Biography of The President of Mexico
Biography of The President of Mexico
Biography of The President of Mexico
Guadalupe Victoria
Mexican soldier and independence activist (Tamazula, Nueva Vizcaya, 1786 - San Carlos de Perote, 1846). His real name was José Miguel
Ramón Adaucto Fernández Félix and he grew up with his uncle, the priest of Tamazula, Agustín Fernández. He studied at the Durango
Seminary and at the San Ildefonso School in Mexico.
In 1812 she joined the insurgent forces of Hermenegildo Galeana and changed her name to Guadalupe Victoria, as she entrusted herself to the
Brown Virgin and fought for the victory of the insurgent cause. He stood out during the taking of Oaxaca and joined Nicolás Bravo's troop in
Veracruz. He dedicated himself to controlling the passage of the King's Bridge, for which he became famous due to his successful assaults on
military convoys.
For this reason he was promoted to colonel and was in charge of the Veracruz campaign. He defended the ports of Nautla and Boquillas de
Piedras, although the royalists managed to recover them later. Victoria began a guerrilla warfare strategy with brief but devastating attacks.
He also organized a government in the territory he dominated, set taxes to support the war, appointed judges and the conditions for the
creation of a maritime force. He managed to besiege and isolate the cities of Córdoba, Orizaba and Jalapa.
When the insurgent movement declined with the death of Morelos, Victoria continued to keep the cause alive. At the beginning of 1819 he
went into hiding, and reappeared in 1821 to support the Plan of Iguala, signed between Agustín de Iturbide and Vicente Guerrero. He met with
Iturbide, with whom he had differences, since he did not agree on the establishment of an empire but on that of a republic.
When Iturbide abdicated and went into exile in 1823, Victoria formed part of the Supreme Executive
Branch. A year later, the Constitutive Act of the Federation (Constitution of 1824) was sanctioned
and Victoria was elected president.
His management was aimed at obtaining the recognition of Mexican independence from other
nations. He obtained a loan from England and expelled all the Spaniards. At the end of his
government in 1829 he retired to live on his estate in Jobo in Veracruz. He served as senator for
Durango and Veracruz from 1832 to 1834, and simultaneously fought rebellions in Veracruz and
Oaxaca, and would later be invested as interim governor of Puebla. In 1838 he assumed the general
command of Veracruz due to the threat of war with France. In 1841 he married María Antonia Bretón
y Velázquez, but his health was damaged by an old epileptic condition.
Vicente Guerrero
Mexican soldier and revolutionary (Tixtla, current Guerrero, 1783 - Cuilapan, 1831). Vicente Guerrero came from a family of farmers and
muleteers of mixed origin.
In 1811 he had contact with Hermenegildo Galeana, who convinced him to join the independence movement, since he had been sent by José
María Morelos to take Taxco. Morelos recognized Guerrero's merits and granted him the rank of captain, ordering him to be instructed in the
handling of weapons, gunpowder manufacturing, war strategies, etc.
In 1812 he took part in the conquest of Oaxaca, and again for his continued demonstration of valor he was promoted to lieutenant colonel.
Commissioned by Morelos to reinforce the southern coastal area, Vicente Guerrero conquered Puerto Escondido, Santa Cruz de Huatulco and
participated in the taking of Acapulco.
In 1814, Guerrero and his army escorted members of Congress to Tlacotepec to provide security, and was later sent to Mixteca to support the
insurgent forces of Juan N. Rosáins and Ramón Sesma. His tactics consisted of surprise and quick attacks, which gave him great fame for his
In 1815, with the arrest and execution of Morelos, Guerrero retreated to the Sierra del Sur. The insurgent leaders Rosáins and Sesma accepted
the government's pardon. Viceroy Apodaca tried to coerce Guerrero, using his father, so that he would also accept it, but he refused. In 1818
Guerrero, recognized as general in chief of the Southern army, maintained contact with Pedro Ascencio, in the area of Iguala and Taxco.
At the end of 1820, Colonel Agustín Iturbide was appointed by the viceroy to put an end to the
insurgency, but Iturbide went over to the insurgent side and drafted the so-called Plan of Iguala
(1821), made up of a proclamation of independence and a plan for the establishment of a Mexican
When Iturbide crowned himself emperor of Mexico, Guerrero took up arms to overthrow him. Later he
unconditionally supported President Guadalupe Victoria and joined the York Masonic lodge. In 1829,
Vicente Guerrero was named constitutional president but, dismissed a few months later, he fell out
with Anastasio Bustamante, whom he apparently ordered to be assassinated. After suffering betrayal,
Guerrero was shot in Cuilapan.
José María Bocanegra was born on July 3, 1787 on the La Troje hacienda, Aguascalientes;
He studied law. He was a distinguished lawyer in the Royal Court of New Spain. He adhered to the Plan of Iguala in search of
independence, his political activity took him as a deputy, first, to the Constituent Congress of 1824, then, to the constitutionalist
Congress of 1827; He was Minister of Finance and Foreign Affairs and president of the Supreme Court of Justice. When President
Vicente Vicente Guerrero asked Congress for permission to go fight the Jalapa Plan rebels, by constitutional mandate, the
interim presidency fell to Mr. Bocanegra as president of the Supreme Court of Justice. As soon as Guerrero's troops left, the
garrison revolted, recognizing the Jalapa Plan, led by General Luis Quintana. They removed Mr. Bocanegra by force of arms, and
he returned to his professional activities.
Bocanegra was an honest, competent and dignified man; He did not like the way in which ambitious politicians and soldiers seek
power to impose their ideas, or personal benefit or that of a faction. Only random circumstances placed him in the need to act in
that field. In 1844, General Santa Anna appointed him Minister of Foreign Affairs, a position he held for some time.
Disappointed, he retired to private life, without holding public office again. He dedicated himself to practicing his profession and
writing. He published a very interesting, although little-known, book with the experience of his interventions in public life, which
he titled "Memories for the History of Independent Mexico." He died in Mexico City on July 23, 1862.
His full name José Pedro Antonio Vélez de Zúñiga. He was a politician, lawyer and doctor of law. One of the most important achievements
was having been president of Mexico.
He spent his youth in the city of Zacatecas. He studied at the San Luis Gonzaga de Zac seminary school. It was one of the most important
institutions dedicated to the teaching of grammar, philosophy and theology. Later he entered the Conciliar Seminary in Guadalajara (what
is today the V military region of 1910).
Pedro Vélez's career was as a lawyer and he graduated on March 13, 1803. He also studied a doctorate in philosophy from which he
graduated on February 9, 1804 from the University of Guadalajara. Public educational institution. Due to the great dedication and
preparation that Vélez had, he was a teacher at the University of Guadalajara. His political career began after the end of the Mexican War
of Independence in 1821. First he was a councilor of the Guadalajara City Council. For his hard work he was appointed as member
secretary of the Provincial Council in 1822. He won the elections to said position in which he was from 1823 to 1824. After having been a
deputy, Vélez decided that he wanted to be better and went to Mexico City to live. He entered the Bar on January 24, 1825. The first
position he held after studying at said school was having been secretary of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. Later, from 1828
to 1830, Vélez held the position of president of said court. The first step that led him to occupy the presidency of Mexico was when the
government of José María Bocanegra was overthrown due to the different problems and confrontations that existed. After that Vélez held
the position of President of the country on December 23, 1829.
He was in that position until December 31, 1829. And he decided to hand over power to Anastasio Bustamante. He married Josefa Torres.
Pedro Vélez's functions grew over time as he had been one of the most important and outstanding people in the country.
It is said that during the administration of Antonio López de Santa Anna, Vélez was part of members of justice and ecclesiastical
business on February 22, 1842.
He spent his life working and being an example for other historical figures in Mexico with whom he had contact and friendship during the
different positions he held. He died in the capital of the Republic on August 5, 1848 of natural causes.
Pedro Vélez marked important aspects in Mexico and due to his wonderful career he left a historical legacy in the country. Because of
that it is and will always be present in the history books of Mexico.
E= Anastasio Bustamante
(Jiquilpan, Michoacán, 1780 - San Miguel Allende, Querétaro, 1853) Mexican military man and statesman who was twice president of the Republic (1830-
1832 and 1837-1841). He studied arts at the Guadalajara seminary and medicine in Mexico City, although he did not graduate. Attracted by weapons, in
1808 he joined the royalist army as a cavalry officer, under the orders of the future general and viceroy Félix María Calleja del Rey. He participated in the
actions of the Army of the Center and reached the rank of colonel.
Despite beginning his military career in the royalist ranks, when the emancipation movement broke out he adhered to the Plan of Iguala and conquered
the towns of Celaya and Guanajuato, events that earned him the trust of Agustín de Iturbide , who placed a division under his command. . Elected as
a member of the Provisional Government Board, the regency appointed him Field Marshal and Captain General of the eastern and western provinces.
When Iturbide and the empire fell, Bustamante retained his Iturbidist affiliation.
He held the vice presidency of the Republic in 1829, while Vicente Guerrero was president, and led a coup d'état that same year by which he assumed
the acting presidency, after the government of a Provisional Junta, in 1830. During his mandate, the attack against Guerrero took place, in which the
Minister of War José Antonio Facio was apparently involved, and he had to face continuous uprisings.
In 1833 he was arrested and exiled. He visited the main capitals of Europe and, at the end of 1836, due to the Texas War, he was called by the
government and again proclaimed president of the Republic, a position he held until 1841, when the military pronouncement of General Paredes, whose
forces joined with those of Santa Anna , overthrew him and expelled him from the country.
He left again for Europe, but returned to Mexico in 1845 to lead the expedition that was to march to California. Once peace was established between
Mexico and the United States, General Bustamante made a series of trips to restore order and peace in different states. With this task he ended his
military career. In 1848 he retired to San Miguel Allende, where he died in 1853.
Melchor Muzquiz
(Santa Rosa, act. Múzquiz, 1790 - Mexico City, 1844) Mexican general and
politician. He participated in the war of independence, being sentenced to death,
although he was pardoned. He was governor of the state of Mexico and temporarily
assumed executive power in 1832, replacing Bustamante.
He studied at the Colegio de San Ildefonso and joined the independence movement
promoted by Miguel Hidalgo in 1810, a cause for which he fought in Veracruz and
Michoacán. Captured and sentenced to death by the royalists, he was nevertheless
pardoned and released. Although in 1821 he showed support for the Plan of Iguala,
he stood out for his fierce opposition to the authoritarianism of Agustín de
Iturbide . After his fall in 1823, he was governor of the state of Mexico in 1824 and military commander of Puebla in 1829.
In 1832, a decree by the Chamber of Deputies declared him interim president while the then head of government, Anastasio
E= Bustamante , assumed leadership of the army and marched to Veracruz to repress an uprising promoted by supporters of
Antonio López de Santa Anna . Múzquiz governed from August 14 to December 24 and then handed over command to
Manuel Gómez Pedraza. He later presided over the Supreme Conservative Power on two occasions (1836 and 1840).
Mexican soldier and politician, born in Querétaro (1789) and died in Mexico City (1851). He contributed to the capture of
Morelos and reached the rank of lieutenant colonel. After serving in the royalist army, he joined the ranks of Iturbide
(1821). He was appointed governor of the State of Puebla in 1824, as well as Minister of War and Navy during the mandate
of General Guadalupe Victoria. Elected president of the Republic (1829), the La Acordada mutiny prevented him from taking
office, leading him into exile to France. Upon the fall of General Bustamante he was called to finish his legal mandate (1832-
1833). He later held the position of Minister of Relations in the Bustamante government and, later, the same position with
the Santa Anna government. Deputy to the Congress of the Union and senator, he was presented to the Presidency in 1850,
a result defeated by General Mariano Arista. He died in Mexico City, serving as director of the Monte de Piedad.
Valentin Gomez Farías
(Guadalajara, 1781 - Mexico, 1858) Mexican politician. Professor at the University of Guadalajara and practicing doctor, he was a precursor of liberalism
and attended the Spanish Cortes that met in Cádiz in 1812 to deliberate on the text of the Political Constitution of the Spanish Monarchy. When the War
of Independence broke out, he organized and financed a battalion with which he fought the Spanish.
Deputy to the first Constituent Congress, he signed, together with forty-six other legislators, the proposal for Agustín de Iturbide to be designated
emperor; but when he diverted his government program, he joined the insurrection of Antonio López de Santa Anna . In 1833 he was Minister of
Finance with Manuel Gómez Pedraza.
Vice president with Santa Anna, he replaced him in office on several occasions, the first between 1833-34 and the last in 1846-47, carrying out a liberal
policy. His government was characterized by an open challenge to the power of the clergy and by the defense of civil authority. He denied passage to
papal bulls from Rome, suppressed the Royal and Pontifical University of Mexico and abolished the death penalty for political crimes. He also replaced
part of the regular troops with militias and gave a great boost to state education, which ended the monopoly of confessional schools.
During the Texas conflict he defended the integrity of the national territory. Upon the triumph of the Ayutla plan, he presided over the National
Constituent Congress. To avoid possible desecration of his grave, he was buried in his own home. In 1933 his remains were transferred to the Rotunda of
the Illustrious Men of the civil pantheon of Dolores.
Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
Mexican military and politician (Jalapa, 1795 - Mexico, 1877). He was a young captain in the Spanish army when the anti-colonial insurrection broke out
in 1810. After fighting on the viceregal side, he supported Iturbide once he took power and proclaimed independence (1821). He then led the uprising
that overthrew Iturbide's monarchical regime and opened the process to convert Mexico into a federal Republic (1822-24).
Since then he became the "strong man" of the country for forty years, although his formal presence at the head of political power was intermittent. His
military prestige increased when he managed to repel an expedition sent by Spain with the intention of restoring the colonial regime in 1829.
After overthrowing the governments established in 1829 and 1832, in 1834-35 he personally assumed the presidency of the Republic. Lacking his own
ideas, Santa Anna was a populist demagogue, who began governing with the anticlerical federalists, to later ally himself with the conservatives,
centralists and Catholics, with whom he had greater affinity. In 1835 he suppressed the federal regime, crushing its defenders by force; This
reinforcement of centralism triggered the rebellion in Texas, a territory in the extreme northeast of Mexico with a strong presence of Anglo-Saxon
settlers. He attacked Texas with his army, also facing the United States, which provided support to the rebels (1836); but he was defeated and taken
prisoner at San Jacinto, sent to Washington and released by President Jackson after meeting with him.
He had thus lost his already low popularity; but a French military expedition against Veracruz gave him the opportunity to redeem himself in 1838,
rejecting the invader and recovering his charisma as a national hero (he lost a leg in combat). Taking advantage of that popularity, he once again
became dictator in 1841-42; although he was forced to leave power due to the disastrous economic
situation caused by his government. He returned from his exile in Cuba the following year, when
the conflict broke out between Mexico and the United States over the annexation to this country of
the former Mexican province of Texas (independent since 1836). Santa Anna, who saw himself as
the Napoleon of America, refused to negotiate with the United States despite his inferior situation:
thus he provoked the American invasion of Veracruz, Jalapa and Puebla (1846). Completely
defeated, he had to sign the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo (1848), by which Mexico lost almost half
of its territory (in addition to Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado and Utah).
He went into exile again, but returned in 1853 to once again establish a conservative dictatorship,
overthrown by Juárez in 1855. Already without political power, he returned to Mexico twice: the
first during the French occupation and Maximilian's Empire, which made him a marshal (also then
he tried unsuccessfully to regain power); and the last in 1874, after the death of Juárez, to spend
his last years poor, blind and forgotten by everyone.
Miguel Barragan
(Miguel Francisco Barragán Andrade; Valle del Maíz, 1789 - Mexico City, 1836) Mexican military
man and politician who was president of the Republic (1835-1836). He participated in the struggles for independence, in which he obtained the surrender
of the castle of San Juan de Ulúa (1825), the last Spanish bastion in Mexico. During his presidency, the uprising of the Texan settlers began, encouraged
by the United States.
Miguel Barragán was part of Agustín de Iturbide 's trigarante army, which achieved independence; However, he opposed the proclamation of Iturbide
as emperor, for which he was imprisoned in 1822 and released a year later, after Iturbide's abdication. In 1824 he was appointed general commander of
Veracruz. Upon learning of the precarious situation of the Spanish who occupied the fort of San Juan de Ulúa, on November 5, 1825, he demanded the
surrender of the square and, the next day, obtained its capitulation. As a reward for his military actions, the Veracruz Congress named him political
Committed to Montaño's plan to attack the York lodges, the failure of the pronouncement led him to exile; He then resided in Ecuador, Guatemala and
the United States. Returning to his country, he was Minister of War and Navy (1833-34) under the governments of Antonio López de Santa Anna and
Valentín Gómez Farías . From January 28, 1835 to February 27, 1836, the date of his death, he replaced Santa Anna in the presidency of the Republic,
a position from which he had to face the insurrection of the Anglo-Saxon settlers in Texas.
When General Miguel Barragán separated from the Presidency of the Republic, forced by his illnesses, the Chamber of Deputies
named him interim President on February 27, 1836. He held the position for just under two months until April 19, 1837.
The highlight during his government was the promulgation of the new centralist Constitution, called the Seven Laws, with which the
"Conservative Power" was created. Upon handing over command to Anastasio Bustamante he retired to private life.
Nicolas Bravo
(Chilpancingo, 1776 - id., 1854) Mexican military and politician who was president of the Republic between 1842 and 1843 and in 1846.
He was the son of a rich Creole landowner, in an environment of critical rejection of the crown's actions in New Spain.
His father Leonardo and a his brother participated in the first uprisings insurgents, so that in 1810, in full
youth, Nicolás Bravo decided to join the rebel forces commanded by his father, passing in may of the yearfollowing
to serve under the orders of Hermenegildo Galeana, insurgent leader in the neighboring State of Morelos. He participated in various
actions, both in his homeland(acting in the vanguard of the attack on the town of Chichihualco, where he had his family's farm)
as in the State of Morelos, but he also extended his raids to Veracruz, distinguishing itself in the defense ofCuatla, to
the orders of General Morelos.
In the development of these actions, Nicolás Bravo acquired the reputation of a "generous and magnanimous" soldier (according to Don
Lucas Alamán), by sparing the lives and granting freedom to the 300 royalist soldiers who in August 1812 had fallen into his power in San
Agustín del Palmar, near the port of Veracruz. It so happened that shortly afterward he received news of his father's imprisonment and
the viceroy's offer of clemency if he repented and presented himself. Nicolás Bravo decided to free the prisoners instead of shooting
them, to differentiate the cause of Independence from the viceregal barbarism, according to his story to Lucas Alamán. Some authors
called this gesture "Bravo's revenge."
He was one of the officers who offered the greatest prestige and victories to the followers of
José María Morelos , whom he accompanied in the taking of Oaxaca and the siege of
Acapulco. Stationed in Chilapa, he followed from the southern lands the vicissitudes of the
insurgency and the convocation of the Congress in Chilpancingo, where he supported the
appointment of a generalissimo in favor of Morelos, his subsequent fall after the defeat of
Valladolid and the dispersion of the Congress.
Belonging to a wealthy family from Veracruz, Francisco Javier Echeverría, educated for commerce, did not graduate, although
he studied finance or accounting. She dedicated herself to commercial activities until 1829, the year in which she began her
political career as a deputy to Congress for Veracruz and later a member of the Finance Commission. In 1834 he was
appointed Minister of Finance, under the government of Antonio López de Santa Anna , but due to his conservative character
and his refusal to negotiate with the federalists, he abandoned the position. From 1834 Echeverría moved his residence to
Mexico City. His tenure at the head of the Mexican Treasury was mediocre and was an incentive for the government to take a
decisive turn towards free trade.
When Anastasio Bustamante was president, Echeverría once again held the Treasury portfolio (1841). Echeverría, who mixed
his personal affairs with the management of the public treasury, declared after resigning (March 1831) that the treasury
owed him the sum of 600,000 dollars, an amount that was not paid to his family until after his death. When the president
asked permission to lead the army, Echeverría was named interim president because he was the oldest advisor (September
22, 1841). Juan Nepomuceno Almonte , who later became President of the Republic,
was part of his cabinet as Minister of War and Navy. He was in office for only
eighteen days, since on September 22 he was deposed by the Board of
Representatives of Departments and General Santa Anna took charge of the
government. When he left politics he dedicated himself to the administration of
prisons and the San Carlos Academy, which improved in many aspects. In 1850 he
returned to politics, again as a deputy for Veracruz. Francisco Javier Echeverría was
married to Refugio Almanza and died a natural death.
Valentin Canalizo
Valentin Canalizo
He made his first weapons in the royalist ranks, fighting the insurgents. At the side of Iturbide , he swore the Independence of Mexico on
March 2, 1821. It joined the Casa Mata plan in 1823 and the Jalapa plan in 1829.
Belonging to the Board that sentenced General Guerrero to death in 1831. Opponent of the 1832 revolution overthrew President Bustamante .
From 1835 to 1841 he fought ardently against the liberals. In 1842, he joined the Huejotzingo Plan, helping to establish the dictatorship of
General Santa Anna .
He was president in 1843, overthrown by the liberal revolution in December 1844 and went into exile. When he returned in 1847, he headed the
Ministry of War and Navy and was head of the Eastern Division in the defense of the Gulf of Veracruz during the Mexican-American War ,
being defeated at Cerro Gordo .
José Joaquín de Herrera
Herrera was born in Xalapa or Perote [ citation needed ] , state of Veracruz , on February 23, 1792 , on the street that today is named Francisco I. Madero, and was baptized
the same day. He was the fifth of the six children born from the marriage between José Rafael Herrera y del Campo and his second wife, Ana Apellinaría Ricardo Iberia,
who had married in 1780 . Herrera's siblings were Francisco de Paula, Rafael Antonio, Antonio María, María del Rosario and María Juana.
His father had been married for the first time to María Josefa González, with whom he had six children: José María, Antonio José, María Josefa, Antonia Gertrudis,
Bernardo Antonio and María Rafaela de Herrera y González. The Herrera Ricardo family settled in Perote, where José Joaquín spent his childhood and adolescence
and where his father was administrator of a post office. In 1795 his mother died, and his father married for the third and last time with María Gertrudis Rivas Rodríguez,
with whom he also had children.
He enlisted in the royalist army in 1809 , as a cadet in the Crown Regiment. By 1811 he reached the rank of captain. He fought the insurgents in Aculco , Guanajuato ,
Puente de Calderón , [[Acatlán] and Veredero, among other places. He later appeared in the Spanish expedition to retake the port of Acapulco from the rebels, and was
given civil and military command of the region. In 1817 he was appointed commander of Acapulco and Tecpan .
In 1820 he retired from the army as a lieutenant colonel and moved to Perote, where he opened a store. During his retirement, he established contact with some
insurgent leaders such as Guadalupe Victoria . Shortly after the proclamation of the Plan of Iguala , a contingent of infantry moving from Veracruz to Puebla declared
itself in favor of Agustín de Iturbide . The officers offered command to Lieutenant Colonel Herrera. He agreed and added the garrison of the Fort of San Carlos. This
army marched to Orizaba , then commanded by the royalists under the orders of Lieutenant Colonel Antonio López de Santa Anna , with whom they met on March 22 ,
1821 . These forces also join the Iguala Plan .
Due to the Ciudadela revolution, José Joaquín Herrera had to abandon the Presidency of the
Republic, and Mariano Paredes was named interim President on January 4, 1846 . On June 12
of the same year, he was re-elected by the Extraordinary Congress and Nicolás Bravo was also
named Vice President.
Mariano Arista
His full name was José Mariano Martín Buenaventura Ignacio Nepomuceno García de Arista Nuez. He was a Mexican soldier and
politician. He was also president of Mexico and because of that he is part of the country's history.
His parents were: * Pedro García de Arista Sánchez * María Juana Nuez Arruti
From a very young age he was interested in the military since he comes from a family full of soldiers. At the age of 15 he joined the
Provincial Regiment of Puebla. His last military school was the Mexico City Regiment. He graduated and began his career as secretary of
the Puebla command. He married Guadalupe Martell. He was in the royalist army until 1821 and worked under the orders of Agustín de
Iturbide as lieutenant colonel.
Mariano Arista was highly respected by many people both in the military and political spheres. He always demonstrated dedication and
commitment in all the military movements in which he participated. That was in his favor and Pedro Zarzosa promoted him to brigadier
general. However, in 1833 he was banished from the United States.
After that he was a member of the War Court of the Military Code Board. Later in 1839 he was
appointed commander of Tamaulipas. In 1846 Mariano Arista was commander of the Northern Army when the conflict called the
“American intervention” broke out. Which happened because the United States wanted to take over other states of Mexico and that was
when the state of Texas was created.
army inspector and
The most marked defeats that Mariano Arista had at the head of the Mexican army was on May 8,
1846 in the Battle of Palo Alto (the first combat of the American invasion in Mexico), near the city
of Matamoros in the state of Tamaulipas. The other was the next day in the battle of Resaca de
Guerrero on May 9, 1846.
José Mariano Salas ( May 11 , 1797 – December 24 , 1867 ) was a Mexican politician and military man who
served as president of Mexico on two occasions. He was part of the Superior Government Board and was regent of
the Second Empire .
José Mariano was born in the capital of the Republic on May 11, 1797 . Still young, in 1813 , he entered the army
as a cadet in the Puebla Infantry Regiment, where he achieved his first promotions fighting against the insurgents.
He accompanied Santa Anna in the taking of Jalapa , Veracruz . In 1821 he joined the Iguala plan .
Emperor Agustín de Iturbide rewarded his actions by promoting him to captain. He was a defender of the
government of President Guadalupe Victoria when the Montaño plan was launched in 1827 . He fought in Tampico
against the invasion of the Spanish Isidro Barradas in 1829 . He was
promoted to lieutenant colonel in 1832 . He commanded one of the
columns in the assault on the Alamo , and they fought in the action at
Llano Perdido. Salas covered the withdrawal of Mexican troops from
Matamoros , Tamaulipas .
On August 4, 1846 , in La Ciudadela in Mexico City, he spoke out against
Mariano Paredes y Arrillaga , who had temporarily left the presidency to
Nicolás Bravo while he went to fight an insurrection in Guadalajara .
His full name was Pedro María Bernardino Anaya Álvarez. He is a historical figure for having been interim president of the Mexican
Republic. He obtained this position as a replacement for Antonio López de Santa Anna during the war between the United States and
Mexico. Which began in 1846 and ended in 1848.
He was interim president on two occasions: - From April 20 to May 20, 1847.
- From November 12, 1847 to January 8, 1848.
He lived his childhood and youth in his homeland. From a very young age, Pedro Anaya was interested in military issues and that is why
he participated in the last years of the War of Independence. In 1811 he entered the Tres Villas Regiment as a cadet. He studied in the
royalist army until he was part of the Plan of Iguala (promulgated on February 24, 1821 in the city of Iguala de la Independencia, in the
state of Guerrero). In 1833 he rose to the rank of general. He was later appointed Secretary of War and Mariana from 1832 to 1833.
He was also a deputy and later president of the country's Constitutional Congress. Pedro María Anaya is reflected in the history of Mexico
because he held the position of interim president of the Mexican Republic in a short period as a replacement for Santa Anna. The latter
had to ask Congress for permission to leave his post and fight in Veracruz to try to stop the advance of the American army.
He was internal president of the Mexican Republic on two occasions: - From September 16 to November 13, 1847
- From January 8 to June 2, 1848.
Manuel de la Peña y Peña was a determined, honest and fighter person. He studied at the Conciliar Seminary of Mexico. Thanks to a
school scholarship he obtained, in 1811 he graduated as a civil and ecclesiastical lawyer. On December 26, 1813, he was trustee of the
Mexico City city council. When the first empire was created in the country by Agustín de Iturbide, Manuel de la Peña was in charge of the
treasury and crime prosecutors' offices. Due to his honesty, he was mainly in charge of collecting taxes. Among other notable positions
and activities of Manuel Peña are: - He was state councilor and minister of Colombia.
- In the year 1824 he was minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation of Mexico.
- He was part of the organic bases of the famous national legislative board.
- During the government of José Joaquín de Herrera, Manuel de la Peña was Minister of
Interior and Foreign Relations in the period from August 14 to December 13, 1845.
His full name was Juan Bautista Loreto Mucio Francisco José de Asís de la Santísima Trinidad Ceballos Gómez Sañudo. He was a Mexican
politician and lawyer. He was in power by obtaining the presidency of the Mexican Republic in a short period.
Juan Ceballos came from a family with great influence and power in religious matters. He lived in Morelos and studied at the Colegio de
San Nicolás. He studied law and was always surrounded by people with power both socially and politically. Upon graduation he obtained
important government positions. Other important positions he held were:
- General secretary of the government when Melchor Ocampo had power as president of the country.
- In 1852 he was a magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. In that year, on September 21, Juan Ceballos protested
against the decree that suppressed freedom of the press.
He married Ángeles Madrid. Ceballos gained power when Mariano Arista resigned from his position
as president. He sent a letter to the nation's congress and asked that Juan Bautista Ceballos take
over as interim president. This request was accepted and Juan Ceballos came to power of the
Mexican Republic in the period from January 6 to February 7, 1853.
His full name was Manuel Apolinarcito José María Ignacio Antonio Lombardini de la Torre. He was a Mexican soldier and politician. He
was interim president of the Mexican Republic.
History indicates that Lombardini came from a family of Italian descent with a good economic position. He took private classes at home.
He entered the national army at the young age of 12. He fought against the French in the first intervention called the Cake War in 1838.
He also participated in the Texas War of 1838 and the American Intervention in Mexico in 1847.
Lombardini married three times, whose wives were: Guadalupe Lemos, Mariano Carranza and Refugio Alegría. He married the first on
October 3, 1821 in Mexico City and they had 2 children. He later joined the Yorkers with the position of militia second lieutenant in
1826. It was part of the Jalapa Plan of 1829 which demanded the resignation of Vicente Guerrero as president of Mexico.
His political career began when Juan Bautista Ceballos left the presidency of the country and by majority vote of the members of
Congress Lombardini was elected as his successor. He took the position of president of the Mexican Republic on February 7, 1853 and
ended on April 20 of that same year.
- Many military personnel who had been forgotten actively participated during
Lombardini's administration.
- He promoted soldiers who deserved it. He provided support to chiefs and officers who
were removed from their positions due to political problems.
Martin Carrera
His full name was Martín Carrera Sabat. He stood out in military matters due to the different positions he held. The most important
position he held was that of interim president of the Mexican Republic.
From a very young age, at the age of 9, he was with the viceregal armies. At the age of 12 he was an instructor officer in a battalion. He
adhered to the Plan of Iguala proclaimed on February 24, 1821 by Agustín de Iturbide and Vicente Guerrero in the city of Iguala de la
Independencia in the state of Guerrero.
He held various positions at the time of independence. In 1821 he joined General Vicente Filisola, head of the 13th Division of the
Trigarante Army. He advanced in the military field and in 1853, Santa Anna appointed Martín Carrera division general. He was a senator
in the years 1844 and 1845. He married Ángeles Lardizábal. Later he was a government advisor and consultant to the minister of war. In
1843 he was a member of the National Legislative Board.
As a soldier, Martín Carrera participated in several historical confrontations and did several things, such as:
- When Martín Carrera was governor of the Federal District, the triumph of the Ayutla
Revolution against Santa Anna occurred. Which was an insurgent movement in 1854
that occurred to remove him from power due to the dictatorship that Antonio López de
Santa Anna had created. Because he abolished the federal constitution of 1824 and
ruled in a dictatorial manner with the title of “His Serene Highness.”
He was a recognized and respected military man. He fought against the federalists. He is part of the history of Mexico because he was the
internal president of the country for a short period. As a soldier he participated in the Texas War of 1836 and performed well. Because of
that he was awarded a medal of honor and promoted to lieutenant colonel.
He also participated in the Cake Wars. He fought against the Americans in 1846 and 1857. He was imprisoned for two years in the United
States. When the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed on February 2, 1848 and was carried out at the end of the American War of
Intervention. It was then that Rómulo Díaz returned to Mexico and was named commander of the Mexican garrison when the Ayutla Plan
triumphed and Martín Carrera became internal president.
The most important thing was when Rómulo Díaz de la Vega occupied the position of presidency of the Mexican Republic without having
been appointed or elected. He did this when Martín Carrera resigned and another interim president was not named to lead the country
because government elections had not yet been held to appoint someone.
Rómulo Díaz seized power in the short period from September 12 to October 3, 1855 (22 days). It is said that he only tried to maintain
order in the country. The ministers who had been appointed by Carrera kept their positions. What he did in his “government” was to give
new positions to competent authorities for the Federal District.
- He canceled the taxes he had given to houses, windows and domestic animals. The former
president, Melchor Múzquiz, was the person who created these taxes.
Juan N. Alvarez
His full name was Juan Nepomuceno Álvarez Hurtado. He was a popular Mexican military man who participated in most of the conflicts
during the time of independent Mexico. His most important position in the history of the country was having been president of the
Mexican Republic for a brief period.
He spent his childhood and a bit of his youth in Mexico City, where he studied primary school and part of high school. He returned to
Atoyac de Álvarez at the age of 17 to receive his inheritance but did not obtain it because his guardian seized all his property and money
and made Juan N. Álvarez will work on his ranch like a slave.
When he was 20 years old he met José María Morelos y Pavón and joined him. It was then that he participated in the Mexican War of
Independence, which extended from the cry of Dolores on September 16, 1810 until the entry of the trigarante army into Mexico City, on
September 27, 1821. He was under the orders of Morelos.
- Battle of El Veladero on April 30, 1811, which was a military action of the Mexican War of Independence, carried out in Acapulco,
Guerrero. Morelos was shot and Juan N. Álvarez joined Vicente Guerrero.
Ignacio Comonfort
His full name was José Ignacio Gregorio Comonfort de los Ríos. He was a military man and a politician. He made history as internal
president of the Mexican Republic for a short period. He studied law at Colegio Carolino, which is today the Autonomous University of
Puebla, but he did not finish because his family did not have sufficient financial resources to continue paying for school.
His military career began when in 1832 he joined the army of Santa Anna, which fought against the government of Anastasio
Bastamente. He was a military commander in Tlapa, Guerrero. Later he was a deputy to Congress in the years 1842 and 1846. He
participated in the American War of Intervention in 1847.
Later he was again a deputy to Congress in 1848. Upon completion, he was a senator from 1848 to 1851. In 1853 he was administrator
of the Acapulco Customs. He joined Juan N. Álvarez and led the revolution against the Santa Anna dictatorship. The latter became
concerned because the revolution spread to other states in the country and decided to leave his position.
When Juan N. Álvarez assumed the position of presidency, naming Ignacio Comonfort minister of war. However, Juan N. Álvarez resigned
from power and Comonfort was named the new interim president of the Mexican Republic. He
was in power in the short period from December 11, 1855 to January 11, 1858.
During his government, the new Mexican Constitution was promulgated on February 5, 1857. It
contained certain points against the interests and privileges of the Catholic Church, such as a
system of civil control and secularization of cemeteries, created by the Organic Law of the Civil
Benito Juarez
His full name was Benito Pable Juárez García. He was a lawyer and politician. He is a key character in the history of Mexico. He was president of the Mexican
Republic for two long periods. For everything he did as a lawyer and politician, he was awarded the name “Benemérito de las Americas” and his two famous
phrases continue to be present among Mexicans due to the great meaning they have. These phrases are:
Benito Juárez is one of the most recognized and popular characters due to his participation in one of the most important times in the country, the consolidation
of Mexico as a Republic. The periods of his government as president were the following:
* Marcelino Juárez
* Brigida García
The history of Benito Juárez is very extensive due to the great things he did for his country.
Here are presented the most important periods and moments in the life of one of the most honorable,
brave and fighting presidents that Mexico had.
His full name was Félix María Zuloaga Trillo. He is part of the history of Mexico because in addition to having been a soldier, he was also
interim president of the Mexican Republic for a short period.
From a very young age he was interested in the military. He studied in Guadalajara and later joined the national guard. His most
important participations were in the repression against the Comanche and Apache tribes. He was first part of the liberal party but later
joined the conservative party.
In the year 1838 he joined the army of Chihuahua. Little by little he rose through the ranks in the army until he became a commander.
He supported Anastasio Bustamante and Antonio López de Santa Anna. In 1846 he was in charge of the fortification of Monterrey in the
United States War in Mexico.
He fought against the invaders who wanted to destroy the country in 1847. Several years later, in 1853 he was president of the Mexican
War Council. He married María de la Gracia Palafox and they had 2 children.
Félix fought the insurgent movement known as the Ayutla Revolution in 1854. It was then that he was named brigadier general but his
fight was unsuccessful and the liberals imprisoned him. Fortunately he had the support of Ignacio Comonfort and helped him get out of
prison. Later Comonfort invited him to join his forces.
He was a Mexican soldier and politician. He went down in the history of Mexico thanks to the position of presidency that he held for less
than a month. He obtained this position because he was elected as internal president while Miramón returned to Mexico City to take the
His training was as a soldier and he graduated as an engineering officer. He participated in the war conflict of the First North American
War of Intervention in Mexico between the years of 186 and 1848. It is important to know that after Félix María Zuloaga carried out the
coup d'état against the Comonfort government, Manuel Robles was appointed minister of war and navy in 1858, supported by the
conservative party.
The history of Mexico is closely linked to each and every one of those who were interim and constitutional presidents of Mexico. A year
later, on December 20, General José María Echegaray proclaimed the Christmas Plan in Ayutla, which disowned Félix as president and
thus put an end to the Reform War.
Manuel Robles Pezuela supported José María Echegaray and made some changes to said plan. They gave it an optional name “Ayotla
Plan”, which was proclaimed on December 23, 1858 in Mexico City with the objective of settling the conflicts between conservatives and
Once Miramón arrived in Mexico City, Manuel Robles left him the position of presidency on
January 21, 1859. It was when he reestablished the Plan of Tacubaya which had originally
been promulgated by Félix María Zuloaga on December 17, 1857. Miramón subsequently
dismissed Mariano Paredes.
His full name was Miguel Gregorio de la Luz Atenógenes Miramón y Tarelo. He was a soldier and was one of the youngest substitute
presidents of the Mexican Republic in two short periods:
At the beginning of 1846 he entered the Military College of Mexico City installed in Chapultepec. He fought against the Americans in the
war they waged in Mexico. Miguel Miramón was one of the famous child heroes who died defending their homeland.
On October 19, 1852 he was appointed second lieutenant of artillery. He was later named brigadier general at the beginning of 1858. He
was a division general in December of the same year. His military career was on the rise and he later worked as a professor at the
Military College. Later he worked in the battalions of the states of Baja California, Puebla, Cazadores and La Línea. He married Concepción
Miguel Miramón participated in the revolution against The Plan of Ayutla promulgated on March 1, 1854 in Ayutla, state of Guerrero. He
was also against the Constitution of 1857. Miramón was captured during the Battle of Chapultepec between the Americans against the
Mexicans on September 13, 1847 and was released on February 19 of the same year.
He studied philosophy, canons and law at the Colegio de San Ildefonso in Mexico City. Which currently serves as a museum that is
responsible for disseminating the cultural, historical, artistic and archaeological heritage of the country.
He began as an alderman of the Mexico City city council in 1818. Later he was secretary of the Board of
Censorship and Treasury advisor in the year 1820. Among other jobs he had were:
- In 1825 he was a senior officer of the Secretariat of Interior and Foreign Relations.
- He was minister of the Supreme Court of Justice between the years of 1841.
- In 1845 he was a magistrate of the Superior Court of Justice of the Department of Mexico.
- Many years later, during the War of Form, he was president of the Supreme Court of
Justice of the Conservative Government in 1858 when Félix María Zuloaga was interim
president of Mexico.
His full name was Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada y Corral. He was a Mexican politician and is part of the history of Mexico because he was
president of the Mexican Republic for a short period.
His parents were: * Juan Antonio Lerdo de Tejada * Concepción Corral y Bustillos
He was the brother of Miguel Lerdo de Tejada, who was also a liberal politician. They are descendants of the ancient illustrious Solar de
Tejada, one of the last vestiges that are still active of the Castilian lordships of Behetría of a dynasty lineage and that survives since the
9th century.
From a very young age he lived in the place where he was born. He worked in his father's store and studied grammar. Due to his good
grades he obtained a scholarship and continued his studies and at the age of 13 he entered the Palafoxiano School of Puebla where he
received minor orders but left the institution in 1841.
Later he decided to go to Mexico City and study law at the Colegio de San Ildefonso where he
graduated in 1851. This institution was for students of the Congregation, which was one of
the most important and representative in the time of New Spain. It is important to know that
this school currently functions as a museum that disseminates archaeology, the historical,
cultural and artistic heritage of the country.
His full name was José María Iglesias Izáurraga. He was a writer, lawyer and politician of Mexican origin. He was also interim president of
the Mexican Republic for a brief period of 2 ½ months. He was known as “the legalist president” because during his administration he
implemented various laws in the country and proclaimed in the Constitution of 1857 two articles (79 and 82) to occupy the position of the
presidency as a constitutional right.
His parents were: * Juan N. Iglesias and Castro * Mariana Izáurraga and Castillo.
His first studies were at the College of Mining. He later studied at the Theoretical-Practical Academy of Law, from which he graduated with
a law degree in 1845. Due to the good educational preparation he had, he was a professor of English, French and arts at the Colegio de
San Ildefonso, one of the most important and representative institutions at the time of New Spain.
In 1846 he was councilor of Mexico City like his father. When the American intervention in Mexico occurred, José María Iglesias went to
Querétaro and in 1847 he was appointed legal minister of the War Court during the presidency of Pedro María Anaya.
He was also the private head of the Executive and auditor of the Eastern Army. He married Juana Calderón Tapia.
His full name was Juan Nepomuceno Méndez Sánchez. He was a Mexican soldier and politician. He was interim president of Mexico for a
short period.
In the year 1830 he entered primary school to study literature. He graduated and continued his studies at the Colegio Carolino in the
city of Puebla. When he was going to enter a school to pursue a career, he preferred to help his father in the family's business affairs.
Juan N. Méndez handled the accounting and was also involved in the manufacturing of candles, soaps, and a variety of liqueurs.
When he was 16 years old, his father also taught him how to make handmade objects in silver and gold, as well as how to tune metal
pieces. In 1843 he asked for the hand of a young woman of just 15 years of age named Trinidad González Castruera and they married
on August 31 of the same year.
It is said that Juan N. Méndez continued working with gold and silver but the excessive use of them caused him to become ill until he
temporarily lost his sight. He began his administrative career in 1845 as a witness in the Peace Court.
On April 29, 1854, he was commissioner of surveillance of the Lancasterian Company of Tetela del Oro in Puebla. His military career
began on May 13, 1846, when the first war of North American intervention with Mexico was declared. Therefore, the Mexican
government prepared the defense with a recruitment of more than 2,000 infantry to fight in these toxic substances
Xalapa, state of Veracruz.
E= The story of Porfirio Díaz's life is very extensive due to all the things he did during his long government. Therefore, the most important
periods and moments of his life are presented below. Let us remember that Díaz was president of the Mexican Republic in the period
called “the Porfiriato” because he was in power for 34 years in a dictatorial manner.
His full name was José de la Cruz Porfirio Díaz Mori. He was a Mexican soldier and politician. He is part of the history of Mexico because
he was one of the most powerful presidents in the country for having governed for a long period divided into 3 occasions.
He did so despite having made famous the phrase “Effective Suffrage, No Reelection.” But he did not know what he had enacted on
January 10, 1876 with the objective of overthrowing Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada through the promulgation of the “Tuxtepec Plan” in Villa
de Ojitlán, municipality of San Lucas Ojitlán in Tuxtepec, state of Oaxaca.
The periods of Porfirio Díaz's government are presented below:
- From November 29, 1876 to December 6, 1876 (At the end of said period, Juan Nepomuceno Méndez interrupted the administration of
Porfirio Díaz and came to power, ruling for a few days).
- From February 18, 1877 to November 30, 1880 (At the end of said period, Manuel González interrupted the administration of Porfirio
Díaz and obtained the power of the presidency from December 1, 1880 to November 30, 1884).
- From December 1, 1884 to May 25, 1911 (total administration without any interruption. This administration ended because he signed
his resignation).
Manuel Gonzalez
His full name was Manuel del Refugio González Flores. He was a Mexican soldier and politician. He was the one who interrupted the
government of Porfirio Díaz, becoming interim president.
He spent his childhood on the El Moquete ranch, near the Río Bravo. In matters of education his parents always supported him and he
was a brilliant student. He helped his family in business matters. In 1851 he joined the army to fight smugglers. That caused him to
become more interested in weapons and everything related to the military army.
In 1855 he was part of the army commanded by Antonio López de Santa Anna. A year later he joined the conservative forces of Miguel
Miramón. In the Battle of Ocotlán, Manuel González fought against the army of Ignacio Comonfort where he was taken prisoner in Puebla
but escaped after 9 days.
He was against the Ayutla Plan that Juan N. Álvarez, Ignacio Comonfort and other followers proclaimed March 1, 1854 in Ayutla, Guerrero
to put an end to the Santa Anna dictatorship.
He was present at the siege of Puebla in 1863 where he was wounded and taken prisoner but managed to escape and appeared in the
government of Benito Juárez. Among his promotions are: colonel and later Brigadier General. He participated in the troops of Oaxaca in
the Battles of Miahuatlán and La Carbonera.
E= E=
His full name was Francisco León de la Barra Quijano. He was a Mexican politician who obtained the position of presidency of the
Mexican Republic on an interim basis after the resignation of Porfirio Díaz. Francisco's government marked the end of the era known as
the Porfiriato.
His parents were: * Bernabé Antonio León de la Barra Demaría * María Luisa Quijano Pérez Palacios
He studied law at the national law school of the National University of Mexico, whose idea of creating it was Justo Sierra. This university
is the predecessor of the National Autonomous University of Mexico “UNAM”. In 1891 Francisco León de la Barra was a federal deputy to
Congress. Later he was a consulting lawyer at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
In 1896 he was ambassador to Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. From 1901 to 1902 he was a delegate to the Second Ibero-
American Congress. At the end of that position, in 1905 he returned to be ambassador but now for Belgium and Holland. In his previous
positions, Francisco demonstrated his commitment to work; he was a person who stood out for being dedicated and honest.
All of this helped lead him to be Mexico's representative at the Peace Conference in The Hague in the Netherlands in 1907, which dealt
with the regulation of war and the creation of an international arbitration court. In 1909 he was Mexico's ambassador to the United
States, thus he was one of the highest diplomatic officials before the foreign government and before an international organization .
Francis I. Log
His full name was Francisco Ignacio Madero González. He was a businessman and politician of Mexican nationality. He has a special
importance in the history of Mexico because he was president after the triumph of the 1910 Revolution.
He was fortunate to have a family that always supported him. He studied agriculture in Maryland, United States. He then began his
studies in Business Administration at the institution called Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC) in the French region called Jouy-en-Josas,
near Paris. Later he studied at the University of California at Berkeley, which is considered one of the best universities in both his country
and the world.
After finishing his studies he returned to Mexico in 1903 and married Sara Pérez de Madero. In 1905 he financially supported the
organizing board of the Mexican Liberal Party (PLM) for the resumption of the edition of the newspaper “Regeneración”. Shortly
afterwards he did not continue with the support he had initially given due to the ideological differences he had with the journalist Ricardo
Flores Magón.
In 1909 he founded the National Anti-Reelectionist Party (PNA) as a competition against Porfirio Díaz and his Porfiriato since he was in
power for many years without interruption. His own party appointed Francis I. Madero candidate for the elections for the presidency of
Pedro Lascuráin
His full name was Pedro José Domingo de la Calzada Manuel María Lascuráin Paredes. He is part of the history of Mexico because in
addition to having been a politician, he was interim president of the Mexican Republic for only 45 minutes due to the resignation of
Francisco I. Log.
He studied to be a lawyer at the National Law School in 1880. Upon graduating, his first job was as recording secretary at the Mexico City
city hall. He was mayor of Mexico City before joining the cabinet of Francisco I. Log.
During the latter's government he was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs on two occasions, in the periods from April 10 to December 4,
1912 and from January 15 to February 18, 1913.
Lascuráin obtained the power of the presidency temporarily due to the resignation of the then president Francisco I. Madero on February
19, 1913. It happened this way because it is what the Constitution of 1857 established. The Minister of Foreign Affairs can occupy the
presidency of Mexico only when there is no president or he requests leave and resigns his position.
Pedro Lascuráin was only in the position for 45 minutes on the same day. Many people began to speculate about the Mexican government
because it was ridiculous that there had only been a president for that long. Because of this, Lascuráin is known as “the fleeting
The only thing he did during the 45 minutes as president was appoint Victoriano Huerta as
secretary of the interior and then Victoriana accepted the presidency of Mexico by
constitutional provision, as there was no one in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Victoriano Huerta
His full name was José Victoriano Huerta Márquez. He was an engineer, military man and Mexican politician. He was de facto president of
the Mexican Republic for a short period.
He studied at the municipal school in the municipality of Colotlán, in the state of Jalisco, where he was born and lived until his youth. He
was a voluntary private secretary of General Donato Guerra who served as governor of the state of Jalisco when the latter needed
someone to support him with matters of his governance.
His first job opened the doors to other job opportunities because he proved to be hard-working, intelligent and responsible. He obtained a
scholarship to study at the Military College of Mexico and also obtained high grades and obtained special recognition from the then
president of Mexico Benito Juárez, who praised him during a visit he made to said school.
Upon graduating from the Military College he was part of the Corps of Engineers and carried out topographical work in the region of
Puebla and the state of Veracruz. In the last place he met Emilia Águila, and decided to marry her on November 21, 1880 and had 11
Ten years later, in 1890 Victoriano Huerta was named colonel and in 1897 he began a long journey in the fight against the country's
indigenous rebellions. In 1900 he fought against the Yaquis who had been attacking the state of Sonora and Chihuahua for more than 100
Francisco S. Carvajal 5
His full name was Francisco Sebastián Carvajal y Gual. He was a Mexican lawyer and politician who obtained the interim presidency of
the Mexican Republic for a brief period.
He lived and studied until his youth in his hometown, then he went to live in Mexico City and studied law. Upon graduating, he began
working in the administration of Porfirio Díaz. In 1911 he was commissioned to meet with Francisco I. Madero in search of peace for the
entire country.
When Victoriano Huerta was president of Mexico, Francisco was minister of the Supreme Court of Justice and later was Secretary of
Foreign Affairs. This is how Francisco Carvajal came to power, obtaining the interim presidency of the Mexican Republic after Huerta's
resignation from the presidency.
Its commission was governed by General José Refugio Velasco, established in Teoloyucan in the state of Mexico. After the fall of
Victoriano Huerta's government before the triumph of Venustiano Carranza's army, Huerta's brief period as interim president concluded
on August 13, 1914.
The Treaties of Teoloyucan were immediately signed, which were documents in the municipality of the same name on August 13, 1914
between representatives of the northeastern army and that of Victoriano Huerta where the conditions of the evacuation of the Plaza de
la Ciudad de Mexico by the federal army and its dissolution.
Venustiano Carranza
His full name was Venustiano Carranza Garza. He was a Mexican businessman, military man and politician. He went down in the history of
Mexico because he was president of the Mexican Republic for 3 years.
He lived until his youth in the municipality where he was born. He studied at the Saltillo fountain society. After completing his basic
education, he went to live in Mexico City in 1874 and entered the National Preparatory School at the age of 15. He dedicated himself to
family agricultural activities on the ranches of Las Ánimas and El Fuste.
As he grew older, he became more interested in business and military issues. His political career began during the time of Governor José
María Garza Galán and he was elected municipal president of Cuatro Ciénegas (where he was born). However, he did not last long in that
position because he had problems with José María.
His problems became more evident when José María Garza tried to get re-elected, it was then that Venustiano Carranza rebelled politically against
him. Venustiano had the support of Bernardo Reyes to try to restore politics and social peace throughout the country. It is said that Venustian did
not commit himself to supporting Francis I. Madero because he was waiting for Bernardo Reyes to return to Mexico to succeed Porfirio Díaz as
Adolfo de la Huerta
His full name was Felipe Adolfo de la Huerta Marcor. He was an accountant and Mexican politician. His most important position was that of
the presidency of the Mexican Republic in 1920.
He lived in his birthplace until his youth. He studied at the Sonora School in Hermosillo. At the age of 15 he went to live in Mexico City
and entered the National Preparatory School in 1896 where he studied accounting and singing. When his father died, Adolfo had to return
to Guaymas to say goodbye.
His family had financial problems and although Adolfo continued studying, he had to look for work to support them. His first job was in
1906 as an accountant at the National Bank of Mexico in the Guaymas branch. Later he was given the position of manager of the San
Germán hacienda-tannery.
Adolfo de la Huerta trained very well in accounting, but he began to be interested in politics, so that same year (1906) he joined the Mexican
Liberal Party (PLM) and, finding himself in a better economic situation, he supported the publication of the newspaper called “Regeneración”. He
also worked as a musician and singer at parties.
Alvaro Obregon
His full name was Álvaro Obregón Salido. He was a Mexican soldier and politician who had a key participation in the armed movement of
the Mexican Revolution. He obtained the presidency of Mexico for 4 years.
His father died when he was 1 year old and his mother left Álvaro in the care of his older sisters. He studied at the school in the region
where he was born. He then studied mathematics, geography and history.
He learned about carpentry, dabbled in poetry, music and became interested in commerce. In 1898 he tried to help his sisters get ahead
and supported them by working in agriculture so that their farm could prosper. However, the country was going through a very complex
economic crisis, the climate was very changeable and it did not have relevant tools for agriculture.
When he went to Huatabampo in 1906, he met Refugio Urrea and a year later his wife died along with their twins during childbirth.
Obregón thought his life was over with the loss of his new family. He lived with pain and sadness for 2 years but asked his sisters to take
care of his children.
It is important to know that at that time Porfirio Díaz was the president of Mexico and the country was going through political, social and economic
instability because he had been in power for more than 30 years. So in 1909 he joined the military forces of Francisco I. Madero to fight against
Porfirio's government and they defeated him.
His full name was Francisco Plutarco Elías Campuzano. He was a Mexican soldier, teacher and politician. He is part of the history of Mexico
because he was president of the Mexican Republic for a period that lasted 4 years.
The story of Calles' life is very broad due to the positions he held and all the things he did before and after becoming president of the
country. Below are the most transcendental periods and moments of all aspects of his life because Calles was important for the time in
which he had contact with other Mexican historical figures.
His father had problems with alcohol and abandoned his family, going to live on a farm in San Pedro Palominas. His mother died when
Calles was only 3 years old, so he was under the care of his maternal uncles and lived with them in Hermosillo until he was 20 years old.
When he was 20 years old, he became involved with Josefina Bonfiglio, of Italian descent, whom he impregnated, but Calles abandoned
her because his father told him that it would be best due to his age, so Calles went to the municipality of Fronteras.
His full name was Emilio Cándido Portes Gil. He was a Mexican lawyer and politician who became part of the history of Mexico because he
was president of the Mexican Republic for a short period.
Her family went through serious financial problems and her mother tried to support her family by working late into the night as a
seamstress and other jobs. He studied primary school in his hometown and attended secondary school at the Ciudad Victoria Normal
As he grew older, he became interested in legal issues and laws, so he went to Mexico City and in 1912 he entered the Escuela Libre de
Derecho from which he graduated in 1915.
Regarding his political life, he held various positions until becoming a federal deputy.
In 1920, when he served as provisional governor of the state of Tamaulipas, he joined the famous Agua Prieta Revolution, which began
with a plan that had the same name and was promulgated on April 23, 1920 in the city of Agua Prieta. in the state of Sonora against the
Carranza government.
Pascual is part of the history of Mexico because in addition to having been a historian and geographer, she was president of the Mexican
Republic for a short period.
His parents were: * Pascual Ortiz de Ayala y Huerta * Leonor Rubio Cornelis
He studied at the San Nicolás de Hidalgo school until high school. Then he studied engineering at the University of San Nicolás, which is
currently known as the Michoacana University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo, where he was expelled because it is said that he was involved in
anti-reelection activities. . He later studied at the National School of Mining, from which he graduated as a topographical engineer in
When Victoriano Huerta took over the government, Pascual joined the revolutionary movement under orders from Venustiano Carranza.
In 1910 he joined the Maderista movement along with Joaquín Mass and Rafael M. Stone. He later joined constitutionalism and was
awarded the rank of Colonel.
He traveled to the United States to take charge of the printing of paper money, which was a type of bearer document with value that was
issued by a banking institution that was intended to circulate as a legal means of payment.
Abelardo L. Rodriguez
His full name was Abelardo Luján Rodríguez. He was a Mexican soldier and politician who held the presidential seat of the Mexican
Republic for two years.
Abelardo came from a humble family, when he was born they went to live in Nogales and there he studied primary school. At a very
young age his parents died and he had to work to get ahead. In 1906, when he was 17 years old, he went to the United States and lived
there for seven years.
In 1913 he returned to Guaymas and learned that in the Mexican Revolution commanded by Francisco I. Madero, had overthrown the
dictator Porfirio Díaz. He fought in this revolution starting on March 1, 1913 with Rafael M. Stone. Later, he was part of the
constitutionalist army commanded by Álvaro Obregón fighting against the Zapatistas and the Villistas.
He participated in different battles and confrontations such as the taking of Culiacán, the Bajío campaign, the suppression of Sonora and
others. He later participated in General Benjamín Hill's campaign in 1916 in Mexico City and was promoted to Colonel.
In 1920 he collaborated in the Agua Prieta Plan, which was a document written by Álvaro Obregón and supported by liberals; It was
proclaimed on April 23, 1920 in the city of Agua Prieta, state of Sonora .
Lazaro Cardenas
His full name was Lázaro Cárdenas del Río. He is part of the history of Mexico because in addition to having been a Mexican soldier and
politician, he was also president of the Mexican Republic for 6 years.
His parents were: * Dámaso Cárdenas Pinedo * Felícitas del Río Amezcua
He studied primary school in his hometown and at the same time worked in a printing press. When the revolutionaries occupied Jiquilpan,
they asked him to print a manifesto, which fell into the hands of the federals who, full of fury, destroyed the workshop and persecuted
Cárdenas, thinking that he supported the revolutionaries.
However, Cárdenas fled and in 1913 he joined the revolutionary forces of Martín Castrejón where he rose as time went by. Later it was
under the command of Álvaro Obregón. Their first armed confrontation was in 1915 against the Villistas and they quelled the uprising of
the Yaqui Indians.
Having joined the army, his life changed greatly because he prepared himself well in the military aspect and supported several important
historical figures, such as Venustiano Carranza, since Cárdenas helped him by preventing him from being assassinated in 1920. In the
revolutionary army he reached the rank of General at 38 years of age.
He was a Mexican soldier and politician who obtained the presidential seat of the Mexican Republic in a period of six years.
He studied in the city of Puebla and when he was a teenager he joined the army. At the age of 15 he joined the Maderista forces (those
who supported Francisco I. Log). His first combat was in 1914 when he was 18 years old and he fought against the revolutionaries who
supported Victoriano Huerta in the Sierra de Puebla.
It is necessary to know that Manuel did not study university because the Mexican Revolution made the situation in the country very
difficult, however he was able to finish his high school studies at the National Preparatory School.
In 1920 he reached the rank of colonel and obtained the position of chief of staff of Lázaro Cárdenas who at that time was military chief
and governor of the state of Michoacán. It is important to know that Manuel Ávila and Lázaro Cárdenas became very good friends.
Regarding his personal life, history indicates that Manuel married Soledad Orozco on December 16, 1925. Later, in 1927, she was one of
the soldiers who participated in the passification of the Cristero rebellion in the states of Michoacán, Jalisco and Guanajuato. Let us
remember that the famous “cristeros” were people who had a cross on their chest and when fighting shouted out loud “Long live Christ
the King.”
He was a Mexican lawyer, businessman and politician who obtained the presidency of the Mexican Republic for six years. The most
important characteristics of his administration were his dedication to teamwork, as well as the creation of more things that were
necessary for the advancement of Mexico. Furthermore, thanks to the good relations he always had with American authorities and
inhabitants, he received the name “Mister Amigo.” Which alludes to the great capacity of his good character and respect for other
Miguel Alemán Valdés began his studies in the city of Orizaba, he lived with Popoloca indigenous children and learned to speak their
dialect. He learned to ride a horse and was always a responsible child at school and in things around the house, since his family had
limited economic resources and he always helped his parents to contribute to the family's livelihood.
During the time he was in high school, his friendliness and charisma helped him gain many friends who, without knowing it at the time,
would help him until he became president of Mexico and would be with him until his last day of life.
In 1923 his parents once again had an economic crisis and that caused them to return to Coatzacoalcos, where his mother opened a
grocery store and Miguel got a job at the oil company. He learned English and that opened
many doors for him. Later, in 1925, he entered the National School of Jurisprudence, where he
reunited with some of his high school friends. He finished his degree in three years and received
his degree on June 29, 1928. He was always a person who defended the rights of people and
His full name was Adolfo Tomás Ruiz Cortines. He was a Mexican soldier, accountant and politician who held the presidential seat of the
Mexican Republic for six years.
His father died before Adolfo's birth, his mother took care of him with the help of his sister, his grandfather and uncles. He completed his
basic studies at the La Pastora cantonal school, then entered high school. It is important to know that from a very young age he had to
leave school for a while because his family had severe financial problems and the death of his father caused Adolfo to have to work to
help his family financially.
Adolfo Ruiz Cortines' family had a good economic position when his father was alive, but upon his death they learned what poverty is in
all the senses of anguish and scarcity.
His uncle Gabriel taught him the values that make every man a successful person in every sense of his life, he taught him to have
admiration and respect for the men of the Reformation, as well as the need to always have order in his life, making all with dedication
and honesty. His mother taught him the principles and values of conduct necessary to get ahead, to succeed and to be a good man, a
fighter and a worker, whose learning he always put into practice throughout his life.
He was a lawyer, professor and Mexican politician who obtained the presidential chair of the
Mexican Republic for a six-year term.
He was born into a middle-class, hard-working family. His economic situation was good
because there were many people in his family who had good jobs, however his economic
stability was affected when his father died in 1915. Later his family moved to Mexico City, where he completed his basic studies. Adolfo
studied at the French School with the help of a scholarship, he was an excellent student, he played sports such as boxing and soccer; He
had many friends and most of them supported him when he began and ended his political career. His two inseparable friends were Luis
Macedo and Quirino Díaz Reynoso, such was their union of friendship that they were called -the three musketeers-.
He studied at the National Preparatory School between 1923 and 1925. Later, in 1926, he went to live in Toluca, state of Mexico, and
there he studied high school and high school at the Scientific and Literary Institute, whose director was Eduardo Vasconcelos Pérez
(nephew of the former president of Mexico, José Vasconcelos).
His full name was Gustavo Díaz Ordaz Bolaños. He was a Mexican lawyer and politician who obtained the position of presidency of the
Mexican Republic for a six-year term.
He was born into a traditional middle-class Puebla family. He and his family went to live in Oaxaca, where he completed his basic studies.
As he grew and matured, along the way he met many people and his good friendships helped him meet Juan C. Bonilla, who later served
as governor of the state of Puebla.
Gustavo Díaz Ordaz studied his degree at the University of Puebla and obtained his bachelor's degree in law in 1931. The jobs he had
were good, in 1932 he worked in an administrative office dependent on the government of Puebla. Later he was an actuary and clerk in a
municipal court. He served as judge of Tecamachalco.
He was an official in the Conciliation and Arbitration Council, as well as president of the Supreme Court of Justice. His teaching-learning
ability helped him later work as a professor and vice-rector of the University of Puebla (an educational institution where he had studied
years before).
He married Guadalupe Barja, a woman with good economic resources. Gustavo was always clear that in addition to being a lawyer, what
he liked most was politics; he was always determined to achieve important positions in that rank. So with the passage of time he
emerged more in political life and held several important public positions in the state of
Puebla. He was a federal deputy from 1934 to 1946.
Lawyer by profession who served as president of the Mexican Republic for a six-year term. He studied in Mexico City. He studied his
career at the National Autonomous University of Mexico “UNAM” and graduated as a lawyer in 1945.
During the time he studied his degree, he founded the group Mundo Libre Juvenil de México and a magazine called “México y la
Universidad”. From a very young age he was interested in politics, in 1946 at the age of 24 he joined the Institutional Revolutionary Party
(PRI) and worked as secretary of General Rodolfo Sánchez Taboada. Later he was in the Secretary of the Navy.
Later he was a senior officer of the Ministry of Public Education and in 1958 he was appointed Undersecretary of the Interior. His good
work performance helped him to be appointed Secretary of the Interior during the administration of President Gustavo Díaz Ordaz in
It is important to note that during the presidency of Gustavo Díaz Ordaz it occurred on October 2, 1968 in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas
in Tlatelolco and everyone pointed out that the intellectual authors of what happened were Ordaz and Echeverría.
However, that did not stop him from continuing to rise in politics and on November the tragic massacre of the students
8, 1969 he was named candidate for the presidency of the Mexican Republic
representing the PRI. The results of the elections that were held on July 5, 1970
were in his favor, Luis Echeverría took power on December 1, 1970.
His full name was José Guillermo Abel López Portillo y Pacheco. Mexican lawyer and politician who served as president of the Mexican
Republic during a six-year term from 1976 to 1982.
His parents were: * José López Partillo and Wéber * Refugio Pacheco and Villa-Gordoa.
José López Portillo was born into a family full of politicians and intellectuals. He studied law at the University of Chile and graduated in
1945 at the age of 25. After a while he studied a doctorate in law at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and graduated
at the age of 30 in 1950.
His preparation, work and dedication helped him to work in 1960 as a professor at the same educational institution where he studied law
and he was also a professor at the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), two institutions of high academic level in the country.
He married Carmen Romano Nölck and they had three children. Little by little, José López Portillo made his way into public life as he held
various positions in the federal public administration and in the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), a party that had total power over
all Mexicans for most of the 20th century. .
Miguel de la Madrid
His full name was Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado. He was a Mexican lawyer and politician who served as president of the Mexican Republic
from 1982 to 1988.
He studied law at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, then studied postgraduate studies in Public Administration at Harvard
University in Cambridge, Massachusetts in the United States, which is considered the best university in the world.
He joined the famous Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) in 1963 and that is how his political career rose, managing to obtain
important positions in that field until he obtained the presidential seat that many politicians have always wanted.
As a professional he taught at the UNAM Law School in 1968. Due to his excellent educational preparation, he later worked at the National
Bank of Foreign Trade and the Bank of Mexico. In 1970 he was appointed deputy director of Petróleos Mexicanos and in 1972 he served
as general director of Credit of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit.
His honest work and ability made Miguel de la Madrid continue to obtain other important positions in the country. Therefore, in 1975 he
worked as secretary of the aforementioned agency and in 1977 he was promoted to the Secretariat of Programming and Budget.
He was a Mexican economist and politician who held the presidential chair of the Mexican Republic for a six-year term, whose
government was surrounded by criticism and accusations of electoral fraud because Carlos obtained power because the Ministry of the
Interior declared it so after a dispute arose. problem in the elections and the counting of votes stopped.
The reasons for the great “failure” were never made known and they only pointed out that Mexico needed a new president and that was
how the Secretariat declared him the winner.
He belonged to a family of great cultural and historical prestige, his father was a senator and Secretary of State, and his mother was a
teacher. He studied at the Abraham Lincoln primary school, he attended secondary school at Héroes de Chapultepec and he studied high
school at the Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso. He then studied law at the National Autonomous University of Mexico in 1970.
Later he completed a postgraduate degree in Public Administration from which he graduated in 1973 and also studied Political Economy
in 1976. Both master's degrees were taken at Harvard University, located in Cambridge, Massachusetts in the United States, from which
he graduated in 1973.
He married Cecilia Occelli and they had 3 children. Carlos Salinas de Gortari was always a
dedicated and responsible person when it came to studying, which is why he studied in the
best schools in Mexico and the United States. Thus, after having obtained his master's
degrees, he studied a doctorate in Political Economy and Government in 1978.
E= E=
He was a Mexican economist and politician who served as president of the Mexican Republic during the six-year term from 1994 to
When Ernesto was 3 years old, his family emigrated to Mexicali in Baja California, where he studied primary school at the Leona Vicario
school and 18 de Marzo secondary school. They lived in said place for a time due to his father's work.
Later he returned to Mexico City to study high school and then in 1967 he completed a degree in economics at the Higher School of
Economics of the National Polytechnic Institute. It is important to note that in 1968 he participated in several student protests against
President Gustavo Díaz Ordaz.
Three years later he joined the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), one of the most important and powerful political parties in Mexico
since its creation and whose candidates launched for the presidency obtained the presidential seat between 1929 and 1989.
After graduating from college, he married Nilda Patricia Velasco, who was his student, and they had five children. He worked as a
researcher in 1971 in the presidency of the Republic. Later he was director of the Trust for the Coverage of Exchange Risks (FICORCA)
whose program focused on the sale of future dollars at different exchange rates to Mexican companies with debts in foreign currencies
that served as insurance against future devaluations.
Later, in 1974 he studied a postgraduate degree and in 1978 a doctorate, both of which he completed at Yale University, a private
institution based in New Haven (Connecticut) in the United States. In 1982 he worked at the
Bank of Mexico and there he managed to expand his friendly relationships with other important
people in the country and abroad, as well as the extensive experience he obtained in that
He is a Mexican businessman and politician who was president of the Mexican Republic for a six-year term. He was the first PAN member
to obtain power in the country after having defeated his opponent Francisco Labastida, representative of the Institutional Revolutionary
Party “PRI”. His administration marked the end of a long period of more than 70 years governed by PRI members.
He lived with his family in Rancho San Cristóbal located in the city of León, Guanajuato. His basic studies were completed in Catholic
institutions such as the Colegio de la Salle in León and the Lux Institute in the same city.
He studied business administration at the Universidad Iberoamericana (UAI), a private institution of higher education in Mexico that is
part of the Jesuit University System, whose other institutions are the Institute of Technology and Higher Studies of the West (ITESO),
Loyola University of the Pacific and the Ayuuk Intercultural Indigenous University.
In 1965 he worked as a local distributor for the Coca-Cola soft drink company, later he was a route supervisor for delivery trucks for the
same company. At Coca-Cola he obtained several positions and with his dedication and work he managed to rise through the ranks and
that is how in 1970 he was named National Director of Operations.
A year later he was Marketing Director and after 11 years he became president of the Latin
American division, all in the same transnational company. Vicente Fox is said to have been one
of the youngest managers the company has ever had.
His full name is Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa. He is a Mexican lawyer and politician who currently serves as president of the
Mexican Republic. He took possession of the presidential chair on December 1, 2006 and is part of the National Action Party (PAN), one
of the political parties that has been acquiring greater importance in Mexico.
He studied at the Escuela Libre de Derecho in 1987, later completed a postgraduate degree in Economics at the Technological Institute
of Mexico (ITAM) and also completed a master's degree in public administration at the John F. Kennedy University at Harvard University
located in Cambridge, Massachusetts in the United States.
He served as National Secretary of Youth Action, later he was Secretary of Studies. In said party he met his wife, Margarita Zavala, who
served as a federal representative in Congress, they married and had three children.
His political career rose little by little and between 1996 and 1999 he was president of the National Executive Committee of the PAN. In
1989, in that position he managed to win his party the governorships of Aguascalientes, Jalisco, Morelos, Baja California, Guanajuato,
Tlaxcala and Sonora.
Likewise, its popularity extends to the states of Campeche, San Luis Potosí, Colima, Querétaro,
Veracruz, Yucatán, Michoacán, Chiapas, Oaxaca, Nuevo León, Puebla, Sinaloa and Mexico City.
It is also important to know that the PAN is a center-right political party that was founded in
1939 and works under center-humanist guidelines.
Enrique Pena Nieto
He is a politician and lawyer who graduated from the Universidad Panamericana and has a master's degree in Business Administration
from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM), one of the best educational institutions and most
recognized nationally and internationally. Enrique is a descendant of Severio Peña, who served as municipal president of Acambay in the
state of Mexico four times, first in 1914, then in 1916, 1921 and finally 1923.
Enrique comes from a family of politicians, because his father Gilberto Enrique Peña del Mazo was a relative of Alfredo del Mazo González,
who served as governor. Her mother's name is María del Perpetuo Socorro Ofelia Sánchez, who was the daughter of Constantino Enrique
Nieto Montiel, a relative of the famous Arturo Montiel Rojas, one of the most popular politicians in Mexico and the United States, for
having been linked to corruption cases in the mid-1990s. January 2006, he was later acquitted of said charges.
As you can see, Enrique Peña Nieto has been surrounded by in-laws since he was very young, who in some way influenced the education
he had since he started going to school. His political career began in 1984 when he joined the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).
Little by little he began to have good relations with his party colleagues and in 1985 he joined the law firm Laffan Muse and Kaye, which
lasted only one year.
From 1986 to 1988 he was part of the team of Mr. Fausto Rico Álvarez, it was there when Enrique began to participate in political
activities. Years later, in 1990, he served as secretary of the Citizen Movement of Zone I of the State Steering Committee of the National
Confederation of Popular Organizations (CNOP), which is a popular sector of the PRI, which made him gradually climb more steps. in favor
of their political formation.