R23-MTech Structure - Credit System - R3

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Sardar Patel College of Engineering Andheri (West), Mumbai 400 058

Year: 2023-24

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s

(Government Aided Autonomous Institute under Mumbai University)
Andheri (W), Mumbai - 400058

M.Tech. in Civil Engineering with

Structural Enigneering Courses
Academic Evaluation Scheme/Credit System
Year: 2023-2024
Regulation 23 (R23)
Sardar Patel College of Engineering Andheri (West), Mumbai 400 058
Year: 2023-24

Scheme for F.Y.M.Tech. in Civil Engineering with Structural Engineering Courses, (Semester - I) R23
Academic Year 2023-24
In semester End Semester Term
Sr Course Plan per semester Total
Course Name Code Credits Evaluation Evaluation work /
No Week (Hrs) weightage Points
(Points) (Points) Practical
L P T T1 T2 IE Points
Core Courses
1 Structural Dynamics PC-MTSE101 3 -- 1 4 15 15 20 100 3 50% 25 125
2 Advanced Theory of
PC-MTSE102 3 -- 0 3 15 15 20 100 3 50% -- 100
3 Research Methodology and
PC-MTSE103 2 -- 1 3 15 15 20 100 3 50% 25 125
Program Elective Courses
4 PE-MTSE111- -- 100
Program Elective-I 3 -- 0 3 15 15 20 100 3 50%
5 PE-MTSE121- -- 100
Program Elective-II 3 -- 0 3 15 15 20 100 3 50%
6 PE-MTSE131- -- 100
Program Elective-III 3 -- 0 3 15 15 20 100 3 50%
Laboratory Courses
7 Advanced Concrete Lab PC-MTSE151 -- 2 -- 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- 50 50
Vocational and Skill Enhancement
8 Numerical Analysis Lab SE-MTSE152 -- 4 -- 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 50 50
Indian Knowledge System Course
9 Indian Knowledge System IK-MTSE101-
2 -- -- 2 15 15 20 50 2 100% 0 100
Course 102
Sardar Patel College of Engineering Andheri (West), Mumbai 400 058
Year: 2023-24

Program Elective-I Courses

Sr. No. Code Elective
1. PE-MTSE111 Analysis of Composite Structures
2. PE-MTSE112 Advanced Foundation Engineering
3. PE-MTSE113 Design of Pre-stressed Concrete Structures
4. PE-MTSE114 Advanced Concrete Technology

Program Elective-II Courses

Sr. No. Code Elective
1 PE-MTSE121 Non Linear Analysis
2 PE-MTSE122 Numerical Methods
3. PE-MTSE123 Structural Optimization
4. PE-MTSE124 Advanced Design of Steel Structures

Program Elective-III Courses

Sr. No. Code Elective
1. PE-MTSE131 Advanced Solid Mechanics
2 PE-MTSE132 Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates
3 PE-MTSE133 Fracture Mechanics Of Concrete Structures
4 PE-MTSE134 Design Of Plates And Shells
Sardar Patel College of Engineering Andheri (West), Mumbai 400 058
Year: 2023-24

Scheme for F.Y.M.Tech. in Civil Engineering with Structural Engineering Courses, (Semester - II) R23
Academic Year 2023-24
Course Plan per Week In semester End Semester End Term Total
Sr. (Hrs) Evaluation Evaluation semester work / Points
Course Name Code Credits
No. (Points) (Points) weightage Practical
IE Points Time
L P T T1 T2 (Hrs)
Core Courses
1 Finite Element Analysis PC-MTSE201 3 0 1 4 15 15 20 100 3 50% 25 125
2 Earthquake Engineering PC-MTSE202 3 0 1 4 15 15 20 100 3 50% 25 125
3 Seminar/ Mini Project PC-MTSE203 -- 4 -- 2 15 15 -- -- -- -- 100* 100*
Program Elective Course
4 Program Elective-IV PE-MTSE211-213 3 -- -- 3 15 15 20 100 3 50% 0 100
5 Program Elective-V PE-MTSE221-224 3 -- -- 3 15 15 20 100 3 50% 0 100
Open Elective Course
6 Open Elective OE-MTSE201-202 3 -- -- 3 15 15 20 100 3 50% 0 100
Vocational and Skill Enhancement
7 Earthquake Engineering SE-MTSE201 - -
-- 4 -- 2 - - -- -- 50 50
and Model Testing Lab
Laboratory Course
8 Structural Design Lab PC-MTSE202 -- 4 -- 2 - - - -- -- -- 50 50

9 Ability Enhancement AE-MTSE201-202 2 2

15 15 20 100 3 50% 0 100
Sardar Patel College of Engineering Andheri (West), Mumbai 400 058
Year: 2023-24

Program Elective – IV Courses

Sr. No. Code Elective
1. PE-MTSE211 Bridge Engineering
2 PE-MTSE212 Analysis of Offshore Structures
3 PE-MTSE213 Deterioration, Instrumentation and Rehabilitation of Structures

Program Elective –V Courses

Sr. No. Code Elective
1. PE-MTSE221 Advanced Design of Concrete Structures
2 PE-MTSE222 Theory of Plates
3 PE-MTSE223 Reliability of structures
4 PE-MTSE224 Theory of Shells
5 PE-MTSE225 NPTEL course
Sardar Patel College of Engineering Andheri (West), Mumbai 400 058
Year: 2023-24

Scheme for S.Y.M.Tech. in Civil Engineering with Structural Engineering Courses, (Semester - III) R23
Academic Year 2023-24
Course Plan per Week In semester End Semester End Term Total
Sr. (Hrs) Evaluation Evaluation semester work / Points
Course Name Code Credits
No. (Points) (Points) weightage Practical
IE Points Time
L P T T1 T2 (Hrs)
Value Education Course
1 Value Education Course VE- 2 - - 2 15 15 20 100 3 50% 0 100
Field or Community Engagement Project
2 Field or Community CEP- 2 $$$$Continuos evaluation shall be defined by course instructor or 100
Engagement Project MTSE301 activity evaluator

Internship or Project
Report 1 Report 2 Seminar 1 Seminar
3 Internship /Dissertation DS-MTSE 4+24$ 14 50* 100* 50* 100* 300

TOTAL 06 -- 24 18 500

* Examined by supervisor and at least one internal examiner.

$ - Contact hours with supervisor/mentor/guide = 4, Self learning hours = 24
Report 1 and Seminar 1 shall be based on Literature Survey on selected topic.
Report 2 and Seminar 2 shall be based on research gap, problem definition and methodology.
Sardar Patel College of Engineering Andheri (West), Mumbai 400 058
Year: 2023-24

Scheme for S.Y.M.Tech. in Civil Engineering with Structural Engineering Courses, (Semester - IV) R23
Academic Year 2023-24
Course Plan per Week In semester End Semester End Term Total
Sr. (Hrs) Evaluation Evaluation semester work / Points
Course Name Code Credits
No. (Points) (Points) weightage Practical
IE Points Time
L P T T1 T2 (Hrs)
Cocurricular Activity
1 Co curricular CC- - - 1 1 $$$$Continuos evaluation shall be defined by course instructor or 100
course/activity/ Stress MTSE401 activity evaluator
Management by Yoga
Internship or Project
Report 1 Report 2 Seminar 1 Seminar
2 Dissertation DS- 4+24$ 14 50* 100* 50* 100** 300
TOTAL 04 - 25 15 400

Final Dissertation Viva-Voce will be conducted only if candidate has passed all lower semester examinations.
* Examined by supervisor and at least one internal examiner
** Examined by supervisor and one approved external examiner.
$ -Contact hours with mentor/supervisor/guide=4, -Self learning hours=24
Report 1 and Seminar 1 shall be based on pre synopsis
Report 2 and Seminar 2 shall be based on Final presentation and dissertation viva voce
Sardar Patel College of Engineering Andheri (West), Mumbai 400 058
Year: 2023-24

List of Ability Enhancement Courses

Sr. No. Code Courses

1 AE-MTSE201 English for research paper writing
2 AE-MTSE202 Project Planning and Management

List of Indian Knowledge System

Sr. Code Courses Sr. No. Code Audit Courses

1 IK-MTSE101 Constitution of India 2 IK-MTSE102 Related NPTEL/SWAYAM Courses

List of Value Education Course

Sr. No. Code Courses Sr. No. Code Courses
1 VE-MTSE301 Disaster Management 2 VE-MTSE302 Related NPTEL/SWAYAM Courses

Open Elective
Sr. Code Elective
1 OE-MTSE201 Operations Research
2 OE-MTSE202 Legal Aspects in Construction
Sardar Patel College of Engineering Andheri (West), Mumbai 400 058
Year: 2023-24

Evaluation for R23

1. For passing, student must secure minimum 50% marks in each course with all heads of passing taken together and minimum 50% marks in the end
semester examination.
2. Department will offer online course as Program Elective or Open Elective courses subject to availability of a course on https://swayam.gov.in/, and
NPTEL and availability of internal resources. The assesement criteria for these courses will be as per swayam / NPTEL. After evalauation grades
will be awarded as per institute criteria. 2, 3 Credits will be assigned for online courses of 8 and 12 weeks respectively.
3. Student must choose three program elective courses from those offered by the department in the semester.
4. Assesement criteria for Laboratory/Tutorial work i.e. weightage for assesement shall be as follows: (i) Attendance in Laboratory/Tutorial = 20%
(ii) Journal/Drawing sheet/Sketch book = 40% (iii) MCQ/oral/test = 40% (5) L – Lecture P – Lab T - Tutorial
* 50 Marks for seminar / mini project evaluation and 50 for presentation. The seminar / mini project report should be evaluated by supervisor
and at least one internal examiner.
* Note 1: 50 Marks for seminar / mini project evaluation and 50 for presentation. Note 2: The seminar report should be evaluated by supervisor
and at least one internal examiner.
5. T1, T2: The courses under the category “Theory courses (PC, PE, OE)” and “Ability Enhancement Courses(AE)”. the evaluation is based on Test of 15
points each for one hour duration. Tentatively the first two modules of the course content will be covered in T1 and third and fourth modules of the
course content will be covered in T2. Any change in the same will be informed by the course instructor.
The courses under the category “Skill Enhancement”, “Value Education” and Indian Knowledge system”, the evaluation is based on
activity (Presentation, Test, Mini project, Field project, Practical Examination) of 15 points each. This evaluation shall be conducted by course
6. IE: Internal Evaluation will be carried out by course instructor for 20 points. It is the continuous evaluation through out the semester.
The evaluation will be based on minimum three of the following activities decided by course instructor. The maximum points that can be
assigned to one activity will be 07. The course instructor needs to inform the students and head of the department about the activities
those will be considered for IE and the points assigned to them in first week of semester. The course instructor will submit the internal
evaluation points (out of 20 with activity wise break up) to examination section before the beginning of End Semester examination.
List of Activities: 1. Class Involvement 2. Assignments 3. Problem Solving 4. Mini project 5. Quizzes 6. Presentation 7. Oral
7. End semester evaluation: The courses under the category “Theory courses” and “Ability Enhancement Courses”. the evaluation is based on
End semester examination of 100 points. The end semester examination will cover all the modules of the course content.
The courses under the category “Skill Enhancement”, “Value Education” and “Indian knowledge system”, the evaluation is based on activity
(Presentation, Test, Mini project, Field project, Practical Examination).
8. $$$$ The evaluation for Co curricular course/ activity shall be defined by course instructor or activity evaluator. The evaluation of points shall be carried
out through out the semester and the grade Pass/ No pass will be awarded which will not be considered for CPI calculation.
Note: Refer Academic and Examination rules and regulations for further details.

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