Practical Case IP084 Integrated Management System

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To carry out the Practical Case, it is highly recommended to read the instructions at the beginning of this

Practical Case
1. Develop an integrated management policy for MOLEX. Remember everything you must consider so that it is
written correctly.
Writing today about the business environment mentioning that it is dynamic and
turbulent should be considered redundant, since it has been that way for several years and the
world scenario does not predict changes in this regard. The new business demands are not only
given by the client, but also workers, investors and even populations impacted by industrial
processes become interested parties of organizations. For this reason and in agreement with
Abad Puente (2009), it is necessary to question maintaining separate management systems and
generating the consequent sub-optimizations and duplications of resources. The standards are
based on management principles (continuous improvement, process management, high
management involvement) and share similar schemes and requirements (worker training,
internal audits, definition of objectives), so integration constitutes a way to formulate (Ricardo
Cabrera, Medina León, Abab Puente, Nogueira Rivera, & Núñez Chaviano, 2015)

Based on the previous approach we can express that companies when seeking GIS i They will generate in their
processes and activities a gradual increase in efficiency and effectiveness in their management, culminating in a
quality product or service. To carry out this objective, senior management must implement a system where it
must take into account common core elements such as: policy, organization and responsibilities, training,
audits, preventive actions, to mention a few established in the standard.

According to the elements that have been given to us and the bibliographic research carried out, we can say
that an integrated policy of MOLEX SA can be the following:


At Molex SA, we offer practical solutions for the automotive market, we depend on the satisfaction of
customers and the general public, focused on Quality, Timely and Competitive Service, as well as searching for
Innovative market trends in Integrated Products and Processes, also based on the principles of environmental
protection and prevention of occupational risks, with the following commitments:

• Culturalize our staff through Occupational Health and Safety, Quality and Environment programs
integrated into all processes.
 Effectively minimize workplace accidents, protecting the health of our workers.
 Guarantee compliance with current legislation regarding Occupational and Environmental Risk
• Manage natural resources in a rational and planned manner in production processes.
 Minimize the emission of noise and pollution of gases produced by the processes.
 Rational use of waste to achieve its reduction.
• Molex SA will take care to transmit and enforce the Integrated Management System Policy to its
workers, suppliers and the general public for the continuous improvement of the Management Systems.
 Provide clients and Management with the confidence that the desired quality is being obtained
through the corresponding documentary verification, communication and dissemination, maintaining
this policy.

2. In relation to the objectives described, which of them should never be part of the list when addressing
implementation in MOLEX. Give reasons for your answer.

In relation to the objectives proposed by MOLEX SA, what should not be part of is: Effectively avoid ii workplace
accidentsiii . Since there is no commitment to risk prevention, but rather to prevent insurance disbursements
for accidents that can be reduced, which would in no way ensure the efficiency of the company's integrated
management. The word Avoid should be replaced by, minimize, reduce, leaving the objective as follows:
Effectively minimize workplace accidents by making the action protocols in case of emergency known to all
company personnel.

3. Which of the procedures described are specific, which are shared by two systems, and which are common to
all three systems?

Specific to each Common to two Common to all

system systems three systems
Integrated Management System (GIS)
Manual x

Prevention plan x
Strategic Planning (Policy, Objectives,
Indicators) x

Review by Management x

Identification of Applicable Legislation x

Internal audits x

Customer Satisfaction/Complaints x
Training and Human Resources
Preventive Planning

Control of Measurement Equipment x

Preparation and Distribution of GIS
Documentation x

Documentation Filing System x

Communication x
Treatment of Non-Conformities /
Corrective Actions / Preventive Actions x
Action against Emergencies (G.
Environmental and Health and Safety) x
Action and Investigation in the event of
Incidents and Workplace Accidents x
Review of the Technical and Contractual
Documentation of the Work x
Identification and Evaluation of
Occupational Risks – Preparation of H&S
Plans x
Identification and Evaluation of
Environmental Aspects x
Quality and Environment Management
Plan x

Purchasing and Supplier Evaluation x

Prevention Management on Site x

Epi's Management x

Visits to Works and Stable Work Centers x

4. Based on the material provided in the documentation, develop the P-CORP.1 Communication procedure.

"Managing is making things happen."

(Bejmar, 2005)
THE ORGANIZATION: Document Code: Edition date:
Purpose: Increase interaction with customers in the short term to offer confidence that the desired
quality is being obtained in the production of automotive metal parts.
Scope : This procedure is defined for the external and internal communication of MOLEX SA of the
corresponding integrated management.
Responsibilities: All directorates, departments and areas that are structured in your organization and
the communication team
References: Section 7.4 of the ISO 9001:2015 standard
Communication: It is the process of transmitting and receiving ideas, information and messages. The
act of communicating is a complex process in which two or more people relate and, through an
exchange of messages with similar codes, try to understand and influence each other so that their
objectives are accepted in the intended way, using a channel. that acts as support in the transmission
of information. (Ecured)
Internal communication: Media and communication channels that exist within an institution, entity,
between people in departments or areas.
External communication: means and channels of communication that exist from the organization to
the external world
a) All areas, departments and directorates of the organization will identify the communication
needs and will be sent to the communication team or group.
b) Preparation of a communication action plan and implementation by the communication team
and group.
c) Dissemination of the communicative actions to be carried out.
d) Monitoring and control of communication actions.
e) Evaluation of actions carried out for continuous improvement.

Records and References of formats:

THE ORGANIZATION: Document Code: Edition date:
Who communicates it: What is Who is communicated How to communicate
communicated: to:

Produced by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Date: Date: Date:
Signature: Signature: Signature:




ORGANIZATION: Document Code:
CHECK-IN AND Who What is Who is How to Evidence
CHECK-OUT communicat communicat communicat communicat Documentary
es it: ed: ed to: e: film

Produced by: Produced by: Produced by:

Date: Date: Date:
Signature: Signature: Signature:
3. Minutes of Meetings of the Communication Group or Committee

Produced by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Post: Post: Post:

Referenced Bibliography:
Bejmar, B. (2005). Gestionar es hacer que las cosas sucedan. Obtenido de



Ecured. (s.f.). Comunicación.

Ricardo Cabrera, H., Medina León, A., Abab Puente, J., Nogueira Rivera, D., & Núñez Chaviano, Q.
(Septiembre_Diciembre de 2015). La integración de Sistemas de Gestión conceptos, enfoques y
tendencias. Ciencias de la información, 46(3), 3-8. Recuperado el 8 de noviembre de 2020

Westreicher, G. (s.f.). Economipedia. Obtenido de
GIS : Integrated Management System
Efficacy: Ability to produce the desired effect or to be good for a certain thing. (Dictionary)
Occupational accidents: The accidents, in the field of insurance , is the set of accidents produced during a period of time.
That is, it is the frequency with which the risks covered by a given policy occur . Another way of defining accidents is the regularity
with which accidents are recorded. The accident rate is a key variable for the insurer , as it allows it to know the probability, for
example, with which it will have to pay compensation. (Westreicher, s.f.)

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