Public Relations Essay
Public Relations Essay
Public Relations Essay
SUMMARY theories.
Public Relations is considered a key
Public Relations are considered a key
multidisciplinary system to integrate the business
multidisciplinary system to integrate the business
organization and its public, through the
organization with its public, through the
application of communication strategies that
application of communication strategies that
encourage the exchange of information
encourage the exchange of information
(feedback). That is why organizations, to achieve
(feedback). That is why the organizations, to
better communication with internal and external
achieve better communication with internal and
audiences, are not enough to attempt the
external audiences, it is not enough to try the
thoughtless and hasty application of
hasty and unthinking application of
communication strategies, but rather to identify
communication strategies, but to identify and
and apply the theory closest to the demands of
apply the theory closest to the demands of the
the economic environment and the national and
economic environment and the national and
international reality. Although the
international reality. Although the
communication carried out by the public relations
communication made by the public relations
department is born within a business
department is born within a business
environment, it also has a relationship with
environment, it also has a relationship with the
various stakeholders, such as the State,
stakeholders, such as the State, shareholders,
shareholders, suppliers, collaborators, clients and
suppliers, employees, customers and society.
Public relations, business environment, internal
publics, external publics, feedback, application of Public Relations, business environment,
stakeholders, feedback, application of theories.
Public Relations, as well as any communicative act, is an activity that attempts to
articulate communication between the organization and its public, in order to achieve
symbiotic ties and benefits for both parties. This alliance would be reflected not only in the
improvement of the quality of life (driven by the organizations' investments) but also in the
Social Responsibility and Communication programs. The importance of this correspondence
makes it essential not only to have daily contact with the public or to know their concerns,
but also to search, apply, enrich and expand the various global models of Public Relations.
Global models
North American models
North American public relations models are mainly made up of two theses; the first,
in which PR Born as a defensive counter to the critical movement of the Mucrakers
(journalists of that time, also called sensationalists), this thesis sought to satisfy the
information needs of consumers. While in the second they arise due to economic needs,
because the good reputation of the organizations ensured a correct positioning before clients,
satisfying their economic needs.
The evolution of the perspective, technique, policy and direction of Public Relations
analysis. In the first editions of the manual, Cutlip and Center (2006), influenced by Bernays,
understand Public Relations as the strategically planned effort to influence public opinion
Essays on International Promotion Strategies , semester 2018 – I, FCA - UNMSM
through acceptable performance and responsible and planned reciprocal communication, that
is, with feedback between the issuer and its audiences. Then, with the participation of
Professor Broom, they redefine it as the “management function that establishes and
maintains mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the publics on
which its success or failure depends.” With this, it is no longer just a matter of influencing
public opinion, but rather seeking, through this influence, mutual benefit between the
organization and the public.
Grunig and Hunt (2003) define Public Relations as the direction and management of
communication between an organization and its public; they want to highlight the role of the
organization's own professionals. While Grunig and Repper (1991) determined that the
inclusion of Public Relations among the strategic management functions of organizations is
one of the central components of the theory of Public Relations excellence, Cutlip and
Center (2006) anticipated again to the proposal when they considered Public Relations an
instrument to establish long-term policies and strategies.
According to Wells, Oriarty and Burnett (2007) define that PR They are used to
generate acts of goodwill for an organization.” This mission is as broad in scope as suggested
by the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), which states that PR They help an
organization and its public relate for the benefit of both. Therefore, public relations in the
North American model focuses on all the relationships that an organization has with its
different audiences. A commonly used term is stakeholders (audiences with an interest in the
company), which specifically refers to the people who have a stake in the organization.
Although public relations has a distinguished tradition, people often confuse it with
the Anglo-Saxon term publicity , which refers to obtaining free media coverage.
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the corporate image. Establishes that the public relations department of a company should
perform the functions of creating and disseminating relevant information through the news to
attract attention to a person, product or service; generate advertising for certain products;
Establish and maintain public relations at the local and national level with members of
government and management, shareholders and other members of the financial community,
as well as with sponsors or members of non-profit organizations to obtain financial or
voluntary support.
Stanton J., Etzel J. and Walker. (2007) define PR as a management tool intended to
favorably influence attitudes toward the organization, its products and policies. However, in
most organizations, this promotional tool is often relegated far behind in comparison to
personal selling, advertising, and sales promotion. The author explains several reasons for
this lack of management attention to public relations:
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European model:
According to what was written by Xifra (2003), the European model of public
relations is a very homogeneous and uniform theory under the postulates of Lucien Matrat.
This European model has two essential characteristics; The first is a temporary
concentration, the first five years of the 70s, after the conference given by Lucien Matrat,
president of the European Center for Public Relations, at the Institute of Sociology of the
University of Brussels on April 8, 1970, is a normative model, since it is not based on any
scientific research. While the second is of a spatial nature, especially in French-speaking
countries and, more specifically in France, due to the arrival of public relations professionals
during the Second World War and the exchanges of experiences and opinions with North
American people. It emphasizes the ethical dimension in which man is a being that lives in a
specific environment and must reinforce the quality of the ties that unite him to the group.
Hence, it is necessary to establish good relationships and that these be based on trust.
The sociological perception is based by Boiry (1998) on two pieces of evidence; The
first is to consider the relationship variable as the main one, since it constitutes the means
and measure of the cohesion of the organization. And the second, to affirm that when the
nature and quality of relationships are modified, the social dynamics and, therefore, the
functioning of the group are automatically influenced.
That is why for the French School of PR, whose main exponent is Lucien Matrat
(1970), public relations must try to reconcile the interests of the organization and those of its
stakeholders, so that there is understanding and trust. among them. And from this
confluence, it is possible to establish harmony in the organization. based on the agreement of
all those involved without imposition by any party. This relationship between organization
and cohesion of its members is what has led public relations professionals to consider that it
is necessary to analyze the previously existing relationships between the members of an
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One of the main determinants of all public relations activity is found in the recipient
subjects (other organizations, target audience and State entities, etc.); which causes the
content of the messages and communication channels to be malleable enough to be able to
reach all elements with the same power. This is why there is a strategic difficulty that must
be overcome by making appropriate selections, themes and means in order to achieve
strategic objectives in a highly competitive environment and with limited resources.
In summary, the European model considers that public relations are related to a good
relationship with the media, encompassing the principles of humanistic culture applied to
organizations. Its target audience is the internal public, based on morals, values, etc. It is
committed to doing it well, unlike North American models that are committed to making it
known. In this way it contributes to the motivation of the organization's collaborators.
In addition, other more modern European authors have expressed their own
perception and concept of Public Relations. According to Alberto de Durán (2014), public
relations is “the strategic function that helps establish and maintain lines of communication
and cooperation between an organization and its public.” This helps influence public opinion
through a good reputation and acting responsibly. For the author, PR They involve conflict
management, helping the organization to be informed of public opinion. It serves to define
management's responsibility to serve the public interest, helping them stay abreast of change
and use it effectively. In addition to using research, rigor and ethical communication
techniques as main tools.
While for Sara Magallón (2006), public relations must aim to overcome the literal
translation of the Anglo-Saxon expression public relations and consider that, in reality, what
it is about is the establishment of plausible and desired links between the organization and its
public. of interest objectives; using the expression of relations with the (own) public,
implying not only the public nature (as opposed to private and particular) but also the
condition of nexus between companies and institutions and human groups that share some or
some common characteristics with respect to the organization. Thus making it easier to
understand the corresponding activity, since it tries to design the appropriate actions for the
organization with respect to each of its public relations audiences.
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It is the fusion of the European and the North American, a fusion between doing it
well and making it known, it turns the organization into another citizen, thus respecting
internal and external objective audiences, thus becoming involved with society. One of the
pioneers in consolidating and establishing Public Relations in Latin America during the
second half of the 20th century was the Uruguayan professor Román Pérez Senac, who
founded the Uruguayan Public Relations Association in 1962, which defined PR. (2015) as a
cluster of communication actions that are coordinated and sustained over time, whose main
objective is to forge links with various audiences, echoing what they transmit, informing
them and achieving consensus, fidelity and support in the actions. .
Also a pioneer in Brazil is Professor Ferrari (2013), who maintains that national
culture and, therefore, organizational culture are essential elements in the practice of public
relations in organizations. Furthermore, after having investigated the international theories of
important authors such as Gruning, the result was his own research called the Theory of
Excellence where he postulates the generic principles of public relations:
• The need for the public relations department to have the responsibility of managing
internal and external communication, achieving greater unity in messages and better
coordination in the execution and evaluation of communication plans.
• Public relations departments must have men and women in all their roles, of varied
racial, ethnic and cultural origins, which will reflect the plurality of ideas, concepts
and worldviews, which will allow the development of an organic organizational
structure. , a participatory culture and a symmetrical communication system, with
equal opportunities for women and racial minorities.
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On the other hand, also in Brazil, the University of Sao Paulo (2011) defined PR such
as the administration of relationships between an organization and its stakeholders; Its
function is to plan and execute permanent communication of the organization with its
strategic audiences. Furthermore, the University of Palermo (2011) indicates that although in
Latin America there are no formal statistical figures regarding the development of the
profession and the context is different, there is a common denominator in relation to current
trends, which is the need to incorporate qualified personnel in the administration of
communication programs and relationship plans that integrate online - offline platforms, as
well as the use of social media.
Peruvian model
Currently in Peru the link between private companies and universities has not yet
been consolidated. For this reason, the few titles that have been written about Public
Relations are to be expected.
The oldest work recorded in the National Library of Peru on Public Relations
corresponds to a pamphlet edited by Alberto Joffré Cousido (1958), who established that
good PR techniques They do not consist of applying rules and models to coldly analyzed
experiences, but rather of listening to the voices and souls,
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feelings, complaints and desires, with the delicacy of a free spirit of those whom the
organization serves.
In 1962, the first high school thesis on Public Relations was published, titled
“Organization and operation of the Public Relations department in a mining company.” Its
author was Ubaldo Velasco Alvarado (1962), who graduated from the Universidad Nacional
Mayor de San Marcos. Years later, the first Peruvian publication appeared: Fundamentals of
Public Relations, by Francisco Flores Bao (1965). Who, in addition to being a pioneer in the
field, is the author who has published the most books on Public Relations in our country.
In this first period, the European influence is clear. Furthermore, within this scarce
bibliographic production, the rentier mentality of the Peruvian businessman stands out, with
little concern for his external audiences.
In the following decade, the market was overprotected and entrepreneurs made little
effort to position their products, since they had no external competition. In this way, an
optimal relationship with the client became unnecessary, thus creating an idea of false
viability in companies.
According to the work of Amybel Sánchez Tello (2009), between 1977 and 1978 the
first reference manuals by Javier Vela, Hernández Urbina, Alfieri Olcese Salvatecci and
Gildomero Arista appeared, highlighting the Public Relations Vocabulary and common
terms in this specialty by Roberto Bustamante Flores (1978).
An example of this, the National University of San Antonio Abad del Cuzco, the
University of San Martín de Porres, and the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University have
published publications on Public Relations, but mostly from a historical point of view but not
with the purpose of the establishment of an exclusively Peruvian model.
However, various proposals have also been made by Peruvian researchers, in order to
establish a model in Peru, this is the case of Amybel Nila Walther Sánchez (2010), doctor
and professor at the San Martín de Porres University. , who defines public relations as a key
multidisciplinary system to integrate the business organization and its public, through the
application of communication strategies that encourage the exchange of information
(feedback) and bidirectionality. Likewise, María del Carmen De la Flor Belaunde (2015),
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who points out that the key to successful public relations in Peru is in charge of the PR
department, who must have skills, competencies and qualities that allow for the construction
of a bond of trust with the public of interest. Possessing qualities such as empathy, open-
mindedness and flexibility, which have a high degree of impact on trust and mutual
understanding with the organization's internal and external stakeholders.
While it is true, many authors throughout the globe propose different models for PR,
which is why the questions we ask ourselves are: Which of the models is most used by
Peruvian companies?, and what is it like? used by the Backus company?
Model comparison
According to a study by Ipsos Apoyo for the USMP (2012), more than 55% of
Peruvian companies consider that Public Relations contributes to generating reputation,
strengthening ties with internal and external audiences, promoting favorable environments
for business and recruitment. and talent retention. That is why the North American,
European and Latin American models will be contrasted in order to determine the one that
best adapts to the needs of the current environment in Peru.
As mentioned above, the European model considers that public relations is related to
a good relationship with the media, having the internal public as its target audience, based on
morals, values, etc. Commit to doing it well in order to contribute to the motivation of
collaborators, that is, it helps the organization and its public to relate for the benefit of both.
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On the other hand, public relations in the North American model is committed to
making it known and focuses on all the relationships that an organization has with its
different publics of interest (stakeholders). While, in the Latin American model, both models
are merged (doing it well and making it known) turning the organization into another citizen,
thus becoming involved with society.
The comparison of these three was made, and according to the Peruvian reality,
proven by the Ipsos Apoyo study, the Latin American model is the most used by Peruvian
companies, with regard to their public relations. It is worth mentioning that, although a
Peruvian model is being developed, it was considered not to mention it in the comparison,
since this is an extension of the Latin American model.
And just as María del Carmen De la Flor Belaunde explained, the key to successful
public relations in Peru is in charge of the PR department, who build bonds of trust with
qualities such as empathy, open-mindedness and flexibility.
With all of the aforementioned, it is confirmed that Peruvian companies use the Latin
American model, showing the importance of both the internal and external public of the
That is why the Latin American model will be delved into in depth, in order to have
greater knowledge about the guidelines established by this model, to carry out a better
analysis of the company Backus - AB Inbev.
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must respond to the historical and regional reality, considering economic, social and political
factors. which forces us to face an organizational reality dramatically compromised with
problems derived from inflation, crisis, weather problems, recession, external debt,
unemployment, demographic explosion and other conditions of regional problems.
It is important to point out the difficulty that has been found in carrying out this essay
because there are few specific studies on the conceptualization of the Public Relations model
in Latin America; The initial scientific production was lost, was not disseminated or very
few can access it; Therefore, there is no critical analysis, leading to a lack of debate and
controversy for several years, which has caused the current lack of excellence of the activity
in the region.
However, now under the rise of globalization, organizations are looking for a
stepping stone in communication to guarantee their reputation and corporate brand, as well
as delving into the topic of science and scientific progress. Since, in a highly dynamic
scenario, companies look for professionals with skills and knowledge that go beyond a
simple professional registration. Even now the function of Public Relations is more focused
on the administration or planning of business and institutional communication, compared to
a few years ago, when it was more related to the protocol, ceremonial and social events,
according to what was written by Pablo Eyzaguirre (1993).
The public relations team must establish and create strong ties, in addition to being
obliged to keep all opinion leaders well informed of everything that happens in relation to
the areas of interest. To improve the positioning of
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an organization, and under the Latin American model, public relations must take into
account business aspects such as:
According to Camilo Parra (2017), the search for success should be one of the basic
objectives of public relations, in which specific groups, through different strategies, will feel,
experience and develop sympathy with the organization, this through creation and constant
work of a positive organizational climate, which will surely increase the sense of belonging
and participation of the public. Some tools used by public relations are:
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The strategies used in public relations are based on the search and creation of a
positive perception of the brands it covers. An interesting option that generates visibility
among people and audiences who do not know the brand but are part of the target audience
we want to reach, is the possibility of gaining coverage and different mentions from the
media consumed by the audience we want to reach. . Getting mentions in the media or
achieving “free press” will always be considered a useful and significant way to build a
better reputation, increasing credibility and building a stronger brand positioning.
But of course, not all strategies can be based on the dissemination of content in the
media, since there is no guaranteed periodicity in the media. This can be complemented with
a marketing plan carried out under an action plan in which it is the client who knows and
demonstrates the quality, usefulness or benefits of their product and that it is the
management carried out that allows the brand to be differentiated from its products.
The modern public relations specialist not only deals with journalists, but also with
all audiences of the institution such as suppliers, clients, shareholders, workers, users in
general, etc. (Sánchez Martínez, 2010)
Precisely, with the use of modern methodology, the institutional or corporate image
becomes important to identify and build the excellent reputation that organizations need.
Some actions that can be implemented when thinking about strategies for Public Relations
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formats such as multimedia or storytelling, being today the most effective methods of
communicating a brand.
• Give value to relationships: When receiving corporate messages and information, the message
must be translated in another way, so that it becomes meaningful for the public, so that they
appropriate it and can communicate it, generating value for that information. .
According to Jessica Bacuilima (2010), public relations and institutional image management
include, for the Latin American model in globalized times, image auditing, reputational risk management,
institutional crisis management, and the use of communication technologies. Only in this way is it
considered possible for organizations to transmit their message effectively and efficiently.
Likewise, the Latin American model determines some benefits that public relations provide to
• Stimulates creativity: By considering officials as the most efficient factory that can be stimulated
for the benefit of the company, managers are putting a truly inexhaustible and rich potential at the
service of achieving the organization's objectives. It is the job of the public relations professional
to create the right internal system to spark creativity, recognize it and reward it.
• Increases the sales rate: The image is of high importance to ensure its own survival and then its
development. A good image is considered far superior to any advertising or promotion campaign.
The relationship is direct: the better the image, the higher the sale.
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• It makes the survival and development of the organization possible: The natural death of
organizations occurs when, due to the poor service provided, the clientele moves away from it and
the sales rate declines to such a point that it forces the closure of the establishment. .
It should be emphasized that Public Relations does not sell by itself, nor does it generate (directly)
economic benefits. Its purpose is to create and sustain – through different mechanisms – the climate of
friendliness, respect, trust and credibility of the company with its audiences (customers, community, local
authorities, unions). It is a bridge between the organization and the environment to promote an image that
facilitates, among other intentions, subsequent sales processes. That is why Mario Piedra (2005) presents
the limitations of Public Relations:
• The company has little or no control over what is said in a press article or television news.
• There is no guarantee that the message will appear on radio, television or print media. It is possible
that the media may consider that the message is not of sufficient interest to publicize it.
• A company cannot control when the message will be broadcast and there is no possibility of
repetition of the advertisements.
• Unpaid advertising (publicity) is not free, although there are no costs for the time and space
achieved, having personnel dedicated to this function or hiring a specialized agency can be
According to IMCA (2002), all members of an institution do good or bad Public Relations. The
development of Public Relations should not be individualized, as is often the case. It is a task shared and
assumed by all sections of the organization, under the leadership of the specialized area. Its successful
application involves collective participation and, therefore, coherent and consistent action with the various
audiences to which the company's product and/or service is intended. The correct exercise of internal
Public Relations strengthens the good work atmosphere, the integration and socialization of its members,
the establishment of corporate governance and the loyalty of collaborators. In the external sphere, it
contributes to conquering markets, forging ties with the environment and exhibiting institutional
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During the last International Congress of Public Relations (IPRA), a series of factors were
explained, which demonstrate how the Backus company fulfills its function in terms of social
responsibility (one of the functions of public relations), however , they also gave importance to the
company's aspiration (mission, vision and values), the use of strategies (pillars), mastery of business
strategy, facilitators (people and competencies; systems and process; indicators; resources), allow us to
obtain the exact formula to create one of the best companies in Peru in regards to PR since their strategic
plans are undoubtedly an example to follow for other organizations. The 10 priorities of sustainable
development at Backus:
Another of Backus's key points to create a good image towards stakeholders is through projects
and programs, such as the Cusqueña Telar project, in which Backus decided to develop the Peruvian
Premium segment, with the aim of differentiating Cusqueña from the rest of the beers, representing what
is made with passion in detail, like the traditional Cusco loom. With this campaign, a two-year social
project began that aims to improve the quality of life of 55 artisans from four Cusco communities.
As mentioned, Backus seeks to provide benefits to communities, which improves the image or
perception of the company. The main results of the project are:
• 50% of the income is being reinvested in equipment and another percentage is allocated to your
• Loom production increased by 107%. Four points of sale were established in Cusco.
• The first Awana Wasi (weavers' house) was built.
• The individual and collective identity of the artisans was strengthened, making them recognize
themselves as responsible for the improvement of their communities and becoming the main
economic support for their families.
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Another project is the winery development program, which aims to contribute to improving the
quality of life of women winery owners and their families through a point of sale development program
that strengthens their management and empowerment capabilities. .
4e 'Path to progress' They continue with the program to strengthen the business and leadership
capabilities of their clients. In this way, they seek to promote the sustainability of their businesses and
improve the well-being and quality of 6,712 trained points of sale between 2013 and 2016:
Furthermore, by betting on their empowerment, they promote that winemakers become positive
agents in their communities.
It also has a future social responsibility project, which aims to reduce the consumption of alcoholic
In terms of internal public relations, it has two prominent programs, one is the manufacturing and
logistics business talent program, while the other is Abi University; which was created with the objective
of permanently developing the team of collaborators, during 2017, consists of a knowledge platform that
offers collaborators high-impact learning solutions focused on providing support to the business.
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and approves all commercial communications before they are disseminated. Likewise, Backus also carries
out other projects such as:
Cleaner world
The planet is going through a moment of change that requires the participation of communities,
governments and companies. The company is committed to reducing our carbon footprint, mitigating the
impact of operations and reducing or reusing the waste they generate throughout the production,
distribution and marketing chain. They adopt a comprehensive strategy with a double focus: an internal
one, linked to our
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productive chain, and another external one, in which we work hand in hand with strategic allies. (Union of
Peruvian Breweries Backus and Johnston SAA, 2016)
Thanks to the use of cutting-edge technology and strict measurement of results, they protect non-
renewable resources and contribute to achieving a clean and sustainable world for future generations. In
their plants they reduce CO2 emissions and energy and water consumption in production plants. We
implement innovations that allow them to optimize energy use and reduce CO2 emissions in the cooking
and packaging processes. Likewise, they install LED lighting at the Ate plant and implement the network
of pipes and equipment necessary for the recovery of biogas in the future at the San Juan plant. With all
this it has been achieved:
• They have reduced their energy consumption by 27% and their CO2 emissions by 35%
• 98% of the waste they generate is reused in other industries
• They have reduced their water consumption per hl of beer produced by 34% in the last eight years.
In 2016, the use of returnable containers represented 95% of our beer sales and they managed to use
60% recycled aluminum in the manufacture of other containers. Additionally, 45% of new plastic beer
boxes were made from 100% recycled material, 19% more than last year.
PET: a commitment to innovation and the environment. They are the first water and soft drink
company in the country to use recycled PET plastic containers. - 25% of our containers are made with
recycled PET resin.
They ensure a socially and environmentally friendly fleet. Their engines comply with international
and local standards to minimize carbon emissions. They have incorporated new technologies that allow
constant monitoring of driver performance, generating alerts in real time, recording what happens on the
roads and improving training. In addition, they dispose of the waste generated by the operation of the
trucks safely, ensuring that it does not contaminate the water when it reaches the drain.
Sheets at work
They recover public spaces with “Chapas to the work!” Since they know that one of the great
challenges we face as a society is promoting a culture of recycling and proper waste management. That is
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why they created “Chapas a la trabajo”, a campaign to recover public spaces in Puno and Juliaca that
invited citizens to collect 250 thousand beer caps to contribute to the improvement of their cities. The
spaces to intervene were decided thanks to a participatory process and had benches, trash cans, solar
panels with chargers and ecological technology. The number of badges recovered were:
Within the framework of a framework collaboration agreement with the National Water Authority,
we support the development and launch of the National Water Culture Award, which recognizes public
and private projects that promote efficient management of the resource. With this they managed to be
recognized for their Good Water Practices at the national level, awarded in 2016.
Healthier world
The business sector involves great responsibility and, therefore, they are committed to promoting a
culture of responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages. Likewise, we work hand in hand with all the
actors in the value chain to promote that each experience with our products is positive and part of a
healthy lifestyle.
• They train the company's employees in its principles, policy and positions on alcohol, with special
emphasis on the areas of marketing, commercialization and sales.
• They have an internal compliance committee that supervises that all advertising complies with the
principles and code of commercial communication.
• They review and adjust all their standards permanently to adapt to new technologies and ensure
that they are always at the forefront of responsibility related to the consumption of alcoholic
Likewise, it promotes responsible sales or “only + 18”, which seeks to raise awareness among all
actors in society about the importance of avoiding the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages by
minors. The campaign began in December 2011, with the invitation to all adults to take part and actively
commit to this important issue. In January 2013, they called for action to show the DNI to facilitate the
verification of the age of majority and thus achieve the restriction of sales to minors. Below, more details
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+ 18 YEARS
The Backus company works with points of sale to prevent the consumption of alcoholic beverages
by minors. Involve key actors, opinion leaders and authorities to carry out workshops and communication
campaigns that allow them to achieve their objective.
They carry out workshops for winemakers on the responsible sale of alcoholic beverages and sign
a Responsible Business Agreement with them in which they undertake not to sell illegal alcohol or to
minors and to respect the rules that regulate their commercial activity. With this, they achieved that 2,129
sales points were trained and committed as responsible businesses.
They believe that, to achieve real change, the entire community must be involved. For this reason,
they develop workshops for parents and teachers in order to prevent risk behaviors in adolescents,
strengthen protective factors and prevent
consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors. Ensuring that 802 parents and 413 teachers are trained in
healthy lifestyles.
Another way in which Backus has been able to improve its image and reach its external clients has
been through some events, such as:
• Work with educational communities, during 2013, he worked on the program “I decide, I live
healthy”, which sought to ensure that minors postpone the start of consuming alcoholic beverages
through the development of social skills and the strengthening of their protective factors. . This
work was carried out by training more than 100 teachers from 7 schools in Lima, who then
developed sessions with their students.
• Alliance for road safety, since 2009, Backus participates as a strategic ally of the Ministry of
Transportation and Communications (MTC) in the implementation of road safety campaigns.
Along these lines, in 2012 the “Let's Change Attitude” campaign was launched, which seeks to
call on society to become aware and change its attitude regarding the different and main causes of
traffic accidents: excessive speed, driver recklessness, pedestrian recklessness, drinking and
driving and respect for traffic signs, among others.
On a good path
Backus works with key public and private sector stakeholders to promote good management
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practices. 'On a good path' seeks for different levels of society and institutions to assume a proactive role
in promoting good habits and shares the lessons learned with the public and private sectors. They develop
communication campaigns with emphasis on responsible driving and accident prevention. (Union of
Peruvian Breweries Backus and Johnston SAA, 2018)
They establish strategic alliances to create communication campaigns and interventions that allow
them to disseminate responsible behaviors for drivers and pedestrians. In addition, they collaborate with
organizations and public entities to implement and communicate road safety plans. With a total of
189,870 people reached with road safety campaigns and programs. In addition to having as allies and
strategic partners the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, PECSA, NGO Transitemos,
Municipality of Lima and waze, among others.
Risk diagnoses
They evaluate distribution routes to recognize critical points and adequately prepare their drivers
to travel safely on these roads. The #WazePorUnBuenCamino campaign allowed application users to be
guided by the voice of racing driver Ramón Ferreyros while receiving tips for safe driving. Likewise, it
warned drivers about the high accident rates on Lima's roads, allowing them to take preventive measures.
More than 100 thousand users downloaded the application, developed thanks to a strategic alliance
between Backus, Fundación Transitemos, PECSA and Ramón Ferreyros.
Healthy living and development of the celestial race, “Developing the celestial race” is a program
that aims to strengthen the social skills of the barristas of Sporting Cristal, a football club that is part of
the Backus Group, to turn them into positive leaders of their communities. With this, it seeks to achieve a
valuable mission: to rescue the essence of football as a healthy sporting spectacle suitable for the whole
Growing world
They grow hand in hand with the communities where they operate and work with them. They have
the mission of accelerating the social development of their entire value chain, from suppliers and
customers to neighboring communities. Therefore, they implemented initiatives that promote innovation,
entrepreneurship and community leadership. This program has five main commitments:
• Respect and promote compliance with labor rights; among them, the right to membership and
collective bargaining, to decent, free and duly remunerated employment, and to safety in the
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• Adopt a diversity approach at all levels of the company.
• Promote entrepreneurship in the value chain.
• Work with suppliers to help them increase their productivity and implement a sustainability
approach in their activities.
• Commit to the development of neighboring communities thanks to the strengthening of their
leadership and community coordination capacities.
• Punto oficial is a program that seeks to create allies in the market by developing points of sale that
adopt good marketing practices and respect the suggested price. In this way, they seek to increase
customer traffic, increase their sales and become leaders in their areas. The program is based on an
incentive system that offers access to 4e 'Road to Progress' training, microinsurance, products and
other benefits. Obtaining a total of 7,200 official points of sale and with 90% of official clients
who accessed the benefits of the program for having met all the requirements.
• Training with PRODUCE. Together with the Ministry of Production, they managed to train more
people and microbusinesses. 461 people from 311 companies trained in occupational health and
safety, business management, financing and contracting with the State.
• Code of conduct for suppliers. Backus requires that all suppliers it works with adhere to its code of
conduct and consider it an essential prerequisite for any purchase. The code contemplates the
principles of responsible selling such as the eradication of child labor and the abolition of forced
labor and discrimination of any kind in the work environment, among others. With this, 649
people from 447 companies have been trained in the principles of their code of conduct.
The Project for the Management and Improvement of Natural Grasslands of the Moya Sector of
the Peasant Community of San Antonio, San Mateo district, Huarochirí province in Lima has also been
developed: The project is part of an initiative presented by the community of San Antonio, neighboring
the San Mateo mineral water plant, and seeks to recover and sustainably manage the natural grass
meadow called Cancha Moya. This meadow is the main source of food for their cattle and they are
currently in deteriorating conditions due to overgrazing.
With the objective of promoting sustainable management of the grasslands managed by the CC of
San Antonio, and improving the quality of life, a pilot project was developed, together with Aquafondo
and the Fund of the Americas, with the objective of designing and promote a rotational grazing model that
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Among the main results obtained by this project are the development of a rotational grazing model
and installation of 1,200 m of fences for livestock management, the reforestation of 4 hectares with 4,000
pine trees donated by the Peasant Community; training more than 110 families in planting and harvesting
water, management and conservation of pastures.
Additionally, a 45% reduction in rainwater losses was achieved through the installation of 2.4 km
of filtration ditches and a 50% increase in intervened pastures due to the implementation of a rotational
grazing system, fences and drinkers.
Based on the above, every year the corporate sustainability report is published answering the most
relevant questions about its activities carried out during the year. Below is the 2017 Corporate
Sustainability Report:
Question A.1
Has the Company voluntarily adhered to standards of good practices regarding sustainability?
Sustainability reports are prepared voluntarily and can be accessed through the corporate website.
Question A.2
Does the Company have a corporate policy that considers the impact of its activities on the
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a. Indicate the corporate document in which said policy and the body are regulated.
who approves:
Document Organ
Integrated System Policy General Manager of Backus
b. Does the Company quantify the greenhouse gas emissions generated by its activities (carbon
At the national level our carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions ratio is 5.31 kg. Of CO2 per hectoliter of
beer produced. Likewise, we promoted the reuse of 98% of our waste in secondary processes; the rest was
disposed of in appropriate facilities in accordance with the law. These first two questions show the
company's interest in caring for the environment; by quantifying its CO2 emissions, it can have greater
control of them in future processes. Furthermore, by publishing its good sustainability practices, it makes
the public aware of the projects carried out and its commitment, not only to the company itself, but also to
the country.
Question A.3
Does the Company have policies to promote and ensure fundamental principles and rights in the
work of its collaborators?
a. Indicate the corporate document in which said policy is regulated and the
body that approves it:
Document Organ
Code of ethics
Internal regulations General Manager of
The Responsible Way to Operate Backus
Human Rights Policy
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The company has “people” as one of its principles, since they believe that they will be judged by
the quality of their work teams; which is true, because without workers companies could not function and
in an organization the size of Backus with much more reason. Therefore, emphasis is placed not only on
people's talents, but also on their principles and values. This is evidenced by being considered the #1
Employer Brand in Peru, according to Arellano Marketing and Laborum.
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Question A.4
Does the Society have a policy that establishes basic guidelines for its relationship with the
communities with which it interacts?
to Indicate the corporate document in which said policy is regulated and the body that approves it:
Document Organ
Has the Company faced social conflicts (strikes, marches, etc.) in the community where it has
b. its main activities as a result of its operations?
Does society work inc. collaboration with the community in the joint creation of value, including the identification and
solution of their main common problems?
Does the Companyd. invest in social programs in the community where it has its main activities?
Indicate thea percentage that your investment in said programs represents with respect to gross income,
according to the
company's financial statements:
% Gross income 0.36
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Question A.5
Does the Company have a policy that establishes the basic guidelines for
managing the relationship with its suppliers?
a. Indicate the corporate document in which said policy is regulated and the
body that approves it:
Document Organ
Supplier Code of Conduct General Manager of Backus
c. Does the Company have criteria for selecting suppliers that consider ethical
aspects and compliance with labor legislation?
that's ON
d. Does the Company have a purchasing or contracting policy that selects
suppliers that meet sustainable management or environmental standards?
Any company that knows the history and reputation of Backus would be willing
to be part of its line of suppliers. However, achieving this is not easy as evident in the
previous questions, since certain requirements must be met: comply with sustainable
management standards, consider ethical aspects, comply with labor legislation.
Obviously, the Manager seeks to ensure that the policies and actions of each
participant in the value chain must be in accordance with those put into practice by
Backus, thus guaranteeing the development of a good product and a good commercial
relationship with them, obtaining mutual benefit. .
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Question A.6
Does the Company have a policy that establishes the basic guidelines for
managing relationships with its clients?
a. Indicate the corporate document in which this policy is regulated and the
who approves:
Document Organ
UCP-VOO-MG-005-NP - Customer Sales Vice President
Requirements Management
c. Does the Company have permanent customer service channels for customer
service and for receiving suggestions and complaints related to the products
and services it provides?
esi Quo
d. Has the Company received any recognition for the quality of its customer
esi Quo
As with its suppliers, collaborators and communities with which it works,
Backus gives the same importance to its clients by having a Service Center to receive
complaints and suggestions. This way you will identify the needs of your target audience
in a timely manner and take action on them as soon as possible.
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preventive plans exist. When an organization finds itself facing it, it is usually thought
that it can take action and recover lost ground, but it is also important to realize that the
entire environment around it has changed, and that the ability to react is affected.
• When a crisis breaks out, it triggers a loss of confidence in the company, both
external and internal, the latter mainly affecting management personnel.
Uncertainty grows among customers (reflected in order cancellations, loss of
contracts, sudden changes in commercial activities)
• The company becomes a media object, which adds pressure from the mass media
to the consequences of the crisis.
• Ex-officio interventions by the supervisory bodies of public entities are
beginning to appear.
• The company appears in conflict with society, which generates an attitude of
accusation on the part of public opinion.
Likewise, Oscar Rossignolli (2008) explains how to act in the face of a crisis
• Do not deny the reality or magnitude of the crisis. Errors happen at any time and
in any context; It matters how you respond to them and how you handle them.
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• Show willingness to collaborate with control authorities and work jointly with public and private
organizations to offer responses tailored to the requirements of the situation.
• Provide verifiable information about the nature of what happened and the procedures that are or
will be implemented to address the consequences of the crisis.
• Offer Press Releases and/or provide relevant Press Conferences as frequently as possible. Targeted
or manipulated news, sensationalism, bad intentions are the usual characteristics of media
coverage in these junctures. It is very difficult to have absolute control of the news that the media
is publishing. It is very important that the relationship with media representatives is permanent,
friendly and fluid.
• Permanently monitor the information that appears in the media, as it allows you to decide
appropriately, formulate changes in strategies, identify those who direct the news, those who
support and those who denounce the company.
• Avoid long periods of informative silence. If action is not taken in time, all the rumors, comments
and negative adjectives about the company begin to take hold in the public's mentality, with which
the corporate image begins to crumble. If you react late, the cost of reversing the damage is much
higher than if the scandal had not been allowed to grow.
• The crisis management expert, after analyzing the information in record time and identifying the
position in public opinion, must design a contingency communication strategy to face the crisis.
And in a first meeting with the media, it is best to tell journalists that it is not possible to give a
complete or official version at that moment.
For this reason, an outline of a public relations action plan will be presented in case of crisis for
the company Backus, in case a negative campaign is started that affects its image, due to the relationship
that this organization has with the consumption of beverages. alcoholic.
It should be noted that this part has been carried out considering the case of the Coca Cola
Company in Spain, written by Antonio Mejías Fernández (2017), after a similar situation in which the
WHO issued a report on the harmfulness of the consumption of sugary drinks, and the tax increase by the
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In Peru, Backus is the company that owns most of the beer market and one of the most linked to
friendship. However, in 2010, the Regulations of the Law that regulate the marketing, consumption and
advertising of alcoholic beverages by the Permanent Commission of the Congress of the Republic came
into force, thus establishing the obligations, infractions and sanctions for those natural or legal persons,
public or private, that manufacture, import, market, distribute, supply or consume this type of beverages
nationwide due to how harmful they are to health.
Likewise, in 2018, the modification of the Selective Consumption Tax (ISC) on alcoholic
beverages came into effect, seeking to reduce incentives for the consumption of these beverages, and
provide greater progressivity to the value tax. This was carried out by the Ministry of Economy and
Finance (MEF), in coordination with the Ministry of Health (Minsa) and the Ministry of the Environment
(Minam). To this end, liquors that have between 0 and 6 degrees of alcohol concentration (as in the case
of beer) are maintained with an ISC of S/1.25 per liter produced and the rate is raised from 30% to 35%.
value according to retail price.
This implies a threat for Backus products in several ways: in their public image due to alleged
harm to the health of consumers and due to the price increase caused by the application of new taxes. It is
foreseeable that
These measures influence both the company's target audience and its stakeholders and translate into a
decrease in sales and a drop in share prices, among other effects.
It should be noted that the company (2018) has already been mentioned on this topic, indicating
that they share and work aligned with the State's objective of promoting the development of the country.
However, these measures end up impacting the pockets of thousands of families in the industry, as well as
all Peruvians, emphasizing that the changes would affect a product that is widely consumed by all
socioeconomic levels in the country.
Along these lines, Backus considered that the new regulations will encourage the consumption of
illegal alcohol, which today already represents close to 30% of the market. This negative impact estimated
by Backus would complicate the fight against informality and smuggling, important sources of tax
evasion and real causes of health problems.
Backus expressed that the measure did not include any dialogue with the actors involved and was
decreed arbitrarily, making it impossible to build a plan that, according to the firm, could go beyond a
short-term look. In addition, it was mentioned that the increase in the ISC will also impact the income of
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almost 400 thousand winemakers for whom the sale of low-alcoholic beverages represents more than 30%
of their income.
For all these reasons, we propose to develop an outline of a public relations action plan in the
event of a crisis that alleviates the adverse effects that the provisions may produce both at the level of
image and public health and the increase in prices resulting from the tax increase.
• Source of concern: The laws and modifications made to the regulations, presented and accepted at
the national level by various competent entities.
• Problem: The government directly blames the consumption of alcoholic beverages with harmful
effects on health. Likewise, it suggests a 5% increase in the selective consumption tax on these
products as a palliative measure.
• Real Problem: The problem arises from the publication of the enactments and the government's
adoption of the suggested fiscal measures.
• Involved and Affected: Backus as a whole and the stakeholders.
• Manner of Implication: Due to the setback that it may cause to its public image and to Backus's
economy in the income statement, value of shares on the stock market, etc.
• Reason for concern for the organization and its public: At the level of the organization, there is
concern about the poor public image caused by the products it manufactures and markets being
considered harmful to health.
This assessment is aggravated at the tax level since a type of tax is applied, special taxes, which
are aimed at penalizing those goods or services that may cause harm to society. Finally, the increase in the
retail price. This increase will only be to cover the tax and will not impact the company in any way.
In front of its audiences because it relates Backus products to the increase in illnesses and
If we focus on the population segments that make up the target audience, we detect a series of
aggravating factors, since a large part of the consumers are young people and adults who prefer the
consumption of this type of beverage over natural ones.
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• Objectives: the objectives to be met must be directed in a double direction. On the one hand, to
tackle the negative image that what is promoted by the government can produce in consumers
regarding health issues. On the other hand, it should be made clear that the foreseeable price
increase in Backus products is an imposed fact and unrelated to the company's pricing policy. To
achieve the proposed objectives, it is appropriate to develop an adequate public relations plan that
educates about the good work of the company in the efforts made and the commitments acquired
for years aimed at reducing the irresponsible consumption of its products, promoting healthy
lifestyle habits. , supporting sports and healthy eating initiatives, and containing the prices of its
products. These objectives must be consistent with the mission, vision and values of the company
and in line with the stakeholders. It is important that these objectives have been successfully
achieved before the idea can take hold that the products are harmful to health and life or that they
are substantially more expensive than those of the competition.
• Target Audience: People of both sexes over 18 years of age from all socioeconomic levels who
live in rural and urban areas with access to the product. The wide variety of products offered
allows for greater segmentation of the general target audience. The target audience to which this
draft public relations plan is directed will focus on adults who make household purchases, young
people with economic capacity, within the general target audience.
• Strategy: It is considered that the strategy to be followed must be aimed at achieving the double
objective that has been established. That is, provide adequate information that counteracts the
negative image that the government can produce in consumers regarding health issues and carry
out an explanatory campaign in which it is clear that the foreseeable price increase in Backus
products is an imposed and outside the company's pricing policy. These can be accompanied by
advertising and marketing campaigns explaining that the company will initially assume the price
increase for its subsequent and gradual impact on consumers, making collaboration in sporting
events and healthy eating programs visible, etc.
• Tactics: the tactics to be implemented must also follow a double meaning. It is increasingly
common for citizens to consult health issues online. Therefore, it seems appropriate to use the
Internet to provide the target audience with information about what is being done in this regard.
According to what was explained by Europa Press (2016).
• Techniques: continuing with the proposed double direction, topics related to health and food
should be implemented on the Internet through content marketing, the creation of institutional
blogs that offer quality information on health and food and the different agreements and
commitments acquired by the company in this sense, as well as the sports activities and healthy
habits campaigns that are sponsored. As far as price increases are concerned, it is better to opt for
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the presence of promotional stands at points of sale where the reason for them is explained. The
fact that Backus will not pass on the price increase to customers must be communicated as an
opportunity. At the same time, the wide range of drinks will be announced through tastings,
raffles, merchandising, etc.
• Instruments to use: community manager, internet, blogs and social networks for health issues.
Hostesses, display, merchandising, radio spots and television spots for those related to price
• Contingency plan: massive use of social networks, opening of appropriate forums managed by
health and nutrition experts, etc., opening of a specific channel on YouTube for the broadcast of
spots made for television, dissemination of sporting events and other sponsored initiatives in line
with what has already been stated.
• Messages: as mentioned, they will be aimed, on the one hand, at tackling the negative image
among consumers regarding health issues. On the other hand, it should be made clear that the
foreseeable price increase in Backus products is an imposed fact and unrelated to the company's
pricing policy.
• Target audience and stakeholders: this draft public relations plan will focus on those who make
household purchases, young people with economic capacity. You have to be convinced that
carrying it out will benefit the company's stakeholders. It is equally pertinent to disseminate all the
commitments, agreements and sponsorships in which Backus has participated regarding
responsible consumption of alcohol, sporting actions, social responsibility or healthy behaviors
and habits. Regarding the price increase, it is necessary to make it known that Backus assumes the
increase in a responsible and joint manner. That this represents an opportunity for consumers, so
the company prefers to earn less for its products, but be loyal to its customers.
• Meet proposed objectives: it is considered that the correct implementation of this draft public
relations plan will result in the achievement of said objectives and will address the possible
adverse effects derived from the government and the proposed tax penalty. This will result in a
satisfactory relationship with the company's stakeholders.
The adequate and continued evaluation of the results derived from the implementation of this
proposed public relations plan will provide precise indicators of its success, as well as the appropriate
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tools for correcting possible failures. The measurement elements to be used are:
• Outputs: will collect those informative and other products generated from the implementation of
the plan beyond the content issued, such as news in the press, generation of debates, etc.
• Outgrowths: will allow you to detect if the target audience has received the message. Online tools
can be very useful in this section depending on their monitoring and dissemination, the likes
received by the content that has been published, the comments on social networks, etc.
• Outcomes: will facilitate knowledge about changes in attitude or behavior regarding the products
in the target audience. They are quantitative and qualitative techniques such as the comparison of
our sales figures, as long as no extraneous factors arise in addition to those that are attempted to be
addressed in the public relations plan.
1. The North American model focuses on forging a mutually beneficial relationship with long-term
policies and strategies between organizations and their audiences, through responsible communication
with feedback, satisfying information needs in order to attract their attention. In this way, it uses
public relations to influence attitudes toward the organization, its products and policies; but it does not
seek to forge such deep connections or links with its stakeholders.
2. The European model of public relations is constituted as the means and measure of the cohesion of the
organization, influencing social dynamics, giving relevance to the ethics of man who seeks to have a
good relationship with his environment. In addition to maintaining both a defensive and offensive
position to take care of public opinions that may arise about the organization.
3. The Latin American model is influenced by European and North American models, as it includes
public relations within the company's strategic planning, ensuring that communication programs are
directed at the identified strategic audiences, both internal and external, seeking to have more
communication. coordinated, giving emphasis to forging links with them by taking into account their
opinions, causing them to see the organization as another citizen.
5. The relationship with social media has become one of the tools, if not the main tool for the work and
development of Public Relations, since they are the primary channel for the dissemination of
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messages, and above all They are all the great generators of the so-called, considered and feared
public opinion, which contribute greatly to business development and growth.
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6. Not everyone can perform the position of public relations officer, since this requires a series of
knowledge and prior preparation to know when and where to act. He or she must also be aware of
what his or her job actually means and the responsibility he or she assumes when advising or represent
a company, that is, it must be identified with it and with the principles and codes that are part of this
7. The Backus company is the living reflection of the application of the Latin American theory of public
relations in our country, as it considers the national culture when carrying out social responsibility
programs, when working with communities in the interior of the country; It covers each link in its
value chain from suppliers, distributors, retailers and consumers, taking into account the interests of
each one by applying honest communication, respectful of values.
8. All the activities carried out by Backus would be in vain if they were not public knowledge, which is
why they publish annual newsletters to ensure that they publicize their values, their mission and vision
of the company, correctly oriented to internal staff with adequate management of potential. human,
the programs that carry out and provide a message of responsibility to the public for adequate
9. Thanks to the projects Backus has become today a reference at the Latin American level in matters of
Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business Development, evidencing its commitment to the
development of the country.
10. Backus focuses its main projects on 3 large blocks: growing world, healthier world and cleaner world.
11. Over the years, Backus has managed to develop projects that promote the responsible consumption of
alcoholic beverages, managing to reflect a better business image to its consumer public.
12. Backus informs its entire target audience about its activities and policies by publishing the information
on its website, in addition to the press releases where it is the protagonist.
13. Backus seeks to create a good image towards stakeholders through projects and programs, such as the
Cusqueña Telar project or the wineries, Cleaner World.
14. Backus' internal public relations has two notable programs, one is the manufacturing and logistics
commercial talent program, while the other is Abi University; which was created with the objective of
permanently developing the company's team of collaborators.
15. It can be stated that Backus is a company worthy of being an example to follow for the rest of the
organizations in Peru, this is evident not only in its sustainability reports or annual reports, but also in
the various awards that have been awarded to it as result of their hard work and commitment, such as:
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Recognized among the 10 most admired companies to work for in Peru (PricewaterhouseCoopers and
Diario Gestión), Best company to attract and retain talent in the country (Business Monitor of
Corporate Reputation and Universidad Esan ), Corporate Social Responsibility in Latin America
(Mexican Center for Philanthropy – CEMEFI), Silver Stevie Award in the Corporate Social
Responsibility of the Year 2017 category, among others.
16. The Backus company achieved recognition by G de Gestión magazine and Pwc for the quality of its
customer service, which generates an impact on its future relationships.
17. If you do not act in time during a crisis, negative adjectives begin to be positioned in the minds of the
audiences and, without the organization realizing it, the corporate image begins to be destroyed. When
organizations finally react, the investment of resources (time, money and positioning) will be much
greater than what would have been done if the problem was not allowed to grow. Rebuilding is more
expensive than defending. To that we must add that silence also communicates something.
18. At Backus we are working to expand the vision of the marketing area which can work not only with
the corporate brand but through each brand doing social responsibility activities, projects that highly
require advertising and communication to be able to impact society. . Likewise, Backus promotes
responsible consumption and prevents the sale of alcoholic beverages to those under 18 years of age;
It also promotes the economic and sustainable self-development of the community, since it is
concerned about the well-being of its community and its collaborators.
19. The perception that strategies with a reinforcement effect have generated in consumers is that
consumers are loyal to the company for the guarantee and quality, which is why consumers perceive
that they have made the best decision when purchasing the product. In addition, the information
provided is quite clear in its advertising, touching on issues related to culture and warning about issues
related to health.
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