Article 2015
Article 2015
Article 2015
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1 author:
Abed Al Zahiri
Zarqa University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Abed Al Zahiri on 29 October 2015.
Table1. Summary of Jordan’s population and Refugees Estimate for the years from 2010 to 2013.
Table2. Summary of Selected Wastewater Quality reclaimed wastewater was compared with Jordanian
Properties limits according to Jordan Standards. standards to determine its suitability for reuse. The
agriculture demands are mainly directed towards the
Release Groundw Jordan Valley, where the majorly of Jordan’s agricultural is
Property Unit to ater located.
Streams Recharge
The majority of these treatment plants are stressed. The
PH 6 to 9 6 to 9 6 to 9 treated wastewater is considered an integral part of
Jordan’s sustainable water resources system. About 70%
BOD5 mg/L 60 15 30 of the population living in urban areas is serviced with
sewer collection system. The annual treated wastewater
COD mg/L 150 50 100 effluent form theses serviced areas is about 80 MCM.
The two largest wastewater treatment plants in Jordan are
DO mg/L >1 >2 >2 the As-Samra and Irbid (Wadi AL-Arab) WWTP.
The design capacity of the As-Samra WWTP is 68,000
TSS mg/l 60 50 50 m3/day and Irbid (Wadi Al-Arab) WWTP design capacity
is 21,000 m3/day (Mohsen, 2008).
NO3-N mg/l 45 30 30
E coli 100 1,000 < 2.2 100 The impact of population growth is shown as the increase
ml in annual inflow of WWTP’s. Data sets for the WWTP’s
are collected from ministry, government agencies, and
In Jordan there are twenty three municipal treatment visits to the plants. The data sets include inflow and
plants, which cover most of the major cities and outflow rates, water quality measurements.
towns. Some plants with small capacity have gaps in their data
These plants serve about 56% of the population. The total collection, however, the major WWTPs have sufficient
inflow to these plants is around 216,412 m3/d, of data for analysis. In the following analysis we select the
which 186223 m3/d inflow to Asamra wastewater plants with largest capacities. The selected plants treat
treatment plant (ASTP) (Bataineh et al., 2002). about 90% of the domestic wastewater in Jordan and
Jordanian standards for reclaimed wastewater serve more than 2 million inhabitants (Bataineh et
(JS893/1995) try to regulate both water reuse and al.,2002).
environmental discharges. The largest plant is As samra wastewater treatment plant
Jordanian standards allow discharging treated (ASTP) in Jordan and treat more than 76% of collected
wastewater to valleys and streams when it meets the municipal wastewater, most of the environmental studies
specific criteria for many parameters such as BOD, concentrate on the performance of this plant and the
COD, TSS, and Escherichia coli bacteria. possible actions to enhance its efficiency. ASTP
utilizes stabilization ponds as the treatment process as
In the present time, the reclaimed wastewater is used shown in Table 2. ASTP has an area of 181 hectare and
for restricted agriculture either near the plants or three units (Asa’ad, 2006). There are two aerobic
downstream after mixing with natural surface water ponds, four facultative ponds, and four maturation
(Bataineh et al., 2002). More than 70 million m3/year ponds in each unit.
of reclaimed water, around 10% of the total national
water supply, is used either directly or mostly The effluent from the ASTP to the Zarqa River
indirectly in Jordan and will increases to a share of represents more than 80% of the total flow in the
more than 15% within the next 30 years (Ammary, river during dry weather. River ’s water contains high
2007, and Bataineh et al., 2002). concentrations of organic matter, inorganic minerals,
salts, and heavy metals (Al-Zboon, 2002).
In this study, characteristics of wastewater for the four
seven largest wastewater treatment plants, which are Al- 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Samra (ASTP), Baqa, Wadi Al-arab, Irbid (ITP), Aqaba,
and Salt were determined. Characterization of The change of inflow over 5 year period from 2007 to
wastewater was evaluated in terms of measuring 2012 is selected as an indictor of population growth effect.
chemical oxygen demand (COD), biological oxygen The geographic locations with significant increase in
demand (BOD), total suspended solids (TSS), total inflow rate are the locations with biggest population
dissolved solids (TDS), and dissolved oxygen (DO) for growth. The table indicates that there is a surge in
the influent and effluent from the selected plants. The wastewater inflow in several parts of Jordan. This surge in
performance of the major wastewater treatment plants wastewater inflow is due to population growth and
(WWTPs) was evaluated and the quality of the expansion of sewer system network.
Table2. Wastewater Treatment Plants in Jordan showing inflow levels for years 2007 and 2012.
TSS (mg/L)
1000 910
800 753.667
600 541
500 441
400 344
75.8 54 67
100 13 12 5.417 35.3
Influent Effluent
AS-SAMRA Irbid Ramtha wadi hassan Baqa'a wadi arab Aqaba WSP Salt
Figure 4. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Inflow and Outflow of major WWTPs in Jordan
The COD level is an indicator of inflow pollution level WWTPs show high levels of COD exceeding standard of
and treatment efficiency. As samra, Aqaba, and Irbid 150 mg/L for outflow.
COD (mg/L)
2000 1819.1
1500 1372
500 356
147 71.8
0 66 53.83 65 6
Influent Effluent
AS-SAMRA Irbid Ramtha wadi hassan Baqa'a wadi arab Aqaba WSP Salt
Figure2. COD levels for Inflow and Outflow of major WWTPs in Jordan.
Dissolved oxygen is an indicator of healthiness of treated WWTPs. However, the annual averages are consistent
wastewater. There are gaps in DO measurement for with the treated wastewater standard of 1 mg/L.
Figure3. COD levels for Inflow and Outflow of major WWTPs in Jordan.
There are several challenges facing the water sector in [3] Ammary B (2007). Wastewater reuse in Jordan:
Jordan. These challenges include increasing population Present status and future plans, Desalination J.
due to normal growth rates and incoming migrations due Volume 21 1 , Issues 1 -3, 1 0, pp. 1 64-1 76.
to regional conflict. The elevated loadings degraded [4] Asa’ad S (2006). performance of Alsamra Waste
surface and groundwater qualities and put more stress on Stabilization Pond, MSc. thesis, university of
WWTP’s. Jordan.
Jordan’s population projections for the year 2020 is about [5] Bataineh F, Najjar M, Malkawi S (2002)
9.9 million with 65% of the populations will be served Wastewater Reuse in water demand management
with sewer service. The projected sewerage generation is forum Amman Jordan.
about 237 MCM, which is about three times the sewerage [6] Consolated Consultants, 2012. Environmental &
generation from the current population estimates (Abu- Social Impact Assessment Study for The Expansion
Taleb, 2000). of As-Samra Wastewater Treatment Plant, Samra
Wastewater Treatment Plant. Final ESIA report.
The regulation on industrial discharge to the public sewer
collection lines is loosely enforced in Jordan. [7] Demographic and Health Survey (DHC, 2012).
Therefore, industrial effluent from various types of Jordan
industries with varying industrial wastewater strengths are [8] Hammer MJ (1 996). Water and wastewater
currently being discharged into public sewers collection technol. third edition, Prentice –hall. Inc
lines and eventually treated by municipal WWTP using
standard technologies that is used to treat domestic [9] Ministry of Water and Irrigation (2002): Standard
sewerage. As result, when released, the treated effluent Specification “Water – Reclaimed Domestic
from the municipal WWTP is less desirable for Wastewater”, No. 893/2002
agricultural purposes. [10] Ministry of Water and Irrigation/JVA/GTZ (2002):
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