Fever - Pathogenesis, Pathophysiology, and Purpose
Fever - Pathogenesis, Pathophysiology, and Purpose
Fever - Pathogenesis, Pathophysiology, and Purpose
Fever appears to have evolved in vertebrate hosts as an the body appears to have a thermostatic mechanism in
adaptive mechanism for controlling infection. This the anterior hypothalamus that receives thermal informa-
phenomenon is produced by certain exogenous (largely tion from both peripheral and central receptors. When
microbial) stimuli that activate bone-marrow-derived
phagocytes to release a fever-inducing hormone ambient or internal temperature increases or decreases,
(endogenous pyrogen). Endogenous pyrogen, in turn, these receptors relay the information to this thermostat
circulates to the thermoregulatory center of the brain which, in turn, makes appropriate adjustments along ef-
(preoptic area of the anterior hypothalamus) where it ferent tracts that modify heat production or loss so that
causes an elevation in the "set-point" for normal body
central temperature is maintained at or near normal
temperature. Warm blooded animals produce fever by
increasing heat production (through shivering) or levels.
reducing heat loss (by peripheral vasoconstriction), At times, however, body temperature may change sig-
whereas cold blooded animals do so only by behavioral nificantly despite the homeostatic mechanisms that at-
mechanisms (seeking a warmer environment). This paper tempt to return it to 37 °C. For instance, exposure to
discusses current concepts that involve the mechanism of
endogenous pyrogen production, the role of central extremely low temperatures with inadequate shelter or
transmittors, and the probable function of fever in clothing eventually produces a fall in body temperature
combating disease. (hypothermia) despite vasoconstriction and violent shiv-
ering. On the other hand, violent exercising or exposure
FEVER remains a fascinating problem for both clinicians to high ambient temperatures and humidity increases
and basic scientists. Although there have been several body temperature (hyperthermia) despite vasodilation
reviews on fever in the past 10 years, recent research in and profuse sweating. As air becomes more humid it is
this area provides an opportunity to survey the current increasingly difficult for sweat to evaporate from the skin.
knowledge of the pathogenesis and the pathophysiology As a result, the heat normally lost when water evaporates
of this universal response of warm-blooded animals. This remains in the body. During these extremes of induced
review deals with both cellular and neurophysiologic hypothermia and hyperthermia, the "set-point" in the
aspects of fever and discusses the recent discovery that anterior hypothalamus is not altered; instead there is a
fever is developed adaptively in experimentally infected failure of regulating mechanisms to compensate for the
poikilotherms and plays a dramatic beneficial role in mo- loss or gain of heat.
bilizing host defenses against infection. On the other hand, " t r u e " fever is a disorder of therm-
For centuries man has recognized fever as a sign of oregulation in which there appears to be an upward dis-
inflammation, but only within the last few decades have placement of set-point so that the body actively seeks to
scientists begun to understand its pathogenesis and func- raise its temperature. This is accomplished physiological-
tion. In essence, fever represents a disturbance in normal ly by vasoconstriction and shivering and behaviorally by,
thermoregulation. Body temperature in health is main- for example, curling up in bed under layers of blankets.
tained over a narrow range in homeotherms (warm- In contrast, with the hyperthermia that follows exercise,
blooded species) by both behavioral and physiologic the body attempts to bring its temperature back to nor-
mechanisms. The behavioral mechanisms are familiar, as mal by vasodilation and sweating or adaptively by seek-
when we turn up the thermostat or put on more clothing ing a cooler environment. In clinical fevers the rise in
when the environmental temperature feels too cold, or body temperature is regulated by negative feedback
turn on the air conditioning or take off clothing when the mechanisms in such a fashion that temperatures rarely
temperature becomes warm. Physiologic mechanisms in- exceed 41 °C (1, 2), whereas in some hyperthermic states
volve increasing heat loss (vasodilation, sweating) when it such as heat stroke or malignant hyperthermia after ad-
is hot or conserving and producing more heat (vasocon- ministration of anesthesia, the central controlling mecha-
striction and shivering) when it is cold. In humans, this nism appears to be lost and temperatures may reach
balance is precisely maintained so that body temperature lethal levels. Body temperatures higher than 41 °C are
is usually 37 ± 1 °C, with values usually lowest in the occasionally seen during fevers but this is usually a result
early morning and highest in the late afternoon. of superimposed activity such as convulsions.
The mechanisms involved in temperature regulation Until very recently, fever was thought to occur only in
are discussed below, but we may simply note here that mammalian species, but crustaceans, fish, amphibians,
reptiles, and birds are also capable of developing fevers in
response to infectious agents (3-8). The ability to develop
• F r o m the Department of Internal Medicine, Yale University School of Medi-
cine; New Haven, Connecticut. fever thus arose early in evolution and was maintained