Government of Adolfo Ruiz Cortines

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events that quickly harmed Mexican agricultural

Adolfo Ruiz Cortines production.

 implemented the Emergency Agricultural Plan. It was
presented on December 11, 1952 by Gilberto Flores
Muños, Secretary of Agriculture and Livestock, and
took office in January 1953.
 During Holy Week 1954 , on April 17, Ruiz Cortines
devalued the peso from $8.50 to $12.50 per dollar.
 In 1954 , a budget of 20.2% was allocated to the
parastatal sector, fiscal facilities were provided to
private companies, which allowed extensions and
taxes to be raised considerably.
 It was established that no taxes would be paid on
salaries of $300 pesos per month, in order to
President of the United Mexican States in the six-year term from 1952 to 1958 improve the income of buyers of Mexican products.
 The Financiera Nacional Azucarera was created,
Economic aspects. whose objective was to promote the sugar industry.
 During his administration, the real wages of workers
 During his administration, the real salaries of
workers increased; Oil works were financed through
 Oil works were financed through the use of bond
the use of bond issues and without contracting
issues and without contracting external debt.
external debt. At the end of his six-year term in
 In 1954, economic problems arose due to the
1958 , Ruiz Cortines left a debt of $798 million
antitrust law and the creation of CEIMSA.
dollars .
 These problems became evident at the end of the
Korean War in 1953 , as global demand was reduced
and international prices for raw materials decreased,
Social aspects. time, there was an intense struggle among the
 The work of Don Ernesto P stands out. labor leaders for the power of the organized
Uruchurto regent of Mexico City, who remodels movement.
the city.  A new labor organization emerged that brought
 Ruiz Cortines instructed Antonio Otiz Mena, together several confederations in favor of the
director of the IMSS, to bring insurance to all government, but that was against the CTM. This
parts of the country and to initiate social new entity was called the Revolutionary
insurance for farmers; He also ordered that Confederation of Workers and Peasants (CROC).
there be adequate use of the money allocated to  A conflict took place in teaching caused by a
that agency to avoid waste in medical and group of teachers trained in Cardenism, who had
medicine expenses. problems with the official union and decided to
 He sought to provide a solution to social go on strike as a means of pressure.
problems and began a new era of austerity and  Airports were modernized
 On October 17, 1953, President Ruiz Cortines
kept his promise and promulgated the
constitutional reforms that gave women the vote
in federal elections.
 He formed the Maritime Progress Program,
called Marcha Mar
 The Federal Electricity Commission granted
service to more than six hundred locations.
 During the six-year term of Ruiz Cortines,
control over workers increased. At the same
Political aspects.  During Ruiz Cortines' six-year term, several
 Ruiz Cortines employed a policy of austerity and governors from different entities in the
moralization during his six-year term. country were against him because they did not
 Amends the Law on Responsibilities of Public like the form of government he had
Officials. He forces them to declare assets and implemented. One of the governors who was
promises to investigate fortunes. removed from office during his six-year term
 During his government, educational facilities was the Governor of Guerrero Alejandro Gómez
were built in various places in the country and Maganda , a great friend of former president
campaigns were carried out to eradicate Miguel Alemán .
illiteracy; but the educational backwardness was  There were small student demonstrations over
never resolved the invasion of Guatemala in 1954 in Mexico City
 The master plan of the metropolitan area was . The National Teachers' School, the Higher
also formulated, so as to coordinate the action Normal School and several schools dependent on
of the federal government, especially through the National Polytechnic Institute were closed
the department of the Federal District and the due to the lack of classrooms and other
government of Edo. from Mexico. facilities.
 modified article 28 to severely sanction  Ruiz Cortines implemented a “Stabilizing Policy”
monopolies of essential products. In order to that had the objective of stopping the rapid
combat inflation and clean up public finances increase in the cost of living
 Created the National Nuclear Energy
 He expropriated foreign lands but respected
small property.

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