FY Syllabus For Mechanical
FY Syllabus For Mechanical
FY Syllabus For Mechanical
FY B.Tech
Mechanical Engineering
Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities
(Course 2020-21)
Institute Vision
To Serve the Society, Industry and all the Stakeholders through the Value-Added Quality Education.
Institute Mission
To serve the needs of society at large by establishing State-of-the-Art Engineering, Management and Research
Institute and impart attitude, knowledge and skills with quality education to develop individuals and teams with
ability to think and analyze right values and self-reliance.
Quality Policy
We at PCCOE are committed to impart Value Added Quality Education to satisfy the applicable requirements,
needs and expectations of the Students and Stakeholders. We shall strive for academic excellence, professional
competence and social commitment in fine blend with innovation and research. We shall achieve this by
establishing and strengthening state-of- the-art Engineering and Management Institute through continual
improvement in effective implementation of Quality Management System.
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List of Abbreviations
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4 Quantum Mechanics
Limitations of classical physics, need of quantum mechanics, wave particle
duality of radiation & matter, De Broglie hypothesis, De Broglie wavelength in
terms of kinetic & potential energy, concept of wave packet, phase and group
velocity, properties of matter waves, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, wave
function & probability interpretation, well behaved wave function, Schrodinger's
time independent wave equation, applications of independent wave equation to
the problem of (i) particle in rigid box, (ii) particle in a non-rigid
box(qualitative),Tunneling effect, examples of tunneling effect -alpha decay,
tunnel diode & scanning tunneling microscope (STM)
5 Magnetism and Superconductivity
Magnetism: Classification of magnetic materials, temperature dependent
magnetic transitions (Curie and Neel temperature), magnetic hysteresis loop,
magneto-resistance, giant magneto-resistance (GMR), application of magnetic
materials in magneto-optical recording, magnetocaloric effect, adiabatic
Superconductivity: Introduction, critical temperature, properties of
superconductors-zero electrical resistance, persistent current, Meissner effect,
critical magnetic field, critical current, isotope effect, BCS theory, type I and II
superconductors, low Tc and high Tc superconductors, Josephson effect, DC-
SQUID-construction, working and applications, applications - superconducting
magnets, maglev trains
6 Introduction to Nanoscience
Introduction, surface to volume ratio, quantum confinement, properties of nanomaterials-
optical, electrical, mechanical, magnetic; methods of preparation of nanomaterials-
bottom-up and top-down approaches, physical methods- high energy ball milling,
physical vapor deposition; chemical methods-colloidal method, chemical vapor
deposition method (hybrid method); aerogels-types, properties and applications,
applications of nanomaterials in medical, energy, automobile, space, defense;
introduction to quantum computing.
Total 48
Text Books:
1. A text book of Engineering Physics-Dr. M.N. Avadhanulu, Dr. P.G. Kshirsagar- Revised edition
2015, S. Chand & Company Pvt. Ltd.
2. Engineering Physics-R.K. Gaur, S. L Gupta, -Eighth revised edition 2012, Dhanpatrai
Publications(P) Ltd.
3. Nanotechnology -Principles & Practices - Sulabha K. Kulkarni -Third edition -Capital Publishing
Reference Books:
1. Lasers & nonlinear Optics-B. B. Laud-Third edition, New Age International (P)Ltd. Publishers.
2. Fundamentals of Optics- Francis A. Jenkins, Harvey E. White, Fourth edition, McGraw Hill
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2 - - 2 20 30 50 100
Prior knowledge of: 1. Basic principles of trigonometry, 2. Geometry, 3.Algebra, 4.Linear differentiation and
integration, 5.Principles of Physics (equations of motions)
Course Objectives:
1. To provide adequate knowledge of mechanics to formulate and analyse problems based on real life situations.
2. To make aware about basic concepts of statics and dynamics for rigid bodies.
3. To impart fundamental knowledge of analysis of structures, equilibrium of force system and friction.
4. To build conceptual understanding of principles of kinetics and kinematics to solve various engineering
Course Outcomes: After learning the course, students will be able to
1. Draw Free Body Diagram ( FBD), resolve and compose forces and analyze simple and compound beams.
2. Apply concept of equilibrium to analyze friction, trusses, cables and space force system.
3. Determine centroid of plane lamina, moment of inertia for standard shapes & composite figures and apply
equations of motion for rectilinear and curvilinear path.
4. Apply Newton's second law in different forms like work energy principle and impulse momentum
Detailed Syllabus:
Unit Description Duration
I Resultant and Equilibrium of Coplanar Force System
Introduction and Principle of statics, force systems, resolution and composition of forces,
resultant of concurrent forces, moment of a force, Varignon‟s theorem, couple, resultant of
general force system, free body diagram, equilibrium of three forces in a plane, equilibrium
of concurrent forces, types of beams: simple and compound beams, type of loads, types of
supports, equilibrium of general force system. 6
II Analysis of Structures , Friction and Space forces
Two force members: analysis of plane trusses by method of joint, analysis of plane trusses
by method of section, cables with supports at same level subjected to point loads, Friction:
law‟s of friction, ladders friction and application to flat belt, equilibrium of concurrent and 6
parallel forces in a space, resultant of concurrent and parallel forces in a space.
III Centroid of Plane Lamina, Moment of Inertia and Kinematics of particle
Centroid of plane lamina, applications of centroid, moment of inertia(MI), perpendicular axis 6
theorem, parallel axis theorem, MI of standard shapes, MI of composite figures.
Kinematics of particle: constant acceleration, motion under gravity, equations of motions in
cartesian and path coordinates for curvilinear motion, projectile motion.
IV Kinetics of Particle
Kinetics of particle: Newton‟s second Law and its applications to rectilinear motion,
curvilinear motion, and introduction to work energy principle and impulse momentum
equation, direct and central impact, coefficient of restitution. 6
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Text Books:
1. Vector Mechanics for Engineers STATICS - Beer & Johnston, Tata McGrawHill Publications
2. Vector Mechanics for Engineers DYNAMICS - Beer & Johnston, Tata McGrawHill Publications
3. Engineering Mechanics - A. K. Tayal, Umesh Publications
4. Engineering Mechanics- Bhavikatti , Newage Publications
Reference Books:
1. Engineering Mechanics -Singer Harper & Row, Hill Publishers
2. Engineering Mechanics - Meriam and Crage , Wiley Publications
3. Engineering Mechanics -Timoshenko and Younge, McGraw Hill Publications
4. Introduction of Engineering Mechanics- S. Rajshekaran and G Sankarasubramanian, Vikas
5. Engineering Mechanics- R.S. Khurmi, S. Chand Publications
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Course Objectives:
1. Impart knowledge of mechanical engineering and describe the scope of mechanical engineering with
multidisciplinary industries.
2. Impart knowledge of basic concepts of thermodynamics and heat transfer applied to industrial
3. Understand, identify and get exposure to latest trends in manufacturing processes and materials.
4. Describe the fundamentals of automobile systems and the emerging trends of electric vehicles,
hybrid electric vehicles and solar vehicles.
Course Outcomes: After learning the course, students will be able to
1. Identify the basic mechanical elements and the power transmission drives based on their
2. Apply the fundamentals of thermodynamics and heat transfer to real life applications.
3. Identify different manufacturing processes and materials for different applications.
4. Comprehend automotive system for the combustion vehicle, EV‟s, HEV‟s and solar vehicles.
Unit Description
Basics of Design Engineering
Introduction to mechanical engineering: use of mechanical engineering in day to day
life and its interdisciplinary use, introduction to design thinking.
Machine elements and power transmission drives: classification, function and
I 6
applications of shaft, axle, key, bearing and coupling, belt drive, chain drive and gear
Mechanisms: four bar and slider crank mechanism with its inversions, robotics
Thermal Engineering
Introduction to thermodynamics: concept of a system, types of systems, Zeroth law of
thermodynamics, energy interactions: heat and work, First law of thermodynamics &
II its limitations. Second laws of thermodynamics (simple numerials), modes of heat 7
transfer, thermal resistance, insulation (simple numerials).
Introduction to hydraulic turbines, centrifugal pumps, household refrigerator, window
and split air conditioner.
Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
Classification of materials, their properties and applications, phase change material
III (PCM), composite material.
Introduction to manufacturing processes: classification and applications: sand casting,
plastic moulding, sheet metal working and forging (hot working and cold working).
Introduction to industry 4.0
Mobility Engineering
IV Classification of automobile, specifications of two wheeler, four wheeler and multi 7
axle vehicles, types of chassis layout and drives, working of I.C. Engine (two and four
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stroke), gear boxes, single plate clutch, drum and disc brakes, drive train system,
simple numericals on gear train.
Concept and environmental importance of electric vehicles, construction and working
of EV, hybrid electric vehicles and solar vehicles, challenges and future scope of EV's
and HEV's.
Total 26
Text Books:
1. Basic Mechanical Engineering- Basant Agarwal and C.M.Agarwal, First edition 2008, Wiley
2. Engineering Thermodynamics- P.K.Nag, Sixth edition 2017, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing Co. Ltd.
3. Heat and mass transfer- R K Rajput, Revised edition 2007, S Chand publication.
4. A Textbook of Automobile Engineering- Khalil U Siddiqui, Fifth edition 2012, New Age
International Publishers.
Reference Books:
1. Design of Machine Elements- V.B. Bhandari, Fourth edition 2017, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing Co.
2. Theory of Machine- S.S.Ratan, Fifth edition 2019, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing Co. Ltd.
3. Thermal Engineering- Arora and Domkunwar Dhanpat Rai and Sons.
4. Elements of Workshop Technology- Hajra, Chaudhari Volume I, Fourteenth edition 2008 Media
Promoters and Publishers, Mumbai.
5. Elements of Workshop Technology- Hajra, Chaudhari Volume II, Twelfth edition 2007, Media
Promoters and Publishers, Mumbai.
6. Handbook of Industry 4.0 and SMART Systems- Diego Galar Pascual, Pasquale Daponte, Uday
Kumar, First edition 2019, CRC Press.
7. Industry 4.0- Dr. Bhushan kelkar, First edition 2019, Neuflex Publication.
8. Automobile Engineering Volume I- Dr. Kripal Singh, Eleventh edition 2008, Standard Publishers
9. Automation, production systems computer integrated manufacturing- Mikell Groover, Fourth edition
2014, Pearson Publication.
10. Automotive Electrical Equipment- P. L. Kohli, First edition 2001, McGraw Hill Education (India)
Pvt Ltd.
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Text Books:
1. A text book of Engineering Physics-Dr. M.N. Avadhanulu, Dr. P.G. Kshirsagar- Revised edition 2015, S.
Chand & Company Pvt. Ltd.
2. Engineering Physics-R. K. Gaur, S. L Gupta, -Eighth revised edition 2012, Dhanpatrai Publications(P)
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Reference Books:
1. Lasers & nonlinear Optics-B. B. Laud-Third edition, New Age International (P)Ltd. Publishers.
2. Fundamentals of Optics- Francis A. Jenkins, Harvey E. White, Fourth edition, McGraw Hill Education
4. An introduction to Laser‟s theory and applications – Dr. M. N. Avdhanulu, Dr. P.S. Hemne– Revised
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Course Objectives:
1 Impart knowledge of mechanical elements and materials.
2 Impart knowledge of basic concepts of thermodynamics and heat transfer.
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II Grammar & Vocabulary: Common Errors - Articles, Prepositions, Tenses, Subject - Verb
Agreement; Prefix and Suffix, Processes of Word Formation, Root Words from Foreign
Languages, One Word Substitutions, Synonyms & Antonyms, Words often Confused, Usage 9
of Idioms
III Reading Skills: Importance of Reading, Scanning, Skimming, Reading between the Lines,
Reading Comprehension: Narrative, Descriptive, Factual / Expository / Informative.
Lesson No.1 The Story of An Hour by Kate Chopin 9
Lesson No.2 The Classical Student by Anton Chekhov
IV Speaking Skills: Basic Sounds, Word Stress, Intonation, Art of Referring to Dictionary,
Language Functions (Requesting, Apologizing, Complaining, Complementing, Thanking
etc) Role Playing
Total 36
Text Books:
1. Raymond Murphy, Essential English Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press; 2015
Reference Books:
1. Thomsen and Martinet, Practical English Grammar, Oxford University Press; 1986
2. Sunita Mishra, C. Muralikrishna, Communication Skills for Engineers, Pearson Education; 2011
3. Lynch, Listening, Cambridge; 1992
4. Michael Swan, Practical English Usage, Oxford, 3rd Edition; 2005
E Sources -
1. https://www.google.com/url?q=https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_hs19/&sa=D&source=editors&ust=
2. https://www.google.com/url?q=https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_hs22/&sa=D&source=editors&ust=
3. https://takeielts.britishcouncil.org/take-ielts/prepare/free-ielts-practice-tests/listening/section-1
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Reference Books:
1. Kendall Haven, Story Proof, Libraries Unlimited, 2007
2. Rob Biesenbach, Unleash the Power of Storytelling: Win Hearts, Change Minds, Get Results,
Eastlawn Media, 2018
3. Yiannis Gabriel, Storytelling in Organizations: Facts, Fictions, and Fantasies, Oxford University
Press, 2011
1. The Art of Business Storytelling | Ameen Haque | Talks at Google ,
2. Marketing Storytelling - https://www.referralcandy.com/blog/storytelling-examples/
5 examples of great storytelling from Jack Ma https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nHOxONWfEs
3. Six words story - Nicole Kahn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16sY1iLc2d4
4. Kevin Hart - Telling great stories https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vn_L4OPU_rg
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Text Books:
1. Engineering Chemistry by S.S. Dara, S.Chand Publications (2010).
2. Engineering Chemistry by B.S. Chauhan, UnivSc Press.(2015).
3. A Text Book Of Engineering Chemistry by ShashiChawla, DhanpatRai& Co. (2015).
4. Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds by P. S. Kalsi, New Age International (2007).
5. Nanotechnology: principles and practices by S.K. Kulkarni, Springer (2014).
6..Instrumental methods of Chemical Analysis by GurdeepChatwal, Himalaya publishing house 1996).
7. Engineering Chemistry byJain and Jain, DhanpatRai Publishing Co.(2016).
8. Engineering Chemistry by Wiley India (2012).
9. Engineering Chemistry by O.G. Palanna, McGraw-Hill Education.
10. Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology by K. K. Chattopadhyay, A. N. Banerjee.
PHILearning (2009).
Reference Books:
1. Hydrogen as a fuel by Ram D. Gupta, C.R.C.Publication (2009).
2. Instrumental Methods of Analysis by H. H. Willard, L. L. Merritt, J. A. Dean, F. A. Settle, 6 thEdition, CBS
3. Organic Spectroscopy by William Kemp, 3 rd edition, , John Wiley and Sons, Palgravepublication.
4. Polymer Science by V.R.Gowariker,, New Age International Publication (2015).
5. Nanotechnology by T. Gregory, Springer Verlog New York (1999).
6. Introduction to Nanotechnology by Charles P. Poole, Frank Owens, John Wiley & Sons (2003)
Engineering Chemistry by Wiley India Pvt. Ltd,First edition 2011.
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Diode: Ordinary Diode, LED, Photodiode and Zener Diode: Construction, symbol,
working, characteristics, applications etc.
Transistor: construction, types, operation; transistor configuration (CE, CB and
CC): characteristics.
Digital Electronics
Logic Gates: Fundamental, derived and exclusive logic gates: symbol, operation,
truth table, timing diagram; concept of universal gates
Combinational Logic Circuit: Reduction of digital expressions by Boolean algebra
and De Morgan‟s Theorem, half and full adder
Sequential Logic Circuit: Flip – Flop (SR, JK & T): construction, working, truth
table; types of
Total 24
Text Books:
1. “Theory and problems of Basic Electrical Engineering” by I. J. Nagrath and Kothari (PHI learning Pvt.Ltd),
Eastern Economy Edition.
2. “Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering” by Ashfaq Husain ,4th Edition. (Dhanpat Rai & Co.),
3. “Basic Electrical Engineering” by V. N. Mittal and Arvind Mittal, 2nd Edition. (McGrawHill),
4. “Basic Electrical Engineering” by V.K. Mehta, 1st Revised Edition (S. Chand & Co. Pvt. Ltd. NewDelhi)..
5. “Electronics Devices” by Thomas. L. Floyd, 9th Edition, Pearson
6. “Modern Digital Electronics” by R.P. Jain, 4th Edition, Tata McGrawHill
Reference Books:
1. “Basic Electrical Engineering” by D. C. Kulshreshta 1st Edition (Tata McGraw hill).
2. “A textbook of Electrical Technology Vol I “by B. L. Theraja and A. K. Theraja S. Chand & Co. Pvt. Ltd. New
Delhi, 1st Edition.
3. A textbook of Electrical Technology Vol II “by B. L. Theraja and A. K. Theraja S. Chand & Co. Pvt. Ltd. New
Delhi, 1st Edition
4. “Electrical Technology” by Edward Hughes, 10th Edition (Pearson).
5. “Digital Fundamentals” by Thomas L Floyd, 10th Edition (Pearson).
6. “Digital design” by M. Morris Mano, 3rd Edition (Pearson)
7. “Fundamentals of digital circuits” by Anand Kumar, 2nd Edition Prentice Hall of India
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Reference Books:
1. Problem Solving and Programming Concepts, Maureen Spankle, 9th edition, Pearson.
2. Head First Python- A Brain Friendly Guide, Paul Barry, 2nd Edition.
3. Python: The Complete Reference, Martin C, fourth edition Brown, McGraw Hill Education.
4. Programming and Problem Solving with Python, Ashok Namdev Kamthane, , McGraw Hill Education.
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1. Herman Tang, Engineering Research: Design, Methods, and Publications, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1 st edition,
2. C.R. Kothari, Research Methodology: Methods & Techniques, New Age International (p) Limited, Publishers,2 nd
edition 2004
3.Ranjit Kumar, Research Methodology, A Step-by-step guide for Beginners, SAGE Publications, 4 th edition,2015
4. Ramakrishna B, Anil Kumar H.S, Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Rights: For Students, Industrialist and
5. Rupinder Tewari & Mamta Bhardwaj, Intellectual Property A Primer for Academia, Publication Bureau Panjab
6. Robert D. Hisrich, Michael P. Peters, and Dean Shepherd, Entrepreneurship, McGraw-Hill Publisher, 11 th edition 2020
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- 2 - 1 50 - - 50
Course Objectives:
1. To impart Comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of electrical and electronic circuits.
2. To provide working knowledge for the analysis of basic DC and AC circuits.
3. To provide hands on experience for conceptual understanding of DC machines, AC machines & measuring
4. To provide knowledge of Building, Testing and analyzing concepts of basic electronic circuits
Course Outcomes: After learning the course, students will be able to
1. Be familiar with electrical safety, measuring instruments and energy calculations.
2. Demonstrate AC and DC circuits/ machines by performing different experiments.
3. Verify the theoretical characteristics of diodes, transistors experimentally and construct logic circuits.
Unit List of Experiments: Duration
Group A (Hrs)
From following any three Practical are to be study:
1 To study of various wiring accessories, earthing system and safety precautions while 2
working with electrical systems.
2 Study of Electricity bill of LT consumer. 2
3 Study of Different parts of DC Machine. 2
4 To study various electronics circuit components and allied accessories. 2
5 To study digital multimeter, digital trainer kit and CRO. 2
1. Group B
From following any seven Practical are to be performed:
1 To verify Kirchhoff law in a DC network 2
2 To measure steady state response of series RL and RC circuits on AC supply and 2
observations of voltage and current waveforms.
3 To verify the relation between phase and line quantities in three phase balanced star and 2
delta connections of load.
4 Perform load test on DC Shunt Motor to determine the efficiency. 2
5 Perform speed control of DC Shunt Motor to plot characteristics. 2
6 To determine efficiency and regulation of single-phase transformer by direct loading test. 2
7 To Plot V-I characteristics of P-N Junction Diode and Zener Diode. 2
8 To Plot input and output characteristics of CE Transistor configuration. 2
9 Implementation of Half Adder & Full Adder using Logic Gate IC‟s. 2
10 Verify its truth table SR, JK & T flip flops. 2
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Detailed Syllabus
Suggested List of Experiments(Any 7)
ment Duration
Write a program in Python (with function as applicable)
No. (Hrs)
Give the values of the variables x, y and z. Write a program to rotate their values such
1 2
that x has the value of y, y has the value of z and z has the value of x.
To calculate the salary of an employee given his basic pay (take input from user).
Calculate salary of employee. Let HRA be 10 % of basic pay and TA be 5% of basic
2 1
pay. Let employees pay professional tax as 2% of total salary. Calculate salary
payable after deductions
To accept the total number of minutes as input and then output as hrs + minutes. Ex:-
3 1
90 minutes=1hr 30 mins
To accept an object mass in kilograms and velocity in meters per second and display
4 its momentum. Momentum is calculated as p=mv where m is the mass of the object 1
and v is its velocity.
To accept marks of five courses of students and compute his/her result. Student is
passing if he/she scores marks equal to and above 40 in each course. If student scores
5 aggregate greater than 75%, then the grade is Distinction. If aggregate is 60>= and 1
<75 then the grade is First division. If aggregate is 50>= and <60, then the grade is
Second division. If aggregate is 40>= and <50, then the grade is Third division.
To read the coordinates (x, y) (in Cartesian system) and find the quadrant to which it
6 1
belongs (Quadrant -I, Quadrant -II, Quadrant -III, Quadrant -IV).
A hotel has a pricing policy as follows: 2 people: 2500Rs. 3 people: 3500Rs. 4 people:
4500Rs. Additional people: 1000Rs. per person If the customer is staying on company
7 business, there is a 20% discount. If the customer is over 60 year age, there is a 15% 1
discount. A customer does not receive both discounts. Given the above data, print the
cost of the room.
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Reference Books:
1. Problem Solving and Programming Concepts, Maureen Spankle, 9th edition, Pearson
2. Head First Python- A Brain Friendly Guide, Paul Barry, 2nd Edition.
3. Python: The Complete Reference, Martin C, fourth edition Brown, McGraw Hill Education..
4. Programming and Problem Solving with Python, Ashok Namdev Kamthane, , McGraw Hill
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Writing Skills -2: Scientific & Technical Writing, Summary and Abstract Writing, Report
Writing; Accident Report, Event Report.
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उद्दिष्टे :
१. भाषाव्यवहारआणणभाणषककौशल्ये ह्ाां चेज्ञानहोणे.
२. णवणवधकौशल्याां शीणनगणडतकाययक्षेत्ाां चेज्ञानहोणे.
३. श्रवण, सांभाषण, ले खनआणणवाचनहीकौशल्ये प्रगतहोणे.
४. प्रशासकीयक्षे त्ातीलभाषाव्यवहाराचेस्वरूपसमजणे.
५. प्रशासकीयक्षे त्ातीलभाषाव्यवहारकरण्याचीक्षमताप्राप्तहोणे
Course Outcome:
1. भाषे च्यावापराचीसवयसमावेशकक्षमता
2. मराठीभाषे चीश्रवण,सांभाषण, ले खनववाचनक्षमतासांपादन
3. प्रशासनातीलमराठीभाषे चीउपयोजनक्षमता
Unit Description Dura
I मानवीजीवनव्यवहारातीलभाषे चेवसांवादाचेमहत्त्व 9
माणहतीतांत्ज्ञान, सांपकयप्रणियेचावेगआणणभाषे चेवाढतेमहत्त्व
भाणषककौशल्ये (श्रवण, सांभाषण, वाचन, ले खन)
II अ. जनसांपकय, समु पदे शन, मु लाखत 9
आ. सांपादन, मु णितशोधन, परीक्षण
III इ. काव्यवाचन, अणभवाचन, कथाकथन, सूत्सांचालन, काययिमव्यवस्थापनातीलणवणवधप्रकारच्याजबाबदाऱ्या, 9
आमां त्ण, सांयोजन, आभारइ. यासाठीआवश्यकतोमौखखकले खीसांपकय
ई. साराां श, णनबांध, कल्पकले खन - शु भेच्छापत्े, आमां त्णपत्े, सन्मानपत्, णवज्ञानवतांत्ज्ञानकोशाां च्यानोांदी, ध्वणनमु िण,
प्रशासकीयक्षे त्रातीलसांस्थात्मकमराठीभाषाव्यवहार
IV अ.कायाय लयीनव्यवहाराचीपररभाषा, कायाय लयीनअजय, सूचना, पत्-मागण्यानोांदणवणे, णवनां तीपत्े, तगादापत्े 9
आ.सांस्थे च्यासवयप्रकारच्याकामकाजाचे/सभाां चे/बैठकीांचेइणतवृत्त, णनवेदन, अहवाल, प्रस्तावघटनाां चीनोांद, काययवृत्त
Total 36
सांदभयग्रांथ :
1. काळे ,कल्याण (सांपा.) : णनवडकभाषाआणणजीवन, मे हतापखिणशां गहाऊस, पुणे, १९९८.
2. केळकर, अशोक : मध्यमा-भाषाआणणभाषाव्यवहार, मे हतापखिणशां गहाऊस, पुणे, १९९६.
3. केळकर, अशोक : रुजु वात, लोकवाङ्मयप्रकाशन, मुां बई, २००८.
4. ग्रामोपाध्ये, सुरेंि (सांपा) : भाषाव्यवहारवभाषाणशक्षण, कासेगावएज्यु केशनसोसायटी, कासेगाव, २००६.
5. जोशी, श्रीपाद : सांवादशास्त्र, णवजयप्रकाशन, नागपूर, १९९८.
6. ने माडे , भालचांि : साणहत्याचीभाषा, साकेतप्रकाशन, औरां गाबाद, १९८९.
7. पाटील, आनां द : सृजनात्मकले खन, पद्मगांधाप्रकाशन, पुणे, २००५.
8. पानसे, मु .ग. : भाषा–अांत:सूत्आणणभाषाव्यवहार, म.सा.प. प्रकाशन, पुणे, १९६७.
9. बेलवलकर, सुमन : भाषा–स्वरूपआणणकायय, य.च. मु. णव., नाणशक, १९९४.
10. बापट, श्री. ग. : व्यावसाणयकपत्ले खनआणणअहवालले खन, वैशालीप्रकाशन, पुणे, १९७२.
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Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering
Lecture Practical Tutorial Credit MTE ETE Total
1 1 - 2 30 - 20 50
Course Objectives:
1. To bring an experience marked by predominance of positive emotions and informing them about
emerging paradigm of Positive Psychology
2. To enable the students facilitation and enhancement of skills required for decision-making
3. To acquaint and enrich students understanding of major concepts and theories of cognitive psychology
4. To Explain social exchange theory in relationships
Course Outcomes: After learning the course, the students should be able to:
1. Becoming aware of strengths, Have greater insight into decision-making processes and use that insight
to make more effective decisions
2. Developing memory skills, Describe cognition and problem-solving strategies
3. Understand benefits of optimism, hope and helping nature, Understand some of the cognitive processes
in terms of current theories, models and applications
4. Awareness about spirituality Learn how intentionally to cultivate positive emotions such as gratitude,
joy, kindness, compassion, equanimity, and forgiveness
Detailed Syllabus:
Unit Duration
(in Hrs.)
1. UNIT 1: Positive Emotional States and Processes: 6
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4. Unit-4: Prosocial Behavior 6
4.1: Gratitude: Defining Gratitude, Cultivating Gratitude, Measuring Gratitude.
4.2: Forgiveness: Defining Forgiveness, Cultivating Forgiveness, Measuring Forgiveness
4.3: Mindfulness(Mindfulness: theory and practice) and spirituality: Mindfulness as a
state of mind, Living with Mindfulness, Benefits of Mindfulness, In search of sacred
Total 24
Text books :
1. Positive Psychology by Charles Richard Snyder (Author), Shane J. Lopez ,
SAGE Publications, 1e
2. Cognitive Psychology, Robert Solso , Pearson Education India, 8e
Reference books :
1. Positive psychology by Baumgardner, Pearson Education India,1e
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Course Outcomes: After learning the course, the students will be able to,
1. Understand the importance and scope of technical writing
2. Use methods of process of data collection for technical writing
3. Develop necessary skills required for technical writing
4. Use various tools to develop and format technical documents
Unit Description
Importance of Technical Writing : What is Writing- Misconceptions , What is
I Technical Writing, Scope for Technical Writers, Skills Required: Critical Thinking, 9
Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Language Skills
Information Collection: Ways to Collect Information , Interviewing SME ,
II Brainstorming , Concept Mapping, Copyright Infringement, Plagiarism, Managing 9
the Data - Importance, Relevance
Fundamentals of Technical Writing: Audience Analysis, Collaborating with
Experts, Technical Writing Process, Document Lifecycle - Planning, Drafting,
Revising, Testing, Filetype, Documents Designed by Technical Writers : Proposal,
Brochures, Training Material , Installation Guide, Administrator's Guide, User's
Writing Styles and tools: Concept of Styles and Importance of Style Guide,
Editing Tool - MS Word , FrameMaker Help Authoring Tools - Robohelp Graphic
IV 9
Tools - Paint , Photoshop, Screen Capturing Tools -Snagit, Guidelines for
Publishing Documents
Total 36
Text Books:
1. Kieran Morgan, Technical Writing Process;Illustrated edition, 2015
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Reference Books:
1. Muralikrishna C., Sunita Mishra, Communication Skills for Engineers, Pearson; 2010
2. Alan S. Pringle, Technical Writing 101: A Real-World Guide to Planning and Writing Technical
Documentation; Scriptorium Publication; 2003
3. Microsoft Manual of Style, Microsoft Press - A Division of Microsoft Corporation; 2012
4. Mike Markel Bedford/St. Martin's, Technical Communication, Illustrated Edition; 2009
5. Sharon J. Gerson and Steven M. Gerson, Technical writing – process and product ,Pearson
Education Asia;2006
6. Pfeiffer, W.S. and T.V.S. Padmaja. Technical Communication. Pearson;2012
7. Andrea J. Rutherford, Basic Communication Skills for Technology, Pearson Education, Inc. New Delhi,
e-sources: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=technowrite+
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