both A and R are false
(c) i and ii (d) ii and iv 1. Assertion : The primary germ layers are
[Ans. (c) i and ii] formed during gastrulation.
2. (i) Testis acts as a thermoregulator. Reason : The body organs are formed from
primary germ layers.
(ii) Seminal vesicles secrete an acidic fluid
(iii) Vesiculase is a enzyme in seminal fluid [Ans. (a) A and R are true, R is the correct
Human Reproduction
(iv) Hymen can get disrupted due to physical explanation of A]
exercises. 2. Assertion :
The process of oogenesis must get
(a) All the above (b) i and ii completed before fertilization
(c) iii and ii (d) i, iv and ii Reason : The egg after II Meiosis is ready
[Ans. (b) i and ii] for fertilization.
[Ans. (D) Both A and R are false]
IV. Match the following
3. Assertion :
By 36th week, the baby is positioned
1. 1. Hyaluronidase (a) Interstitial cells into pelvis for parturition
2. Vesiculase (b) Sertoli cells Reason :
The Braxter –Hick’s contractions
3. Testosterone (c) Acrosomal reaction will begin for parturition.
4. Inhibin (d) Seminal vesicle [Ans. (C) A is true but R is false]
(A) 1 – a 2 – b 3 – d 4 – c
(B) 1 – c 2 – d 3 – a 4 – b
VI. Identify the Correct pair
(C) 1 – c 2 – a 3 – d 4 – b from the below
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(iii) Amnion – Umbilical cord
Answer in one word*
(iv) Colostrum – I g A antibodies
(a) i, ii and iv (b) i and iv 1. The inner glandular layer of the uterus is called
(c) iii and iv (d) ii and iii _______. [Ans. endometrium]
[Ans. (d) ii and iii] 2. The acrosome is formed from ________.
2. (i) Ovary – Cryptorchism [Ans. Golgi body]
(ii) Nurse cells – Seminiferous 3. The cap like pointed tip of a sperm is called ____
tubules [Ans. acrosome]
(iii) Gametogenesis – Meiosis
4. The middle piece of the sperm contains _____
(iv) GnRH – Lactation
[Ans. mitochondria]
(a) i, iii and iv (b) ii and iv
5. The acrosome contains the enzyme ______.
(c) i and iv (d) iii only
[Ans. Hyaluronidase]
[Ans. (c) i and iv]
6. A mature ovarion follicle is called _______.
[Ans. graafian follicle]
IX. Identify the Odd-man out
7. The outer thick coat covering ovum is called
from the below
_____. [Ans. corona radiata]
1. (a) Skene’s glands (b) endometrium 8. Puberty is also called _______.
(c) acrosome
13. A menstrual cycle that is shorter is called
(d) fertilization membrane
_______. [Ans. Polymenorrhoea]
[Ans. fertilization membrane]
Reason: It is not a part of the sperm whereas the 14. Pain associated with menstruation is called
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20. Surgical removal of testis is called__________. 11. What are leydig cells?
[Ans. Orchidectomy] Ans. (i) Leydig cells or Interstitial cells are found
21. The mitochandrial spiral in middle piece of in soft connective tissue surrounding
sperm is called ________. [Ans. Nebenkern] the seminiferous tubules of tests and are
endocrine in nature.
(ii) They secrete androgens namely
Very Short Answers 2 Marks
testosterone. Hormone which initiates the
1. Define Gametogenesis. process of spermatogenesis.
Ans. Formation of gametes in males and females by
12. Name the accessory ducts associated with male
spermatogenesis and oogenesis respectively.
reproductive system.
2. Define Insemination. Ans. The accessory ducts associated with the male
Ans. Transfer of sperms by the male into the female reproductive system include rete testis, vasa
genital tract is called Insemination. efferentia, epididymis and vas deferens
Human Reproduction
3. Define fertilisation. 13. What is the significance of epididymis?
Ans. Fusion of male and female gametes to form Ans. (i) The epididymis is a single highly coiled tube
zygote, is called fertilisation. that temporarily stores the spermatozoa
and they undergo physiological maturation
4. Define Cleavage.
and acquire increased motility and
Ans. Cleavage refers to the rapid mitotic divisions of
fertilizing capacity.
wall of the mother for exchange of nutrients is Ans. The seminal fluid acts as a transport medium,
called Placentation. provides nutrients, contains chemicals that
7. What is Gastrulation? protect and activate the sperms and also facilitate
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changes during the menstrual cycle. of the placenta, the baby is delivered through a
surgical incision in the woman’s abdomen and
19. Name the glands associated with female
uterus. It is also termed as abdominal delivery or
reproductive hyster.
Caesarean Section or ‘C’ Section.
Ans. Bartholins glands and skene’s glands
29. What is “Let – Down” reflex?
20. Define spermiogenesis.
Ans. The hormone oxytocin brings about the “Let -
Ans. The spermatids are transformed into mature down” reflex which is the actual ejection of milk
spermatozoa (sperms) by the process called from the alveoli of the mammary glands.
30. What is azospermia?
21. What is spermiation?
Ans. Azospermia refers to the failure of
Ans. Sperms are finally released into the cavity spermatogenesis. It is seen in males.
of seminiferous tubules by a process called
spermiation. It follows spermiogenesis. 31. What is orchidectomy?
Ans. Castration or surgical removal of testis is known
22. What is ovulation? as orchidectomy.
Ans. The release of ovum by the rupture of the
Graafian follicle is called ovulation. It occurs 32. What are the initiatives taken by the
during ovulatory phase of menstrual cycle. Government of Tamilnadu to highlight the
importance of Breast feeding?
23. What is Morula? Ans. The Government of Tamil Nadu has also
Ans. Following fertilization, after 72 hours, a loose
Ans. (i) If the fertilised ovum is implanted outside 33. What are the functions of centrioles in the
the uterus it results in ectopic pregnancy. sperm?
(ii) The growth of the embryo may cause Ans. (i) The proximal centriole lies towards the
internal bleeding, infection and in some nucleus and plays a role in the first division
embryo? of sperm.
Ans. The yolk sac forms a part of the gut and is the
source of the earliest blood cells and blood Short Answers 3 Marks
vessels. What is the function of Sertoli cells?
27. What is after birth? Ans. (i) Sertoli cells are elongated and pyramidal
Ans. The placenta along with the remains of the and provide nourishment to the sperms till
umbilical cord called “after birth” is expelled out maturation.
after delivery. (ii) They also secrete inhibin, a hormone
which is involved in the negative feedback
control of sperm production.
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(ii) LH acts on the Leydig cells and stimulates 9. What is menorrhagia?
the synthesis of testosterone which in turn Ans. (i) Heavy and prolonged menstrual period
stimulates the process of spermatogenesis. that disrupts a woman’s normal activities is
3. What is acrosome? referred to as menorrhagia.
Ans. (i) Acrosome is a small cap like pointed (ii) Menorrhagia may be due to hormonal
structure present at the tip of the nucleus imbalance, ovarian dysfunction, uterine
and is formed mainly from the Golgi body fibroids and may also be due to cancer of
of the spermatid. the ovary, uterus or cervix.
(ii) It contains hyaluronidase, a proteolytic 10. What is menopause?
enzyme, popularly known as sperm lysin Ans. (i) Menopause is the phase in a women’s life
which helps to penetrate the ovum during
Human Reproduction
when ovulation and menstruation stops.
(ii) The average age of menopause is 45-50
4. What is LH surge? years. It indicates the permanent cessation
Ans. During the ovulatory phase of the menstrual of the primary functions of the ovaries.
cycle, maximum secretion of leutinising
11. What is acrosome reaction?
hormone occurs during the mid cycle (about
Ans. (i) During fertilization the acrosomal
14th day) which is called LH surge and induces
membrane of the sperm releases the
proteolytic enzyme called hyaluronidase to
5. What is corpus luteum? break the hyaluronic acid which binds the
Ans. (i) It is a temporary endocrine gland formed follicular cells around the ovum.
from the ruptured Graafian follicle. (ii) This is called acrosome reaction. This
(ii) It secretes a large amount of progesterone helps the sperm to enter the ovum.
which is essential for maintenance of the 12. Name the different types of twins formed.
endometrium of the uterus. If fertilization Ans. (i) Monozygotic twins – single fertilized egg splits
does not occur it degenerates. into two embryos. The individuals are of the
6. Why does menstrual flow occur? same sex, look alike and share the same genes.
Ans. (i) Menstrual flow occurs due to breakdown (ii) Dizygotic twins – Two eggs are fertilized
of endometrial lining of the uterus and its by two sperms. The two individuals may
blood vessels due to decline in the level of or may not be of same sex and are non-
progesterone and oestrogen. identical.
(ii) This happens when the released ovum is (iii) Siamese twins – conjoined twins joined
involves formation of corpus luteum and membrane filled with the amniotic fluid.
thickening of endometrium of uterus for (ii) It provides a buoyant environment to
implantation. protect the developing embryo from injury,
(ii) The uterine wall secretes nutritious fluid regulates the temperature of the foetus and
for the foetus. So the phase is called provides a medium in which the foetus can
secretory phase. move.
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end of the yolk sac. lifestyle, weight loss and targeted hormone therapy.
(ii) It is the structural base for the umbilical
20. In the diagram given below
cord that links the embryo to the placenta 1
15. What are Braxter-Hick’s contractions? 2
(ii) These contractions called Braxter-Hick’s
Ans. (a) 1 – Uterus 2 – Cervix 3 – Vagina
contractions lead to false labour.
(b) The given diagram is identified as Female
16. What is Ferguson reflex? Reproductive system of Human
Ans. (i) During parturition the descent of the foetus
21. In the diagram given below.
causes dilation of cervix of the uterus and
vaginal canal resulting in a neurohumoral 2
reflex called Foetal ejection reflex or
Ferguson reflex. 3
(ii) This initiates the secretion of oxytocin
from the neurohypophysis which in turn
pelvic joints and by dilatation of the cervix (b) 1 – Acrosome 2 – Nucleus 3 – Neck
with continued powerful contractions. 22. In the diagram given below
18. What is Capacitation?
that affects women in their reproductive years. (a) Identify the diagram
Polycystic means ‘many cysts’. It refers to many (b) Label the parts
partially formed follicles on the ovaries, which
Ans. (a) Human foetus within the uterus
contain an egg each. But they do not grow to
maturity or produce eggs that can be fertilized. (b) 1 – Umbilical cord
Women with PCOS may experience irregular 2 – Fallopian tube
3 – Amniotic fluid
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seminiferous tubules of follicles of the ovary
testis (vi) The middle piece possesses mitochondria
spirally twisted around the axial filament
It begins at puberty in In females it initiates called mitochondrial spiral or nebenkern.
males. in the foetal stages.
It produces energy in the form of ATP
Spermatogonia are the Oogonia is the the egg molecules for the movement of sperms.
sperm mother cells and mother cell and only
many of them undergo one cell undergoes Acrosome
maturation phase to form maturation phase at a Head
sperms. time except in cases of
fraternal twins. Neck
are equal and each divisions are unequal
Human Reproduction
spermatogonia forms 4 and finally only one
haploid spermatids. haploid ovum and 3 Tail
small haploid polar
bodies are formed
The spermatids No such changes are
undergo a stage called observed. Structure of human sperm
Spermiogenesis to become
fallopian tube.
of the spermatid.
(iv) Before a sperm can enter the egg, it must
(iv) It contains hyaluronidase, a proteolytic
penetrate the multiple layers of granulosa
enzyme, popularly known as sperm lysin
(follicular) cells which are around the
which helps to penetrate the ovum during
ovum forming the corona radiata. The
follicular cells are held together by an
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hyaluronidase during sperm entry through The chorion is the outermost membrane which
the corona radiata and zona pellucida. This
encloses the embryo and all other membranes
is called acrosomal reaction. and also helps in the formation of the placenta.
(vi) Once fertilisation is accomplished, cortical Chorionic Villi:
granules from the cytoplasm of the ovum
The trophoblast cells in the blastocyst send out
form a barrier called the fertilisation
several finger like projections called chorionic
membrane around the ovum preventing
villi carrying foetal blood and are surrounded
further penetration of other sperms. Thus
by sinuses that contain maternal blood. The
polyspermy is prevented.
chorionic villi and the uterine tissues form the
This is followed by cleavage
disc-shaped placenta.
Entry of Nucleus and Formation of fertilization
other components of membrane.
Placenta is a temporary endocrine organ formed
Break down of zona during pregnancy and it connects the foetus to
the uterine wall through the umbilical cord. It
is the organ by which the nutritive, respiratory
Acrosome reaction.
and excretory functions are fulfilled.
Sperm migrates to coat of Hots
follicle cells and binds to
receptors in zona pellucida
1. In females a oogonia forms a single ovum
amnion, yolk sac, allantois and chorion protect order to ensure that the ovum is haploid since
the embryo from dessication, mechanical shock normal chromosomal number is important
and help in the absorption of nutrients and for formation of normal zygote. Further polar
exchange of gases. bodies have less cellular contents and are small
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Unit Test
Time : 1 hr] [Marks: 25
I. Choose the Correct Answer 10×1 = 10 (a) A and R are true, R is the correct explanation
of A
1. The foetal membrane that forms the basis of
(b) A and R are true, R is not the correct
the umbilical cord is
explanation of A
(a) Allantois (b) Amnion
(c) A is true, R is false
(c) Chorion (d) Yolk sac
(d) Both A and R are false
2. The Androgen Binding Protein (ABP) is
produced by 9. Choose the odd man out
(a) Leydig cells (b) Hypothalamus (a) Skene’s glands (b) Endometrium
(c) Sertoli cells (d) Pituitary gland (c) Mammary glands (d) Fallopian tube
3. _________ is popularly known as sperm lysin 10. The _____________glands in human female
(a) Inhibitin (b) Hyaluronidase are homologous to the prostate glands in male
(c) Androgen (d) Acrosome (a) Bartholins glands (b) skene’s glands
(c) mammary glands (d) cowper’s glands
4. Identify the correct pair from the below.
Human Reproduction
(i) Mammary gland – Areola II. Very Short Answer 2×2 = 4
(ii) Sperms – Relaxin 11. What is placenta?
(iii) Polarbody – 46 chromosmes 12. Mention the significance of location of testis.
(iv) Middle piece – ATP
(a) i and iv (b) ii and iv III. Short Answer 2×3 = 6
(c) i, ii and iv (d) ii and iii 13. In the diagram given below.
(a) All the above (b) i and ii
(c) iii and ii (d) i, iv and ii
6. Which one of the following menstrual
UNIT I Chapter 3
3.1 Need for reproductive health Problems and strategies
3.2. Amniocentesis and its statutory ban
3.3. Social impact of sex ratio, female foeticide and infanticide
3.4. Population explosion and birth control
3.5. Medical termination of pregnancy (MTP)
3.6. Sexually transmitted diseases (STD)
3.7. Infertility
3.8. Assisted reproductive technologies (ART)
3.9. Detection of foetal disorders during early pregnancy
Concept Map
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PCPNDT Act : Preconception and prenatal diagnostic technique act.
POCSO Act : Prevention of children from sexual offences.
Birth control : Voluntary use of Contraceptive procedures to prevent fertilization.
Lactational amenorrhea : Delay in ovarian cycles due to lactation.
Barrier method of
: Ovum and sperm are prevented from meeting to prevent fertilization
Tubectomy : Surgical Sterilisation in women
Reproductive Health
Azoospermia : Absence of spermatozoa in the ejaculate semen.
Inability to conceive or produce children even after the unprotected sexual
Scanning technique which helps to detect fluid disorders during early
Ultrasonography :
Taking a small sample of amniotic fluid to diagnose for chromosomal
Foetoscope : An instrument used to monitor the foetal heart rate.
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1. Which of the following is correct regarding 5. The approach which does not give the defined
HIV, hepatitis B, gonorrhoea and action of contraceptive is
Chapter 3
(a) Gonorrhoea is a STD whereas others are contraceptive sperms, prevent
not. ovulation and
(b) Trichomoniasis is a viral disease whereas fertilization
others are bacterial.
(b) Vasectomy Prevents
(c) HIV is a pathogen whereas others are
(d) Hepatitis B is eradicated completely whereas (c) Barrier method Prevents fertilization
others are not. (d) Intra uterine Increases phagocytosis
[Ans. (c) HIV is a pathogen whereas others device of sperms, suppresses
are diseases] sperm motility and
fertilizing capacity of
2. Which one of the following groups includes
sexually transmitted diseases caused by
bacteria only? [Ans. (b) Vasectomy - Prevents spermatogenesis ]
(a) Syphilis, gonorrhoea and candidiasis
6. Read the given statements and select the
(b) Syphilis, chlamydiasis and gonorrhoea
correct option.
(c) Syphilis, gonorrhoea and trichomoniasis
Statement 1: Diaphragms, cervical caps
(d) Syphilis, trichomoniasis and pediculosis
and vaults are made of rubber and are
[Ans. (b) Syphilis, chlamydiasis and
inserted into the female reproductive
tract to cover the cervix before coitus.
3. Identify the correct statements from the Statement 2: They are chemical barriers
following of conception and are reusable.
(a) Chlamydiasis is a viral disease. (a) Both statements 1 and 2 are correct and
(b) Gonorrhoea is caused by a spirochaete statement 2 is the correct explanation of
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B. Hormone (ii) Lippes loop a) Transfer of an ovum collected from donor
releasing IUD into the fallopian tube is called ZIFT.
b) Transfering of an embryo with more than
C. Non medicated (iii) Saheli
8 blastomeres into uterus is called GIFT.
c) Multiload 375 is a hormone releasing
D. Mini pills (iv) Multiload-375
(a) A-(iv), B-(ii), C-(i), D-(iii) Transfer of an ovum collected from donor
Ans. (a)
(b) A-(iv), B-(i), C-(iii), D-(ii) into the fallopian tube is called GIFT
(c) A-(i), B-(iv), C-(ii), D-(iii) (Gamete Intra – fallopian transfer)
(d) A-(iv), B-(i), C-(ii), D-(iii) (b) Transferring of an embryo with more than
[Ans. (d) A-(iv), B-(i), C-(ii), D-(iii)] 8 blastomeres into uterus is called IUT
8. Select the incorrect action of hormonal (Intra uterine transfer)
Reproductive Health
contraceptive pills from the following (c) Multi load 375 is a copper releasing IUD.
(a) Inhibition of spermatogenesis.
(b) Inhibition of ovulation. 12. Which method do you suggest the couple
(c) Changes in cervical mucus impairing its to have a baby, if the male partner fails to
ability to allow passage and transport of inseminate the female or due to very low
sperms. sperm count in the ejaculate?
Ans. Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI)
Ans. Amniocentesis is a prenatal technique used 14. What are the strategies to be implemented in
to detect any chromosomal abnormalities in India to attain total reproductive health?
the foetus and it is being often misused to Ans. These programmes are popularly named as
determine the sex of the foetus. Once the sex ‘Reproductive and Child Health Care (RCH).
of the foetus is known, there may be a chance Major tasks carried out under these programmes
of female foeticide. Hence, a statutory ban on are:
amniocentesis is imposed. (i) Creating awareness and providing medical
Periodic abstinence
Natural methods B and adolescence related changes.
Coitus interruptus
Condoms, vaults,
(iii) Educating couples and those in the
A Caps etc marriageable age groups about the
Birth control
available birth control methods and family
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Health care programmes such as massive the foetus in the after the birth’.
child immunization, supply of nutritional mother’s womb’
food to the pregnant women, Janani Suraksha intentionally.
Yojana, Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram,
RMNCH+A approach etc., are taken up at the
national level by the Government of India.
symptoms are:
Name of the
Causative agent Symptom
Bacterial STI
Affects the urethra, rectum and throat and in females the
Neisseria cervix also get affected.
gonorrhoeae Pain and pus discharge in the genital tract and burning
sensation during urination.
Primary stage: Formation of painless ulcer on the
external genitalia.
Secondary stage: Skin lesions, rashes, swollen joints and
Treponema fever and hair loss.
palladium Tertiary stage: Appearance of chronic ulcers on nose,
lower legs and palate. Loss of movement, mental
(HBV) Liver cirrhosis and liver failure occur in the later stage.
Enlarged lymph nodes, prolonged fever, prolonged
AIDS immunodeficiency
diarrhoea, weight reduction, night sweating.
virus (HIV)
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and pain during urination.
Protozoan STI
Vaginitis, greenish yellow vaginal discharge, itching
Trichomoniasis and burning sensation, urethritis, epididymitis and
17. How are STDs transmitted? collected either from the husband or from
Ans. (i) Normally Sexually transmitted infections a healthy donor and is introduced into the
(STI) are transmitted from person to uterus through the vagina by a catheter
person during intimate sexual contact with after stimulating the ovaries to produce
an infected partner. more ova.
Reproductive Health
(ii) Infections like Hepatitis-B and HIV are The sperms swim towards the fallopian
transmitted sexually as well as by sharing tubes to fertilize the egg, resulting in
of infusion needles, surgical instruments, normal pregnancy.
etc with infected people, blood transfusion
or from infected mother to baby. 20. Amniocentesis, the foetal sex determination
test, is banned in our country, Is it necessary?
18. Write the preventive measures of STDs. comment.
Ans. Prevention of STDs (Sexually Transmitted Ans. (i) Amniocentesis is a prenatal technique used
diseases) to detect any chromosomal abnormalities
(i) Avoid sex with unknown partner/ multiple in the foetus.
partners (ii) This can be done to check if the baby is
of female gametes into the fallopian tube, can confirm the healthy status of the foetus. But
gametes be transferred to the uterus to achieve using the technique for sex determination
the same result? Explain. must be banned, because it can lead to
female foeticide.
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Additional Questions
Choose the Correct Answer 1 Mark
Chapter 3
for the below Questions
9. PAP smear can help to detect
1. The family planning programme was initiated (a) Jaundice (b) Cancer
by India in ________ (c) AIDS (d) Hepatitis B
(a) 1953 (b) 1972 [Ans. (b) Cancer]
(c) 1963 (d) 1951
[Ans. (d) 1951] 10. _______ vaccination of girls between 9–13
years can prevent cervical cancer.
2. In the year______ india is expected to become
(a) HIV (b) HPV
the largest country in population size _____
(c) MMR (d) HBV
(a) 2021 (b) 2025
[Ans. (b) HPV]
(c) 2022 (d) 2030
11. Mayer – Rokitansky syndrome is a condition
[Ans. (c) 2022]
in which
3. Sperm remains active for ______ hours in the (a) Ova are not produced
female reproductive tract (b) Ovaries are not formed
(a) 60 (b) 70 (c) 72 (d) 78 (c) Uterus is not functioning
[Ans. (c) 72] (d) Fallopian tube is ruptured
4. Saheli is an example for ______ method [Ans. (c) Uterus is not functioning]
(a) Mechanical barrier (b) Chemical barrier 12. Test tube baby is got by ______ technique
(c) Hormonal barrier (a) IUI (b) CVS
(d) Intra uterine devices (c) ICSI (d) IVF
[Ans. (c) Hormonal barrier] [Ans. (d) IVF]
5. Formation of chronic ulcer is a symptom of __ 13. Cryopreservation of embryos are done when
(a) Genital herpes (b) Syphilis ______
(c) Gonorrhoea (d) AIDS (a) When eggs are not available
[Ans. (b) Syphilis] (b) Sperm count is less
6. Fatigue, Jaundice, stomach pain are the (c) More embryos are available than the required
symptoms of________ (d) there is abnormality in the embryo
(a) Genital warts (b) AIDS [Ans. (c) More embryos are available than
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17. _______ is observed as world population day
(d) Creating awareness about care for pregnant
(a) 11th June (b) 11th April
(c) 11th July (d) 11th May
[Ans. (a) Vaccinating the mother and child
[Ans. (c) 11th July]
for infectious diseases]
18. International diseases refer to _______
25. All the following aims at creating a safe and
(a) Syphilis and AIDS
secure environment for both females and
(b) AIDS and Gonorrhoea
males. Except.
(c) AIDS and Hepatitis B
(a) Sexual Harassment at work place Act.
(d) Syphilis and Gonorrhoea
(b) POCSO Act
[Ans. (d) Syphilis and Gonorrhoea]
(c) Recommendation of Justice Verma
19. Most of the intrauterine transfer of embryo is
Committee, 2013.
Reproductive Health
done at______ stage (d) PCPNDT [Ans. (d) PCPNDT]
(a) 8 celled (b) 16 celled
26. This is an ideal contraceptive for females who
(c) 32 celled (d) 4 celled want to delay pregnancy.
[Ans. (a) 8 celled] (a) Oral contraceptives
20. ______ is an epidemic disease. (b) IUDs
(a) HPV (b) HIV (c) Diaphragms, cervical caps
(c) Cervical cancer (d) Jaundice (d) Vaults [Ans. (b) IUDs]
[Ans. (b) HIV] 27. At which stage the embryo is transferred into
21. In India, Family Planning Programme was the uterus.
introduced in (a) 4 celled stage (b) 8 celled stage
(a) 1941 (b) 1951 (c) 12 celled stage (d) 16 celled stage
(c) 1961 (d) 1971 [Ans. (b) 8 celled stage]
[Ans. (b) 1951] 28. This technique is used to diagnose the
22. Expansion of the RCH is __________ . chromosomal abnormities.
(a) Reproduction and Children Health (a) Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)
Programme. (b) Micro Testicular Sperm Extraction
(b) Reproductive and Child’s Health (c) Amniocentesis
[Ans.(c) Reproductive and Child Health Care] 1. Affects the urethra, vectron and throat
23. One of the following prevents sperm from 2. In females cervix is affected.
heading off to penis as the discharge has no 3. Pain and pus discharge in the genital tract.
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31. Fatigue, jaundice, fever, rash, stomach pain, (d) PT test (Prothrombin Time Test)
liver Cirrhosis and liver failure – are the [Ans. (a) Amniocentesis]
symptoms of 4. The problem of overpopulation can be
(a) Chalmydiasis
overcome by ______
(b) Lynphogvanuloma Veneveum. (a) awareness program (b) free education
(c) Hepatitis (c) Birth control (d) meals scheme
(d) Syphilis[Ans. (c) Hepatitis] [Ans. (c) Birth control]
32. In this Assisted Reproductive Tech nology 5. Foaming tablets and jellies are ______ barriers
(ART), the sperms and egg are allowed to for birth control
united outside the body and then transformed (a) mechanical (b) Chemical
into the woman’s uterus. (c) hormonal (d) natural
(a) Intra – uterine insemination (IUI) [Ans. (b) Chemical]
(b) In vitro Fertilization (IVF) 6. Oral contraceptive pills contain synthetic
(c) Zygote Intra – Fallopian Transfer (ZIFT) _________ and ________ hormones
(d) Intra uterine transfer (IUT). (a) androgen and testosterone
[Ans. (b) In vitro Fertilization (IVF)] (b) Androgen and Oxytocin
33. Cervical Cancer can be diagnosed by ___X__ (c) relaxin and inhibin
combined with ___Y__ test, but the stage of (d) Progesterone and estrogen
Cancer is determined by ___Z__ [Ans. (d) Progesterone and estrogen]
7. _____ is an example of a contraceptive pill.
X Y Z (a) Alesse (b) Ortho Tri-cyclen
(a) HPV PAP Smear PET Scan (c) Saheli (d) Eryosterol
(b) PAP Smear HPV PET Scan [Ans. (c) Saheli]
(c) MRI CT Scan MRI 8. IUD’s increase _______ of the sperm within
(d) PET Scan X – Ray CT Scan the uterus
II. Choose the Correct options for 9. The ______ method of contraception has a
the below Fill in the blanks success rate of 95 – 99% in India.
1. Prevention of children from sexual offences is (a) IUDs Intra-uterine devices
[Ans. (d) POCSO] 10. Diseases like ______ are transmitted sexually
2. ________ can be diagnosed by PAP smear test and by sharing of needless
(a) Cervical cancer (b) Bone cancer (a) gonorrhoea (b) genital herpes
(c) Blood cancer (d) Intestinal cancer (c) AIDS/Hepatitis – B (d) candidiasis
[Ans. (a) Cervical cancer] [Ans. (c) AIDS/Hepatitis - B]
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12. _______ is a sexually transmitted disease 19. Usage of _______ greatly reduces the risk of
caused by a fungus STI.
(a) Chlamydiasis (b) Candidiasis (a) IUDS. (b) Latex Condoms.
(c) Saheli (d) Lippes loop
(c) Genital herps (d) Syphilis
[Ans. (b) Candidiasis] [Ans. (b) Latex Condoms]
13. ______ is a cause of infertility in women III. Identify the correct Statements
(a) varicocoele
(b) Endometriosis/Uterine fibroids 1. (i) HPV causes tumours
(c) well developed ovaries (ii) Syphilis is transmitted sexually by
(d) hormonal balance sharing of needles
[Ans. (b) Endometriosis/Uterine fibroids] (iii) The statutory marriageable age for males
is 18 years
Reproductive Health
14. ______ is a procedure to treat infertile man (iv) Surgical sterilization methods block the
with low sperm count transfer of gametes
(a) Intra-uterine insemination (a) i, iii and iv (b) i and iv
(b) In vitro fertilization (c) iii and iv (d) ii only
(c) Intra-uterine transfer [Ans.(b) i and iv]
(d) Zygote intra-fallopian transfer 2. (i) Saheli contains synthetic testosterone
absence of spermatozoa in the ejaculate serum IV. Identify the Wrong Pair
(a) teratozoospermia 1. (i) Chemotherapy
– Cervical cancer
(b) Asthenozoospermia
the menstrual cycle to prevent fertilization, (a) iii only (b) ii, and iv
because ________ takes place on that day. (c) iv (d) i and iv only
(a) Lactation. [Ans.(a) iii only]
(b) Ovulation.
(c) Sperms are more active.
(d) Uterus is ready for implantation.
[Ans. (b) Ovulation]
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(a) i and iv (b) ii, and iv
(c) i and iii (d) iii and iv (a) A and R correct, R is the correct explanation
[Ans.(b) ii, and iv] of A
(b) A and R right but R is not the correct
3. (i) Non-medicated IUD – Lippes loop
explanation of A
(ii) Saheli – Plastic loop
(c) A is correct R is false
(iii) Hormone releasing
(d) Both A & R are false
IUD – Progestasert
(iv) Copper releasing IUD – Multi load 375 1. Assertion : STD can be prevented by
(a) i and iv (b) ii Monogamy
(c) i and iii (d) iii and iv Reason : TNHSP, a unit of Health and
[Ans.(b) ii] family welfare development of
Government of Tamil Nadu does
V. Match the following free screening for cervical and
breast cancer.
1. 1. GIFT (a) Fallopian tube
[Ans. (b) A and R correct, R is not the
2. ICSI (b) placental tissue
correct explanation of A]
3. CVS (c) uterus
4. ZIFT (d)injection of sperm 2. Assertion : MTP during the second trimester
(A) 1 – b 2–a 3–c 4–d is risky for the parent & foetus
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example of contraceptives. [Ans. Do not have functional uterus]
9. _______ is a hormone releasing IUD
2. (a) IUD (b) ICSI [Ans. Progestasert/LNG – 20]
(c) Vasectomy (d) IUS
10. ______ is a copper releasing IUD.
[Ans. ICSI]
[Ans. NovaT, Multi load 375
Reason: It is a technique to achieve pregnancy
whereas the others are birth control methods. 11. Surgical sterilisation in male is called ______
[Ans. Vasectomy]
3. (a) Amniocentesis (b) CVS
12. Medical termination of pregnancy is safe upto
(c) Ultrasound scanning (d) Foetoscope
_______ weeks [Ans. 12]
[Ans. Foetoscope]
13. The contraceptive pill saheli contains a
Reason: It is an instrument to monitor the foetal
non – steroidal preparation called_______
heart beat whereas the others are techniques to
Reproductive Health
[Ans. Centchroman]
detect abnormalities in the foetus
14. Foetal hear beat during pregnancy is monitored
4. (a) Syphilis (b) Candidiasis by use of _______ [Ans. Foetoscope]
(c) chlamydiasis (d) Gonorrhoea
15. There is no incubation period for the cavsal
[Ans. Candidiasis]
organism in ______ [Ans. Candidiasis]
Reason: It is an sexually transmitted infection
caused by fungus whereas the others are sexually
Give Reasons
transmitted infections caused by bacteria.
5. (a) Candidiasis (b) Hepatitis B 1. Hormone – releasing IUDs are called IVS
(c) Genital herpes (d) Genital warts (Intrauterine systems)
[Ans. (a) Candidiasis is a Fungal STI (disease)] Ans. They increase the viscosity of the cervical mucus
SIT (disease)]
Ans. Surgical sterilisation methods are the
Answer in one word* permanent contraception methods advised
for male and female partners to prevent any
4. Natural AIDS control organization was avoiding tobacco usage, preventing early
established in______ [Ans. 1992] marriages, practicing monogamy and regular
5. 1st December is observed as _______ exercise minimize the risk of cervical cancer.
[Ans. World AIDS day]
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diagnostic technique act-1994) enacted to ban AIDS HIV(Human
the identification of sex and to prevent the use Immunodeficiency Virus)
of prenatal diagnostic techniques for selective
10. Mention two sexually transmitted diseases
caused by bacteria.
2. Define birth control. Ans. Syphilis and Gonorrhoea
Ans. The voluntary use of contraceptive procedures
11. Mention two sexually transmitted diseases
to prevent fertilization or prevent implantation
caused by virus.
of a fertilized egg in the uterus is termed as birth
Ans. AIDS and Genital Herpes.
12. What is cervical dysplasia?
3. What are the characteristics of an ideal
Ans. Cervical cancer is caused by a sexually
transmitted virus called Human Papilloma virus
Ans. An ideal contraceptive should be user friendly,
(HPV). HPV may cause abnormal growth of
easily available, with least side effects and should
cervical cells or cervical dysplasia.
not interfere with sexual drive.
13. What is IUT?
4. What is the purpose of barrier method of
Ans. IUT - Intra Uterine Transfer
(i) Embryo with more than 8 blastomeres is
Ans. In these methods, the ovum and sperm are
inserted into uterus to complete its further
India. It contains a non-steroidal preparation Ans. Inability to conceive or produce children even
called centchroman. after unprotected sexual cohabitation is called
6. What is the role of IUDs?
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Ans. GIFT - Gamete Intra-Fallopian Transfer
(ii) An abnormal foetal heart rate or pattern
(i) Transfer of an ovum collected from a donor
may mean that the foetus is not getting into the fallopian tube. In this the eggs are
enough oxygen and it indicates other collected from the ovaries and placed with
problems. the sperms in one of the fallopian tubes.
19. What is Mayer-Rokitansky syndrome? (ii) The zygote travels toward the uterus and
Ans. All women are born with ovaries, but some do gets implanted in the inner lining of the
not have functional uterus. This condition is uterus.
called Mayer-Rokitansky syndrome. 7. What is embryo transfer technique?
Ans. The transfer of an embryo with more than 8
Short Answers 3 Marks
blastomeres stage into uterus is called embryo
1. What is lactational amenorrhoea? transfer technique.
Reproductive Health
Ans. Menstrual cycles resume as early as 6 to 8 weeks
8. What are the causes of infertility in human
from parturition. However, the reappearance
of normal ovarian cycles may be delayed for
Ans. Inability to conceive or produce children even
six months during breastfeeding. This delay in
after unprotected sexual cohabitation is called
ovarian cycles is called lactational amenorrhoea. infertility.
It serves as a natural but an unreliable form of
Causes of infertility:
birth control.
partner's sperm.
of active sperm production are removed. This
4. What is ZIFT? is improved for sperm yield compared to
Ans. ZIFT - Zygote Intra-Fallopian Transfer. As traditional biopsy techniques.
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Ans. A collection of procedures which includes the (i) Breast is divided into 4 quadrants and the
handling of gametes and / or embryos outside center (Nipple) which is the 5th quadrant.
the body to achieve a pregnancy is known (ii) Each quadrant of the breast is felt for lumps
as Assisted Reproductive Technology. ART using the palm of the opposite hand.
includes (iii) The examination is done in both lying
(i) Intra-uterine insemination (IUI): This is down and standing positions, monthly
a procedure to treat infertile men with low once after the 1st week of menstrual cycle.
sperm count. The semen is collected either This way if there are lumps or any deviation of
from the husband or from a healthy donor the nipple to one side or any blood discharge
and is introduced into the uterus through from the nipple we can identify cancer at an
the vagina by a catheter after stimulating early stage. Mammograms are done for women
the ovaries to produce more ova. The above the age of 40 years and for young girls and
sperms swim towards the fallopian tubes women below 40 years. Ultrasound of the breast
to fertilize the egg, resulting in normal aids in early diagnosis.
pregnancy. 3. Write a note on cervial cancer.
(ii) In vitro fertilization (IVF): In this Ans. Cervical cancer: Cervical cancer is caused
technique, sperm and eggs are allowed to by a sexually transmitted virus called Human
unite outside the body in a laboratory. One Papilloma virus (HPV). HPV may cause
or more fertilized eggs may be transferred abnormal growth of cervical cells or cervical
into the woman’s uterus, where they may dysplasia.
implant in the uterine lining and develop. The most common symptoms and signs of
Excess embryos may be cryopreserved cervical cancer are pelvic pain, increased vaginal
(frozen) for future use. IVF is used to treat discharge and abnormal vaginal bleeding. The
many causes of infertility. risk factors for cervical cancer include
(iii) The basic steps in an IVF treatment cycle (i) Having multiple sexual partners
are ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, (ii) Prolonged use of contraceptive pills
fertilization, embryo culture and embryo Cervical cancer can be diagnosed by a
transfer. Egg retrieval is done by minor Papanicolaou smear (PAP smear) combined
surgery under general anesthesia, using with an HPV test. X-Ray, CT scan, MRI and a
ultrasound guide after 34 to 37 hours of PET scan may also be used to determine the stage
hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) of cancer. The treatment options for cervical
injection. The eggs are prepared and cancer include radiation therapy, surgery and
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to become pregnant or maintain a pregnancy. ART includes intra-uterine insemination
The causes for infertility are tumours formed (IUI), in vitro fertilization, (IVF) Embryo
in the pituitary or reproductive organs, transfer (ET), Zygote intra-fallopian transfer
inherited mutations of genes responsible for the (ZIFT), Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT),
biosynthesis of sex hormones, malformation Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI),
of the cervix or fallopian tubes and inadequate Preimplantation genetic diagnosis, oocyte and
nutrition before adulthood. Long-term stress sperm donation and surrogacy.
damages many aspects of health especially the (i) Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection
menstrual cycle. Ingestion of toxins (heavy (ICSI): In this method only one sperm is
metal cadmium), heavy use of alcohol, tobacco injected into the focal point of the egg to
and marijuana, injuries to the gonads and aging fertilize. The sperm is carefully injected
also cause infertility. into the cytoplasm of the egg. Fertilization
Reproductive Health
Other causes of infertility: occurs in 75 - 85% of eggs injected with
(i) Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), uterine the sperms. The zygote is allowed to divide
fibroids and endometriosis are the most to form an 8 celled blastomere and then
common causes of infertility in women. transferred to the uterus to develop a
(ii) Low body fat or anorexia in women. i.e. a protective pregnancy.
psychiatric eating disorder characterised (ii) Surrogacy: Surrogacy is a method of
assisted reproduction or agreement
(iv) Under developed ovaries or testes. embryos are created in a lab and are
(v) Female may develop antibodies against her transferred into the surrogate mother's
partner's sperm. uterus.
(vi) Males may develop an autoimmune
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Unit Test
[Time : 1 hr] [Marks: 25]
Chapter 3
I. Choose the Correct Answer. 10 × 1 = 10 (b) Both statements 1 and 2 are correct but
statement 2 is not the correct explanation of
1. Which one of the following groups includes
statement 1.
sexually transmitted diseases caused by
(c) Statement 1 is correct but statement 2 is
bacteria only?
(a) Syphilis, gonorrhoea and candidiasis
(d) Both statements 1 and 2 are incorrect.
(b) Syphilis, chlamydiasis and gonorrhoea
(c) Syphilis, gonorrhoea and trichomoniasis 8. Identify the Wrong Statements:
(d) Syphilis, trichomoniasis and pediculosis (i) Chemotherapy – cervical cancer
2. International diseases refer to _______ (ii) IVF – Egg retrival
(a) Syphilis and AIDS (iii) Contraceptive – Infertility
(b) AIDS and Gonorrhoea (iv) Cryopreservation – Avoid ovarian
(c) AIDS and Hepatitis B stimulation
(a) iii only (b) ii, and iv
(d) Syphilis and Gonorrhoea
(c) iv (d) i and iv only
3. Most of the intrauterine transfer of embryo is [Ans.(a) iii only]
done at______ stage
(a) 8 celled (b) 16 celled 9. The ______ method of contraception has a
(c) 32 celled (d) 4 celled success rate of 95 – 99% in india.
(a) IUDs Intrauterine devices
4. Sperm remains active for ______ hours in the (b) Hormonal
(a) Both statements 1 and 2 are correct and 15. What are the strategies to be implemented in
statement 2 is the correct explanation of India to attain total reproductive health?
statement 1.
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UNIT II Chapter 4
Principles of
and Variation
4.01 Multiple alleles
4.06 Karyotyping
4.07 Pedigree analysis
4.08 Mendelian disorders
4.09 Chromosomal abnormalities
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Concept Map
Chapter 4
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Genetics : Genetics is a branch of biology that deals with the study of heredity and variations.
Erythroblastosis Haemolysis of Foetal RBC's due to incompatibility of Rh factor between maternal
foetalis basis and foetal blood.
Heterogametic : organism produces two types of gametes.
In eukaryotes, chromatin is formed by a series of repeating units called
Nucleosome :
Sex – switch gene : A gene located on X chromosome of Drosophila having two states of activity.
Some parts of the body in the individual expresses male character and other
Gynandromorph :
parts express female characters.
Condensed body represented by inactive chromosome found in chromosome
Barr body :
of Drosophila.
DNA ligase : Enzyme which acts as paste molecule to join broken DNA fragments.
Holandric genes Y linked genes which have no corresponding allele in X chromosome.
A disease caused by recessive X – linked gene in which blood lacks a normal
Haemophilia :
clotting substance.
A disease caused by a recessive X linked gene in which the affected person is
Colour blindness :
unable to distinguish red and green colour.
Genetic code : A sequence of three mRNA bases which codes for a amino acid.
Study of traits as they have appeared in a given family line for several past
Pedigree analysis :
Syndromes :
Cytoplasmic Inheritance of characters controlled by non – nuclear genomes found in
inheritance chloroplast, mitochondria etc.
Kappa particles : Cytoplasmic symbionts occurring in some strains of ciliated paramecium.
Eugenics : Application of the laws of genetics for the improvement of human race.
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1. Haemophilia is more common in males 7. Which of the following is true about Rh factor
Chapter 4
Y-chromosome (a) All will be Rh-positive
(b) Dominant character carried by (b) Half will be Rh positive
(c) Dominant trait carried by X-chromosome (c) About ¾ will be Rh negative
(d) Recessive trait carried by X-chromosome (d) About one fourth will be Rh negative
[Ans. (d) Recessive trait carried by [Ans. (d) About one fourth will be Rh negative]
8. What can be the blood group of offspring
2. ABO blood group in man is controlled by when both parents have AB blood group?
(a) Multiple alleles
(a) AB only (b) A, B and AB
(b) Lethal genes
(c) Sex linked genes (c) A, B, AB and O (d) A and B only
[Ans. (b) A, B and AB]
(d) Y-linked genes [Ans. (a) Multiple alleles]
3. Three children of a family have blood groups 9. If the childs blood group is ‘O’ and fathers
A, AB and B. What could be the genotypes of blood group is ‘A’ and mother’s blood group
their parents? is ‘B’ the genotype of the parents will be
(a) IA IB and ii (b) IA Io and IBIo
(a) IA IA and IB Io (b) IA Io and IB Io
(c) I I and I I
(d) IA IA and ii
(c) IA Io and IoIo . (d) IoIo and IB IB
[Ans. (b) IA Io and IBIo]
[Ans. (c) Multiple alleles map at different 11. In an accident there is great loss of blood and
loci of a chromosome] there is no time to analyse the blood group
which blood can be safely transferred?
5. Which of the following phenotypes in the
6. Which of the following phenotypes is not 12. Father of a child is colourblind and mother is
possible in the progeny of the parental carrier for colourblindness, the probability of
genotypic combination IAIO X IAIB? the child being colour blind is.
(a) 25% (b) 50%
(a) AB (b) O
(c) 100% (d) 75%
(c) A (d) B [Ans. (b) O] [Ans. (b) 50% ]
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d) All carrier offsprings (a) A (b) AB (c) B (d) O
[Ans. (a) All carrier daughters and normal sons] [Ans. (b) AB]
24. Which of the following is incorrect regarding
(a) 20 (b) 21 (c) 4 (d) 23 (a) It occurs in birds and some reptiles
[Ans. (b) 21] (b) Females are homogametic and males are
15. Klinefelters’ syndrome is characterized by a (c) Male produce two types of gametes
karyotype of (d) It occurs in gypsy moth
(a) XYY (b) XO [Ans. (b) Females are homogametic and
(c) XXX (d) XXY males are heterogametic]
[Ans. (d) XXY]
25. What is haplodiploidy?
16. Females with Turners’ syndrome have Ans. (i) It is a system of sex determination in which
(a) Small uterus sex of the offspring is determined by the
(b) Rudimentary ovaries number of sets of chromosomes it receives.
(c) Underdeveloped breasts (ii) Eg. Honey bees in which fertilized eggs
d) All of these [Ans. (d) All of these] develop into females (Queen or worker
bees) and unfertilized eggs develop into
17. Pataus’ syndrome is also referred to as males (drones) by parthenogenesis.
(a) 13-Trisomy (b) 18-Trisomy
(c) Francis Galton (d) Karl pearson 26. Distinguish between heterogametic and
[Ans. (c) Francis Galton] homogametic sex determination systems?
Ans. Heterogametic sex Homogametic sex
19. Improvement of human race by encouraging
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inactivation of one of the X chromosome in Ans. It is characterized by severe mental retardation,
females so that both males and females have defective development of the central nervous
only one functional X chromosome per cell. system, increased separation between the eyes,
(ii) Mary Lyon suggested that Barr bodies flattened nose, ears are malformed, mouth is
represented an inactive chromosome, constantly open and the tongue protrudes.
which in females becomes tightly coiled
into a heterochromatin, a condensed 33. Differentiate Intersexes from Supersexes.
and visible form of chromatin (Lyon’s Ans. According to geneic balance theory (C. B. Bridges),
hypothesis). The number of Barr bodies the sex of an individual is determined by the ratio
observed in cell was one less than the of X chromosome to that of its autosome sets.
number of X-Chromosome. XO females This ratio is termed sex index
have no Barr body, whereas XXY males Number of X Chromosomes X
have one Barr body. Sex index =
Number of Sets of Autosomes A
(iii) The discovery of X inactivator is attributed Change in this ratio leads to a changed sex
by British Genetician Mary Lyon and is phenotype.
called as Lyonisation.
Super Sex Inter Sex
28. What is criss-cross inheritance?
Super sexes one of These flies are
Ans. It is the transmission of a gene from mother
two type namely super intermediate between
to son or father to daughter. The character is
inherited to the second generation through the females and super normal males and
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Blood IAIA Type A A Anti -B
group IAIo Type A A Anti -B
B Presence of B antigen IBIo Type B B Anti -A
O absence of A and B antigen Neither
AB presence of A and B antigen IAIB Type AB A and B Anti - A nor
(i) Bernstein discovered that, the inheritance of
Neither A Anti -A and
different blood group in humans is determined IoIo Type O
nor B anti -B
by a number of multiple allelic series.
(ii) The three autosomal alleles located 35. How is sex determined in human beings?
on chromosome 9 are concerned with Ans. In human beings the sex is determined by
determination of blood group. XX-XY type (Lygaeus type)
(iii) The gene controlling blood type is labelled
as ‘L’ or I. The gene (isoagglutination) I Genes determining sex in human beings are
exists in three allelic forms IA, IB and Io located on two sex chromosomes, called
(iv) IA specifies A antigen, IB allele determined allosomes. In mammals, sex determination
B antigen and Io allele specifies no antigen. is associated with chromosomal differences
between the two sexes, typically XX females
transferase that adds galactose to the type of gametes (egg), each containing one X
precursor (i.e. H substances) In the case chromosome while the males are heterogametic
of IO/IO allele no terminal transferase producing two types of sperms with X and Y
enzyme is produced and therefore called chromosomes.
“null” allele and hence cannot add NAG or The sex of the embryo depends on the fertilizing
galactose to the precursor. sperm. An egg fertilized by an ‘X’ bearing sperm
(vi) IA and IB are dominant to IO but co produces a female, if fertilized by a Y bearing
– dominant to each other (IA = IB). sperm a male is produced.
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It is of kinds XX-XO type and XX-XY type. F m
(i) XX-XO Type: Eg. Cockroaches and
grasshoppers. XX-XY Type of sex determination
(a) The female with two X chromosomes 37. Brief about female heterogamety.
are homogametic (XX) while the Ans. Heterogametic Females: In this method of sex
males with only one X chromosome determination, the homogametic male possesses
are heterogametic (XO). two ‘X’ chromosomes as in certain insects and
(b) The presence of an unpaired X certain vertebrates like fishes, reptiles and birds
chromosomes determines the producing a single type of gamete; while females
male sex. The males with unpaired produce dissimilar gametes.
‘X’ chromosome produce two The female sex consists of a single ‘X’
types of sperms, one half with X chromosome or one ‘X’ and one ‘Y’ chromosome.
chromosome and other half without Thus the females are heterogametic and produce
X chromosome. two types of eggs. Heterogametic females are of
(c) The sex of the offspring depends two types, ZO-ZZ type and ZW-ZZ type.
upon the sperm that fertilizes the (i) ZO-ZZ Type: Eg. Certain moths,
egg. butterflies and domestic chickens. In
F m this type, the female possesses single
‘Z’ chromosome in its body cells and is
Gametes AX AX AO
heterogametic (ZO) producing two kinds
of eggs some with ‘Z’ chromosome and
some without ‘Z’ chromosome, while the
F1 Generation AAXX AAXO male possesses two ‘Z’ chromosomes and
F m
is homogametic (ZZ).
XX-XO Type of sex determination F m
(ii) XX-XY type (Lygaeus Type) : This Gametes AZ AO AZ
are heterogametic with X and Y
chromosome. ZO-ZZ Type of sex determination
(b) Homogametic females produce
only one kind of egg, each with (ii) ZW-ZZ type: Eg. Insects (gypsy moth)
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the name haplodiplody for this system of
ZW-ZZ Type of sex determination sex determination.
the evolution of sociality in which only one
Ans. The term Rh factor refers to the immunogenic D diploid female becomes a queen and lays
antigen of Rh blood group system. the eggs for the colony.
Genetic control of Rh factor (iv) All other females which are diploid having
(i) Fisher and Race hypothesis: Rh factor developed from fertilized eggs help to
involves three different pairs of alleles raise the queen’s eggs and so contribute
located on three different closely linked to the queen’s reproductive success and
loci on the chromosome pair. This system indirectly to their own, a phenomenon
is more commonly in use today, and uses known as Kin Selection.
(v) The queen constructs their social
the 'Cde' nomenclature.
environment by releasing a hormone that
(ii) Three pairs of Rh alleles (Cc, Dd and Ee)
suppresses fertility of the workers.
occur at 3 different loci on homologous
chromosome pair-1. The possible 40. Discuss the genic balance mechanism of sex
genotypes will be one C or c, one D or d, determination with reference to Drosophila.
one E or e from each chromosome. For Ans. (i) Genic balance mechanisms of sex
carrying a dominant ‘R allele’ (R1, R2, R0, (iv) When geneticist C. B. Bridges, working
Rz) will produce Rh+positive’ phenotype with Drosophila, crossed a triploid (3n)
and double recessive genotypes (rr, rr1, female with a normal male, he observed
rr11, rry) will give rise to Rh-negative
Ans. (i) In hymenopteran insects such as genes for femaleness located on the ‘X’
honeybees, ants and wasps a mechanism chromosomes and those for maleness
of sex determination called haplodiploidy located on the ‘autosomes’ . Hence the
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(vii) Bridges classical cross of a triploid
A + XX 2A + XXX 2A + XXY
(3A+XXX) female fly and a diploid Super female Diploid Female
(2A+XY) male fly
A+X 2A + XX 2A + XY
Triploid F Diploid M Diploid Female Diploid Male
Parent 3A + XXX 2A + XY
Gametes (2A + XX) (A + X) (A + X) (A + Y)
(2A + X) (A + XX)
Different doses of X chromosomes and autosome sets
and their effect on sex determination in Drosophila
Number of ‘X’ Number of
Number of X chromosome
Phenotype Chromosomes Autosome sets Sex Index =
Number of autosome sets
(X) (A)
Meta female / Super female 3 2 3/2 = 1.5
Tetraploid 4 4 4/4 = 1.0
Normal Triploid 3 3 3/3 = 1.0
A sex–switch gene in Drosophila directs female development. This gene, sex–lethal (SxL) located on
the X chromosome, has two states of activity. When it is ‘on’ it directs female development and when
it is ‘off ’ maleness ensures. Other genes located on the X chromosome and autosomes regulate this
sex-switch gene. However, the Y- chromosome of Drosophila is required for male fertility.
41. What are the applications of Karyotyping? 42. Explain the inheritance of sex linked characters
Ans. (i) It helps in gender identification. in human being.
(ii) It is used to detect the chromosomal Ans. (i) The inheritance of a trait that is
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express only in the male sex. (vi) Limnaea peregra is a freshwater snail.
(v) Sex linked inherited traits are more The shell of these animals are spirally
males are hemizygous and therefore (dextral) or anticlockwise (sinistral).
express the trait when they inherit one (vii) Both type of coilings are produced by two
mutant allele. different types of genetically controlled
(vi) The X – linked and Y – linked genes in cleavages namely, dextral cleavage and
the differential region (non–homologus sinistral cleavage.
region) do not undergo pairing or crossing (viii) In Limnaea, dextral coiling is normal and
over during meiosis. The inheritance of sinistral coiling is a mutant character.
X or Y linked genes is called sex-linked
(ix) Direction of coiling is determined by a
pair of nuclear genes, D(dextral) and d
X linked Inheritance - Eg. Colour blindness
(sinistral). The gene for dextral (D) being
Y linked Inheritance - Eg. hypertrichosis dominant over sinistral coiling (d). In
43. What is extra chromosomal inheritance? Fig. a dextral snail provides the eggs and
Explain with an example. a sinistral snail provides the sperm. The
Ans. (i) Certain characters are controlled by non- offsprings are all dextral (Dd), in the F1
nuclear genomes found in chloroplast, generation.
usually contributes the zygote’s initial offsprings in both crosses have the same
cytoplasm and organelles, since the sperms genotype Dd. This is because the genotype
contain very little cytoplasm. If there are of the maternal parent determines the
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3 dextral: 1 sinistral
and to preserve the best germplasm of the society. The desirable traits can be increased by adopting
the following measures:
(a) Early marriage of those having desirable traits
(b) Subsiding the fit and establishing sperm and egg banks of precious germ plasm.
(c) Educating the basic principles of genetics and eugenics.
(d) Improvement of environmental conditions.
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Additional Questions
9. The lygaeus type (XX – XY) type of sex
Choose the Correct Answer 1 Mark determination is seen in __________.
(a) Fishes (b) Chickens
I. Choose the Correct options
(c) Human beings (d) Gypsy moth
for the below Questions
[Ans. (c) Human beings]
universal donor. is __________.
(a) A (b) AB (a) moths (b) Reptiles
(c) B (d) O [Ans. (d) O] (c) Human beings (d) Bugs
2. The blood group __________ is called [Ans. (a) moths]
universal recipient. 11. The ZW – ZZ type of sex determination is seen
(a) AB (b) O is __________
(c) B (d) A (a) Butterflies (b) Drosophila
[Ans. (b) AB] (c) Gypsy moth (d) Human being
3. The ABO blood group was discovered by [Ans. (c) Gypsy moth]
_________. 12. Sex index is applicable to __________
(a) Sturli (b) Decastelle (a) Homogenetic condition
(c) Landsteiner (b) Heterogametic condition
(d) Alexander wiener [Ans. (c) Landsteiner] (c) Genic balance
4. The inheritance of blood group is determined (d) Gynandromorphs[Ans. (c) Genic balance]
by multiple alleles as discovered by_______. 13. X chromosomes was discovered by ________.
(a) Landsteiner (b) Bernstein (a) Landsteiner (b) Henking
(c) Alexander castelle (d) lyon (c) Stevens (d) Bridges
[Ans. (b) Bernstein]
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19. __________ is a disease where abnormal clumping of erythrocytes is called __________.
haemoglobin is produced in patients. (a) agglutination
(a) Phenylketonuria (b) non-agglutination
(b) Huntington’s chorea (c) Inhibition
(c) Thalassemia (d) Albinism (d) repolarization [Ans. (a) agglutination]
[Ans. (c) Thalassemia] 2. One gene ‘L’ controlling blood groups is
20. Phenylketonuria is linked to chromosome __. named after __________
(a) 9 (b) 10 (a) C. B. Bridges (b) Henking
(c) 12 (d) 8 [Ans. (c) 12] (c) Landsteiner (d) Stevens
[Ans. (c) Landsteiner]
21. Cooley’s anaemia refers to __________
(a) Phenylketonuria (b) Haemophilia 3. The allele I° is called __________.
(a) Dominant allele (b) null allele
(c) Thalassemia
(d) Turner’s sundrome [Ans. (c) Thalassemia] (c) Co-dominant allele (d) epistatic allele
[Ans. (b) null allele]
22. The gene responsible for _______ is inherited
as an autosomal recessive lethal gene in man 4. The alleles IA and IB are ________
(a) Huntington’s chorea (a) Hypostatic
(b) Albinism (b) Co-dominant
(c) Colourblindness (c) Recessive
(d) Phenylketonuria [Ans. (b) Albinism] (d) Epistatic [Ans. (b) Co-dominant]
23. __________ is an inborn error of metabolism 5. Individuals who possess the I antigens related
caused due to autosomal recessive gene. to gene I in body fluids are called_________.
(a) Thalassemia (b) Albinism (a) secretors (b) enzymes
24. Trisomy 21 refers to __________ 6. Rh factor was discovered in the blood of _____.
(a) Patau’s syndrome (a) Frog (b) Carp
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10. Genic balance mechanism was first studied by (a) i, iii and iv (b) ii and iv
__________. (c) i and iii (d) iv only
(c) Bernstein (d) Wiener
V. Match the following
[Ans. (b) C. B. Bridges]
1. 1. Kappa (a) eugenics
11. Sex switch genes have been reported in ______. 2. Phenyl pyruvic acid (b) hypertrichosis
(a) Grasshopper (b) Cockroach 3. Germplasm (c) chromosome 12
(c) Wasp (d) Drosophila 4. Holandric genes (d) bacterium
[Ans. (d) Drosophila] (A) 1 – c 2–d
3–b 4–a
12. In ___________ the tissues of male and female (B) 1 – d 2–a
3–b 4–c
genotype type form a mosaic. (C) 1 – d 2–c
3–a 4–b
(a) Haplo-diploidy (D) 1 – c 2–b
3–a 4–d
(b) Gynandromorphy [Ans. (C) 1–d 2–c 3–a 4–b]
(c) Genic balance 2. 1. Karyotyping (a) Metaphase
(d) Lygaeus type [Ans. (b) Gynandromorphy] 2. XO females (b) Barr body
13. Sex chromatin is also called as __________. 3. 3n female (c) Aneuploidy
4. Lyon (d) Bridges
(a) N-0 Rule (b) N-3 rule [Ans. (A) 1-a 2-c 3-d 4-b]
(c) N-1 rule (d) N-2 rule
3. 1. I A. Fischer
[Ans. (c) N-1 rule]
2. R1 B. Bridges
15. Kin selection is seen in __________. 3. Cde C. Landsteiner
(C) 1 - d 2 - c 3 - a 4 - b
IV Identify the correct Statements
(D) 1 - c 2-d 3-a 4-b
1. (i) Y linked genes are transmitted from [Ans. (D) 1-c 2-d 3-a 4-b]
mother to son.
(ii) People with IA IO genotype have O blood
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A. A and R are true, R is the correct explanation the others come under ABO Blood groups.
of A.
B. A and R are true, R is not the correct 2. (a) Cockroaches (b) Drosophila
explanation of A. (c) Human beings (d) Butterflies
C. A is true, R is false. [Ans. (d) Butterflies]
D. Both A and R are false. Reason: They are heterogametic females whereas
1. Assertion : ABO Blood grouping is based on the others are heterogametic males.
multiple alleles. 3. (a) 22A + X (b) 22A + Y
Reason : There are 6 possible genotypes and (c) 44AA + XY (d) 22AA + XY
4 possible blood types [Ans. (d) 22AA + XY]
[Ans. (a) A and R are true, R is the correct Reason: It is an abnormal chromosomal
explanation of A] complement of human whereas others are
2. Assertion : The Kappa in paramecium appears normal chromosomal complements of a human.
to be a bacterium. 4. (a) Hemophilia (b) Colour blindness
Reason : Kappa particles are not dependent (c) Turner’s syndrome
on the chromosomal genes. (d) Muscular Dystrophy
[Ans. (c) A is true, R is false] [Ans. (c) Turner’s syndrome]
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6. Cell division in cells can be arrested by use of a 1. Mention two measures under negative
substance called ________ [Ans. colchicines] eugenics.
7. For karyotype cells in ___________ stages of Ans. (i) Sexual separation of the defectives.
cell division are photographed (ii) Sterilization of the defectives
[Ans. metaphase] (iii) Control of immigration and
(iv) Regulation of marriages
technique ____________. [Ans. karyotyping] 2. Mention the symptoms seen in trisomy 13/
9. __________ is a family tree. [Ansz pedigree] Pataus’s syndrome.
Ans. It is characterized by multiple and severe body
10. Absence of melanin results in a condition called
malformations as well as profound mental
__________. [Ans. Albinism]
deficiency. Small head with small eyes, cleft palate,
11. In skin during pigment formation DOPA is malformation of the brain and internal organs are
converted into __________ [Ans. melanin] some of the symptoms of this syndrome.
12. The enzyme ______ converts DOPA to Melanin. 3. What is a syndrome?
[Ans. Tyrosinase]
Ans. Group of signs and symptoms that occur together
13. Involuntary jerking of the body and degeneration and characterize a particular abnormality
of nervous system are symptoms of __________. is called a syndrome. In humans, Down’s
[Ans. Huntington’s chorea] syndrome, Turner’s syndrome, Klinefelter's
14. ___________ is an example of Autosomal syndrome, Patau’s syndrome are some of the
aneuploidy in humans. examples of chromosomal disorders.
16. Shell coiling in Limnaea exhibits __________ form of chromatin. The number of Barr bodies
inheritance. observed in cell was one less than the number
[Ans. Extra chromosomal / Cytoplasmic] of X-Chromosome. XO females have no Barr
17. Kappa particles in paramecium were studied by body, whereas XXY males have one Barr body.
19. The kappa particles liberates a toxin called __ of the body expressing female characters.
[Ans. paramecin] The organism is made up of tissues of male
and female genotype and represents a mosaic
20. The term __________ means well born. pattern.
[Ans. Eugenics]
6. How does hemophilia affect an individual?
21. The term eugenics was coined by __________.
Ans. A person with a recessive gene for
[Ans. Francis Galton]
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monkey and human beings. In the blood it whenever the woman attains pregnancy.
is inherited as a dominant trait.
5. Draw a schematic representation to show
(ii) An individual having D antigen are Rh D ZW – ZZ type of sex determination.
(Rh+) and those without D antigen are Rh Ans. F m
D negative (Rh–). P1 AAZW AAZZ
Gametes AZ AW AZ
Short Answers 3 Marks
1. Why are people with O blood group called as F1 Generation AAZZ AAZW
universal donors?
Ans. People with ‘O’ blood group lack both ‘A’ and ‘B’ 6. What is SRY?
antigens. Therefore when ‘O’ blood is donated Ans. SRY stands for sex determining region Y. It
to another individual, his blood will not produce is a gene found in the euchromatin regions of
any antibodies against it. Therefore people with the Non–combining region of Y chromosome.
‘O’ blood group are called as universal donors. It codes for testes determining factor (TDF)
present in testes of Males. This gene does not
2. ‘AB’ Blood group individuals are called occur in X chromosome.
universal recipients. Justify.
7. What is sex Index?
Ans. People with AB blood group have both ‘A’
antigen and B antigen in their RBCs. Therefore Ans. In Drosophila the sex is determined by the
they can receive blood from ‘A’ group, ‘B’ balance between the genes for femaleness located
group or ‘O’ group individuals their blood will on the ‘X’ chromosome and those for maleness
not produce antibodies against any of them. located on the ‘autosomes’ (A). Hence the sex of
Therefore people with ‘AB’ blood group are an individual is determined by the ratio of its X
called as universal recipients. chromosome to that of the autosome A sets. This
ratio is termed as sex index and is expressed as
substances) In the case of IO/IO allele no terminal Ans. Haemophilia is a disease caused by a recessive X
transferase enzyme is produced and therefore – linked gene. If a normal female marries a colour
called “null” allele and hence cannot add NAG blind male or vice versa, the gene is carried in
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cones. Hence the affected person is unable to Affected individuals lack the tyrosinase enzyme
distinguish red and green colour. which converts DOPA to melanin pigment
Ans. (i) The genes present in the non-homologous autosomal recessive genes.
region of the Y chromosome are called 16. What is the reason for the occurrence of
Y - linked genes or holandric genes. chromosomal abnormalities?
(ii) The Y - linked genes have no corresponding Ans. (i) Chromosomal disorders are caused
allele in X - chromosome.
by errors in the number or structure of
(iii) These genes are transmitted directly from chromosomes.
father to son, because males inherit the Y (ii) Chromosomal anomalies usually occur
chromosome from the father. when there is an error in cell division.
(iv) Eg. Gene for Hypertrichosis (excessive Failure of chromatids to segregate during
development of hairs on pinna of the ear). cell division resulting in the gain or loss
11. What is karyotyping? of one or more chromosomes is called
Ans. Karyotyping is a technique through which aneuploidy. It is caused by non-disjunction
a complete set of chromosomes is separated of chromosomes. Eg. Down’s syndrome.
from a cell and the chromosomes are arranged 17. What is extra chromosomal or cytoplasmic
in pairs. An idiogram refers to a diagrammatic inheritance.
pathway for specific phenotypic characters. inheritance. They exhibit maternal influence
Pedigree analysis is the study of traits as they in their pattern of inheritance. Eg. Inheritance
have appeared in a given family line for several of the shell coiling pattern in fresh water snail
past generations. Limnaea peregra.
13. What are Mendelian disorders? 18. What are Kappa particles.
Ans. Alteration or mutation in a single gene causes Ans. They are cytoplasmic symbionts occurring
Mendelian disorders. These disorders are in some strains of the ciliated paramecium
transmitted to the offsprings on the same which have their own DNA. It liberates a toxin
line as the Mendelian pattern of inheritance. paramecin and strains which possess these
Some examples for Mendelian disorders are particles are called ‘killer paramecia’. Inheritance
(a) Mating (b) Dizygotic twins. man is called Euphenics or Medical engineering.
Ans. Mating Dizygotic twins In 1960, Joshua Lederberg coined the term
euphenics. It means normal appearing. It
deals with the control of several inherited
human diseases especially the inborn errors of
metabolism. Eg. Phenylketonuria (PKU)
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by subjecting them to better nutrition, better as Kin Selection. The queen constructs their
unpolluted ecological conditions, better social environment by releasing a hormone that
education and sufficient medical facilities. suppresses fertility of the workers. Eg. Honey
21. What is erythoblastosis foetalis (or)
Haemolytic disease of the new born (HDN)? 23. What is Sex-switch gene?
(or) Write about the incompatiability of Ans. (i) A gene, sex–lethal (SxL) located on the X
Rh-factor. chromosome, in Drosophila directs female
Ans. (i) Rh incompatability has great significance development.
in child birth. If a woman is Rh negative (ii) This gene has two states of activity. When
and the man is Rh positive, the foetus may it is ‘on’ it directs female development and
be Rh positive having inherited the factor when it is ‘off’ maleness ensures.
from its father. (iii) Other genes located on the X chromosome
(ii) The Rh negative mother becomes and autosomes regulates sex switch gene.
sensitized by carrying Rh positive foetus (iv) However, the Y chromosome of Drosophila
within her body. is required for male fertility.
(iii) Due to damage of blood vessels, during
child birth, the mother’s immune system Long Answers 5 Marks
recognizes the Rh antigens and gets 1. Explain criss-cross pattern of inheritance with
sensitized. The sensitized mother produces an example. (or) Explain Inheritance of colour
Rh antibodies.
(iv) The antibodies are IgG type which are Ans. In human beings a dominant X – linked gene is
small and can cross placenta and enter the necessary for the formation of colour sensitive
foetal circulation. By the time the mother cells, the cones. The recessive form of this gene
gets sensitized and produce anti ‘D’ is incapable of producing colour sensitive cone
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haemoglobin is composed of four
polypeptide chains, two alpha and two beta
defects in either the alpha or beta globin
chain causing the production of abnormal
haemoglobin molecules resulting in
(ii) Thalassemia is classified into alpha and
beta based on which chain of haemoglobin
molecule is affected. It is controlled by two
closely linked genes HBA1 and HBA2 on
chromosome 16. Mutation or deletion of one
Marriage between colour blind
man and normal visioned woman
or more of the four alpha gene alleles causes
Alpha Thalassemia. In Beta Thalassemia,
(ii) Marriage between normal visioned man production of beta globin chain is affected.
and colour blind woman: It is controlled by a single gene (HBB) on
(a) If a colour blind woman (XcXc) chromosome 11. It is the most common
marries a normal visioned male type of Thalassemia and is also known
(XCY), all F1 sons will be colourblind as Cooley’s anaemia. In this disorder the
and daughters will be normal alpha chain production is increased and
visioned but are carriers. damages the membranes of RBC.
(b) Marriage between F1 carrier female
3. Write a note on allosomal chromosomal
with a colour blind male will produce
normal visioned carrier daughter,
colourblind daughter, normal Ans. Mitotic or meiotic non-disjunction of sex
visioned son and a colourblind son chromosomes causes allosomal abnormalities.
in the F2 generation. Several sex chromosomal abnormalities have
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of menstrual cycle during puberty, are the (d) Regulation of marriages
main symptoms of this syndrome. Euphenics:
4. Discuss the methods adopted for the The symptomatic treatment of genetic disease of
improvement of human race. man is called Euphenics or Medical engineering.
In 1960, Joshua Lederberg coined the term
Ans. The methods adopted for the improvement of
Euphenics. It means normal appearing. It
human beings are
deals with the control of several inherited
(i) Eugenics human diseases especially the inborn errors of
(ii) Euthenics metabolism. Eg. Phenylketonuria (PKU)
(iii) Euphenics
Eugenics: The science of improvement of existing
Application of the laws of genetics for the human race by improving the environmental
improvement of human race is called eugenics. conditions is called euthenics. It can be achieved
The term eugenics means “well born” and by subjecting them to better nutrition, better
was coined by Francis Galton in 1885. For the unpolluted ecological conditions, better
betterment of future generations it is necessary education and sufficient medical facilities.
to increase the population of outstanding people
5. Write a note on any 2 Mendelian disorders
and to decrease the population of abnormal and
occurring in human beings.
the best germplasm of the society. The (i) Thalassemia is an autosomal recessive
desirable traits can be increased by disorder. It is caused by gene mutation
adopting the following measures: resulting in excessive destruction of
(a) Early marriage of those having RBC’s due to the formation of abnormal
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gene (HBB) on chromosome 11. It is the malformed, mouth is constantly open and the
most common type of Thalassemia and is tongue protrudes.
disorder the alpha chain production is
(i) Trisomic condition of chromosome
increased and damages the membranes of
13 results in Patau’s syndrome. Meiotic
non disjunction is thought to be the cause
Huntington’s chorea: for this chromosomal abnormality.
(i) It is inherited as an autosomal dominant
(ii) It is characterized by multiple and severe
lethal gene in man. body malformations as well as profound
(ii) It is characterized by involuntary jerking mental deficiency. Small head with small
of the body and progressive degeneration eyes, cleft palate, malformation of the
of the nervous system, accompanied by brain and internal organs are some of the
gradual mental and physical deterioration. symptoms of this syndrome.
(iii) The patients with this disease usually die b. Allosomal abnormalities in humanbeings:
between the age of 35 and 40.
Mitotic or meiotic non-disjunction of sex
6. Write notes on chromosomal abnormalities chromosomes causes allosomal abnormalities.
in human beings. (or) What is aneuploidy? Several sex chromosomal abnormalities have
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Unit Test
[Time : 1 hr] [Marks: 25]
Chapter 4
1. ZW – ZZ system of sex determination occurs (a) A and R are true, R is the correct explanation
in __________. of A
(a) Fishes (b) Reptiles (b) A and R are true, R is not the correct
(c) Birds (d) All of these explanation of A
2. Which of the following phenotypes are possible (c) A is true, R is false
in offspring from the parental combination A (d) Both A and R are false
X O? 9. Choose the mismatched pair:
(a) A and B (b) O only (i) SRY - X Chromosome
(c) A only (d) A and O (ii) Heterogametic - XX–XO
3. Klinefelters syndrome is characterized by female
(iii) Barr body - Sex Chromatin
(a) XYY (b) XO
(iv) Rh factor - Landsteiner
(c) XXY (d) XXX
(a) i and iv (b) ii and iii and iv
4. In gypsy moth we find __________ type of sex (c) ii only (d) i and ii
10. Choose the correct statement:
(a)ZW - ZZ (b) ZO - ZZ
(i) Y linked genes are transmitted from
(c) XX - XY (d) XX - XO
mother to son.
5. Y – Chromosome was discovered by ________. (ii) People with IA IO gene type have O blood
(a) stevens (b) Henking group.
(c) Bertram (d) Sonneborn (iii) Human Y chromosome is shorter than
X chromosome
6. Red – green colour blindness is also called (iv) Fertilized eggs develop into Drones
7. 1. Karyotyping A. Metaphase
11. Define eugenics.
2. XO females B. Barr body
3. 3n female C. Aneuploidy 12. What is criss cross inheritance?
4. Lyon D. Bridges
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