7 Discrete Structure March 2023

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NP - 313
I Semester B.C.A.. Degree Examination, March/Apnl2023
(NEP) (2021 - 22 and Onwards) (F+R)
Discrete Structures

Time : 2/z Hours Max. Marks : 60

lnstruction : Answer any 4 questions from each Section.

l. Answer any 4 questions. Each question carries 2 marks. (4x2=8)

1) Find x and y if (x + 9,7) - (4, 2x - y).

2) Define reflexive and symmetric relation.

3) How many 3 digit numbers can be formed by using digits 1 to 9 if no digit is

repeated ?

4) Find Adjoint of o = [1
]l s_l

5) Define scalar matrix with an example.

6) Define Binary tree.

sECTloN -B
ll. Answer any four questions. Each question carries 5 marks. (4x5=20)
7) out of 20 members in a famiry,'lzilt e to take tea, 15 like cotfee. Assume
that each one like at least one of the two drinks how many like

i) Both coffee and tea.

ii) Only tea and not coffee. 5

8) Prove that -(p <+ q) = - [(p -+ q) n (q + p)]. s
NP - 313 -2- tlIlillfflllllllilllill lllltfl

9) Find the value of n if nPr= 12. 5

10) o =
1] .n"- -that A2 = 4^+ 3l 0. 5

'r [-?
1) Traverse the fo-ilowing tree in preorder, postorder and inorder. c

12) Solve using Cramer's rule. 5

3x + 4y =7 andTx-Y = 6.


lll. Answer any 4 questions. Each carries I marks. (4x8=32)

13) a) Considerf :R + Rgiven byf(x) =4x+Sshowthatf is invertible. Find

inverse of f.
b) Prove that (p n g) n - (p"q) is contradiction. (a+a)

14\ a) How many words with or without meaning can be made from the
letter of theoword "MONDAY" assuming that no letter is repeated if
i) 4 letters are used at a time
ii) All letters are used at a,time.
b) Find the co-efficient of x6ys in the expansion of (x + 2y)n. (a+a)

15) a) Explain tower of Hanoi problem witn g discs.

b) Showthat 1 + 3 + 5 + . . . . + (2n- 1) = n' by mathematical
induction. (a+a)
Itillllltliltl[ il] ffiiltfl lIlt NP - 313
16) a) Find the inverse of the matrix o =
[; -l-l
b) rf o =
[ -1]"^oir=
[-1 t]*,,, rnel,=
B,A,. (a+a)
17\ a) Find the minimum weighted spanning tree by Prim's argorithm.

b) Define minimum spanning tree. (6+2)

18) a) Construct binary search tree

56, 38, 10, 65, 72,44,50.
b) Define Hand shgking lemma theorem with an example. (5+3)

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