Structural Grammar

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Structural grammar:

It is the basic unit of writing: The sentence.

The sentence is the set of words that has a unity of
meaning and that have syntactic independence.
The sentence has 3 analyses:
• Syntactic: studies the order of the words in the
sentence and their relationship as well as their
congruence with each other.
• Semantic: studies the meaning of the sentence or
• Morphological: studies its shape.
• To find the subject we ask ourselves the questions: Who? Or who?
Before the verb.

• As we know, the subject is the one being talked about in the sentence
and the predicate is the one who is talking about the subject.
Syntactic analysis
He child ran v
The little girl I ran INV. Morphological
The children you ran
The girls Us. we ran
V. V. You. They ran
g. and No. and They- they ran
N. G. V.
Semantic N. AND P

The subject:

• In the subject it is the part of the sentence where it is

made known who is being talked about, to find it we ask
the questions: Who? Or who?
The dog is fat.

Who is fat?
The dog.
Subject classes:

In the subject classes we find:

• Simple subject: (SS) only has one nucleus.
• Composite subject: (SC) are two or more nuclei.
• Tacit subject: (ST) is unknown, not express.
The subject can come before the subject, between two
predicates, at the beginning or at the end.

• Example of the simple subject:


M.D. N

The self stands out due to the lack of humility

• Example of the compound subject:

S. E.C.

Md. N (n) Md. N

Comedies and eclogues are literary genres

• Example of Tacit subject:


Subject modifiers (Core):

Modifiers are used for the application and clarification of ideas to

provide information.

• Comparative construction modifier

It is a modifier of the core of the subject in a sentence. It occurs when
the noun is modified through the links “ like ”, “ which”, such, etc.
It is also used to highlight a negative or positive aspect or
characteristic of the noun.

The marimba as a native instrument, as a national symbol, as a soft
melody, vibrates in the sounds of the country.

• Apposition Modifier:
Take action as nto of the prayer,
complete me additional action on the
the apposition gives an
subject, gives additional information about an adjective,
a verb or some complement of the predicate.

Tecún Umán as Quiche prince, as Guatemalan hero.
The predicate:
The predicate is recognized by the verb since it has meaning to
the subject. The predicate can come before or after. According
to the syntactic analysis, the predicate is divided into:
• Verbal predicate: any other verb.

• Nominal predicate: it is the one that uses copulative verbs

of noun: ser, estar, seemingly, tener; These only serve as a

• Simple predicate: It is made up of a single verb.

• Compound predicate: it is made up of two or more verbs .
Predicate modifiers:
They are all those elements that accompany the core of the
predicate. All modifiers of the predicate are called: Complements.

• The direct object: In order to find it we ask ourselves the

question: What? Before the verb. Example:

What did Caleb conquer?

• The indirect object:
The indirect object or indirect object is the one that
receives the action of the verb not directly but as its
name indicates, it indicates indirectly, therefore the
indirect object is the recipient of the subject.
The keys to find it are :
The prepositions "a" or "para".
Ask ourselves the questions: For whom? And to whom?,
them, them.
Pronominal verbs:

They are all verbs that have a contraction between verb

and pronoun. Example:
• To comb
•Take her
•Do it
All pronominal verbs are indirect objects.

It is a quality or characteristic of a person or thing, especially

something that is an essential part of their nature.
• Opel- Car brand.
• Chrysanthemum- Chinese flower.
• Gibraltar- Strait0.
• Tamarisk- Tree.
• Rucio- Pigmented.
• Beryl- precious stone.
• Gondola- cash register.
• The agent is a complement of the predicate that
denotes an action by the same predicate. The
characteristics to be able to find it are:
• It is a sentence in passive voice.
• It must have the preposition "or".
The predicative:

The predicative accompanies a verb and, on the other

hand, expresses a quality, property or state of the
subject or direct object.
Circumstantial complement:

It expresses or informs about some circumstance

(place, time, manner, quantity, etc.) in which the
action is developed by the verb.

Md. N. N CC
The gendarme walks M.

There are copulative, transitive and intransitive verbs.

• The copulative verbs are: ser, estar, seem...
which unite the subject and the predicate since they
only serve as a link.
• Transitive verbs: are the verbs that move the
action of the verb towards the direct object. These
verbs always require a direct object by law.
• Intransitive verbs: they do not have a complement
and do not need to have a direct object.
• Transitive verb
Martha begins a reading .

•Intransitive verb
My aunt lost weight.

Some transitive verbs are intransitive.
Transitive verbs are required to take an OD
Some transitive verbs tend to become intrasitivated.
Types of sentences:
There are only two and they are: unimembres and
• The unimembers: they are only composed of a
single member.
• The bimembers: they have a subject and a
We will go.
Juan plays a lot.

Synchronous and diachronic


Semantics is the meaning of letters, syllables, words,

phrases, sentences, clauses, chapters, books... There
are two types of semantics which are:
• Synchronous semantics focuses on the study of
words that are used in a specific time and place.
• Diachronic semantics studies the evolution of
meanings over time. It is, therefore, a more historical
than geographical approach.
Analysis and interpretation of writings:

• Hermeneutic method:
It is the science that allows for the correct interpretation of
a writing.
Rules for the analysis and interpretation of writings:
1. Analyze all the words in their usual and ordinary sense.
2. Blood: Red liquid that circulates through the veins and
3. He doesn't have blood on his face.
He has no shame on his face.

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