JXN Water Comments

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Case 3:12-cv-00790-HTW-LGI Document 67-2 Filed 09/29/23 Page 1 of 483

Exhibit B
Public Comments Submitted in Writing to the United States
(Part 1 of 2)
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From: Elizabeth Abston

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ# 90-5-1-1-09841 and Docket Number is 36: Jackson, MS - support for Judge Wingate decree
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 5:34:27 PM

To whom it may concern:

I am a resident of Jackson, Mississippi, and I write to give my complete support for the proposed
decree to be signed by Judge Wingate appointing Mr. Henifin as the third party administrator to
handle Jackson sewer system.

Elizabeth Abston
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From: John Adams

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Ted Henifin
Date: Friday, August 18, 2023 8:12:20 AM

I strongly support Ted Henefin for management of Jackson broken water sewer system.
John D Adams

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From: John Adams

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 8:43:57 AM

I totally support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and

John D Adams, Sr
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From: Jane Alexander

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Docket #36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 10:21:22 AM

I support Ted Henefin’s court ordered appointment as manager of Jackson’s water and sewer systems.

Jane Alexander

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From: Comcast
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Support for Stipulated Order DJ# 90-5-1-1-09841 Docket #36
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 1:21:12 PM

I am writing to support the stipulated order for Sewer Repair which will place the City of Jackson’s sewer system
under the oversight of the Interim Third Party Manager, JXN Water.

Thank you.
Jane Alexander
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From: David Allen

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Tuesday, August 29, 2023 5:57:49 PM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JxnWater.

Thank you for being a vital member of our community!

Best Regards,

David B. Allen
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From: susie allen

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-09841 Docket Number36
Date: Friday, August 18, 2023 1:49:07 PM

I strongly support Ted Henifin in his management of the sewer system. He has made
incredible improvements in a short time. Please allow him to continue. Thank you.

Susie Allen

Sent from Outlook

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From: Sidney Allen

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 3:04:10 PM

To whom it may concern:

Thank you for allowing professionals to take over the management of the city of Jackson water system, specifically
Mr. Henefin and his team. I hope you will see fit to allow his team to also take over the management of the sewer
system as well. Thank you.

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Ben Allen

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Ted Henifin
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023 5:43:08 PM

Thank you President Biden, EPA, Judge Wingate and God for sending us Ted Henifin. I was
on the city council for years and am well aware of the systemic breakdown of everything in
our city over the past quarter century. Today, we can't even keep or stop lights working, much
less our libraries, roads, zoo, airport, schools (loss of 13,000 students in a few years), police
department, firemen on strike, sewer system, water system, murder rate leads the nation, fiscal
budget, teenage violent crime, swimming pools....well literally everything the city is in charge
of doesn't work.

Thank God federal law dictates clean water and sewers (I didn't mention the millions of
gallons of raw sewage dumped straight into the Pearl River from the city sewers).
Accordingly, the federal government has stepped in, and the predictable cadre of "Johnny
Come Lately" complainers and "organizations" (THAT is a stretch) are predictably and loudly
complaining. This is so apparent. They do not care that Mr. Henifin is doing major
miracles.....they are ridiculously upset because THEY and our "Mayor" cannot control the
process and the contracts. They simply and selfishly want the money. Shame on them and
shame on the mayor.

Please do not change this process and Mr. Henifin...the only thing in this entire city that is
actually working. He is good....really good, but happens to be a white guy that isn't
from here, and the complainers don't have him in their fold.

Thank you,

Ben Allen
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From: Betty Allin

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ# 90-5-1-1-0984, Docket Number 36
Date: Wednesday, August 30, 2023 11:00:46 PM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.
Betty Allin
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From: John Allin

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ# 90-5-1-1-0984, Docket Number 36
Date: Wednesday, August 30, 2023 10:58:56 PM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNwater.

John Allin, Jr.

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From: Cathy Ambrose

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 11:10:16 AM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin
and JXNWater

Cathy Ambrose

‘If God says it I believe it. That settles it!’

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From: Cathy Ambrose

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 11:10:16 AM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin
and JXNWater

Cathy Ambrose

‘If God says it I believe it. That settles it!’

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From: John Anderson

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ #90-5-1-1-09841
Date: Friday, August 25, 2023 4:48:15 PM

I support the referenced order and for the continued management by Ted Henifin (aka JXN Water) of the sewer
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From: Nick Anderson

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 3:46:30 PM

US District Judge Henry T. Wingate,

I wanted to express my support for the federal court order placing control of the Jackson, MS sewer
in management of JXN Water which is managed by Ted Henifin.

Nick Anderson

Employee working in the Jackson area

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From: Pam Anglin

Subject: [EXTERNAL] 90-5-1-1-09841
Date: Tuesday, August 29, 2023 8:32:42 AM

I am total support of Ted Hedifin!! He is doing a great job!!

Pam Anglin

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From: Bob Archer

Subject: [EXTERNAL] We get ahead with Ted !period
Date: Tuesday, August 29, 2023 12:42:17 PM

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From: Kay Archer

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 7:32:03 PM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.

Kay Archer

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From: Tyler Archie

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ# 90-5-1-1-09841 / Docket # 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 10:58:33 PM

I live in Jackson, MS. Over a year ago my neighbor reported a sewer leak at the corner of
. It was not fixed. Today, there is a fetid pool of water in the street,
feet away from where children play.

Sewage filled another neighbor's basement. (It would not surprise anyone to learn that the
sewer line breaks are not included in the 200 line breaks that this court is aware of.)

The people of Jackson need the court to promptly enter the proposed stipulated order placing
operation of the sewer system of the City of Jackson, Mississippi under the control of an
Interim Third-Party Manager.

Despite what the years of inaction might suggest, time is of the essence to start this work.

Thank you for your consideration.

Tyler Archie
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From: Laura Ashley

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ # 90-5-1-1-0984, Docket 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 8:45:20 PM

To Whom It May Concern:

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.

Laura Ashley

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From: Bahadur, Rosanna P. (VHAJAC)

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 docket 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 2:43:11 PM

I am typing this statement in support of Ted Henifin’s appointment to manage, operate, and
maintain City of Jackson’s sewer system. As a resident of a family neighborhood , it is
terrible that we have had open sewage leaking onto the streets where children play and neighbors
walk with their pets and to come home to the pervasive smell of excrement with the high
temperatures. As a health professional, the unsanitary conditions and threat to public
safety/potential spread of disease are concerns as well. I filed a complaint with the city last March
(every year in March actually) about an overflowing manhole cover from which raw sewage would
trickle. Although the city workers were sympathetic and courteous, the city sewer truck and
equipment remained inoperative until Ted Henefin took over and in the few weeks that he was
allowed, a crew arrived to drain and mark the blockages. It is a shame that Jackson’s Mayor and his
friends who were appointed to head these services mismanaged monies to the point of this inability
to make repairs. Just last week I called the after hours sewer line who then transferred me to
Jackson Water – a very kind young lady answered and although I told her this was not an emergency,
there was a gentleman who showed up a few hours later in the evening to check my water meter.
He said he wanted to “stay ahead of the situation”. How refreshing and this is exactly what is needed
after falling behind for so many years.

Thank you
Rosanna Bahadur
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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Refer to: DJ # 90-5-1-1-09841 / Docket # 36 The NEED for the Jackson MS sewer system to be
TURNED over to the Jackson MS Water system- headed up by Ted Heneflin
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 11:13:02 AM

I have been living in Jackson MS for over years and I am embarrassed, troubled and
saddened that the city of Jackson has let 4.7 billion gallons of sewage be dumped into the local Pearl
River over the last two years and the current administration in Jackson has done nothing to report
this tragedy or do anything about it. We need for the Jackson MS sewer system to be turned over to
the Jackson Water system which is now headed by Ted Heneflin- thanks to a court order by Judge
Wingate. The city of Jackson’s current administration has proven they are inadequate to deal with
this environment disaster. Ted Heneflin’s administration CAN handle this atrocious problem.


Mark Baird
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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 9:03:51 PM

   Dear Sir, please show that Matt and Helen Ballew support the appointment of Ted Henifin being
placed in charge of the Jackson Sewage system. Management of the Water, sewage and roads in
Jackson by the current administration has been inept and irresponsible at best. The Capitol of Ms. Is
beginning to look and operate like a third world country. This is a blackeye for the state of
Mississippi since many people visiting our state for business or pleasure will see only Jackson and
then leave Jackson in shock with what they experience while here. The reports in the national news
have led many of my friends that live all over the country to inquire about just how bad is it in
Jackson??? For the sake of those of us who continue to support the city Please leave Henifin in
charge.   Thank you for your consideration, Matt and Helen Ballew         
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From: Charles Barbour

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 2:15:53 PM

We support Judge Wingate’s order entered on July 31, 2023, and correspondingly, for the continued
management by Ted Henifin (aka JxnWater) of the sewer system.

Thank you.

Charles Barbour


Charles Frank Fair Barbour

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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ# 90-5-1-1-0984, Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 10:15:14 PM

Have the people of Jackson not suffered enough under the poor management of its leadership. Clean drinking water
should be a given for a major city in the United States. I support the order for our sewer system to be managed by
Ted Henifin and JXNWater.

Nicki Barbour
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From: Laura Barbour

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 4:46:57 PM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.

Thank you! Laura Barbour.

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Mary Barker

Subject: [EXTERNAL] 90-5-1-1-09841
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 9:53:13 AM

In re above subject, this is written in support of Mr. Ted Hennifen becoming the interim third-party manger of the
Jackson Sewer System. His management of Jackson water is nothing short of a miracle and a true godsend to our
city. That leaves little doubt that his management of the sewer system is much needed and would also be a success.

It is tragic that there are naysayers and ego driven groups that would pursue efforts to block this. Jackson is a
wonderful city. I am asking that it be allowed to realize it’s potential by appointing Mr. Hennifin.

I will add that before more to this state, I was employed by a water and sewer treatment firm thus I am aware of
what is needed to be successful.

Many thanks to Judge Wingate for his awareness and sagicity.

Beth Barker

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Ken Hall Barnett

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 12:56:51 PM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JxnWater.
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From: Kenneth Barraza

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Tuesday, August 29, 2023 9:28:50 PM

My wife and I fully support the court order for sewer management by Ted Henifin and JxnWater.
Thank you,
Kenneth R.Barraza
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From: David Barrett

Subject: [EXTERNAL] JXN Water-Public Comment Period
Date: Friday, August 18, 2023 12:06:54 PM

Good Morning, My name is David Barrett and I have lived in Jackson for roughly years
and it is home. Both our water and sewer systems have been in very bad shape for many years
creating health hazards for all people in Jackson across all wards. Many people across the
entire city have become hopeless and lost complete confidence in both our water and sewer
system. The glimmer of hope that JXN Water and Ted Henifin have brought to this city has
been an amazing breath of fresh air to so many citizens across all wards! They have done an
amazing job in the short period of time that they have been working on the water system. It is
my sincere hope for all citizens of this city that JXN Water and Ted Henifin lead both our
water and sewer system into the future!

Thank you
David Barrett
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From: Jill barton

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 3:01:05 PM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JxnWater.

Jill Barton

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Madonna Batte

Subject: [EXTERNAL] 90-5-1-1-09841
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 5:51:07 PM

This is to let you know I do support Ted Henifin to continue running the sewer system   My address is
. Thanks

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From: Gerald
Subject: [EXTERNAL] City of Jackson, MS Sewer Systrem Consent Decree
Date: Tuesday, August 29, 2023 1:09:51 PM

I think it would be wise to consider “next steps” after the third party manager has determined that he has completed
his assigned task and is ready to
turn over the operation and financial management of both our water and wastewater system to his successors.
Having once been the
some thirty years ago, I have a clear understanding of the challenges the third party manager
faces. Sufficient time should be allotted
to develop an in-depth management continuation plan. I have suggested for years (thirty or so in fact), that a public
water/sewer authority be formed and
governed by an independent board comprised of individuals with utility and financial management experience
charged with the responsibility of employing a
competent, full time, and responsive management team. Private consulting firms have their place but employed
management should report directly to the board.
The challenge as I see it is to develop a culture within the organization that serves the public need by developing a
work force made up of individuals
who are trained to succeed and move-up within the organization: establishing institutional memory is crucial to
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From: Ryan Beckett

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023 5:28:17 PM

As long-time residents of the City of Jackson, we have been greatly troubled by its recent rapid decline. It has been
heartbreaking to watch. We are residents and stakeholders in this community. We very much support the Court’s
actions in turning over control of the City’s water and sewer systems to Mr. Henefin. Real progress is being made
and there is more transparency now than at any point in recent memory. We support (and appreciate) the continued
management of the sewer system by Mr. Henefin and the continued oversight by the Court.  

P. Ryan Beckett and Sara K. Beckett

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From: Lance Benefield

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Support
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 10:07:57 AM

Please accept this email as my support for the order and for the continued management by Ted
Henifin (aka JxnWater) of the sewer system.


Lance Benefield
Jackson Resident

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From: Sarah Bentley

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 2:08:09 PM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and

Thank you,

Sarah Bentley

Sarah Bentley
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From: Mary Perkins Benton

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Support of Ted Henifin
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 8:59:49 AM


I support the continued management of the Jackson sewer system by Ted Henifin,

Thank you,
May Benton

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From: Sarah Berry

Subject: [EXTERNAL] “Re: PUBLIC COMMENT/Case No. 3:12-cv-790-HTW-LGI/The United States of America, et al., versus
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 5:06:27 PM

1. I won’t waste time enumerating facts already in evidence. I will however recap my personal
experience with the COJ’s water/sewer systems and departments, an experience best described
as a post-apocalyptic dystopian episode of some outrageous science fiction television series.
Only the episode never ends. It repeats itself and returns to haunt me with astonishing
frequency, to-wit:

Sewer gas filled my home 2 to 3 times a day — EVERY DAY — for TWO YEARS.
The fumes rose from the street and the sickening stench wafted throughout the
neighborhood. (I bet that didn’t make the quarterly reports)
Multiple backups of raw sewage in my toilets and bathtubs, some up to 4 inches
Pooling and flowing of raw sewage through my yard on numerous occasions

It should come as no surprise that I have paid plumbers thousands of dollars to diagnose and
repair plumbing problems that I ultimately learned we’re not mine. When tampons and other
products which you do not use are backing up in the cleanout on your property, it is not your
because the Public Works Department is on life support and unable to respond. It has
descended into such shocking levels of chaos, dysfunction, incompetence, that it might as well
not exist.

Plumbers would give me relief for a month or two, then another month or two, and so on, for
years. The main sewer line extending through 5 manholes had buckled, corroded, and

I will forego to the horror story of Easter weekend 2022. It’s all too much to relive.

2. Compliance with the Section IV.5.b. requirement that the ITPM have weekly contact with
the Director of Public Works could get tricky. The City has trouble keeping that position
filled. The Mayor’s sixth appointee (since 2020), Mr. Khalid Woods, was introduced in July
2023. He lasted ONE WEEK. Mr. Khalid reportedly had concerns about “the lack of data,
including the lack of a capital improvement plan to outline the city’s infrastructure needs.”
(WLBT, August 28, 2023.) But, alas, by some stroke of fortune, Mr. Khalid is apparently back
on the job as of 3 days ago. No doubt he was presented one of the administration’s cobbled
together “improvement plans.”

Lack of data and absence of proof of planning seems to be a recurrent theme with this
administration. A few brief months ago, Congressman Bennie Thompson told a reporter that
after two weeks and counting, if memory serves me, he still had not been granted access to the
“comprehensive plan” of precisely how the City intended to operate the water system
competently IF ONLY the reins of control were returned to it immediately.

Not only are the health and welfare of the residents of Jackson, Mississippi, in the hands of the
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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Sewer
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 8:49:35 AM

I support Ted Henefin being in charge of our sweet system.

Suzanne Best
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From: Steve Bingham

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 10:19:42 AM

I strongly support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and
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From: Jeremy Birdsall

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 12:34:40 PM

Dear Judge Wingate,

I am a Jackson resident and moved here in   

I support everything you have done to improve Jackson's delivery of water and sewer services.
PLEASE allow Ted Henifin and JxnWater to continue the outstanding work they are doing for our
city. Whatever Mr. Henifin and his team are getting paid, it is not enough. The call center - which I
called on one occasion - was responsive, professional, and timely addressed my concern.

Jeremy Birdsall
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From: Steve Bishop

Subject: [EXTERNAL] I"m writing to express my support of the proposed Stipulated Order and the sewer system of the
City of Jackson, Miss., being managed by Interim Third Party Manager Ted Henifin and JxnWater. Background:
On July 26, 2023, the Department of J...
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 4:40:51 PM

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From: Connie Black

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 1:41:09 PM

US District Judge Henry T. Wingate,

I wanted to express my support for the federal court order placing control of the Jackson, MS sewer
in management of JXN Water which is managed by Ted Henifin.

Connie Black
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From: Michael Boerner

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 4:54:10 PM

We are in support of the court's order and correspondingly, for the continued management by
Ted Henifin (aka JxnWater) of the sewer system. Thanks!

Michael Boerner

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From: Bob Boteler

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Public Comment
Date: Saturday, August 26, 2023 9:45:22 AM

On behalf of the residents of communities I would like to express our support of JXN
Water/ Ted Henifin to be given the responsibility of sewer system management/repair. Mr. Henifin, his staff &
competent contractors have proven themselves in managing & repairing the water system & will do the same for the
sewer system.

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Dea Bowling

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ# 90-5-1-1-0984, Docket Number 36.
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:22:56 PM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.

Dea and Michael Bowling

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Michael B
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Ted Henifin
Date: Friday, August 25, 2023 3:19:50 PM

To Whom It May Concern,

I enthusiastically support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.

Thank you.

Michael Bowling

Sent from my iPhone

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From: David Bowman

Subject: [EXTERNAL] 90-5-1-1-09841
Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 8:58:32 PM

As a former City of Jackson employee of the engineering department and a customer, I whole heartily support Ted
Henifin to be named the third party administrator to get our wastewater system to approved operation standards. I
have lived in Jackson for over years and have experience sanitary sewer overflows and other issues. I feel Ted’s
success with the water system should be grounds enough for him to manage the wastewater. Also the utilities are
very similar and the collection and distribution lines are usually in the same area. Might as well fix them at same

David Bowman
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From: Kate Bowman

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson MS potential sewer take over
Date: Saturday, August 26, 2023 5:18:37 PM

I was born in Mississippi and have lived in the city of Jackson, MS, Hinds county, for
years raising my family. We have seen the coming and going of various leaders and their
staff. Over time this city has lost the resources and revenue to make the public utilities and
other vital necessities work properly. I am thankful for the takeover but disappointed that the
leaders and agencies of this community let it come to this. I believe Ted Henifin is doing a
great job and using good judgment and prioritizing the appropriate fixes to help this city back
on track. Unfortunately Jackson had its chance to fix and repair these problems for years and
failed miserably. We as a city are in dire straights and we need the competence of companies
that have the knowledge of such a complex system and process. We had our chance and

My family and I 100% support the appointed group working with our water system and
support the addition of the sewer system be added. I believe the entire city is being served
fairly. This is not a game. This is a major part of one’s quality of life and extremely
complicated and expensive. We need the Federal government’s help and need the
competence of the professional engineers and experts.

Once all the problems have been corrected, we will then need competent professionals to keep
it running or it will all be in vain.   

Kate Bowman

Kate Bowman
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From: Guy Boyll

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 No. 36
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 9:54:01 AM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and Jackson Water.

Guy L. Boyll

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Abby Braman

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Pearl Riverkeeper public comment
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 1:57:57 PM
Attachments: PRKJacksonSewerComments2023.pdf

Please see attached public comment re: United States and State of Mississippi v. City of
Jackson, Mississippi, Civil Action No. 3:12–cv– 790– HTW–LGI (S.D. Miss.), D.J. Ref. No.
90–5–1–1–09841 [Docket No. 36], proposed Stipulated Order on Sewer System with the
United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi.
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30 August 2023

Delivered by Electronic Mail to: [email protected].

Assistant Attorney General

P.O. Box 7611
Washington, DC 20044–7611.

RE: United States and State of Mississippi v. City of Jackson, Mississippi, Civil Action No. 3:12–cv– 790–
HTW–LGI (S.D. Miss.), D.J. Ref. No. 90–5–1–1–09841

Pearl Riverkeeper, a grassroots non-profit and licensed member of Water Alliance, whose mission is to
protect everyone’s right to clean water, submits these comments during the public comment period for
the proposed Stipulated Order on Sewer System with the United States District Court for the Southern
District of Mississippi in the lawsuit entitled United States and State of Mississippi v. City of Jackson,
Mississippi, Civil Action No. 3:12–cv– 790–HTW–LGI (S.D. Miss.) [Docket No. 36]. Pearl Riverkeeper and
our members are strongly in support of the proposed Stipulated Order placing the operation of the
sewer system of the City of Jackson, Mississippi under the control of an Interim Third-Party Manager.

Pearl Riverkeeper is thankful that Judge Wingate has recognized the extremity of the City of Jackson’s
sewer situation and that continuing along the current path will prolong the suffering. Last year, the City
experienced its 2nd highest amount of sewage released since the consent decree with the EPA in
2012. 216 million gallons of untreated sewage were released in our community. The City sewage issue
has become exponentially worse, not better, in the last 5 years, increasing in both volume and
frequency. This sewage affects our health, quality of life, property values, and livelihoods.

The worsening sewer situation in Jackson has significantly impacted the environment for residents and
business owners.

• In May 2019, due to Jackson’s ongoing Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO), MDEQ issued a Water
Contact Advisory recommending that people avoid water contact activities such as swimming,
wading, and fishing and that people should also avoid eating fish or anything else taken from
these waters until further notice. After several updates, MDEQ’s Water Contact Advisory now
covers 20 miles of the Pearl River and a dozen Jackson creeks. This Advisory is still in place and is
going on its 5th year. The Pearl River is the premier Jackson-area natural resource for hundreds
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of thousands of residents and visitors and a source of subsistence fishing for locals, but it has
been rendered virtually unusable by City sewer overflows.

• The “Jackson segment” of the Pearl River is the source water for the JH Fewell drinking water
plant. When the water quality in the river is compromised by ongoing sewage leaks, drinking
water treatment challenges and costs rise.

• Residents of Jackson have reported having to leave their homes and incurring high costs from
hotel stays and sewer damage repairs. Property values have been impacted, and businesses are
leaving the City.

• All of Jackson’s Pearl River tributaries are sewage impaired. In September 2021, Eubanks Creek,
a Jackson tributary near Lakeland Drive, became eutrophic and supported an algae bloom when
a leaking sewage interceptor line spilled into it. When the algae in these blooms eventually die
off, their decomposition can create a “dead zone” or fish kill when there is insufficient oxygen in
the water to sustain life.
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In addition to the prioritization of repairs to the City’s 200 ongoing sewer spills, Pearl Riverkeeper urges
the Interim Third-Party Manager to consider inadequate City Public Works Department staffing and
complete lack of City sewer spill public notification.

Pearl Riverkeeper hopes that the Interim Third-Party Manager will alleviate some of the significant
staffing issues faced by the City. The City Public Works Dept is completely hollowed out. Upper-level
management positions have either gone vacant for years or are filled with interim or temporary fills, and
there are few remaining skilled workers to operate equipment such as sewer vacuum trucks. The City of
Jackson consent decree webpage listed a Water Sewer Utilities Division organizational chart that
included a Utility Manager, Wastewater Facilities Manager, Wastewater Operations Engineer,
Wastewater Collection System Engineer, and Sewer Systems Superintendent. It is unknown if any of
those positions are currently filled.


Public notification procedures are woefully inadequate for the extremity of the City sewer situation.
Public notification is virtually nonexistent. The Interim Third-Party Manager should be aware that the
“Jackson segment” of the Pearl River is being utilized despite known problems with City sewer.
Residents go to Belhaven Beach to walk their dogs, teenagers and families using river sandbars for
relaxing and swimming, daily fishing occurs at waterworks curve, and kayakers float the river from the
Ross Barnett Reservoir Spillway Dam to LeFleur’s Bluff State Park. Residents must be made aware of
sewer spills of “significant volume” or “significant impact to human health”, as required in the City
Sewer Overflow Response Plan.

Although MDEQ’s Water Contact Advisory issued May 2019, updated June 2019, and updated again in
May 2021 remains published on the MDEQ website, the public does not receive periodic reminders of
the Advisory, and no Water Contact Advisory signs exist at any Pearl River waterways.

Per the City’s consent decree-mandated Sewer Overflow Response plan, the City is required to report
any time there is a spill of “significant volume” or “significant hazard to human health”. The City is not
complying with their consent decree required reporting. For example, in Quarter 1, 2022, the City
• 259 Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs)
• 142 ongoing unresolved SSOs
• 52,006,560 gallons of raw sewage released from collection system
• 14 separate SSOs that released more than one million gallons of raw sewage
In this one quarter, the City of Jackson sewer system released more sewage than the total released
during the entire years of 2018 and 2019 combined. During this quarter, the City did not release any
Public Notifications.

In 2019, Pearl Riverkeeper asked MDEQ to help the City quantify the meaning of “significant volume” or
“significant hazard to human health”. Removing the subjective nature of the requirement and adding a
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concrete number to the volume (10,000 gallons or 100,000 gallons) could simplify reporting. MDEQ
declined to pursue this suggestion.

Currently, the public has no way to be informed of significant, hazardous sewage spills in their
community. The only way for a member of the public to find out about a City SSO is to wait one month
after the end of the last quarter, access the City of Jackson consent decree website, and read the last
Quarterly Report.

In neighboring Alabama, the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) maintains an

online map of state SSOs updated daily (https://gis.adem.alabama.gov/sso/index.html). SSO information
remains on the map for 10 days after SSO ceased. ADEM also operates an opt-in email and text alert
system. Within 15 mins of getting an SSO report, ADEM releases electronic notification. This type of
communication would ease calls to MDEQ/City of Jackson and the Jackson 311 system. The City of
Jackson has a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (Heat Map) website
49), but it is not currently being updated. Utilizing the Heat Map website and issuing required public
notifications should be a priority of the Interim Third-Party Manager.

Citizens need a better way to be notified about these SSOs, not only to protect their health but also so
that they can knowledgeably execute some of the responsibilities of a good citizen, such as voting,
writing letters to their legislators, advocating for more funding, and speaking at City Council meetings.

Pearl Riverkeeper urges the Department of Justice to place the operation of the sewer system of the City
of Jackson, Mississippi under the control of an Interim Third-Party Manager.


Abby Braman
Executive Director, Pearl Riverkeeper
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From: Jason Branning

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023 6:42:59 PM

To Whom It may Concern:

I want to offer my support for the order and correspondingly, for the continued management by
Ted Henifin of JxnWater and the sewer system.

Thank you,
Jason Branning

Jason K. Branning
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From: Ladd Bratcher

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number
Date: Friday, August 18, 2023 10:56:00 AM
Attachments: image001.jpg

I fully support the water and sewer system being managed by Ted Heflin and Jxnwater.


Ladd Bratcher
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From: Sheila Bratcher

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023 5:23:01 PM

As a lifelong and very concerned citizen of Jackson, MS, Hinds County, I support the appointment
of Ted Henifin as the interim third-party manager of Jackson's sewer system. I support the court’s
order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin.
Thank you,

Sheila Bratcher
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From: Kim Breese

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Dkt # 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 10:46:53 AM

I am a resident of Jackson MS. The DOJ issued a proposed Stipulated Order placing the operation of
the city’s sewer system under the control of the Third-Party Manager, Ted Henifin.

Mr. Henifin has done a superb job as “water czar” and, I’m certain, will do an excellent job as “sewer
czar.” Leaving the system in the hands of a city administration that has proved, at least since since
2013, that it does not have the competence to maintain the sewer system would be devastating for
the city.

I fully support the DOJ’s stipulated order.

Frank “Kim” Breese, III

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From: Brister, Bill

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson MS Sewer
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 8:29:11 PM

To Whom It May Concern:

I have lived and worked in Jackson, MS. for years. It is my home. We raised our children
here and we enjoy our community and friends and neighbors. However, the City has
infrastructure problems- water, sewer, roads, etc. Our City leaders have failed to repair and
operate our water and sewer system in an acceptable manner. It appears that the water
system is on the way to repair and create an efficient operation since the third-party

Now we need to fix the sewer system. There is open sewage running through parts of our
city. Again, our City leaders seem incapable of fixing the problems. Please allow the third
party-party conservatorship to extend to the sewer system along with the water system. We
need your help.  

Thank You,

Bill M. Brister
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From: Jeff Brown

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ# 90-5-1-1-0984, Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:17:16 PM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.

Jeff Brown
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From: Turner Brown

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ# 90-5-1-1-0984, Docket Number 36.
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:11:15 PM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and

Turner Brown
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From: Wes Brown

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Ted Henifin
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 10:26:40 AM


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From: Kim Brown

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ# 90-5-1-1-0984, Docket Number 36
Date: Wednesday, August 30, 2023 10:03:17 PM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system

being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.

Kim Brown
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From: Brooks Gmail

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Jackson Sewer System
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2023 6:30:21 PM

The City of Jackson should NOT run the sewer system for our city! It is critical that JXN Water take over and
manage our sewer system once and for all. Enough is enough, as the City of Jackson has proven to be totally
incompetent in the past and incapable of managing the sewer system any better in the future. Please, for the good of
all citizens of Jackson and surrounding areas, put JXN Water in charge!
>> Thank you!!!!
>> Brooks Buchanan
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From: Jason Buckley

Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 5:32:32 PM

I am writing in SUPPORT of removing the control and management of the sanitary sewer
system from the City of Jackson and placing it in the hands of Ted Henifin's group.

From my perspective, the competency and responsiveness has greatly improved since their
involvement with the water system.

The city, has proven to be unable and/or unwilling to competently take measures to correct
issues on this and many fronts.

Sanitary Sewer, Water, Crime, Trash disposal come to mind instantly.

Please place someone in control that can and will accomplish this task.

Thank you.
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From: Glen Bush

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-5-5-09841 Docket #36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:34:42 AM

I am a resident of the City of Jackson. I strongly support the Jackson sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin
and JxnWater. Since he took over the water system, water supply and pressure has been vastly improved. It is
critical that he manage the sewer system.

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From: Jean Bush

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson water sewer
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023 10:25:01 PM

I fully support the interim appointment of a third party administrator for the water/ sewer system in Jackson.
He has done a great job since assuming the position. He must be more qualified for the position than prior folks that
have held the job.

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Frances Bussey

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 1:38:47 PM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JxnWater.

Frances Bussey
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From: John Bussey

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 4:07:00 PM

I am a Jackson, MS resident and what has become of our water and sewer systems is
unacceptable. The progress Mr. Ted Henefin has made is encouraging and I fully support him
and JxnWater's efforts to get the City of Jackson water and sewer systems under control.

Thank you,

John Bussey
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From: Bryant Butler

Subject: [EXTERNAL] United States and State of Mississippi v. City of Jackson, Mississippi, Civil Action No. 3:12–cv– 790–
HTW–LGI (S.D. Miss.), D.J. Ref. No. 90–5–1–1–09841
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 10:29:37 AM

To Assistant Attorney General, Environment and Natural Resources Division,

I support the EPA's proposed order placing Jackson's sewer system under Ted Henifin's
management. The city of Jackson has been given plenty of time and resources to resolve the
issues. They have not used the resources they have been given and allocated/reallocated the
funds they currently have to resolve an issue that they have no choice but to fix. The city does
not have the resolve to collect the money owed nor the correct attitude to address the issue. In
the years I have lived in this state, the city of Jackson has not made wise decisions or
demonstrated the will necessary to restore the city's water. In fact, they have ignored state and
federal orders and in doing so communicated a disregard for all walks of life, the law, and
even the city's education. Water is a well-spring of life—and, therefore, fundamental to the
pursuit of liberty and happiness. I feel something else is more important to the city of Jackson
than these and believe they should forfeit their management privileges.

--Bryant Butler
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From: Rebecca Butz

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 3:06:41 PM

I support the courts order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater

Rebecca Butz
Jackson resident

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Elizabeth Buyan

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Wednesday, August 30, 2023 12:29:45 PM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and


Elizabeth Buyan
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From: Nancy Campbell

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Support for Ted Henifin
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 12:31:54 PM

I live on and would like to voice my support for Ted Henifin. He

has done a remarkable job so far and I hope that he can remain in Jackson as the head of both
the water and sewer systems. Thank you for your attention to this issue,

Nancy Campbell
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From: Don Cannada

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023 5:40:26 PM

As a resident of , I strongly support the

court’s order and the management of the sewer system by Ted Henifin and JxnWater.

Don B. Cannada
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From: Cindy Caracci

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 DC# 36
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 12:13:21 PM

Judge Wingate,

I live in the city limits of Jackson MS and DO support the courts order and the sewer system to continue to be
managed by Ted Henifin.

Cindy Caracci
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Subject: [EXTERNAL] I support the federal takeover of the Jackson MS sewer system
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 7:08:55 PM

This email is written to express my opinion as a citizen of Jackson MS regarding my

strong support of having the Jackson MS sewer system placed under federal
Case 3:12-cv-00790-HTW-LGI Document 67-2 Filed 09/29/23 Page 103 of 483

From: Rachel Carson

Subject: [EXTERNAL] es Division, and should refer to entitled United States and State of Mississippi v. City of Jackson,
Mississippi, Civil Action No. 3:12–cv– 790–HTW–LGI (S.D. Miss.), D.J. Ref. No. 90–5–1–1–09841
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 5:27:53 PM

The City of Jackson is totally negligent and criminal in their pollution of the environment.
There actions constitute one of the worst Environmental Justice occurences in the entire
southeast. They have polluted the Pearl River system with millions of gallons of wastewater. If
this was a white owned company they would be on national news every single night for their
crimes. Please do not extend their deadlines any further. Make them comply immediately and
seek justice against the COJ administration as the Environmental Justice polluters they are to
this community. Their actions create health impacts to hundreds of thousands of residents in
Jackson and downstream.

Forming a "Procurement Collusion Strike Forse" is a total waste of time and another
bureaucracy to waste money. When COJ has reported as the requirements of the previous
consent decrees it has been false information. Please do not let this go on another day.
Prosecute them for wire fraud for submitting false information as well.

What is the COJ's justification for continuing to ignore previous consent decrees and why
would DOJ continue to let them thumb their noses at justice? I think there is a EJ
disproportionate impact to the residents of Hinds, Rankin and every county that touches the
Pearl River due to DOJ and COJ continuing to ignore the problem. Where is the outcry like
their is against Chevron in Jackson County. Their EPA and others are persecuting a private
company with much less documented pollution and impacts than occurs with every rain event
by the COJ. Please hold them accountable.
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and I think they should be prosecuted civilly and criminally for their actions. The
drinking water system failure has garnered all the attention but the wastewater
situation is a much worse problem in my opinion as it affects all the citizens of
Jackson and all those downstream as well.

Please quit letting the COJ get by with polluting the environment and immediately
require them to comply with the environmental regulations like others are
required. Do not give them any more extensions and prosecute those

On Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 8:05 AM ENRD, OEJ-Jackson (ENRD) <OEJ-

[email protected]> wrote:

This a reminder for the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Mississippi Department of
Environmental Quality (MDEQ) public comment meetings on the recent
Stipulated Order related to sewer overflow issues in Jackson. DOJ, EPA, and
MDEQ also want to hear your public comments on the Stipulated Order. The
meetings will be held at the following times:

Aug 21, 6 - 8 p.m. at Jackson State University, E-Center
located at 1230 Raymond Rd in Jackson, MS 39204

Aug 22, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. at Tougaloo College, Bennie G.
Thompson Academic Center in Tougaloo, MS 39174

Aug 22, 6 - 8 p.m. at Tougaloo College, Bennie G.
Thompson Academic Center in Tougaloo, MS 39174

Please share this information with others who are affected or interested.

For more information, there is a fact sheet about what is in the Stipulated
Order attached to this email. Please also visit www.epa.gov/ms/jackson-ms-
sewer-system for more information and to register for the meetings.
Registration is encouraged but not required. If you or someone you know
would like to request Spanish language or ASL interpretation services, please do
so when registering.

Thank you and we hope to see you at a public meeting.

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Office of Environmental Justice

Environment and National Resources Division
U.S. Department of Justice
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-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:24 PM
To: ENRD, WebContentMgr (ENRD) <[email protected]>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson Sewer Overflow Public Comment Period

Please find my comment for the Jackson, MS sewer system below:

In all employment situations, additional work and/or a promotion is only awarded when a person has shown an
exceptional aptitude for the current and potential job. At present, Ted Henefin has not displayed any exceptional
ability when it comes to Jackson’s water issue. If anything, he has shown that he is not able to provide sufficient
updates to the public or visible improvements.

Only after the public comment meetings, did I myself see Jackson Water trucks out working to fix issues with the
water and/or sewer. However, these trucks were only seen in a majority white affluent area, and not in the South
Jackson areas in most need of improvements and water.

For these reasons, I believe Ted Henefin should not be granted authority over the Jackson sewer system. I welcome
the opportunity to speak further on this issue and can be reached by email or phone.

J Carter
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From: william carter

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson Sewer public comments
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2023 6:12:46 PM

Dear DOJ:

I have lived in Jackson for years and have never been more concerned about our city and
water/sewer systems as now. Ted Henefin has done an OUTSTANDING job with our broken
water system and I know he will do the same for the sewer issues facing Jackson.

On my property in Jackson, over the past several years, I have experienced 4

different situations with the sewer backed up and overflowed directly into Eubanks Creek.
Eubanks Creek runs beside my home. I can't tell you the number of times I reported this to the
city but nothing was ever done until I called MIssissippi's Department of
Environmental Quality and reported this to them. The issue was resolved for a short period of
time for the first couple of years but ultimately was fixed last year when the DEQ had to step
in once again. There were two sewer manholes flowing endlessly from an apartment complex
to my east. At times, it even flooded the adjacent street and caused quite an unpleasant order
and mess.

I am a bike rider. Last winter as I was riding on a heavily traveled street in Jackson and a car
passed me which covered me in raw sewer. It was awful and sickening. It was so bad, my
wife had to hose me off in our yard since I could not come into my home covered in you know
what! Additionally, Jackson built a bike path last year which was very welcome. The first
time I rode the 2 mile path, I encountered 4 raw sewage pools in that short of a ride. How
disappointing and dangerous.

Finally, whenever it rains, the sewage overflows on Crane Boulevard. It is not uncommon to
see all kinds of stuff in the pools left by the overflow.

All this being said, I believe that Ted Henefin is our ONLY hope of getting this pressing issue
corrected. It is my understanding that 4.7 BILLION gallons of sewer was released by Jackson
in the Pearl River over the past 2 years. THIS IS EXTREMELY CONCERNING in that this
amount would not include the flows into the creeks as I have described in this email.

PLEASE TURN OVER THE SEWER TO TED HENEFIN and let this city start to heal. I, as
well as others, got used to boil water notices and sewer postings in the past but this cannot
continue. I have faith in the water system since Ted has taken over and I have faith he can
correct both these issues and save money at the same time.  

Please do not let the loud politicians in Jackson, who only speak for a few, squander this once-
in-a- lifetime chance to fix these pressing problems. I would like to speak at the public
forums if you have time for me. My cell is if you need to contact me.

Thanks for looking into these issues and helping Jackson to recover,

William Sanders Carter

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From: Yahoo
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Ted Henefin
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 11:15:25 AM

Please keep Mr Henefin here! He’s the best thing that’s happened to Jackson in years. He is actually working at the
job and knows what he’s doing. We need educated engineers who want to fix things so badly here! And they need
the freedom and latitude to do their work without political interference!
Sent from my iPhone
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From: Chris Champion

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ# 90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 10:41:47 AM

To Whom It May Concern,

I write today to support the court order which allows Mr. Ted Henifin and JXNWater to manage the water and sewer
system for the City of Jackson, MS.

Having personally experienced a water issue having to call JXNWater for support, I found them to be professional
and responsible. The same can not be said about previous experiences with the Jackson water administration. Before
JXNWater took over the operation of the system, the water at my residence was discolored and experienced low
pressure. I have seen drastic improvements under new management and anticipate the same with JXNWater taking
over sewer administration.

The incompetence of the previous administration was beyond belief and has caused generational harm to the
economics of the City of Jackson. My peer group has faith in JXNWater, the same can not be said about the
previous administration.

Chris Champion
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From: Katie Jo Chane

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ# 90-5-1-1-0984, Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:42:01 AM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and

-katie jo chane
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From: Greg Chinchar

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: ITPM - Jackson, MS Sewer System
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 1:37:46 PM

Dear Sir/Madam,

I attended the public comments meeting at Tougaloo College on the morning of

22 August 2023. The meeting was held for the purpose of discussing the
appointment of Mr. Ted Henefin to serve as the interim third-party manager of
the Jackson, MS sewer system.
I whole-heartedly support the appointment of Mr. Henefin as the ITPM to oversee
the Jackson sewer system. Since his appointment as the ITPM overseeing the
city’s water system marked progress has been made, and I anticipate that
progress will continue as he oversees both systems.

I note that while other issues were discussed by various participants the issue at
hand focused only on the sewer system. Issues such as work force training,
needed to maintain progress after the termination of the consent decree, and
storm water run-off are clearly important, but are for discussion at another

V Gregory Chinchar

I am a year resident of the city of Jackson

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From: Greg Chinchar

Subject: Re: Automatic reply: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: ITPM - Jackson, MS Sewer System
Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 2:34:18 PM

Just a follow up on my endorsement in favor of Mr. Henefin assuming the role of

ITPM for the Jackson sewer system.  

The moderator of the meeting did a very good job in handling the public
comments. While many remarks were focused on the question of an ITPM for the
sewer system, other comments that did not address that issue, e.g., water quality,
were also brought up. All speakers were afforded their allotted time and were
treated respectfully.  

VG Chinchar
Jackson, MS

On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 12:37 PM ENRD, PUBCOMMENT-EES (ENRD)

<[email protected]> wrote:
Please accept this automatic reply as acknowledgment of receipt of written comments relating to
this proposed Consent Decree. Your comments will be reviewed by the attorney handling the
case. Thanks!
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From: Mark Chinn

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson Water Sewer
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 2:01:51 PM
Attachments: image011.png

I own a building in Jackson. DO NOT LET THE CITY OF JACKSON MANAGE ANYTHING! As a matter of
fact, I think the Mayor and pertinent city officials should be indicted for their malfeasance in regard
to public safety, sewerage and the Clean Water Act.
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From: Marty Clapton

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson Mississippi Sewer
Date: Wednesday, August 16, 2023 12:24:45 PM

Please help the City of Jackson by taking over our sewer system. I lost my business/restaurant during the water crisis
1/4/23 and I’ve seen how incompetent the city is at maintaining our utilities. Please help.

Marty Clapton

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Alice Clement

Subject: [EXTERNAL] All praise for Henefin
Date: Sunday, August 20, 2023 7:30:51 PM

We are Jackson homeowners who are most pleased with and thankful for Ted Henefin’s efforts on our behalf. We
extend those sentiments to include President Biden, the EPA and Judge Wingate for their roles in getting the
Jackson water system on firmer ground. Please don’t let Henefin’s momentum come to a halt now! We need to keep
him on the job as long as possible (and never allow our City government to duplicate this fiasco).
Thank you.
Alice Clement

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Charles Clericuzio

Subject: [EXTERNAL] City of Jackson, Mississippi, Sewer System Management(DJ# 90-5-1-1-09841, Docket Number 36)
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 9:35:31 AM

I am writing in support of interim third-party manager, Ted Henifin, to manage, operate, and
maintain the City of Jackson’s sewer system.

As a resident of the City of Jackson for over years and a practicing physician for years,
who was intimately concerned with the health and well-being of many of our residents, it is
time for not only safe and potable water to be available daily to every citizen of our city, but
also a reliable sewer system free of breaks and leaks which negatively impacts the health and
well-being of our citizens.

As acknowledged in the stipulated order from the U.S. Department of Justice and EPA, the
City of Jackson “ failed to achieve significant progress under a 2013 settlement
among the parties that was entered by the federal court as a consent decree,
and that the sewer system has further deteriorated over the last 10 years,
resulting in violations of the settlement.”

As previously reported, currently the City of Jackson has over 250 “sanitary
spills” in which raw sewage leaks from a neglected pipe system contaminating
ground, streets, houses, and eventually polluting the Pearl River from runoff.
This potential health crisis parallels the estimate that 40% of water processed
by the city is lost due to broken and inefficient water service lines.

Our city’s water system was originally constructed in 1888, and for over 70 years
now replacing sewer lines have been a focus for infrastructure improvements by
city officials. However, these improvements have not occurred, largely due to
the incompetency and lack of experience in water and sewer management by
succeeding city administrations, as well as their political grandstanding and lack
of transparency. The response of the current city administration to Mr. Henifin is
once again based purely on racism and a failure to acknowledge their own
failures in assuring the citizens that their health and well-being is paramount. As
a consequence of this, and the global failure of the city to address all
infrastructure needs (water, sewer, roads), as well as crime, an exodus of white
and middle class residents continues, making Jackson the fastest shrinking city
in the latest U.S. Census Bureau data.

Charles P. Clericuzio

Sent from my iPad

Case 3:12-cv-00790-HTW-LGI Document 67-2 Filed 09/29/23 Page 121 of 483

From: Charles Clericuzio

Subject: [EXTERNAL] City of Jackson, Mississippi, Sewer System Management(DJ# 90-5-1-1-09841, Docket Number 36)
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 9:16:30 AM

I am writing in support of interim third-party manager, Ted Henifin, to manage, operate, and
maintain the City of Jackson’s sewer system.

As a resident of the City of Jackson for over years and a practicing physician for years,
who was intimately concerned with the health and well-being of many of our residents, it is
time for not only safe and potable water to be available daily to every citizen of our city, but
also a reliable sewer system free of breaks and leaks which negatively impacts the health and
well-being of our citizens.

As acknowledged in the stipulated order from the U.S. Department of Justice and EPA, the
City of Jackson “ failed to achieve significant progress under a 2013 settlement
among the parties that was entered by the federal court as a consent decree,
and that the sewer system has further deteriorated over the last 10 years,
resulting in violations of the settlement.”

As previously reported, currently the City of Jackson has over 250 “sanitary
spills” in which raw sewage leaks from a neglected pipe system contaminating
ground, streets, houses, and eventually polluting the Pearl River from runoff.
This potential health crisis parallels the estimate that 40% of water processed
by the city is lost due to broken and inefficient water service lines.

Our city’s water system was originally constructed in 1888, and for over 70 years
now replacing sewer lines have been a focus for infrastructure improvements by
city officials. However, these improvements have not occurred, largely due to
the incompetency and lack of experience in water and sewer management by
succeeding city administrations, as well as their political grandstanding and lack
of transparency. The response of the current city administration to Mr. Henifin is
once again based purely on racism and a failure to acknowledge their own
failures in assuring the citizens that their health and well-being is paramount. As
a consequence of this, and the global failure of the city to address all
infrastructure needs (water, sewer, roads), as well as crime, an exodus of white
and middle class residents continues, making Jackson the fastest shrinking city
in the latest U.S. Census Bureau data.

Sent from my iPad

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From: georgia cohran

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Sewer
Date: Sunday, September 3, 2023 2:05:56 PM

No, I do not understand the sewer issues enough to agree to a merger with the water situation.
Nothing should be financially attached to the water issue. Pipes are pipes! There should be
grants available for sewer.

Georgia Cohran
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From: Will
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson MS Sewer
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 2:53:03 PM


I have lived in Jackson my entire life, (

Nothing would make me happier than to see the sewer system taken over by Mr. Henifin. He has already done a
stellar job with the water, and I have 100% faith in him to run the sewer system as well.

Thank you

Sent from my iPhone

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From: William Craig

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ #90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Friday, August 18, 2023 10:52:21 AM

To Whom It May Concern,

I fully support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXN
Water. The City of Jackson and the Lumumba administration have demonstrated time and
time again a lack of understanding of basic financial and economic principles, a propensity to
hide information from the public (e.g. EPA notices concerning the failing water system), and a
brazen disregard for the wellbeing of the citizens of Jackson.

William Craig
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From: Mary Frances

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:22:05 PM

Docket Number 36

We strongly support Ted Henifin and JxnWater as managers of our sewer system.
John and Mary Frances Crawford

Sent from my iPhone

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From: libby crawford

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Wednesday, August 30, 2023 9:12:19 PM

I live in Jackson and am in support of the stipulated order from United States District Judge
Henry T. Wingate, which includes the appointment of Ted Henifin as the interim third-party
manager of Jackson's sewer system.

The order, entered on July 31, 2023, was a provisional course of action to facilitate our much-
needed sewer repairs, and to address pervasive raw sewage spills in Jackson homes,
businesses, waterways, etc., until such time as the parties (the United States Department of
Justice, the EPA, the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality and the City of Jackson)
could negotiate modifications to the federal consent decree addressing our sewer system’s
long-term compliance with federal and state law.

Mr. Henifin has my total support!

Thank you,

Libby Crawford
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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Pub ic comment in SUPPORT of Ted Henifin managing the Jackson Sewer System.
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 10:12:59 AM
Importance: High

To whom it may concern:

I live in a flood zone and have voiced many concerns over the years about how flash flooding mixes with sewage, contaminating some of the houses on our street
and almost all of our yards, crawlspaces, and foundations We want to elevate this concern moving forward because we believe it is a direct threat to the community’s health and welfare

(August 12th, 2018)

That being said, I believe Ted Henifin will do a good job (better than previous administrators) in overseeing our sewer system, and want to voice my SUPPORT for his appointment

Thank you for your time,

Scott M Crawford
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From: Reginald Crear

To: ENRD, OEJ-Jackson (ENRD)
Cc: ENRD, WebContentMgr (ENRD)
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Jackson Sewer Overflow Public Comment Meetings - Thank you!
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 3:52:25 PM

When I clicked the link, I didn't see a place to comment, so I'll make my comment below.

Regarding the subject order, there should be a DBE/ Small Business Requirement in order to
make the repairs more equitable among capable, local, small, disadvantaged firms. We had
a engineering design contract for the sewer distribution design repair contract with the
City if Jackson prior to the 3rd party manager, now we're being told that contract in null and
void. It hurts our business tremendously because we staffed to fulfill the contract
requirements now we're not able to bill one dime towards said contract. We also had 2 local
DBE subs that were receiving 25% of the contract.

National Firms like Stantec, AECOM, HDR, etc. are receiving the lions share of the work on
the water side and we're afraid the same will happen on the sewer side due to NO DBE


From: ENRD, OEJ-Jackson (ENRD) <[email protected]>

Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2023 11:55:52 AM
Subject: Jackson Sewer Overflow Public Comment Meetings - Thank you!

Good morning,

Thank you for attending the United States’ and MDEQ’s public comment
meetings regarding the Proposed Stipulated Order on the sewer overflow issues
in Jackson on August 21st and 22nd, 2023.

The comment period closes on August 31, 2023. If you would like to still
comment please go to https://www.justice.gov/enrd/consent-decree/us-et-al-v-

Thank you,
Office of Environmental Justice
Environment and Natural Resources Division
U.S. Department of Justice
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From: Sam Creasey x7304

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ# 90-5-1-1-0984, Docket Number 36.
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:33:51 AM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and

Sam Creasey
My Bio

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From: Nelson Creath

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 1:42:35 PM

To Whom it may Concern: As a resident of Jackson, MS for over years, I firmly support
the Federal Judge's Order to appoint Ted Henifin and JxnWater to oversee the stabilization
and improvements to the City's sewer system. It is critical that the sewer system receive the
same level of attention that the water system has only recently experienced. JxnWater has
made great progress under Mr. Henifin's leadership despite local efforts to undermine
confidence in the water quality and contracting process. I urge the EPA and the DOJ to also
support this Order and continue to make sure that the taxpayers' dollars are spent responsibly.
Further, I urge the Federal Court, the EPA and the DOJ to form an entity, separate from the
City of Jackson, to oversee and maintain the water and sewer services in perpetuity and to
assure that the systems remain financially self-sufficient enterprises.


Nelson Creath
Jackson, MS
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From: Margaret Cupples

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 9:23:57 AM

Dear Judge Wingate,

I'm a resident of ) and strongly support JXN Water and

Ted Henifin's continued management of the water and sewer system.

JXN Water communicates with stakeholders, is fixing long-standing problems, and has
excellent customer service. He is working to fix breaks, straighten out the billing mess, and
has successfully stabilized water treatment operations.

I would not have said any of those things about the prior managers; customer service was rude
and unresponsive most of the time, maintenance issues were often deferred for months or
years, and there was no communication at all with account-holders beyond legally required

Ted Henifin and his team are doing an amazing job.

Thank you for considering these comments.

Margaret Cupples
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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson MS Water & Sewer
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023 10:11:59 AM

Both Judge Wingate and appointed 3rd party manager Ted Hennifin have been making
important recent improvements in our infrastructure, long neglected by current, recent and past
Mayors who have been more interested in steering contracts to their friends than in resolving
our water and sewer issues.  

In fact, the current Mayor, his activist sister and his administration are incompetent or worse
in all endeavors aside from obfuscation.

Thank you for your attention to our plight.

Patrick Darnall, property owner, Jackson MS

Sent from AOL on Android

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From: Paul Davis

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ# 90-5-1-1-0984, Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:10:47 PM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.

Paul and Maren Davis

Sent from my iPhone

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From: carla dazet

Subject: [EXTERNAL] JXN Water in Jackson Ms
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023 8:38:31 PM

I think that JXN Water is doing a fine job keeping water flowing in the City. As a former city employee, I heard the
complaints of sewer backing into peoples homes and the City didn't do anything about it. Please get a list of the 311
calls that came in over the past 5 years. You would be astounded. Please give Mr Henifin the sewer!


Carla Dazet
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From: Default Owner

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments regarding City of Jackson, MS water/sewer management - DJ# 90-5-1-1-09841 -- Docket
Number 36
Date: Sunday, August 27, 2023 7:38:33 PM

Re: Comments regarding City of Jackson, MS water/sewer management - DJ# 90-5-1-1-09841

-- Docket Number 36

Dear Assistant Attorney General,

I am writing as having been a year resident of Jackson, MS and who currently works in the
I have watched the water and sewer system deteriorate over the last decade or more, and
has been exacerbated by numerous failures under the most thoroughly corrupt and
incompetent current city leadership in memory.

Prior to the takeover of the Jackson's water system by third party manager Ted Henifin, offices
have been closed and bottled water and portable toilets installed to attempt to overcome the
numerous water and sewer failures each year.
Billions of gallons of untreated sewage has been draining into the Pearl River and into
residential neighborhoods.

Whether it's water and sewer, trash collection, street light repair, city police, the evidence of
failure and graft extend as far as the eye can see, courtesy of the current administration.

Interim third-party water manager Ted Henifin and the honorable Henry T. Wingate may be
the only two individuals that are working to improve the water/sewer system for the citizens of


Their work is being interrupted and sabotaged by certain groups within Jackson that would
benefit from federal funding and related contracts.


This unsavory method of business is nothing new and has been occurring repeatedly with the
current City of Jackson administration.
They have used every excuse, including racially-oriented ones, to ensure the flow of taxpayer
dollars continues to go into their pockets, and with little or nothing to show for the funding.

The national news has presented a very biased viewpoint of these issues and one that paints
the administration in an inappropriately favorable light to fit a political narrative..

Please take the time to read this very careful analysis and history of the water/sewer system by
a local blogger and resident.
It will paint the picture of Jackson's water and sewer issues much better than I can.
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Jackson's water and sewer systems do not need to be left in the hands of the city of Jackson
elected officials and administration. The only change for its citizens will be for the worse, as
history has already shown.

Thank you for your time.

A concerned citizen.
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From: Erin Dehon

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 11:27:43 AM

I support the courts order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXN Water.

Erin Dehon

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From: Dominic DeLeo

Subject: [EXTERNAL] My comments regarding DJ # 90-5-1-1-09841 Docket 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 4:49:29 PM
Attachments: Dominic DeLeo-Comments on DJ 90-5-1-1-09841 DOCKET 36.pdf

See attached comments.


Dominic DeLeo
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Name: Dominic DeLeo

Email Address
I am: Individual

My comments on the Stipulated Order for the City of Jackson Sewer System.
In reference to: DJ # 90-5-1-1-09841, Docket Number 36

I attended the third public comment session held at Tougaloo College on Aug. 22nd. These
written comments are intended to supplement the comments I made at that session.
At the August 22nd session, I listened to citizens describe the challenges of living in Jackson and
confronting the failure of our water and sewer infrastructure. The stories told by these citizens
are of “government” that has failed them, citizens who through no fault of their own had
sewage backing up into their homes, who had to temporarily leave their homes or who spent
their own funds in an attempt to prevent a recurrence of the problem. As a fellow resident of
the city, and as a human being, I empathize with them. We deserve better.
We want drinkable water to come out of our faucets when we turn it on, we want to have our
waste and wastewater be taken away by the sewer system, never to return, and we want our
garbage to be picked up regularly. And we want citizen voice and local administration and
control over these services.
It has been our recent experience that “government”, at every level, has failed us. I do not
mean only the city government and the present administration, for they are not the only
government actors who failed. There is plenty of blame to go around, and the blame should be
shared by the state government and federal government, and the previous city administrations
going back over the past 30 years. And when I say the state government, I don’t only mean the
governor, but also the state agencies that are involved in protecting and guaranteeing Jackson’s
citizens rights to clean drinking water and an effective sewer system. And by federal, I mean the
federal agencies (the EPA and the DOJ) that are tasked with guaranteeing and enforcing those
same rights.
Where were all of you when this slowly unfolding disaster was happening?
The question is, from my point of view, what is the remedy for the citizens of Jackson for the
failure by all levels of government to provide adequate water and sewer services? And as
importantly, who should be involved in crafting a just and equitable remedy?
As I commented at the public session, I believe that the EPA (and other entities) have wrongly
judged the city of Jackson residents, all 150,000+ of us at the present time, to be at fault. I
believe that the EPA and other entities, rather than examine decades of disinvestment and
mismanagement at the local, state and federal levels, has taken the rights and the power of the
citizens of Jackson to govern themselves on these matters away, and handed total control and
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power to Judge Wingate, and by extension the ITPM, total control over Jackson’s infrastructure,
for the immediate present and the near future.
What gave you (the EPA) the right to do that? Who were you acting for? Where is the voice and
the rights of the citizens of Jackson to govern themselves? How did we lose those rights? Why
are we, the citizens of Jackson, being excluded from this process when it was our elected
leaders, local, state and federal, over the past 30 years, who made the decisions that led to
where we are today? Why are we in effect being punished and prosecuted by these agencies
and the courts, and excluded from the discussions and decisions that will greatly affect our
I do not argue that there was a serious public health emergency which needed to be addressed
quickly and by those who had the experience and the court ordered authority to begin
immediate remedies and repairs so that the water system, and going forward the sewer
system, would be stabilized and function as engineered. I am grateful, as I think all Jackson
residents are, that the intervention that happened last year occurred and resulted in the
stabilization of the water system. While some of the comments I have made here may seem
antagonistic, I must stress that I sincerely thank all the parties, local, state and federal, including
the EPA, for getting involved and helping us through the public health emergency.
But I do not understand how or why the voices of the citizens of Jackson have been excluded in
this process, especially in the discussion of what our infrastructure will look like going forward.
How did that happen? Did our elected city leaders (the mayor and city council) sign away our
rights? Did they have a choice or was the intervention and the funding contingent upon
agreeing to both the water and sewer orders? Or is Judge Wingate solely and completely in
charge of this process?
While I have a great deal of respect for the professionalism and capabilities of the ITPM, Mr.
Henefin, why should he decide what the medium and long-term future and operation of the
water and sewer systems should be? And I believe that some of his actions and refusal to
meaningfully engage with the community has caused some of the ill will and distrust that has
become apparent over the last six months. That could have been avoided.
It is clear to me that Mr. Henefin will leave Jackson in the very near future, having made
decisions whose impact will last years if not decades. How did the voice of Jackson residents
get excluded from those decisions, either as embodied by our city elected officials or more
directly by the residents themselves? As I said to the EPA representatives at the public session,
I feel that you have neutered our elected officials and that the EPA has signed off on the
stipulated orders (both water and sewer) that take our self-determination out of the equation
and essentially transfers it to Judge Wingate.
And my own personal experience in Judge Wingate’s court, when he allowed public comment
and input, is that he has already judged the city guilty, especially the present administration,
and that anyone who disagrees with that assessment has some ulterior motive or is not
interested in seeing the issue resolved. And I believe that the DOJ and the EPA gave that power
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to Judge Wingate, and now neither of you has the power to take any or all of it back. I hope I
am wrong about that, and that the comments you have heard at the public sessions that
pleaded for meaningful citizen input into the rebuilding of the city’s infrastructure cause you to
rethink and reassess how the two orders are implemented.
I thank you for the opportunity to submit these comments.
Dominic DeLeo

Note: I have one more question that I hope can be answered perhaps in a separate email,
which relates to the order itself.
Question: Does this stipulated order mandate or legally require the ITPM to use consumption
data as the only allowable basis for billing customers? Does this order prohibit any of the
other methods (assessed value) that the ITPM has previously proposed?
This text is taken from the proposed stipulated order. See italicized and bolded text.
“Water/Sewer Business Administration Division” or “WSBA” shall mean the division within the
Department of Public Works responsible for all aspects of billing customers for and collecting
payments from customers for water, sewer, and sanitation services, which currently includes
the responsibility for (i) establishing customer service agreements and setting up the associated
account(s), including, where necessary, the setting and commissioning of new meters; (ii)
collecting water and sewer consumption data using meters and an advanced metering
infrastructure system and, where necessary, obtaining manual meter reads; (iii) processing the
collected data using a billing software system; (iv) generating bills for water and sewer services
based directly on the consumption data and the associated volumetric rate and for sanitation
services based on a flat charge; (v) causing bills to be mailed to customers, including
coordination with the Water/Sewer Utilities Division in mailing out required notices; (vi)
responding to customer issues about bills; (vii) collecting and processing customer payments;
and (viii) providing administrative hearings to customers for billing disputes and representing
the interests of the Water/Sewer Utilities Division in such administrative hearings and any
appeals of the decision of the hearing officer.
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From: Mary Ellen Dillard

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 11:02:44 AM

I absolutely SUPPORT the COURT'S ORDER and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and
He has done a great job! Mayor Lumumba doesn't know how to run anything and should not be
given any money to fix anything.
Ted Henifin has been a Godsend to Jackson Mississippi's ongoing water problem that has been
mishandled under this Mayor's serious lack of leadership and ineptitude to fix ANYTHING since he
became mayor.

Mary Ellen Dillard
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From: Gail Doty

Subject: [EXTERNAL]
Date: Saturday, August 19, 2023 1:58:37 PM

In our opinion, the Jackson sewer system AND water system need to be under the same administration, with Ted
Henefin in charge of both !!
Art and Gail Doty

Sent from my iPad

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From: Gay Drake

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 7:25:51 AM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.
Bethna Drake
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From: Joe Drake

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments dj#90-5-1-1-09841 docket number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 4:33:26 PM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.

Joe Drake

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Mary
Subject: [EXTERNAL]
Date: Saturday, August 19, 2023 9:39:46 AM

Good Morning,

The purpose of this email is to show our support for the stipulated order by Judge Henry Wingate which includes the
appointment of Ted Henifin (aka JxnWater) as the interim third party manager of the Jackson MS sewer system.

Our city is in decline. This matter is of great importance to our citizens’ health and those that visit our city. Our
property values are in decline thus school funding is lowered. Our people need this. The survival of our city is in

Thank you for your consideration and support.

Tom Dunbar
Mary Dunbar
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From: Mallie Earl

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ #90-5-1-1-09841 docker #36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 6:31:26 PM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.

Mallie Earl

Sent from my iPhone

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From: pamela eastman

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Docket #36
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 8:27:09 AM

I fully support Judge Wingate’s decision on JXN WATER and Ted Henifin as interim director. I have personally
witnessed prompt service after one phone call, in relating issues.
years in business, please and thank you.
Sent from my iPhone
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From: pamela eastman

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ#90-5-1-1-09841. Docket#36
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 8:19:22 AM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and

Please and thank you

Sent from my iPhone
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From: t
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 4:35:20 PM
Importance: High

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed
by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.

Infrastructure is key to the survival of the City of Jackson and Ted has
and will continue to do a GREAT job!!

Please do not allow the system to fall back on a failing program as it

was before Ted took charge!


Timothy S. Eastman
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From: Kent Edgecombe

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Tuesday, August 29, 2023 8:55:47 AM


I do support the court order mandating the sewer system management to be the responsibility
of Ted Henifin and JxnWater. He and his team have made significant progress with the water
department and the sewer system needs the same management team involved in the solution.

Thank you
Kent Edgecombe
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From: Cindy Emery

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-109841 Docket 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 12:55:41 PM

I am in FULL support of the court's order and the sewer system being mangage by Ted
This is a very positive move for our City.
Cindy Emery
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From: Wyatt Emmerich

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson water
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 9:05:29 AM

Ted Henifin is doing a great job. He should manage sewer too.

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Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 10:56:09 PM

I still do not' have a clear understanding about what really is going to happen next year of the
rest of this year
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From: Hotmail
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson Mississippi city sewer system
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 2:43:06 PM

I’m writing to voice my frustrations, concerns, and desire for the federal government to
take over the Jackson Mississippi city sewer system. Why did it take 10 years to continue to
address what is already not being done efficiently? We pay taxes and pay water bills so we
should not have to purchase clean water. This literally has become a third-world country in
the city of Jackson. The right to free clean water is needed now. We can’t wait for someone
to fix a long-term crumbled infrastructure problem

Karen Evers
Sent from my iPhone
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From: Ken Ezelle

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson water
Date: Saturday, August 26, 2023 10:43:12 PM

Please keep Ted Henifin as head of the Jackson water and sewage dept. He is the most competent person the city has
had in that position in years.

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Virginia Ezelle

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#---- Docket Number 36
Date: Wednesday, August 30, 2023 2:10:00 PM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and Jackson

Virginia Ezelle
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From: Bailey Fair

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson MS Water/Sewer | Ted Henefin
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 2:57:42 PM

Good afternoon.

I am a resident of , and I am writing to express my strong support for

the work performed by Ted Henefin as the person running the city's water and now sewer
department. I believe Judge Henry T. Wingate of the U.S. District Court for the Southern
District of Mississippi made a wise decision in appointing Mr. Henefin as the interim director
of the city's sewer system recently. Henefin has made a lot of progress in all areas under his
direction so far, and I hope he continues.


Bailey Fair
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From: Bailey Fair

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson MS Water/Sewer | Ted Henefin
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 2:57:42 PM

Good afternoon.

I am a resident of , and I am writing to express my strong support for

the work performed by Ted Henefin as the person running the city's water and now sewer
department. I believe Judge Henry T. Wingate of the U.S. District Court for the Southern
District of Mississippi made a wise decision in appointing Mr. Henefin as the interim director
of the city's sewer system recently. Henefin has made a lot of progress in all areas under his
direction so far, and I hope he continues.


Bailey Fair
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From: George Fair

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 3:28:35 PM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.

George R. Fair
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From: Beth Farmer

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 4:49:45 AM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JxnWater.

Thank you for being a vital member of our community!


Beth Farmer
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From: Rob Farr

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ# 90-5-1-1-0984, Docket Number 36.
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:41:50 AM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and

Robert Farr

Sent from Mail for Windows

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From: Robert Farr

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ# 90-5–1-1-0984 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 10:24:59 AM

I support the the court’s order and sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JAX Water
Rob Farr

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Tech
Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ# 90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Sunday, August 27, 2023 3:35:27 PM

The City of Jackson has been allowed to run the water and sewer system into the ground for
far too long. The fact that the water was filthy and undrinkable for YEARS and that for
YEARS the sewer system has been illegally dumping waste into local waterways is a disgrace.
The leaders of CoJ including the Mayor need to be brought up on charges for allowing this to
happen and need to be banned from ever being allowed to hold a public office again.

The sewer system of Jackson SHOULD BE taken over immediately and removed from the
hands of incompetent politicians.
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From: Amy Finkelberg

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 11:07:33 AM

To Whom It May Concern,

I absolutely support the court order that the Jackson sewer system be managed by Ted
Henifin and JXNWater.

Henifin knows what he's doing, and Jackson need him!!!

Amy Finkelberg
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From: Ginny Folk

Subject: Re: Automatic reply: [EXTERNAL] 90-5-1-1-09841
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 7:07:12 PM


Ginny Folk

On Aug 28, 2023, at 4:50 PM, ENRD, PUBCOMMENT-EES (ENRD)

<[email protected]> wrote:

Please accept this automatic reply as acknowledgment of receipt of written comments

relating to this proposed Consent Decree. Your comments will be reviewed by the
attorney handling the case. Thanks!
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From: Ginny Folk

Subject: [EXTERNAL] 90-5-1-1-09841
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 5:50:19 PM

We support Ted Henifin and do not wish to continue the status quo.
Russell Folk
Ginny Folk
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From: Paul Forster

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson Water and Sewer Receivership
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 1:49:06 PM

To whom it may concern,

The citizens of the city of Jackson, and any other water customers on that system, have
benefited immensely already from the receivership placed on the water system. It is clear that
the management of the system has improved greatly, even in the past six months. We support
the receivership wholeheartedly, and thank Ted Henifin for his efforts and diligence.


Paul Forster
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From: Donald Fortenberry

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DS#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 6:30:07 PM

I wish to enter my support for Ted Henefin's being placed in charge of the
sewer system for the city of Jackson.

Don Fortenberry
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From: Anna Frame

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ# 90-5-1-1-09841 and Docket Number is 36: Jackson, MS - support for Judge Wingate decree
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:37:32 PM

To whom it may concern:

I am a resident of Jackson, Mississippi, and I write to give my complete support for the
proposed decree to be signed by Judge Wingate appointing Mr. Henifin as the third
party administrator to handle Jackson sewer system.


Anna Frame
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From: Susan Frazier

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ# 90-5-1-1-09841; Docket Number 36.
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 2:45:28 PM

Please consider this as a sincere show of support for the work being done by Ted Henefin, the
Third Party Manager of the Jackson, Mississippi, water system. There is clear progress with
his administration and renewed hope that this debacle can be reversed with strong leadership.

Susan Frazier
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From: Rod Freeman

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Tuesday, August 29, 2023 3:36:40 PM

I’m in total support of the court’s order for the sewer system being
managed by Ted Henifin and JxnWater.

Rod Freeman
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From: Ann Fry

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 5:34:38 PM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and

Thank you,

Ann Fry
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From: Jim Galloway

Subject: [EXTERNAL] United States and State of Mississippi v. City of Jackson, Mississippi, Civil Action No. 3:12–cv– 790–
HTW–LGI (S.D. Miss.), D.J. Ref. No. 90–5–1–1–09841
Date: Sunday, August 27, 2023 5:24:20 PM

I am a resident of Jackson, Mississippi, who has been directly impacted by a sewer overflow in my neighborhood,
which went unaddressed for more than 2 years. Raw sewage was flowing into my residential street from a manhole
and into a surface drainage facility that ran past scores of houses. The governing authorities in Jackson for decades
has been unable (or unwilling) to address this problem and hundreds - if not thousands - just like it. The Pearl River
has been turned into a flowing cesspool as a result. The proposed Independent Third - Party Manager has done a
magnificent job of rescuing Jackson’s drinking water system, and should be given immediate authority to do the
same with the sewage system. Public health demands it.

Jim Galloway
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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Public Comment City of Jackson
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 2:17:05 PM

I support the public sewer system be managed by Ted Henifin; DJ#90-5-1-1-09841. Docket
number 36
Helen Garner
Jackson resident.
Sent from AOL on Android
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From: Susan Garrard

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ: 90-5-1-1-0984
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 10:46:23 PM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted
Henifin and JXN Water. Our city has a crisis of over 100 broken and/ or exposed sewer lines. These sewer
discharges into our streets and our rivers and streams are an immediate threat to the safety and health of our
citizens. JXN Water has a proven track record of repair and remediation in an emergency situation.

Susan E. Garrard

Sent from my iPad

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From: Rebecca Garrison

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023 5:41:33 PM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.

Rebecca Garrison
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From: Anne Toy Gathings

Subject: [EXTERNAL] comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 11:05:10 AM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Heifinn and JXNWater.

Anne Toy Gathings

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From: Susangault
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-2-1-09841 docket number 36
Date: Friday, August 18, 2023 8:38:25 AM

Please, please keep Ted Henifin as the manager of Jackson’s Sewer System.
He has done an amazing job!
Let’s save Jackson
Susan Gault
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From: Kysia Geary

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket#36
Date: Saturday, August 26, 2023 9:19:25 AM

We would like Ted Henifin to continue to manage our water and sewer system. We are very pleased with his work.
Thank you, Kysia Geary

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Bobby Gill

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Sunday, August 27, 2023 3:50:48 PM

has experienced raw sewage in the drainage ditch adjacent to our building for two years. We
have contacted all responsible parties on 10 occasions with no results.

Please help. Thanks, Bobby Gill.

Bobby Gill
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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson, MS water/sewer
Date: Sunday, August 27, 2023 10:07:11 PM

As a resident of Jackson for nearly years, I’m begging you to please do not allow any official within
Jackson, MS to regain control of water/sewer services. Clearly, they are not capable of handling this
service. Jackson, MS local officials are not capable of running a lemonade stand, much less
water/sewer services. Please, oh lord, please…do not allow political pressure or race to overcome
logic in this matter. If you need specific examples beyond what you have, I’m happy to answer and
provide you more details.


Derek Ginn
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From: Barbara Glasper

Subject: [EXTERNAL]
Date: Friday, September 1, 2023 12:39:29 AM

Federal government should definitely take over this problem. This is the only way the state
can move forward.
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From: Wesley Goings

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ# 90-5-1-1-09841 and Docket Number is 36 (Jackson, MS - Assignment of Management of Sewer
System to TPA Ted Henifin)
Date: Friday, August 25, 2023 2:51:34 PM

Assistant Attorney General

P.O. Box 7611
Washington, DC 20044-7611

Ref.: DJ# 90-5-1-1-09841 and Docket Number is 36

To whom it may concern,

I am writing regarding public comments related to the appointment of Ted Henifin as an interim
third-party manager to manage, operate and maintain the City of Jackson’s sewer system.

I have resided in the City of Jackson since . I have no faith whatsoever in the current
administration of the City of Jackson to be able to properly manager the water and sewer systems.
The only chance that the city has to make improvements is to have it managed by a third-party.

Many of our friends have moved out of the City of Jackson over the years, citing water and sewer
issues (amongst others) as leading factors.   My family has considered this similar action, but really
wants to continue to live within the city limits. However, if the assignment of management to TPA
Ted Henifin does not occur, we may be forced to move after all, again having no faith that the
existing administration can manage such a system.


Wesley Goings
City of Jackson resident
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From: John Gomez

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson MS Stipulated Order
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 11:43:33 AM
Attachments: image001.png

Good Morning,

As a resident of and advocate for the Downtown Jackson, I support the efforts to place the
City of Jackson’s sewer under the authority of Ted Henifin. In order to keep residents and businesses
as well as to attract new people and businesses to Jackson, we need a working sewer system and
placing the system under the interim third-party manager is the appropriate thing to do.

Henifin has been able to make the water system function properly again which hasn’t been the case
for many years. Stabilizing the water system and making the necessary repairs to the water system
wouldn’t have occurred if the third-party manager wasn’t in charge.

I believe it will take the appointment of Henifin to ensure Jackson’s sewer system operates properly,
and I believe he will bring transparency during the process that has been missing.


John Gomez

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From: Debbie Good

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 12:32:20 PM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.

Debbie Good
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From: Cathy Gos

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Federal control of Jackson sewer system
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 6:38:31 PM

Since Ted Henifen has taken over water system Jackson residents are being lied to and billed
for water as he chooses. God help us if he bills what he wants for sewer.
What will protect consumers and control his billing?
I am a retired disabled senior citizen whose home is paid for. In June I called water
department and asked why water bills stated est (estimated). I was told they could read them
from the office -- a Lie.
I am being billed for usage. Added to this is service fee of
I generally shower once a week unless mow grass. I wash full load of laundry as needed. I
use rain water to water my plants and to wash my car. I rarely cook to dirty dishes. I don't use
that much water, but my bill is the same as neighbor with four active people in household.
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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 10:54:30 AM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and

Leigh Grady
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From: Bobby L. Graham

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 24, 2023 3:47:37 PM

  I would like to express my strong support for US District Judge Henry
T. Wingate's provisional order appointing Ted Henifin as the interim
third-party manager of Jackson's sewer system. Mr. Henifin has done an
excellent job with our water system and there is every reason to believe
he can do the same with our sewer problems. Thank you.

Bobby Graham .
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From: Beth Graham

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 2:38:31 PM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.

Beth Graham
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From: Rebekah Gregory

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 6:20:22 PM

To Whom it May Concern:

Please be advised that I am a Jackson resident and homeowner and have a vested interest in the above mentioned
case, DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36. I would like to set forth my opinion that Judge Wingate’s provisional
order allowing Ted Henefin to operate and manage the Jackson City Waste and Water Systems to remain in place
for the foreseeable future, if not permanently.

In the many years I have resided in Jackson, this is the first time that we, as tax-paying citizens, have had reliable
sewage and water services. The historical abject failure and gross negligence or complacency of the City in
maintaining running and potable water and operational sewage systems (that are not deposited into waterways thus
harming the environment) is both undeniable and inexcusable. For our Capital City to be in such disrepair and
without functioning systems in place or working administrations to fix said systems is an absolute outrage.

At last we have someone willing to ensure that the water and sewage systems function. Thus far, he has also ensured
that in the event those systems fail, we have designated offices and people to contact that will expeditiously and
properly fix the problems without financial or other waste. This has not been the case up until now.

Please do not take this away from us. This City is losing residents and businesses left and right The tax base is
shrinking exponentially each year - in part because we often do not have basic necessities such as potable, running
water and functioning sewage systems. I beg you to extend this order, permanently if possible, such that businesses
and residents alike may have confidence in at least those two areas of City-monopolized utilities.

Best regards,

Rebekah Gregory
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From: Allison Grubbs

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 11:37:53 PM

To whom it may concern,

I am in support of the stipulated order from United States District Judge Henry
T. Wingate, which includes the appointment of Ted Henifin as the interim third-
party manager of Jackson's sewer system.

Thank you,
Allison Grubbs
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From: Lee Grubbs

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:13:43 AM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin
and JxnWater. I also believe the Mayor and the Jackson CIty council are incapable
of doing their jobs properly and I believe neighborhoods should be able to leave
the city of Jackson due to the inability of Jackson to properly provide the basic
essential services that are required by a city.
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From: Thomas Guillot

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Sewer System
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 12:24:46 PM

I support the court order from Judge Wingate placing Ted Heneflin and JXN Water in charge of the Jackson Sewer
Thank you
Thomas E Guillot Jr

Sent from my iPhone

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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 12:56:44 AM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Heflin and JXN Water.

Deborah Haick

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Pat Hall

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 4:33:37 PM

I believe Ted Henifin and his group have been doing a wonderful job with the water situation.
I fully support his being in charge of the seale system, also.

Pat Hall

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From: J. Hammett
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson MS sewer system repair - US and MS v. Jackson MS, Civil Action No. 3:12–cv– 790–HTW–
LGI (S.D. Miss.), D.J. Ref. No. 90–5–1–1–09841
Date: Sunday, August 27, 2023 4:53:31 PM

I was born and brought up in Jackson, MS and my family roots here extend back . I love Jackson and
want to see it return to being a fully functional, successful, growing city. It is my fervent hope that the Jackson
sewer system will be placed under the competent management of Ted Henifin. He has demonstrated stellar
capabilities in his work to right the sinking ship that was Jackson’s water system. In the 2 weeks he was allowed to
run the Jackson sewer system, he made progress the likes of which had not been seen in several years. I am thankful
he is willing to take the job. Please give it to him before he changes his mind.
Thank you.
Jan Hammett

Sent from my iPad

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From: William Hammett

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson MS sewer system repair - US and MS v. Jackson MS, Civil Action No. 3:12–cv– 790–HTW–
LGI (S.D. Miss.), D.J. Ref. No. 90–5–1–1–09841
Date: Sunday, August 27, 2023 3:24:41 PM

There are a lot of hard decisions in the world. Having Ted Henifin fix the Jackson MS sewer system is not one of
them. Ted will get the job done. Efficiently. Effectively. Expeditiously. Without prejudice or favor. With the
public interest being his polestar. Hand the assignment to Ted, and move on to harder problems.
-- William Hammett
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From: Clare Hanlon

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Friday, August 25, 2023 4:51:12 PM

I support the Court's Order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JxnWater.

Clare Hanlon
Jackson, Mississippi
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From: Tim Hanlon

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 docket number 36
Date: Saturday, August 26, 2023 8:19:57 PM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater

Tim Hanlon
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From: Anna Haralson

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 1:43:10 PM

I am in full support of the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted
Henifin and JxnWater. Please help save this mess we are in!

Anna Haralson
Sent from my iPhone
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From: Emily Harbarger

Subject: [EXTERNAL] JXN Water
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 10:10:19 PM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henefin and JXN Water.

Emily Harbarger

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Rachel Harbarger

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ# 90-5-1-1-0984, Docket Number 36.
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 8:18:38 AM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and

I am a resident of Jackson and have some first hand experience with the issue at
hand as within the last year we were significantly affected by ongoing city sewer
work. The city began work on the sewer system on one of the streets bordering our
house to the extent that we were literally unable to use our driveway for 2 months and
that section of the street for 3 months. We were without water on multiple occasions
when the ongoing sewer work caused damage to the water system. I have pictures
from that time I can provide as well. It eventually required Ted Henifin and his
JXNWater team being brought in to complete repairs. They were finished with the
project in under 2 weeks. I feel fairly confident that had they not been assigned to
take over the street would still be blocked off and torn up with no completion of

Rachel Harbarger
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From: Matt Harkey

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson Sewer
Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 10:56:29 AM

I’m very much in favor of Heflin taking charge of the Jackson sewer operations. He has demonstrated wonderful
leadership and change with the water situation.

Matt Harkey

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From: Bridget Harkins

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 docket#36
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 8:55:50 PM

I support the court’s order that puts Ted Henefin and JXN Water in charge of Jackson’s sewer system
Bridget Harkins

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Richard Harrell

Subject: [EXTERNAL] United States and State of Mississippi v. City of Jackson, Mississippi, Civil Action No. 3:12–cv– 790–
HTW–LGI (S.D. Miss.), D.J. Ref. No. 90–5–1–1–09841
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 5:15:25 PM

It is terrible that the City of Jackson has been able to ignore the previous orders and continue
to let leaks, failures and poor operations release millions of gallons of untreated wastewater
into the environment. If this was a private company they would be prosecuted criminally. The
DOJ prosecuted Gold Coast in Brandon MS for much much less pollution. The COJ is willfully
doing this and I think they should prosecuted civilly and criminally for their actions. The
drinking water system failure has garnered all the attention but the wastewater situation is a
much worse problem in my opinion as it affects all the citizens of Jackson and all those
downstream as well.

Please quit letting the COJ get by with polluting the environment and immediately require
them to comply with the environmental regulations like others are required. Do not give them
any more extensions and prosecute those responsible.
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From: William Harris

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 11:57:44 AM

To whom it may concern:

As a year resident of the Jackson, MS metropolitan area, I use, and am billed for,
Jackson sewer services. This vital area of public infrastructure has been mismanaged
and neglected for years under the current and past leadership of the City of Jackson.

I fully support the court's order and request that the sewer system be managed by
Ted Henifin and JxnWater.

Thank you for being a vital member of our community!


William Harris
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From: Jack
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023 9:15:17 PM

I support Ted Heflin managing the Jackson Ms sewer system.

Jack Harris

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Dan Hart

Subject: [EXTERNAL]
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 8:18:08 AM

I support Ted Henefin and Jackson water incorporating the sewage department.
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From: Ed Hartman
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ# 90-5-1-1-0984, Docket Number 36.
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:16:19 PM

To whom it may concern,

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.


Edward Hartman
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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ# 90-5-1-1-0984, Docket Number 36.
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 8:35:41 PM

Paste in the body: I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.

Signed: Emily Hartman

Sent from my iPhone

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From: L. H
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 11:27:32 AM

Given the abysmal performance of the mayor and his staff , i support moving the control of
sewerage and water to JXNWATER and Mr Henifin.

Landall Hathorn
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From: Casey Hawes

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 8:51:50 AM

I am in support of the court's order and the sewer system being managed by
Ted Henifin and JxnWater.

Thank you
Casey hawes

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Tami Hawes

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Sewer management
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023 8:02:33 PM

    I support Tim Hefinin for the management of the sewer system in Jackson, MS.
Thank you,

Sent from my iPhone

Sent from my iPhone

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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Head of Sewer - Ted Henifin
Date: Saturday, August 26, 2023 3:11:36 PM

We need his experience in straighten out our sewer privy; he has got us going in right way on our water. We need
him just as bad on the sewer and we need to support him in his efforts and be thankful he is here.
Rusty Haydel

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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Ted Henifin
Date: Saturday, August 26, 2023 10:40:07 PM

Definitely in favor of Ted Henifin being in charge of our sewer system.

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Stacey Hendrix

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 4:50:31 PM

US District Judge Henry T. Wingate,

I wanted to express my support for the federal court order placing control of the Jackson, MS sewer
in management of JXN Water which is managed by Ted Henifin.


Stacey S. Hendrix,
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From: Brian Hendry

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson MS Sewer
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 9:42:10 AM

I am in favor of the 3rd party solution (Ted Henefin) to repairi the sanitary sewer system in Jackson, MS.

The city of Jackson has shown a pattern of irresponsibility when it comes to this.

Thanks, Brian
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From: Morella Henegan

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson MS sewer
Date: Friday, August 25, 2023 3:08:59 PM

I support the work being done by Ted Henifin. I support order DJ# 90-5-1-1-09841. Docket number is 36. My city is
struggling and Mr. Henifin has made progress to fix some important areas.
Thank you,
Morella Henegan

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Katie Hester

Subject: [EXTERNAL] I support Ted Hanefin being appointed in charge of the Jackson MS sewer system
Date: Wednesday, August 30, 2023 7:29:29 PM

Ted is doing an exemplary job on the water system and we would be lucky to have him working on the sewer
system as well.

Kathryn H. Hester
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From: Mara Hartmann-Hicks

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 1:52:02 PM

We support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted
Henifin and JXN/Water.

Mara and Patrick Hicks

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From: Breck Hines

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 2:08:58 PM

Dear Sir or Madam,

This email is to show support for the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted
Henifin and JxnWater. Mr. Henifin/JxnWater have done a great job thus far rescuing the water
system from inept stewardship, and we have faith and trust his group would successfully handle the
failed sewer system operation with organization, responsiveness and professionalism (all things that
have been missing…). We are in desperate need of help!


Breck Hines
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From: Lyn Hines

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 3:50:53 PM

I full heartedly agree to the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and
his organization, JxnWater. The city of Jackson has failed to maintain the sewer in our neighborhood
and it is unacceptable! Thank you.

Lyn Hines

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Scott Hines

Cc: Breck Hines
Subject: [EXTERNAL] pubcommentDJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket #36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 1:13:35 PM

Gentlemen: This email is to state my support of the

                                                                                                           Court’s order and the Sewer System
being managed by Ted Henifin and his organization, Jxn Water. Thank you, Scott Hines
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From: Kirby Hobbs

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023 9:37:16 PM

I support Ted Heflin.

This city needs continued competent management for our water and sewer.
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From: Donna Hodges

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 2:13:14 PM

US District Judge Henry T. Wingate,

I would like to express my support for the Federal Court order placing control of the Jackson, MS
Sewer management of Jackson Water which is managed by Ted Henifin.


Donna Hodges
Employee Working in the Jackson Area.
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From: Reed Hogan

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 8:44:04 PM

I strongly support continued management by Ted Henifin of the water system and would support extension into the
sewage system. Our city is incompetent and needs help.

Reed B. Hogan III

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From: Cornelia Holland

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments:DJ #90-5-1-1-09841Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 1:48:23 PM

I support appointment of Ted Henifin as manager of Jackson sewer system

Signed- Cornelia Holland- Jackson, Ms
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From: Eric Holland

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson sewage
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 10:02:31 PM


My name is Eric. I live at . I bought my house 2 1/2 years ago. The first year I
was here; I had no problems. This past year and a half, the smell of sewage has kept me inside
more times than not. It has made the mosquito problem so much worse. The standing water
smells and is a health hazard. We need resolution and we need this fixed. I live in the
neighborhood. I love my neighborhood. I just don’t love the smell. Please take our
concerns seriously and help us fix these problems.

Thank you Eric

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From: George Hollingsworth

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Ted Henifin
Date: Saturday, August 26, 2023 7:40:20 PM

I want to express my support for Ted Henifin. He has done an excellent job handling
Jackson’s water crisis so far and I feel confident he will do equally well dealing with the sewer
problems in the city.

Thank you,
George Hollingsworth
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From: rosie holmes

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Federal Takeover
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 8:38:09 PM

Please consider Federal takeover. We have been dealing with this problem for years. I’m more than willing to share
my experiences with you. We finally had our issue resolved this year after dealing with raw sewage backup in our
backyard since 2019. I have documentation from the beginning to the end. We need leadership in this matter and I
believe Mr. Henifin is the best person for the job. The residents of Jackson deserve better.

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Brittany Holtmann

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 4:58:28 PM

To Whom It may Concern:

I want to offer my support for the order and correspondingly, for the continued management
by Ted Henifin of JxnWater and the sewer system.

Thank you,
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From: Cheryl
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Citizen comment RE: DJ# 90-5-1-1-09841, Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 11:47:16 PM

August 28, 2023

Assistant Attorney General

P.O. Box 7611
Washington, DC 20044-7611

Dear sir or madam,

This letter is in support of the EPA's proposed order placing Jackson's sewer system under Ted Henifin's

It has been app. 15 years since my property was annexed by the City of Jackson. For longer than that, serious
neglect of basic city services has been apparent, but the dereliction of duty has been absolutely profound during
the current mayor's administration. In the past 6 years, taxes continue to climb and fees have increased, yet no
effort is given to basic managerial duties such as refilling vacant positions, collecting fees from service users, and
paying suppliers.

The result was a total - and totally predictable - collapse of the system, leaving citizens without running water for
weeks. EPA warnings were concealed by the mayor, who knew that facilities were out of compliance with
sanitizing requirements yet stayed silent and allowed vulnerable citizens to drink the water anyway. This is
completely inexcusable and has many of us wondering why the mayor is not held to account for his actions.

My own property was annexed by the City of Jackson around 15 years ago, and is located on Trahon creek. When
traveling across my property 2-3 years ago, the stench of sewage was overwhelming, and I saw that our creek
was filled with dark, odiferous sewage waste. We learned that a damaged sewage main at Henderson and
McCluer Rd was to blame, and to this day it is rare to see any fish in the creek. Recreation in the Pearl River
below Savannah Street is unadvisable due to sewage contamination from the CoJ. Although my property taxes
literally doubled after our annexation and continued to increase thereafter, I am actually glad the city has made no
effort to extend sanitary sewer service to my property. Although I must bear the cost of maintaining our private
system, at least I have control and can prevent sewer waste from backing up into my home and yard, which is the
situation many CoJ residents have been forced to bear.

Ted Henifin has proven to be a competent leader and is our only hope of maintaining functional basic services.
Too many citizens have lost hope and feel voting for better leadership is just a waste of time. Sadly, "better
leadership" only occurs when better leaders decide to run for office, and that hasn't happened for several CoJ
mayoral elections.

If management of water and sewer services reverts to the current mayor, Lumumba, the future is dire. It won't be
long before the national news media is reporting on our latest crisis again. The generous investment of federal
monies will have been wasted, as mismanagement once again becomes the rule of the day and money
disappears into thin air... and into certain pockets.

I support the proposed order to put the Jackson sewer system under Ted Henifin's management.


Cheryl Holyfield
Jackson, MS
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From: Paula Hood

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson Sewer System
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2023 6:16:01 PM

I am in support of Ted Henefin and his takeover of the Jackson Sewer System. Please do not return the management
of it to the City of Jackson. Mr. Henefin has done an outstanding job managing the Jackson Water System, in
contrast to the City of Jackson’s failure to manage the water and other services of the city.

I am a resident of Jackson, my sons and their wives and their children are residents, and my sons and husband
all office and work in Jackson with their own private businesses. We are committed and want to stay in Jackson but
are very discouraged. We all wholeheartedly support Mr. Henefin’s appointment to manage the Jackson sewer
system as well as the water system.

Paula Hood

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From: James W Hood

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson Sewer appointment of Ted Henefin
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2023 6:18:20 PM

Please accept this short note endorsing the transfer of the Jackson, MS sewer system to to JXN Water, Mr. Ted
Henefin. I am pleased with the progress he is making with the Jackson Water system, which was so poorly managed
for many year by the City of Jackson, and most recently by Mayor Chokwe Lumumba. I am hopeful that Mr.
Henefin will enjoy equal success with the sewer such as he has with the water. Please do not let the City of Jackson
regain control as they have proven over and over again, their inadequacy to manage anything.
I am a Jackson homeowner. My adult sons are Jackson homeowners. I, and all my sons office and work in the
city of Jackson. We have chosen to stay in Jackson and hope to see Jackson reverse its downward spiral.
James W. Hood

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From: John Horhn

Subject: [EXTERNAL] City of Jackson’s Wastewater/Sewer Treatment Facilities
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 1:31:06 PM

To Whom It May Concern:

I fully support U.S. District Judge Henry Wingate’s stated intention to transfer control of the City of Jackson’s
wastewater/sewer treatment program to Ted Henifin, the Interim Third Party Manager designated by the federal
government, for the purposes of retuning the system to EPA/DEQ compliance and resolving the Consent Decree
issued in 2013.
I believe that Mr. Henifin and his staff possess the expertise and skill-set to return the system to full functionality at
a time when the City of Jackson lacks the capacity to do so.
Senator John Horhn
Mississippi Senate District 26

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From: Lynn Hosemann

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841. Docket 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 8:33:28 AM

I live in Jackson and I am in full support of Judge Wingate’s recent ruling. I think Ted Henefin
should be in charge of the Jackson sewer system and Jackson water.   Thank you for your consideration. Lynn
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From: Larry Houchins

Subject: [EXTERNAL] :Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 1:14:02 PM

We are writing in support of the Court’s order that Ted Henifin and JXN Water manage Jackson’s sewer system.
The City of Jackson seems unable or unwilling to properly manage the city’s sewer system. We have been
impressed with Mr Henifin’s work with the city’s water system and fully support his management of the city’s
sewer system.

Pamela and Larry Houchins

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From: James House

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Sewer
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 8:33:39 AM

Please continue sewer oversight by JXN water and Mr Heneflin! I live on . I’ve lived in Jackson
for over years
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From: Susan House

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Support for Judge Wingate’s Order RE Jackson Water
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 10:58:43 AM

To Whom it May Concern:

I am wholeheartedly in support of Judge Wingate's order for

the continued management of the City of Jackson's sewer
system by Ted Henifin (aka JxnWater).

Thank you,

Susan House
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From: carolyne howard

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Mr. Henefin and Water/Sewage Aid to Jackson, Mississippi
Date: Friday, August 18, 2023 7:14:56 PM

To Whom It May Concern:

With great thanksgiving I write to thank you for the appointment of Mr. Ted Henefin as head of water/sewage
repairs in our city. We collectively breathe a sigh of relief for his desire to repair and his expertise in so doing.

Carolyn Howard

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From: Susan Howell

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ# 90-5-1-1-0984, Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:14:56 PM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.

Thank you.

Susan Howell
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From: Haden Hughes

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ# 90-5-1-1-09841
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 8:05:54 PM

Please allow Ted Henifin to manage Jackson’s sewer as well as water. The city is incapable of managing it.

Sent from my iPhone

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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Judge Wingate’s Order
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 9:53:57 AM

I am strongly in favor of the judge’s stipulated order and the continued management by Ted Henifin of the Jackson
water and sewer system.

Mary Letitia Hughes


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From: Barbra Hughes

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Sewage
Date: Friday, August 18, 2023 10:41:10 AM

I continue to support Mr Henifin in his efforts to help our system in Jackson Barbara Hughes

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From: Matt Humphreys

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 1:45:15 PM

US District Judge Henry T. Wingate,

I wanted to express my support for the federal court order placing control of the Jackson, MS sewer
in management of JXN Water which is managed by Ted Henifin.

Matt Humphreys

Matt Humphreys
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From: Andrew Humphries

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 2:43:52 PM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and


Andrew Humphries
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From: Jay Hutton

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 2:34:09 PM

US District Judge Henry T. Wingate,

I wanted to express my support for the federal court order placing control of the Jackson, MS sewer
in management of JXN Water which is managed by Ted Henifin.

Jason Hutton
Jackson, MS Resident
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From: lauren smith

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 9:50:32 AM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.
Stephen and Lauren Ingram

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From: Lisa Ireland

Cc: Lisa Ireland
Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket #36
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 8:23:51 AM

To Whom it may Concern:

At the very least, I feel I should begin this email with a hearty thank you to Judge Wingate and Ted Henifin for all
they gave done for Jackson. Through the decisiveness and swiftness of Judge Wingate's judicial orders; to the clarity
and simplicity of Henifin's administrative decisions, Jacksonians have reliable water.

Through this razor focus commitment to the "real"concerns of the citizens, they have done more for Jackson in the
past few months than others have done for decades. Thank you! Thank you for being bold and your leadership, and
clear and unwavering in your commitment to repair our water and sewer problems.

It is hard to imagine a civilized state, let along the Capital of a State in the United States of America, where its
citizens cannot turn on their water and feel confident anything will come out. Many people take this simple act for
granted, but Jacksonians did not until just a short time ago.

Our water and sewer system has been decaying and in disrepair, and our leadership has been in denial. For many
years, they chose to fund other projects instead of the basic maintenance of our water and sewer system.

Under Henifin leadership to manage our water and sewer, the citizens are beginning to reestablish the trust
necessary to live their lives. We can recruit new residents, retain the ones we have, and most importantly, bring back
and protect our businesses in the area. How can anyone open a restaurant without water, how can you run a business
without proper sewage? How can our students go to school or be prepared to learn? How can our elderly continue to
lug expensive and VERY heavy cases of water for their basic necessities? They cannot! And should not! Henifin
has understood this from his first day, and has worked quickly and tirelessly, without the political pressures and
bureaucratic headaches that often come with making large changes or overcoming challenges.

I urge you to please continue to direct your orders and keep our sewer system under the leadership of Ted Henifin.
He has been a miracle worker, but our problems are not over. We still have so much to do and they need the
freedom to make difficult decisions and they need the professional knowledge to get the job done. They also need
(and deserve) the trust of the citizens, knowing that they are making decisions that is best for all citizens. That our
taxpayer dollars are being used wisely and efficiently.

Thank you again, and I support the court's order and urge the court to keep the sewer system under the management
of JXNWater and Ted Henifin's leadership. Please continue to direct resources and responsibility to the third-party
administrator. He has proven to be capable, fair, and committed to helping Jackson through this difficult time. He
has no personal agenda, except to give the citizenry clean water, and a working sewer system. That is what is needed
at this time.
Lisa Ireland
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From: Hannah Ivison

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Friday, August 18, 2023 2:44:23 PM

To Whom It May Concern,

My husband, and I, are avid supporters of the court's order and the sewer system being
managed by Ted Henifin and JxnWater. We, along with many of our neighbors within
have been very pleased with the progress that JxnWater has made and will continue to make.

Hannah Ivison
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From: Zachary James

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Public Comment_United States and State of Mississippi v. City of Jackson, Mississippi, Civil Action
No. 3:12–cv– 790–HTW–LGI (S.D. Miss.) [Docket No. 36]
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 10:08:08 AM

Hi as a resident of Jackson MS, I have been relieved that he Federal government has taken
stewardship of the Jackson water system. The current city administration is allegedly corrupt
and assuredly incompetent. My only critique of the federal stewardship is Judge Wingate's
recent decision compelling Entergy to give up customer information in order to cross
reference for Jackson Water Billing. I am very uncomfortable with the idea that a
separate entity could be compelled to give up personal information.

Zachary James
Jackson MS
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From: Ben James

Subject: [EXTERNAL] US, et al v. City of Jackson, Mississippi - JXN Water
Date: Friday, August 18, 2023 11:44:30 AM

Good morning

My name is Ben James, and I have lived in Jackson for almost years of my life. Over that time, I
have seen infrastructure (water/sewer/streets) in Jackson deteriorate to the point where there was
little hope left that it could ever be fixed. There are a multitude of reasons for why we got to that
point, but those are in the past and don’t necessarily matter anymore. What matters now is that for
the first time in decades, Jackson has a glimmer of hope to have some of these major infrastructure
needs met. I could not be more impressed with what Ted Henefin and JXN Water have done to this
point to develop a plan and begin executing that plan as it pertains to the water crisis. JXN Water
has been thoughtful on how they have reached out to the community, communicated the issues,
analyzed the system, and put forth a reasonable plan to responsibly use the Federal money while
also fixing the billing system.

When it comes to the sewer system, it sometimes feels like this issue is more of a crisis than the
water. Millions of gallons of sewage are unintentionally released into the Pearl River each year.
Numerous sewage leaks in neighborhoods across the City where elderly and children reside.
Ongoing no-contact notices for the Pearl River and its tributaries due to sewage. It’s a problem that
had no solution and the citizens of Jackson had begun feeling hopeless…..that is until the Federal
Government and EPA stepped in. Ted Henefin and JXN Water clearly have the capability and
expertise to oversee the sewage crisis in Jackson, and it makes sense to tackle both water and sewer
at the same time. They have contacts across the country that allow them to hire the most qualified,
capable contractors to get the work done in a professional and expedient manner.

Please put the sewer system under the control of JXN Water so that we can repair the sewer system,
repair the billing system, and restore trust in the process.

Thank you
Ben James
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From: Peggy Jeanes

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ# 90-5-1-1-098-41 and Docket #36
Date: Sunday, August 27, 2023 7:37:05 AM

I fully support a stipulated order to expedite needed sewer system repairs to the city of Jackson, Mississippi, and for
the continued management by Ted Henifin (aka JXN Water) of the sewer system.

Peggy Jeanes

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From: Joshua Jenkins

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Sewer Comments
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 2:03:42 PM


Please allow the sewer system to be managed by JXN Water and Ted Henifin. He has done a
solid job stabilizing the water system. The City of Jackson "leadership" has proven it is
incapable of managing City assets like the water and sewer systems, and the City of Jackson
voters have proven themselves to be incapable of voting out these incompetent "leaders"
over and over.

Joshua Jenkins
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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Sewer
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 1:18:03 AM

I have total confidence in Ted to run the water and sewer.

I do not trust the mayor or any of his family members. Just look at the mess they made with
garbage pickup and water already.

I wish that Ted would take over as mayor too. He seems to be honest and gets things done.


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From: Bettie Ruth Johnson

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 6:26:23 PM

Jxn water has demonstrated its competency to clean Jackson water. Because the present administration cannot abide
by the consent order and has actually worsened situation over the last six years, I strongly support. Jxn water, taking
charge of the sewer system. Raw sewage in the pearl river from Jackson must be stopped.

Bettie Ruth Johnson

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From: Fred Johnson jr

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Sewer problems
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 5:19:40 PM

My name is Fred Johnson Jr. years of age and a life long resident of Jackson,MS and I
know that the best decision for our sewer system problems are to let it be handled by who
Judge Wingate has recommended.
I have a problem with the people who are going against Judge Wingate decision because they
have not complained once about the sewer system. Wow the current mayor had the power to
address the sewer problem and he never done anything.
I’m a former plumbers helper and I don’t know how serious the sewer system problem is in
our city. The naysayers are only interested in who gets the contracts. Bottom line they only
want money.

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Case 3:12-cv-00790-HTW-LGI Document 67-2 Filed 09/29/23 Page 303 of 483

From: Harvey Johnson Jr

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments on City of Jackson Sewer Consent Decree
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 1:13:46 PM
Attachments: COMMENTS on Jackson Sewer Consent Decree.docx

I have attached comments regarding the sewer consent decree for the City of Jackson, Mississippi. I
have limited my comments to one page; however, I will gladly address any questions or provide additional
information. I can be reached at . Thank you for providing the opportunity to offer

Harvey Johnson, Jr.

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I served as Mayor of the City of Jackson for three terms (1997-2005 and 2009-2013). Between
1997 and 2011, the City expended approximately $225,000,000 on water and wastewater
improvements, with the vast majority of the expenditures being paid for by ratepayers.
Approximately $75,000,000 was for wastewater improvements.

These local government expenditures were made not only to improve the quality of life of
Jackson residents, but also to carry out the responsibility of local government to comply with
the policy mandates of the federal government; namely the Safe Drinking Water Act and the
Clean Water Act. The imposition of mandated compliance with these policies without
appropriate federal funding assistance has long been a point of contention between the federal
government and resource-poor local governments. The $600,000,000 recently allocated by the
federal government to make improvements to the City of Jackson water system is a
commendable step in addressing this critical issue.

However, I have watched with a degree of disgust as the mandated responsibility of duly
elected local officials and the control of the resources to carry out mandated federal
government policies have been placed in the hands of a single, appointed individual. The right
to vote to elect public officials to oversee the affairs of local government was not available to a
great majority of the citizens of Jackson a few decades ago. This basic tenet of democratic
government has been set aside by the creation of Jxn Water. And now, the federal government
is contemplating the same for making improvements to the sewer system.

The 2013 consent decree was negotiated during my administration; so, I fully understand and
appreciate the need for its successful implementation. I realize that if the implementation
schedule is not working, some modifications to the 2013 decree must be made. However, I do
not agree with the “infrastructure czar” model as an implementation strategy. Duly elected
officials must be involved in the process, since voters will ultimately hold them accountable.

The expenditure of the $600,000,000 on water system improvements, and the expenditure of
untold millions on sewer system improvements over the next 10, 15, 20 years represent an
economic development opportunity that must not exclude local residents and local businesses,
particularly black-owned businesses. It would be a travesty for a population that is 80% black,
and over 25% impoverished, not to receive some economic benefit. An Equal Business
Opportunity program, similar to the one that was in place when the fore mentioned
$225,000,000 was expended on infrastructure improvements, must be put in place, no matter
what implementation model is pursued for sewer system improvements. And, a skills training
component for local residents should also be considered. Similar efforts need to be established
for improvements funded through Jxn Water.

Submitted By: Harvey Johnson, Jr.

Case 3:12-cv-00790-HTW-LGI Document 67-2 Filed 09/29/23 Page 305 of 483


I served as Mayor of the City of Jackson for three terms (1997-2005 and 2009-2013). Between
1997 and 2011, the City expended approximately $225,000,000 on water and wastewater
improvements, with the vast majority of the expenditures being paid for by ratepayers.
Approximately $75,000,000 was for wastewater improvements.

These local government expenditures were made not only to improve the quality of life of
Jackson residents, but also to carry out the responsibility of local government to comply with
the policy mandates of the federal government; namely the Safe Drinking Water Act and the
Clean Water Act. The imposition of mandated compliance with these policies without
appropriate federal funding assistance has long been a point of contention between the federal
government and resource-poor local governments. The $600,000,000 recently allocated by the
federal government to make improvements to the City of Jackson water system is a
commendable step in addressing this critical issue.

However, I have watched with a degree of disgust as the mandated responsibility of duly
elected local officials and the control of the resources to carry out mandated federal
government policies have been placed in the hands of a single, appointed individual. The right
to vote to elect public officials to oversee the affairs of local government was not available to a
great majority of the citizens of Jackson a few decades ago. This basic tenet of democratic
government has been set aside by the creation of Jxn Water. And now, the federal government
is contemplating the same for making improvements to the sewer system.

The 2013 consent decree was negotiated during my administration; so, I fully understand and
appreciate the need for its successful implementation. I realize that if the implementation
schedule is not working, some modifications to the 2013 decree must be made. However, I do
not agree with the “infrastructure czar” model as an implementation strategy. Duly elected
officials must be involved in the process, since voters will ultimately hold them accountable.

The expenditure of the $600,000,000 on water system improvements, and the expenditure of
untold millions on sewer system improvements over the next 10, 15, 20 years represent an
economic development opportunity that must not exclude local residents and local businesses,
particularly black-owned businesses. It would be a travesty for a population that is 80% black,
and over 25% impoverished, not to receive some economic benefit. An Equal Business
Opportunity program, similar to the one that was in place when the fore mentioned
$225,000,000 was expended on infrastructure improvements, must be put in place, no matter
what implementation model is pursued for sewer system improvements. And, a skills training
component for local residents should also be considered. Similar efforts need to be established
for improvements funded through Jxn Water.

Submitted By: Harvey Johnson, Jr.

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From: Meredith Johnson

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ#90-5-1-1-09841
Date: Sunday, August 27, 2023 8:30:25 PM

DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket #36

I support this order - and the continued management of Ted Henifin (akaJXN Water) of the sewer system.

Meredith Johnson

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Edley Jones

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson, MS - support for Judge Wingate decree
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023 12:28:03 PM

To whom it may concern:

I am a resident of Jackson Mississippi and I write to give my complete support for the proposed decree to be signed
by Judge Wingate appointing Mr. Henifin has the third party administrator to handle Jackson sewer system. Judge
Wingate has acted swiftly and prudently to protect the vital sanitary interests of the city long ignored by past and the
current administration. This decree represents nothing short of a last hope for Jackson to revive, and this decree is an
important step for Jackson to regain its viability has a city. The views I express here are shared by the silent
majority of citizens who are grateful that Jackson has been given this incredible opportunity to move forward.

Furthermore, there have been complaints by a small minority who wish to exercise an advisory or watchdog
capacity over the efforts of Judge Wingate and Mr. Henifin. This is completely unnecessary, as the Judge and Mr.
Henifin have amply demonstrated the ability to get the job done as demonstrated by the material improvements to
the water system. These groups have presented absolutely no proof or other evidence that a advisory role would do
anything but slow the process and present opportunities for questionable attempts to direct funds to contractors who
are less than qualified.

Edley Jones
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From: Edley Jones

Subject: [EXTERNAL] to DJ# 90-5-1-1-09841 and Docket Number is 36: Jackson, MS - support for Judge Wingate decree
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 9:14:15 AM

> To whom it may concern:

> I am a resident of Jackson Mississippi and I write to give my complete support for the proposed decree to be
signed by Judge Wingate appointing Mr. Henifin has the third party administrator to handle Jackson sewer system.
Judge Wingate has acted swiftly and prudently to protect the vital sanitary interests of the city long ignored by past
and the current administration. This decree represents nothing short of a last hope for Jackson to revive, and this
decree is an important step for Jackson to regain its viability has a city. The views I express here are shared by the
silent majority of citizens who are grateful that Jackson has been given this incredible opportunity to move forward.
> Furthermore, there have been complaints by a small minority who wish to exercise an advisory or watchdog
capacity over the efforts of Judge Wingate and Mr. Henifin. This is completely unnecessary, as the Judge and Mr.
Henifin have amply demonstrated the ability to get the job done as demonstrated by the material improvements to
the water system. These groups have presented absolutely no proof or other evidence that a advisory role would do
anything but slow the process and present opportunities for questionable attempts to direct funds to contractors who
are less than qualified.
> Sincerely,
> Edley Jones

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From: Harper Jones

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023 5:26:07 PM

Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841Docket Number 36   

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JxnWater.
Thank you
Harper Wise Jones
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From: Susan Jones

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Public Comment in Support of Court Order
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 4:17:25 PM

I would like to submit this comment in support of the Court’s recent order on the management of the City
of Jackson sewer system by Ted Henifin .
. Mr . Henifin and his staff have done an
excellent job with water issues in our neighborhood . He has come to speak to the
and has been very responsive . Things have been better since Mr . Henifin came .
It makes sense to have his group handle the sewer issues as well .
Thank you for the opportunity to comment .

Susan Shands Jones

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Quinn Kellum

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023 5:39:16 PM

I do support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JxnWater
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From: Quinn Kellum

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023 5:39:16 PM

I do support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JxnWater
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From: Thomas Kelly

Subject: [EXTERNAL] U.S., et al. v. City of Jackson, Mississippi
Date: Saturday, August 26, 2023 1:19:03 PM


This will confirm my support for the stipulated order in

DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 under Docket No. 36.

Means we approve of the continued management of the Jackson City

Sewer System by Ted Henifin, JXN Water.

Thomas M. Kelly , resident

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From: Alec Kerr

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson Water
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 5:35:40 PM

I live in Jackson, Mississippi.

I really appreciate the work of Ted Henifin and his team.

The Mayor of Jackson and the City of Jackson shouldn’t be allowed to be in charge of the
water and sewer systems in Jackson.

I’ve lived in Jackson off and on since and my wife and I live in a home we bought here
in . I first experienced a major water issue in Jackson in January 2009 or 2010. The City
had another major water problem in January 2017 or 2018. Since becoming Mayor, the Mayor
has done things to where he seems oblivious to past major water issues in Jackson. For
example, he made it to where people didn’t have to pay a water bill. Why would anyone do
that when Jackson needs all the money it can get to fix its water system?

The Mayor has allowed Jackson to go way downhill. Of course, that’s my subjective opinion,
but Jackson has the biggest percentage population decrease in the country for major and “mid”
sized cities, so my view can’t be based off of nothing. Why else would so many people be

Jackson’s highest murder rates have all been under the current Mayor’s leadership. We had
just under 100 in 100,000 murders a couple years ago. The neighborhood I live in had dozens
and dozens of armed carjackings in late 2021 and early 2022. I’m not sure if the neighborhood
I live in would’ve survived if it weren’t for the the State of Mississippi expanding the Capitol
Police Department. Something the Mayor tries to link to Jim Crow while he lives on a gated

The Mayor appeared to get rid of Waste Management as our garbage pickup provider just to
give his buddy an IT job that pays a lot through a garbage company named Richards Disposal.
A pipe that Mr. Ted and his team have since fixed was leaking millions of water a day and
people were dealing with Jackson crime while the Mayor wasted money, time, and energy on
switching the garbage pickup to Richards Disposal.

The Mayor is not a good person in my subjective opinion, nor is his sister.

Remember the Mayor hid a letter from the EPA about Jackson’s drinking water from the
public for a year until after his most recent primary win.

Also, I see water sometimes where I wonder if it’s sewage while around town.

Thank you for y’all’s time and help,

Alexander Kerr

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Christy K
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ# 90-5-1-1-0984, Docket Number 36.
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:10:42 PM

To Whom It May Concern,

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.
Thank you,
Christy Ketchum
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From: Mack
Subject: [EXTERNAL] It has sure been nice to at least feel safe using ice. Keep up the good work!
Date: Sunday, August 20, 2023 5:30:22 PM

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Jason Kirschberg

Subject: [EXTERNAL] United States and State of Mississippi v. City of Jackson, Mississippi, Civil Action No. 3:12–cv– 790–
HTW–LGI (S.D. Miss.), D.J. Ref. No. 90–5–1–1–09841
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 10:16:07 PM

I support the court’s order keeping Ted Henifin and his organization, JxnWater,
in charge of water in Jackson, Mississippi. The City of Jackson has failed for
decades to do anything about the problem. Once Mr. Henifin’s organization
took over, I immediately began noticing improvements throughout Jackson. He
seems like the only shot Jackson has.


Jason Kirschberg
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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson, MS water
Date: Friday, August 18, 2023 8:45:23 AM

I am writing to express my praise and confidence in Ted Henifin and the current efforts to improve the Jackson
water system. Continued efforts are imperative.

Thank you,
Donna Knight
Jackson resident
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From: Kathryn Koury

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 1:55:57 PM

I SUPPORT the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JxnWater.
Kathryn C. Koury

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Matthew Koury

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 3:02:25 PM

Dear Assistant Attorney General and Environment and Natural Resources Division,

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JxnWater. In the short time
Mr. Henifin has taken over the water system he has made great strides in repairing the structure and reputation of
the department. I believe he will do the same with the sewer system. The City of Jackson needs his leadership at
this time.


Matthew B. Koury
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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Sewer system of Jackson
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 2:43:25 PM

Please continue to have Ted Henifin manage the water and sewer connections in Jackson. I support him fully thank
you, Phoebe Kruger

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Jeff Lamb

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson sewer system
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 11:02:19 AM

I am a resident at .

I would like to support Judge Wingate’s decision to continue w Mr Heflin’s and Jackson to repair and complete our
sewer system. Too much disposable sewage had been disbursed into the Pearl River and Mr Heflin is the best to
help address this.

Jeff Lamb

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Lisa Lamb

Subject: [EXTERNAL] #DJ90-5-1-1-09841
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:36:00 AM

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this email in support of the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and
JxnWater. He has done an excellent job and we need his continued leadership.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Lisa Lamb

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Gail Lamb

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Dj # 90-5-1-1-09841 docket #36
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023 5:38:26 PM

I fully support the order and support Ted Henifin for his management of Jackson’s water sewer system.
Gail Lamb

Sent from my iPhone

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From: John
Subject: [EXTERNAL] JXN Water
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023 7:10:32 PM

Please continue to keep our water and sewer system on the right track by keeping Ted Henifin in his role with JXN
Water and sewer. He has made huge strides in fixing our dilapidated water system, and I know he will do a great job
with the sewer as well. I have lived in Jackson my entire life and I am happy to see someone in charge who has the
knowledge and the ability to fix our broken system. Thanks for your consideration.

John B. Lauderdale

Sent from my iPad

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From: Loretta Lawson

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Water Line Breaks
Date: Saturday, August 19, 2023 9:19:10 PM

To whom it may concern:

I agree it’s good to see the repairs being done. My main concern is once the repairs are done why is it they leave
behind an unfinished street.
After they repair the damage line they don’t fill the holes back with asphalt. They are patching the hole with mud
and rocks when in fact they open the hole it was asphalt there from the beginning.
Why are they not putting asphalt back in place? My concerns are it’s making a mess with the rocks. It’s more
potholes in the street. The rocks are becoming a hazard to drive over.
They repaired the broken line on Hanging Moss, and they put the asphalt back and pressed it into down evenly with
the street, which is a smooth surface to drive over.
At Hanging Moss and Forest Ave. they have repaired this same spot 3 times. It’s so bad your your vehicle drop off
and a hole. It needs major repairs you cannot drive in that lane,
do not replace the asphalt with rocks.
Bailey Ave near Northside Dr., the City put rocks down. It’s a hurdle to jump over the rocks and your vehicle.
Edward Ave., between Warren Street and Gentry Street you have to drive in the ditch to get off Edward Ave.
Please address this issues we have called numerous times about Warren Street and Edward Street. They take the
information down on the hotline but to no avail you get help out to this location.
Thank you in advance,
Loretta Lawson

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routed through the Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Division. I was

instructed that this office would assign an Inspector and contact the City of Jackson
Water Sewage Department and MDEQ. I was notified by an EPA representative
that both governmental agencies did not respond to their request on May 24, 2021.
The EPA dropped the ball by not pursuing this issue any further for some reason
and now the problem is excessive.

Listed below are some of the individuals I have filed a complaint with are as
1. I have called the City of Jackson Action Line, Water Department, City
Waste Department (30 times). I have filed a complaint MDEQ and the EPA
Region 4 referenced above.

Any promises? I have spoken to different workers who have promised to place my
information on the sewage Supervisors door and he will contact me. I was called
back twice and notified that a crew would be at my home to fix the problem. No
one ever showed up and when I called the number back the young lady didn't work
for that department anymore. Six months ago, a City of Jackson employee from the
Water Sewage Department posted a contamination sign in my yard nothing has
happened as a result.

Who said it originated from the ? Please see the answer above. I am
saying it originates from this point because when it rains you can see where the
running water begins. I have a video recording of this and will forward it to you.
Also, the next time it rains could you please meet me in front of the home so you
can verify this finding.

The Dangers Associated with Toxic Sewage Water Contamination

Sewage overflows at home

Sewage contains harmful microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and protozoa,

which can cause illnesses like gastritis.
Sewage overflows can be caused by damaged or blocked plumbing, sewerage
system backflow, septic tank damage and flood water.
If your home has an overflow, protecting yourself and your family should be your
top priority.
Avoid direct contact with sewage and any contaminated surfaces.
Thoroughly disinfect every surface touched by sewage.
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Make sure you wear protective clothing when cleaning and disinfecting, including
rubber gloves, boots and eye protection. Use an uncontaminated water supply
when cleaning – do not use your own water supply if you are unsure of its quality.
If a sewage disposal system is not properly maintained it will not be able to get rid
of the sewage safely. Proper maintenance of a sewerage system means all faulty
(blocked, damaged, broken or worn-out) parts must be repaired as soon as possible
after they stop working correctly.

Public Health Advice

• Practice good hygiene and wash your hands frequently, especially after
touching contaminated surfaces and before preparing food.
• Clean and disinfect all contaminated areas.
• Keep children and pets away from contaminated objects and areas until they
have been disinfected.
• Contact a plumber if you suspect your plumbing or septic tank system is
• Clean out silt and debris from septic tanks. This should be pumped out by a
professional as soon as possible once it is safe for the vehicle to access your
tank. Refer to your local business directory to arrange a septic tank pumping
service by a licensed contractor.
• Contact your local water business or local council if sewage is leaking
outside your property boundary. Your local water business can access the
problem. Depending on the leak’s location, this could either be the water
business or the householder’s responsibility.
• If your private water has been contaminated, use bottled or boiled water for
non-drinking uses instead, such as washing dishes and brushing your teeth.
• Seek medical advice if you become ill or injured.

The Effects of Toxic Waste on Soil Contamination

Long-Term Effects

The long-term effects include signs of mutation in animals, cancer and other

diseases in humans, trash in our waterways and green spaces, and the destruction

of many natural resources. Populations of insects such as bees, which are crucial to
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From: kathe levanway

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36 Body: I support the court"s order and the sewer
system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater. Signed: your name and address
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 5:09:01 PM

I wholeheartedly support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifen and JXN Water.

Kathryn Levanway

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Clara Lewis

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Sewer System Control, Jackson, MS
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:47:47 PM

I am concerned about the current employees, what will their status be if this takeover should
take place. Before the Jackson Waterworks/City of Jackson, I think that was what it was called
there were employees doing the job. After Mr. Henifin contracted out their jobs, they were
told they could apply for jobs with the contractor he had chosen. Some had worked for the city
for twenty plus years and making that choice would cost them their retirement benefits. Which
was a terrible position they were put in. I don't know what has happened to them. They
suffered in the water crisis as well as the rest of the citizens then to have this happen to them.
Mr. Henifen should have showed more consideration for these people.

I am also concerned about contracts being awarded to companies outside of Jackson and the
money that has been awarded to the city of Jackson is going to go outside of the city to
neighboring counties and surrounding cities. That kind of action is what contributed to the
failure of the water/sewer system. I said contributed to the failure not necessarily caused the
failure. We do not need an administrator who some see as taking resources out of a city that is
more in need of those resources than counties and cities that are adequately funded by the
Then say there aren't any qualified people for these jobs is something that I don't believe is
completely true. Maybe he should ask try other sources for information other than city
officials. I have lived in the city for decades and until this year we've had a payment center.
Now we have to travel outside of Jackson to pay our water bills. Truly a scary thought since
there is a group of law enforcement officers called the "Goon Squad" terrorizing black people
in that county.

I hope careful consideration is given to the people that would be affected by this takeover as
well as all the citizens of Jackson.
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From: Courtney Love

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Sewage
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2023 9:24:09 PM

I think mr. Henefin has done a good job with the water system and believe he’d be the right choice to handle the
sewage problem too. It gives me hope for jackson to know someone who can handle the job would be in charge.
Thanks for your time.

C Love

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Ann Lowry

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 9:23:20 PM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and

Ann C. Lowry
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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 4:54:00 PM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.

Wiley P. Lowry, Jr. (Buz)

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From: Toni Lucas

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ#90-5-1-1-0984 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 8:19:08 PM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.

Toni Lucas
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From: jenice Luckett

Subject: [EXTERNAL]
Date: Friday, August 18, 2023 10:12:09 AM
Attachments: 20230718 170835.jpg
20230718 170750.jpg
20230718 170845.jpg

My name is Jenice Luckett. I live at . My insurance has been

cancelled because of sewage and meter damage to my yard in the front yard (facial damage). I
have a huge hole in my yard that is getting larger everyday it rains. A car hit the hole coming
around the corner to fast and totalled out two automobiles. Also my house was badly
damaged. There's sewage problems behind my neighbors and my home... We have had
sewage problems over 20 years. It has been reported with EPA. Water is running down the
street of block on . HELP!!! HELP!!! Thank you!!!
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From: Lauren Ludwig

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ# 90-5-1-1-09841
Date: Friday, August 25, 2023 11:03:55 AM

Docket Number 36

Please allow for the continued management of the Jackson MS sewer system under Ted Henifin. The current
administration of Jackson is incapable of handling it.

Lauren Ludwig (Jackson resident)

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Sarah Lutz

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Wednesday, August 30, 2023 12:03:34 PM

To whom it may concern,

This email is in support of the court order for Ted Henifin and his organization, JxnWater, to
continue to manage the city of Jackson’s water and sewer system.

To provide some color on why I support Mr. Henifin - I moved from one area of Jackson to
another in April of this year. During this period of time I had to shut off the water in my old home
and turn on the water at my new residence. I believe during this period of time the water
department was transitioning to the JxnWater organization. It took me multiple attempts to
contact the old water association to have my water turned off at my old residence. It took me
more than a month, and multiple calls to the old number, one of which I stayed on hold for
hours, to have the water transferred to my name at my new residence. It was only when I
contacted JxnWater through their new process that I was able to talk to someone and finally
have the water transferred to my name at my new home. I can speak from experience, the
customer experience with Mr. Henifin’s group is far superior to the old group. We need more
people like him to take charge in the City of Jackson so basic services are consistently provided to
the city’s residents.

Sarah Lutz
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From: Tommy Lyle

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 10:06:04 AM

Judge Wingate,

I am a citizen of Jackson, MS. I live on . I would like to express my full

support of the court's order for City of Jackson Water and Sewer System to be managed by Mr.
Ted Henifin. I have experienced first hand, numerous problems and issues over the last five
years, including service and billing issues. Finally my bill is being sent on a monthly basis and our
water issues have improved tremendously. We have not had to purchase bottled water as we did
in the past. I know you face difficult issues daily, and I thank you for your hard work, service, and
commitment to our District and community.

Sent from my iPhone

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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 8:02:40 AM

I am in support of the court's order and wish for Ted Henifin to continue to manage
the sewer and Jackson water systems.

Elizabeth Lyle
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From: Drew Maddox

Subject: [EXTERNAL] JXN Water
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 2:25:21 PM

My name is Drew Maddox and I live at in Jackson. Due to negligence on the part of
the City, my house was flooded on December 20, 2022. All of our Christmas presents were lost, the
entire first floor of our house was flooded with 3 ft of raw sewage, and the city took 8 hours just to
stop the water from flowing in the house.

Over the next 6 weeks, I watched as city crews came to my house every day to work on the water
line on . For 6 weeks, we had no water (we have two toddlers). Once Ted and Jordan
got involved, the water line, the sewer line, and the street were all fixed and repaved in 3 days.

Drew Maddox
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From: Cassidy Turnage

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 4:24:13 PM

I agree with the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and his
organization, JxnWater.

Cassidy Turnage Majure
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From: Darri Mansel

Subject: [EXTERNAL] 90-5-1-1-0984
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 10:29:07 AM

Doc# 36

My husband and I support

The courts order and sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.
Darri & Keith Mansel

Sent from my iPhone

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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 9:52:04 AM

To whom It may concern;

I support the court’s order appointing a third party manager (Ted Henifin) to manage
the Jackson Sewer System. Ted Henifin has already proven that he is well organized
and will develop a plan for repairing the sewer system. Mr. Henifin also has
Jackson’s residents best interests in mind and will without a doubt correct the issues
that have plagued Jackson, Mississippi for the past 15 years.

Thanks for allowing comments.

Peter Marks
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From: David Marsh

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ # 90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 38
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 11:53:01 AM
Attachments: image001.png

Please allow this email to express my support for Ted Henifin to administer management of the
sewer repair requirements for Jackson. Mr. Henifin is on the right path and we need him to continue
his work and expertise to correct the dire situation we have in Jackson.

David Marsh,

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From: Ann Marshall

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 2:38:18 PM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.

Ann Marshall
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From: Constance Martin

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Third Party Administrator - City of Jackson - Public Comment
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 3:52:20 PM


Department of Environmental

As a citizen (homeowner and taxpayer) of Jackson, MS, for many years, I have never
witnessed the condition of our beloved City of Jackson as I have within the last few years. The
city's state often appears dismal due to a lack of proper administrative oversight, personnel and
financial resources.
Moreover, I believe it will take enormous time, funding/resources, and the right personnel to
return the city to a good place where the citizens receive the services (clean water, proper
waste disposal, removal of dilapidated and abandoned houses/businesses, and other needed
city services) they require and deserve.
As soon as these urgent problems are remedied, I'm confident that every Jacksonian will be
pleased to call the city their home, and Jackson will reclaim its title as the "Capital City," the
"City with Soul." Seeing raw human waste overflowing from the utility holes is
disheartening, sickening, and unsanitary.
The city must be an excellent place to live, work, and raise our family. Therefore, I support the
third-party administration to oversee the sewer system in the City of Jackson, MS.
Constance N. Martin
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From: Susan McAllister

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 7:01:12 PM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and

Yours sincerely,

Susan McAllister

my iPhone
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From: Mike McBride

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 10:26:34 AM

As a citizen of Jackson, Mississippi, I am writing in support of Ted Henefin in his efforts to manage
the Jackson water system and its vast number of problems.


Michael D. McBride, Architect

Sent from Mail for Windows

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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 11:25:10 AM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater..

Laurie McCarthy
Small business owner and resident in
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From: Leesa Crim McCharen

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 10:34:14 PM

I wholeheartedly support Ted Henifin in his efforts to

correct our water and sewer systems.
Thank you,
Leesa McCharen

Sent from my iPad

Leesa Crim McCharen
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From: Sterling McCool

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:55:47 AM

I am a Jackson resident living in the neighborhood and I have lived and

owned a house in Jackson for around nine years. I strongly support the stipulated order from
United States District Judge Henry T. Wingate to appoint Ted Henifin as the interim third-
party manager of Jackson's sewer system. The city of Jackson is wholly incompetent in
providing basic civil services to its constituents and Ted Henifin has done a wonderful job
with the water system and I am confident that he will do so with the sewer system, as well.


Sterling McCool
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From: Alex McCord

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ# 90-5-1-1-0984 Docket #36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 10:21:08 PM

Hi. As a longtime resident of Jackson, I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted
Henifin and JXNWater.

Thank you.

Alex McCord

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Harry McCumber x7318

Subject: [EXTERNAL] 90-5-1-1-09841
Date: Saturday, August 19, 2023 4:53:43 PM

I am writing about my support for Mr. Heflin as manager over Jackson, Mississippi’s water system. As a resident, I
have seen firsthand how much better the city’s water issues have been dealt with and is running more efficiently.

Sent from my iPhone

Harry McCumber

A referral is the best compliment. If you know anyone that needs our help, please have them call our office 24/7.

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please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. Thank you.
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From: Fred McEwen

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ# 90-5-1-1-09841; Docket Number 36
Date: Saturday, August 26, 2023 10:44:58 AM

I want to speak on behalf of Ted Henefin, the current interim third-party manager for the drinking water
system of the City of Jackson, MS. I wholeheartedly agree with Federal Judge Henry Wingate's
appointment of Mr. Henefin to manage the City of Jackson's sewer system. I think he has done an
amazing job with the water system in a very short period of time. I believe he would do the same good
work with the sewer system.

Fred McEwen

Former water plant superintendent for the City of Jackson, MS

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From: Diane McGowan

Subject: [EXTERNAL] D J#90-5-1-1-09841
Date: Sunday, August 27, 2023 11:21:57 AM

Jackson needs Ted Heflin appointment by Judge Wingate to run and repair Jackson’s sewer system
D J #90-5-1-1-09841
Docket 36

Diane West McGowan

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Renda McGowan

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Sewer
Date: Wednesday, August 16, 2023 5:28:07 PM

Need Ted Henefin to take over sewer issues.

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Vicki McGuinness

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ# 90-5-1-1-09841 ;Docket Number 36
Date: Sunday, August 27, 2023 7:50:01 PM

To Whom It May Concern,

I am in favor of Ted Henefin taking over management of the City of Jackson's sewer system. He has
done great work with our water system since he took control of that and has exhibited a commitment to
excellence and integrity. The City unfortunately essentially ruined both our water and sewer systems by
neglect and incompetence. Leaving the sewer system with the City would just maintain the unacceptable
status quo and likely will result in further deterioration of the system. It makes sense to place the sewer
system under Mr. Henefin as well. Thank you.

Vicki McGuinness
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From: Matthew McLaughlin

Cc: Matthew McLaughlin
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 8:03:06 PM

Honorable Judge Wingate,

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXN Water.

My wife and I own more than 30,000 s/f of commercial real estate in as well as our primary
residence in . We have also invested more than in the

As a property owner and a business owner in the City of Jackson, it has become increasingly
frustrating at the lack of attention, leadership, vision, and aptitude to address basic civic functions.

I am writing you to strongly urge you to move control and administration of the Jackson sewer
system to JXN Water and/or Ted Henefin. The City of Jackson and its current administration are not
equipped and lack competency to manage any public service, including the sewer system.

The City of Jackson’s resources are strained almost to the point of collapse and allowing the current
administration to manage and control the sewer system is irresponsible.

I am encouraged at the progress that has been made with respect to the water system and am
grateful for your continued oversight of the same on behalf of all the citizens of Jackson.


Matthew McLaughlin
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From: Shannon McLaughlin

Cc: Shannon Mclaughlin
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 3:36:05 PM

Dear Judge Wingate -

I am writing in support of the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and
JXNWater. I have primarily lived in Jackson since and have seen the quality of life decrease with
the water and sewer situations. Ted Henifin has been a true blessing to the water situation and has
turned things around in such a short time. He does not place blame or make excuses. He researches the
problems and finds ways to fix them. He is exactly what the people of Jackson needed to take over the
water and he is exactly what we need for the sewer system.

There is an ongoing sewer leak and crumbling road in front of my house in Fondren. It has been reported
for six years. They never fixed it, but paved over it. So once again, the road is failing and waste
water pours out of the street. I have no doubt that with Ted Henifin in place, this situation will finally be
resolved. We need Ted Henifin to be in charge of the sewer department so that it can turn around like the
water department. The people in the City of Jackson deserve to have basic physiological needs including
clean and running water as well as proper waste control i.e. sewage.

My husband and I are tied to 6 properties within Jackson. We own our house, own
four commercial properties and rent a commercial property. We need the sewer
system to be reliable and to have some in place that not only cares about the people
of Jackson, but also has the knowledge and skillset to be in this position. We need
someone to turn this department around and give Jacksonians back their quality of
life. Ted Henifin is this person.

Thank you,
Shannon McLaughlin

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From: Susan McNamara

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Sewer/Water
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 10:18:59 AM

I support the decision of Judge Wingate's order for the continued

management of the City of Jackson's sewer system by Ted Henifin.
Thank you, Susan

Susan McNamara
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From: Susan
Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ#9-5-1-0984 Docket Number 36
Date: Wednesday, August 30, 2023 9:24:24 PM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater

Susan McNease

Sent from Mail for Windows

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From: Manning McPhillips

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson Sewer Comment
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 4:33:35 PM

My name is Manning McPhillips and I live at in Jackson. We moved

into this house in . For the past 2 years, we have repeatedly faced sewer problems in our
part of the neighborhood. There was a collapse in the sewer main that had gone unresolved
for years by the city. That led to sewage backing up in my next door neighbor's home causing
them to move out of the home for the safety of their children.

The same issue led to us not being able to flush our toilets for days at a time. This would
happen about every other week for about 18 months. The city never took any action to
address this public health problem.

In the 1st quarter of this year, the water main a block from our house broke and poured water
into the street and down a nearby storm drain for weeks. This water break eventually eroded
the soil to the point that the sewer line collapsed causing a sanitary sewer overflow (SSO).
Raw sewer gushed into the free-flowing water that was already pouring down our street. That
contaminated water went into the storm drain and ultimately into the Pearl River.

There are 11 small children that live on this block. At one point there was a 6-foot deep and
10-foot wide hole in the street full of this contaminated water that we were told was jokingly
referred to as "Lake Belhaven" by city staff. We do not think this was a laughing matter.

I contacted my city councilwoman and the mayor. Neither acted like it was within their power
to deal with this problem.  

When the JXN Water team was brought into the discussions, they quickly identified the
problem and developed a solution. Within a week, both lines were repaired, the hole was
covered, and the street was repaired. This public health hazard and safety problem, that the
city was utterly incapable of addressing, was fixed in about a week by the competent team at
JXN Water.  

I strongly support the stipulated order and request that JXN Water be made responsible for the
sewer system as well. My children's health and safety were put in jeopardy for months by the
city's unlawful neglect and inaction. The EPA and DOJ have a duty to protect our health and
right to safety. These federal agencies have a duty to stop the discharge of billions of gallons
of sewage into the Pearl River.  

I have full faith and confidence in JXN Water to protect our family and the environment and
support them taking on the sewer system.
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From: Tim Meeks

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 12:41:05 PM

Dear Honorable Judge Wingate,

Jackson has suffered much too long from poor water and sewer infrastructure, especially to those most
vulnerable, such as those with lower incomes, the elderly, handicapped and race. While I appreciate
good communication, we just need to make right these long standing wrongs. I just want someone to
use the funding appropriately and fix the issue ASAP.

Therefore, I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and


Tim Meeks

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From: Ashley Meena

Subject: [EXTERNAL] 90-5-1-1-09841 docket 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 4:07:58 PM

Please keep Ted Henifen in charge of the water and sewer in Jackson MS. No one has given a rip in all these years.
The system has been terrible and it is without excuse. Please do not put back into the hands of people who don’t care
about our water and sewer. Just looking for their kick back. Please help us keep getting better by keeping an outside
expert in control.

Sent from my iPad

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From: Ashley Meena

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: Jackson Ms Water
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2023 6:16:41 PM

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: Ashley Meena

Date: August 15, 2023 at 1:46:05 PM CDT
To: [email protected]
Subject: Jackson Ms Water

Please keep Ted Henefin in charge of Jackson MS water system. We have

suffered too long under mismanagement. The environment is suffering from
sewage water being dumped into our rivers. The people are being poisoned by
water that is not properly treated. People of color are suffering by being exposed
to disease causing chemicals in the water. We have someone who is making
progress. Why would anyone stop the process?? Please keep the process moving
forward. Thank you for making Jackson a healthier place for people and the
environment. Ashley Meena

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Carol Anne Miconi

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 10:03:14 AM


I'm writing to express my support of the court's order and the sewer system being managed by
Ted Henifin and JxnWater.

Thank you much,

Carol Anne Miconi
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From: Warren Miconi

Subject: [EXTERNAL]
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 10:21:08 AM

To who it may concern,

I would like to express my thankfulness for the current status of the water and sewer system in
Jackson, MS. I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin
and JxnWater.

Thank you,
Warren Miconi
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From: Joy Milam

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Support of Ted Henifin
Date: Friday, August 18, 2023 1:07:58 PM

Kenny and I support the court order and the continued management of Ted Henifin over Jackson’s sewer system.
Joy and Kenny Milam

Sent from my iPhone

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From: David Miller

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ Ref No. 90-5-1-1-09841, Jackson, MS
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 5:27:24 PM
Attachments: Sewer letter.pdf

Please find attached my letter concerning the proposed Stipulated Order.

David W. Miller
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From: Kent Miller

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 12:44:59 PM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.

Kent Miller
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From: Matt Milner

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson, MS Sewer and Water
Date: Friday, September 1, 2023 12:26:12 AM

To Whom It May Concern,

Ted Henifin has done an outstanding job with the sewer situation here in Jackson, MS.

I, and most of my neighbors, would like to see him take over the water situation here in Jackson. We do not have
potable water and is not safe to drink on a consistent basis.

Having his guidance and wisdom would do us well. Our city is rife with incompetence and corruption (allegedly)
where you cannot trust that any federal funds will be in the hands of a responsible custodian.

Thank you for your consideration,

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From: Mack Mitchell

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 3:28:41 PM

To Whom It may Concern:

I want to offer my support for the order and correspondingly, for the continued management by Ted
Henifin of JxnWater and the sewer system.

Thank you,
Thomas M. Mitchell

Resident of the City of Jackson, MS

And Business Owner in the City of Jackson, MS

Mack Mitchell
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From: Moeller, Armin

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Ted Hennifin Takeover of Sewer System
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 12:54:41 PM

As a year resident of the City of Jackson I fully support Jackson Water’s takeover of the sewer
system. The City has abysmally failed to properly operate the sewer and water system. The City
exhibits neither the leadership or resources to properly operate the sewer system. I have been
waiting for a response to my communicating to the City in 2016 and earlier, the failed storm water
drainage system and subsequent street failures without receiving any response.

Armin Moeller

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From: Anne Mollere

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 - Docket Number 36
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 11:05:05 AM

> I fully support the Court’s order and the Jackson sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin.
> Anne N. Mollere

> Sent from my iPhone
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Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 - Docket Number 36
Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 7:40:59 PM

I support the court’s order and the Jackson Sewer System being managed by Ted Henifin.

Ronnie Mollere
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From: John Moody

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Placement of City of Jackson, MS. under interim third-party manager
Date: Saturday, August 12, 2023 11:04:02 AM

My name is John Moody. I live at . My phone number is

. I am in full support of the receiver taking on the sewer issues as well as the
water system.

Thank you,

John Moody
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From: Ben Moore

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 11:25:27 AM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JxnWater.

Ben Moore
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From: Finney Moore

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023 7:46:07 PM

I am in favor of everything Ted Henifen is doing ! I’ve heard him speak and read many articles and I’m very
Finney Moore

Sent from my iPad

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Subject: [EXTERNAL] 90-5-1-1-09841
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 11:35:25 PM

We are in favor of Ted Henefin taking over the management of the Jackson sewer system. He has done an amazing
job with the water system and know he will do a great job with this also.

SW Morgan

Sent from my iPhone

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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Water and Sewer Administrator
Date: Thursday, August 24, 2023 1:01:25 PM

I’m in favor of Ten Henifin to be in charge of our sewer administration; he has helped solve water issues and I feel
he can do the same for our sewer issues. We need good and dedicated individuals running our city if we want to
attract new business and individuals to our capital city. Thank you. Joe Morris

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Morris, William

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson, MS. water and sewer
Date: Saturday, August 26, 2023 3:12:08 PM

I fully support the assistance from the federal government in assisting Jackson
with a problem it appears we were incapable of fixing on our own. I support the
appointment of a person from the Federal government to take charge of this
problem. My family history here goes back to the founding of this city


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From: Frances Morrison

Subject: [EXTERNAL] We Support Ted Henefin
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 2:15:36 PM

This email is in support of Henifin’s appointment to manage Jackson’s sewer system.

Frances Morrison

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Cooper Morrison

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Ted Henifin Good Job
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023 12:55:16 PM

I strongly urge Judge Wingate to approve assignment of responsibility for operation of the City of Jackson Sewer
System to Ted Henifin and any organization established under his control and leadership.
Cooper Morrison

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From: Mosby, Will

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 3:17:01 PM
Attachments: disclaim.txt

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JxnWater

William R. Mosby
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From: Matthew Moss

Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 1:07:52 PM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted
Henifin and JxnWater.

-Matthew Moss
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From: Nina Moss

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 10:08:40 AM

I support the court’s order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater.

Nina Moss

Sent from my iPhone

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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: DJ#90-511-09841 Docket Number 36 and Support of Order and Ted Henefin (JXN Water) to
manage Sewage for Jackson
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 10:47:12 AM

> As a concerned Jackson resident with children here, it is so important that management of repairing and operations
of the Jackson Sewer system be taken away from the city’s incompetent leadership and permanently placed under
the competent management of JXN Water.
> I have witnessed first hand the tremendous amount of pollution to the Pearl River caused by Jackson Public Works
incompetence. It is an environmental tragedy and shocking that the federal government has not stepped in before
> Thanks,

> Callie B. Mounger

Case 3:12-cv-00790-HTW-LGI Document 67-2 Filed 09/29/23 Page 459 of 483

From: Billy Mounger

Cc: Billy Mounger
Subject: [EXTERNAL] DJ#90-511-09841 Docket Number 36 and Support of Order and Ted Henefin (JXN Water) to
manage Sewage for Jackson
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:50:35 AM


As a long time Jackson resident and one concerned about the environment, it is crucially important that management
of repairing and operations of the Jackson Sewer system be taken away from the city’s incompetent leadership and
permanently placed under the competent management of JXN Water.

I have witnessed first hand the tremendous amount of pollution to the Pearl River ecosystem caused by Jackson
Public Works incompetence. It is an environmental tragedy and shocking that the federal government has not
stepped in before now.

Best regards,

William M. Mounger, II

Sent from my iPad

Case 3:12-cv-00790-HTW-LGI Document 67-2 Filed 09/29/23 Page 460 of 483

From: Virginia Munford

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson MS sewer project
Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 1:56:30 PM

Re: Comments DJ # 90-5-1-1-09841

Docket no. 36

We SUPPORT continuing Ted Henefin's appointment to manage the necessary sewer

operations for the City of Jackson MS until we have resolved the critical problems now
plaguing our system. We have met and spent time with Mr. Henefin and found him to be not
only an experienced and knowledgeable professional but also a person sensitive to the
particular needs and nature of our city. We have talked with local personnel who have worked
with Mr. Henefin and they confirm that he is not only competent but also collaborative in
dealings with people in Jackson who are participating in or affected by his work.
Mr. Henefin's qualification and experience speak for themselves. The fact that he has
broad-based experience and contacts with other cities and professionals across the country can
only inure to our benefit as he pursues options for managing our problems. He has
demonstrated respect for local officials and the public. He understands that a public
assignment requires evaluating local capabilities and finances, and balancing those with
outside expertise when necessary, to design a well functioning longterm system for Jackson.
We trust his professional judgment. We understand he is a hardworking on-the-job type
manager. We are fortunate he is willing to take on this challenging job. We hope he is able to
continue until we have a well designed and functional system we can operate locally.
Thank you.
Luther and Ginnie Munford
Case 3:12-cv-00790-HTW-LGI Document 67-2 Filed 09/29/23 Page 461 of 483

From: Ted Murkerson

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Take Over if Jackson Water/sewer system.
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 7:08:34 PM

Good evening,

Please take over the Jackson water and sewer system! We need your help. These systems are horribly managed and
needs to be cleaned up!

Thank you,

Ted R Murkerson

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Jude Muse

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Sewer system
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2023 9:22:02 PM

Please do not let the sewer system be turned over to Jackson water .. too much dumping has been done. Let Ted
Henefin take over .
Sent from my iPhone
Case 3:12-cv-00790-HTW-LGI Document 67-2 Filed 09/29/23 Page 464 of 483

From: Muthiah Nachiappan

Date: Saturday, August 26, 2023 7:42:03 PM
Attachments: 7-29-22 MUTHIAH NACHIAPPAN CA-YG6-FTC Letter to City of Jackson by


I am an out of state investor and owner of the above referenced property.
I want to bring to your attention that the city's sewer line has been broken for the past
2 years and is backed up causing a backflow into my rental property at
I have complained numerous times to the city including the
mayor’s office and engaging a lawyer to send a letter to the city on July 29, 2022 (see
attached letter). The city essentially ignored the lawyer's letter and has still not
repaired the sewage line. As a result of the city's failure, I have not been able to
rent the property for more than a year causing me considerable stress and
financial harm. I have lost more than one- and one-half years of rent and spent
money on plumber’s bills and cleanups that exceed .

I have also reached out to Ted Hennefin, who was appointed as the third-party
administrator to manage and repair the city's sewer system. I have not received any
response from him either. I am happy to provide additional information including
receipts of bills paid. I want to conclude by stating emphatically that the city’s
repeated neglect to repair the sewer system has made my rental property completely
uninhabitable for more than a year and has caused me to not receive any rents. The
city deliberately ignores the fact that I still have monthly carrying costs in mortgage,
insurance and tax payments.

Please treat this matter with the extreme urgency that it demands. Thank you.

Thank you.


Muthiah Nachiappan
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JULY 29, 2022







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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson sewer system must be run by Mr Henefin
Date: Sunday, August 20, 2023 5:43:53 AM

Good morning!
I give my 100 % TOTAL SUPPORT to Mr Ted Henifin to run our city’s sewer system along with our water
system. He has proven to be a professional and a very competent manager .

HE MUST STAY. I have been a resident of Jackson for the last years .

Our city CANNOT & MUST NOT manage our water or sewer. I will move out of Jackson if the city gets these
services back. City of Jackson needs to focus on reducing crime and improving our streets.

Savita G Nair

Sent from my iPhone

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From: Neely, Walter

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 11:12:07 PM

I support the court's order and the sewer system being managed by Ted Henifin and


Walter p neely

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From: Frances Jean Neely

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 10:07:28 AM

I support the courts order and the sewer system being managed by Ted henefin and JXNWater.
Frances Jean Neely

Sent from my iPad

Case 3:12-cv-00790-HTW-LGI Document 67-2 Filed 09/29/23 Page 472 of 483

From: Barbara Neil

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Ted Henefin must be placed in charge of the sewer system
Date: Friday, August 18, 2023 1:42:44 PM

The City of Jackson has proven through years of mismanagement, no plans to solve issues, just excuses and a lack
of professional accountability that it’s incapable of managing either the water system or the sewer system. The
problems with the water system have been addressed and systematically improved under the management of Ted
Henefin. PLEASE keep him in charge-he’s actually making the water system better after years of incompetency.
Barbara Neil
Resident of Jackson for years

Sent from my iPad

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Bronson E. Newburger

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable
views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.”
-Mark Twain
Case 3:12-cv-00790-HTW-LGI Document 67-2 Filed 09/29/23 Page 475 of 483

From: Taylor Nicholas

Cc: Taylor Nicholas
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comment Submission: United States and State of Mississippi v. City of Jackson, Mississippi; Civil Action
No. 3:12–cv– 790–HTW–LGI (S.D. Miss.), D.J. Ref. No. 90–5–1–1–09841
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 6:17:15 PM
Attachments: GCF Public Comment.docx

Submission is also attached to this message in Microsoft Word Doc format.

           Assistant Attorney General, Environment and Natural Resources Division
United States and State of Mississippi v. City of Jackson, Mississippi
Civil Action No. 3:12–cv– 790–HTW–LGI (S.D. Miss.), D.J. Ref. No. 90–5–1–1–09841


The purpose of this written comment is to express support for the proposed Stipulated Order that
places the operation of the sewer system of the City of Jackson, Mississippi under the control of
an Interim Third Party Manager (ITPM). 

The Great City Mississippi Foundation represents local Jackson business leaders and community
members who share a common goal: 
the desire to see the City of Jackson grow and thrive. 
believe the City’s best days are before us. 
In order for Jackson to achieve growth and progress in
the near and long-term, it is imperative that the sewer system be repaired as soon as possible and
appropriately maintained. 

The issue of faulty wastewater collection and treatment has plagued our community for far too
long. As stated by the Stipulated Order, the Wastewater Collection and Transmission System
“experiences recurring Sanitary Sewer Overflows (“SSOs”) and/or sewer failures that spill raw
sewage into homes, businesses, streets, yards, waterways, and other properties and the Savanna
Street WWTP repeatedly engages in Prohibited Bypasses of wastewater by releasing untreated or
under-treated wastewater into the Pearl River” and these longstanding, perpetual failures have
resulted in more than “4,465,590,000 gallons of untreated or under-treated wastewater” being
discharged into the Pearl River. 

Current conditions are unacceptable. 

These issues must be addressed as soon as possible. 
appointment of an Interim Third Party Manager to lead necessary repair efforts is the most
expeditious and effective path forward. 
We strongly encourage this action and look forward to
much needed progress in the future.

Taylor Nicholas
Great City Mississippi Foundation
Case 3:12-cv-00790-HTW-LGI Document 67-2 Filed 09/29/23 Page 476 of 483

TO: Assistant Attorney General, Environment and Natural Resources Division

DATE: August 30, 2023
SUBJECT: United States and State of Mississippi v. City of Jackson, Mississippi
Civil Action No. 3:12–cv– 790–HTW–LGI (S.D. Miss.), D.J. Ref. No. 90–5–1–1–09841


The purpose of this written comment is to express support for the proposed Stipulated Order that
places the operation of the sewer system of the City of Jackson, Mississippi under the control of
an Interim Third Party Manager (ITPM).

The Great City Mississippi Foundation represents local Jackson business leaders and community
members who share a common goal: the desire to see the City of Jackson grow and thrive. We
believe the City’s best days are before us. In order for Jackson to achieve growth and progress in
the near and long-term, it is imperative that the sewer system be repaired as soon as possible and
appropriately maintained.

The issue of faulty wastewater collection and treatment has plagued our community for far too
long. As stated by the Stipulated Order, the Wastewater Collection and Transmission System
“experiences recurring Sanitary Sewer Overflows (“SSOs”) and/or sewer failures that spill raw
sewage into homes, businesses, streets, yards, waterways, and other properties and the Savanna
Street WWTP repeatedly engages in Prohibited Bypasses of wastewater by releasing untreated or
under-treated wastewater into the Pearl River” and these longstanding, perpetual failures have
resulted in more than “4,465,590,000 gallons of untreated or under-treated wastewater” being
discharged into the Pearl River.

Current conditions are unacceptable. These issues must be addressed as soon as possible. The
appointment of an Interim Third Party Manager to lead necessary repair efforts is the most
expeditious and effective path forward. We strongly encourage this action and look forward to
much needed progress in the future.

Taylor Nicholas
Great City Mississippi Foundation
Case 3:12-cv-00790-HTW-LGI Document 67-2 Filed 09/29/23 Page 477 of 483

TO: Assistant Attorney General, Environment and Natural Resources Division

DATE: August 30, 2023
SUBJECT: United States and State of Mississippi v. City of Jackson, Mississippi
Civil Action No. 3:12–cv– 790–HTW–LGI (S.D. Miss.), D.J. Ref. No. 90–5–1–1–09841


The purpose of this written comment is to express support for the proposed Stipulated Order that
places the operation of the sewer system of the City of Jackson, Mississippi under the control of
an Interim Third Party Manager (ITPM).

The Great City Mississippi Foundation represents local Jackson business leaders and community
members who share a common goal: the desire to see the City of Jackson grow and thrive. We
believe the City’s best days are before us. In order for Jackson to achieve growth and progress in
the near and long-term, it is imperative that the sewer system be repaired as soon as possible and
appropriately maintained.

The issue of faulty wastewater collection and treatment has plagued our community for far too
long. As stated by the Stipulated Order, the Wastewater Collection and Transmission System
“experiences recurring Sanitary Sewer Overflows (“SSOs”) and/or sewer failures that spill raw
sewage into homes, businesses, streets, yards, waterways, and other properties and the Savanna
Street WWTP repeatedly engages in Prohibited Bypasses of wastewater by releasing untreated or
under-treated wastewater into the Pearl River” and these longstanding, perpetual failures have
resulted in more than “4,465,590,000 gallons of untreated or under-treated wastewater” being
discharged into the Pearl River.

Current conditions are unacceptable. These issues must be addressed as soon as possible. The
appointment of an Interim Third Party Manager to lead necessary repair efforts is the most
expeditious and effective path forward. We strongly encourage this action and look forward to
much needed progress in the future.

Taylor Nicholas
Great City Mississippi Foundation
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From: Jo Ann Nowell

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 11:25:04 AM

>> I support the court’s order and the sewage being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater

>> Jo Ann Nowell

Sent from my iPhone

Case 3:12-cv-00790-HTW-LGI Document 67-2 Filed 09/29/23 Page 481 of 483

From: Ric Nowell

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-1-09841 Docket Number 36
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 11:15:55 AM

I support the court’s order and the sewage being managed by Ted Henifin and JXNWater

Ric Nowell

Sent from my iPhone

Case 3:12-cv-00790-HTW-LGI Document 67-2 Filed 09/29/23 Page 482 of 483

From: Luther Ott

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Comments DJ#90-5-1-109841 Docket number 36
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 9:30:45 AM

We support Ted Henifin and JaxnWater.

Luther and Janet Ott,

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Case 3:12-cv-00790-HTW-LGI Document 67-2 Filed 09/29/23 Page 483 of 483

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Jackson Sewer System
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 11:40:40 PM

I am in favor of Ted Henifin, third party manager taking over the Jackson sewer

Felicia Owens

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