Paper Bingg Faver

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Facilitator lecturer:

Ns. Stephanie Dwi Guna, S.Kep., M. Nurs.

Writer by:

Afifa Mawardya Putri (22031016)

Fever is the body's natural process of fighting infections enters the body when the
temperature rises above body temperature normal (>37.5°C). Fever is the body's natural
process of fighting infection entering the body. Fever occurs at a temperature > 37,2°C,
usually caused by infection (bacteria, viruses, herbs or parasites), autoimmune diseases,
malignancies, or drugs.
Fever is a condition where the body temperature is above normal as a result of an
increase in the temperature regulation center in the hypothalamus. Most fevers in children
are the result of changes in the heat center (thermoregulation) in the hypothalamus. Diseases
which is characterized by fever can attack the system body.In addition fever may play a role
in increasing development of specific and non-specific immunity in helping recovery or
defense against infection
INTRODUCTION cells (such as; PMN cell macrophages)
which produce indogeneous pyrogen
Fever is often caused by infection. Causes
(Eps). Interleuikin 1 as the prototypical er
of fever Apart from infection, it can also
Eps causes endothelium hypothalamus
be caused by toxemia, malignancies or
increases prostaglandins and
reactions to drug use, as well as disorders
neurotransmitters, then acts with preoptic
central temperature regulation center (e.g.
neurons in the anterior hypothalamusby
Cerebral hemorrhage, coma). On Basically
producing an increase in “set-point”. Body
to achieve accurate diagnosis of the cause
mechanisms physiologically experiencing
of fever Required include: accuracy in
(peripheral vasoconstriction, shivering),
taking disease history patients, carrying
and the behavior of wanting to dress
out physical examinations, observing the
thickly or wanting to be covered up and
course of the disease and evaluation of
drink warm water. Fever is often
laboratory examinations, as well as other
associated with the presence of use at the
support precise and holistic
hypothalamic “set-point” due to infection,
TEMPERATURE allergies, endotoxin or tumor.

Rectal body temperature measurement has PHARMACOLOGY

proven to be very accurate. In some
Compress is a method of maintaining body
institutions, rectal temperature
temperature by using liquids or tools that
measurement is contraindicated for clients
can causes warmth or coldness in certain
suffering from myocardial infarction.
parts of the body need. Compress is a
Some people believe that when inserting a
method for lowering body temperature.
thermometer into the rectum there will be
There are 2 types of compresses, namely
vagal stimulation, which can ultimately
compresses warm and cold compress. In
cause myocardial damage. However, not
this research, researcher apply the use of a
all parties have the same view. Rectal
warm compress. Warm compresses are an
temperature measurement is
action to use cloth or towel that has been
contraindicated for clients who are
dipped in warm water, that is attached to
undergoing rectal surgery, suffer from
certain parts of the body so that it can be
diarrhea or other diseases of the rectum,
have immune disorders, have blood Provides comfort and lowers body
clotting disorders, or suffer from severe temperature. Warm compresses placed on
hemorrhoids. the folds of the body can help the process
of evaporation or evaporation of body
The axilla is usually the location used to
heat. Use warm compresses in the armpit
measure body temperature in newborn
folds and groin folds for 10 – 15 minutes
babies, because the location is easy to
with 18 Water temperature 30-32C, will
reach and not easy to reach. Chance of
help reduce heat by means of heat coming
causing rectal perforation.
out through the pores of the skin through a
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY process evaporation.

Exogenous and virogenics (such as; Applying warm compresses to the axillary
bacteria, complex viruses antigen- area more effective because in these areas
antibody) will stimulate inflammatory host there are more of them Large blood vessels
and many glands apocrine sweat which has
a lot of vascularity so will expand the area
experiencing vasodilation will allow
accelerated heat transfer from the bodyto
the skin up to eight times.

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