Leung Thesis

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Beyond DCF Analysis in Real Estate Financial Modeling: Probabilistic Evaluation of

Real Estate Ventures

Beyond DCF Analysis in Real Estate Financial Modeling: Probabilistic Evaluation of
Real Estate Ventures


pro formas

ex ante


pro forma
pro forma
Table of Contents
ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................................... 2
Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Table of Figures ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................................. 6
CHAPTER 1: Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 7
............................................................................................................................ 7
............................................................................................................... 8
........................ 9
......................................... 10
.......................................................................... 12
CHAPTER 2: SimpleCo Tower A Deterministic Example .............................................................. 14
.................................................................................... 14
............................................................................ 14
................................................................................................ 15
CHAPTER 3: ModerateCo Tower Incorporating Uncertainty into a Financial Model.............. 16
................................................. 16
........................................................................... 17
........................................................................ 18
... 20
......................................................................... 22
CHAPTER 4: ChallengeCo Tower Managing Uncertainty in Real Estate Projects ..................... 24
..................................................... 24
..................................................................... 25
CHAPTER 5: Quantifying Uncertainty in the Real World................................................................. 28
.................................................................................. 28
.............................. 30
...................................................................................... 31
CHAPTER 6: Managing Uncertainty in the Real World .................................................................... 37
................................................................................................ 37
.................................................................................... 38
.......................................................................................... 40
............................................................................................................................... 41
CHAPTER 7: Two World Trade Center Case Study............................................................................ 44
................................................................................................................ 44
.......................... 46
Pro Forma ................................................................................................................................. 51
................................................................................................................. 52
........................................................................................................................................ 53
CHAPTER 8: Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 55
BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................................................ 57
Appendix A Incorporating Uncertainty into a Financial Model ........................................... 60
Appendix B Performing Monte Carlo Simulations.................................................................. 62
Appendix C Creating Cumulative Distribution Functions (CDFs) in Excel......................... 64
Appendix D Using IF Statements to Model Real Options for Real Estate Ventures .......... 66
Table of Figures
............................................................................................................ 14
................................................................................................. 14
..................................................................................................... 15
....................................................................................................... 16
....................................................... 17
........................ 18
.................................................................................... 20
.......................................................... 21
........................................................................................................ 23
.............................................. 23
........................................................................................ 25
....................................................................................... 26
.................................................................... 44
...................................................................................... 45
......................................................................................................... 49
........................................................................................................... 49
........................................................................................... 51
.............................................................................................. 53
................................................................................................. 54

undertake the impossible and design the unexpected

CHAPTER 1: Introduction

The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games

pro forma

pro forma

pro forma
pro formas


pro forma
pro forma

pro forma.
CHAPTER 2: SimpleCo Tower A Deterministic Example

pro forma

Figure 1: SimpleCo Tower Sketch

pro forma:

SimpleCo Tower Assumptions

Purchase Price $100 /gsf
Gross Floor Area 170,000 sf
Efficiency 90%
Office Rent $30 /sf
Rent Growth Rate 3%
Expense Growth 3%
Stabilized Vacancy 5%
Expenses $15 /sf
Capital Expenditures 10% of NOI pro forma.
Terminal Cap Rate 11.00%
OCC/Discount Rate 12.50%
Figure 2: SimpleCo Tower Assumptions

(in 000's) Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Potential Gross Income $4,590 $4,728 $4,870 $5,016 $5,166 $5,321 $5,481 $5,645 $5,814 $5,989 $6,169
Vacancy $230 $236 $243 $251 $258 $266 $274 $282 $291 $299 $308
Effective Gross Income $4,361 $4,491 $4,626 $4,765 $4,908 $5,055 $5,207 $5,363 $5,524 $5,689 $5,860

Operating Expenses $2,550 $2,627 $2,705 $2,786 $2,870 $2,956 $3,045 $3,136 $3,230 $3,327 $3,427

Net Operating Income $1,811 $1,865 $1,921 $1,978 $2,038 $2,099 $2,162 $2,227 $2,293 $2,362 $2,433

Capital Expenditures $181 $186 $192 $198 $204 $210 $216 $223 $229 $236

CF From Operations $1,629 $1,678 $1,729 $1,781 $1,834 $1,889 $1,946 $2,004 $2,064 $2,126
Reversion (Purchase and Sale) $17,000 $22,120
PBTCF $17,000 $1,629 $1,678 $1,729 $1,781 $1,834 $1,889 $1,946 $2,004 $2,064 $24,246

Figure 3: SimpleCo Tower Pro Forma

pro forma


pro forma.
CHAPTER 3: ModerateCo Tower Incorporating Uncertainty into a Financial Model

pro forma

pro forma

Figure 4: ModerateCo Tower Sketch

Figure 5: Normal Distribution Curve Used to Model Rent Growth
Figure 6: Results from the Monte Carlo Simulation ENPV versus Deterministic NPV

pro forma.

pro forma
Figure 7: Non linearity in the Rent Growth Rate

pro forma

pro formas

ex ante

Figure 8: ModerateCo Tower Cumulative Distribution Function

pro formas

pro forma
Random Walk Illustration for Rent Growth Rate Starting at 3%
Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
5% up 2% x
4% x up 1%
3% x dn 1% x
2% x dn 2%
1% dn 2%
0% x
Figure 9: Random Walk Illustration

Results ENPV St. Dev.

ModerateCo $192,043 $4,920,803
ModerateCo w/ Random Walk $1,042,254 $9,240,832
SimpleCo Deterministic NPV ($134,701)
Figure 10: Comparison of Returns between ModerateCo
and SimpleCo
CHAPTER 4: ChallengeCo Tower Managing Uncertainty in Real Estate Projects

pro forma

pro forma
Figure 11: Three ChallengeCo Tower Options

pro formas
pro forma

pro forma
pro forma
Figure 12: ChallengeCo Tower Expected NPVs
CHAPTER 5: Quantifying Uncertainty in the Real World

pro forma
Long run Market Trend:
Long run Market Cycle:

Market Volatility:

Short run inertia:

Individual Asset Volatility:

Individual Asset Pricing Noise:

Black Swans:
Pro Forma

pro forma
Uniform Distributions:

Normal (Gaussian) Distributions:

Triangular Distributions:
CHAPTER 6: Managing Uncertainty in the Real World


ex ante
CHAPTER 7: Two World Trade Center Case Study

We developed a short case study to connect and apply the concepts presented in this thesis to
a realistic situation. The scenario created for this thesis is inspired by an actual case study
done on the World Trade Center site in New York City (Queenan, 2013). While the story is
fictitious, the assumptions are made to be as realistic as possible with basis from legitimate

Figure 13: World Trade Center Site Plan

pro forma

Figure 14: 2WTC Rendering (PANYNNJ, 2013)

pro forma
Pro Forma
pro forma
pro forma

Initial Rent

pro forma
Long Run Trend

Market Volatility

Market Cyclicality
Figure 15: Real Estate Cycle Length

Figure 16: The Regular Sine Curve


Black Swan

Cap Rate

Operating Expenses and Construction Costs

Pro Forma

pro formas

pro forma

pro forma

Figure 17: 2 WTC Sketch up of Alternatives

pro forma

pro forma pro forma

pro forma
pro formas

in Millions Inflex 30 Flex 30 Flex 40 Flex 50 Inflex 60

Expected NPV ($191) $14 $9 $4 $14
Median ($251) ($145) ($137) ($128) ($95)
Mode ($300) ($500) ($500) ($300) ($300)
Std Deviation $371 $710 $714 $719 $731
Value 5% ($686) ($792) ($847) ($901) ($962)
At 10% ($604) ($708) ($742) ($770) ($808)
Risk 25% ($455) ($543) ($535) ($527) ($502)
Median 50% ($251) ($145) ($137) ($128) ($95)
Value 75% $7 $400 $397 $388 $414
At 90% $295 $979 $963 $948 $977
Gain 95% $509 $1,383 $1,372 $1,349 $1,380
Figure 18: 2 WTC Financial Model Results
Figure 19: 2 WTC Distribution Function
CHAPTER 8: Conclusion

pro formas

Real Estate Economics 23

Monte Carlo Simulations Versus DCF in

Real Estate Portfolio Valuation

Review of General Psychology 5

Journal of
Political Economy 81

Risk, Uncertainty and Decision Making in Property Development


of Financial Economics 7

Flexibility in Engineering Design

Urban economics and real estate markets

Real Estate Economics 25

Financial Analysts Journal

The Journal of Finance 65

Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education 11

The Journal of Real Estate Finance and

Economics 9

Commercial real estate analysis & investments / David M. Geltner ... [et

The Journal of Finance 48

Colliers Manhattan Office Report Q4 2013

Theory into Practice


On Course: a week by week guide to your first semester of college teaching


The Review of Financial Studies 1

The Journal of Real Estate Research 7

Investment Science

The Journal of Finance 25

Journal of Property.
Valuation and Investment 4


Risk adjusted asset valuation using a probabilistic approach with

optimized asking rents and resale timing options

Nature 72

Industrial Management Review 6

The International Journal of Aviation Psychology 4

The Flaw of Averages: Why We

Underestimate Risk in the Face of Uncertainty

Talking About Leaving: Why Undergraduates Leave The Sciences

The American Economic

Review 80

New York

Fixed Income Securities: Valuation, Risk, and Risk Management

Real Estate Economics


Real Estate Economics 37

Appendix A Incorporating Uncertainty into a Financial Model
(in 000's) Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Potential Gross Revenue $4,590 $4,783 $4,985 $5,195 $5,414 $5,642 $5,880 $6,128 $6,386 $6,656 $6,936
Vacancy $230 $239 $249 $260 $271 $282 $294 $306 $319 $333 $347
Effective Gross Revenue $4,361 $4,544 $4,736 $4,935 $5,144 $5,360 $5,586 $5,822 $6,067 $6,323 $6,589

Operating Expenses $2,550 $2,627 $2,705 $2,786 $2,870 $2,956 $3,045 $3,136 $3,230 $3,327 $3,427

Net Operating Income $1,811 $1,918 $2,031 $2,149 $2,273 $2,404 $2,541 $2,686 $2,837 $2,996 $3,162

Capital Expenditures $181 $192 $203 $215 $227 $240 $254 $269 $284 $300

CF From Operations $1,629 $1,726 $1,828 $1,934 $2,046 $2,164 $2,287 $2,417 $2,553 $2,696
Reversion (Purchase and Sale) $17,000 $28,749
PBTCF $17,000 $1,629 $1,726 $1,828 $1,934 $2,046 $2,164 $2,287 $2,417 $2,553 $31,445

NPV $3,019
Appendix B Performing Monte Carlo Simulations

pro forma
pro forma

pro forma
Appendix C Creating Cumulative Distribution Functions (CDFs) in Excel

pro forma
Appendix D Using IF Statements to Model Real Options for Real Estate Ventures

ChallengeCo Parameters Year 0 1 2 3

Total Development Cost $100 /gsf
Efficiency 90%
Gross Floor Area (Addition Incl) 170,000 sf 0.00 0.00 0.00
Option Exercise Trigger: Rent $35 /sf
Flex Development Cost $105 /gsf $ 108.15 $ 110.30 $ 111.37
Office Rent $30 /sf $ 30.90 $ 31.51 $ 31.82
Rent Growth Rate 3% 1.99% 0.97% 0.79%
Expenses $15 /sf $ 15.45 $ 16.00 $ 16.59
Expense Growth Rate 3% 3.56% 3.70% 7.11%
Vacancy 10% 19.38% 15.20% 26.38%
Capital Expenditures 10% of NOI 10.16% 10.84% 10.97%
Terminal Cap Rate 11.00% 11.18% 11.84% 11.57%
OCC/Discount Rate 12.50%
ChallengeCo Parameters Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Total Development Cost $100 /gsf
Efficiency 90%
Gross Floor Area (Addition Incl) 170,000 sf 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 170,000 sf
Option Exercise Trigger: Rent $35 /sf
Flex Development Cost $105 /gsf $ 108.15 $ 108.46 $ 110.78 $ 113.79 $ 116.91 $ 123.14
Office Rent $30 /sf $ 30.90 $ 30.99 $ 31.65 $ 32.51 $ 33.40 $ 35.18
Rent Growth Rate 3% 0.29% 2.13% 2.73% 2.74% 5.33% 0.43%
Expenses $15 /sf $ 15.45 $ 16.05 $ 16.62 $ 17.12 $ 17.73 $ 18.59
Expense Growth Rate 3% 3.89% 3.55% 2.97% 3.61% 4.84% 0.86%
Vacancy 10% 4.79% 12.95% 10.16% 9.99% 4.88% 0.00%
Capital Expenditures 10% of NOI 9.85% 9.76% 9.44% 10.04% 9.72% 9.51%
Terminal Cap Rate 11.00% 10.83% 11.31% 11.08% 11.60% 11.92% 11.49%
OCC/Discount Rate 12.50%

pro forma


value if true
logical test

value if false
Build 170k sf
If Rent > Trigger

Dont build
value if true
logical test #1
value if true #2

logical test #2
(value if false)

value if false #2

Has construction Dont build

already begun?
Build 170k sf

Is Rent > Trigger?

Dont build
Has construction Dont build
already begun?
Dont build

Is Vacancy > Trigger?

Build 170k sf

Is Rent > Trigger?

Dont build

pro forma
ChallengeCo Parameters Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Total Development Cost $100 /gsf
Efficiency 90%
Gross Floor Area (Addition Incl) 170,000 sf 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 170,000 sf 0.00
Option Exercise Trigger: Rent $35 /sf
Option Exercise Trigger: Vacancy 5.00%
Flex Development Cost $105 /gsf $ 108.15 $ 111.67 $ 117.06 $ 119.86 $ 128.57 $ 139.67
Office Rent $30 /sf $ 30.90 $ 31.91 $ 33.45 $ 34.24 $ 36.73 $ 39.91
Rent Growth Rate 3% 3.26% 4.82% 2.39% 7.27% 8.64% 6.85%
Expenses $15 /sf $ 15.45 $ 15.71 $ 15.41 $ 15.29 $ 14.74 $ 14.91
Expense Growth Rate 3% 1.69% 1.92% 0.76% 3.59% 1.12% 0.74%
Vacancy 10% 1.61% 4.01% 4.74% 0.00% 0.00% 1.13%
Capital Expenditures 10% of NOI 10.18% 10.23% 10.32% 10.40% 9.53% 8.20%
Terminal Cap Rate 11.00% 10.96% 11.27% 11.85% 12.06% 12.12% 11.56%
OCC/Discount Rate 12.50%

ChallengeCo Flexibility
(in 000's) Year 1 2 3 4 5 6
Potential Gross Income $4,728 $4,882 $5,117 $5,239 $5,620 $12,212
Vacancy $76 $196 $243 $ $ $138
Effective Gross Income $4,652 $4,686 $4,874 $5,239 $5,620 $12,073

Operating Expenses $2,364 $2,404 $2,358 $2,340 $2,256 $4,562

Net Operating Income $2,288 $2,282 $2,517 $2,900 $3,364 $7,511

pro formas

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