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This PDF Is The Sample PDF Taken From Our Comprehensive Study Material For NEET & Aiims
This PDF Is The Sample PDF Taken From Our Comprehensive Study Material For NEET & Aiims
s we all know that a vast number of plant as well as animal species have existed on the
A earth for several thousand of years. So to maintian this continuity living organism
possess a process known as Reproduction. Reproduction is one of the most
characteristic feature of living organisms. Reproduction is defined as a biological
process in which an organism gives rise to young ones similar to itself. Thus there is
cycle of birth , growth and death. Life will not exist if plans or animals will not
reproduce. In this way an organism gurantees his survival. There is a large diversity
among biological world and each organism in this world has evolves its own
mechanism to multiply and produce offsprings.The organism’s habitat, its internal
physiology and several other factors are collectively responsible for how it
It is clear from above discussion that for a species of plant or animals to continue
living on this earth, it must reproduce itself. This chapter deals with the life span of
organism, basic feature of reproduction and types of reproduction.
Reproduction in Organisms
Reproduction is the process of producing offspring similar to itself. It is a characteristic of living organisms.The
offspring grow,mature and in turn produce new offspring. Thus, there is a cycle of birth, growth and death. Reproduction
enables the continuily of the species, generation after generation.
There is large diversity in the biological world and each organism has evolved its own mechanism to multiply and
produce offspring. Based on whether there is participation of one oraganism or two in the process of reproduction. it is
of two types. When off spring is produced by a single parent with or without the involvement of gamete formation, the
reproduction is Asexual. When two parents (opposite sex) participate in the reproductive process and also involve
fusion of male and female gametes, it is called Sexual reproduction.The organism’s habitat, its internal physiology and
several other factors are collectively responsible for how it reproduces.
Asexual Reproduction :- In this method, a single individual (parent) is capable of producing off spring. As a result, the
offspring that are produced are not only identical to one another but are also exact copies of their parent.
Now the questions arises that are these offspring produces are likely to be gentically identical or different? Therefore
the term clone is used to describe such morphologically and genetically similar individuals. Let us see how widespread
asexual reproduction. is, among different groups of organisms. Asexual reproduction occurs in both single celled and
multicelled individuals. The parent individual splits, buds or fragments to from identical daughter cells or individuals,
e.g. Amoeba, Paramoecium, Euglena Sycon, Hydra, Tubularia, Planaria, Ascidia. In yeast, the division is unequal and
small buds are produced that remain attached initially to the parent cell which eventually gets separated and mature into
new yeast orgnisms (cells). Asexual reproduction is also called agamogenesis or agamogeny. While in animals and other
simple organisms the term asexual is used unambiguougly, in plants, the term vegetative reproduction is frequently used.
In plants, the units of vegetative propagation such as runner, rhizome, sucker, tuber, offset, bulb are all capable of giving
rise to new offspering. These structures are called vegetative propagules. Obviously, since the formation of these
structures does not involve two parents, the process involved is asexual. The fleshy buds which produces new plants
in bryophytes is called Turion.
Members of the kingdom Fungi and simple plants such as algae reproduce through special asexual reproductive
structures. The most common of these structures are zoospores that usually are microscopic motile structures. Other
common asexual reproductive structures are conidia (Penicillium), buds (Hydra) and gemmules (sponge). In mode of
reproduction, somatic cells undergo mitosis during the formation of new individuals. Therefore it is also called Somatogenic
reproduction. Water hyacinth (Terror of Bengal) which is one of the most invasive weeds found growing wherever there
is standing water. It drains oxygen from the water, which leads to death of fishes.
Asexual reproduction occurs by fission, budding and fragmentation.
1. Fission : It is a mode of asexual reproduction in which the body of a mature individual divides in two or more similar
and equal sized daughter individuals. Fission can be binary fission or multiple fission.
a. Binary fission: It is the division of the body or an individual into two equal halves, each of which functions as an
independent daughter individual. Depending on the plane of division the binary fission is of follwoing ypes:
i. Simple Binary Fission: E.g. Amoeba
ii. Longitudinal Binary Fission: E.g. Euglena, Vorticella.
iii. Oblique Binary fission: E.g. Ceratium, Gonyaulax
iv. Transverse Binary Fission: E.g. Paramecium
b. Multiple fission: The nucleus divides several times by amitosis to produce many nuclei, without involving any
cytokinesis. Later, each nucleus gathers a small amount of cytoplasm around it and the mother individual splits into
many tiny daughter cells. E.g. Plasmodium, Monocystis.
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Reproduction is the process of producing offspring similar to itself. It is a characteristic of living organisms.
Biologically it means the multiplication and perptuation of the species.
According to the conditions available in environment, organisms have adapted the processes of reproduction.
Generally, two types of reproduction mechanisms are present in organisms.
1. Reproduction in Animals
Animal reproduce by both asexual and sexual methods.
2. Asexual Reproduction
It is the primary means of reproduction among the protists, cnidarians and tunicates. The process of asexual
reproduction can be occur though following mehtods.
It is the formation of
whole body of an organism
Gemmules from the small fragment of
These are the its body, e.g., Planaria,
asexual reproductive Hydra, etc. Fission
structure present in The parent body is divided into
several sponges. two or more parts, which becomes
These are oval new individual, e.g., planarians.
in shape, e.g., Riccia, protozoans, etc.
Marchantia, etc.
Spore formation Reproduction Budding
The propagule like in Animals Small projection or outgrowths
which germinate to new in protozoans and sponges.
individual. e.g., Funaria Projection is called bud, later bud
Claviceps, etc. develops into new organisms.
e.g., yeast and coelenterates.
Strobilisation Fragmentation
In this the ring-like constrictions The parent body breaks into two
are developed and organisms or more fragments. Each fragment
look like a pile of minute saucers. become new organism,
e.g., Aurelia. e.g., sponges and echinoderms.
3. Sexual Reproduction
In animals the sexual reproduction occurs by the fertilisation of haploid sperm and haploid egg, generating a diploid
offspring. In most individuals (i.e., dioecious), the female produce eggs, (i.e, large non-motile cells contain food
reserve) and the male produce sperms (i.e., small, motile cell and have almost no food reserve).
In other individual, (i.e., monoecious) such as earthworm and many snails, single individual produce both sperm
and egg occurs in variety of ways, depending on the mobility and the breeding environment of individual. 7
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Ex.1 In Vorticella, the total number of micronuclei formed Sol. (C) : In adventive embryony embryo arises from
at the end of pre-zygotic nuclear division in female diploid sporophytic cells such as nucellus or in-
gamont is teguments ( other egg) e.g., citrus.
(A) 4 (B) 6
(C) 8 (D) 5 Ex.8 Grafting of tissue or organ between individuals dif-
Sol. (A) ferent species is called
Ex.2 Which one of the following glands is absent in re- (A) Autograft (B) Isograft
productive system of rabbit. (C) Xenograft (D) Allograft
(A) Cowper's gland (B) Collateral gland (E) Intergraft
(C) Perineal gland (D) Prostate gland Sol. (C)
Sol. (B)
Ex.9 Carrot is micropropagated through
Ex.3 Drones in a colony of honey bees originate by
(A) Embryo (B) Embryoids
(A) Thelytoky
(B) Arrhenotoky (C) Shoot culture (D) Callus
(C) Cyclic parthenogenesis Sol. (D)
(D) Diploid parthenogenesis
Ex.10 What Apomixis is common between vegetative re-
Sol. (B) : Arrhenotoky is a type of parthenogenesis, in
which the unfertilized eggs develop into males with production and Apomixis
haploid cells. (A) Both occur round the year
Ex.4 Arrhenotoky is related to (B) Both produces progeny identical to the parent
(A) Parthenogenesis (B) Wax formation (C) Both are applicable to only dicot plants
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these (D) Both bypass the flowering phase
Sol. (A) : Parthenogenesis can be classified into Sol. (B)
arrhenotoky and thelytoky.
Ex.11 Why is reproduction essential for organisms?
Ex.5 Natural parthenogenesis occurs in
Sol. Reproduction is a fundamental feature of all living
(A) Frog to form female
organisms. It is a biological process through which
(B) Honeybee to produce drones
living organisms produce offspring’s similar to them.
(C) Cockroach
(D) Vegetarian eggs Reproduction ensures the continuance of various
Sol. (B) : Parthenogenesis is the development of an indi- species on the Earth. In the absence of reproduc-
vidual from an unfertilized egg. In honey bees drones tion, the species will not be able to exist for a long
develop parthenogenetically. time and may soon get extinct
Ex.6 Which one of the following plants does not help in Ex.12 Why is the offspring formed by asexual reproduc-
vegetative propagation by leaves tion referred to as clone?
(A) Begonia (B) Kalanchoe
Sol. A clone is a group of morphologically and geneti-
(C) Bryophyllum (D) Oxalis
cally identical individuals. In the process of asexual
Sol. (C)
reproduction, only one parent is involved and there
Ex.7 Development of embryo from the cells of the nucel- is no fusion of the male and the female gamete. As
lus is called
a result, the offsprings so produced are morpho-
(A) Parthenocarpy (B) Apocarpy
logically and genetically similar to their parents and
(C) Adventive embryony (D) Apospory
are thus, called clones.
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1. Which are exclusively viviparous 11. An alternation of asexual and sexual generations
(A) Bony fishes where both the generations are diploid and the
(B) Cartilagenous fishes haploid stage is represented only by the gametes is
(C) Sharks called
(D) Whales (A) Alternation of generation
(B) Metagenesis
2. The asexual process replaced by the sexual method (C) Paedogenesis
is known as (D) Parthenogenesis
(A) Semigamy (B) Amphimixis
(C) Apospory (D) Apomixis 12. Differentiation in morphology of the two sexes of
the same species is called
3. In all the methods of asexual reproduction
(A) Hermaphrodite (B) Heteromorphosis
(A) Offsprings produced are genetically identical
(C) Sexual dimorphism (D) Unisexual
to the parents
(B) Offsprings produced are genetically different 13. Fertilization is internal in
from the parents (A) Toads (B) Frogs
(C) Offsprings produced may or may not be (C) Dog fish (D) Cat fish
identical to the parents
(D) None of the above 14. Haploid parthenogenesis among insects is shown
by order
4. A person which shows the secondary sexual (A) Hymenoptera (B) Homoptera
characters of both male and female is called (C) Coleoptera (D) All the above
(A) Intersex (B) Hermaphrodite
(C) Bisexual (D) Gynandromorph 15. A person which shows the secondary sexual
characters of both male and female is called
5. In sexual reproduction, offsprings resemble the (A) Intersex (B) Hermaphrodite
parents (C) Bisexual (D) Gynandromorph
(A) Structurally but not functionally
(B) Functionally but not structurally 16. In some species parthenogenesis may alternate with
(C) Both structurally and functionally sexual reproduction this process is called
(D) Neither structurally nor functionally (A) Complete parthenogenesis
(B) Incomplete or cyclic parthenogenesis
6. The polyestrous mammal is (C) Both the above
(A) Man (B) Rabbit
(D) None of the above
(C) Cat (D) Horse
17. Product of sexual reproduction generally generates
7. Viviparity is found in (A) Large biomass
(A) Frog (B) Lizard
(B) Longer viability of seeds
(C) Snake (D) Rabbit
(C) Prolonged dormancy
8. Common method of asexual reproduction is by (D) New genetic combination leading to variation
(A) Regeneration (B) Budding
18. Which is mode of reproduction in Amoeba
(C) Archeocytes (D) Gemmulation
(A) Binary fission only
9. Asexual reproduction takes place in (B) Binary fission and multiple fission
(A) Higher animals (B) Lower animals (C) Binary fission and conjugation
(C) Plants (D) All the above (D) Multiple fission only
10. As a result of binary fission number of individuals 19. In Earthworms, self fertilization does not occur due
produced by one fission is to
(A) Two (B) Three (A) Hypogyny (B) Protogyny
(C) Four (D) Five (C) Protandry (D) Epigyny
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(C) Parthenogenesis (D) Encystment 11. In some species parthenogenesis may alternate with
sexual reproduction this process is called
3. Gemmule formation in sponges is helpful in
(A) Complete parthenogenesis
(A) Parthenogenesis
(B) Incomplete or cyclic parthenogenesis
(B) Sexual reproduction
(C) Both the above
(C) Only dissemination
(D) None of the above
(D)Asexual reproduction
12. Haploid parthenogenesis among insects is shown
4. Which is mode of reproduction in Amoeba by order
(A) Binary fission only (A) Hymenoptera (B) Homoptera
(B) Binary fission and multiple fission (C) Coleoptera (D) All the above
(C) Binary fission and conjugation
13. Natural parthenogenesis occurs in
(D) Multiple fission only
(A) Frog to form female
5. Which of the following shows the sexual (B) Honeybee to produce drones
dimorphism (C) Cockroach
(A) Hydra and Ascaris (D) Vegetarian eggs
(B) Hydra and Oryctolagus
14. Drones in a colony of honey bees originate by
(C) Ascaris and Pheretima
(A) Thelytoky
(D) Ascaris and Oryctolagus
(B) Arrhenotoky
6. Drones in a colony of honey bees originate by (C) Cyclic parthenogenesis
(A) Thelytoky (D) Diploid parthenogenesis
(B) Arrhenotoky
15. Which of the following shows the sexual
(C) Cyclic parthenogenesis dimorphism
(D) Diploid parthenogenesis (A) Hydra and Ascaris
7. Arrhenotoky is related to (B) Hydra and Ory ctolagus
(A) Parthenogenesis (B) Wax formation (C) Ascaris and Pheretima
(D) Ascaris and Oryctolagus
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these
16. Arrhenotoky is related to
8. Binary fission is found in
(A) Parthenogenesis (B) Wax formation
(A) Amoeba (B) Paramecium
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these
(C) Planaria (D) All of these 15
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(D) The seeds cannot be stored under normal (A) Isogametes are similar in structure, function
and behaviour
conditions for the next season
(B) Anisogametes differ either in structure, func-
4. In which one pair both the plants can be vegeta- tion and behaviour
tively propagated by leaf pieces ? (C) In oomycetes female gamete is smaller and mo-
[CBSE AIPMT 2004] tile, while male gamete is large and non-motile
(A) Agava and Kalanchoe (D) Chlamydomonas exhibits both isogamy and
anisogamy and Fucus shows oogamy
(B) Bryophyllum and Kalanchoe
(C) Asparagus and Bryophyllum 11. Which of the following pairs is not correctly match
(D) Chrysanthemum and Agave ? [CBSE AIPMT 2015]
Mode of reproduction Example
5. Vegetative propagation in mini occurs by (A) Offset Water hyacinth
[CBSE AIPMT 2009] (B) Rhizome Banana
(A) Offset (B) Rhizome (C) Binary fission Sargassum
(C) Sucker (D) Runner (D) Conidia Penicillium
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1. Which one of the following statements is not correct?
(A) Offspring produced by the asexual reproduction are called clone.
(B) Microscopic, motile, asexual reproductive structures are called zoospores.
(C) In potato, banana and ginger, the plantlets arise from, the internodes present in the modified stem.
(D) Water hyacinth, growing in the standing water, drains oxygen from water that leads to the death of fishes.
6. Vegetative reproduction, in which new plants develop in the notches along the tip of intact leaves is seen in
(A) Asparagus (B) Agave (C) Chrysanthemum (D) Bryophyllum
8. Find out order of vegetative propagules of plants like potato, ginger, Agave, Bryophyllum and water hyacinth.
(A) Offset, bulbil, leaf bud, rhizome and eyes (B) Leaf bud, bulbil, offset, rhizome and eyes
(C) Eyes, rhizome, bulbil, leaf bud and offset (D) Rhizome, bulbil, leaf bud, eyes and offset
(E) Offset, bulbil, leaf bud, rhizome and eyes
9. Which one of the following pairs is wrongly matched while the remaining three are correct?
(A) Penicillium – conidia
(B) Water hyacinth – runner
(C) Bryophyllum – leaf buds
(D) Agave – bulbils 25
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11th Class Modules Chapter Details