Swedish Massage Protocol

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1. A conditioning procedure for the work area is carried out, according to the procedure to be
carried out, as well as proceeding to traditional hand washing with soap and water or gel.
2. A presentation protocol is carried out with the patient and questions are asked about the
medical history, the physical examination of the patient, the taking of vital signs, describing
the objectives to be achieved per session and the general effects, as well as obtaining the
consent signature of the patient. patient for informed consent.
3. The positioning method is indicated, it is removed to allow the patient to undress, the
patient's comfort is verified and the sheet covers the body from the shoulders to the feet
with the necessary supports. Requesting authorization from the recipient to start the
massage, and only discovering the area to be worked on throughout the massage.


Pressu Address Time Positio Rhythm

re n Manipulations


.USER POSITION . . DECUBIT_________? .

Patient in prone position with head in lateral

position, static contact garter touches begin to
be provided bilaterally and symmetrically,
light and short-duration touches. in order to
make the patient understand that we are going
to start the massage.

REMEMBER: we must push off with the foot

that is straight and flex the supporting foot a

The oil is applied to the hands, starting with

sliding movements to spread the oil in the
area to be worked.
Place one hand statically at the level of the
dorsal column and the other hand at the level
of the sacrum. The hand that is on the sacrum
will begin to move from one side to the other
in order to prepare the body and relax.
Slides to spread the oil in the lumbar, dorsal
and cervical dorsal areas can be done 3 times,
whether we are close to the patient's caudal
area or in the cephalic area. When returning
to the initial area, do it on the sides of the
body without Press.

REMEMBER: always having a supporting

foot and using it to move with your knee,
ensure that our back is as straight as possible .

Forearm slide
One forearm is located in the dorsal area and
the other is parallel to the initial forearm and
a slide will be made towards the sacrum
where pressure will be made. This technique
is only performed once.

REMEMBER: open your legs a little and let

our weight fall.

Kneading with thumbs

thumb octopus in the shape of a circle in the
lumbar area, do it on the right side and then
on the left, it can be done in both caudo-
cephalic or cephalocaudal directions, it
should never be done on bony prominences
or spinous processes, they generate pain

REMEMBER: always have your foot


Transverse rubbing with the palms of the

hands from side to side from the lumbar to
the dorsal area, repeat 3 to 4 times.

REMEMBER: open the support base to try to

have a straighter back, we can help ourselves
with our feet to slide.
Slides to spread the oil in the lumbar, dorsal
and cervical dorsal areas can be done 3 times
whether we are close to the patient's caudal
area or in the cephalic area. When returning
to the initial area, do it on the sides of the
body without exercising. pressure.

REMEMBER: always having a supporting

foot and using it to move with your knee,
ensure that our back is as straight as possible.

Slides with forearms The therapist stands on

the lateral side of the patient, we enter by
placing our forearm, letting the weight fall,
we open slowly so as not to cause pain, we
leave without pressure, 3 can be performed
to 4 times.
Claw-like slide only with finger flames in an
X shape around the back.

REMEMBER: do not dig your nails into the

patient, always having the support foot to
help you move.

Sliding in the lumbar, dorsal and cervical

dorsal areas can be done 3 times whether we
are close to the patient's caudal area or in the
cephalic area. When returning to the initial
area, do it on the sides of the body without
exerting pressure.

REMEMBER: always having a support foot

and using it to move with the knee, ensure
that our back is as straight as possible, trying
to ensure that the entire hand is resting on the

Kneading with thumbs in the paravertebral

region from the cervical spine in a circular
manner with the thumbs next to the spinal
column can be done in both directions and
can be returned, but without applying
pressure. You can do 1 or 2 times on each

REMEMBER: always having a supporting

foot and using it to move with your knee,
ensure that our back is as straight as possible.
Ischemic compressions with thumbs,
compression is done in the dorsal
paravertebral region bilaterally for 8 seconds,
slowly removing the pressure and going
down about 5 cm until creating 15 pressure

REMEMBER: always ask if it hurts, have a

supporting foot so that your back is as
straight as possible.
Alternate knuckle rubs from shoulder to
shoulder for 3 to 4 then the movement will be
repeated in the interscapular area

Remember: move with your feet.

Clamp rolled from cervical to lumbar, try to

lift the skin and roll it if we feel that we have
a lot of oil we can do it on top of a towel or
remove the excess, you can do this zigzag

REMEMBER: always ask if it hurts, have a

supporting foot so that your back is as
straight as possible.
Percussions can be with the ulnar edge if
there are bony prominences, it can be done
like clapping (placing the hand in a bowl) or
it can even be done with the tips of the
fingers in a general way on the sword just

And to finish, the superficial sliding is carried

out in the lumbar, dorsal and cervical dorsal
areas. It can be done 3 times, whether we are
close to the patient's caudal area or in the
cephalic area. When returning to the initial
area, do it on the sides of the patient. body
without putting pressure. It would continue
with the upper limb.

REMEMBER: always having a supporting

foot and using it to move with your knee,
ensure that our back is as straight as possible.

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