Final Work On Cognitive Processes Group 6
Final Work On Cognitive Processes Group 6
Final Work On Cognitive Processes Group 6
Faculty of Humanities
School of Psychology
Final work
Requested by:
Vladimir Rodriguez
Group No.:
Supported by:
Anyi M. Guzmán Mercedes – 100588295
Benny R. Martínez – 100603456
Josilenny Evangelista A. – 100588199
May 9, 2022
Santiago, Dominican Republic
AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF SANTO DOMINGO (UASD).....................................................1
Cognitive Processes (PSI-2050) W06.............................................................................................................1
Final work................................................................................................................................................1
CRITICAL OPINION........................................................................................................................26
In this work we will analyze several concepts of great importance for the elaboration of
This project, we will learn a little more about the basic cognitive process which consists
in the mental operations carried out by the brain, likewise other concepts will be seen such as
perception, attention, memory and consciousness, these are activities that are usually understood as
psychological processes and that are of great importance for carrying out this work. For other
part, this error of reasoning (fallacy), this, although it may seem like a valid argument, it is not,
For its part, the syllogistic reasoning induced with a function of equivalence or the conditional and
To finish we will do it with rational reasoning, this refers to strategies used by the
human being to indicate important patterns within any information channel.
Finally, several activities are carried out on visual perception, this consists of tracking
visual, the activity of attention which consists of focal attention. The activity of the
memory, this is an exercise that is responsible for verifying immediate memory with words the
activity of consciousness serves to evaluate the level of consciousness. Also analyzed was the
language activity, decision-making activity, problem-solving activity
deductive and abductive reasoning, proportional reasoning among others that we hope will fill
expectations of you reading this work.
Basic Cognitive Processes
Cognitive processes are the mental operations that the brain performs to process information. Through these
operations, the brain works with the information around it, stores it and analyzes it to make the corresponding
decisions. Their influence on behavior makes them essential for adaptation to the social environment and survival.
These processes are what allow the brain to process the information that comes to it from the senses, register it,
retrieve it when necessary and, above all, learn.
Cognitive processes, also called cognitive functions, include basic aspects, such as perception and attention, and
more elaborate ones, such as thinking. Any activity we do, such as reading, washing dishes or riding a bicycle,
involves cognitive processing.
This happens with most of our daily activities, so when any of these cognitive functions suffer damage, the ability to
perform certain activities is impaired. (What are cognitive processes?, 2020)
Each and every one of the cognitive processes that we carry out are fundamental when it comes to achieving our
adaptation to the social environment, and even our survival, through its influence on behavior. We have to think that
every physical or mental act we carry out, from picking up a piece of cutlery to eat to singing in the shower, kissing
someone or simply writing this article, means that we have processed a series of information and that we are
operating with it. (castle)
It is a basic cognitive process (but not simple) and one of the most important operations in information processing.
Perception is not a simple process, as it is actually the result of other complex processes, many of which escape our
awareness. One of the purposes of perception is to inform us about the properties of the environment that are vital to
our survival. Another purpose is to help us act in relation to the environment.
Through perception we can organize the information received and interpret it in a meaningful way. Each person
perceives the world differently because each person develops a unique and individual interpretation. The
identification of perception as a complex process derives from the fact that it can be influenced by our knowledge,
memories and expectations. In this sense, perception is understood as a subjective state.
That is, perception INCLUDES the interpretation of the sensation, giving it meaning and organization. Use
experience and memory. It is a subjective and human process. (Profdepsico, 2015)
Visual Perception can be defined as the ability to interpret the information that light from the visible spectrum
reaches our eyes. The result of the interpretation that our brain makes about this information is what we know as
visual perception, sight or vision. (What is visual perception?)
Attention could be defined as the ability to generate, select, direct and maintain an adequate level of activation to
process relevant information. In other words, attention is a process that takes place at a cognitive level and that
allows us to orient ourselves towards those stimuli that are relevant, ignoring those that are not, in order to act
accordingly. (What is attention?, 2018)
Psychology also considers attention as a quality of perception that functions as a kind of filter of stimuli, evaluating
which characteristics are most relevant in order to prioritize the level of importance, leading to deeper processing of
information. (Tortoler)
Memory is the cognitive function that allows us to encode, store and retrieve information from the past. Memory is a
basic process for learning and is what allows us to create a sense of identity. (Cognitive processes)
Language is the ability we have to express thoughts and feelings through words. It is the tool we use to
communicate and to organize and transmit the information we have about ourselves and the world. Language and
thought develop in parallel and are closely related, influencing each other. (Cognitive processes)
The decision is usually related to dilemmas, situations, in which people have reasons to follow more than one
possibility. Therefore, some decisions may be more dilemmatic than others.
In any case, every decision implies a transformation or direct change and poses new challenges for the future.
The word decision, in addition to its common use, contains several areas of application, such as legal, social and
community. (What is Decision)
According to D Zorrilla and collaborators (1973,1982;1999), problem solving is the self-directed cognitive-
behavioral process through which a person attempts to identify or discover effective or adaptive solutions to specific
problem solutions encountered in life.
According to these authors, the general ability to solve problems includes a series of specific skills, along with
motivation, attitude and the assessment we make of those problems. (22nd)
Human Reasoning
Inductive Reasoning
It is a logical thinking process in which you use observations and experiential information that you already know to
inform decisions and reach logical conclusions, when you analyze a specific set of data and information to form
general conclusions based on existing knowledge from learning experiences. past is implementing inductive
Inductive reasoning is limited because it establishes theories based only on limited evidence or knowledge. Because
it limits the basis on which the hypothesis lies it can prove to limit the number of possible outcomes as well.
(Indeed, 2021)
Deductive reasoning.
When we talk about deductive reasoning, we refer to a type of argument in which a general premise leads to a
specific conclusion. The premise is that deductive argument that, because it is a law, a rule or a general principle, is
accepted as truth. In short, deductive reasoning is that which starts from premises that necessarily lead to a
The conclusions of deductive reasoning do not provide new information, but only confirm the premise. Furthermore,
this is one of the main types of inductive and abductive reasoning. (WHAT IS DEDUCTIVE REASONING, 2021)
Hypothesis Testing
A hypothesis test is a rule that specifies when a claim about a population can be accepted or rejected depending on
the evidence provided by a sample of data. (What is a hypothesis test?, 2019)
Propositional Reasoning
It is what is made from propositions or verbal statements that include various logical connectives such as
conjunction, disjunction, equivalence or the conditional. The conjunction is a basic and very simple connective
through which we join 2 statements.
2. Interpretation/exclusive disjunction: in which when the 2 propositions are true the disjunctive
statement is false. (Propositional reasoning, 2019)
Syllogistic Reasoning
Syllogistic reasoning studies deductive inferences made with propositions that have quantifiers of quantity
(universal, particular) and polarity (affirmative, negative).
From the combination of polarity and quantity, 4 types of statements appear (page 237):
1. Universal affirmative (A) All A's are B.
2. Negative universal (E) no A is B.
3. Particular affirmative (I): some A is B
4. Negative particular (O): some A are not B.
The syllogistic argument is made up of two premises and a conclusion in which a new relationship is established
between the propositions through the middle term. (syllogistic reasoning)
Relational Reasoning
Relational reasoning refers to a body of strategies upon which the human mind's ability to identify meaningful
patterns within any flow of information is based. (Relational reasoning can improve clinical performance and avoid
medical errors)
Findings and/or Results The patient's cognitive faculties have been very good
What problems did they encounter?Summarize the so far. With a little lack of concentration to distinguish
details of the problems encountered.
between the words of the last evaluation.
Critical Opinion of the Group Anyi: Results that we expected to obtain, with some
What do you think of these results? Because? Give difficulties.
your opinion and argue. The patient does not suffer from any pathology, and
so far she has not had any difficulties with her vision,
but at the time of the memory evaluation we could
notice that she was a little distracted by some things
that she had to solve with limited time.
Awareness Language
Resources and Cellular, Google Meet App, Cellular Laptop, Cell Phone, GoogleMee
Instruments to Evaluate What
instruments (examination, tests,
scale, interview, questionnaire,
technological applications) have
you implemented?
Procedures of Phonological Awareness. Unfinished Prayers.
Assessment In this exercise, the patient is The exercise shows a list of unfinished
How did you carry out the presented with a series of pictograms sentences to work on language, so that the
process to assess these problems? with the name below, with letters patient finishes them. The first thing we do
cognitive? missing. Where the patient will have is read out loud the first part of the sentence,
Explain the steps they took and to complete the words and then read then the patient must finish the sentence to
why they did it that way. it aloud. complete the exercise.
After analyzing the patient's Based on the answers given by the patient,
Findings I responses, we were able to determine we consider that his language is in good
Results That that her phonological awareness was condition since he had the ability to give
problems found? in good condition since she managed logically correct answers throughout the
Summarize the details of the to complete the words with the activity.
problems encountered. correct letters and was also able to
Explain them and recite them after completing them.
Critical Opinion of each 1. Anyi: I found it very 1. Anyi: The patient had a good
Researcher. effective, it was good for development, since she was very
What do you think of these determining the test and it confident throughout the entire
results? had very good procedure.
Because? Comment and approaches. 2. Brenny: In observation,
argue. Opinion of each pacinete in my point of view,
investigator 2. Brenny : I found it very very sure of herself at the moment
Well, at the time of the test The evaluation had a lot to do with
given to the patient, he the answers being clear and
performed well and had forceful.
very good results.
They are not the same for 2. Brenny: The results were
everyone when deciding. Each
successful in evaluating the
one has the option to decide on
patient, he was able to find the gift
what best suits or fits our life,
without problems, tools we use are
they could choose any color,
very important for the brain and
but they chose the one that
contained the best option for 3. Josilenny: The patient was very
her. intelligent when it came to
2. Brenny: The patient was able this procedure, since he was able
perform very well when making to find the gift without any
decisions, and the most problem.
important that you were able to
choose the option that best
suited you.
3. Josilenny: I think that
The most important thing was
that the patient opted for the
decision that seemed most
correct to her and when it came
to choosing she did so perfectly.
Findings and/or Results Based on the answers given by the After analyzing the patient's responses, we
What problems did you patient, we consider that her level of were able to determine that her deductive
find? inductive reasoning is in good reasoning is in a medium state, since she
Summarize the details of condition since she had the ability to had difficulty carrying out the exercise the
the problems give logical and correct answers first time. She remained thoughtful and
encountered. throughout the activity where she after a few minutes she was able to deduce
Explain them established that figure 21 has 64 cubes. that the sum of the product of that
Described by Sgte. manner: multiplication was 19.
No. cubes in fig. 21 = 3 (21) + 1
1. Anyi: Good management, 1. Anyi: Despite your profession, it is
starting from the particular to confirmed that we all have the right to
the general with examples make mistakes at some point, but we
captured in cubes, using logic. have the privilege of looking at the
He seems to be a person with a problem again and trying to find a
lot of agility in thinking and solution or direct solution. I consider
reasoning who I think is very that it is a good exercise for any test,
good at analyzing the problem being able to show it in different areas.
to reach the end of it.
Abductive Reasoning
Based on the patient's response, where she establishes that the conclusion to the premises is: José must be
overweight. We can determine that the patient's abductive reasoning is in good condition, since she responded
precisely and in record time to what was expected.
1. Anyi: Due to his reasoned development, he has good abduction management, as is what is put into practice
when completing the exercise presented.
2. Josilenny: During the exercise he was able to perform very well, so I consider him a person with great
agility and good handling.
3. Brenny: According to the data obtained, the patient is in good condition, she had good management and
responded in a precise and effective manner, responding precisely and in record time to what was expected.
interview seemed very peaceful, see, the patient did obtain the
How did you carry out the thieves to get a treasure. At the back of terms and some other number that
process to assess these the first bedroom he found two doors facilitate said calculation.
issues and behind each door is a treasure or a
cognitive? Explain the steps they deadly trap. In this case we ask the patient to find
took and why they did it that a number that adds up to 14 out of
Findings and/or Results Based on the answer given by the After the patient finds the unknown
That issues patient, we can determine that her value in the
They found? Summarize the propositional reasoning capacity is in equality 14 + n = 20, which
details of the problems poor condition, since she made a
encountered. Explain them and mistake in answering the questions.
argue. The correct answer being that there is a
treasure (AVB) and it is located behind
door B.
Syllogistic Reasoning
What she did was ask if she was in a good state to answer the question we had for her, to which she correctly
answered yes.
We proceed to question, where the patient must select the correct answer:
The green watch is less expensive than the blue watch. The blue watch is more expensive than the white one.
Which is the least cheap?
a) White
b) Green
c) Blue
The patient responded that the correct answer is c, which corresponds to the color blue.
Based on the answer given by the patient, we can say that the patient's syllogistic reasoning is in good
condition since she correctly answered the question asked of her.
1. Josilenny: According to this reasoning, the patient was able to select the correct answer, demonstrating
that her syllogistic reasoning is at a good level. At the time of this procedure, the patient was in good
condition to carry out this process and seemed confident and relaxed, and that made her think more
confident and she did it in an excellent way.
2. Brenny : Based on the syllogistic reasoning response, the patient was able to function very well, we
can say that she is in good condition since she was able to decipher the questions and seemed more
secure and confident in this realization...
3. Anyi: She has been questioned with clear, simple questions, but at the same time a little witty as people
sometimes say, with which it was possible to conclude that her stimulation was heightened and that she
felt calm at the moment when the problem was presented to her. case. It will also be necessary to
provide the necessary confidence or that the patient himself needs so that he does not feel nervous or
distressed in a case like this.
We can conclude that the cognitive processes we can refer to are a set of mental actions that allow us to carry
out daily operations in order to orient ourselves, mental processes involved in knowledge. Cognitive
processes are those that allow us to analyze, know, think, organize and store information, which is why they
are so important, one of their main objectives is to understand. And also, the given activities which facilitate
and help us improve how to evaluate patients with various applied forms. These activities were effective and
played a role in evaluating cognitive processes.
During the entire process, findings were found where we were able to determine some difficulties that our
patient presented. But, these findings could be controlled and made somewhat manageable when it came to
evaluation. In each performance that was done during this process we took a lot into account what the well-
being was and that our patient was in good condition, so that she would have acceptable results.
In the given evaluations it helped us to be more specific at the time of each realization and thus be able to
determine certain conditions in terms of attention, awareness and language. All the processes used could
make the work more complex. In this way we were able to carry out evaluations that could give results
instantly and be able to more precisely determine some cognitive processes so that they were both positive
and negative.
We consider that on a few occasions where some exercises or evaluations were applied, we did not obtain the
desired result, since, in different situations, said patient did not achieve that concentration and seemed
distressed and thoughtful. Although sometimes I could have that pressure of wanting to make things
acceptable, but it was always about finding a solution, since these exercises were excellent and could be
applied in different areas.
Finally, throughout this process the expected results were obtained, nothing that we could not correct or help
you with. After carrying out this work we were able to help and serve him to improve the small difficulties he
Through these processes that the individual has, I realize and confirm again that each human being is
different, and because of them they behave differently thanks to the fact that we manage our mental faculties
in different ways, because in the end we are natural, something that makes us be unique. Although the patient
provided us with the help of allowing us to work with her to learn new things that I personally did not know,
taking into account that later I will be able to learn more about these processes, in the meantime we are
scrutinizing the concepts and functions with those that comply.
Reasoning has been made up of two primary divisions, but these two have become extinct, so he concluded
that human thought is extensive and has a lot of importance. Today I understand that reasoning makes us a
better person, both personally and for the society that surrounds us. surrounds It has been a unique
experience because I was able to acquire knowledge, but I have also generated many doubts, which I will
later be able to answer in the proper way possible.
❖ Anyi Guzman
After having completed each topic discussed in this work, I consider it extremely important to know the
cognitive functions since it stores and analyzes information so that we can make better decisions. Cognitive
processes also have basic aspects such as perception and attention, among others such as thinking; each
activity we carry out involves cognitive processing.
Regarding perception, attention and memory, these are psychological processes. Through perception we can
organize and interpret information in an extremely significant way. Attention guides us to the highlighted
stimuli. I can say about memory that it is extremely relevant since it helps us. allows encoding to store and
retrieve information from the past. Based on what we have read regarding the consequences, this process is
our inner voice, while language is our way of expressing both thoughts and feelings through what we speak.
To finalize the decision, this would be the final stage of the reasoning process aimed at solving the problems.
❖ Brenny Martinez
Teaching about each topic discussed in this work, I can say that each of the cognitive functions in general is
important to take into account since it depends on how we act and think when making any decision we are
going to make. Perception is also important since through it our brain interprets the stimuli it collects at a
sensory level. There are various types of perception and among them is sight or visual perception.
Perception is not a unitary process that is carried out spontaneously, but rather a series of phases must occur
for the correct capture of the stimuli. Since perception is an active process, we must select, organize and
interpret said information. Regarding reasoning, it helps us organize, reason and structure ideas for a
conclusion. Reasoning implies a mental activity and reasoning also makes it possible to solve a problem and
learn. I can identify problem solving where the advances in cognitive psychology are confronted.
• Josilenny Evangelista
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Visual perception
Visual tracking.
Immediate memory. Read the words, close your eyes and recite them out loud.
Guitar Apple
Fish Glasses
Cactus Goat
Lightbulb Stone
Chart Car
Language Activity
faith to io
ñe aada
• Figure 1: 4 = 3 x 1 + 1
• Figure 2: 7 = 3 x 2 + 1
• Figure 3: 10 = 3 x 3 + 1
Inductive Reasoning
Troubleshooting. Labyrinth
Deductive reasoning